Power Plus/Generator Maintenance 0804-14-08 15:02 FROM T-497 P 001/004 F-092 1005 N. EDWARD CT. * ANAHEIM, CA 92806 * Phone: (8R8) 970.0007 * Fax: (800) 783-8318 CITY OF I.,A QUINTA Proposal expires 30 days from issue date. CITY 4F I.A QUINTA 78595 CALI.E TAMPICO LA QUINTA. CA 92253- Phone~(760) 773-7019 Fax: (760)777-7011 Project: Power Plus would like to thank you for the opportunity to submit the following quote for Scheduled Maintenance agrtxJnents on your generators. From 4n42008 until the end of the contract, we propose that your units be serviced as follows. Service Agnmt JOa Name Unit Description Site Address Pflee Taxes Sehed Dne Serylee 533625-1 FIRE STATION # 93 150 KIN GENERAL F/S 1;83 44555 ADAM5 ST GENERATOR LEVEL I -INSPECTION (MINOR) $170.12 50,00 LEVEL II - INSPl;CT10N AND SERVICE (MAJOR) ~~~ ~ ~ OILANALYSIS ~'ce 50'00 540710.1 FIRE STATION #70 20 KUV GENERATOR 54001 Madison 5L LEVEL I -INSPECTION (MINOR) $170.12 50.00 LEVEL II • INSPECTION AND SERVICE (MAJOR) $287.90 $9.90 OIL ANALYSIS 5000 $0.00 533623.1 SENIOR CENTER 125 KW GENERAL SENIOR 78450AViNETA LAFONDA CENTER GENERATOR AV(/I ~d/ LEVEL 1 • INSPECTION (MINOR) $170.12 So.DD LEVEL II -INSPECTION AND SERVICE (MAJOR) $354,80 $9.90 OIL ANALYSIS ~•~ ~~ 54070&3 CIVIC CENTER A 2 250 IMI CATERPILLAR CIVIC 78495 CALLE 7AMPIGO CENTER rig GENERATOR LEVEL 1-INSPECTION (MINOR) ~•~ ~~~ LEVEL II -INSPECTION AND SERVICE (MAJOR) 5438.89 512.04 OIL ANALYSIS $0.00 50.00 04-14-09 15:02 FROM- CITY OF lA QIIINTA 540781-1 CIVIC CENTER #1 180 KW KOHLER CIVIC CENTER #1 CIVIC CENTER #1 LEVELI-IN5PECTON(MINOR) LEVEL II • INSPECTION AND SERVICE (MAJOR) OIL ANALYSIS HAZMAT FEE $170.12 E0.00 $382.18 57204 50.00 50,00 $0,00 50.00 Total cost per year Cor the above scheduled maintenance on your units are 52,789.25. Services to be billed aker match interval is rendered, unless otherwise specified. LOAD BANK TEST OPTION Power Plus will conduct an annual load bank teal, to ensure full operational capability of the generator. Load bank testing will test the generator tinder the mast extreme conditions to make sure that the generntor responds property. Load bank testing will allow us to determine whether the generator can handle tltc trartsfer of power aarordingly and will help signal any potential problems that could arise with the generator in the near fat[[[e that normal running of the generator will not readily show. Service Agreement Description: Price: I_oadbank hrs: Sip[ Approval: 540708-3 250 IC1N CATERPILLAR CIVIC CENTER $855.00 2 #2 GENERATOR 340710-1 20 KW GENERATOR $425.00 2 340781-1 180 KW KOHLER CINC CENTER #1 $585.00 2 CIVIC CENTER #1 S33823.1 125 KW GENERAC SENIOR CENTER 5530.00 2 GENERATOR 333825.1 150 KW GENERAC FIS #93 $555.110 2 GENERATGR DESCRIPTION OF LEVEL I -INSPECTION (MINOR) Belts Inspect for worn, broken or loose, and adjust. Cooling system Heinlein proper coolant level. Jacket water healer Check and record blockage. Engine crankcase Check the oil level. Add if necessary. Governor Check for proper operation, Fuel system Inspect for leaks, from day tank supply lines to the engine. Batteries Maintain elecaolylc level and check connections Cor tightness. Gauges Inspect the condition of all gauges. Battery charger Inspect far proper operation (adjust if necessary). Start engine Run the rnginc approx. IS-min. (up to operating temperature). Oil pt~esstue Inspect for proper oil pressure and record readings. Fuel pressure Inspect for proper fuel pressure and rocord readings. Frecryency Inspect for correct RPM/HZ. Adjust if needed and record readings. T-497 P 002/OD4 F-092 78495 CALLE TAMPICO 04-14-03 15:02 FRO1M T-49T P.003/004 F-092 CITY OF LA QUPNTA Voltage Inspect for wrrect voltage. Adjust if needed and record readings. Locks inspect and record leaks (oil, coolam, fuel, air, exhausq. AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (WITH PROPER AUTHORIZATION ): 1. Initiate automatic transfer switch. 2. Observe opemtion of the automatic transfer switch. 3. Record duration of tuners. 4. Observe operation of senerator set and automatic transfer switch in die aummadc mode. AFTER TJN1T IS STOPPED: Automatic switcles Ensure that all switches are in the correct position. Day tank Inspect for float and pump operation, rernrd fuel level. Malfunetion/Discrepanry Record and report any malfunctionsldiscrepancies IAW this scheduled mainlenan procedure to the facility rttanager. REVIEW: I. Report to the faalily manager. 2. Submit cltecklisl of the reading and notes on the condition of die unit. 3. Report any discrepancies noted IAW this scheduled maimenance procedure. 4. Make recommendations if needed. 5. Power Plus will dispose of solvents, chemicals and materials reclaimed during the service incompliance wide EPA sandards at no additional cost to customer. DESCRIPTION OF LEVEL II -SERVICE ANA INSPECTION (MAJOR) ALL SERVICES INCLUDED IN LEVEL 1 PLUS: Fuel sysmm Chance fuel Gltcrs.. Engine crankcase Change oil anti filters. (take sample for analysis ) Goofing system Check for proper mvctttre of anGfreexe (lake sample for analysis ) REVIEW: 1. Report to facility manager. 2. Submit checklist of readings and notes on the condition of the unit. 3. Report arty discrepancies noted IAW this scheduled maintenance procedure. 3. Malec recommendations if needed, 5. Power P-us will dispose of solvents, chemicals and materials reclaimed dtuing the service in compliance witit EFA standards at no additional cost to custottter_ OTHER SERVICES '"Needed Repairs: Labor S95.U0 per hour minimum far regular business hour work. Parts extra. •Emegency call out IIat rate $95,00 door-to-door minimum. '"Air cleaner elements will be dragged when needed at additional charge. 04-14-09 15:03 fROIF T-497 P.004/004 f-092 CITY OF I,A QUINTA •13aneries will be inspected and changed when rtecdcd at additional charge. *Etttergency Generator rental flat Tale plus delivery. *Estra trips outside of contract will include charges for labor, mileage and parrs. WARRANTIES Equipment: Third party warranties from suppliers or manufacturers for parts and equipment of the generator set shall apply to Utc u~ctertt the owner is cnliUcd to Wose warranties as the user or owner, Power Plus does not provide any additional warranty for parrs or equipment. Services: Services provided by Puwer Plus will be provided in a good and workmanlike manner and Power Plus agrees to maintain the generator set in good working order. Limitations: The foregoing wartartties ate ceclusivo, In no event, shall Power Plus be liable of any other warranties implied by law or otherwise, including any Warranty of mercMntabiliry or fitness for a particular purpose. The above scheduled mvrttenance levels will descnbe the condition of the generator set and switchgear at the tune of our visit. Normal busiutxs hotus are from 7:00 AM [0 3:30 PM. Additional pans and labor arc supplied at standard field rates and prices. 13ither party may cancel this agreement with a thirty (30) day'written notice. Please call me at (951) 232-3141 if you have questions: A signed copy of this proposal will act as an authorization to proceed. If a Purchase Order is necessary Please fax to (714} 388-3808. Regards, Ed Skane Power Plusl Proposal accepted by: To-~,. 1~-~Y ~A t ~ eCr++~ oR ~'~ A.tS4FE7~/ Y~y/ F Signature Printed Noma Tide Dane PO Narnber ' ~~~,V-`7 ~y`I~