SBA 1992-116_T 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIF A': 92253 - (619) 564-2246 CASE' .NO �7Ilk CITY OF LA QUINTA FEE: $100.00 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -- APPLICATION FOR SETBACK ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT:°:`'Submit this form with two copies of a�e p� qq drawn ,to;„;adequately depict the nature of the re uest.i� A � 5- � � i00.�0 fee of q �d k - Able $100''is required when the Application is submitted. Check must be make payable:to the "City of La Quinta". If the :Applicant is not the owner of the property, a'.letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to'execute this document in his behalf. 0 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: OWNER BUILDER CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENT) MAILING ADDRESS: DATE. MAY 2 4, 1.9 9 2 PHONE (Address) (City) (State) (Zip) OWNER'S NAME: BOB GRIMES PHONE. 771'0908 MAILING ADDRESS:. 77.385 EVENING STAR CIRCLE IND�!AN WELLS. CA. 92250 (Address) (City) (State) (Zip) -- STREET- ADDRES S OF PROPERTY: 78 545 SAGEBRUSH AVE. LA QUINTA CA. 92253 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # 04 TRACT .ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER:, 617 381 04 ADJUSTMENT REOUESTED� SET BACK FOR AIR COMPRESSOR. TO SIT_;'IN'-THE REAR 3 FT. OF THE PROPERTY. THERE IS A 10 FT. R/W IN THE REAR OF. -THE PROPERTY FOR UTILTIES. THERE IS A 8 FT. WALL BEYOND THE REAR.P.ROPERTY LINE INCLUDING A 3 FT. WALL AROUND THE COMPRESSOR..• REASON FOR REQUEST: TO KEEP AIR COMPRESSOR OUT OF SIDE'SET B FROM LIVING AREA'S ACKS AAWAY JUSTIFICATION: No request for a Setback Adjustment... 'sha' ll..,.be unless it . is . determined, that it is consistent with 'the,: intend andgr.anted Of this Ordinance; 'that there are special circumstances a licable to the pro ert purpose p din4s''.that such factors as size, shape, topography; location or surrounding s ju,stify the a g that pproval of the adjustment. requirement, and that the adjustment will not be .'detrimenof tal to tback health, safety, and propertygeneral welfare of the community or be'detrimentalhto n't e*are**of the Parel for which the ad' Justment*is requested. FORM.013/CS lit A. -r H E C I T Y 0 ; FIE CUPYIlk 1AintaQu 1982 - 1992 Ten Carat Decade May 26, 1992 Mr. Bob Grimes Subject: - 77-385 Evening Star Circle Setback Adjustment: 92-116 Indian Wells, CA 92210 Location: 78-545 Sagebrush Ave. APN: 617-381-004. Dear Mr. Grimes: This letter is to report approval of your recent application for a setback adjustment, pursuant to Chapter 9.188 of the City of La Quinta Planning & Zoning Regulations. The following setback adjustment has been approved subject to conditions and in accordance with attached Exhibit A. SETBACK ADJUSTMENT: 10-foot setback reduced to 5-feet FOR: Air conditioning compressor within 5-feet of rear property line. Ilk CONDITIONS: 1. Block wall shall be constructed around compressor. 2. Building Department shall approve. location for compliance with building codes. After review it was determined that: 1. This adjustment is consistent with 'the intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance. �., 2. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, KKK, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify approval of the adjustment. These special circumstances are: small size of lot which limits available locations for compressor. City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax 4619) 564-5617 LTRS S • 0 8 3 / C S Desgn 6 Production: Mark Palmer D7solk. ri3346-0772 E, I 3. This adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of the parcel for which the adjustment is requested. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Stan Sawa Principal Planner SS:ccs Attachment: Exhibit A cc: Building & Safety Department Mr. Bob Grimes LTRSS.083/CS. -2- A RtAr? S FTT 8L oc K VV A)" pR fiFR-rY w pie /30<c K VA LL- 3 FT R�rAtNGj.v�A« g40je.4 '- 414. r . { i N i wi 'ON 3SV3 1181HX3 191q�tlY�i71b'l'i.i4.Lto�fi�51�:1 e�f�i.'7� O �dti6Fsas J'9� �iC! O�i�O���Y , BA 1 . . . 3EcROOuLLJ .................. . . . . . . . . il��OitOOM I' �I BEDROOM C2 k`A p i III ic..AC : O I ' i CV . . . . . . . . .. . ETBACK 3 . . . . . JCAQ _ : EL— .G ' ........ 9 i BATH r -� ...... .. .... j . ROOMBED9 ONT k3 Q a . . . . . . . . . ... . .... : :KITCHEN \ "CAR GARAGE I ; es�Ar3��sr' i :rp4D EL i 2D0 ANP -METES j /il. C 3EPV'Cc. ' Hu