DSS Corporation/FTR Maint 08DSS Corporation 18311 W.10 Mlle Road Suite 200 Southfield MI48075 248-569-6440 www.dss-corp.com Maintenance 9 2008 Invoice Invoice # 6-15 Bill To Ship To ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ATTN: PHYLLIS MANLEY CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92247 LA QUINTA CA 92253 United States United States Terms jP0# lAccount# I Maintenance Start Date I Maintenance End Date Due on receipt 381415 117/1/2008 6/30/2009 Item City Description Unit Price Serial Numbers Amount MIA FTR 1 PREPAID MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 552.00 552.00 FROM 7/1/2008 THROUGH &30/2009 ON: FTR GOLD + DIGIGRAM SOUNDCARD M/A FTR 1 AND FTR MINUTES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 0.00 0.00 INCLUDES: OPTION TWO; SERVICE AND SUPORI - 2A/7 TOLL -FREE TELEPHONE TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND REMOTE /' DESKTOP ASSISTANCE. HARDWARE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT & RETURN. ( (17 / i {� J / 4U fir; 09200 7�f /1}s 1 ` j proved EOr BY Account No Anit. To Pay $ I 1 i f Subtotal 552.00 PLEASE PAY INVOICE ON OR BEFORE MAINTENANCE START DATE Shipping Cost (UPS) 0.00 Total $552.00 Cdy of a Quida DSS CORPORATION DATE INVOICE 07/01/08 9615 B CHECK NO. 3930 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 101-2001-411-32.10 MAINT AGREEMENT Ti"7' aF 44" P.O. 80X 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760) 777-7150 TO THE DSS CORPORATION ORDER 18311 W. 10 MILE ROAD, STE 200 OF SOUTHFIELD MI 48075 W LLS FA O BANK 11-2411210(81 DATE 07/29/2008 'll 07/29/2008 AMOUNT 552.00 552.00 79008 CHECK NO. AMOUNT $******552.00 A lHOWMD SIGNATURE ♦LIC-1 '1- 00000 790080 Q 1 2 i000 2481: 4 159 28 2 48 21I■ is1� 4cY DSS Corporation 18311 W. 10 Mile Road Suite 200 Southfield MI48075 248-569-6440 www.dss-corp.com Bill To ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 92253 United States Maintenance Invoice Invoice # 10814 Ship To ATTN: PHYLLIS MANLEY, DEPUTY CITY CLERK CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92247 United States Terms PO # Account # Maintenance Start Date Maintenance End Date Due on rece... 1381415 7/1/2010 6/30/2011 Item MA Qty Description Unit Price Serial Numbers Amount MIA FIR I PREPAID MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 425.00 42500 FROM 7/12010 THROUGH 6/302011 ON: EXISTING FTR GOLD +FIR MINUTES M/A FTR I (ALSO INCLUDES NEW DMX4) MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT INCLUDES: 0.00 0.00 24n SERVICE & SUPPORT 24/7 TOLL -FREE TELEPHONE SOFTWARE TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND REMOTE AND REMOTE DESKTOP ASSISTANCE. HARDWARE REPAIR & RETURN. pprov d By { 5nt / -a J0 Accqunt No - //. 3,2 / o Amt. To Pay PLEASE PAY INVOICE ON OR BEFORE MAINTENANCE START DATE Subtotal Shipping Cost (UPS) 420.00 .00 Total $425.00 P i Maintenance Invoice' - DSS-Corporation- 18311 W.10 Mile Road Suite 200 Southfield MI 48075 248-569-6440 www.dss-corp.com I Invoice # I 11755 - Bill To "'' °'" Ship ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ATTN: PHYLLIS MANLEY, DEPUTY CITY CLERK CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 LA QUINTA CA 92247 United States United States Terms IPO# I Account # I Maintenance Start Date Maintenance End Date Due on rece... 1 1381415 17/1/2011 6/30/2012 Item MA Qty Description Unit Price Serial Numbers Amount M/A FTR I PREPAID MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 475.00 475 00 FROM 7/1/2011 THROUGH 6/30/2012 ON: EXISTING FTR GOLD +FTR MINUTES (ALSO INCLUDES NEW DMX4, S/N 248900001518) M/A FTR 1 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT INCLUDES: 0.00 0.00 24/7 TOLL -FREE TELEPHONE SOFTWARE TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND REMOTE AND REMOTE DESKTOP ASSISTANCE. HARDWARE REPAIR & RETURN. For Pa ment Approve - - _ By a061 �� . Account No Alnt. To Pay $ Subtotal 470.00 PLEASE PAY INVOICE ON OR BEFORE MAINTENANCE START DATE Shipping Cost (UPS) 0.00 Total $475.00 MAY 2 9 26V CITY aintenance Invoice' Y9" wry.r '� STj� �tg Bill To Ship To ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ATTN: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 LA QUINTA CA 92247 United States United States dam.,: iA►�t N►6Td� C�EKk's DEPT Terms jP0# Account # MA Start Date MA End Date Due on rece... 1381415 7/1/2012 6/30/2013 Item MA Qty Description Unit Price Serial Numbers Amount M/A FTR 1 PREPAID MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FROM 7/1/2012 THROUGH 6,30/2013 ON: 494.00 494.00 EXISTING FTR GOLD +FTR MINUTES (ALSO INCLUDES NEW DMX4, SIN MIA FTR I 248900001518) MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT INCLUDES: 0.00 -- '-' �� (� F I , {-V 1� 0.00 24l7 TOLL-FREETELEPHONE SOFTWARE TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND REMOTE AND ss REMOTE DESKTOP ASSISTANCE HARDWARE REPAIR&RETURN. ` 11 I i 1.ij Ju� s 20�2 `IL 1 i CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT. - A/P PPProved Pay $ t� So PLEASE PAY INVOICE ON OR BEFORE MAINTENANCE START DATE (12-13GK) Subtotal 494.00 Shipping Cost (UPS) 0.00 Total $494.00 79]AR DSS Corporation ._ I S E r e c t E x c c I I a n. c c Announcement Pam Nieto City of LaQuinta RE: DSS signs Support Agreement Contract with BIS Digital, Inc. for its court/conference customers. DSS has signed an agreement with BIS to provide support services to DSS court/conference customers effective September 1 st, 2016. The agreement means that BIS will provide support services to your account for the remainder of your support agreement. Additionally, BIS will be billing you directly on your next renewal. We feel this agreement will provide DSS customers the benefit of BIS Support Services, which are well known in Michigan for the past 20 years. BIS has court/conference as their core competency and is a leading provider of integrated Digital AV solutions with experienced sales and support staff. Also, this will allow DSS to concentrate on its core competency in Public Safety Digital Recording with our EQUATURE Call Recording Suite. EQUATURE was developed by DSS and is now distributed and supported nationally. As part of the agreement, BIS has agreed to provide at no charge the latest version of their court/conference software DCR to all DSS customers. BIS representatives will be visiting each DSS customer in order to perform a technical inspection and provide updated service call procedures. BIS sales representatives will also stop by to introduce the company and provide information regarding other BIS products and services. We will do everything possible to make this a seamless conversion and believe all DSS customers will benefit from the enhanced services that will now be provided by BIS. Any questions or concerns may be addressed to: Joe Mosed • President 0mosedCa dss-corp.com 248-569-6440 DSS I:0]i Steve Coldren • President Services steve.coldren(@bisdigital.com 800-834-7674 x4504 BIS IMPORTANT SERVICE CALL INFORMATION: Gloria Kaminski gkay(a dss-corp.com 248-569-6440 DSS Support Damian Biltres • Dir. Of Technical damian.biltres(a)bisdigital.com 800-834-7674 x4513 BIS Support BIS customer support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 8am to 5pm EST. During business hours support calls are answered by BIS Help Desk Technicians. After-hours customer assistance is also available for system emergencies only. Calls placed to on -call support technicians are generally returned within 30 minutes. You will be prompted to leave a detailed message outlining your emergency. Please do not email for after-hours support emergency assistance, as emails are not available until the following business day. For emergency assistance, please call the BIS hotline at (800) 715-1234. Support Email: supportC@.bisdigital.com ** special note: We are entering all DSS customer data into our support system and will have your info on line shortly. In the meantime, please identify that you are a DSS account and they will be aware that your data may or may not be on-line. By the end of this week all account info should be entered and by the end of next week all DSS accounts should all have received detailed information packages. We look forward to the opportunity to support your account. For more information, please visit: bisdigital.com Thank you Eddie Maza I Director of Marketing business inrormation Systems, Inc. 1350 N.E. 56th Street, Suite 300 1 Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33334 800.834.7674 x4520 I bisdigital.com I "Capture the Record" Confidentiality Notice: Information in this email and/or attached document(s) is for the named person(s) only. It may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you have received this email in error,please notify the sender by reply email and delete it from your system. Please do not read, copy/print, forward, distribute, or disclose any part of this transmission.