2009 06 02 CCeaf q4atba City Council agendas are available on the City's web page @ www.la-quinta.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2009 SPECIAL MEETING 1:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. 2009-045 Ordinance No. 471 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Council Members: Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, and Mayor Adolph (one vacancy) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS — NONE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE DESERT CLASSIC CONCOURS d'ELEGANCE. City Council Agenda 1 June 2, 2009 001 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 19, 2009 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JUNE 2, 2009. 2. APPROVAL OF THE DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY. 3. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31874-1, CARMELA, TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES, INC. 4. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31874-2, CARMELA, TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES, INC. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31874-1, CARMELA, TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES, INC, AND ADDING A REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEVELOPER TO RESOLVE WITH IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (IID) THE RELOCATION OF AN ABOVE -GROUND UTILITY VAULT ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 53 AND MONROE STREET. 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31202-1, RANCHO SANTANA, DESERT CHEYENNE, INC. 7. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31202-3, RANCHO SANTANA, OAK TREE INDUSTRIES, INC. 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF THE ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT MAP 31202-4, RANCHO SANTANA, OAK TREE INDUSTRIES, INC. City Council Agenda 2 June 2, 2009 002 9. APPROVAL TO EXTEND A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (PSA) WITH NAI CONSULTING, INC. TO PROVIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009/2010. 10. ACCEPTANCE OF FRITZ BURNS PARK TENNIS COURT RESURFACING, PROJECT NO. 2008-10. 11. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN INTERNET TOURISM WEBSITE POLICY FOR OPERATION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA TOURISM WEBSITE. 12. APPROVAL TO REJECT THE BID FROM PETERSON-CHASE GENERAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION, INC., AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO MOCON CORP. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,082,015 TO CONSTRUCT THE PHASE III HIGHWAY 111 IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2006-04. 13. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO BEST SIGNS, INC. TO CONSTRUCT THE VILLAGE WAYFINDING SIGN IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2007-04. 14. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY MAUREEN ELY - DATE OF LOSS: APRIL 7, 2009. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF FILLING A VACANCY ON THE CITY COUNCIL BY APPOINTMENT. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 2. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS CITY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION STUDY SESSION - NONE City Council Agenda 3 June 2, 2009 003 REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (FRANKLIN) 2. BOB HOPE CHRYSLER CLASSIC AD -HOC COMMITTEE 3. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 5. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 6. C.V. CONSERVATION COMMISSION (SNIFF) 7. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (ROBERT COX) 8. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (VACANT) 9. C.V.W.D. JOINT WATER POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 10. FRIENDS OF DESERT MOUNTAINS (VACANT) 11. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FRANKLIN) 12. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (FRANKLIN) 13. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (HENDERSON) 14. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORT COMMUNITIES CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 15. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (NANCY DORIA) 16. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DIANE GUNN) 17. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 18. SANTA ROSA/SAN JACINTO NATIONAL MONUMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 19. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (ADOLPH) 20. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF APRIL 8, 2009 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER A. RESPONSE(S) TO PUBLIC COMMENTS 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 6. FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 7. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 8. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 9. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 10. FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT - NONE MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE 004 City Council Agenda 4 June 2, 2009 RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECESS TO AND UNTIL 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. PRESENTATIONS — NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to City Council before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project. If you challenge a project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to the public hearing. 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN URGENCY ORDINANCE TO PERMIT USED CAR SALES IN THE REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT ON AN INTERIM BASIS, SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. A. TAKE UP ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND NUMBER ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING B. INTRODUCE AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. AS URGENCY ORDINANCE RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when acquisition of real property is considered. 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS, SKI HARRISON AND BRET M. PLUMLEE, REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6 — MEET AND CONFER PROCESS. City Council Agenda 5 June 2, 2009 005 2. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, DOUGLAS R. EVANS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MONROE STREET AND AVENUE 53 (APNs: 767- 230-001, -002, AND -003). PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR: RHKIDS, LLC, RON HAKAKIAN. 3. EVALUATION OF CITY ATTORNEY PERFORMANCE PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957. ADJOURNMENT An adjourned meeting of the City Council will be held on June 9, 2009, commencing at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on June 16, 2009 with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. City Council Agenda 6 June 2, 2009 006 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Veronica Montecino, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting of June 2, 2009, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on May 29, 2009. DATED:.ay 29, 2009 VERONICA J. NTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103, twenty- four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777- 7103. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City Clerk counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. City Council Agenda 7 June 2, 2009 007 iatz, J 0/3,/a9 To the City of La Quinta, City Council Members, RDA, City Public Works Director and the City of La Quinta Planning Commission. We are homeowners residing in Watercolors at La Quinta. We would like to register our objection and opposition to the Council's action of May 20, 2009 regarding the approval and acceptance of the on -site improvements associated with Tract Map NO.31311, Watercolors, Santa Rosa Development Inc. The improvements include curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, storm drain, sanitary sewer, Landscaping (emphasis ours), signing, striping, asphalt concrete pavement (emphasis ours) and that all obligations of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for on -site improvements and the Conditions of Approval have been satisfied. We believe that, in particular, the Landscaping (emphasis ours) that the renewal of the decorative gravel on the common grounds were never renewed or replaced and the final coat of Asphalt concrete and or sealing was not accomplished (emphasis ours) prior to the developer turning the Watercolors project over to the Home Owner Association effective January 1 st of this year. This has been an item of discussion on the Agenda for the Watercolors Home Owners Association Board of Directors meeting for the last few months. The Board stated that we need to replace the gravel on the common areas, as required, and obtained bids for the replacement of same to the amount of approximately, $43,000 and the need to place the final surface and/or seal the Asphalt Concrete with the approximate cost of $50,000 plus cost to the association. The board has not taken any action and has tabled these items at this time. There is a consensus of the home owners that the above mentioned items( landscaping gravel and final coat and/or sealing of the Asphalt streets together with the repair of many of the concrete curbs) should have been accomplished and paid for by the Developer, prior to turning over the Watercolors Development to the Home Owners Association. We also believe this to be true and would request the La Quinta City Council, RDA the Public Works Department and any other appropriate agency to investigate this situation and take the appropriate action. Further we are requesting the City Council of La Quinta, RDA, and any other agency of the City of La Quinta to not absolve the Santa Rosa Development Inc. of fulfilling their obligations in this matter and for the City of La Quinta to not release or return any security bonds or warranties until said improvements are made. Also, on the morning of the Homeowner takeover, January 1, 2009, our Clubhouse had a major fire. This matter is being handled by our insurance company and they are in the process of subrogating claims against the developer and others who may be a party to our claim. We would like to thank you for your assistance in this matter. 008 Waterook s at La Quinta Homeowner Signatures: I y'7 -'1 LIS L ud less Address Nam -17" ,7l5 Name .5 Name Address Name Address Name Address 2 11' Watercolors at La Quinta Homeowner Signatures: �-C `717�75c Address l i\ 'M c ` f,,7 75 z C6L Name Address Name Address G Name Address -Name` Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address F 010 Watercolors at La Quinta Homeowner Signatures: IZAlO Address 417 �5C� Address Address F/ Z� 7 4 NPINJ -2(7s" L 14 Q h.IA fW- s" 3 2rz- «y y--A _ Cf} 9 2 za 3 Name Address u Name . Address N� Address 4A ui aM , i,kkwJ 3 Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address 2 O11 c� W.d.A- �F) 6I t rrc—y 4 ��R�4,vee�yGy` E2�7c� L�DWi Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address n 012 ""LI W Name ddress 4-lgg' . Gn8�esS Sk.� Name Address / Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address 5 013 at LaclUirda JiGmeawner Sig res: L 10A60c5'v -793!-7 Name dress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address `a 014 Mayor Don Adolph City of La Quinta P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 Dear Mayor Adolph, WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE ITEM: 01 e L� P� N�f 9P (fN9NCF VP1.M 1 CIO OF LA !IU,N IA CITY leAF!>> "P S eFP_ Ralph Vick, Man aging 'Director La Quinta Resort, has asked us to provide you with the enclosed materials which outline our plans for the February 2010 Desert Classic Contours d'Elegance. We are very pleased to be partnering with La Quinta Resort and look forward to developing a successful relationship with the Resort as well as the The City of La Quinta. The March 2009 Desert Classic Contours d'Elegance, in its second year at the O'Donnell Golf Club in Palm Springs, attracted visitors from all over the world who participated in activities held throughout the weekend. Downtown Palm Springs merchants, as well as business owners in other cities in the Coachella Valley, benefitted from this influx of affluent classic car owners and other attendees. The event generated worldwide media impressions in broadcast, print, web and radio media, in places such as KTLA's primetime news, MSNBC.com, Auto Week and Motor Trend Magazine. Now, as we plan for the future of our event, we are excited to be moving to the City of La Quinta and La Quinta Resort. We believe that our event is a perfect match for your world - class resort destination and will have broad appeal to potential sponsors, car entrants and spectators. We are confident that our association with La Quinta will enhance the opportunity to meet our goal of raising substantial amounts of money for Coachella Valley charitable organizations and bring economic benefit to your city and the local economy. We established the Desert Classic Contours d'Elegance as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and rely on sponsorship and event proceeds to cover our production expenses. We would like to discuss our event with you and other City of La Quinta officials and hope that you will consider providing support through sponsorship and in -kind contributions. The current economic climate has challenged our fund raising efforts. The two very popular events that we produced in Palm Springs, however, demonstrated to our sponsoring partners our commitment and ability to create a successful event that was mutually beneficial. We are confident that our event will generate considerable media attention and increase revenues for business owners in The City of La Quinta. Thank you for your consideration and support. Paul Merrigan Reed Hellyer Founder / Executive Director 015 THE DESERT CLASSIC CON C O U R S D' E L E G A N C E 78-365 HIGHWAY 111 _ 0258 LA OUINTA. CA 92253 (760) 766-2824 www.desertc6ncours.com 9gSERT Cl ` SS "r jC �,,CoNCDURS D'ELEGP'tAr.• AN OVERVIEW OF THE DESERT CLASSIC CONCOURS D'ELEGANCE AND THE FEBRUARY 2010 EVENT TO BE HELD AT LA QUINTA RESORT •. DESERT CLASSIC CONCOURS D'ELEGANCE Overview: An annual world -class exhibition of classic cars, featuring more than 150 domestic and foreign automobiles representing the finest examples of automotive excellence. Patterned after other successful Concours d'Elegance events held throughout the world, the inaugural 2008 & 2009 events were held at the O'Donnell Golf Club in Palm Springs and received generous support from classic car enthusiasts, spectators, entrants and sponsors. Car owners submit applications and those entries which meet the specified criteria are invited to attend. An esteemed judging panel reviews each car and awards are presented. The event also includes food and wine, up -scale vendors, music and other entertainment. Extensive media exposure resulted in national and international coverage. Founders: The inspiration for the Desert Classic Contours d'Elegance began with founders Paul and Holly Merrigan. Their desire to combine an interest in cars, with their community spirit, resulted in the decision that a world -class contours could build on the automotive traditions of the Palm Springs area, bring economic benefits to the Coachella Valley and raise money for charity. The Desert Classic Contours is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and net proceeds are distributed to charitable organizations in the local area. The 2010 Event: The Desert Classic Contours d'Elegance will move to La Quinta Resort in 2010 to create a partnership with this renowned resort. The highlight of a series of events, the Contours d'Elegance, will be held February 28 with other associated events beginning on February 25. La Quinta Resort, and the City of La Quinta, provides the perfect backdrop and ambience for a celebration of classic cars and all things luxurious. The creation of a lifestyle event atone of the country's top destination resorts will attract world-wide interest. Attendance & Economic Impact Information: In 2008 and 2009 the Desert Classic Contours attracted 3,000 to 4,000 spectators each year. Based on historical data for this marketplace, and other similar concours events around the country, the growth potential is significant. The association with La Quinta Resort, and a broadened reach throughout the Western United States within select geographic markets, will grow this event. The 2010 goal for attendance is 6,000 to 8,000 or more. By 2012, the goal will be a minimum of 10,000 or more spectators. Entrants and spectators are predominately successful, well educated, affluent individuals with an appreciation for luxury items. Number of people anticipated to attend the event in 2010: City of La Quinta Residents: 1,200 Coachella Valley Residents: 2,200 Out -of -Area Guests: 4.600 Total: 8,000 • Estimated room nights in The City of La Quinta associated with the event: 800+ • It is estimated that the 2009 Desert Classic Contours d'Elegance weekend, which took place over three days from February 27 through March 1st, generated more than 1.5 million dollars for the local economy. 017 THE 2010 DESERT CLASSIC CONCOURS VELEGANCE AT LA QUINTA RESORT Long known as a favorite retreat for the legends of Hollywood and others seeking privacy and refuge, La Quinta Resort and The City of La Quinta provides the perfect backdrop and ambience for a celebration of classic cars and all things luxurious. The creation of a lifestyle event at one of the country's top destination resorts will attract world-wide interest. The feature event, the Sunday Concours d'Elegance will be a full day of events and activities to capture people's interest and attention. Spectators will come to La Quinta Resort to spend a relaxing day enjoying a bounty of sights, tastes and sounds. The preceding days will focus on additional components that will draw visitors to The City of La Quinta. New car previews and test drives, Road Rallies and Hill Climbs, a prestigious car auction, the Concours Tour, Car Club gatherings, luncheons and hospitality suites, will attract an array of guests. Overview of the Proposed Schedule: • Arrival begins on Thursday afternoon and evening. A casual reception that evening, or private dinners hosted by sponsors, will welcome the participants to La Quints Resort. Friday morning starts with events planned for the competitive car owners- Hill Climbs and Road Races. Those who want to enjoy a long drive in the country with their fellow car enthusiasts will leave for an all day tour of Anza Borrego Desert State Park. New car aficionados will be attracted to La Quinta Resort for a display of automobiles from various luxury car manufacturers. Invitations to drive these new cars will be extended to local residents as well as guests at the Resort. A preview of the exclusive premier car auction will take place on Friday also. An Opening Reception for all participants, sponsors and guests will be held Friday evening. • Saturday begins with the Car Club Tours and the Tour Classique, a driving tour for cars entered in the Concours d'Elegance. Spectators will be invited to watch these 'rolling works of art' as they leave from La Quinta Resort. The driving route and final luncheon destination may include stops within the City of La Quinta allowing for spectators to view the cars up close. Attendees who want a break from car related activities will relax at La Quinta Resort enjoying the Spa and other resort amenities. Another Auction preview day precedes the Live Auction, scheduled mid afternoon on Saturday. Saturday evening concludes with a Gala Party. • The highlight of the weekend, the Concours d'Elegance, takes place Sunday at La Quints Resort. An extravagant display of classic cars and luxury items will attract an upscale crowd to the beautiful grounds. In addition to the exceptional automobiles on display, highlights will include: the restaurants of La Quinta Resort offering up -scale food and wine; an ExhibitorNendor area featuring the finest watches, jewelry and other luxury items; a trend setting Fashion Show; roaming musicians and artists capturing the sights of the event. Attendees will be encouraged to come early and spend the entire day enjoying the abundance of riches. 018 PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR THE 2010 DESERT CLASSIC CONCOURS D'ELEGANCE Thursday: 6pm - 8pm: Early Arrival Reception Friday: 8am-12noon: Hill Climb, Road Event 9am - 4pm: Drive and Tour of Anza Borrego Desert State Park 12noon - 2pm: Lunch, Event Participants 10am - 4pm: New Car Displays, Various Luxury Manufacturers 10am - 4pm: New Car Test Drives for Invited Guests 10am -4pm: Auction Preview, Auction Tent 6pm - 9pm: Opening Reception, Auction Tent Saturday: 8:30am - 9:30am: Continental Breakfast for Tour Entrants & Car Club Members 9:30am: Car Club's depart for morning drives to Joshua Tree or ldyllwild 9:30am -10am: Tour Classique Departs from La Quinta Resort 10am - 3pm: Auction Preview, Auction Tent 12 noon - 2pm: Tour & Car Club Member Lunch 12 noon - 3pm: Gathering of Classic Cars 3pm - 6pm: Live Auction, Auction Tent 7pm -10pm. Gala Reception Sunday: 6:30am - 8:30am: Placement of cars on the Field 9:30am: Gates open to Spectators 9:30am - 4pm: ExhibitorNendor Arena Open. A Celebration of Luxury Items. 9:30am-12:30pm: Music & Entertainment 10:30am - 4pm: Food and Wine Garden Open I1:00am-12:30pm: Presentation of Significant Cars & Interviews, Center Stage 72:30pm -1pm: Fashion Show, Center Stage 1:30pm: Awards presentation begins, Center Stage 4:00pm: Best of Show presentation, event concludes 019 2010 MARKETING PLAN The Market - Event Audiences• • Contours Exhibitor —A select group of affluent classic automobile owners with cars that meet the contours criteria and are approved by the event selection committee. All marketing and public relations efforts center on the quality, craftsmanship and rarity of the entered cars. The selected cars are attracted primarily by recruitment through key contacts within the automobile world. • Car Club Corral — The corral will be European themed, featuring cars from Italy, Germany, France and Britain. Car clubs will pre -register and park together in the display area. Spectators - The first two years of the Desert Classic attracted between 3,000 to 4,000 spectators each year. Based on historical data for this marketplace, and other similar contours events around the country, the growth potential is significant. The association with La Quinta Resort, and a broadened reach throughout the Western United States within select geographic markets, will grow this event. The 2010 goal for attendance is 6,000 to 8,000 or more. By 2012, the goal will be a minimum of 10,000 or more spectators. Growth — Potential Spectators: The total targeted area population is in excess of 50,000,000. Primary Markets o La Quinta & Desert Communities o Inland Empire Cities o Los Angeles County o Orange County o San Diego County • Secondary Markets o Central & Northern California, Oregon, Washington o Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho and Utah Market Growth Historically, the Contours event market and the classic car market show positive growth potential. Interest in this type of event in the Coachella Valley was proven by the attendance and support received the first two years from entrants, spectators and local, national and international media. Demographic Overview of Spectators: Avid car enthusiasts, who are well educated, well established, willing to spend money to support their interest in classic automobiles and other luxury goods. • College educated • A combined annual income in excess of $100,000 • Age: 40 and above • Own their home, townhouse and/or condominium • Married or in a relationship • Have an appreciation for luxury items Sponsoring Partnerships: 020 The primary business sponsorship for the 2009 event came from the City of Palm Springs, Morgan Stanley, Plycar, Mercedes Benz Classic Center, Saks Fifth Avenue, Jewelry by Gauthier, and Mac Gallery. Various other local companies provided Trade and In -kind contributions, including Time Warner Cable, Kaiser Restaurant Group, Heimark Distributors, Heather James Fine Art, KJAZ & JACK FM, Desert European, Palm Desert Business Improvement District and others. For 2010, various levels of partnerships are available and include hospitality tents, product displays, Program advertising and full sponsorship. Each comes with distinct benefits including on -site presence, promotional opportunities, tickets to the Concours and other VIP functions and more. Partnership with the Desert Classic Concours d'Elegance. provides an extraordinary opportunity for businesses to image brand to a targeted affluent audience and to connect with car aficionados, visitors and Coachella Valley residents while at the same time raising money to benefit Coachella Valley charities. Summary of Strengths and Opportunities: Our objective is to leverage our strength to take advantage of the opportunities our market presents. Strengths: • Respected and well connected management team with experience in concours events. Demonstrated ability to create a successful Concours d'Elegance. • Participation from expert judges and well known automotive celebrities. • Support from peers within the world of classic cars. • Affiliation with La Quinta Resort • The popularity of the City of La Quinta and the Palm Springs area as a travel destination. • Typically beautiful February weather is a major draw to spectators, entrants and sponsors: • Community commitment and charitable aspect of event. • Close proximity to a large market of potential attendees and participants, and ease of travel. Opportunities: There are a multitude of marketing opportunities for the event to capitalize on as a result of location, lifestyle, community /charitable giving, positive market perception and quality of the event. • Leverage positive perception of event location in a well-known resort market. • No similar car event during this window of time in our primary geographic markets. • Build on the enthusiasm and momentum from the first two events. • Considerable interest exists in classic cars and related activities as seen at other concours events held nationwide. • Create strategic alliances and co -promotion in all marketing activities. • A significant percentage of our target market is not yet familiar with the event. • Capitalize on the interests and lifestyle of baby boomers. • Increased sales opportunities and untapped markets within 150 mile radius of event location. Event Goals: • Create a full calendar of events paired with the Concours: auctions, special exhibitions, tours, dinners and notable social events. • Build on the automotive traditions and history of La Quinta and the Palm Springs area. • Create a positive economic impact on the local business community. • Contribute substantial funds to local charitable organizations. • Target Partner programs and alliances to grow the event. • Create events that provide value and a memorable lifestyle experience for the attendees. • The Desert Classic will become recognized as one of the world's premier Concours d'Elegance events. 021 �T v S vim. SW4 ti OF 11'� COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated June 2, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated June 2, 2009 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: 82922 - 829481 82949 - 829721 Voids} Wire Transfers} P/R 35723 - 35733) P/R Tax Transfers} Payable Warrants: 82973 - 831011 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash - City Demand of Cash - RDA =irecto�r John M. Falconer, Financ 406,288.86 39,896.82 (19,983.12) 229,878.18 228,019.59 59,755.61 1,377,377.30 $2,321,233.24 $2,140,723.56 $180, 509.68 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING 022 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 05/13/09 - 05/26/09 05/15/09 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 05/15/09 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 05/15/09 WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 05/19/09 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK $14,376.60 $60,743.05 $1,077.04 $153,681.49 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $229,878A8 023 PREPARED05/14/2009, 10:37:36 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 N PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 O CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 81 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 82604* 4769 ECONOMY TREE & CRANE, INC 003850 04/28/2009 101-3004-451.30-96 �101-3004-451.30-96 3,500.00- 003897 04/28/2009 3,500.00- 7,000.00- * VOIDED 82922 137 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COAC 004177 05/15/2009 101-3001-451.33-10 14,070.00 14,070.00 * 14,070.00 82923 3210 BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING 004183 05/15/2009 218-0000-421.42-17 98.46 98.46 * 98.46 82924 133 CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE PR PR0515 05/15/2009 101-0000-209.49-00 86.88 86.88 * 86.88 82925 2857 COACHELLA VALLEY RESOURCE 004183 05/15/2009 301-9001-473.82-72 2,069.37 2,069.37 * 2,069.37 82926 268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 004181 05/15/2009 101-3006-451.41-16 106.59 004182 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 60.58 004182 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 26.52 004182 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-04 260.92 004182 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 94.20 004182 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 19.94 004182 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-07 413.60 004183 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 20.00 004183 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 65.79 004183 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 369.45 004183 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 316.98 004184 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 12,713.28 004185 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-02 1,870.02 004186 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-04 90.44 004187 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-14 1,057.50 004188 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-12 2,334.38 004189 05/15/2009 101-3002-451.41-16 331.18 004190 _ 05/15/2009 101-5008-419.41-16 118.53 004191 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 1,846.28 004192 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-05 118.84 004193 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 462.48 22,697.50 * 22,697.50 82927 734 COOLEY CONSTRUCTION INC 004183 05/15/2009 401-1779-551.45-01 308,913.08 308,913.08 * 308,913.08 82928 4082 DOLPHIN CAPITAL CORP 004183 05/15/2009 101-4002-415.56-29 268.89 268.89 * 268.89 82929 4236 DORIA, NANCY 004183 05/15/2009 101-1003-413.10-10 150.00 150.00 * 150.00 82950 4769 ECONOMY TREE & CRANE, INC 004183 05/15/2009 101-3004-451.30-96 3,500.00 3,500.00 * 3,500.00 1!') PREPARED05/14/2009, 10:37:36 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 2 f'V PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 81 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK c NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO - ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 82931 940 FUELMAN 004183 05/15/2009 501-0000-511.43-34 880.45 880.45 * 880.45 82932 136 GAS COMPANY, THE 004182 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-13 76.38 76.38 ■ 76.38 82933 1388 IMPACT SCIENCES 004183 05/15/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 41,937.92 41,937.92 * 41,937.92 82934 2958 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION 004183 05/15/2009 218-0000-421.40-15 398.71 398.71 * 398.71 82935 269 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 004178 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-04 775.38 004179 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-07 17.96 793.34 ■ 793.34 82936 4021 INDIO, CITY OF 004183 05/15/2009 101-4001-415.51-01 60.00 60.00 * 60.00 82937 3214 LARSON, MARJEAN 004183 05/15/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 11008.00 1,008.00 * 1,008.00 82938 1830 LIUNA PR0515 05/15/2009 101-0000-209.80-00 884.00 884.00 ■ 884.00 82939 4993 MURPHY BED CO, INC 004183 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.43-61 69.00 69.00 * 69.00 82940 3694 PAUL, JAMES & SHARON 004183 05/15/2009 101-5054-421.44-04 4,440.87 4,440.87 * 4,440.87 82941 4249 SILVERROCK RESORT 004182 05/15/2009 101-0000-203.04-00 180.00 180.00 * 180.00 82942 150 SPARKLETTS 004182 05/15/2009 •101-7003-431.56-52 126.79 - 126.79 ■ 126.79 82943 56 TIME WARNER CABLE 004183 05/15/2009 101-7003-431.56-52 7.97 004183 05/15/2009 218-0000-421.42-16 58.47 66.44 * 66.44 82944 4621 TOWER ENERGY GROUP 004183 05/15/2009 501-0000-511.43-34 2,315.49 2,315.49 ■ 2,315.49 82945 63 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT PR0515 05/15/2009 101-0000-209.81-00 155.00 ' 155.00 ■ 155.00 82946 3892 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, IN 004183 05/15/2009 101-4002-415.41-25 105.34 105.34 x 105.34 4 PREPARED05/14/2009, 10:37:36 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 3 O PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 81 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ---------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 82947 2956 VERIZON CA 004183 05/15/2009 218-0000-421.41-22 418.65 82948 2290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 004182 05/15/2009 004182 05/15/2009 004182 05/15/2009 004182 05/15/2009 004182 05/15/2009 004182 05/15/2009 101-5054-421.43-62 101-4002-415.41-22 101-4002-415.41-22 101-4002-415.41-22 101-3005-451.40-16 101-4002-415.71-01 BANK/CHECK TOTAL ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL 418.65 * 275.29 36.98 47.09 87.93 34.03 36.98 518.30 399,288.86 399,288.86 418.65 518.30 406,288.86 406,288.86 PREPARED 05/14/2009, 10:22:34 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/15/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/15/2009 O CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA - ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000137 00 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COACHELLA VLLY 051209 004177 00 05/15/2009 101-3001-451.33-10 08/09 CDBG PRGM 14,070.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 14,070.00 0003210 00 BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLING SVCS 50-IC209420 004183 00 05/15/2009 218-0000-421.42-17 TRASH SVC-APR'09 98.46 VENDOR TOTAL * 98.46 0000133 00 CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE PROGRAM 20090515 PR0515 00 05/15/2009 101-0000-209.49-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 86.88 VENDOR TOTAL * 86.88 0002857 00 COACHELLA VALLEY RESOURCE AB1389 004183 00 05/15/2009 301-9001-473.82-72 ADD STATUTORY TX - 2,069.37 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,069.37 0000268 00 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST VARIOUS 004189 00 05/15/2009 101-3002-451.41-16 WATER SVC 331.18 060706327502 004182 00 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-04 FB PARK POOL 260.92 050719434401 004182 00 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-07 SEELEY PK/PIONEER PK 413.60 VARIOUS 004185 00 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-02 WATER SVC 1,870.02 VARIOUS 004186 00 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-04 WATER SVC 90.44 VARIOUS 004187 00 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-14 WATER SVC 1,057.50 VARIOUS 004188 00 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-12 WATER SVC 2,334.38 VARIOUS 004192 00 05/15/2009 101-3005-451.40-05 WATER SVC 118.84 VARIOUS 004181 00 05/15/2009 101-3006-451.41-16 WATER SVC-MUSEUM 106.59 VARIOUS 004190 00 05/15/2009 101-5008-419.41-16 WATER SVC 118.53 050719148301 004183 00 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 _- WATER -FIRE ST#93 20.00 060716118112 004183 00 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 WATER -FIRE ST#70 65.79 050719148101 004183 00 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 WATER -FIRE ST#93 369.45 050719148201 004183 00 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 WATER -FIRE ST#70 316.98 VARIOUS 004193 00 05/15/2009 101-5055-422.41-16 WATER SVC 462.48 06060184802 004182 00 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 60.58 060709226600 004182 00 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 26.52 050719403201 -004182 00 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 94.20 050719413801 004182 00 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 19.94 VARIOUS 004184 00 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 12,713.28 VARIOUS 004191 00 05/15/2009 101-7004-431.41-19 WATER SVC 1,846.28 VENDOR TOTAL * 22,697.50 0000734 00 COOLEY CONSTRUCTION INC 12676 004183 00 05/15/2009 401-1779-551.45-01 FRED WRN 2007-06 308,913.08 VENDOR TOTAL * 308,913.08 0004082 00 DOLPHIN CAPITAL CORP 1527148 004183 00 05/15/2009 101-4002-415.56-29 WATER SVC 268.89 VENDOR TOTAL * 268.89 0004236 00 DORIA, NANCY 2/11 & 3/11 004183 00 05/15/2009 101-1003-413.10-10 PS AIRPORT COMM MTG 150.00 co PREPARED 05/14/2009, 10:22:34 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 2 " PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/15/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/15/2009 CD CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME - EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0004236 00 DORIA, NANCY - VENDOR TOTAL ■ 0004769 00 ECONOMY TREE & CRANE, INC. 041709 003850 00 04/28/2009 101-3004-451.30-96 LIBRARY TREE REPLACEMENT 042209 003897 00 04/28/2009 101-3004-451.30-96 LIBRARY TREE RPLCMT 042209 004183 00 05/15/2009 101-3004-451.30-96 LIBRARY TREE RPLCMT VENDOR TOTAL r 0000940 00 FUELMAN 236325 004185 00 05/15/2009 501-0000-511.43-34 FUEL 0000136 00 GAS COMPANY, THE 16568248591 004182 00 05/15/2009 0001388 00 IMPACT SCIENCES 15333 004183 00 05/15/2009 0002958 00 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION 50206738 004183 00 05/15/2009 0000269 00 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST VARIOUS 004178 00 05/15/2009 VARIOUS 004179 00 05/15/2009 0004021 00 INDIO, CITY OF 05182009 004183 00 05/15/2009 0003214 00 LARSON, MARJEAN 310104-M 004183 00 05/15/2009 0001830 00 LIUNA 20090515 PR0515 00 05/15/2009 0002624 00 MOWERS PLUS INC 28541 003976 00 05/12/2009 28543 003977 00 05/12/2009 0004993 00 MURPHY BED CO, INC 033109 004183 00 05/15/2009 0003694 00 PAUL, JAMES & SHARON VENDOR TOTAL ■ 101-5055-422.41-13 GAS ST#93 VENDOR TOTAL * 101-0000-228.10-00 PROF SVC-2/21-3/20 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 218-0000-421.40-15 ELECTRIC-3/28-4/27 VENDOR TOTAL * 101-7004-431.41-04 ELECTRIC SVC 101-7004-431.41-07 ELECTRIC SVC VENDOR TOTAL ■ 101-4001-415.51-01 CSMFO LUNCHEON VENDOR TOTAL ■ 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT VENDOR TOTAL ■ 101-0000-209.80-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL * 101-7003-431.56-52 CHAIN SAW CHAINS 101-7003-431.56-52 CHAIN SAW BLADE VENDOR TOTAL * 101-5055-422.43-61 BED SPRINGS VENDOR TOTAL ■ 150.00 CHECK #: 82604 CHECK #: 82604 3,500.00 31500.00 880.45 880.45 76.38 76.38 41,937.92 41,937.92 398.71 398.71 775.38 17.96 793.34 60.00 60.00 1,008.00 1,008.00 884.00 884.00 97.52- 87.92 9.60- 69.00 69.00 3,500.00- 3,500.00- 7,000.00- PREPARED 05/14/2009, 10:22:34 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 3 C\J PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/15/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/15/2009 O CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT - 0003694 00 PAUL, JAMES 8 SHARON JUN'09 004183 00 05/15/2009 0004249 00 SILVERROCK RESORT 050409 004182 00 05/15/2009 0000150 00 SPARKLETTS 4282032 004182 00 05/15/2009 0000056 00 TIME WARNER CABLE 0406828 004183 00 05/15/2009 0175195 004183 00 05/15/2009 0004621 00 TOWER ENERGY GROUP 1077 004183 00 05/15/2009 101-5054-421.44-04 SUBSTATION RENT VENDOR TOTAL x 101-0000-203.04-00 APR'09 SALES TAX VENDOR TOTAL * 101-7003-431.56-52 WATER-MAINT YARD VENDOR TOTAL m 101-7003-431.56-52 CABLE SVC-YARD 218-0000-421.42-16 CABLE 501-0000-511.43-34 FUEL VENDOR TOTAL * VENDOR TOTAL x 0000063 00 UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 20090515 PR0515 00 05/15/2009 101-0000-209.81-00 PAYROLL SUMMARY VENDOR TOTAL ■ 0003892 00 USA MOBILITY WIRELESS, INC. 53393252E 004183 00 05/15/2009 0002956 00 VERIZON CA 345-6268 004183 00 05/15/2009 0002290 00 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 771-3100 004182 00 05/15/2009 771-2109 004182 00 05/15/2009 564-9188 004182 00 05/15/2009 345-1471 004182 00 05/15/2009 771-0231 004182 00 05/15/2009 UHO-2778 004182 - 00 05/15/2009 101-4002-415.41-25 PAGERS VENDOR TOTAL * 218-0000-421.41-22 PHONE SVC-4/22-5/22 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 101-3005-451.40-16 SPORTS COMPLEX 101-4002-415.41-22 WASH/EISEN MEDIAN 101-4002-415.41-22 SR CTR PAYPHONE 101-4002-415.41-22 LQ PARK PAYPHONES 101-4002-415.71-01 WASH/EISEN MEDIAN 101-5054-421.43-62 T LINE ONLY VENDOR TOTAL ■ HAND ISSUED TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES ■ GRAND TOTAL *xrxsxr.xr*r 4,440.87 4,440.87 180.00 180.00 126.79 126.79 7.97 58.47 66.44 2,315.49 2,315.49 155.00 155.00 105.34 105.34 418.65 418.65 34.03 36.98 47.09 87.93 36.98 275.29 518.30 7,000.00- 406,279.26 7,000.00- 399,279.26 PREPARED 5/21/09, 9:51:26 UNAPPLIED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CREDITS PAGE 1 PROGRAM GM342V CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA -------------------------------------------_-_____-_________________-___-----____-_-------- VENDOR NUMBER VENDOR NAMEBANK CODEAMOUNTM ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O 2624 MOWERS PLUS INC 00 9.60- f_' t S PREPARED05/21/2009, 12:19:20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 C'h CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 82 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK..) NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 1-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ t t 81978* 4862 HLADEK, MATTHEW 003064 03/10/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 12,983.12- 12,983.12- ■ VOIDED 82949 15 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 004309 05/22/2009 101-3006-451.41-30 46.00 004310 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.41-35 167.13 004311 05/22/2009 101-3006-451.41-30 112.66 004312 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.56-52 63.26 004313 05/22/2009 101-5054-421.41-30 35.99 004314 05/22/2009 101-3002-451.41-30 253.86 678.90 678.90 82950 994 COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC 004298 05/22/2009 101-1003-413.51-01 35.00 35.00 35.00 82951 268 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 004284 05/22/2009 101-3006-451.41-16 7.00 004285 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.40-01 1,370.72 004286 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.40-12 1,617.12 2,994.84 * 2,994.84 82952 2862 DAVIS REED CONSTRUCTION, 004292 05/22/2089 601-0000-451.43-65 7,520.00 7,520.00 • 7,520.00 82953 103 DENIEL, CRISITINA 004288 05/22/2009 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 x. 75.00 82954 594 DESERT CITIES CATERING 004296 05/22/2009 101-1001-411.51-01 270.00 270.00 * 270.00 82955 4082 DOLPHIN CAPITAL CORP 004299 05/22/2009 101-4002-415.56-29 56.29 56.29 * 56.29 82956 7 EL RANCHITO 004297 05/22/2009 101-1001-411.51-01 405.58 405.58 ■ 405.58 82957 4518 GREGORY, RAYMOND 004302 05/22/2009 101-5054-421.71-01 220.01 220.01 * 220.01 82958 5001 HANCOCK, RANDY B 004283 05/22/2009 401-1759-551.45-10 15,115.00 15,115.00 ■ 15,115.00 82959 77 JONASSON, TIM 004301 05/22/2009 101-7001-431.51-01 53.78 53.78 ■ 53.78 82960 218 LOS ANGELES TIMES 004300 05/22/2009 101-2001-411.53-04 28.40 28.40 ■ 28.40 82961 100 MOULIN, DONALD 004290 05/22/2009 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 ■ 75.00 82962 3696 MUSICIAN'S FRIEND 004294 1284 05/22/2009 101-3006-451.71-01 219.98 PREPARED05/21/2009, 12:19:20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 2 N PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 M CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 82 O BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL ' ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 82962 3696 MUSICIAN'S FRIEND 219.98 * 219.98 82963 3704 PARK, DAVID ALAN 004291 05/22/2009 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 82964 2411 RASSI, RANDY 004287 05/22/2009 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 82965 3708 ROSS, TED 004289 05/22/2009 101-4001-415.10-10 75.00 75.00 * 75.00 82966 159 SAFEGUARD DENTAL & VISION 004295 05/22/2009 101-0000-209.43-00 8,665.65 8,665.65 * 8,665.65 82967 3243 TASC - FEES 004304 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.32-07 309.42 309.42 * 309.42 82968 56 TIME WARNER CABLE 004303 05/22/2009 502-0000-512.30-03 8.42 8.42 * 8.42 82969 2290 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 004305 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.43-59 42.73 004307 05/22/2009 101-4002-415.41-22 117.33 004308 05/22/2009 101-5054-421.43-62 275.29 435.35 * 435.35 82970 2157 VERIZON ON LINE 004306 05/22/2009 101-4002-415.41-22 79.95 79.95 * 79.95 82971 274 WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 004315 05/22/2009 101-1001-411.51-01 1,165.42 004316 05/22/2009 101-1001-411.56-02 50.00 004317 05/22/2009 101-1002-413.51-01 438.92 004318 05/22/2009 101-1003-413.33-31 560.25 004319 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.56-02 63.57 004320 05/22/2009 101-3003-451.56-02 250.85 004321 05/22/2009 101-6001-463.51-01 55.00 004322 05/22/2009 101-6002-463.32-10 150.00 004323 05/22/2009 405-9001-702.51-01 275.00 004324 05/22/2009 101-1003-413.51-01 100.00- 004325 05/22/2009 101-7004-431.56-02 2.00- 004326 05/22/2009 101-6002-463.53-04 165.88 004327 05/22/2009 101-1002-413.51-01 463.40 004328 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.51-01 30.00 004329 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.53-03 149.00 - 004330 05/22/2009 101-6001-463.51-01 51.67 004331 05/22/2009 101-7002-431.56-02 40.85 004332 05/22/2009 101-7004-431.56-02 215.35 004333 05/22/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 49.24 004334 05/22/2009 502-0000-512.56-22 87.98 004335 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.51-19 1,552.11- 004336 05/22/2009 101-1002-413.51-01 435.00- PREPARED05/21/2009, 12:19:20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 3 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 82 Cvi BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK C'7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK C) NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 82971 274 WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 2,173.25 x 2,173.25 r E 82972 753 WIRELESS WATCHDOGS 004293 05/22/2009 101-4002-415.41-25 252.00 252.00 ■ 252.00 BANK/CHECK TOTAL 26,913.70 39,896.82 ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL 26,913.70 39,896.82 PREPARED 05/21/2009, 9:51:25 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/22/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/22/2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000015 00 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 93077317 004314 00 05/22/2009 101-3002-451.41-30 SECURITY 253.86 93077311 004310 00 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.41-35 SECURITY -SPORTS COMPLEX 167.13 93077341 004312 00 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.56-52 LQ PARK 63.26 93077310 004309 00 05/22/2009 101-3006-451.41-30 SECURITY -MUSEUM 46.00 93077333 004311 00 05/22/2009 101-3006-451.41-30 MUSEUM STORAGE 112.66 93077309 004313 00 05/22/2009 101-5054-421.41-30 SECURITY _ 35.99 VENDOR TOTAL * 678.90 0000994 00 COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC CASILLAS M 004298 00 05/22/2009 101-1003-413.51-01 LCL MEDIA MKTG 35.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 35.00 0000268 00 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DIST VARIOUS 004285 00 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.40-01 WATER SVC 1,370.72 VARIOUS 004286 00 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.40-12 WATER SVC 1,617.12 060601456104 004284 00 05/22/2009 101-3006-451.41-16 WATER SVC 7.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,994.84 0002862 00 DAVIS REED CONSTRUCTION, INC. 499-027-966 004292 00 05/22/2009 601-0000-451.43-65 SRR ROOF TILE REPAIR 7,520.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 7,520.00 0000103 00 DENIEL, CRISITINA MAY'09 004288 00 05/22/2009 101-4001-415.10-10 INVESTMENT ADV MTG 75.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 75.00 0000594 00 DESERT CITIES CATERING 050709 004296 00 05/22/2009 101-1001-411.51-01 LCC DINNER 5/11 270.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 270.00 0004082 00 DOLPHIN CAPITAL CORP 1554359 004299 00 05/22/2009 101-4002-415.56-29 WATER 56.29 VENDOR TOTAL * 56.29 0000007 00 EL RANCHITO 396718 004297 00 05/22/2009 101-1001-411.51-01 DINNER -CITY COUNCIL 405.58 VENDOR TOTAL * 405.58 0004518 00 GREGORY, RAYMOND REIMB 004302 00 05/22/2009 101-5054-421.71-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 220.01 VENDOR TOTAL * 220.01 0005001 00 HANCOCK, RANDY B 052009 004283 00 05/22/2009 401-1759-551.45-10 RELOCATION EXP 15,115.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 15,115.00 0004862 00 HLADEK, MATTHEW 030309 003064 00 03/10/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 261-137 DEP RFND CHECK #: 81978 VENDOR TOTAL * .00 0000077 00 JONASSON, TIM 12,983.12- 12,983.12- CY C`7 O PREPARED 05/21/2009, 9:51:25 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 2 LO PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/22/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/22/2009 C`7 CITY OF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA O VEND NO SEO# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000077 00 JONASSON, TIM REIMB 004301 00 05/22/2009 101-7001-431.51-01 MILEAGE-RCTC 53.78 0000218 00 LOS ANGELES TIMES 5921809017 004300 00 05/22/2009 0000100 00 MOULIN, DONALD MAY'09 004290 00 05/22/2009 0002624 00 MOWERS PLUS INC 28541 003976 00 05/12/2009 28543 003977 00 05/12/2009 0003696 00 MUSICIAN'S FRIEND P601495201054 004294 1284 00 05/22/2009 0003704 MAY'09 0002411 MAY'09 0003708 MAY'09 0000159 2509405 00 PARK, DAVID ALAN 004291 00 05/22/2009 00 RASSI, RANDY 004287 00 05/22/2009 00 ROSS, TED 004289 00 05/22/2009 00 SAFEGUARD DENTAL & VISION 004295 00 05/22/2009 0003245 00 TASC - FEES 2900123986 004304 00 05/22/2009 0000056 00 TIME WARNER CABLE 0277799 004303 00 05/22/2009 VENDOR TOTAL * 101-2001-411.53-04 SUBSCRIPTION VENDOR TOTAL * 101-4001-415.10-10 INVESTMENT;ADV MTG VENDOR TOTAL * 101-7003-431.56-52 CHAIN SAW CHAINS 101-7003-431.56-52 CHAIN SAW BLADE VENDOR TOTAL * 101-3006-451.71-01 PA SPEAKER a MUSEUM VENDOR TOTAL * 101-4001-415.10-10 INVESTMENT ADV MTG VENDOR TOTAL * 101-4001-415.10-10 INVESTMENT=ADV MTG VENDOR TOTAL * 101-4001-415.10-10 INVESTMENT ADV MTG VENDOR TOTAL * 101-0000-209.43-00 MAY'09 DENTAL INS VENDOR TOTAL * 101-1004-413.32-07 ADMIN FEES VENDOR TOTAL * 502-0000-512.30-03 CABLE VENDOR TOTAL 0002290 00 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 345-2951 004305 00 05/22/2009 101-3005-451.43-59 LO PARK 777-1222 004307 00 05/22/2009 101-4002-415.41-22 PHONE SVC-DSL UH8-9234 004308 00 05/22/2009 101-5054-421.43-62 T-LINE ONLY VENDOR TOTAL 0002157 00 VERIZON ON LINE 53.78 28.40 28.40 75.00 75.00 97.52- 87.92 9.60- 219.98 219.98 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 8,665.65 8,665.65 309.42 309.42 8.42 8.42 42.73 117.33 275.29 435.35 CG PREPARED 05/21/2009, 9:51:25 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 3 M PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/22/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/22/2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA CD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O.- BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0002157 00 VERIZON ON LINE 54426223 004306 00 05/22/2009 101-4002-415.41-22 DSL a LQ PARK 79.95 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 79.95 0000274 00 WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CARD 3072 004315 00 05/22/2009 101-1001-411.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 1,165.42 3072 004316 00 05/22/2009 101-1001-411.56-02 VISA CARD PAYMENT 50.00 3072 004317 00 05/22/2009 101-1002-413.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 438.92 3072 004327 00 05/22/2009 101-1002-413.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 463.40 3072 004336 00 05/22/2009 101-1002-413.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 435.00- 3072 004318 00 05/22/2009 101-1003-413.33-31 VISA CARD PAYMENT 560.25 3072 004324 00 05/22/2009 101-1003-413.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 100.00- 3072 004319 00 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.56-02 VISA CARD PAYMENT 63.57 3072 004328 00 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 30.00 3072 004329 00 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.53-03 VISA CARD PAYMENT 149.00 3072 004335 00 05/22/2009 101-1004-413.51-19 VISA CARD PAYMENT 1,552.11- 3072 004320 00 05/22/2009 101-3003-451.56-02 VISA CARD PAYMENT 250.85 3072 004321 00 05/22/2009 101-6001-463.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 55.00 3072 004330 00 05/22/2009 101-6001-463.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 51.67 3072 004322 00 05/22/2009 101-6002-463.32-10 VISA CARD PAYMENT 150.00 3072 004326 00 05/22/2009 101-6002-463.53-04 VISA CARD PAYMENT 165.88 3072 004331 00 05/22/2009 101-7002-431.56-02 VISA CARD PAYMENT 40.83 3072 004325 00 05/22/2009 101-7004-431.56-02 VISA CARD PAYMENT 2.00- 3072 004332 00 05/22/2009 101-7004-431.56-02 VISA CARD PAYMENT 215.35 3072 004333 00 05/22/2009 101-7095-431.32-20 VISA CARD PAYMENT 49.24 3072 004323 00 05/22/2009 405-9001-702.51-01 VISA CARD PAYMENT 275.00 3072 004334 00 05/22/2009 502-0000-512.56-22 VISA CARD PAYMENT 87.98 VENDOR TOTAL r 2,173.25 0000753 00 WIRELESS WATCHDOGS 77021 004293 00 05/22/2009 101-4002-415.41-25 MOBILE PH-MAINT 252.00 VENDOR TOTAL HAND ISSUED TOTAL ■■ 252.00 12,983.12- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 39,887.22 12,983.12- GRAND TOTAL ■axxerxr>r 26,904.10 r- PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 1 M PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 O CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------`-------------------------------------------------------- CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO -------------- NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 82973 2 ACE HARDWARE 004203 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-52 521.45 521.45 r 521.45 82974 1257 ALTEC 004208 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.53-01 186.44 004208 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.53-01 146.10 332.54 x 332.54 82975 3787 ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES ARCHI 004359 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 38,965.00 004360 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 1,251.87 40,216.87 ■ 40,216.87 82976 4514 ALVAREZ, MARIA PILAR 004400 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 554.40 554.40 * 554.40 82977 296 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES 004384 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-31 395.00 395.00 x 395.00 82978 16 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVIC 004205 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.42-15 133.50 004205 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.42-15 133.50 267.00 * 267.00 82979 5010 ANDERSEN, SHEILA 004401 05/26/2009 101-5000-322.20-00 20.00 20.00 > 20.00 82980 3324 APODACA, AL 004208 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.56-02 425.00 - 425.00 * 425.00 82981 4951 ARIDA, NEAL 004372 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 63.00 63.00 ■ 63.00 82982 4998 ATKINS PHOTOGRAPHY 004264 05/26/2009 101-1000-321.00-00 11.00 11.00 * 11.00 82983 2390 AUTOMATED CONTROLS INC 004401 05/26/2009 101-3004-451.43-01 964.19 964.19 * 964.19 82984 448 BENLO R V II 004281 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-70 115.18 115.18 ■ 115.18 82985 300 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 004382 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-31 192.20 004383 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-31 1,638.20 1,830.40 ■ 1,830.40 82986 3274 BODDEN, RENATE 004400 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 73.50 73.50 ■ 73.50 82987 5009 BUTVIDAS, MICHAEL & BARBA 004401 05/26/2009 101-5000-522.20-00 4.00 4.00 * 4.00 82988 3718 C & C FLOORING, INC. 004208 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 880.00 0 PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 2 O PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------------------------------------------------- NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT CNET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 82988 3718 C & C FLOORING, INC. 880.00 880.00 82989 19 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 004201 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.44-07 100.00 004202 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.44-07 9.83 004261 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.44-07 100.00 004262 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.44-07 9.83 219.66 * 219.66 82990 449 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SU 004208 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-58 540.96 004208 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 391.99 932.95 * 932.95 82991 4952 CAMPBELL, ANDRE P 004371 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 252.00 252.00 252.00 82992 20 CAPUTO, ROSEMARY HEIM 004400 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 105.00 105.00 * 105.00 82993 21 CARQUEST 004259 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-52 3.47 004260 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 56.80 60.27 * 60.27 82994 4996 CASH PLUS 004264 05/26/2009 101-1000-321.00-00 18.70 18.70 * 18.70 82995 947 CASSEL, LLORA 004369 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 28.00 004370 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 56.00 84.00 * 84.00 82996 22 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 004203 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.56-02 686.55 686.55 * 686.55 82997 4115 CHECKMATE TELEPHONE EXCHA 004340 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.51-07 214.73 214.73 * 214.73 82998 3710 CHEMSEARCH 004208 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-37 787.85 ' 787.85 * 787.85 82999 5003 CLARIDA, NICOLE 004401 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 83000 355 CLEAN STREET 004213 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.44-10 8,064.32 8,064.32 * 8,064.32 83001 2041 COACHELLA VALLEY SECURITY 004208 05/26/2009 101-1004-413.32-10 15.00 004208 05/26/2009 101-1004-413.32-10 15.00 004208 05/26/2009 101-1004-413.32-10 15.00 45.00 * 45.00 83002 267 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 004255 05/26/2009 401-1754-551.45-01 168.50 rn PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 3 Ch PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009111 CD CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 83002 267 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI 168.50 * 168.50 83003 4959 COCKRELL ELECTRIC INC 004400 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 1,600.00 1,600.00 * 1,600.00 83004 4573 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY 004341 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.33-25 6,077.50 004342 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.33-25 6,063.50 004343 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.33-25 6,063.50 18,204.50 * 18,204.50 83005 206 COMPUTER U 004400 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 84.00 84.00 * 84.00 83006 5002 CORTEZ, JESUS 004400 05/26/2009 101-5000-322.20-00 8.00 8.00 * 8.00 83007 3687 D & R SELECT CONSTRUCTION 004265 05/26/2009 101-1000-321.00-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 83008 3033 DATA TICKET, INC. 004205 05/26/2009 101-5004-424.31-19 1,908.17 004347 05/26/2009 101-5004-424.31-19 848.09 2,756.26 * 2,756.26 83009 112 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 004373 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-51 490.00 490.00 * 490.00 83010 26 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 004213 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 116.69 004213 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 312.67 004213 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.51-01 303.06 004400 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 540.75 1,273.17 * 1,273.17 83011 3330 DESERT UNIFORMS 004339 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.44-07 1,957.64 1,957.64 * 1,957.64 83012 4602 DOMINY & ASSOCIATES ARCHI 004208 05/26/2009 401-1791-551.35-07 57,666.50 57,666.50 * 57,666.50 83013 3052 DUCHENE, GERALD 004368 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 294.00 294.00 * 294.00 83014 598 ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODUCT 004213 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 161.12 161.12 * 161.12 83015 2941 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 004377 05/26/2009 161-5054-421.36-34 1,426.14 004378 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-34 11099.36 004379 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-34 1,203.52 3,729.02 * 3,729.02 83016 1113 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & 004205 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-15 2,400.00 CD PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 4 <3- PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ---------------- NO NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 83016 1113 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & 2,400.00 * 2,400.00 83017 119 FEDEX 004208 05/26/2009 101-4002-415.51-31 18.92 18.92 • 18.92 83018 31 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 004208 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.56-27 142.02 142.02 ■ 142.02 83019 5004 FLORES, CLAUDIA 004401 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 500.00 500.00 x 500.00 83020 4618 G/M BUSINESS INTERIORS 004397 1292 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.71-01 12,106.06 12,106.06 > 12,106.06 83021 3047 GALLS RETAIL 004381 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-50 140.06 140.06 * 140.06 83022 368 GEORGE'S GOODYEAR 004214 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 115.00 115.00 * 115.00 83023 4507 GILMORE-KIPHART, KIRSTEN 004365 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 56.00 ' - 004366 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.53-43 28.00 004367 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 56.00 140.00 x 140.00 83024 3233 GKK WORKS 004208 05/26/2009 401-1791-551.45-01 11,306.66 11,506.66 ■ 11,306.66 83025 4325 GUNTERSON, KRISTOPHER 004245 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.56-40 30.44 39.44 ■ 30.44 83026 4995 HACKER ENGINEERING INC 004264 05/26/2009 101-1000-321.00-00 66.00 66.00 * 66.00 85027 2254 HEGGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACT 004346 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 11090.00 1,090.00 ■ 11090.00 83028 454 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 004207 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 504.59 004208 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 144.20 004400 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 183.16 004400 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 67.86 899.81 * 899.81 83029 4862 HLADEK, MATTHEW &SELAN, 004375 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 12,983.12 12,985.12 ■ 12,983.12 83030 35 HOARD INC, HUGH 004205 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 246.25 004344 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 246.25 492.50 ■ 492.50 �7 PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 5 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009111 CITY OF LA-QUINTA, CALIFORNIA - REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 83031 4652 NSA DESIGN GROUP 004208 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 13,889.53 13,889.53 * 13,889.53 83032 3427 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 004205 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 59.16 59.16 * 59.16 83033 4963 HUTCHINS MOTOR SPORTS INC 004281 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-50 2,341.76 2,341.76 * 2,341.76 83034 3245 J P STRIPING, INC. 004400 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 510.00 510.00 * 510.00 83035 3763 JAMES, JENNIFER 004364 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 136.50 136.50 * 136.50 83036 5005 JIANONNI, JOE 004401 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 100.00 100.00 * 100.00 83037 79 KINER COMMUNICATIONS 004249 05/26/2009 101-1003-413.55-07 10,235.86 10,235.86 * 10,235.86 83038 2233 KIRKPATRICK LANDSCAPING 5-004213 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 65,977.00 65,977.00 * 65,977.00 83039 764 KLAMATH BAY 004374 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.55-07 771.36 771.36 * 771.36 83040 4999 KNAPP, HARRY 004263 05/26/2009 101-3000-342.70-00 30.00 30.00 * 30.00 83041 865 KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION, BRUC 004251 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.32-07 985.00 004252 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.32-07 5,750.00 004253 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.32-07 11000.00 7,735.00 * 7,735.00 83042 3498 L & L AUTOMOTIVE 004205 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.45-40 865.74 863.74 * 863.74 83043 4370 LA QUINTA CAR WASH, L.P. 004345 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-43 24.99 _ 24.99 * 24.99 83044 2182 LASR-INK PALM DESERT 004247 05/26/2009 502-0000-512.56-02 66.34 66.34 * 66.34 83045 2746 LEAGUE OF CA CITIES -RIVER 004265 05/26/2009 101-1002-413.53-03 100.00 100.00 * 100.00 83046 217 LESLIE, JANELLE 004400 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 4.20 4.20 * 4.20 PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 6 (V PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 83047 80 LOCK SHOP INC, THE 004205 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 8.71 8.71 * 8.71 83048 4946 LUND INDUSTRIES INC 004398 1303 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.56-02 552.75 552.75 * 552.75 83049 4142 MARINA LANDSCAPE, INC. 004254 05/26/2009 401-1755-551.45-01 1,666.00 1,666.00 * 1,666.00 83050 4425 MARTIN, PANDARA 004363 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 136.50 136.50 * 136.50 83051 4994 MAVERICK CAULKING 8 COATI 004265 05/26/2009 101-1000-321.00-00 5.00 5.00 * 5.00 83052 4415 MCCAIN 004213 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 507.86 507.86 * 507.86 83053 5006 MCINTOSH, MARY 004401 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 83054 547 HEEDS, WAYNE 004399 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 160.00 160.00 * 160.00 83055 3752 MIRACLE 004213 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.56-52 77.73 77.73 * 77.73 83056 4997 MORGAN, KASSEY 004264 05/26/2009 101-3000-342.60-00 50.00 50.00 * 50.00 83057 250 NAI CONSULTING INC 004213 05/26/2009 401-1775-551.35-07 81200.00 004266 05/26/2009 401-1763-551.32-10 11000.00 004267 05/26/2009 401-1765-551.32-10 2,736.76 004268 05/26/2009 401-1762-551.35-07 3,835.24 004269 05/26/2009 401-1777-551.32-10 12,362.50 004270 05/26/2009 401-1779-551.32-10 400.00 004271 05/26/2009 401-1785-551.35-07 275.00 004272 05/26/2009 401-1771-551.35-07 750.00 004273 05/26/2009 401-1789-551.35-07 1,950.00 004274 05/26/2009 401-1790-551.32-10 825.00 004275 05/26/2009 401-1792-551.32-10 2,850.00 004276 05/26/2009 401-1794-551.32-10 500.00 004277 05/26/2009 101-7003-431,34-04 1,125.00 004278 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-46 875.00 004279 05/26/2009 101-7006-431.32-07 375.00 004280 05/26/2009 101-7001-431.32-07 9,392.50 47,452.00 * 47,452.00 83058 5007 NIETO, CHRISTINE 004401 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 50.00 _ 50.00 * 50.00 N, PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 7 p PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK r--, CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NO NAME NO NO _ ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 83059 1065 NIETO, RUBEN 004205 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-43 694.00 694.00 ■ 694.00 83060 2214 OCB REPROGRAPHICS 004203 05/26/2009 401-1777-551.45-01 477.29 004203 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 60.00 004203 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-46 32.63 004203 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-46 26.15 004357 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 114.96 004358 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 1,374.89 004399 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 53.83 2,139.75 > 2,139.75 83061 41 OFFICE DEPOT 004200 05/26/2009 101-2001-411.56-01 20.98 004200 05/26/2009 101-2001-411.56-01 32.08 004200 05/26/2009 101-4002-415.56-07 974.67 004281 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.53-01 54.86 1,082.59 * 1,082.59 83062 130 ON-TRAC 004208 05/26/2009 101-4002-415.51-31 131.64 131.64 ■ 131.64 83063 552 PLANNING CENTER INC, THE 004208 05/26/2009 101-6002-463.32-10 1,240.47 1,240.47 ■ 1,240.47 83064 839 POWER PLUS 004338 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-25 395.77 395.77 * 395.77 83065 43 PRINTING PLACE, THE 004281 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.56-02 97.88 97.88 ■ 97.88 83066 406 PRINTWORKS 004361 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.53-01 85.91 - - 85.91 r 85.91 83067 1562 PRISTINE POOLS SERVICE & 004214 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 107.00 004214 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 107.00 004214 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 214.00 004214 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.32-07 214.00 004214 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 214.00 004214 05/26/2009 101-3005-451,43-59 75.00 931.00 931.00 83068 3513 PROJECT DIMENSIONS, INC. 004209 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 29,794.32 004210 05/26/2009 401-1775-551.35-07 31800.00 004211 05/26/2009 401-1773-551.35-07 1,170.00 004212 05/26/2009 401-1776-551.35-07 725.00 004215 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 918.54 36,407.86 * 36,407.86 83069 1938 PYLE, ROBERT NOBLE 004399 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 171.50 171.50 * 171.50 c PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 8 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 .J- CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 83070 227 RALPHS 004248 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.56-02 223.67 223.67 • 223.67 83071 327 RBF CONSULTING INC 004213 05/26/2009 401-1775-551.35-07 2,042.00 004213 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 3,115.22 004213 05/26/2009 401-1762-551.35-07 21,542.79 26,700.01 ■ 26,700.01 83072 4293 REPUBLIC INTELLIGENT TRAM 004250 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 265.88 265.88 * 265.88 83073 846 RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDER 004281 05/26/2009 101-2001-411.56-02 13.00 13.00 * 13.00 83074 4583 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF 004385 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-01 461,223.60 004386 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-03 38,574.31 004387 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-22 24,511.70 004388 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-04 96,596.55 004389 05/26/2009 191-5054-421.36-19 58,844.32 004390 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-20 16,297.60 004391 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-13 8,768.00 004392 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-15 8,274.80 004393 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-07 31,504.00 004394 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-25 32,046.47 004395 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-23 14,473.60 791,114.95 * 791,114.95 83075 3973 RIVERSIDE SHERIFF'S DEPAR 004376 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-40 64,165.00 64,165.00 ■ 64,165.00 83076 272 ROSE, GWENDOLYN 004362 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 184.80 _ 184.80 * 184.80 83077 45 RUTAN & TUCKER 004216 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 13,647.77 004217 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 1,584.00 004218 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-04 6,820.13 004219 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 10,739.51 004220 05/26/2009 246-9002-703.32-01 392.00 004221 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-04 144.00 004222 05/26/2009 245-9001-703.32-01 403.00 004223 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 7,040.00 004224 05/26/2009 245-9001-703.32-01 1,320.00 004225 05/26/2009 246-9002-703.32-01 660.00 004226 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-01 1,320.00 004227 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 660.00 004228 05/26/2009 245-9001-703.32-01 24.00 004229 05/26/2009 246-9002-703.32-01 4,215.00 004230 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-01 2,862.00 004231 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 360.00 004232 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 43.00 Lf7 PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 9 GT PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009111 p CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------- NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL 83077 45 RUTAN & TUCKER 004233 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-01 552.00 004234 65/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 504.00 004235 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 344.00 004236 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-01 469.00 004237 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 126.00 004238 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-04 8,785.19 004239 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 1,968.00 004240 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 26.00 004241 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 120.00 004242 05/26/2009, 101-1001-411.32-04 4,130.66 004243 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 1,849.00 71,108.26 x 71,108.26 83078 5008 SABOL, ANDREW 004401 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 400.00 400.00 x 400.00 85079 111 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICE 004214 05/26/2009 101-5002-424.33-28 11260.00 004599 05/26/2009 101-5002-424.33-28 980.00 2,240.00 ■ 2,240.00 83080 2276 SCCCA 004281 05/26/2009 101-2001-411.51-01 40.00 40.00 * 40.00 83081 463 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 004208 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 341.26 004208 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 468.32 004208 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 204.42 1,014.00 ■ 1,014.00 83082 1902 SMITH, CATHERINE 004208 05/26/2009 101-5000-322.20-00 9.00 9.00 * 9.00 83083 647 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY M 004205 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.41-30 109.00 004205 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.41-30 293.21 402.21 ■ 402.21 83084 749 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS INC 004208 05/26/2009 101-7002-431.32-45 237.50 237.50 ■ 237.50 83085 4791 SOUZA, DEBRA 004399 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 9.80 9.80 • 9.80 83086 48 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAG 004195 05/26/2009 101-7002-431.56-02 107.33 004196 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 57.13 004197 05/26/2009 502-0000-512.56-22 81.40 004198 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.56-01 65.15 004199 05/26/2009 101-1004-413.56-01 30.26 004200 05/26/2009 101-6001-463.56-01 131.64 004200 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 135.80 004200 05/26/2009 101-4002-415.56-01 102.44 004258 05/26/2009 101-7002-431.56-02 97.67 PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 10 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO ---------------- NO NAME -------------------------- NO NO ___________________ ------ACCOUNT--------_INET-OF-DISC/RETAIN) ----------- TOTAL 83086 48 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAG 004281 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 11.95- 004281 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 11.95 004348 05/26/2009 101-5001-424.56-01 201.32 004349 05/26/2009 101-5004-424.56-34 173.99 004350 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.56-01 199.81 004351 05/26/2009 - 101-3001-451.56-01 27.14- 004352 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.56-01 367.02 004353 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.56-02 126.93 004354 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.56-02 222.06 2,072.81 * 2,072.81 83087 51 STONE'S AUTOMOTIVE, CAM 004205 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 59.42 004205 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 322.31 004205 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 738.63 1,120.36 * 1,120.36 83088 333 TERRA NOVA PLANNING B RES 004208 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 - 8,720.09 004208 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 9,034.88 17,754.97 * 17,754.97 83089 423 THOMPSON, LORNA 004399 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 7.00 7.00 * 7.00 83090 4892 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR COR 004256 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 265.00 265.00 * 265.00 83091 414 TLMA ADMINISTRATION 004257 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 1,084.29 1,084.29 * 1,084.29 83092 57 TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 004203 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 430.65 004203 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 98.20 004203 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 92.27 004203 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 49.60 670.72 * 670.72 83093 59 TRI STATE LAND SURVEYORS 004355 05/26/2009 101-7002-431.33-34 2,950.00 2,950.00 * 2,950.00 83094 60 TRULY NOLEN INC 004203 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.43-59 150.00 004203 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.43-59 71.00 004203 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.42-20 33.00 004203 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.42-20 77.00 004204 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.56-02 765.00 004204 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.42-20 89.00 004204 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.42-20 89.00 004204 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.42-20 27.00 004204 05/26/2009 101-5055-422.42-20 16.00 004204 05/26/2009 101-5055-422.42-20 59.00 004281 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.42-20 37.00 004380 05/26/2009 101-5055-422.42-20 85.00 PREPARED05/26/2009, 11:23:44 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTER BY BANK NUMBER PAGE 11 PROGRAM: GM346L ACCOUNTING PERIOD 2009/11 GT CITY OF LA UUINTA, CALIFORNIA REPORT NUMBER 83 BANK 00 WELLS FARGO BANK _- O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK VENDOR VENDOR VOUCHER P.O. DATE REMITTANCE AMOUNT CHECK NO NO NAME NO NO ACCOUNT (NET OF DISC/RETAIN) TOTAL'S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ t 83094 60 TRULY NOLEN INC 004399 05/26/2009 101-3006-451.42-20 49.00 1,547.00 * 1,547.00 83095 335 VALLEY PLUMBING 004205 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 177.48 004205 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 .46 177.94 ■ 177.94 83096 263 VCA CODE GROUP 004205 05/26/2009 101-5002-424.33-28 1,330.00 1,330.00 • 1,330.00 83097 431 VIDEO DEPOT INC 004208 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.56-02 16.54 16.54 > 16.54 83098 2431 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 004213 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.56-37 570.33 004213 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.56-37 317.52 004400 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-02 165.90 1,053.75 * 1,053.75 83099 4295 VIP MARKETING SERVICES IN 004356 05/26/2009 101-1003-413.55-01 2,026.68 2,026.68 ■ 2,026.68 83100 70 WAL MART COMMUNITY 004401 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.51-20 72.36 004401 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.56-55 130.35 004401 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.33-62 45.33 004401 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.33-62 500.00 U04402 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.56-02 130.70 004402 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.51-33 50.00 928.74 * 928.74 83101 4669 WINKEL, MORTON A 004399 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 235.20 235.20 * 235.20 BANK/CHECK TOTAL 1,377,377.30 1,377,377.30 ALL BANKS/CHECKS TOTAL 1,377,377.30 1,377,377.30 PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 1 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT - ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000002 VARIOUS 0001257 37856 37855 0003787 8606 6303 0004514 VARIOUS 0000296 56798 00 ACE HARDWARE 00 00 00 00 0000016 00 L286691-0409 L298915-0409 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTAL * ALTEC 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.53-01 SUPPLIES -FORMS 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.53-01 SUPPLIES -PA FORMS VENDOR TOTAL ■ ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTURE & 004359 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLBHOUSE DESIGN 004360 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLBHOUSE DESIGN VENDOR TOTAL * ALVAREZ, MARIA PILAR 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT VENDOR TOTAL ■ AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 004384 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL VENDOR TOTAL ■ AMERIPRIDE. UNIFORM SERVICES 904205 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.42-15 JANITORIAL. 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.42-15 JANITORIAL VENDOR TOTAL * 0005010 00 ANDERSEN, SHEILA AL#16778/9 004401 00 05/26/2009 0003324 00 APODACA, AL 11300 004208 00 05/26/2009 0004951 00 ARIDA, NEAL 320704-5 004372 00 05/26/2009 0004998 00 ATKINS PHOTOGRAPHY BL#104795 004264 00 05/26/2009 0002390 00 AUTOMATED CONTROLS INC 409241 004401 00 05/26/2009 0000448 00 BENLO R V II 09259 004281 00 05/26/2009 0000300 00 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-5000-322.20-00 REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * 101-3002-451.56-02 ENTERTAINMENT VENDOR TOTAL x 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT VENDOR TOTAL * 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * 101-3004-451.43-01 MODEM -SECURITY VENDOR TOTAL * 101-5054-421.36-70 BATTERY VENDOR TOTAL * 521.45 521.45 186.44 146.10 332.54 38,965.00 1,251.87 40,216.87 554.40 554.40 395.00 395.00 133.50 133.50 267.00 20.00 20.00 425.00 425.00 63.00 63.00 11.00 11.00 964.19 964.19 115.18 115.18 wl PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL -LIST PAGE 2 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 C7 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Ct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------- NO NO DATE NO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT , 0000300 00 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 20061 004382 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL 192.20 20062 004383 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL 1,638.20 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,830.40 0003274 00 BODDEN, RENATE 310119-5 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 73.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 73.50 0005009 00 BUTVIDAS, MICHAEL & BARBARA AL040950 004401 00 05/26/2009 101-5000-322.20-00 REFUND 4.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 4.00 - 0003718 00 C & C FLOORING, INC. I-4598 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 POLICE ST-CARPET REPL 880.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 880.00 0000019 00 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 91799 004201 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 100.00 93136 004261 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 100.00 91799 004202 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL 9.83 _ 93136 004262 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.44-07 UNIFORM RENTAL - 9.83 VENDOR TOTAL * 219.66 0000449 00 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES B55935 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-58 MATERIAL/SUPPLY 540.96 B54877 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 MATERIAL 391.99 VENDOR TOTAL * 932.95 0004952 00 CAMPBELL, ANDRE P 320403-4 004371 00 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 252.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 252.00 0000020 00 CAPUTO, ROSEMARY HEIM 310135-3 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 105.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 105.00 0000021 00 CARQUEST 7339-278838 004259 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-52 MATERIAL 3.47 7339-271136 004260 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 MATERIAL 56.80 VENDOR TOTAL * 60.27 0004996 00 CASH PLUS - BL#103236 004264 00 05/26/2009 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND 18.70 VENDOR TOTAL * 18.70 0000947 00 CASSEL, LLORA 340805-5 004369 00 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 28.00 340802-5 004370 00 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 56.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 84.00 0000022 00 COW GOVERNMENT INC PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 3 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 CITY OF ----------- LA OUINTA, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA VEND NO SE0# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO -------------- NO NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000022 00 COW GOVERNMENT INC NZG0455 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.56-02 RIBBONS -CARD PRNTR 686.55 VENDOR TOTAL * 686.55 0004115 00 CHECKMATE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 090502232101 004340 00 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.51-07 ANSWERING SVC _ 214.73 VENDOR TOTAL * 214.73 0003710 00 CHEMSEARCH 616963 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-37, SUPPLY 787.85 VENDOR TOTAL * 787.85 0005003 00 CLARIDA, NICOLE 37771 004401 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 REFUND 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0000355 00 CLEAN STREET 56918 004213 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.44-10 STREET SWEEPER 8,064.32 VENDOR TOTAL * 8,064.32 0002041 00 COACHELLA VALLEY SECURITY INC 3015 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-1004-413.32-10 CERT VOL-FINGERPRINTS 15.00 3020 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-1004-413.32-10 CERT VOL-FINGERPRINTS 15.00 3024 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-1004-413.32-10 CERT VOL-FINGERPRINTS 15.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 45.00 0000267 00 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 49/1660 004255 00 05/26/2009 401-1754-551.45-01 CVWD INSP 2005-02 168.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 168.50 0004959 00 COCKRELL ELECTRIC INC 31280 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 MUSEUM ELECTRIC REPAIR 1,600.00 - VENDOR TOTAL * 11600.00 0004573 00 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY JAN'09 004341 00 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.33-25 SHELTER SVC 6,077.50 FEB'09 004342 00 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.33-25 SHELTER SVC 6,063.50 MAR'09 004343 00 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.33-25 SHELTER SVC 6,063.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 18,204.50 0000206 00 COMPUTER U VARIOUS 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 84.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 84.00 0005002 00 CORTEZ, JESUS AL#40891/2 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-5000-322.20-00 REFUND 8.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 8.00 0003687 00 D 8 R SELECT CONSTRUCTION BL#6245 004265- 00 05/26/2009 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND 50.00 0 U") O PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 4 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 Ln CITY OF LA QUINTA, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALIFORNIA 0 VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0003687 00 D & R SELECT CONSTRUCTION VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0005033 00 DATA TICKET, INC. 27263 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-5004-424.31-19 ADMIN CITATION SVC 1,908.17 27434 004347 00 05/26/2009 101-5004-424.31-19 ADMIN CITATION SVC 848.09 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,756.26 0000112 00 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 737514 004373 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-31 BLOOD ALCOHOL 490.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 490.00 0000026 00 DESERT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 51652253.001 004213 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIAL 116.69 51651853.001 004213 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIAL 312.67 51654150.001 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 ELECTRIC MATERIAL 540.75 51648689.001 004213 00 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.51-01 ELECTRIC MATERIAL 303.06 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,273.17 0003330 00 DESERT UNIFORMS 467540 004339 00 05/26/2009 101-5006-426.44-07 ANL CNTRL UNIFORM 1,957.64 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,957.64 0004602 00 DOMINY & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 8 004208 00 05/26/2009 401-1791-551.35-07 FIRE ST832 DESIGN 57,666.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 57,666.50 0003052 00 DUCHENE, GERALD 321310-5 004368 00 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 294.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 294.00 0000598 00 ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODUCTS INC 77128 004213 00 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 TELEMETRY CABLE 161.12 VENDOR TOTAL * 161.12 0002941 00 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR - D026606 004377 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-34 CAR RENTAL -CLASPER 1,426.14 D037262 004378 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-34 CAR RENTAL -CLASPER 1,099.36 D038192 004379 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-34 CAR RENTAL -CLASPER 1,203.52 VENDOR TOTAL * 3,729.02 0001113 00 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & 09-50025 004205 00 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-15 SRR PM10 SVC 2,400.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,400.00 0000119 00 FEDEX - 918675474 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-4002-415.51-31 OVERNIGHT MAIL 18.92 - VEN➢OR TOTAL * 18.92 0000031 00 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 5 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 CITY OF LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA G'V ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LC> VEND NO SEG# VENDOR NAME EFT OR O INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO -------------------- NO NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000031 00 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 446330 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.56-27 COFFEE SUPPLY 142.02 0005004 00 FLORES, CLAUDIA 37768 004401 00 05/26/2009 0004618 00 G/M BUSINESS INTERIORS 0080072-IN 004397 1292 00 05/26/2009 0003047 00 GALLS RETAIL 30560 004381 00 05/26/2009 0000368 00 GEORGE'S GOODYEAR 062243 004214 00 05/26/2009 0004507 00 GILMORE-KIPHART, KIRSTEN 320810-5 004365 00 05/26/2009 320808-5 004366 00 05/26/2009 320807-5 004367 00 05/26/2009 0003233 00 GKK WORKS 09-2205 004208 00 05/26/2009 0004325 REIMB 0004995 BL#3645 0002254 22055 0000454 116145 116148 117630 116953 00 GUNTERSON, KRISTOPHER 004245 00 05/26/2009 00 HACKER ENGINEERING INC 004264 00 05/26/2009 VENDOR TOTAL * 101-0000-228.30-00 REFUND VENDOR TOTAL ■ 101-5054-421.71-01 SERIES DESK UNITS VENDOR TOTAL * 501-0000-511.43-50 FLASHLIGHT VENDOR TOTAL * 501-0000-511.43-40 TIRE REPAIR TK#41 VENDOR TOTAL * 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT VENDOR TOTAL * 401-1791-551.45-01 FIRE ST#32 CNTRCT SVC VENDOR TOTAL * 101-7005-431.56-40 SUN HAT VENDOR TOTAL * 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * 00 HEGGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC 004346 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 REPAIRS VENDOR TOTAL ■ 00 HIGH TECH IRRIGATION INC 004207 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIGATION 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIG MATERIAL 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIG MATERIAL VENDOR TOTAL 0004862 00 HLADEK, MATTHEW & SELAN, ROBERT 142.02 500.00 500.00 12,106.06 12,106.06 140.06 140.06 115.00 115.00 56.00 28.00 56.00 140.00 11,306.66 11,306.66 30.44 30.44 66.00 66.09 11090.00 11090.00 504.59 144.20 183.16 67.86 899.81 PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 6 M PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 Lo CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR , INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f 0004862 00 HLADEK, MATTHEW & SELAN, ROBERT 030309 004375 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 261-137 DEV DEP 12,983.12 VENDOR TOTAL * 12,983.12 0000035 00 HOARD INC,.HUGH 55488 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 REPAIRS 246.25 55515 004344 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 REPAIRS 246.25 VENDOR TOTAL * 492.50 0004652 00 NSA DESIGN GROUP CA09-147 004208 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLBHOUSE DESIGN 13,889.53 VENDOR TOTAL * 13,889.53 0003427 00 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 044650156 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 59.16 VENDOR TOTAL * 59.16 0004963 00 HUTCHINS MOTOR SPORTS INC 45824 004281 00 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-50 '06 HONDA REPAIRS 2,341.76 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,341.76 0003245 00 J P STRIPING, INC. 9943 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 BARRICADE/SIGN 510.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 519.00 0003763 00 JAMES, JENNIFER 320710-5 004364 00 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 136.50 VENDOR TOTAL-* 136.50 0005005 00 JIANONNI, JOE 37773 004401 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 REFUND 100.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 100.00 0000079 00 KINER COMMUNICATIONS 33143 004249 00 05/26/2009 101-1003-413.55-07 SPRG '09 NEWSLETTER 10,235.86 VENDOR TOTAL * 10,235.86 0002233 00 KIRKPATRICK LANDSCAPING SERVICES 00057311 004213 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 LANDSCAPE MAINT 65,977.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 65,977.00 0000764 00 KLAMATH BAY KB1593 004374 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.55-07 MULI-CLR MAGNET 771.36 VENDOR TOTAL * 771.36 0004999 00 KNAPP, HARRY _ 37644 004263 00 05/26/2009 101-3000-342.70-00 REFUND 30.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 30.00 0000865 00 KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION, BRUCE PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 7 4*1 PROGRAM: GN339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000865 00 KRIBBS CONSTRUCTION, BRUCE 206 004253 00 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.32-07 ELECTRIC SVC 11000.00 2072 004251 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.32-07 ELECTRIC SVC/REPAIR 985.00 206 004252 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.32-07 ELECTRIC SVC 5,750.00 - VENDOR TOTAL * 7,735.00 0003498 00 L & L AUTOMOTIVE 4195 004205 00 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 R & M VEH#47 863.74 VENDOR TOTAL * 863.74 0004370 00 LA QUINTA CAR WASH, L.P. 130 004345 00 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-43 CAR WASH 24.99 VENDOR TOTAL * 24.99 0002182 00 LASR-INK PALM DESERT 6829 004247 00 05/26/2009 502-0000-512.56-02 SUPPLIES 66.34 VENDOR TOTAL * 66.34 0002746 00 LEAGUE OF CA CITIES -RIVERSIDE DIV 051209 004265 00 05/26/2009 101-1002-413.53-03 MEMBERSHIP DUES 100.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 100.00 0000217 00 LESLIE, JANELLE 310125-C6 004400 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 4.20 VENDOR TOTAL * 4.20 0000080 00 LOCK SHOP INC, THE 634654 004205 00 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40- KEY 8.71 VENDOR TOTAL * 8.71 0004946 00 LUND INDUSTRIES INC 60396 004398 1303 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.56-02 ZEBRA PRINTER BRKTS 552.75 VENDOR TOTAL * 552.75 0004142 00 MARINA LANDSCAPE, INC. 0754-15 004254 00 05/26/2009 401-1755-551.45-01 MO MAINT 2005-03 1,666.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 1,666.00 0004425 00 MARTIN, PANDARA 320710-5 004363 00 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 136.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 136.50 0004994 00 MAVERICK CAULKING & COATINGS BL#14669 004265 00 05/26/2009 101-1000-321.00-00 REFUND 5.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 5.00 0004415 00 MCCAIN INV0120260 004213 00 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 ISNS PANELS 507.86 VENDOR TOTAL * 507.86 0005006 00 MCINTOSH, MARY PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 8 L-) PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 l77 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA --------------------------•------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------------------------------- O VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0005006 00 MCINTOSH, MARY 37772 004401 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 REFUND 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0000547 00 NEEDS, WAYNE - 310113-E1/2/3/4004399 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 160.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 160.00 0003752 00 MIRACLE 8397 004213 00 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.56-52 DP PK FOUNTAIN REPAIR 77.73 VENDOR TOTAL * 77.73 0004997 00 MORGAN, KASSEY 37622 004264 00 05/26/2009 101-3000-342.60-00 REFUND 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 50.00 0002624 00 MOWERS PLUS INC 28541 003976 00 05/12/2009 101-7003-431.56-52 CHAIN SAW CHAINS 97.52- 28543 003977 00 05/12/2009 101-7003-431.56-52 CHAIN SAW BLADE 87.92 29486 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-52 REPAIRS 7.37 VENDOR TOTAL * 9000250 00 NAI CONSULTING INC 9 OF 2008-14 004280 00 05/26/2009 101-7001-431.32-07 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004277 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.34-04 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004278 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-46 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004279 00 05/26/2009 101-7006-431.32-07 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004268 _ 00 05/26/2009 401-1762-551.35-07 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004266 00 05/26/2009 401-1763-551.32-10 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004267 00 05/26/2009 401-1765-551.32-10 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004272 00 05/26/2009 401-1771-551.35-07 APR'09 PROF SVC 1 2008-14 AMEND004213 00 05/26/2009 401-1775-551.35-07 2008-14 AMEND 1 9 OF 2008-14 004269 00 05/26/2009 401-1777-551.32-10 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004270 00 05/26/2009 401-1779-551.32-10 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004271 00 05/26/2009 401-1785-551.35-07 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004273 00 05/26/2009 401-1789-551.35-07 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004274 00 05/26/2009 401-1790-551.32-10 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004275 00 05/26/2009 401-1792-551.32-10 APR'09 PROF SVC 9 OF 2008-14 004276 00 05/26/2009 401-1794-551.32-10 APR'09 PROF SVC VENDOR TOTAL * 0005007 00 NIETO, CHRISTINE 37770 004401 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 REFUND VENDOR TOTAL * 0001065 00 NIETO, RUBEN 010 . 004205 00 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-43 CAR WASH 0002214 00 OCB REPROGRAPHICS VENDOR TOTAL 2.23- 9,392.50 1,125.00 875.00 375.00 3,835.24 11000.00 2,736.76 750.00 8,200.00 12,362.50 400.00 275.00 1,950.00 825.00 2,850.00 500.00 47,452.00 50.00 50.00 694.00 694.00 PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 9 to PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0002214 00 OCB REPROGRAPHICS 5616444 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-46 PROJECT 2008-11 32.63 5616457 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-46 PROJECT 2008-15 26.15 5616271 004203 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLBHOUSE DESIGN 60.00 5571641 004357 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLBHOUSE DESIGN 114.96 5585151 004358 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLBHOUSE DESIGN 1,374.89 5618449 004399 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLBHOUSE DESIGN 53.83 5619319 004203 00 05/26/2009 401-1777-551.45-01 PROJECT 2007-04 477.29 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 2,159.75 0000041 00 OFFICE DEPOT 472765721-001 004281 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.53-01 B CARDS-HENDERSON,T 54.86 472906587-001 004200 00 05/26/2009 101-2001-411.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20.98 473322484-001 004200 00 05/26/2009 101-2001-411.56-01 OFFICE SUP@LIES 32.08 472833795-001 004200 - 00 05/26/2009 101-4002-415.56-07 OFFICE PAPER 974.67 VENDOR TOTAL 1,082.59 0000130 00 ON-TRAC 6438569 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-4002-415.51-31 OVERNIGHT MAIL 131.64 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 131.64 0000552 00 PLANNING CENTER INC, THE 43314 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-6002-463.32-10 HOUSING ELEMENT 1,240.47 VENDOR TOTAL x 1,240.47 0000839 00 POWER PLUS S40781321441 004338 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-25 CC#1 GENERATOR MAINT 395.77 VENDOR TOTAL > 395.77 0000043 00 PRINTING PLACE, THE 090955 004281 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.56-02 B CARDS-VANDERHOOF, J 97.88 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 97.88 0000406 00 PRINTWORKS 09-0411 004361 00 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.53-01 SURVEY CARDS 85.91 VENDOR TOTAL x 85.91 0001562 00 PRISTINE POOLS SERVICE 8 REPAIR INC 24932 004214 00 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.43-59 LQ PK WTR FEATURE REPAIR 75.00 24474 004214 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 LQ COURT FOUNTAIN 107.00 24475 004214 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 CALLE TAMPICO FOUNTAIN 107.00 24476 004214 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 LA FONDA E/W FOUNTAIN 214.00 24478 004214 - 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.32-07 LUMPY FOUNTAIN 214.00 24472 004214 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.34-04 CALLE ESTRADA FNTN 214.00 VENDOR TOTAL x 931.00 0003513 00 PROJECT DIMENSIONS, INC. 20346 004211 00 05/26/2009 401-1773-551.35-07 SRR PROJECT MGMT 1,170.00 20346 004209 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR PROJECT MGMT 29,794.32 20346-II 004213 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 SRR CLBHOUSE SPECS 918.54 PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 10 L ) PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 '__'j CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQB VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT r 0003513 00 PROJECT DIMENSIONS, INC. 20346 004210 00 05/26/2009 20346 004212 00 05/26/2009 0001938 00 PYLE, ROBERT NOBLE 310184-B5/6 004399 00 05/26/2009 401-1775-551.35-07 SRR PROJECT MGMT 401-1776-551.35-07 SRR PROJECT MGMT VENDOR TOTAL x 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT VENDOR TOTAL x 0000227 00 RALPHS 10479615 004248 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.56-02 FOOD-LUNCHEAON 0000327 00 RBF CONSULTING INC 9030535 004213 00 05/26/2009 401-1762-551.35-07 3030534 004213 00 05/26/2009 401-1774-551.35-07 9030533 004213 00 05/26/2009 401-1775-551.35-07 0004293 00 REPUBLIC INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION 409385 004250 00 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 VENDOR TOTAL * CONT SVC/DESIGN SRR CLBHOUSE DESIGN SRR INFRAST DESIGN VENDOR TOTAL ■ SIGNAL SERVICES VENDOR TOTAL ■ 0000846 00 RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDER MAR'09 004281 00 05/26/2009 101-2001-411.56-02 RECORDING FEES VENDOR TOTAL 0004583 00 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT SH0000011629 004385 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-01 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 SH0000011629 004386 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-03 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 SH0000011629 004387 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-22 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 SH0000011629 004388 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-04 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 SH0000011629 004389 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-19 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 SH00000I1629 004390 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-20 POLICE SVC_2/26-3/25 SH0000011629 004391 - 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-13 POLICE SVC-2/26-3/25 SH0000011629 004392 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-15 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 SH00000I1629 004393 00,05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-07 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 SH0000011629 004394 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-25 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 SH0000011629 004395 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-23 POLICE SVC 2/26-3/25 VENDOR TOTAL x 0003975 00 RIVERSIDE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SH0000011604 004376 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.36-40 COMPUTER SYSTEM VENDOR TOTAL * 0000272 00 ROSE, GWENDOLYN 320804-3 004362 00 05/26/2009 101-3003-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT VENDOR TOTAL ■ 0000045 00 RUTAN 8 TUCKER 51800.00 725.00 36,407.86 171.50 171.50 223.67 223.67 21,542.79 3,115.22 2,042.00 26,700.01 265.88 265.88 13.00 13.00 461,223.60 38,574.31 24,511.70 96,596.55 58,844.32 16,297.60 8,768.00 8,274.80 31,504.00 32,046.47 14,473.60 791,114.95 64,165.00 64,165.00 184.80 184.80 PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 11 CD PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000045 00 RUTAN & TUCKER 555208 004235 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 08-027 DEV DEP 344.00 555212 004237 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 07-015 DEV DEP 126.00 555229 004243 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 09-007 DEV:DEP 1,849.00 555191 004216 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 GENERAL 13,647.77 555192 004217 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 PERSONNEL GENERAL 1,584.00 555193 004218 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-04 LITIGATION/GENERAL 6,820.13 555194 004219 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 CODE ENFORCEMENT 10,739.51 555196 004221 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-04 LIT/PUBLIC WORKS 144.00 555198 004223 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 RETAINER 7,040.00 555207 004234 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 CELL TOWER LEASE 504.00 555222 004240 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-01 SILVERROCK 26.00 555224 004242 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.32-04 PW CONSTRUCTION 4,130.66 555197 004222 00 05/26/2009 245-9001-703.32-01 AFFD HSNG PA1&2 403.00 555198 004224 00 05/26/2009 245-9001-703.32-01 RETAINER 11320.00 555199 004228 00 05/26/2009 245-9001-703.32-01 AFFD HSNG PA1 24.00 555195 004220 00 05/26/2009 246-9002-703.32-01 MIRAFLORES PRJ 392.00 555198 004225 00 05/26/2009 246-9002-703.32-01 RETAINER - 660.00 555200 004229 00 05/26/2009 246-9002-703.32-01 AFFD HSNG PA2 4,215.00 555198 004226 00 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-01 RETAINER 11320.00 555201 004230 00 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-01 CAPITAL IMPRV PA1 2,862.00 555204 004233 00 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-01 THE RANCH 552.00 555209 004236 00 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-01 DESTIN DEV 469.00 555213 004238 00 05/26/2009 405-9001-702.32-04 VERIZON LIT 8,785.19 555198 004227 00 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 RETAINER 660.00 555202 004231 00 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 CENTRE a LQ 360.00 555203 004232 00 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 MILES/WASHINGTON 43.00 555217 004239 00 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 HWY111 FRONTAGE 11968.00 555223 004241 00 05/26/2009 406-9002-702.32-01 PARKLAND ACQ 120.00 - VENDOR TOTAL * 71,108.26 0005008 00 SABOL, ANDREW 37769 004401 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.30-00 REFUND 400.00 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 400.00 0000111 00 SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC 90051 004214 00 05/26/2009 101-5002-424.33-28 PRECISE GRADING PC 1,260.00 90069 004399 00 05/26/2009 101-5002-424.33-28 PRECISE GRADING PC 980.00 VENDOR TOTAL.■ 2,240.00 0002276 00 SCCCA 051509 004281 00 05/26/2009 101-2001-411.51-01 GEM CITY CLERKS MTG 40.00 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 40.00 0000463 00 SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 2008255 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIG MATERIAL 341.26 2012211 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIG MATERIAL 468.32 2011361 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIG MATERIAL 204.42 - VENDOR TOTAL 1,014.00 0001902 00 SMITH, CATHERINE :� PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 12 Lfi PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 O CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ---------------------------------- NO NO DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0001902 00 SMITH, CATHERINE AL#40927 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-5000-322.20-00 REFUND 9.00 VENDOR TOTAL r 9.00 0000647 00 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT 2047011 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.41-30 GENERATOR PERMIT 109.00 2046311 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.41-30 GENERATOR PERMIT 293.21 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 402.21 0000749 00 SOUTHWEST NETWORKS INC 09-4273 004208 - 00 05/26/2909 101-7002-431.32-45 OUTSOURCE LABOR 237.50 VENDOR TOTAL * 237.50 0004791 00 SOUZA, DEBRA 310108-C6 004399 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 9.80 VENDOR TOTAL * 9.80 0000048 00 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3118728524 004198 00 05/26/2009 101-1001-411.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 65.15 3118728524 004199 00 05/26/2009 101-1004-413.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.26 3119430626 004350 00 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 199.81 3119430625 004351 00 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.56-01 RETURN CREDIT 27.14- 3119416345 004352 00 05/26/2009 101-3001-451.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 367.02 3119151439 004196 00 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.13 3119195938 004200 00 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 135.80 3119430627 004281 00 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 RETURN CREDIT 11.95- 3119176147 004281 00 05/26/2009 101-4001-415.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.95 - 3119151438 004200 00 05/26/2009 101-4002-415.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 102.44 3119396968 004348 00 05/26/2009 101-5001-424.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 201.32 3119211880 004349 00 05/26/2009 101-5004-424.56-34 VIDEO CAMERA 173.99 3119445113 004353 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.56-02 OFFICE SUPPLIES 126.93 3119416344 004354 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.56-02 OFFICE SUPPLIES 222.06 3118686931 004200 00 05/26/2009 101-6001-463.56-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 131.64 3119195941 004195 00 05/26/2009 101-7002-431.56-02 OFFICE SUPPLIES 107.33 3119416346 004258 00 05/26/2009 101-7002-431.56-02 OFFICE SUPPLIES 97.67 3118728524 004197 00 05/26/2009 502-0000-512.56-22 OFFICE SUPPLIES 81.40 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 2,072.81 0000051 00 STONE'S AUTOMOTIVE, CAM 42225 004205 00 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 TRUCK #38 59.42 42261 004205 00 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 TRUCK #40 : 322.31 42239 004205 00 05/26/2009 501-0000-511.43-40 TRUCK #31 738.63 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 1,120.36 0000333 00 TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RESEARCH INC TN0807023 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 08-007 CONTRACT PYMT 8,720.09 TN040804 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-0000-228.10-00 08-021 CONTRACT PYMT 9,034.88 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 17,754.97 0000423 00 THOMPSON, LORNA PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 13 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cfl VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR G INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000423 00 THOMPSON, LORNA 310133-6F 004399 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 7.00 ' VENDOR TOTAL r 7.00 0004892 00 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP 1117041766 004256 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 CITY HALL ELEVATOR 265.00 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 265.00 0000414 00 TLMA ADMINISTRATION TL0000006328 004257 00 05/26/2009 101-7005-431.32-20 SIGNAL DAMAGE REPAIR 1,084.29 ' VENDOR TOTAL x 11084.29 0000057 00 TOWN BARRICADES INC 1009017 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 BARRICADE/SIGN 430.65 1008859 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 BARRICADE/SIGN 98.20 1008906 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 BARRICADE/SIGN 92.27 1008934 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-7003-431.56-43 BARRICADE/SIGN 49.60 VENDOR TOTAL * 670.72 0000059 00 TRI STATE LAND SURVEYORS & CIVIL 5206 004355 00 05/26/2009 101-7002-431.33-34 PCN 09042 21950.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 2,950.00 0000060 00 TRULY NOLEN INC 66884562 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.42-20 PST CNTRL-SR CTR 33.00 66884563 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.42-20 PST CNTRL-SR CTR 77.00 66885199 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.43-59 PST CNTRL-LQ PARK 150.00 66883986 004203 00 05/26/2009 101-3005-451.43-59 PST CNTRL-LQ PARK 71.00 66884783 004399 00 05/26/2009 101-3006-451.42-20 PST CNTRL-MUSEUM 49.00 66883604 004204 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.56-02 BIRD BARRIES 765.00 66882924 004204 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.42-20 PEST CONTROL 89.00 66884565 004204 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.42-20 PEST CONTROL 69.00 66884566- 004204 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.42-20 BAIT BOXES 27.00 66884561 004281 00 05/26/2009 101-5054-421.42-20 PEST CONTROL 37.00 66885046 004204 00 05/26/2009 101-5055-422.42-20 PST CNTRL-ST#32 16.00 66884692 004204 00 05/26/2009 101-5055-422.42-20 PST CNTRL-ST#32 59.00 66885223 004380 00 05/26/2009 101-5055-422.42-20 PST CNTRL-ST#70 85.00 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 1,547.00 0000335 00 VALLEY PLUMBING 190872 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-5008-419.43-88 MAINT SUPPLIES 177.48 190392 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-7004-431.56-52 IRRIG MATERIALS .46 VENDOR TOTAL x 177.94 0000263 00 VCA CODE GROUP 5235 004205 00 05/26/2009 101-5002-424.33-28 CONT PLAN CHECK 11330.00 VENDOR TOTAL * 11330.00 0000431 00 VIDEO DEPOT INC APR'09 004208 00 05/26/2009 101-3002-451.56-02 MOVIES 16.54 PREPARED 05/26/2009, 10:44:38 EXPENDITURE APPROVAL LIST PAGE 14 PROGRAM: GM339L AS OF: 05/26/2009 CHECK DATE: 05/26/2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEND NO SEQ# VENDOR NAME EFT OR INVOICE VOUCHER P.O. BNK CHECK/DUE ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK HAND -ISSUED NO NO NO DATE NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT 0000431 00 VIDEO DEPOT INC 0002431 00 VINTAGE ASSOCIATES SI-73470 004213 00 05/26/2009 SI-73464 004213 00 05/26/2009 SI-73773 004400 00 05/26/2009 0004295 00 VIP MARKETING SERVICES INC. 12705 004356 00 05/26/2009 0000070 00 WAL MART COMMUNITY 007055 004401 00 05/26/2009 007052 004401 00 05/26/2009 000647 004402 00 05/26/2009 006338 004402 00 05/26/2009 002662 004401 00 05/26/2009 007685 004401 00 05/26/2009 0004669 00 WINKEL, MORTON A 310107-3 004399 00 05/26/2009 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 16.54 101-3005-451.56-37 LQ PARK VANDALISM 570.33 101-3005-451.56-37 MONTECELLO PK VANDALISM 317.52 101-7004-431.56-02 PLANT REPLACEMENT 165.90 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 1,053.75 101-1003-413.55-01 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS 2,026.68 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 2,026.68 101-3001-451.33-62 SP EVENT -PICNIC 45.33 101-3001-451.33-62 SP EVENT -PICNIC 500.00 101-3002-451.56-02 LUNCHEON SUPPLIES 130.70 101-3003-451.51-33 SP EVENT -EGG HUNT 50.00 101-5008-419.56-55 VACUUM CLEANER SRCTR 130.35 101-5054-421.51-20 SUPPLIES 72.36 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 928.74 101-3002-451.33-43 INSTRUCTOR PYMT 235.20 VENDOR TOTAL ■ 235.20 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ■ 1,377,375.07 GRAND TOTAL ■**» 1,377,375.07 N PREPARED 05/14/2009, 8:59:56 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA PAGE I PROGRAM: GM313U ACCOUNTS PAYABLE UPDATE LIST REPORT NUMBER 257 O GROUP NUMBER 02468 VOID CHECK GROUP ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/2009 GROUP USER ID SMANCILLA GROUP CREATED BY SMANCILLA GROUP UPDATED BY ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SMANCILLA TRANS# TRANS DATE VOUCHER BK ACCOUNT NUMBER PROJ P.O. VENDOR SEQ VENDOR NAME INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 DESCRIPTION 2 DUE DATE CHECK# CHECK DATE TYPE LAST TRANS DISC/RETAINAGE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WORK ORDER JOB# FACILITIES ID 100 05/14/2009 003850 00 101-3004-451.30-96 0004769 00 ECONOMY TREE & CRANE 041709 3,500.00- LIBRARY TREE REPLACEMENT 00/00/0000 0082604 04/28/2009 N 200 05/14/2009 003897 00 101-3004-451.30-96 0004769 00 ECONOMY TREE & CRANE 042209 31500.00- LIBRARY TREE RPLCMT 00/00/0000 0082604 04/28/2009 N GROUP TOTALS COUNT: 2 AMOUNT: 7,000.00- PREPARED 05/19/2009, 14:08:21 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA PAGE I PROGRAM: GM313U ACCOUNTS PAYABLE UPDATE LIST REPORT NUMBER 259 GROUP NUMBER 02526 VOID CHECK GROUP ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/2009 GROUP USER ID SMANCILLA GROUP CREATED BY SMANCILLA GROUP UPDATED BY SMANCILLA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRANS# TRANS DATE VOUCHER BK ACCOUNT NUMBER PROJ P.O. VENDOR SEO VENDOR NAME INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 DESCRIPTION 2 DUE DATE CHECK# CHECK DATE TYPE LAST TRANS DISC/RETAINAGE WORK ORDER JOB# FACILITIES ID ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100 05/19/2009 003064 00 101-0000-228.10-00 261-137 DEP RFND GROUP TOTALS COUNT: 1 AMOUNT: 12,983.12- 0004862 00 HLADEK, MATTHEW 030309 00/00/0000 0081978 03/10/2009 N 12,983.12- `z'd4f uF 64&Q"401trw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Declaration of Surplus Property RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the Declaration of Surplus Property listed in Attachment 1 as surplus, and authorize staff to place a legal notice in The Desert Sun. In the event no bids are received for an item, the surplus equipment will be placed with an educational organization or discarded by legal means. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City has accumulated surplus, obsolete and non-functional property items over the last several years. The equipment has little or no market value. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Declaration of Surplus Property as outlined above; or 064 2. Do not approve the Declaration of Surplus Property; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, John M. Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Declaration of Surplus Property 065 2 N. CITY OF LA QUINTA Surplus Equipment Computer Supplies Gateway e. , P4 1.3 GHz t rnu UE$ RIPT14111, F 384 MB , ka tIm 0022726887 }� p k LIr�N�11 lON akS' Good . _ .ITY # z, k,jYhE Gateway 0034988408 Does not work - bad motherboard Gateway P4 1.8 GHz 512 MB 0029656931 Good Gateway P4 1.3 GHz 512 MB 0022726837 Good Gateway PIII 1 GHz 256 MB 0023206181 Good Gateway P4 2 GHz 256 MB 0026913634 Good Gateway Gateway 463 0022680380 0029352971 Does not work - no memory Does not work Gateway 0024519450 Does not work HP Laserjet 1200 443 Printer CNCQ312180 Does not work - needs fuser Laserjet 0 Printer CNBJL47930 Does not work Laserjet 2100 Printer USBC002526 Good HP Deskjet 5150 Printer MY37N3Q422 Does not work HP Deskjet 5150 Printer MY38JR7C3 Does not work HP Deskjet 3820 Printer CN26 11 FOT4 Does not work HP Deskjet 3820 Printer CN25U1CO3N Does not work HP Deskjet 3820 Printer CN2691 FOT2 Does not work HP Desk et 3820 Printer CN2851 POWO Does not work HP Deskjet 3820 Printer CN26N184R5 Does not work HP Deskjet 855C Printer SG58J160QV Does not work Gateway Keyboard G401965 Good w Surplus Equipment Office/Miscellaneous Equipment AMWAK"h, _ i } � MOD l " 1 Motorola (22) 1-1000 Plus Phones Do not work Motorola (24) Flip Phones Do not work (2) Pa ers Do not work Bluetooth (2) Ear pieces Do not work (25) Standard Phones Do not work (2) Box Connectors Do not work 0 Cr) M CITY OF LA QUINTA Surplus Equipment Vehicle Supplies M .:•i t' t*" k{ BMW x i "IfA04E� {: t C 2002 RS1150-P F)ESG'FiIPT14N Motorcycle WB10499A72ZE87989 Needs work Single Wide Trailer 45867-8920 Fair Tit,, 4 4 QuArcu COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No: 31874-1, Carmela, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc. I RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Carmela (Tract Map No. 31874-1) is located north of Avenue 53 and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On January 20, 2005, Stonefield La Quinta I, LLC entered into an SIA for the Carmela development. On July 8, 2005, the City, Stonefield La Quinta I, LLC, the Assignor, and Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc., the Assignee, entered into an Assignment and Assumption Agreement for Carmela. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements." On September 5, 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to June 7, 2007. On November 4, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to March 27, 2009. In a letter dated March 27, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer stated the initial paving has been completed throughout the community. The street capping will be completed within sixty days for the on -site streets that already have completed homes. The balance of the street capping would be deferred until the build -out of the forty-one remaining homes. The developer requested a time extension to March 31, 2011 for the completion of the remaining on -site improvements. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for the approval of the third time extension of the SIA to March 31, 2010. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 40thy R. Jo ass E. Public Wor irec r/City Engineer 070 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Carmela Lots, L.P., Inc. dated March 27, 2009 071 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO MARCH 31, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 31874-1, CARMELA. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela, on January 20, 2005; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by March 27, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its 'sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to March 31, 2010. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on March 31, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. 072 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela Adopted: June 2, 2009 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 2"d day of June, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 073 W Z 0 0 ATTACHMENT 1 TM 31874-1 CARMELA AVB*JE 53 PROJECT SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31874-1 APPLICANT: Mr. Mark Sanchez, Carmela Lots, L.P. o74 CARMELA March 27, 2009 ATTACHMENT 2 RECEIVED APR 0 9 2009 Mr. Tim Jonasson PUBLIC W®RKS Director of Public Works, City Engineer RECEIVED . City of La Quirtta APR 1 4 2009 78-945 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 t RE: Request for Time Extension for Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIAs) Tract Maps 31874-1 and. 31874-2, Carmela Mr. Jonasson: This purpose of this letter is to formally request a time extension for the Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIA) for Tract 31874-1 and 31874-2, the Carmela Development located at the northwest corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street. All of the underground improvements are complete and the initial paving is completed throughout the community. Within 60 days we intend to complete the street capping and accompanying raising of the manholes and valve cans for the streets that already have completed homes. This includes Via La Serena (west of Palazzo), Palazzo (north of Via. La Serena), and Jalisco, which is the location of the model complex. The balance of the street capping would be deferred until after the completion of the build -out of the 41 remaining homes. Based on the current market conditions we anticipate another two years for the build -out of these 41 homes. Therefore, we are requesting that the SIAs for: Tract 31874-1 and Tract 31874-2 be extended through March 31, 2011. Please call our project manager, John Pedalino at (760)777-9920 if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you in advance for considering our request. Sincerely, Mark Sanchez Carmela Lots, 121 Spear Street, Suite 250 San Francisco, CA 94105 . 415-546-9.37S t16-546-0569 fax - 075 ceihy4lw4U&rw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31874-2, Carmela, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-2, Carmela, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Carmela (Tract Map No. 31874-2) is located north of Avenue 53 and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On November 18, 2005, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc. entered into an SIA for the Carmela development. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise IJ 76 improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements. " On September 5, 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to September 20, 2007. On November 4, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to March 27, 2009. In a letter dated March 27, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer stated the initial paving has been completed throughout the community. The street capping will be completed within sixty days for the on -site streets that already have completed homes. The balance of the street capping would be deferred until the build -out of the forty-one remaining homes. The developer requested a time extension to March 31, 2011 for the completion of the remaining on -site improvements. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for the approval of the third time extension of the SIA to March 31, 2010. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-2, Carmela; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-2, Carmela; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 4mothy R ona Public Works Dire for/City Engineer 077 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Carmela Lots, L.P., Inc. dated March 27, 2009 078 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO MARCH 31, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 31874-21 CARMELA. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 31874-2, Carmela, on November 18, 2005; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by March 27, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to March 31, 2010. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on March 31, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. 079 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31874-2, Carmelo Adopted: June 2, 2009 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 2nd day of June, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California W z a ATTACHMENT 1 TM 31874-2 CARMELA PROJECT SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31874-2 APPLICANT: Mr. Mark Sanchez, Carmela Lots, L.P. March 27, 2009 CARMELA ATTACHMENT 2. RECEIVED APR 0 9 2009 Mr. Tim Jonasson PU13I IC WORKS Director of Public Works, City Engineer RECEIVED City of La Quinta APR 1 4 2009 78-945 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 t RE: Request for Time Extension for Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIAs) Tract. Maps 31874-1 and 31874-2, Carmela Mr. Jonasson: This purpose of this letter is to formally request a time extension for the Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIA) for Tract 31874-1 and 31874-2, the Carmela Development located at the northwest corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street. All of the underground improvements are complete and the initial paving is completed throughout the community. Within 60 days we intend to complete the street capping and accompanying raising of the manholes and valve cans for the streets that already have completed homes. This includes Via La Serena (west of Palazzo), Palazzo (north of Via La Serena), and Jalisco, which is the location of the model complex. The balance of the street capping would be deferred until after the completion of the build -out of the 41 remaining homes. Based on the current market conditions we anticipate another two years for the build -out of these 41 homes. Therefore, we are requesting that the SIAS for Tract 31874-1 and Tract 31874-2 be extended through March 31, 2011. Please call our project manager, John Pedalino at (760)777-9920 if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you in advance for considering our request. Sincerely, Mark Sanchez Carmela Lots, 1E1 Spear Street, Suite 250 San Francisco, CA 94105 415-546-9S79 415-546-0569 fax 0 T4tf^F 44.rar., COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: .tune 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the Off -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc.; and Add a Requirement for the Developer to Resolve with the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) the Relocation of an Above -Ground Utility Vault on the Northwest Corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc.; add a requirement for the developer to resolve with the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) the relocation of an above -ground utility vault on the northwest corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street; direct staff to amend the language of the SIA to reflect the aforementioned utility vault relocation requirement; authorize the City Attorney to make minor changes as necessary; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amended SIA. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The cost to relocate the referenced IID utility vault is estimated to be $40,000 to $ 60, 000. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Carmela (Tract Map No. 31874-1) is located north of Avenue 53 and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On January- 20, 2005, Stonefield La Quinta I, LLC entered into an SIA for the Carmela development. On July 8, 2005, the City, Stonefield La Quinta I, LLC, the Assignor, and Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc., the Assignee, entered into an Assignment and Assumption Agreement for Carmela. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the ,SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the Improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements." On September 5, 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements to June 7, 2007. On November 4, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a second time extension for the completion of the off -site improvements to March 27, 2009. In a letter dated March 27, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer requested a time extension to March 31, 2011 for the remaining off -site improvements, which include completing the street improvements on Avenue 53. The developer is also responsible for 25% of a traffic signal at Monroe Street and Avenue 53. Carmela Lots, L.P. has purchased this project from Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc. However, the current securities for Carmela are posted by Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc. since an Assignment and Assumption Agreement has not yet been executed to replace the securities by the new owner. The residents in the Carmela community have contacted the City concerning a sight obstruction issue created by an IID above -ground utility vault placed on the northwest corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street. Public Works staff field verified that a sight distance issue exists for vehicles exiting the Carmela community using Avenue 53 and entering Monroe Street. Therefore, staff recommends requiring the developer to work with IID in relocating the above -ground utility vault to correct this sight obstruction issue. Carlos Partida, Project Manager at IID, estimated on the phone the cost for the developer to relocate the referenced IID utility vault to be $40,000 to $60,000. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for the approval of the third time extension of the SIA to March 31, 2010. ME, FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc.; add a requirement for the developer to resolve with IID the relocation of an above -ground utility vault on the northwest corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street; direct staff to amend the language of the SIA to reflect the aforementioned utility vault relocation requirement; authorize the City Attorney to make minor changes as necessary; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amended SIA; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the off -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela, Taylor Woodrow Homes, Inc.; do not add a requirement for the developer to resolve with IID the relocation of an above -ground utility vault on the northwest corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street; do not direct staff to amend the language of the SIA to reflect the aforementioned utility vault relocation requirement; do not authorize the City Attorney to make minor changes as necessary; and do not authorize the City Manager to execute the amended SIA; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 4mothy R. J nas o , P.E. . Public Work Dire or/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Carmela Lots, L.P., Inc. dated March 27, 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO MARCH 31, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 31874-1, CARMELA, TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES, INC.; AND ADDING A REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEVELOPER TO RESOLVE WITH THE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (IID) THE RELOCATION OF AN ABOVE -GROUND UTILITY VAULT ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 53 AND MONROE STREET WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela, on January 20, 2005; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by March 27, 2009, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the off -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to March 31, 2010 with the added requirement for the developer to work with the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) in relocating an above -ground utility vault on the northwest corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street to correct the sight obstruction issue. Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela Adopted: June 2, 2009 Page 2 Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on March 31, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. Authorize the City Attorney to make minor changes as necessary and authorize the City Manager to execute the amended SIA. Section 4. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. Section 5. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 2nd day of June 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31874-1, Carmela Adopted: June 2, 2009 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ATTACHMENT 1 VI TM 31874-1 CARMELA INITY MA NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 2, 2009 APPLICANT: Mr. Mark Sanchez, Carmela Lots, L.P. ME CARMELA March 27, 2009 ATTACHMENT 2 RECEIVED APR 0 9 2009 Mr. Tim Jonasson PUB7LIC WORKS Director of Public Works, City Engineer RECEIVED - City of La Quetta APR 14 2009 78-945 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 ty RE: Request for Time Extension for Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIAs) Tract Maps 31874-1 and.31874-2, Carmela Mr. Jonasson: This purpose of this letter is to formally request a time extension for the Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIA) for Tract 31874-1 and 31874-2, the Carmela Development located at the northwest corner of Avenue 53 and Monroe Street. All of the underground improvements are complete and the initial paving is completed throughout the community. Within.60 days we intend to complete the street capping and accompanying raising of the manholes and valve cans for the streets that already have completed homes. This includes Via La Serena (west of Palazzo), Palazzo (north of Via La Serena), and Jalisco, which is the location of the model complex. The balance of the street capping would be deferred until after the completion of the build -out of the 41 remaining homes. Based on the current market conditions we anticipate another two years for the build -out of these 41 homes. Therefore, we are requesting that the SIAs for Tract 31874-1 and Tract 31874-2 be extended through March 31, 2011. Please call our project manager, John Pedalino at (760)777-9920 if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you in advance for considering our request. Sincerely, Mark Sanchez Carmela Lots, 121 Spear Street, Suite 250 San Francisco, CA 94105 415-546-9S73 416-546-0569 fax Tw�v 4 4 Qgb& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31202-1, Rancho Santana, Desert Cheyenne, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC NEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to December 31, 2009 for Tract Map No. 31202-1, Rancho Santana, Desert Cheyenne, Inc. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Rancho Santana (Tract Map No. 31202-1) is located south of Avenue 52 and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On July 20, 2004, Desert Cheyenne, Inc. entered into an SIA for the Rancho Santana development. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems 091 necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standards or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements. " On August 1, 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to July 20, 2007. In a letter dated March 27, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer stated that all on -site improvements are complete. The developer requested a time extension to December 31, 2009 for preparing record drawings, submitting survey monuments, obtaining other agencies and the Homeowners' Association's acceptance letters, and a warranty security. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for the approval of the second time extension of the SIA to December 31, 2009. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to December 31, 2009 for Tract Map No. 31202-1, Rancho Santana; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to December 31, 2009 for Tract Map No. 31202-1, Rancho Santana; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Jmothy R. on s on, P.E. Public Wo s Di ctor/City Engineer 092 Approved for submission by: homas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Desert Cheyenne, Inc. dated March 27, 2009 093 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO DECEMBER 31, 2009 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 31202- 1, RANCHO SANTANA. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 31202-1, Rancho Santana, on July 20, 2004; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by July 20, 2007, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to December 31, 2009. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on December 31, 2009. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. ...-1 094 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31202-1, Rancho Santana Adopted: June 2, 2009 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this god day of June, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California �.., 095 ATTACHMENT 1 TM 31202-1 RANCHO SANTANA AVENUE 48TH I (0 Ld F V) AVENUE 50TH z � w z N p Q z O Y U AVENUE 52ND � AVENUE 54TH VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31202-1 APPLICANT: Mr. John Pedalino, Desert Cheyenne, Inc. e96 ALIANCHO SANTANA March 27, 2009 Mr. Tim Jonasson RECEIVED Director of Public Works, City Engineer City of La Quinta APR 6 6 2009 78-945 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92247 OPmebxt5av� RE: Request for Time Extension for Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIAS) Tract Map 31202-1 Onsite and Offsite, Rancho Santana Mr. Jonasson: This purpose of this letter is to formally request a time extension for the Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIA) for Tract 31202-1 Ofsite and Offsite, the Rancho Santana Development located at the southwest comer of Avenue 52 and Monroe Street. Please be advised that all of the Offite Improvements for Tract 31202-1 have been completed and we are in receipt of a letter from the City of La Quinta dated July 31, 2007 regarding the final acceptance of the improvements subject to the completion of survey monuments, agency acceptance letters, as - built improvement plans; HOA acceptance and Warranty Security. We will initiate the completion of these items within ninety (90) days of this letter. Therefore, we are requesting that the SIAs for Tract 31202-1 Offite be extended through December 31, 2009. The remaining Offsite Improvements include the Median Landscaping on Avenue 52 and Monroe St., and the Traffic Signals. All other offsite improvements have been completed. The installation of the Median Landscaping will be initiated in April, 2009. As we approach the build -out of Rancho Santana, which we anticipate to be in two years, we will address the installation of the traffic signals with the City of La Quinta. Therefore, we are requesting that the-SIAs for Tract 31202-1 Offsite be extended through March 31, 2011. Please call me at (760) 777-9920 if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter. S' erely, John . Pedalino President, Desert Cheyenne, Inc. 78401 Hwy. 111 St. G La Quinta, CA 92253 (760)777-9920 Fax (760)777-9918 ».. 097 C&tw4lw4" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: .tune 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31202-3, Rancho Santana, Oak Tree Industries, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31202-3, Rancho Santana, Oak Tree Industries, Inc. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Rancho Santana (Tract Map No. 31202-3) is located south of Avenue 52 and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On August 4, 2005, Oak Tree Industries, Inc. entered into an SIA for the Rancho Santana development. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise e improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standard or conditions affecting or affected by the improvements." On August 1, 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to August 4, 2007. In a letter dated March 27, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer stated that all on -site improvements have been completed with the exception of the final lift of paving. The final lift of paving will be done when the last home is built in this phase. The developer requests a time extension for completion to March 31, 2011. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for the approval of the second time extension of the SIA to March 31, 2010. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31202-3, Rancho Santana; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31202-3, Rancho Santana; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, T othy R. J na s n, P.E. Public Wor Dir ctor/City Engineer 099 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Desert Cheyenne, Inc. dated March 27, 2009 100 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO MARCH 31, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 31202-3, RANCHO SANTANA. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 31202-3, Rancho Santana, on August 4, 2005; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by August 4, 2007, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to March 31, 2010. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on March 31, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. 101 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31202-3, Rancho Santana Adopted: June 2, 2009 Page 2 Section 4.. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the.La Quinta City Council held on this 2nd day of June, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 102 ATTACHMENT 1 TM 31202-3 RANCHO SANTANA z 0 n AVENUE 50TH AVENUE 52ND AVENUE 54TH VICINIT -11 NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 2, 2009 W 0 w z 0 M !AAP ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31202-3 APPLICANT: Mr. John Pedalino, Desert Cheyenne, Inc. 193 ATTACHMENT MANCHO A\ l A\A March 27, 2009 Mr. Tim Jonasson Director of Public Works, City Engineer ���' City of La Quinta APR 0 6 2009 78-945 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 Developrre;, RE: Request for Time Extension for Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIAs) Tract Maps 31202-3 and 31202-4, Rancho Santana Mr. Jonasson: This purpose of this letter is to formally request a time extension for the Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIA) for Tract 31202-3 and 31202-4, the Rancho Santana Development located at the southwest comer of Avenue 52 and Monroe Street. All of the underground improvements are complete and the initial paving is completed throughout the community. Street capping, the remaining improvement, is typically performed when home construction is complete. Street capping prior to construction of the homes usually results in massive replacement and repairs to the street improvements after the construction of the homes. We are diligently moving forward with sales activities at Rancho Santana, however, the sluggish market conditions have slowed the pace of sales and home construction. With 42 homes left to build in the community, we believe that we still have at least two years until Rancho Santana is built out. Therefore, we are requesting that the SLU for Tract 31202-3 and Tract 31202-4 be extended through March 31, 2011. Please call me at (760) 777-9920 if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter. Si erely, John . Pedalino President, Desert Cheyenne, hic. 78401 Hwy. 111 St. G La Quinta, CA 92253 (760)777-9920 Fax (760)777-9918. 104 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: .tune 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31202-4, Rancho Santana, Oak Tree Industries, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 9 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a resolution to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31202-4, Rancho Santana, Oak Tree Industries, Inc. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Rancho Santana (Tract Map No. 31202-4) is located south of Avenue 52 and west of Monroe Street (Attachment 1). On August 4, 2005, Oak Tree Industries, Inc. entered into an SIA for the Rancho Santana development. Section 6 of the SIA requires: "that the subdivision improvements shall be complete within twelve months after the approval of the SIA. Failure by Subdivider to begin or complete construction of the Improvements within the specified time periods shall constitute cause for City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare Subdivider in default of this SIA, to revise 105 improvement security requirements as necessary to ensure completion of the improvements, and/or to require modifications in the standards or sequencing of the improvements in response to changes in standard or conditions affecting or affected by the Improvements. " On August 1, 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution granting a time extension for the completion of the on -site improvements to August 4, 2007. In a letter dated March 27, 2009 (Attachment 2), the developer stated that all on -site improvements have been completed with the exception of the final lift of paving. The final lift of paving will be done when the last home is built in this phase. The developer requests a time extension for completion to March 31, 2011. Staff has prepared the attached resolution which provides for the approval of the second time extension of the SIA to March 31, 2010. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include 1 . Adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31202-4, Rancho Santana; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council to extend the time for completion of the on -site improvements time as specified in the approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement to March 31, 2010 for Tract Map No. 31202-4, Rancho Santana; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Timothy R. on on, P.E. Public Works Di ctor/City Engineer 106 Approved for submission by: G /•w 0 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter from Desert Cheyenne, Inc. dated March 27, 2009 107 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT TO MARCH 31, 2010 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 31202-4, RANCHO SANTANA. WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for Tract Map No. 31202-4, Rancho Santana, on August 4, 2005; and WHEREAS, Section 6. Completion of Improvements, of the approved SIA requires that the Subdivider begin construction of the improvements within ninety days and complete the construction within twelve months after the approval of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, failure by the Subdivider to complete construction of the improvements by August 4, 2007, shall constitute cause for the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, to declare the Subdivider in default of the approved agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 8. Time Extension, of the approved SIA allows for, at the City Council's sole and absolute discretion, an extension of time for completion of the improvements with additions or revisions to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The time for the completion of the on -site improvements as required by the approved SIA is extended to March 31, 2010. Section 2. The time extension for completing the improvements shall expire when City offices close for regular business on March 31, 2010. If the Subdivider has not completed the improvements, the City, in its sole discretion and when it deems necessary, may declare the Subdivider in default of the Agreement. Section 3. The provided security amount as required in the approved SIA is satisfactory. No additional securities are required. »• `' 108 Resolution No. 2009- Tract Map No. 31202-4, Rancho Santana Adopted: June 2, 2009 Page 2 Section 4. All other terms, responsibilities and conditions as listed in the approved SIA shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 2"d day of June, 2009, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 109 ATTACHMENT 1 _, TM 31202-4 RANCHO SANTANA AVENUE 50TH z O 0 AVENUE 52ND AVENUE 54TH VICI_NI NOT TO SCALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 2, 2009 w O w z O MAP ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution to Extend the Time for Completion of the On -Site Improvements for Tract Map No. 31202-4 APPLICANT: Mr. John Pedalino, Desert Cheyenne, Inc. 110 ATTACHMENT 2 IDANCHO SANTANA:� March 27, 2009 Mr. Tim Jonasson Director of Public Works, City Engineer �CEI1�D City of La Quinta APR 0 6 2009 78-945 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 Developm;_, RE: Request for Time Extension for Subdivision Improvement Agreements (SIAS) Tract Maps 31202-3 and 312024, Rancho Santana Mr. Jonasson: This purpose of this letter is to formally request a time extension for the Subdivision improvement Agreements (SIA) for Tract 31202-3 and 31202-4, the Rancho Santana Development located at the southwest comer of Avenue 52 and Monroe Street. All of the. underground improvements are complete and the initial paving is completed throughout the community. Street capping, the remaining improvement, is typically performed when home construction is complete. Street capping prior to construction of the homes usually results in massive replacement and repairs to the street improvements after the construction of the homes. We are diligently moving forward with sales activities at Rancho Santana, however, the sluggish market conditions have slowed the pace of sales and home construction.. With 42 homes left to build in the community, we, believe that we still have at least two years until Rancho Santana is built out. Therefore, we are requesting that the SlAs for Tract 31202-3 and Tract 31202-4 be extended through March 31, 2011. Please call me at (760) 777-9920 if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter. Si erely, John . Pedalino President, Desert Cheyenne, Inc. 78401 Hwy. 111 St. G La Quinta, CA 92253 (760)777-9920 Fax (760)777-9918 ill ^ P 00 DDD � L L• �r a -- Fes. CEng OF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: .tune 2, 2009 ITEM T►TLE: Approval to Extend a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with NAI Consulting, Inc. to Provide Project Management and Contract Administrative Support Services for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: C? STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Authorize the City Manager to execute an extension of Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with the firm of NAI Consulting, Inc. (Attachment 1) for a period of one-year, in an amount not -to -exceed $306,400 to provide project management and contract administrative support services. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Sufficient funding is available to support the approval of a PSA in the amount of $306,400. The agreement budget is based on the following NAI Consulting, Inc. man hours and billing rates: Contract Position Hours Hourly Rate Total Project Manager 1,800 $125 $225,000 Administrative Support 900 $50 $45,000 Professional Civil Engineer 260 $140 $36,400 Total $306,400 The hourly rates presented have not increased from the rates provided in last year's contract. The professional services associated with the proposed agreement are charged on a time and materials basis and are assigned directly to the capital improvement projects worked on during each billing cycle. The Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) has a budget of $1,286,062 for Engineering and Professional Services. Staff anticipates that approximately $276,400 of this funding will be used to pay the time and materials charged for project management and contract administration, and professional engineering support for the projects carried 112 over from the previous fiscal year, and for the new projects added during Fiscal Year 2009/2010. It is estimated that $1,009,662 will be used to pay for design of capital improvement projects. The remaining $30,000 has been set aside for the development of the new capital improvement plan for Fiscal Years 2010/201 1 through 2014/2015, the development of a plan for prioritizing repayment of eligible Development Impact Fee (DIF) improvements constructed by developers, the DIF Update, and/or other special projects. The costs associated with this work are typically paid for from the Public Works Department's Annual Operating Budget. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In the spring of 1997, the Public Works/Engineering Department retained the part-time professional services of Lloyd "Nick" Nickerson, owner of NAI Consulting, Inc. to augment existing engineering staff in the Engineering Division. Mr. Nickerson was retained via an interim contract to provide key professional support with respect to contract administration and project management duties through the balance of the 1996/1997 Fiscal Year. In the subsequent fiscal year, the City Council directed staff to request proposals from firms in the engineering community for the type of engineering services performed by Mr. Nickerson. Two proposals were received and evaluated with the City Council awarding a two-year contract to NAI Consulting. It should be noted that NAI Consulting provides a unique service, and staff believes that an RFP for this service is unlikely to generate more proposals from local consultants at this time. In June 1999, the City Council authorized the City Manager to bypass the competitive selection procedure and negotiate directly with NAI Consulting for a continuation of the professional support services provided by Mr. Nickerson. Each year since 1999, the City Council has renegotiated its professional services contract with NAI Consulting for the services provided by Mr. Nickerson. During the past four year's, NAI Consulting's contract also included professional engineering design services on a time and material basis, as needed, to provide engineering staff with an efficient means to initiate and administer minor design projects (primarily remedial maintenance projects) that surface unexpectedly in response to concerns voiced by La Quinta residents. NAI's flexibility and comprehensive knowledge of the City's operation have proven invaluable to the City 113 and is unlikely to be found in other civil engineering firms. Therefore, staff recommends extending this contract. As in past years, the renewed contract is based on hourly fees, with an amount of $125 per hour for professional project management services, $140 per hour for a professional registered civil engineer, and $50 per hour for administrative support. The proposed hourly rates for project manager, professional registered civil engineer, and administrative support have not increased from the rates provided during last fiscal year. NAI Consulting has also agreed to continue providing any reimbursable expenses at cost without markup. Reimbursable expenses include the direct cost of sub - consultant services, printing, postage and/or courier services, etc. Typical services provided by NAI include, but are not limited to: • Prepare and submit necessary documents, and coordinate with various regional, county, state and federal funding agencies to acquire and maintain funding approval; • Prepare and track project schedules; • Prepare correspondence, reports, and memorandums necessary to administer various City capital improvement projects; • Assist with bidding procedures, prepare bid summary comparisons in a table format, and make recommendations for City Council consideration to award Public Works contracts for construction; • Prepare and conduct informal request for proposals to construction support sub - consultants, summarize proposals received and make recommendations for award of Professional Services Agreements; • Monitor and report on project status, budget vs. actual expenditures, and contract time vs. actual time; • Prepare staff reports for City Council consideration, as necessary. Other work objectives include: • Preparation of the City's annual 5-year Capital Improvement Program; • Preparation and/or management of the City's DIF Update; • Continued assistance with issues associated with the Coachella Valley TUMF Program; and • Preparation of a Prioritization Funding Plan for the eligible DIF improvements constructed by developers. Another option in lieu of extending the NAI Consulting Contract would be to obtain these services through the Request for Proposal (RFP) (Attachment 2) process. A "Draft" RFP outlining these services has been prepared and is attached for City Council 114 consideration. If the City Council chooses to issue an RFP, NAI Consulting has agreed to continue on a month -to -month basis through the conclusion of the RFP process. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an extension of Professional Services Agreement with the firm of NAI Consulting, Inc. for a period of one-year, in an amount not -to -exceed $306,400 to provide Project Management and Contract Administrative Support services; or 2. Direct staff to issue an RFP to obtain these services; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, 4othy R. as o P.E. Public Works Dir or/City Engineer Approved for submission by: r'Xtn'� /' e-� � Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1 . Professional Services Agreement 2. Request for Proposal 115 ATTACHMENT 1 Last Revised 1-19-07 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, ("City"), a California municipal corporation, and NAI Consulting, Inc. ("Consultant"). The parties hereto agree as follows: 1.0 SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide those services related to the Public Works Department, Capital Improvement Plan, Project Management, Contract Management, and Program Administrative Services for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, as specified in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference (the "services" or "work"). Consultant warrants that all services will be performed in a competent, professional and satisfactory manner in accordance with the standards prevalent in the industry for such services. 1.2 Compliance with Law. All services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations and laws of the City of La Quinta and any Federal, State or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 1.4 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (a) it has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, (b) it has investigated the site of the work and fully acquainted itself with the conditions there existing, (c) it has carefully considered how the work should be performed, and (d) it fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the work under this Agreement. Should Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the work or as represented by City, Consultant shall immediately inform City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant's risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof). 116 1.5 Care of Work and Standard of Work. a. Care of Work. Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work performed by Consultant, and the equipment, materials, papers and other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City's own negligence. The performance of services by Consultant shall not relieve Consultant from any obligation to correct any incomplete, inaccurate or defective work at no further cost to City, when such inaccuracies are due to the negligence of Consultant. b. Standard of Work. Consultant acknowledges and understands that the services and work contracted for under this Agreement require specialized skills and abilities and that, consistent with this understanding, Consultant's services and work will be held to a heightened standard of quality and workmanship. Consistent with Section 1.4 hereinabove, Consultant represents to City that it holds the necessary skills and abilities to satisfy the heightened standard of work as set forth in this Agreement. 1.6 Additional Services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform services in addition to those specified in the Scope of Services when directed to do so by the Contract Officer, provided that Consultant shall not be required to perform any additional services without compensation. Any addition in compensation not exceeding five percent (5%) of the Contract Sum may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increase must be approved by the City Council. 1.7 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in Exhibit "D" (the "Special Requirements"). In the event of, a conflict between the provisions of the Special Requirements and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Special Requirements shall govern. 2.0 COMPENSATION 2.1 Contract Sum. For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with Exhibit "B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in a total amount not to exceed Three Hundred Six Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($306,400) (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1.6. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may include a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the services, payment for time and materials based upon Consultant's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.2 Method of Payment. Any month in which Consultant wishes to receive payment, Consultant shall submit to City no later than the tenth (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by City's Finance Director, an invoice for services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. Such invoice shall (1) describe in detail the services provided, including time and materials, and (2) specify each staff member who has provided services and the number of hours assigned to each such staff member. Such invoice shall contain a certification by a principal member of Contractor specifying that the payment requested is for work performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. City will pay Consultant for all expenses stated thereon which are approved by City pursuant to this Agreement no later than thirty (30) days after invoices are received by the City's Finance Department. 3.0 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. All services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed diligently and within the time period established in Exhibit "C" (the "Schedule of Performance"). Extensions to the time period specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer. 3.3 Force Majeure. The time period specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, acts of any governmental agency other than City, and unusually severe weather, if Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the forced delay when and if in his or her judgment such delay is justified, and the 118 Contract Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. 3.4 Term. Consultant shall complete all services within the time allowed by the total contract sum (initial term). This agreement may be extended upon mutual agreement by both parties (extended term). Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Sections 7.7 or 7.8" of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the services, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance. 4.0 COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representative of Consultant. The following principals of Consultant are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: Lloyd "Nick" Nickerson, Jr., President a. It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. The foregoing principals may not be changed by Consultant and no other personnel may be assigned to perform the service required hereunder without the express written approval of City. 4.2 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer or such other person as may be designated by the City Manager of City. It shall be Consultant's responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and Consultant shall refer any decisions, which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. 4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein 119 may be assigned or transferred, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. 4.5 City Cooperation. City shall provide Consultant with any plans, publications, reports, statistics, records or other data or information pertinent to services to be performed hereunder which are reasonably available to Consultant only from or through action by City. 5.0 INSURANCE, INDEMNIFICATION AND BONDS. 5.1 Insurance. Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work performed under this Agreement, Consultant shall procure and maintain, at its cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, personal and public liability and property damage insurance against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property resulting from Consultant's acts or omissions rising out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. The insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that the coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to any such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. The amount of insurance required hereunder shall be determined by the Contract Sum in accordance with the following table: Contract Sum Less than $50,000 $50,000 - $300,000 Over $300,000 Personal Injury/Property Damage Coverage $100,000 per individual; $300,000 per occurrence $250,000 per individual; $500,000 per occurrence $500,000 per individual; $1,000,000 per occurrence Consultant shall carry automobile liability insurance of $1,000,000 per accident against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property arising out of the use of any automobile by Consultant, its officers, any person directly or indirectly employed by Consultant, any subcontractor or agent, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising directly or indirectly out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. The term "automobile" includes, but is not limited to, a land motor vehicle, trailer or semi -trailer designed for travel on public roads. The automobile insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. Consultant shall carry Workers' Compensation Insurance in accordance with State Worker's Compensation laws with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of" the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the State of California and with an A.M. Bests rating of "A" or better and a minimum financial size VII. All insurance required by this Section shall be kept in effect during the term of this Agreement and shall not be cancelable without thirty (30) days written notice to City of proposed cancellation. The procuring of such insurance or the delivery of policies or certificates evidencing the same shall not be construed as a limitation of Consultant's obligation to indemnify City, its officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or agents. 5.2 Indemnification. a. General Indemnification Provision. 1. Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Consultant's Services, to the fullest 121 extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Consultant or subconsultants), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are cause in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees or subconsultants (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Consultant shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit C without the written consent of the Consultant. 2. Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, .including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses) incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subconsultants of Consultant. 3. Standard Indemnification Provisions. Consultant agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth herein this section from each and every subconsultant or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Consultant in the performance of this agreement. In the event Consultant fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required herein, Consultant agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth herein is binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Consultant and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. 122 4. Indemnity Provisions for Contracts Related to Construction. Without affecting the rights of City under any provision of this agreement, Consultant shall not be required to indemnify and hold harmless City for liability attributable to the active negligence of City, provided such active negligence is determined by agreement between the parties or by the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. In instances where City is shown to have been actively negligent and where City's active negligence accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved, the obligation of Consultant will be for that entire portion or percentage of liability not attributable to the active negligence of City. b. Indemnification Provision for Design Professionals. 1. Applicability of Section 5.2(b). Notwithstanding Section 5.2(a) hereinabove, the following indemnification provision shall apply to Consultants who constitute "design professionals" as the term is defined in paragraph 3 below. 2. Scope of Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City and City's agents, officers, officials, employees, representatives, and departments ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Consultant or subconsultants), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, that arise out of, pertain to, or relate to, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of Consultant, any subconsultant, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone that they control. 3. Design Professional Defined. As used in this Section 5.2(b), the term "design professional" shall be limited to licensed architects, registered professional engineers, licensed professional land surveyors and landscape architects, all as defined under current law, and as may be amended from time to time by Civil Code § 2782.8. 5.3 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement. 123 b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement and/or withhold any payment(s) which become due to Consultant hereunder until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. C. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise of any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to any other remedies City may have. The above remedies are not the exclusive remedies for Consultant's failure to maintain or secure appropriate policies or endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Consultant's or its subcontractors' performance of work under this Agreement. 5.4 General Conditions pertaining to provisions of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992 (or its equivalent). Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 124 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right , but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide thirty (30) days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Consultant agrees not to self -insure or to use any self -insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self -insure its obligations to City, If 125 Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self -insured retention, the deductible or self -insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self -insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five (5) days of the expiration of coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other 126 requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. 6.0 RECORDS AND REPORTS. 6.1 Reports. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning Consultant's performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. 6.2 Records. Consultant shall keep such books and records as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the cost and the performance of such services. Books and records pertaining to costs shall be kept and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all reasonable times, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such records. 6.3 Ownership of Documents. Originals of all drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials, whether in hard copy or electronic form, which are prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and agents 127 in the performance of this Agreement, shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon termination of this Agreement or upon the earlier request of the Contract Officer, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership of the documents and materials hereunder. Consultant shall cause all subcontractors to assign to City any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages suffered thereby. In the event City or any person, firm or corporation authorized by City reuses said documents and materials without written verification or adaptation by Consultant for the specific purpose intended and causes to be made or makes any changes or alterations in said documents and materials, City hereby releases, discharges, and exonerates Consultant from liability resulting from said change. The provisions of this clause shall survive the completion of this Contract and shall thereafter remain in full force and effect. 6.4 Release of Documents. The drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials prepared by Consultant in the performance of services under this Agreement shall not be released publicly without the prior written approval of the Contract Officer or as required by law. Consultant shall not disclose to any other entity or person any information regarding the activities of City, except as required by law or as authorized by City. 7.0 ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT. 7.1, California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 7.2 Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service of such notice and completes the cure of such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice, or such longer period as may be permitted by the Contract Officer; provided that if the default is an immediate danger to the health, safety and general welfare, City may take such immediate action as City deems warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this Agreement for cause 128 and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured, provided that nothing herein shall limit City's right to terminate this Agreement without cause pursuant to Section 7.8. 7.3 Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Consultant sufficient funds to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the default of Consultant in the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 7.4 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. City's consent or approval of any act by Consultant requiring City's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City's consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Consultant. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 7.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, at law or at equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. 7.7 Termination Prior To Expiration Of Term. This section shall govern any termination of this Agreement, except as specifically provided in the following Section 7.8 for termination for cause. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Consultant. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 7.3. 129 7.8 Termination for Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 7.2, take over work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to Consultant for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City as previously stated in Section 7.3. 7.9 Attorneys' Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit from the losing party. 8.0 CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; NONDISCRIMINATION. 8.1 Non -liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event or any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Conflict of Interest. No officer or employee of City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his or her personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which she or he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation. Consultant warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any third party any money or general consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 8.3 Covenant against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry. 9.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION 9.1 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, communication either party desires or is required to give the other party or any other person shall DO be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. To City: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attention: Thomas P. Genovese City Manager 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92247-1504 To Consultant: NAI Consulting, Inc. Attention: Lloyd "Nick" Nickerson, Jr. President 68-955 Adelina Road Cathedral City, CA 92234 9.2 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the parties and all previous understanding, negotiations and agreements are integrated into and superseded by this Agreement. 9.3 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. 9.4 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder. 9.5 Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. 131 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. CITY OF LA QUINTA a California municipal corporation Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager ATTEST: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney NAI CONSULTING, INC. -32 Name: LLOYD NICKERSON, JR. Title: President Date: May 19, 2009 Date 132 Exhibit A Scope of Services As directed by City Staff, the consultant's services shall include, but are not limited to the performance of the following assignments, duties and tasks: • Prepare and submit necessary documents, and coordinate with various regional, county, state and federal funding agencies to acquire and maintain funding approval. • Prepare and track project schedules. • Prepare correspondence, reports, and memorandums necessary to administer various City capital improvement projects. • Assist with bidding procedures, prepare bid summary comparisons in a table format, and make recommendations for City Council consideration to award Public Works contracts for construction. • Prepare and conduct informal request for proposals to construction support sub - consultants, summarize proposals received and make recommendations for award of Professional Services Agreements. • Monitor and report on project status, budget vs. actual expenditures, and contract time vs. actual time. • Prepare staff reports for City Council consideration, as necessary. Other work objectives include the: • Preparation of the City's annual 5-year Capital Improvement Program; • Preparation and/or management of the City's Development Impact Fee Update; • Continued assistance with issues associated with the Coachella Valley Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program; and • Preparation of a Prioritization Process and/or Funding Plan for the eligible DIF improvements constructed by developers. 133 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation Payment shall be in full at the rates listed in the Schedule of Billing Rates attached herewith for the actual hours submitted in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. Total compensation for all work under this contract shall not exceed Three Hundred Six Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($306,400.00) except as specified in Section 1.6 - Additional Services of the Agreement. Services will be billed on a monthly basis for time and materials expended. All man-hour costs to be billed at the following hourly rates. Project Manager/Administrator Professional Civil Engineer Design Engineer CAD Draftsman Project Technician Secretarial Support $125.00 per hour $140.00 per hour $110.00 per hour $85.00 per hour $85.00 per hour $50.00 per hour Any reimbursable expenses shall be provided at cost, without mark-up or additional overhead. 134 Exhibit C Schedule of Performance Consultant shall complete all services within the TIME LINE ALLOWED BY THE TOTAL CONTRACT SUM. 'w... 1 135 Last Revised 1-19-07 Exhibit D Special Requirements NONE. 136 CITY OF LA QUINTA 'ATTACHMENT 2 PROJECT MANAGER/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The City of La Quinta requests proposals from qualified firms to provide Project Management and Contract Administrative Services for the City of La Quinta's Public Works Department. The project manager will be the central point of contact for the overall coordination of the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The project manager will serve as an extension of the City staff. As such, the selected individual will be dedicated to the Public Works Department and will provide as much and/or as little time necessary to accomplish project work objectives. The project manager will be fully supported by other Firm professionals and administrative staff. Specific expertise the City is seeking includes: Direct Project Management experience with the design, development and construction of Municipal Capital Improvement Projects Direct experience with the public bidding and prevailing wage processes Current working knowledge of the requirements to administer and maintain regional, state and/or federal funding Current working knowledge of Municipal Developer Impact Fee Programs Current working knowledge of the Coachella Valley Regional Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program Direct experience in developing a Municipal 5 Year Capital Improvement Program and facilitating approval through the City's administrative structure Direct experience in preparing prioritization processes and funding plans for public works improvements Services Requested Typical services to be provided may include, but not be limited to: 1. Project Management - Responsible for overall management and coordination of the City's approved capital improvement projects, including but not limited to the following tasks: • Prepare correspondence, reports, and memorandums • Prepare project status reports • Participate in telephone conference calls • Coordinate with city departments • Coordinate with other regulatory agencies. 137 2. Design/Management Consultants - Responsible for coordinating and administering improvements through the development process. Including, but not limited to: Prepare RFP's and SOQ's as needed for city review • Administer the consultant selection process • Assist in contract negotiations • Manage/Coordinate consultants' performance • Monitor consultants' schedules and budgets • Assist in resolving design and construction conflicts or other issues 3. Bidding Assistance - Responsible for overseeing the following tasks: • Coordinate the preparation of bid specifications in accordance with the City of La Quinta Municipal Code • Review plans for compliance with City Standards • Review bids for responsiveness to bid documents • Analysis of bids prior to contract award • Assist in contract dispute resolution 4. Master Schedule/Budget - Responsible for actively managing both the schedule and budget of all consultants and individual capital projects. • Accountable for the end budget for each capital project • Accountable for the master schedule of each capital project • Monitor and report monthly on budget vs. actual expenditures, and contract time vs. actual time. 5. Meetings/Agendas/Staff Reports - Responsible for preparing for, participating in, and following up on an assortment of meetings. • Participate in regularly scheduled staff meetings • Attend City Council Meetings on project related matters • Prepare Meeting Agendas, Decision Logs, Submittal Logs, etc. • Prepare Staff Reports for City Council consideration In addition, the Project Manager will: Prepare the City's 5-Year Capital Improvement Program; Update the City's Development Impact Fee (DIF) Study; Prepare a Prioritization Process and/or Funding Plan for the eligible DIF Improvements constructed by developers; and Assist the City with the Regional TUMF Program as it relates to the City of La Quinta. 138 Proposal Format Proposals (work proposal and cost proposal) are to be submitted in separate envelopes clearly marked with the consultants name, address and phone number. Only one proposal per consultant will be considered. Proposal packages are to be submitted to the City on/or before 2008 at/or before 5:00 p.m. Proposals received after the stated deadline shall not be accepted. Proposal packages are to be delivered to: Bryan McKinney, Principal Engineer City of La Quinta Public Works Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Consultants are encouraged to keep their proposals brief and relevant to the specific work required. Proposals shall include the following items: Work Proposal (envelope 1) - submit 4 copies Cover Letter (1) The name, address and phone number of the consultant's contact person for the remainder of the selection process. (2) Any qualifying statements or comments regarding the consultant's proposal, the information provided in the RFP or the proposed contract. (3) Identification of sub -consultants and their responsibilities. Statement of Qualifications (1) A listing of proposed project personnel, including personal experiences and individual resumes for prime and sub - consultants. (2) Consultant's and sub -consultant experience with similar work, including names and current phone numbers of reference for listed projects. Project Understanding and Approach A description of your project understanding, and how you will approach the project. Scope of Work A description of the tasks, sub -tasks, and deliverables that will be provided. 139 Project Schedule A project schedule is to be submitted describing the nature and scheduling of proposed tasks. Cost Proposal (envelope 2) The consultant is to submit a detailed cost proposal for all services and materials anticipated in completing the project. Man-hours and extended billing rates per classification of personnel will be indicated for each defined task and/or sub -task. Selection Process Work Programs will be reviewed by a Consultant Selection Committee. The Committee will rank the consultants for contract negotiations based upon the materials submitted within the Work Proposal. The Committee may or may not choose to interview two or more closely -rated firms, but will not expect or schedule time for elaborate presentations. Cost proposals will be opened only after the ranking process is complete. The City will open contract negotiations with the top -ranked firm. The successful consultant will be expected to enter into the attached Professional Services Agreement. 140 Tityl 4 1wQu«rw COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: .tune 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of Fritz Burns Park Tennis Court Resurfacing, Project No. 2008-10 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: /0 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Accept the Fritz Burns Park Tennis Court Resurfacing, Project No. 2008-10 as 100% complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and authorize staff to release retention in the amount of $2,274.90 thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is a budget summary: Original Contract $22,749.00 Amount paid to date - 20,474.10 Retention to be billed 35 days after recordation - 2,274.90 Amount remaining to be billed $0 The Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Park Maintenance Budget (Account No. 503-0000- 431.43-20) includes funding for this project. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: All six tennis courts were last resurfaced in May 2003. On February 17, 2009, the City Council approved the Plans and Specifications and authorized staff to advertise this project for bid. 141 On April 7, 2009, City Council awarded the contract to Taylor Tennis Courts, Inc. for the Fritz Burns Park Tennis Court Resurfacing, Project No. 2008-10 in the amount of $22,749. The project was completed on May 22, 2009. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Accept the Fritz Burns Park Tennis Court Resurfacing, Project No. 2008-10 as 100% complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and authorize staff to release retention in the amount of $2,274.90 thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion is recorded; or 2. Do not accept the Fritz Burns Park Tennis Court Resurfacing, Project No. 2008- 10 as 100% complete; do not authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and do not authorize staff to release retention in the amount of $2,274.90 thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion is recorded; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Edie Hyltqfi Community Services Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 142 ceity/ 4 4 Qum& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Establishing an Internet Tourism Website Policy for Operation of the City of La Quinta Tourism Website RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: jj STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution establishing an Internet Tourism Website Policy for operation of the City of La Quinta tourism website. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Staff is proposing that the City Council adopt a Resolution to establish an Internet Tourism Website Policy for the City of La Quinta's new tourism website, www.PlayinLaQuinta.com, which was launched in April 2009. The proposed policy is provided as Exhibit A of the Resolution. The proposed Internet Tourism Website Policy is based on the Internet Website Policy established for the City's government website (www.la-quinta.org), which was adopted by Council on December 4, 2007 (Attachment 1). Extensive research was conducted at that time regarding a process for external links, hyperlink access to La Quinta hotels, the City website as a non-public forum, as well as privacy and security measures. The aforementioned items apply to the new tourism website, thus remain generally unchanged in the proposed Internet Tourism Website Policy. 143 Staff did modify the purpose to be consistent with the intent of a tourism program, which is to foster local economic development by providing the public with convenient and efficient access to information about shopping, dining, playing, and staying opportunities in La Quinta. The Tourism Website Policy allows all La Quinta businesses (not just La,Quinta hotels) that promote shop, dine, play, and stay in La Quinta to have an external link on the tourism website that links to their own website. The policy contains an application process for external links and gives the City the right to deny/remove any external links that are inappropriate or take users outside La Quinta to shop, dine, play, or stay. The Internet Tourism Website Policy being considered by Council today is not intended to supersede the government website policy adopted in 2007. The two shall remain separate; one governing the information and management of the government site, and the other governing the information and management of the tourism site. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution establishing an Internet Tourism Website Policy for operation of the City of La Quinta tourism website; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution establishing an Internet Tourism Website Policy for operation of the City of La Quinta tourism website; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, A.E Douglns Assistant City Manager — Development Services �Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 144 Attachment: 1. Staff report dated December 4, 2007 regarding City Internet Website Policy (staff report only) 145 RESOLUTION NO. 2009- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN INTERNET TOURISM WEBSITE POLICY FOR OPERATION OF THE CITY TOURISM WEBSITE WHEREAS, this Resolution is intended (a) to establish an Internet tourism website policy; (b) to provide guidance to City staff in addressing tourism website issues; and (c) to serve as an important component of the City's marketing program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. The City Council wishes to establish an Internet Tourism Website Policy (Exhibit A) for operation of the City tourism website; 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately; and 3. The provisions of the attached policy are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, .clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the policy or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 2nd day of June, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 146 Resolution No. 2009- Adoption of Internet Tourism Website Policy Adopted: June 2, 2009 Page 2 ATTEST: VERONICA J. MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 147 EXHIBIT A CITY OF LA QUINTA INTERNET TOURISM WEBSITE POLICY 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Policy is to establish regulations for the development, operation, and administration of the tourism website of the City of La Quinta (the "City") and to ensure that the website remains a non public forum subject to the City's exclusive use and control. The purpose of the City tourism website is to promote the City as a tourism desitination and foster local economic development by providing the public with convenient and efficient access to information about shopping, dining, playing, and staying opportunities within the City. 2. Policy. The City shall oversee operation and maintenance of the City tourism website as provided in this Policy. 3. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this Policy: a. "City tourism website" means the official City tourism website available at www.PlayinLaQuinta.com, and any additional domain name(s) that the City acquires for purposes consistent with the purpose of the City tourism website, as set forth in Section 1 . b. "Cookies" means files on the user's computer that enables a website to recognize the user on subsequent visits and possibly track the user's Internet use between visits. C. "External Website" means a website maintained by a third party, and not by the City. d. "External Link" is a hyperlink from the City tourism website to a website maintained by a third party. e. "Security Measures" means practices for protection of physical. configuration and environment, software, information - handling processes, and user practices. f. "User" or "Users" means an individual or individuals who access the City tourism webpage through the Internet. 4. Non -Public Forum Status. The City tourism website is a non- public forum. While the City encourages the public to use the City tourism website to access information and resources, the City expressly reserves the right to impose certain restrictions on the use of its website. The City tourism website is reserved for the exclusive control of the City for the purposes of one-way communication to users of the City tourism website. The City tourism website shall not be used to facilitate a general debate, public discourse or the free exchange of ideas. 5. Authority of City Manager. The City Manager or his designee shall have the authority and responsibility for the implementation of this Policy. The City Manager or his designee may also make interpretations on issues that are not clearly articulated or not included in this Policy, so long as the City Manager's discretion or that of his designee is exercised in a manner consistent with the stated purposes of the City tourism website. This Policy will be posted on the City tourism website for review by the public at any time. Questions or comments regarding any subjects or issues addressed in this Policy may be directed to: City of La Quinta Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 e-mail: tourism@la-quinta.org 6. Privacy. The City is sensitive to the privacy interests of the users of the City tourism website and believes that the protection of those interests is an important responsibility. The City's goal in collecting personal information online is to provide the user with the most personalized and effective service possible. By understanding the user's needs and preferences, the City may provide users with improved service. The City strives to protect online personal information in the same manner that the City protects citizen and business information obtained through other means. The following information explains the City's policy regarding any personal information supplied when using the City tourism website. a. Website Privacy Policy: When you visit the City tourism website, we use automated tools to log information about each visit. We process this information in the aggregate to determine site performance issues, such as popular pages, most frequently downloaded forms, and other site performance characteristics. This information does not identify you personally. b. Disclaimer: While every effort is made to keep information provided over the internet accurate and up-to-date, the City does not certify the authenticity or accuracy of such information. No warranties express or implied, are provided for the content, records 149 and/or mapping data herein, or for their use or interpretation by the User. The City, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents assume no legal responsibilities for the information or accuracy contained in this data, including any action taken from reliance on any information contained herein and shall have no liability for any damages, losses, costs, or expenses, including, but not limited to attorney's fees, arising from the use or misuse of the information provided herein. The User's use thereof shall constitute an agreement by the User to release the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents from such liability. By using this information, the User is stating that the above Disclaimer has been read and that he/she has full understanding and is in agreement with the. contents. 7. Security. The City tourism website applies Security Measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under the City's control. From time to time, Security Measures may be upgraded or otherwise modified to meet changing needs. While the City endeavors to keep secure all information it receives via the City tourism website, the City cannot guarantee the security of the information. 8. External Links. The City has a legitimate interest in limiting persons or organizations that might be linked to the City tourism website. The City may exercise discretion to ensure that the links to the City tourism website are consistent with the purpose of the City tourism website, as set forth in Section 1 . Neither the City tourism website nor the External Links listed on the City tourism website constitute a forum for expressive activity by members of the public. a. Each proposed External Link on the City tourism website shall be reviewed to determine its relevance and appropriateness to the purpose of the City tourism website. The City Manager or his designee shall review the merits of the proposed External Link based upon the stated purposes of the City tourism website, as set forth in Section 1. A proposal for an External Link will not be denied based on the viewpoint espoused by the individual or entity. b. The City tourism website will not provide External Links to websites that: i. Promote or exhibit hate, bias, discrimination, pornography, libelous or otherwise defamatory content 150 ii. Have a primary purpose of furthering the agenda of a political organization or a candidate running for office (regardless of the political viewpoint), or defeating any candidate for elective office. Violate any of the City's equal opportunity policies. iv. Consist of personal home pages operated by individuals. V. Do not fulfill the purposes outlined in Section 1 related to the promotion of shop, dine, play, and stay in the City. d. The City reserves the right to determine how and where External Links will appear on the City tourism website. Information or External Links may be excluded from the City tourism website where such additional information or External Links would create visual clutter and disorganization. e. The City reserves the right to remove an External Link from the City toursim website if it determines that the External Link violates this Policy or if the External Link directs viewers by hyperlink to inappropriate material or to shop, dine, play, and stay outside the City, as set forth in Sections 1 and 8b. 9. Application for External Link. To request the addition of an External Link to the City tourism website, the applicant shall send the relevant URL, address, website description and purpose, brief statement as to how the proposed website fulfills the purpose of the City tourism website as set forth in Section 1, contact name, phone number and email address by email to tourism@la-quinta.org, or by mail to: City of La Quinta Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 10. Disclaimer of External Links and External Websites. The information posted on the City tourism website includes hypertext External Links to information created and maintained by other private and/or public organizations. The City provides these links solely for the user's information and convenience. 151 a. When the user selects an External Link to an External Website, the user leaves the City tourism website and is subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the External Website. b. The City does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on an External Website accessed through the City tourism website by External Link. c. The City does not endorse or recommend any third party website, product, service, view, or opinion, unless otherwise noted. d. The City does not authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained on External Websites. e. The City is not responsible for transactions or transmissions from External Websites. 1 1 . Final Decision. The decision to post or not post content and/or links on the City tourism website resides solely with the City Manager or his designee. The decision of the City Manager or his designee is final and binding. Under no circumstances will individuals or entities be entitled to compensation or damages in the event that the City Manager or his designee directs the City to include or exclude the content or link. 12. Links to the City's Tourism Website. Advance permission to link to the City tourism website is not necessary. However, the party linking to the City tourism website should be aware that its subpages may change at any time without notice. Individuals and entities linking to the City tourism website shall not capture pages within frames, present the City tourism website content as its own, or otherwise misrepresent the City tourism website's content or misinform users about the origin or ownership of its content. Any link to the City tourism website should be a full forward link that passes the user's browser to the City tourism website unencumbered. The web browser's "back button should return the user to the originating site if the user wishes to back out. 13. Accessibility. The City tourism website is intended to be accessible to people with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations relating to equal access to communication, or other issues relating to City tourism website accessibility, should be directed to: tourism@la-quinta.org or by mail to: 152 City of La Quinta Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 14. No Warranty or Representation. The City's web server(s) are maintained to provide public access to City tourism information via the Internet. The City's web services and the content of its web servers and databases are updated on a continual basis. While the City attempts to maintain the City tourism website's information as accurate and timely, the City does not warrant or make representations or endorsements as to the quality, content, accuracy, or completeness of the information, text, graphics, hyperlinks, and other items contained on its server or any other server. Materials on the City tourism website have been compiled from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice from the City as a result of updates and corrections. 15. Service Marks Trademarks and Copyright. To the extent allowed by the Public Records Act and otherwise legally permissible, commercial use of web materials is prohibited without the written permission of the City. All service marks and trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. The City retains copyright on the City Seal, promotional City logo, all text, photography, graphic images, and other content, unless otherwise noted. No person or entity may use the City Seal, promotional City logo, or City photography without approval of the City. No person or entity shall engage in any of the following conduct without written permission from the City Manager or his designee: a) modify and or use the text, images or other City tourism website content from a web server, b) distribute the City's web content, and c) "mirror" the City's information on a non -City server. 16. Notice to the City. Communications through the City tourism website, by e-mail or otherwise, shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the City or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, or representatives, with respect to any existing or potential claim or cause of action against the City or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents, or representatives. No communication through the City tourism website shall be deemed to constitute legal or official notice for any purpose. 17. Errors Omissions Warranty, Damages. The City is neither responsible nor liable for any viruses or other contamination of a user's system due to access of the City tourism website, nor for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions arising out of the user's access of the City tourism website or with respect to the material contained on the City tourism website, including without limitation, any material posted on the City tourism 153 website. The City tourism website and all materials contained on it are distributed and transmitted "as is" without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The City is not responsible for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that may arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the City tourism website and/or the materials contained on the City tourism website, whether the materials contained on the City tourism website are provided by the City or a third party. 18. Indemnification. To the extent permitted by applicable law, by using the City tourism website, the user agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agencies, officers, employees, representatives, and agents from and against all claims and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of the user's use of the City tourism website or materials and information contained on the City tourism website. 154 ATTACHMENT Tityl 4 4 Qum& COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: December 4, 2007 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Establishing an Internet Website Policy for Operation of the City of La Quinta Website RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: If deemed appropriate, adopt a Resolution establishing an Internet Website Policy for operation of the City of La Quinta website. If approved, the Website Policy will permit various hotels located in the City of La Quinta to post their website links on the City's website. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the November 6, 2007 City Council meeting, Council asked staff if the City could provide links on the City of La Quinta website to the City's hotels. Staff reported it was researching the matter with the City Attorney's office and would bring back an item for City Council consideration which would allow the City to link to the hotels located in La Quinta. Staff is proposing that City Council adopt a Resolution to establish an Internet Website Policy which will enable the City to link to the websites of the various hotels located in the City of La Quinta. The proposed policy is provided as Attachment 1 to the Resolution. �• 155 Recent First Amendment case law has established that cities can, with the right policy and practice in place, maintain their public web domains as "nonpublic" forums. In such a non-public forum, cities can exercise reasonable control over whom and what can link to their websites. By "reasonable," it is meant that a city should control access to its website in accordance with an adopted policy that specifies legitimate, nondiscriminatory governmental purposes for the site. In addition, while a city's policy may exclude one category of entity or one category of speech over another, the city many not administer its policy in a manner that discriminates against one viewpoint over the other. The collective purpose of the City website includes: 1) providing a convenient and information -rich resource for residents, visitors, businesses, non-profit organizations, other public agencies, and schools to access their City government; 2) providing information and resources that contribute to the health, safety and welfare of the public; 3) contributing to the improvement of City services, fostering economic development within the City, and enhancing the sense of community within the City; and 4) establishing and strengthening long-term partnerships between the City, and individuals and entities in the public and private sectors. Additionally, the website policy has been tailored to specifically support those City businesses providing quality overnight accommodations for long- and short-term visitors, guests, and tourists in the City of La Quinta. Staff recommends that the website policy should be limited to businesses providing overnight accommodations for two primary reasons: (1) support for businesses providing quality overnight accommodations has a beneficial "trickle -down" impact upon all tourist -oriented business sectors in the City, including restaurants and retail shops, and (2) limiting hyperlink access to only hotels, motels and bed/breakfast establishments furthers the policy of maintaining the City website as a non-public forum. City Website as Non -Public Forum An important goal of the proposed Internet website policy is to maintain the status of the City website as a non-public forum. In a non-public forum, the City may impose reasonable restrictions on how the public uses the City website, so long as the restrictions are viewpoint neutral. Conversely, a public forum such as a public park is open for public expression. In public forums, the government is limited in its ability to regulate such speech. Because the City has an interest in ensuring that the information provided on the City website is consistent with the purpose of the City website, the proposed policy seeks to ensure the website remains a non-public forum, subject to the City's regulation. As a non-public forum, the City website is reserved for the 156 exclusive control of the City for the purpose of one-way communication to website users, and not for the purposes of public debate, discourse or exchange of ideas. External Links Posted on City Website To preserve the non-public forum status of the City's website, the proposed policy requires approval of the City Manager, or his or her designee, for each request for an external link posted on the City website. An external link is defined as "a hyperlink from the City website to a website maintained by a third party." In evaluating an application for an external link, the City will consider the relevance and appropriateness of the link in light of the stated purposes of the City website. Additionally, the proposed policy sets forth criteria for the City in evaluating the request, such as whether the requested link is sponsored by a government entity or certain non-profit and private organizations. The proposed policy prohibits external links that: 1) promote or exhibit hate, bias, discrimination, pornography, libelous or otherwise defamatory content; 2) have a primary purpose of furthering the agenda of a political organization or a candidate running for office (regardless of the political viewpoint), or defeating any candidate for elective office; 3) violate any of the City's equal opportunity policies; and 4) consist of personal home pages operated by individuals, regardless of the viewpoint expressed by such home pages. In any event, the final decision of whether to post or not to post an external link on the City website lies with the City Manager so long as the City Manager exercises his/her discretion in conformance with the stated purposes of the City website and the website policy. Similarly, the proposed policy provides the City Manager or his designee some discretion in posting events to the "Community Calendar" feature of the City website. Other Provisions of the Proposed Internet Website Policy In addition to the provisions described above, the proposed Internet website policy includes various provisions relating to the use of the City website. The proposed policy provides for privacy and security measures to protect in formation under the City's control, disclaims responsibility for information provided on external links and for any viruses or other contamination of a user's system due to use of the City website, provides for accessibility to individuals with disabilities, prohibits use of the City Seal, and provides that communication through the City website shall not constitute legal notice to the City. 157 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution establishing an Internet Website Policy for operation of the City of La Quinta website, which includes establishing a pilot program for linking from the City's website to the websites of the various hotels located in the City of La Quinta ; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution establishing an Internet Website Policy for operation of the City of La Quinta website, which includes establishing a pilot program for linking from the City's website to the websites of the various hotels located in the City of La Quinta; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Bret M. Plumlee, Assistant City Manager — Management Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 158 4 a� E`y of TNF'� COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Approval to Reject the Bid from Peterson- BUSINESS SESSION: Chase General Engineering Construction Inc. and CONSENT CALENDAR: Award a Contract to Mocon Corp. in the Amount of $1,082,015, to Construct the Phase III Highway 111 sTUDYSEssION: Improvements, Project Number 2006-04 PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATI 0 Reject the bid from Peterson -Chase General Engineering Construction Inc. and award a contract to Mocon Corp. in the amount of $1,082,015, to construct the Phase III Highway 111 Street Improvements, Project Number 2006-04, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project's approved funding and funding sources: General Fund RCTC Total Funding Currently Available: $ 210, 000 $2,155,000 $ 2, 365,000 Based upon the low bid received from Mocon Corp. in the amount of $1,082,015, the following is the project budget: Professional: $10,620 Design: $180,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $175,000 Construction: $1,082,015 Administration: $26,550 Contingency: $890,815 Total: $2,365,000 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to award a construction contract to Mocon Corp. to construct the Phase III Highway 111 Improvements, Project 2006-04. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The project is partially funded with Measure "A" funds from the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). As such, the project was bid as a prevailing wage improvement. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On May 2, 2006, the City Council adopted a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 through Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Phase III Highway 111 Improvement was included within the adopted CIP and funded during Fiscal Years 2006/2007. On December 16, 2008, the City Council approved the PS&E and authorized staff to advertise the Phase III Highway 111 Street Improvements for bid, Project Number 2006- 04. On May 21, 2009, four (4) sealed bids were received for the construction of this project. A detailed bid comparison summary is provided for the City Council's review (Attachment 1). The basis of award is the lowest combined bid of the Base Bid Areas plus Additive Alternate No. 1. At the time of the bid comparison, it was discovered that the lowest responsive bidder, Peterson -Chase General Engineering Construction Inc., made a math error on their bid which lowered their total bid amount from $1,077,690 to $979,590. When Peterson -Chase realized their error they submitted a letter requesting to be released from their bid because they would not be able to construct the project at the reduced bid amount (Attachment 2). Staff discussed this matter with the City Attorney and determined that Peterson -Chase should be released from their bid as awarding to them would likely result in financial hardship for the contractor and a substandard project for the City. Staff therefore recommends Peterson -Chase's bid be rejected and the project be awarded to the second lowest bidder, Mocon Corp., in the amount of $1,082,015. Contingent upon City Council authorization to award a construction contract on June 2, 2009, the following is the project schedule: City Council Awards Construction Sign Contracts and Mobilize Construction (80 Working Days) Project Close-out June 2, 2009 June 3, 2009 — June 19, 2009 June 22, 2009 — October 9, 2009 November 2009 160 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Reject the bid from Peterson -Chase General Engineering Construction Inc. and award a contract to Mocon Corp. in the amount of $1,082,015, to construct the Phase III Highway 111 Street Improvements, Project Number 2006-04, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract; or 2. Do not reject the bid from Peterson -Chase General Engineering Construction Inc. and do not award a contract to Mocon Corp. in the amount of $1,082,015, to construct the Phase III Highway 111 Street Improvements, Project Number 2006- 04; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, T' othy R.Jo sso .E. ublic Work irect ity Engineer Approved for submission by: �/' .��'LtfY✓se7 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Bid Comparison Summary 2. Letter from Peterson -Chase General Engineering 161 CITY OF LA QUINTA HIGHWAY III PHASE III STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 200644 BID COMPARISON SUMMARY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Peterson -Chase General Engineering En Construction Macon Corp. Granite Construction Com pony AIS Construction Company ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE BASE BID AREA 1 I Mobilization 1 LS $30.00000 S30.0000K 58,4W N S8,400a 515O000. 5150,000.a S9],000.s $97,000.a SI65.000.a SI65,000. _ Dust Control 1 LS $30.00000 530.000.0 $31" in $51" $20.000. Ol 520.600. 52300.0 52.500.a 524.000.OL 524,000. 3 Traffic Control I LS $50,000.00 550.000. S70,(Ioo Or 570,000. 520.000. S20E00. 5101500. S10i a $95.000.a 595.000. 4 Unclassified Excavation 1 LS $1000000 510000. 550.000. 550.000. $35.O(X Of 535.000.or $39,OW.0 S39,000 X $25,000. 525.000. - Loose Rock Removal I ALLOW $100.00000 5100000. swontoor fl00orm SI00,000. $I Dg000.a sloo.wo oc 5100000.IS 51001000. 6 Construct 8' CUM and Gutter per City of La Coal Standard Plan 202 450 LF $4000 $18.000. 539.A S17,550.a $20.as 591000. 522.a S9,900 a 530.ff SI3,500. ] Constmd 6" Median Cum and Gutter per City of Le Carols Standard Plan 201 750 LF Sm 00 522.500. 533. A 524,750. $26.On $19,500. SIB. gI3500. 530. 5221500. 8 Constmd6 Median Cum per City of LB Quints Standard Plan 210 980 LF $2000 $191600. $30 A $29,400.01 $20 X 510,600.01 516. $15,690 04 $24 W 523520.04 9 Construct 10.5"Thick -Type A"AC Pavement 7,200 SF $1000 S72.000. 56.9 549,69(1 S5. $36,000.N S25 g18000. $20. 5144,000. 10 Construct 8.5' Crushed Class 11A reaee Base 7,200 SF 1 $200 514.400. $1.75 $12,600.a S3.W $21,600.X S25 SI8,000. 51 ]. 5122,400. 11 Cold Mill 15' of Existing AC Pavement and repave with l 5"new AC Pavement fume SF $300 519.9000, $0.9 $5,940. 92.P $13.200.W 52.3 gIA180. SSS 336,300. 12 Apl Crack SealandT ell Slu Sealwith Latex ]6,000 SF $0,15 SIL40o. $04 $30,400. 50.3 $22.800. SOS 538.IXp. 50.9 568,400.or 13 Cons0ad GeObru 6'Rx1-025 Rockfall Samar orEquivalent 175 (F) LF $350,00 S61,250. 5365.Of $63975. 5465.W $81.3I5. $590 Y Sl 03.250 wl $375. 565,625. 14 Constmd Decomtive Reinfomed Concrete Wall w/Excavation, Backfill, Foundation. Reinforcing Steel Bar Structural Con021e Eft, 175 LF $]0000 5122,500. 55I5 $90,125. $490. 585,750. S375. $65,625. $825. $144,375. 15 Construct Maccafern Rock Mesh PROOF System or Equivalent Per Specifications 14,000 (F) SF $11.00 5154,000. SIO. S140,00i S12al S168,00i sioX S140,00i Sent 58AXA 16 Install 2-2" Conduits as sham on plans for future Time Warner Cable Retochon 200 LF $2500 55.000. 519. S3,800. 515. $31" N S5 W SL000. 514. 52,800. 17 Install Tam era K-Rail-20fl Length Each I8 EA $20000 53.600. 5400. $7,200. 5500. 59,000. 5300. 55.400. 5520. 59,360. 18 There Signal Modification atH 11 UPOint Ha WayIntersection I LS $25,001 525.000 59,500. 59500. $12,000. 512.000. 545,000. 545,000. SI I,004) SI LOW.is 19 Remove ExistingFence 150 LF $25,00 $3,750. $11. $1.650. 53. 5450. SI5. 52.250. SIe. $2100.001 20 Remove Delineators 6 Existing Striping I LS $16,00000 516,000. SLlg0. SLOW. 53.000. 53.0W. SI I.Ix10. 5I 1,000. 53,500. 53.500. 21 SI rin BStri in I LS $7000000 5]0,000. 511,5W. $ILSOO. S]500. 9,500. SI2,000. 512,000. S8200 58,200. 22 Landsca in 50. So AT So. So. So. 221 Irotinted Color Concrete -MEDIAN 1,550 SF $1800 SZ1.900. SI5. 523,250- S8. S12,400 S9. SI3,950. S9. 513,950. 222 Do-SWale GrossingMedium Import 110 TO $150,00 S165c0. Sim 511,000. SI00. SI Linda 5105. SI 1,550. 52. 5220. 22.3 Decorative Pilaster 2 EA EPA $9,100,00 518,200. 53.500. S],000. 53,000. 56.000. SI0.000. 520,000. $51000. SI01000. 224 Smooth Plaster Finish for Decorative Wall I LS' $22,500.00 $22,500. 520.000. S20 on 55,500. 55.5(() 525000. 525,000. 520,000. 520.000. 225 IDO! BnldDee0m used Granite Mulch 2NOh Layer) 2850 SF $600 512,IW SI5 54.2]50 S25 59,125. Si he 52.850. Sl. 52850. 22.6 Cobblestone Mulch 6"A" 300 $600 51800. S4. 51,201 S20 00 56,0 S3.a Saw a 53- 5900. 227 Irrigation System 1 LS $221500.00 S22.5000A 514.000.N SIT,". S20.000 as S20,0w) a S9500 a 59500. $9500. 5R500. 22.8 Echmormus gresomi- Diameter of Bartel Cactus of Measure 6-1(C 2.I PA $7500 51,650. 548. 51056. S1500K S3.300 A S500K 51,100. 555. SI.210. 229 Echinocatus all- Diameter of eartel Cactus of Measure 12"Dr groater 25 EA $90.00. 52,250. S55UK 51,3]5.Of S20t) 0K S5,o00. W0. SI,$W,oc 560.a S1.500. 22I Shrubs 15gets) 10 EA $12000 51,201 580. SHOO.a S50 M S500 0011 sso E 5800.ff S78. 22.II Shrubs 5 als 1 39 EA 1 $2200 $958.of 516. 5624.01 S30 A SI1170. SI5. 5585.a 517. W63. 22.12 Boulders 1 IT EA $250.00 S4.250 of 5210. S3570.04 SIA S2,550 a 5200.a 53.400.a $220. 13,]40. 22.13 Maintenance B Plant Establishment I IS $3,00000 S?e00. SI,Sea . 51.800. 55,000. 55,000. 51,900. 5Loan 52,000.0 52,000. SUB TOTAL (BASE BID ITEMS I-2213): sinose8. 582E,330. S92EJ70. $952,920. 1 $113791 OPTIONAL PAVEMENT ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 23 Unclassified Excavation I I LS IS 55,000.00 555000. 52,500. 52,500.As S25,000 A525,000. $6,200. 56,200.IX 51,220. SL220. 24 Deduct City from Item 9105"Thick"Type A'AC Pavement w SIQ00O00 S5. (58,00000 sit (SIT800.DO 52.5 ($4,000 X) S o (52,560.00 25 Deduct Ql from Item 1085'CNshed Glass llAggregate Base SF00 9,2A0-W SLS (S2400.00 32 ($1,200.00 S25 (54,000.W $IJ. (520.800.00 26 Carol City From Item 11 COld Mill 15" Of Existing AC Pavement and repave wth 1.5"neW AC Pavement MSFSS 3. (54,200-W SOS (90000 S2- ($2.800.00 52.J (53,220.00 54. (55,600.DO 27 Carol Ql from Item 12 Crack seal and Type JSIu Seal win Latex 0.15 S1,44000 50.3 (R,88000 $U.J ($2,88000 50.5 54,800D0 .&1. 58,64000 28 DdOr CDndele Flatwork-ROADWAY 800 56.600. 530. 524,]50. SI5. 512,375. Ss. 57,425. 510.0 g8,250. 29 Imprinted Color Concrete - ROADWAY 0 DO 5192.000. SI5. SI44,000. $I5. SI4410o0. Shia 51 ]2,800. $(1.1 51336. SUBTOTAL ALTERNATIVE NO I' $EEa,]W. $1572]0. $159,695. $170.405 $E6,591.00 TOTAL BID ITEMS (Including ARermene Nu. Ik $I,EE],E6a. $9]9 [90. %11182.015. Note: Cells highlighted in yellow indicate a miscalculation. Note: Calculations in the highest bid (AIS) had such severe numerical errors that staff has decidedly corrected such unit prices. Due to excessive errors this n bid as been rejected. 1 = I m Z rn N ATTACHMENT 2 Aim PETERSON-CHASE GENERAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION, INC 1792 KAISER AVE., IRVINE, CA 92614 PNII (949) 252-0441 FAX#: (949) 252-0266 SPEED MEMO T TO: City of La Quinta Department of Public Works 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92247-1504 ATTN: TIMOTHY JONASSON JOB#: CONTRACT#: 2006-04 PH#: 760 777-7051 FAX#: Mr. Jonasson, FROM: Dick W. Vogels DATE: May 26, 2009 SUBJECT: Request for Withdrawal of Bid Submitted on May 21, 2009 for City Project No. 2006-04, Highway 111 - Phase III Street Improvements / Point Happy Way to West City Limits PH#: (949) 252-0441 FAX#: (949) 252-0266 Peterson Chase discovered an error in it's bid submitted on May 21, 2009, and hereby submits our request to withdraw the bid for the above referenced project. In accordance with Section 12.0 of the Project Specifications, "Withdrawal of Bids", Peterson Chase made an error in preparing the bid, and we request to withdraw the bid. As required, we hereby provide the details as to how the mistake occurred: - Prior to submitting the bid, Peterson Chase sent one of our employees to the bid opening location in La Quinta to deliver the bid. The bid form contained a few open line items that were not completely filled in due to subcontractor and material quotes being sent in at the last minute. We verbally read off the open bid line items to our employee at the bid location. Unfortunately, our employee wrote in incorrect lump sum dollar amounts for Base Bid Item No. 1 "Mobilization", and Optional Pavement Alternative No. 1, Item 23 "Unclassified Excavation". - The intended prices were as follows: Base Bid Item 1 - Mobilization = $ 84,000.00 (mistakenly entered as $8,400.00) Optional Pavement Alternative No. 1 - Item 23 - Unclassified Excavation = $25,000.00 (mistakenly entered as $2,500.00) - The grand totals for the base bid, and the optional bid support our claim of error, since they add up !` to the amounts, based on the intended unit price for those two items. In conclusion, Peterson Chase requests to withdraw our bid submitted for this project due to the mistake in unit price for Items 1 and 23. The mistake resulted in a decrease of over 10 percent of our bid and we are not comfortable with the revised contract total. Please call if questions arise. f Sincerely, /V/ 163 T4t!t 4 4 a" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Approval to Award a Contract to Signs, Inc. to Construct the Village Wayfinding Improvements, Project Number 2007-04 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: Best CONSENT CALENDAR: 13 Sign STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the request to award a contract to Best Signs, Inc., in the amount of $249,287 to construct the Village Wayfinding Sign Program, Project Number 2007-04, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following is the project's funding and funding sources: RDA Project Area No. 1 Total Funding Available: $442,200 $442,200 Both the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency Board have already adopted the findings necessary under Health and Safety Code Section 33445 to authorize the use of Agency funding on this project. Based on the lowest responsive bid from Best Signs Inc. in the amount of $249,287 the following is the project budget: Design: Professional: Inspection/Testing/Survey: Construction: Contingency: Total: $30,000 $30,000 $27,000 $249,287 $105,913 $442,200 164 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to award a contract to construct the Village Wayfinding Sign Program, Project Number 2007-04. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: The Village Wayfinding Sign Program is funded with Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Project Area No. 1 funds. As such, the project was bid as a prevailing wage improvement. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The proposed improvements consist of the installation of five (5) Primary Gateway Signs, forty-three (43) Local Vehicular Signs, thirteen (13) Trailblazer Signs, and five (5) Pedestrian Guide Signs (Attachments 1 — 4). On May 1, 2007, the City Council conducted a public hearing and adopted a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2007/2008 through 2011/2012 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and making certain findings pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a). The Village Sign Program was included for funding within Fiscal Year 2007/2008. On January 20, 2009, the City Council approved the final plans for the Village Sign Program, directed staff to bring back detailed bid specifications for City Council approval, and directed staff to review sign locations for maintenance considerations and to avoid creating sign clutter. In accordance with this direction, NAI Consulting, Inc. provided the necessary final design services and prepared the bid documents. The Village Wayfinding Sign Program consists of the following components: Primary Gateway Sign. This component entails a total of five (5) "major roadway' signs to be placed on Highway 111 at the intersections of Washington Street and Jefferson Street. These signs are intended to direct traffic from the Highway 111 corridor to the La Quinta Village. Local Vehicular Sign. This component entails forty-three (43) 'local directional' signs to be placed at primary intersections throughout the City of La Quinta. These signs are intended to direct traffic from major arterials in La Quinta to the La Quinta Village and other points of interest. La Quinta Village Trailblazer Sign. This component entails thirteen (13) "Village directional' signs to be placed at strategic intersections within the Village area. The Village Trailblazer sign is a new sign element that is designed for slower traffic and is more destination -specific in nature. These signs would identify specific facilities, such as the La Quinta Public Library, La Quinta Museum, La Quinta Senior Center, La Quinta Civic Center, Public Parking, and Chamber of Commerce. 165 Pedestrian Guide Sign. This component entails five (5) "pedestrian guide" signs to be placed strategically within the La Quinta Civic Center. The Pedestrian Guide sign is also a new sign element which is intended to direct pedestrians to nearby points of interest, such as the La Quinta Civic Center, La Quinta Public Library, Senior Center, and Chamber of Commerce. On April 21, 2009, the City Council approved the Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate (PS&E) and authorized staff to advertise for bid the Village Wayfinding Sign Program, Project Number 2007-04. The thirteen (13) La Quinta Village Trailblazer Signs and five (5) Pedestrian Guide Signs were included as additive alternates as the sign locations were not previously approved by the City Council. These signs are now being included for City Council consideration to award. The total price of the thirteen (13) Trailblazer Signs is $19,730.88 and the total price of the five (5) Pedestrian Guide Signs is $11,593.50. The lowest responsive bid amount of $249,287 includes both of the additive alternates. Adequate funding is available to include the alternates in this contract. On May 21, 2009, two (2) sealed bids were received for the construction of this project. A detailed bid comparison summary is provided for the City Council's review as Attachment 5. The basis of award is the lowest combined price of the base bid area plus additive alternates 1 and 2. At the time of the bid comparison, an error was discovered in the apparent low bidder, LNI Custom Manufacturing, Inc.'s, bid. The error was found in Item No. 6 where the contractor's bid price for both the quantity and the extended price were the same. This error was reviewed with the city attorney and it was determined that the lower extended bid amount shown for this item was inconsistent with the unit price bid by the contractor ($11,615.76). Since the project specifications require that the contractor's unit prices dictate when they are in conflict with the extended prices staff finds LNI's corrected bid to be higher than Best Signs' bid and therefore recommends the project be awarded to Best Signs, Inc, in the amount of $249,287. Contingent upon City Council authorization to award a construction contract on June 2, 2009, the following is how the project schedule: City Council Awards Contract June 2, 2009 Sign Contracts and Mobilize June 3 — June 19, 2009 Construction (80 Working Days) June — October 2009 Project Close-out November 2009 166 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Approve the request to award a contract to Best Signs, Inc. in the amount of $249,287 to construct the Village Wayfinding Sign Program, Project Number 2007- 04, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract; or 2. Do not approve the request to award a contract to Best Signs, Inc. in the amount of $249,287 to construct the Village Wayfinding Sign Program, Project Number 2007- 04; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfu Ily,su bm itted, mlthy Ro cWor s D ctor/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Primary Gateway Signs 2. Local Vehicular Signs 3. Trailblazer Signs 4. Pedestrian Guide Signs 5. Bid Comparison Summary 167 PRIMARY GATEWAY VEHICULAR SIGN FRONTVIEW 0413zkan m PM Ma om� BACKVIEEWW SIDEVIEW nns a• �cn �1 a•cu SfCnON A �a a aL PLAN VIEW �a•a 1 I Y�• 1 I La Quinta Village ELEVATION ELEVATION PEDESTAL DETAIL ALUMINUM PANELDEWL' CeAPFpC 9C118 .+xa- 4 Ioi_..._ a PLUMAY VQ]dGi vm 8 wr m. AWRY UATE9AY Y6&CVWQ'9GN r u gnsw ENT 2 W 0 LOCAL VEHICULAR SIGN B am] n mmre w * La Qainta Village " *Chamberof Commerce * Publie Parking *Library Bs 3-= mnW::. SECTION A err PLAN VIEW x`NAIEm!"NIWPN@µimak <• sBamlmEamrcmEBx¢mp a.�. ELEVATION a•s` pccsamaaxmx' T ''•' 1C&166NENDBBTm """"�a1""fAL0181 PEDESTAL DETAIL s— B r a• a,y 000 •Bpuxma•aErfasmx•axmmxCmaNxcru<•-,j- uxmppBmraoBNarsruowv ;�� •• LaQulnta NB®BtnaaRBWonOFO1FiWNNMaax6 a, �, Village a• maE81616Aaro BNHOaFamPiWNE� B• x wnNveLv +Chamberof BBBOWFmw7m- BlF064Fa Nllf6 "B' B.,. Commerce xmravnaaaom. a•-xl• *Public Parking a aoa *Libra ry a ' a 1 1 La Quints ❑00 Village 0non a,a• � I. i•xi•xx'muxwaaxeae saNaxr �a' - �i Bs y' 7j,; a•s �y A A srv. ". - ELEVATION maurilwiNcoxeaNEvuuaecomm kE� -SFEBIBUCNMLX016gISl@ilf- J. " n ALUMINUM PANEL DETAIL B a'.� . mN�xmmNa 't rl 'r'^n, -i! mmw6 "wima Y: ELEVATION FRONT VIEW"A" BACKVIEW FRONTVIEW"B" ALUMINUM PANEL DETAIL "A" Basrmc �� Nm6.e<oma san�w uat ae mu rffi Rarta�o.l" _. NAI A GECITY a•ewooa eae �U YB M Ts �Mwmzez,s— w+4he Fav a '@ `O• „ . Y Y-s R E V I S 1 O N $ N2C ®,e OF A.OUNA TRAILBLAZER SIGN ATTACHMENT a'T FRONTVIEW BACK VIEW SIDEWEW ~ eEV I510 NS I I Ob FG) IF, B' aV• PLANVIEW � o 000 _-� banbrlkolr; IIMuyD a._y. a•a• Sp'erHmtq. cabPdwt u ELEVATION ALUMINUM PANEL DETAIL 3.OSg ie9 ama as SECAONA n4la71e cnaemc soua w u Gwrt/. N M '18.VI81dQR HC m4im VItw serte. Alen ATTACHMEN PEDESTRIAN GUIDE SIGN 4 anrovxono[ - eoAaurzeets[u 0, rm¢amaucroxiw st•ourtNuxww .lie_ e•e• mumxAnum Ne^�� rnxrtnaeuxNs BACK VIEW IMF SIDE VIEW 4 re.�. 4 L �`� f ELEVATION LLUMINUM PANEL DETAIL rx PLAN VIEW ELEVATION PEDESTAL DETAIL ur�y �yLolle_ e•.a u eonrtn ss, P®89TNIAN CMIIro, BICN • CITY OF�UINTA • VILLAGE WAYFINDI IGNAGE PROGRAM, PROJECT NUMBER 2007-04 BID COMPARISON SUMMARY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE LNI Custom Manufacturing Best Signs, Inc. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE BASE BID AREA I Mobilization 1 LS $25,000,00 $25,0W00 $980.00 $990.00 $31,540.59 $31,540.5 2 Traffic Control I LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $3,690.00 $3,690.0 $16,500.00 $16,500.0 3 Install Local Vehicular Signs Aluminum Panel A) 26 EA $3,800.00 $98,8000 $3,086.04 $80,237A $3,193.59 $83,033.3 4 Install Local Vehicular Signs Aluminum Panel B 17 EA $4,200.00 $71,400.0( $3,699,91 $62,898.47 $3,391.62 $57,657S S Install Primary Gateway Vehicular Sin 5 EA $4,800-00 $24,000.0 $4,104.79 $20,523.95 $3,715.03 $18,575.1: 6 Miscellaneous Concrete Flat Work with 6x6-1 Ox 10 weld wire reinforcing 306 SF $20of) $6,120.0 $37.96 - $11,615.76 $35.00 $10,710.0 SUBTOTAL: $235,320.0 - $179,945.2 $2I8,016.6 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO. 1 7 Install Trailblazer Sin 13 EA S1,600.00 $20,800.0 $3,086.04 $40,118.5 $1,517.76 $19,730.8 SUBTOTAL: $20 800.0 $40,118.52 $19,730,8 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO. 2 8 Install Pedestrain Guide Signs 5 EA $2,000.00 $10,0WO $2,582.66 $)2;9.13.3 $2,307.90 $11,539.5 SUBTOTAL: $10,000.0 $]7913.3 $11,539.5 TOTAL (BASE BID & ADDITIVE ALTERNATE 1 & 2): $266,120.0 $232,977.0 $249,287.0 Have calculation errors. Note: The unit price on line item 6 on LNI's bid had to be modified by staff due to severe calculation error. 5 4 c y OF COUNCIURDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Denial of Claim for Damages Filed by: CONSENT CALENDAR: i4 Maureen Ely; Date of Loss — April 7, 2009 STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Deny the Claim for Damages filed by Maureen Ely; Date of Loss — April 7, 2009. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The total amount of the claim is $306.89. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: A claim was filed by Maureen Ely with a reported date of loss of April 7, 2009 (Attachment 1). It was forwarded to Carl Warren & Co., the City's claims administrator. Carl Warren, & Co. has reviewed the matter and recommends that the City Council deny the claim. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Deny the Claim for Damages filed by Maureen Ely with a reported date of loss of April 7, 2009; or 173 2. Accept the claim, or some portion thereof; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, A —���iy Bret M. Plumlee, Assistant City Manager — Management Services Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Maureen Ely, Claim for Damages 1.74 ATTACHMENT 1 FILE WITH: CLAIM FOR DAMAGES CITY CLERKS OFFICE CRY OfLaCahla TO PERSON OR PROPERTY P.O. Box 1SN La ouiMa, CAS= 1. Clelms for deas% Injury bpemonwbpersonal pmp"mustberdednot blerthansixmonmsatter ere o=xm=. (Gov. Coda § e112.) 2 Clalms fordamalles bred property must be filed not later than I yearaftaftowurrance. (Gov. CodeSetl2.► S ReadenmedahnformbeforeNing. 4. Seepap2fordlagmmt mwhidrbbmbplmdacddenL S. THsdaimbrtemudbostgnedonpege2dbobm. S. Altadrsmmbdats6lne6es M bgwObddetws. SIGNEACHSHEET. 0 RESERVE FOR FILING STAMP NO. received MAY 19 2009 City of La 6'ulnta -.0anday Deporhnent eel HomaAldressof(�ekrant alya.I�State Home pna�a imam- 7j15 h� d� A � 07 BushlessAddress ofClamentt City and State Business Telephone of Give address and telephone number to whkh you dash notices or communications b be sent G2airmas Social Secudty No.: 'ege,av`tarm'{D/o / njo,4ret1pjx61'* 8 74c, S6 3 —0, , and address end measurements from landmarks: ' �a Sa- d. r.>, soh J-, -/��s �� 4 v y o zl k4n-o.-s v�dzu-!,�d� Why do you Jahn the cityis resporrdW DesaPoe m deran each INJURY or DAMAGE ,/; s� pLrEue "N�ylt e �c,ka�+� Gam, • SEE PAGE 2 (OVER) THIS CLAIM MUST BE SIGNED ON REVERSE SIDE 175 The amount darned, as of die date of presentation of this datm, Is oomputed as mated P damages as far as tawwn: Damages Indumed b dais (exad): Damage to properly ..................... S 30�0. 8`f Expenses for modkeland hospitalcare ..... E Loss of earnings E Spedal darrmges for ..................... E Genereldamages ....................... E Total damages Marred to date .......... E Total an=ntdarnedasofdata ofp writadonofthis darn: E Future expenses for medical and hospital care .E — Future loss of eamkW ....................E Other prospective spedal damages ..........E f Prospecdvageneral damages ...... ....... .E Total astmetsd prospective damages .......$ 70 . Was damageandforrquryinvead9dedDYPoke? N 0 Ifso,whatcdy?_ Were pammedIcs or ambulance ceded? N 0 If so, name dry or ambulance B tuJured, state date, lime, name and address of doctor of your Initial visit m Ga nowo have ibraon dyMMSE$- b s r �6 D—S> 'U� G Name Address -7*75A �2_ Phone Phone Name Address Phan Nam Address DOCTOR AND HOSPITALS: ) , } Hospital Address Phone Pmrb Doctor Address Ptaoe DoctorAddress READ CAREFULLY meOflhaeedderd ' Ford *Wdedfhr,PlanowfokwbddtrammmO.Ofdmt3,Ir"nallodh, East, Souk And West; InmmM plain Olaedded by W and by showkv house wdderdby-A•l'wWbmtlonofyuersoMoryourveMUeatle by &P and Ore point of ImPed by W - rpmDawadk0armsbsbeetoornero.00OyVehldewashwoved,designabbY lecdon ofCIVVdi* when you first sawvWdlewhenyoufudsswORyyVd*W,bmtlana00y _ NOTE.. ROB artachheeioaproperdtaOam orryjourata1rne�M byddmant. r S CIDtW ALK- .. _.. _.... _ . .. CURB �I.. n �.%`g CURB —Z PARKWAY stoEWALK 7 v x lure (�rtnantorperson Mgonhis beha ffg6*re=5" me: b' b garnarrt / „ L... —.., . nu...I J r ae rn en �eaTl.l nTV M pw fP.nv rtation Of a klSe dalm Is a iebny (Pert Code 176 Ia-.;:.--. Estimate/Final Invoice ?I. AUTO -CLASS SERVICE IN ALL 50 STATES BAR# ARD165695 Federal Tax ID: 95-3415468 Remit To: 1845 Morena Blvd. SAN DIEGO CA 92110 P/O#: Cust State Tax ID: Quote: QCT035006 Taken By: YureliL Cust Fed Tax ID: Installer: Ship Via Date: 4/24/2009 SalesRep:0009Adv. Code:SF Time: 03:48 PM Bill To: CASH55 Sold To: CASH55 MAUREEN ELY MAUREEN ELY RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 (760)285-5086 ehtc et-Ttoimaatton -' Make: Toyota Model Style: Solara 2 Door Convertible Year: 2006 Odometer: VIN: License: Oily Part Number Description List Sell Total 1 FW02438GBNN Windshield -(Solar Controlled) .$272.20 $136.10 $136.10 1 100 F 100 flat (Flat Rate) $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 1 HAH000004 Adhesive-(2.0, Urethane, Dam, Primer) $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 1 WFS F2438 Moulding $34A4 $34.14 $34.14 Provided andinstalled all new parts... Install:12/30/99 12:00 AM Required:12/30/99 12:00 AM (0 hrs) (Not Completed) (Mobile) Original 'Estimate Authorized,By Phone 11 Date' Time Revised Reason dditional Authorized By ❑ In Person Date Time - Estimate Cost ❑ Phone Sub Total: $190.24 Labor $100.00 Tax: $16.65 o-2 00 Total: $306.89 Z 7 7 Star Glass Cathedral City 32001 Cathedral Canyon Dr, #102 CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234-4006 PH:(760) 321-8798 FAX:(760) 321-79 'eitivl 4 .faQ"«rw AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 02, 2009 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Filling a Vacancy on the City Council PUBLIC HEARING: by Appointment RECOMMENDATION: Consider the selection of one appointee to fill an unexpired term on the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Council Member Kirk has announced his intention to resign from the City Council effective May 31, 2009. Mr. Kirk's term of office is up for election at the November 2, 2010, General Municipal Election. Government Code Section 36512(b) requires that once a vacancy occurs on the City Council, "the council shall, within 30 days from the commencement of the vacancy, either fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy." Consequently, the City Council must take action by June 30, 2009. At the May 5, 2009 meeting, the City Council directed staff to accept applications with 25 verified signatures for consideration of appointment to the vacancy. The City Clerk Department published a notice for applications in The Desert Sun on May 8 and 14, 2009. A total of 10 applications were filed in the City Clerk Department by the deadline of May 26, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. 178 All signature petitions were forwarded to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters' office for verification. The following is a list of applicants and verification: Name Ed Alderson Jim Cathcart Kenneth Doran Linda Evans Joseph Hofman Ronald Spears Robert Sylk Robert Wilkinson Bryant Winchell Robert Wright Application Filed Signatures Verified 05/19/09 05/21 /09 05/22/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 20 signatures verified 05/26/09 05/28/09 05/21 /09 05/22/09 05/26/09 24 signatures verified 05/18/09 05/27/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/26/09 21 signatures verified 05/26/09 05/27/09 * Names in bold received the minimum requirement of 25 verified signatures All applications are attached for the City Council's review (Attachment 1), including those that did not qualify. An appointment to the vacancy requires the majority of the quorum to take action. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the selection of one appointee to fill an unexpired term on the City Council; or 2. Do not approve the selection of one appointee to fill an unexpired term on the City Council; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectf ly submitted, Veronica J. ntecino, CMC City Clerk �... 179 Approved for submission by: homas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. City Council Applications 130 lla aAliaalraLira a received CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE MAY 19 2009 ON THE LA QUINTA city of LaQuinto CITY COUNCIL CC gpepoftment A n vo Date: 5 ! D 5 HOME ADDRESS \ be a La Quinta resident and a registered voter) LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: � O 1 C' tz�N •S ` TELEPHONE: (HOME) / (nO ��� - L EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYER @�1*X'@ POSITION BUSINESS ADDRESS HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. 4 r.___ :�_ ....... f +hc fi~finn¢ ronliIntinnC and orocedures of the La Quinta pN, APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 What speck issues or problems face La Quinta, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What speck attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the performance of the La Quinta City Council? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Date: May 26, 2009 To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 www.voteinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Edward Alderson Checked 30/25 Good Signatures .. 133 05/20/2009 WED 11:53 FAX 760 777 7107 La Quinta City Clerk 0002/003 SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT Z3the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate L c,, o10 for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOR OFFICE USE NO. & STREE PRIN 44 CITY 1pvlfl -4 /��# 2 SION < NO. & STRET _,W PRINT CITY IP C4 C4 3 SIGN NO. & STREET�V/ �� g��" 1 �Jt� PRINT 10*17 CITY �73P ISIGN 4 NO. &STREET W PRINT �P SA �� $ SIGN 64R* - - -�W— NO. & ST 7 E T-6MO.-F-0 -- PRINT_.. RWT - IM C" tA Qu CIA ZIP SIGN NOA STREET N CITY6 7 SIGN NOA STREET �C'5 go A?$jE -709)XF.- PRINT 8 SIGN N III0. & STREET R1 MAU C 4JA -111- C!A 9 SIGN NO- PRINTJ�i 01W IT ZIP 10 SIGN NO. & STREET � CITY qgPRINT9I-G'AA44'( SIGN A NO.& STREET ARF F C."'ZIP jp" ?7,f- 12 SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT -T. CITY 13 �NT NO ISN' 14 SIGN NO. & STReET PRINTCCITY�C<114, /�fi ZIP9'1,q '3 sir � NO. & STREET PRIN%ka ZIP'9414- 16 S NWT�R E E T . PR C17Ye )�rd III 7-A 2 A 5MR 17 SIGN ------ STREETeo" C TY ZP 1-1. . 184 05/20/2009 WED 11:54 PAX 760 777 7107 La Quinta City Clerk vf(IV V a, U w J 18SIGN- NO.&STREET GI•f1i3—G����A�J-- CN / PRINT AoAJALD r• I-TVU'L CITY_A A91�l gy,-53 Ip�{/� 19 SIGN /i ^MP NO.& RE PRINTT<:! CITY i ZIP g� NO. & STREET " 20.59L_L PRIN7 v CITY ZIP 21 SIGN PRINT , L1 I CITY 1 d201hWw �fZIP 9.�J�i r•� 22 SIGN �_ NO. "YM ZIP SIGN NO. T �(!1p�f c 7J 23 PRINT Mop, DI7Y 1 SIGN iJ - NO. B STREET ll PRINT / N C is CITY A vi'WM ZIP 25 SIGN NO. & ST ' PRINT ( CITY n A. ZIP 26 SIGN -.R_ NO. & STREET6�p7 / / CAk!97k sTi� . �A 61ouD> PR LCD �y 2 / SIGN ... .... ___. N0-& S_O PRINT CITY LA, Out µ-YA A ZIP28 pi.2.S SIGN O. & ST PRINT / CITY29 SIGN N0. & STREET PRINT ZIP �1Z K 30 SIGN . . q, - -, -.._ _ -__.. — — - NO. S STREET ---� 05 --- -- PRINT �G'P�S✓+ CITY ZIP (_ 14 vsm6rF �1lGD/��/ijalc OFFICE USE ONLY L [NO. OF VALID SIGNATURES _l .. 1 to 9 MAY-28-2009 THU 08:54 AM FAX NO. 05/28/2009 THU 8:27 FAX 760 777 7107 La Quint, City Clerk D5/20/2009 WHO 11:56 FA% 760 771 7107 LP Quiata City Clerk P, 02 ®003/003 SIGN S'(RCET CITYpawR I T tfo CPRINT car�Ip [20 // i./ / CIrASTREE ZIRSIGN r NO,4 TP �i,! — .. — vRIN7 5�,Qz{'JI IP 22 SKIN .- - ,.�_ J— NO.ASYASE�7 �bt.LyCJPY... .. GG//gyp / PRINT CHa2r �, in /a Ai' CIIY 2IP ( , �- e4f e �'g_ 3 I/ 23 SIGN- . ... NO ,f 6 l I r' \ rRwT clTr 24 SIGN _.._._t..�a _.. NO J STREET PRINT I 14 N C ` MIS CIY/ A V♦�A 4a• 25 SIGN — NO.a ST4QUEJ Pdli+r' ciry SIGN NO., SVk9m iiLP. !.S?AR. / 26 Pw .L , Gir+LA _$�S.G 27 PRWT NaY ST&C4Tb��e,�R4'&C�$A{ L�GP, 6u x,tk ✓^ 28 SIGN. 0, L ST awny� ``V�I--6 PRINT / CITV / 21P ,•/ SIGN PRINT29 �� /Crs NO.,$TREEi //11 "TyZt LIP 30 SIGN N0. S STREET PRINT ({L NGia rl.'. t���/' CITV t� Zrp6.�'%vim OFFICE USE ONLY NO.OF VALID SIGNATURES _ 186 RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MAY 2 2 2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT NAME: James Y. Cathcart Date: 05/22/2009 HOME ADDRESS (Must be a La Quinta, resident and a registered voter) LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: 15 years TELEPHONE: (HOME) BUSINESS EMAIL: FAX: IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYER La Quinta Palms Realty POSITION Co-owner/ Manager BUSINESS ADDRESS 51001 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, CA 92253 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? Yes BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. I have been married to my wife Maria for 20 years and we have a daughter, Abby, 12 years old. My wife is an elementary school teacher with DSUSD and Abby is in the 6th grade at John Glenn Middle School. I attended Newport Harbor High School and Orange Coast College, business law and Accounting, through 1978. I worked in our family owned construction, land development and mining business through 1982. In 1982, 1 became co-owner of La Quinta Palms Realty, a full service real estate company specializing in residential real estate sales and property management, where I am currently employed. I have been involved in many civic activities including serving as a La Quinta Councilman in 1995. I was a volunteer with the Riverside County Sheriffs Underwater Search and Recovery Team from 2001 to 2007. 1 was a coach for my daughter's soccer teams for 4 seasons with the La Quinta Chapter of AYSO. Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta City Council. Havine served as a La Quinta City Councilman in 1995, I am familiar with all aspects of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta City Council. I fully understand the duties protocols, rules and responsibilities of the Dosition. 187 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 What specific issues or problems face La Quinta, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? The greatest issue for the City of La Quinta will be figuring out the best way to maintain our high quality of living in this declining revenue environment. With the on going recession leading to numerous business closings, including some large sales tax revenue sources and the failure of the State Ballot propositions this month, our revenues will certainly decline. The challenge will be maintaining our high level of services while not compromising our fiscal responsibility for the future of our city. Specific issues will include maintaining the currently high level of police, fire and community services, supporting local business and industry, as well as developing creative marketing for attracting new business to replace those that have left, protecting city assets and revenues from the State, and developing the long term plan for the growth and development for the SilverRock project. Additionally, the City will need to address the declining Real Estate values as it relates to affordable housing and the Redevelopment Agency's ability to fulfill the increasing needs, and State requirments. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think.you have which would enhance the performance of the La Quinta City Council? I have served on the City Council and I have a strong working relationship with the City staff allowing me to begin serving in an effective capacity immediately. While serving on the City Council, 1 had a cooperative attitude and I worked well with the Mayor and Council members to bring about consensus. Together we were able to make difficult decisions on major issues that have ultimately proved to be in the best interest of the City. Even when I was with the minority opinion I supported the Council's decision and moved forward. My 27 years as an active member of the community me with a historical perspective and familiarity which will help me address the issues the City will face. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 188 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council I hereby submit my application for the vacant City Council position. I have been a strong supporter of the current Council and look forward to the opportunity of serving with you if selected. I believe that I will bring a complementary perspective to the Council in many ways. I am a resident of North La Quinta, I am involved with our local schools and local youth sports, and I am an independent local business owner. My real estate knowledge will be an asset to the Council as we deal with the current real estate generated financial crisis. I will also bring my unique perspective of having served on the council and then returned to the private sector, which has allowed me to see first hand the interactions between the City and those that do business with it. If selected, please know that my investment in and love for our City will insure the decisions I make will always have the City and its residents best interests at heart. Respectfully Submitted James Y. Cathcart La Quinta, CA 92253 ( •. 189 May 26 09 09:16p Richard Jervis, PA-C 760-360-0520 Richard W. Jervis, B.S., PA-C La Quinta, CA 92253 May 26, 2009 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA Attn: City Clerk Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council It is with great pleasure that I write you regarding Mr. James "Jim" Cathcart as a potential appointee to City Council of La Quinta. I have been a resident of La Quinta since 1996, shortly there after I met Jim. In the years that I have known him I have always trusted his honesty, determination, and work ethic. He is by far one of the most sincere "Real' persons I have ever met. I rely on Jim as a personal friend, and confidant. In my book, If Jim says it, you can count on it without hesitation. Simply, we the citizens of La Quinta need Jim on City Council. I look forward to his serving, the wisdom and guidance he would bring to the council. Sincerely, Richard W. Jervis, BS, PA-C Physician Assistant -Certified I,... , 190 May 28, 2009 Oft el vea City of La Quints MAY $ 78-495 Calle Tampico 8 ZQ(� La Quinta, CA 92253 errs or em CLERK �p Ul1VTq Attn: City Clerk WTMEIh Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, I would like the City Council to appoint Jim Cathcart to the vacant city council seat Jim has been a business associate of mine for over 20 years. For the past several years, Jim and I have worked closely together coordinating components of the City's Low -Income Down Payment Assistance Program. There have been challenges, setbacks and serious issues regarding this important program and throughout, Jim has always had the best interests of the City of La Quinta as his foremost consideration. His honest and intelligence approach is always well -thought out, fair, and prudent. Jim would be a valuable asset to the City as a council member. I encourage the City Counsel to appoint Jim Cathcart to the vacant seat on the City Council. Sincerely, VJ Sleight La Quinta, CA 92253 191 T/T*d LOTLLLL6:Oi 69£0-b9S-09L :WOHA UOO:60 6002-82-AUW BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters Date: May 26, 2009 pF q� J U u O* p * 03 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 www.voteinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Copy of Petition is returned herewith. James Y. Cathcart Checked 29/25 Good Signatures 192 05/22/2009 FRI 15!41 PAX 760 777 7107 La Quinta City Clerk V(ju V z I U V J SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate .TARES '(- CATVkcp'A�r for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. A NAM RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOR OFFICE USE $1 N NO. & STREET ( cAaw - ------ ZIP (zw 3 ac [ON NO. &STREET PRINTCITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET q66 �L vclvcI� 4 _ PRINT ZIP qvs� 5 SIGN SIGN NO. & STPARJ q() 4�� PL4 k-< ----------- - ....... SZ, c'T' L-,, Oujol-k C4 "q 7, 6 SIGN I ET NO. &�r al�E- PRINT - e, Lj 49061?1 I-S' ccir�-. � 7 SIGN Lit" -UtA-A-P7J N . ff PRINT CITY LjH- ovt�NIrl�Ix. C-A- ZIP q;),? 5 � 8 SIGN N�.7 rllr _EI PRINT ZIP C a I z 9 SIGN NO. & STREET W710 Vlg ZEnz-g-z PRINT CITY C& 10 SIGN NO. & STREE PRINT CITY Z' 11 SIGN STREE — PRINT CITY 0,4 'P V.2.t Sri 12 SIGN-6 N%&.9 RE PRINT Lrn g !CITY La Cjw-,,1lck, 'P'fZZ3?) 13 SIGN NO. 14TIIEEj� e.. PRINT C"LA Qvt�-A,, C A, fp'1416 3 SI 'Z.A No ST's 14 PRINT \�� 15 SIGN NC.&STREFT,*V" --- --- ----- - I'RJ'Nr 1; ZIP 16 SIGN NO.& STREET 4 !CITY ZIP SIGN NOASTREET 17 PRINT ZIP IMPORTANT! Turn to reverse side for signature spaces 18-30 0 193 05/22/2009 FRI 15:42 FAX 760 777 7107 La Quinta City Clerk 0003/003 N NO. &STREET S71 qo�- 147,r,,)u4 C ZIP 19 SIGN NO, & SrREET.,j,.6 'A L4 P5 L, De;>Iz(,j CITY ZIP i LP, /ou f&rrA _1�DkvLpi" 20 SIGN NOASTREET-76? SqL) 21 qo� (PRINT OC (CITY I A () , A p 71P CULS3 22 SIGN NO. & STREET,-�t-- / AA-L�v PRINT / - ZIP 23 SIGN— !NO. & STREET YJ cry- r P ZIP 24 SIGN 0. & STREET m PRINT W_� kl;eQ ��)Wle lvn CITY ZIP a awnlc� 25 SIGN INO. & STREET IfLOs-0 PRINT WJ2, Ld1Y j3AH�( ZIP Tads-� 1c'Tbt QV�IFA 26 Ir P-m CITY ZIP 271E;SIGN qPgLD )j�7;�� 50 PRINT � / -Jan,�- AAJ I A) CITY 28 1N0. & STREET LN QN1 e /7-­77T���Ma,,CAZIP PRIM V V, 29 SIGN __JNOASTREET -- PRINT_ ZIP (1) 30 SIGN A &STREET�,V,6,,7,0 JqA. No. iPRINT -i:z t c. H A j'u_- >�— Zff� c- f1p ciz2,53 F -- -- -- -- -- - - OFFICE USE omtx IND. OF VALID SIGNATURES 194 JL)ID NOT QUA-tlFa/ 0s/;2--7/o'3 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NAME: Kenneth W. Doran Date: May 11, 2009 HOME ADDRESS: (Must be a La Quinta resident and a registered voter) LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: 4 years RECEIVED MAY 2 6 2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE: (HOME) BUSINESS: EMAIL: FAX: None IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYER: Desert Sunrise Realty POSITION: Broker/ Owner BUSINESS ADDRESS: 45-945 La Flor Lane La Quinta, CA 92253 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? Yes BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. I have lived in the Coachella valley for over twenty years and have resided in the city of Quinta for the last four years Through the years I have gained extensive knowledge and insight into the activities and the challenges confronting the Coachella valley, the city of La Quinta and the various joint power authorities in which the city participates as a member. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of California, Riverside and a Master of Public Administration degree from California State University, San Bernardino In addition I have over 8 years professional staff experience working in local government agencies in the areas of economic development environmental planning and administration. Through my experiences I have acquired a broad skill set My civic involvement has been centered around the creation of the Coachella Vallev 195 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 City Council, will continue to work tirelessly to see the creation of the organization. Please see Appendix B article describing the need purpose and broad organizational structure for the Coachella Valley Commission on Ethics and Public Policy. Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta City Council. Through my work experiences in local government and graduate studies in public administration I have developed an expertise in the functions, regulations and procedures of municipal governments and thus, the La Quinta City Council. The primary functions of municipalities are the protection of the health and safety of its citizens as well as the design, development and functionality of the city. This translates into insuring that proper levels of police/ fire services to conform to industry standards for response times and building codes to minimize damage to persons and property. The development of the planning element is another responsibility of the city. The general plan defines the look and placement of properties to maximize proper integration of systems (e.g., transportation, ingress and egress into residential and commercial districts, economic development and public works planning). In summary, the planning element defines the livability and sustainability of the city to insure that its citizens have an acceptable Quality of life. Another function of the city is the collection of taxes to finance public facilities and improvements, public programs and services. Many regulations governing municipal operations are derived from federal/ state laws and statutes as well as city code. The commonalities of these regulations is the adherence to proper performance and ethical conduct in city operations: and the use of public funds as well as insure public involvement in the policy development and implementation stages (e.g., Brown Act, citizen advisory committees). The procedures of the La Quinta City Council is to hold its meetings the first and third Tuesdays of the month starting at 3:00pm for closed session business and 4:00pm for regular city council meetings. The Planning Commission meets on the alternate Tuesdays with the meetings beginning at 7:00pm. It is the policy of the city to provide citizens the opportunity to make statements in the public comment period on any subject matter and specific statements during the public hearing process to maximize public involvement and participation. 196 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 What specific issues or problems face La Quinta, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? During the last election cycle I encountered residents who complained that they were having difficulty complying with code enforcement standards As a result, I developed and submitted a letter to the city council describing a grant program to address the problem. Please see Appendix C for letter. past. being conveyed. can view them at their leisure. «. 197 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the performance of the La Quinta City Council? In summary. I believe that my education and work experiences have provided me the necessary knowledge and skills to be a valuable member of the La Quinta City Council. I have gained valuable insight into local government structures and operations. As a result of being a victim of unethical practices on the part of agency administrators, I have developed an appreciation for the need to implement monitoring mechanisms that will insure officials, administrators and staff to adhere to the highest level of ethical conduct. Thus, the city council can be assured that I will conduct myself with the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Kenneth W. Doran La Quinta, CA 92253 EXPERIENCE: Desert Sunrise Realty, La Quinta, CA 92253 July 2001 to Present Position: Broker/ Consultant Annenberg Center for Health Sciences, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 February 2001 to July 2001 Position: Public Affairs Manager SunLine Transit Agency, Thousand Palms, CA 92276 December 1999 to February 2001 Position: Grant Specialist Clark County, Las Vegas, NV 89155 August 1997 to December 1999 Position: Management Analyst II City of Palm Desert, Palm Desert, CA 92260 August 1995 to July 1997 Position: Consultant City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs, CA 92260 March 1995 to January 1996 Position: Intern Inland Empire West Resource Conservation District, Ontario CA. 91764 September 1991 to April 1992 Position: Intern (University Work- Study Program) City of Riverside, Riverside, CA. 92501 June 1991 to August 1991 Position: Summer Intern (Volunteer) SKILLS: 4 Conceptually synthesize legislation and literature as well as conduct program evaluation, investigative research and surveys for the purpose of preparing memorandums, briefs, testimony, studies, speeches, grant proposals/ applications, agenda items and comprehensive reports that involved the use of text, tables and graphs. i Prepare RFP's, pamphlets, brochures, newsletters, air quality video and economic development marketing materials for public dissemination. .6 Create volunteer and employee handbooks; conduct salary surveys, training needs assessment study and interviews; develop classification specifications. .! Create Economic Development Strategy, Commercial Facade Improvement Loan program, Property Improvement Assessment District for City Council consideration; manage Business Retention and Expansion program and Commercial Space Inventory program. d. Conduct trend analysis of funding sources that involved the use of statistical applications for budget monitoring and control as well as strategic planning for the organization. 4. Develop and manage U.S. Department of Energy grant, Federal Transit Administration grant, Clark County Alternative Fuel Vehicle Incentive grant; U.S. Department of Energy, Urban Consortium Energy Task Force grant and State of Nevada, Department of Motor Vehicles Air Pollution Control grant; Execute contracts, monitor expenditures and insure compliance related to grant programs. Provide quarterly progress, evaluation and financial reports. 4. Provide professional staff assistance to the business community, elected officials, executive management and the general public. EDUCATION Master of Public Administration June 1992 California State University, San Bernardino Bachelor of Arts, Political Science June 1990 University of California, Riverside Desert Cities Real Estate School, Broker courses Continuous HONORS: Dean's Honor List: - California State University, San Bernardino Dean's Honor List: - University of California, Riverside LICENSES: State of California, Department of Real Estate, Broker License #01754514 199 COACHELLA VALLEY COMMISSION ON ETHICS AND PUBLIC POLICY As we are in the middle of an election year, our collective thoughts turn to those soliciting our vote and insuring us that they will represent our principles and values in the public policy process. Then we read in the Desert Sun that management and/ or financial improprieties have taken place at one of our local government institutions. We begin to think of the millions of tax dollars that will be needlessly spent on legal and other fees to address the issue at hand as well as the cost associated with rebuilding the organization and having to accept a substandard level of service as the organization goes through the learning process with new management. In return, we rightfully become disgruntled and disillusioned with the political process and our government agencies. Our helplessness becomes institutionalized as we continue to question the value of these agencies as we cannot see a solution to these reoccurring problems. The Ethics Resource Center recently published their "2007 National Government Ethics Survey." Government employees were surveyed regarding their observations of ethical misconduct or violations of law by elected officials, management and fellow employees in the workplace. The survey concluded the following: "Misconduct across government as a whole is very high- nearly six in ten government employees saw at least one form of misconduct in the past twelve months. The level of misconduct observed is alarmingly high at the state and local levels (57 and 63 percent respectively). While lower, it is still of concern that more than half of federal government employees observe violations. One in four government employees works in an environment conducive to misconduct in the future. In these volatile situations, 90 percent of employees are likely to observe misconduct in the future. The strength of ethical culture in government workplaces is declining, while pressure to commit misconduct is growing. Absent effective interventions, misconduct is likely to rise in the future." "More local government employees witness misconduct than employees at other levels, and local leadership is less likely to be aware of wrongdoing when it does happen. Reporting of violations is lowest at the local government level (67 percent); this is not surprising given that one in five employees who is courageous enough to blow the whistle experience, retaliation as a result. Pressure to compromise standards is also 38 percent higher in these organizations than the U.S. average. Finally, local governments have the farthest to go in establishing well -implemented ethics and compliance programs. When viewed together, these circumstances suggest that employees in local governments are likely to be in very difficult situations with perceptions that they have very few options." What constitutes an Ethics Violation? The survey defines an ethics violation as (1) observations of lying and putting one's own interests ahead of the organization (conflicts of interest), (2) abusive or intimidating behavior, (3) alteration of documents and financial records, (4) lying to employees, customers, vendors or the general public, (5) misuse of confidential organization information, (6) improper hiring practices, (7) stealing, (8) discrimination and sexual harassment, etc. Ethics Violations and the Coachella valley The survey does demonstrate that the problem of ethical misconduct exists. In examining the county, cities, joint powers authorities and special districts in our beloved Coachella valley, there are several instances where the public has observed violations of ethics or law. Most recently, the Desert Sun has been reporting on a criminal probe into the behavior at the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. The city of Desert Hot Springs went through a very difficult time as a result of the city manager compensation scandal that the Desert Sun reported several years ago. Approximately five years ago, the Desert Sun reported on the financial improprieties and mismanagement of SunLine Transit Agency and, N.. 200 before that, was informing the public about the financial improprieties and mismanagement of the Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention and Visitors Authority. Long-time valley residents can remember other agencies that have went through these experiences. We can conclude from the survey that there are many other violations of ethical misconduct or law that has not come to the attention of the public because of the lack of reporting. From Coachella valley history, we can feasibly conclude that there are actions currently being taken that would not adhere to most valley resident's definition of proper ethical behavior. Revealing this information is not intended to berate these institutions, but to clearly demonstrate that there are problems with violations of ethics and law in our local government agencies, and there is a compelling need for change in our local government institutions to better protect these agency's coffers and, most importantly, the public's trust. There needs to be an effective mechanism to ensure that the public's principles and values are observed in the formation of public policy and in the day-to-day operations of these agencies. Who is to Blame? The obvious response would be to assign blame to the person(s) responsible for the inappropriate conduct. Some may blame their elected officials as they provide oversight of the agency administrator. In some situations, the elected officials may be to blame if they foster an environment of unethical behavior and work to deceive others as to their actions. For the most part, many elected officials conduct themselves in a highly ethical manner and are as puzzled as the citizens as to why these actions continue to happen. The governance of our local government agencies is embedded in the principle of representative democracy, in which we elect individuals to represent our ethical values and principles in the public policy making process. Their role has traditionally been focused on the development of public policy with management oversight of the agency administrator. The agency administrator has the responsibility of the day-to-day management of the organization. From our review of the Coachella valley agencies that have experienced unethical or unlawful actions, we can conclude that it is at the administrator's level, sometimes inclusive of council members, in which these acts appear to be conceived and implemented. In examining the governance structure, the problem may be inherited in the institutions themselves as there are minimal checks in monitoring conduct of officials and government staff. There are no effective mechanisms built into the system that would provide the necessary checks and balances to insure that the integrity of the organization is maintained. Hence, to insure the integrity of the organization and to maintain the people's trust, an outside agency needs to be developed that will probe the agency's activities and create transparency in the day-to-day operations. The Coachella Valley Commission on Ethics and Public Policy The information presented gives a dim view of our local government institutions and their ability to maintain a high level of ethical conduct. However, as the survey indicates, "[w]hen both a well - implemented ethics and compliance program and a strong ethical culture are in place within a government organization, misconduct drops by 60 percent, and reporting rises by 40 percent. Governments' risk of losing public trust can be mitigated". Proceeding under this premise, the time has come to create the Coachella Valley Commission on Ethics and Public Policy. To paraphrase the United States General Accounting Office's mission statement, the Commission will function as an investigative arm of our local government agencies to help improve the performance and ensure accountability of our local government agencies for the benefit of valley residents. The Commissions work will include ethical monitoring of staff and officials; oversight of local government programs; insight into ways to make government more efficient, effective, ethical and equitable; and foresight of long-term trends and challenges. The Commission will be working with the University of California, Riverside's new School of Public Policy to have professors, doctoral and highly qualified master degree students conduct independent evaluations of our local government agencies 201 May 19, 2009 City of La Quinta Attn: Councilmember 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sir or Madam: During the February 3, 2009 City Council meeting, a study session on enforcement of the city's code compliance was discussed with many views being expressed to improve the process. As a mayoral candidate in the previous election, I encountered many complaints as to the city's enforcement of the code. As previously stated at the City Council meeting, some of these complaints had merit while others did not. There was one call I received that moved me to believe that a solution needs to be developed that would address this specific family's problem and the other problems I encountered. The City Council gained an understanding of some of the problems that exist and put forth some valuable recommendations to pursue in mitigating these problems. However, some of these problems are complex and requires a multifaceted approach. As I had stated during the meeting, the city may be required to assist our citizens with their properties to bring them into compliance with city code. It was suggested that a grant program be developed to assist these citizens with these code violations. While this is certainly an option, I feel that it would be prudent to conduct an in-depth study to examine other options as well. For example, perhaps a low- or no -interest loan, in addition to a grant program, to assist citizens would be a more comprehensive and sensible approach to insure the Council is observing their fiduciary responsibility to the citizens in the expenditure of public funds. The Study would consist of: l Conducting a study of other municipalities/ counties to determine their approach with similar or like programs. 4, Identifying non -encumbered housing redevelopment funds that can be allocated to the program as well as examine other possible funding sources. $ Classifying code violations to set the parameters of the program to determine qualifying projects for program inclusion as well as determine overall fiscal impact. 4- Designing a tiered approach based upon income stratification levels to determine whether citizens qualify for a grant, no -interest loan or a low -interest loan. 16 Examining program funding mechanisms to identify potential risk and appropriate mitigation measures. -i Develop program application and disseminate information to La Quinta residents If I can provide you with any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact me at ( Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Sincerely, Kenneth Doran La Quinta, CA 92253 202 Inn ivy, r. uo BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters Date; May 27, 2009 Y a, REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92,507-0918 (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 www.voleinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Kenneth W. Doran Checked 30/20 Good Signatures 203 G urbjX wV - --- .. _ ., .,,, -11 rnn 11U, r. lu 05126/2C09 TVB 13!55 FAX 760 777 7107 La Quinta City Clerk ®002/003 SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT KWe, the under ' ned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate P'Y �' Sn for the office Of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. IMPORTANT! Turn to reverse side for signature spaces 18.30 --0. 204 ..... . _...... ...... .- I- FnA nun Y. 11 05/26/2009 TUR 13'56 FAR 760 177 7107 La ¢uinta City Clcrk jnD03/003 18 SIGN � PRINT N0.6STftfETd).9^ [3 p ` `•7.,[ 1 C S Y CITY 19 q SIGN 0 W PRINT __-"'•• MIS ET 7 7.. �..IrFk cITrL, ZIP 20 SIGN v PRVR - l •. CITY '�'^�-�'S'�-11_ AP 21 SIGN PRINT r•- —�� _ NO a STRPET7 CITY ( ✓ r / f / ~� F Q '// 22 SIGN .�i PRINT N0. STREET 23 SHIN pRINr Grtc u.� - �'•1 / c'V �alaf NO.6 S IKMT/ CITY -�, �•/t c _llry, fZ. �j.i�'^j j \ SIGN PRINT^-�- NO.B STREET ..-ciu1.,G.m.-[.u_Je b. 91BN_. CITY t4 QUI xdP.. 21P 25 � art � PRINT vTq•i'ri �•- NO. B STREEET '3 .C��J" iilf 'N G GI N �' LP •Y 2G SIGN — PR- ";�.-` ._ NO. a s m�F,Lf c ssPANT•I J' . �.'L ILC CITY ZIP 27 SIGN N0. PRINT _ _ !-.. 28 SIGN /•� PRINT "`^-�L�.....,.f''_� NO SYR T F L — _ CITYZL- 29 NT rA (CoTu{rt" Nco. � _M�22O iTY4 SIGN 53 � NO '/ C J OFFICE USE ONLY a — ENO�OFVALiDSIGNATURGS _J 205 RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA MAY 2 6 2009 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT NAME: Linda M. Evans (Bender) Date: 5/22/09 HOME ADDRE (Must be a La and a registered voter) LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: April 2003 - present (6 years) TELEPHONE: (HOME) BUSINESS EMAIL: FAX: IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYER JFK Memorial Hospital -- POSITION Associate Administrator BUSINESS ADDRESS 47-111 Monroe Street, Indio, CA 92201 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? Yes BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. Please see attached resume. Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta City Council. Functions of cnc i,a Quinta City Council include: o Approval of ordinances and resolutions o Approval of contracts and agreements o Establishment of City policies o Decisions over land use o Serves as appeal process for decisions made by advisory committees and/or City staff Regulations & procedures of the La Quinta City Council include: o Appointment of a City Manager, who serves at CEO of the Municipal Corporation o Appointment of the City Attorney, Boards, Commissions, and Special Committees o Council serves as Board of Directors of the Municipal Corporation o Council meets in a public forum where citizens can attend and participate in the governmental process o Council members must adhere to the Brown Act 206 uiiauo uY 6al0 LGaLLLCl APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 What specific issues or problems face La Quinta, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? 1. State Budget: Issue/problem: The threat of California tapping further into City budget for increased taxes, additional redevelopment funds, and reduced revenues is of great concern. Suggestion: Continue to be fiscally responsible with City funds, spending, expenses; ensuring long-term viability for the City especially during these financially challenging economic times. Neighboring cities may be in trouble financially, placing additional strain on La Quinta to remain viable for businesses, community programs, and its residents. 2. Economic Development & Community Growth: Issue/problem: Closed businesses, home foreclosures, and unemployment have reached an all- time high for La Quinta, and the recession is not over. Suggestion: Strengthen City marketing efforts (affordably) to attract new businesses to the area and to promote existing businesses so they survive the economic storm. Specific economic development focus is needed for Old Town, the Highway I I I corridor, and progression of SilverRock; provide assistance to ensure communities are maintained so that foreclosed homes do not decrease the overall value of a neighborhood; continue to partner with area schools and colleges in order to offer programs to build skill sets still in demand in a challenging environment. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance -the performance of the La Quinta City Council? My position at JFK Memorial Hospital requires focus on multiple issues; including strategic planning, growth and development, contracts and compliance, community involvement, and interaction with individuals on multiple levels. I have served on several Boards as both a Director and Chair, and therefore possess the ability to balance my full-time work with extra time devoted in various non-profit entities. As Chair for the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce for two years, and an Executive Committee Board Member for 5 of 6 years, I understand many of needs and issues facing both large and small businesses. In addition to the non-profit and Chamber experience, I have held positions on the Board of a Homeowner's Association (HOA- President & Secretary) in Pomona. This was a challenging six years, as our development underwent a structural defect/HVAC lawsuit against the developer, which included special assessments to the homeowner's and extensive time in arbitration and open meeting sessions with unhappy residents. The HOA ultimately prevailed, and the settlement allowed for the necessary repairs and defective systems to be replaced accordingly. My diverse experience, and representation of the target demographic of La Quinta, qualifies me for the position of City Council member. Othe- experience: Media relations, public relations, fund-raising, marketing & advertising PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 207 LINDA M. EVANS (Married/Legal Name: Linda M. Bender) 47-905 Via Firenze La Quinta, CA 92253 Home: (760) 777-7201 Cell: (760) 899-3279 Work: (760) 775-8478 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: TENET HEALTHCARE CORPORATION (4/95 - present) JFK Memorial Hospital, Indio, CA (3/03 - present) Associate Administrator, Business Development Responsible and accountable for development and implementation of hospital's strategic goals and direction. Integrate multiple functions to obtain optimum success for facility. O Redirected top joint replacement surgeon from competitor, resulting in 350 incremental surgeries annually with favorable payor mix ® Initiated transfer agreement with Blythe hospital resulting in 300 incremental admissions ® Initiative Champion Target 100 Customer Service: (2004-2008) ® Developed proposal and secured $3.4mm in capital for new cardiac cath lab ® Participated in joint venture acquisition and syndication of ASC ® Developed 1206D Orthopedic Clinic — Joints, Spine, Sports Medicine A Recruiting primary care and specialty physicians to meet community need demands Lakewood Regional Medical Center, Lakewood, CA (8/00 - 2/03) Lakewood Regional Medical Center & Suburban Medical Center, Lakewood & Paramount, CA (8/00-6/02) Associate Administrator, Business Development ® Increased admissions YOY 2002 by 7% at Lakewood and by 4.45% at Suburban ® Transitioned Medical Group to Lakewood resulting in 1500 admissions annually ® Recruited seven (six PCP) physicians under Relocation Agreements A Increased. OB services at Lakewood by 23% year -over -year (2001-02) ® Increased Medical Staff by 116 physicians at Lakewood and by 30 at Suburban ® Initiative Champion Target 100 Customer Service for Lakewood and Suburban St. Luke Medical Center, Pasadena, CA (7/99 — 7/00) Associate Administrator, Business Development Operational management of Women's Cancer Center, Surgi-Slim, Joint Care, Neurosurgery, IVF, Transfusion Free/Bloodless, and Industrial Medicine product lines. ® Ensured readiness of product lines and services for August 1999 JCAHO survey ® Implemented operations, DHS/OSHPD approval, and marketing plan for new IVF lab ® Reorganized operations of Women's Cancer Center to ensure compliance in all areas ® Outsourced rehab services for cost savings, improved compliance and quality ® Instrumental in opening of USC Family Medicine Clinic (Residency Program) ® Recruited primary care and specialty physicians, facilitated Open Houses/promotions ® Initiated contacts with local medical groups resulting in contracts and access to facility ® Administered, managed, analyzed, and maintained all hospital contracts to ensure corporate/legal compliance San Dimas Community Hospital, San Dimas, CA (4/95-6/99) Director, Business Development Strategic planning and operational management of Pharmacy, Laboratory, Sub -Acute, Engineering, Housekeeping, Security, Patient/Guest Services, Industrial Medicine, Volunteer Program and Hospital Gift Shop. 208 ♦ Facilitated start-up operations of outpatient OB clinic and 18-bed sub -acute unit; obtained approval and licensure from DHS; maintained JCAHO standards ♦ Enhanced financial performance of facility by establishing relationships/joint ventures with the community, physicians, and employer groups O Performed physician recruiting, networking, and contracting functions ♦ Negotiated and administered managed care contracts (HMO/PPO/IPA) with Region ♦ Administered, managed, analyzed, and maintained hospital contracts and medical office building leases to ensure corporate/legal compliance O Created and executed product line development, marketing strategies, public relations functions, and community involvement/outreach programs Instructor, Ethics & Business Conduct (11/96-12/01) Instructed/facilitated ethics and business conduct training courses to Tenet employees. FHP HEALTH CARE, INC., Fountain Valley, CA (2/88-4/95) Associate, Professional Staffing - Southern California Region (12/92-4/95) Recruited physicians, pharmacists, and optometrists for network of over 300,000 patients Manager, Provider Relations - Regional Executive Offices (3/89-12/92) Responsible for physician human resource functions for 450 employed physicians Coordinator, Consumer Services - Regional Executive Offices (8/88-3/89) Responsible for employee and physician recognition programs and new physician orientation Representative, Member Services - Fountain Valley Medical Center (2/88-8/88) Responsible for handling member inquiries and complaints to develop system improvements and maximize member retention and satisfaction DeFAZIO'S PIZZA & SUBS — (4/80-2/88) Manager - Placentia, CA Managed operations of restaurant including hiring, supervision, inventory, maintenance, customer service, marketing, and food preparation. EDUCATION: University of La Verne, CA: Masters, Health Administration (MHA - 2003) University of La Verne, CA: Masters of Science, Gerontology (MSG - 2003) California State University, Fullerton, CA: Bachelor of Arts, Communications/PR (BA - 1987) John F. Kennedy High School, La Palma, CA: Diploma: CSF Member, Band President (1982) AFFILIATIONS: Chair — Board of Directors, Arthritis Foundation Coachella Valley (present) Chair — Board of Directors, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce (Chair 7/2006-2008; Board 2003- present; 5 of 6 years on Executive Committee) Board of Directors - American Heart Association & American Diabetes Association, Coachella Valley (2003 - 2008) Board of Directors - Santa Rosa del Valle, Inc. (2003-2007) Board of Directors - San Dimas Chamber of Commerce (Board 1996-1999; Member 1995- 2004) Board of Directors - Altadena Chamber of Commerce (1999-2000) Chair — Board of Directors, American Heart Association, East San Gabriel Valley Division (1999) YWCA Outstanding Woman Employee Achievement Award (Tenet 1996 & 1997) Board of Directors - Phillips Meadows Homeowners Association (6/91-6/97; President & Secretary) 209 P1HY-28-�UUJ IHll U8:b4 AM FAX NO. P. 03 BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters Date: May 27, 2009 s qY ys REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486.7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 www.voteinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination, Linda Evans Bender Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Checked 38/25 Good Signatures 21.0 11HT-C6-ZUUy IHU Ud:b4 H11 PAX NO. UWZ61YCUY TUN 14!U2 IIAx IOU "I I\VI ..a x••�••�_ ••••i �---• SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate Linda Evans Beedex for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOR OFFICE USE 1 SION r NO. R SYREET 77V166L .�� ✓-" Z SION �Ld C3C _ _—_ NO, S6TRE 7'7 9J, Grp4 tnkrh` / �� (PRINT 1 . '= �iA � CITY .r / ZIP C 2SA ,2 3 SIGN , .1�. __.._ .. No. a S Si• P•�{LIR,L�yry — PRINT jPWbIm, I/Ur-,( Tl CITY ZIP•111,� ' SIGN 1. a.l ti.jl.( NO.s STREET �j IrlJ l^l�i lPt DI ,"'10C��00• r. > n PRINT(`GLtnS�q NAI clT(A-6 ulr �t xl>ctZ?53} 5 SIGN • aC w _ NO. S STREEY Al to AI.YYt Ir y mL' Did 14 2/ _ • • MLIP1 " - PRINT I I tl'111 •I I LAW •N CITY I 14Z, I „+' 6 SIGN NG.6SYREET /(a75 0W4 c- PRINT C4^4. r cITY �Cy C7lIL Q 5 ` 7 SIGN G% N0.6 STRFJ, r'/� F ® ,}. �. •-/. "-I-i4 .tA- x• PRINT __ �'I.Y CITY 1,?.S SIG - -"-� S PRINT '� CITY7 � 1� t..i J^ / 3 '•/ 9 SIGN Z["/YWv LL �• No, 61 ��.r..[:..-J L• ILJr lit 10 PRINT cITY� UInI �/ ZIP �2,Z/J �•7j PRINT :'��iV ... SIGN 1 N0,6 STREET �y /J Cl �4-I.IP Od t —^ CITY r ,... �t.y.95' f l Sr 13 SIGN T NO,&STREET 77 PRINT�xlP 14 SIGN No. aS. U4411,YY--'/ PRIN7� - 1 � ---- -� ..T .:�� • CIYY .�, 21P SIGN NG a"sTLsT Hr153a k1hRn' C-T & 1•ItiM' � 1`[ CITY tA' JO `Ta iP'ry 4 SIGN No. 6 STREE PRINT 17!Li'�—..._.._- . 7) r,� __V I1 I rR.FTI t v " PMNT.-r^'f^i _�i�r �:"l� 0 clrY� GC ti ".) D� LP �2?-:5.3 i' •. IMPORTANT! Turn to reverse side for signature spaces 1830 --► 211 nHY—Zb—ZU0 IHU Ub;bb Art FAX NO. P. 05 Linda vans sender - page 2 w1r~15 - .J.G' : �! MMP��40WW MIX Al wit L .. 'rri ie WWY_s.VA�nl���.�t� • � OFFICE USE ONLY�S �� NO. OF VALIDSIONATURCS 212 unl co cuuo rTtl uo.lu rn hRX NO, P. 01 05/29/2009 FRI 13: 50 VAX 160 777 7107 La (,QuinttA City Clerk wjuu<7 VVA Linda Evans Sender -- Wage 3 SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate t^kd a �, r_ lk,/Zfor the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOR OFFICE USE ,IA re lYl&V� ''�✓j���}/ .� -.•GTr7 NO,& STREETlaObbf � n RINT !' D vm10446 1`T r• 7D RIPr u 1 A'rT #1 Z SIGN _.._.:a•4r:'Yls!GE£3�:.�.....•..._...._� PRINT -+}NQr N0, 8.45TRE —I?oc_K�1s'_•-Y,C7_.._...... �C) L99_!r��LYJ CITY -0C c1 .5-3 3 SIGN—\ ..,.�? M• IR N0.�8-'.i(TT� ._....,. IN Ir ) f GTV •L, � I ZIP "i-Z•r'• sIGN ` . .� .••.•• PRINT ah i'�11T1� r 1'li%1� G1L "In +R 101 ZIP SIGN N0.&Sl'RLCT LkL PRINT r 'YI/VI'Cil CITY L4.`W CA. ZIP .9z z 5 3 6 SIGN �- NO,&STR -Yy ,_-� A ;',r: 1 � ,I P 1"T_�/._. r %a([ /,r rr�g IOTfV r ^ IV . % SIGN — NO,85TREET (.,'�._� A�w- yir.O,lrin •, ,. PRINT O py CITY tIjmTA^ ZIP ^I `. C2 - 8 SIGN G_ ..— PRINT N0.8 TR •gT /J.�(/�' / 1 '" �11 t / (j C1T� Z )� 9 SIGN \. NO,&STREET ^^ PRINT - CITY LW 10 SIGN —+ "T — NO.&STREET PRIVY J — 11 51GN NO. BSTREET V —,•-•_ — Y� .�V_•��— ZIP CITY 12 IGN . NO.&STREET PRINT _ _. __ ...... CITY -�-- -� ZIP 13— SIGN NO.&STREET PRINT iICITY ZIP 14 SIGN _.... NO, S STREET I .. _..,..... ,... PRINT . _ . __—.-,....., ._-- CITY ZIP 15 nGN .... _ .._..—_ . . _ NO,&STREET CITY LP 1` V SIGN - --- - NO,&STAEET PRINT .� J CITY ._. . .._—__.____. ._.• FIP 17 IGN __. ___._._.. [PRINT NO,& STREET _ ..__�.. _.. .. CITY ZIP IMPORTANT! Turn tG reverse side for signature spaces 18-30 --•► 21.3 RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE MAY 21 2009 ON THE LA QUINTA ' CRY R LA DEPARTMENT TA CITY COUNCIL CRY CLERK DEPARTMENT JOSEPH H. HOFMAN Date: HOME ADDRESS (Must be a La Quinta resident and a registered voter) LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: 2.5 YEARS TELEPHONE: (HOME) ( BUSINESS ( EMAIL: FAX:( IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD LAW OFFICES OF EMPLOYER JOSEPH H. HOFMAN POSITION OWNER BUSINESS ADDRESS 3580 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE 2060, LOS ANGELES, CA HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? YES BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. I held many executive positions in the aviation industry. My work took me all over the world In 1994 T became an attorney and during the Past 1 5years T cnn(-PntrqtPc3trim_ migration and contract/business and civil litigation I have a BBA accounting degree and a J D in law. I also completed Computer/programming technical training TIMMI• Z WIN:-.. . . W W a M V. I M.- .. .01 N.. director of United Fund and Junior Achievment for Broward County. I have done many pro-bono cases including class action suit with 18,000 members. Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta City Council. I recently reviewed the functions regulations and procedures of La Quinta and I believe I am now very familiar with them. I n iact, recen regarding closure of his night club/restaurant and we prevailed. 214 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 What specific issues or problems face La Quinta, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? T RP.P. that huilders around my area ceased building houses due to the economic situation. Expensive properties have been abandoned. I recently began to be involved in a very specialized area of immigration law through a pilot program initiated by the U.S. Government to encourage foreign investors to invest in the U.S. and create jobs. There are various regional centers throughout the U.S. whereby investors need to invest $500,000 or more instead of $1,000,000 or more in non -regional centers. I would like to make La Quinta and the rest of the Coachella Valley a regional center and thus encourage more investment and job creation in our city. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the performance of the La Quinta City Council? I held many executive positions. I ran many companies, created jobs and presided over many employees. I initiated many new programs in the aviation industry. I have a very stron background in accounting and finance and extensive knowledge of the law. I look forward to working with other council and learn all I can from them. I want to be involved in various committees and contribute to the community PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 215 BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Date: May 26, 2009 To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 www.voteinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Joseph H. Hofman Checked 40/25 Good Signatures 216 UWZLIZVVY Xhu LO:LJ .y a=.n -- --- SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate 0S7 �{1tt- for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. --NAME -` RESIDENCE ADD/RES(�S�`, •1 NOR OFFICE USE. 1:. ��// SIGN �GV 1 - '.C,�:F�;G.{ NO.&STREETS PRINT aC ( _ iY `, ZIP1) Z SL CITYLa. ! LCIv'��Z�p '4OIi"p-..0 2 SIGN �. / No- &STR TSB(_ ? -7 $' A Lj�j///-e •/ PRINT e'(&L i L ✓.G `o CITY /-a- 6L, ZIP A;I 3 SIGN �- ... NO. & STR i PRINT l , _ CITY 21P -l!l �(f"(- I SIGN LN�.6a A� N0.&STREE7 �`-71J.-7� •�Ji7u'-'j ?T' a 1 4 PRINT ,��� CITY h. �%INt y♦' ZIP ..2aZJ SIGN NO.&S REET 5 PRI I CIiV ZIP _ SIGN ��`y�_� " 0. & STREETT:-}e 7 L" 6 P L"'�C`Z.%i ,.z F%% 424l!11/19ZIP 'zZS SIGN N0'&& ,EELT j07J «'G 1))Pr of PRINT - CITY /MII� ZIPS o S SIGN ! N0. STRE C PRIN /'GV. C.� ` CITV ZIP SIG ' NO 9 CITV / ZI 7 v RI /V. SIGN N0. T ET 10 PRINT %C R t), r ', ZIP 9%7 CITY/ %� V N -77i ^i - L&STREET SIGN //� fl'GS NO. 1 n AEi L%2d ¢1XC ��Y' 9,t'Z 11 j 11 PRINT d%„�� CITV -_Q ZIP f SIGN \ NO.&STREET (� _.O Q (l �Y 12 PRINT q . f ZIP CITY/� 1 SIGN NO. &STREET p 13 11 PRIM CITY Q. 14 SIGN " NO, & STREET > — /— PRINT �iL� CITY nP t 15 SIGN NO. &STREE $%/RA Z-(r•` PRINT CITY ZIP r p - SIGN �`" NO. ST TC.d w i 16 CITY 'ZIP SIGN 1 NO.&$gTHE T ��' F 'rS �- P"T CITY IMPORTANT! Turn to reverse side for signature spaces 18-30 --► 1. 217 05/21/2009 THU 16:14 PAX 760 777 7107 La Quinta City Clerk IQJ0031007 �� NO. B S�TR—EET J /. f/^ PRINT ,/1 �✓, "7 (sCITYa L (((T 19 SI. : , �.% NO E , ^ Ai './ /J q PRINT 7 CI hJ i ZIP ,ZO SIGN /'� NO. &STREET J PRINT �. CITY �Jli ZI %' 2 SIGN P i - NO. &STREET 0/' 7r 0 `l�- PRINT ��^�r CITY / Cl (0 `1L, t l u v� ZZ SIGN NO. & STREEi LO PRINT CITYC. i.i•t�f�i ZIP04J� 23 R / PR T ^ Uc:d {tJN yI CITY /., C%rc{.aytifi L'P. A9 Su G ):f . 24 SIGN l N0. ` ET 1 J v�Q - a4; PRINT } rJ y,^ CITY / ZJr SIGN J �,.., NO. & S EPy-t 1 PRINT'd /\,.. a. v- 1 l.J 64 ki� C:t. ✓' ( CITYJ/-?`.. n 26 SIGN 3 cy �C j �F) ni< �;L� NO.&STREETQ7)r22 d4✓? :`\� PRINT CITY _ 1 ZIP W26-? 7 27 SIGN NO. & STR T PRINT CITY ZiP ' 28 SIGN N0.8 STREET _— PRINT CITY ZIP 29 SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT CITY ZIP 30 SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT CITY ZIP OFFICE USE ONLY NO.OF VALID SIGNATURES 1.8 UC/Zl/ZVVY THU 1U:14 Fe /CV /// /lu/ na ylulnca /...y �+eu �u -•--• SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate ,E)5'. i� =,,: for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the i—Z y'Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. -. NAME .... _ RESIDENCE ADDRESS ... FOR OFFICE USE 1 SIG > � -- n NO. & STREET. -7 Z Z . PRINT � JLi:(/.�- iJ a CITY Gi 2 SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT CITY ZIP 3 SIGN NO. &STREET PRINT CITY ZIP 4 SIGN NO, &STREET PRINT CITY ZIP 5 SIGN NO. & STREET PRINTCITY ZIP 6 SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT CITY ZIP 7SIGN NO. & STREET _ _ PRINT CITY ZIP 8 SIGN NO. & STREET _ -- PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET -_ 9 PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO. &STREET 10 PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET — 11 PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET 12 — PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET 13 PRINT — CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET 14 PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN N0. & STREET 1S PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO.& STREET 16 PRINT CITY ZIP 17 SIGN NO. & STREET — PRINT CITY ZIP IMPORTANT! Turn to reverse side for signature spaces 18-30 —► 219 UC/Z1/ZUUY 1'NU lb:Lp YA /bU /// /1U/ L3 QUInt3 Clty UlerK y(Jo w/uo 18 SIGN . j , " C "' r .c 0.8 STREET - - r Ic . �(. / ' r c' ''fie- PRIN , / N l ,.- CITY4n1, ,.X/rri""^ , 19 SIGN t m _ J & # @� NO. &STREET PRIN ;c,� .!( CITY,' ZIP 20 SIGN' PRINT i . n /E h )v CILT u-, -. �. ZIP 5 �3 21 SIGN NOG.& STREETS ),:J_'J f PRINT ' CITY _ A ZIP {/ 22 SIGN Ilk L �1 N l- ( i NO. & STREET CITY G I J 23 SIGN f= NO. &STR ET -- PRINT CITY ZIP 24 SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT CITY ZIP. 25 SIGN NO. &STREET - — PRINT CITY ZIP 26 ISIGN NO. & STREET PRINT - CITY ZIP ,L,' SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT CITY ZIP , 28 SIGN -- NO. & STREET — PRINT CITY ZIP 29 SIGN NO, &STREET PRINT --- -- CITY ZIP 30 SIGN NOB STREET PRINT --- — CITY ZIP OFFICE USE ONLY N0. OF VALID SIGNATURES _ 220 05/21/2009 TRU 16:15 FAX 7bU If[ 11UI Ia Vuinca "i Y �.v— -- SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate // /><pF%��� for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOROFFICEUSE SIGN NO. &STREET e'6 1 `21MP.• 1 PRINT _.-.) - .._._ CITY `� Vj SIGN --_ N0. & STREET-Q(/I 2 CITY ZIP`��_...Yq�Sf f,• PPoN _ SIGN __- _.-=__'__�....�.� 7� ( / NO.&STREEIGL_ 1PAnAi. PR T— 3 CITY ` ZIP J i SIGN NO. & STREET 4 PRINT CITY 21P SIGN NO. & STREET 5 PRINT— ___.______....-- SIGN NO. & STREET 6 CITY ZIP -.. PRINT -_-.-_ SIGN NO. & STREET % CITY 21P .._ - PRINT --. SIGN NO. & STREET 8 PRINT CITY LP..— SIGN NO. & STREET 9 - --- PLANT — -- __ .zIP _.... cltt SIGN NO. & STREET 1 PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO_ & STREET 12 -- — - - - -- — PRINT - -- -- -- CITY ZIP SIGN NO.&STREET 13 PRINT ---- --- CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET 14 ___ _—___.__..___ __—._ CITY _ __.___— ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET 15 PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET 16 PRINr _._.__ -- CITY ZIP ..—_ SIGN NO. B STREET 17 --_______..-.__ _— ___.._....__ PRINT Cltt ZIP IMPORTANT[ Turn to reverse side for signature spaces 18-30 --0 7-4 ' d 221 U5/ZL/ZUU9 THU Lb:Lb FA /bU III ILU/ n8 tlulnza u,zy "ezx SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned resld nts of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate �for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. - :NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS 'I FOR OFFICE USG SIGN ✓ NO.&STREETS-�,`SoZO/(�Q/ 1 r!�� PRINT CITY / ZIP G � SIGN NO. &STREET 7G/�� ✓Iy�-� 2 PRINT....(45 n/ IG 'G.S CITY/C' /'IL 4iZLaS3 ,- SIGN --�'� NO.BT 3 PRINT CITY Iry V ZIP zZG SIGN `- No. &STREET vO AV? VCI�'.� 4 PRINT CITY M , 1N -1 Fa ZIP / SIGN Tq N S C �T 5 PRINT f al y�.n'(:�'J �� �(['i � � 21P C V )!CA / lJ" SIGN N 6 PRINT 01A1 ]K _ CITY P �tt•J-C{� ,p. SIGN NO. STREET 7 PRINT l CITY ZIP SIGN NO. &STREET - - F PRINT 71_— CITY ��' �" ZP / Z3 SIGN I NO. &ST / l 9 CITY G PRIM SIGN NO 1 O C n p;1- Pfi �J n n y� /� p / / PRINT 5 X V F C l C% SIGN NO.8�nEjn�i 11PRINT CI ZIP�izS3 .L SIGN NO. & STREET C:,p �.D V v 12 ti PRINT lji�%a !SO/lf CITY .`✓6764411:f-6. ZIP SIGN NO. & STREET 13 ciry ZIP PRINT SIGN - NO. &STREET 14 CITY ZIP PRINT SIGN NO. & STREET IS PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO. & STREETPRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO.8 STREETClri [17 PRINT Zip IMPORTANT! Turn to reverse side for signature spaces "IC-oU 222 <L1I ✓ IVv I wf W7TVI I 2-7 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED MAY 2 6 2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT NAME: C:) N f4 L D P- S Date: S ® d 9 HOME ADDRESS ' be a La Quinta resident and a registered voter) LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: fL S TELEPHONE: (HOME) " I EMAIL: C © -\ b EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYER G \I s$ H P R "A C y POSITION Q N A V-" A c P 10 G bfL BUSINESS ADDRESS y gc'1 S© Z C� F t- C—CL Sov-j S k _ = r r b i9,C1)-9zz© f HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? v E S BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. i�tLa�t9a �aFA F-�.iE-QLy tltl Ls N(Cr�4 Sc- He, C C'S 9-H'j)c9r'l Tl; DF L9Ai1UG2Sl'ty cP I - wa Not SOc.(e-r x) n f= fi9EW MC-x tCo cp LLEb-♦ FJF C 2. v+g P «J F C«a'A I r Fr C. E- 6� — t� !N A2 )A C C G L b g Q a i Io nJ Vn9 0 1 c 1J C) a (-- 'j t 2= -r -N P- S 0 UTO N F? C P yo-t 'L ro N rA M Pfl S"� P CLGS,Dt.s, A &0 64 a b T) V-7 m G E 2 o f w 6S r 54)o 5 c HAMWL ��ELTi_ n CI'L�00TE TJ4E uJr-ST SF+oQ�S C-C>MvlCnolTy �FcCAIM6 Covlv�I�� F4rLS 0nmM0trTy c©'ojVCiL t60—rW c covNT Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta City Council. C'•O U ric IL. -rvIFMfb ckS C-faI n,"'4L.L 1'T092 C-C) MM 11,1 lo,Ns -r (N RT RcOoFz T v T-H tC C 1f O c9 L,0 k-So (t'�s�rosi 6 lr FoIZ 4 j1) 0G 46)CO3PgCj�' Bk)l6tIT F00— 01CH F/SC AC yfA¢i .q go'D A &.5Fc'N-Y Ld Fo fZ P o Mor 1 n9V- A G-6r0:6 L9JL S'CArJ FO 2 rr.A 'Z� c'r r T f{ Pr(-- ow ('C-C- t 1y0 us A9c G -r-H e!4j2 U A %o rL TH- C t?- ES r P !� 00 T-S ©(- o I r�'?a , 223 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 What specific issues or problems face La Quinta, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? TKA,& aWl ASS L ZL }\ 6A v P�gS-9- T Nis �2c u CB 0- 64LL10 Av-0 CS' C- A `l Sir Fb2�,o>' dS2— Ste--V4llr.yC3 6rgTaAC, c c ro s `C G cc U R, Cp—T =a1_. Lj I S 6, S 'TH 00K �FEi LR A c- rr r co(_swc ct- �iRS Dan�B A� x c t 1V- r 9 3'e) P3 eo iL w ar r n9 C, T N N c LS u 1 D Y u E fL nn D csS �- 2 T A n -)R Fi�IS_r�DE21En�L�� A\oR7G l✓ lrtt A SCa N D I- sC A-L 9O'DCE;-�"T What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the performance of the La Quinta City Council? S j (Lt.1 2 Q n7 T O }- i V Ft W i7 S l S )-1 c) rZE S C H- 02K? L. �9 rs-, EaS1wyBa 2T AauC �� L rc r �._• �_ re ar t ems= -rr4 r- -h o.?Z> gacrg g/ C A L.C PrAEs-S Yc C -01-- -T e- F=LAcH P`(Y�c7T C-o OSCvl�S CJS l' bT -AU Fs R�QG C�N`c C:1V 1��61 oi.9 #}� lS`avG A.stt) v lC.� LCSSC� �© AC.L �,'ofa`+Uof V7�,k•' MR�C+J'� TNT C=(rulAC I.> try 7tFC.9 rW TtRe5rs S rD�,,• o � C A �cu r N•¢, PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 224 MAY-27-2009 WED 10:09 AM FAX N0, P. 07 BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters Date: May 27, 2009 y t T y4r REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 485-7200 - FAX (951) 486-7272 www,votainfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Ronald Spears Checked 27/24 Good Signatures 225 MAY-27-2009 WED 10:09 AM FAX N0, P. 08 Ub/26/2009 TUR 15100 FAX 760 711 7107 La Ouinta City Clerk 0002/003 SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT the undersigned reof the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate aT-�R �15 SPeA2.Ssidents for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOR OFFICE USE AUNT tol�TA C.`S -AAA GTY -A vIrNTACh aP VL5) ✓ 00. G STREET f. PRINT f+S M Pz0aS .. �..A VINTa ZIP 9LI- j NO. A STREETG-^, ISTSTTREET 4 SIGN _ `! NO. B S r o U 3 _ _ rmen G--� O� _ Tc"_P cC11 V 1 N+r R GfY OP 2L.5'3 5 ' 1 - NO. GSTRER �✓I�. PRIN�-. A-cvn�' Z`(o .�C.2 Gn _ tTP 0/z'�3 " swN.��5 _?raLt[i 6� — PNINT., 7 SIGN < [:`.. �:t_�.\=�.._...._ _ PRINT 0 %__ �i._.� LL.•-- / SIGN �TpE ,. GI TY 1, C'^)\ , r4.. .•.1 T1yP a- L� <� _i 9 SIGN �f+ryJ(' �_—.... ,..._ MASST''REFT / GndILiNT�a.,..�._._._ ?JP R�2•h3 T' PAINT. A�J. nliil, i0 SIGN C 2,_ NO, R STREET S� OS vc_._ e2tlnV ��..,. L..._ f�._...._.._... f y PRINT Z. ' _ ...l: cm �'� u 1 N * R C. A aP L•S" C4 11 SIGN NO.aS`A m,u A _�,1't?L_D,Arv.rts`_t�_._._ f,•+ _._ PWNT v yti••n ��-__f r/' D la..-. GA AP LLS"3 12 SIGN PIN clrr/ Ii_.... -fir772 e..r.'v"xa 13 s!GN P•.r r^zf L� F�L' .. _r 4.L _�..... NO.&STREEt-SIGN`, c' n ijrN Ci/ U r(� 14 vA -� ��{'� �.—��ut NO.BSTREET 7 — .- '-� Ye 2 Vp, q Tet b " *, a ,.i is i /L -, > CITY / c" 2 e (r'y.. 15 SIGN - - J.__._ • � PR1NT NQ 3 STREET �.p_� I AI CITY . 1k JIL 4V 16PRO // 4lryA/ �L�.r.4 %p cm sc SIP17 .zS SIcN�% ;.J NO.dS1ReET PLANT - \ - - CI w .9.F IMPORTANT! Tum to reverse side for signature spaces 18.30 ---+ 226 MAY-27-2009 WED 11:10 AM FAX NO. P. 01 18 slcN-. No. asmeeri 1 / 3 19 310N No. a arRR:tZ „p PRINT _ _ dry 7JP 20 96N (� 1� _ PRIME �' C O 5 21 SIGN - — N[L a R T11EET q p lo� Yi�K! v.__ / PRMr 4 PC) y ✓ 22 RRW ... PRW k LAdltAAO 9*0 pP �-1CJ 23 M y w_as�./F1wd/L?tk4_. 01"dam MP 24 SION " No. a STREET / < PRINT !?7 W! A drr -A i iG z'P y' L 25 SIGN y� Ca cs rl Ems' j Q I Y'1 Y i . 1 N0. a Mau 74��J � V� � � S� 5�.. / PRINT �J I( k� 7 � N CIrT U l D l p VVV 26 sroN PRINT iTM� _.. NassrRl`er,�`�r9ce do J �•. ZIP ? " 27 SIGN NO_smr O 28 SIGN _......" NO. a STRM —_ PRINY 29 SION Nix BTmT 30 SIGN NO. a STREET _.__,........_ —^.. CITY.. LP OFFICE USE ONLY NO, OF VALID SIGNATURES RECEIVED MAY 2 7 2009 .2 2 7 CITY of LA QUINTA CRY CLERK DEPARTMENT I CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL : S-- HOME ADDRESS / (Must be a La Quinta resident and a registered voter) LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: received MAY 18 2009 Cify of La Quinta °�"" enr C.C. TELEPHONE: (HOME) BUSINESS . / EMAIL:; FAX: IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYERCOAD POSITION Lb�O BUSINESS ADDRESS HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. �Altmzlp ho �`�iz;N �uras�eFB� Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta %vN► rGtpk�' evxpowv-q /QVII 1s APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 What specific issues or problems face Quinta, and do you ha�e any g estions to address those issues or problems? L l �/�y7- /Q. OMM MW i r �, i / � i .1�i/j/d/�• ..., ! ate/ WERE, ME! s On �ir _ �� �_ - c � .�� ✓✓.ice: ��/, �if3l - What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you nhange the perfo,rmanc of the La Quinta City Council? R�6� o4�eC�/!�i IJ� e �S/DE/L�4 PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION have which ,(would it tuQ ' LVA�1� n.�iXi57' •qr>� �eYh�s d /%f'�iity ill LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: -In A/ CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TQ,SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 229 Robert Sylk Page 1 of 3 Businessman and Philanthropist RSylk77@aol.( COMMUNITY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Commissioner, City of La Quinta Community Services Vice Chairman (2006-2008) • Robert instituted the Commisioners Art in Public Places tour • Instituted the recreational sports parks, playgrounds and trails tours Robert Sylk gained 2402 votes in his first run for La Quinta City Council in 2006 and 2008. Five candidates were running for 2 seats. Board Secretary Executive Committee (2005-2006) La Quinta Chamber of Commerce • Encouraged Jacqueline Airport to be at National Level, (Article appeared in Desert Sun and La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Gem. Click here for article text • La Quinta Resident Card Program. Click here for text Board Member (2003-2007) La Quinta Chamber of Commerce • Robert was the first to introduce La Quinta residents to the Residents Card Program • Was the first to introduce expansion plans for the Jaqueline Cochran Airport • Founder and Chairman of Ambassadors Committee • Wrote the training manuals and personally trained over 25 ambassadors in various capacities • Chairman Membership Services Committee • Redesigned Chamber website • Selected new Chamber Logo from over 600 entries • Implemented the Mentor/Mentee Program • Chairman By -Laws Committee • Chairman of Hot Air Balloon Food and Wine Festival (November 2006) First Vice President (6 years) Marina del Rey Chamber of Commerce Chairman of Los Angeles County Protectors Organization (5 years) e CHP/Sheriff/LAPD/Coast Guard/Fireman/Lifeguard Founder and Chairman (7 years) Marina del Rey Food and Wine Festival (over 40,000 attendees/weekend) Founder and President (5 years) Marina del Rey Music and Art Festival • Implemented Symphony by the Sea Concerts with 86 member Westchester Symphony Orchestra • Solo Pianist with Orchestra Chief Inspector of 5 Polling Precincts in Los Angeles City and County (10 years) Riverside County Election Official 2005-2008 Inspector Polling Precincts for La Quinta Appointed by Governor Wilson to successfully implement the sister city marinas between Marina del Rey and Marina Puerto Vallarta Appointed by Governor Wilson to Tourism and Trade Commission for California (3 years) Board Member Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors (7 years) 230 Board Member Bob Hope Greater Los Angeles USO (10 years) http://robertsylk.com/comunity.php 5/15/2009 Robert Sylk Page 2 of 3 President Cornerstone Club -Southern California (10 years) City of Hope Man of the Year (1997) Founder and President of City of Hope, Marina del ReyNenice Branch with 500 members (1992-1998) Appointed by President George Bush Sr. to Russian -American Economic Aid and Business Training Commission Received Prestigious State of Israel JNF Tree of Life Award (2002) Presentation by Vice President Al Gore and L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca Scholarship Selection Committee Boys and Girls Club of Venice, California Led the Sylk Group in the attempt to move the Queen Mary ocean liner from Long Beach to Marina del Rey. Marina Director, Ted Reed, Robert, and the Coast Guard took soundings and the ship could not enter the Marina channel. , President(2003-2005) Home Owners Association of Talante, La Quinta Member Riviera Country Club Member Rancho La Quinta Country Club Member Masons Equity Lodge 591 Member United States Holocaust Museum, Washington D.C. Life Member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Life Member American Legion Member of California Yacht Club (1987-2008) Board of Directors, NASDAQ Corporation (5 years) Save the World Air, Inc. United States Army, Honorable Discharge a Security Clearance "Secret" with FBI during Army tenure Robert Sylk's name was inscribed in both the West Coast Vietnam Veteran's Wall at the General Patton Museum as well as the one in La Quinta in acknowledgment of his military service to his country. An Editorial item published in the Desert Sun in June of 2008 can be attributed to Robert Sylk. "Celebrate Grandfathers" I strongly feel that every year on Father's Day we should also celebrate Grandfather's Day at the same time. continue... Robert was appointed to serve on the La Quinta Cove Oasis Trails Committee Wine Festival. bicycle fundraiser http://robertsylk.com/comunity.php 5/15/2009 231 Robert Sylk Page 3 of 3 and Arts Festival. http://robertsylk.con /comunity.php Mayor's Cup Golf tournament presented by Mayor Uon Adolph on the left 5/15/2009 232 BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters Date: May 26, 2009 V ,n REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 www.voteinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Robert F. Sylk Checked 30/19 Good Signatures 223 SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT e, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate r SVa for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the'City for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. :NAME RESIDENCE FOROFFICEUSE 1... p, p+ /ADDRESS 31GN._�L-..�(,-. �� H? O.&STREET ! �(!!.�S/t.�SC _.__ -(U( _ ZIP -{ y_ iCITY 2 SIGN ...'_._..•_3TL /./..._ - IPRIN7�t iSIGN INO.&STREE kc IPRIN7 f p' ZIP , y V SIGN NO &STREET -7 d o d-�A PRINT 21P V✓ 5 ,SIGN ENO.&STfi_/OJ�Clf_ti r"r GtA.t j .... __21P 4 ;PRINT CJ Zceo, P� CITY...._-.- I _ Gj 2:Z-s.3 j M 6 A Ii-SIGN-.-. ._._._.:-_... .. '_ "t-c...._... �NO &STREET$1�Ss_�_.Kd.V/ �(%i�(l,� _.._.__'CITY PRINT ctil /i r (3 t ed r,9 21P �I�ff-- iSIGN NO.&S 21P - SPRINT I (' �/ ( �IKIW J CITY L+ ©LLI .L2� laJCt S IGNOn, -�,` IN0.&STR FT ;PRINT - - - -CITY ZIP C� Lam_ u!_ 22 31 „ o` A`"lV 9 SIGN - NO &STREE -- _-..____ ._. _/� _ sum ___ r69 -- _ -- _---_ PRINT �, iCITY G ZIP. - 10!SIGN jN0&STREET,'l'f�l�- !PRINT...._._ ZIP it SIGN jND BSTREET L.__ _. _: —� ;PRINT iCITY /J - 1L SIGN 'NO. & STREET Y-I -7 r-O AQA4,.,�sC IPRIN7 ?O • - CITY v ZIP Y^ 13 i— SIGN rNO. &STREET — — — -- -- a PRINT 'CITY ZIP 9 14 SIGN iNO&.STREET iPRINT �CITV ZIP 15j_� SIGN O IN&STREEy - -- s-_ ,� PRINT CITY ZIPS iSIGN 161.- NO &STREET —.. PRINT 17 I.._ SIGN NO �a�EET _. ..._. i ix� �f1 �.(�`52(.�1 IPRIN7 $cP� `Y✓\EiCd 1 YVJ rnl , 1 -J n' 234 SIGN oxy 18 NO. 9 STREETL 1 cl LIN IRMIT17- c FIT F (-\) i n. SIGN 19 __r . ..... .. NO. & STRE . PITY -�i- &�,- , 9 iSIGN 20 NO. & STREET `45(716 � PRINT MY ZIP SIG N IL 21 NO. & STREET 'so =0kt2-- A Y ZIP :SIGN 22 NO. & STREET CITY �fv� IPRINT ITY)4 /9- Azip !SIGN 231PRIN NO. & STRE Iff ZIP 0-1 & STREET IPRINTZIP I AMR, W slulki -.X;!pkl W-1 1NO.&STREET 41? ;PRINT :CITY ZIP 1 tA.- a&,-Itm p 26;SIGN f ! --- ----- NO. & STRE!�/ � I __ �q !PRINT CITY ZIP �17 27:sIGN - I M�a INO. & STRE p✓ - 76 !PRINT ZZ, CITY t-t-( K-1 'SIGN 'NO. & STIW PRINT 4�2 ZIP CITY, t , I 0, SIGN 29 INO. &STREET ---------- I ITY �-Nzlp ISIGN, 30 INO, & STREET ____ _ 5�(-Z) IPRINT LATIA CITY L Q eA_ 7 OF VALID I I 235 IItII-CI-CUUO WCU lU-UO 1711 Inn IYv, 'I vv 05/26/2009 TUB 13143 FAX 760 717 7107 La QulOka Czty Clerk 0002/002 11.1. O/ -III 18 ISICN.1 NO. S STREET PPRINT' - -i,] ! /o`-- zIP 1 /7 <72 1 -' 19 SIGN ' G _ „ ]` iNO, &STR6EYJ�J //'5....._._%/�../�:_�_Y]. iCITY '/� �� �Id'FJ/i( PRINT. r ZIP 4YK `� L 20I91GN �/y-� N0.&4L�f:67 /• PRINT .J...i �iJ CITY 211 SIGN I . N0.&STREETAL PRINT i 4�/C n Ln el CITY �, Gi Y�I �n ZIP ey�. y^"'•. zzI— I W li.ry ..-- -- 1 }Z��J".T° --.... �1..-�i_n.:.in� COI^I&STREEY� .- r 1 � .1 IPRINT / 1.., zI..1,<?. I c, C ` t�i 1 P 23IpRINT 1... ! .ISZ-. �i. NO.&ST � (,.�. 7 . _ ./Lr✓aifi..._ iJ,.../,.,� � Jt ��_ {>._l a 1 ^ A CITY z • .: 24 SIGN (SIGN `! '1 a r._.J , ..�:/T�-o...•.0 �..GL p<.C�[_ aJ INO. &gj�7P�,T - J No, ....1.11•..,t 5. ._4(�:!U!`�`_L.�-✓iJ... rll./i�✓(../. .�'J '%S' Ir'Ip�1-II RIP ') .I' SIGN - / :' NO.&STREET -i; PRINT T 1 h 6J T ,C) CITY C. r, zip !' �„XS :/a 26IPRINT�...... SIGN /' NO. &STRS{L �•• .796��FI/1 liL{(L .jU v.-..f�JflY✓ / ., 4 � ✓~.. GITY P 27 SIGN i ` i j v '• NO. & STREET% '' / i.% _.i � !.. IPRINT p........y� I r'��' K.�..j1 )�h. IGITY ZIP 50 A— I 1"vLi /-� a ,,1 IS!GN INO. &STREET ;PRINTLX g- 1 �b r�tj CITYL�ti 29 SIGN NO, &STREET PRINT (CITY 21P 1SIGN I O. & STREET { IPRINT ITV ... .. ............ ._....__ ... ZIP NO, OF VALID SIGNATURES OFFICE USE ONLY �cVV 236 Date: 5-25-2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NAME: Robert W. RECEIVED MAY 2 6 2009 erry of LA QUIlft CITY CLERK 0EPAR7jj" HOME ADDRESS (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) BUSINESS EMAIL: FAX: BUSINESS ADDRESS: IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD Suntech Companies, Owner LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 8 years HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? _YES, many Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. La Quinta Planning Commissioner since 2007 Suntech Companies: Consultant, to Owners and Principles for residential, commercial and light Industrial developments. Direct engineering, architectural, construction entitlement processes and Bid cost analysis. As project construction requires I would also over see progress and circumvent complications to avoid potential cost over runs or delays. Suntech Energy: Inventor and Patent holder of integrated photovoltaic solar roof modules for Spanish, Roman and Slate styles roof tiles. Currently developing new marketing and manufacturing agreements for distribution. Currently has patents pending on a passive water recovery, irrigation and textile designs. Suntech Construction: General Contractors License 932138, currently contracting for tenant finish out in Palm Desert. Board Member, 2003-Present, Vista Santa Rosa Community Coalition. Appointed 2005-2008 by Roy Wilson to Riverside County Guideline Task Force for Vista Santa Rosa La Quinta Rotary Member, Speaker Chairman, Rotary Youth Leadership program Chairman. Member 2001, Southwest Community Church, Home Group leader, Duroville cleanup and Mexico home build projects. 237 I have been actively involved in future planning for Riverside County VSR that includes La Quinta's eastern Sphere of Influence for several years. I have developed working relationships over the last 8 years with Riverside County and several Coachella Valley cities on various residential, multifamily, commercial and light industrial projects. I have worked on project engineering, architecture, planning, development and construction in 3 states over 27 years. Current projects include 2 residential and 1 light industrial in Riverside County, 3 auto dealerships (on hold) in Indio, 1 multifamily (on hold) in Coachella, 1 combination multifamily and commercial retail center in Palm Desert. Family: Married to Nancy for 27 years, 4 children, three men and a lady Christopher 25, working at Coldwell Banker Commercial in Palm Desert, Graduate BA Texas Tech Kyle 23, CPA Grant Thornton in Phoenix, AZ., Masters Degree Taxation ASU Courtney 19, Freshman University of California at Santa Barbara Kirk 15, Sophomore at La Quinta High School Education: Southern Oregon State University, Ashland Oregon, pursued Bachelor degree in Business Administration Lane Community Junior College, Eugene Oregon Springfield High School, Springfield Oregon Assorted hobbies: hiking, tennis, reading, writing poetry, travel, running,'/2 marathon 1/18/2009 Health: Excellent I ponder a moment as I considered the action. A City Council position, what is the attraction? Am I in such standing with this City I live? That the Council of four an appointment they'd give. Yes, the extent of experience and my resolution. For the unexpired term is a great solution. So preparing to ask for signatures of support. I knew the nomination effort would provide some retort. The next thing I found a bit to my surprise. This task was more of a listening exercise. With signatures done and application submitted. My enthusiasm is not easily requited. As Council decides, I hope members don't hesitate. That appointment I seek they will syndicate. ?38 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta City Council To Review prepared staff reports and discuss with City staff, or in Council advisory meetings and make site visits to evaluate projects and proposals presented to the City Council for recommendation. Attend regular public policy programs and Council training sessions to improve evaluation abilities and to maintain the highest possible ethics when reviewing and recommending a finding to the City of La Quinta. Assist in maintaining a positive climate to help current and future residence and businesses in La Quinta. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? Future Growth: Control growth through planning for new areas as the city grows in both population and land mass. Thoughtful sustainable planning will help La Quinta's future. 2. Traffic: Planning of roadways and intersections to accommodate increased traffic through and around City will help maintain La Quinta's livability. 3. Parks, Open Space and Trails: Develop new parks and pathways at the white water wash and other available connective spaces to further enhance La Quinta's community atmosphere. 4. Cove: Improve the Cove infustructor by gradually modifying utilities underground and improving signage. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta City Council? One would be the current 2 year positive working relationship that I have with the Planning Commissioners and La Quinta Staff and current members of the City Council. The increased knowledge of operations codes, guidelines and protocol affords me the growing opportunity to improve my performance as a City Council to better serve La Quinta. I would of course come to the meetings prepared, informed already familiar with operations and procedures but additionally in my business I interact with other Coachella Valley governments such as Palm Desert, Coachella, Indio, Rancho Mirage and Riverside County on regular bases which provides another source of information and prospective that can aid my abilities to contribute to La Quinta. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 239 MAY-27-2009 WED 10:07 AM FAX N0, P. 01 BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters Date: May 27, 2009 a1i Of prYO P^ 1 � MArv. ,es REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk PA. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486.7200 • FAX (051) 4W7272 www,voteinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Robert W. Wilkinson Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Checked 26/25 Good Signatures 240 MAY-27-2009 WED 10:07 AM FAX NO. P, 02 05/26/2009 TOTS 13:45 FAX 760 777 7107 Le Quinta City Clerk 0002/006 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVE'RNME'NT SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quints, hereby nominate Ai.e.'A ' A/ LyJikA;wro.✓ for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. ' NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOR OFFICE USE -SIGN • f.,%�...e. NO.&S7REET`✓,�'..'_/.l C ��I r PRINT CJ /I.'1 I����Li/?nit: CffY��L�j z1/ �2)��5 2PRl SIGN/ -• ,L _ / d �_� �..`.......-CI7V NO. &STREET 1"i4 T � / �7 ZIPCe :2 SIG N0.BSTREET _-^/,t i'Lr NtT{G�iEn{IM PRINT , CITY.�< T1Pf�x.; a SIGN f . T..._._. y.�TM CL%L•1�J°JC ZIP C'l,z 4' i µ SIGN =C� Q NO,&� '• PANT 'r 'ZVA1>G-G V66l.L_. CITYVQ, too 21P Ti L) SIGN NO. &$TREET.1n Ld✓ 'CITY PRINT .._�............,..... 1,4 0Wt,; _ ZIP j� 3 V 7 SIGN !L NO, &STREET /„/cll� („c, a 61&Jd- D% PRINT h� OSS ir.!-.._.."_..� CITY ..d tiiU�v,t'C GF4 ZIP SIGNW/�,, N0.&STREETS �S^�i[+h tilif7C'ba -..--- PRw7 CITY ZIP legg A - C -r2rg -- . ko)Pi C/V. &STREET PRINT PRINT CITY CITY ` i 10 SIGN && q0.T IP /^ PRINT , ka CITY II SIGN �- .. .._. .—NO.&STRE6L _ .,,...1.-' �/✓,/11<<x17 n,) (jAk ZIP PRINT CITY 44 4:4/ix7A 2.75'a 12 SIGN '� N NO. & STREET•- q F. �� PANT 7(i[ ��' CITY GT Nt �,�,ZIP 2-A I3 SIGN �,ZQ/ - NO, &STRE19O, s- q. Cd_... PRINT ����, CI7T.. 4 ZIP7. 14 SIGN I L `}} N0.4 STREET ZIP V. (G1 r CITY hC� Qv 1 6 -2.2�X IS SIGN i V�,,-+ti.�_ .T rS NG.&STREU -1'6 (0�j\% (�C. cti �: e4�1c CITY Cl- ZIP Gt s•S PRINT � S Y q SIGN NO- & STRCET 241 MAY-28-2009 THU 01:50 PM FAX NO. P. 01 05/26/2009 TUB 13146 FAX 760 777 7107 La Qluinta City Clerk 0004/006 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR KgLLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate OBE T i! ' u o✓ for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010, AM RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOR OFFICE.USr, SIGN NO. & 87RGF,7 PR T Cm' . ZIP 9 ), S- 2 SIGN N0.&STREET 14•.1..�_� PRINT..._ CITY 11 ZIPis /�,• �J1Y1 0. %.� SIGN - O— NO_&STREE77l 11N-47' Y ]PIE 2 CITY /4, Q✓, 7 J N 4 SIGN PRINT _ _ _..._ _ N E' 5 T CIi z 5 S! NO, STT,RCE!''9IfS Cy (f�f� �`�r'&4- L�i;.R A1Vy/� PRINT /I'1 i ��.... _I �yJ �`k C"L..1 porl�A )jP �1\ 6 SIGN .... .—CITY, PRINT LP II % SIGN NO. & STREET ... _ PRINT CITY 1 .� .fl, ,i� ZIP `SIT G" t 8 SIGN G+�.��.-. N0,&STREET 7j%%5- C. mj„ Qvf A4.A 1l ----_ PRINT .1 u.aa o�dves..J CITT l.,ti pu,..�b. _.-ZIP "%'SD Iv i SIGN NO.&STREET 51,40 W_G Ne*e PRIN7 _ CITY ZIP 10 SIGN' !6/ (: � PRINT--._ ..._. NO, & STREET ? Y333- • / IV/ CITY ••_ _ ZIP 'y SIGN r-' ✓ "/ NO, &STREET- 79 ZIP 12 P�}ai�< _ —_� N /& 6 REET- ✓� _ CITY ZIP <• ^ �� "Yw 1/ 13 �//lr�//,,� ✓ _ _. Ntff PRINT d CITY 14 SIGN NO, & STREETcity ZIPS SIGN NO, & STREET PRINT CITY ZIP SIGN NO, & STREET ----� �- I 242 MAY-28-2009 THU 01:50 PM FAX N0, P. 02 U5/26/2009 TUB 13:47 FM 760 777 7107 La Quinta City Clerk 01005/006 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WRLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the CRY of La O � T tY Quinta, hereby nominate Considered by the City council for the appointhment to ce Of f an Council unexp unexpired said City. expiring November 2, 2010. 243 MAY-28-2009 THU 01:50 PM FAX N0, F. U3 05/26/2009 TUC 13:09 FAX 760 777 7107 La Ouinta City Clerk 2006/006 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT SIGNATURES OF SUPPQRT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate ., Oe r 0. 4 iZAL41jey _ for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010, NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS FOR OFFICE USE 1 SIGN �.�. �—y -" N0. &/STREkT``'��ff•��dS SciL �}4 r•U PRINT l C>))TUS �L(✓/5/ ,,, CITYF4 C TA I/4 Yr. C'G. 2 SIGN ;... ._ �ZZIIP NO, _ /e 5 /' _ CITY SIGN NO. & STREETS - .• _ ,. PRINT .Q /Nl 9 / a S _ _. ,—u!/) CITY C.l� V rt PR I , CITY > ` \ Cti ` (4, 5 SIGN NO.46TREET-f.3ZL).�. iIP`g225 PRWT qVi q--'clTv M1JY� b SIG Nr sv .ice;. ._ .. No. & siREer - _—l13a��:�\e, 'CITY R PINT Ap—.--� % SIGN ^—Y�� NO. &STREET PRINT CITY ZIP s.....__.. SIGN �-... _. _—....,..—. NO. & STREET PRINT CITY 21P 9 WN NO. & STREET PRINT —" ZIP 101SIGN PRINT .-..—_. ...._- NO, & STREET CITY 1 I1 SIGN —. _—_,. —_ ... NO,a STREET ____ —. PRINT -- ..__._._. —___ CITY 21P 1Z SIGN PRINT NO. & STREET -- CITY ZIP 13 SIGN yam— .. NO. & STREET —.. PRINT—^ CIYT ZIP 14 SIGN NO, & STREET SIGN NO. & STREET __—ZIP.. i Z SIGN NO. & STREET I)f 244 .uIL iva r gltIL-LI Fy 0 5l.;2-7/0 g CITY OF LA QUINTA RECEIVED APPLICATION TO SERVE MAY 26 2009 ON THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL CRY OF LA QUINTA I ` CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT NAME: 9 , W 7 /VG�� Date: M RV -Q 'aQOV HOME ADDRESS��-) )-. L4)- Owrj+A, Lg2,a4 (Must be a La Quints resident and a registered vote'r)! LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: V P A( — TELEPHONE: (HOME)760-- (133 EMPLOYED,, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYER VQkkA -L- V t4 A 0 1=E POSITION BUSINESS ADDRESS HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? V e-S BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta est fi b) L S kes �1(y➢0GON� L-t�i �N� 0( fQi (V i�AOcQ Si fi�lGC 245 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 What specific issues or problems face La Quinta, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? D SSDeec; What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the performance of the La Quinta City Council? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT rY 246 MAY-27-2009 WED 11:49 AM FAX NO, P. 01 BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters Date: May 27, 2009 i OF 4�Y V REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 www,voteinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Bryant Winchell, Jr Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Checked 37/21 Good Signatures ?47 MAY-27-2009 WED 11:49 AM FAX NO. P. 02 05/26/2009 TQS 15e40 FAX 160 777 7107 La Quiuta City Clerk 2002/004 SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate Q�y/gp'Tl. )'l c41 .[1 :ij" for the office of City Council of said City, to be considered by the City Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. ''DAME 'k�:'SitAEtVGBR1,tiA1R'SS4`"' F.dre'OFk71,g#.§4 • \ .•4.iS' SIGN' NO.aSTREET[ �r PRIN7�� P �(ti'rF.lfi �VKO el. CITY 2 We � t NO-S STRUT t�i11_ r 2• 41 4 PRINT Ca C I : t �_ CITY / ... ui C 5,1:5 3 mNT�4a�ti a .L,..,qP '-` CITY 4 SIGN `.. .. NO.SSTR.4"" C •L$ PWNTm f t.l N'T' �P .5 �� CITY 7171 ✓'1" 5)L SIGN - NO.d STREET 1`I roMl �'� b^ PWNT... I r;3-]C: •rX�-. CITY �:�aiA�UDIj '��"S aP 6 SIGNSTNE&�1jDUr.'. PANT (, Vl y ' SIGN_ NO. &STREET __ ul(aP/�• Igi1T ? aTv �` SIGN . "' NO. I STREET PAIN CI LP �. f/l:yS c.. 9 SIGN NO, S STR6 T PRINT OCi:I/ t . /C 1Y •l.. CITY ! b HP 9R0 NO. & STRTNEET t L 1 c_ SIGN �" -" Va L STREET !N ' 12 swH i cMsL/<. No.aT�Rr VtG�ITc�fi PR CITY ;,..... l , 1 aP a ri •'-. 13 SIGN ' ti N0.16 Tit. -/ 1 ,1 / / a i ! ]Jo,ry PR NT 14 SIGN u , . No, a STRIVE r PRINT l� ".:?(v .v �., Clri r^ I aP -�-�/� G ... /r NOd51REE1 `-? 4.1"^ r1IM r G` -i.._ ¢Rv •� / .'Z aP (' F• ..' 16 91`�V — NO.I STRSRT PRMY f 1. '•.•.._ b USC Cylrri aP-7.�.5-i 17`t SIGN NO.G VIR99Y .. �. PRINT ��� Clri� k � �.y.•• pP�� s3 IMPORTANT! Turn to reverse side for signature spaces 18-30 —► J\ yV ` t 1.11 1SI MAY-27-2009 WED 11:50 AM FAX N0, P. 03 05/26/2009 TILE 15i41 FAX 760 777 7107 La Quinta City Clerk 0003/004 1R SIGN µLW"'. ._ _-.._. NOS BEET R .r�M1!tl PRINT (" Ct�t ct G I SI •• . 'To GU) .•,'�'•v LLL .19 . CITy, \I,7\�V'1°/�T'"J�' No.As,RE `Y'%p ; f1 ✓N,4Jib%� Ali+•�- /I!Z7 .(°'a52 C%• Cmr�n �Ud�lh <sa Zj SIGN _ i NO. A STREET ' u..�,.-.-u PRIV \ w r-4 67 (./ _ CITY ✓- 1 :l AP ... S - Nc 22 SIGN ( - ¢ J / "'cm NO A STREET �'• 7 1s,Q..1! c • !' . {'I nl., ' . _ PRINT r naef,. 23 SIGN A NO. A SMUT 1� s, 75 Pally l L dnigo _ PlSNT n��t, �i,n RrG cm 1,<(av,.n1>` ZIP G;L,?.5 SIGN �_y ", NO.d 6)rS � izl h 25 SIGN �7,p..� NO. $ STRP�#T•. rLS %' ✓1 U✓I 1'!-(?. PRINTt'•If ur ,•a �P C7.' ���) 26 SIGN �A v..,.kiy_(1• N0.85TREET_j.i L. L`�(.l\)La-v �ti �.`.N VY PRNT c. r rr. d� ��K < I(d,.. a,v OP 27 SIGN - t_1Zc4 —5 /-I/PRINT �. CIVY,*22 i 28 PRINT F) �,�,��V crrT '� ) u�m 21P 60 F- `Fi N0.8 6TREE ,. 31 SIGN a No.a iR' r p ;- OFFICE E USE ONLY NO. Or VALID SLGNATUR&S 249 MAY-27-2009 WED 11:50 AM FAX NO, P. 04 05/26/2009 TUE 15:42 FAX 760 777 7107 La QuLata City Clerk V,10 0 4/ 0 0 4 SIGNATURES Or SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La ouinta, hereby nominate _2tVVha,!j '04for the office of City Council of said City, to be Consi6ered by the City Council for appointment to fill or unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. 7 -------------- -- *';g446 "At 116 STREET PRINI �.... 2..d SIGH NO. & STR l�lO--�A — �� t% PRINT GM &j kii u No. a sm-'W )IA �=\ ��1705 1 -- ... . .. Z25 5. 4SIGN NO 1). PRINT cl 23P e2 . . 0. 1',6I ('9 ;F11"T r, r ie.A CITY A'A 4 7 SIGN 3. a. STREET NT ZIP lyJ J 1 8 ISIGN STREET CITY LP 9 SIGN NO.ASTREET ZIP r0.& 10 SIGN 7 STREET ..... ..Jai INRINT LP SIGN IND. & STREET 12— SIGN STREET PRINr raw zil; 13"T NO. L SWEET PRMT CITY 14 ISIGN NO. & STREET POINT CITY 21P 151 SKIN NO.A STREET 16 SIGN NO. A STREET Ty [NO, & STREET IMPORTANT! Tum to revers( side for Signature spaces 18-30 ----+ 250 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE RECEIVED ON THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MAY 2 6 2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT NAME: Robert S. Wright Date: May 24, 2009 HOME ADDRESS: La Quinta CA 92253 (Must be a La Quinta resident and a registered voter) LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: 16 years TELEPHONE: (HOME) BUSINESS EMAIL: FAX: IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYER Armstrong Growers & Desert Take Five, Inc. POSITION Commercial Sales DTF - Owner BUSINESS ADDRESS 78-325 Hidden River Road, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 - P.O. Box 1435 La Quinta, CA 92247 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A COUNCIL MEETING? Yes BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. 5ee attached Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta City Council. The La Quinta City Council operates as a Mayor Council form of government with a Council member acting as Mayor Pro Tem. The term of City Council members is four years with elections every two years. The Mayor is elected to a two year term, there are no term limits. City Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays with closed and public sessions. Voting on items is by simple majority. City Council members serve on many assigned community boards and governmental agencies. The Mayor and City Council adhere to the Brown Act and must report all financial interests yearly to the City Clerk's Office, both the City Council and City Staff have an open door policy that the residents of La Quinta should be very proud of. 251 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 What specific issues or problems face La Quinta, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? The city's budget must continue to be balanced, while maintaining sufficient reserves to seethe city through these challenging economic times, with sales revenues down and business's closing. The Council will continue their proactive stance. Residential foreclosures and their possible upkeep will remain an important issue. Code Enforcement is a top priority while balancing the needs of our residents. I believe that Silverock remains a jewel in the City's economic growth and that development must go forward as the economy allows. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the performance of the La Quinta City Council? I feel that the current City Council has done a superior job of keeping us financially sound and economically viable. I would continue to work with the Council to see the city stay on that course. I have worked as a commissioner for the past 15 years and understand the functions of City Hall and Staff. I have worked with Mayors, City Council Members, Public Safety and City Staff over the years on many issues. I continue to serve on many Boards of Directors throughout the community. I have worked in the green industry for forty-five years and understand the importance and operational requirements of our park, city landscape and most importantly golf courses. I have run two campaigns for City Council positions coming in third on both occasions in two open seat races. " 25? ROBERT S. WRIGHT La Quinta, CA 92253 Fax Home Phone PERSONAL I am a personable, proactive individual with experience in many fields. I am dedicated to my profession and my community, and enjoy networking in both. EDUCATION 1967 Judge Memorial High School - Salt Lake City, Utah General and College Preparatory studies 1971 University of Utah - Salt Lake City, Utah Major: Political Science Minor: Economics Major Study: Urban Affairs and Political Geography Degree: BS - Political Science EMPLOYMENT 2005 - Present 1994 - Present 1994-2005 1991-1994h Commercial Sales Representative, Armstrong Growers Duties include annual and perennial plant sales to homeowners associations, golf courses, hotels and the landscape industry throughout Southern California, seasonal harvest planning and delivery. Owner, Desert Take Five, Inc. A wholesale nursery brokerage firm specializing in sales to homeowners associations, golf courses, developers and landscape companies. Commercial Sales Lead & Manager of the Southern CA Commercial Sales Team, Color Spot Nurseries Duties include sales management, creation of regional harvest plans, and heading up annual and perennial plant sales to golf courses, homeowners associations, hotels and the landscape industry throughout Southern California. Sales Manager, Sunnydunes Nursery and Turf Duties included coordination with homeowners associations and golf courses on bi -annual color change outs. 253 ROBERT S. WRIGHT La Quinta, CA 92253 Fax Home Phone Owner, Co -Owner, and Owner/Operator of the following businesses: Wright Landscaping Service (Landscaping and Irrigation Company) W-L Steel Erection (Structural Steel Erection Company) South Seas, Ltd. (Imports/Exports) A F F I L I A T I O N S 1994 - Present * Commissioner - La Quinta Historical Preservation Commission * Board & Executive Board Member — Coachella Valley Housing Coalition * Board Member & Past President- Community Association Institutes, Coachella Valley Chapter * Finance Committee Member — DSUSD * Rotary International * Former Board Member & Executive Member - La Quinta Arts Foundation * Former Board Member & Past President of the Board - Friends of La Quinta Library * Former Search Committee — City of La Quinta Library * Former Board Member & Executive Board — La Quinta Historical Society * Sigma Nu Fraternity 2 254 BARBARA DUNMORE Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Date: May 26, 2009 To: City of La Quinta Veronica Montecino, City Clerk P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 From: Riverside County Registrar of Voters Contact: Leticia Flores, Elections Coordinator SUBJECT: NOMINATION PETITION SIGNATURE VERIFICATION 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 www.voteinfo.net Enclosed is the petition that you submitted for signature verification. We have checked it against our list of registered voters in the City of La Quinta upon review our office makes the following determination: Robert (Bob) Wright Copy of Petition is returned herewith. Checked 30/25 Good Signatures 255 SIGNATURES OF SUPPORT We, the undersigned residents of the City of La Quinta, hereby nominate Roggp-l- Wgo,*ror the office of City Council of said City, to be considered b the Ity Council for appointment to fill an unexpired term expiring November 2, 2010. . .'.'NAME RESIDI;NCCADDRESS ` ]FOR ORPICEUSC 1 SIGN N0. 8 STREE PRINT '-i0041,y `v s J CITY ZIP ;t%'� f. V� SIGN NO. & STREET PRINT � CITY ' 3 SIGN �" IN0.8 ST �a/--. ✓�. PRINT _ _.CITV..._ ` _ _-... .... IP �, 4 SIGN -_ .__.-_..___- _ NO. 85TREEr�.�C�A al .L PRINT CITV ^ _ ZIP�' 074 5 SIGN N0. &STREET,.��� /w ,',r L�IZ�V - PRINT r , J� 'Zj5 CITY 6 SIGN ,.. ___.____._..___._._ Q �j.-�`-�i�q,p^Z)I_P^r N0. 8S.%E`Ll ��-... V PRINT CS CITY/ Zz^I7P( z 5 /`!'(/C/in/v/� ,7 / SIGN 'i,Z.,_,„y� NO.&STREET •?����G) "_i PRINT s �. /I_ \I� C S rv-\ CITY /' q ZIP S ? sSIGN % NO.&STREET r'%, -•- . {' PRINTT CITY `�� ZIP lr// 9 SIGN NO. & STREET J ���� C, /� ✓y�zL�L . - PRINT 0 � � r�----- CITY / // �.q ZIP ZZS/ 'Y lO SIGN.-. .. .- C/- J NO,&STREET E _.VI=-B1ac+1f- '"ZIP Vol PRIN ,^^_ CIT 11 L1 ' NO. 78tK,E �-l-3_CJ -. 1 —_- P 1LIi�a�F�1 CIT �.^7�X- ZIP �. 1L SIGN _ _--_-__._._._-__-__ N0Ti- { P T CITY ZIP 13 CIT ZIP - PRINTQ Oe.,a Q5- s .n 7 ��' 14 SIGN t°r =� _ -- NO. STREET 'a..g,�LU J.6,I4AE PRINT qi' UL_ CITY LA,'r A/-i%I ZIPc!ZZS •j 15 SIG N0.8 STREET " PRIN ,�r CITY ZIP 9L t(, 16 PRINT SIGN - NQ STREET- 2IP 'Z-•L�� i-- f SIGN 1 - N0.&STREET/- i /- / PRINT ---- --' G��irfin� sf<v----c�c;- CITY ZIP - IMPORTANT! Turn to reverse side for signature spaces 18-30 —► 256 SIGN -- .... __.__.....__.__.. ,NO. 8 STREE18 T _ _.._.._._ PRINT _ Si CITY ZIP-, /5 SIGN y 1� PRINT N0.& $I EE� T7� CITY Z 20 SIGN _ .O — �^ PRINT /�il�.i--_.__ICITY NO.8 1 J SIGN 21 J _! _-_ _y^— - �L NO. 8STREET CITY �a ZIP C//i'!/�'s✓f %1 Z j SIGN ` 22 NO 8 STREET PRINT CITY IrE 21P SIGR' is 23 — Iu_. li NO & STREET C%l1CPS_(�G;b'biv._c>�u.tCt_trC. PRINT /_-.._. ,�___— ____// L CITY C.e( LFI ! (s% ZIP SIGN G ., n NOAS TREET PRI y 25 SIGN j PRIN N0/85 ET, -- •llllll� `''•^., %C/ (_%"' I'_. ICITY ✓N il, ( (,'A AZIP (I _ 26 SIGN � _ ---- ----- PRINT N0.&S IE _—e..1c _� CITY ZP Ll i��-.. j 27 SIGN I ------ — — NO. & STREET ' ----_�l __1?:jr-_--- _ PRIICITY LC�� ZIP (I .2, 28 SIG - PRI _ �..._.. �_____—._.....__ N0. & STR S _���Jl�.l.11 Y �r,- fJ1 Ll ✓-G,. +z'l,C CITY'i—yy,_ Z��i 1 i l l,uJl6_' C_i I l l5 _i SIGN :/i.+�_-_ 29 — 110, 1,STREE r11L9�(�t �YZ<f7C_ PRINT itiU'I/� "�`�✓F/� T _ CITY[..1 ZIP t]D.� ;_.. SIGN �c+�..;.-1-�.� 3 - ( N0.85TR1EET- K-TI 'F>�,�3 �%6Cv) Zg L-e �r L�: --I -� _ _ _i PRINT�Tu 1J��....._.,�'A��`.YL^j.._—__.___._CITY_•__...____.-__—..._..-ZIP _ ct•O�-}-,__"-_ LPc- ��1�1 PC �Ih'r VL.�J 7� �— OFFICE USE ONLY JNO. OF VALID SIGNATURES 257 MAY-28-2009 THU 08:54 AM FAX N0, P. 01 05/29/2009 TRU 0:32 FAX 760 777 71O/ L8 VULGLG 6LtY 05/20/2009 TUB 10)46 FAX 160 777 7107 La Ouinta City clerk 0003/003 AO SIGN _ p^ T NO.d STREET, T PRINT 1. G 5i' �� CRT up... _ �w ti x I•/ 19 VON ,..,,., ....., Pliwr - N _ /C t• SIGN '—.••••••• n0.4 TR F NN7At 1`xree,(.." / TL (CITY 6'll.)Cd la-, �3• IP" J .1 b"d"i�'IYJe•.7ii -•.. 21 VON b'.. �/. NOSSTREET .w .1 .���� -/F/•i CITY / /-% �L%/I/.6r� ZIP 1---.. SIGN NO 6 STREET 1 ) 23 PRINT . /�lsc ? _ .sGc SJGF�/ , ... cv^� .OYC CL 1l dP5„�{cry4_s:?.l.sVcw.e., .._. _,.. PRINT ftELT� SIGN j h`c.,y .' a$TREEr I L"1No q PRIM .�Y•vI_ �<. 1.".. SIGN y .. '` PRINT LC SIGN / .�gl•%hly�.� IcCiIY7YY T,. ICIIY D. L44.^'- LP.e'�.%�- nOIa S'f ET 4 Ai. �.� �'-...• NO.a$2G . ...� <lJ;_. r. PANT �s�.�Y /C��l.., .. 'JL/ , r..,.�.. ZIP K P !J 27. SIGN J _�._ PR. P � sd �. do —�.. �—------,QT,•�(_C> No, aSTkEET - Yp i _.z 28 Slc ,%v"s•. (__ LC,y ,.,'._.—� _ NO.a SrR -. YIP 29 SIGN /• PRWT Yl ('f(G : •. f! In` Q�F �1 • ... p CRY/ �. ii•I.��ti"... zIP s'��`i '') �'�l'y. FU .Gil._l:!'(.r... 30 .. ...ICITYL4 N0, ST BLOT `• Z'i,: Lc cyr L. V- i�'./kl L_ PRINT,.L±i�.Jly .J,c-Tr-L I ZIP OFFICE USEONLY f('"� •` N0. OF VALID SIGNATURES • 1 _ 258 At7f y QjI cy� y of r MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Veronica J. Montecino, City Clerk DATE: June 1, 2009 SUBJECT: Resignation of Council Member Kirk The attached is a copy of correspondence received from Council Member Kirk on June 1, 2009, regarding his resignation from the City Council. This correspondence will be filed appropriately for future reference. Please contact me at (760) 777-7002 or vmontecino@la-guinta.oro if you should need any additional information. 259 Page 1 of 1 Veronica Montecino From: Tom Kirk [ Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 9:09 PM To: Veronica Montecino Cc: Subject: Resignation Veronica, I am resigning from my city council position on the same day I am employed as the Executive Director of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). I expect the CVAG Executive Committee to approve my contract on June 1, 2009 and my first day of employment will be June 2, 2009. If the contract approval is delayed or is not approved, I will let you know as soon as possible. Thank you, Tom Kirk 260 6/1/2009 c% 4 4v4urK& AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 02, 2009 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: _ ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Appointments to Various City Boards, Commissions, and Committees PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the selection of: 1) Two appointees to a two-year term on the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee; 2) Four appointees to two-year terms on the Community Services Commission; 3) Three appointees lone non-professional, two professional) to three-year terms on the Historic Preservation Commission; 4) One appointee to a two-year term, and one appointee to a three-year term on the Investment Advisory Board; and 5) Two appointees to two-year terms on the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Clerk's Department published a notice in The Desert Sun on April 2, 2009, and in the May 2009 issue of the La Quinta Gem, notifying the public of the expiring terms for City Boards, Commissions and Committees. All members of Boards, Commissions and Committees whose terms are expiring this year were invited to reapply. The deadline for receiving applications was May 22, 2009, at 5:00 p.m. 261 The following Boards, Commission and Committees will have vacancies as of June 30, 2009: 1. Architecture and Landscape Review Committee — The terms held by Commissioner Ray Rooker is not scheduled to expire until June 30, 2010. The terms currently held by Commissioners Jason Arnold and Ronald Fitzpatrick are scheduled to expire on June 30, 2009. Commissioner Arnold has submitted an application for reappointment. Commissioner Fitzpatrick has not submitted an application for reappointment. An additional application has been received by David Thorns. There are currently two (2) vacancies. (Attachment 1) 2. Community Services Commission — The terms for Commissioners Joan Biegel, Rosemarie Darroch, and Kathleen Fitzpatrick are not scheduled to expire until June 30, 2010. The terms currently held by Commissioners Sheldon Brodsky, Andrea Gassman, Robert Leidner and Dori Quill are scheduled to expire June 30, 2009. Commissioners Brodsky, Gassman, Leidner and Quill have submitted applications for reappointment. Additional applications have been received from Michele Lawrence and Lucy Moreno. There are currently four (4) vacancies. (Attachment 2) 3. Historic Preservation Commission - The terms for Commissioners Peggy Redmon and Robert Wright are not scheduled to expire until June 30, 2010. The terms currently held by Commissioners Maria Puente (professional), Archie Sharp (non- professional) and Allan Wilbur (professional) are scheduled to expire on June 30, 2009. Commissioners Puente, Sharp and Wilbur have submitted applications for reappointment. An additional application has been received from Douglas Barr. There are currently three (3) vacancies, two professional and one non- professional position. (Attachment 3) 4. Investment Advisory Board — On March 17, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 464, amending Section 2 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to include that all applicants should have a verifiable background in finance and/or securities, and stagger the members' terms with one or two terms expiring each year. In order to comply with Ordinance No. 464, one of the vacancy terms must be changed from three-year to a two-year term. The terms for Commissioners David Alan Park, Donald Moulin, and Theodore Ross are not scheduled to expire until June 30, 2010. The terms currently held by Commissioners Cristina Deniel and Randy Rossi are scheduled to expire on June 30, 2009. Commissioners Deniel and Rossi have submitted applications for reappointment. An additional application has been received from Milton Olander. Staff has verified the background information for all applications. There are currently two (2) vacancies, one two-year term and one three-year term. (Attachment 4) 262 5. Planning Commission — The terms for Commissioners Edward Alderson, Katie Barrows, and Mark Weber are not scheduled to expire until June 30, 2010. The terms for Commissioners Robert Wilkinson and Paul Quill will expire on June 30, 2009. Commissioners Wilkinson and Quill have submitted applications for reappointment. Additional applications have been received from Henry Casden, Kenneth Doran, James Emmons, Jesse Frescas Jr., Andrea Gassman, A.P. "Skip" Lench, William Sigurdsen, and Victor Villenueve. There are currently two (2) vacancies. (Attachment 5) FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the selection of two appointees to a two-year term on the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee; four appointees to two-year terms on the Community Services Commission; three appointees (one non-professional, two professional) to three-year terms on the Historic Preservation Commission; one appointee to a two-year term and one appointee to a three-year term on the Investment Advisory Board; and two appointees to two-year terms on the Planning Commission; or 2. Do not approve the selection of two appointees to a two-year term on the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee; four appointees to two-year terms on the Community Services Commission; three appointees (one non- professional, two professional) to three-year terms on the Historic Preservation Commission; one appointee to a two-year term and one appointee to a three- year term on the Investment Advisory Board; and two appointees to two-year terms on the Planning Commission; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 263 Respectfully submitted, Veronica J. City Clerk ,� Approved for submission by: (' -1� " /. � zlyli A -�� homas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Attachments 1 - Architecture & Landscape Review Committee Applications 2. Attachments 2 - Community Services Commission Applications 3. Attachments 3 — Historic Preservation Commission Applications 4. Attachments 4 — Investment Advisory Board 5. Attachments 5 — Planning Commission Applications 264 05/22/2009 09:34 FAX t RECEIVE® MAY 2 12009 Attachment 1 Date:S a 1 "d g REcEl vEO amr°FLAQutNTA CITY OF LA QUINTA gT°�r�RKo�APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW Yr, HOME ADDRESS: COMMITTEE TELEPHONE:(HOME)C7 yS) HC)7 Io USIN Z 2 Z009 crry of ary c«aK oAR ME NT BUSINESS ADDRESS: -74_$Sq Velie LJCAN -14 (p PGjm -I)PCpyy-r IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU ct 6u " oliz C LOne r o �- ZcLso tJ i9Y1.N p La LQYb SccLPE, l l7 Y tom�I A dj _' 1 LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 1.5 Ljeck Ili HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMITTEE? l,C�S' Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. I� • e+ �� f �a, lam, • A G 265 05/22/2009 09:35 FAX APPLICATION, ARCHITECTURAL & LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Architectural A Landscaping Review Committee. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Architectural & Landscaping Review Committee and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Architectural & Landscaping Review Committee? a. ha Ue beeyi O n the gnn raf. Pr -)., •S1J (&rncl ct-IAA I�KP tt: rK1 „n , ,m a \;cPnS-ed \Gin lsm C�,-TraCtZl� uu i�1 r t1n� fGt2 C J1--T PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 266 RErci%1cI) 20H My 11 A:F1 11 28 May 2009 Date: CITY 0; _"' CIT'i CL,r;t�.'S CF FI CF CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE David C. Thorns NAME: 78-310 Crestview Terrace LaQuinta, CA 92253 HOME ADDRESS: (760) 564-7349 same TELEPHONE: (HOME) BUSINESS: EMAIL: davey8941 2verizon.net FAX: (760) 564-7349 BUSINESS ADDRESS: 78-310 Crestview Terrace LaQuinta, CA 92253 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Self-employed 12 years LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Yes, many. HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMITTEE? Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. I am a California State University San Luis Obispo graduate with a B.S. degree in landscape architecture. For 35 years I performed as principal and one-third owner of EPT Landscape Architecture. I mainly worked in our firm's offices in Pasadena and San Juan Capistrano. I was the landscape architect for Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Northridge University in Northridge, and Loyola High School campus in Los Angeles. I also served on many design teams that included planners and architects for Beverly Hills and South Pasadena. I was a guest instructor/lecturer for Cal Poy Pomona in 267 landscape architecture and evening classes at Pasadena City College. APPLICATION, ARCHITECTURAL & LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Architectural & Landscaping Review Committee. As a past member of the La Quinta Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee, I am well aware of the responsibilities, functions, regulations, time frames, and procedures involved with this committee. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Architectural & Landscaping Review Committee and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? At the time of the interview, I would like to address this question. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Architectural & Landscaping Review Committee? I am, and have been, very active concerning the development of the architecture and landscaping in the city of LaQuinta. As noted previously, I am a certified licensed landscape architect in the states of Arizona and California. Any further qualifications required can be discussed during the interview. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. 0. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT •• • 268 Attachment 2 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE Date: M P. 'i s Z c u q i 2099 ON C11 Y OF L,',. r,I;I'IT„ LA QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIONIK'3 0FFIC CE NAME: S (A C L--'�> D nl 6s % 0-1> S V-Li HOME ADDRESS: a I7 t 1,3 TELEPHONE: (HOME(Aag171-�tf [ I BUSINESS: EMAIL:SKL-Lt't0 3;C, iZC- Corn FAX: (�O� TO- tf2Cl rT BUSINESS ADDRESS: IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: SC I-.S '" LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: °'I G NZ S HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? ! (1 CUM in i S S t Gvf.Q�S�(z�7NG- Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other bac - ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. •� S �C.o�o��cS �tZr„Y, il-t� fx�(-4P��..7�nJ 5c Uea��- �rG--r't-i� UNi�1GELS, ice( c'�� �Cn�nJS`iLllPsJeA. Wo��2CD '1 �LC- M Fix j AC9C_ L "i Fe p- a k�CC L m o > I C i -) -T D U0, V + ,r'l--iF< I tJ 6 2 1\0,1 .-Crr. C' c� car �1� ace TI�� C��Lr�JIL a bl'{z7 S Cc� n m l S S 9 Ary 2 a c-.i e c v tv `i(+ r- ! {C SC-fL�)iC�� Gcaw�n-�rs5� �tiI 269 APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. AS ( �, T�(r_ 3`=dY�©N'(CC Ga 24 d\�0to r-1 7-Le- f-u N C` t ({C6ULfa--T; ArJ> ?R'0C7C 2 u C-Cs o F -T-1 C g'ra, in 4 cS r or,) What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? �t-I'G SC—SCM 6- AN t N c z&C S r rJ Gr vovo V4-�' t tp 1-I jAr✓ i36- E(L U.-A, LA i `r v r-'k CiZ i N CC- c ut i t ory s �t - t42.7 tz-- S C- <(2, c.v I A 11 Fvca� i Ecc*jor�`-i L-s SN(zr� LNG �v2 7f�� �CV dvCS What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? r L G J G 1 t �i� 7 ^�'� �j 1 �l C—LG42 e c-7U -TC I C &- > (CA7t aNf Are) C'f-C A-7( U I ry ikr 13, -T(�r�,n. t�C r� fC—aL' A<\)3> "oN irNvG ? J S C tz rJ G T t-FC C�5 Gvr o f -r'CFc 5 C--OK t PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 270 {uaw4wdaa 6uluuoµ Olufra9 Ln 10 1410 6cu1 19 ON Date: , 21-" / CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LA QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION NAME: HOME ADDRESS: J J - ^f /J /-1vv it ucu v TELEPHONE: (HOME) ( 7&0) 56'-/';/CIIO BUSINES EMAIL: QC4055% 4? CCYC- rr, BUSINESS ADDRESS: 76o) ),:I(, c!- 2100 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: / 6 c'Qr HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? yes Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. P&asc ' Ce c11-10(fic l tv s ume . 211 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION APPLICATION Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. The general purpose of the Community Services Commission is to serve in an advisory capacity to City Council concerning the development of a planned and orderly approach to leisure activities provided by the city. In short, those activities adding to the quality of life of the citizens of La Quinta which include public recreation; the management, conduct, care and development of parks the playgrounds; and the support and encouragement of the arts. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? With the burgeoning population, an issue City of La Quinta faces is maintaining the services and activities that contribute to the health and well-being of its citizens at the same level we currently enjoy. The demand is ever increasing. The challenge of the Community Services Commission is to review the annual master plan, speak with individuals who are stakeholders and participate in the process as much as possible so that the recommendations the commission forwards to City Council are well conceived and in the best interest of La Quinta. Personally, I think it is important for a representative of the Community Services Commission to attend at least one meeting of the other commissions and boards so that the Community Services Commission has a better understanding of the issues from a broader perspective. Similarly. I would like to see a member of each attend one of the Community Services Commission meetings. It is through this process that commissioners would gain an increased understanding of issues or problems so that we might better serve City Council. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? City Council has done a wonderful job ensuring that commissioners are representative of the population. This is absolutely necessary as we cannot always be involved in every activity the City of La Quinta offers no matter how hard we try. As an "ambassador" for the city I participate in as much as I am able. I am a strong proponent of volunteerism, maintain a firm commitment to the arts and attempt to bridge any age gap with enthusiastic support. It has been one of my greatest pleasures to serve as a Community Services Commissioner for the City of La Quinta and it is my hope to continue along this path. Thank you for your consideration. Andrea (Andi) Gassman 272 ANDREA C. GASSMAN 53-415 Avenida Obregon La Quinta, CA 92253-3438 Telephone and Facsimile: (760) 564-2100 EmaiL•,«_x EMPLOYMENT: Leeal/Research Paralegal/Legal Secretary Richard H. Hart, PC 20pg_ resent P Legal Secretary Anderholt & Turner LLP 2006-2008 Paralegal/Calendar Clerk Walter Clark Legal Group 2006 2004-2006 Litigation Paralegal Best Best & Krieger, LLP Law Clerk William S. Bomtheim, PLC 2004 Law Clerk Martin C. Brhel, Jr., APLC 2002-2004 Office Manager/Legal Assistant Law Office of Nicholas G. Spirtos 1982-2002 Nonprofit/Education Transcriber/Researcher National Academy of Sciences 2008 - present Development Director Junipero Serra High School 1987-1988 Co -Founder Pacific MS Research Foundation 1982-1997 Director of Youth Services American Heart Association 1980-1982 1979-1980 Director United Way Donor Services Shelter Services Youth Consultant American Red Cross 1977-1979 Developed YDAT 1974-1977 Guidance Counselor UCLA Developed VITA Counselor/Teacher Kennedy High School 1973-1974 Business -1997 Account Representative Metropolitan Life 19199696 Vice President Compensation Strategies 88 President C.O.S.T. 1982 Other 2000-2002 Care Giver State of California EDUCATION: Ed.D, abd Pepperdine University, 1993 Institutional Management/Department of Education and Psychology Loyola Law School, 1979-1983 MA University of Iowa, 1974 Guidance Counseling/Department of Education and Psychology 273 05/22/2009 16:34 FAX 916 419 1325 AIM MAIL CNTR NAME: Date: 5' 2o{_ t f ON Q8A1a3 LA QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION � HOME ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE BUSINESS:3pr 5 %Y," � EMAIL: rdthe(e• iawt�yice� clh4eal�{k.covn FAX: 1 75=?17 7%' BUSINESS ADDRESS: �7-/// &nW11ktb 4A4 0. M- 1"291 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: b'(- HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground- Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. � i / .i •� ice. i.i �. � ✓ ii i rA 274 I 05/22/2009 16:34 FAX 916 419 1325 AIM MAIL CNTR 0003 APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Servi s Commission. . •[d �DyY�Y dE GD Yl� G2 `v1 i V v u 2 (' C1J2t 6&K4de41-X' tkGj C?/af.fa-4)1N//t, 4J-)1YAAl /rein/ !H-A'Aiw What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? Gtd 1� u ic�it t A� %7B27�c iia v5r4 a4iel P"glyt 63 CL nLu -dC4e4 AIOCIJA.2 j r6Cr%Qr- KC I UMN I Nib APtILIUATIUN TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 215 b / ceived Date: � (y MAY 19 Z009 city of La Qwnta t Nwdng DeP CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON LAA�QUINTA /COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION NAME: HOME ADDRESS: J 6 `�!7 J �jti�!_,l `-�! Cu ✓T-r9 TELEPHONE: (HOME) 7En y�2'7 BUSINESS: 76a- jii z/- d -700 FLnau Cam ? 3P�/ i,,/C . C�a;�7 FAx• 7Eo- F111-3 11**T_1•I•IZ1*14 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITI"S) YOU H( ��1 % �2AeTic�✓ �'Tu/c2.0 �i✓r - /-O...ofit�c�7+�r LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. c�KfF 216 Application, Community Services Commission - Bob Leidner Page 2 • Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Service Commission. o Having served on the Community Services Commission since 2004 and serving as Chair for the past year, I have had the opportunity to become fully involved in all meetings, obligations, activities and departmental interactions that are a part of the responsibilities of a Commissioner. o I have completed the ethics training program that is required by the state which further qualifies me to understand the necessary procedures and standards involved with the position. • What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? o The current Community Services Commission is made up of very strong and capable professionals, each bringing their own expertise and opinions to the table. We have been fortunate that many lively debates have occurred on multiple issues over the past few years, and for that I am thankful. As Chair, occasionally I have had to assume the role of peacekeeper at a few commission meetings, but I know that it was only due to the passion that our commissioners have felt on various topics. That being said, while there is value to having multiple and diverse opinions, in hindsight I believe that Council's action to increase the number of Community Services Commissioners from five to seven back in 2007 may have been an unnecessary move. I believe having five strong Commissioners instead of seven would make for a more efficient process and save La Quinta some money, even if it's a small amount. I recommend such a move. o Getting the community involved with regard to discussions that the city may be facing is a challenge for the Community Services Commission. We haven't had significant success in gathering interested citizens to participate in discussions at our meetings. I would like to see the Commission do a better job as a liaison with other organizations as well as develop a 277 stronger relationship with the Desert Sun in order to prompt meaningful dialog on issues that concern the entire community. o In today's turbulent economy, I believe it is important for all elected and appointed officials of our City to be sensitive to the fiscal challenges and uncertainties that many of citizens and businesses are currently facing. Our actions and our recommendations need to reflect that we good stewards of the responsibilities and the financial resources we have been given. Application, Community Services Commission - Bob Leidner Page 3 • What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quints Community Services Commission? o My experiences as a businessman, a commissioner, a family man and as a volunteer have all been grounded on a simple principle - Provide value and serve with integrity in all that you do. If selected to continue as a Community Services Commissioner, I am hopeful that I will prove to be of value to the Mayor, to the City Council, and to the City of La Quinta. Thank you for you consideration. Bob Leidner 278 Bob Leidner Recent or Current Civic & Board Affiliations • Commissioner and Chairperson - City of La Quinta - Community Services Commission • Committee member - La Quinta 25'h Anniversary Planning Committee • Board of Directors - CVSPIN - Coachella Valley Serving People in Need - Organizer of the annual Tour de Palm Springs Bike Ride for Charity. Current I serve on the Advisory Board for CVSPIN • National Board of Directors - Association of Professional Energy Managers (APEM) • Member - La Quinta Rotary Club • Member - NEMRA - National Electrical Manufacturers Representatives Association • Member - NACM - National Association of Credit Managers • Certified- Green Lights Ally -Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Member - AAGLA - Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles • Sponsor - La Quinta Sports and Youth Association • Affiliate Consultant- Resource Associates Corporation • Member - Distributor Council - Philips Lighting - Somerset, NJ • Member - Advisory Board - California Restaurant Association • Member - Advisory Council - Radiant Lamp Manufacturer • Chairperson - King's College and Seminary Golf Tournament and Auction • Member - BOMA - Building Owners and Managers Association • Sponsor - Valley Christian Athletic Association • Board of Directors - Regency Lighting 279 BOB LEIDNER 56498 Palms Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 760 564-4427 Relevant Work Experience 03- Present - Best Practices Network, Inc. - President / CEO • Leidner Consulting Division; o Business Planning and Strategic Thinking for small to medium size companies (under $100 million) • Building the correct team in order to achieve maximum growth potential • Taking the company to the "next level" • Methods for maximizing profit potential o Classroom style training for companies and individuals on topics including: • Leadership • Management • Customer Service • Sales Executive Leadership • Plus Sales Division o Establishes distribution network throughout United States and Canada for lighting products imported from Asia. 82-03 - Regency Lighting - President / CFO (Retired in 2003) • Built company from start-up to $60 million in annual sales and 250 employees • Designed all initial processes • Developed management team • Took the company from local to statewide industry leader • Took the company from statewide to national leader • Built network of 5 locations across the U.S. with structure prepared for additional locations • Responsible for oversight of all departments including sales, service, distribution, purchasing, accounting, IT and HR. 82- Present - Leidner Properties Co -Owner • Own and manage apartment buildings in Greater Los Angeles area along with my wife Sue. i11 Rey d CITY OF LA QUINTA 5 /3 vq APPLICATION TO SERVE ON. $ a.w& LA QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION NAME: 4 L G C/-uc `/ /M HOME ADDRESS: 51 �36 AIE V/'DAy/ 1114 TELEPHONE: (HOME) ��o BUSINESS: 7 (6 D & P % " EM41L L X GfFL / / / Cam' FAX: � & C: / 'I�iZ1 _// BUSINESS ADDRESS: 93 400 _ irca?on 8/1"d := mllr. C/4 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: CyuS - S;aool �c4+471rJ�SS'P'2OG2Ay"n - LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: X /1 4 4 ies HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? IV '� Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. �O/2k/Y?JC� uJig.2ps i1ri� -LyG Le�rz��U Crirf✓t evuJU /4/' Yc � sz'�t655F 61^WZs Ze,-2Pex- fo��i�4 (/'H/L�� G'/J�LG� �l�ld %U✓ �i7/Z��T %�`✓7� e�i /�/Z�%� 4-5 ,�h�rT /7c� 2i.y� �l✓-� -) vin m �e 8 � oZ�� &',. _,G� f�%SD U"O�Ui�7`cu?Kc?� �2n �L%%GS THE T f12 E 281 APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. Du have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? r— .C3���/�7/Gp�F�/L /J'-C 'ibis lc3o�//� //✓r�,�-��� ;�.ra�/� ����= ��G �5'r��ce�� sss��� What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? /1') Gi 9/7�s / +�h� <y i�voG6¢�cr li2r S/ C9u����f/ G�X�/2/�i✓��= �.�//�'f� � k- ,er �� r'i! J-S�O xJ '4 /)l9 S/iCJ E�IG' GL>O /rv� T�2 y%/?� L(/7GhC�C�/•3L,1/� C'ah-i L=z c«,.i %`�/ iL/�L�.�� �i:ZJ� -��.I'L/IG-G—�. —,� s ,/�1� �r��`i.✓,r i /�P�:sG�w/ .�f ���,c c�� .�G-�fi�>�J or/, /ifs /f S//�G`1e/%1 O� �• �- L /3/✓L >��UG��% 1&7 fq to �A-),6ce, PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. 0. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 282 Lucy Moreno 51930 Avenida Villa La Quint 4 CA 92253 760.185-9045 Fax'399-4421 May 11, 2008 City of La Quints P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico . La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear City Council Members, I am submitting my application for a seat with the City's Community Services Commission. During this time I have volunteered with the L.Q. Museum working the front desk on Sundays. The experience was great, I met wonderful people, and my hope is to return in the future as a volunteer. My main interest at this time is to participate as a member of the Commission and represent my community. Thank you in advance for your attention, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve the City of La Quinta. Sincerely,__, Luz Elena oreno, Community Member d. 283 Date: .S` 5 — O R RECE111 TYOFLAQUINTA 2009 M S _'PP�Ifq�TIOON TO SERVE LA d(J1W4-COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION C! T Y CLErcn'S OFFICE NAME: J)okI am',* 11 HOME ADDRESS: S( a% S kLA d LGt�Ut<1 N TELEPHONE: (HOME) 6_6! -o2bt _S BUSINESS: C, E 9 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Qp-s HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? CU ffe-At POMM(SS/ONcI^- Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. -I c 284 APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do ou think you work of the La Quinta Community Services Commission? p (j PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO:cJ CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT ce �t6>4:1 285 Attachment 3 RECEIVED 2009 HPR 27 Pm 1 19 CIT NIY e��Rf>T�dQUINTA N TO SERVE Date: LA QUINTA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION D®u6-Lk A , NAME: HOME ADDRESS: 7�0#0 SKI VPr nollic- Ay, TELEPHONE: (HOME) S O (Ss BUSINESS: EMAIL: harNLawC COA14sJ_. AIP7'�_ FAX: BUSINESS ADDRESS: _A -a L,,Q(/F% &e IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Ott"/Ve' 74,4p �aH-L�w i7'yI LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 3 VQPt ' HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? i' /_N_�V �i' ��,��,SJI/ r�ifi.. Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- f ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. 286 APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission. Sae wJ-7(rcl What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? � Q What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT DOUGLAS A. BARR 79040 River Rock Road La Quinta, CA. 92253-6533 April 27, 2009 HAND DELIVERED La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253-1504 Re: Application for Lay Membership on La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission Dear City Council Members: Please consider this letter, my attached City Application form and resume as my application to appointment as a lay member of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission. I had applied for this position three years ago, in May,_2006, but I was unable to be present for the interview. The following lists an overview of why I hope you will consider me again. Please also refer to my attached resume for more details: 1. I have demonstrated interest, competence, experience and knowledge of historic preservation law and related disciplines. As a young lawyer in 1979-1981, I practiced Historic Preservation Law, and conducted a seminar on the subject for Albuquerque, New Mexico local interested people. This informal group sponsored and funded my travel to New York City to attend a national symposium on Historic Preservation Law. Since then, I successfully litigated a cultural anthropologist's claim to material from digs in New Mexico. 2. As a practicing trial attorney for thirty-three years, I bring experience and knowledge germane to historic preservation concepts and municipal/administrative law. 288 2 La Quinta City Council 4/27/09 3. I am educated and experienced with structural engineering concepts, paleontology and residential real estate, as an engineer, attorney and consultant. 4. During the last three years since I first applied for this position, I have worked as a V.P. for the Bajada Home Owners Association. I plan to attend the May 215t meeting of the Commission. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Encls: City Application Resume 289 DOUGLAS A. BARR, ESQ. 79040 River Rock Rd., La Quinta, CA. 92253.760/880-8955 • e-mail: barrlaw(acomcast.net SHILLS: LITIGATION AND NEGOTIATION OF DISPUTES IN COURT: • Litigated complex business, commercial contracting, real estate, personal injury, divorce and probate cases for thirty-three years. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: • Closed complex business settlements and agreements, often in adversarial atmospheres with high -stress posturing by opposing counsel and clients. COMMUNICATION: • Research and draft hundreds of opinion letters, analyses of complex tasks, evaluations, reports, Court pleadings and briefs. ■ Publicly speak and persuade groups of people and Courts. Teach lawyers, staff and students in different fields. • Wrote, published and marketed "A Legal Self -Help Manual for Dogs ". ■ On -going interviews and published opinion -letters in the Albuquerque media over more than one year regarding national legislation on antifreeze safety ["Scooby's Law"] and violence to animals. ■ Designed and conducted courses and seminars on Historic Preservation Law, Preventive Law, Export Control Law and Real Estate for Buyers and Sellers. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: • Started and operated real estate business in several states over more than a decade. ■ Resolved legal, real estate and business challenges. ■ Created and managed Export Control Coordinators Organization. ■ Develop and run my own law firm, managing all strategic, financial, accounting and administrative operations. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: The Barr Law Firm, President, Albuquerque, NM 1993 - present Messersmith, Schuler, McNeill, Schoen & Barr, Partner, Albuquerque, NM 1992 - 1993 The, Barr Law Firm, Attorney at Law, Albuquerque, NM 1983 - 1992 Sandia National Laboratories, Classification Analyst, Albuquerque, NM 1984 - 1991 Lill, Bova & Barr, Partner, Albuquerque, NM 1979 - 1983 NM Public Defender, Assistant Appellate Defender, Santa Fe, NM 1976 - 1979 John Blume Structural Engineers, Technical Writer, San Francisco, CA —1971 - 1973 290 DOUGLAS A. BARR, ESQ. page 2 EDUCATION: JD, Golden Gate University School of Law, San Francisco, California- 1975 MS, Stanford University (Engineering -Science), Palo Alto, California - 1971 BA, Whittier College (Mathematics- with honors), Whittier, California - 1969 Real Estate Business — Albuquerque, NM and Sanibel Is., Fl. 1991-present President, Albuquerque Council for International Visitors 1993 - 1994 Real Estate Sales — Albuquerque, NM 1991-1992 Teaching: Founder, "Socrates Caf6 of Albuquerque" 2005 Preventive Law Course 2005-6 Real Estate Seminar for Buyers and Sellers 2005-6 Mentoring of inexperienced lawyers and staff —1993-present Export Law [University of New Mexico] 1988 Historic Preservation Law Seminar —1980 Mathematics [Whittier College] 1969 Arbitrator — FINRA and State Bar of NM —1990-present ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • Winner, BMW "Search for the Ultimate Driver" contest 2003 • Featured in "BMW Magazine" 2003 • Featured in "Kiplinger's Mutual Funds Magazine" 2003 • Sponsor of softball teams in Albuquerque —1995 — 2002 • Top Secret government clearance —1983 — 1990 • V. P., Bajada Homeowners Association 2006 - 2007 291 Date: S - 10 -- o CITY OF LA QUINTA received APPLICATION TO SERVE 4-0 MAY 2 12009 ON LA QUINTA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION City of La Suinta 4140 Department NAME: MA-K A I-, Fut�Mr-- HOME ADDRESS: _ 61 20 FO "'�eS 6 KC I G LA C j iwA, cA , 122 S 3 TELEPHONE: (HOME) 305 - 9 q 11 BUSINESS: f-4&e,) -772 _ 9150 x 15 1 L) EMAIL: FAX: BUSINESS ADDRESS:lq-255 WEE- JA/,D Ho,, LA gdWl-A , CA - IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA sH,,JcE 19,g3 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? l 5-S Biographical sketch, including education, vwrk experience, civic involvement and other back - 13round. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. ORn1 iN 13iLD6DcSPhiN)_ajH i70k,ufA �51 NTaNc� 1-110- U.S,CAZE�A 5iNCr- glo(�- EDuarrlON : -Ml A " PnUoua M/bb(L w 4fLqz;Pzv A -My A-E (/ 16rL�➢ 1`18i � M.&A"UNi 695;ry or- kED[Alo-s CZ�) - CLA55ici - RANJ�GIAMPC9-M Sl �Y��- U � SUPEKiOL' 17EGK�-C>(hJsc _ T-119�v . A1JC-'V' C-P X,VJoL o-f l-AcffAEOLo6,J fEA01IFA`i/Jx) Or IZOM/1-u (�Ai1lj), -ATrZ�DCt7 mo�7,PtE CPNFERtNc€� aN fh°-t,trisLz�R-4 m�Lc . .WofiK EXyrrji�(� Irsro�� a-F MUSic ft AL�r�� - �fic r SCrro�L ( 198�-i II sPirin�). I lJSnC /kcL�� (r�i/�o 6okl .G- VAro2Y Of MUSLC / -5rA-IN-) -bLiNC10FlL- f 5eMWSN IEACO� � l7C-e ShnJVS U,S . GVIG a N�o V�h4�s -MLMBCYL OF LP gUiArA R(5e)P-6A PRE ru N CofWMissio(✓ �NC� L1Wf WE APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission. 1� L -1 L�� Ii'G WI L %�lyi (� �f�i�C� �z .ire �Ol/ao✓i G�iPZ iq �� lZlyits ,.� I1 rl/� ���er�"esj c�fopton 1F-5I7AdIT/* to re✓ems Vl)(i'c"-h'a�1s 151' /e, fs lD Cattsrruc7 ere. -1-0-AC w111 recorv*e&& roes %,- Me use �'` fr lwlpl6_ //�j&1-/c -�wtfrce dic -qiYPG�kaf�� hJ� �fl i� ufs ���iPG WIII rt°Vies✓ �G�e cm)dd r r rf b od U sr . //Clo"J 1��✓r�e�t Gu�iOmer What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? 1 kaff, /VL'7uuv4A� 6v i'�a jG b�r�r� C" h'e� to lL�el - 442 6;Iw a $,'chs , 7, 1116' /1/ /'L 2femGs( /O. l✓>cn�iiA-A,fLj ic�..o. /"/iir� G�.,�i., �irlH., l A/,S i✓h s21<. 4Z efpazm -t- CkUuthi,i77 o f a/`ht'6c77s , 7Ghl sh �e� � /// J' ey 61-s4111v . UPA 12�dr`/ef K1s fa - A za 6 y C� • /&/eg fiJh %l ds ��bwmh' / ty U� o { i� c l� 4 . Z-11eg- Zvo-j Cl-!!� bV4 f- w - L,� b&Ael-e i^ �itz�/esy What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission? A-4 br 7- y Y 6v(a1 1 Ur' li wA e 0 W)6 c{ev'eh�lu� f d iu-(ltietice 6� aalce 19Olj — /hy sl ink f1izG �?/��zy aNd eX�u.��lro�s v-("" ��t� �t� Gie me �udecs/mot-/ �yYD�Yd,�,.res �+� ��l�11F/G�uG2 D�ea./fwrZi l�e�lU-Ce!i_ t eid"c To 64. -Ilb klr G{ CuaZKf ",/ 0h In fe���rcns l2eari�e e ire 's�/Yif7ou _ PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. 0. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT _. 293 MARIA L. PUENTE 78-620 Forbes Circle La Quinta, CA. 92253 (760)345-4411 Mlpuente@aol.com 2001, 2005-2008 Foreign Language Department Chair. La Quinta High School, CA. 1990-2009 Bilingual teacher (Elementary and Middle School) and Teacher of Spanish (High School). Desert Sands Unified School District, California, USA. 2001-2009 E.S.L. (English as a Second Language) and Spanish adjunct teacher at College of the Desert. Palm Desert, California, USA. 2001 Translator (English -Spanish) for written documents in Attorneys Office. Palm Desert, California. 1996 Curriculum Development for the Spanish Speakers at the Secondary Level. Desert Sands Unified School District. 1993,1996 Teacher for the G.A. T.E. (Gifted and Talented Education) Program. Taught Music and Spanish at the elementary level, at Desert Sands Unified School District. California. 1988-90 History of Music Teacher at High School level in Madrid, Spain. Department Chair for the Music Department. 1986 Solfeggio Music Substitute Teacher at the Royal Conservatory of Music, Madrid, Spain. 1983 School of Archaelogy for the Basque Country. Formally enrolled for one school year. Took part in the excavations (Roman site) in the Cave of Arenaza I. University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain. EDUCATION 2005 C.S.L.A. (California School Leadership Academy) certificate. School Administration Leadership Academy. Desert Sands Unified School District. California. 2004 M.Y.P. (Middle Years Program) Conference for Language B (Spanish). Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 294 2003 Certified as a Proficient Teacher of English. Official School of Languages, Madrid, Spain. 2002 C.A.T.E.S.O.L. (California Teachers of English to. Speakers of Other Languages) Conference in San Francisco. 2001 Spanish Literature and Spanish Language A.P.(Advanced Placement) training, certified by the California College Board. Los Angeles, La Jolla and Riverside (California). 2000 M.B.A. ( Master in Business Administration). University of Redlands (California). 2000 I.B. (International Baccalaureate) Teacher Training (Spanish B) at the Armand Hammer International Worldwide College in Montezuma, New Mexico. 1998 International A.V..LD. (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Summer Institute, San Diego, California. World Languages Strand. 1997 Certificate in the Education for the Gifted and Talented. U.C.R. (University of California, Riverside). 1996 Attended the 16a' Annual English Language DevelopmendForeign Language Conference. Riverside, California. 1996 Certificate for the Study of the Multiple Intelligences. U.C.R. (University of California, Riverside). 1995 California Professional Clear Teaching Credential: - Multiple Subjects (Grades K-5). - Single Subject (Spanish), Grades 9-12. - Introduction to Business. Grades 9-12. - BCLAD (Spanish) Professional Clear Credential. 1993 Canadian Studies Seminar, organized by the Ministry of Education of Toronto (Ontario), and the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Canada. 1992, 93, 95, 99 Attended CA.B.E. (California Association for Bilingual Education) Congress, in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Anaheim, California. 1990 Presentation to the )WII International University Congress in Madrid, Spain, on "Musical Dissonances at the end of the Present Millennium", which was later published by the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. 295 1989 Presentation to the XXIIInternational University Congress in Rome, Italy, on "Music during the French Revolution", which was later published by the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. 1989 Superior Degree in Classical Piano. Superior Degree in Chamber Music. Royal Conservatory of Music, Madrid, Spain. 1988 Institute of Educational Sciences: Certificate of Pedagogical Competence. University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. 1987 M.A., Double Major in History and Art. University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. EXTRA ACTIVITIES 1994-2009 Appointed as a member of the La Quinta Historical Preservation Commission, La Quinta, California. Currently serving as a Chairwoman. SHILLS Languages: Spanish, English, and two years of Italian, French and German in the Official School of Languages in Madrid, Spain. Computers: Proficient in Apple Macintosh and IBM PC programs. Pianist: Playedinnumerous-classical-piano. concerts, musical theater plays and in social events for prestigious country clubs. Pianist in services in local Catholic and Lutheran Church. TRAVEL 1989-2009 Europe (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and England), North America (Canada Ontario and Quebec), Central America (Mexico and Guatemala), Caribbean (Puerto Rico, British and U.S. Virgin Islands), and the USA. (California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and South Carolina). AFFILIATIONS Member of La Quinta Historical Preservation Commission. Member of La Quinta Arts Foundation. Member of La Quinta Historical Society. Member of California Association for Bilingual Education (C.A.B.E.). Member of C.A.T.E.S.O.L.(California Teachers of English to Speakers or other Languages) Member of California Preservation Foundation. Member of the Opera Guild of the Desert. (Revised April] 9, 2009 ) 296 CITY OF LA OUINTA Maria Luz Puente Il i Trainine April 2009 34Ih Annual California Preservation Conference. " Rethinking the California Dream: The Culture of Leisure". Palm Springs, California. April 2008 33rd Annual California Preservation Conference. "Balance Complexity: The Vineyard and Beyond". Napa Valley, California. May 2007 32"d Annual California Preservation Conference. " Preservation goes to Hollywood". Los Angeles, California. May 2006 Coachella Valley Archaeological Society. LOTH Annual Symposium. April 2006 31 st Annual California Preservation Conference. "Finding a Common Ground". Sacramento, California May 2005 30`h Annual California Preservation Conference. " Diversity of Change: New Perspectives on Historic Preservation". Riverside, California. April 2004 29`h Annual California Preservation Conference. "Building Bridges". San Francisco, California April 2003 28`h Annual California Preservation Conference. "A Blueprint for Preservation". Santa Barbara, California April 2002 27`h Annual California Preservation Conference. "Vintage Sonoma County". .... 297 July 13, 2000 Fort Irwin Resources Program tour in Barstow, California. Discussion of cultural resources program on Army base with emphasis on curation of artifacts. April 13-16, 2000 251h Annual California Preservation Conference. "Preservation for a New Century". Monterey, California. April 19-22, 2000 341h Annual Meeting for the Society for California Archaeology. Riverside, California. May 20-23, 1999 20 Annual Preservation Foundation. Conference on Preservation of ancient and recent past, Interpreting cultural landscapes, archaeology in the Coachella Valley, and preservation toolkit. Palm Springs, California. May 1997 Presentation on Spanish Architecture. La Quinta, Californina. October 18, 1997 Society for California Archacolohgy. Southern Data -Sharing Meeting. University of California, Riverside. November 2, 1996 La Quinta Historic Preservation local workshop. La Quinta, California. October 29, 1995 Certified Local Government / Local Government Workshop. Blueprint for Success at the local level. Oceanside, California. June ] -4, 1995 20`h Annual California Preservation Foundation. Riverside. (Revised April 19, 2009) .... 298 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON IMMIONTA Date: 1 RECE'VED LA QUINTA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISS19, Y 21 Z�O9 lflj TELEPHONE: C BUSINESS ADDRESS: -- \".A -O BUSINESS-.— - -W IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? �CS Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. See Z,�-s l 299 APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 300 N 1 1- C. t 1 - Date: RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA 2006 nRy 11 K 8 25 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON CITY OF LA QUI?ITA CITY C LA QUINTA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSIONS OFFICE NAOE: HOME ADDRESS: V C\A l t, _N TELEPHONE: (HOME) LO 1Z • cJ© b )BUSINESS: EMAIL:- L�� dz �ti� WAX BUSINESS BUSINESS ADDRESS IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 3 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION?Lq _S Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position y u seek. SzIYC's 301 APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission. ice, +,� 4 x � �,r,, M� r�• j ! 6>y '� .�sL. l.. �'Y�;1`�, What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission? C��. L—Cv�stC•5 0,� �av \�� ciZ:!`• %`C\`�r��bL ���ri �, , PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 302 Date: OA n� f �� 00 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE MAY 2 1 2009 rA,0 ON CITY of La CUlnta LA QUINTA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MomgDepartmew NAME: I A ph � t A �10 k t'� w HOME ADDRESS: 25� U p pLd P U3 Ail PA [ v%A 6 2SagT CA T1 Z2 (o U TELEPHONE: (HOME) 7%0 - WN ` n 7 C BUSINESS: EMAIL: O.L,t11.�t_n P «SD LS FAX: BUSINESS ADDRESS: IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: Cuy_nQVJY .� hV" Cx-,nor/LVLn0_Vk4.1n�( 2,1C1lnC -E e6dCA at JArnaa t,Jolc k rnAr h1 � ye"6Z LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Z lLe5j t(,o ir., PAI m NQSQrcT 7 uT tLS.) HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? U.Co Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. 0� .b rrw5r�et� n(;g bQ left` ZQv�`�v�., Gnn� 2Ar?Lu jQ rPv4c7n V jedc_ @i LpnV AV1 LU L)ALLeAsjj y),_A__ lac, v�o 'L c� �jQa.n S L �v ec: lLyw�s�w i.be (,"I wws rk`VA-1�t ]w. ®rldDlna L. ...1-YI!' .�.��i-{-� ��.@.LA�.X •-�� tic DtvLe�bml��c,e«dtwe Dr2Pc��C'E2� �`�„`il�� �ct,��haL'Fwa�,cs�oeihdLrv� w tla � �s(Lw�u �H Pt T, '�( d aejt_A) i I' Pie/ cbm�btuwfci CAk68 jjjj 622 :-t(y n 5c;O t A'tL�"(S)d a t L f tZiIA nhd do c,'ln� pepek' n.4 L �.,e r yY. CD. -U� •e'i i�et (� 4 � Al d.a 4&0 Y1 e Lc1 C 6j {1 o ")A�Q" a tkiA ��- I` Q_KP"..oNcL has 5wn--uz� Yra- wOL( d-0awv w-9 Srk �er.s Aa., �t� C' sin �•� 303 APPLICATION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission. T� �Irauu �4'coww, cku• tz, VlAdI 1 " rk'A-1In tW' h nlr ao A tiiaAi. (AW ti tAc 11 � ,��,�,�,ces(a��Ccct�i-its�e flow d� uzlo�ca, �jte-S¢ 2vC�d-�1f��`C�� 'tea �.�nn Cs�("I��IAL tiu9 (Z�(4pec S� A�4 6 gpccvrtC'`jtt v e2i ci." A10Isog bCl dv CGo Cil 006o e<L( Avid MA40 V-ecoytii rpP4\�l�Ii.cw1 bp'ws 64, K tl� 60r,wLuta sAd ((L We fir, hod �'-F p2ilu',L4u j6d"O„t What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? m A u L�.tW bt°fU1Zh 1,vH �t.'�nrvlC�l��C, math l r h coppnd iW(� , atk R(2c-13 c.oN�,dloit-s u A.us 4-e vnAfz fLQ we_ I 62011,c,t E uQjc-i �, / b(,Ja What specific attitudes`, skills -and/or experitise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission? llSA 12A 0�4S L�Rm A,L <-t Il IPAUtit CtJ !rjLv A.12AL, /1,S1`1Ce ei P r 4Mo T.' `1t1W lo i`l iLKPA kt j 2 ; I FYI �c f�U i 9 1 Vim- 4 (iC 1 S a- h ... ('f_hr7 ii f C141 L 0tll'1' -1( J41411 , Jino id�C L'9 corr o� ���� rrw� hat, cw�cl cuc c n /�1a�t/s ( L Rydpe -r Ck,u CGY1 Std¢�ud c i�� L --P ad . cT u2w�tP vvt tytc'u °�Q tip l ke v,,,A t4-V(_ Cl Q C l 9('", A CLu" A VN JD�li VN CACIY4 -L1 Y%01 PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: -f-0 LLVak-4-0IIQ4fVCd n✓IcF�iP(�� ic�ic� t1� eK_p"Q2,Lt-Q And ,Q_e is l crn ` p& n'IFvh h CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT ,;Of.. 304 W. Allan Wilbur Silver Sands Racquet Club 5 Verde Way Palm Desert, CA 92260 Telephone: 760-6 74-0984 Email: awilbur@psusd.us Education and Certifications Ph.D., Syracuse University; M.A., University of Massachusetts/Amherst; B.A., Colby College, Waterville, ME; Fulbright Award, Institut' d'Etudes Politiques, University of Paris. Professional Experience Teacher September 2004 - Present Serve as a substitute teacher in the Palm Springs Unified School District and the Desert Sands Unified school District (2004-2006). Hired as a full-time "roving" substitute at James Workman Middle School (2006-Present). iMediaPro, Inc., Palm Desert, CA July 2003 — March 2004 As a scriptwriter, I developed and wrote innovative media scripts in support of high-tech, multi -media products marketed to business professionals and entrepreneurs nationwide. Community Counselling Service Co., Inc., September 1998 — May 2003 New York, NY Campaign Executive Director for the premier international fund-raising firm working with non-profit organizations. Developed and directed four successful campaigns raising millions of dollars for good causes in the non-profit sector. American Wood Preservers Institute, Inc., May 1995 —August 1998 Fairfax, VA Served as President and CEO of a national trade organization with a $3.5 million budget, 102 corporate members and a staff of eight. Directed the affairs of the Institute including lobbying, public relations strategies and member programs. National Automobile Dealers Association, September 1986 — August 1994 McLean, VA Executive Director, Public Affairs/Communications for the national association representing 12,000 franchised new -car -and -truck dealers with an annual budget (then) of $40 million. Planned, managed and implemented strategic communications and public affairs programs. 305 American Automobile Association, September 1980 — September 1986 Falls Church, VA Director of Public Relations for the national office of the then-37 million member AAA auto clubs. Developed and directed the national public relations program for Triple -A and advised the CEO and senior staff on PR and communications issues. Congressional Quarterly Inc., Washington DC May 1977 — September 1980 Editor and Writer for the Washington -based weekly magazine reporting on Congress and the Executive and Judicial branches of the federal government. Edited three annual volumes of the award winning Congressional book series, Historic Documents (1977-1979). Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; SUNY/Albany, NY Assistant/Associate Professor of History. courses at both universities. References Upon Request September 1968 — May 1977 Taught graduate and undergraduate 306 W. Allan Wilbur, Ph.D. Publications Editor, The Monroe Doctrine (D.C. Heath, Boston, 1965) Editor, The Western Hero: A Study in Myth and American Values (Addison-Wesley, Palo Alto, 1967) Editing Fellow, The Papers of John Marshall, Vol.11l, (National Historical Publications Commission, Washington, DC, 1978) Editor, Historic Documents, 1978 (Congressional Quarterly, Washington, DC, 1979) W. A. Wilbur, E. Witt, M. Gotton, Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court (Congressional Quarterly, Washington DC, 1980) W. A. Wilbur, "The Joint Committee on Reconstruction," in A.M. Schlesinger, Jr. and R. Bruns, Editors, Congress Investigates! Vol. I, (1975) W. A. Wilbur, "Credit Mobilier,"in A.M. Schlesinger, Jr. and R. Bruns, Editors, Congress Investigates! Vol.l, (1975) W. A. Wilbur, "Oliver Wolcott, Jr.", Bulletin of the Connecticut Historical Society (1976) W. A. Wilbur, "The Supreme Court and the Environment, " Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Social Sciences (West Lafayette, Indiana, 1971) W. A. Wilbur, "Timothy Pickering, Federalist," The Historian, (1974) W. A. Wilbur, "Timothy Pickering, Federalist, " (University of Michigan, Ph.D. Series 1970) Research Awards and Recognitions Fulbright Award, Institut d'Etudes Politiques, University of Paris 1963 Bicentennial Lecturer in the History of the American Revolution, State University of New York, Albany, 1976 Research Award, Purdue University XL Grant, 1972 Research Award, American Philosophical Society, 1973 Research Award, American History Society, 1974 National Defense Education Act Scholar Award, Syracuse University, 1967, 1968 Teaching Fellow, Syracuse University, 1966-1968 307 Attachment 4 L_ Date: 2Z/0 RECEIVED Z009 APR 30 PM 1 23 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE CITY OF Lp�, QUIIJ,1, ON THE CITY Ct_EFWS 0FFAA QUINTA INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD C�rlSiil?� �oie�u NAME: '' HOME ADDRESS: 79460 Te>C r? UC[(�ey - �u �iu�Zc 76� 9Z25'-� r TELEPHONE: (HOME)/ /60i 77/ - 063 Z BUSINESS:176o) 776 - l9ST �rvL EMAIL: Cr IS�Ih� fc S'IA3GllYld2S>`yy)�vL%S. FAX: Cj(,,y1) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 73-275 'F% paS� - Sk lL IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: J><eil7 w'1l{i1T� �1)edtei l4^evn�udc>!irors Inc..- (Qcv�le✓ / 1?o,^F.oGo LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTAL/lie 5i�ce lrgi - T // i7� S'j�licC zC)Oz- HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD? " C?ut lZA/ uh� N4ewkSr?� Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. BRA in t cAlcyd n!) - MFr,tP.o��. e wi!'Yte� 070 CPA /i971 ) , C-P, - /"Z /1973% , (' �A (C&a tk)L f1 a4w `a 4ngL�� /2002. ) aooa — ��ieda 5'WA j1j Ha o -kt A-daSiz - ° A4 /9 y- o2o0C -R 04pi'rri L E/�llA eymp �lyl� - M�tnn)Pa �\ M rir— t/--&,1W ; rnI Cf 1 A/iZ A ae �u Yrta wwuua e �vz o 47 17TT--I9P z 308 1 APPLICATION, INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board. 7e� , c��iys�y� r4rtirs CCU- What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? -$'t& �rec� FA IC j7w-u�,ce—. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board? fvurd GL ti PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Office Use Only: D Background verMcation..�-�5 41d &X4 �... 309 Date: 0 Lo MAYat® 2009 CItyofLaQuinto CITY OF LA QUINTA Department APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD NAME: HOME ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (HOME)( /( /L� 11—;�,jCQ ( BUSINESk//lXJ��: EM IL: j/1/i i r�lQ/ti/,C PIr / { 72WA RPXFA) %719)_171— BUSINESS ADDRESS: 61 IF EMPLOYED, LIST. Y UR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: V,P edr; :kl2i No y! Wm :':�w&)v RPcry LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA:HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD? ;�a Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. IIJ �Z-/b &PrYe & S 0� &? 0--F -lLQ- J-'PY );� � yi 3,jkk/ IzA _T ct A.Q 6�06 7 310 APPLICATION, INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? I�� 6e 0S S C' liYl � 1S�l �SCrlt � �/CL r � `� l C Ca i-c AccTV' A i � t What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have whic w uld nh ncetth work of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board? k r � l�x�Y tom' �Ce � " e f cs C r kvC f ' , Y � l(/ c ed V �j PLEA E RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Office Use Only: Background verification: 311 Date: 'AP2 I +_ I o, 7_ caO�.; R E C E I' bTY OF LA QUINTA 2009 NPR 19 *PIPYQI TION TO SERVE ON i#(J#,7k Ot 11VTt STMENTADVISORYBOARD CLERK'S OFFICc NAME: RA rJ D \4 C , t P HOME ADDRESS: '711'36 r TELEPHONE: (HOME)_ T 71 • Z j k 2 BUSINESS: EMAIL:_ f"I"'C.SSa�_0 FAX: BUSINESS ADDRESS IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD Rr-71 O�CASrorl.��y CeJaf.It 4Y1n LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: jy?'NC S HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS BOARD? •rA-^1 C VWu_--� `w L�4 A 50ARD Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. I (p2 &7 G+ `� 3 - �jA C r%jai I • ? n f Vie 1 I ! 3.1 775 -A J�sr%t A)1 %�., q°aj k��P+�r f'r.r 17!;- 1912- A Dtwz:-csar'-Cry CP71"folur 2Kr slip 19'rSt- 198U- STR�t`„4"rf�- GtT ! �erFCFtr 19So-'r��3-. F�n/R!'-IC(: !�t/C:1C�a(� t� �ti�/��'.;-�'�l;='='f3•�t�'�o•i�,c.oRsv2(9 v iooa•��rre�.1- �ir1�.�Gt/,.,,-(.,,,%:r���lr;,-ClienTSlnclvdC' (-,�.� o•� 1''�<.�.,DESCF:'-'+ W Dt0 A pvc$CRi �J`i�rCAC+,.> 0LLt (q�6�' /2 •�.A. r��/�rlfs - i`JP��`ft, Ci,r a 196On rJ. S. ACCduN�tnJGr CerttFiFD FI14A11EtAt iaDMtr�1S�2s��inF-C.e�i,,co"fo�� �XPtrrdlUq�s%2© , fir' k �r>•� MJ�I� l�rt_'..�.��rr�r,�2€R,FC�l=tc�,^I o.�EKp,rcCD�pr,l�o07 2vu� Nye-.beX c' q Qj — �- `��.+�� I..iv E=S (�MC:^.r� A JUt 312 APPLICATION, INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board. The bar, I'd rRv1ew5 gnnra�i ��o lc r 1 yP `I' '�4- �{ ��/�?n.�00(PCH 5F YYroKPe.e^�S 'CVlPwf MoNI-14-j IP-CArurRrr Repoe- rOr LJMR r. �lQaEe eat,Jrecb o�Lgs(�t�.+seed"r.ltie���'EP�I�r�zaTlo.+s,Moe$s w!$F AvdirnrS t0 Cgr,sf ?r.r ot%/ LonH,eA on anT�r aj Cor�r`a�f:l+lvtrfne F rACrlVlrlE'S Mgk'ES Ke 91,1 oh\°`rkrke,� iag"Tfo(i qge 3i CysTajIGa 11 s otAJ 6,takef etr, Pe arts to Crr, �rvrc,�l a-�t-P,r Co'krI fee. I'A What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? C,�rren'C IitUe ore.; t Cr or vo.. #. cif t''.3-r.I4�£Pr,�,p g�ns°t.eF>.en�`I"" o�ove SIno,Jlc� aA. it M,,a¢�?r Fle �r�,i kF�� ftveewe�,E 1E�a pros What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La(,Qulnta Investment Advisory Board? P9-Eu(0uscy Wrt_-Rn O1= Zsr ykur,rr, st,r- t�^Trust,,-e( 457 tveI QS 7 erxrr reiaYe.�Q M�• t�l� � E i��n� I t MR�� ^� '� �cT1Ve �Ureil71 q "f� t 5 .�i°t l: F►t, �e />,i �niciF�ar �'r'Cr�rt�fa. rA r�-s �1!1��+�' ,+�clJrdltn'A �waTe�•�.7 ah 5'_A+C TW-3 T2r« T As Tr Prt'J*AT 04 J\Vt51ox1 irk✓; f ^N 4-3\11r C114^files 4'c71✓s A�Y A s� oR , n� � � 4! 1 re Q j u.t rr o; v,f, 'l Am eke rt . . For �P, e CteAa r•R&^ tj-� �0; 1"rs..gk (er kf'f dIVI Sto.,. 04 Cc, 1! t � c'i1' qA T�.i �. +� nt A'A.✓�kC1 ai F /+1 &Z(' . VIi}ILt: ATMrI& ,� !'� AC ('ir J \verr rG rhh.+it'Si nclv�eyE(�A2iNG M�rTNI Perar`tS 4 i i'..r1 L. �i�a cy f,f FWv P/—j Is'�cicl rJ,rn.y reeo,M.�e„d1c�.'r l.Onr-Co2 If^2tr , i VC4 I Tr — — —s r CXAIM r.1"4 U ` — 11,ITS 313 Attachment 5 Date: - r — i — u CITY OF LA QUINTA Tecelved APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE MAY 1`5NNOT LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION City of La +„utnta uric g DepaOMent NAME: HOME ADDRESS: F V /% [> F�i�9//U`� �} ! y✓? DO (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the Crty.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) 7 7/ 3 L%J f BUSINESS j _ . A . EM IL: L" BUSINESS ADDRESS 1/_r, 4 6'7 f If IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: LtPl«1 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? C. Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. C 4- % k:7-Ix . 314 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? c� ✓�c rp 5'�y to Gw� e SD What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 315 RESUME OF HENRY C. CASDEN Professional Experience: 1999-Present Henry C. Casden, Attorney at Law, Palm Desert, California Civil litigation, business matters, criminal defense matters, real estate matters 1988 -1999 Casden Properties Inc. Beverly Hills, CA President and Member of Board of Directors. Responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of a real estate investment trust of $1.5 billion of assets, including the management of approximately 1000 employees nationwide. Other duties included crisis management, employee and labor relations, property management, financial planning and analysis, governmental relations, investor relations and legal issues. Assisted in the planning, negotiation and consummation of the first all cash roll -up in American business history of public and private real estate partnerships to form a billion -dollar real estate investment trust, including the negotiation and acquisition of the assets comprising the trust. Managed and coordinated professionals, investment bankers and staff. 1982 - 1988 Troy Casden Gould, Professional Corporation, Los Angeles, CA. Senior Managing Partner * Partner in a law firm specializing in real estate development, finance, securities, tax and corporate matters and civil litigation * Led firm from a small boutique law firm to over 45 lawyers and 125 employees, and to significant profit margins. * Counseled Fortune 500 companies as well as well-known investment banking houses such as Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Shearson and major banking institutions such as Chase Manhattan Bank, Union Bank, Security Pacific Bank, Glendale Federal Bank, Coast Savings Bank, Home Savings and other major financial institutions. 316 1978 - 1982 Loeb & Loeb, Attorneys Los Angeles, CA Partner * Partner in 100 lawyer law firm specializing in real estate development and finance, tax and corporate matters and civil litigation. 1972 -1978 Fink & Casden, Attorneys Beverly Hills, CA Partner * Partner in law firm specializing in criminal defense matters, business, tax, corporation and real estate matters and civil litigation. 1970-1971 Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County. D Education: University of San Diego, School of Law San Diego, CA, Juris Doctor Degree with emphasis on tax matters Graduated in top 20% of class, 1970 University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA, B.A., Political Science, 1966 Professional Licenses: Member, State Bar of California Licensed Real Estate Broker and Licensed General Contractor B License Contact: casdenlaw@gmail.com 1.... 317 Date: May 21, 2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: Kenneth W. Doran HOME ADDRESS: 45-945 La Flor Lane, La Quinta, CA 92253 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City) TELEPHONE: (HOME) 760-772-3607 BUSINESS: 760-772-3607 EMAIL: kennydoran(a)msn.com FAX: None BUSINESS ADDRESS: 45-945 La Flor Lane, La Quinta CA 92253 RECEIVED MAY 2 2 2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD EMPLOYER: Desert Sunrise Realty POSITION: Broker/ Owner LENGTH OF RESIDENCY IN LA QUINTA: 4 years HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Yes BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Including education, work experience, civic involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. I have lived in the Coachella valley for over twenty years and have resided in the city of Quinta for the last four years Through the years I have pained extensive knowledge and insight into the activities and the challenges confronting the Coachella valley, the city of La Quinta and the various joint power authorities in which the city participates as a member. local government agencies in the areas of economic development, environmental planning and administration Through my experiences I have acquired a broad skill set to include project/ program development management and evaluation intergovernmental administration and financial analysis. Currently I am the Broker/ Owner of Desert Sunrise Realty which is a residential real estate services business. Please see attached resume for further amplification of experiences and activities. APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 My civic involvement has been centered around the creation of the Coachella Valley Commission on Ethics and Public Policy. From personal observations and experiences, I am convinced that such an organization is needed and, as a member of the La Quinta Planning Commission will continue to work tirelessly to see the creation of the organization. Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. Through my work experiences in local government and graduate studies in public administration I have developed an expertise in the functions regulations and procedures of municipal governments and thus, the La Quinta Planning Commission. The purpose of the Planning Commission is to implement the elements of the General Plan to insure conformity. The general plan defines the look and placement of properties to maximize proper integration of systems (e.g., transportation, ingress and egress into residential and commercial districts, economic development and public works planning). In summary, the planning element defines the livability and sustainability of the city to insure that its citizens have an acceptable quality of life. Many regulations governing municipal planning operations are derived from state laws and statutes as well as city code. The commonalities of these regulations are the attention to the integration of systems as well as the mitigation of adverse elements (e.g., traffic congestion, air pollution. The Planning Commission meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays with the meetings beginning at 7:OOpm. What specific issues or problems face La Quinta Planning Commission, and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? their residents. I believe televising council and meetings should be used to validate 319 APPLICATION, CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the performance of the La Quinta City Council? In summary, I believe that my education and work experiences have provided me the necessary knowledge and skills to be a valuable member of the La Quinta Planning Commission. I have pained valuable insight into local government structures and operations. As a result of being a victim of unethical practices on the part of government agency administrators. I have developed an appreciation for the need to implement monitoring mechanisms that will insure officials, administrators and staff to adhere to the highest PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND LIST OF SIGNATURES TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 760-777-7103 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 320 Kenneth W. Doran 45-945 La Flor Lane La Quinta, CA 92253 Home: (760) 772-3607 EXPERIENCE: Desert Sunrise Realty, La Quinta, CA 92253 July 2001 to Present Position: Broker/ Consultant Annenberg Center for Health Sciences, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 February 2001 to July 2001 Position: Public Affairs Manager SunLine Transit Agency, Thousand Palms, CA 92276 December 1999 to February 2001 Position: Grant Specialist Clark County, Las Vegas, NV 89155 August 1997 to December 1999 Position: Management Analyst II City of Palm Desert, Palm Desert, CA 92260 August 1995 to July 1997 Position: Consultant City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs, CA 92260 March 1995 to January 1996 Position: Intern Inland Empire West Resource Conservation District, Ontario CA. 91764 September 1991 to April 1992 Position: Intern (University Work- Study Program) City of Riverside, Riverside, CA. 92501 June 1991 to August 1991 Position: Summer Intern (Volunteer) SKILLS: 4 Conceptually synthesize legislation and literature as well as conduct program evaluation, investigative research and surveys for the purpose of preparing memorandums, briefs, testimony, studies, speeches, grant proposals/ applications, agenda items and comprehensive reports that involved the use of text, tables and graphs. ,k Prepare RFP's, pamphlets, brochures, newsletters, air quality video and economic development marketing materials for public dissemination. ,L Create volunteer and employee handbooks; conduct salary surveys, training needs assessment study and interviews; develop classification specifications. ,L Create Economic Development Strategy, Commercial Facade Improvement Loan program, Property Improvement Assessment District for City Council consideration; manage Business Retention and Expansion program and Commercial Space Inventory program. d Conduct trend analysis of funding sources that involved the use of statistical applications for budget monitoring and control as well as strategic planning for the organization. +L Develop and manage U.S. Department of Energy grant, Federal Transit Administration grant, Clark County Alternative Fuel Vehicle Incentive grant; U.S. Department of Energy, Urban Consortium Energy Task Force grant and State of Nevada, Department of Motor Vehicles Air Pollution Control grant, Execute contracts, monitor expenditures and insure compliance related to grant programs. Provide quarterly progress, evaluation and financial reports. 4 Provide professional staff assistance to the business community, elected officials, executive management and the general public. EDUCATION Master of Public Administration June 1992 California State University, San Bernardino Bachelor of Arts, Political Science June 1990 University of California, Riverside Desert Cities Real Estate School, Broker courses Continuous HONORS: Dean's Honor List: - Califomia State University, San Bernardino Dean's Honor List: - University of California, Riverside LICENSES: State of California, Department of Real Estate, Broker License #01754514 321 Date: May 22, 2009 RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA MAY 2 2 2009 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE CITY OF LA QUINTA LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT ./_1�� I�1LWL�Y����iLriLe]►1;�l�llu HOME ADDRESS: 79645 CORTE DEL VISTA (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) 760-200-4722 BUSINESS: 714-928-5008 Cell EMAIL: TECPMA(&AOL.COM FAX: 951-672-1373 BUSINESS ADDRESS 9892 FERNLEAF DRIVE MENIFEE CA 92584 951-672-4951 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD THE EMMONS COMPANY / PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES. Inc. President LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: Since September, 2005. 3.5 years HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? YES Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement, and other background. Please be sure to include experience relevant to duties of the position you seek 322 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. I am aware of and have observed the La Quinta Planning Commission. I have worked with a number of Planning Commissions of other cities and am familiar generally with standard operations. From my government background I possess a working knowledge of: General Plans, Zoning Ordinances, Environmental/CEQA, Specific Plans Delvelopment Permits, Development Rights, Building and Safety Codes, Redevelopment, Code Enforcement and Compliance processes. From my business background I possess knowledge in: homeowner association issues, architectural review, landscape standards and maintenance, commercial/retail business issues and business economics. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? I appreciate the efforts made by the many people in the past who are responsible for creating this unique, well planned City. I will make every effort to ensure that our high standards and quality lifestyle are preserved and maintained. I am particularly sensitive to issues related to our changing economic environment and will apply my experiences in government and business to develop innovative solutions in these times of change. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? I believe that I possess the following attributes of a successful Commissioner: fair; honest; hard-working; dedicated; open-minded: interested: thoughtful: creative; innovative and a good team member. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 323 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF JAMES E. EMMONS 79645 Corte Del Vista La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 200-4722 home (714) 928-5008 cell (951) 672-4951 business tecpma(a,aol.com email PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND President, The Emmons Comoany / Professional Management Associates, Inc. 1988 to Present. Current office: Menifee, CA. Previous offices (sold): Westlake Village, Irvine, San Diego. This is a full -service Homeowner Association and Business Park Association management company. Managed over 200 associations with 50,000+ homes. Proprietor, Boccaccio's Restaurant on the Lake. Westlake Village, CA. 1999 to 2004. Full Service, 5-star,Zagat-rated, premier dining establishment, accommodating 225 guests on Westlake Lake. City Manager, City of Westlake Village. Westlake Village, CA. 1981 to 1988. Under the direction of the City Council, oversaw the operations of a newly incorporated, contract city in Los Angeles county. City Manager, City of La Habra Heights. La Habra Heights, CA 1978 to 1981. Under the direction of the City Council, oversaw the operations of a newly incorporated, contract city in Los Angeles county. Assistant to the City Manager, City of Brea, 1974 to 1978. Served in various administrative capacities under the City Manager (Wayne Wedin) including redevelopment, long-term planning, personnel, finance and administration. Staff Intern (paid), Congressman Charles E. Wiggins, Washington D.C., 1973-1974. Assisted Congressional staff with legislative analysis, constituent services and was primarily assigned to work with House Judiciary Committee matter concerning the Impeachment of the President. 324 CIVIC INVOLVEMENT Mayor and City Council Member, City of Westlake Village, Westlake Village, CA. 1989 to 1997. Elected to the City Council in 1989 and reelected in 1993 (highest votes of field of 6 for 3 seats, 30.3% both elections). Served as Mayor in 1993 and 1996. Representative, City Managers Department, League of California Cities, Community Services Policy Committee, 1986-1988. Chairman of the Board, Westlake/Thousand Oaks, CA Chamber of Commerce. 1988 to 1989. Also served as Chairman Emeritus and Board member until 1993. Board Member, Coneio Valley YMCA, 1985-1991. Board Member, Rotary Club, Westlake Village, 1986-1992. Board Member, Ventura County United Way, 1984-87. Founding Board Member, Building Owners and Managers Association (SOMA), Channel Islands Chapter, 1990-1996. EDUCATION Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA. Bachelor of Arts — Government (cum laude), 1977. La Mirada High School, La Mirada, CA. 1973. Claremont Graduate School / California State University Fullerton. Masters in Public Administration coursework. PERSONAL Resident of La Ouinta, California (Esplanade neighborhood) since September, 2005. Married to Kathleen Sullivan Emmons, Pharm.D., Clinical Pharmacist, Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage, CA, graduate of USC. Member, Sacred Heart Catholic Church. 325 Date: �0 O / CITY OF LA QUINTA RECEIVED APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE MAY 2 2 2009 Ap LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT NAME: / LC t Y- U tJK HOME ADDRESS: �o �6iy N z� C % �•Q c�'225 j (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) /� TELEPHONE: (HOME) ?60. 37 % . �27 r/ BUSINESS: 7-'(PO • 66c� 9, 0Ac9 EMAIL:BUSINESSADDRESS 2'�—>ni <Sl , cS�/C e Z20 �!Z(//�✓� 92 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD C6N,S77Z0G77e4/ LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: L1/z.3 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. c - 7 b /?� 1'7 4 414 r—%7 r/C 77AW /WE- GtJfi �)_n✓Gj�✓�/�1� � Co�rfsr��c�Ur�/�y-�ti�cr������v� 76 Q � � I � Ll �i f . �l f//mot/(, /iV �� ���n�i✓T ��� ` 326 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. Tf/� GO/�iirli�d/D�1 XiJ�S �%Lal�/F,F' �ry/cE1 /r s ,r�iE�ii ®FJz ei�-�zc,✓s .-Jti&a (f�Z/verloti.S Z�.ti�-uG o i�y�tic� , �ti✓ ar*4Fn Lc1C//� a2�.,� .+ieFs What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any G� suggestions to address those issues or problems? "LOZ4J /it/COMC- r � LtJ/�y6 / SSI-65 777'�-7 149 (41Vi1/416 C Lj ,-W Ml JSI Un/ 6D1l/0O /�DN-S / LL DNE.-t/�ZY I—V 1-9116of 2�Y ZS What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? /w 1-t 66147' a ff�vs v� G1wrT/t i�f/S � Z /�gs— 7 -Zle:7 Uf UC,t�2 ��c�zizau�✓pi ✓Gs� 6V1 T�7` /ZE�,77UNS Td PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 327 Page 1 of 1 Veronica Montecino From: Jesse Frescas Jr. [essefrescas@netscape.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 12:00 PM To: Veronica Montecino Subject: Planning Commission - Interview Ms. Montecino, I have received the invitation to interview for next Tuesday at 3:00pm with the city council. Unfortunately, I have a prior engagement and will be out of town, returning on Wednesday afternoon. I am available thereafter via phone and in person for the following weeks to come as well. I am in hope that this doe not eliminate my planning commission candidacy. Thank you Jesse Frescas Jr. 760.399.4515 Fax 760.668.9638 Cell. 760.399.4248 Home This e-mail (and attachment(s)) is confidential, proprietary, may be subject to copyright and legal privilege and no related rights are waived. If you are not the intended recipient or its agent, any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any of its content is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. All messages may be monitored as permitted by applicable law and regulations and our policies to protect our business. Wanna slim down for summer? Go to America Takes it Off to learn how. 328 5/27/2009 Date: May 21, 2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: Andrea C. Gassman HOME ADDRESS: 53-415 Avenida Obregon, La Quinta, CA 92253 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) (760) 564-2100 BUSINESS: (760) 771-4111 EMAIL: ac¢assman(a dc.rr.com FAX: (760) 564-2100 BUSINESS ADDRESS: Law Office of Richard H. Hart 78-010 Main Street Suite 204 La Quinta, CA 92253 IF EMPLOYED, LIST OUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD: received MAY 2 12009 City of La Quinta @Iwieg Department CC Law Office of Richard H. Hart — Paralegal/Legal Secretary National Academy of Sciences: Researcher/Transcriber LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 16 years HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Yes. Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civil involvement and other background. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to dues of the position you seek. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED LETTER AND RESUME. 329 APPLICATION. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. The general purpose of the five -member Planning Commission is to serve at the will of and as an advisory body to City Council relating to the development and maintenance of the City's General Plan, new development applications, and the design, review and development of specific plans. The Planning Commission reviews recommendations from the Historic Preservation Commission and the Architectural & Landscape Review Committee. As a charter city, the adopted Municipal Code governs the Planning Commission. However, unlike other commissions and committees, the Planning Commission is mandated by Congress pursuant to Government Code Sections 65100, et seq., of the California Planning and Zoning Law. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? The City of La Quinta, geographically the second largest in the Coachella Valley, is faced with a burgeoning population which requires services, modifications to the infrastructure and generally, growth. One of the issues is sustainability: how are we going to provide for such growth while maintaining the qualities that make La Quinta unique and at the same time serve as good stewards of our finite resources including air quality, water and land. City council, staff, commissioners and citizens have demonstrated commitment to such efforts through partnership programs with CVWD, IID and the Gas Company as well as the crowning achievement of the LEED Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes. The City has an opportunity to encourage builders and developers to be cognizant of the carbon footprint they are leaving through incentives rather than mandating changes. In 2010, there will be a new census. CEQA will be revised. Commissioners will have a wonderful opportunity to work on a new General Plan incorporating ILO Conventions and the Zoning Code will be revisited as it is annually. I cannot think of a more exciting time for the Planning Commission, for City Council, for the residents of La Quinta. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? Clearly my background is not in engineering, development or architecture. However, I have been privileged to serve City Council as both a Cultural Arts and Community Services Commissioner for the past six years and as such have gained invaluable experience working on a commission and with the staff of the City of La Quinta. -2- 330 I have attended Planning Commission meetings and for those meetings I was unable to attend, I have downloaded, read and studied the minutes. Recently I have been studying and am familiar with the current General Plan, the City of La Quinta's Zoning Code, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research announcements and events, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), City of La Quinta Plan Submittal Requirements, the 2009 list of residential projects and 2009 list of commercial activities. I am also reading books on how to read blue prints for dummies, residential and commercial. I have spoken or met with several of the current Planning Commissioners and met with Les Johnson. Although I have done my homework, I realize I cannot possible know every nuance of the Planning Commission, but I also know the City of La Quinta has amazing staff who are always ready to provide guidance. I believe I may add another perspective to the Planning Commission particularly since I have experience with accessibility issues and an eye for aesthetics. Most certainly I would bring to the Planning Commission all of the zeal and energy that has been my great pleasure to bring to the Cultural Arts and Community Services Commissions. Thank you for your consideration. Andrea (Andi) Gassman -3- 331 ANDREA C. GASSMAN 53-415 Avenida Obregon La Quinta, CA 92253-3438 Telephone and Facsimile: (760) 564-2100 Email: acgassman@dc.rr.com EMPLOYMENT: Legal Paralegal/Legal Secretary Richard H. Hart, PC 2008 - present Legal Secretary Anderholt & Turner LLP 2006-2008 Paralegal/Calendar Clerk Walter Clark Legal Group 2006 Litigation Paralegal Best Best & Krieger, LLP 2004-2006 Law Clerk William S. Bonnheim, PLC 2004 Law Clerk Martin C. Brhel, Jr., APLC 2002-2004 Office Manager/Legal Assistant Law Office of Nicholas G. Spirtos 1982-2002 Nonnrofrt/Education Transcriber/Researcher National Academy of Sciences 2008 - present Development Director Junipero Serra High School 1987-1988 Co -Founder Pacific MS Research Foundation 1982-1997 Director of Youth Services American Heart Association 1980-1982 Director United Way 1979-1980 Donor Services Shelter Services Youth Consultant American Red Cross 1977-1979 Developed YDAT Guidance Counselor UCLA 1974-1977 Developed VITA Counselor/Teacher Kennedy High School 1973-1974 Business Account Representative Metropolitan Life 1996-1997 Vice President Compensation Strategies 1988 President C.O.S.T. 1982 Other Care Giver State of California 2000-2002 Developer Point Mugu Naval Base 1988 EDUCATION: Ed.D, abd Pepperdine University, 1993 Institutional Management/Department of Education and Psychology Loyola Law School,1979-1983 MA University of Iowa, 1974 Guidance Counseling/Department of Education and Psychology 332 BA University of Dubuque, 1973, Psychology and Education PUBLICATIONS: "Charity Check," weekly column in "The Desert Sun," a Gannet Publication, 1997 "Cutting Edge Technologies in Community Colleges," monograph, CACJ, 1988 "International Platform Association Poetry Anthology," 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 "Not In My Wildest Dreams," 1994 "Funny Water and Bob," iUniverse, Inc., 2009 Mac and PC Formats Micro Soft Word WordPerfect Abacus Needles Rocket Matter Timeshare CREDENTIALS AND LICENSES: California Life/Health Insurance License, 1996 California Pupil Personnel Services California Rape Crises Counselor, 1995 California Teaching, grades 9 through 14 Lifetime Teaching, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, grades 9 through 14 Notary, California, 1995-present PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Gettysburg Foundation, Founding Member International Platform Association, 1990-present; Governor, 1994-2002 La Quinta Community Services Commissioner, 2006 - present La Quinta Cultural Arts Commissioner, 2003-2005 La Quinta Historical Society, Board Member, 2009 National League of American Pen Women, 1996-2004 Natural Preservation Committee, 1996 - present Smithsonian, Contributing Member, 1998 — present Presidents Reagan and Bush Education Council 333 ANDREA C gASSMAX 53-415 Avenida Obregon La Quinta, CA 92253-3438 Telephone and Facsimile: (760) 564-2100 Email: ayassman(&palmdesertlaw.com May 20, 2009 Dear Honorable Mayor and esteemed City Council The submittal of my application to serve on the La Quinta Planning Commission may come as a surprise to some of you. Many of you know me for my dedication and commitment to the city through my service on both the Cultural Arts and Community Services Commissions, which has truly been my honor. It is my hope that as you read my application and review my resume, you notice that although I may not have depth in fields that would typically be associated with planning and development, I am devoted and am teaching myself so that I may be considered a viable addition to the Planning Commission if that is Council's desire. At least I would come to the commission with a fresh set of eyes. There are a couple of things to which I would like to draw your attention. First, I was married for twenty-seven years to someone who was disabled. During that time, I learned to become aware of accessibility issues. One of the reasons we chose La Quinta as our home was because its buildings and services were considerably more accessible than those in many cities. I found the willingness of staff at the City of La Quinta to be extraordinarily helpful and encouraging when I was building my home to accommodate my husband's very special needs. Many years ago, I was privileged to work with the United States Navy on a project at Point Mugu and was successful in my bid for an RFP on a special housing project specifically for commissioned officers. The development, which was basically eight units surrounding green space, allowed for varying family sizes including single and multiple story units. One of the challenges was convincing the Navy the importance to the family unit of a green area with shops in close proximity to housing. I was also privileged to work on the Malibu High School project, from land acquisition, to design, to construction. Prior to the project, students were forced to travel by car or bus down Pacific Coast Highway, Highway 1, to Santa Monica, a distance of twenty miles or more which was a real challenge during fire or flood season. In my employment at Best, Best and Krieger, I served as the paralegal in the Litigation Department, Municipal Law, reading and drafting abatement and nuisance 1 334 pleadings. This experience gave me a unique opportunity to work with Planning and Code Enforcement staff at the cities of Palm Desert, Indian Wells, and on occasion, Indio. I hope this gives you a better idea of some of my accomplishments. I do not envy you your decision. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and the City of La Quinta. It would be my distinct pleasure and honor to continue doing so. Most sincerely, Andrea (Andi) Gassman 2 335 Date: 5/18/09 CITY OF LA QUINTA received APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE MAY 18 2009 LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION City of La6uinta Planning Department NAME: A P. "SKIP" LENCH II HOME ADDRESS: 78225 CALLE CADIZ LA QUINTA CA 92253 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City) TELEPHONE: (HOME) 760 / 564-0721 BUSINESS: 760 / 564-1866 EMAIL: skiplenchta'�.aol.com FAX: 760 / 564-2627 BUSINESS ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 450 LA QUINTA CA 92247-0450 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD SELF EMPLOYED WORK FROM HOME ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: SINCE 1985 HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THE COMMISSION: YES NUMEROUS Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. Graduated from California State University in 1958 with a degree in theoretical mathematics having previously studied architecture at the University of Miami in Coral Gables Florida as an undergraduate from 1954 — 1956 After graduation initially worked for a small architectural firm later for General Dynamics in the systems analysis division.. In 1960 1 ioined a maior home builder in the San Diego area In 1962 1 ioined Deelan Corporation (later to be known as Swartz Linkletter Company) as Vice President in charge of Product Development During this period this company developed one of the first new communities of the Irvine Ranch adiacent to the University of California at Irvine known as The Village at University Park This project consisted of about 1,300 homes. We also planned and developed one of the first projects at Westlake Village in the Thousand Oaks area of Los Angeles custom homes in the hills of Brentwood California and custom homes along golf courses apartments and office buildings in Nevada. In 1974 became President of Kendall Development Company a wholly owned subsidiary of W.R. Grace. Inc (a two billion dollar international conglomerate traded on the New York Stock Exchange). This company developed single family projects and master planned communities in California and Arizona. In 1976 1 formed my own company. 0 developed in association with the companies listed above over 3,500 for sale housing 1,100 apartment units and numerous low-rise office buildings in California and Nevada.) 336 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. During the many years I have lived in La Quinta I have attended and/or appeared before numerous meetings of the La Quinta Planning Commission At one appearance I worked with the City Planning Department and a neighborhood and successfully championed a zoning revision to adjust setback requirements for an area in town that originally had a disadvantaged zoning requirement when compared with other areas of similar sized lots What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? Some ideas - - - - During this period of slow development activity, I would like to see a review of the design guidelines for areas that have commercial zoned property bordering residential areas and commercial properties located along collector streets I would suggest we study the use of variable heights and variable setback requirements This would improve articulation and discourage the "tunnel effect' when commercial structures are built adjacent to the street and improve the interface between commercial structures and residential properties. Another suggestion is for the Cove area where some small design problems exist For example what to do with trash can storage — suggest we develop pre -approved plans offering simple enclosure - wall designs to assist the resident to resolve this problem and improve the appearance of the neighborhood What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? I have many years of planning and design experience working with nearly all of the jurisdictions in the Coachella valley many cities in California including San Diego various Cities in Orange County Los Angeles Oceanside Chula Vista and Redwood City. I have been a member and President of numerous homeowners associations 1 mention this only to illustrate I believe being a member of the Planning Commission also requires experience and diplomacy in listening to the public especially when controversial issues are presented and need to be resolved PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 337 Date: L.l./ 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE P, E C E I `J E D A ON THE 39 P LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSIOUS May - - . , (, 1 ' I IJT/., NAME: HOME ADDRESS: 3 1 L,`F J fly\t e- , %d\ o\ 9��`� 1 1---�' . I L (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) CEO (R5 BUSINESS)-7 % 1 i 0 .SQ -11' 11 ' I i r'd-,� GnY- F7 f_ n 1-77 1 Q C7 BUSINESS ADDRESS S0,VV0 e- CAS CA LQ N12� IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD S3 LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: G'( :4-- o', i- q HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? E 2 n J) Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. e 338 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMSSION 2009 PAGE 1 (attachment) Biographical Sketch of Paul D. Quill As a resident of the Coachella Valley since 1980 Paul Quill began his local career in Golf Resort development as a golf course construction manager for Indian Wells Associates/Vintage Properties at the Tom Fazio designed Vintage Club golf courses in Indian Wells. Prior to taking the position at the Vintage Club Mr. Quill received his degree in Agronomy and Plant Genetics with a specialization in Turfgrass Management from the University of Arizona. Throughout his time at the University Mr. Quill gained valuable experience in golf management at such notable golf clubs as Congressional Country Club in Potomac Maryland, Tucson National Golf Club and McCormick Ranch in Scottsdale. During the last 25 years Paul has been involved in all aspects of Golf Resort forward planning, design and development here in the Coachella Valley. Having constructed the Ted Robinson golf courses for Sunrise Company at The Lakes Country Club and Palm Valley Country Club Mr. Quill joined Ernie Vossler's and Joe Walser's Landmark Land Company Team in 1985 working primarily in forward planning, land development, construction management and as golf course construction and land development support for PGA West, Mission Hills Country Club, The Citrus Course, Oak Valley Golf Club, Moreno Valley Ranch and various construction management roles at the La Quinta Golf and Resort complex. In 1991 Paul moved back to Sunrise Company to lead the land development efforts for the yet to be developed Indian Ridge Country Club. Sunrise Company's efforts to start Indian Ridge Country Club in that year were thwarted by the down turn in the valley real estate market and overall Califomia economy. After assisting Sunrise in the forward planning efforts for Indian Ridge Mr. Quill moved on to Del Webb Corporation to head up the land development efforts for the new Sun City Palm Desert. As Vice President of Land Development Paul was responsible for virtually all aspects of the land planning, engineering, design, Department of Real Estate processing, entitlement, infrastructure and golf amenity construction for this 2000 acre, 5000 unit master planned community. Paul led these efforts from the groundbreaking to the recent successful closeout of this highly amenitized community. Mr. Quill headed up the acquisition, land planning, engineering, design, entitlement, and land development management for the enormously successful start up of Sun City Shadow Hills by Del Webb, a 2400 unit active adult, 18 hole golf resort master planned community in the Shadow Hills area of North Indio. Mr. Quill's experience and qualifications range the gamut of large scale master planned community development. His knowledge of the local Coachella Valley entitlement processes within the various jurisdictions and the County of Riverside is unsurpassed. From a thorough knowledge of the CEQA process and Subdivision Map Act to hands on construction management Mr. Quill has a firm grip on all aspects of master planned community design and development. 339 As a principal of Innovative Land Concepts Inc. a Land Development Consulting firm Mr. Quill has been operating as a land development specialist in the Coachella Valley since 2004. At this time Mr. Quill represents several large landowners in the Coachella Valley assisting them in land planning and entitlement processing to enhance the long term value of their properties. Mr. Quill is the lead consultant on the 5,000 acre 12,000 unit Travertine Point Speck Plan that straddles both Riverside and Imperial Counties as well as the 3000 acre Mecca Specific Plan surrounding the hamlet of Mecca. Additionally Mr. Quill has served on the La Quinta Planning Commission since 2003 with one term as Chairman. He is involved in his local church and community. Mr Quill has served on the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Community Trails Alliance since its inception approximately 4 years ago. 340 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMSSION 2009 PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions regulations and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. As a member of the La Quinta Planning Commission for the last 6 years and having served as Chairman of the Commission I am very familiar with the functions, regulations and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. I am knowledgeable with respect to CEQA and the Subdivision Map act. I am "studied up" on SB 375 and AB 32. Through experience, observation, study and training provided by the City I think I have honed these skills over my tenure on the Commission. As a frequent applicant for projects in the County of Riverside and other jurisdictions in the valley 1 believe I bring to the table significant experience with planning matters. 1 have a firm grasp on PC procedures, Robert's Rules and the Brown Act. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems. With the implementation of AB 32 and SB 375 dictated by the State I believe that sustainability, energy conservation and GNG reduction will now be a part of every land use application we review. It will be incumbent on the Commission to look at all projects in a new and different light, one that looks at conservation, renewable energy and traffic trip reduction in every application. I believe that renewable energy applications within our City in the form of Solar and wind resources will become the norm not the exception. We will need to embrace new opportunities in this regard. New challenges to development are being manifested by the publicity given to Global Waring. The Center for Biological Diversity, State Attorney General Brown and other groups have initiated various litigation efforts throughout the State against private developments and governmental agencies claiming that new developments and land uses will increase greenhouse gas emissions. These types of legal challenges are increasing the awareness that new development needs to be "green". I believe that as a Planning Commission it is our responsibility to look at new projects with an eye toward conservation, reduced energy consumption and innovative building and architectural styles that promote "green" development. Additionally, the State is in a water supply crisis. Thanks to the prophetic actions of the settlers of the Coachella and Imperial Valleys and the founders of the Coachella Valley Water District we have a source of water for this valley from the Colorado River via the All American Canal. That source along with many other innovative conservation measures, aquifer recharge and QSA deals has given our valley a better position with respect to water management than the most of California. We have a realistic Water Management Plan for the Coachella Valley that assures us water for 50 years of development. That being said we will not be able to develop if we do not implement the Water Management Plan through our land use methods and conservation techniqes. I believe our Planning Commission has done a great job of scrutinizing the water efficiency of projects and we continue to work toward the goal of water conservation both on new development and redevelopment. 341 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMSSION 2009 PAGE 3 The City is facing urban planning issues of a different nature than it has in the past. If the City remains inside the existing City limits and does not expand into Vista Santa Rosa we will face all of the challenges inherent with in -fill development. As we have seem lately in -fill development brings out the neighbors and usually the neighbors are not in favor raising all of the same issues of noise, traffic, encumbered view -shed, lighting etc. The Planning Commission will be faced with having to reconcile the voice of disgruntled neighbors with the property rights of the in -fill land owner. This requires the ability to fully understand each development application and even "read between the lines". I believe that my background and experience as a land development and entitlement consultant provides the tools and expertise to perform this task far better than most. I have processed dozens of development applications all over the Coachella Valley from small commercial developments and individual homes to 2000 acre plus Master Planned Communities. I understand the need to be sensitive to neighbors coupled with the need to do what is right for the City. Healthy Communities efforts are also a necessity in La Quinta. As proven by the results of the survey by the Community Services Department, multi -use trails and park improvements ranked as the number one concern of the residents in La Quinta. Obesity and diabetes among our youth is almost epidemic and there is ample evidence that the way we design our communities, our parkways and our parks has a lot to do with reducing these health risks. Getting people out of the car and onto their feet or bike can be promoted or discouraged by our urban planning efforts and I believe we should be at the forefront of the healthy communities efforts. SB 375 dictates that we do this. It is part of the definition of "sustainability". I would like to see the Commission be very involved with the Planning Department, the Public Works Department and Community Services in developing a Non -motorized Transportation Plan for the City as a part of the General Plan Update process. I also would like to see us address the NEV Plan very seriously and make it a significant part of our updated Circulation Element. Lastly, If we move toward annexation of land within our sphere to the east I believe we will need experienced guidance in working with VSR to ensure that we plan that area taking into consideration both the City's and the residents interests with sensitivity and intelligent, sustainable design. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission. As I stated above, I believe that my background and experience as a land development and entitlement consultant provide the tools and expertise to perform this task far better than most. I have processed dozens of development applications all over the Coachella Valley from small commercial developments and individual homes to 2000 acre plus Master Planned Communities. I understand the need to be sensitive to neighbors coupled with the need to do what is right for the City. I have provided public testimony and presentations in public hearings at every jurisdiction and public agency in the Eastern Coachella Valley. I have been at this business for more than 25 years and have been associated with some of the best developments in La Quinta and the Valley namely PGA West, La Quinta Hotel and Resort, Citrus, Sun, City Palm Desert, Sun City Shadow Hills, The Vintage Club, The Lakes CC and Palm Valley Country Club. My work 342 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMSSION 2009 PAGE 4 as a land development consultant keeps me at the forefront of what is happening in the Eastern Coachella Valley and I believe that helps me with a global perspective as I serve on the Commission. I have a varied experience in construction management, land development, entitlement, golf course construction and golf management, Homeowners Association management as a board member and I am president of a local non-profit, the Coachella Valley Trails Alliance. As for attitudes and skills I am confident at public speaking. I know how to run a meeting efficiently. I believe that civility in the public forum is paramount both in City Hall and in my private fife. Recent examples of bad behavior on the part of City officials in other towns in the valley are inexcusable and should never be a part of La Quinta government and politics. I think that we have a cohesive, highly experienced, extremely professional, and appropriately diverse Planning Commission in the City of La Quinta and I respectfully request that you appoint me to another 2 year term. Respectfully, Paul D. Quill 343 Date: CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE LA QUINTA PLANNICOMMISSION NAME: I LL qY� c—/ [ r� U d (1, .5 C tJ RECEIVED MAY 8 $ 2009 WY OF LA QUINTA WYO MDEPARTMW HOMEADDRESS: 610-663 V o' r_-Q0e„z� y/U, JI �• -2-✓�3 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligib a to vot in the \Cify.) q TELEPHONE: (HOME)�P �CI—� 7 BUSINESS. ��0 ){9Z EMAIL:SNB 5111tA zd 2 (Pl%e2i�aJ.Ne�FAX��v�G-3q9 - 93 9% BUSINESSADDRESS eT77, y�q IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND�P"1OSITION(S) YOU HOLD rnoJL��,a� Q 4` 'I fyeLoe<l?- _SQL /��mp�oye � LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? Ye—S_ Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relev nt to duties of the position you seek. �VQs 0,,� _Dt"-fLtiN,0a mm i'sDo,)---_�(z1CkCUMC�. U,S. Jcrs,,.)GSS li%Q^��9�m�n���-�✓LLoiya�nllcs 5-/c,,r_Aaot� (1/!-e)'Cac' L AJl -e_o Nulc.S S-e. J i , _ Y/��s�}��� LI / 10 9 344 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Corynissi % /Lam— P_{f�[�. .r .�a �l , you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? .J AL U (Z!'.... n�) CC-0 / i-/o r"v o f _ <. y`�f--r� b �z ,^/, (� f C�'. U&� 7c G�icL ke. VeA ) 0rJ l'in1.41, L,.J 00L-cil"A__ What specific attitudes, skills ak/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 345 m.. �J Date: ' � "^ I a'O I w0l REeE,�E� CITY OF LA QUINTA y �� 20ag APPLICATION TO SERVE MP ON THE c TOV Z;; LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION NAME: V I G-r(gg I.-e N E LA V e HOME ADDRESS: '79yO5 &1\4ALFI rJ12l�lU, LidQUtnr`A � a��53 (Must be a La Quinta resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME)('7(00) ri rl +6(04 BUSINESS: �q&0) 4 t �j- 1�`1 I EMAIL: V l I l e.34`l @/koL• COM FAX: ('7&0) 'rle 4C76 S BUSINESS ADDRESS '719�05 ®`"AAI' F-. 912. , L-A QL) ,(47A, eA g9'Zl i3 IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD. VIGTot2 CONSUL'-tNCj -- FRjWCL LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 2E5lt7EN1 `-itt-AcF- dETC70'eK 3av+ HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? YES Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. e s AIA 4v v4Af-jyE of- J�W CoAGqE t -Ac VtaUIC, rAf4 J tkKtic L-t'4ey-7 «I (2e�Set2-f- Fn2 ou qt , ins . t�cEt-t'rLT M ai-4 G 0 't-v ut Qu tRTA- tj2c2M Pra-L N. qe- 7f Y 'T tit oc.•rorAtY, d war . e 'S WA�i A. Pt�-�TE�-T" M/xf-1.o.C�52- W 1T1.1'T^YX7 COn45VL��=C> C'�[G�tNt�C'12$ tN L-A Q'uLfLT-A P*2,0M tg99 TV 2�'b• Du2tti16 t�Y 1Eotut°✓✓ tut U MSS :P WA-5 WLTvt 5�o2ES t'RdS�vYS WtCtfit�t TIC CtT`(• OF to rXt) i, 'J- c A44,r2 k4A10 'nhE otpo P -Vry r•r`( 7-v WOrz l¢- W lI R CTT Pr-A"K WC-;-t SVW-F Pg4VQ / Z PjFfflRe- rRE ei'At•1Wa& Q6WALS5 o T- /X11A curzt2ErtTir`( SEfayjwcG (2�Fj -Mc 60AR-0 of Olv%cir�l F,vR AT LA (PUth1TA A$ WEU-A-5 •(t•I'G tR fib f7 p2cSr IT1ii gn TIAE, A 2cytt P>rcTi/ L ei;MEk) C6M!,At tTOe - o P�/a�l�iel or2's D�2 t�+ EcvnlOr^L�S Fr20M UNtve25tTr&F CJ2EG(91 a Ia .GrlS�-`O P2O gctfJr.tAL t�.Ar+�O S�R�L�^ic�2 �dtY.b'f�OFGAL t('atzn1AY M1 346 vic,,p2 W-�T APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. '(I•{Yij��hNNiNGy COMMISStOtI WOf tNC�GLC�EI`( WtitiY�t +�ArNUIrJ��1 PFA4C) Wi11Mh1 ��/�L-'PtzAil"tl W©i¢.K mFL ""Pt°L-tcL Lz Gt-(`(cSR-OtNAWe&' jUe (5-OAr'1W� A14v? 5 1t3 M/�rhtri-)R.-1 LS rxEspertst�t �>z iZEVtEWthI(� �Popo ✓� n�o PRo�i-�S F Ft¢or t PaOTW- rbk� P�tVrutE �N� pvfbt t� sc-r1792S. WtnkA24 Mair eno:-, rn iti17N1 IMPtwrS �anl 11)= kr�L /Ptri Cfv� Tbice Ya GSt I tTS 01? L,A Qvt.14r ; What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? GIVLTI 'll}fG P12Gat;N f h" of 1 -J6 L-&C.A� ArN 0 tyA'1-L ©tj' L Ec.pIyC71`�Y `flkG •�4 N l N.C� CAMN�IsStOta MVS Pit%( }� ry :: I'r twe A?l VtHY�2tvNj Fj�TW n1 Ec�oM ly alai t Ll t E} l ZUSrertNAi3LE v�topM�nt f eTuAi M 'fykr�: IJZEPS BF ova P2ES T t WL o MtS�*LC� 'fl -v �'L4YJ5 -c�Z GOMM V Nt What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? �cot�stn�lzMYSG�P a G>xue-MtKuyro Ptzc�n�t�r ueN-KJocT2tHnnr , IAA t NfJEpC-.rlrJe3rCt" �bYt-N.l�'YZ , /k*t✓� /k G6NSt:n\SVS �n�SoLinn6VY 7,L ttyForzM� �a,�,.t�t-Ta ►�-'P—�zr��asf'� � „era�t� t-�l/t_n>,Ts ,ix�tr� �tTv�- ,2e-a.,��r c�.-a t�Er-tX.cTtrtc� ont •n� 1p�KT,.�yp r•t�.-rc.�en.xt-s /h5 A l�tc-SNSCVJ �rivr�c-SSIOh[/XL 5ur��t�c Wt11kQUG �01yLCtpN t�t?c1� Ay%T- A,•Ly2 '{ucywrlGC�.cYLs �t2�rWGrz�c-��r,J /xns0 2AGrIGC�s �F VSe. �l�Aru. nt0. Z LycL.ElE "' i l�t.� t=Ze�cl.l.r"isT W'RaF'C�1J /hntl7 O2M. eOM�tLJN,ICATZdtJ S�A.L-S Oes tRt�- -ro - L;ejz,te `rl lti GVf-tmtiKtL-f tN. k)t tc'4 C "VE PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 347 Date: 5-1-2006 CITY OF LA QUINTA (ECE"YE D APPLICATION TO SERVE z ° 69 Pco 2009 friFY 7 Af1 ON THE C1l l 0F LA'0[ li: TN LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION C NAME: Robert W. HOME ADDRESS 44300 Camino Azul, La Quinta, CA. 92253 (Must be a La Quints resident and eligible to vote in the City.) TELEPHONE: (HOME) 760-200-231 BUSINESS 760-861-6666 EMAIL: RobertWW550aol.com FAX: 760-200-2495 BUSINESS ADDRESS: 44300 Camino Azul, La Quinta. IF EMPLOYED, LIST YOUR EMPLOYER AND POSITION(S) YOU HOLD Suntech Companies, Owner LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN LA QUINTA: 8 years HAVE YOU EVER ATTENDED A MEETING OF THIS COMMISSION? _YES, many Biographical sketch, including education, work experience, civic involvement and other back- ground. Please be sure to include experiences relevant to duties of the position you seek. La Quinta Planning Commissioner since 2007 Suntech Companies: Consultant, to Owners and Principles for residential, commercial and light industrial developments. Direct engineering, architectural, construction entitlement processes and bid cost analysis. As project construction requires I would also over see progress and circumvent complications to avoid potential cost over runs or delays. Suntech Energy: Inventor and Patent holder of integrated photovoltaic solar roof modules for Spanish, Roman and Slate styles roof tiles. Currently developing new marketing and manufacturing agreements for distribution. I have patents pending on a passive water recovery, irrigation and textile designs. Suntech Construction: License 932138, currently contracting for tenant finish out in Palm Desert. Board Member, Vista Santa Rosa Community Coalition. La Quinta Rotary Member, Speaker Chairman, active in the Rotary Youth Leadership program. Member, Southwest Community Church, Home Group leader, Duroville cleanup and Mexico home build projects. 1 Ml I have developed working relationships over the last 8 years with Riverside County and several Coachella Valley cities on various residential, multifamily, commercial and light industrial projects. I have worked on project planning, development and construction in 3 states over 27 years. Current projects include 2 residential and 1 light industrial in Riverside County, 3 auto dealerships (on hold) in Indio, 1 multifamily (on hold) in Coachella, 1 combination multifamily and commercial retail center in Palm Desert in process. Family: Married to Nancy for 27 years, 4 children, three men and a lady Christopher 25, working at Coldwell Banker Commercial in Palm Desert, Graduate Texas Tech Kyle 23, CPA Grant Thornton in Phoenix, AZ., Masters Degree ASU Courtney 19, Freshman University of California at Santa Barbara Kirk 15, Sophomore at La Quinta High School Education: Southern Oregon State University, Ashland Oregon, pursued Bachelor degree in Business Administration Lane Community Junior College, Eugene Oregon Springfield High School, Springfield Oregon Assorted hobbies: hiking, tennis, reading, writing poetry, travel 349 APPLICATION, PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Planning Commission. To Review prepared staff reports and discuss with City staff, or in Council advisory meetings and make on site visits to evaluate projects and proposals presented to the Commission for recommendation. Attend regular public policy programs and Commission training sessions to improve evaluation abilities and to maintain the highest possible ethics when reviewing and recommending a finding to the City of La Quinta. Assist in maintaining a positive climate to help current and future residence and businesses in La Quinta. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Planning Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? Future Growth: Control growth through planning for new areas as the city grows in both population and land mass. 2. Traffic: future planning of roadways and intersections to accommodate increased traffic. Parks, Open Space and Trails: develop new parks and pathways at the white water wash and other available connective spaces. 4. Cove: Improve the Cove infustructor by gradually modifying utilities and signage. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Planning Commission? One would be the current 2 year positive working relationship that I have with the Commissioners and La Quinta Staff. The increased knowledge of operations codes, guidelines and protocol affords me the growing opportunity to improve my performance as a Commissioner to better serve La Quinta. I come to the meetings prepared and informed and familiar with operations and procedures. Additional in my business I interact with other Coachella Valley governments such as Palm Desert, Coachella, Indio, Rancho Mirage and Riverside County on regular bases which provides different information and prospective that can aid my abilities to contribute. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA P. O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA. 92247 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 350 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: �Q INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING April 8, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the hour of 4:35 p.m. by Chairman Ross, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Moulin, Deniel, Ross, Rassi and Park ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia, Senior Secretary, II PUBLIC COMMENT - The following members of the public were present and are considering applying for the upcoming vacancies to the Investment Advisory Board: Jean Gilchrist, Douglas Barr and. Paul Rabbit. The potential candidates gave a brief overview of their individual backgrounds in addition to answering questions from the Board. III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - None IV CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on March 11, 2009 for the Investment Advisory Board.. Board Member Park requested that a correction be made on page 3, first sentence changing "discussed" to "discussion." Board Member Moulin requested that the following corrections be made on page 4, first sentence changing "Sniff" to "Henderson, and fifth paragraph changing "verifiable" to "background." MOTION: It was moved Board Members Park/Deniel to approve the minutes of March 11, 2009 as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 351 V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for February 2009 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the staff report advising the Board that the portfolio for February 281" decreased by $6.9 million with an ending balance of $180 million. The decrease was a result of pass -through payments from the RDA in addition to a $5.9 million second installment debt service payment to the State due on March 1, 2009. Mr. Falconer also advised that the yields continue to decease with the pooled cash investments ending at 1.1 1 % and the overall pooled yields and investments for the month ending at 1.3% with a continued decline in the portfolio with the maturity of investments. In addition, Mr. Falconer advised of the previous year's yields, which were at 3.85%. With the current market, staff continues to invest in short-term Treasury Bills in hopes that the rates begin to increase in the near future. Mr. Falconer commented that staff will be discussing with the Board the possibility of implementing the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program as part.of the Business Session, Item B. Mr. Falconer summarized the Treasurers Report for the potential IAB candidates, in addition to reviewing the investments and how they have changed within the past year as a result of the current economy. Board Member Daniel suggested a correction be made to page 9, forecasted property tax for the months of July and August, suggested that the "0" be replaced with "N/A." In response to Board Member Daniel, Mr. Falconer advised that the property taxes from the County are usually received in the months of January and May, in addition to supplemental taxes received throughout the year. Chairman Ross summarized the functions of the Investment Advisory Board for the potential candidates. In response to Chairman Ross, Mr. Falconer summarized the cash variance calculation on page 9. Board' Member Daniel suggested that the actual expenses forecasted reflect positive numbers in lieu of negative numbers on 2 352 the cash flow page that staff has been in the process of revising. The Board and staff concurred with the proposed change. In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that staff will re-examine the large variance reflected in the RDA forecast and report back to the board at the next scheduled meeting. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Deniel to approve, receive and file the Treasury Report for February 2009. Motion carried unanimously. B. Continued Discussion of the Investment Advisory Board 2008/09 Work Plan and 2009/10 Investment Policy Chairman Ross advised that the Board review the final changes made to page 9. Board Member Deniel reiterated her suggestion, that the actual numbers on page 9 reflect positive numbers in lieu of negative numbers. In response to Board Member Rassi, Mr. Falconer advised that changing the tiles of the revenue and expenditures variances to favorable and unfavorable is acceptable to staff. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members' Moulin/Deniel to approve the final changes made as amended to page 9 to the Treasurers report and approve the 2008/2009 Work Plan. Motion carried unanimously. Board Member Daniel advised that previously, due to the economic environment, the Board recommended that staff abstain from investing in GSE's; but with staff looking for recommended investments, Board Member Denial asked the Board their thoughts on reinvesting in GSE's. Mr. Falconer advised the Board of his thoughts on reinvesting in GSE's, have not changed, however the market views them as a safe investment. In response to Chairman Ross, Board Member Daniel advised the Board as to why she feels comfortable with the reinvesting in GSE's and would endorse staff's decision to do so. 3 353 Board Member Moulin voiced his concerns regarding the reinvestment of GSE's and was not in favor of investing in GSE's at this time. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding investing in GSE's, FDIC guarantee and Orange Cdunty's history as an example of what can occur. Chairman Ross summarized the review of the policy for the IAB candidates and advised of the most recent program the Board is considering. Mr. Falconer expressed his concerns with investing in GSE's at this time. Mr. Falconer advised the Board of his conversation with Dan Dowell, Director of Investments for the State of California, regarding FDIC Temporary Liquidity Guarantee program (TLGP); Mr. Dowell stated that he is in favor of the TLGP but it is not used due to the fact that they invest in short-term funds. In response to Chairman Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that he did not ask Mr. Dowell on his views about investing in GSE's at this time, but upon review of the current LAIF portfolio, he believes Mr. Dowell's views on GSE's have not changed and they continue to invest in GSE's. Mr. Falconer referenced and spoke about his handouts on the TLGP and the full faith guarantee of the TLGP. Board Member Deniel advised that if the TLGP was considered a Corporate Note that there would be no need to modify the policy. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the TLGP. It was the consensus of the Board to have staff, along with Board Members Deniel and Park, devise a paragraph to be inserted into the investment policy for the Board's consideration at the next scheduled board meeting. Board Member Moulin suggested that a consensus be taken amongst the Board as to whether or not the Board is in favor of the TLGP and he advised that he was not in favor of the program. 4 354 Board Member Deniel advised that she was in favor of the program and she felt it was more favorable than the CDARS program. Board Members Park and Rassi concurred. Board Member Daniel advised Investment Policy as is, with paragraph referencing the TLGP. that she was in favor of the the exception of the pending Board Member Moulin suggested that the Board and staff review the internal controls sections of the policy to see if there is a need for any changes to be made. Board Member Denial advised that the City continually receives excellent reports from the auditors, with the letters specifically addressing internal controls. In response to Chairman Ross, Mr. Falconer advised that staff does receive two internal control related letters in addition to a meeting usually in October or November to discuss internal controls with the auditors which includes the review of audit procedures as it relates to cash and investments. Chairman Ross stated that he felt there was an issue in previous Years. Mr. Falconer advised there have been no issues in relation to internal controls. On behalf of Board Member Moulin, Chairman Ross suggested that staff review the language in the policy regarding internal controls and report back any recommendations and/or changes. Mr. Falconer advised that at the previous board meeting, staff was asked to come back with any upcoming work plan items to be considered; upon conversation with the City Manager regarding LAW and the State's guarantee that the monies invested in LAIF do belong to those investing cities and there would be no liquidity issues, but with the State in a financial crisis and the overall economy, staff feels that it is prudent to have alternatives to LAIF. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Deniel/Moulin to continue the review of the investment policy, the work plan and the review of the TLGP to the next scheduled meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 5 355 VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Month End Cash Report and other selected Financial Data - March 2009 Mr. Falconer summarized the month end cash report for the Potential candidates. Noted and Filed B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - January 2009 Noted and Filed VII BOARD MEMBER ITEMS - None Vill ADJOURNMENT MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Deniel/Park to adjourn the meeting at 5;45p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 6356 Department Report: /—A NOFT TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Bret M. Plumlee, Assistant City Manager, Management ServicesAr DATE: June 2, 2009 SUBJECT: Department Report — Response to Public Comments The following public comments were made at the May 19, 2009 City Council meeting: 1. Ellen Lloyd Trover, 83-150 Avenue 54, Vista Santa Rosa, referred to Closed Session No. 2 and expressed her interest in the potential use of the property. City Attorney Jenson stated the matter will be presented in Open Session and explained the purpose of this item is to receive instruction from the City Council for negotiations. Council Member Henderson asked Mrs. Trover how she knew the property consisted of 100 acres. Mrs. Trover stated she is familiar with the property. 2. B. Mangan Smith, 82-470 Avenue 54, Vista Santa Rosa, agreed with Mrs. Trover's comments and expressed concern of future land use. 3. Rupert Yessayian, P.O. Box 251, Committee for a Better La Quinta, had spoken today with Building and Safety Director Hartung said he was encouraged; however he still had concerns and recommendations with regard to general safety and handicap parking. 357 �S y OF T COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 2, 2009 ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing to Consider an Urgency Ordinance to Permit Used Car Sales in the Regional Commercial Zoning District on an Interim Basis, Subject to a Conditional Use Permit 1.100]J,IPd40IBy-, AIIs] 11 A AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Motion to take up Ordinance No. 471, by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 471, as urgency ordinance on first reading amending the La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.80.040, Table 9-5 ("Permitted Uses In Nonresidential Districts") permitting used car sales in the Regional Commercial Zoning District. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: If not approved, negative fiscal implications include potential lack of sales tax revenue currently received from Dodge City Chrysler Jeep and potential effect on sales revenue generated from other existing and potential future Highway 111 car dealerships. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: This urgency ordinance is presented for City Council consideration to establish a procedure to conditionally permit used car sales in the Regional Commercial (CR) Zoning District, which is primarily located along Highway 111 between Washington Street and Jefferson Street. This proposal is in response to the recent decision of the Chrysler Corporation to terminate the franchise agreement with the Dodge City Chrysler Jeep dealership, located at 79-025 Highway 1 1 1. As part of a restructuring c: plan included in its bankruptcy proceedings, Chrysler's decision includes termination of nearly 800 dealerships nationwide. As a result of this action, the Dodge City Chrysler Jeep dealership will be unable to sell its stock of Chrysler new vehicles effective June 8, 2009 and will consequently fall out of compliance with the CR District's requirement that permits the sale of used vehicles only when associated with a new vehicle sales facility. Any subsequent closure of the dealership would have negative impacts on the City, including increasing the unemployment in the area, creating vacancies along the City's busiest commercial corridor, and eliminating the sales tax that the dealership currently collects which helps to fund State and City operations. The proposed amendment will change the sale of used vehicles not associated with a new vehicles sales facility in the CR District from a prohibited use to a conditional use as a principal or accessory use, subject to conditional use permit approval. This change would allow the Dodge City Chrysler Jeep dealership to apply for a conditional use permit. If approved, it would be subject to specific conditions of approval and findings of the decision making body. These would be based on the case specific location and operating characteristics necessary to insure consistency with City's General Plan, the intent of the CR Zoning District and any applicable specific plan. As the intent of this amendment is to be temporary in nature the following language is also proposed to be added to CR Table 9.5: *Any Conditional Use Permit issued under this interim provision shall be for a limited time only, which time shall be determined by the decision making body. This interim provision shall only apply to new vehicle sales facilities in operation at the effective date of this ordinance. Additionally, the urgency ordinance includes language allowing for the owner of the Dodge City Chrysler Jeep dealership to operate a used vehicle sales facility while a conditional use permit application is being processed as long as a complete application is submitted to the City within 15 days of the effective date of the urgency ordinance. It should be noted that the Dodge City Chrysler Jeep dealership is located within the Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan. The original Specific Plan, Environmental Impact Report, Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and subsequent four amendments directly reference the list of permitted and conditional uses identified for the Regional Commercial (CR) zoning district as being applicable to the properties within the Specific Plan. Therefore, if approved, the proposed urgency ordinance would not be in conflict with the Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed Ordinance is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Title 14 California Code of Regulations Section 15061(b)(3), because the proposed Ordinance involves a proactive measure to conditionally permit stand alone used vehicle sales currently operating as part of an existing new vehicle sales facility, and there is no possibility that its adoption would have a significant effect on the environment. 359 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: The proposed Ordinance is consistent with the City's General Plan in that the General Plan authorizes automobile sales in the CR District and does not prohibit used automobile sales. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Motion to take up Ordinance No. 471, by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion to introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 471, as urgency ordinance on first reading amending the La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.80.040, Table 9-5 ("Permitted Uses In Nonresidential Districts") permitting used car sales in the Regional Commercial Zoning District; 2. Do not introduce Ordinance amending the La Quinta Municipal Code; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 360 ORDINANCE NO. 471 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, PERMITTING USED CAR SALES IN REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT OF THE CITY ON AN INTERIM BASIS, SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF WHEREAS, the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance regulates the location of new and used car sales within the regional commercial zones of the City; and WHEREAS, the bankruptcy of the Chrysler Corporation is causing one of the City's auto dealers, Dodge City Chrysler Jeep, to lose its franchise, which will result in the dealership being prohibited from selling any new Dodge, Chrysler or Jeep vehicles after June 8, 2009, which will lead to the closure of the business if the City does not take immediate action on this matter; and WHEREAS, the City finds that the allowance of used car sales in regional commercial zones of the City on an interim basis, subject to a conditional use permit, is desirable; and WHEREAS, the La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.80.040 (Table 9-5) currently prohibits used car sales that are not in conjunction with a new vehicle sales facility in the Regional Commercial Zoning District of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. DECLARATION OF FACTS CONSTITUTING URGENCY. The City of La Quinta hereby finds that this Ordinance is required to prevent a current and immediate threat to the business operations of the Dodge City Chrysler Jeep dealership. Forcing that dealership to close would have negative impacts on the City and the public welfare, including increasing the unemployment in the area, creating vacancies along the City's busiest commercial corridor, and eliminating the sales tax that the dealership currently collects which helps to fund State and City operations. SECTION 2. APPROVAL OF USED CAR SALES WITHIN REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONES OF THE CITY ON AN INTERIM BASIS, SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. The City Council hereby finds that during the time this Ordinance is in effect, the City hereby declares that on an interim basis, La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.80.040 (Table 9-5), under the heading "Automotive Uses — Used Vehicle Sales, Not Associated with a New Vehicle Sales Facility" for Regional Commercial District shall be changed from "X" to "C*." The following note shall be added to Table 9-5: *Any Conditional Use Permit issued under this interim provision shall be for a limited time only, which time shall be determined by the decision making body." 361 This interim provision shall only apply to existing new vehicle sales facilities in operation at the effective date of this Ordinance. Filing of a complete conditional use permit application within 15 days of the effective date of this Ordinance shall allow the owner of Dodge City Chrysler Jeep to operate a used vehicle sales facility while said application is being processed. SECTION 3. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN. The City Council hereby finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, which authorizes automobile sales in the Regional Commercial District and does not prohibit used automobile sales. SECTION 4. URGENCY. The City Council hereby declares this Ordinance to be an urgency measure in accordance with Government Code Section 65858. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. It is the intention of the City Council that the sections, subsections, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Ordinance, and the City Council would have enacted such remainder without the portion found to be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City of La Quinta shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be posted in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 2"d day of June, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: VERONICA MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 2 362 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ► I, VERONICA MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No._ which was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting on the day of 2009. I further certify that the foregoing Urgency Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in City Council Resolution 98-109. VERONICA MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, VERONICA MONTECINO, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing urgency ordinance was posted on pursuant to Council Resolution. VERONICA MONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 3 363