CC Resolution 2008-009 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CV AG ENERGY CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE SUSTAINABILlTY PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Coachella Valley is committed to a regional effort to adopt policies and implement programs which foster and encourage conservation and resource sustainability through wise stewardship of our resources, promotion of energy efficient technology and programs in current and planned municipal activities, and the delivery of education and information regarding individual options for reducing energy use and conservation of resources; and WHEREAS, the Coachella Valley has abundant solar, wind, and geothermal resources and there is economic opportunity in developing these resources to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources and expand our use of renewable energy sources; and WHEREAS, reducing our energy use will result in cleaner air which is a critical factor in preserving the Coachella Valley quality of life and economy, and the fabulous views for which it is known by tourists and residents alike; and WHEREAS, cities across the country and nations around the world are adopting programs and policies that provide economic and quality of life benefits such as reduced energy bills, air quality improvements, open space conservation, reduced traffic congestion, improved transportation choices, and economic development and job creation through energy conservation and the development of new energy technologies; and WHEREAS. state and local governments throughout the United States are adopting emission reduction and conservation targets and programs and this leadership is broad based. bipartisan and collaborative; and WHEREAS, the Coachella Valley supports regional efforts such as the Green Valley Initiative to empower. encourage and promote principles of sustainability through education, training, cooperation and leading by example, and to transform Riverside and San Bernardino counties into a center of green technology; and Resolution No. 2008-009 CVAG Energv Conservation &: Resource Sustainability Program Adopted: March 4. 2008 Page 2 WHEREAS, the US Conference of Mayors has previously adopted the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement calling for cities, communities and the federal government to take actions supporting conservation and other efforts to reduce global warming pollution and address impacts to climate change; and WHEREAS. the Executive Committee of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments has unanimously adopted a regional conservation goal to reduce valley-wide per capita energy consumption by 10% by 2012; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of La Ouinta endorses the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement and agrees to join the Coachella Valley Energy Conservation Initiative and hereby adopts the Initiative Energy Conservation goals, including the regional conservation goal to reduce valley-wide per capita energy consumption by 10% by 2012; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of La Ouinta will strive to meet or exceed the conservation goal by taking actions in our own community to be good stewards of our environment, including: 1. Creating and adopting an energy action plan to include the following milestones: 1.1 Determine baseline energy use, including an assessment of current energy practices within our jurisdiction 1.2 Establish specific targets and long-term goals to create a framework for implementation of a citywide energy conservation plan 1.3 Develop an action plan, to include a "menu" approach of programs for public and private programs 1.4 Implement policies and measures citywide that increase energy conservation and efficiency 1.5 Develop strong working relationships and action plans with Imperial Irrigation District, Southern California Gas, Coachella Valley Water District and other entities (utility providers) to assist in implementing energy and water conservation programs 1.6 Monitor results and showcase positive outcomes Resolution No. 2008-009 CVAG Energy Conservation &: Resource Sustain ability Program Adopted: March 4. 2008 Page 3 2. Educating residents, businesses, visitors and governments to reduce energy use and conserve energy: 2.1 Share information and promote programs to encourage behavior changes that lead to lower energy bills, 2.2 Encourage lower energy use and off peak use during hot summer months 3. Adopting model energy efficiency projects and programs and showcasing new energy conservation, sustainability' and alternative technologies in municipal buildings, facilities, and programs. 3.1 Incorporate energy conservation features in new and remodeled/retrofitted municipal buildings, capital projects, and other facilities, including energy efficient design, green building standards, and other sustainability measures 4. Work with utility providers to offer incentives, tools, and energy conservation programs that help individuals and businesses to decrease their peak and annual power use 5. Adopting voluntary energy, green and sustainable programs for all new and existing buildings that encourage market transformation through incentives 6. Adopting and enforcing land use policies that promote efficient energy use and resource sustainability 7. Providing alternative transportation options, encouraging the use of low- impact vehicles, and the purchase of the cleanest and most efficient vehicles for municipal fleets 8. Encouraging efforts to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy, implementing programs to reduce consumption of non-renewable energy by creating a portfolio approach to energy use, including energy efficiency, local renewable power, and green power purchases from the electrical grid, with the intent of minimizing use of non-renewable energy within the city 9. Promoting awareness and education about sustainability and energy conservation through websites, newsletters, and other community and regional outreach opportunities Resolution No. 2008-009 CVAG Energy Conservation &: Resource Sustainability Program Adopted: March 4, 2008 Page 4 FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that energy conservation, sustainable development, alternative energy technologies, and "best practices" in these areas will be incorporated into our planning and decision-making for the City of La Ouinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Ouinta City Council held on this 4th day of March, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None DON ADO H, yor City of La Ouinta, California VERONICA J ONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Ouinta, California (SEAL) Resolution No. 2008-009 CVAG Energy Conservation &: Resource Sustainability Program Adopted: March 4. 2008 Page 5 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERI E JE ON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California