CC Resolution 2010-016 Record Manual & Retention ScheduleRESOLUTION NO. 2010 - 016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A RECORDS MANAGEMENT MANUAL, INCLUDING A RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE, APPROVING THE DESTRUCTION OF OFFICIAL CITY RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE HEREWITH, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 1999-095 WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish records management policies and a records retention schedule governing the handling, disposition and destruction of official city records in accordance with State and Federal laws, and records management best practices; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk's Office has prepared the Records Management Manual incorporating State and Federal laws as well as records management industry best practices in order to facilitate the efficient, effective and economical management of information; and WHEREAS, except for records less than two years old and certain other records, Government Code Section 34090 authorizes the destruction of any city record in accordance with a retention schedule, adopted by City Council resolution and with written consent of the City Attorney; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has reviewed and approved the Records Management Manual, including the Records Retention Schedule incorporated therein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: 1. The Records Management Manual, including the Records Retention Schedule, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated as part of this Resolution is hereby adopted. 2. The destruction of records no longer required for administrative, legal, fiscal or historical reasons is approved provided it is done in strict compliance with the retention period and policies and procedures set forth in the La Quinta Records Management Manual. 3. Amendments and revisions to the Records Management Manual, with the exception of the Records Retention Schedule, may be made and implemented by the City Clerk's Office with the approval of the City Manager, without further resolution of the City Council. Resolution No. 2010-016. Adopt Records Management Manual & Retention Schedule Adopted: February 16, 2010 Page 2 4. Proposed amendments and revisions to the Records Retention Schedule will be presented to the City Council for approval. 5. Resolution No. 1999-095 is hereby rescinded. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 16" day of February 2010 by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None (LL4Z DON ADOL H, M or City of La Quinta, alifornia ATTEST: VERONICA-J.AONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Q inta, California (City Sea]) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATH INE JE , ON, City A torney City of La Quinta, California RECORDS MANAGEMENT MANUAL EXHIBIT "A" CITY ❑F LA QUINTA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE............................................................................................................................4 APPLICABILITY...................................................................................................................5 DEPARTMENT RECORDS CUSTODIAN..............................................................................5 DEFINITION OF AN OFFICIAL CITY RECORD....................................................................5 DEFINITION OF A NON -RECORD .......................................................................................a RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE...................................................................................7 RECORDSDESTRUCTION PROCEDURE...........................................................................9 RECYCLING EXPIRED RECORDS ............................................................................................................................ 9 SHREDDING EXPIRED RECORDS.........................................................................................................................10 DELETING ELECTRONIC RECORDS ..................................................................................................................... 10 DESTROYING RECORDS STORED ON OTHER MEDIA.................................................................................... 10 MANAGEMENT OF E-MAIL DOCUMENTS ........................................................................ 12 MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS (ACTIVE) .............................................. 13 LAPTOPS, PDAS, CELL PHONES & OTHER NON -NETWORK DEVICES ..................................................... 13 MANAGEMENT OF PAPER DOCUMENTS (ACTIVE)........................................................ 14 MANAGEMENT OF SCANNED PAPER RECORDS........................................................... 15 LASERFICHESYSTEM............................................................................................................................................. 15 JDRIVE...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 QUALITYCONTROL.................................................................................................................................................. 16 MANAGEMENT OF INACTIVE RECORDS......................................................................... 1 B STORAGE OF INACTIVE ELECTRONIC RECORDS............................................................................................. 18 STORAGE OF INACTIVE PAPER RECORDS........................................................................................................ 18 MANAGEMENT OF DAMAGED RECORDS....................................................................... 20 MANAGEMENTOF SYSTEM DRIVES ............................................................................... 21 DATAMAP................................................................................................................................................................. 22 MANAGEMENT OF BACK UP DATA................................................................................. 23 MANAGEMENT OF INTE RN ET USE................................................................................. 24 DEFINITION OF A LEGAL HOLD..................................................................................... 25 MANAGEMENT OF LEGAL HOLDS.................................................................................. 25 RECORD MANAGEMENT HOUSEKEEPING CHECKLIST ................................................ 27 MANAGEMENT OF REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC RECORDS ................................................ 2B RESPONSETIME......................................................................................................................................................28 GUIDANCETO REQUESTER..................................................................................................................6................28 FORMATOF RESPONSE........................................................................................................................................629 PROCEDURE.............................................................................................................................................................. 29 RESPONSIVENESS.................................................................................................................................................. 30 EXEMPTFROM DISCLOSURE................................................................................................................. 6.............. 30 NOTIFICATION........................................................................................................................................................... 30 FEES........................................................................................................................................................................... 30 MANAGEMENT OF CLAIMS, SUBPOENAS & SUMMONS ............................................... 32 CLAI M S....................................................................................................................................................................... 32 SUBPOENA FOR PRODUCTION OF BUSINESS RECORDS....... ..... 6 ................................................................. 32 SUMMONS OR SUBPOENA TO APPEAR................................................................................................... 6.......... 32 02/01/2010 Maysels - Page 2 of 36 RECORDS MANAGEMENT EDUCATION AND TRAINING ................................................ 34 ATTACHMENT INDEX ....................................................................................................... 35 ATTACHMENT 1 : RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE........................................................................................ 35 ATTACHMENT 2: RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM............................................................. 35 ATTACHMENT 3: INACTIVE RECORDS INVENTORY FORM................................................................................ 35 ATTACHMENT 4: LEGAL HOLD NOTICE............................................................................................................... 35 ATTACHMENT 5: LEGAL HOLD RELEASE NOTICE............................................................................................. 35 ATTACHMENT 6: REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS FORM.............................................................................. 35 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 3 of 36 RECORDS MANAGEMENT MANUAL PURPOSE Records Management is the "efficient, effective and economical management of information. The guiding principle of Records Management is to ensure that information is available when and where it is needed, in an organized and efficient manner, and in a well -maintained environment. A sound records management program pays by improving customer service, increasing staff efficiency, allocating scarce resources, and providing a legal foundation for how an agency conducts its daily mission."' "When records no longer fulfill the value for which they were created, they should be destroyed unless they also have some historic or research significance. If that is the case, the records should be preserved by an appropriate historical agency. Staff members should realize that an effective records management program is not only cost effective; it will also make their jobs easier. They should also know that records retained beyond their value 'just in case' only extend the agency's legal liability in the event of adverse litigation.„2 The goal of the City of La Quinta is to reduce paper documents as much as possible, as evidenced by the City's on -going project of scanning Records into the Laserfiche system. Converting to electronic data improves service, efficiency and productivity. • It improves active records management because of the ability to have large volumes of active records available online and to minimize many time-consuming filing and refilling operations common with paper record systems.3 • It allows simultaneous access to documents and records from multiple locations.' • It provides quicker and more reliable retrieval to assist decision -making.' • It increases security of confidential documents compared to paper filing because of electronic systems capabilities to restrict access to sensitive documents and to back up and protect vital records.' • It allows easier disaster recovery because with paper files, once the files are gone, they're gone for good — while digital systems can easily and economically be backed up in multiple geographic locations.' • It results in centralization of citywide information and forms.' • It reduces the duplication of records and the use of paper. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 4 of 36 APPLICABILITY Records Management applies to every employee because all employees create, maintain, and use electronic and paper -based records. It is the responsibility of individual employees to properly determine if a document (paper, electronic, etc) is an Official City Record, which must be retained in accordance with the City's Records Retention Schedule. It is incumbent upon each department to ensure proper safekeeping and timely destruction of Records pursuant to the criteria set forth in this manual. DEPARTMENT RECORDS CUSTODIAN Each department shall appoint a Department Records Custodian (DRC). This position acts as gatekeeper of all departmental files. The DRC assists staff in classifying documents, identifying the file in which a Record should be retained, and setting up e- mail and shared drive folders and filing systems. For the department, the DRC organizes and monitors the shared drive and paper files, regularly removes duplicates, drafts and other Non -Records, retrieves files when requested by the public or staff, packs boxes for long-term storage in the basement, keeps an in/out log on files, prepares Records Destruction Authorization Forms, monitors Legal Holds, directs document scanning, and performs quality control over scanning. Upon request, the City Clerk's Office (hereafter, the "Clerk's Office") will provide support to any DRC. DEFINITION OF AN OFFICIAL CITY RECORD Determining whether a document is an Official City Record or a Non -Record is a judgment call that is made by nearly every employee several times a day. To assist with that judgment, the definition of "Record" includes, but is not limited to, all of the following: • The original document/electronic creation of all information (e.g. correspondence, applications, staff reports, etc.). The exception to this rule is a Record, such as correspondence or applications, sent to a location outside the custody of the City. In this case, one copy of that Record shall be retained by the department sending the Record as if it were the original of that Record. • "Information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business" As defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Generally, Official City Records (a) are created or received in connection with official City 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 5 of 36 business; (b) document the formulation and implementation of City policies and decisions; or (c) initiate, authorize or complete a transaction of official City business. • "All papers, maps, exhibits, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic films and prints, punched cards, and other documents produced, received, owned or used by an agency, regardless of physical form or characteristics."9 • "Letters, words, sounds, or numbers, or their equivalent, set down by handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostatting, photographing, magnetic impulse, mechanical electronic recording, or other form of data compilation, including still photographs, X-rays, X-ray films, video tapes and motion pictures" as defined by the Uniform Rules of Evidence. DEFINITION OF A NDWRECORD Material not usually included within the definition of records include unofficial copies of documents kept only for convenience or reference, working papers, appointment logs, stocks of publications and processed documents, and library or museum material intended solely for reference or exhibition. In addition, documents such as rough notes, calculations or drafts assembled or created and used in the preparation or analysis of other documents are not Official City Records.10 Note: Non -Records are subject to legal discovery and legal holds even if they should have been destroyed earlier. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 6 of 36 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE There are only four reasons to keep a Record. Those reasons are: 1. Administrative value of a record is determined by the period during which an organization uses a record to perform its primary function and the need to carry on the daily business of the organization. 2. Legal value of a record is determined by the records required to be kept by law, or those that may be required in case of litigation or government investigation. 3. Fiscal value of a record determines which records relate to the financial transaction of the municipality, especially those required for audit or tax purposes. 4. Historical value of a record pertains to those records with long-term value and include organizational and administrative history, policies, and general social, economic or other conditions. "A retention schedule is an agency's legal authority to receive, create, retain, and dispose of official public records. It assists the agency by documenting which records require office or temporary storage, which records have historic or research value, and which records should be destroyed because they no longer have any administrative, fiscal, legal, or historical value. In the event of litigation, courts accept a retention schedule as establishing an agency's normal course of doing business."" The City of La Quinta's Records Retention Schedule is included in this Records Management Manual as Attachment 1. It was prepared as a guideline to local governments by the City Clerks Association of California and the League of California Cities, and adopted by the California Secretary of State as the State's guide to local governments. That schedule is adopted and incorporated herein by reference, and as State and Federal laws affecting retention are enacted, they will automatically be adopted and incorporated into the City's Retention Schedule. The La Quinta Clerk's Office has overlaid the State's Schedule onto the City's filing system (Uniform Functional Filing System) to produce a workable, customized schedule. As with all Records Retention Schedules, departments will need to add file types over time. The Clerk's Office or the City Attorney provides the research to determine the appropriate retention for each new file type. The Records Retention Schedule applies to all ORIGINAL Records regardless of format (as well as copies of outgoing originals). The Schedule represents the MINIMUM retention period for Records. Individual departments may adopt a policy of retaining documents for additional time if there are compelling reasons to do so, and if the City Attorney approves it in writing. The Clerk's Office will retain all original, signed authorizations to exceed the State recommended retention period. In the case of outgoing correspondence and documents, whenever the original of a Public Record is sent to a location outside the custody of the City (as, for example, correspondence from a City officer/employee to a person outside of City government), 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 7 of 36 one copy of that Record is retained by the department sending the Record as if it were the original of that Record. Retention is based on subject matter of the Record whether it is a paper document, single e-mail, trail of e-mails, electronic doc — such as a Word, Excel or PowerPoint, web page, audio recording, cell phone and voice mail recordings, tapes/discs as well as all attachments thereto. Original Records, in any format/medium, may not be destroyed without first obtaining authorization to do so. Attachment 2 is the City of La Quinta's Records Destruction Authorization form. This form serves as a permanent record, and would be utilized in any legal proceeding as evidence of proper destruction. "if systemically followed, a retention schedule preserves only official Records while eliminating all other Non -Records within days of creation. Haphazard implementation of retention schedules will not provide a defense in a negligent spoliation claim."12 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 8 of 36 RECORDS DESTRUCTION PROCEDURE Records whose mandatory retention periods have expired are destroyed as soon as possible thereafter. There are five means of destruction: recycling, shredding, deletion, reuse, and demolition. Whether paper Records are to be recycled or shred, remove the following items after the Department Head and City Attorney have signed the form: • paper clips • binder clips • metal fasteners • plastic covers • plastic binding • file folders - to be reused (or recycled if in poor condition) (staples and rubber bands may remain) The "TITLE OR DESCRIPTION" section of the form calls for the file name, which is generally the title noted on the folder tab. However if this title is not sufficiently descriptive, or if the file contains diverse cases, reports, or other material that it may be helpful, in the future, to know the exact details of, take the time to list the Records separately on the form. The "UFFS#" on the form stands for the Uniform Functional Filing System number. This is a widely used, standardized filing system adopted by the Clerk's Office as well as other City Departments. The City's Retention Schedule has been synchronized with this system. It is a flexible filing system that easily accepts additions and deletions. In preparing the Records Destruction Authorization form, DRCs are encouraged to contact the Clerk's Office if there is any question as to which UFFS# and corresponding retention period to use. Place a copy of the unsigned form on the box/stack of Records so they can be identified and matched to the signed form on destruction day. RECYCLING EXPIRED RECORDS Records that are public information and contain no private details (such as an applicant's home address, phone, drivers' license number, etc.) are recycled. A Records Destruction Authorization form is filled out, Department Head and City Attorney signatures obtained, and the original form delivered to the Clerk's Office. The Clerk's Office schedules a time to witness the transfer of the Records from the Department to the recycling bin. The City Clerk ("the "Clerk") then signs the form certifying the destruction and scans the form into Laserfiche. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 9 of 36 SHREDDING EXPIRED RECORDS Records that are confidential or those that contain personal information that could expose a person to identity theft or simply contain private information such as an individual's or business' income, are to be shred. A Records Destruction Authorization form is filled out, Department Head and City Attorney signatures obtained, and the original form is delivered to the Clerk's Office. If the volume to be shred is manageable, the Department may opt to shred the Records in-house. In this case, the Clerk's Office schedules a mutually convenient time with the Department to witness the shredding of the Records. The Clerk then signs the form certifying the destruction and scans the form into Laserfiche. If a Department(s) informs the Clerk's Office that there is a large quantity of Records to be shred, the Clerk's Office hires and schedules a shredding company for the job. DELETING ELECTRONIC RECORDS Electronic Records such as e-mails, Word/Excel docs, etc. follow the same Retention Schedule and authorization procedure as paper Records. No matter what type of device the Record is stored on, the same procedure applies (desktop, laptop, Blackberry, PDA, flash drive, etc.) The destruction method for electronic Records is deletion. REMEMBER: this applies only to the electronic creations that have been deemed an Official Public Record. (see DEFINITION OF AN OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORD, MANAGEMENT OF E-MAIL DOCUMENTS AND MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS). A Records Destruction Authorization form is filled out, Department Head and City Attorney signatures obtained, and the original form is delivered to the Clerk's Office. The Clerk's Office schedules a mutually convenient time with the Department to witness the deletion of the Record(s). The Clerk then signs the form certifying the destruction and scans the form into Laserfiche. DESTROYING RECORDS STORED ON OTHER MEDIA Records stored on a CD, DVD, or portable media also follow the same Retention Schedule and authorization procedure as all other Records. The destruction method for CDs, DVDs, and floppy discs is demolition by shredding or breaking apart. The destruction method for Records on portable media, e.g. zip drives, is erasure and reuse. A Records Destruction Authorization form is filled out, Department Head and City Attorney signatures obtained, and the original form is delivered to the Clerk's Office. The Clerk's Office collects the medium from the Department and physically breaks it, or certifies its reuse. In the event the media is to be reused, IS shall ensure that all information on the media is fully erased as part of the destruction process. The Clerk 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 10 of 36 then signs the form certifying the destruction/reuse and scans the form into Laserfiche. Should any destroyed Record be requested by the public or via subpoena, the Records Destruction Authorization form is a Record evidencing the destruction in accordance with the City's legally adopted retention schedule. The Clerk's Office keeps all original, signed forms permanently on file. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 11 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF EMAIL DOCUMENTS The City's e-mail system is intended as a medium of communication only. Therefore, e-mail is not used to store or maintain Records. E-mail SENT and INBOX volumes are kept to a minimum to keep the system running at optimum speed and efficiency. Individuals are responsible for the management of their e-mail documents. Proper management involves frequent (ideally at first reading) classification of SENT and INBOX items. This critical step requires the determination as to whether a document is an Official City Record or a Non -Record. Do not convert electronic files to paper files unless there is a compelling reason to do SO. If an item is determined to be a Record, move it out of the SENT / INBOX to a common searchable drive such as the departmental drive or the citywide S drive. This permits those responsible for complying with the California Public Records Act or subpoenas to search all departmental data from their own computer, without the need to go to multiple PCs to search individual e-mail folders. It also avoids confusion and loss when employees transfer or separate from City employment. If an item is determined to be a copy, draft or other Non -Record, it may be left in the SENT / INBOX to be deleted automatically in sixty (60) days, or; it can be moved to the DELETED ITEM folder to be automatically deleted in seven (7) days, or; if there is some longer -term use for it, it can be moved to a subfolder. E-mail subfolders are managed by individual users and are not emptied/deleted by Information Services. Employees are cautioned against using subfolders as catchall buckets to dump all a -mails for long periods of time. The volume to sort through can become overwhelming very quickly. Remember: Non -Records are subject to legal discovery and holds even if they should have been destroyed earlier. • Citywide, contents older than 60 days within all SENT and INBOX folders, are automatically deleted from every computer by Information Services daily. • Citywide, contents older than 7 days within all DELETED ITEM folders, are automatically deleted from every computer by Information Services daily. There is no personal privacy on City equipment, so it is not appropriate to retain personal information and correspondence on the City network or City computers. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 12 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS (ACTIVE) Documents born digitally, i.e. produced electronically on software such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, H.T.E., Access, GIS/ArcView, SOL Server, RecTrac, pdf documents, databases, etc. must also be classified as a Record or Non -Record. Documents classified as Records must be on a common searchable drive such as the departmental drive or the citywide S drive. Isolated, local computer hard drives, such as C drives, are not to be used for any Record storage because only that PC user would be aware of its existence, access would be limited to that one person with the password, and data could be lost permanently if that PC crashes because these local storage drives are not backed up. In the case of confidential Records, place them on a common drive, but restrict access. Department Directors or their designee control access passwords to all restricted files, department drives and individual G drives. With so many rules and access requirements impacting the storage of electronic records, it is no longer enough to click "save as," create electronic folders on the fly and use any name that comes to mind to store your electronic record. The volume of e-records and the need for organization -wide accessibility prompts the recommendation to systematically and proactively design electronic folder structures and effective file -naming conventions. Shared drives must have a consistent, logical filing system or it becomes unruly, frustrating, and unproductive. A Department Records Custodian keeps the drive orderly and useful. The Clerk's Office can assist the DRC with filing system design and implementation. At a minimum, each Record put on a shared drive must have the date created and the author. E-mail Records moved to the shared drive will have this information, but all other Records should include in the footer, left aligned — mm/dd/yyyy +last name in Univers 8-pitch font. This will permit the DRC and other in-house researchers to access the information needed to manage and trace Records and contact the author should any retention questions arise. LAPTOPS, PDAS, CELL PHONES & OTHER NON -NETWORK DEVICES As the definition of a Record indicates, all digital and audio information on these devices is potentially an Official Public Record. Court cases inform us that these portable, non -network devices, provided by the city to employees/officials, are subject to discovery. This Manual calls for all communications created or received on these devices, which are determined to be a Record, to be transferred to network storage. Contact Information Services for instructions. Data/audio transfer of Records should be done daily, or at a minimum, on a weekly basis. Departments will perform periodic review to ensure compliance. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 13 of 36 MANAGEMENT E3F PAPER DOCUMENTS (ACTIVE) Every department maintains its own paper Records within a filing system that best suits its function. An index or inventory of each department's files is maintained on the citywide S drive: S:\RECORDS INVENTORY - ACTIVE. This provides all employees with an understanding of the subject matters each department covers, and provides a preliminary search tool for Records. Every six to twelve months, files are examined to remove and destroy any duplicates, drafts, notes and other Non -Records that have been placed in folders in error. At the same time, files whose retention period has expired are removed and a Records Destruction Authorization form prepared. In accordance with California Government Code §34090.5, incorporated herein by reference as amended from time to time, any original paper Records may be destroyed at any time if the following two steps are taken: (1) The Record is scanned into a permanent electronic format, such as TIF or PDF (Laserfiche), and this format produces an accurate and legible copy that does not permit additions, deletions, or changes, and is accessible for public reference, and (2) a true copy, in CD or other secondary format, is kept in a safe and separate place. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 14 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF SCANNED PAPER RECORDS The City has two repositories for scanned Records: (1) Laserfiche for text documents and attached maps/plans measuring 8%2x14 or smaller, and (2) the J drive for large format maps, aerial photos, surveys, building / improvement plans for public property, tract maps, grading plans, assessment districts, etc. Records with retention periods less than ten (10) years are usually not scanned. LASERFICHE SYSTEM Laserfiche is a valuable tool for storing and searching Records dating back to the City's incorporation. From Laserfiche, Records can be e-mailed or printed. For the management of Records and Legal Holds, it is the ideal tool. The Clerk's Office administers the Laserfiche system by providing training and oversight. The City pays a substantial annual license fee for each authorized viewing and scanning station. At present, there is at least one viewing station in each department, but the Clerk's Office is the sole licensed scanning station. The system converts scanned Records to TIF format, which cannot be manipulated, so a true representation of the original is assured. TIF format is simply a picture of the page scanned, black marks on a white sheet — it does not recognize letters or words. For the system to be fully useful, i.e. searchable, key pages of scanned Records are OCR'd (optical character recognition). This is an extra step for the Scanner and is done for the first page of documents at a minimum. Departments will discuss their needs regarding key pages to OCR with the Clerk's Office when they deliver their Records for scanning. The Clerk's Office routinely scans into Laserfiche, certain current paper Records from all departments — Records with permanent or long-term retention periods. As time allows, staff has been systematically scanning older paper Records into Laserfiche. The result is a comprehensive, user-friendly, efficient and accessible e-Records library available to every department. Limitations of Laserfiche: 1. Use of the font UNIVERS 12 pitch produces the clearest scanned documents. UNIVERS is recommended for all City forms, reports, letters and documents. Other fonts often result in jumbled letters and symbols. 2. Handwriting is not recognized by OCR. A TIF picture of the handwritten portion of a Record would be saved in the system for viewing and printing, but hand written text is not searchable. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 15 of 36 Preparing Records for Scanning into Laserfiche The decision on which documents to scan is made by each department. Due to the labor involved in the scanning process and the finite digital storage space, Records with retention periods less than ten (10) years are generally not worth scanning. Deliver files to be scanned to the Clerk's Office after completing the following: • Remove staples (replace with clips) • Remove tape or any other impediment to feeding sheets into the scanner • Remove duplicates • Remove non -records • Remove Records already scanned such as staff reports, resolutions, contracts, etc. • Organize documents in a consistent order. For example, if all project files are to be scanned, arrange documents within each file in the same order. This will make the end result on Laserfiche more user friendly. Security for Confidential Records Security can be applied to confidential documents scanned into Laserfiche by setting a unique password on those folders or files. Contact the Clerk's Office for instructions on securing folders/files. J DRIVE Within the City's network, a dedicated system drive (J) stores all imaged maps, aerial photos, surveys, building / improvement plans for public property, tract maps, grading plans, master and specific plans, utility plans, building plans, permits, etc. Public Works, Planning and Building & Safety departments have J drive folders, but only Public Works plans are available to the public via a link to the web site. Access to this valuable information is available from the City's website: > Public Works page >Development Services Division >Archive section. Scanned plans are saved in TIF format, and accompanying text documents are saved in PDF format. As a result, the prerequisites for destroying originals per Government Code §34090.5 is met provided departments perform quality control and prepare a Records Destruction Authorization Form listing all paper originals. The goal is to get all plans with long-term or permanent retention periods scanned and backed up so that the mountain of paper plans can be shredded. QUALITY CONTROL Quality control is critical to this process. Before original Records are destroyed, every scanned page is examined to ensure 100% legibility and completeness. Each department is responsible for performing quality control on the Records it sends to the Clerk's Office or Public Works to scan. The Clerk's Office holds Records in temporary Laserfiche folders until quality control is completed. Those performing quality control verify the following: 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 16 of 36 1. Readability of each page of each document 2. Proper indexing of each document 3. Accurate page counts for each document 4. Accurate security for each document 5. Alert Clerk's Office/Public Works of any poor quality images requiring rescanning. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 17 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF INACTIVE RECORDS Inactive Records are Records that must be kept permanently or long-term, but are not needed in the daily operation of the City. STORAGE OF INACTIVE ELECTRONIC RECORDS Inactive electronic Records may be kept on shared drives if there is adequate memory space. If a department wishes to free up space or clean up its drive, the Director contacts Information Services (IS) to arrange to transfer these records off the drive to removable media such as CD, magneto -optical media, tape, or other electronic storage device. Information Services will advise on how and where the Records should be preserved. STORAGE OF INACTIVE PAPER RECORDS Inactive paper Records are stored in the basement of City Hall in the room designed for that purpose. This central records depository is managed by the Clerk's Office. The Clerk allots storage space to each department; sets standards for box size, weight and labeling; and establishes procedures for depositing Records. Each department retrieves and returns its Records as needed in response to request for information; keeps its allotted area neat and organized; provides the Clerk's Office with copies of Inactive Records Inventory forms; amends the Inactive Records Inventory form when files are added or removed from a box, and; notifies the City Clerk's Office if its space needs grow or shrink. Procedure for Depositing Records: • Use a cardboard box measuring approximately 16" long x 12" wide x 10" deep. • Fill the box about % full, allowing room to fully view files and make retrieving easier. • Limit the weight to 20-30 pounds. • Purge all duplicates and other Non -Records. • Purge unnecessary clips, fasteners, and bindings. • Do not mix permanent retention files with non -permanent files in one box. • Keep like files and the same years together. • Prepare & save a detailed Inactive Records Inventory form (Attachment 3). • Affix a completed Inactive Records Inventory form to the short end of each box. • Deliver the box to the basement and a copy of the form to the Clerk's Office. • Insert Styrofoam fillers if necessary to keep files upright (supply in basement). • The Clerk's Office verifies the "date to destroy" on the form. • The Clerk's Office schedules the files for scanning if applicable. • The Clerk's Office notifies the department that the form is complete & accurate. • The department then moves the completed form to the citywide S drive: S:\RECORDS INVENTORY - INACTIVE 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 18 of 36 By storing active and inactive records inventories on the citywide S drive, even if protected as "read only" by the publishing department, they become fully searchable by all city employees. This is invaluable for research, cross-referencing, understanding of city workflow, and reduction of duplicate records. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 19 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF DAMAGED RECORDS In the event that Records are damaged, employees assess the damage, perform recovery procedures, and when necessary, report Records that are unrecoverable to the Clerk. Actions necessary to recover documents can range from simply air -drying paper records to hiring restoration specialists for severely damaged Records of various media types. When unsure about what recovery steps to take, consult the Clerk's Office. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 20 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF SYSTEM DRIVES There are four drives available to most employees to use. Those drives and their purposes are as follows: The S DRIVE is a citywide network drive accessible to all employees. The purpose of this drive is interdepartmental exchange, file sharing, reduction of duplication, facilitate cooperative tasks and provide common knowledge. The I Drive is a citywide network drive accessible to all employees. The purpose of this drive is internal, informal communication. "Items of Interest" are posted and viewed here. The "X" DRIVE is a department network drive accessible to department staff and Information Services (IS) only. Each department has a separate drive, e.g. Building =U, Clerk =N, Community Services =H, Public Works =T, and so forth. The purpose of this drive is storage of documents specific to that department, which are of no value or concern to other departments. Sensitive and confidential information may be on departmental drives, and locked -down by IS so that only authorized personnel may view the files. The G DRIVE is an individual employee network drive accessible to the employee and IS only. The purpose of this drive is very limited. It is a "holding area" for drafts, temporary files, reference material and other Non -Records not needed by coworkers. This drive cannot be searched without obtaining the password from the employee, the department director or IS, so it is not to be used to store Official City Records. There are specialized programs/drives within the City system accessible to the departments that utilize them. A brief description of those programs/drives is set forth below: J Drive - Storage for plans and related documents scanned by Public Works, Building & Safety and Planning. The Public Works portion of the drive is linked to the City's web site, and accessible to all. M Drive - Storage for GIS and CAD created plans, maps, aerial photos, county databases, and documents, accessible to employees with the ArcView or AutoCAD programs. R Drive - Retired drive used by Finance prior to the HTE database. This drive is now used by Finance for reference only. Z Drive - DMS (Document Management System) used by Finance and Code Compliance for generating routine, standard letters and notices. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 21 of 36 HTE - Financial tracking database used by Finance, Building & Safety, Code Compliance, Human Resources, and Planning departments. The following drive does not have a purpose under the City policy, and is not to be used: C DRIVE = hard drive within each computer box, isolated, non -network and available to PC user only. It is not backed up, all contents would be lost if the PC crashed, it is not easily accessible to anyone except the password holder, and it is not searchable. DATA MAP Auto 'Backup: - Backup: �Adcess Location Storage,e. Delete StorageTapes All Employees, Public Web site No 2 Weeks NONE All Employees S drive No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks All Employees I drive No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks All Employees Telephone system No 2 Weeks NONE All Departments — Laserfiche No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks selected computer stations "X" drives Department Employees B&S:U, Clerk:N, CS:H, PW:T, No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks Finance:F, HR/RM:Y, Planning:P Building & Safety, Planning, Public Works J drive No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks Planning, Public Works M drive No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks Building & Safety, Finance, Planning, Human H.T.E. database Resources, Code (on its own server) No 2 Weeks NONE Compliance Finance, Code Compliance Z drive (HTE/DMS system) No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks Finance R drive (retired, reference No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks only) Individual Employees, Information Services (IS) G drives No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks (dept. head keeps list of pswds) Individual Employees, IS E-Mail inbox & sent box 60 days 2 Weeks 6 Weeks (dept. head keeps list of pswds) Individual Employees, IS E-Mail deleted box 7 days 2 Weeks 6 Weeks (dept. head keeps list of pswds) Individual Employees, IS E-Mail subfolders No 2 Weeks 6 Weeks (dept. head keeps list of pswds) Select Employees, IS Laptop computers No NONE NONE (dept. head keeps list of pswds) Transfer Records to network daily Select Employees Blackberrys, cell phones, (dept. head keeps list of pswds) PDAs No NONE NONE Transfer Records to network daily In order for shared drives to fulfill their purpose, they must be kept organized and tidy. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 22 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF BACK UP DATA Back-up data is information that is not in use by the City, and is routinely stored separately upon portable media. It serves as a source for recovery in the event of a system problem or disaster. The City has two back up methods: 1. PORTABLE TAPES FOR ROUTINE RECOVERY. A full system back up is done every Friday. Incremental daily back ups are done Monday through Thursday - this only picks up changes since Friday's full system back up. The full system back up includes e-mail, HTE, Laserfiche, and all network drives. Back up tapes are rotated so that two weeks of data is always available before tapes are erased and reused. Back up tapes are stored offsite. 2. SECONDARY DIGITAL STORAGE FOR CATASTROPHIC RECOVERY. A master back up of all systems, except HTE, has been done. Every night, changes to system files are sent via data -cable to an offsite storage box. Currently, this data is held for six weeks. As the volume of data increases, the holding duration decreases due to the finite amount of digital storage space. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 23 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF INTERNET USE The internet is an invaluable tool for research to City employees. Other than work - related research, there is little else for which the internet should be used. Inappropriate use such as IM (instant messaging), downloading programs or software, and downloading music, photos or games exposes the City to major security breaches to its system, incapacitating viruses, steep fines for piracy, and severe reduction in system capacity and speed. To prevent overload or incompatibility, installation of any new software or program is prohibited on any City equipment unless clearance is first obtained from Information Services. To prevent contamination, downloading any personal e-mail attachment into the City system or onto City equipment is prohibited. See the CITY OF LA QUINTA PERSONNEL POLICY; SECTION 1.96, USE OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS for policies, prohibitions and consequences. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 24 of 36 DEFINITION OF A LEGAL HOLD A Legal Hold suspends routine destruction of records and other documents upon a finding that such suspension is necessary under applicable law due to actual or reasonably anticipated litigation or governmental investigation or audit.13 "The obligation to preserve evidence arises (a) when the party has notice that the evidence is relevant to litigation; or (b) when a party should have known that the evidence may be relevant to future litigation."14 Legal Holds apply to all Records and Non -Records in every medium and format. Material that responds to a Legal Hold is retained, separately if possible, until the litigation is finally concluded, and the City Attorney issues a Legal Hold Release Notice. MANAGEMENT OF LEGAL HOLDS The steps to the Legal Hold process15: 1. IDENTIFY TRIGGER EVENTS Legal Holds may be initiated by a City Attorney, Risk Management, the Clerk's Office, or any Department Director. Due to the serious nature of the need to preserve evidence, and the severe consequences of spoliation, all employees must be aware and inform their Department Director if they suspect an issue/event will result in litigation sometime in the future. 2. ANALYZE PRESERVATION DUTY If future litigation is suspected or anticipated, consult with the City Attorney, who will determine if a need to preserve evidence exists. 3. DEFINE SCOPE OF HOLD The City Attorney issues to Department Directors and other key players, a Legal Hold Notice (Attachment 5) defining the scope of the hold. The Legal Hold Notice provides instructions on what to preserve, how to preserve and where to preserve Records. Information Services receives all Legal Hold Notices to ensure that automatic deletion does not occur. The City Clerk's Office receives all Legal Hold Notices to keep a citywide log of Legal Holds. 4. IMPLEMENT THE LEGAL HOLD Department Directors distribute the Legal Hold Notice to the employees responsible for the active and inactive documents/media on hold and directly advises them of the duty to preserve. Note that Legal Holds can include ongoing and future Records. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 25 of 36 5. MODIFY THE LEGAL HOLD Periodically, the City Attorney re -checks the scope of distribution of the Legal Hold Notice. This may result in broadening or narrowing, adding departments or file types, or other modifications as the case progresses or the details surrounding a threatened litigation become clear. 6. MONITOR AND REMOVE THE LEGAL HOLD Directors post, announce or otherwise periodically (once a month is recommended) remind employees of the existence and obligations of the Legal Hold. Regarding Records of terminated / separated employees, Directors or their designee ensure the security, integrity, and control of Records left by former employees. The City Attorney notifies affected individuals and departments when the Legal Hold is wholly or partially released by issuing a Legal Hold Release Notice (Attachment 5). 7. RESUMPTION OF THE RECORDS LIFECYCLE Once a Legal Hold Release Notice is received, Records immediately resume their normal lifecycle. Those to be retained are refiled appropriately. If a Record that has been on Hold is due or overdue for destruction based on the Records Retention Schedule, a Records Destruction Authorization form is prepared. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 26 of 36 RECORD MANAGEMENT HOUSEKEEPING CHECKLIST Employees, individually and as a departmental unit, must perform periodic housekeeping to comply with this Manual. This is not a fill-in or as -time -allows task, but a vital part of City operations. If done regularly, it is neither overwhelming nor time-consuming. Records management housekeeping is recommended at least every six months. Electronic Content Management experts from the Association for Information and Image Management International (AIIM) have cited that: o It costs $120 to find a misfiled document. o It costs $220 to reproduce a lost document. o Three percent (3%) of all documents are misfiled. o People spend 50% of their document -related time looking for the document. The following checklist will assist employees in performing periodic housekeeping16: ✓ Remove or destroy personal, non -business paper documents from your work area. ✓ Remove or destroy personal electronic files from your computer system. ✓ If you have received a Legal Hold Notice, be sure any documents or electronic files subject to it are not destroyed. Segregate and preserve these files. If you are unsure which files are subject to the Legal Hold, be sure to seek guidance from your supervisor. ✓ Be sure paper and electronic files in your work area and on your computer are properly labeled. ✓ Dispose of any non -records not subject to a Legal Hold, such as drafts, work notes, paper/electronic copies, working copies of other files, reference materials, and articles. ✓ Box up expired records not subject to a Legal Hold, and prepare a Records Destruction Authorization form. ✓ Organize, box up and inventory Inactive Paper Records for transfer to basement storage. ✓ Organize electronic files on individual G drive, departmental drive, and the citywide S drive. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 27 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF REPUESTS FOR PUBLIC RECORDS Public Records requests are governed by California Government Code Sections 6250- 6270, which is incorporated herein by reference as amended from time to time. The Code sets forth time limits, fees, records not subject to disclosure, information to redact, etc. The full text of the Code is on file in the Clerk's Office and available on line. The City strictly adheres to all the provisions of the Government Code. GC 6252(e) defines a Public Record as "any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics." Disclosure of Records involves two fundamental yet competing interests: (1) prevention of secrecy in government, and (2) protection of individual privacy. RESPONSE TIME NOTE. Inspection of Records is permitted only in the presence of City personnel No original Records are released. Inspection of Records - GC Section 6253(a) requires that routinely available Public Records be open to inspection at all times during normal office hours. The law does require Requesters to make arrangements in advance for the inspection of voluminous Records if staff cannot accommodate their request on the spot. Copies of Records — GC Section 6253(b)(c) requires prompt response to Record requests, but no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the request. The City may invoke up to a fourteen (14) day extension under unusual circumstances. Unusual circumstances include the need to search or collect Records from remote storage; review voluminous records; or consult with another agency. The exception is FPPC-related documents, which must be opened for inspection or copies supplied, within two business days of the request. GUIDANCE TO REOLIESTER Most members of the public do not know all the types of records cities keep, nor do they know the official name of forms, studies, print outs, files, etc. With this in mind, the Public Records Act requires public employees to guide Requesters in the following ways: • Assist the person to identify records and information that are responsive to the request or to the purpose of the request if revealed. • Describe the information technology in which the records exist. • Provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the records or information sought. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 28 of 36 A Request for Public Records cannot compel the City to compile data, gather information, perform research, or otherwise create a Record that does not exist or that is not maintained in the normal course of business." FORMAT OF RESPONSE State law specifies that if the Record(s) requested exist in electronic form, and the Requester asks for them to be transmitted to him/her in electronic form, government must comply. Copy fees cannot be charged for e-mailed documents. This does not mean that paper records should be scanned and then e-mailed free of charge. In keeping with the City's "green" policies, all copies are 2-sided unless there is a compelling reason to use only one side of paper. To clarify, the City's copy charge is per page, not per sheet of paper - a 2-sided document is 2 pages. PROCEDURE Requests for Public Records, whether they are in connection with a lawsuit via subpoena or from any member of the public, are logged and tracked by the Clerk's Office. In this way, there is a comprehensive, central record of dates and details of every request received and completed by employees no matter how simple or complex. Verbal or written requests are accepted; however, the City's Request for Public Records form (Attachment 6) is preferred for tracking purposes. Refer Requesters to the interactive form, and employees taking a verbal request are asked to document the details directly onto the interactive form on the web site. The form is submitted electronically to the Clerk's Office by clicking "submit" at the bottom. All requests for public records and subpoenas are logged then e-mailed to the pertinent Department(s) to research. The exception to this procedure is requests made in person that can be fulfilled immediately. In this case, employees collect copying fees if applicable, and provide the information first, then submit the Request for Public Records form to the Clerk's Office to log. If clarification of the request is needed, employees may contact the Requester directly, or ask the Clerk's Office to do so. Once Records responding to the request are identified by the department, the Clerk's Office is contacted. The Clerk's Office arranges viewing, delivery, or pick up of the Records, and issues an invoice if necessary. The exception to this procedure is the reproduction of plans or oversized documents, which is done by an outside service. In this case, the Requester, with the department's approval, arranges for pick up, copying and return of originals by a bonded currier. NOTE: Copyrighted or proprietary documents, such as architectural or engineering plans, literature not published by the City, may never be released to the public without first obtaining written authorization from the original author/designer. In most cases, it is best to refer the Requester to the owner of the document to make 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 29 of 36 arrangements directly. The exception to this is a Subpoena for Records, Court Order or District Attorney investigation, where material is provided without the need to obtain the author's/designer's authorization. RESPONSIVENESS The Clerk's Office does not keep copies of documents supplied to Requesters by all departments, nor does the Clerk's Office review documents to determine if they are responsive to the request. The department that is the custodian of the Records requested is in the best position to make the determination that the request is fulfilled completely and accurately. In addition, the department is responsible for redacting or withholding exempt information before making copies or transmitting via e-mail. EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE The redaction of some information is necessary to protect individual privacy. Confidential personal and financial information is not divulged e.g. social security numbers, driver's license number, date of birth, home addresses and telephones, cell numbers, personal or business income/net worth, copies of checks, etc. This type of information is redacted prior to release of any Record. Some Records are exempt from disclosure in their entirety. Examples of exempt records include pending litigation/negotiations, closed session materials, eminent domain proceedings, real estate appraisals, feasibility studies relative to property acquisition or construction contracts, City personnel files (except employment contracts, which are public), workers' compensation information, certain petition signatures, archaeological site data, geological info concerning wells, etc. Direct any question as to whether a Record is exempt from disclosure to a Clerk who will consult with the City Attorney if necessary. NOTIFICATION If the requesting party self -identifies as a reporter, or is a known reporter, inform the Director of the department that is the custodian of the records requested. If the request has potential legal issues, notify the City Attorney. FEES The amount that may be charged for duplication of Records is set by City Council Resolution. This Resolution conforms to Government Code Section 6253(b), which permits only the reimbursement of direct costs of duplication. No charges for labor or research are permitted, but postage or fax costs may be added. Electronically transmitted Records are free. There are four exceptions to the fee schedule set by City Council Resolution. They are: 1. Current Agenda or Staff Report — free, unless an entire agenda packet is requested in which case, the fee schedule set forth in the City Council Resolution applies. 02/01/2010 Maysels - Page 30 of 36 2. Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Records — copies of reports and statements filed pursuant to FPPC regulations are provided at 100 per page. If the request is for documents that are older than five years, a $5 retrieval fee may be added. Government Code Section 81008(a) (codified in the Political Reform Act of 1974) is incorporated herein by reference as amended from time to time and expressly made a part of this Manual. 3. Certified Payroll Records — copies of certified payroll records for contractors and subcontractors of public works projects are provided within 10 days, at the cost of $1 for the first page and 250 for each page thereafter. Note: individuals' addresses and social security numbers are redacted prior to release. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 16402 is incorporated herein by reference as amended from time to time and expressly made a part of this Manual. 4. Subpoenas related to Civil Proceedings (where the City is not a party) — copies requested pursuant to a subpoena are provided at the cost of 100 per page for 8'/2N14" or smaller. The actual cost is charged for: reproduction of oversize documents; documents requiring special processing, and; postage. In addition, labor fees are charged at the rate of $6 per '/4 hour, or portion thereof, for locating and copying documents. The deadline for compliance is stated on the subpoena. Fees are charged to the party serving the subpoena for records. California Evidence Code Section 1563(b)(1) is incorporated herein by reference as amended from time to time and expressly made a part of this Manual. All fees are submitted to the Finance Department, and deposited into the revenue account of the department that made the copies. The exception is fees related to subpoenas. Subpoena fees collected for copies, labor, postage, appearance, etc. are deposited into the MI (misc.) account. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 31 of 36 MANAGEMENT OF CLAIMS. SUBPOENAS & SUMMONS The Clerk's Office is the receiver of all legal documents served on the City of La Quinta or any of its officers or employees. Direct all Process Servers to the Clerk's Office — refuse to accept or even handle the paper work. Ask the Server to read the document to you if you are unsure of its type or content. The Clerk or a Deputy Clerk will determine if the service is legal and proper before accepting on behalf of the City. If the Clerk or a Deputy Clerk is unavailable, schedule a date and time for the Server to return when a Clerk is available. The claim, subpoena or summons is date stamped, logged, distributed and tracked by the Clerk's Office. They are all scanned into Laserfiche and can be found in the City Clerk folder > Scanned Miscellaneous Documents > Appeals -Claims -Summons -Legal. CLAIMS Claims should be submitted on the City's form Claim for Damages to Person or Property located on the City's web site at: City Clerk page > Forms > Claim for Damages. All claims are submitted to the Clerk's Office where it is processed and forwarded to the City's Risk Manager, who transmits it to the City's claims administrator. A copy is also given to the Department Head whose department is named in the claim. The claims administrator reviews the claim and submits a recommendation to the City. After a Council vote on the claim, the Clerk's Office informs the claimant of the result in writing. SUBPOENA FOR PRODUCTION OF BUSINESS RECORDS The Clerk's Office receives all subpoenas and distributes them via e-mail to the Department Records Custodian in each department holding related Records. The DRCs gather responsive Records and contact the Clerk's Office with the volume and type of Records collected. The Clerk's Office contacts the attorney who issued the subpoena to discuss the best method of transmitting the Records. Depending upon the attorney's needs and the volume of Records produced, the DRCs will either copy their department's Records and deliver them to the Clerk's Office with a page count, or provide the originals to the Clerk's Office to monitor copying/scanning by a service hired by the attorney. The deadline for delivering the Records to the Clerk's Office is always one week before the date stated in Item 1 of the subpoena. This allows time for packaging and mailing the copied Records, or arranging for the copying/scanning service. SUMMONS OR SUBPOENA TO APPEAR When received by the Clerk's Office, copies are immediately forwarded to the City Attorney, the Assistant City Manager -Management Services, the Risk Manager, the employee/officer summoned and his/her Department Head. If the City is a party to the case, the City Attorney manages the City's interests in the case from that point. 02/01/2010 Maysels Page 32 of 36 If the City is not a party to the case, the Clerk's Office and noticed personnel work together to satisfy the subpoena. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 33 of 36 RECORDS MANAGEMENT EDUCATION AND TRAINING "An organization can enhance its prospects for a successful retention program — and reduce its risk of exposure — if it conducts periodic reviews and takes meaningful steps to improve compliance with the program. Documentation of the organization's efforts to educate and instruct employees can support the administration and consistent application of the policy. It may also assist an organization in defending its policy in legal proceedings.-" The Clerk's Office holds responsibility for initial and ongoing staff training on records management policies and procedures. Periodically, sessions are held to explain this Manual to new employees, and refresher courses are offered to existing employees. At any time, employees may contact the Clerk's Office regarding records management questions. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 34 of 36 ATTACHMENT INDEX Note: all Records Management forms can be found on the citywide S drive > City Clerk folder > Forms ATTACHMENT 1 : RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE ATTACHMENT 2: RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM ATTACHMENT 3: INACTIVE RECORDS INVENTORY FORM ATTACHMENT 4: LEGAL HOLD NOTICE ATTACHMENT 5: LEGAL HOLD RELEASE NOTICE ATTACHMENT 6: REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS FORM 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 35 of 36 NOTES 1 California Secretary of State, Archives Division, Records Management, Local Government Records Management Guidelines, February 2006 2 Ibid. 3 Dr. Mark Langemo, CRM, FAI, Winning Strategies for Successful Records Management Program 4 Ibid. 5 CR Ragan, JM Redgrave, LA Wagner, The Sedona Conference, Editors -in -Chief The Sedona Guidelines: Best Practice Guidelines & Commentary for Managing Information & Records in the Electronic Age 5 Dr. Mark Langemo, CRM, FAI, supra, Winning Strategies for Successful Records Management Program Ibid. a Standards Board, Association for Information and Image Management International, Analysis, Selection and Implementation of Electronic Document Management Systems, a Recommended Practice Report 9 California Secretary of State, Archives Division, Records Management, supra, Local Government Records Management Guidelines, February 2006. 10 Ibid. t1 Ibid, 12 John Isaza, Esq., E-Discovery Compels A Seat for RIM at the Counsel Table, The Information Management Journal, ARMA International, February 2007 13 John J. Isaza, Esq., Researcher for ARMA International Educational Foundation, ARMA meeting presentation, January 2009 14 Legal precedence: Zubulake v. LIES Warburg (SDNY 2003) 220 F.R.D. 212. 15 John J. Isaza, Esq., Researcher for ARMA International Educational Foundation, supra, ARMA meeting presentation, January 2009. 1a John J. Jablonski, Esq., Focusing on the Big Picture, Information Management Magazine, July 2009 " Debra Bowen, Secretary of State, State of California, Guidelines for Access To Public Records, January 2007 18 CR Ragan, JM Redgrave, LA Wagner, The Sedona Conference, Editors -in -Chief, supra, The Sedona Guidelines: Best Practice Guidelines & Commentary for Managing Informaiton & Records in the Electronic Age. 02/01 /2010 Maysels Page 36 of 36 ATTACHMENT 1) RECORD RETENTION SCHEDULE CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE .,..y Vr, LN %X"r6 &64, VHbIrVf/�IN RETENTION SCHEDULE TABLE OF CONTENTS 100 ADMINISTRATION PAGE 101 Correspondence & Reference 6 102 Publications 6 103 Policies & Procedures 6 104 Public Relations 7 105 Information Technologies 7 106 Records Management 8 200 IPLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT 201 (Open) _ 202 Historic Preservation 9 _ 203 IPlanning 9 204 Community Development Block Grant Prog 10 208 Redevelopment 10 300 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING 301 Economic Development 11 302 Marketing 11 400 FINANCIAL AND FISCAL 401 (General Accounting 12 _ 402 1 Banking Records 12 403 lAudits _ 131 404 Payroll 131 405 Bonds 13 406 Retirement 1 141 407 Investments _ _1 141 408 Revenue 141 409 Taxes 141 411 Cost Analysis Studies 15 412 Accounts Payable and Purchasing 15 413 Bids 15 500 HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT 501 Human Resources Administration 17 502 Personnel Records 17 503 Salary and Benefits 18 504 Classifications 18 505 Personnel Management 18 506 Recruitment and Selection 18 507 Education and Training 19 506 Safety and Medical Records 19 509 Labor Relations 19 510 Risk Management 20 21 600 CONTRACTS, SUPPLIES, AND EQUIPMENT 601 (Open) 602 Contracts and Agreements 22 603 Inventory, Supplies, and Maintenance 22 700 LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE 701 Legislative (inclu Board & Commission Agendas, etc) 23 702 Elections 23 703 Legal Investigations and Litigations 24 704 Legal Operations 24 705 Assessment/Special Districts 25 800 CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING 801 General Administration 26 802 Engineering Permits and Inspections 26 803 Engineering Maps, Plans, and Specs 26 804 Building Permits and Inspections 27 805 Building Plans and Specifications 27 806 Capital Projects 27 807 Streets, Bridges, Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters, & Driveways 2$ 808 Storm Drainage, Flood Control& Sanitation 28 809 Traffic Engineering 28 810 Parking 29 900 (open) 29 1000 PROPERTY 1001 Right -Of -Ways 30 1002 Real Property 30 1003 Boundary Files 30 1004 Annexations 30 1100 PUBLIC FACILITIES 1101 lAdministrative Buildings 31 1102 IParks and Open Space 31 1 1200 FUTILITIES, COMMUNICATIONS, AND TRANSPORTATION 1201 IGeneral Utilities 32 1202 IGas and Electric 32 1203 (Open) 1204 Water Service 32 1205 Telephone 32 1206 Cable Television 32 1207 Transportation 32 1300 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL 1301 General Administration 33 1302 Emergency Services 33 1303 Police Services 33 1304 Fire Services 34 1305 Animal Control 34 1306 lEnvironmental Issues & Conservation 34 1307 ICode Enforcement and Permits 35 1400 ARTS, RECREATION, AND EDUCATION 1401 Cultural Arts 37 1402 Recreation Programs and Activities 37 1403 Education 37 1500 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS & OFFICES 1501 United States 38 1502 State of California 38 1503 Regional 38 1504 Riverside County 38 1505 Intra-City 39 1 506 1 International 39 DEPARTMENT CODES RETENTION SCHEDULE CITATIONS B+S Building & Safety/Code Compliance B&P Business and Professions CC City Clerk CAC California Administrative code CS _ Community Services CCP Code of Civil Procedure CM City Manager Dept CCR Code of California Regulations F Finance CEQA California Environmental Quality Act PL Planning CFR Code of Federal Regulations PW Public Works EC Election Code FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act, 1993 GC IGovernment Code H&S Health and Safety Code HUD Housing and Urban Development LQCC / CM La Quinta City Council Resolution / City Manger approval LQCC / CA La Quinta City Council Resolution / City Attorney approval OMB IF Office of Management & Budget OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act PC lPenalCode POST Post Office Standards Training UFC Uniform Fire Code USC United States Code WIC Welfare and Institutions Code city of to 014isda, CaNformia n For all files, retention shou/d be PERMANENT if contents have historical value. Retention pertains to original record, except where otherwise noted in the Records Management Manual UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan/ Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 100 ADMINISTRATION 6MINIm"I lg_ _­:1D 101.01 RR... Chronological Correspondence mmi current year + 2 years all departments P CC:no R GC34090(d) 101.02 Conferences & Meetings (external) destroy at will all departments CC:no not a city record 101.03 City Boards, Commissions, Committees- General current year + 2 years supporting dept CC:no GC34090(d) 101.04 Council Chamber Reservations / Facility Use current year + 2 years CC:no GC34090 101.05 Suspense & Tickler Files, General Subject current year + 2 years all departments CC:no GC34090 101.06 Departmental Staff Meetings, General Subject current year + 2 years hosting dept CC:no GC34090 101.07 Work & Vacation Schedules until superseded all departments CC:no copies 101.08 Telephone Directories until superseded _r all department, CC:no copies 101.09 Reference Materials until superseded all departments CC:no copies 101.10 Instruction for Completing Specific Tasks destroy at will issuing dept CC:no GC34090 102.01 ICAT .......... . AgL� FIR, R.El iqy R5,, Q.1_ �'Yal;a ai�L' Public Hearing Postings (non -legal) L&REMMMUN ' current year + 2 years M Ugg"Mi '= limm . issuing dept - M-7 I 1 51- - 27�' CC:no GC34090.7; 54960.1 (c)(1) 102.02 Meeting Notices, Other current year + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 102.03 Display Ads & Misc. (non -legal) current year + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 102.04 Subscriptions (non -City publications) destroy at will receiving dept CC:no copies 102.05 Publication Rates until superseded FINANCE CC:no copies 102.06 Web Site files current year + 2 years publishing dept CC:no GC34090 103.01 77� 1E§ I ! I E �i r" ... ..... . .... .. .. Mission Mission Statements .%NuKEHM �'MMMB CITY MANAGER shared drive GC34090;40801 103.02 Policies until superseded + 5 years CITY MANAGER shared drive GC34090d 103.03 (OPEN) 103.04 � Goals & Objectives current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER shared drive GC34090 Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 103.05 Organizational Charts until superseded + 5 years CITY MANAGER shared drive 29 CFT 1627.3; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; 29 CFR 1602.30.32; GC6250 at seq; 29 CFR; GC 12946, 34090 104.01 M Public Inquires & Complaints current year + 2 years receiving dept CC:no GC34090 104.02 Press Releases, Issued by City current year + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 104.03 Newsletter, Created by City until superseded + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 104.04 Other Publications, Created by City until superseded + 2 years issuing dept CS:no GC34090 104.05 City Brochures & Calendars, Created by City until superseded + 2 years issuing dept CS:no GC34090 104.06 Public Ceremonies & Events, Produced by City current year + 2 years producing dept CS:no GC34090 104.07 City Anniversary Events current year + 2 years producing dept CS:no GC34090 104.08 Other Special Events, Produced by City current year + 2 years producing dept CS:no GC34090 104.09 Public Surveys/Questionnaires, Issued by City current year + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 104.10 Awards & Donations Received by the City PERMANENT CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 104.11 Awards, Proclamations & Donations Presented by the City PERMANENT issuing dept CC:no GC34090 104.12 Pillars of the Community Program PERMANENT CLERK+ COM SVC CS:yes GC 34090 104.13 Senior Inspiration Award Program PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 _ 104.14 Civic Organizations & Clubs until superseded + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 104.15 Community Education until superseded + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 104.16 lPromotional Activities current year + 2 years issuing dept CS:no GC34090 104.17 _ Newspaper Clippings about City PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value 104.18 Photographs: Historic or Public Property PERMANENT receiving dept CC: no historic value 104.19 City Seal, Logo - Bird, Flower, Tree PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value 104.20 City Pins PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value 104.21 City Flag PERMANENT BUILDING CC:no historic value 104.22 lAcknowledgment Areas Program PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes historic value 104.23 1 Keys to the City PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value 104.24 (Sister City Program, designation/correspondence PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value ADMIN.'105 105.01 I_NF_QRMATIO_N�TECHNQLOGIES rComputer Software, programs & manuals until superseded + 2 years I INFO SERVICES ^CC:no GC34090 r 105.02 Telephone System, programs & manuals until superseded + 2 years INFO SERVICES CC:no GC34090 105.03 Software Licenses until superseded + 2 years INFO SERVICES CC:no GC34090 _ 105.04 (OPEN) 105.05 Warranties on Software & Equipment until superseded + 2 years INFO SERVICES CC:no GC34090 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION FResponsibility Image 105.06 Configuration Maps & Plans of Systems current year + 4 years INFO SERVICES CC:no GC34090; CCP337.2, 343 105.07 Daily backup of system files 14 days INFO SERVICES NA LQCC 105.08 Weekly backup of system files 14 days INFO SERVICES NA LQCC 105.09 Monthly backup of system files not done INFO SERVICES NA NA 105.10 Annual backup of system files not done INFO SERVICES NA NA 105.11 E-Mail inbox and sent folders 60 days every employee no LQCC 105.12 E-Mail deleted items folder 7 days every employee no LQCC aonn `:.. ......, 106.01 ANAGE i4.. _k... . .. ai._.. }4 F:.. Filing Systems & Procedures / Records Management Manual SIM— vv,. . nH until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; 40801 106.02 Retention Schedule until superseded + 4 years CLERK shared drive CCP343 106.03 Records Destruction Authorizations PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090 106.04 Records Inventories, Inactive in basement PERMANENT depositing dept CC:no GC34090 106.05 Records Indexing Lists PERMANENT filing dept CC:no GC34090 106.06 Records Inventories, Active PERMANENT filing dept CC:no GC34090 106.07 Digital Imaging based on content CLERK CC:no NA 106.08 Records Storage Alternatives destroy at will CLERK CC:no GC34090 106.09 Electronic Files based on content creating dept CC:no NA Number I I Kt I tN I IUN I Kesponsibility I Image 200 PLANNING & REDEVELOPMENT {OPEN! .. ,; 201.00 (OPEN) ... PLN/REDEI/202 HfSTORIC PRESERVATION 202.01 Historic Site Inventories ' PERMANENT ' '' PLANNING i .,,.f a. CC:no _. ..�.:mr..... .... �.. GC34090d, LQCC/CM 202.02 Master Plans until superseded + 2 years PLANNING CC:no GC34090 202.03 Preservation Case Files PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090 202.04 lArcheological Collections PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC30490 PLNIREDEU203 203.01 Tentative Tract Maps .. PERMANENT ..;� PLANNING .-- -i + PL:yes GC34090.7; H&S19850 203.02 ITentative Parcel Maps PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.01 203.03 Zone Changes PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090 203.04 Variances PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090.7; 4003;4004 50; 004 203.05 Major Use / Event Permits PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090d, LQCC/CM 203.06 Minor Use / Event Permits PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090d, LQCC/CM 203.07 Temporary Use Permits until expiration + 5 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090d, LQCC/CM 203.08 Conditional Use Permits PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.04 203.09 Zoning Interpretations (Maps) current year + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090 203.10 (OPEN) 203.11 General Plan Amendments PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC50110, LQCC/CM 203.12 Lot Line Adjustments / Cert. of Compliance PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090a 203.13 Environmental Impact Files PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090a 203.14 (OPEN) 203.15 Comprehensive Sign Programs PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090, LQCC/CM 203.16 Temporary Signs (Real Estate, Political, etc.) until expiration + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090d 203.17 Monument / Sign Permits PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.04 203.18 Directional Signs, City -owned until superseded + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC34090 203.19 Parcel Mergers w/o Parcel Maps PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.04 203.20 (OPEN) 203.21 Specific Plans PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes same as 203.01 203.22 Moratoriums Waivers PERMANENT PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no same as 203.04 203.23 PLANNING PL:yes GC34090a 203.24 203.25 Plot Plans / Site Development Permits _ ISecond Unit Permits I PERMANENT PERMANENT PLANNING PLANNING PL:yes B+S:no GC34090d, LQCC/CM same as 203.04 Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 203.26 (OPEN) 203.27 Demographics and Statistics until completed + 4 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090d 203.28 (OPEN) 203.29 (OPEN) 203.30 Agricultural Preserves PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090a 203.31 Regional Planning until superseded + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090 203.32 Appeals - case files PERMANENT dept. managing case CC:yes, PL:yes same as 203.04 - is - . . . •�-. '_ .t'Yi+' � :® iu f . . .. 6 - 24CFR570.502(b) (3); 204.01 General until completed + 4 years COMMUNITY CC:no 241 CFR85.42; OMB Cir ASERVICES 110 (attach C), A102, 128; HUD regs 204.02 Applications - filed by Year until completed + 4 years PLANNING CC:no same as 204.01 a :. a X;�,.: 's �.:m:. • ''G 3"6� Shf.,,m.: a;�I �. ..:���artT-i.-}'a„a".�.:. ° E '�, CI v. :.. x= :�:. ° �'�' ,+ r .�: �:a;' MM +b/REt3Ek+0fi 4µe� {L lilt ..,.I.R�'Hmaja : a£; �'� r t h h v''vi (lei : ii, .3W rt t 5i'bfN'�"i ,{ ai ft'R' r ±*' MIME .. .' ...N EDEV2. .2 _ L R �% T it I v.: i h I. r< I.'P" k .. ii R iElii .1 !Li % ! .{P NP iym»: A 'E',. ...«.�.......d' W! de ...... v m �Luv v..«`',P& .. ...... ........v .w... !a' �t"i i`�-c., d 208.01 Redevelopment Plan PERMANENT RDA CC:yes GC34090.7; H&S19850 208.02 Project Areas PERMANENT RDA CC:Yes same as 208.01 GC34090; 208.03 Housing Loan Programs (case files) PERMANENT RDA CC:yes 24CFR570.502(b)(3); 24CFR8.42; OMB circ SA- 110 208.04 Housing Loan Correspondence current year + 2 years RDA CC:no GC34090 208.05 Rental Program: Multi -Family Housing (case files) PERMANENT RDA CC:yes same as 208.03 208.06 Rehab Program: Residential (case files) PERMANENT - RDA CC:yes same as 208.03 208.07 Sewer Subsidy Program (case files) PERMANENT RDA CC:yes same as 208.03 208.08 Rental Program: Single -Family Housing (case files) PERMANENT RDA CC:yes same as 208.03 208.09 Assessment Subsidy Program (case files) PERMANENT RDA CC:yes same as 208.03 208.10 (OPEN) 208.11 Rehab Program: Commercial (case files) PERMANENT RDA CC:yes same as 208.03 208.12 Implementation Plans (5-year / Project Areas) PERMANENT RDA PL:no GC34090 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number I RETENTION Responsibility Image 300 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING ECONIMKT301;ECflNOMiC'OEVEL0PMENT:S 301.01 Economic Development Plan PERMANENT CITY MANAGER CC.no GC34090 301.02 Studies / Research / Demographics until completed + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090d 301.03 Business Development / Projects until completed + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090d ECON/MKT302, ;:MRflKETING ..:,.i ._. ,. .; ... ... _':...' .. ': 302.01 Marketing Studies _... ..:,m .__._,.'xzc, while current + 2 years HU=........r CITY MANAGER Hn, CC:no GC34090d 302.02 Videos & Photos while current + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 urra I uescription TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number I RETENTION Responsibility Image 400 FINANCIAL & FISCAL 401.01 Chart of Accounts until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 401.02 Budgetary Accounting until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 401.03 Budget Adjustments until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 401.04 Check Registers until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no CCP337;GC34090 401.05 Fixed Assets: Inventory & Disposal until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 26CFR301 66--- 1 F) 401.06 - Requests for Payment (check requests) until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 401.67 Demands and Warrants until audited + 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 401.08 Petty Cash until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 401.09 Statements of Indebtedness until audited + 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 401.10 Monthly Financial Statements (Rev/Exp Rpts) current year + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 401.11 Annual Financial Statements & Reports until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:yes GC34090.7 401.12 State Revenues (Mandated Costs) until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 401.13 Fiscal Analysis current year FINANCE F:no GC34090;GC6250 401.14 Revenue Studies current year FINANCE F:no GC34090;GC6250 401.15 (OPEN) 401.16 Gann Regulations (see 410.10 for Gann Limit) until superseded + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090,40801 401.17 La Quinta Financing Authority PERMANENT -------FINANCE F:no GC34090 401.18 Waste Management Fees while current + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 401.19 Grants (granted BY City) until audited + 7 years managing dept. F:no GC34090 402.01 Bank Deposit Slips IM, w WN h Ippmol R until audited + 7 years 0. FINANCE F:no GC34090;CCP337 402.02 Bank Statements until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 26CFR1 6001 -1 402.03 Check Stubs, Canceled Checks until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090;CCP337 402.04 Signature Cards and Authorizations until separated + 5 years FINANCE F:no see Oath 402.05 (OPEN) 402.06 Bank Reconciliation until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no same as 402.02 402.07 Daily Balance Reporting current year FINANCE F:no GC34090; GC6250 402.08 Bad Checks until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090;CCP337 402.09 Stale/Dated Checks until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090;CCP337 402.10 Voided Checks until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090;CCP337 402.11 Stop Payments until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090;CCP337 UFF5 Uescrlptlon I U I AL I Primary Scan / I Utatlon Number RETENTION Responsibility Image F1NAhiGJEl1 403.01 l#17A1TS. ... . .: .. ...: .. Audit Reports, Internal . _......... ........... ...... 4 years .:... ..... FINANCE :: i, w ..e...... _ F;no ,. _ .. 7.._ . .- GC34090; OMB:A-128 403.02 Audit Reports, External 4 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; OMB:A-128 403.03 Audit Guidelines until superseded + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 40801 403.04 Audit Preparation Documents until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; OMB:A-128 403.05 Audit Working Files until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; OMB:A-128 FtNA i '' _.._._____..m......m..»»e,_.._� �. PAYROLL "' Payroll Records, Active `' until separation + 3 years FINANCE " F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2 404.01 404.02 Payroll Records, Terminated 3 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2 404.03 Payroll Deductions and Authorizations until separation + 3 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2 404.04 Payroll Schedules until superseded + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC12946; 29CFR516.6(2) & 1602.14 404.05 Time Sheets until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2; 20CFR516.6(1);IRS Reg 31.6001-1 (e)(z); R&T19530; LC7174(d) 404.06 W-2 Forms PERMANENT FINANCE F:no 29CFR1627.3 (2); GC12946 404.07 Vacation and Sick Leave Balance Reports current year + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 404.08 FICA - Medicare PERMANENT FINANCE F:no same as 404.06 404.09 Workers' Compensation PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES F:no same as 404.06 �ANCIAL"40.5' 90NDS Municipal Bonds _ until paid + 10 years FINANCE F no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.01 405.02 Assessment Bonds until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.03 ISurety Bonds (Notary Public, etc.) until paid + 10 years I CLERK I CCtno GC34090; CCP337.5 405.04 (Revenue Bonds until paid + 10 years I FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.05 General Obligation Bonds until paid + 10 years I FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.06 Tax Allocation Bonds until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.07 Bond Annual Statements until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.08 Bond Register until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.09 Dev. Performance Bonds, Misc. w/o SIAS Bond Foreclosures until paid + 10 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; CCP337.5 405.10 while current + 10 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337.5 I Number RETENTION Responsibility Image Public Employees Retirement System PERS PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29CFR1627.3 (2); GC12946;GC34090 406.01 406.02 Deferred Compensation Plans PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 406.01 407.01 Investment Statements PERMANENT FINANCE F:yes GC34090; CCP337; GC53607 407.02 Investment Confirmations PERMANENT FINANCE F:no same as 407.01 407.03 Investment Policy until superseded + 5 years FINANCE F:yes GC34090(d) 407.04 Investment Monthly Reports until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:yes GC34090; OMB A-128 .. .....;.. 408.01 __ �, .., ..c.:u. S ».:. Accounts Receivable f. �:4t.:..e vi .v.-L :...., until audited + 7 years 4v:.i.. .. ,�?. m;.v FINANCE F:no I.. GC34090 408.02 Daily Cash Receipts until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337 408.03 Business Licenses until expired + 4 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337 408.04 Dog Licenses Fees until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 408.05 Permit Fees until audited + 7 years issuing dept and FINANCE pL:no GC34090 408.06 Development Impact Fees until audited + 7 years PUBLIC WORKS and FINANCE CC:no GC34090 408.07 Development Agreement Fees until audited + 7 years PUBLIC WORKS and FINANCE CC:no GC34090 408.08 Fee Waiver Requests until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 408.09 Franchise Fees until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 408.10 Fee Schedules until superseded + 2 years imposing dept PL:no GC34090 & 40801 408.11 Funding Program (ERAF, etc.) until completed + 5 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 408.12 Grants (granted TO City) until completed + 5 years applying dept F:no GC34090 408.13 IVehicle Impound Fees until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 408.14 Fines until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 408.15 Surplus / Auction Sales until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337 FINAIAL-404'�rAXES 409.01 ..{, .,' i ,.:. !I ,:.:., in. _, :rk', '::.r. Sales Tax - e ... _"'.+'! P* ...r.F.mm until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no .,. qr. CCP338 409.02 Property Tax until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no CCP338 409.03 Transient Occupancy Tax ITOT) until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no CCP338 409.04 Gas Tax until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no CCP338 409.05 Documentary Transfer Tax until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no CCP338 Number RETENTION Responsibility Image l ANCIAL41 410.01 � 'B - -: ,......_.._,�...,:.: ......,...,-......�..::: Budget Preparation Files ....mm. _,.. ' current year + 2 years sx; a._.. preparing dept u F:no GC34090 410.02 Revenue Estimates current year + 2 years estimating dept F:no GC34090 410.03 Capital Expenditure Estimates current year + 2 years estimating dept F:no GC34090 410.04 Capital Improvements Budget, Approved PERMANENT FINANCE F:yes GC34090 410.05 Budget Manuals & Calendars current year + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 410.06 Budget Status Reports current year + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 410.07 (Budgets, Approved (CC, RDA, FA) PERMANENT FINANCE F:no GC34090 410.08 (Budgets, Special Projects PERMANENT supervising dept F:no GC34090 410.09 (Financial Support Requests current year + 2 years department F:no GC34090 410.10 Gann Appropriations Limit (for Regs see 401.16) PERMANENT FINANCE F:no GC34090 F1NAI9sIA4 411 I TUDIE Development Impact Fee (DIF) Studies & Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Studies until completed + 2 years PLANNING and PUBLIC WORKS r- CC:no s;., GC34090d 411.01 411.02 User Fee Studies until completed + 2 years oversight dept CC:no GC34090d FWAN.CIAL;412 ,d 412.01 y :. ;,.. .:;: Accounts Payable until audited + 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 412.02 1099 Forms until audited + 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 412.03 LQ Public Safety Officer Survivor Fund until audited + 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 412.04 Purchase Orders until audited + 7 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 412.05 Authorization to Purchase (other than bids) until audited + 7 years FINANCE PL:no GC34090 412.06 Products, Services, and Catalogs (reference) destroy at will all departments CC:no not a city record 412.07 Purchasing Policy until superseded + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090; GC40801 412.08 Vendors Lists & Brochures destroy at will FINANCE CC:no not a city record 412.09 (Pricing Lists destroy at will FINANCE CC:no not a city record 412.10 Office Supplies Ordered by Depts. destroy at will all departments PL:no GC34090 412.11 Travel Request & Expense until audited + 7 years FINANCE PL:no GC34090 I�I FINANCIAL413 BID 413.01 Invitation to Bid until audited + 7 years inviting dept CC:no GC34090 & 25105-1; CCP337 413.02 Unsuccessful Bids, Cap Improv Projects & Formal > $25K until completed + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090d 413.03 Unsuccessful Bids, Services & Informal <$25K until completed + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090d 413.04 Bids, Vehicles & Equipment, Successful until audited + 7 years FINANCE PL:no/F:no same as 413.01 413.05 Bidders List, Pre -Qualified destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:no reference 413.06 Consultant Information, General destroy at will interested dept CC:no reference 413.07 RFPs / RFQs, Unsuccessful current year + 2 years CLERK CC: no same as 413.01 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 413.08 RFPs / RFQs, Successful until audited + 7 years CLERK - PL:no same as 413.01 413.09 Bids, Other Services, Successful until audited + 7 years CLERK PL:no same as 413.01 413.10 Bids, Informal, Successful until audited + 7 years CLERK PL:no same as 413.01 rvumoer I I I'fC I CIV I WIN I riesponslDlIlly image I 500 HUMAN RESOURCES Sc RISK MANAGEMENT HR & RM i801 HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION= "' 501.01 Personnel Policy until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES 1-ol 7P shared drive `. GC34090 501.02 Employee Assistance Program until completed + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090, 12946 501.03 Employee Handbook until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 501.04 Employee Orientation until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 501.05 Employee Incentive & Service Awards while current + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090; GC12946 501.06 Employee Newsletters current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090; GC12946 501.07 Temporary Employment Agencies until terminated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090; GC12946 501.08 Affirmative Action Program until completed + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090; GC12946 Y _ ;ONN :. :: ... Permanent Employees i:: i ..... until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29CFT1627.3; l.br Rltns Sec 1174; 29CFR1602.30.32, 655.202, 516.6 at seq; GC6250et seq; GC12946, 34090, 1607.4; 45CFR1068.6(a) 502.01 502.02 Contract Employees until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 502.01 502.03 Part -Time Employees until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 502.01 502.04 Temporary Employees until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 502.01 502.05 Terminated Employees until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 502.01 502.06 (OPEN) 502.07 (OPEN) 502.08 (Fingerprint IDs until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 502,01 502.09 (Oaths of Office - Employees until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 502.01 Number RETENTION Responsibility I Image :..N t ri6i ili : :p e r lip.�.._.. �._ -x-. �3{3 r ti 503.01 Salary Benefit Plans until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 GC12946,34090; 503.02 Salary Surveys current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29CFR516.6121; 29CFR1602.14 503.03 Consumer Price Index (CPI) Files current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 503.04 Salary Schedules current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 503.02 503.05 Retirement Benefits until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 503.06 Medical Insurance until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 503.07 Sick Leave Policy until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 503.08 Life Insurance Benefit until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 503.09 Management Compensation until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 �'r"f...___.: , , .S ....:w:' .......... t 29CFT1627.3, 504.01 Position Classifications until superseded + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; GC 12946, 34090, 6250 et seq 504.02 Job Descriptions until superseded + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 504.01 504.03 Classification Surveys current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29CFR516.6121, 1602.14; GC12946,34090 504.04 Reclassification Requests until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 504.01 504.05 Employee Evaluations until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 504.01 R6iSONtdEI:'1461uACMEtJT< ie., .... 3 I �,3 y 3I d ti .,;c...w,.,..1..,_::wn«...,d...:.. .. .. ....... . ... .. „ ..:.. - -;); ......,. 505.01 Personnel Progress & Activity Reports current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 505.02 Personnel Counseling until separated + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090, 12946 505.03 Personnel Questionnaires current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29CFR516.6121, 1602.14; GC12946,34090 Number I I RETENTION Responsibility I Image l 29CFT7 627.3, 505.04 Personnel Actions until separated + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; GC 12946, 34090, 6250 at seq 505.05 Planning & Organization current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 505.06 Organization Charts until superseded + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 505.04 -. .J�..----- HR & RM S06 R ITMENT & SELECTI GC12946, 6250 at seq; 506.01 Applications for Employment while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29CFR1602 at seq, 1607; 49USC2000 (e)8 & (c)12 506.02 Tests & Examinations while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 506.01 506.03 Eligibility Lists, Active while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 506.01 506.04 Eligibility Lists, Inactive while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 506.01 506.05 Recruitment Advertising while current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 506.01 29CFT1627.3, 1 Lbr Sec 506.06 Notifications of Appointment until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 174; GC 1; , 34 1174; GC 12946, 34090, 6250 at seq HR & RM'M EDUCATION &_:TRAINING 507.01 en Conferces & Seminars current year + 7 years attending dept PL:no GC6250 507.02 Educational Programs current year + 7 years sponsoring dept PL:no GC6250 507.03 Educational Reimbursement Program current year + 7 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC6250 507.04 Training Programs, In -House current year + 7 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC6250 507.05 Training Materials, In -House current year + 7 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC6250 HR & RM`508 -§AFETY &MEDICAL RECORDS IIII' 29CFT1627.3, 0.32; Lbr Rltns Sec 346, 508.01 Individual Medical Records until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 1604;GC 34090, 6250 at UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number I RETENTION Responsibility Image 508.02 Accident Reports until disposition + 7 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29CFR1904.2, 1904.6; 29 508.03 Required Physical Exams until separated + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 508.01 508.04 Safety Reports while current + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no OMB1220-0029; 29CFR1904.4; GC34090 508.05 Safety Investigation Files (OSHA, etc.) until disposition + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 508.05 508.06 Safety Policy & Procedures until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090, 40801 509.01 .; i m..... Labor Relations Policy until superseded + 2 years Nsv HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no - GC34090, 40801 509.02 Fair Labor Laws and Standards until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090, 40801 509.03 Employee Associations & Unions PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no 29USC21 1 (.c), 203(m),207(g) 509.04 Negotiations / Meet and Confer PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 509.03 509.05 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 509,03 509.06 Impasse Procedures PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no same as 509.03 509.07 Grievances, Non -Safety Employees until separation + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC12946; 29CFR1602 509.08 Discrimination Complaints, Non -Safety Employees until separation + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC12946; 29CFR1602 509.09 Discipline Policy until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility image HR & RM 5I70 RI IQ NF A .... NT 510.01 Claims for Damages Against the City ...... until disposition + 5 years .n CLERK CC:no GC34090, 25105.5 510.02 Damage to City Property until disposition + 7 years RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no 29CFR1904.2, 1904.6 510.03 Liability Insurance, Policies PERMANENT RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no GC34090 510.04 Property Insurance, Policies PERMANENT RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no GC34090 510.05 Unemployment Insurance, General Info until superseded + 2 years RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no GC34090 510.06 Workers' Compensation, General Info until superseded + 2 years RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no GC34090 510.07 Workers' Compensation, Case Files PERMANENT RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no CCR14311,15400.2; LaborCode 5405 Title 8 510.08 C.O.B.R.A., Case files PERMANENT RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no GC6250; OMB A-129; 29CFR1602.30&1602.32 & 1637.3; Lab Rel Sec 1174;29USC1027& 1113 510.09 Accident & Injury Reports, Employee ( until disposition + 7 years RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no 29CFR1904.2; 29 510.10 Accident & Injury Reports, Non -Employee until disposition + 7 years RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no 29CFR1904.2; 29 510.11 O.S.H.A. while current + 5 years RISK MANAGEMENT CC:no 0MB1220-0029; 29CFR1904.4; GC34090 510.12 Certificates of Insurance, Misc. PERMANENT requiring dept CC:no GC34090 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan Citation Number I RETENTION ResponsitEV Image 600 CONTRACTS, SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Ml,g'� mlv IVV C ryryMN ="R 602.01 a Contracts and Agreements: Capital PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC37090a, 4004; Improvements, Real Property, Settlements H&S19850; 2.08.110 Contracts and Agreements: CCP337.2, 343; 602.01 b Services, Equipment, Maintenance, License Agr, etc. until expiration + 5 years CLERK CC:yes B&P7042.5; PU7685; 48CFR;2; GC53066 602.02 (OPEN) GC34090a; 602.03 Promissory Notes (loans) & Grants to Residents PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes 24CFR570.502(b)(3); Code Compliance Assistance 24CFR8,42; OMB Circ.SA- 110 602.04 Lease Agreements until expiration + 5 years CLERK CC:yes same as 602.01 b 602.05 Franchise Agreements until expiration + 5 years CLERK CC:yes same as 602.01 b 602.06 Subdivision Improve Agr (incl, related bonds) PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes same as 602.01 a M MU MM-M MH H. HM m gg -O.0 603.01 Office Equipment Inventory & Manuals destroy at will using dept CC:no copies 603.02 Office Supply inventory & Information destroy at will using dept CC:no copies 603.03 Vehicle Titles & Registrations until disposed + 2 years CLERK 0 CC:no GC34090 603.04 Vehicle Maintenance Records until disposed + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY C. .n :no CC:no GC34090 603.05 Large Equipment Inventory & Manuals until disposed + 2 years using dept CC:no GC34090 603.06 Large Equipment Maintenance Records until disposed + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 603.07 Work Orders and Service Requests until disposed + 2 years issuing/receiving dept CC:no GC34090 603.08 Vehicle Inventory until superseded CLERK CC:no GC34090 Number RETENTION Responsibilitv Image 700 LEGAL & LEGISLATIVE f_WAL(LEGI.EGISLATfVE FILES 701.01 Minutes: CC, RDA, FA, HA PERMANENT CLERK _ CC:Yes GC34090d, 36814, 40801 701.02 Agendas and Staff Reports: CC, RDA, FA, HA current year + 2 years CLERK CC:yes GC34090 701.03 Resolutions & Index: CC, RDA, FA, HA PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090d, 40801 701.04 Ordinances & Index & Reference Documents PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090d, 40801 701.05 (OPEN) 701.06 Agenda Packets: Boards, Commissions, Committees 5 years supporting dept CC:yes GC34090 2yrs; dept increased to 5 years 701.07 Minutes: Boards, Commissions, Committees PERMANENT supportingGC34090d, dept CC:yes 36814, 40801 701.08 Resolutions & Index: Planning Commission PERMANENT supporting dept CC:yes GC34090d, 40801 701.09 Successful App.: Boards, Commissions, Committees until expiration + 5 years CLERK CC:no GC34090, 40801 701.10 Unsuccessful App.: Boards, Commissions, Committees until disposition + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 701.11 State Legislative Info (i.e. Brown Act) until superseded CLERK CC:no copies 701.12 Federal Legislative Info (i.e. FLSA) until superseded CITY MANAGER CC:no copies 701.13 Ethics Certificates - all electedlappointed until expiration + 5 years CLERK CC:no GC34090, 40801 701.14 La Quinta Muni Code, Supplements & Charter PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 701.15 City Council Appointments- Outside Agencies until expiration + 5 years CLERK CC:no GC34090, 40801 701.16 (OPEN) 701.17 Proclamations Issued by City Council PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090(d), 40801 701.18 City Seal Logo Trademark Registration PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value 701.19 Historical Files PERMANENT all departments PL:no historic value 701.20 City Council Vacancy History PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 701.21 Handbook: Boards, Commissions, Committees until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 701.22 Housing Authority By -Laws PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090; CCP337.2 701.23 Financing Authority By -Laws PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090; CCP337.2 701.24 Redevelopment Agency By -Laws PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090; CCP337.2 701.25 City Council Rules of Procedure until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:yes GC34090 LEGAL/LEG 702 ELECTION Election Reference Papers PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 702.01 702.02 Voter Registration Information current year + 5 years CLERK CC:no EC17000 702.03 Election Operation Files current Year + 5 years CLERK CC:no EC77000 702.64 Election Statistics Files Election Ballots PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 702.05 election date+ % year CLERK CC:no EC77302 702.06 Oaths of Office I until expiration + 6 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; 29USC1113 rvurnutir I I RETENTION I Responsibility I Image 702.07 Nomination Filings & Campaign Statements election date+ 5 years CLERK CC:no EC17100; FPPC Opinions 702.08 Election Historical Files PERMANENT CLERK CC:no historic value 702.09 Handbook: City Council until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 702.10 Major Donor & Indep. Exp. Committee Stmts (Form 461) PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC810091b)(g) 702.11 Candidate Election Manuals until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no -GC34090 702.12 Petitions, Recall 9 months CLERK CC:no EC14700, 17200, 17400; GC7253.5, 3756.8 702.13 Petitions, Initiatives & Referendums 9 months CLERK CC:no same as 702.12 :. 703.01 ..., _, . . __ ... ._. !.' r..t is ursm Requests for Public Records -_ until completed + 2 years ` CLERK CC:yes GC34090 703.02 Requests for Agenda Mailings until completed CLERK CC:no reference 703.03 Litigations (City a Party to Suit - Summons, Subpoenas) until settled + 2 years - CLERK CC:yes GC6254 703.04 (OPEN) 703.05 Protests / Petitions current year + 1 year CLERK CC:no GC50115 & 6253 703.06 Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Notices PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 703.07 Legal Investigations, Civil until closed + 2 years CLERK no GC34090 703.08 Subpoenas to Appear / Depositions (City not a Party) current year + 2 years CLERK yes GC34090 703.09 Subpoenas for Public Records (City not a Party) current year + 2 years CLERK yes GC34090 - 704.01 , •.._.. Legal Operations, General Reference m�� �?�-, �F __. .. "1 ._.... .:, while current + 2 years related dept CC:no GC34090 704.02a Notices of Violation / Citations / Incident Reports: ISSUED until settled + 2 years issuing dept CC:no GC34090 704.02b Notices of Violation: RECEIVED by City until settled + 2 years receiving dept CC:no GC34090 704.03 Compliance Certification lie Prop. 218 property fees/taxes) PERMANENT FINANCE CC:no GC34090 704.04 Affidavits PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 704.05 Judgments and Dismissals PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 704.06 Proof of Publication (legal published notices) PERMANENT publishing dept CC:yes, PL:yes CCP343,349 et seq; GC911 .2, 34090 704.07 Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700) until separated + 7 years CLERK CC:no GC81009(e) 704.08 Notices of Pendency (pre -lien notice) RECORDED PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090 704.09 Nuisance/Weed Abatements RECORDED RESOLUTIONS (also see 1307.02) PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090 704.10 Code Enforce/Animal Control: Administrative Hearings until disposition + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090d 704.11 City Attorney Opinions (confidential) until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090, 6254 704.12 City Attorney Correspondence, General current year + 2 years receiving dept CC:no GC34090 704.13 Audio Recordings -Public Meetings Planning Com=PERMANENT All others = 5 years recording dept CC/PL:FTR GC34090.7, CC/CM OFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 704.14 FPPC Regulations (not filings) until superseded CLERK CC:no GC34090 704.15 Notary Public Certification until separated + 5 years CLERK CC:no 29CFT1627.3& 29CFR1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec1174; GC6250, 12946, 34090 704.16 Small Claims until settled + 5 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; GC25105.5 704.17 Federal Laws (Labor, Public Works, etc.) until superseded interested dept CC:no reference 704.18 (OPEN( 704.19 Petitions current year + 1 year CLERK CC:no GC50115, 6253 704.20 Amicus Briefs / Amicus curiae until settled + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; GC25105.5 704.21 (OPEN) 704.22 lAccidents Involving City Vehicles current year + 2 years RISK MANGEMENT CC:no GC34090 704.23 Confidential Attorney -Client Communications until superseded + 2 years receiving dept CC:no GC34090, 6254 704.24 Public Safety Notices current year + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 704.25 (Conflict of Interest Code until superseded + 5 years CLERK CC:no FPPC Opinions 704.26 (Conflict of Interest Cases CLERK CC:no LEGAL/GE0 7Q5 `ASSESSMENT 705.01 _ Sr`SPECIAL DLSS,. �R CTS:: Assessment Districts, General (Formation, Proposals) while current + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 W 705.02 Assessment Districts, Studies PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 705.03 Assessment District 1988-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.04 Assessment District 1989-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.05 Assessment District 1989-02 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.06 Assessment District 1989-03 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.07 Assessment District 1989-04 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.08 Assessment District 1990-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.09 Assessment District 1991-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.10 lAssessment District 1992-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.11 lAssessment District 1993-01 I PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.12 lAssessment District 1995-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.13 lAssessment District 1997-01 PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.14 lAssessment District 2000-01 l PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.15 Assessment District 2000-02 PERMANENT fl CLERK PW:yes GC34090 705.16 Historic Preservation Districts PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090 705.17 CSA 152 (Cty Service Areas Assess.- NPDES) PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC34090 I I I I lwlmL I rMliary I auall I I l ILULIUII Number RETENTION Responsibility Image BOO CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING 801.01 Building Permit Statistic Reports until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY IS CC:no GC34090d 801.02 Condemnations PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34030a Contractor Workers' Comp. Certificates CCRI 4311; 15400.2 801.03 (filed with Business Licenses) PERMANENT FINANCE CC:no Labor Cocle5405 Title8; GC34090 801.04 Utility Clearances PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090a 801.05 Infrastructure Improvement Standards PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090a -- , 1011111 .-� -1 - 22-1� !N I MOW--R& I -77�7777=1-1-ml -2; 50..r 00 802.01 1 Encroachment Permits PERMANENT PUBLIC PW:yes GC34090a; H&S19850; 4003,4004 802.02 Excavation Permits PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090a; H&S19850; 4003,4004 802.03 Grading Permits PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090a; H&S19850; 4003,4004 802.04 Mobile Home Permits PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY PL+ PW:yes GC34090a; H&S19850; 4003,4004 802.05 Haul Permits until expiration + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090d 802.06 Plan Checks current year + 5 years BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes CC Assoc of CA and PUBLIC WORKS 802.07 Inspection Logs current year + 5 years inspecting dept PW:yes CC Assoc of CA I NG80W mM R R ...... .... RR 803.01 Final Tract Maps PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS and PW:yes GC34090 PLANNING 803.02 Final Parcel Maps PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS and PW:yes GC34090 PLANNING 803.03 Grading Plans, Precise & Rough PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 803.04 Street Improvement Plans PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 803.05 Drainage Improvement Plans PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 803.06 Sewer Improvement Plans PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 803.07 Water Improvement Plans PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 803.08 Survey Maps PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 803.09 Construction Codes, Engineering PERMANENT PUBLIC WORK: PW:yes GC34090A 803.10 Standard Drawings, Engineering PERMANENT PUBLIC WORK PW:yes OC34090A Number I I RETENTION Responsibility I Image 803.11 Landscape Specifications PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS and PW:yes GC34090A BUILDING & SAFETY NSTRIENG804 BUILDING- PERMILS 4 INSEECTION GC34090a; H&S 19850; 804.01 Building Permits PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes 4003,4004 804.02 (Demolition Permits (see 805.09 re: demo plans) PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes same as 804.01 804.03 (Building Inspection Logs / Code Enforcement Logs current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090d 804.04 Inspection Requests current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes GC34090d 804.05 Utility Release Logs current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090d 804.06 School Fee Receipts for Bldg Permits PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no same as 804.01 TRfENG806 '. BUILDING FLANS`&5F ::.�' .., ..., "' ... I ,.. ..:: ... h: -::; ... ... .... i ahe r!''ry ... :..:: :n rru._,_,.._,.._.......�...._, :: 805.01 Building Plans, Guidelines PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes GC34090a 805.02a Residential Plans - FINAL - not common interest until closed + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:yes GC34090a; H&519850 GC34090a, 4003,4004; 805.02b Residential Plans - FINAL - common interest PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes H&S 19850, 79853 805.03 Multi -Family Residential Plans - FINAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes same as 805.02b 805.04 Commercial Plans - FINAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY PW:yes same as 805.02b 805.05 IConstruction / Building Codes - State of CA, all editions PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090a 805.06 Building Plans (prior to permit issuance) until expired + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090a 805.07 Building Plans (Permit Issued, No Final) until expired + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no same as 805.02b 805.08 Address Creation Maps PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090a 805.09 Demo Plans/Bldg Plans for demolished bldgs, Res/Com until closed + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:yes GC34090a; H&519850 CNSTRIENG806 CAFJTAL PROJECTS 806.01 Five - Year Plan until superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 806.02 ITen - Year Plan until superseded + 2 years I CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 Number I RETENTION Responsibility Image 806.03 Projects, Reference Only 0 interested dept CC:no OC34090 806.04 Projects, In Progress PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes CC337.15 806.05 Projects, Completed PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes CC337.15 806.06 Building Plans, City Capital Projects PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes CC337.15 807.01 :i7 Street Improvements, General '�5.�, '.. �':x" until superseded 'rI'Si �i PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes reference 807.62 Street Planning, General current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.03 Street Maintenance & Repairs current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.04 Striping: Crosswalks, Bike Lanes current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.05 Street Naming & Signs PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes, PL:no GC34090 807.06" (OPEN) 807.07 Medians, maintenance & operation current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.08 Sidewalks, maintenance & operation current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.09 Curbs & Gutters, maintenance & operation current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.10 Driveway Approaches, maintenance & operation current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.11 Street Sweeping, maintenance & operation current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.12 Permits, Driveway PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.13 Permits, Haul / Oversize vehicles until expiration + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.14 Street Lighting, maintenance & operation current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.15 Bridges & Overpasses, maintnenance & operation current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.16 Street Closures & Detour Plans, Temporary current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 807.17 Street Closures (Property Ownership Retained) PERMANENT CLERK PW:yes GC34090a NST 808.01 . R INA.GEFL Storm Drains �.._. a�'f'.-'_-_ii PERMANENT Y.�IMN u. !�r .. .�_ .........:h^�:.!.. PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 808.02 Flood Control, Projects & Studies PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 808.03 Evacuation Channels PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 808.04' Floodway Maps, by FEMA PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 808.05 Solid Waste Management, General destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:no reference 808.06 Sewer & Septic Systems, General destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:no reference 809.01 Traffic Control, General Info _.....�.�,.,.�...._,_._,.. 771 destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:no _Mt._;.�-.,.:; reference 809.02 (OPEN) 809.03 Traffic Signals Maintenance current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 809.04 (OPEN) 809.05 Traffic Studies & Surveys current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090d UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 809.06 Traffic Consultants / Marketing destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes reference 809.07 Speed Zoning Studies current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090d 809.08 Radar Equipment until disposed + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 810.01 (OPEN) --o 810.02 (OPEN) 810.03 (OPEN) 810.04 (OPEN) 810.05 (OPEN) 810.06 Street Parking: Limited & Restricted Zones until superseded + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:yes GC34090 900(OPEN) UFFS Description- TOTAL Primary Scan Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 1 000 PROPERTY . AO .N ..I, -M - N . 1001.01 Easements, Granted BY the City PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a 1001.02 Irrevocable Offers to Dedicate (I.O.D.) PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a 1001.03 Encroachments PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC:yes GC34090a 1001.04 Easements, Granted TO the City PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a N. m n F11" - r I-E RUN 1002.01 Property Acquisitions PERMANENT RDA and CLERK CC:yes GC34090a 1002.02 Property Leases until expired + 5 years RDA and CLERK :yes CCP337.2, 343; B&P 7042.5 1002.03 Street Vacations (ownership relinquished) PERMANENT PLANNING and CC:yes GC34090a CLERK 1002.04 Eminent Domain Acquisition PERMANENT RDA and CLERK CC:yes GC34090a 1002.05 Appraisals until disposition + 2 years RDA and CLERK CC:no GC34090, 6254(h) 1002.06 Quitclaim Deeds, Granted TO the City PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a 1002.07 Grant Deeds, Granted BY the City (sold property) PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a t�� NOARY WLAa =0 T — Ig 1003.01 City Boundary Descriptions PERMANENT PLANNINGand CC:yes GC34090a CLERK 1003.02 Sphere of Influence Files PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes GC34090a "NNEXATJO�. N 1004.01 Annexation, General until superseded PLANNING PL:no reference 1004.02 lAnnexation, Studies & Reports (Potential) until disposition + 10 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090a; GC6254 1004.03 Annexations PERMANENT CLERK yes GC34090a UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number I RETENTION Responsibility Image 1 100 PUBLIC FACILITIES FACILITIES1110 ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES. maintenance & operation . ...... "' ...... until superseded BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no reference 1110.01 Administrative Facilities, General 1110.02 City Hall -Civic Center (construct. in project file) current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1110.03 Senior Center current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1110.04 Libraries current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1110.05 Police Facilities current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1110.06 Fire Stations current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1110.07 Museums current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1110.08 Corporate Maintenance Yard current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090 FACILITIES1110 PARKS & OPEN""SPACE ------ ---------- __u �.. 1120.01 Park Studies, General & Master Plan PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 1120.02 Parks, Specific Master Plans PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 1120.03 Park Naming & Acceptance Dates PERMANENT COMMUNITY SVC and CLERK CC:yes GC34090d 1120.04 Park Operations & Maintenance current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090d 1120.05 Park Construction & Capital Improvements PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS CC:no 2.08.3110; GC34090a; 4004; H&S19850 1120.06 IRecreation Centers, General Into until superseded COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1120,67 Dog Parks, General Info until superseded COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1120.08 Skate Parks, General Info until superseded COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 OFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan/ Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image I ZOO UTILITIES, COMMUNICATIONS & TRANSPORTATION 1201.01 Public Utilities Commission Reference until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 1201.02 underground Utilities PERMANENT PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC34090a 1201.03 Easements from Property Owners to Utilities PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090a rI 1202.01 -F --7 . . ...... .... .... ..... ... Southern California Gas Company until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 1202.02 Imperial Irrigation District until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 1202.03 Southern California Edison until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 1202.04 Rates, Rules, Regulations & Misc. Correspondence until superseded + 2 years interested dept CC:no GC34090d 1202.05 Solar Energy Information until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 1203.01 -§4111tIC 42 t 1f------- Coachella Valley Water District - �R �m .......... . - until superseded interested dept CC:no lji�HNN ' M� -75 22-ffl-[160012011111 ,; -a R GC34090 1203.02 Rates, Rules, Regulations & Misc. Correspondence until superseded + 2 years interested dept CC:no GC34090d 1204.01 Telephone Services, Public =-M ,MR, until superseded interested dept CC.no GC34090 1204.02 Telephone Services, City Facilities until superseded interested dept CC:no GC34090 1204.03 Communication Facilities (inclu. Cell Towers) until superseded + 2 years interested dept CC:no GC34090d 1204.04 Rates, Rules, Regulations & Misc. Correspondence until superseded + 2 years interested dept CC:no GC34090d Television Cable Services, Public until superseded CITY MANAGER CC:no 1205.01 1205.02 Rates, Rules, Regulations & Misc. Correspondence until superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no -GC34090 GC34090d 1206.01 Regional Transportation, General , - ...... gg until superseded interested dept M CC:no reference 1206.02 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) until auditied + 7 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:no same as DIF 1206.03 Bus Shelters / SUNLINE until superseded PUBLIC WORKS CC:no reference 1206.04 Taxi Service I Auto for Hire -Licenses & Permits until termination + 4 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 Number I I RETENTION Responsibility Image l 1 300 SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEtENV130MAL ADMINISTRATION; 1301.01 Public Safety, General until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1301.02 Environmental, General until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 .�.._...__.,_._.....m..w.....�._ AFE V1302 1302.01 .�� EMERQENCYERVIreg Emergency Operations Center (EOC) PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.02 Emergency Operations Plan (Standard OP) until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.03 Emergency Communications (FCC Radio License) until expiration + 5 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no CCP337.2 & CCP343; 8&P7042.5 1302.04 Emergency / Disaster Reporting until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.05 Hazard Materials Contingency Plans until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.06 Community Resources until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.07 Emergency Shelters PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.08 Mutual Aid until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.09 Warning System (Code Red) until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.10 FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.11 Emergency Training Programs (standards, admin.) until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no CalCode 3204d at seq. 1302.12 Disaster Service Works / CERT Train. Materials until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no CalCode 3204d at seq. 1302.13 Disaster Volunteers (CERT Applications) until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1302.14 Disaster Exercises until superseded + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no CalCode 3204d at seq. SjaFE/ENV1303 1303.01 POLICESERVICES Law Enforcement Services ,General until supers11 eded + 2"years 1 CM: MGMT SVC 7 CC:no I GC34090 1303.02 Crime Reports current year + 2 years CM: MGMT SVC Accident Reports (no fatalities) current year + 2 years CM: MGMT SVC CC:no GC34090 1303.03a _ CC:no GC34090 1303.03b lAccident Reports (involving a fatality(s) PERMANENT CM: MGMT SVC CC:no GC34090 Number I RETENTION Responsibilitv Image 1303.04 Alarm Systems current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1303.05 Vehicle Code Enforcement, copy long to Court) current year + 90 days BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1303.06 Abandoned Vehicles current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1304.01 Fire Service, General until superseded + 2 years BUILDING &SAFETY CC:no t GC34090 ,ANIAM 1305.01 NNIN Animal Shelters, General current year + 2 years BUILDING &SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.02 Animal Licensing, General (408.04 for Lic.fees) current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.03 Animal Inoculations, Spay/Neuter Records (with license) until expiration + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090 1305.04 Animal Disposal current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.05 Dog Reports: Case files and Logs current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.06 Restraining Orders, Vicious Animals PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.07 Animal Complaints, Filed until completed + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.08 Petitions, Barking Dog current year + 1 year BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC50115 & 6253 1305.09 Reports, Animal Bites PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.10 Animal Owner Release Forms current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.11 Animal Control Officer Logs: daily, weekly, monthly current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.12 Diseased / Injured Animal Treatment Authorization current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1305.13 Animal Trap Lending Agreements until expiration + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 $Q€EFENVA306 ui'r 1306.01 I :.•; ..i". •? »: Environmental - EA files .:•: _`.:_,. ...:. PERMANENT _...._ .::. PLANNING -w ... v. PL`.yes r "" GC34090 1306.02 Landscaping Guidelines until superseded + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090 & 40801 1306.03 Air Quality, Tests/Studies while current + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090d 1306.04 Noise Control, Tests/Studies while current + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090d Number I Ht 1 tN 11UN I KesponSiblilty I Image 1306.05 Water Quality, Tests/Studies while current + 2 years PLANNING CC:no GC34090d 1306.06 - Water Conservation, General Info destroy at will PLANNING and AG CITY MANEfl CC:no reference 1306.07 Resource Conservation Areas PERMANENT PLANNING CC:no GC34090 1306.08 Hazardous Waste, General Info until superseded PLANNING and CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1306.09 Underground Storage Tanks, locations/issues PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1306.10 Energy Conservation, General Info until superseded PLANNING and CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1306.11 City -Wide Clean Up Campaigns while current + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC34090 1306.12 Tree Trimming & Removal current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC34090 1306.13 Waste Collection & Recycling, General Info destroy at will CM: MGMT SVC CC:no reference 1306.14 ILandfills, General Info destroy at will PLANNING CC:no reference 1306.15 lArchaeological Surveys PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090 1306.16 C.E.Q.A: Calif. Environmental Quality Act PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090 1306.17 Endangered Species PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC34090 1306.18 CV Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan PERMANENT PLANNING and CITY MANAGER PL:no GC34090, LQCC/CM 1307.01 .... ,=&=F.ERMITS .:.::.. .... ...: ..: Weed Abatement, General (also see 704.09) NflflfflSAPE/ENYK307:: ....... a. ... ..�..., t until superseded + 2 years „r..... .. x-:..., BUILDING & SAFETY .. oufl�.� �, B+S:no +a, In. R.. _... GC34090 1307.02 Weed Abatement Cases (also see 704.09) until closed + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.03 Permits, Home Occupation / Home Businesses PERMANENT BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.04 Permits, Garage Sale until expiration + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.05 Permits, Handbill Distribution until expiration + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.06 Permits, Soliciting or Peddling until expiration + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.07 Permits, Photography / Film until expiration + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.08 Permits, Pool Draining until expiration + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.09 Permits, Massage Therapist incl Med, Fingerprint. until expiration + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090d 1307.10 (False Alarm Activation Notices current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.11 Lot Abatement Bids & Correspondence until completed + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility Image 1307.12 Vehicle Abatements until settled + 5 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 1307.13 Municipal Code Violations until completed + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY B+S:no GC34090 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility image 1400 ARTS, RECREATION & EDUCATION ARTIREC:T407 .. .' :. 1401 .01 Art in Public Places current year + 2 years ., .. ,; COMMUNITYSVC . CS:yes GC34090 1401.02 Civic Center Art Purchases until audited + 7 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes P if historic 1401.03 Cultural Master Plans until superseded + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 1401.04 Performing Arts current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 1401.05 Art Foundations / Art Centers, brochures & history current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 1401.06 Museum / Cultural Centers current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:yes GC34090 1401.07 Tourism & Visitor Centers current year + 2 years CM: MGMT SVC CS:yes GC34090 PRT/REC3402g,rREATI,Jy PRdGRAMS&-ACTIVITIES:: ,: - .- 1402.01 Recreation Programs & Program Evaluations I .; �::. current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.02 Golf Courses, Public until completed + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.03 Skateboarding until completed + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.04 (Trails, Hiking, Biking, Equestrian until completed + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.05 Parades, Pageants &Community Events until completed + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.06 Equipment Rentals until audited + 7 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.07 Facility Use Permits (incl. Park Permits) current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.08 Registrations, Adults while current + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 1402.09 Registrations, Minors age 18 + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CS:no GC34090 & Statute of Limitation ARTIREC j4Q33 1403.01 EDUCATION_ Desert Sands Unified School District current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC^ I CC:nto — ^ GC34090 1403.02 (Coachella Valley Unified School District current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 1403.03 LaQuinta High School current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 1403.04 College of the Desert current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 1403.05 Univ. of Calif. Riverside, Palm Desert Campus current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 Number I RETENTION I Responsibilitv I Image 1500 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS & OFFICES 1501.01 (LIST ALPHABETICALLY) current year + 2 years interested dept CC:no GC34090 1502.01 (LIST ALPHABETICALLYI :§M] current year + 2 years NNOM interested dept T'num'.. =— CC:no GC34090 1503.01 Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) current year + 2 years .. ... ... .. .. CITY MAZNA�GER �CC:no GC34090 1503.02 PS Desert Resorts Conv & Visitors Authority: CVA current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.03 PS International Airport Commission current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090' 1503.04 Coachella Valley Enterprise Zone Authority current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.05 Western Riverside Council of Gov't (WRCOG) current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.06 Coachella Valley Recreation & Parks District current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.07 So. Calif. Association of Governments (SCAG) current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.08 Coachella Valley Mts Conservancy Commission current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.09 Salton Sea Authority current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.10 Coachella Valley Assoc. of Governments (CVAG) current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.11 Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.12 Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector District current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.13 Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.14 Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authority current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.15 Chamber of Commerce, La Quinta current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.16 Chambers of Commerce, Other Areas current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.17 South Coast Air Quality Management District current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503,18 Coachella Valley Water District current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1503.19 Cal PERS current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 604'Mi-RIVF 40;1 �Rye,,,de ountyG General County, General C I ...,:au, . ..... current year + 2 years ..... ... �-Oi' CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.02 County Recorder & County Clerk current year + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 1504.03 Auditor / Controller current year + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 1504.04 Board of Supervisors current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.05 Office of Disaster Preparedness current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1504.06 Flood Control / Water Conservation District current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090 1504.07 Housing & Community Development Dept. current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.08 Public Works Department current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1 1504.09 1 Registrar of Voters current year + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 UFFS Description TOTAL Primary Scan / Citation Number RETENTION Responsibility image 1504.10 Sheriff's Department current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.11 Traffic Advisory Commission current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090 1504.12 Treasurer / Tax collector current year + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 1504.13 Public Health Services current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.14 Riverside Cty Transportation Commission (ROTC) current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.15 Department of Animal Control current year + 2 years BUILDING & SAFETY CC:no GC34090 1504.16 Economic Development Program while current + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.17 Department of Planning & Land Use current year + 2 years PLANNING CC:no GC34090 1504.18 Assessor's Office current year + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090 1504.19 Department of Social Services current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.20 Riverside County Library System current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 1504.21 Department of Parks & Recreation current year + 2 years COMMUNITY SVC CC:no GC34090 1504.22 County Court System current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.23 Department of Vector Control current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1504.24 Fire Department current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 1 504.25 Riverside Cty Airport Land Use Commission / COCHRAN Regional airport current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 QQMLQRG 1505 ANTER4 INTRA CITY HIES II • ,.i. '' . ; 'i : )(LIST ALPHABETICALLY) current year + 2 years interested dept qQWqAq 15, INTERyATIQIII({G'O�fIC�ES&)ORGANIZATIONS 77 —Ti : :i •: �;-,. .-'a ..... ........ (LIST ALPHABETICALLY) current year + 2 years interested dept � CC:no a. rc„h CC:no :, -t' .:in t " ATTACHMENT 2 Qu&ta IRECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION -- -- - - -- In accordance with the City's Records Retention Schedule as adopted by Resolution No. 99-95, it is requested that the records _ delineated below be destroyed. The Total Retention Period has expired. There is no known litigation or reasonably _anticipated investigation or litigation that would tequire these records be held. "A duty to preserve records exists when a party should have known that the evidence may be relevant to future litigation" Zubulake IV (SDNY 2003)220F.R.D.212,216 Department Head Signature Print Name Department IM. Katherine Jenson amity Attorney Signature iPrint Name ;Date RECORDS TO BE DESTROYED: {� UFFS71 and TITLE or DESCRIPTION OF RECORD TYPE FORMAT RECORD DATES E-IMAGE EXIST? REQUIRED TOTAL RETENTION I _ certify that the records described above and approved for destruction were o recycled o shredded on as rescribed by law. Susan Maysels (Deputy Clerk :ity Clerk or Deputy City Clerk Signature Print Name Title ype: Original Documents = O Format: Paper documents to be shreded = PIS Copies = C Paper documents to be recycled = P/R Electronic document to be deleted = E CD, DVD, Tape to be destroyed = CDT 32/01/2010 Maysels ATTACHMENT 4 a, a OF LEGAL HOLD NOTICE PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION DATE: [date issued] TO: [list of custodians/departments involved] FROM: [name and title] MATTER: [name of case or party(s) or issue or event] DESCRIPTION: [brief description of case] INSTRUCTIONS: feg collect, protect & hold records or deliver records to...] SCOPE OF HOLD: [time frame and types of Records] cc: Information Services & City Clerk COMPLIANCE WITH THISsNOTICE 'REQUIRES YOUR, IMMEDIATE -ATTENTION. THE DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS �P,ERTINENT TO, THIS MATTER,'IS STRICTLY' PROHIBITED. EMPLOYEES WHO FAIL TO COMPLY ARE ­;SUBJECT, TO "DISCIPLINARY ACTION, INCLUDING DISMISSAL, IN ADDITION TO POTENTIAL;CINIL O,R;CRIMINAL.PENALTIES'. 1. PRESERVE RELEVANT INFORMATION Effective immediately and until further written notice, regardless of any past or existing policies or procedures, retain and do not delete, destroy, or modify Records or Non -Records relating to the matter named above. Records may include, but are not limited to letters, contracts, memoranda, drafts, notes, presentations, spreadsheets, graphs, maps, animations, images, e-mail messages and attachments, voicemail, instant messages, word processing docs, and calendar entries, regardless of whether these documents are stored on paper or in a hard drive, network database or drive, backup tape, laptop, CD ROM, DVD or similar removable storage media, home computer, PDA or handheld device, mobile phone or paging device. When in doubt, PRESERVE. 2. IDENTIFY OTHER RELEVANT CUSTODIANS If you are aware of someone within or outside City employment who may possess materials relevant to this matter, please notify the City Attorney. Do not circulate or forward this Notice yourself. 3. HOW TO PRESERVE • Identify, list (including file name & path) and protect all electronic records relating to the matter. • Gather all paper files related to the matter in one location. 4. COOPERATE WITH THE CITY'S LEGAL SERVICES Please cooperate fully and promptly with the City Attorney or City -appointed legal counsel on this matter. Do not discuss the nature or substance of this matter or conversations regarding this matter with anyone outside City employment. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Kindly sign, date and return a copy of this Notice to the sender. I acknowledge receipt of this Legal Hold. I understand the Legal Hold requirements and I will comply. Signature print name date S:\CC\forms\Legal Hold Notice 06111/2009 Maysels ATTACHMENT 5 LO 04 �Ao �W y OF Tt LEGAL HOLD RELEASE NOTICE PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION DATE: [date issued] TO: [list of custodians/departments involved] FROM: [name and title] MATTER: [name of case or party(s) or issue or event] DESCRIPTION: [brief description of case] INSTRUCTIONS: [eg collect, protect & hold records or deliver records to...] SCOPE OF HOLD: [time frame and types of Records] cc: Information Services & City Clerk The legal action for which a Legal Hold Notice was issued to you on DATE has concluded. Please resume routine record retention schedule compliance as to all records and data currently on hold regarding this matter. Records that have exceeded their retention period are to be destroyed. Records requiring continued retention are to be returned to departmental files. All non -records may be eliminated. Acknowledgement Kindly sign, date and return a copy of this Notice to the sender. I acknowledge receipt of this Legal Hold Release Notice. I understand that I have an affirmative obligation to comply with the directives set forth in this Notice. Signature print name date S:\CC\forms\Legal Hold RELEASE Notice 06/11/2009 Maysels CITY OF LA QUINTA ATTACHMENT 6 CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT MAIL: PO Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253 LOCATION: 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta TEL 760.777.7000 1 FAX 760.777.7107 REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS (COMPLETION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS REQUESTED TO FACILITATE RECORDS REQUESTS) DATE: PHONE: FAX: COMPANY: CITY: STATE: ZIP: EMAIL: DOCUMENT(S) REQUESTED (Please be specific): Your request will be processed in compliance with the California Public Records Act, except with respect to public records exempt from disclosure. While it is the City's policy to respond to requests for public records as quickly as possible, the Public Records Act allows the City up to 10 days to determine whether the documents will be disclosed. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 1994-007, a fee of 950 for the first page of each document and 15C for each additional page will be calculated and charged. The City shall make records promptly available for inspection during regular business hours; however, if a request to inspect records entails numerous files and/or documents, the City reserves the right to set a date and time when the records will be made available for inspection. Official Use Only Statutory Date: Department & Staff Member: Staff Member/ Date Records Provided: Copy Cost: /Clerk\Forms\Records Request.doc :Is May 2009