Riverside Co/Tax Distribution Modification MOU (SB2882) 90CITY OF INDIAN WELLS 44.950 Eldorado Drive ' Indian Wells, CA 92210 -7497 w MEMORANDUM Telephone (619) 346 -2489 FAX (619) 346 -0407 •- DATE July 2, 1990 TO : All Interested Parties FROM Authorized Representatives of the County of Riverside, City of Palm Desert, City of Rancho Mirage, City of Indian Wells, and City of La Quinta SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Senate Bill 2882 (Modification of Tax Distribution Between the County of Riverside and No and Low Tax Cities) The following are the eleven (11) points of agreement be- tween the authorized agents of the above mentioned agencies. The points of agreement will require ultimate authorization by the respective legislative bodies of the various agencies: 1. The property tax rate of each of the agencies shall be set at two percent (2 %) of the tax rate or current rate, which- ever is higher. 2. There shall be a full structural fire tax credit or return of fire tax to the cities at the cities' option. Any agen- cies not exercising this option shall have the authority to do so at any point in the future. 3. All of the library tax shall be credited or returned to the cities or an equivalent offset of equal value to non library taxing cities. 4. There shall be modifications to the Redevelopment Agency Pass Through Agreements to make up any differences or use of equivalent mechanisms to assure that the cities will remain whole with terms provided for in Assembly Bill 1197. 5. The County of Riverside will agree to provide the same fire services and contract formulas and responsibilities provided for in the current contracts and current practices from this point forward. This will remain in effect for as long as the individual cities remain a part of the County's fire system. 6. The legislation shall provide that Structural Fire Taxes, Library Taxes, and Redevelopment Pass Through Funds shall be considered as General Funds subject to the City Councils' discretionary appropriation of the funds. Memorandum of Understanding July 2, 1990 Page 2 7. The start date of the full Structural Fire Tax credit or the return of the Structural Fire Tax credit to the cities shall be effective during the 1990 -91 fiscal year. 8. The trial court funding formula or an equivalent amount of money shall remain in effect until all aspects of this agreement have become in effect. 9. This agreement shall not void current annexation agreements. 10. No parties shall seek unilateral changes to this legisla- tion. 11. All parties agree to have SB 2882 withdrawn if there is not full and unanimous agreement on all issues by August 6, 1990. Because of the limited time available in order to assure that the bill remains valid, the parties agree to negotiate the final language to implement the eleven (11) points outlined in this agreement. If agreement is not ratified by the legislative bodies, then the provisions provided for in AB 1197 shall remain in effect. Respectfully, Co nt &OR wide City of Palm Desert City of Ranchck Mirag cmj: \rjw.mem