CC Resolution 2008-005RESOLUTION NO. 2008-005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ENDORSING THE COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS' HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE'S STRATEGIC PLAN TO END HOMELESSNESS WHEREAS, the Coachella Valley Association of Government's (CVAG) Homelessness Committee comprised of one elected official from each member jurisdiction and eight ex-officios from local homeless service providers, was established in October of 2006 to establish a regional effort to address homelessness in the Coachella Valley; and WHEREAS, the Homelessness Committee includes four Subcommittees, including Site Planning, Finance Planning, Program Planning, and Public Relations; and WHEREAS, with the assistance of facilitators, the Homelessness Committee held retreats with the intent of developing a Strategic Plan to End Homelessness in the Coachella Valley; and WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan, Exhibit "A," was configured to be in accordance with the broader recommendations of the County of Riverside's 10-year Continuum of Care Plan to End Homelessness; and WHEREAS, the goals of the Strategic Plan include the development of a regional Western Coachella Valley capacity to serve homeless individuals and families, a regional Eastern Coachella Valley capacity to serve homeless individuals and families, development of comprehensive supportive services to be household within both multi- service centers, and a marketing campaign to bolster support for the efforts; and WHEREAS, the three year, July 2007 through July 2010, Strategic Plan identifying four strategic goals, 12 objectives in support of the goals and 28 methods that will achieve the objectives and lead toward goal attainment was endorsed by the CVAG Executive Committee on July 30, 2007; and WHEREAS, the endorsement of CVAG's Strategic Plan also endorses the broader recommendations of the County's 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness; and WHEREAS, the CVAG Homelessness Committee requests that CVAG's member jurisdiction recognize the importance of the Strategic Plan in providing a collective and regional response to the growing homeless population in the Coachella Valley; and Resolution No. 2008.005 CVAG Homelessness Committee's Strategic Plan Adopted: February 5. 2008 Page 2 WHEREAS, recognizing the need for long term funding needed to carry out the Strategic Plan, CVAG will continue to research and pursue viable financial resources on behalf of the Homelessness Committee; and WHEREAS, for the Strategic Plan to succeed, CVAG member jurisdictions acknowledge that the Homelessness Committee's Strategic Plan may include financial contributions from the member jurisdictions to carry out elements of the Strategic Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that by adoption of this Resolution, the City Council of the City of La Quinta hereby declared endorsement of the Coachella Valley Association of Government's Homelessness Committee's Strategic Plan to end homelessness. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 5th day of February 2008, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Mayor Adolph NOES: Council Member Sniff ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: VERONICA City of La f (SEAL) VfiECINO, CMC, City Clerk California ntru I I Z - DON AD LPH, 4yor City of La Quinta, California Resolution No. 2008-005 CVAG Homelessness Committee's Strategic Plan Adopted: February 5, 2008 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: JENSONXiVAttorney City of La Quinta, EXHIBIT: "� COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS' (CVAG) HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE a,°' STRATEGIC PLAN to END HOMELESSNESS ao J� 3 July 2007 through July 2010 Su ma : During the spring of 2007 CVAG's Homelessness Committee (see Appendix A) embarked on a series of planning and resource exploration initiatives. The Committee made the strategic decision to coordinate valleywide planning efforts for homelessness under the broader recommendations developed as part of the County of Riverside's 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness (see Appendix B). Initi4y, two phases for the strategic planning process have been established. The first phase focuses on the development of two (2) Multi -Service Centers (MSO). Cook Street was determined to be the geographic easVvvest boundary to serve as a context for sharing the burden of serving Valley homeless. One MSC will be developed east of Cook Street to serve the eastern Coachella Valley jurisdictions and the other MSC will be located west of Cook Street for service to the western Coachella Valley. The (mission of the two MSCs will be to provide comprehensive support services to promote progress towards permanent housing and self-sufficiency. Both MSC,s will be designed to provide one -stop access to resources for individuals and families experiencing homelessness or are at -risk of homelessness. Awide array, of supportive services are envisioned including but not limited to basic amenities such as showering/personal care and laundry, to street outreach, transportation, childcare, medical care, mental health services, integrated rase management, food and housing. The Homelessness Committee is currently supported by four subcommittees that have been established to work on the objectives detailed under each of this Plan's four Strategic Goals. These subcommittees are: Site Planning; Program Planning; Finance; and, Public Relations. CVAG F omelessness Committee 36 Month Plan Phase Two of the planning will commence at such time that the activities in the first phase have moved towards implementation. Phase Two will focus on the recommendations in the County of Riverside's 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness that were not addressed during Phase One. Encapsulated within a thirty-six (36) month timeline, this Plan will be operationalized in July of 2007 and is scheduled to conclude in July 2010. The Strategic Plan includes: 4 Strategic Goals 12 Obiectives in support of the goals, and 28 Methods that will achieve the objectives and lead toward goal attainment Each goal has been given a timeline for completion and oversight responsibility has been assigned to CVAG's Homelessness Committee in order to carry out the work and to evaluate the measure of success associated with each unique Strategic Goal. CVAG Homelessness Committee 36 Month Plan Approved 7/30/07-Execuhve Committee Objective(s) Method(s) Timeline for Responsibility i Completion #1 1 Support the 4a. Identify 3-5 sites 4a. September 2007 CVAG creation/development 4b. Acquire best 4b. December 2007 Homelessness of the ,Nastern Valley sites(s) Committee & Multi -Service Center 4c. Develop MSC 4c. December 2009 Subcommittees #1.2 Support the 1 a. Identify 3-5 sites la. September 2007 CVAG creation/development 1 b. Acquire best site(s) 1 b. December 2007 Homelessness I of 2251 shelter beds 1c Develop shelter 1c. June 2010 Committee & (50% fo� individuals and Subcommittees 50% for: families) #1.3 Support the 2a. Identify 3-5 sites 2a. September 2007 CVAG creation/development 2b. Acquire best 2b. December 2007 Homelessness of 2251 units of sites(s) Committee & transitional housing 2c. Develop units 2c. June 2010 Subcommittees (60% for individuals and 40% for families #1.4 Support the 3a. Identify 3.5 sites 3a. September 2007 CVAG creation/development 31b. Acquire best 31b. December 2007 Homelessness I of 2001 units of sites(s) Committee & permanent 3c. Develop units 3c. June 2010 Subcommittees supportive housing 1 (90% for individuals and 10% for families #1.5 Rrovlde rental 5a. Identify subsidy 5a. June 2009 CVAG subsidies for 200 funding source(s) Homelessness units of permanent 51b. Determine vehicle 5b. June 2009 Committee & afford$ble housing (0 to for implementing and Subcommittees 3 bed ro m FMRs) managing subsidy propram. CVAG Homelessness Committee 36 Month Plan . ,4proved 7/30107-Executive Committee objective(s) Method(s) Timeline for I Responsibility Completion #2.1 Support the 3a. Identify 3-5 sites 3a. September 2007 CVAG creation/development 3b. Acquire best sites(s) 3b. December 2007 Homelessness of the Western Valley 3c. Develop MSC 3c. December 2008 Committee & Multi -Service Center Subcommittees #2.2 Support the la. Identify 3-5 sites 1a. September 2007 UVAU creation/development 1b. Acquire best site(s) 11b. December 2007 Homelessness of 100 shelter beds 1c. Develop shelter 1c. June 2010 Committee 8 (60 % for individuals and Subcommittees 40% for families) #2.3 Support the 2a. Identify 3-5 sites 2a, September 2007 CVAG creation/development 2b. Acquire best sites(s) 21b. December 2007 Homelessness of 250 units of 2c. Develop units 2c. June 2010 Committee & permanent Subcommittees supportive housing (90% for individuals and #2 4 Provide rental 4a. Identify subsidy 4a. June 2009 UVA+ , subsidies for 200 funding source(s) Homelessness units of permanent 41b. Determine vehicle 4b. June 2009 Committee 8 affordable housing to for implementing and Subcommittees to 3 bedroom FMRs) managing subsidy nrnnram _ CVAG Homelessness Committee 36 Month Plan IApproved 7/30/07-Executive Committee 4 Olbjective(s) 3.1 Deliver a wide array of supportive services in each of the two MSCs; Method(s) I Timeline for I Responsibility la. Services providers will be la. June recruited to provide include: Day to Day Site Mgmt. Intake and Assessment • Commercial Meal Prep. • Child Care • Laundry • Showers and Personal Care • Mailboxes • Learning/Resource Center • Physical Health • Behavioral Health Dental Care Mainstream Benefits • Storage Lockers • Security Food Pantry • Clothing • Job Training/Day Placement Transportation • Kennels for Pets • Parking Sobering Unit • Bus Stop Immigration Services • Recreation Services • Cottage Industries CVAG Homelessness Committee & Subcommittees 3.2 Se'cure funding to 3a. Secure revenues to fully September 2008 CVAG suppott the annual pay for service delivery and Homelessness operating costs of each administration of programs for Committee & of the two MSCs. each of the two MSCs. Subcommittees CVAG Homelessness Committee 36 Month Plan Approved 7/30/07-Executive Committee 5 Objective(s) Method(s) Timeline for Completion Responsibility 4 1 Build public 1a. To hold 2 Town 1a. December 200/ wHO nomero"l lvbb support for both Hall Meetings Committee & MSCs within the 1 b. To develop 1 b. May 2008 Subcommittees Coachella Valley. policies that will govern the MSCs to demonstrate effective oversight 1c. Promote pro- 1c Immediate and homeless articles in On -going valley newsletters j 1d To create CVAG 1d. December 2007 website on projects for public to track progress le. Hold 1e. Immediate and informational On -going j workshops for valley faith -based partners 1f. Encourage if. December 2007 broader 211 linkage marketing campaign 1g. Make 1g. Immediate and presentations to On -going valley Chambers of j Commerce 1h. Make 1h. December 2007 presentations to valley City Councils 11. Make 1 i. Immediate and On - presentations to going Desert Resorts and Tourism trade associations 1j Incorporate any 1j Immediate changes from public input into the Strategic Plan i CVAG Homelessness Committee 36 Month Plan Approved 7/30/07.Executive Committee 6 Appendix A CVAG's Homelessness Committee Members 'astName First Name Jurisdiction/AdenCY true VOTI' G MEMBERS: MEMBERS: Fjtamos•Watson Lupe Indio Mayor Pro Tern Committee Chair Vasquez Chuck Cathedral City Councilmember Committee Vice Chair Villarreal Jesse Coachella Mayor Pro Tern Parks Yvonne Desert Hot Springs Councilmember Mullany Patrick Indian Wells Councilmember Osborne Lee La Qmnta Councilmember 6enson Jean Palm Desert Mayor Pro Tem Moat Gmny Palm Springs Councilmember $eman Alan Rancho Mirage Councilmember �el-ara Leticia County of Riverside Legislative Assistant EX-O�FICIO MEMBERS: �iddle Frankie City of Palm Desert Dir. of Social Services Ourkett Darla CV Rescue Mission Executive Director Oohnson Chuck Episcopal Com. Service Program Manager ass Dan Jewish Family Service Executive Director bastorena Claudia Martha's Village Division Director McAdara (6/07) Kathy SafeHouse of the Desert Executive Director 1Merritt) (Karen) Kramer Jeffrey S McMicheaux Tahlib T STAFF SUPPORT. Kerr Aurora C ptewart, PhD Ron CVAG Homelessness Committee 36 Month Plan halter from the Stonn he Well inthe Desert VAG County of Riverside Chief Financial Officer Dir. of Social Services Community Resource Dir. DPSS Admin Manager Approved 7130107-Executive Committee Subcommittee Public Relations, Chair Site Planning Public Relations Site Planning Program Planning None Selected Public Relations Site Planning, Chair None Selected Finance Planning Public Relations Program Planning, Cha Program Planning Program Planning Program Planning Public Relations Finance Planning Site Planning Finance Plannmo Process Facilitator 7 CVAG's Homelessness Committee Members Last Name First Name STAFF SUPPORT cont'd Marquez Maria Lundquist, PhD David Hutchinson Jon Ramerrz Emilio White Jody Cook Dale Jurisdiction/AoencY Title Subcommittee Countv of Riverside Mental Health Service Mgr. Finance Planning County of Riverside Mental Health Reg Mgr Program Planning County of Riverside Dep Dir. Real Estate Site Planning County of Riverside Econ. Development Finance Planning, Chi County of Riverside Staff Analyst None Selected Palm Springs Community Dev. Admin Program Planning CVAG Homeiessness Committee 36 Month Plan - Approved 7/30/07-Executive Committee 8 Appendix B Riverside County's 10 Year Plan to End to Homelessness (draft and not yet adopted by the County Board of Supervisors) The First Five Years of Implementation (2007-2012) Area of Core 'Focus Recommendations Target Date for Completion w Preventing New 1. New Prevention Strategies (including 2007-2012 Homelessness Multi -Service Centers 2. Discharge Planning Coordination 2007-2012 .i.', w'h Y: { y i , .. Ending Chronic 3. Street Outreach Teams (1+ in each 2007-2012 and lEpisodic Su ervisorial District Homelessness 4. Shelter Bed Creation (150 beds 2007-2012 County -wide) 5. Transitional Bed Creation (225 beds 2007-2012 County -wide) 6. Perm. Supportive Housing Creation 2007-2012 500 beds County -wide) 7. Permanent Affordable Housing 2007-2012 Creation 1,500 units County -wide) 8. Provider Participation in HMIS (all 2007-2008 HUD funded beds first priority) 9. Mainstream Resources — Benefit 2007-2009 i Application Streamlining Count Creating 10.Housin Trust Fund Creation 2007-2008 Resources to 11.Inclusionary Housing Policy Adoption 200772010 Combat (County -wide and Locally) Hom('lessness CVAG Homelessness Committee 36 Month Plan Approved 7/30/07-Executive Committee 9 Appendix C Notes on Site Selection and Capital Development • East and West MSCs & housing products (shelter, transitional and permanent supportive housing) may be on one large site or divided up and scattered. • If on one site - site should be 10 acres or more. • Ideal zoning includes commercial, high density, mixed use. • Sites must be appropriately located to community amenities in order to score points forfunding applications (e.g. markets, transportation, libraries, employment, etc.). • County unincorporated land would be preferable. • First priority to be the development of the Western MSC. • MSCs may require 16,000 square feet of usable space and require ample on -site parking for customers and staff. CVAG Homelessness Committee 36 Month Plan Approved 7l30107-Executive Committee 10