2007 - 33367 LLD Development (LRCF SR1, LLC) ---- -. OUTSTANDING BOND REPORT . - Name: LLD Development / LRCF SR1, LLC (SilverRock Discovery Center) Tract No. 33367 DatE' of Contract: NO SIA Required Bond Amounts: PM10 Grading Bond Company: None Outstanding Bonds: Amount: -- $3,000 $7:100 $3,000 $7,100 Bond No. Cash deposit in Finance Cash deposit in Finance Date Cancelled/Released: CASH DEPOSIT STATUS SHEET* Budget Account No. Assign by Finance DIN:33367 Project Location:SilverRock Discovery Center / Tract 33367; Ahmanson Ln. @ SilverRock; Ave 52 & Jefferson. La Quinta, CA Developer:LLD DEVELOPMENT (LRCF SRi, LLC); 74-001 RESERVE DR., INDIAN WELLS, CA 92210; (386) 447-1909 [8JCASH SECURITY - DESCRIPTION OF OBLIGATION PROMPTING DEPOSIT DOust control; DAs-built plans; DRemoval of temporary improvements t8l Other GRADING CASH DEPOSIT []CASH PAYMENT - DESCRIPTION OF OBLIGATION PROMPTING DEPOSIT' DEPOSIT DATE Amount Receipt # DEBIT BAlANCE 11/15/07 $7,100.00 $7,100.00 v ~ COMMENTS PERMIT 7184: GRADING CASH DEPOSIT 1100%\ * . (;ash deposfts placed in Ctty administered trust accounts are typically recefved for two basic reasons: 1) CASH SECURITY-to pcovIde a source of funds for the City 10 draw upon If the City incurs costs satisfying obrlgations of the developer, or 2) CASH PAYMENT. to provkte a source of funding for improvements. property. or l>ervices to be acquired, or administered. by the City at the developer's expense. The City wiD release the fund balance 'Idlen the deveCoper's obligations that _ J>!'O(!l~~ .the. ~~ d_eposIt are fully' satisf!ed. ~ re1e.ase function is initiated vla. the RequestfDemanc:l for Re(ease of Cash Deposit (Form FOSS) ip,!.,,,> , ii:<1M. 91l0l;;1\9F Glly,o{'4~.t:\uMli!" . . 7~i<$~i~~tP~1ii~ilio L<l Q1:drili!iCA92~4.V ,,',' .' ~ , ~' ~; J! . ~ '" ~ w CASH DEPOSIT STATUS SHEET* Budget Account No. Assign by Finance DIN:33367 Project Location:SilverRock Discovery Center / Tract 33367; Ahmanson Ln. @ SilverRock; Ave 52 & Jeffl~rson. La Quinta. CA Developer:LLD DEVELOPMENT (LRCF SR1, LLC); 74-001 RESERVE DR., INDIAN WELLS, CA 92210; (386) 447,.1909 [gICASH SECURITY - DESCRIPTION OF OBLIGATION PROMPTING DEPOSIT [g!oust control; DAs-built plans; DRemoval of temporary improvements L Other ~CASH PA YME", - DESCRU'TOON OF """<>AnON PROMPTING DEPOSIT DEPOSIT DATE Amount Receipt # DEBIT BAlANCE 11/15/07 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 COMMENTS PERMIT 7184: PM-10 DUST CONTROL 1100%\ * Cash deposfts placed in City administered trust accounts are typically received for two bask: reasons: 1) CASH SECURITY-to provide a so . to draw upon If the City Incurs costs satist)-1ng obUgations of the developer. Of 2) CASH PA YMENT- to provide a source offuncfing foe' improveme lservlces to be acquired. or administered, by the City at the developer's expense. The CIty v.il1 release the fund balance when the developer's oblig . J~~P~.lhe" ~_sh ~eoS!t ~ fully satisfied. The release function Is Initiated via the RequestlDemancl for Release of Cash Deposit (Form FOSS) , '\l;i!',,;~Z~J54l~ff!~1ii[i,~'~5 " .' . ., "{";;;",;,,,,,;,,.,;,.;,,,,;,::.; ':'N{til{"Iii~:A"':"gllli; ;0(')' ,. ~. ~ ~y,,~:' ~ lJ. 0 ~. ":-;, 'tf. ,'" ~~ '''q , '\;'" '" - , \ ,<t1J 'piN ToifHE . ,QRllgRliF . '~~M~y:~~,q1:lt~~, ..', ..... . 7~3'I,~5G1'11re Tampii:;6 La (~tlibta: CA'9.224 i . . . . - . , -':;'.; ~', By ::1 < ;; 1: . . " I .