2018 01 16 HA Special Meeting  /s/ Steve Sanchez JANUARY 16, 2018 3 5 Susan Maysels     HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES Page 1 of 2 DECEMBER 19, 2017 SPECIAL MEETING HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2017 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta Housing Authority was called to order at 5:24 p.m. by Chairperson Fitzpatrick. PRESENT: Authority Members: Evans, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Chairperson Fitzpatrick ABSENT: None VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT --- AB 23 was made by the Authority Secretary PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA --- None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA --- Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS --- None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY AND LA QUINTA HOUSING COMMISSION DATED NOVEMBER 20, 2017 2. APPROVE FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR WASHINGTON STREET APARTMENTS FOR YEAR END JUNE 30, 2017 3. ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE PERIOD FOR DEVELOPMENT OR DISPOSITION OF PROPERTIES TRANSFERRED FROM THE FORMER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AS THE HOUSING SUCCESSOR, PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 34176.1 (e) [RESOLUTION NO. HA 2017-005] MOTION --- A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Evans/Radi to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. SELECT HOUSING AUTHORITY CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON FOR 2018 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 3 HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES Page 2 of 2 DECEMBER 19, 2017 SPECIAL MEETING The Authority waived presentation of the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. MOTION --- A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Radi/Evans to select Authority Members Sanchez and Peña to serve as Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson, respectively, for a period of one year. Motion passed unanimously. 2. APPROVE FUNDING FOR AREA HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAM Management Specialist Ferreira presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. The Authority discussed the Housing Commission’s recommendation to remove the $20,000 cap restriction on rental assistance; the importance to maximize funds and take advantage of Desert Healthcare District’s homeless services matching funds program; and the valuable services provided to the community by Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, Martha’s Village and Kitchen, and Path of Life Ministries. MOTION --- A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Evans/Radi to approve Option No. 2 funding for area homeless prevention program consisting of additional $259,000 annual contributions, bringing the City’s total annual contributions for each agency to $103,000. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION --- None PUBLIC HEARINGS --- None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS --- None CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS --- None REPORTS AND INFORMATION ITEMS --- None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Authority Members Evans/Radi to adjourn this meeting at 5:45 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, PAM NIETO, Deputy Authority Secretary La Quinta Housing Authority 4   BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1    THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 1 of 7 Page 2 of 7 Page 3 of 7 Page 4 of 7 Page 5 of 7 Page 6 of 7 Page 7 of 7 POWER POINTS HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 16, 2018 1/17/2018 1 La Quinta Housing Authority January 16, 2018 B1 – Homeless Funding Memorandum of Understandings MOU Amounts •$53,000 to CVRM  •$103,000 to Martha’s Village •$103,000 to CVAG/Path of Life Ministries – with in‐kind matching by DHD 1/17/2018 2 MOU Terms •6 month term •Quarterly metric reporting •Funds dispersed in two payments –First disbursement: 10 working days from agreement  execution –Second disbursement: 10 working after metrics  submitted to Authority for  review •Comply with City insurance needs