LLA 1990-098A rKaeli" MIGGEM �Aannlll9 Rrg1r1�R0 n aaaYl �rrl[ wit AMU WFItN ACl�iLkU AMfL IM ANp, U1V115s OTHERMSE S11M9BELOWMAX NSTA194ENIS TQ —F=UWMNO MV10E CCW.--) SM 72-780 EL PAW, MIM El iooltss Pau m'f Cili.Ik. M280 an. MAIL TAX STATMM'S 70, �EP LIAiVAI m I= 40wAn —1 71a50 QUle Taupiao la Qyinka, California R2253 11P At10Vi 71 lN!! MR AEC1 Me OMw NP, -- haaw or loan No. CORPORATION GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) DOCUMEM'AR TRANSFER TAX h S �:M- CITY TAX S ❑ computed on"value of prOPSIN dorweVed, or TT computed an NO value less vakie of flans or eneumbromes remalning at 11me o1 sale, ❑ UnYocorpo►ated area; Er CRY of and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. recelpt of which Is hereby acknowledged landmark lend Ccn=y of California o coWallon argaNzed under the kms d the Sk7te d C41s;wwl4 herab✓ GRANTS to Landmark land Ompany of California the 1olk*4nq delcdoed red property In the County of Riverside State of CaHforrla Revised lots 18 and 20 of Tract 21642 as recorded in M13 202 at pages 51 to 61 inclusive or Riverside County records mare fully described in exhibits 'I' and 'J' Attached. This deed reflects Lot -Line Adjustment No.0"98 as approved by the City of La Quinta. Dated c�� I s s on Inn Z4 tifn� a 20F�L- +47g- bfrgel+l7,fnGIr;OW11¢F74.a}4la "scfrl foss County M-dSlwa- 17MfafmWoppmw parfp.�iy *pawn to Rf, (apoied le rMan Ina twpw sphUvclory W 60%ca) to to ter pwm \\ft awscoo tho w.awn WArnont as N11cz1 Rawma on who of Iha Copwalpn ""avn mmDamic oancwwpoo f0 rap muMXhCpponWOn a+mOuo Iho farts, pufaxu ID 0% Up*% a a mcgulmn d df QM V 0 Onclon VM *SS molydornrf:,w 5qM! lfl — L4-..xs�t,c.� . Mwe ()ypod a iln400) IM02 Oft 1/861 Land ryark Lcw d c0�p�1� Steve A'alser_ --yice,,,.,d,N M 71MF�•/!y1„��iEMr L" �M�F1f�y M"�'f'f"rMy �Zt� ww Na oft Wow MAIL TAX 3TATEMENIS AS DIRKRD AM NL S�FgIOM *r� L if C 0 Ll r t 9 l Sheet 14of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "I" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT 18, TRACT NO. 21642 Lot 18, as shown on clap of Tract No, 21642. filed in Hook 202, Fages 51 to 61 inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, except therefrom that portion of'said Lot 18, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of said Lot 16, said point being the northwesterly tersainua of that course shown on said map as having a bearing and distance of N.6'25'141,w. 1028.91 fast, said point also being the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of Z25,00 feet] thence along said last mentioned easterly line, and northwesterly along paid last mentioned curve through a central angle of 30'59'55". an arc distance of 121.73 feet; thence aloha the northeasterly line of raid Lot U , and tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.37'25'09"w, 437.06 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southweatsrly and having a radius o1' 600,00 feet: thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 6'53'00", an arc distance of 96,11 feet; thence tangent to Said last mentioned curve, 5.30'32'09"E, 136.97 feat to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 350.00 feet) thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 22'30'13", an arc distance of 137.47 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, 8.53'02'22"T3. 10,06 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave acuthwasterly and having a radius or 225.00 feet, a radial to the beginning of said curve bears N.36'57'31"E; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 46'14141", an are dist.ence of 181.60 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Lot 18, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 21642, described as follows: Commencing at the most northwa4 corner of Lot A-2, as shown on nap of Tract No. 2 OI. filed in Book 21s , Fages '74 to gL inclusive, of Maps, in amid Office of said County, said last mentioned most northerly corner being a point on a curve concave westerly and having a radius of 1163.50 feet, a radial to said point bears 5.62'08132"E.; thence along the westerly line of said Lot A•-2 end southerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 1'25'59". an are distance of 29.10 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said last mentioned westerly line, the following courses: 1st, tangent to said lest mentioned curve, S. 9'17127'V. 21.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 216.50 feet; thence 2nd, southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 48*52111", an arc distance of 184.66 feet; thence 3rd. tangent to said last mentioned curve, 5.39'34 44"g. 24.59 feet to the beginning of a -tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence 4th. southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 17'31'O1", an arc distance of 30,57 feet; thence b.001urre.lnryW1aV.YOnp¢aFbloryt tkInEnd?OfaAdCWrdYG"(121aW WC pr,d,diy MroNnto r1M;apro,�d to� on Ina bwyd wlskufwa,Oencd) fa be Ih pWWn\who wlcvlW "w vAHn 1M1nffrwd of Vl pmk ,nl' On b0haN d Wo CUM0I1on Ih~ rameMOW ocluw.dadpod tome Thal hxhcePwD1jOnm,otuk%a IN VXM PJRW to "I )O.A a o mwMlon d 110 Board d:hwclO11 WR*SSsn ontl o rcow" 5r}nolu'e •1 G. alms 0WAO a Ponta) TR102 taw, VON M 4i0110Hp0.860.! ALLAN R, LEVjN �+t,~I11O li♦ ark n la O*KA nohva aGn MAUL TAX PAWAINT3 AS DIRECTED ICBM. sectWON 1 I $hoot 16 of 26 GhoeLb 5th. tangent to said lost mentioned curve, 5.57'05'45"E. 11.61 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radiuo of 151.50 feet; thence 6th, southeasterly along said last mentioned carve through n eantral angle of 46'1515611, an arc distance of 122,33 feet t❑ t)ee southwesterly carnor of said Lot A-2, said laat mentioned carrier being a point on a Curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 126,97 feet, a radial to Enid point bears N-79'10'11"E.i thence leaving Said last mentioned weatorly line of said Lot A-2, and northwesterly *long said last mentioned curve thruugh a central angle of 45'55`43", an arc distance of 101.78 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.55'45132"W, 29,78 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve cancaVe northeasterly and having a radius of 100,00 feet; thence northeasterly along said lost Mentioned curve through a central angle of 18'3610", an arc diatemce of 32.47 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.38!09' U"W, 25.35 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 216.50 feet; thence northwesterly along said Iasi mentioned curve through a central angle of 47'W W' , an are distanat of 180.56 feet; thence tangent to said heat mentioned curve, N.9'37'36"S. 21,40 feet to a point on the westerly line or said Lot 18, said last mentioned westerly line, being a curve concave westerly and having a radius of 1163.50 feet, a radial to said point bears S.80'22122"E.; thenc$ along said last mentioned westerly litre and northerly along said lest mentioned curve through a central angle of O'20111", an arc distance of 6,83 feet to the True Point or Beginning. rr� - Q�041r5, �t���y. 8. J?0 94e Ra ix even S, ns, U' No. 3UM � rn * EXHIBIT �' G3a00 +� AAA CASE NO. 0-01 }9fF�F- CKop� 4� wears ma, mo urow dpnna. a holey n#C an one f p to d C[W my urY6 Srafe prlalaA'y rrlt*n W fm(p DK7+ l to nw cn 914 Out" 0 Wdafmlury uvKwvV) to ba Inr rAno"" eiocvlva law witgn rilrgnm r cn V;CAL ApLdw?- 4@6FeWoon binall of 1r,o C[XS1MiOV IIIMefn nw d arAoeWicwWt1pW tornethal WChcarp=11an.taf:u1u0IN taro, p/Stml Ia AS "n a a mmoban d III EOard d U+octal MM53 rWlnkP and bftx)l v_wr n aarwhxa ran* 4lyped t» nnl.a) tr-IM {pw. t/el) AL N`, LEEVIN w! GDrtA�WIp� MAW 9*k4 21. slit MAIL TAX STATEMENTS A3 DIRECTED ADM. for oheed Woo StICMCW �� Sheet 20 of M Sheets I EUIDIT "J" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVI9® LOT 20, TRACT No. 21642 �'^ v' Lot 24, its ahowrrs en map of Tract MD. 21642, flied in Book 202. Pages 51 to 61 of the County Retarder of Riverside County, �R inclusive, of ?'Imps, in the office together with that portion of Lot A-1 as shown an map of Tract No. 24801, filed said in Book 113 , Pages _ to inclusive, of Maps, 1n said Office of a County, described as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said Lot 201 thence aieng the line, S.52'47127"W• 5•67 Feet i . �w southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly concave sauthwestsrly and having s radius of 485•00 feet, to a point on s curve asrldalong said to said point boars S.58'5D'13"E.I thence ssout�re a radial $stance Of 3,ebt mentioned curve through a central angle of 0'37'3 5.30-32t09"E, 136.97 3 1O.7S Peat; thence tangent to said last aolationed curve, northeasterly and having a ; i feat to the beginning of s tangent curve concave southeasterly along said lest mentioned curve i radius of 165.00 feet4 thence Lltrough s central v-ngle of 20'50'37". an arc distance of 67.Q3 Peet; thence 1 tangent to said lest mentioned curve, 5.51'22'46"E. 10-b5 to the southwesterly Lot 204 thence alonglisaid last i prolongation or the southeasterly line of said N.59'03'24""E• 17.33 feet to the Hestesaid ; mentioned prolongation. .'09°W• 218,54 20; thence along sEad last mentioned westerly line, N.3725 I Lot Poet to the Paint of Beginning. •; ,, s hLSO together with that portion of Lot 5 as shorn on map of Tract No, 24801, in said Office filed in 'Doak It$ , Pave -76 to _sl inclusive, of HOPE, Of said County, eacribed as�alluwss f Beginning at the most southerly corner of said Lot 5; thence along the N,30'24'51"E• 366•47 feet to the be giruting of �� southeasterly line of said Lot 5, northwesterly and having a radius of 193•CO feed a tangent curve concave along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of �.. thence northwesterly 22'04144", an are distance of 744,37 feet to II point on n Curve concave feet, a radial to ea:d Point Were i northwesterly and having a radiuo or 100.00 alflng said last centioned curve through a . S•81'39'53"B•i thence southeasterly central angle of 22'04'44", an arc distance of 38.53 feat; thence tangent a paint in thhee a said last mentioned curve, S.30'24'51"W• 398.37 feet to tioned southwesterly ne acing southwesterly line of said Lot 5, said last mena ra and having a radius of 412,00 feat. a radial to s! a curve concave southwesterly last mentioned point bears H-54'02'11"E.; southeasterly along said distance of I said of 1* last mentioned curve through a central angle of 02' 22" , an arc �} 7,47 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO together rith that portion of Lot 5 as shown on oap of Tract No. 24801, inclusive, of Maps, in said Office { t filed in Book '4t3 , pages '7b to 81 of said County. described as follows', , �dy rST�!I�GPLGC0anUlp,c^.CCamTrOrd 5ia7¢ ycrNOM �Y � F►. iy •ii. M�1! i vwwndy hmon to ma [ or P-0'o rn" Cn rho p¢V, CI sO7+tIoC1 ore avicene'aWU Ic kr ITy gtla'�idu gs�cvi"d ma witNn nt!+✓YenlR. r1MALN Pmt� onaottov d vn =POKe a^ 4+7RR9 ]rWisn vc.�notkrwwr�dga3toirw�noii.,cncuea,nrimmoc�,wrro �.�"" �f ,pllP. twsxont fQ In a+� a C loKkj]• 5n a vi ewe, o >al lors w Ctr�redlYrM OP. A% W"55 and omKv woo +MMw1...r� r„.F 7 ► nr lhvw a nvtaa) N' 4Df ° H1 o " FW "'P3'l n.xII�l 1/ee) MAIL TAX WATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE. 4 Sheet 1.7 of 26 Sheets Beginning et qa print in tho northwom terly lino of -said Lot 5. said lost mentioned point being the southwesterly terminua of that course having a bearing and distance of N.30241S1L�. 119.61 Feet4 thence along said lent mentioned northwesterly line, N.30'24'51"E. 119.61 fast to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeaatorly and having a radius of 193.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said lust 4entioned curve through a central angle of an arc distance of 296.33 feat to s point on a curve concave nouthoray and having a radius of 100.00 feet. a radial to said point beers H,26'2311D71"E.; thence wvntorly along said last sentionad curve through a central angle of 16'21'31", an are distance of 32.04 feet to the beginning of a compound curve concevo ocuthoeeterly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; thence southwesterlyalong sari last mentioned curve through a central angle of 69'36i4511, an arc distance of Z79.44 feet} thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, 5.30'24'51"W. 71.68 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concavo northwesterly and having a radius of 150.00 feet4 thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 20'48'54", an are distance of 54.49 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of said Lot 5, said last mentioned northwesterly line being a curve conreve northerly and having a radius of 125.00 root, s radial to amid lest nentlnned point bears s-43'39'52"E.;themizA wter^r along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 15'55'17", an arc distance of 34.714 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCI4TINO therefrom that portion of said Lot 20, as as shown on said map of said Tract No. 21642, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the boundary of said Lot 5. said last mentioned point being the easterly terminus of that course having a bearing and distance of K.80'58'36"h'. 99.60 feet; thanco along said last "ntioned course H.80'58'36"tip. 11.69 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 150,00 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle or 47'47'39", an arc distance of 125.12 feet to a point f on the northerly line of said Let 5, said last mentioned northerly line being a curve ctineavo northwesterly and having a radius of 125.00 Peat, a radial to 1 said last mentioned point bears 5.43'39'52"B•, thence southwesterly along said 1[ lest mentioned curve through a central angle of 52'411:6", an arc distance of •.. 1A .94 feet to the Point of Beginning. r` 4 Steven B. Bobbins, R.C.E. 33 Y y _ tsitYO matheo jow6gr»a ntk"Rom m LvW Ici w40 Cvurh and WV- pOhOnOwf OPCYwrd �i�L7 _popr�py M,LwiMme(b GvAo Fa1m4Dn I h* ba H d to OM)My 4-vKWM 07 h7 bi � plrlgf�t♦101FwCVMd A bVIhM1 YWvr+f1� m VkG:yL • rreskMn6 J m botwll a as eapwMim MpRk rTAm1, DV10 frld k9h CCIPw01WWOCIJ*O MO WM% PjW" 17 #ewk# Dn of tl *MO a calm We" rod-tftw }9 LA Y}X.hO (1]ned Of FIW*d) i fis(*A Ma Qon 8. Rp� {�y No.334� m WI RES ti OF C M M/M+0r0a ari• Mr� ALLAN R. "N MXW ••ea ea a ►'M►�•e�•r cnao "n DlMkd MAIL lax SIAVEMEN1i Al CNKCng) AWA. SeCWD?y PLANNING L DEVEL T DEPARTMENT 78-105 C�E ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 -,4f ZS ov APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning: /j Z LLA No • 90 - 09E3 Related Cases: Ti 2y5oi T� 7iGyZ Reviewed By: APPLICANT Name: Address: Date: ENGINEERING SERVICE CORPORATION 72-780 E1 Paseo Drive, Saute Daytime Palm Dpsprrt,_Cal;forni_a 92260 Phone: 619/�7 (City) (State) (Zip) WjPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY Address: 78150 Calle Tampico La Quanta, California 92253 Phone: 619/345-2888 (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "B" Name: SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS Address: 42-606 Cook Street, Suite 200 Palm Desert. California 92260 Phone: 619/568-2828 (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "C" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) OOSi8 l0 '260.5 03-08-90 So PROPERTY DATA SO �.:AsH f. 7U1'A i 1;?5.00 Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): _ Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: REASON FOR REQUEST: F >- 1._ .! / c:L--� L. -6, �1, t W a W I W 6 ------------- - ----- I/We hereby certify that: 1) I all parcels proposed for merger knowledge of and consent to the 3) The information submitted is true and correct. CAT. NO. NNO0737 TO 194S CA (7-82) (Corporation) am/We are the record owner(s) of by this Application; (2) I/we have filing of this Application; and, in connection with this Application Owner "A": j(�C(t'�zs✓ 3 1 z• CIO Name Steve Walser Date Vice President OWn nBn: Name Philip K. Smith Jr. Date Executive Vice President JAND TRUST ANCE ATCOR COMPANY STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF R-\V6(LS I`rJE. On t^vA�t"1 I 11�i0 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Sr — personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument a.,. the VIC.fl pseoHOHy H01H M♦HJ MaH�+��1 President, OFFICIAL SEAL 0M, ALLAN R. LEVIN NOTARY MjWC•CALIFORNIA pROWAL OFFa IN e��-Mary of the Corporation F=I INry that executed the within instrument and acknowledged commluion wg, 21, 19S✓2 to in, that such corporation executed the within instru- �HNeH�wHe++•�� ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its b board of directors. WITNESS in, h r and official seal Signature CAT. NO. NNO0636 TO 1954 CA (9-841 (Corporation as a Partner of a Partnership) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF 'Z tG2:stf1L said State, personally appeared �)"�ty-t� � ersonally known to me or proved to me on the b (This area for official notarial seal) J TICOR TITLE INSURANCE SS. before me, the undersigned, a. Notary Public in and for SKt TH ..\R _ _ 7_1 P the within instrument as the -^ - to be the person President, axa---- ,.RAIRA to .T..._ - , of the corporation that executed the within instrument on behalf of s���-t`'� �ESE.e� rTArzT'f-1w'-S the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as such partner and chat such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature aDL, a. &'_ OFROAL SEAL ALLAN R. LEVIN NOTAW PUBUC{'AUPORN1A PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN RrvljrAX COUNTY My CommAug. 21.1992 (This area far official notarial seal) Date Alk Sheet 1 of 26-Sheets EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT A-1, TRACT NO. 24801 Lot A-1, as show on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book 213 Pages ?�o to -3_ inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, together with that portion of Lots 7 and 8 as shown on said Map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of said Lot A-1; thence along the easterly lines of said Lots 7 and 8, N.37°25'09"W. 373.43 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 948.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 6'53'00", an arc distance of 113.89 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.30°32'09"E. 136.97 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 202.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 20°50'37", an arc distance of 73.49 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.51°22'46"E. 102.16 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 7, said last mentioned northerly line being a curve concave northerly and having a radius of 200.00 feet, a radial to said point bears S.38'37'14"W.; thence along said last mentioned northerly line, and northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 13°57'37", an arc distance of 48.73 feet to the Point of Beginning. Together with that portion of Lot A-4 as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, lying northwesterly of the following described line; Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot A-4, said corner being the beginning of a tangent curve concave northerly and having a radius of 163.00 feet; thence along the northerly line of said Lot 4 and easterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 13°57'37", an arc distance of 39.72 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence S.38037'14"W. 37.00 feet to the southerly line of said Lot A-4. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of Lots A-1 and A-4, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot A-4; thence along the northeasterly line of said Lot A-1, N.37`25'09"W. 373.43 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 985.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 6°53'00", an arc distance of 118.33 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.30°32'09"E. 136.97 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 165.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 20°50'37", an arc distance Sheet A of 26 Sheets of 60.03 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.51'22'46"E. 102.16 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Lot A-4, said last mentioned northerly line being a curve concave northerly and having a radius of 163.00 feet, a radial to said point bears S.38°37'14"W.; thence along said last mentioned northerly line, and northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 13°57'37", an arc distance of 39.72 feet to the Point of Beginning. teven B. Robbins, R.C.E. 33 EXHIBIT A � LA CASE N0. 0-098 B Rpe �F� � Q No. 33486 EXPIRES s. 6_30-90 \?/1 CO f C A\- Sheet 3 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT A-2, TRACT NO. 24801. Lot A-2, as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book 215 , Pages '7(o to at inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, together with that portion of Lot 18 as shown on map of Tract No. 21642, filed in Book 202, Pages 51 to 61 inclusive, of Maps, in said Office of said County, described as follows: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot A,-2, said last mentioned most northerly corner being a point on a curve concave westerly and having a radius of 1163.50 feet, a radial to said point bears S.82'08'32"E.; thence along the westerly line of said Lot A-2 and southerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 1°25'59", an arc distance of 29.10 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said last mentioned westerly line, the following courses: 1st. tangent to said last mentioned curve, S. 9°17'27"W. 21.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 216.50 feet; thence 2nd. southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 48°52'11", an arc distance of 184.66 feet; thence 3rd. tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.39°34 44"E. 24.59 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence 4th. southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 17°31'01", an arc distance of 30.57 feet; thence 5th. tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.57°05'45"E. 11.61 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 151.50 feet; thence 6th. southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 46°15'56", an arc distance of 122.33 feet to the southwesterly corner of said Lot A-2, said last mentioned corner being a point on a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 126.97 feet, a radial to said point bears N.79°10'11"E.; thence leaving said last mentioned westerly line of said Lot A-2, and northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45'55'43", an arc distance of 101.78 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N•56°45'32"W• 29.78 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18'36'04", an arc distance of 32.47 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.38'09'38"E. 25.35 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 216.50 feet; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 47°47106% an arc distance of 180.56 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.9`37'38"E. 21.00 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 18, said last mentioned westerly line, being a curve concave westerly and having a radius of 1163.50 feet, a radial to said point bears S.80°22'22"E.; thence along said last mentioned westerly line and northerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 0°20'11", an arc distance of 6.83 feet to the True Point of Beginning. ® Sheet 4 of 26 Sheets EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Lot A-2, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Commencing at the northeasterly corner of said Lot A-2, said last mentioned northeasterly corner being a point on a curve concave westerly and having a radius of 1196.50 feet, a radial to said point bears S.82'O8'32"E.; thence along the easterly line of said Lot A-2 and southerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 1°25'59", an arc distance of 29.93 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along the southerly prolongation of said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 0°20'11", an arc distance of 7.02 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.9'37'38"W. 21.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 183.50 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 47°47'06", an arc distance of 153.04 feet,; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, 5.38°09'28"E. 7.40 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18°36'04" an arc distance of 32.47 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.56'45'32"E• 36.26 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 163.97 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45'55'43", an arc distance of 131.44 feet to the southeasterly corner of said Lot A-2, said last mentioned southeasterly corner being a point on a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 188.50 feet, a radial to said point bears N.79°10'11"E.; thence along the easterly line of said Lot A-2, the following courses: 1st. northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 46°15'56", an arc distance of 152.21 feet; thence 2nd. tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.57'O5'45"W. 18.17 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence 3rd. northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 12'33'56", an arc distance of 21.93 feet to the beginning of a compound curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 183.50 feet; thence 4th. northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 53°49'16", an arc distance of 172.37 feet; thence 5th. tangent to said last mentioned curve, N. 9°17'27"E. 21.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. QRpfESS/p� s. c� No. 33486 v' m Steven B. Robbins, R.C.E. 33 EXPIRES a �t 6-30-90 EXHit317 `I 3 q CIVIL LLA CASE NO. 9o-098 rjFof- M-�F��� Sheet 5 of 86 Sheets EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT A-4, TRACT NO. 24801 Lot A-4, as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book 213 , Pages 110 to SI inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, except therefrom that portion lying northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot A-4, said corner being the beginning of a tangent curve concave northerly and having a radius of 163.00 feet; thence along the northerly line of said Lot 4 and easterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 13'57'37", an arc distance of 39.72 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence S.38°37'14"w. 37.00 feet to the southerly line of said Lot A-4. QRpFESS/pN N B.R0�ti� No. 33486 cn z Steven B. Robbins, R.C.E. 33486EXPIRcS * 6.30-90 ��9T Civil R�\T Sheet 6 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "D" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT A-5, TRACT NO. 24801 Lot A-5, as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book 2t*b , Pages i(o to S� inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, together with that portion of Lot 5 as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of said Lot A-5, said point being the northeasterly terminus of that line having a bearing and distance of, N.30°24'51"E. 240.67 feet, said point also being the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence along the boundary of said Lot 5, and northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45°34'23", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18'05'12", an arc distance of 14.36 feet to a point on a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet, a radial to said point bears S.87404'20"E., said last mentioned point is hereinafter referred to as Point "A"; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 73`03'34", an arc distance of 58.02 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45'34'23", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to said southeasterly line of said Lot 5; thence along said last mentioned southeasterly line, N.30'24'51"E. 42.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO together with that portion of Lot 5 as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly line of said Lot A-5, said point being the northeasterly terminus of that line having a bearing and distance of, N.30'24'51"E. 244.23 feet, said point also being the beginning of a tangent curve concave westerly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence along the boundary of said Lot 5, and northerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45'34'23", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave easterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet; thence northerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18'05'12", an arc distance of 14.36 feet to a point on a curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet, a radial to said point bears S.32'05'58"E., said last mentioned point is hereinafter referred to as Point "B"; thence ® Sheet 7 of 26 Sheets southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 73'03'34", an arc distance of 58.02 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave westerly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence southerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45"34'23", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to said northwesterly line of said Lot 5; thence along said last mentioned northwesterly line, N.30°24'51"E. 42.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Lot", as shown on said map of said Tract No 24801, described as follows: Beginning at hereinabove mentioned Point "A", said Point "A" being a point on a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet, a radial to said Point "A" bears S.32'05'58"E.; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 234°58'22", an arc distance of 186.60 feet to hereinabove mentioned Point "B", said Point "B" being a point on a curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet, a radial to said Point "B" bears N.32°05'58"W•; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 125*01'38", an are distance of 99.28 feet to the Point of Beginning. Q�p4ESS/ON XA B. )?o (F� IH No. 33486 u m Steven B. Robbins, R.C.EEXPIRES . 33 * 6-30-90 r CIYII exrrEs;r OF CAE�F°� LLA CASE NO. d-0 S Sheet 'B of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "E" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT 3, TRACT NO. 24801 Lot 3, as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book 213 , Pages "76 to 6� inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, together with that portion of Lot A-1 as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of said Lot 3, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801; thence along the northeasterly line of said Lot A-1, N.37°25'09"w. 107.36 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 985.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 6°15'22", an arc distance of 107,55 feet to the southwesterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of said Lot 3; thence along said last mentioned prolongation, N.52'47'27"E. 5.87 feet to the Point of Beginning. I Steven B. Robbins, R.C.E. 33 EXi,;;-•;T E CrLR C.ASENO.90-09Q� RN z k EXPIRES i a * \ 6.30-90 / 11 /, ('F C AV Sheet 9 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "F" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT 5, TRACT NO. 24801 Lot 5, as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book It$ , Pages -16 to at inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, together with that portion of Lot A-5 as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Commencing at a point in the southeasterly line of said Lot A-5, said point being the northeasterly terminus of that line having a bearing and distance of, N.30°24'51"E. 240.67 feet, said point also being the: beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence along the boundary of said Lot 5, and northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45°34'23", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18°05'12", an arc distance of 14.36 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 234°58'22", an arc distance of 186.60 feet to a point on a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet, a radial to said point bears N.32'05'58"w.; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 125°01'38", an arc distance of 99.28 feet to the True Point of Beginning. ALSO together with that portion of Lots A-1 and A-4 as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot A-4, said corner being the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 163.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 13°57'37", an arc distance of 39.72 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.51`22'46"W. 91.51 feet to the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of said Lot 5; thence along said last mentioned prolongation, N.59°03'24"E. 17.37 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO together with that portion of Lot 20,a5 shaau cw saJ mf of Tract NO. 21642, filed in Book 202, Pages 51 to 61 inclusive, of Maps, in said Office of said County; described as follows: Beginning at a point in the boundary of said Lot 5, said last mentioned point being the southeasterly terminus of that course having a bearing and distance of N.80'58'36"w• 99.60 feet; thence along said last mentioned course N.80°58'36"w. 11.69 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 150.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 47"47'39", an arc distance of 125.12 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 5, said last Sheet 10 of 26 Sheets mentioned northerly line being a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 125.00 feet, a radial to said last mentioned point bears S.43`39'52"E.; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 52'41'16", an arc distance of 114.94 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPT therefrom that portion of said Lot 5, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of said Lot A-5, said point being the northeasterly terminus of that line having a bearing and distance of. N.30°24'51"E. 240.67 feet, said point also being the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence along the boundary of said Lot 5, and northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45°34'23", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18°05'12", an arc distance of 14.36 feet to a point on a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet, a radial to said point bears 5.87`04'20"E.; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 73`03'34", an arc distance of 58.02 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45`34123", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to said southeasterly line of said Lot 5; thence along said last mentioned southeasterly line, N.30'24'51"E. 42.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO EXCEPT therefrom that portion of said Lot 5,-as shown on map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly line of said Lot A-5, said point being the northeasterly terminus of that line having a bearing and distance of, N.30°24'51"E. 244.23 feet, said point also being the beginning of a tangent curve concave westerly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence along the boundary of said Lot 5, and northerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45'34'23", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave easterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet; thence northerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18"05'12 an arc distance of 14.36 feet to a point on a curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 45.50 feet, a radial to said point bears S.32'05'58"E.; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 73°03'34 an arc distance of 58.02 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave westerly and having a radius of 44.50 feet; thence southerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45'34'23", an arc distance of 35.40 feet to said northwesterly line of said Lot 5; thence along said last mentioned northwesterly line, N.30°24'51"E. 42.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO EXCEPT therefrom that portion of Lot 5, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of said Lot 5; thence along the southeasterly line of said Lot 5, N.30°24'51"E. 366.47 feet to the beginning of Sheet-11 of 26 Sheets a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 193.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 22°04'44", an arc distance of 74.37 feet to a point on a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet, a radial to said point bears S.81°39'53"E.; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 22°04'44", an arc distance of 38.�3 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.30'24'51"w. 398.37 feet to a point in the southeasterly line of said Lot 5, said last mentioned southeasterly line being a curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 412.00 feet, a radial to said last mentioned point bears N.54'02'11"E.; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 1°02'22", an arc distance of 7.47 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO EXCEPT therefrom that portion of Lot 5, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly line of said Lot 5, said last mentioned point being the southwesterly terminus of that course having a bearing and distance of N.30°24'51"E. 119.61 feet; thence along said last mentioned northwesterly line, N.30'24'51"E. 119.61 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 193.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 87°58'16", an arc distance of 296.33 feet to a point on a curve concave southerly and having a radius of 100.00 feet, a radial to said point bears N.28°23'07"E.; thence westerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18°21'31", an arc distance of 32.04 feet to the beginning of a compound curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 69°36'45", an arc distance of 279.44 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.30°24'51"w. 71.68 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 150.00 feet; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 20°48'54", an arc distance of 54.49 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of said Lot 5, said last mentioned northwesterly line being a curve concave northerly and having a radius of 125.00 feet, a radial to said last mentioned point bears N.43`39'52"W.; thence wor4herly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 15°55'17", an arc distance of 34.74 feet to the Point of Beginning. QR'pFESS10\ Po �\ Steven B. Robbins, R.C.E. 33 c� N No.33486 !�^' m � EXPIftcS � EXHIBIT +� * 6-30.90 ? C C/a CASE NO. 9y-09 $ �rq� C FCl C A``�fj Sheet 12 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "G" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT 7, TRACT NO. 24801 Lot 7, as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book Its , Pages 76 to 6k inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, together with that portion of Lot 18, as shown on map of Tract No. 21642, filed in Book 202, Pages 51 to 61 inclusive, of Maps, in said Office of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of said Lot 7, said point being the northwesterly terminus of that course shown on said map as having a bearing and distance of N.6°25'14"w. 1028.91 feet, said point also being the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 225.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 30'59'55", an arc distance of 121.73 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.37°25'09"W. 158.63 feet to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 7; thence along the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of said Lot 7, S.52°34'51"W. 24.67 feet to a point on a curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 350.00 feet, a radial to said point bears S.51°49'27"E.; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 14°51'49", an arc distance of 90.80 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.53°02'22"E. 10.06 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 225.00 feet, a radial to the beginning of said curve bears N.36"57'31"E; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 46°14'41", an arc distance of 181.60 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPT therefrom that portion of said Lot 7, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot 7; thence along the northwesterly line of said Lot 7, S.52°34'51"W. 24.65 to a point on a curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 202.00 feet, a radial to said point bears N.51016'11"E.; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 12°38'57", an arc distance of 44.60 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.51°22'46"E. 102.16 feet to a point in the northeasterly line of said Lot 7, said last mentioned northeasterly line being a curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 200.00 feet, a radial to said point bears S.38°37'14"W.; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 13°57'37", an arc distance of 48.73 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.37"25'09"W. 94.99 feet to the Point of Beginning. a\i Steven B. Robbins, 2'R.C.E. 33 EXXiDIT G �RpEE B Rp- A?00A e``oJ�t1 el�ti a No. 33486 C° m EXPIRES a # 6.30.90 -'0 /, (,LA CA3EN0. 9D-ow OF C Sheet 13 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "H" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT 8, TRACT NO. 24801 Lot 8, as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book 215 , Pages '14o to $L inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the Country Recorder of Riverside County, together with that portion of Lot 18, as shown on map of Tract No. 21642, filed in Book 202, Pages 51 to 61 inclusive, of Maps, in said Office of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of said Lot 8; thence along the southwesterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of said Lot 8, S.52°34'51"W. 24.67 feet to a point on a curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 350.00 feet, a radial to said point bears N.51°49'27"E.; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 7`38'24", an arc distance of 46.67 feet; thence tangent. to said last mentioned curve, N.3O°32'09"W. 136.97 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 800.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 6*53'00", an arc distance of 96.11 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 8; thence along said last mentioned southwesterly line of said Lot 8, S.37°25'09"E. 278.43 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPT therefrom that portion of said Lot 8, as shown on. said map of said Tract No. 24801, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot 7; thence along the southeasterly line of said Lot 8, 5.52°34'51"W. 24.65 to a point on a curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 202.00 feet, a radial to said point bears N.51°16'11"E.; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 8°11'40", an arc distance of 28.89 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, W.3O°32'09"W. 136.97 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 948.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 6°53'00", an arc distance of 113.89 feet to the southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence along said last mentioned southeasterly line of said Lot 8, 5.37°25'09"E. 278.43 feet to the Point of Beginning. Steven B. Robbins,R.C.E. 33486 �PpF B. /?0 q \ G No. 33486 '� m s EXPIRES * 6-30-90 r C NI W® Sheet 14 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "I" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT 18, TRACT NO. 21642 Lot 18, as shown on map of Tract No. 21642, filed in Book 202, Pages 51 to 61 inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, except therefrom that portion of'said Lot 18, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of said Lot 18, said point being the northwesterly terminus of that course shown on said map as having a bearing and distance of N.6'25'14"w. 1028.91 feet, said point also being the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 225.00 feet.; thence along said last mentioned easterly line, and northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 30`59'55", an arc distance of 121.73 feet; thence along the northeasterly line of said Lot 18, and tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.37`25'09"w. 437.06 feet to the beginning of a. tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 800.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 6`53'00", an arc distance of 96.11 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.30'32'09"E. 136.97 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 350.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 22°30'13", an arc distance of 137.47 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.53002'22"E. 10.06 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 225.00 feet, a radial to the beginning of said curve bears N•36°57'31"E; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 46'14'41", an arc distance of 181.60 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Lot 18, as shown on said map of said Tract No. 21642, described as follows: Commencing at the most northwest corner of Lot A-2, as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book 212, , Pages l6 to S, inclusive, of Maps, in said Office of said County, said last mentioned most northerly corner being a point on a curve concave westerly and having a radius of 1163.50 feet, a radial to said point bears S.82°08'32"E.; thence along the westerly line of said :Lot A-2 and southerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 1'25'59", an arc distance of 29.10 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said last mentioned westerly line, the following courses: 1st. tangent to said last mentioned curve, S. 9°17'27"W. 21.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 216.50 feet; thence 2nd. southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 48°52'11", an arc distance of 184.66 feet; thence 3rd. tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.39°34 44"E. 24.59 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence 4th. southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 17°31'01", an arc distance of 30.57 feet; thence ® ® Sheet 15 of 26 Sheets 5th, tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.57'05'45"E. 11.61, feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 151.50 feet; thence 6th. southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 46°15'56", an arc distance of 122.33 feet to the southwesterly corner of said Lot A-2, said last mentioned corner being a point on a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 126.97 feet, a radial to said point bears N.79°10'11"E.; thence leaving said last mentioned westerly line of said Lot A-2, and northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 45°55'43", an arc distance of 101.78 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N•56045'32"W• 29.78 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18'36'04", an arc distance of 32.47 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.38°09,16"W. 25.35 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 216.50 feet; thence northwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 47°47'06", an arc distance of 180.56 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, N.9°37'38"E. 21.00 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 18, said last mentioned westerly line, being a curve concave westerly and having a radius of 1163.50 feet., a radial to said point bears S.80°22'22"E.; thence along said last mentioned westerly line and northerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 0*20111", an arc distance of 6.83 feet to the True Point of Beginning. teven B. Robbins, R.C.E. 33 EXHISIT L LA CASE NO. 0-09 00 F\ No.33486 u m a EXPIRPS a 6.3MO + qJ CIVIt �? 'ft � \pfCNO R ® Sheet 16 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "J" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED LOT 20, TRACT NO. 2164;? Lot 20, as shown on map of Tract No. 21642, filed in Book 202, Pages 51 to 61 inclusive, of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, together with that portion of Lot A-1 as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book 2I3 , Pages -)L to ek inclusive, of Maps, in said Office of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said Lot 20; thence along the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly line, S.52°47'27"W. 5.87 feet to a point on a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 985.00 feet, a radial to said point bears S.58°50'13"E.; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 0*37'38", an arc distance of 10.78 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.30°32'09"E. 136.97 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of 165.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 20°50'37", an arc distance of 60.03 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.51°22'46"E. 10.65 to the southwesterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of said Lot 20; thence along said last mentioned prolongation, N.59°03124"E. 17.37 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 20; thence along said last mentioned westerly line, N.37'25'09"W. 218.54 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO together with that portion of Lot 5 as shown on map of Tract No. 24801, filed in Book Z13 , Pages -76 to 81 inclusive, of Maps, in said Office of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly corner of said Lot 5; thence along the southeasterly line of said Lot 5, N.30°24'51"E. 366.47 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 193.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 22°04'44", an arc distance of 74.37 feet to a point on a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet, a radial to said point bears S.81°39'53"E.; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 22'04'44", an arc distance of 38.53 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.30"24'51"W. 398.37 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of said Lot 5, said last mentioned southwesterly line being a curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 412.00 feet, a radial to said last mentioned point bears N.54°02'11"E.; thence southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 1°02'22", an arc distance of 7.47 feet to the Point of Beginning. ALSO together with that portion of Lot 5 as shown on map of Tract No., 24801, filed in Book ?-3 , Pages '76 to 81 inclusive, of Maps, in said Office of said County, described as follows: Sheet 17 of 26 Sheets Beginning at a point in the northwesterly line of said Lot 5, said last mentioned point being the southwesterly terminus of that course having a bearing and distance of N.30°24'51"E. 119.61 feet; thence along said last mentioned northwesterly line, N.30°24'51"E. 119.61 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 193.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 87°58'16", an arc distance of 296.33 feet to a point on a curve concave southerly and having a radius of 100.00 feet, a radial to said point bears N.28°23'07"E.; thence westerly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 18°21'31", an arc distance of 32.04 feet to the beginning of a compound curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 69°36'45", an arc distance of 279.44 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned curve, S.30°24'51"W. 71.68 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 150.00 feet; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 20°48'54", an are distance of 54.49 feet to a point in the northwesterly :Line of said Lot 5, said last mentioned northwesterly line being a curve concave northerly and having a radius of 125.00 feet, a radial to said last mentioned point bears S.43"39'52"E•;thaNce- Nm4kv¢4ster y- along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 15°55'17", an arc distance of 34.74 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Lot 20, as as shown on said map of said Tract No. 21642, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the boundary of said Lot 5, said last mentioned point being the easterly terminus of that course having a bearing and distance of N.80°58'36"W. 99.60 feet; thence along said last mentioned course N.80°58'36"W. 11.69 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 150.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 47'47'39", an arc distance of 125.12 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 5, said last mentioned northerly :Line being a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 1.25.00 feet, a radial to said last mentioned point bears S.43'39'52"E.; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 52°41'16", an arc distance of 114.94 feet to the Point of Beginning. Steven B. Robbins, R.C.E. 33 �pfESSIONq C., `n No. 33486 m EXPIR-S ? * 630-90 ow. sfq\f OF C N\, F, Sheet 18 of 26 Sheets N •) M Irej Amp m • m THAT PART OF LOT 5 OF TRACT 24801, AS FILED IN BOOK VS, PAGES '* TO SI INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY REOORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SO(MMAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5, BEIM ALSO ME EAST CORNER OF • AND THE POINT OF :D •i THENCE, NOMMESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 5 ON THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1. 02' 22", A RADIUS OF 412.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE THAT BEARS S 55° 04' 33" W FF M SAID P.O.B., A DISTANCE OF 7.47 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5, N 30. 24' 51" E, A DISTANCE OF 398.37 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22• 04' 44" .AND A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 38.53 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID TOT 5; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 ON A CURVECONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22. 04' 44" AND RADIUS OF 193.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE THAT BEARS N 81. 39' 53" W A DISTANCE OF 74.37 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S 30. 24' 51" W A DISTANCE OF 366.47 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5 N30. 24' 51" E A DISTANCE OF 366.47 FEET; THENCE NOMMEvSTERLY ALONG THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTiqEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 92. 01' 44" AND A RADIUS OF 193.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 310.00 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; Sheet 19 of 26 Sheets 0 THENCE DEPARTING THE N(Rr0.A.Sp LINE OF SAID LOT 5 ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18' 21' 31", RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE WHICH BEARS S28 • 23' 07" W A DISTANCE OF 32.04 FEET TO A POINT OF WNJPOUND CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SCIUIHFAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 69• 36' 45", A RADIUS 230.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE THAT BEARS S10. 01' 36" W, A DISTANCE OF 279.44 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S30. 24' 51" W A DISTANCE OF 71.68 FEEL' TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST, HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE 20. 48' 54", A RADIUS OF 150.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE THAT BEARS N590 35' 09" W, A DISTANCE OF 54.49 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID LOP 5; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 ON THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15. 55' 17", A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE WHICH BEARS N43° 39' 52" W A DISTANCE OF 34.74 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N30° 24' 51" E A DISTANCE OF 119.61 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 87. 58' 16", A RADIUS OF 193.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE WHICH BEARS S59. 35' 09" E A DISTANCE OF 296.33 FEEL' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID •CE •• 0: i:1 «a. I I . •,OB EXHIBIT K LLA _CASE NO.90-o %pF E - /0?0� B. Rp ti r 2 ca y N0. 33486 N m EXPIRES a * 6.30-90 PF CAS. \ Sheet 21 of 26 Sheets E(HIBIT 'T4' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PART OF LOT A-1, TRACT NO 24801 1 M • �• 1 1 • M • 1 •• ' SN • •11• • 2.4m a.•• •9 1 •• •y • •.1. r• .:11 • • IN BEGINNING AT THE WESTERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 5, TRACT 24801, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S59. 03' 24" W ALONG A PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 17.37 FEET; THENCE N51. 22' 46" W A DISTANCE OF 10.65 FEEL' TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORIEWEST'ERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20. 50' 3711 AND A RADIUS OF 165.00 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 60.03 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N30. 32' 09" W A DISTANCE OF 136.97 FEEL' TIC, A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE 00' 37' 38" AND A RADIUS OF 985.00 FEEL' A DISTANCE OF 10.78 FEET TO A POINT HAVING A RADIAL LINE WHICH BEARS N 58. 50' 13" W; THENCE N52. 47' 27" E ALONG THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOMBERLY LINE OF LOT 3 OF SAID TRACT NO. 24801 A DISTANCE OF 5.87 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY MOST MINER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE S37° 25' 09" E A DISTANCE OF 218.54 FEEL' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS • •• ACRES. EXHIBIT m _l J—A CASE NO. 9? -o ErE S/p� R�486 cc:ES * \ 6.30-90 / I ) 0 c Al Sheet 25 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT "O" IF]GAL DESCRIPTION FOR PART OF LOT A-2, TRACT NO. 24801 THAT PART OF LOT A-2 OF TRACT 24801, AS FLIED IN BOOK 2a , PAGES •76 TO INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVEEdffif; COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: •• • • : • ••. • 1 • 90.1D. •• 5 1a1• • THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 45° 55' 4:f AND A RADIUS OF 163.97 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 131.44 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N56° 45' 32" W A DISTANCE OF 36.26 FEEL' TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE 'TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18° 36' 04" AND A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 32.47' TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N38. 09' 28" W A DISTANCE OF 7.40 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NOHI4ERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CARVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47' 47' 06" AND A RADIUS OF 183.50 FEEL' A DISTANCE OF 153.04 FEEL' TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N90 37' 38" E A DISTANCE OF 21.00 FEEL' TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 000 20' 11" AND A RADIUS OF 1196.50 FEEL' A DISTANCE OF 7.02 FEETTOAPOINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID IOT A-2; THENCE ALONG THE EAST IJNE OF SAID LOT A-2 S9. 17' 27" W A DISTANCE OF 21.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 53. 49' 16" AND A RADIUS OF 183.50 FEET A DISTANCE OF 172.37 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL. ANGIE OF 12. 33' 56111 A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE THAT BEARS N45. 28' 11" E A DISTANCE OF 21.93 FEEL' TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; Y I KK4f P.O. Sox 1504 78-105 Calle Estado - La (?uanta, CA 9225) 619-564-2246 619-564-5617 (FAx) Date: -If/-21:--, BOG � _alu C�� N✓¢ v'i � �O i; ATTENTION: PROJECT: �or your information and records. el 9/— /33 L1 copies as requested. / LI Receipt. a other 9,0 - i -2,,S If you have any questions on the undersigned, above please contact the 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 May 29, 1990 Mr. Allan Levin Sunrise Company 42-600 Cook Street, Suite 200 Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT #90-098; TRACTS 2.1642 & 24801 Dear Mr. Levin: This is to report that the Planning & Development Department has approved the above subject lot line adjustment for zoning compliance only. We are returning all originals to you :for your use in recordation. Please note that some of the Grant Deeds still need information on map book and pages filled in prior to recordation. Once the deeds have been recorded, please submit certified copies of them to the Planning & Development Department for our files. Failure to do so may delay issuance of any future building permits affected by this adjustment. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN:ccs cc: Jerry Coffey Tom Hartung CS/LTRWNMeI19IG ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ZRASOMFEEMBI,MO SERVIC�rt OOD 1�2°, UDUMLWOOD DU CONSULTANTS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING & LAND PLANNING PL..A--7JIJ IYJC, We are sending you ✓herewith under separate cover ��PAr3'zTi'�NC— in compliance with your request for execution and return [retain last copy] for your information _ for approval Remarks: `J�✓ff s_f0-tI0 Re: Tr 2{-001 Our W.O. No. 21 007 _ �E5 1 MAY I 4n°11 'Lfti!MING & DEVE_OK.,ENT OFF. 72-780 EL EASED SUITE E-1 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 (619] 568-5997 FAX: 1619] 341-3336 RECORDING REQUESTED B r law nM �ea.H nraLIaN AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO ENGINEERING SERVICE CORPORATICIN 72-780 El Paseo, Ste. E-1 Palm Desert, California 92260 r ran TAX ntRYFI1IS TO I Nalaa IANDMARK T ^,gy1lYm IOlm Ir aar 78150 CalleTampico i t'11 ,eaRR Cloy a La Quinta, California vase I CAT. NO. NNO0578 TO 1921 CA (2-83) J 92253 J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Corporation Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is S ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Landmark Land Company of California a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware Sunrise Desert Partners, A California Limited Partnership the following described real property in the County of , State of California: hereby GRANTS to That part of Lots 18 and 20 of Tract 21642 as recorded in MB 202 at pages 151 to 61 inclusive of the Riverside County Records being more fully described in Exhibits, "L" and 'IN" attached. This deed reflects Lot line Adjustment No. 90.098 as approved by the City of La Quinta In witness whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instru- ment to be executed by its J1GE— President ,and secretary thereunto duly authorized. Dated l(4V_r•N -1t1550 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF R-vVEtcsr�E. } SS. By e Steve Walser vice—P*esi dent ;:a l .z _u �^.ltv , before me, the B undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally y appeared SSEV� w,qL_ Secretary personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satis- factory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the 0tCE.— President, awd �•""•aa'•'s a'••-•wa..•a.•.a.a«�..i aC1111V RIBUCGUFal11u S@QFetary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument PRMCFK OFf a sl and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the MUM 1X11111TT within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its I'n' Commission Exp. Atp. �21, 19W board of directors. .raa�a-a•�.•..,tifaa�•.+.. WITNESS hand and off}`c�1 111)seal. Signature tL.. (This vea for official notarial seal) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan Sheet 20 of 26 Sheets •a7•i ra. �• P •, •r • • • THAT PART OF LOT 20 OF TRACT 21642, AS FILED IN BOOK 202, PAGES 51 TO 61 INCIIISIVE, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RBCORrER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBID AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8 OF SAID TRACT 21642, BEING AIM THE NORIHEAST CORNER OF LOT 9 OF SAID TRACT 21642; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE FAST I OF SAID LOT 8 N30. 24' 51" E A DISTANCE OF 366.47 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8 ON THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 180° 00' 00" AND A RADIUS OF 193.00, A DISTANCE OF 606.33 TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S30° 24' 51" W A DISTANCE OF 119.61 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A CENTPAL ANGLE OF 15' 55' 17" AND A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 34.74 FEET TO A POINT OF CQ+IFOUND CURVATURE AND THE POINT OF BEGIITM G; THENCE DEPARTING THE RECORD LINE OF SAID LOT 20 ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47. 47' 39", A RADIUS OF 150.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LTNE WHICH BEARS N36* 46' 15 " W A DISTANCE OF 125.12 FEET TO A POINT ON THE RECORD LINE OF SAID LOT 20; THENCE ALONG THE RECORD LINE OF SAID LOT 20 U60. 58' 36" V A DISTANCE OF 11.69 FEET TO A DINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG THE RECORD LINE OF SAID LOT 20 ON THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH HAVING A CENIRAL ANGIE OF 52. 41' 16" AND A RADIUS OF 125.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 114.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAIN 0.005 ACRES STEVEN B. ROBBINS R.C.E. 33486 EXHIBIT L LL-A. CASE NO. 90-020 Q``OJ�N B. ROA'Fy m c v' No. 33486 N m "' EXPIRES d * 6-30.90 l C ® Sheet 22 of 26 Sheets EXHIBIT 'W' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PART OF LOT 18, TRACT 21642 THAT PAP.I' OF LOT 18 OF TRACT NO. 21642, AS FILED IN BOOK 202, PAGES 51 TO 61, INCLUSIVE, OF NAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE: COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING A POINT 0=40N TO IOTS 5, 6 AND 18 OF SAID TRACT 21642, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT 18 S37° 25' 0911 E A DISTANCE OF 63.63 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT 18 ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30' 59' 55" AND A RADIUS OF 225.00 FEEL' A DISTANCE OF 121.73 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE DEPARTING THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 18 NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 46° 14' 41", A RADIUS OF 225.00 FEET AND A RADIAL LINE WHICH BEARS S83° 12'12" W A DISTANCE OF 181.60 FEEL'; THENCE N53' 02' 22" W A DISTANCE OF 10.06 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NOFMDgEg= ALONG THE ARC OF A QIRVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 220 30' 1311 AND A RADIUS OF 350.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 137.47 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE N300 32' 09" W A DISTANCE OF 136.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NOBLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE OONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 6. 53' 00" AND A RADIUS OF 800.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 96.11 FEEL' TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOP 18; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOP 18 S37° 25' 09" E A DISTANCE OF 373.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. • TOGETHER WITH THAT•'T OF 1• LOT 18 MOREY • DESCRIBED • AS • •• 171 1I I I, I 111, 1 1• 51111'101.1 •. •• • 01• 0 `I• -$ ® Sheet 23 of 26 Sheets THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST IaTE OF SAID TRACT 21642 ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10 25' 59" AND A RADIUS OF 1163.50 FEET A DISTANCE OF 29.10 FEEL' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST MENTIONED CURVE THROUC3i A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00' 20' 11" A DISTANCE OF 6.83 k= TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE LEAVING THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 18, S90 37' 38" W A DISTANCE OF 21.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47° 47' 06" AND A RADIUS OF 216.50 FEET A DISTANCE OF 180.56 FEET M A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S38° 09'28" E A DISTANCE OF 25.35 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 18" 36' 04" AND A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 32.47 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S56° 45' 32" E A DISTANCE OF 29.78 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 45° 55' 43" AND A RADIUS OF 126.97 FEET A DISTANCE OF 101.78 FEET TU THE CORNER COON WITH LOTS 18, 6 AND A-2 OF SAID TRACT 21642; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST IITIE OF SAID LOT 18 ON THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A CF14TRAI. ANGIE OF 46° 15' 56" AND A RADIUS OF 151.50 FEET A DISTANCE OF 122.33 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EAST ICE OF SAID LOT 18 N57` 05' 45" W A DISTANCE OF 11.61 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 18 ON THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORIHFAST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 17° 31' 01" AND A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET A DISTANCE OF 30.57 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE FAST LINE OF SAID LOT 18 N390 34' 44" W A DISTANCE OF 24.59 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; ® Meet 24 of 26 Sheets THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EAST IJ OF SAID IOr 18 CN THE ARC OF A CURVE CIMCAVE TO THE NOMH AST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 48" 52' 11" AND A RADIUS OF 216.50 FEEL' A DISTANCE OF 184.66 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 18 N090 17' 27" E A DISTANCE OF 21.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 0.03 ACRES 7D� LL STEVEN B. ROBBINS R.C.E. 33486 EXHIBIT /Y UM c=37 NO. 90-098 'Ro4ESSfON ( h N0. 33486 m � EXPIRES � * 6-30-90 ,t \I CIV1� �\ 9Tf OF CAEvici RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r Name ENGRiMlNG SERVICE CORPORATION Street 72-780 El Paseo, Suite E-1 Address Palm Desert, California 92260 City & State L J MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO r � SLINRISE COMPANY Name 42600 Cook Street Street Palm Desert, California 92260 Address City& Attention: Allan Levin State L J CAT. NO. NNO0586 TO 1925 CA (11-83) I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Partnership Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS z The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): a a Documentary transfer tax is ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining; at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Sunrise Desert Partners a Limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of hereby GRANTS to Landmark Land Company of California the following described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California. That part of lots 5, A-1 and A-2 of Tract 24801 recorded in MB 213 at pages 7(o to 6) inclusive of Riverside County records more fully described in exhibits "K", I'M' and "0" attached. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No.90-098 as approved by the City of La Quinta. DatedMAalf+ Zjl�Cl� CAT, NO, NNO0636 TO 1964 CA (9-84) (Corporation as a Partner of a Partnership) STAFE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Riverside } SS. Sunrise Desert Partners A California Limited Partnership by: Sunrise Corporation A California Corporation ,fleneral Partner By �h�— ill�jD K,tri S^__h�Jr Partner Bv__._ Partner On March 2. 1990 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Phillip K. Smith, Jr. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the ExeCutive Vice President, and the corporation that executed the within instrument on behalfof Sunrise Desert Partners the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as such partner and that such partnership executed the same. WITNESSmmy('hand and official seal. c;R,,,rl,tk 1�V�Vcyrn� � I\l)9ti.I, of ►tee"" �H <e4#«< OFFICK SEAL ALLAN R. LEVIN NOTARY PUBUGCALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN [,,a RIVERSIDE ODUNTY *my Commission Exp. Aug. 21, 1992 Sheet 26 of 26 Sheets THENCE S57. 05' 45" E A DISTANCE OF 18.17 FEED TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 46 • 15' 56" AND A RADIUS OF 188.50 FEET A DISTANCE OF 152.21 FEET TX) THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXFi'.BIT _ b 1-LA CASE NO. 90 -0 P �p4ESS/0 Rod �\ h c� N N0. 33486 �� m z EXPIRES a * \ &30490 ,/ o i ,91f clvi\ OF RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DFtD AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO, 11 FENGINEERING SERVICE CDRP.� SrREE1 72-780 EL PASEO, SUITE El ADDRESS PALM DESERT, CALIF 92260 cry. MAIL TAX STATEMENT'S TO: S ATE I ZIP LL ND.ARX LAND compANY —� 78150 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 ALL PIN. 1 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Title Order No. —. Escrow or Loan No. CORPORATION GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ CITY TAX $ ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, ❑ Unincorporated area: ❑ City of and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Landmark Land Canpany of California a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Galtforrua hereby GRANTS to Landmark Iand Company of California the following described real property in the County of Riverside State of California: Revised lots 18 and 20 of Tract 21642 as recorded in N)B 202 at pages 51 to 61 inclusive or Riverside County records more full}, described in exhibits 'I' and 'J' attached. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No.90-098 as approved by the City of La Quinta. Dated -'�4' j 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ISS On this daY of A " Z41-_ 19 7 0, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public m ��an��d f��annwid County and State. n persoaltyappeared 5>JE w A:�-aCJ' personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis Of satisfactory evidence) to be the person\Wt)O executed the within instrument as VI e-z" President, and &BEF818Rp on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to nle that SU hcorporationexecuted the same, pursuant to its taws, or a resolution of its Board of Directors WITNESS m d and official seoI Signoture� Au..tsa 2. ��1a Nome (Typed or Printed) _ a Corporation Steve Walser Vic r area for official notarial Secretary TT102 (Rev. 1/88) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE. nct UMVIIVU ntuuel I tU HY 11 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO 0 , F- lame ENGINEERING SERVICE CC)RPORATICK 72-780 El Paseo, Suite E-1 ;treet address Palm Desert, California 92260 "nv a State L MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Jame SUNRISE COMPANY 42600 Cook Street >ddeiess Palm Desert, California 92260 t & State State L Attention: Allan Levin J CAT. NO. NNO0586 TO 1925 CA (11-83) SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Partnership Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS z The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): a a Documentary transfer tax is ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of , and t FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Sunrise Desert Partners a Limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of hereby GRANTS to Sunrise Desert Partners, A California Limited Partnership the following described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California. Revised lots 3,5,7,8, A-1, !)-2, A-4 and A-5 of Tract 24801 as recorded in MB at pages to inclusive of Riverside County Records more fully described in exhibits "A11 through "IP" attached. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. 90v3g as approved by the City of La Quinta. Dated: _ �l%%ek 1-10"60 CAT. NO. NNO0636 S. TO 1964 CA (9-84) (Corporation as a Partner of a Partnership) , STA'rE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Riverside' On March 2, 1990 before me, the Sunrise Desert Partners A California Limited Partnership by: Sunrise Corporation A California Corporation General Partner By / f L `f-1'5-1� z, Phillip K. iSlll Jr. Partner Rv Fxeciitive Vine president Partner a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Phillip K. Smith Jr. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the Executive Vice President, a.,a the corporation that executed the within instrument on behalfof ���nrise Desert Partners Partners the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as such partner and that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. �NN�M�fOM4��ACK s `•♦♦♦@MY Of'FlCUL SEAL ALLAN R. LEVIN NOWiY W$1CGIUMRNIA RiIKM OFFICE IN RVERME COUNTY 11 sea]) Commission Ezµ Aug. 21, 1992 �MMN�NIMMH���♦ Sienaturh � 1 V/� I t - �l_A 0 4 6 s4rrr I of 6 S/ifEE 4' 4' LOT L-NAE XDJ4157MEAIT rR4CT NO, 2480/ 1 PPEPAREA EY- EN61hT45R/N6 S,60116E co/Pf'o�Ar�oN 72-79O EL P,ASIV SU/7f E-/ PAL.H DESERT, a, 9Z260 7�-LCONONE : 6/9,- 56 8 - 5997 APPL/CANT SUNRISE D£S£RT ,pMMICRS C/O SMNR✓SE CO. 42- coo COOK sr P4&0 DESERT 64 92260 PREP,4RE0 FoR SUNR/SE DE5'ERr ,P4RrNERS C/0 SUNUP/SE co 42-600 COO< Sr 1W,M DESERT, 64. 92260 aLF: /":60, s d R Z_ Cl 45°34'23" 40.30' .F5,40' fECGPOl�T1IA16r y W,alj) TEO WrZIA07 ems. ,5e Z2, /_ - �� V ti^ 125•° � R• 4S. 50 d- 73003 '34 " R=45. S0' L=S8,oz Q=45°,g4'23" K= 44.Sd'L-d5.40' .SET 2 OF 6 shef FTS CI=2Z`04'440 e_ /Od 00 ' <==38.53' .,^-AV (RdO) S 3.?°0558 E iRi1O) P= 45;50' L14._Y0' a-73°Oa'34" R = 45 66, L .58.02' d = 45'34'Z 3 ' R= 44,SJ' L= ir4p d =!'02'22' L' 7.47' A --A 90 -09$ LOT L./NE ADJUSTiNINT MCI -NO, 2480/ EN6/NETR/N6 SE,PU/CE CORPOK74riom 72 -790 EL PAW , SU/7_' E-/ P44mp4'ERr, a 92260 7fLEPNONE : 6/9 - 56 8 - 5997 SM/f/SE DESERT PllRTNERS c/o SUNR/sr m. 42- 600 CONK Sj. A460 DESERT C4 90060 PREP,(1tf49 otoR, SUNK/SE DES ERr /%IRrNF,,PS C/O SUNK/SE 42-600 coo& 5r, P.4lrN OESERr, �. 92260 OF6swTS v« 1 "-60' �,�10� � oa/ I V h ,n gpJUSTfO LOT L/NE ulti 4 RECQ'PD Lor L iNE aiI n O 4= /S'55''17 nQ, N 59' 35'Og'� 0? /P-/. 00' L = 34. 7 254, Rrlo,x, -, c -49 2 to 11 A160051"6'W 1/.69' .tl/aN(r- CQHpG/AVGE- ONC.'y LLA 90-098 DET,4/L B " No. 33486 'p V^. fr30-90 � \� C I LOT LINE X0J115TMI NT rR,,4CT- NO, 24901 1 P/PMXAI ,A BY- ,F1V611/EE/R1N6 SERV166' CO/?PO/R.4r1ON 72-AM EL P/SFO, S&Pz c-L PALM DESERT, U. 9Z260 7F66PHONE: /9-568-5997 AMICANT SUNK/SE DESERT ,OwRTNERS C/o SUNR/SE Cb. 42- 600 COO& ST-' A460 DESERT, CA, 92260 PREPARED FOR SUN.P/SE ,DESERT PARTNE/E'S C/O SUNK/'SE Q9• 42-600 cev& Sr. P,4L.M OESIWr� 64. 92260 R L C/ PO'S0'37' 165,W' 60,03' CZ 0037'39 • 985. Gil' /0.78' C3 6 ° /5'ZZ' 985. 00' /07 55' C4 6 =53'X 1 985,X' //B, 33, CS /3'67'37` 2X.. X' 48,7.3' C/6 20050'37" 202,0' 73.49' T/ M5/02Z44"vJ l02./4 Q� AOLW67W LOT UNE Q= 6'//'40' [=ZB.B9, N5i°l6'li,� r2°�as7" L=44.60' ZO,Vemes GOMN4fA4f4. /YI.Y rv--" --4 liy19U- .� / -N RES u' w v' No. 33&86 . T. EX'IR-S WEEr ¢ OF 6 shee 5 552-472701 6..87' ,PECORD LOT G/NE � N N ;U h o RECOA'V ---- L07 t/A✓E 40Jl.(S7EO /OTL/NE a, LL-�T,4/L °C" °0324'E /7,37' LOT Z A IF AM115Ti1 AIT MCrNo, 2480/ P,fZ-P4,PE,D By- ,FN6/#VEEON6 SERVXl:- COAPPORMION 72 -706 EL PASM SOM7 E / P460 A!5TRT, CA.' 9Z260 7z"L£Gf/ONE - /9; • 56 8 - 5-997 ` d ,4wzx4NT SUNRISE DESERT /'WrNERS C/0 Sr/NRASE (0, 42- 600 com- ST. M&O DESERT C4 92260 1O1Vj,0, ,VW IVR MNIf/SE DESERT PWrNEk'S C/O SUNK/SE CO, 42-600 COOK ST, RW,+f ,o£SERT 64. 92260 Er 5 OG c SHEETS SC/1GE P-60' r� 40JGS7EO L.Or UNC C, 4-7638'Z4 • — L- 46,67' Z O N 6� LOT /6 G OT 6 553602'Z7'k /0.06 \/ oh1 0.�( / EXi-OLt7 A -!' CAS E 1.O 2 `9L �2 c� No. 33 5 - !, OF C�� DET,4/L '°D' N� O N�l LOT 7 .eec4 li 1-or L /NE a„ OW4 -T gu j,VjA& LOT Z-1NdF ,4D,1Y57M— jFA1T MWr No, 2480/ MM4,,P6D BY- EN61VIAOIN6 SERF/CE CORf'OR•4RON 72-AM 4L PASEl7 SU/JE- 6 1 P460 DESERT, 64.' 92260 >?LEPHONE-MZA 7 c U ,41PL ICANr SUNK/SE DESERT IoWrNEf?S c/o SdNR/SE (0, 42- 6Oo Come S7: P460 P45ERl C4, 92060 PREP,4R49 FOR SUNRISE 49ESER7- PARTNER'S CIO SlIA105e CO. 42-600 CG10K Sr. P4GM OESERTj C4. 92260 ScRlE: /'- IV hj�tq 4 IVa.?°0 4w�MT1 4041STEO LOT L1A/E RECORD LOT L/NE" A-� 4�A c: 90- 0 9 8 DETAIL 4E " �Orv,�nfCr CcY./GI.O'�iE Gicx.Y 1 79"' ^lT0 1 M4C1 NO, r � OF 6; SHEETS M7. 1�1 R L Cl /8636'0¢" 100.00' 3Z47' Co /°46'10" 1163,50' 36,99' C3 / °25'59" /163. SO' 29.10' C4 /703/'01' /00.00' 30.57, C5 18 036'04 0 /00,00' 32.47' C(o /°46'10" 11516.50' -76.96' C7 / °25'379" 11961-W 29.93' C6 /'2693 56 /00'.00' 2193' NO. BE4R/N6 CEA1677.1 r/ N66°4532`N 29,78' Jc� N3B°09'1B'W 25„95' ra /V9037'39'E 21,00' 7*4 5 3' 17'27 "Al Z/.00 ' r_'� S 39 °94 44 "E 24..59 ' T7 N56°45'"IY 36.26' TB N3B°09 ZB`W 740, 73� S57°OS'45'E iB./7' I2'3/�76—sr Zor LIME' ,4o✓Usr�Evr re4cr,vo, 2¢801 1 PREPARED BY- EN61,VMR/N6 CORPORAT/OM 72-780 EL PASW O SU77L- E'-1 RW N DESERT, 6f. 91260 71-MPHOA/E s 6``19.56 8 - 5997 � 1 A 3 9b AWZ/CANT SUNR/SE DESERT AMM.ERS !/O SUNRISE Cif 42- 600 Cook' 67-, ,zW N DESERT, C4, 92260 1OR11014RE0 R7R. . _ _ .. -21NR/SE DESERT - IIWRTNERS C/O SUN.P/SE Cal 42-600 - CCOk' sr. PgGM ,DESERJ- G4. 92260