LLA 1977 Cn L� i gate Filed klVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT COUNTY AD;'1I N I STRATI VE CENTER 4080 LEMON STREET OTif FLOOR RIVERSIL'E, CA 92501 Ordinance 460.23 Section 18.1 Applicant '5't_ „� •. r ` ,; Oelner A: ,1;drGa) {Il l ss Owner B: 1'1_, , �,. - _ s PROPERTY D_: Assessor's Parcel Nu,iher(s) ,> 7 -�,, 1 Road Book Page Toning —� Located at (Nearest cross scree Section Township ��, Range )j S.B.G.M. / ., lI) ati Zoning District/A Supv. District L�• This soplication shall be accompanied by a copy cf the map of record or the current Assessor's nap page sha-ring the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot li;;e adjustment. A fee of $70,00 sha17 be submitted with this applicatiuf). 1 certl y that I am1we are the record owner(s) or authorized agent and i;hat the in°or;na- tion filed is true and correct to the hest o` riy knowledge. (Authorized agent must posse letter from owner indicating authority to sIiignn -in the owne%/Is ehal .) / Signed/—��/j/`° _Date �/� i Signed Date — 7-7 0 PLANNING DEPARTNENT USE ONLY Receipt No. _ This lot line adjustment is approved based upon tha fo]lowing findings: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No new parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involvad are red;tced below tho developrent standards currently applied by the Land L'se Ordinance flo: 3�8. I)a Le 'O I, HAROLD HOUSLEY CONSULTING ENGINEERS 73-700 HIGHWAY I I I, SUITE 8 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA D2260 November 3, 1977 Kevin Manning Associate Planner Riverside County Planning Dep't 96-209 Oasis Street Indio, California 92201 Re: Project No. 7769-H Lot Line Adjustments Dear Mr. Manning: Enclosed are two copies of a Plot Plan for four lots requiring lot line adjustments in the La Quinta area. In addition, I have enclosed 2 8z x 11 copies of each of the four lots, showing the respective adjustments. No additional parcels of land are being created under this pro- posal. Essentially, the adjustments will restore the lots to their original configuration prior to recordation of the parcel map. Very truly yours, elm✓' I. Harold Housley, P.E. IHH:lsp CC; Grant Hornbeak Enclosures