LLA 1991-133I CITY OF LA QUINTA ANNING S DEVELOPMENT DEPA'RYf11MENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT --------------- --------------- OFFICE USE ONLY 90-017 Zoning: 0 000 LLA No. 9/- /3-3 i= Related Cases: i Reviewed By:' Date: % _ APPLICANT Name: Address: (Mailing) Landmark Land Company of California, Inc. 78-150 Calle Tappirnl _ Daytime La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone: 619 564-4500 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: Landmark Land Company of California, Inc. Address: owns all parcels. Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "B" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) (zip) Owner "C" Name: Address: ?185"MOi0%?0 t Y-91 125.0V - Phone: _ (city) (state) (Z p) PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: See attached sheets Street Address (if any): Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: To readjust property lines to Correspond ro oronosed Spec' f e i5lan land use layout - REASON FOR REQUEST: To be able to convey golf course property. I/we hereby certify that: 1) I am/we are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; (2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application: and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Representat Signature: (Attach Let MR/FORMLLA.001 JUNE 1989 Owner it: Date Owner "B": Name Date Owner "C": Name Date Date / lifornia, Inc. Of* Box P.O. 1504 7d-105CalleEstado Le N inta, CA 92251 619-564-2246 619-564-5617 (FAX) TO: �b W C�— _1d u al fi t� ( -rt Vic, ATTENTION: PROJECT: �or your information and records. 661- 90 -- oft 90 - / z� el Ya — i' z,8 'w w-'33 -E( %/- /3 Date: _/� — 3— /O b L1 Copies as requested. L7 Receipt. a Other 't You have undersigned. any questions Ott the above please contact the S; ' H E C I T Y 041 v!c o! � AL Q- Ia rota 1982 -199I , Carat Decade April8, 1992 Mr. Lloyd Watson Landmark Land Company P. O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-133 Dear Mr. Watson: 11 _. It has recently come to our attention that the above noted lot line adjustment was recorded improperly and does not reflect the approved map as noted on the attached copy of the recorded Assessors page. We would suggest that you contact the Assessors office at your earliest convenience and resolve this matter. Should you have any questions concerning the above information, please contact Wallace Nesbit in this Department. Very truly ours, JERR HERMAN Planning and Development Director JH:bja Attachment LTRJH.182 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Desp, 6 P,MuO,on Ma'. PaIme, O ,gn, 619 346 0772 10 vi e5 LZ I r� i 9 rtlrr m ID 1 p u arrrrr �t y w O lb a + o m m r w �►�a w b In 0 .IV a v ' Y �rsi We —ON,y� A) e lb% ft Apa Arawr 4 zfb ors +rear ,Fps a V b * . s�-s�• N w Y j.•� yr �e9 rrsl'H • f/6l/ - 66 _ p CIS .7 F ��A '�` � !�'77Z •r •L'9a! ` C � P scv•.' <<✓ff (r6irt•71 ci rosy s .7 obb rp to T4t�t D w 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 February 12, 1991 Mr. Lloyd Watson Landmark Land Company P. O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-133 - PETE DYE COURSE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-134 - FOSTER TURF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-135 - THE GROVE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 91-136 - OAK TREE WEST Dear Mr. Watson: Your Lot Line Adjustment for the above referenced cases are hereby approved. You are hereby authorized to proceed with the recording of the deeds for these Lot Line Adjustments. All deeds must show the following statement: "This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment # " (insert proper number) . In addition, Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) 91-133 needs legal descriptions for parcels "C" and "H". LLA 91-134 needs a legal description for parcel "D"; LLA 91-135 needs a legal description for parcel "F"; LLA 91-136 needs legal descriptions for parcels "N, O, P, Q, and R". Please provide copies of the legal descriptions for the parcels referenced above to this Department as soon as possible. You will need these legal descriptions in order to proceed with the recording of the above deeds. A copy of the recorded deeds must be submitted to this Department as soon as possible. Failure to do so, may delay issuance of any building permits or approvals affecting these parcels. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please contact my office. Very truly yours, �3� �> jte� FRED BAKER PRINCIPAL PLANNER FB : bja Attachments: Approved legal descriptions and exhibits LTRJH.062 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 l LPL L DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO Z LA QUINTAL CALIFORNIA 92253 i F W A"bLC"1DN-FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT ' t xzrsxasarareaxxszzzszxzxxaxzxsz:zaazxazacacxxzxsxxaaxszazxsxsexxr OFFICE USE ONLY Zonings et /0 00 LLA No. Related Cases: Reviewed Byt �� r Date: r xxzaxaasaxxxaasaaxaxxxzaaxzxxxx-xx==zxx=xxczxxxxxaazxsxxx-xxzxxr APPLICANT Name: Landmark Land Company of California. Inc. Address: ja- an r i7 Tamnl i Daytime (Mailing) L( Uinta CA Phone: (G19)564-4500 �city(State (z P PROPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: landmark tnnd ComPnny of La,Wornlr. I". Address: n r 14 — Phone: C ty State owner "B" Name: Address: (City) (State 2T�_ Owner "C" Name: Addresss (city) State (zip) Phone: 48""tA,L4i °i°'�ofkY-91 125.40 Phones PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Humbert see attached ,;)nets Street Address (if any)t Property B: Assessor's Parcel Numbers Street Address (if any)t Property C1 Assessor's Farcel Humbert Street Address (if any): ADJUSTMENT REQUESTEDs Tn rendiuet ro rrly I1 t raaynnd to ur .+owod REASON FOR REQUESTt To he nhle to c n ey golf course property, i t r y { NOV 9 r 1J r ri U s' 6 f t r N N _ I/we hereby certify thatf 1) I am/We are the licationfol2) I/Welahave all parcels proposed for merger by this App of and consent to the filing of this Applicati nj anon lic knowledge truThee infor is cotion rrect8ubmitted in connection with this PP % Data owner "B"l Date Name owner "C"i Datei Name Representative „ �- �, nate � _--��------ Signature: / / c E y �C3 t California, tn�- (Attach Letitia //II ( -YI A — Dace Planning Lit. U City of Ln Quintn STATE OF MIF0111I1 } e ma. sS COUNTY OF August � 1 August _ _. t991..baEamar"91°d isth [PaMRY� Day d-----'-- ------- On Itas— Cwnty and Slale, ---- a- --- - IV ----- a Ndary PINK n and IV---- Sad __--- - - V) M __- ti. ma woad �o..'factaY evderrx)b�me M to ryplIM ryynnfatWt mat eaeMee ma "into and kMWM td me In " The 0 ,h"o,ment M "ha" of " CCaW,,drD othernn named. and y b one that Wch �� e>IaMed aIe Same. QrtKa]ro -Ytaws. a a otou ^ d as &'ard d . IMTNESS my hard and Vho" sea' 25) N,a- ary agMl Orr'C'AE SEM !'Hi CfIF A FLROO =' e' til 'o'ci \.hit {ddc-'O C�. A<Y Commwm E,oses w, •jArtn 11. 1'YJi taw. b ~ aa"t state of California 1 County of Riverside 1 ss personally appeared Stan Sawa, who On August 16, 1991, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of California, P ev� person whose on name he hisbsubscribedasis Of ttoftheowithindinstrument,tend ; acknowledged that he executed it. A P/IR• M n I.S ns 1/Yl��� MYaF Deborah S. DeRenar m i&I"a PARCEL ttA't That Bernardino Meridiaon� in theon of �County ction lofTownship Riverside. StateSouth. off California ge 7 strc moreprrllcularly described as follows: 95 In Book Beginning165 of Parcel Maps alb pages comer 49-55Parcel 3 of thereof, Official Records asshown sRiverside County. California: Thence S 40018'29" W a distance of 92.64 feet: Thence S 19052'00" E a distance of 269.89 feel;. Thence S 34055'09" E a distance of 368.12 feet: Thence S 47°00'37" E a distance of 393.62 feet: Thence S 5702612" E a distance of 443.23 feel: Thence SonWwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having n radius of 1161.50 feet through an angle of 05°26'39" an arc length of 112.26 feel (The begnning radial bears N 51°02'59" W and the ending radial bears N 45°36'20" Wl: Thence N 87°05'01" W e distance of 272.36 feel: Thence S 58450'52" W a distance of 85.02 feet; Thence Soaltnwslerly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 1000.00 eel through an angle of 29°14'27" an arc length of 510.J5 feet. Thence S 88°13'19" W a distance of 1266.60 feet: Thence N 19°44'35" W a distance of 59.32 feel; Thence N 5l'°3`iW E a distance of 381.48 feel; Thence Easterly along a curve concave Northerly of 111 00 eetsof (The 318.50 feet through an angle of 19 5808 an art• g radial tears N 03°04'59" E): N 73°06'45" E a distance of 238.84 feel; Thence Thence N 88°24'38" E a distance of 677.27 feel; Thence N 76°02'31" E a distance of 151.38 feet; Thence N 53°23'23" ty a distance of 148.85 feel: Thence N 44005'06" W a distance of 146.33 feet; Thence N 29°07'44" W a distance of 523.44 feel: Thence N 7i°21'43" W a distance of 116.83 feel; Thence S 20` 15'37" W a distance of 566.36 feet; Thence S 39*25'13" W a distance of 259.67 feel; Thence S 73°06'45" W a distance of 72.27 feel; casterly alongcurve havingradius Thence ! tt 137050'15" an arc length 288.69 to a 120.00 feet throughan angle of point of reverse curvature: Northwesterly having a radius of Thence Northeasterly along a curve of concave 13°35'36" an arc length of 325.37 feel; 1371.00 feet through an angle N 1:'21'24" E a distance of 403.82 feel; Thence N 25"A'04" E a distance of 205.54 feet; Thence f 109 04 feet. Thence N O^"28'47" E a d'stanre o Northerly Thence Easterty along a curve concave having a radius of 1714.00 feel through a angle of 19002'23" an arc length of 569.57 feel IThe beginning radial bears N 52 0 132E a distanc'47- IS ande of ending radial to tie pobears int0of beginning. r iS pARCEL "B" That portion of Section 21. Township 6 South. Range 7 East. San 13emardlno Meridian in the County of Riverside. Slate of CaWomla' more particularly described as follows: as 8110�1 Commencltlg at the Southernmost come f Pare thereof. Official Records of In book 165 of parcel Maps at pages Riverside County. California; Thence S 40'18'29" E a distance of 92.64 feet: Thence S 19'52'00" E a distance of 269.89 feet; Thence S 34*55,09" E a distance of 368.12 feet: Thence S 47'00'37" E a distance of 393.62 feet: Thence S 57'26'12" E a distance of 443.23 feet: Thence S 51.02'59" E a distance of 37.00 feet to the point of beginning: Thence S 62*41*27' E a distance of 507.96 beet: Thence S 8 Thence S 89056'01" E a distance of 716.23 feel; Thence 63 0 feel Lheastetl an Dangle of 17°28'04concavand oarlce length of ast�rly having 146.95 Iart I'to a point on non -tangent curve (The beginning radial bears N 32015'55" E and the ending radial bears N 14°47'5l" E): Thence Southeasterly and Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 270.00 leel through art angle of I07°08'06" an arc length of 504.86 feel (The beginning rudiul bears N 72°3U'Stl" EI: Thence S 89639'04" W a distance of 778.70 feel;Of Thence Northwesterly along curve 19°1 cone8-4W tve an arc Northerly lnof u337 04 radius 1-fhe 1000.00 feet through an angle ending radial beam N 18°57'44" El: Thence N 39°24'22" W a distance of 98.46 feel: Thence N 25*561l" W a distance of 97.51 feet: Thence N 87'06'54" W a distance of 667.66 feet; Thence S 47'58'32" W a distance of 58.49 feet; Thence S 32054'lT' E a distance of 252.61 feet: Thence S 13130'53" E a distance of 372.33 feet: Thence N 78*59111." E a distance of 264.74 feet: Thence N 70°1658" E a distance of 429.78 feet: Thence of Easterly te lyi angle a 0orve 7°1T51 concave atarc lengtth of v151.19 feetuto a puun.00 feet ffhe beguming radial bears N ll°37'55" El: :Leese Easterly y,r Southerly along a curve concave Southwt i ofy having a reverse curvature radius of 24.50 feet through an angle of 86°14'14" an arc length of 36.88 (rrt to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southerly along curve rnncave Easterly havenµ a radius of 318.5 a feet through an angle of 14 25'36" an arc length of 8O.s0 feet to a point of reverse curvature; curve feetthroughSoutherly outh along a gle of 1552'48"naneairelrngth o(sterly 178.02 rfeel C1'he ending radial bears N 87.59'09" WI: Thence S 60032'36" W a distance of 589.50 feel: Thence S 89.45'04" W a distance of 308.12 feet: ,y •%.i �� �e Thence N 84043'56" W a distance of 516.29 feel: ,,,���' • „ `� Thence N 03'40'09" W a di+lance of 14:1.97 feet; ii^/t•h Thence N 82.3150" E a dt9tWlce of 140.143 fed; 31.1642 Thence N 04'14'll" W a distance of 129.77 feet; \ ram" (hence N 16*51*30" W a distance of 165.27 feet; bar Thence N 44603'58" W a distance of 342.5,7 feat; 0I r..0 Thence N 26.54'14" W a distance of 426.28 feet: Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having; a radius of point 0 feel through an angbeginning of 46'44'48" ail radlul bears Nc04' length of f Wy4.15 and the 10 [tic eudwq point of legltuitnq (Th N li radial bears N 510259" WI• PARCEL "Clt That 22. Township 6 South. Range 7 Easl. San Bernardino cularly Meridian In the County oino portion of Section f Riverside. SlatQ of California. more pa described as follows: Coromtencing at the Northwest corner of the Northwest on of lire 3outhwesl one -quarter of Section 22; quarter of said Thence S 00°10'42" E along the westerly It Ile of the Southwest Section 22• said tine also being the centcfhne of Madison Street a distance of 222.82 feet.' Thence N 89°49'2T E a distance of 140.99 feel to the point of beghmutg: Thence S 86°31'42" E a distance of 830.57 feet; Thence N 84.46'53" E a dUtance of 405.93 lest: Thence Easterly along a curve concavercS uthr.r yof having2095a feel; of 1'335.U0 feel through all angle of 10°23.48" an length Thence S 84.49'19" E a distance of 25.94 feet: Thence S 64.24'41' E a distance of 79.73 feel: Thence Southeasterly along a of ve cOlI 7^ve�So ctvleitgltt of esterly having feettt'10 oa 40.00 feet through an angle point of reverse curvature: 21'9 of poleThence Southerly along a curve concave Easterly taut:*:; a radio- of 2418.. feet through an anglz of 04"18.03' an arc length of 166.53 feel to s poi"L reverse curvature; a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of Thence Southwesterly along 95.00 feet through an angle of 78°43'08" an arc length of 130.52 eel: Thence S 82*13*01" W a distance of 675.29 feel; Thence S 88'44'6" W a distance of 168.62 feet; ave Southeasterly 01 Thence Northwesterly along a curve co lc " all arc having length of521.99 fretu fl'be 618.50 feel through anangle beginning radial bears N 48*10*38" EI: Thence S 89049'18' W a distance of 1'f7.38 feet: Thence Northwesterly along a curve comaveallorc ' heist engthof aft wing a radius of 24.50 feet tnrough an angle of 90°00'DO" an Thence N 00010'42' W a distance of 107.34 feel: easterly Thence Northeasterly anloncgtkle of so curve orcttIcng0l of a84.26afeet dtostile 161. feet e ending radial bears N 60017'07" Wl• point of beguttdng (lh � e - �I I- ,I - `)/-131 PARCEL "Dill Bernardino That portion of Section 22ofTownship Riverside, State off Califomla,East, m� paw ularly Meridian in the County described as follows: commencing at the Southwest comer of said Secuon 22; hnenalsoNbeing the •cenledne ofthe 50lh Avenue. line distance of said 63Section8feet: said Thence N 00'05'41" E a distance of 204.50 feet to the point of beginning; Thence N 89*54*19" W a distance of 189.79 feel: Thence curve concaw! NO 180.00 feet throutgh an anerly gleaof 89°43'36" an arcrtlength rof 281.89 feet;radius of Thence N 02'36'07" W a distance of 215.25 feel: Thence N 08032'33" E a distance of 426.911 feet: Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 1580.00 feet through an angle of 07'47'10" an arc length of 214.71 feel to a point of compound curvature:of Thence Northwesterly alo-9 a curve concave arc length having a radius i 775.00 feet through an angle of 26"08'21," an arc length o[ 353.57 feet 177te ending radial bears N 64037*03" E►; Thence N 00010'42" W a distance of 541.78 feel: Thence N 89*49*18" E a distance of 51.88 feel; Thence Southtislerly along a curve concave Soutltweaterly having a radius of 581.50 feet through an angle of 18017'12" an arc length Of 185.59 feel (The ending radial bears N 18°06'30" E): Thence S 26*01*37" E a distance of 271.29 feet: Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 468.50 feel through an angle of 60'58'31" an are length of 498.59 feet (The beginning radial bears N 59'42'37" El: Thence N 88'44'06" E a distance of 305.39 feet: Thence S 01015'54" E a distance of 75.00 feel; Thence S 57053'23" W a distance of 376.76 feet: Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 250.00 feel lh*ough a angle of 57047'43" an arc length of 252.18 feet: Thence S 00005*41" W a distance of 461.39 feet: Thence Southwesterlyalong antr'la efu59'3144concave Narcl length of 571n44aferto adius the 550.Oo feet through k point of beginning f1'he ending radial bears N 30-22*354 W)• v i a h ' ®. "1 PARCEI. "Ell tf' That poruon of Section 22, Township 8 South, Range 7 Eael, San Bernardino Riverside, Stale of California, more particularly �� Meridian In the County of described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Section 22: idistanceeof 1285.58ofee22, said lone Thence Salso 8the beingsaid centerline o(581h A enue. a Thence N 00'05'41" E a distance of 134.11 feet to the point of beginning: Thence N 04'03'38" E a distance of 10511.9R feet: ' Thence N 00'05'41" E a distance of 252.58 feet: Westerly having a radius of 268.50 Thence Northerly along a curve concave arc length of 120.90 feel (file beguuling feel through an angle of 25'47'64" all rAtal bean N 65'28'00" W); N 01"1514" W a distance of 94.03 feet; e 0 Thence Thence N 5403640" E a distance of 73.913 feel: Thence N 88*44*06" E a distance of 93.21 feel: Thence S 03'47.'30" E a distance of 144:28 feet.' Thence S Oo'0000" E a distance of 831.23 feel; Northwesterly having r'rli"` or Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave angle of 22'25'04" an are :ength of 278.A0 lect 4'y 700.00 feet through an point of reverse curvature; Easterly having a radius of 818.50 Thence Southerly along a curve concave feet through an angle of 22'19'24" an arc length of 318.90 feet; N Thence S 00*05*40" W a distance of 77.91 feet: Thence N 89`54'20" W a distance of 133.07 feel: Northerly having a radius of 481.50 `. Thence Westerly along a curve concave length o[ 119.98 feet to We point o[ � k..: feel through an angle of 14'16'30" an arc N 14"21'58" El. beginning (The ending radial bears S 7�11972 T � � f 10 PARCEL 171 That portion of Section 22. Township 6 State th oRanaltfonn aast, San part Bernardarty ino Meridian In the County of described as 16Uows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of the Southeast one -quarter of the Northwest one quarter of Section 22: Thence N 00'23'46" W along the Easterly line of lire Northwest quarter of said Section 22 a distance of 1017.84 feet; Thence S 89'36'14' W a distance of 194.50 feel to the pond of beginning; Thence S 00'23'46' E a distance of 1202,40 feel: West a lito Yof 2U6.65 feeaving Thence Southerly ale ofal6°bve concave afpol�Uof get feet through an an81 arc reverse curvelur'e; a curve concave Easterly hat•tng a radius of 700.00 Thence Southerly along efeclh o! 20L81 feet: feet through an angleof d etance�of 654an Arl Thence S 00°00'00 S 22'32'41' E a distance of 172.17 feet; Thence S 00'23'22' E a distance of 693.16 feel; ' Tlence S 39'09'47' W a distance of I73.2B beet: Thence Thence S 49'16'07- W a distance of 238.17 feet; 239.10 feet: distance of Thence N 89°54'19' W a a curve t.,,ncave Nurlhcasterly Northwesterly along length of •. tJ Thence Northwesterly and of 150.00 feet through an angle of 116°47'59" all arc 1 Inavtng a radius feel Me ending radial bears N 63°06'21" WI; 305.78 Thence N 53'41'43" E a distance of 197.31 feet:it to esterly �00 angle otf 35'36.06" 1 arNorl uwlcngth of 188.15 leetluw 3t00 feel through an point of compound curvature; havinguradius o Thence Northeasterly along curve 04°24O{vanNrchlenKiltlo la e of 2970.00 feet through an angle distance of 187.75 feet Thence N 13*21'34" E a N 32'48'49" W a distance of 188.57 feet Thence Thence N 00°00'00' E a distance of 649.52 feel: easterly having a radius of IIH0.U0 Thence Northerly along a curve concave angle of I1-44*08" air are leugih of 241.69 feet: f feel through an N I1'44'08" E a distance of 432.67 feel: Thence N I1058'01" E a d','-Wu t of 153.01 feel: Thence N 16'll'04" E a distance of 122.54 feet: Thence Tl,: nee N 64'2 t'48" W a distance of 112.44 feet: along a curve concave (A t Thence Northeasterly and Northwesterly a1c leorslk f et through LN :64 37. 7"J CUsiu1 having a radius of We eluhug1�rarlhd feet (file beginning 71.59 bears N 25'n3' 2" EI: dl'31" W n dbtance of 99.90 feel: Thence N 09 having a r iltus of Thence N 60009*42' W a distance of 32.64 Thence Southwesterly along a curve concavee$OUlhranlefly 16 land "lira nen nrudtul r,0itgf eet (probers an single 4 f ling nr rs N 7621'31111 2218 fl1fmliW: concavesoutherly na neWencnBnlHO41 elllLrbrAltg Thence . Freltan gIof 04'19'34'wirrug E uud the rniluug n-sly br,us N J9" l•4 of CHI Irrl nunxl bears N I0'47*13" luditi It I Irnglh of ItiA.3H legit U, a pond nl 'Thence Northerly along a curve connive EeMrrly Of 16 a rufret through an angle of l0'00'S1" an are of 675 UU compound curvature; 675 Southeasterly havlllg a Thence Northeasterly along n curve fee, 10 of 39°22.09" an arc lenglln of 463.80 feel to a posits feel through an angle of compound curvature: along a curve cnnrave Suulhraslerly having it radius 103AH feel: Theuce Northeasterly J:,t • t" feel through an angle of 15'23*57" au 'tic length of I{; \r 5µ5.00 Thence N 64'37'20" E a distace of 207.79 feel; feet to hire pond of bcguuiutg Thence N 88'22'00" E a dbtallce of 307.40 I 1, LOT LLVF. ADJUSTMENT Wr """ �a'�1 PARCEL "N' That portion of Section 21, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside. State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southernmost corner of Parcel 3 of Tract 24995 as shown in Book 165 of Parcel Maps at pages 49-55 thereof, OiHcial Records of Riverside County, California; Thence S 40°18'29" W a distance of 92.64 feet: Thence S 19052'00" E a distance of 269.89 feet; Thence S 34055'09" E a distance of 368.12 feet; Thence S 47000'37" E a distance of 393.62 feet: Thence S 57026'12" E a distance of 443.23 feet. Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 1181.50 feet through an angle of 05°26'39" an are length of 112.26 feet t1be beginning radial bears N 51°02'59" W and the ending radial bears N 45°36'20" W); Thence N 87005'01" W a distance of 272.36 feet; Thence Thence S 58°58'52" W a distance of 85.02 feet; Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 1000.00 feet through an angle of 29° 14'27" an arc length of 510.35 feet. Thence S 88° 13' 19" W a distance of 1286.60 feet: Thence N 19°44'35" W a distance of 59.32 feet; Thence Thence N 58035'54" E a Easterly along a distance of 381.48 feet; curve concave Northerly having a radius of 318.50 feet through an angle of 19°58'08" an arc length of 111.00 feet (The beginning radial bears N 03004'59" E): Thence N 7300645" E a distance of 238.84 feet: Thence N 88°24'38" E a distance of 677.27 feet: Thence N 76°02'31" E a distance of 151.38 feet; Thence N 53023'23" W a distance of 148.85 feet: Thence N 44*05*08" W a distance of 146.33 feet; Thence N 29007'44" W a distance of 523.44 feet; Thence N 77°21'43" W a distance of 116.83 feet: Thence S 20015'37" W a distance of 566.36 feet: Thence S 39025'13" W a distance of 259.67 feet; Thence S 73006'45" W a distance of 72.27 feet: Thence Southwesterly and Northeasterlyy along a curve having a radius of 120.00 feet through an angle of 137°50'15" an arc length of 288.69 feet to a point of reverse curvature: Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 1371.00 feet through an angle of 13°3536" an arc length of 325.37 feet; Thence N 17°21'24" E a distance of 403.82 feet; Thence N 25044'04" E a distance of 205.54 feet; Thence Thence N 09028'47" E a distance of 109.04 feet: Easterly along a curve concave Northerly having a radius of 1714.00 feet through a angle of 19002'23" an arc length of 569.57 feet (The beginning radial bears N 09028'47" E and the ending radial bears N 09033'36" Mn,: Thence S 52001'32" E a distance of 61.72 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL fowl That portion of Section 21. Township 6 Meridian in the County of Riverside. described as follows: South. Range 7 East. San Bernardino State of California, more particularly Commencing at the Southernmost comer of Parcel 3 of Tract 24995 as shown In book 165 of parcel Maps at pages 49-55 thereof. Official Records of Riverside County. California: Thence S 40° 18'29" E a distance of 92.64 feet; Thence S 19°52'00" E a distance of 269.89 feet; Thence S 34055'09" E a distance of 368.12 feet; Thence S 47000'37" E a distance of 393.62 feet: Thence S 57"26' 12" E a distance of 443.23 feet; Thence S 51°02'59" E a distance of 37.00 feet to the point of beginning; Thence S 62"41'27" E a distance of 507.96 feet: Thence S 66°2548" E a distance of 673.02 feet: Thence S 89056'01" E a distance of 716.23 feet; Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a :radius of 482.00 feet through an angle of 17°28'04" and arc length of 146.95 feet to a point on non -tangent curve (The beginning radial bears N 32°15'55" E and the ending radial bears N 14*47*51" E); Thence Southeasterly and Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 270.00 feet through an angle of 107008'06" an arc length of 504.86 feet (The beginning radial bears N 72030'58" E): Thence S 89*39*04" W a distance of 778.70 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Northerly having a radius of 1000.00 feet through an angle of 19"18'40" an arc length of 337.04 feet (The ending radial bears N 18°5T44" E); Thence N 39024'32" W a distance of 98.46 feet; Thence N 2505611" W a distance of 97.51 feet; Thence N 87°06'54" W a distance of 667.66 feet; Thence S 47"5832" W a distance of 58.49 feet; Thence S 32054'17" E a distance of 252.61 feet: Thence S 130W53" E a distance of 372.33 feet; Thence N 78°59'11" E a distance of 264.74 feet: Thence N 70015'5W E a distance of 429.78 feet; Thence Easterly along a curve concave Northerly having a radius of 1187.00 feet through an angle of 07°17'51" an arc length of 151.19 feet to a point of reverse curvature (The beginning radial bears N 11"37'55" E); Thence Easterly and Southerly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 24.50 feet through an angle of 86014'14" an arc length of 36.88 feet to a point of reverse curvature: Thence Southerly along a curve concave Easterly having a radius of 318.50 feet through an angle of 14"25'36" an arc length of 80.20 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southerly along a curve concave Westerly having a radius of 281.50 feet through an angle of 15°52'48" an arc length of 78.02 feet (The ending radial bears N 87059'09" W): T'itetice 8 60`32".;v ­X is uiytant;r ul u89.50 feei: Thence S 89"45'04" W a distance of 308.12 feet; Thence N 84"43'56" W a distance of 516.29 feet: Thence N 0304009" W a distance of 143.97 feet: Thence N 82931'5W E a distance of 149.83 feet; Thence N 0401411" W a distance of 129.77 feet; Thence N 16"51'30" W a distance of 165.27 feet; Thence N 44003'58" W a distance of 342.57 feet; Thence N 26054'14" W a distance of 426.28 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 1218.50 feet through an angle of 46°4448" an arc length of 994.15 feet to the point of beginning (The beginning radial bears N 04°18'11" W and the ending radial bears N 51002*59" W). PARCEL " 0' That portion of Section 22. Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northwest one -quarter of the Southwest one -quarter of Section 22; Thence S 00*10*42" E along the westerly line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 22. said line also being the centerline of Madison Street a distance of 222.82 feet; Thence N 89049'27" E a distance of 140.99 feet to the point of beginning: Thence S 86"31'42" E a distance of 830.57 feet. Thence N 84*46*53" E a distance of 405.93 feet; Thence Easterly along a curve concave Southerly having a radius of 1335.00 feet through an angle of 10°23'48" an arc length of 205.95 feet; Thence S 84°49'19" E a distance of 25.94 feet: Thence S 84024*41" E a distance of 79.73 feet: Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 40.00 feet through an angle of 92"12'37" an arc length of 64.37 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southerly along a curve concave Easterly having a radius of 2218.50 feet through an angle of 04018'03" an arc length of 166.53 feet to a point of reverse curvature: Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 95.00 feet through an angle of 78°43'08" an arc length of 130.52 feet: Thence S 82"13'01" W a distance of 675.29 feet; Thence S 88°44'6" W a distance of 168.62 feet: Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 618.50 feet through an angle of 48°21'20" an arc length of 521.99 feel (The beginning radial bears N 48'10'38" E): Thence S 89049'18" W a distance of 177.38 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 24.50 feet through an angle of 90°00'00" an arc length of 38.48 feet: Thence N 00010'42" W a distance of 107.34 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 161.50 feet through an angle of 29053'35" an arc length of 84.26 feet to the point of beginning (The ending radial bears N 60017'07" M. P"CEL "D" That portion of Section 22. Township 6 South. Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside, State of California. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 22; Thence t"along line of the Section said also binghe centerline 0th Aene,distance of 638feet: Thence N 00°05'41" E a distance of 264.50 feet to the point of beginning. Thence N 8905419" W a distance of 189.79 feet: Northeasterly having a radius of Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave angle of 89°43'36" an arc length of 281.89 feet; 180.00 Thence feet through an N 02036'07" W a distance of 215.25 feet; Thence N 08"32'33" E a distance of 426.91 feet. Southwesterly having a radius of Thence Northwesterly thr along a curve concave an angle of 07°47'10" an arc length of 214.71 feet to a 1580.00 point of feet ough compound curvature; Southwesterly having a radius of Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave feet through an angle of 26°08'21" an arc length of 353.57 feet (The 775.00 ending radial bears N 64"37'03" E); Thence N 00010*42" W a distance of 541.78 feet; Thence N 89"49' 18" E a distance of 51.88 feet; Southwesterly having a radius of Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave feet through an angle of 18"17'12" an arc length of 185.59 feet (The 581.50 ending radial bears N 1800630" E); Thence S 28"01'37" E a distance of 271.29 feet: Northeasterly having a radius of Thence 468.50 Southeasterly along a curve concave feet through an angle of 60"58'31" an arc length of 498.59 feet fl'he beginning radial bears N 59°42'37" E); N 88044'06" E a distance of 305.39 feet; Thence Thence S 01"15'54" E a distance of 75.00 feet; Thence S 57053'23" W a distance of 376.76 feet; Southeasterlyhaving radius of Thence 250.00 Southwesterly along curvecon43" an concave feet through a angleof length 25 feet; Thence S 00005'41" W a distance of 461.39 feet; Northwesterly having a radius of Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave feet through an of 59*3b1'44"" length 571.44 feet to the hof 550.00 ending N 30,22 point of beginning (h g PARCEL "E" That portion of Section 22. Township 6 South, Range 7 East. San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside. State of California. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Section 22; Thence S 89054'19" E along the southerly line of the said Section 22. said line also being the centerline of 58th Avenue, a distance of 1285.58 feet: Thence N 0000541" E a distance of 134.11 feet to the point of beginning; Thence N 04"03'38" E a distance of 1050.98 feet: Thence N 00005'41" E a distance of 252.58 feet: Thence Northerly along a curve concave Westerly having a radius of 268.50 feet through an angle of 25"47'54" an arc length of 120.90 feet (The beginning radial bears N 65W'00" W): Thence N 01615'54" W a distance of 94.03 feet: Thence N 54035'40" E a distance of 73.96 feet: Thence N 88044'06" E a distance of 93.21 feet: Thence S 63°42'30" E a distance of 144.28 feet: Thence S 00°00'00" E a distance of 831.23 feet. Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 700.00 feet through an angle of 22025'04" an arc length of 273.89 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southerly along a curve concave Easterly having a radius of 818.50 feet through an angle of 22*19*24" an arc length of 318.90 feet; Thence S 00°05'40" W a distance of 77.91 feet: Thence N 89'54'20" W a distance of 133.07 feet: Thence Westerly along a curve concave Northerly having a radius of 481.50 feet through an angle of 14°16'30" an arc length of 119.98 feet to the point of beginning (The ending radial bears N 14"21'58" Q. PARCEL 1IF 1 That portion of Section 22, Township 6 South, Range 7 East. San Bernardino Meridian in the County of Riverside. State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of the Southeast one -quarter of the Northwest one -quarter of Section 22. Thence N 00°23'46" W along the Easterly line of the Northwest quarter of said Section 22 a distance of 1017.84 feet: Thence S 89*3614" W a distance of 194.50 feet to the point of beginning; Thence S 00"23'46" E a distance of 1202.40 feet; Thence Southerly along a curve concave Westerly having a radius of 700.00 feet through an angle of 16054'52" an arc length of 206.65 feet to a point of reverse curvature: Th So th 1 alo a curve concave Easterly having a radius of 700.00 ence u er y ng feet through an angle of 16°31'06" an arc length of 201.81 feet: Thence S 00°00'00" E a distance of 654.49 feet Thence S 22"32'41" E a distance of 172.17 feet; Thence S 00°23'22" E a distance of 693.16 feet: Thence S 39"09'47" W a distance of 173.28 feet: Thence S 49" 16'07" W a distance of 238.17 feet: Thence N 89054'19" W a distance of 239.10 feet; Thence Northwesterly and Northwesterly along a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 150.00 feet through an angle of 116047'59" an arc length of 305.78 feet (The ending radial bears N 63"06'21" W); Thence N 53"41'43" E a distance of 197.31 feet: Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 300.00 feet through an angle of 35036'W an arc length of 188.15 feet to a point of compound curvature; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 2970.00 feet through an angle of 04°24'03" an arc length of 228.12 feet; Thence N 13*21*34" E a distance of 187.75 feet: Thence N 3204849" W a distance of 188.57 feet: Thence N 00000'00" E a distance of 649.52 feet: Thence Northerly along a curve concave easterly having a radius of 1180.00 feet through an angle of 11"44'08" an arc length of 241.69 feet; Thence N 11*44*08" E a distance of 432.67 feet, Thence N 11"58'01" E a distance of 153.01 feet: Thence N 16"11'04" E a distance of 122.54 feet: Thence N 64"21'48" W a distance of 112.44 feet: Thence Northeasterly and Northwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 45.50 feet through an angle of 90°09'01" an arc length of 71.59 feet (The beginning radial bears N 64°37'57" E and the ending radial bears N 25013'02" U. Thence N 09°2131" W a distance of 99.90 feet: Thence N 60*09*42" W a distance of 132.64 feet; Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 2218.50 feet through an angle of 16"11'57" an are length of 527.23 feet (The beginning radial bears N 60009*42" W and the ending radial nears N 76021*38" W); Thence Westerly along a curve concave Southerly having a radius of 2218.50 feet through an angle of 04°39'34" an arc length of 180.41 feet (The beginning radial bears N iw4T1 - aid ine ending radial bears N 06"07':; ' E): Thence Northerly along a curve concave Easterly having a radius .3f 940.50 feet through an angle of 10000'51" an arc length of 164.38 feet to a point of compound curvature; Thence Northeasterly along a curve Southeasterly having a radius of 675.00 feet through an angle of 39"22'09" an art length of 463.80 feet to a point of compound curvature: Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 585.00 feet through an angle of 15°23'57" an arc length of 103.48 feet: Thence N 64037'20" E a distance of 207.79 feet; Thence N 88`. '3': 0" E €, 40tance of 307.40 feet to the $alnt of beginning. 03/12/92 14:33 4500509 P•01 o► �r r'_.. r C R I V Tr R S I D R C O�,U'''I�-T��'Y''- p n �. QUICK rAX i�.A•(i �,.. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSESSOR t,eud 46-209 OaSiS st,kM. �406 . Indic, CA 9220.1w5994 PAX II (619) 342-8917 F 0 R I M M B D I A T E D 1: L I V E R Y, TO: FROM: � LET /�� DRPT: A 95XJ509 DATE OF TRANSMITTAL: �► A TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING COVER SHEET: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS- 4 r � OI ti O • 990 g.�i "N O. 23Ae A/B�M 49'34" C y I lat6gJ►400�+` i�Y IJCV!-�J e: y159 � Jo.84 ae .if tt � y tl 46JZ Ae q, $ �� 4.4Ac 319AC 8-Fv S H .J4 Q • µ a A" a m P 10.82.1c N i p A m to 4 b y 39.2o Ac t 6 s 1BY79 L fJ m r� 2� -O.R. Z454- ds Nj m DAlL ZAe MP Aa A" Ak 2% — — • 6 / /2 390 • N. /� ep{ 31 1 1 1 — MCOM.eaMWHaeeh .. MIw Yh to.,rt M II IIe /IM man assessing wise II. ,", w..Y rpG„ West Associates Limited Partlr_rshfp :.�µ»w One Central Plaza 11200 Rockville PSY^ L7 LDockville, m 20852 J l,.......Is's IO GGA -� wY.. West A.vrtociatee Limited .w� Partnership One Central Plaza i,:u 11200 Rockville Pike Lii J , illc, MD 20852 n ISQI w. General Cour", _ rn.ra . 31 st is CCUY ��is r 19 b •"e ,mv A, v PACE Mate TlleelM roe MCaRD11" 1AF I CORPORATION GRANT DEED Till' UNDF.RSIGNF.D GRANTOR(S) DFCLARF(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is n computed on (full value of property conveyed. or rl cumpured on full value leas value of liens ar encumbrances retaining at time of ule, I unincorporated area 1A city of __....La_Quinta__-___ AND FOR A VALUABLE. CONSIDERATION, reselpt of which is hereby acknowledged, Landmark Land Company of California, Inc. (the "Grantor") a corporation orsuored under the laws of the State Of Delaware hereby CRANTS to PGA West Associates Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership (the "Grantee") the following described real property In the City of La Quints County of Riverside ,StatadCdJosia. (the "Grant Property"), ae more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made e pert hereof; reserving and excepting from the Grant Property in favor of Grantor, its successors and assigns, those certain casements, covenants, conditions and restrictions more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Dsted_.—. December 12, 1988 _ aA11 OI(At nea.0 ` tnuwivut MONTEREY. o.,e„ 12th ._ a.,•,t.Deceml>er.d"B8, tsf.", m,. IM un,Y•LgMn. . `4n.n rnnln .1 ,ml In, —1 ('nunM1.nJ Nut prrvmell..rR ue.l William W. Vaurlhltl, III - - perv",dh \Y•wn 1" me 1•v pn•.rA a� mr •ro ,M b,n n1 u,w rw Yrn r.ukmrl In lw,ar _-Vice ._ Lowery 0ca Reecllc ._ 1rti"q r..YNrl,.. tl ,ar noun A,IY a"p". wr\nrv.mn,,ar w.ra•w �na^wYwu+Iu+•.w e•+wm IY MPr.w.wA.rw. p,J,M wnan .wmw•wrm.w b".9.J rpM •.wpN .r.r,N nu w,w•,J .wJ �\„�".IIr 1,` wrr •n~.wr\+N.n laud, n� Rv ,M.... r•..u, ,..,. •.. . ... wli\l Ay +.tiN.w,.•.u•., Y.1 , oho -no? 0.1 IRd�fIT.&T7:ilr:... d•T.[sld`iZ97i•I�efi-_•'_y eak �V0.r CAo!f ealte a 1A�A,1 . rAV U•era P •weCdbwr rc.•+.�sr+ V w •� ww lrr\ r+r.,rr+r�rr�,s OAK rM arararear" as tlytrp "oft EXHIBIT "A" The land situated in the State of California, County of Riverside, described as follows: Film, 1 parcel 1 Of Parcel Map 20426, as ahOm by asp On file in book 129, pe ils 119 through BS, inclusive of Fareal Maps, pncr I Of Riverside COanty, California. PAFM 2 The West ass-helf of the Northeast cns-� of the NortMiest one quertar of Section 21, Tamnmt4 6 $arth, Panp 7 Past, Nan Bernardino Ma2.1d1an &O=dlM to the Official plat hereof. Ma:sWUM therefrom the Mntarly 240 feat of the NorVW y 910 feet. Also any portion ly_"q within parcel 1 above described. FRRa, 2 Mast Ohw+AIf of the Northeest ail-gmrtar of the Narttarast ay.g1Utdr of Section 21 in Toswhip 6 South, psngo 7 East, Ban Bernardino Beal and Meriyaeso :A the Mdnocrporetad Am of Riverside OasRy, Btwte of alifotnia. m+PUM any Peron ly:rq within parcel 1 above described. PPJ1CM 6 The Masterly 240 feet of the Nmr jmly 910 het of the West half out the NOrttrast: geartar Of the Netlierest arr?nr Of SOCtian 21, Towsihip 6 Baft, penile 7 Mast, Bean bsrnardino Bess sad Meridian. MOW" any Poll'-n lying within Damn 1 obwm 4esQ11M Exhibit `A' raZ. 1 of 1 rage LL-A - 51 - i 33 EXHIBIT "B" RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS Reserving and excepting from the Grant: Property in favor of the Grantor, its successors and assigns, the following: A. A right and easement for vehicular and pedestrian access, ingress, and for utilities, over,across and under those portions of Parcels 1 and 2 of the Grant Prope-ty as shown by cross hatching in Schedule 1 attached hereto. B. The following covenants, conditions and restrictions which shall be deemed to be a burden against and run -With the Grant Property as the servient estate, for the benefit of the Grantor, its successors and assigns, as follows: (1) As evidenced by its acceptance and recordation of this Corporation Grant Deed, Grantee hereby covenants for itself and its successors and assigns that in no event shall the Grant Property ever be used for purposes other than as a luxury resort hotel, with reasonably related amenities and facilities, without the Grantor's prior written consent, which consent may be withheld or not in the Grantor's sole discretion. thisevidenced CorporationGrantby iDeedCeGptance a ranteeherehy.f covemm�ts for itself and its successors and assigns that Grantee and its successors and assigns: (a) shall at all tises comply with the requirements, obligations, covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in: (i) the PGA West, Specific Plan of Development No. 83-002, as modified by Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 81-002 (collectively the "Specific Plan")i and (ii) all zoning ordinances, circulation plans, design manuals and development agreements properly adopted with respect to the Specific Plan by the city of la Quint&, California and other governmental authorities having jurisdiction (collectively the "Specific Plan Documents")i and (b) Grantee and its successors and assigns will not request or consent to any amendment., modification or other change to the Specific Plan Documents without the prior written consent of Grantor, which consent may be withheld or not in the Grantor's sole discretion. (1) As evidenced by its acceptance and recordation of this Corporation Grant Deed, Grantee hereby covenants for itself and its successors and assigns that prior to commencing, altering, erecting, Dlacing or moving any fixture or improvement on the Grant Property, which 4OR85299.GD Exhibit "B" Page I of 2 Pages shell include without limitation any structure, building, fence, well, street, roadway, alley, parking area, perking facility, walkway, concourse, plaza, mall or landscaping, Grantee ''F ': and its successors and assigns vhall secure the approvalin writing of Grantor, which approval may be withhold or not in Grantor's r•.. �,.,nable; discretion, with respect to the design, color, method, quality and location of such .'z =;Vi ' construction or alters- tiwn. Grantee shall submit to Grantor such plans and specifications as Grantor might reasonably request forthe Purpose$ of view and consideration of such,sGrantor'such proposedco structionorealterationer provided, however, no such ' approval by Grantor shall alone be deemed "`•• or construed as: (i) the approval by Grantor that such submitted plans and specifications or any proposed construction or alteration are adequate for , -'"-• the purposes intended; or (ii) imposing upon Grantor any liability to Grantee or to any other entity for any defect in the design or construction of such proposed r' s r construction or alteration. Grantee and its successors and !:signs hereby indemnify and hold tha Gragqfor eb he arm as from all loss, damage, cost or :xpenZ, I (including, without limitation ell court costs and ,,,•, ettornry�s fees) arising or claimed to have arisen from., kl such raview and/or approval by the Grantor. 40985299.G0 Exhibit •B- Page 2 of 2 pages IL,A-g/-,33 . . r p F � F� 4 Y' i Y II 0 a v 1 RECORDING REOUESTED By T—+ ilRdEdrBAlli��� 11MD wNe rMr. i awN Bernardo Gouthier S., 5732S Madlsoo Street Thermal, CA 9227e me .I. L J MAIL Tax STATaMawn TO r SAME AS ABOVE Cary • aot. L J THIS CAT, NO NNW%'$ Corporation arant uses To 1921 CAM "I THIS FoeM PURNIRNED sY TICON TITLe 1"Sull" APN 761-090-008-9 Documentary transfer tax is $ none netessary _- - 1 compute" on full value of property conveyed, or 1 computed on full value less value of lions end encumbrances remaining time of sale. 1 1 Unincorporated area: 1 1 City of _ FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, recelpt of which is hereby acknowledged. BONNIE 6 BEN DEVELOPMENT, INC. a corporation organized under the Ism of the State of Nevada hereby GRANTS to BERNARDO GOUTNIER, a Single men the following described real property In the C1 ty of Therms of California: County of Riverside The South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 21, Tmmshlp 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian, according to the Official Plat thereof, In the Office of the County Recorder of said County. In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused lu corporate name sad seal to be affixed hereto and this Imtrument to be executed by its President and theteunto duly authorized. v wrvr,nernlT far Datedamnoef ta. 1990 STATE OF CALIFORNIA IDE - 1SS COUNTY OF On Augustlb 1990 . before ". the wNlerdgned, a Iselin,h,hlie in and IN, Met State, pareonMly BEBBsvnn rnuralEa prrronMlY xnowm to rIw w powd to me Of, the hnit of 41 N laerory aehMon to b11Na nanoe weoexeapd the within IInbNlwrlt a fhe ►ffl1 paendN •new^ ro Ire or prowd to me on m, belt Of aehtfw1my e,dm0 ro h III.personw",%e fNiIMwi1Mnmstn,mewathe,�- Seen,,Y of YM Corporalmn that ewso,led tell welly. ,mtrvme,lt axe a kory lNlpNl ro nw, that well MNporemn .,rated IN welly- rml,um N't mll-mt To Im IN, few, m a I"A~ nl n, hoed of d~o,t WITNFSSmY am ff�W.'A of, SqNeN,e By AN ji'President nardo GDu 1eh r By Secretary Orrokl. SEAL •'ij at A1LLN j," o rn Cellar* AVL;MD6 C 40M aY hn,w T►Ore I1,Eu Title Order No C520ee1 r Ir,ow or Lne, No -- -- Mall TA- N All VI MR At nlplf.11n AaoVE 0 N I Ne L