SBA 1995-304F:,�. nrk,'I .G We DEV .LOP..DMYT DEPA.R7.ENT �rP;.I: kTIOh FOR SETSKCK l;; JfiT'N.EN? r.r.SL :tv: FEi: °'OG.00 .?iZC:.N:': Subm' this form with two copies of a scaled si craw:: to adegurtely depict the nature o: she .e plan, reuuast. A ::c::rsf;:na le =ee of 1100 is required where the �.pNl_caticn is suw:ritted. _F be Check ,,,::;. make pay&h-le tc the "Ci L- -of Le uuiz.La." . If the Applicant is no:, the ,er of "he rope'•+ � cw��. p t � may, a et :e.r ,,.e suby,_t ted by the owner authcriz_ng the Kpp; icart to execute this 60G '.'y'r,r AEiidli xr•r,is�t�k•it*X7�*�Fk•rit:xr.*ir.,pK+ryl�t•ic+k��i•�xr.�r,ri�r*w!kt!fYY'ixk•7k�z��fts:•�ttWxi:r•tl�tk xMtk�k+4rvrY-k•, ( APR 0 3- 1995 ZPLI Ch.�." .' CO?' r �. T O ��%� -•-N _ De TE �— ...RCCih i —_ CIF.''":ram "'•' PHONEi/�9--� !'i.SIL11du �.:J:ar.ES OWNER ` S NAME: 1�'.kli:1�G nDD SS STREET kDIPPMSS of PR-CPEr Ty: PHONE. 7D%j fV— 6 6 6 7 LEGAL DFSCR:PTION OF PR WPER TY: LOT # TRACT '� l //,j L _.._ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL YLI ER: ADJV.'-'M ENT REQUESTED: �t�c�� PrnL2_E CE7_Mc c Fe /V-% QEA(L L-rJALC_ _Ap��sT� F-ate►-, � � ` REASON FOR REQUEST: Ex1 S`C, tom- DS'CA.PE rP�ic„�`7rnJ p2�N-� I 1 S 13E7(— P-ACr— �r�t�rwyert•fArtk**it*!t*�tdrsirtricirfr,t�#lr�t�•***k��k*�t*stir*+tir*�t•**ir��lt*.t,t�!•,t*�*fk�►��ir�R*�rrrlr�A•yr***xft�lrs JUSTIFICATION: No request for a Setback Adjustment shall be granted unless it is determined that it is consistent with the intend and purpose of this orc'inan.ce; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as si--e, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setback reG;:irement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the area of the parcel fcr which the adjustment is requested. FORM.0_3/CS MEMORANDUM. CASE: Locations) Vtra- Fi re z-f-- Request ( s) o^ d 5.#s..- Your setback adjustment application is hereby approved, subject to - the following conditions: conditions: 1. Obtain a.building permit from the Building and Safety Department. 2.. The other Zoning Code provisions shall be met. 3. If ground.excavation is required, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-422-4133. The service is free of charge provided USA is given at. least two working days' notice. 4. Additional Conditions: After review it was determined that: 1. This adjustment'is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. There are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify approval of the adjustment. These circumstances are: SPe ,A mod, W"�,r .-1 4% i L6'v� Thank you your cooperation. Si rel , Commgh—rfy Development.Departmer Attachments c: Building and Safety Department f a elct. and light switch wire pool equip. 1 SALT FINISH BROOM FINISH SIZE. 8161IX8' E RAISED " LITE 100 WATTS TRI LEVEL SEATS 22" 24" 27" DAMWALL WIDTH • •]2" SPILLWAY SIZE SPILLWAY . OPEN XX CLOSED LJ E ORS BUFF. 5237 lot # 16 Name AddtQ