LLA 1983-008G C I T Y o f L A G U T A T A C A S E INFORMATION Case No. L I Applicant: Address: AP1V%cupid Owner:. Address: yc Representative Address: _ Street City State Zip Code Application Received by /)r„aa Date Application Checked by S a Date orf I) e Phone:S6y,l3 Lip Lode `(22GO Zip Code r et �y �LI1_ %�tra Gi e �'t fb. �cwh 6cr /�✓.ai f c.l /M M eL14 Phone: .reet City State A,i4 o� D� AA. /sC Phone: 1. Subject: LLB-MzA,., 2. Location: PIS aC,I-An 3. Environmental Information E.A. No. [ , Notice of Declaration 4. Related Files E.I.R.No. SP l2.(-E 2 'e -P, M96- e Information Filing Fee E.A. Fee Total Additional Fees Receipts for Fees: 5. Parcel Size/Acreage l 3( p _ 9. Circulation Element 6. General Plan Designation S P I2.1- E 10. Housing Element -- _ 7. Zoning g- L -sUyO 11. Council District 8. Surrounding Zoning 12. Assessor's G3/- <7C) U �� _ '. 066 13. Tentative Hearing Date 14. Agency Deadline Date 15. Plot Plan Checked 7r(o/k3 1E. Legal Description�oi ZU�� leua.A., Lug 17. T ranssr,+tta 1 s n---- 11 �� nn" Nnri rF E 19 20 21 22 23 Hearing Information Date Action CC -EA CC ArPnry Ex notice General Telephone Road Department —� City of I T--Cal Trans Cour,.y Planning_ J (dater Quality UCb1D �� Home Owners Parks I Buiidind Dept. 'ealtn ueDt_ — - Fire --_� ----- Ci_cv Enainee_--- I -- Otner - - ranSGl ttalS Sent Date: Public Hearing Notice Date: Notice N,aiied by: !;otice Posted by: Date: _ Entered in: Counter Book: (I Pace �7 UD Parcel �j32��J�6_ ByS_ Applicant Notified of Actions--G Agencies Notified: J-i`i�� File Closed: 24. Additional Pertinent Information: ili�01••++• Y CFI>oFTFiB��s 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - J619) 564-2246 July 19, 1983 La Quinta Joint Venturc P. O. Box 780 La Quinta, cA 92253 BE: Lot Line Adjustment No.: 83-008 Location: N/A Camino Quintana La Quinta, CA 92253 Assessor's Parcel No.: 631-700-072, 631-700-066 This letter is to report approval of your application for a Lot Line Adjustment pursuant to Section 18.1 of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance No. 460 subject to cecpliance with Exhibit "A". This Lot Line Adjustment is approved based upon the following findings: The adjustment involves adjacent parcel; no new parcels are created; none of the parcels involved are reduced below the development standards currently applied by the Land Use Ordinance No. 348. This approval is your authorization to have new deeds recorded reflecting this Lot Line Adjustment. These deeds should indicate that a Lot Line Adjustkent has been approved. Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the approved Exhibit "A". very truly yours, cONIMUNITy DEVELOPMENT DEPART[v T / Sandra L. Bovme Associate Planner SLB:dmv Enc1: Anoroved Exhibit "?-" MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. E30X 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ® 0 CITY OF LA QUINTL Department of Community Development 78-105 Calls Estado La Quanta, CA 92253 NOTICE OF E7EMPTION TO: Secretary for Resources 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1311 Saoramento, California 95814 County Clerk County of Riverside P. O. Box 431 Riverside, CA 92502 Project Title: Lot Line Adjustment No. 83-008 Project Location -Specific: North side of Camino Quintana, East of Calle Mazatlan Project Location -City: La Quanta Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: EnlargE_lot by 902 Sq.Ft. to allow construction of a larger condominium unit. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: La Quinta Community Development Dept. Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: La Quints Joint Venture P. O. Box 780, La Quinta, CA 92253 Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 15073) Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071(a) ) Categorical Exemption. State Type and Section Number: Class 5;_Minot-alteration in land use limitation; Sec. 15105 _ Other Reasons why project is exempt: Minor lot line adjustment within a nonstatutory condominium planned unit development. No new lots created. _ Contact Person: Sandra L. Bonner 619 564-2246 _ Area Code Telephone Ext. Principal Planner Title ilil l';I ACTION TAKEN BY UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SANTA ROSA COVE ASSOCIATION The following action is hereby taken by unanimous written consent of the Board of Directors of THE SANTA ROSA COVE ASSOCIATION, a California corporation, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7211(b) of the California General Corporation law: WHEREAS, the Developer has requested that the Association cooperate in adjustment of the boundary lines on Lots 5, 60, 137, 146, 200, 206 and 211 of Tract 14496-1, as described in the information presented to the Board in the letter attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Association agrees that such adjustment is consistent with the best interests of the Association. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the President of the Association be and hereby is auth- orized to cooperate with the Anden Corporation, developer of Santa Rosa, in the adjustment of the boundary lines on Lots 5, 60, 137, 146, 200, 206 and 211 of Tract 14496-1. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the President of the Association be and hereby is authorized to execute grant deeds and any such other documents as are necessary to carry out such cooperation and such lot line adjustments. DATED: JO T NEW 0 B APRIL WEINBERG CITY OF LA QUINU A Department of Community Development 78-105 Calls Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Applicant Instructions Case No. f.3'y0 0 Date Received -i -73 8 A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarized Application shall be submitted with three (3) copies of the map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $ _ shall be submitted with this Application. The Director of Community Development will review the Application, make a recommen- dation and schedule the case for City Council consideration. The Applicant should be present at the City Council hearing. APPLICANT: Name: La Quinta Joint Venture Address: P.O. Box 780 92253 Phone: 619-56n_�� S City State Zip PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner 'A' Name: La Quinta Joint Venture Address: P.O. Box 780 La Quints Ca Phone: 610-.Sr 31� City State Zip Owner 'B' Name: Santa Rosa Cove Homeowner's Association Address: C/o Desert Watch Property Management _ Phone: 619-568-5055 11 -151 S Palm De — City State Zip 92260 PROPERTY DATA: Lot A: Assessor's Parcel Number:631-7QO-066 (Lot #2Q6 —Tract-.1449 -1) Street Address: 77-340 Caminn Qiiintan— Lot B: Assessor's Parcel Number:631-700-072 — Street Address: Common Lot — f . APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, City of La Quints. Adjustment Requested: To enlarge Lot #206 - See attached Plan. Reason for Request: To allow construction of a larger single f_.mily attached residence. AUTHORIZATION: I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (s) of said parcels and that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Owner 'A': See attached page Name Date Owner 'B' for signatures. Name }date Subscribed and Sworn to before me this day of _ Notary Public OWNER 'A' LA QUINTA JOINT VENTURE, a joint venture composed of Anden Corporation, a California Corporation and La Quinta Investment Company, an Ohio Limited Partnership. BY: And n Corporation, Managing BY Michael O'Rourke, Vice President OWNER 'B' THE SANTA ROSA COVE ASSOCIATION BY Michael O'Rourke, Assistant Secretary. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this l3th day of July, 1983 Notarx/ Ptiblic?� OFFICIAL SEAL �S} t Barbara J. Paynter NOTARY P1J9LIGCALIFORNIA PR!NCIFAL OFf ICE IN RIVERSIDE CGUNTY V My Commission Expires May 13, 1986 " June 30, 1983 W.O. 7031-G in Mon LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT ASSOCIATES ANDEN TRACT 14496-1 New Lot 206 Lot 206 of Tract 14496-1 as shown by map on file in Book 119 of Maps at pages 9 through 15 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California. Together with that portion of Common Lot 212 as shown on said Tract 14496-1, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 206, said corner being on the Westerly line of Lot 205 as shown on said Tract 14496-1; Thence S.00°07'38"W. along the Westerly line of said Lot 205, a distance of 9.00 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; Thence N.89°52'22"W. parallel with the Southerly line of said Lot 206, a distance of 43.00 feet; Thence N.00°07'38"E. parallel with the Westerly line of said Lot 206, a distance of 101.00 feet; Thence S.89"52'22"E. parallel with the Northerly line of said Lot 206, a distance of 43.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 205; Thence S.00°07'38"W. along the Westerly line of said Lot 205, a distance of 8.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 206; Thence N.89°52'22"W. along the Northerly line of said Lot 206, a distance of 40.08 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; Thence S.00°07'38"W. along the Westerly line, of said Lot 2D6, a distance of 84.00 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; Thence S.89°52'22"E. along the Southerly line of said Lot 2D6, a distance of 40.08 feet to the point of beginning. MC: HAF:bs J. F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING • ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ❑ TENTH STREET • P.O. BOX 493 • RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA 92502 (714) 686 0844 ❑ 11200 S. MT. VERNON AVE., SUITE "D" 4 COLTON, CALIFORNIA 92324 Q14I825-1082 ❑ 28061 FRONT STREET ♦8 * TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 91290 7 4I 676-5335 0 74133 EL PASEO, SUITE 10 PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA 92260 (714) 346 5691 JFD July 1, 1983 Rev. July 11, 1983 ASSOCIATES LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT ANDEN - TRACT 14496-1 COMMON LOT 212 Common Lot 212 of Tract 14496-1 as shown by map on file in Book 119 of Maps, at pages 9 through 15 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Common Lot 212, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 5, as shown on said Tract 14496-1, said corner being on the Southerly line of Lot 4 as shown on said Tract 14496-1; Thence S.84053'38"E., along the Southerly line of said Lot 4 and the Easterly prolongation thereof, a distance of 21.00 feet; Thence S.05006'22"W., parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 43.00 feet; Thence N.84053'38"W., parallel with the Southerly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 101.00 feet; Thence N.05"06122"E., parallel with the Westerly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 2.92 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 5; Thence S.84053138"E., along said Southerly line, a distance of 80.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; Thence N.05-06122"E., along the Easterly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 40.08 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with that portion of said Lot 5, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; J. F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING • ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ❑ TENTH STREET . P.O. BOX 193 . RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92502 In A) 68608a4 ❑ 1 A2005. MT. VERNON AVE.. SURE "0" . COLTON, CALIFORNIA 92324 (714) 825. 1082 O P.0. 90% 157 . TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92390 p141676 5335 p 74'133 EL EASED. SUITE 10 0 PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA 92260 (714) 346 5691 Thence S.84"53'38"E., along the Northerly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 4.00 feet; Thence S.05-06'22"W., parallel with the Westerly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 40.08 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 5; Thence N.84053'38"W., along said Southerly line, a distance of 4.00 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; Thence N.05'06'22"E., along the Westerly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 40.08 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Common Lot 212, described as follows: Beginning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 146 as shown on. said Tract 14496-1, said corner being on the Northwesterly line of Lot 1.15 as shown on said Tract 14496-1; Thence S.46045'02"W., along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 145, a distance of 15.00 feet to the most Westerly corner thereof; Thence N.43014'58"W., parallel with the Southwesterly line of said Lot 146, a distance of 43.00 feet; Thence N.46-45'02"E., parallel with the Northwesterly line of said Lot 146, a distance of 101.00 feet; Thence S.43-14'58"E., parallel with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 146, a distance of 43.00 feet to the most Northerly corner of :said Lot 145; Thence S.46045'02"W., along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 145, a distance of 2.00 feet to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 146; Thence N.43014'58"W., along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 146, a distance of 40.08 feet to the most Northerly corner thereof; Thence S.46"45'02"W., along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 146, a distance of 84.00 feet to the most Westerly corner thereof; Thence S.43"14'58"E., along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 146, a distance of 40.08 feet to the point of beginning. M 3 EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of said Common Lot 212, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 200 as shown on said "Tact 14496-1, said corner being on the Westerly line of Lot 201 as shown on said Tract 14496-1; Thence 5.00007'38"W., along the Westerly line of said Lot 201 and the Southerly prolongation thereof, a distance of 9.00 feet; Thence N.89052'02"W., parallel with the Southerly line of said Lot 200, a distance of 43.00 feet; Thence N.00007138"E., parallel with the Westerly line of said Lot 200, a distance of 101.00 feet; Thence S.89^52102"E., parallel with the Northerly line of said Lot 200, a distance of 43.00 feet to the Northerly prolongation of the Westerly line of said Lot 201; Thence S.00007'38"W., along said prolongation and the Westerly line of said Lot 201, a distance of 8.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 200; Thence N.89052'22"W., along the Northerly line of said Lot 200, a distance of 40.08 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; Thence S.00007'38"W., along the Westerly line of said Lot 200, a distance of 84.00 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; Thence 5.89'52'22"E., along the Southerly line of said Lot 200„ a distance of 40.08 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Common Lot 212, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of lot 206 as shown on said Tract 14496-1, said corner being on the Westerly line of Lot 205 as shown cn said Tract 14496-1; Thence 5.00007'38"W., along the Westerly line of said Lot 205, a. distance of 9.00 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; Thence N.89'52'22"W., parallel with the Southerly line of said Iot 206, a distance of 43.00 feet; 4 Thence N.00007'38"E., parallel with the Westerly line of said Lot 206, a distance of 101.00 feet; Thence S.89052'22"E., parallel with the Northerly line of said. Lot 206, a distance of 43.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 2'.05; Thence S.00007'38"W., along the Westerly line of said Lot 205, a distance of 8.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 206; Thence N.89°52'22"W., along the Northerly line of said Lot 206, a distance of 40.08 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; Thence S.00007'38"W., along the Westerly line of said Lot 206, a distance of 84.00 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; Thence S.89052'22"E., along the Southerly line of said Lot 206, a distance of 40.08 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Common Lot 212, described as follows; Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 211 as shown on said Tract 14496-1, said corner being on the Westerly line of Lot 210 as shown on said Tract 14496-1; Thence S.07^53'02"E., along the Westerly line of said Lot 210 and the Southerly prolongation thereof, a distance of 25.00 feet; Thence S.82006'58"W., parallel with the Southerly line of said Lot 211, a distance of 43.00 feet; Thence N.07053'02"W., parallel with the Westerly line of said Lot 211, a distance of 101.00 feet; Thence N.82006'58"E., parallel with the Northerly line of said Lot 211, a distance of 2.92 feet to the Westerly line of said Lot 211; Thence S.07-53'02"E., along said Westerly line, a distance of 76.00 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; Thence N.82-06'58"E., along the Southerly line of said Lot 211, a distance of 40.08 feet to the point of beginninq. • K 5 TOGETHER with that portion of said Lot 211, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 211; Thence 5.07053'02"E., along the Easterly line of said Lot 211, a distance of 8.00 feet; Thence 5.82006'58"W., parallel with the Northerly line of said: :Lot 211, a distance of 40.08 feet to the Westerly line of said Lot 211; Thence N.07053'02"W., along said Westerly line, a distance of 8.00 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; Thence N.62006'58"E., along the Northerly line of said Lot 211, a distance of 40.08 feet to the point of beginning.