LLA 2003-402�- City of Luinra 41 Community Development Department ? 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-7155 rr-1 n OFFICE USE ONLY Case No'0O Z Date Recvd. Fee: ,5 Related APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose of the review is to allow reconfiguration of two or more adjoining lots into sizes or shapes appropriate for desired uses and in compliance with Municipal Code requirements. APPLICANT Werner Engineering — (Print) MAILINGADDRESS 73-185 Highway 111, Suite A Phone No (760y 341-3101 CITY, STATE, ZIP Palm Desert, CA 922.60 Fax No. (760) 341-5999 . PROPERTY OWNERS *Owner "A" Name: PM Renaissance, LLC Address: 9968 Hibert St., Suite 102 San Digao CA 92131 (City) (State) (Zip) *Oxvner "B" Name: (City) *Owiier "C" (State) (Zip) -- Phone. (City) (State) (Zip) *Attach sheet for additional owners PROPERTY DATA Property A: Assessor s Parcel Number 649-630-038 Street Address (if anv). Property B: Asscssor's Parcel Number 649-630-021 Street Address (if anv) Propem C: Assessor s Parcel Number: _ Street Address (if anv): DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: Correcting street radius not Per standards A 16:LLA 1-7/10/97 Appcd 1/6/9ti cdi 0 GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDER AT!ON, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner B hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California. described as (Property, Description) - that portion of land in Lot B which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot A pursuant to LLA = approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of Lot Line Adjustment _ _ as approved by the City of La Quinta. ❑ Attached to the Grant Deeds shall be Exhibits A and B, a metes and bounds legal description of the new parcels and a plat (R'h" x I I") of the new parcels, respectively (see attached sample Exhibits A and B). ❑ If structures or other improvements exist on the affected parcel(s), provide separate plot plan showing dimensioned location in relation to new property lines. ❑ Filing fee for Lot Line Adjustment. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged hill fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. If the nunber of lots adjusted exceeds two, then a Public Works Department plat check fee of $50.00 per lot (over two lots) shall be paid in addition to Lot Line Adjustment fee. • SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT / DATE _ . Z 6 -(2 3 NAME OF APPLICANT (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: `���r DATE__/b NAME OF OWNER t AVO: 4-1—c DATE 6 • L6' 0 3 (Print) r SIGNATURE OF SAME AS APPLITY CANT. A OWNER "�/� f j� �// (/ _ DATE _ i7 Ly IF NOT 1 NAME OF OWNER / �/� ✓A�C,4'nici� L L �' DATE ' L 6 07 (Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER "C" IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: NAME OF OWNER (Print) DATE DATE (Separate wrnrlen awhorrn, by owner if) submi( application mail he prowclecl) I hereby certify that all inlin•mal,loll cunt;lillod in this including ❑II pl;uts ;roil m;tteriuls required by the City's application submission requirn.nuvnt.s, is. I.0 the hest ,('my knowledge. true ;md correct.. f ALSG OR MISLEADING INFORMATION LIVEN IN THIS' API'1,ICA'1'1ON SHALL IiE' (;ROUNDS I ON DENYING APPLICATION. I hereby gran!. the City authority to enter unto the prolway to cUndUCt .site inspections and to Lost required public notices. A16LLA 1-7/I6/97 Appvd VG/9%cdi REASON FOR REQUEST .APPLICABILITY The following criteria must be stet to approve a lot Imc adjusuncnr ❑ The adjustment shall not create a greater number of parcels than onguhalh cxistcd_ ❑ The resulting parcels shall conform Ncith Cite Zoning and Building Codes_ ❑ The adjustment shall not cause existing uses or till) rovunhcnts of tho propeatc to be out of r_ontpliance with am provision of the Citc Codes_ MINIMUM SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS- ❑ Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels ❑ An acceptable legal desenption of each oxisting parcel and a metes and bounds description of each nehc parcel proposed ❑ Closing calculations for each new parcel proposed. ❑ Original. unrecorded Grant Deeds for each nety parcel with the t6llohvmg ❑ State on the Grant Deed when all affected parcels are under one ownership. GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed implements the revised lot configurations pursuant to Line Line Adjustment - as approved by the City of La Quinta. All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by a single entity, hence ownership conveyance is a nonessential secondary function of this deed. The primary function of the deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Government Code Section 66512 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment - as approved. ❑ State on Grant Deed when affected parcels are under mrdtiplc o%cncrslup GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner B the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot A which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot B pursuant to LLA - approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. A16LLA 1-7/I6/97 AppcdI/G/98cdi ❑ 7245 Joshua Lane, Suite B 185 Highway 111, Suite A Yucca Valley, California 92284 alm Desert, California 92250 Phone: (760) 365-7638 Phone: (760) 341-3101 Fax: (760) 365-2146 Fax: (760) 341-5999 TO: City of La Quinta ATTENTION: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: July 17, 2003 RE: L.L.A. - Lots 15 & C Tract Np. 29053-1 - Warner engineering CNL BiGViEE0.1ti[i I MANNINp / UND SIIRNEYIDD PROJECT NO.: C8793ENG We are sending you: ® Attached ® Via Messenger ❑ Other _ ❑ Originals ® Prints ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Other _ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION _ 7/1/03 1 Check No. 1130 in the amount of $250.00 for plan check 3 each _ Signed application, Exhibits A & B with Grant Deed and existin" legal descriptions, title report and APN plat 1 7/03 6 Recorded Tract Map 29053-1 These are transmitted as checked below: ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ For Approval ® For review & comment ❑ Other _ REMARKS: WARNER Copy To: By: Joani Crivello/dkk Project Manager 4 Q LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT To: Steve Speer From: Martin Magana P Cases: LLA 03-402 (Warner Engineering) Location: See Attached Information Date: July 25, 2003 Ref: Lot Line Adjustment Application Proposal: Adjusting street radius to conform to City standards for Lots 021 and 038 of Tract 29053-1. Attached find two copies of the Lot Line Adjustment Application, legal descriptions, preliminary title report, closing talcs, and assessor parcel maps. The above is transmitted via: Mail Fed Ex Fax Hand X Other Comments: Please review and provide comments as soon as possible :. 711 Project: 8793 Parcel Map Check Parcel name: EXC North:8087.4582 E Line Course: N 89-51-28 W North: 8087.4855 Curve Length:37.70 Delta: 90-00-00 Chord: 33.94 Course In: S 00-08-32 W RP North:8063.4856 End North: 8063.5459 Line Course: S 00-08-32 W North: 8052.5460 Curve Length:54.98 Delta: 90-00-00 Chord: 49.50 Course In: S 89-51-28 E RP North:8052.4591 End North: 8087.4608 Thu June 12 16:45:52 2003 ast : 10652.6427 Length: 11.00 East : 10641.6427 Radius: 24.00 Tangent: 24.00 Course: S 45-08-32 W Course Out: N 89-51-28 W East : 10641.5831 East: 10617.5840 Length: 11.00 East: 10617.5567 Radius: 35.00 Tangent: 35.00 Course: N 45-08-32 E Course Out: N 00-08-32 E East: 10652.5566 East : 10652.6453 Perimeter: 114.68 Area: 139.277 sq.ft. 0.00 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0037 Course: N 45-08-32 E Error North: 0.00258 East : 0.00259 Precision 1:28,497.30 El U] Project: 8793 Thu June 12 16:52:47 2003 Parcel Map Check Parcel name: PAR 1 North:8052.5452 East : 10763.2690 Curve Length:54.98 Radius:35.00 Delta:90-00-00 Tangent:35.00 Chord: 49.50 Course: N 45-08-32 E Course In: S 89-51-28 E Course Out: N 00-08-32 E RP North: 8052.4583 East : 10798.2689 End North:8087.4600 East:10798.3576 Line Course: S 89-51-28 E Length: 149.26 North: 8087.0895 East : 10947.6171 Curve Length:31.64 Radius:111.50 Delta:16-15-37 Tangent:15.93 Chord: 31.54 Course: S 81-43-39 E Course In: S 00-08-32 W Course Out: N 16-24-09 E RP North: 7975.5898 East: 10947.3403 End North:8082.5515 East : 10978.8289 Line Course: S 73-35-51 E Length: 50.00 North: 8068.4323 East : 11026.7940 Curve Length:142.80 Radius:38.50 Delta:212-31-14 Tangent:132.00 Chord: 73.92 Course: N 00-08-32 E Course In: N 16-24-09 E Course Out: N 16-07-05 W RP North: 8105.3654 East: 11037.6658 End North: 8142.3521 East: 11026.9775 Line Course: S 73-52-55 W Length: 50.00 North: 8128.4712 East : 10978.9429 Curve Length:31.64 Radius:111.50 Delta:16-15-37 Tangent:15.93 Chord: 31.54 Course: S 82-00-43 W Course In: N 16-07-05 W Course Out: S 00-08-32 W RP North: 8235.5883 East : 10947.9886 End North: 8124.0882 East : 10947.7090 Line Course: N 89-51-28 W Length: 102.16 North:8124.3418 East : 10845.5493 Curve Length:19.92 Radius:111.50 Delta:10-14-13 Tangent:9.99 Chord: 19.90 Course: N 84-44-21 W Course In: N 00-08-32 E Course Out: S 10-22-45 W RP North: 8235.8414 East : 10845.8260 End North: 8126.1664 East : 10825.7331 Line Course: N 79-37-15 W Length: 41.04 North: 8133.5602 East : 10785.3646 Curve Length:112.80 Radius:58.50 Delta:110-28-26 Tangent:84.29 Chord: 96.12 Course: S 45-08-32 W Course In: S 10-22-45 W Course Out: S 79-54-19 W RP North: 8076.0175 East : 10774.8252 End North: 8065.7620 East: 10717.2290 0 Line Course: S 10-05-41 E North: 8025.3574 Curve Length:19.92 Delta: 10-14-13 Chord: 19.90 Course In: S 79-54-19 W RP North: 8005.8141 End North: 8005.5324 Line Course: S 00-08-32 W North: 7678.1334 Curve Length:38.48 Delta: 90-00-00 Chord: 34.65 Course In: N 89-51-28 W RP North: 7678.1942 End North: 7653.6930 Line Course: S 89-51-28 E North: 7653.4796 Curve Length:38.48 Delta: 90-00-00 Chord: 34.65 Course In: N 00-08-32 E RP North:7677.9795 End North: 7678.0416 Line Course: N 00-08-32 E North: 8052.5404 Length: 41.04 East : 10724.4224 Radius: 111.50 Tangent: 9.99 Course: S O4-58-35 E Course Out: S 89-51-28 E East: 10614.6484 East : 10726.1486 Length:327.40 East : 10725.3359 Radius: 24.50 Tangent: 24.50 Course: S 45-08-32 W Course Out: S 00-08-32 W East: 10700.8360 East : 10700.7739 Length: 86.00 East : 10786.7736 Radius: 24.50 Tangent: 24.50 Course: N 44-51-28 W Course Out: N 89-51-28 W East : 10786.8345 East : 10762.3333 Length:374.50 East : 10763.2629 Perimeter: 1712.08 Area: 33,034.374 sq.ft. 0.76 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0078 Course: S 52-04-47 W Error North:-0.00477 East :-0.00613 Precision 1:206,810.26 Project: 8793 Thu June 12,16:45:41 2003 Parcel Map Check Parcel name: PAR 2 North: 8087.3341 East : 10848.3556 Line Course: N 89-51-28 W Length: 50.00 North: 8087.4582 East : 10798.3558 Curve Length:54.98 Radius: 35.00 Delta:90-00-00 Tangent:35.00 Chord: 49.50 Course: S 45-08-32 W Course In: S 00-08-32 W Course Out: N 89-51-28 W RP North: 8052.4583 East : 10798.2689 End North: 8052.5434 East : 10763.2672 Line Course: S 00-08-32 W Length: 89.00 North: 7963.5437 East : 10763.0463 Line Course: S 89-51-28 E Length: 85.00 North: 7963.3327 East : 10848.0460 Line Course: N 00-08-32 E Length: 124.00 North: 8087.3323 East: 10848.3538 Perimeter: 402.98 Area: 10,277.113 sq.ft. 0.24 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses and chords) Error Closure: 0.0025 Course: S 45-08-32 W Error North:-0.00178 East :-0.00179 Precision 1:159,000.00 Builder Services 1300 Dove Street Suite 300 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 622-4845 • FAX (949) 261-8913 PRELIMINARY REPORT ORDER NO.: 6570 - J TITLE OFFICER: John M. Glance TO: P.M. Rennaisance, LLC 9968 Hilbert St., Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92131 ATTN: Geoffrey McMomic YOUR REFERENCE.: TR 29053-11 Lots 15 and "C" - LLA SHORT TERM RATE: PROPERTY ADDRESS: EFFECTIVE DATE: June 20, 2003, 07:30 A.M. The form of Policy or Policies of title insurance contemplated by this report is: American Land Title Association Loan Policy - Enhanced Residential Property Version (1997) 1 THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REPORT IS A Fee 2. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: P.M. RENNAISANCE, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE ITY OF M QUIN A, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF JMG\cc 1211412001 ft Order No. 6570 - J EXHIBIT "ONE" Lot 15 and Lettered Lot "C", of Tract No. 29053-11 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside on file in Book 309, Page(s) 94 through 99, inclusive of Maps, Records of said County, California. ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 6570-J AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Taxes, Bonds or Assessment, if any, will be reported at a later date. 2. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation code of the State of California. 3. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. 4. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto dedicated, acquired, reserved or excepted for public use by Coachella Valley Water District, formerly Coachella Valley County Water District In favor of: The public Purpose: Public roads and rights of way, private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe lines, ditches, and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigating and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. 5. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "We hereby retain for private street purposes and maintenance thereof, Lots "B" through "E", inclusive, designated as private streets hereon, for the sole use of ourselves, successors, assignees and lot owners within this tract." Reference is made to said map for full particulars. g. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Public utility purposes, with the right of ingress and egress of service and emergency vehicles Affects: Over Lots "B" through "E", inclusive, and those easements shown as "P.U.E." therein. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. In favor of: The Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Excavation, laying, construction, installation, maintenance, operation, inspection, repair, replacement, and removal of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances, with the right of ingress and egress over and within same for maintenance, operation and emergency vehicles Affects: Over Lots "B" through "E", inclusive, and an additional 10 feet in width on both sides of Lots "B" through 'E", inclusive. ITEMS: (Continued) 0 Order No. 6570 - J •..,............. mnratn as riPiineafed or 8. Easement(s) for the purposes(Is) shown below and rig,.•o -• as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. In favor of: Coachella Valley Water District Purpose: Domestic water and sanitation purposes, the right to enter upon said lands, to survey, construct, reconstruct, lay, relay, maintain, operate, control, use and remove pipelines, fixtures and appurtenances, and to remove objects interfering with the construction, operation, and maintenance thereof, and the 40' water and sewer easement in Lots 36 and 37 Affects: Over Lots "B" through "E", inclusive, designated as private streets, and those easements shown as "P.U.E." 9. Matters in an instrument which, among other things, contain or provide for assessments, liens and the subordination thereof, provisions relating to partition, covenants, conditions and restrictions, a provision that no violation thereof and no enforcements of any lien provided for herein shall defeat or render invalid the lien of a first mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value, (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin), recorded mAY 6, 2003 as Instrument No. 2003-324800, Official Records. The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: May 6, 2003 as Instrument No. 2003-324801 and 2003-3e:4802, both of Official Records 10. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $2,812,000.00 Feburary 17, 2003 Dated: Trustor: PM Rennaisance, LLC, a California limited liablity company Trustee: California Bank & Trust California Bank & Trust, a California banking corporation Beneficiary: Recorded: Fabruary 26, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-132396, of Official Records By the provisions of an agreement Dated: Apri121,2003 California Bank & Trust, a California banking coporation Executed by: May 6, 2003 as Instrument No. 2003-324801 and 2003-324802 of Recorded: Official Records Said instrument was made subordinate to the lien of the document or interest shown as item No.9 . 11. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $2,812,000.00 Dated: Feburary 17, 2003 Trustor. PM Rennaisance, LLC, a California limited liabl'ity company Trustee: California Bank & Trust Beneficiary: California Bank & Trust, a California banking corporation of Official Records Recorded: April 7, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-243723, By the provisions of an agreement Dated: April2l, 2003 MA11111111111111i Order No. 6570 - J ITEMS: (Continued) ,o u ,ct a (:aiifornia bankinq coporabou Executed by. Ca,.. r ,— .,an . -- .. Tn_- , Recorded: May 6, 2003 as Instrument No. 2003-324802 of Official Records Said instrument was made subordinate to the lien of the document or interest shown as item No.9 . 12. The effect of a document entitled "Notice of Seller's En for orhandling co20, 2003 strucPNtion claims pursuant to California Civil Code Section 895 et see", dated Rennaisance, LLC, a California limited liability company , recorded May 6, 2003 as Instrument/File No. 2003-324803 of Official Records. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 13. NOTE: No known matters otherwise appropriate to be shown have been deleted from this report, which is not a policy of title insurance but a report to facilitate the issuance of a policy of title insurance. Forinated on the basis of an indemnity agreeoses of ment or other agissuance 'reement mNO rentsatisfactoryrto the Company as insurer. END OF ITEMS Note 1. Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation deals with the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or subescrow capacity. The law requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity's escrow and/or subescrow, account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may subject funds to a holding period which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all fundings should be done through wire transfer, certified check or checks drawn on California financial institutions. Note 2. The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shall said charge be less than the minimum amount required under Section 12404.1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled "no fee" pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. Note 3. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18668, effective January 1, 1991, requires that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate, wherein the Seller shows an out of State Address, withhold 3-1/3 /o of the total sales price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained. F Ll EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 15 OF TRACT NO. 29053-1 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 PAGES 94 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 8793 EXIST LGL-LOT 15 EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNT`( OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT "C"OF TRACT NO. 29053-1 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 PAGES 94 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. 8793 EXIST LGL-LOT C El Ll EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A LOT "C" OF TRACT NO. 29053-1 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 PAGES 94 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY: TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT 15 OF SAID TRACT, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 15, THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE THEREOF, NORTH 00008'32" EAST A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET; THENCE 'NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL. ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 37.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, SOUTH 89°51'28" EAST A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A 35.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE LEAVING SAID LINE, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 54.98 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 15; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE, NORTH 00008'32" EAST A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL B LOT 15 OF TRACT NO. 29053-1 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 PAGES 94 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY: EXCEPTING THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PAGE 1 OF 2 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 15, THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE THEREOF, NORTH 00008'32" EAST A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH I A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 37.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, SOUTH 89°51'28" EAST A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A 35.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE LEAVING SAID LINE, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 54.98 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 15; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE, NORTH 00008'32" EAST A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: WARNER ENGINEERING WILLIAM H. WARNER, RCE 23256 REG. EXP. 12-31-05 PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE 8793 LLA LGL r-7 FXl //P/T "R" PLA T SHEE-T 1 OF 1 LLA NO. 03— OWNERS EXISTING APN PARCEL NEW PARCEL REF. No. Name: PM RENNAISSANCE, LLC LOT 15, TRACT NO. 29053-1 Address: 996E HIBERT ST., #102 MB 309194-99 PARCEL A City, State, Zip: SAN DIEGO, CA. 92131 APN 649-630-038 Name: PM RENNAISSANCE, LLC LOT C, TRACT NO. 29053-1 Address: 9968 HIBERT ST., #102 MB 309194-99 PARCEL B City, State, Zip.: SAN DIEGO, CA. 92131 APN 649-630-021 LEGEND NEW LOT LINE PER 22 21 20 THIS ADJUSTMENT 2,3 — — — LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED PER N793T Nj3' THIS ADJUSTMENT 410'15 N895128 102.16' EXISTING LOT 24 G6PARCEL A C5 "C" c4 LINE TO REMAIN LOT 0.76 ACRE N89'S128iY 149.26' C2 Z / 50.00 G� S 0 o PARCEL°N 25 c� B 0 0.24 0 o 16 17 CURVE DELTAUR�R90/US [ENGIH ACRE p N C1 90'00'00' 35.00 54.98 a' 15 2 C2 16'1537' 111.50 31.64 0212'31'14' 38.50 142.80 NB9'S1 28"W C4 16'1537' 111.50 31.64 0 .} 0 u� 85.00' C5 10'14'12' 111.50 19.92 26 P.O.B. PARCEL B C8 1102826' 58.50 112.80 C7 10'14'12' 111.50 19.92 14 C8 90'00'00' '5.. 38.4E C9 90*00100' 24.50 38.48 27 p C1 2 m LOT To - - ✓uLEE cr. 28 W ,W t o 0 7 it i 2 2 29 P.O.B. PARCEL A rl .. G 86.00 Cl LOT F' ..._. N89'51267W THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED LOT B" Y ME OR MY SUPERVISION DEREK ALAN DRIVE SED ON ORINFORMADON. ILLIAM R, R. . . 23256 LIC. EXP. 12/31/05 'E 19 18 o 1 INCH = 100 FEET NOTE: THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS OF RECORD DELINEATED AND REFERENCED ON THE UNDERLYING MAP OR THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DOCUMENT P.N. C8793 LA Recording Requested by: CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE When recorded mail to: PM Renaissance 9968 Hibert St., #102 San Diego, CA 92131 Mail Tax Statement to: (Same) APN 649-630-021 & 038 GRANT DEED use The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ () computed on full value of property conveyed, or () computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. () Unincorporated areas ( ) City of Rancho Mirage FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, PM Renaissance, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company hereby GRANT(S) to PM Renaissance, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company the following described real property in the CITY OF La Quints, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA See Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. (Signatures must be notarized with appropriate Notary Acknowledgmentattached). PM Rennaissance, LLC By: Trans West Housing, LLC, a California Corporation Dated (Signed), (Print Name and Title) Geoffery McComic Executive Vice President Note: This grant deed implements the revised lot configurations pursuant to Line Line Adjustment _ as approved by the City of La Quinta. All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned —by a single entity, hence ownership conveyance is a nonessential secondary function of this deed. The primary function of the deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Government Code Section 66512 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment _ _ as approved. 117 EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PORTIONTHAT O. 29053-1 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 3309PAGGES 94 THROUGH 99, INCLUSIVEIOF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 15, THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT, NORTH 00008'32" EAST A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AND THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90000'00" A DISTANCE OF 37.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 15; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, SOUTH 89051'28" EAST A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A 35.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE LEAVING SAID LINE, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°00'00" A DISTANCE OF 54.98 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 15; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, NORTH 00008'32" EAST A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: WARNER ENGINEERING WILLIAM H. WARNER, RCE 23256 REG. EXP. 12-31-05 8793 PERFECT. LGL `rB 11 eee.oe.azz eslas dn�- 41 OURLOTE 0.e^l`jIOa1zs IxsIzaIze v S 10850 as 100.)B v ° 12 y0 Izna° °L SB 142A. uzw ,� unoecvs LOT 8 LOTA xooa141. an.zB L a IEFFERSON STREET = O 3 A 0 g