CVWD - Co-op Landscape Agree 10File: 0585.09.1 Coachella Valley Water District And City of La Quinta Cost -Share Agreement for a Cooperative Landscape Water Management Program 1. The purpose of this agreement is to formally document the intention of the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and the City of La Quinta (City) to participate in a joint water conservation cost -share program. This program will provide those CVWD customers residing within the City of La Quinta the opportunity to convert spray irrigated lawn to water efficient drip irrigated desert friendly Landscapes. For customers dedicated to retaining their turf lawns, or for those who cannot afford to retrofit their landscape, this program will assist customers in purchasing more efficient "new generation" sprinkler nozzles. Turf conversions and nozzle replacements will help accomplish CVWD's and the City's mutual goals of increased efficiency in landscape water use, reduced groundwater consumption and elimination of street water run-off. 2. It is understood by both parties that this agreement funds and executes a program to cost - share landscape turf conversions and new generation sprinkler nozzles on a first come - first -served delivery sequence until the initial funding has been exhausted. 3. The program consists of three main components as follows: a. Residential Turf Conversions b. Large Landscape Turf Conversions, consisting of two options: i. Minimal turf conversion, curbside retrofit ii. Full turf conversion C. Residential New Generation Sprinkler Nozzle Replacements 4. Details of the program are provided in Attachment A. 5. The City agrees to provide a 50 percent funding contribution to this joint CVWD/City program, not to exceed $110,000.00 per year. CVWD agrees to provide a 50 percent funding contribution to this joint CV WD/City program, not to exceed $110,000 per year. 6. The City and CVWD agree to provide funding for the three main program components as follows: a. Residential Turf Conversions: $50,000/City, $50,000 CVWD b. Large Landscape Turf Conversions: $50,000/City, $50,000 CVWD C. New Generation Sprinkler Nozzles: $1 0,000/City, $ 10,000 CVWD 7. The City and CVWD agree to consider the continuation of funding for this program in subsequent years if funding is available. Signed and approved by: Date: Ste )ob4bin 3 • /6 - Leif` ' Date: 3-/7- ZO/O Thomas P , Genovese (4' General Manager -Chief Engineer Lc Coachella Valley Water District 85-995 Avenue 52 P.O. Box 1058 Coachella CA 92236 (760)398-2651 www.cvwd.org City Manager .Ca Quutrev City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O Box 1504 La Quinta CA 92247 (760)777-7108 www.la-quinta.org ATTACHMENT A Program Description Cooperative Landscape Water Management Program Background The goals of this program are to advance landscape water conservation, eliminate nuisance water in streets caused by landscape irrigation, and provide an incentive for Coachella Valley residents to convert to desert landscaping. It is proposed that CVWD and the City of La Quinta be equal co-sponsors of this program. Discussion: The proposed program will have three components. These will address (a) turf conversions in the residential sector, (b) turf conversions for homeowner associations (HOA), commercial and other large landscapes, and (c) a sprinkler replacement option for residents who remain committed to turf or cannot afford a major landscape renovation. The residential component will provide a rebate of $2.00 per square foot for the removal of turf and installation of drip irrigated desert landscaping. The rebate will be limited to residential front yards. The retrofit must also include a SMART irrigation controller. The City will make City staff available to residents for guidance on desert landscape design. In addition, City staff will provide a design packet for each applicant to assist them in the development of a biddable landscape design, and to guide them through the approval process. Residents may also use the services of a design professional. Cost -share rebates will be split between the City and CVWD. The City and CVWD will each provide $1.00 per square foot of turf replaced up to a maximum of $2,000 per homeowner project ($1,000 City contribution, $1,000 CVWD contribution). Therefore, the resident or HOA will pay the balance not covered by the rebate. All homeowner turf conversion projects must include the installation of a SMART controller. Participants may elect to purchase their SMART controllers through the CVWD Residential SMART Controller Program. The HOA/commercial component has two options. The first is a Minimal turf removal which must have at least a 24-inch wide buffer area between the curb and any spray -irrigated turfgrass. This area can be treated with decomposed granite or cobble and must eliminate runoff to the street. Any remaining turfgrass areas must be irrigated in such a manner as to prevent overspray and runoff to the street. All irrigated areas must be controlled by a SMART irrigation controller. The second option is a Complete turf retrofit. This would include all the turf area between the street curb and the HOA perimeter wall or any other defined area that would reduce water use and prevent runoff to the street. All irrigated areas must be controlled by a SMART irrigation controller. Participants in the turf conversion program may also participate in CVWD's Large Landscape Smart Controller Program to meet the SMART controller requirement. The HOA/commercial component will provide a rebate of $2.00 per square foot for removal of turf and installation of drip irrigated desert landscaping with a maximum rebate of $5,000 ($2,500 City contribution and $2,500 CVWD contribution) for a Minimal retro fit, and $10,000 ($5,000 City contribution and $5,000 CVWD contribution) for a Complete conversion of turf to desert landscaping. The rebate will be limited to parkways (streetscapes) adjacent to City streets. The third program component is the residential new generation sprinkler option. This component will provide an opportunity for the retrofit of older, less efficient sprinklers with new generation, efficient rotor type nozzles or comparable sprinklers. Sprinkler type will be reviewed and approved by both agencies. A SMART irrigation controller is also required as part of this option. This component will provide rebates to the participant of $5.00 ($2.50 per sprinkler head for the City and $2.50 per head for CVWD) per new generation sprinkler head up to a maximum of $100 per house or up to $1000 for an HOA or Commercial Project. This component will only be for yards that border City streets. For all three major program components, including the homeowner turf conversion, HOA/ commercial turf conversion and the new generation sprinkler nozzle replacement, participants will receive rebate checks. Upon approval by the City and CVWD, the City and CVWD will each issue separate payments to participants on a 50150 basis (50% City, 50% CVWD). CVWD will cooperate with the City to develop a comprehensive public outreach campaign to publicize the program and promote conservation in general. The City and CVWD will work jointly to disseminate information through several different means to reach the greatest number of people. The application process will be on a first -come, first -served basis and the program start date will be announced in advance. Applications will be made available on-line at the City's web -site and at the City Manager's Department —Development Services.