Troxell Comm/EOC Audio-Video Equipment 08 Proposal for City of La QUlnta City of La Quinta Proposal for: Emergency Operation Center Submitted on: December 4, 2007 Submitted to: Chris Sundlee Emergency Services Coordinator ~:.~ l 1/8 ii:ll II III II TABLE OF CONTENTS III SCOPE OF WORK PRICING 4 9 WARRANTY 10 ACCEPTANCE 11 Proposal for City of La QUlnta n..",0I4 _0-. llle,UUll.ct ~.E- - -~ lbitOrle [] ~ iii SCOPE OF WORK II 1- VGA (Scaled Composite) VCR/DVD combo I - VGA Document Camera The city will also provide and install to the built in tuners of the 60" Plasma and 47" LCD Plasma a Time Warner cable connection. Podium System The presenter location will consist of a podium that will have a VGA with audio connection for a laptop, a VGA connection for the city provided Samsung document camera, a composite video feed for the city provided Sony VCR/DVD combo, and a microphone with an XLR connection. The Podium will include an Extron Cable cubby, which will have plug-in connections for the laptop VGA with audio, power, and CA T5 connection for the Network. These video connections will connect to a multi source video VGA scaler in which two VGA signals will feed back to the head end rack system. The audio from these devices will also be sent to the head end system. The podium will include a wireless Crestron touch panel with a docking station for charging. This touch panel will be utilized for video source selection, display selection and program audio control. This podium will also have an Ergotron swivel mount that will hold a 17" Samsung LCD monitor for preview of all video sources that feed into the head end system. The swivel mount has two arms. The second swivel arm is used for a laptop. The goal of the mounting solution is to provide maximum space utilization of the work surface. The podium will have a built in rack system to house the VCR/DVD, Multi input video scaler, and a Crestron sub-control system (ties back into the master Crestron control hub in main rack). Provided on the podium is a flip up shelf for Samsung document camera and a locking front and back door. Audio The audio for this system shall be mixed using a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The DSP device shall mix, attenuate and equalize all system audio in one box. Audio for the system will be comprised of two zones and shall emanate from ten ceiling speakers in #624 Event room and one ceiling speaker in the each of the eight Impact rooms. The speakers shall be a 70 volt distributed audio configuration. Sources of audio shall include 26 distinct connections: I - Wireless handheld/lav combo microphone I - Hard wired gooseneck podium microphone 12 - Workstation PC audio connections 8 - PC Impact room audio connections IIUlllllG ,g., 'Ke,tUUlU Proposal for City of La Quinta Page 5 .[] f;t) .. SCOPE OF WORK II I - DVDNCR I - FM audio tuner - Owner furnished 2 - Audio feeds from cable TV connections In each of the eight impact rooms there will be an individual wall plate that has locate room audio control. Head End Rack System The head end rack system will be located in #625 Storage room. This system is where all of the audio, video and control connection will be fed from and sent to displays and speakers. The rack system which is a Middle Atlantic 44 RU unit will consist of the following equipment: 2 - RGBHV 16 input 8 output video and audio matrix switcher 3 - RGBHV scalers - dedicated to send signals to main displays I - Multi input mic and line mixer DSP I - A QSC four channel amplifier 1 - Wireless mic receiver 1 - Crestron A V control system with Ethernet expansion kit Miscellaneous components Each of the impact rooms will have a VGA line driver. The industry standard for a VGA analog signal over RGBHV is for cable runs under 100ft. The line drivers will increase signal strength allowing for the video to maintain quality. All miscellaneous cables, connectors, plates and rack components are included to meet the specification of the scope of work. Control System The audio visual system shall be integrated using an integrated control system. The Crestron controller shall perform all functions of system, including switching, volume attenuation, and power cycling. Control System - User Interface User interface shall consist of a wireless touch panel. The touch panel shall control all functions listed above, and will be capable of expanding to accommodate numerous future devices and functions. The touch panel shall include a desk top charging unit/docking station. The integrated controller also supports web control. Upon connection of system to the client's LAN, all PC's workstations can be enabled to control via TCIP web browser. Implementation of web control shall be at the request and designation of the client. Proposal for City of La Quinta Page 6 nil"''''',," to" '.cnulIC':. ~E -~ IbIfOne' It!'l III SCOPE OF WORK II Touch Panel Design User interface touch panels are custom designed for each project, based on the needs of the client. A preliminary touch panel shall be prepared by ExhibitOne and presented to client for approval prior to install. Requested revisions shall be integrated by completion of install. ExhibitOne will accommodate I further revision post-install at no additional charge. Site Access Requirements We will require access to the proposed job site for the period of seven days. Access shall be on a continuous basis of 8-5 Monday through Friday unless otherwise negotiated in writing. Acceptance, Training & Documentation · At completion of install a walkthrough shall be performed for the #624 Event room and surrounding Impact rooms between TroxelllExhibitOne and client. Outstanding issues will be identified and documented at that time. Upon completion of outstanding items, system shall be signed off by the client contact. · TroxelllExhibitOne shall provide up to a total off our hours training during the span of one visit to job site for the proposed system. The ExhibitOne Project Manager shall coordinate with client to set the date and time of training. All required personnel shall be made available for system training. . TroxelllExhibitOne shall provide comprehensive O&M manuals within 30 days of project completion, including system schematics, control system source code, quick reference guides, and owner's manuals for each component. Venue Specific Issues The following are issues specific to a given room, and their effects on an A V system. Acoustical Considerations It shall be understood by the client that the acoustics in a given room can greatly impact the quality of sound of any audio system. The presence of large masses/walls of glass, stone, metal and highly reflective surfaces may hinder the performance of said systems. Lighting Considerations It shall be understood by client that the lighting in a given room can greatly impact the quality of video in displays and projection systems. For instance a projection system in a fully lit room will be much more effective when lights at front of room are placed on a separate circuit. (To allow dimming of lighting in front of projector) ExhibitOne will consult and inform the client of such drawbacks; however it is the responsibility of the client to act upon such information. Proposal for City of La Quinta Page 7 """"10 '0" ll<fOnUIICt ~9i!JC~ ne' Iill III SCOPE OF WORK II Infrastructure to be Provided by Client The following are the specifications and requirements for infrastructure supporting this audio visual system: High Voltage Power Requirements II0v power shall be provided by client and/or their subcontractors. Power will be required in the following locations: · 15 amp dedicated circuit at equipment rack location · 15 amp power at the wall for potential Extron A VTrac location for Podium. ConduitlFloorboxlElectrical Box Requirements Client has confirmed that all floor boxes and conduit runs for the workstations are complete. Data Requirements IT department shall work with TroxelllExhibitOne for the purposes of acquiring IP addresses for the Crestron controller for the Rack and Podium locations. And provide network connections at those locations Miscellaneous Client Responsibilities · Client shall supply any owner furnished equipment in good working order · Provide and configure all required PC desktop or laptop computers · Wall cutouts and/or modifications due to cabling/mounting issues . Ceiling and/or ceiling tile modifications . Paint, drywall, and finish work Proposal for City of La Quinta Page 8 It..,"". ,o.-tXC'utll(;1 ~' . .. .', '. bQOnT""'" Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Make/model KramerNP-1608 Extronl6O-73&-01 KramerNP-724xl ExtronI80-398-12 ExhibitOnelCustom Samsung/720N MaslFAP62T QSC/CX204V AtlaslAT10 ShurelULXS124/85 ShurelMX418/C ShurelUA500 BiampINexiaPM Crestron/AV2 CrestronlC2ENET -2 CrestronlCP2E CrestronffPMC-8X CrestronffPMC.JlX-DS ExtronI80-716-0A Extronl70-261.01 Extron/42-122.24A Extronl7D-101.13 Extronl7D-10D-11 Extronl7D-103-11 Extronl7D-584-02 Middle AtlanticlERK-4420 Middle AtlanticlERK-RR44 Middle AtlanticlQFP-2 Middle AtlanticIPD-915R Middle AtlanticlMise Parts ExhibitOnelCustom Spectrum/55218 Spectrum/55219 Ergotr0n/28-512-1 95 Description 16x8 VGA Matrix Switdler Scaler Scaler Switcher VGAJAudio Line Driver Wall Plates 17" LCD Monitor Ceiling Speaker 4 Channel Power Amplifier Volume Control Wireless Microphne Combo Unit 18" Gooseneck Microphne Remote Antenna Kit Midline Mixer with OSP Control Processor Ethernet Card Control Processor Wireless 8" Touch Panel Docking Station Cabbie Cubby Power Module for Cabbie Cubby A vrrac Connection Plate Connection Plate Connection Plate Connection Plate 44 Space Rack Rack Rails Rack Fan Power Strip Mise Rack Components Mise Parts, Connectors Presentation cart Presentation cart Shelf MonitorlLaplop Mount Bulk Cable for Entire Project QIy Unit Price 2 $2,894.64 3 $1,716.25 1 $1,494.90 8 $240.00 12 $70.00 1 $267.33 18 $94.67 1 $1,193.48 8 $22.47 1 $1,024.77 1 $209.82 1 $22 95 1 $1,745.00 1 $2,041.95 1 $978.74 1 $1,361.37 1 $2,860.52 1 $384.92 1 $262.50 1 $118.75 1 $625.00 2 $33 75 2 $33.75 1 $22.50 1 $156.25 1 $884.86 1 $77.22 1 $131.19 4 $103.13 1 $750.00 1 $1,750.00 1 $1.941.84 1 $268.65 1 $317.64 1 $2,092.78 Equipment Subtotal Installation SelVlce Total [:l;l III PRICING II Extended Price $5,789.28 $5,148.75 $1.49490 $1,920.00 $840 00 $267.33 $1,703.97 $1,193.48 $179.76 $1.024.77 $209.82 $22 95 $1,745.00 $2,041.95 $978.74 $1.361.37 $2,86052 $384 92 $262.50 $118.75 $625.00 $67.50 $67.50 $22.50 $156.25 $864.86 $77.22 $131.19 $412.50 $750.00 $1,750.00 $1,941.84 $268.65 $317.64 $2,092.78 $39,094.16 $25,551.41 $64,645.57 It....".. '0. UfOtlUlfCI ~~=: Proposal for Crty of La QUlnta Page 9 o II III WARRANTY & SERVICE II Warranty Upon successful completion, integration, and inspection, ExhibitOne will provide a one (1) year warranty covering: . technical support . parts (excluding consumables) . on-site labor . software and firmware updates . workmanship · preventative maintenance Technical support will be provided on a four (4) hour response basis (maximum) for phone support or one (1) business day (or sooner) for on-site support. E1 Care Troxell/ExhibitOne offers E1 Care service agreements beyond the initial one (1) year system warranty. E1 Care agreements cover: . technical support . parts (excluding consumables) . on-site labor . software and firmware updates . workmanship . preventative maintenance . advanced equipment replacement ExhibitOne can offer E1 care in annual agreements protecting your investment for many years. In effect, our E1Care program extends the terms and conditions of the initial one (1) year warranty. Service - Technical Assistance Center (TAC) ExhibitOne's service team is both experienced and easily accessible. We provide a convenient single point-of-contact for all service inquiries. If there is ever an issue or problem that requires service please contact: Toll Free Hours ExhlbltOne Technical Assistance Center (888) 572-3265, Option 2 E-mail suPPort@ExhlbItOne.com Generally, ExhibitOne has a thirty (30) minute call back response time to any service requests and inquiries. In addition, we have a team of certified and dedicated engineers to support your needs. Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM MST I AZ Proposal for City of La Quinta Page 10 ltoo.III'"<o ~o. Ilt<:hUllet j1w~-: I j GJ . ACCEPTANCE . Subject to the Scope of Work and the Terms and Conditions set forth in this document, the investment for this system shall be: Description Cost Emergency Operation Center Equipment: Emergency Operation Center Labor: $39,094.16 $25,551.41 Grand Total: $ 64,645.57 Applicable Taxes @7.75% of Equipment $ 3,029.80 ExhbltOne has met pricing discounts on ExhibitOne's Federal GSA Contract # GS-03F-0034N. This proposal includes all shipping, travel and labor for this project. Submitted by: Troxell Communications, Inc. Signature Accepted by: Li:~ />/'107 Date Signature Thomas P. Genovese Printed Name Account Executive Title City Manager Title Please sign and fax this Acceptance with the Purchase Order to Troxell. FAX: (909) 790-0310 f1M."~" '0" n~fH'l!e' Proposal for City of La QUlnta Page 11 !l!qX'En~ ~W5~";-~