LLA 0809J.F. Davidson Associates ~O1 ' ~.~...~~ w ~d L~ rinnll .1~.~~ Y ffffF.'N.SILE.. :, I 1 _~ _ .. . --- -- df`!III flIVENSIDE COUNTY PLANNING UEPARTMEMT PLANNING COMMISSION ELMtHM KAi LE NSTEIN, Cbauman, Rub~aOU• KAV S CkN LLl HU5 ilamm JE S$ E LILI.IBHIUGE, Go,u„a KAV N OL ESL N. Palm Oa~ert pAVID W. TEP BE 57, Colimuu RUSSELL. E. CAMPyE LL, div ma MARIGN V. ASHLEY,PUn, Lr/ Ddte: ,~ .,~i (i (.~(; ~ZQ~~~~~~~~_/AI KICIA NtMt TH -A.I.P. - PL ANNIIVG DIRECTOR oOtlO ~EMUN STHEk f, yln FLOOR, RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA y36p1 ~°~ RE: ~ `~~~ Fr` )~ vE .r,~c ~~ ti, lrr~, ~"} s ~~ i. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 1~,~_ Lot Line Adjustment No ,. ~f/ Location: 5' S ~ ~'+ :') This letter is to repo°tt approval of your recent application fora Lot Line Ad- justrllent pursuant to Section 18.1 of Ordinance No. 460.28 subject to canpliance with Exhibit "A". ~ ~,r0~~ ~ ~~v 4 LNG ~~~ Tllis Lot Line Adjustll~ent is approved based upon the following 1`indings: The adjustment involves adjacent parcels; No new parcels are created; None of the parcels involved are reduced below the development standards currEmtly applied by the Land Use Ordinance No. 34A. This approval is your authorization Lo have new deeds recorded reflecting this Lot Line adjustment. These deeds should indicate that a Lot Line Adjustment has been approved. Enclosed, for your files, is is available Ii~kiTEe'ga?est. Sanning _ RL9 Blytnc Hemet - - __-, Pcrr. -- a~h_. -- r-c.__ dues _ _..._ Enclasur~s. __.._ I,J cc: Land Use Division a copy of the approved Exhibit "A". A receipt Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, AIP, Planning Director .~