LLA 1994-1860 a 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA ' OLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT DEP ' LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT ---------------- ---------------- --------------------- I OFFICE USE ONLY II I Zoning: Q Z LLA No. :�Y - 18� H If �I it Related Cases: PI l ?ygCo9; T.� Z7-t3tlo I 1� Reviewed By: Date: 9,1 if ------------------- i APPLICANT Name: 7'c�,�- /�_�,;� r� i Address: P�,,u liar Daytime (Mailing) L-z C� 'i z Phone: d'l-; 777--7 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: 7y. Address: ;�70, 7.5o,- / z- i <1 z-Z _ Phone: &�--777-774 7(C_C Zip) Owner "B" Name: Address: �Po,� z r Phone: &/ter 777-774 (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "C" Name, Address: l.o, 1�3_ (7 <VL1t— v� j"Y-1 zr Z Phone: &/e?-777-774� (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Property B: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): ADJUSTMENT u =� REASON FOR REQUEST: i . Pry.✓. Y•.�✓�i 77� �'7d 7 �,. I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; (2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Applications and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner A/J //� Name Da e Owner "B" . Nn„L 6 _ Name at Owner Name/Dath Representative / Signature: Date (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) MR/FORMLLA.001 JUNE 1989 RECEIPT City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, P. O. Box 15044, La Quinta CA 9225:3 D)ATE t9 N08109 RECEIVED FROM - eGep -T-fin ADDRESS DOLLARS$ 1-5 FOR WE PECORDNP RePIRarEP r 4ie NMLR 11EG01WLO FMf. No Mal) MO. aNLELL . ... ORlalRai MORR 9ELOM, LIAL TLL LTATeN T10: r: O "City of is Quints e P -Ie.0. Box 1504 a ' Quints, CA 92251 a / U3 vn.RwFa m fee, r--imiplt Code /' 6103 =0o=M:WrARYrMWSSMR Islip TRANSFER TAX 0p valor of csGRANT DEED luflaavese&.sand ranaiNrly at time el sea. r •rls Fn aRNw ad, IfWel.'" FOR VALtlABLECCIN5IDLRATON, rattl0e OI wTieh N KkFLa+rtedL ' Limited Partnershi a Delaware limited renershia�H DrRlt m T".n nogollr n i i { A ➢ Iva" " nal-••='• lima rnA parcgtter h 11V"0' E al Wt HO PRNtertY ell% H Vlo GtY PI La OuinLa tar to RF Rf%Rpraafald wa on _ p{ 1 t Cowlv.� 1 i fnsni a dmtebed as ldlewi Ermeeerl n IWI depOanl- - aNRrmRFn mm •, See attached Exhibit "A" This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment Mo. 94-186 , as approved - N b15 the City of014 'luinta. AeusOare Pd NR 7 i v E:en+tedan rt �� : STATE OF Desort De7ehopmenc t(11W OMn� L�.ere ralL i^++��� RORf Re"'a"a, Pff. WWly OPPearee yersarWy YIIe1R11 m me l poved m ms m the s eT ors eatery wdRleel m tw $ k the Persank) ptme "metal isAYe eRberibad to Mo Ria ilutnmRM and s N Y O b 9 tl R n 1 Y M eRmMtl ilR Lam° a IIILFIIaf b OY arm'Ahail 1!:7 cupeeiryl�al, end dxt W IliMlerhhsir 9• wWA1IA�tF sidrumrW* uNY b"I tll -"dJh LlNr lR1.Ya7m1T6a IWWI al 4uwn the �Ow Wrms she L. a�gauead tlr'Iratrumenl. p1��p�nf1PIWA » �� z etnroenTE g g g Cwlm.Emaaa0.9AlOp WITNESS Id eel. PRleegv .rtW. 3 AZI Ile ❑PILTREaIP1 O *Emle I = N.+r ❑ aENpIIL i _ C.naaNLY gP11CT _ ❑TReiE[I51 te MAIL TAX ne..el meni Pik $TAT[MENyS TO. TL,DD-- � 4R CIGWPOIeRKPXLFeVATPR ' p Q �R....-1119_ .Ta Mr{�,_rn_A AUSL— COMER MCM YN NFInIL rYa TinFY RY1LL F[eMWeq �[P.im[a tl. FapepN[NL nM.tlMry 1p y,W LULtm I$nEAELLRiiIIP' ynp�jF1 [IaCwcsm. terwf n l..n• n w+ N f� l ln�.rnr lR vu✓ NiwR sea w. RN[n yy r .-- nev--- nw NWLrLI�OF/LFMn1C11aI WNlanh.a.Naratl MYYN. Yna1 �[FWn1a 11Y mMYMYNI���IIIIII�r" .... .. - blm Hr M Ru11Ma ura w pugau I,llelll_NttLLtE[LIIwRaeLLttLFYIIIIttFER111YFFrn11r11tIrL . .. ...... .. .. _ wdlC0 DEE FOR/ 11e' Rn. YL] Haea aRH ]A+ aLPN W aLCPiTS FPnRS, NG. 4MMIxLP T 7775 33779 5 z 9, Lrt( J- Order: 9999 TOF: JMG RV 1994-458569 Page: 1 of 3 05-22-98 13:43 RECEIVE➢ FROM:9095371935 P.08 EXHIBIT 'A" ,ADjus= LOT27 77uTFOR110NOFLOr27, LOT: -AND POWNDER FARM 5 OFMACTNO. nF COLNm CACIFO K M PA An [R� CA/BLEDAY s FOLLOWS: REOINNIA'O Ar "IE SOUTHEAST O7RNER OF SAID LO7 27.' THENCES 39.36'00' W A 04WIlVOOF 15156 FFFI: 711ENCE N 55'29'00' W A DLSTANCE OF87.3t FFA7• 771ENCEN 39'36'00' EADWMCEOF51.21 FEET, 7f1EN=S5rZ4V0'EA D1$TANCEOF II.001'F�: 771ENC8N 39'36'06' EADLSTANCF.OF69.95 FEET 171ENCENBS'18'15' WA DDTANCEOF7LMFEET 70711EREGA"V106 OPA NON•7ANGFN7CURVFi: n1D yCE NO1g7LFAS=Y ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE NOR7HWZTERLY HAVING AMADI(LS OFIS.7.5TMROUWI ANANOLE OF 1T3l'39^ ANARCLLVM OF 1t.0O FEET. 'p1E EEOINNDIL' RM1Al. BEARS S23'!2'37' C 711FJ10E$ l8'Ol'57'EADI37ANCEOF25.00FR67: 7HENCES400I4'3l' EA D13TANCE OF6i50 FEET.• 7l1ENCES50'26'O' EA DISTANCE OF39.38 FELT 70771EFOINTOFEEO1NNtMG. moall,9n Order: 9999 TOF: JMG RV 1994-458569 Page: 2 of 3 05-22-98 13:43 RECEIVED FROM:9096371935 P•09 MAY 22—'90 01.32PM MASS ACCTS BUILDER SERVICES .r E ass 77— Order 9999 7OF: JMG RV 1994-458569 Page: 3 of 3 05_22_98 13:44 RECEIVED FROM:9096371935 P.10 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: IA.ECity of La Quinta nREnP.O. Box 1504 App ULa Quinta, CA 92253 CITY. STATE • '"""`(No fee, Government Cede TITLE ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. GRANT DEED SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ ❑ computed on full value of properfy conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent Determining Tax Firm Name FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is acknowledged, I (We),T - T) - Dec err T)avpl nnmpn r (NAME OF GRANTORs)I Limited Partnership a Delaware limited partnership grant tdf.D Desert Development Limited Partnership a Dpinware limited partnership (NAME OG GRANTEE(SO all that rdal property situated in the City of La QU1nta _(or in an unincorporated area of) Riverside County, (;al_ifnrni a described as follows (insert legal description): (NAME OF COUNTY) (STATE) See attached Exhibit "A" This deed reflects by the City of La Assessor's parcel No 646-360-025 Executed on STATE OF Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-186 as approved Quinta. at JAM TOM Cullinan Vice President T.D. Desert Development personally appeared personally known to nrl proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the personls) whose name(0 is/are subcribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacitylies), and that by his/her/their signaturels) on the instrument the person(s), A LAURA TEMPLE or the entity upon behalf of which the COMM. #IOD6769 z person(s) acted, executed the instrument. z % �t Notary Public — Cohfanio RIVERSIDE COUNTY WITNESS -.;hand and eal. MN 0 .— c.,......-,- a ,.,,.. i (SEALI / MIGNATLBEll NOTARY) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: T D Desert Development P.O. Box 1132 La Quinta. CA 92253 Before you use this form, fill in all blanks, and make whatever changes are appropriate and necessaryY to your panicular Iransaction. Consult a lawyer if you doubt the farm's fitness for your purpose and use. Wolcotts makes no representation or warranty, express or Implied, with respect to the merchantability or fitness of this form for an Intended use or purpose. 111111111111111111111111111111 IIII�II�I�II )III II II IIIII )III WOLCOTTS FORM 778 -Rev. 3-94 )price class 3A1 GRANT DEED 7 11•167775- 33778t •11 5 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNERIS) ❑ INDIVIDUALIS) ❑ CORPORATE OFFICERIS) I-I� ITITLESI F-PARTNERISI ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ ATTORNEY IN FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF KnONIS) OR ENTITYIIESI ©1994 WOLCOTTS FORMS, INC. EXHIBIT "A" ADJUSTED LOT "N" THAT PORTION OF LOT "N" OF TRACT NO. 27840 AS RECORDED 1N BOOK 248 OF MAPS AT PAGES .50 THROUGH 58 RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 26 OF SAID TRACT NO. 27840, THENCE S 55 029'00" E A DISTANCE OF 9Z 18 FEET,• THENCE S 44 °00'00" WA DISTANCE OF 255.68 FEET; THENCE N 54032'47" W A DISTANCE OF 117.09 FEET; THENCE N 05 °50'00" E A DISTANCE OF 338.00 FEET,• THENCE N 40000'00" E A DISTANCE OF 750.00 FEET THENCE N 11 011 '37" W A DISTANCE OF 87.71 FEET; THENCE S 54020'00" E A DISTANCE OF 38.34 FEET; THENCE S 08044'12" E A DISTANCE OF 53.20 FEET; THENCE S 36016'30" W A DISTANCE OF 679.55 FEET,• THENCE S 2404552" W A DISTANCE OF 111.05 FEET, THENCE S 42 °52'00" E A DISTANCE OF 124.26 FEET; THENCE S 58052'00" E A DISTANCE OF 21.39 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 1 N 5 22.30-E 238.69 2 5.35 ^' '^ 3 1 5 B 7 e 9 0 10 o w • S 17.2O'00'E 11 12 f33 11 15 16 17 148.17 51• '004E 42 /3 S 89 10'0 N 81.30'00'E .3413 32.11 41 63 000 E S 12. 10'00'E 25.35 9 51. 20'00'E 11'12•E 10 210.76 2'3g. �•f N 10. 10'00'E N 89. 31'39'E 1.98 i/' N 00*31'27'E lg'.5j N 89. 31'19'E 12.75 44.50 78.09 133. 70 N 'O" S 11'11'3)'E 39 S 08. 30'00'N 77• 1B•2j•M /i/C1a6L7•Y 87.71 15 100.53 615 PARCEL 5 36 N 87.18'33• 89 32 RrMAINDBR f6 ^ 37 ►y �' b`.4 137.11 . LOT •L' N 00. 39'17•M ppp Q,07 17 6 O n �°2A ', 0 90 li7 95.59 .r1 00 9 •, as + 16 35 by 0 91 BI •+ 96.0 T 63 19 ►` 5 22233 62 92 pOpp 31 63 �� ^ 20 LOT •°• 93 0►C • 33 26ti 21 +P 91 32 �+ fis 95 22 31 y .23p•, pP so 67 PARCEL 5 69 / 9e so 23 39 y �°j° RNMAIAT ER 70 h ry p0 97 e1 o� •. 29 S 1 oi,5 S 09.25'12'E 98 0 0 ~rye 21 h~ BO h o S .90 86.37 99 79 lbp0-S "mt 25 10.11'34'E ;� n14D 62.50 100 o o c'rSio. waS°O 2. h00 76 i S 50.21'00'E �j5 101 77 m o t1` •i ? 39.38 Dok 2p50 1,0 ,,,�6 . c 9 58.52' 00' h'! P 102 In 21.39 OLD �T L7Y'15' 76 z o S 55. 29'00'E O� N 55.29'00'N 'Lq �pO f03 75 z 97. 18 •O 87.31 A p50 �► 106 pp S 55.29'00'E DP�'L 71 N 05.50'00'E LOT ~N►�,Zhy 53.67 �! 88.99 2 73 S 51'32'17•E 117.09 72 11R29s�8'S.. _e•01 gn [dTN[Etl� OfOmY 1Jd./[)D7. TI®1[ l M 7Y'ee'00'F 1ee. 77 r u"Je' 40 7.54 [.O e oe•u'1e•F 2o.Y • M eN.1'N•E 21.00 0 e 00'D'IF •[ N.W 62,73 7 M 00'2.'00'tl It. DO 7 e er[e'oa•tl e1.z1 M OE•tF'1['F F72. 1r F1'[e• !_70 1 0 7." 7040 0 T LINE ofi , „ A , ,l'7.^7P'- NT RECORDING REQUESTED BY El AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: "F''AECity of La Quinta st—P.O. Box 1504 ADOR"ta Quinta, CA 92253 City. STATE 4 iV CODET��(] RILE DIOFPFO_ fee, Go EprMent Code 6103) GRANT DEED SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX S ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent Determining Tax Firm Name FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is acknowledged, I (We),T • D • Desert DeyeI opm n (NAME OF GRANTOR(SII Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership grant to Dartnersh' DD (NAMEOFGRANTEEISO all that real property situated in the City of La Qlllrita _(or in an unincorporated area of) Ri vprci de County, C.al i fnrni a described as follows linsert legal description): (NAME OF COUNTY) (STATFI See attached Exhibit "A" This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-186 as approved by the City of La ')uinta, Assessor's parcel No 646-360-014 Executed on ,at m Ap sT Ei Cu STATE OF CB4�i5c-�- Tom1inn/ nnV' ne Pre, i dent T.D. Desert Developn ment COUNT OF 1.,. tt i Pd Parnershi Onz"-`-�before me, /�/� /Il7� �/� RIGHT THUMBPRINT (G tionall INAWGFrL�,l.x. JANE DOE. N ARY PUSUC-) personally appeared L '�/��,,Os, l,i�-% 11 personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subcribed to the within instrument and a k o lelged tom that he s e/ a executed the same in his/her/their authorized g capacityliesl, and that by his/her/their S (AURA TEMPLE signature(sl on the instrument the person(s), 01Z COMM.I1006769 z or the entity upon behalf of which theCAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNERISI Notary Public — Cofifomia person(s) acted, executed the instrument. ❑INDIVIDUAL(S) RIVERSIDE COUNTY CORPORATE My Comm. Expires OCT 3,1997 WITNESS m and d o ' to �eat. OFFICER(S) ITITLE51 (SEAL) ❑PARTNERISI ❑ LIMITED ISIGNATUREOF NOTARY) ❑ GENERAL MAIL TAX ElATTORNEY IN FACT STATEMENTS TO: T D Desert Development Before you use this form, fill in all blanks, and make whatever changes are appropriate and necessary to your particul ar transaction. Consult a lawyer if you doubt the form's fitness for your purpose and use. Wolcotts makes no representation or warranty, express or Implied, with respect to the merchantability or fitness of this form for Intended use or purpose. IIIII�IIIIIII III) 1111111111111 WOLCOTTS FORM 778 - Rev. 3-94 (price class 3A) GRANT DEED 7 67775 33778 s ❑ TRUSTERS) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (NAME OF PERSONS) OR ENTITYIIES) WOLCOTTS FORMS, INC. EXHIBIT "A" ADJUSTED LOT 27 THAT PORTION OF LOT 27, LOT "N" AND REMAINDER PARCEL 5 OF TRACT NO. 27840 AS RECORDED IN BOOK 248 OF MAPS AT PAGES 50 THROUGH 58 RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 27; THENCE S 39°36'00" WA DISTANCE OF 153.56 FEET; THENCE N 55029'00" W A DISTANCE OF 87.34 FEET; THENCE N 39036'00" E A DISTANCE OF 51.21 FEET; 771ENCE S 50 024'00" E A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET; THENCE N 39036'00" E A DISTANCE OF 69.75 FEET, THENCE N 05018'15" W A DISTANCE OF 72.65 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE NOR771WUTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 45. 7.5 THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 17031 '59" AN ARC LENGTH OF 14.00 FEET. THE BEGINNING RADIAL BEARS S 23°12'35" E; THENCE S 18 °Ol 'S7" EA DISTANCE OF 25.90 FEET; THENCE S 40044'34" EA DISTANCE OF 62.50 FEET; THENCE S 50024'00" E A DISTANCE OF 39.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A/ �Hat.te�o OF G fl n I�1 mo 2,y9r w � ft N O�l6� a � e�'o$R'ory o •� � � � R n : o -�. n n � i W N O •� l� m w 4�a0. � 6 •et. r� 9 p r d O w � •f� V Q W •c� �� . � PI a� .N' n m � W s� W - w � O m W • � O VI. �co `6 In � w Af 00. •o b m A � �� .^i � Mai w w H w • .i 1 G O yOj J : o w n W W W W S qq Nom•sF Nm W O^ Ow o �,� s w ♦d ~ m Op N 2 N ci TN m y Z n •9E ~O m n n 0 oOoa ?'COT 44 2.0 ^m o om 'seer = s W • mm GM 1 � n �T n 1°n m Q• d0 man Nm _ (�• oa n n w z = p o 00 On f 9 ` N n m n W in n n n N N � m n W W o m o .. � � m N p� N w ? q J'OO e9. r N ~ i�b2 �I26 nw nN ry^ Z nO1 Cr g���' n � On m y W F. Io I�I^I^I�Ip ie A n RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: "City of La Quinta ort a.0. Box 1504 1a Quinta, CA 92253 CITY, STATE ■ zip cow .E.Jy, fee, GovEc�U@ent Code 6103) GRANT DEED THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX$ ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent Determining Tax Firm Name FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is acknowledged, I (We), T n npS ert T)P,;?e1QpmPnt- (NAME OF GRANTORISII Limited Partnership , a Delaware limited partnership grant to T.D. Desert Development- T.imi ed Pqrt-nership a Delaware limiters D a r t ne r s h i 4 (NAME OF GRANTEE)$)) all that real property situated in the City of La Quinta (or in an unincorporated area of) Riverside County,ral i forni n described as follows (insert legal description): (NAME OF COUNTY) ISTATEI See attached Exhibit "A" This deed reflects by the City of La Assessor's parcel No.. 646-360-013 Executed STATE OF COUNT O) On J before me, Lot Line Adjustment No. 94-186 as approved Quinta. at m A ATE) DOE. Tom Cullinan, Vice President T.D. Desert Development personally appeared j personally known to me for proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subcribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacitylies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s ), LAURA TEMPLE or the entity upon behalf of which the s comm. i1006769 person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Nofory, Pubic — CoHtomio RrVERSIDE COUMV My Comm. Eapires OCT J.1997 (SEALI WITNESS and and se (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY) MAIL TAX STATEMENTSTO: T.D. Desert Development P.O. Box 1132. La Quinta. CA 92253 Before you use this form, fill in all blanks, and make whatever changes are appropriate and necessaryV to your particular transaction. Consult a lawyer if you doubt the form's fitness for your purpose and use. Wolcotts makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the merchantability or fitness of this form for an Intended use or purpose.WOLC)III IIIIIIII )III II II II III II E D F GRANT DEEEORM 778 - Rev. 3-941price class 3A) GRANT 7 "1%7775"337781611 5 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNERS) ❑ INDIVIDUAL(S) ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER(S) (TmESI ❑ PARTNERIS) ❑ LIMITED 11 GENERAL ❑ ATTORNEY IN FACT ❑ TRUSTEEISI ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ❑ OTHER SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: INAME OF PERSONI51 OR ENPTYIIE51 9)1994 WOLCOTTS FORMS, INC. E 11 EXHIBIT "A" ADJUSTED LOT 26 THAT PORTION OF LOT 26 AND LOT "N" OF TRACT NO. 27840 AS RECORDED IN BOOK 248 OF MAPS AT PAGES 50 THROUGH 58, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 26; THENCE N 39°36'00" E A DISTANCE OF 156.77 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE; THENCE EASTERLYALONG A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 45.7.5 THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 0903359" AN ARC LENGTH OF 7.64 FEET. THE BEGINNING RADIAL BEARS S 16°48'11" W; THENCE S 05018'15" EA DISTANCE OF 30.88 FEET; TIIENCE N 84°41 '45" EA DISTANCE OF 24.00 FEET, THENCE S 05"18'15" E A DISTANCE OF 40.65 FEET; THENCE S 39036'00" WA DISTANCE OF 69.75 FEET; THENCE N 50 °24'00" WA DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET; THENCE S 39036'00" WA DISTANCE OF 51.21 FEET; THENCE N 55 °29'00" W A DISTANCE OF 63.50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Z 8 9a�Rasa.a: � O .o �y6esap�$agx 9 S O iu 404 W O w w f f M 1 p m W f O Gm Inw �j Tn W p•I w f MI w 00 �ry omA •sr° �� .Om fm n w to w 'sf W1 W �` W W W W SO NO�mm N^• 'M mm Oo 1= 1 o p" Oo w1� N m Nm in m = an ° W s� me V mn ~ fq 2S Sr Sp lt.s2 o° om po m g2 .t,6 O mN N~: nwin = 9 In ry^! w m om nm O m n W z m y 00'9EE 3. 00. Of W a m 0 ..Go Nam m �o of • INn t. w 00 f O �1 m • W O w 0 O q ,j, N D n .m um n a nm Sm �o o m ES'0►S .- W 3. 00.9E.G0 N = N 'I m p m N n n w ISO � Ow O m 01 ^ ^ f In » 6 n !� f Io N n c m = .PA.,1 ilt•J 78495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 December 5, 1994 Mr. Tom Cullinan TO Desert Development P. 0. Bog 1132 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 94.186 Dear Mr. Cullinan: This is to inform you that the City of La Quints. Community. Development Department has approved your requested lot line adjustment pertaining to residential Lost 26 and 27 of Tract 27840 and adjacent common area lots. Mr. Keith Christiansen of Watson and Christiansen Engineering has indicated that he will hand deliver the Grant Deeds for recordation to the County Recorder. Therefore, we are only enclosing copies of the unrecorded Grant Deeds. The originals have been given to Mr. Christianson for recordation. Should you have any questions concerning the above Information, please feel free to contact the undersigned very truly yours, JERRY BERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR tood5 STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bjs Enclosure c: Mr. Keith Christianson, Watson and Christiansen MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRSS.581 P. Recording Ite"sated Byt commonwealth Land Title CompanY N when Recorded Mail Tot T.D. Desert Development LimitWi Partnership 0/0 Troy G could Attnr Patrick Obel, Ee9• 1801 century Park Bast, 16th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mail Tax statements tot some as above _ _---___«___- -------SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE ros RECORDER'S USE— � THIS IS A FIRST DESo OF TRUST 1. The Grantee herein was the Beneficiary. 1� 7. The amount of the unpaid debt was $55,827,523.00 �. 3. The amount paid by the Grantee was S 23,500,000.00 4. The pro arty in in RIVERSIDE County, City of La Quints (� ( ) unlnuorporated area _ 5. The Documentary Transfer Tax is 9 -D^ a. The City Transfer Tax is $ -0- 7. The Monument Tax is $-0- Commonwealth Land Title Comparry s Author a e -nature ---------------------------------- Trustee's Bale Sol 71914-PP Title Order Not 171541 TRUSTEE'S DEED UPON SALE Commonwealth Land Title Company, a California corporation, as duly c�edt"Trustee^e doesrthe herebyoed Of grant,Tbuttreferred to without ovenantoorand herein warranty, express or implied, to T.D. Desert Development Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, herein called "Grantee^, the property more particularly described in property description attached hereto, which property is situated in the county of RIVERSIDE, State of F' . California. 24571 The conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred Upon Trustee by the Deed of Trust dated November 30, 1998 executed by is quint& Grove Associates, lnc., a california corporation, an trustor, to Ticor Titls trugtes, recorded 198Se as nstcrumantpany Of Nummtber California, ofaoff cial Records in the�ober , office of io*aDeucriand after fulfillment othe conditions in *aid Dead of Trust authorized this conveyance. The beneficiary or the Deed of Trust delivered to the Trustee a written Notice of Default and Election to Bell Under Dead of Trust. The Trustee Gagged said Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under used of Trust to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Beneficiary made due and proper demand upon said Trustee to sell said property pursuant to the terms and conditions of said Deed of Trust. The saidpprop rtyand occurredpublication thaa thr eNotice monthsf s from the recording of the Notice of Default and slaction to Sell Under Dead of Trust. The Truataa executed its Notice or Trustee's money sale stating that itUWOU14 sell, at public auction, for cash, in lawful nited States, the real property above described, which Notice of Trustee's Sale duly fixed the time and place of said sale as therein stated. All requirements of law regarding the mailing, personal delivery and publication of copies of the Notice of Default and Election to Bell Under Dead of Trust and the Notice of Trustee10 sale, and the posting of the Notice or Trustee's Sale, have been complied with.The Trustee, .tintscopowweersounderhsaidsaid DeedNotice of Trust, Trustee's theltrustdproperty atexercise public auction on January 15, 1993, The Grantee, being the lost and highest bidder at said sale, became the purchaser of said property for the amount bid, being 9 23.500 Goo 00 cash, in lawful money of the United States, or by the aat efaot on, pro Canto, of all or a portion of the obligations then secured by said Deed of Trust. Dates January 15, 1993 ,ConiniaWnwealthLand7eCompany, �l Syi 6 lda .- Cu rnbull, Author red signature MAN+ TAX STATEMEMM ASP tECTED ABOVE F' . a 245'71 COUM oP PfIV AIA.VeAlelt ) on Nwe before me, I:rl&_ 24&a , ysr110nally appeared, person&Lly known to me (or Droved to as on the ass oP a ao ery avidanoe) to be the parsons) whaes name(a) in/are subscribed to the Within instrument and acknowledged to me that hs/abe/they executed the same in bie/her/their authorised capacity(ias), and that by his/her/their signatures) on the Instrument the person(a), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(a) acted, executed the instrument. Wrogan my hand and official Real. signature `"7^'�,�M Q (soul) F.5 OOC 10 '9z eeoZW OOHSONWEFLTH L" P.4 T1914-DD 24571 IOIRSIBIT •A' FARM Al PARCH I TMWOiiH 4, 6, 7 AND PARCELS 9 YHRIASM 19, 'MWAtVB OF PARCEL NMLP' 80K9, AS SMDIN BT PAP BICORCID IN SOOR 140, PAM 95 THROUGH 100, OF PARCEL APS M, RHWLIEL OF RIVERSta =WY, NJe.1FOMA. EXMI THM PORTICM OF PMlCE1.S 1 ANO 2 COiVt•YPD TO COACT ELLA VALLEY WATM DISTRICT. By O® MOORDID OCTO6RA 24, 1931 AS INSTR1843NT NO. 363140, OFFICL4. RBXODS, COMECD AS ftlaMs1 IWINNtNB AT TH C NORTNM9T CORNER OF SECTION 31, lom$HIP 3 StU01, RANGE 7 PART, SMH BQ#NANOHA MERIDIAN, ADOOIDIN6 TO THE OMFTCIAL PLAT THEREDF, THENCE SOITN 69° 34, 19" WEST ALDW 1HR NOUN LINE OF SAID SECIICN 31, A DISTANCE OF 30.3E FtRTM THENCE Sam 000 231 41" FAST, A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FELT To THE TRUE POINT OF NSIMNIN3 OF THIS FARCLLI roe= SOUDM 00° 09' 07" WIST, A OISTACR OF 128.47 PSET$ TToK[ Swm 3W S1' 23" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 39.32 FEET TO A POINT ON A Cumm COHOLVL TO M HOIiTEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 175.00 FEET AND THROUGH WHICH THE RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 430 Y1'A 3L20eA ; CURVE THPOiLH A CENTRAL AWGI.E OF 079 fla10E NORTHMT AM WESTEAL 491 29". AN ARC UV M or 23.90 FFAT'TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THEM NORTH 39° OS' 59" WE3T, ALONG SAID YANWff LINE. A DISTANCE OP 67.61 PEST TO A POINT OF CURWATURB WLTM A CURVE CONCAVE To 'THE SCLMjMT AM HAVING A RADIUS OEE F 173.00 FT; ANGLE OF Sl° THENCE NoerWAY AND Ht6 Mj_y ALt�Mri SAID CURVE THROW CENTRAL 18' 42", AN ARC LLO4TN OF 1.36.62 FEET TO A POINT OF TANG94Y WITH A LIMO 70.00 FAT $gnWL.Y OF, WHEN MEAsURw AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE NDRTM LINE OF sAID SECTION 34 TO A POINT ON TMENCC NORTH 000 231 41" WEST, A DISTANCE 0 RIGHT15.0 ANIVAS TO SAID NORTH LA LIM %$.00 MEET SCUTHERLY OF, WHO NEA�D AT E OF SWION 31: THENCE MOM89" j4, 11" PAST ALONG SAID PARALLO, LINE, A D13TANM OF 128.6I FELT -0 RE TRUE POINT OF TI=tMNtNG. ALSO [7LCEPT THOSE PORTIONS OF PARCEt,S 18 AM 19 CONNETEb TO Tie IFMIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT, BY DEED ROCOADED F88RUARY 6, 1990 AS INSTRINENY NO. 46618, OOTICAL RECORDS, WSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SMTN IMi AT THE t47RTMCAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 18; IN= NLgNM $90 16T IB" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 18 A DISTANCE OF 205.02 FEET; TM = SMITH 00° 03' 12" FAST, A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE RARAIIEL WITH AND 55.00 FEET SOUIXERLY OF, WMEN W-ASU2W AT RIGHT ANGLES TO TH8 CENTZ .tNE OF AVQUE 48 AS SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL HMO, SAID POINT BEING TW TRUE POINT OF BMIN IM; rd"M COdINUIM6 SOUTH 009 03' 12^ MT. A DISTANCE OF 320.93 FEET; THENCE NORTH $99 16' 18" WEST, A DISTANCE OP 171.64 PUT: ?HtNCL NONTMH 430 031 124' WEST. A Ot3TA M OF 110.84 FEET: TM[310E NORTH 009 O3' 12" WSET, A DISTANCE OF 242.72 PEST TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALIAL WITH AM $5.00 MT SOUTHERLY OF, WAM MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID CEIRFALINE OF AVENUE 48; THENCE SOUTH 89° 161 19" BAST ON SAID PARAIIPL LINE. A DISTANCE OF 250.02 FEET TO THE M9 POINT OF BEGINNING. A-1 — F.r __ .-DE7C i0 •9z 0®T2SM QWr M41.TH LAND P. S 245'n AN EASDW 70 un INE FIIO OM AS A GOLF CWRSE AND TO CONSTRUCT. OPERATE NO HAINTAIN SAID GOLF CMW AND RELATED Ibp00Y96A1IS. INCLUDIA6 DUP NOT I.VOYM TO ROADS, PATHS, IOp9)TRAPS. IRRIGATION STSM01 TNEgs' WOUMM ANO Won CSUT IN THE OM F� CMAOEYLLA VALLESTAUCRIMS MATIOI Dt9TRT R� RIOOk 19ASTMS NO. 105714, OpFICLAL RMMI. EMM4 TMLT PORTION OF SDCTICI 31, T*a MIP 9 SWTH, RANG[ 7 EW, SAN BER MIPD MOICL4N, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL FAT TMO120I' OESCMIOED AS FOLLOWS: DMINMINC AT THE NORTi"W comM OF THE WEST HALF OP THE FAST HALF OF SAID MECTTO 3I, T o= SWARM ODD 11, 21" PAST, 470.91 FEET ON THR W95T LINE OF SAID WEST MALE OF THE EAST H%P$ _ To THE PO TTIfM FROM SAID POINT OF BMINNIN6 METES AND EODNDS AS FOLIDWS•i pAW ASL TO AND 50.00 PEST FAST OP THE WEST LINE OF SAID WEST HALF OF THE PAST HLLN SOUTM 000 12, 21" EAST, 74.00 FAT; IMM MOM 090 47' 39" EAST, 26.90 FEET; PARALLCL TO AND 96.50 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LIPS OF SAID NEST HALF OP TPE EW HALF NORM 000 IV 21" WEST, 74.00 Fj To SAID POINT OF BOGJNNING: SOUTH age47, 39" WEST, ODOr ALL MfNMALS AS SET NORTH IN CM REOOROEO 'XW 26, 1906 AS INSTANT NO. 146312. OFFICIAL R=MWS. TMAT PORTION OF SECTTON 11. TO,RI5711p S Soft",RAIOCE 7 FJ157, SAN 8011MARDIFO AMIDLAN, ACCOM ING TO THE O"TCTAL FLAT TMi UM, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 9EGINNINO AT THE NORD"M CMNm OF THE NEST HALF OF TH2 FAST HALF OF SAID SECTION 31• Tm&= 9M 000 12' 21" FAST, 1,036.00 FEET ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID NES7'HALF M OF Tit EAST MAL/; T0FM TO THe POINT T"M FROM SATO POINT OF OCGINMIN60Y MITTS APO BOURM AS FOT M PARALLEL TO AND 30.00 par FAST OF TM WEST LINE OF SAID NEST HALF OF TW FAST HALF SOUTH 471 39" �Tr�d WRTH $9•00 FEET; PARA11P1 TO AND MNOO PEST FAST OF THE WEST LINE; OP SAID WEST HALF OF TM EAST HALp NORTH 000 124 21" WEST, 150.00 FDET; SOUTH 990 47. 39" WEST, 270.00 FEET TO THM SAID POINT OF OD.1NNING; EXCEPT -it MIN6RAL3 A3 SET PORTH IN GEED RECOROfD JLWE 26, 1986 AS INS7RU"T NO. 149312, OFFICIAL R,EO=' A>2 i F' . 7 = 08 '92 13912 " cap"ACALT1 IAHD P.6 24571 MM96Z- PARCEL gy W ON N470007f tX N w� T4 ►r PORTION OF � too OF PiRCUL�MOPS. 9RECOM OF RIVNF1l1I0E Cw2m, CU.IICRMIA. OCMISED A6 PD110 6: (A) 66INNiNG AT Ym ND6T HOW THE" SOUM 00" 411 54" V POINT ON A MM-TM Wff C%* am mom rmm u 6Oyif� fnmLy 4ON 90 CINIRM. AMS OF 71" 261 01 rmm RADtAL6T "MTN 900 NORTI TULY ON I THMMUG 1 A CI N RAL Nil$ Of twm EOUM 690 16, 06119 NERCE SOUTH 40 ib' 06" C TMl17C8 10UM or 43. 54" N THEM SOUTH Ise 16, 06" E Too= SOON Got 439 54" N If4em Sam /9" 16. 06" I T MI NORTH 260 so, 21" SAID PARCEL 6 AM PATM:RL 9 11lNCE HaTH 690 tot 060 TMWX NM M W IS* 46" 1 My COR)= OF SAID PARCEL 6; ON Tim aww" OvSM pAR.FWOA XrAVESO�TCRL%LINH r0 IV. HAVIN3 A RAD1U6 OF 450.00 FEEr, T A ..-_ 521 $a PCU) TO A POINT ON A SECOND 00 aw. 50.00 PRCT WUT'OILY CilO61(TIIIC TO THE PREVIOUS CURVE: UCD o CWM. NAV1N0 A RADIUS OF 500.00 FEET. 46, 32". 128.24 PM; 49,00:PCCTi 159m Peers r6.04 FEET TO A POINT PARCEL SAID ON SAID 60122LRY, 5$7.40 $16.00 Fw: 652.96 FFET TO THE POINT I- 1 FEET. OF 6EOINNING; (Ip g8itMtti AT A POINT IN SCUMMY LINO OF SAID PARCEL 8. SAID POINT BERG ca"OI TO 60AMICS OF PARCLLS S. 1 AND 9 OF SAID PARCEL MAP$ THmm SOUTH op all 31" mr, 132.09 PM ON SAID SOUTHM room NORM 940 43. 3S" EA3T, 219.16 FMT; rdM= NWIN 160 36. 34" FAST, 120.25 FM; its NORM 620 11' 45" WEST, 117.40 PUT, TTENcR NORTH 00" 43• $4" ew, 300.00 FEET; TNTN04 NORM 890 16. 06" HEST, 210.00 FEET; Tta= SOUTH 000 434 $4" HPST, 250.00 FEET; 7ta= NMI" 590 167 06" Z•T, 252.54 1 TMMS SM M 620 36' 35" VW# 199.5E F61TT TIENCE SOUTH 270 03. 25" EAST, 122.73 MEET; "EM 3@74 320 030 37" CW. 133.94 FMTJ imp= SMff" $50 01, 31" EAST, 160.35 FEET CM SAID SOUTHERLY LINE TO THE POINT OF 660TNN1NG. ' _ PTNROW I**0 o ARGE M1Pa.9REC=S of RIVVSIOE COUNTY.tCAL F= ORNIA , PAGES 95 P.R. = ;8 "A 0592W COM1MlER.TH LWO - P.7 245'71 E; cwr T181T PMYIOIJ 7110160E OESOR180 AS FOLLOWS: MINN114 AT Tm VMT NORTM42MLY CoweR OF SAID PAVZM 8; Tldl1RE SWM 000 43. $4" WEST ON TM 8WQW OF SAW PARCH, 80.00.FEET TO A POUR ON A MON-TA/ri W MWE, CONCAVE SLUT1818STERL.Y, A NADIAL LINE TO $00 POINT WARS NORTH 000 43' 54" EAST; WWAM S0t1 4"TNW ON SAID C{JEVE, MWIM9 A PADIUS OF 450.00 MW, TME0 M A COIISAL Alit= OF 790 26' 06". 623.88 FWj T998OE RADIALLY NORTH 800 10, 00" EAST, 50.00 PUT TO A POINT ON A SGCM NWTANWIT CORVE, CONCAVE SMAMAm{TEALY OONCEMIC TO TE PREVIOUS 0JMV8; WONT M!"GINSMY ON SAID SECCIJD CWW, JJAVINO A PMTU6 OF 50O.00 PEEP, TMq W A CQDRAL AW" OP 140 46, 3210, 129.14 FEET; TFo= 30YT" 990 16, 06" EMT, 1".36 PEST; "Im sm" 440 161 06" tor, 93.63 FW, "em um Doll 43' 54" HBBT, 409.79 Rw$ 7Q8<E SWIM 890 16' 05" PA6T, 100.00 FEET; T"m SOUTH 000 43� 54" W63T, 49440 FWI r"m SOUTH 390 1E' 06" EAST, 159.99 FMT; "qM NORTH 280 59' 29" EAST. 596.44 O88T TO A POINT -ON THE 000"DAnY 061t,1C,RI SAID PARCEL 8 AND FARM 9 OF SAID PORCH MP; TIMM NORTH 690 16' 06" WE6T ON SAID BOUNDARY, 537.40 FEET; T18DW Nam 000 43' 34" EAST, 3I6.00 P66T; T1 = NORTH $20 16' 06" NEST, 552.99 F40T TO TM POINT OF SMiNN1N6; ALSO OICBPT THAT PORTION TM9AMOP DMRt880 AS FOLLOW$: SMINNTNO AT A POINT IN SOUTHIMLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 8, SAID POINT ERAS CMf= TO BORe+MUS OF PAACLLS S. 8 AND 9 OF SAID PARCCL MAR; TH*= SOUTH $60 01: R" PAR, 132.09 FAO T ON $410 SOUTHMLY LINE; TOO= NORIN $40 4338" EASY. 219.16 FWT; T43Jl3S NORTH 160 58' 74" EAST, 129.23 FUTI IND= NORTH 620 11. 45" WEST. 117.00 FWI THM NORTH 000 43' 54" EAST, 300.00 PERT; T BfW NORTH 810 16. 06" WEST, 210.00 PET; T891CL SOM 000 43' S4" WEST, 250.00 FW; T ENCB Nam 990 16' 06" EAST, 252.54 FPJIT; 7145= SOUTH 610 56' 33" WEST, I"AA FELT; THMM SOUTH 270 03' 250 CAST, 122.73 PEST; rMO CE SOUTH 510 03' 37" EAST, 133.94 FE1'T; T1l1Q SOUTH 360 O1' $I" PAST, 160.35 FEET ON SAID S'OVnIMLY LIPS TO THE POINT OF GWINMM. P.9 DEc ie Ise easz" CTVO*Ea n+ tstm v.e 24571 71s1e-as ataa m" •s• rights, Privllagea, tehaaents, hereditaments, rights- afMay, assements, appenaages and apynrtananear in anywias nth V ta, and all right, title and interest of of land ad3oiming he Lastreet. ways, ereof. whhiips ch Q�w 2amater new saes or at any ties hereafter sogtlireer all hetteeaaa*s, accessions, additions. appustanancep, adfctltatieata, replaoamaats and ravisions thereof and !berate and all reversions and remainders tharainJ All of Txmstw's right, title and interest in and to any award, reaamarstion, settlement or compensation heretofore made er hereafter to be made by any 9ovs=0Wnta2 Authority to :rector. including those for any vacation of, or change at grade Ln. MW streets affecting the Land or the All pleas am spooitinationw for the Msprovamants; all aarrtracte had subcontracts relating to the Tmpravemante, all 1t (including tenant's security deposits), lands, aocoaac+, esMSaot rights, instrcaaeds, deownants, 44Meral Intangibles (including trademarks, service marks. trade names amd'eyabols Used in connection therewith), and notes or :hmltei paper erisina )rem a� by vitlao or the said, loom or ether dispositian of all or ear Part at the la0rt w proyprop'rtyl(consant to seas net granted or to be im�p+l1i proceeds (including premium refunds) Parable or to be payable under each policy of insurance relating to the Nortgoged property; All other interest of ovarr kind end character which ITUStor now has or at any time harnatter acquires in and to pptrsesPAbove described real and personal property and all ies1 whichright f chin or useful in connection therewith, had udifty revarhingress and Owego, easements' licenses, nary rights er interests of Truster with all nOltthtoi h Property.Property.To the extent persitted by law a bedeemed �oregoi g Per onal Property and Fixtures are to held to part of and affixed to tha real Pzoparty. In the avant the estate of the Tractor in and to MY of the band and Impravamante is a laasebold astate, this aoavaranoe shall include and the lien, security Sntereat and assignment created hereby shall encumber and extend to all ether, further of additional titled, estates, latarest or rights which way exist now or at any time be, Mcqaizvd et'TmstGv in Or to the lea" Meeting such leaechold estate pomp"includingd�aisad undor the Traitor's rights, if any to Purohese the property demised 8-1 P.9 24571 mdW Much prop" shall lease 'begone av 2iMwtad in Tr att any of such J All. Of the rigbt, title and interest of Truster in 4 M to all twqtb]A all t�'_ �m`��a(�le personal prop", Incluangr all paper, same ToOfty oanm{ter 9004er accounts, mine"1u, • smart We"asl intangibles, deffined the Call! n uniform i tam those terms as attamad to, installed on or placed � Or used on, Codin which is inssttallplion Utth ifeaine oar ulivd lattlan, ive for suet attachmant, daVelcp t. �deameat, lixaneor which seises out of the Mae at, the Land ing, leasing, operation or located am the Linea' eixbgsse or other or m'adltionm. aeeemsiees, �with all w WO thee! thereto. ittienmrtherefo en rg and profitm therefrom. The follow �, "0 lnoonomm limitation. In the definition e! p�ltyis furled, without baliding materials, supplies. Machin", m sine, — atekatm, peMpe, Paps. Pantmalevatime,r blower,n�ae.r. inc7tacss. shad" blinds shafts. -pipes, lwr7litmy, Cabineim, r screams; plumbing. haating, air it�o;ing. i4bia9, lifting, Ventilating, t floor amva�r • ag• esdic" lanpdry and lnclacrating Lions, drapes, carpets, tags and other • evenings, call and sprinkler tame, fire plavenLlen "titquimhing apperatus and tarps, swiAmimg ls, aqn pment, eater wash""rm, wavuo en mydt"a, dlwppss s, diehwambors, rang", ovau kitchen Mnipmamh, cafeteria aquipmaat, recreational equipment, JAnsittuNaLtht na, linsnring arrangements, bonds, aantraota, daroel�ea'opment architectural and anginsering Vomits- males to ate, i aanialpol ales and thi prords tboretram# plane and specifications, aurveys. rent lls,caadbooks and records, funds, bank deposits and all other intmngibla personal property. All of the rants. revenues. Imcces, proceeds, royalties, l�i q,� Other emajagqbanelits paid or pa � Pfror using' ing Mining,, sxtraaact enJoying Orrusing the Mortgaged pteparigy.o otherwise 5-3 F.1p