SBA 1994-25078-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 •CASE NO: — Z S CITY OF LA QUINTA FEE: $100.00 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR SETBACK ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable fee of $100 is required when the Application is submitted. Check must be make payable to the "City of La Quinta". If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, �alletter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to exe'a�utethis document in his behalf. U �� PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE eye �994 j/ APPLICANT/ CONTRACTOR: DATE ' CONTACT PERSON ( IF DIFFERENT) ���C—��71/ PHON MAILING ADDRESS: 5 (Address (City) OWNER'S NAME: I�rGDfi�G�LL� l�,eT,E G-G�/ MAILING ADDRESS: 6-G% 1" z (Address 54e4-Ae -11014 i City) State) (Z PHONE e5� - t1� ( //1, /®®-0 tate) (Zip) STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ,S�� LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: TRACT REASON FOR REQUEST: �jA�S7;P!/7Ze'AO JUSTIFICATION: No request for a Setback Adjustment shall be granted unless it is determined that it is consistent with the intend and purpose of this Ordinance; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setback requirement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the area of the parcel for which the adjustment is requested. FORM.013/CS hw Ys. /�• 30, Planepermitstq Love Seats k"s �4 riurelNc EOUIPMENT i ACCESSORIES pthsr. SPA WE Isnos Remove dr Swint Out NO Fllter/gr Nrw S Munt.Klt yd.1 1- nr :Ar. is O Length wNh. '3 x FenceAoplscs £s Capin 2. • Pum /.s! PooICINMr 2. S 3 E ut .Run Toul S' >. c f ps Run z' Mubt r't Am Light * ,1 Nq POol Cowr 3. TOUI t. M•IL 3oo .., r16 I .�r/,. Asturn UM. ..!!b// Gntll.ver I I. 9t w ', TIrMCI00Y . 13 RO AnChOrY NO 4. t• �++• Vf Gas Lines ND 1. 2. ek•o- Aq%a ►1.st.r' NU Tlb RI •�a S. 2. FIBERGLAS PRODUCTS OL'll::R D9:LCF.^. GLl;4 Y66�' Excavation Note: POOLS Remove (2)Med.Trees �J /%% Q / 4saeo commerce. Sate 09. • bOo. CA 92201 �� Sln� 'T °` 0,1",�{'� /'`Bt/� 7U° �I (619)34s1959•FAX(e19)3427ee7 lip e � C W ( 0Lr1L �'� 6'High Fence /nc v _ _ / �[/ /n�., . /c7 L/�c^✓S r(//.(' - (J L_ N L� y.�,�'C-QfAiN I I I I caq AArtO ! p PATie POOL AREA T rENCLOSED BY I MINIMUM 5 N FENCE.ALL GATES T LF-CLOSING ING. I �— Access u ar Thru Vacant lot c w [ti Pool Equipment all CITY F LA QUINTA ' B ILDING & 3AFETY [DEPARTMENT C NJI.TIONALLY `. (%H C0143TEUCTION ii 131 AL'IL .TIO':4 AS "ER -,ANO A APPLI AEI CuOr•S. , / DATE f 6 & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT aL [!:ATE " EXHIBIT CASE��.�.._. .a.....�..y.. ��..� CASE NO. OWN" Miche]:u Tortorell La�uin a, i ornia. r„ r game nsaw.oNs 619-564-1699 sua rao.ra LAOAL osawmoN ocA ' T1MCf MAP bolt pwu No. TNaus ~ NO. Docking Yawn Is for Illustration ONLY. Custorlwr understulds they am to rocol» sq. fL of docking as per contract. x oirrev r wrs "comb A 0*10 o+ "r q.w raw Lowoom OF eourw,ssrT o. ,. CONVATANT Low, wee i►�s�Y�