LLA 1996-211.. &A v. - Vv,L,4^ OCOMK NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPOMENT 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OFFICE USE ONLY 4 Zoning: LLA No.�- n Related Cases: Reviewed By: Date: �2- 2 -�j� II n APPLICANT n/ Name: JG L14I,A 17-4/SOD/lii1eA1 Address: —z�7/90' P�ii4 iJbY Daytime/q) (Mailing) /¢/yA//�J //i S291fPPhone: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS Owner "A" Name: Address: 56 4i / Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) Owner "B" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (S ate) (Zip) Owner "C" Name: Address: Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor's Parcel Number: .tl% Street Address (if any): Property B: Property C: ADJUSTMENT Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): REASON FOR REQUEST: APPLICANT INSTR IONS A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made pursuant to Section 13.68.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels; 2. No additional parcels are created; 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Completed and signed application form. 2. A map or the current Assessor's Map page showing the proposed lot line adjustment, including the following: all existing structures, dimensions, existing and proposed lot lines, and, unless property lies within the Cove area, all angles of direction . 3. A metes and bounds legal description. For Cove area lots, a legal description by lot, block, unit and/or tract number is acceptable. 4. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. OTC 5. original,unrecorded Grant Deed(s) with the following noted - Correct legal description(s) for each adjusted property; - "THIS DEED REFLECTS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. , AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. (The Lot Line Adjustment Number will be filled in by this office.) This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 6. APPLICATION FEE: $125 in cash or check payable to the City of La Quinta. The Canamity Development Department will review and, if complete and acceptable, the Community Dev. Director will approve the Lot Line Adjustment Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office for recording purposes. MR/FORMLLA.001 JUNE 1989 I/We hereby certify that: 1) 1 am/we are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; (2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner "A": Name Date Owner "S": Name Date owner "C": Name Date Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) MR/FORMLLA.001 JUNE 1989 Date An WHEN RECORDER MAIL Till NU AN$ EItISE OHMaELWM MAIL TAX STATEMrJT Ta: Name r City of La Quinta Street P.O. Box 1504 '00re" La Quinta, CA 92253 City a Sate L (No fee, Government Code 6103)J MAIL Name r John and Jill Smith S1,bl ----- •dd,aN CSt."L ADDRESS I TITLE ORDER H.-ESCROW NO. - [IIU This deed will be recorded at the Recorder's Office once the Planning Department has approved this application and mailed it to the Recorder's Office. DO NOT TYPE IN THIS SPACE SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is S -0- ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or p computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of LA QUINTA AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JOHN SMITH AND JILL SMITH (NAME) (coP ill P'rrc.se frC- e c�stt' .eri , 5t`tE a...� for a{I FL'twtieS Ie: Sotin oKGt Sfll Srn r"t� hereby GRANT(s) to JOHN SMITH AND JILL SMITH (NAME) the following described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California: Lot 1 and the south half of Lot 2, Block A, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit B as per map recorded in Book C, Page D of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Riverside County. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. as approved by the City of La Quinta. (APPLICANT MUST GET DEED NOTARIZED) STATE OF CALIFORNIA }SS. COUNTY OF ) On this day of in the year before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Stale, personally appeared personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this Instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. (Iccave Sfacf_ •.a17 NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE (This area for official nourlst seal) MAIL TAX STATFMFNTS AS nIRFCTFO ABOVE. aaLw aril TAX nuuur to r �a City of La Quints no P.O. Box 1504 ,a La Quints, CA 92253 LN L (No fee, Government Code 6103) NAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO John and Jill Smith ,N :u L ----ADDRESS J Tons man ac ETtlaTr M. This deed will be Corded at the Recorder's Office once the Planning Department has approved this application and mailed it to the Recorder's Office, DO NOT TYPE IN THIS SPACE SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $-0- ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of_ LA OUINTA AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JOHN SMITH AND JILL SMITH (NAME) (Copy, C— -P �aMY= �or all hereby GRANT(s) to �c,tit�es �c .� q�d Si It S" p �t J�/-\ T; I I JOHN SMITH AND JILL SMITH (NAME) the following described real property in the County Of Riverside , State of California: (PROPERTY DESCRIPTION) Lot 3 and the south half of Lot 2, Block A, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quints, Unit B as per map recorded in Book C, Page D of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Riverside County. This deed reflects Lot Line Adjustment No. as approved by the City of La Quints. (APPLICANT MUST GET DEED NOTARIZED) ( F, --ck- >I 2. e,- 3 ors New STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF On this . — -- -- _ day of _.-- in the year — before me, the undersigned, a Nolery Public in and for said State, personally appeared _ ❑ personally known to me proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl. edged 10 me that he (she or they) executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE olc-�- iti s) ITela area for official notarial Nall T all Will. TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOYL �O DuRltifJroO 75' 1 i 01 RECORDING REQUESTED* 000 WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED MO UNLESS OTNENMIlE 1NOM0 OELM I OIIIIL TAX sTATIRSLet TO: E Name 1 Street Address city a State LL Name I Street Address city a State L TITLE ORDER MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO NO. t K J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is$ ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full valueless value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of— AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(s) to the following described real property in the County of , State of California: STATE OF CALIFORNIA }SS. COUNTY OF ) On this day of in the year , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared personally known to me proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE ("Is area for official notarial seal) • RECORDING REOUESTED BVJ �OY� AMC WHEN IIEfARC. II.IL THIS REEK AND UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OELDW MAIL TAUS STATEMENT TO: Name Street Access city a State L J MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO r I �T 1 Name Street Access City a State L J TITLE ORDER NO ESCROW CO.- SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is$ ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area ❑ city of AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(s) to the following described real property in the County of , State of California: STATE OF CALIFORNIA } sS. COUNTY OF ) On this day o1 , in the year before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared — - ❑ personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE Mis area for official notarial seat) 11 41 144393 APPLICANT: KSL LAND II CORPORATION 56-140 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RECEIVED FOR RECORD AT2:00 O'CLOCK APR 2 2 1940 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Rec«aea m OIiL.L f:n'qas al PovernEe Ccunry, Call«va CITY OF LA QUINTA Recorder / T P.O. BOX 1504 FeosB V LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Chapters 13.32 and 13.44 of the Subdivision Ordinance) This certificate relates only to issues of compliance and noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and legal ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. I certify that I have reviewed the following described real property and have determined that the lot line adjustment substantially conforms with all requirements of City of La Quinta, and that no conditions are imposed other than the recordation of this document to complete the terms of Lot Line Adjustment 96-211. The real property is located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as follows: EXHIBITS "A" AND "B" OWNER(S) OF RECORD: KSL LAND II CORPORATION Executed on Aprii 2, 1996, at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. CHRISTINE DI IORtO Planning Manager City of La Quinta foerfifca[e-adisk APPLICANT: 144393 KSL LAND II CORPORATION 56-140 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Chapters 13.32 and 13.44 of the Subdivision Ordinance) This certificate relates only to issues of compliance and noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and legal ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without"further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto.- Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. I certify that I have reviewed the following described real property and have determined that the lot line adjustment substantially conforms with all requirements of City of La Quinta, and that no conditions are imposed other than the recordation of this document to complete the terms of Lot Line Adjustment 96-211. The real property is located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as follows: EXHIBITS "A" AND "B" OWNER(S) OF RECORD: KSL LAND II CORPORATION Executed on April 2, 1996, at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. CHRISTINE DI IORIO Planning Manager City of La Quinta Lcertifmte-adisk ® ® 2443" CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. 5907 State of _ �%A_V � County of ILA �- On before me, . t uo 4n¢ Q c 1, DATE N ,TITLE OF OFFICER- .G.,'JANE DOE OTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) 2 personally known to me - OR - ��revP� to ma nn the basi �tLzs�ti�f�rtnr; p ' ^^^ to be the person(X whose name(O is/are- subscribed to the within instrument and ac- ------------- �T .. 1 knowledged to me that 4e/sheAMey executed the same in h+slher/t#e+f- authorized capacity(", and that by WFe/her/t4eFr signature 0. on the instrument the personss'f, or the entity upon behalf of which the person/1-4 acted, executed the instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal. OPTIONAL . -tea. SIGNATURE F NOTARY Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER ❑ PARTNER(S) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ ATTORNEY -IN -FACT ❑ TRUSTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/ ONSERVATOR OTHER:K SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IE ) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT OR TYPE NUMBER OF PAGES —a_ DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 01993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION - 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 - Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 E 144393 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96-211 CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION - EXHIBIT "A" Parcel 77 Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; excepting therefrom the East 2.00 feet of said Lot 77. Parcel 78 Lot 78 and the East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City Of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. J", (� � / /' Stanley C. Mors', . 3640 Date G A401 \20\LEGALS\77d 78. DOC t�tfY"LAND Slgp-=_ *. NO.�y: Q "TFOF CAL�F�IIi 144393 o N W w JJ m N N _ m O J �� H ¢ Z O Z x z W LAJ J m Q o Q ZZ W o o? Z o Z z "s CD' Z Z O m O OJ mo J N a 6 F Y W rl a^o zIzI w OJ — o — z O y CV kn CD I z cz ao m X O 148.33' C) CCkt z YJ '20'91 /pp 15.03 N 611'46" W 148.33' RSE bi W o S'8l ,S'8l C ."t, E- m OD m o z U R Z ¢ C W o^ J O��yJs W e_ _ N3ai� m z X. �: 's a '. Z I ,00'K Q t 6 �� U O X �� 00 8h C M�� I.SZ.Z N ,000 Q W E --- E- a a W o ar-0 N 00'8b1, M^I,SZ.Zco N \. o„ W o m U .00'OZ o °c. M C) a .09 LZ a c o .a I CL 00 M N 00 I N M Z Z w �� CIO AS'84l M „LI.SZ.Z N M N J 07 p C S o �j 008ti1 M „LI,SZ.Z N 0 T4t�t 4 4aQuIRM 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 April 2, 1996 Ms. Barbara Larsh, Paralegal c/o Legal Department KSL Land II Corporation 56-140 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 96-211 Dear Ms. Larsh: On March 27, 1996, the Community Development Department received your letter and copy of Instrumental No. 104858 which represents recordation of the east 2-feet of Lot 77 of Tract 28149 for Lot Line Adjustment 96-211. Based on this action, please proceed with the recordation of the attached revised legal descriptions along with the signed Certificate of Compliance for Lots 77 and 78 of Tract 28149 based on Chapter 13.32 of the City's Subdivision Ordinance. If you need additional assistance, please feel free to contact me at (619) 777-7067. Very truly yours, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR W SDELL Associat Planner GT. Enclosures LtIIa211 406 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 In 0 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 95-2II CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION - EXHIBIT "A" Parcel 77 Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; excepting therefrom the East 2.00 feet of said Lot 77. Parcel 78 Lot 78 and the East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City Of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. l 17 Stanley C. Mors', . 3640 Date G:\401 \20\LEGALS\77678. DOC I Pl. _AND St�P� _.F0: J: -.; *.ram Q =gTFOF CAL����ilA\ o C o h w w a CD W Q J J O = N _ as � Z O z � LIJ J m a zz o o? z d Z z J Z o N c Z O m ~ Z O O J < J E� 6 F x La HI00 w Z O Z ] CD �to �:Io co X I E �r � oa v N z 148.33' N 6.116' w w fi 11'46" W 148.33' �0'Sl J�IE OP, SE b i 15.03' N o00 m d d J W � �w >tib O�S i s dz `� m ZW CS� � n � X Z E I ,00'Vf C N W � 0084I Mi„LI,SZ.Z N �d o — a o ,00'841i M^ISZ.Z N r o 3 W U '00'Oz K o os cz o a L o aw U �I Q O N N N r N YY� W 0 x co w z M Z OSBbI M N W �� ^ J „Ll,SZ.Z 7 N) r7 40 m p` a A _] O Z z Z O a 1"43 7j. pp b la L 00'8til M „LI,SZ.Z N y 0 %,* / l N =# 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 April 2, 1996 Ms. Barbara Larsh, Paralegal c/o Legal Department KSL Land 11 Corporation 56-140 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 96-211 Dear Ms. Larsh: On March 27, 1996, the Community Development Department received your letter and copy of Instrument No. 104858 which represents recordation of the east 2-feet of Lot 77 of Tract 28149 for Lot Line Adjustment 96-211. Based on this action, please proceed with the recordation of the attached revised legal descriptions along with the signed Certificate of Compliance for Lots 77 and 78 of Tract 28149 based on Chapter 13.32 of the City's Subdivision Ordinance. If you need additional assistance, please reel free toxontact me at (619) 777-7067. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN \ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT D CTOP GREG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. Enclosures c: Steve Speer, Senior Engineer LU1a211 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 t2 ' LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 G H APPLICANT: KSL LAND II CORPORATION 56-140 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Ordinance) I certify that I have reviewed the following described real property and have determined that the lot line adjustment substantially conforms with all requirements of City of La Quinta, and that no conditions are imposed other than the recordation of this document to complete the terms of Lot Line Adjustment 96-211. The real property is located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as follows: SEE ATTACHED GRANT DEEDS WITH EXHIBITS "A" AND "B" OWNER(S) OF RECORD: KSL LAND II CORPORATION Executed on April 2, 1996, at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. JERRY HERMAN Community Development Director City of La Quinta f ertifeate-adisk 0 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96-211 CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION - EXHIBIT "a° Parcel 77 Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; excepting therefrom the East 2.00 feet of said Lot 77. Parcel 78 Lot 78 and the East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City Of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Stanley C. Mors , . 3640 Date G:\401 \20\LEGALS\77&78.DOC t11��c��O GyIAR� A. G. it � 9TFOF CA1-��lIlrr rl li 0 C1 C\2z z � F � d Tao z z i E- O W ao E- co r aw U a JmQ VI mJ J Q Z U n ¢¢ J m Of a CK LLI z z J =� Z z Lj Z O m p O H J O Z) LLJ ^ � x O W J Z CDn N ,� I 148.33' N 6.11'4C W 15.03' N fi 11'46" W 48.33' ,EO'Sl� �n o 0 r O O J v NN W .00'4C Q u o I �IAO'Stil'Ll M 1,SZ.Z N Sri .00'9; 100'841, M LI.SZ.Z N n r m w r. V o0 oz o Q CO N CL Ol N w 00 a M 00 O cil z O r, S•g� I ,S 8 9 Tt-1 M „L l 0 IL N c � o m I O x z E- J 0 z " w � m E— Y �z �Cr w� ao E. O U o V tt * 6i J�pRSE J u> c z JS L y \301l w 0 U O r N � � � � M w Z L N Ln r� pe 6p Y at 00 PC V' Ij � o i9 �{ y E LIl RECREATION CORPORATION March 27, 1996 Greg Trousdell Associate Planner City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment 96-21 1 Dear Greg: L n1 g MAR 2 7 b5y) t, PLANNOi3UPA iF,=:t7' Pursuant to your letter dated February 26, 1996, attached is a confonned copy of Instrument No. 104858 recorded March 25, 1996 with the Riverside County Recorder representing the legal description of property being adjusted between lots 77 and 78 of Tract 28149. Please have a Certificate of Compliance issued and recorded perfecting Lot Line Adjustment 96-21 1 and return a copy of the recorded instrument for our flies. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me at (619) 564-1088. Si cceArellyy, Barbara Larsh Paralegal enclosures c: Chevis Hosea Cynthia Zamorez PGAW EST\28149\LLA9621 1101 America's Leader In Distinctive Lifestyle and Recreation 56-140 PGA Boulevard • La Quinta, California 92253 • (619) 564-1088 • Fax (619) 564-4880 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 2 KSL LAND II CORPORATION 56-140 PGA Blvd. La Quinta, CA 92253 Atten: Legal Department MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Same as above APN: 769-440-045 TRA: 020-025 THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR DECLARES: Documentary Transfer Tax is $ -0- thereon at the time of sale. ( ;ias -OLlrIt'l ri i G slid Space above this line for Recorder's Use Computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed, or is Computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION; the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, KSL LAND H CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation hereby GRANT(S) to KSL LAND II CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of Riverside, State of California: EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN "THIS DEED REFLECTS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96-211 AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Dated: 12.G / / 1yt KSL LAND II CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ARR . L HLITER, its txecutive Vice President 28149\lotlinel.ded is STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) On 1996, before me, -'Vb %Q a �Noota"ryy 'Public in and for said State, personally appeared )—f,L,vy(.,I F 4/Gkl('ta-i— ,'1v ersonal ly known to me or ❑ proved tojhe on the basis of satistacthry evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. otary Public in and for Said State FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP MARBARAT.LA yH J(i — COMM. N978568 y NECa1I1N7HIVtR51DF JV COUNTYME1 P96.NOvemher 22, 9 28149\lotlinel.ded LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96-211 CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION - EXHIBIT 'A' Parcel 77 The East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Date G:b101 \20\LEGAL5\77&78. DOC =xp 9-{0-97 I'1.., 2 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 77 Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; excepting therefrom the East 2.00 feet of said Lot 77. Parcel 78 Lot 78 and the East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City Of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. .z�L , 11�1)lbhe4 1Stanley C. Mors , . 3640 Date G\401\20\LEGALS\77&78.D0C EXHIBIT-A DGHAR V : Y v- J; < r *.ram NO. ;& Q __sTq . 3640 ems; -TFOF CK\� 14 I O �z z to a c� Lo zz X U E, W as E• co O U a c� a. Q O m m m ss p � ? 00 W 00 oo=Zoo ZO W H m ~O O O J LL F H J O O N 90 °° � o�.� � ^ Q W 148.5� W msl 15.03' N 511'4611 W 148.33' 00 1 J NN go W L) (0 (0 Q CL 00'Stil M .LI,SZ.Z N_ 00'8ti t M ,L t,SZ.Z N � J w o W 00 U � Q M I a 00 Z OS'Hb l M wL I.SZ.Z M N 0 0 N 0 a u J a V o+ i W 0 0 3 z J N � � d m o E- v] < OW W W ww�7-°° zw =�cn E+ c>wJ �00_ O,. aU OR ,SE b g J e n U a; W is P~� DIl a 0 Draft Letter Stan , Christi April 1, 1996 Ms. Barbara Larsh, Paralegal c/o Legal Department KSL Land II Corporation 56-140 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 96-211 Dear Ms. Larsh: On March 27, 1996, the Community Development Department received your letter and copy of Instrumental No. 104858 which represents recordation of the east 2-feet of Lot 77 of Tract 28149 for Lot Line Adjustment 96-211. Based on this action, please proceed with the recordation of the attached Grant Deeds and revised legal descriptions along with the signed Certificate of Compliance for Lots 77 and 78 of Tract 28149 based on Chapter 13.32 of the City's Subdivision Ordinance. If you need additional assistance, please feel free to contact me at (619) 777-7067. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR D11011 GREG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. Enclosure c: Steve Speer, Senior Engineer Ltlla211 APPLICANT: KSL LAND II CORPORATION 56-140 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Ordinance) I certify that I have reviewed the following described real property and have determined that the lot line adjustment substantially conforms with all requirements of City of La Quinta, and that no conditions are imposed other than the recordation of this document to complete the terms of Lot Line Adjustment 96-211. The real property is located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as follows: SEE ATTACHED GRANT DEEDS WITH EXHIBITS OWNER(S) OF RECORD: KSL LAND II CORPORATION Executed on April , 1996, at the La Quinta City Hall, Riverside, California JERRY HERMAN Community Development Director City of La Quinta T4tit44Q" 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 February 26, 1996 Ms. Cynthia Zamorez KSL Land II Corporation 56-140 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 96-211 Dear Ms. Zamorez: The Community Development Department has reviewed your lot line adjustment request to shift the common property line between Lots 77 and 78 of Tract 28149. We can approve the request provided the following procedures are taken: 1. Please have the enclosed new Grant Deed and legal description recorded at the Riverside County Recorder's Office. 2. Once recorded, please provide copies of the recorded material to our department. 3. Upon acceptance of the material by the County of Riverside, the Community Development Director will issue either a Certificate of Compliance or a Conditional Certificate of Compliance as required by Section 13.32.050 of the Subdivision Ordinance, indicating the City's final acceptance and approval of the request. If you have any questions, please contact me at (619) 777-7067. Very truly yours, 11a211 DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Ik MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ��(� RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: KSL LAND II CORPORATION 56-140 PGA Blvd. La Quinta, CA 92253 Atten: Legal Department MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Same as above APN: 769-440-045 TRA: 020-025 Space above this line for Recorder's Use CORPORATION GRANT DEED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR DECLARES: Documentary Transfer Tax is $ -0- Computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed, or is Computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, KSL LAND H CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation hereby GRANT(S) to KSL LAND H CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of Riverside, State of California: EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN "THIS DEED REFLECTS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96- 211 AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Dated: #a b l , /?/,,/ KSL LAND II CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation I�h RR . L HLITER, its xecutive Vice President 28149\lotlinet.ded r.. U STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) On t 1996, before me, ?Q&ryptra ( R.n; �L a /INo^ta--ryy- ..Public in and for said State, personally appeared I--T.L. r- GJGk%i ta-r— personally known to me or ❑ proved to a on the basis of satisfac ry evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. otary Public in and for Said State FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP _ _ LARSH BARBARA 9 8568 COMM. N9 8 = G alik — {a NRIVE 4 :r SIDEPubli COUNTY RIVERSIDE COUNTY --. My Commissim Expfires November 22, 1996 28149\Lotlinel.ded n LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96-211 CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION - EXHIBIT 'A' Parcel 77 The East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. xi4L 2-13-9(a tanley C. Mor , .C.E. 20596 Date G:\401 \20\LEGALS\77&78. DOC -SS u. 2--596 -, 'S txD70-37 2� 0 RECREATION CO FFa TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: Greg Trousdell, City�uinta From: Cynthia Zamorez Date: February 14, 1996 Subject: KSL Land I1 Corporation; Lot Line Adjustment Info Request Hand -Delivered Greg: X Per Your Request For Your Review and Comment(s) For Your Information For Your Approval For Your Files Please Handle Copied: Per Our Conversation CONFIDENTIAL See Notes Below Enclosed please find: Qty I Name/Description of Enclosures: — EE Original Legal Description for 2 foot Strip Original Exhibit B (depicts house placement, removal of title block for project engineer) Notes: gG� M 56-140 PGA Boulevard • La Quinta, California 92253 9 (619) 564-1088 • Fax (619) 564-4880 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96-211 CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION The East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. L -/✓ / Date GM01 @01LEGALSV7&78.D0C Ln XL =SSA r. �I ea I cow L O Nz w � F � M � 00 z z Fa oW U ® Z o lie 0 W m N Q JJ N H uj Q Q ZW m 4! ZZ OJ �1=>Z Z O Z cl o m O ^co uj o o z o I I 148W ,Eo�l jUJN '11'46" o 0 r J � LJ W 00 4f Q 3 CL I.SZ.Z N 00'8b1; M Llsc.c N n o„ o J ^ I m LA U I ASZZ Q C7 o J 00 n Z OS'8b l M .L.J.9z Z �p P\ I M ,Lt,SZ.Z N IA n ,S'8L I ,S'SL z a O ,A ,000 _ Z .000Z bo M O "t 00 r r N N N W W W M M M � a M � M � 00 00 0 o z z z O Q 0 D Christi - for your review. TO: STEVE SPEER, SENIOR ENGINEER FROM: GREG TROUSDELL, ASSOCIATE PLANNER VIA: CHRISTINE DI IORIO, PLANNING MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 14, 1996 RE: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 96-211 KSL has submitted the attached material for your final review and consideration based on our correspondence to their office on February 12th. Please review the material and provide your comments when possible. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. Enclosures formeng RECREATION CO TRANSMITTAL SHEET /Y4'ti T �fL To: Greg Trousdell, City I uinta. From: Cynthia Zamorez Date: February 14, 1996 Subject: KSL Land II Corporation; Lot Line Adjustment Info Request - Tract 28118, Lots ]'.1 and 12 Hand -Delivered Greg: X Per Your Request For Your Review and Comraent(s) For Your Information For Your Approval For Your Files Please Handle Copied: Per Our Conversation CONFIDENTIAL See Notes Below Enclosed please find: Qty11 Name/Description of Enclosures: 1 Original Legal Description for 2 foot Strip 1 Original Exhibit B (depicts house placement, removal of title block for project engineer) Notes: "P 1,4, "-F't / T 56-140 PGA Boulevard • La Quinta, California 92253 • (619) 564-1088 0 Fax (619) 564-4880 I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96-211 CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 77 The East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. V r L_ 2-/3-9(a tanley C. Mor , .C.E. 20596 Date G:k101 \20\LEGALS\77&78. DOC � I I O �rn L o cat z W cr F d� ca Lm o 9::5 m zw XF� U W go F" a c ow U I iL ,£0'Sl 15.01' N 611'4 11 _ r` W �NN m� N ,00'4f Q I ��,00841; M ,LI,SZ.Z N of A0841, M^l,Sc.c n r or 00 U C� I ,os LZ 5 Q 7 M z .OS'84l M „LI,SZ 40 o 0 t M „L 1Sa Ii say 0 o L£ N O r r N g O 3 al d N 00 0Z CD o a n 00 N � r r N N w w M M C � � M co w o z z O rl ! C w I J cc U Oi o N m I O z w F z J w � a m � H x d m W z �o F+ o� W 0 r N � � � M W Z L N � (n J d 0 p! it 00 0C V' •p A 1 0 4 �3 ag �� RECREATION CORPO kAhkTI'll\Zg y;} TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: Greg Trousdell, City of LarOuinta From: Cynthia Zamorez Date: February 14, 1996 Subject: KSL Land II Corporation; Lot Line Adjustment Info Request - Tract 28118, Lots 11 and 12 Hand -Delivered Greg: X Per Your Request For Your Review and Comment(s) For Your Information For Your Approval For Your Files Please Handle Copied: Per Our Conversation CONFIDENTIAL See Notes Below Enclosed please find: Qty Name/Description of Enclosures: 1 Original Legal Description for 2 foot Strip 1 Original Exhibit B (depicts house placement, removal of title block for project engineer) Notes: 56-140 PGA Boulevard • La Quinta, California 92253 0 (619) 564-1088 • Fax (619) 564-4880 D m 'L� D n � rl 18.5' J 18.5' m E N 2'25'17" W a 0 O d N 2' 25' 17" W_ 148.5U' z i I00 27.50' rr7 g m o \ N 9'95'17'W '148.00' N 2'25'17" W V,1148.00'I- J D 34.00' II II II ��as r A r w OD p b C? w9blll.9 N ,�0'Sl < V @4 I � 6 IZI� O x_ 000 Z N c r O ro ro z z o y m z O r p O Z 00 m CO D➢ ➢ z M N mm C) w mo m m Z1 � m D_ z o ?RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: E KSL LAND II CORPORATION 56-140 PGA Blvd. La Quinta, CA 92253 Atten: Legal Department MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Same as above APN: 769-440-045 TRA: 020-025 Space above this line for Recorder's Use CORPORATION GRANT DEED - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR DECLARES: Documentary Transfer Tax is $_ -0- Computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed, or is Computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, KSL LAND II CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation hereby GRANT(S) to KSL LAND II CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of Riverside, State of California: EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN "THIS DEED REFLECTS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. AS APPROVED 13Y THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Dated: .1b / I /l KSL LAND II CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ARR . L HLITER, its xecutive Vice President 28149\tottinet.ded r STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) On r�� L, 1996, before me, jQ / • ( Q r D� a 11No^tary PGublic in and for said State, personally appeared 4 l"- L L--/C-g 1( fP—/— ,�ersonaLly known to me or Cl proved to� a on the basis of satisfac ry evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. otary Public in and for Said'State FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP `44- Rf\'FRSIDFBARBARA T.LAR,H CO.MM. 0978568 = _ Naary Public-Calilomia _ - COUNTY �My CNovember 21, 1996 28149\LotLinel.ded FROM FNTIC MAJOR ACCTS/BUILDER SERVICES 02.01.1996 16:54 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 4344 LATHAM STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 PHONE NO. (909) 682-8880 * (800) 439-8880 UPDATE 1 PR13LIMINARY REPORT Date:: FEBRUARY 2, 1996 TO: KSL RECREATION CORP. 56-140 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 Attn: BARBARA LARSH Effective Date: JANUARY 31, 1996 at 7:30 am Your No.; TENT. TR. 28149/LLA-1 Order No.: 252843-JMG Title Officer: JOHN M. GLANCE FAX NO. (909) 682-8837 P. 8 The form of Policy or Policies of Title Insurance contemplated by this Report is: California Land Title Association (Standard Coverage Policy - 1990) American Land Title Association Loan Policy (10-17-92) With A.L.T.A Endorsement - Form 1 Coverage _x_ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE A The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this report is: A Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested iri: KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION The land referred to in this report is situated in the County of RIVERSIDE, City of LA QUINTA, State of California, and is described as follows: LOTS 77 AND 78, OF TRACT 28149, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOR; 257, PAGES 8 THROUGH 15, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ,FROM FNTIC MAJOR ACCTS/BUILDER SERVICES 02. 01.1996 16: 554 P. 9 FILE NO. 252843-JO(LLA-1) SCHEDULE B Fidelity National Title At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions in said Policy Form would be as follows: A. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. PLEASE NOTE: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CANNOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF ANY PROPERTY TAXES. MONEY ORDERS, CASHIER CHECKS AND ESCROW CHECKS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED. 1. Water rights, claim or title to water, whether or not shown by the public record. 2, A right of way and easement of the Coachella Valley County Water in favor of the public for all public roads and rights of way heretofore dedicated, acquired, reserved or accepted for public use, and also any and all private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe line, ditches and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigating and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. 3. RESERVATION in the Patent from the United States, as follows:: "Subject to any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturir.g or other purposes, and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of courts, and rights of way for ditches or canals constructed by authority of the United States"; recorded DE:CEMBER 2.1, 1906 IN BOOK 3, PAGE 348 OF PATENTS. 4. MASTER DECLARATION OF Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document recorded JANUARY 22, 1986 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 15569, Official Records. Which provide, among other things, that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in "good faith" and for value. NOTE: The right of a non -;profit organization to levy charges and/or assessments, as set forth in the Declaration of Restrictions above mentioned. A document declaring a modification of said covenants, conditions and restrictions recorded JANUARY 30, 1986 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 22072, AND DECEMBER 20, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 422634 BOTH OF Official Records. The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument recorded JUNE 8, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 212324, Official Records. ,FROM FNTIC MAJOR ACCTS/BUILDER SERVICES 02.01.1996 16:55 P.10 FILE NO. 252843-J(LLA-1) Fidelity National Title The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT No. 036362 AND 036363, Official Records 5. Essement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Affects: PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PURPOSES AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT IN FAVOR OF: THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 6. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as grunted in a document. Granted to: KSL LAND CORPORATION AND KSL PGA WEST CORPORATION Purpose: DRAINiAGE AND ACCESS, CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER PURPOSES Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036358, Official Records 7. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document referred to in the numbered itbm last above shown. 8. Easement($) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights thereto, as reserved in a document. Reserved by: KSL LAND CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Purpose: ACCESS, CONSTRUCTION, STORM DRAIN, AND OTHER PURPOSES Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036359 , Official Records 9. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document referred to in the numbered item last above shown. 10. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $25,000,000.00 Dated: SEPTEM:BER 20, 1995 Trustor: KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Trustee: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Beneficiary: NOMURA ASSET CAPITAL CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Recorded: SEPTEMBER 25, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 318162, Official Records FROM FNTIC MAJOR AGUIbIbUILUtK btKVILC> o<.o..lvvo le:oo r.II FILE NO. 252843-J19(LLA-1) delity National Title An agreement to modify the terms and provisions of said deed of: trust as therein provided Executed by: NOMURA ASSET CAPITAL CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION AND KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A Recorded: DELAWARE CORPORATION JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036360, Official Records An agreement which states that this instrument was subordinated to the document or interest shown as item 4 By agreement Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT No. 036362 AND 036363, Official Records An agreement which states that this instrument was subordinated to the document or interest shown as item 11 By agreement Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036365 AND 036366, Official Records 11. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: AUGUST 3, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 288874, Official Records Liens and charges for upkeep and maintenance as set forth in the above mentioned declaration. Modification(s) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036365 AND 039366, Official Records The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein. described land by an instrument Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036?i65 AND 036366 , Official Records 12. No known matters otherwise appropriate to be shown have been deleted from this report, which is not a policy of title insurance, but a report to facilitate the issuance of policy of title insurance. 13. For purposes of policy issuance, Items NONE may be eliminated on the bbasis of an indemnity agreement or other agreement satisfactory to the company as insurer. ESCROW INFORMATION 1. SUBDIVISION RATE FROM FNTIC MAJOR ucciS'UUILVLK SLK.Ictb FILE NO. 252843-JO(LLA_1) Fidelity Nati011al Title CC: M.D.S. CONSULTING 17320 REDHILL AVENUE, SUITE 350 IRVINE, CA 92714 ATTN: STAN MORSE FROM E III Ceity, Q o, 4 Q" DATE:_`1-�— 9� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City Manager -5 public Works Department _Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation _Fire Marshal _Chamber of Commerce _Imperial Irrigation District _Southern California Gas _Desert Sands School District _CV Unified School District CV Water District --Waste Management US Postal Service General Telephone I- rincipal Planner - Current Principal Planner - Advan _Associate Planner - --Colony Cable f urr._/Advan._ _ Sunline Transit _v an ing Manager _ Caltrans (District II) _ ommunity Development —Agricultural Commission __CV Archaeological Society __BIA - Desert Council --City of Indio/Indian Wells __CV Mountain Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks Riverside County: _Sheriff's Department LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT LOCATION _Planning Department The C' of I<yPjuinta Develop nt Review Co ttee is conduc Q ny Aot (CEQA) for th above referenc project(s). A ched Director _Environmental Health an initial eViroamen�y pursuant to California Envjron�tefital is thel°'�'•£ormation su itteci by the p ect proponent. Your comments are requested with respect to: 1. Physical impacts the project presents on public resources, facilities, and/or services. 2. Recommended conditions: a) that you or your agency believe would mitigate any potential adverse effects; b) or should apply to the project design; c) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concerns which your agency is responsible; and 3. If you find that the identified impacts will have: significant adverse effects on the environment which cannot be avoided through conditions, please recommend the scope and focus of additional study(ies) which may be helpful. Please send your response by _. You are invited to attend the DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta City Hall: Time: Contact Person: / L -- �s�Et..C— (---> Title: �-S'So�-, /Gr'�NN£Fra— Comments made by: �iC �l'1'1tiYW/�'}'�� Title: _ Date: Phone: Agency/Division: RECREATION CORPORATION TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: Greg Trousdell, City, of La Quinta From: Cynthia Zamorez �T Date: February 2, 1996 Subject: KSL Land II Corporation; Lot Line Adjustment - Tract 28118, Lots 11 and 12 Hand -Delivered Greg: X Per Your Request For Your Review and Comment(s) For Your Information For Your Approval For Your Files Please Handle Copied: Per Our Conversation CONFIDENTIAL See Notes Below Enclosed please find: Qty Name/Description of Enclosures: 1 Original Exhibit A 1 Original Legal Description Notes: 1% 56-140 PGA Boulevard • La Quinta, California 92253 0 (619) 564-1088 0 Fax (619) 564-4880 ICE I cc �z F z m a co W P9 z I E. co co r- U] a w F W E" M Q uM a 00 Z a sos� 15.03' -�— N g11'48" W 148.33' 00 1 I J 63a U 0- 00'84l M vLLSZ_Z N .008b1 M „LISZ.Z N 0 r IS �e J W U a CL jj , 10 ,S'8t I G'IR I G 101 Z J J 0 w o O r z J J O W � � m E- < Y W D W Z 0=U d O W W JUG W w n �7- _ vi E-F �w� O o o_ a U OR s E U 0 6 z OO 0 ll 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 February 12, 1996 Ms. Cynthia Zamorez KSL Recreation Corporation 56-140 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 96-211 Dear Ms. Zamorez: The Community Development has reviewed your lot line adjustment request to shift the common property line between Lots 77 and 78 of Tract 28149. We have the following preliminary comments on the request based on our recent discussions with Mr. Steve Speer, Senior Engineer with the City's Public Works Department: 1. The adjustment of property from Lot 78 to Lot 77 requires the preparation of a legal description for the two -foot by 148-foot property to be conveyed. The reason for this request is that to convey this small strip of property to the adjoining lot, the County of Riverside Assessor's Office requires that the strip be created. Once created, the lot can be conveyed to the adjoining lot after a Certificate of Compliance is also recorded. 2. The lot line adjustment exhibit shall be revised, or a separate exhibit prepared, to show the future homes to be built on these two parcels if the adjustment is allowed. Also, please remove from the title block the reference of Mr. Michael Lee Foreman to the right of the project engineer's license stamp. 3. The lot line exhibit was not an original signed by the project engineer, Mr. Stanley C. Morse, as required.. Your application transmittal has been routed for internal review among City staff. Final comments on this request are expected by February 14, 1996. Please submit the requested additional information as soon as it is available. We will complete our comments on this request on or before February 21, 1996. .� MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ®� _. If you have any questions, please contact me at (619) 777-7067. Very truly yours, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR U'j (/ — Planner GT. c: Steve Speer, Senior Engineer Christine di Iorio, Planning Manager 2 ® O � II w m O Sm O j U d ¢¢ ro < F- LU O O ? Z Z Z Z O m p O = J J _J c.> ~ LRi i r ^ � O O I Z 8 N 6.11�" W� 14�' �sOSL E - 15.03' N 611'46' `A 148.:i3' 00 S'8l Q 2 q J ZD cF 0 0 ,n py W N O VJ O z Io � a o a F I x o� o U F �O. N W a 00'Sb l M L I,SZ_Z_ N aco �0� AO'8b l M N „L l SZ.Z S V] w C. W co O U ;� a a � I Q N M7 r M a_ C4 N N a 00 W Z W W OS'8bl M N � � M 4® co 0\ o z o z z � o I L I,SZI o0'8b l M „.Z N R m I 0 W O � O i n z z W � � � m E% o W Z d W W W�00 z� w �7- _per F FOR � zsE b � M � d= w a 0 I February 5, 1996 Ms. Cynthia Zamorez KSL Recreation Corporation 56-140 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 96-211 Dear Ms. Zamorez: The Community Development has reviewed your lot line adjustment request to shift the common property line between Lots 77 and 78 of Tract 28149. We have the following preliminary comments on the request based on our recent discussions with Mr. Steve Speer, Senior Engineer with the City's Public Works Department: 1. The adjustment of property from Lot 78 to Lot 77 requires the preparation of a legal description for the two -foot by 148-foot property to be conveyed. The reason for this request is that to convey this small strip of property to the adjoining lot, the County of Riverside Assessor's Office requires that the strip be created. Once created, the: lot can be conveyed to the adjoining lot after a Certificate of Compliance is also recorded. ( wr- 'IGYA �3k�1 �01� Pp P 2. The lot line adjustment exhibit shall be revised`to show the future homes to be built on these two parcels if the adjustment is allowed. Also, please it 0 remove from the title block the reference of Mr. Michael Lee Foreman to the right of the project engineer's license stamp. 3. The lot line exhibit was not an original signed by the project engineer, Mr. Stanley C. Morse) Gs Y-� u ) red. . Your application transmittal has been routed for internal review among City staff. Final comments on this request are expected by February 14, 1996. � We will complete our comments on this request on or before February 21, 1996. If you have any questions, please contact me at (619) 777-7067. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GREG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. 0 c: Steve Speer, Senior Engineer Christine di Iorio, Planning Manager .1 1— — — .. — — a.. I . I I . — I _ U r 4 -'6 U L- I ' f 4 —. I P.01 17141 20-18821 FAX 21111-0616 n mvc * r. - te. i'! r ro"5"? 14 Q! e "I Tsc C' an led !v,. :!',vew:3VS !.0 IC<:t WIG 3T1rC"YEf3 v0csc asyna Olam Oe mut make Me Orr - 5 W" WO j a 1 me w 19, n -4— a m to I a wwors y wits is" onif, % �w rs, ev, Tt-', -siazJLkY C. M 0 RS E iA �F-07 6 4S 4 8 I PROPOSED PRE06E ( ADE PLAN LOY -i v F%C 1- r%C)VED Fl-�LCISE I�6)uy ® 0 Cep 0 DATE:` COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City Manager -Vublic Works Department _Building & Safety _Parks & Recreation _Fire Marshal _Chamber of Commerce _Imperial Irrigation District _Southern California Gas _Desert Sands School District _CV Unified School District CV Water District __Waste Management --US Postal Service --General Telephone __Colony Cable __Sunline Transit _ Caltrans (District II) _Principal Planner - Current _Principal Planner - Advan Associate Planner - _�:urr._/Advan._ v amn ing Manager t,-e0 munity Development __Agricultural Commission __CV Archaeological Society _BIA - Desert Council __City of Indio/Indian Wells __CV Mountain Conservancy CV Recreation & Parks Riverside County: _Sheriff's Department LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT LOCATION. _Planning Department Director Environmental Health 16 The C' of 1 yP�iiinta Develop n[ Review Co [tee is conduc ' an initial a ironmental s y pursuant to California Env ronn}efital Q rty A (CEQA) for th above referenc project(s). A ched is the ormation su i[ted by the p ect proponen� Your comments are requested with respect to: Physical impacts the project presents on public resources, facilities, and/or services. 2. Recommended conditions: a) that you or your agency believe would mitigate any potential adverse effects; b) or should apply to the project design; c) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concerns which your agency is responsible; and 3. If you find that the identified impacts will have significant adverse effects on the environment which cannot be avoided through conditions, please recommend the scope and focus of additional smdy(ies) which may be helpful. Please send your response by You are invited to attend the DEVELOPMENT' REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta City Halt: Time: Contact Person: 6�_ &7 �fZ.oysa"��t—Z__ Title: Se�C /Lfh�r-i=� Comments made M Phone: Agency/Division: _ 0 RECREATION CORPORATION TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: City of La Quinta From: Cynthia Zamorez Date: February 2, 1996 Subject: KSL Land II Corporation; Lot Lime Adjustment - Tract 28149, Lots 77 and 78 Hand -Delivered City of La Quinta: Per Your Request For Your Review and Comment(s) For Your Information X For Your Approval For Your Files Please Handle Copied: Per Our Conversation CONFIDENTIAL See Notes Below Enclosed please find: Qty Name/Description of Enclosures: F 1 Check for $125.00 to City of La Quinta (Check Number 91231) 1 Signed/Notarized Corporation Grant Deed - Lot Line Adjustment (2 pages) 1 Legal Description and Exhibit A (lYlap) (2 pages) I Updated PTR (Dated February 2, 1996) Notes: 56-140 PGA Boulevard • La Quinta, California 92253 0 (619) 564-1088 • Fax (619) 564-4880 0 11 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 77 Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; excepting therefrom the East 2.00 feet of said Lot 77. Parcel 78 Lot 78 and the East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City Of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. IAVA R ! �� Stanley C. Mors , . 3640 Date G:\401\20LLEGALS\77&78.DOC // Ir EXHIBIT A pf�LAND S 7 GNARlFC7 0. Q ? 9TFOFCAL�F�IIA FROM FNTIC MAJOR ACCTS/BUILDER SERVICES 02.01.1996 16:54 0 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 434:4 LATHAM STREET PHONE NO. (909)RSIDE682-8880 *9(801 00) 439-8880 UPDATE 1 PRELIMINARY REPORT Date: FEBRUARY 2, 1996 TO: KSL RECREATION CORP. 56-140 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 Attn: BARBARA LARSH Effective Date: JANUARY 31, 1996 at 7:30 am Your No.: TENT. TR. 28149/LLA-1 Order No.: 252843-JMG Title Officer: JOHN M. GLANCE FAX NO. (909) 682-8837 P. 8 The form of Policy or Policies of Title Insurance contemplated by this Report is: California Land Title Association (Standard Coverage Policy - 1990) American Land Title Association Loan Policy (10-17-92) With A.L.T.A Endorsement - Form 1 Coverage _x_ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE A The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this report is: A Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION The land referred to in this report is situated in the County of RIVERSIDE, City of LA QUINTA, State of California, and is described as follows: LOTS 77 AND 78, OF TRACT 28149, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 257, PAGES 8 THROUGH 15, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. I FROM FNTIC MAJOR ACCTS/BUILDER SERVICES 02.01. 1996 16: 54 P. 9Ah ® FILE NO. 252843-Jh7�(LLA-1) SCHEDULE B Fidelity National Title At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions in said Policy Form would be as follows: A. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. PLEASE NOTE: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CANNOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF ANY PROPERTY TAXES. MONEY ORDERS, CASHIER CHECKS AND ESCROW CHECKS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED. 1. Water rights, claim or title to water, whether or not shown by the public record. A right of way and easement of the Coachella Valley County Water in favor of the public for all public roads and rights of way heretofore dedicated, acquired, reserved or accepted for public use, and also any and all private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe line, ditches and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigating and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. RESERVATION in the Patent from the United States, as follows: "Subject to any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing or other purposes, and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of courts, and rights of way for ditches or canals constructed by authority of the United States"; recorded DECEMBER 2.1, 1906 IN BOOK 3, PAGE 348 OF PATENTS. MASTER DECLARATION OF Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document recorded JANUARY 22, 1986 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 15569, Official Records. Which provide, among other things, that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in "good faith" and for value. NOTE: The right of a non-profit organization to levy charges and/or assessments, as set forth in the Declaration of Restrictions above mentioned. A document declaring a modification of said covenants, conditions and restrictions recorded JANUARY 30, 1986 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 22072, AND DECEMBER 20, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 422634 BOTH OF Official Records. The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument recorded JUNE 8, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 212324, Official Records. FROM FNTIC MAJOR ACCTS/BUILD R SERVICES 02.01.1996 ® 5 P.10 FILE NO. 252843-Jt(LLA-1) Fidelity National Title The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument: Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036362 AND 036363, Official Records 5. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PURPOSES Affects: AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT IN FAVOR OF: THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 6. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document. Granted to: KSL LAND CORPORATION AND KSL PGA WEST CORPORATION Purpose: DRAINAGE AND ACCESS, CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER PURPOSES Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036:358, Official Records 7. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document referred to in the numbered item last above shown. 8. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights thereto, as reserved in a document. Reserved by: Purpose: Recorded: KSL LAND CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION ACCESS, CONSTRUCTION, STORM DRAIN, AND OTHER PURPOSES JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036359 Official Records 9. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion., sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document referred to in the numbered item last above shown.. 10. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $25,000,000.00 Dated: SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 Trustor: KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Trustee: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Beneficiary: NOMURA, ASSET CAPITAL CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Recorded: SEPTEMBER 25, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 318162, Official Records FROM FNTIC MAJOR ACCTS/BUILDER SERVICES 02.01.1596 16: 56 1.++ FILE NO. 252843-JO(LLA-1) 011elity National Title An agreement to modify the terms and provisions of said deed of trust as therein provided Executed by: NOMURA ASSET CAPITAL CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION AND KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A DELAWARE Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996ASNO. 036360, Official Records An agreement which states that this instrument was subordinated to the document or interest shown as item 4 By agreement Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036362 AND 036363, Official Records An agreement which states that: this instrument was subordinated to the document or interest shown as item 11 By agreement Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036365 AND 036366, Official Records 11. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion., sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: AUGUST 3, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 288874, Official Records Liens and charges for upkeep and maintenance as set forth in the above mentioned declaration. Modification(s) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036365 AND 039366, Official Records The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036365 AND 036366 , Official Records 12. No known matters otherwise appropriate to be shown have been deleted from this report, which is not a policy of title insurance, but a report to facilitate the issuance of policy of title insurance. 13. For purposes of policy issuance, Items NONE may be eliminated on the bbasis of an indemnity agreement or other agreement satisfactory to the company as insurer. 1. SUBDIVISION RATE FROM FNTIC MAJOR ACCTSIBUILDER SERVICES FILE NO. 252843-JAR(LLA-1) tlt n „Ye Fidelity National Title CC: M.D.S. CONSULTING 17320 REDHILL AVENUE, SUITE 350 IRVINE, CA 92714 ATTN: STAN MORSE RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: KSL LAND II CORPORATION 56-140 PGA Blvd. La Quinta, CA 92253 Atten: Legal Department MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Same as above APN: 769-440-045 TRA: 020-025 Space above this line for Recorder's Use CORPORATION GRANT DEED - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR DECLARES: Documentary Transfer Tax is $_ -0- Computed on the full value of the interest or property conveyed, or is Computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, KSL LAND II CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation hereby GRANT(S) to KSL LAND H CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of Riverside, State of California: EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN "THIS DEED REFLECTS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Dated: �' I / 1, /?//. KSL LAND II CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ARR . L HLITER, its xecutive Vice President 28149\lotline1-ded n u STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) / On 1��� r' 1996, before me, :�CSZ n.l�S Ll a /INo^ta�ryy�Public in and for said State, personally appeared L..Gf�F'YL( F UC-k%i fB4" ppersonaLLy known to me or ❑ proved toite on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal &ALdr �' otary Public in and for Said State FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP —� I RBARA T. LARSH �j1-aW COMM. X978568 Naary Public-Calliomla = _.ram _ RIVERSIDE COUNTY T My Oxnmiesiao Fi96 r,,..- November 1.2, Cr 28149\Lotlinel.ded kn cc rz Cat E-� z ai mco Q ti c GTa z I E-F U1 w O a co Z ® Z Q �w W m 5mLLJ o as Z m 4J Q H H ` O W N 7 c rolo Is I I I 145.3� LU su5� > 15.03' N 6'11,46" W 148.:;3' 00 P- J 63 W N 0 N Q CL AO'84l M LI.SZ.Z N_ 00'84t M „Lt,9Z.6 N n M �LLSZ.Z N 84l M „LI,SZ.Z N so N4 O O N O N O II w Q //Z 129 G rn 1 0 W O 1 z c O W pN O � o E� JE w Z cr O Z X I�ww 00 W z _ vi EF Boa �l U (OR �5 E g J n V Ln W a 0 U LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 77 Lot 77 of Tract No. 28149 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 inclusive of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County; excepting therefrom the East 2.00 feet of said Lot 77. Parcel 78 Lot 78 and the East 2.00 feet of Lot 77 olf Tract No. 28149 in the City Of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California as per map filed in Book 257 Pages 8 through 15 of maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Stanley C. Mors V. 3640 Date G A401 \20\LE GALS\77878. DGC EXHIBIT A tP LAND S ; C z� o_. * , 1p Q =9TFOF CAL��l�ili\\ /fi FROM FNTIC MRJOR RCCTSIBUILDER SERVICES 02.01.1996 16:b4 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 43,14 LATHAM STREET RIVERSIDCA PHONE NO. (909) 682E8880 *9(801 00) 439-8880 UPDATE 1 PRELIMINARY REPORT Date: FEBRUARY 2, 1996 To: KSL RECREATION CORP. 56-140 PGA BLVD. LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 Attn: BARBARA LARSH Effective Date: JANUARY 31, 1996 at 7:30 am Your No.: TENT. TR. 28149/LLA-1 Order No.: 2528421-JMG Title Officer: JOHN M. GLANCE FAX NO. (909) 682-8837 P. 8 The form of Policy or Policies of Title Insurance contemplated by this Report is: California Land Title Association (Standard Coverage Policy - 1990) American Land Title Association Loan Policy (10-17-92) With A.L.T.A Endorsement - Form 1 Coverage x_ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE A The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this report is: A Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION The land referred to in this report is situated in the County of RIVERSIDE, City of LA QUINTA, State of California, and is described as follows: LOTS 77 AND 78, OF TRACT 28149, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 257, PAGES 8 THROUGH 15, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. FROM FNTIC M0JOR RCCTS/BUILDER SERVICES 02.01.1996 16: 54 F. y FILE NO. 252843-JMOLLA-1) SCHEDULE B F elity National Title At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in printed addition to the gpran exceptions and exclusions in ;said Policy Form would be as follows: A. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. PLEASE NOTES FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CANNOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS FOR PAYMENT OF ANY PROPERTY TAXES. MONEY ORDERS, CASHIER CHECKS AND ESCROW CHECKS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED. I. Water rights, claim or tittle to water, whether or not shown by the public record. 2. A right of way and easement of the Coachella Valley County Water in favor of the public for all public roads and rights of viay heretofore dedicated, acquired, reserved or accepted for public use, and also any and all private easements and rights of way for pipe line, ditches and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigating and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. 3. RESERVATION in the Patent from the United States, as follows: "Subject to any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing or other purposes, and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of courts, and rights of way for ditches or canals constructed by authority of the United States"; recorded DECEMBER 21, 1906 IN BOOK 3, PAGE 348 OF PATENTS. 4. MASTER DECLARATION OF Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document recorded JANUARY :22, 1986 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 15569, Official Records. Which provide, among other things, that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in "good faith" and for value. NOTE: The right of a non-profit organization to levy charges and/or assessments, as set forth in the Declaration of Restrictions above mentioned. A document declaring a modification of said covenants, conditions and restrictions recorded JANUARY 30, 1986 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 22072, AND DECEMBER 20, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO, 422634 BOTH OF Official Records. The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument recorded JUNE 8, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 212324, Official Records. FROM FNTIC MAJOR FCCTS/BUILDER SERVICES 02. 01. 1996 16: 55 P.10 FILE NO. 252843-,*(LLA-1) Fidelity National Title The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036362 AND 036363, Official Records 5. Easement(e) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PURPOSES Affects: AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT IN FAVOR OF: THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 6. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document. Granted to: KSL LAND CORPORATION AND KSL PGA WEST CORPORATION Purpose: DRAINAGE AND ACCESS, CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER. PURPOSES Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT N0. 036358, Official Records 7. Covenants, conditions and, restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document referred to in the numbered itbm last above shown. S. Eaeament(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights thereto, as reserved in a document. Reserved by: KSL LAND CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Purpose: ACCESS, CONSTRUCTION, STORM DRAIN, AND OTHER PURPOSES Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036359 , Official Records 9. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document referred to in the numbered item last above shown. 10. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $25,000,000.00 Dated: SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 Trustor: KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Trustee: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Beneficiary: NOMURA ASSET CAPITAL CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION Recorded: SEPTEMBER 25, 1995 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 318162, Official Records FROM FNTIC MAJOR AUU1b1bU1LOLK SLKUII:L] U<.U1. 1996 1 6 : 56 P.II FILE NO. 252843-JO(LLA-1) delity National Title An agreement to modify the terms and provisions of said deed of; trust as therein provided Executed by: NOMURA ASSET CAPITAL CORPORATION, A DEiLAWARE CORPORATION AND KSL LAND II CORPORATION, A Recorded: DELAWARE CORPORATION JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036360, Official Records An agreement which states that this instrument was subordinated to the document or interest shown as item 4 By agreement Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT N0. 036362 AND 036363, Official Records An agreement which states that this instrument was subordinated to the document or interest shown as item 11 By agreement Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036365 AND 036366, Official Records ll. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: AUGUST.' 3, 1990 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 288874, Official Records Liens and charges for upkeep and maintenance as set forth in the above mentioned declaration. Modification(s) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036365 AND 039366, Official Records The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: JANUARY 31, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 036365 AND 036366 , Official Records 12. No known matters otherwise appropriate to be shown have been deleted from this report, 'which is not a policy of title insurance, but a report to facilitate the issuance of policy of title insurance. 13. For purposes of policy issuance, Items NONE may be eliminated on the bbasis of an indemnity agreement or other agreement satisfactory to the company as insurer. 1. SUBDIVISION RATE FILE NO. rt nUUIJ.0UILVLR }GRVILt} 252843-(LLA-1) 02.91.1996 16:57 p,12 elity National Title CC: M.D.S. CONSULTING 17320 REDHILL AVENUE, SUITE 350 IRVINE, CA 92714 ATTN: STAN MORSE