LLA 2005-437UP 5 ` City of La uinta R ntue Code 3 OFFICE USE ONLY A' Community elopment Department Pt -'--� (,J � Case No. C.'l� - ��,'� CF'�OFT ¢ 78-495 Calle Tampico Date Recvd. � b o La Quinta, California 92253 ee:aS' l' � �t 7125..AX. (760) 777-1233 RelatedA p PPs D ' 4 2 3 ogged in by: �✓J A PLI FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose of the review is to allow reconfiguration of two or more adjoining lots into sizes or shapes appropriate for desired uses and in compliance with Municipal Code requirements. Y 4. + 4. 4. . . . 4. 4. . 4� ��� 4� .�� ��� .�O 4. 4. 4. 4.. 4. 4. 4. . 4. 4. 4. + 4. y 4. 4. 4. 4P 4. 4. 4. 4. + 4- 4. APPLICANT Donald J. Kelleher MAILING ADDRESS (Print) 1543 Fifth Avenue Phone No.415-454-8861 CITY, STATE, ZIP San Rafael, CA 94901 Fax No. *Owner "A" Name: Donald J. Kelleher Address: 1543 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: (City) (State) (zip) *Owner `B"Name: ND La Quinta Partners, LLC Address: 80-955 Avenue 52 La Ouinta. CA 92253 (City) *Owner "C" Name: Address: (City) (State) *Attach sheet for additional owners f�7i] i�1:i tG'+i Ill l►: Property B: Property C: (zip) Phone: 760-391-5072 Phone: Assessor's Parcel Number: 7 7 2- 4 3 0- 0 2 2 -1 Street Address (if any): Assessor's Parcel Number: 7 7 2- 41 0- 0 3 2- 8 Street Address (if any): Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: Expansion of Lot 1 into Lot "J" at the Hideaway A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 2/2000 cdi REASON FOR REQUEST: on of Lot 1 into Lot "J"O the Hideaway APPLICABILITY The following criteria must be met to approve a lot line adjustment: ❑ The adjustment shall not create a greater number of parcels than originally existed. El The resulting parcels shall conform with City Zoning and Building Codes. ❑ The adjustment shall not cause existing uses or improvements of the property to be out of compliance with any provision of the City Codes. MMMUM Si MI STON REQUIREMENTS - El Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. O An acceptable legal description of each existing parcel and a metes and bounds description of each new parcel proposed ❑ Closing calculations for each new parcel proposed. ❑ Original, unrecorded Grant Deeds for each new parcel with the following: ❑ State on the Grant Deed when all affected parcels are under one ownership. GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quints County of Riverside Stateof California, described as (Property Description) See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed implements the revised lot. configurations pursuant to Line Line Adjustment _ _ as approved by the City of La Quints. All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by a single. entity, hence ownership conveyance is:a nonessential.secondary function of this deed. The primary function of the deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Government Code Section 66412 Id), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment = _ as approved. ❑ State on Grant Deed when affected parcels are under multiple ownership: GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner A' hereby GRANTS to Owner B the real property in the City of La Quints County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot A which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot B pursuant to LLA _- approved by the City of La Quints. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of. Lot Line Adjustment _-_ as approved by the City of La Quints. A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 2/2000 cdi 20•d 'R11�1 06VaLCpMSNt •40 00 15 2005 t •i pj TaosOebfae p°�e�eomeK 415 453 1003 "t fOR A VALUABLE COBSIDWATION, reoalpt of td" a tWMby aeltnovledged, OWrwr B' %orabr QRAVM to OwnerA the real prapef y In the Oxy of La QUkM County of Riverside Staft of Oa9hMmfe, deeCrl'bsd so .4 IP+opwty t>eScriPtton) ' that portion Of land in lac a which in owxleid by.ihe ra on lgured shape of Lot A putgusm to LLA approved by the my of La Qui mt. Tiw raconliepred late are demMod'in EkNbhx A Bad B ateeehed here= and made a pert hereof. NOTE; This arant dead Perfects the Intent of Lot Lille A4unt ment _ y as approved by the Clry of LB QuiMa O A&4&td to ft Cunt Ve9da SW bs BxLibita A anAR, amen and bounds lmd dc=a prim cf*c oew Fwccb and, a pin (8,AP x I I h of Ste poor parcels, reopeo wy (oar atteebed eengrle Exhibits A iQ B), El ffiebvea m orofimrMvMv=o=gtist an ftw offxftd p W4(5), pmovWo sopiews plot pled &w►uip dhpeisimed <: i looeaommtowertmmew PWPMWH se. O FMMfee hriotllneAd.NslmmtMymftftapplications. dwmostampaasiveapplitm6mmviRbe 041. Sea,witbt+eleeedapylicallera��aoowkd50%$irmeia.Iithemmbaoflotsa2jusoedptoardatwA$rn.a ', pu%W Wwlm Depwuww pllann�dw* f0s of $50.00 per lot (over two lore) 440 be paid In addtapo W Tot Limc .+J 4b4f0♦044F 4r ,f•f45'4 D?4 t 6 44.4.4644a4440444.S 4h, SIGNAI%U OF TuAn OP" l SIGNAMIM OF] IP NOTSAM AS NAW CO OWM SIORATT Rai OF PROPERTY OWNSR b7 NOT &OM AS APPUCANT:.� rAP tATB ME A1$ 6-2.3-oS r SIGNATM OF PPDMTV OWNBR "C IF NOT &UM AS APPIUC.AM: DATE NAIM OF ova" DATE i(Sfyarme wrawn maho fry by bwav to mbir/1 crpftMam may be prevl 4 Ih4aaby �y thrd oAdrjet4vxerloe aen4eAapd a, efw appfiowloo, inchdt�g at1 pemQ and orofgjnfd ragewed by the aty i Wpymdae mfoo ssoa ttajte0remotCE, fr. to the bent of my bmwlei . bw and =;Poet FALSE OR ana E4WjG. 1NdORi1lA9fONGIVBNAN 2`W APPZICl t'TONSBdILJX 0W014PS ".R D.P.IV=VGAPPZICaITMV I heseby ponds C* mdher* ro oVa oee4 the property to and m port regnfrsdPORe matlear. Aid9IA 1d116/97 'Appvd2/1e000& 05/18/DS TRU 15:02 IT1aRi No 93401 mouY. . . �., n�.icWcbCtbtGO6 Ol 4TL06071.020 4� 60:6L 5002-hr1r-22 RECORDING REODUTU by YE Rate alcoYl, ata all etY aY gnu, ! INrea YIIe uR too MUStal it NW r 1 ww Address CIO Slw.v t_ J` xW r Address Crew a Sub 1 TOY we as note es I SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE PO R RECOROEWS USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX Is$ Q computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full valueless value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area 0 city of AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(s) to the following described real property in the County of , State of California: STATE OF CALIFORNIA S SS. COUNTY OF ) On this day of in the year before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally Cl personally known to me proved to me en the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name Is subscribed to this instrument, and aeknowl. edged 10 me that he (she or they) executed IL F G ety f La Quinta e aw `y OF Tliw Proj ect: Engineering Plan Check Application and Fee Lot Line Adjustment The Hideaway Development Identification Number: Tract 29894-2 / 32453 Map/Plans Submitted for Checking Surveyor's Checking Fee CITY ACCOUNT INFORMATION 101-000-443-318 Date: 6/15/05 Fee $50x 2 Lots $100 - ---- --Total- Fee- $— - APPLICANT INFORMATION PERSON wHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLAN CHECK ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES. ENGINEERING FIRM/PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARING PLANS/MAPS: Lori Johnson Rich Clark NAME NAME RCE Consultants, Inc. RCE Consultants, Inc. NAMEOFFlRM NAME OF FlRM 1 Jenner St., Suite 200 1 Jenner St., Suite 200 ADDRESS A DRESS Irvine, CA 92618 Irvine, CA 92618 CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP 949-453-1694 949-453-0411 949-453-0111 949-453-0411 TELEPHONE FAX TFEEPHONE FAX LJohnson@rceconsult.com Rclark@rceconsult com EMAIL EMAIL CITY STAFF DATE 78-495 Calle Tampico - P.O. Box 1504 - La Quinta, CA 92253 • (760) 777-7075 - (Fax) 777-7155 \\CI.OADMFSI\PIfnW KSWWnBPT\DOCS\FORMS\F007-B DOC . l4k 6 O o 9 p (fl O U o O LO O r z * � O * G < ro 4* m u ro m H H O U Oz O N +J 4A Y m m fq U ? \ w IL NO�O W O cmrom Y �ULLo� m n�� TJ mNON In > o a` o O N N F c LO * * N V J * O m Vl * U Ln rl N � W * COP. N [ro ma< Q * a U * N o .-A Ln amp * ro.�H Fd? * a ro ro Za0 O G .*k wU p g O is cQ � Toa p * U[-a,a Z * * ? ro w >- = w w QJ Q ~ ¢ O 0_ o cc Ln rm O O n t. ti a O rrl LD O O J J m w F ir z a J z z o �o wlo ZLn to Ln a � (M m m i h ofU � DO of 1 p O O p . _ :E p Ln Ln Ln i�m �m U) N C� � n a, I a � o m AJ O n L, I I a �I Yw wm W Ca s;t U Z Z _ O Ln p n Z � _ p I Ln i�0 O I H I L Q IH I � I m L P.O. Box 1504 LA QUIN'rA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CAi.i,E TAMPICO (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 LA QUIN'rA, CiAIJFORNlA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 August 22, 2005 Ms. Cindy Zamorez The Hideaway P.O. Box 1482 La Quinta, CA 92247 Subject: Approval of Lot Line Adjustment 2005-437 (Donald Kelleher) Dear Ms. Zamorez: The Community Development Department has approved Mr. Donald Kelleher's request for a lot line adjustment on Village Club Drive in The Hideaway. Enclosed are the approved original exhibits for this adjustment. The Grant Deed has not been submitted to us and needs to be prepared and recorded with the exhibits. Please present this letter to the Riverside County Recorder to verify approval of the Lot Line Adjustment if required. All of the original approved documents are to be recorded with the County Recorder with a recorded copy given to us for our files. Until the recorded copy is received, our Lot Line Adjustment file is not complete. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 760 777-7064. Very Truly Yours, STAN SAWA Principal Planner Encl. C: Brian Ching, Public Works Department (with copy of exhibits) Lori Johnson, RCE Consultants, Inc. (with copy of exhibits) Mr. Donald Kelleher (with copy of exhibits) P:\stan\lla pm\Ila 2005-437 Itr app.doc Ll 11 THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT. DEAN J. BOULDIN, P.L.S. 7842 REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12/31/06 No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 f �P T9Te OF CAL\F�Q- 6/5./�5 DATE OT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA EXHIBIT "A" COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP RT EN' BY -' v SCLANZ DATE 8 -2s Exhibit A, PARCEL1 LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY (RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'49" WEST, 167.19 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76052'07" EAST, 45.62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "S29051'43"E, 143.54' ", THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1.073 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 2 LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'49" WEST, 167.19 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76052'07" EAST, 45.62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "S29051'43"E, 143.54' "; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. PLAT TO ACCOMPANY SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "B" -OTL NE ADJUSTMENT No.�-43_7 kPPR VED BY CITY OF LA OUINTA :OMf IUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAR MENT 3Y S DATE 2-p- p5 �s :Xhib B so• o 9. 10 1 (N 08'5421 52') \ �\j9� / \\rro+ Ryf (N 34'16'16" W 1p9p 15.06') / 3 \,5? (A--4E'45'01" ti R=14.50' L=12.34') tSi r� \ $kP 0_ \ (1 199'02'49" i ` SCALE: 1" = 60' 06R• C� Yr R=31.00' ��PpVB Q 0 / I L=48.18') y/ /� y PARCEL 0� ACRES P.O.B. tr. /ems• _ Cr ..., 00. 04 2 •�� 6Q'b9 A NEW LOT LINE LOT LINE TO �N TRANSFER tip, BE REMOVED PARCEL ya`6 "�' N 7.;.�__ 0.205 ACRES GAL a No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 'k J' �Z �9TF OF CAS\F PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: DEAN J. BOULDIN, P.L.S. 7842 DATE EXP. 12-31-06 ' N 76'52'07" E 45.62' -,11 PARCEL 2 LEGEND — EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW LOT LINE (XXXX) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 M.B. 359/68-82 QINDICATES A 10' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 1 PER AMENDMENT NO. 2 TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 359/68-82 INDICATES A 12' WIDE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 2 PER AMENDMENT NO. 2 TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 359/68-82 0 INDICATES A SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT PER 3 AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 327/56-88 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO; CITY MANAGER PARKS DEPARTMENT _BUILDING & SAFETY CODE ENFORCEMENT _FIRE MARSHAL B0 4A ChitV1 PUBLIC WORKS 4ARTMENT PLANNING MANAGER SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FROM: . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - STAN SAWA DATE: .SUBJECT: PROJECT REVIEW CASE: LLB PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED PIEM BY �� ..----CONfMENTS: Lmn9.00a 211 E HIL)EAWAY TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: City of Lo Quinta/Puubliicc Works From: Cynthia Zamorez /�h2 Date: August 5, 2005 Subject: Temporary Clubhouse LLA No. 2005-437 (Re -Submittal) G E N,% [ DJ AUG - 5 CITYOFLLppp 'WMU rI7YpEV�CLOPM:N7 n_PA Ri�naur Via... FX Hand -Delivery 0 Inter -Office 0 Facsimile Courier Federal Express Public Works: O Per Your Request O For Your Review/Comment(s) O For Your Information For Your Files O For Your Approval O Per Our Conversation O Copied: O See Note(s) Below O CONFIDENTIAL O Please Respond O Please Handle: O Enclosed Please Find: ON Nlame/Description of Enclosures: ° 1 LLA 2005437 Re -Submittal (RCE Transmittal Detailing Package Items) 80955 Avenue 52 La Quinta, Califarnia 92253 (760) 391-5072 Fax (760) 398-5788 ,9 "Consultants, Inc. One Jenner Street, Suite 200 Irvine, California 92618 949.453.0111 Fax: 949.453.0411 TO // • City of La Quinta ATE 8/4/05 OB # 511.0001.09 78-495 Calle Tampico ATTENTION: La Quinta, CA 92253 GARDING: he Hideaway 760.777.7000 Golf House LLA 2n' submittal ❑ U.S. Mail ❑ Messenger ❑ Other Quantity # Pages Description 2 Signed Exhibit A, B, and Closure Calculations 1 PreliminaryTitle Report (for reference) 1 Supporting Tract Map for reference (for reference) 1 Original plan check comments j arvort�.o "�� co;mau ngn oev�'�ePn<Er�: 1 tihNh AKts 1 KANSMt17 ED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As Requested ® For review Notice of Confidentiality: The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination, or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and destroy the material. COPY TO: file SIGNED: LDr%jokK�Sotn. M � N W N b 8 O 3 r l b W W N 59pbbd1 1 33 _ O MGM! G 3 `n N< -g �% N V Z CO L. o J V j O O N doM 2 p ~ J O �Nr--.M zO 4. m ¢ NgxN.,o- z 1 . y;.. ao- �N�'v�za O ttu ice¢¢ a n3 . �aoi o S� J aONW—¢ M N N OZ O u, za i� O - V a¢O�wNiN L3 a Q1izUN¢\ma b a W OJ}-0 z. � � m—� ¢ F^' k� J M V E 2JZN�2 o �xo�oa cgi pffE' ct( 2mMUV z N 91 N � ZZONp3ah-¢w V10 fJ � i=G� o o ZzmJmox g@ u 3:-< z. f i w z �NOLLON<o Z N Z ~ sy2€ _ ¢FOQFQ �fKrW Pyp_ ny€b m �0� tP W ou<Jm 5 O WN�UN d Z ¢ S[Yi Q c S M P1 , fill %eP �yn s:° 19$ ab?�ens� asgR�y�o_ v1kd op p ails 1 99F� ` $ a !Va = gyl I5v €1 W,s, $ a ks Ln€ �' s 5 s P '"i@s7 5 :,� 5 3 �,� .� °Y F @ 3 M5 Yc ayye s U gill nib Y � Y Py"g ki S Sv F gs ptl, iy n # "a bi-@ 4 4s $A P gcg 2 Ye x se6 3 y = gp s @�C€4F a$@g'n€n s R@3B F@e�'" b3, n affd z_ Leo p > "s ii be 9 s YYY sx,.r_�- hi Y b Ye3 =F YY F. ye YE A5` Ye R [, INNgg P.gg9j e. � �Cp Bpi C�# @ � s �iyY y� p3_y1 �a(� t€N€N sKE Yn ppk �� 5 F 8�� �w�sill b��Ey 6� y � b74�� � €�-k� y .Y gs� yw, wS.Y 8€gg 6g'F yYg �p"fP tg#8#k3g_'s2 ■ .o1g vYn4 §#i W MS i' MS Y`6 w��5yN v 3Rom �' b€£ s s °' ri�� i �•�:��• '!eF'8'�5s ^b e eacriDclane 8l Mralde,C Tract flop 359.68 Page: 1 of I Aare 3499n4 lAmmwnL• hfd..v W AbI ll !!��� p € z sras � aaB^ E`eI a��^ q °wx a nN9 A E7i}B` �'{ E A� W e 9E@ @ 'hi 11 9,du if! 1, 11 1� g�s s a� � � €���5 , � g Oow m4- z _ ai?t WWI WW W Z F kl � a Ni"�aza k - a a e� � Y S.' _Nnv mm� imiSLa Ito w. � O vOa' < S J N Q M �yg O j U r� ai i Aaae A yeaa n O Z¢�<I`S e..-u ama W 2 .wO - � a SSW?OVVpp I� ss � HY Y c Q a r i a i i Q :, F 11i i b 133alR: NOSIOYN F. LL O Q � M.e 1 tl y s4ilVi>{ / �A AI >Ow /�� x z �Atl Z 0.00 O ¢ > O W W �yiO � ➢3 19� L � 2 o OS�S�Om k�'�•-� Rv' i O c R� `3 z id�j�... WnwNNCyy 40.0 i vY� a.R�R •, _ 5 < N x o B i W tv O� 1� O5 f� 7. W =Mz jn F Z 13381S NOSk3iJ3f eecriptdoa: Rivereide,M Tract Map 359.69 Page: 1 of 3 ,A., 34991E lNmmwntr Mdewrav k N r W W V> N 4 N zd o_ UOUOO nwz �-3r KN�JZ rop VO woco so N=�Qza p U K Z Q a' gW�oz N O 2'pm 0) J Q UOiN< N =mWZ! O mN<Vymj O JNK U 0 rm MN a Hmm�zaev r ---� N 1 �xw' mmo u o p m m o / \ In ozzamf u woQQNN Qde-ia�za w � crdmOrU V ! 666 Fw,o�rr O Q4 � e i �T y� I .w0 6 � OooOZFa� F osY i�O I ZOJOimW ;93A i TJI U ZOzmm¢ yyy@yy@ ^7 W mdZ Cv �F• n �imom� L------s V° zm3Q z' t4 QIU—� 4 ' f 6 pNZf lip iY �QJS 0 r — L NNO7n Qo_mo_xo N�hQ —�T T— aocrtptfoa: R£varalde,M Tract Map 359.70 Page: 3 of 1 reer: 349904 Cba®mt: hdd*&"Y SHEET 4 OF 15 SHEETS IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 58, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 & 10, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 2, AND 13, LOTS "D', %', "V" (RESUBDIVIDED AS LOT "K" OF TRACT No. 29894-3, M.B. 351/35-481, "X", AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 NO 5 �i41ft03➢CLA'!•ftA31� � I 1 LOT HH AA£NtEo TRACT 2880 2 W 3VIES-88 ascription: Ri,,araida,CA Tract Map 359.71 Page: i of i [der: 349904 Cn®ent: hidaa.a i�'I�I�DC➢Ifi::E9Et4i�51 SIDJ'1O�a<�MRQ�E�S413f��• will IIIII01 II�G7$i1mGYJ1)la�fE0(u�g SEE SHEET Mm< xwn er , �u b naw pz,r �: � wmr eamo � Ens 2p SEE SNEC NO 2 ESN SuIAIOPS rvGE v uMUMENT NOTES. EASEMENT NOBS AND GNRv uAa C SEE 5xEET NO I FDN ST>TEMEN' J' z GHANDE AND SHEET ADE+' r u iiWJH), - b6 r� T 47 46. j/ SEE SHEET NO. 12 LOT v OE8tB01VDE0 AS LOT 'K' OF TIUCT No. 298 MB. eaV% ) W sE£ elWr NOTE a. OOIF 001JIISE SEE SHEET NO. 9 SHEET 5 OF 15 SHEETS n IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50. INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 8E 10. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 13, LOTS "D", "L", "V" (RESUBDIVIDED AS LOT "K" OF TRACT Na. 29894-3. M.E. 351/5-48). "%". AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 AVENIE 62 SEE_ SHEET_ NO. 74 Fk- tom i Y 3 .i d i' i — i AE SHEET No. 2 FOR 9JNSLYxATE '� _ A_ C NNE, m HJR; EnYgHOEul rvoRs AND �6` fff F4Er No. 3 FOR SrniEMgT V y g - MAIM CHANGE AND SHEET INMX - I5551 74 76 .. awa e: erp'n GRAPHIC SCALE (� w4 rv]i�l 7i62]2a_ "s �((J r -b mIN 2 � '" 41 AMEI.IGET TO, (p ep f iv eoE rvu. -1 1 b6I-2 p. N• � Aay I �W4"[ et {1' sxws nn r aTI [I N 3,�m W 4� bj � Q6 Pqx5ya)keY" ]1N I % o a" j bT _ ow5[LNE aif♦ r o¢Te N J r pws MiY LYW Y[,i] ID}b xEi,i N'r: lxl ' /�. C, ssf' CO nbn oil :� 9 I, ,» «5 E nT '.Ipl i OOIF CWIE i X 1 V na �` v 6a K '• nnas 62 je. soe •! 15 ve'seo-e ray .1•� sit'asxF xes,da,'[trzl a mro C", .!�` \ 62 ' SA E5 46 67 o"a D4-2 I ,ae a •�,a'1 >E�DETAL zwamT �l\ 6i \ Tejo. I20�.$D 41 ra s r 1a `, rl - for m , zo I r i rvo. zoao�= 48 Y V A\ 21 1 >v eol I � 'IJ MS 527 I .-a2 5. 45 V 22 V 'N' ' O 4a� fiv 28, jeypiT¢Te_xR'F fEpT " F z/co 01 as . _D W e:F_ Lu "09 EAT x ✓yyA� C, ���� i vi �T 4x n °Ae,Ng •ice i +"_ 22 a;jE` AvSHEET NO. z s SEE SHEET NO. 9 Sacriptioe: Rivereide,G Tract Map 359. 72 Page: 1 at 1 odes: 349904 Co Haag Lldeexrty SHEET 6 OF 15 SHEETS IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 & 10. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 2, AND 13, LOTS "0", "L", "V" (RESUBDIVIDED AS LOT "K•' OF TRACT No. 39894 M.B. '51 . -, .-48). "X" AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 �(E AVBIIlE 52 NO. 14 .ram i 1 95i � TS T6 m i � `�z�x��ves1 Tz \�r / LFsg,z �s1 1/ 1 m LOT w OMP co a66 hA,P, u1 AA W TRACT 2USC4Z F 227 1 69-89 aw.l II I �1S i " r SEE SHEET NO. 10 Y: 5REET No '( FOP SNR�TIOP'S NOTE, u[,NNEN1 xOT5, EaSWBT WIE5 AND N11NITY .. $E SN[E1 NO. 3 FCP STAhuENT a Cm.GE ;NO AIEEF ME. criptfoa: AivereiEe,G Tract Map 359.73 Peg.: 1 of 1 r,Fe�• iIVVIId /'n„n"�nlMIAur.v vo,eo�1 D �s'w-so LOT V OE&PWO® AB LOT TC aF T Na 888 3, MB 86Y86-48) 8H 8>ffT 1 NOIE 4. GOLF COME GRd PIIIP >('dl I t In RRi O z w w x rn ` SHEET 7 OF 15 SHEETS IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 TRACT N0. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT ` NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327. PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF 0 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 & 10, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 13, LOTS "D", "L", "V" (RESUBDIVIDED AS LOT "K" OF TRACT No. 29894-3, M.B. �S:•35-48). "X", AND A PORTION OF LOT •'D" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 SEC 11111 N. 2 101 SUPb000., NOT', MONUMENT NOTES EASEMENT NOTES AND MAINS, MM SEE SHEET NO d FOP SIATEMEN1 pl CNµI ANO SHECT INIT. AVENUE 52 LOT B So 1m 02, D0 : 00 M j 02 j Do N N.A.P. oe 00 1O0 1O1 102 102 IDd IDS 'DO 1m 10a 1w nO x 11^- TRACT 206044 ! r :r 1..... • �� 6�IwouxT IuiUl ' 0, O LOT Y a� A9 WIT V Z OP TRACT No 29894-3. Ma wvag-m {M M � t NDTE 4. OW COEF9E y rw.22 rocs GRAPHIC SCALE a ¢! ) It 11 OD Z I— N R N TN �:f_a2'rYli 1 131 ' �a4 I r\ [NNl1Y'x] I% 9'N'YI (blyxrS'h U IN 20B0q`�j 1FY r 1 r6 135 nAy' Pro.ozT 1a9 T1 gqAA,�,,,,��/y�9.P r2oP ye„a ra ISO or 2� �sa.ee r0 I r M2 US 44 ISO I 146 t- ____� 5:29101C151. � LOT J TRACT rn 203Jo- CAD 251 1 35o0 N.A.P. SEE SHEET N0. 10 ascription: Riverside,CA Tract Map 359.74 Page: 1 of 3 rMr: 149904 r.Maf.: hideA.V rD 'Ll yoib'ILxJ9L' 123 UA U. SHEET 8 OF 15 SHEETS N IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 TRACT N0, 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 101 OF MAPS, PAGES IS THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS Of RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 & 10. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 13, LOTS "D", "L", "V" (RESUBDIVIDED AS LOT "K" OF TRACT No. 29894-3, M.B. 351/35-48), "X", AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 AVBAE 52 FWWZZ 11WN� Yl SRACT No. 2a6042 � � i12 � tb A. \\\ pie l�mtt3rV / i \ N'oYn pf I= Y OF9BOML'® "LOT lC 0 TIIACf 1A PDMN d, M8 86g8EN1 8ff BIHf 1, ND1E A 001FTC01M8E 0 �M1S��Rif1•F'Ji�R1D1 0 IR{SIIi.:'.YF9-f1:STi��EA:}� �5_x'ortjNj 128 uT ! vo I IF N1lP. �6 Isys T VW23 \ WD fRA' Nl: -A_' 641 ns,�z2/srs-ee / T62 A LOT J A5I / 09-43 - M4 I 'Q SEE SHEET NO. 11 eaorlytlon: Al.lCe,CA Tract MAP 359.75 Page: I of I AA— aeeoN LOT c AMF M TRAIT No 20a042 N8 027 / 60-0a m MA.P. I yj,t9'OY_E1AL �\ I _ N _ i10 QYp Q LOT 1 QO 1 LOT O ` 2 OT E I 4 v irpq�r-L,� e , LOT I TRACT No.:Da04-0 W 3611 36-4a CH 1VIil( POCUS:: EE MEET N0. - FOR SORVEIGN S ART, MOMENT NO/ES. EASEMENT NOTES sND ONITY MAP. CE SNEEF N0. 3 FOR STATEMENT U HANGE AND SHEEP INEI, 9� SHEET 9 OF 15 SHEETS IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 k 10. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 13, LOTS "D", "L", "V" (RESUBDIVDED AS LOT "K' OF TRACT No. 29894-3, M.B"X AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 -1 SN-I No. 2 fa+ N1--1 N.- MONUMENT Mo 5. uYMENT No1FS AND x0arr u. SF[ 9 T No. J FOR STAXNENT OF GRAPHIC SCALE Lor x Dols cA uS SEE SHEET NO. 5 r "8 / OS / V GE, e � 2 111 (FE9I.EONU® ASLOT W • � / $ OF 11iA1.T No. snBN-%ex-e, �>.cazs _ � MB. seva6rn T �cs: � Bff BFffT 1 N09E A I OOIF CO�� SHEET NO. 12 na.aaxiel , ti 194 s"c loa Tas 201 � 9'' vas �, a�Por eodro. t.erNs, leN 06 200 205 20.^ Zoo 202 ni �- NAP. TRACT Na 20a04-2 1 wA-W,30O la-0 IPESSAHO a2 mcz'-: 90 241 2a2 m zaD -IS ALAr. a arkr�EO raA�r 2aaoa-_ saa �0r AA � zu �y4 1 r4e�a2r r c«.az zaD _. rAAaf aecriptioa: RS areide,G Tract Asap 359.76 Page: 1 of 1 rder: 349904 C..t: hid". +} l' yUv SHEET 10 OF 15 SHEETS M IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 R TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 & 10, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 13, LOTS "D", "L", "V" (RESUBDIVIDED AS LOT"K" OF TRACT No. 29894-3, M.B. 351/35-48). Y', AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 SEE SHEET NO. 6 1 - SEE SHEET NO. 7 a\s N.A.P. a P1.AP. LOT J LOT 1Y e�8 TRArT No. 2DA04-S s AMEIUEO TNA, r.. Ai ev1 / h-Jc'. N O. 20804 2 \ ee A 9 A9 321 / OE -Oa MI �. N. Ml :m Ml l'l roz 1 /r E, iiSJ Ed sm l`nis F_'m' - eFAwr4 ED lu EA e sm, Po EA u � \ v nra TRAET 2DdD4-J MP S;Yj / 4o-51 e �m t r4 >nsvN LOT V oiIIIIImvom M wT W ,NAP. OF T Na exw•y M6 3SV3 40 LOT m l 7 NUIE ♦ TRAIT No. _0904 s NIP u51 r 05-11 aaP CO MeE i. rmrz .wex 'y, • I GRAPHIC SCALE �3J a er 1 ,ao n _ oSff 1 /arc T<O __ eTi '1. 5[f $ELT N0E LSURVENON MXOCi EAEMENT NOES ANO wAArTy MAP np '�umavi SEE $MEET NO 3 FOR STATEMENT Of .ANu AND SEET NDE. - n I Tat ra 1\ rT �A x " aaa � Ire 1 � 1 ns Td4 �,� .� bsh Nra�o LI- ns ��4.'•� uj �2j W �' Tay co uz 5 W 7ne e 9 Lu °N, = N.A.P. r _' �_—__ � _ MTNISED TAA:E No. 203PJ-' � _. s. .'4 ' AMF. M TRACT NO. -OS., - 279 NO sn / sa-aa -- j 170 '74 escriDtion: River EUk Tract Ap 359. 77 Page: i of 4 rRer: 349904 Co mt: hideaway SHEET 11 OF 15 SHEETS IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 - T TRACT NO, 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 k 10, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A' AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 13, LOTS "D", "L", "V" (RESUBDMDED AS LOT Y' OF TRACT No. 29894-3, M.B. 351,'3`_-48;, "%", AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 SEE SHEET NO. 7 - SEE SHEET NO. 8 tlNK t4I. ExtM 80 DO \ >e i >a 1 7a - W \ BRACT 2 \a61 sT / 4o-sT 40-ci — a4 _ VIA 00O2 91 67 55 �. 6a / I 5d I 55 1____--_____ 0 rT p SEE SNEET NO 2 FGR SDR EEYq'5 NO, M ENT NOTES, EASEMENT NOTES AND .ONA Y Al,Y (� A _ S SEE SHEET NO 3 FOR STATEMENT OF CHANGE AND SAET MDE% jjyQGjE.� IV A.P. "t. GRAPHIC SCALE 3 Or N4- TRACT a M8. 3511S5-a5-4a N a., 1IN-LOI I,wa Kn s xes M°°>s'uw LOT V "d•n lrl :YNH, _ _ _ 6lMCT Nw eEE eEffr A xoTe 4. oats canes "-., ,w:, .rax l,T, yI 2 _ L O nmi'za'ua, Q � /f/2 NIntl I I I 159 102 1 Ya4 71 of II' Ax Lu 6„I _ 186 iYD 158 '56 iEo 3 P 9 a 160 IF/ -NOTS_. pper__ �� Vu r��SJIY�O -_ G Af,"u'4DLD TRACT No. 20a94-Z JAR 30B dal B4G - - ascription: Rl"raid&,G Trect dfmp 359.78 Page: 1 of 1 .w... a�oonw rv...,...... YRw.....:: SHEET 12 OF 15 SHEETS IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 y.... TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, FADES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 & 10, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 73, LOTS "D", %", "V" (RESUBDIVIDED AS LOT "K" OF TRACT No. 29894-3, M.B. 351/3`.-48), "X", AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 • � °� 2B A �25 j � �Y /"\ 27°A. LFU32 o oa;ftarsv�lv>♦ wv IAf x oaEf calxee T. .vxs 167 ascription: RiveraiCa,C Tract Nap 359.79 page: 1 of i mow... aeaon� r.......... •, w....... 7 AE SHEET NO ' FM SURVT, S NOTE NONU.ENT NOTES. LASENENT NOTES IN[ NGNnY NAP YE SHEET uO J ID1 STAEUFn OF ONANGE AND ENm iNDe 8 yLOT oA v RUXSD VT® A9 1.OT x Q ,pjOF TRACT Na 2M4-a 116 3ov�) •q'� OFE 91EFf 1 NOIE 4. OOIF fUEIiBE GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET 13 OF 15 SHEETS T IN THE CITY OP LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF 11111/1111 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 & 10, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 13, LOTS "D", "L", "V" (RESUBDIADED AS LOT V OF TRACT Nc. 29894-3. M.O. 351i35-48). "K", AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO, 29894-2. TETRA TECH, INC. APRIL 2004 `1 62 v"U 47 1 91 V SARI 'I ED �I f, 1 411 / 1 I TRACT No. 2j S42 -NB SOO 50 1 t. l�r o t I AV.I'Ln-7n R,,•.,_" � I N13 E - 4-_ ,S " ! oaw,, W 1„ 3 Oi if 1 10 1 11 p � ! W AAlECIDED TRAC7 NO Nh -127 i D58-�;- 29BVpf' 1 1 1 Tvs. LNE NE., z"," 11 1°•j°•i nes. E ZAN A;am _ qy. LLILl roexze>.'� Ll D, .1 )MSv _` LOT % Ar °P& oa.F carte y .,.K OARA TAOkE w 1. T..v ' f,-------- ,xz 1 a 0 m,hrt A) ✓r 4' mt _l N @p y 3i Op°,° -g� hvz Iw BI, aT o'S. 1 di �d' i4 All cis cry sulz .ti K - r " n\I '" i"e_ +,s •O ,CA,' Spy,\J [ 1 •, +�1 4 }y,'�y°.d /V' TyOpi �� °% a• Or 11 IN I ' A,IA p� ZW pd,�' LOT V U) Y S AB LOT X. W /l�dg. ITV j '.e ,d OF TRACT Nw TYBW 3, M&9lVJ6JB) y 3 aff agT t NOTe a 1 % 4 OOIF COW9E GRAPHIC 3dLF l � ME WET No.: FLA SURAYCR'S NOT, gyp+ yN ugVwCNT NOTi uYu[NT NOTES AID DEC W T No. 3 roe ""AN, OF „p HMGE AND WEET INDEX inrn - sl. .. ascription: Rivereide,GS Tract Map 359.80 Page: 1 of 1 N w o rl ^ O 4 L Q U Q m W - W L 2 N � U �OZ OZ5 5i� pOUO pKW Zr Z N=wQ=a �JaQQ QaSpp V/ Qom go M ix e v� w MOm Jsamm 6m � ~ �- N a 'ON 133HS 338CL g z .Wmz� O N>Z,- N rj aq z Do W ~fin MN I _ F m Z W y Q y UlieS yYnml n %Q N ^ U' U m 0 O BII� �JVVIIAA K m J Z Z p p N � 4rr6rw1 �" p Vv ('JKK QNNJ I ==a > Nmj m K� pS I Q N O � Z . b 3 I\ \/' r Odd>OOWU O MNZ J]LW U MSU Oz Q .p�O Wti i move oQ O ' LLizO _ o r z Z 20O Owo�m Q a§ it q < QSR I U W zNWumu �ma; (il _ I Jti li Z �mQ_O> z zzdW' moo>a SmOmJ 7� NZ JU-. Q Q=U20 -NjNN 5W aN ^O PNOOJ M "Iu— aY W o omp=p Zmya�Z tiNWMQ ,Oz0N z o_ "cilp[loa: RSveiaiCa.G Ttact Map 359. BS Pnga: 1 oP 1 r9aie .ii 990a [�manPe hielw.vaav / isu¢gw II (a M1ot n N Flo Q. A IWFL ^ W N lsi l¢sq G 0 ry s� b �P i \r d 1nax.w M1 % 'ON 133HS 33S v N U O W W_ 6 N U N w V O U HO O Q $ J ��000 z N0Ua=a Q ¢000 a4o I N00O Z m X N � q 'o�N< N==�� J v1QUM U O V J N p oo O Z W O z l z l l N� m S W Y d d �U(J�NIgO N72=p�p�N W O Q¢ N N p a = Y J w ~ r a = = Q > N O7 r C d N N U V O W= OU M 3 U Z V yO2 ¢W zp.O 2 � W� m 0 0 Y O¢ Z 0 N o z Q- � oZ Qax of s e 5 r m F W F i N z j O Z Z x O J O _W O~ 0 Y Q 1.0 0 r= = 5 ma_o; z 5zzg�,; 2 M O N N W j = J U- LL r YyiO J x J O U N 1 U 0 M Yw� o moxO Z U W co escrlpttoa: Riv Ide,G Tract . p 359.82 Page: 1 of 1 M., 349901 t.•mm�wat: hlela�gv Z r W N q�k Fa} Oq' El, 0 Fidelity National Title Compani) � L. cerrn.un 7 ory ONiveNr ncn G RTr..:: r PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the application for a policy of title insurance referenced herein, Fidelity National Title Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. The Policyls) of title insurance to be issued hereunder will be policy(s) of Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, a California Corporation. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to below and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in Exhibit A of this report carefully. The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It is important to note that this prelirninary report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list all liens, defects and encumbrances affecting title to the land. Fidelity National Title Company SEAL AM ftum jW Fidelity National Title Company Builder Services 1300 Dove Street, 'Suite #310 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 62 2-5000 • FAX(9491477-6835 PRELIMINARY REPORT ORDER NO.: 9792374 TITLE OFFICER: John Glance/Martha Ramirez LOAN NO.: TO: Guida Surveying, Inc. 3 Jenner, Suite 180 Irvine, CA 92618 ATTN: Dean Bouldin YOUR REFERENCE.: LLA-Hideaway Gollf House SHORT TERM RATE: PROPERTY ADDRESS: , La Quinta, California EFFECTIVE DATE: May 4, 2005, 07:30 A.M. The form of Policy or Policies of title insurance contemplated by this report is: Closing Report 1 . THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 2. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: DONALD J. KELLEHER, TRUSTEE OF THE KELLEHER FAMILY TRUST DATED JULY 14, 1990, AS TO PARCEL A, AND ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS TO PARCEL B. 3. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED CITY OF LA QUINTA, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF \ku 05/09/2005 Order No. 9792374 EXHIBIT "ONE" PARCEL A: LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 359, PAGE(S) 68 THROUGH 82, INCLUSIVE,OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL B: IETTERED LOT J OF TRACT MAP 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGE 10 TO 18, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. THIS REPORT IS PREPARATORY TO THE ISSUANCE OF A SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE AND IT IS INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE USE OF THOSE PARTIES DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE PREPARATION AND CHECKING OF SAID MAP, AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME. Assessor's Parcel No: 772-410-032-8,772-430-022-1 CJ ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 3. 4. Property taxes, which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected with taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2005-2006. Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are PAID. For proration purposes the amounts are: APN: 772-410-032-8 Fiscal year 2004-2005 1st Installment: $20,395.44 PAID 2nd Installment: $20,395.44 PAID Exemption: $0.00 Land: $3,714,409.00 Improvements: $0.00 Personal Property: $0.00 Code Area: 020-160 Bill No.: 0562129 Affects: The herein described land and other land. Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are PAID. For proration purposes the amounts are: APN: Fiscal year 1st Installment: 2nd Installment: Exemption: Land: Improvements: Personal Property: Code Area: Bill No.: 772-430-022-1 2004-2005 $241.75 PAID $241.75 PAID $0.00 $40,786.00 $0.00 $0.00 020-160 0562150 The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation code of the State of California. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT PARCEL A: The fact that said land ties within the Coachella Valley Soil Conservation District as evidenced by a Resolution and Order recorded December 13, 1956 in book 2011, page 519 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. ITEMS: (Continued) ® ® Order No. 9792374 7. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Right of way to maintain a power line Recorded: January 19, 1953, Book 1433, Page 54, of Official Records Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of La Quinta Purpose: Public Utilities Recorded: October 28, 1999, Instrument No. 1999-469981, of Official Records 9. The effect of a document entitled "Irrigation Water Service Agreement" dated May 16, 2001 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCPI, a Delaware limited liability company, recorded June 29, 2001 as Instrument/File no. 2001-298678 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars 10. The effect of a document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" dated June 27, 2001 by and between NRI-CCPI, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and NRI-LQLP Golf Properties, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, recorded JUne 29, 2001 as Instrument/File no. 2001-298681 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 11. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: City of La Quinta Purpose: 10 foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets, as shown thereon. 12. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Inspection, repair, replacement, and removal of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress over land and within same, maintenance operation and emergency vehicles. Affects: Over all private streets shown on this map and an additional ten (10) feet in width on both sides of and adjacent to all private and/or public streets shown on the map. 13. Recitals as shown on that certain maps, which, among other things states: "The subdivider reserves the right to create easements burdening the residential lots depicted on this map for the exclusion owners of the adjoining lots for such purposes as the subdivider shall identify when transferring the easements". Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 4 ITEMS: (Continued) ® Order No. 9792374 14. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation oir discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652762, of Official Records An amended and restated December 13, 2002 as instrument no. 2002-745938 of Official Records. NOTE: Section 12956.1 of the Government Code provides the following: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive language pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12956.1 of the Government Code. Said covenants, conditions and restrictions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. Said instrument also provides for the levy of assessments, the lien of which are stated to be subordinate to the lien of certain mortgages or deeds of trust made in good faith and for value. Modification(s) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: March 14, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-132329, of Official Records The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: August 19, 2004, Instrument No. 2004-0656071, of Official Records 15. The effect of a document entitled "Domestic Water and/or Sanitation Installation Agreement" dated April 1, 2002 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCP I, LLC, recorded May 15, 2002 as Instrument/File No. 2002-255078 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 16. The effect of a document entitled "Domestic Water and Sanitation System Installation Agreement", dated June 20, 2003 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NO La Quinta Partners, LLC, recorded July 21, 2003 as Instrument/File No. 2003-543684 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT PARCEL B: 0 ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 17. Easement(s) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: The Public for use by Coachella Valley Water District, formerly Coachella Valley County Water District Purpose: Public roads and rights of way, private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe lines, ditches, and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigation and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. 18. Reservations contained in the Patent From: The United States of America Recorded: July 31, 1905, Book 3, Page 228, of Patents Which among other things recites as follows: A right of way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. Any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing or other purposes and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights as may be recognized and acknowledged by local customs, laws and decisions of courts. 19. Easementls► for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The United States of America Purpose: A water pipeline Recorded: June 13, 1949, Book 1083, Page 550, of Official Records Portions of said easement have been abandoned by document recorded January 23, 2001, as Instrument No. 2001-029890 of Official Records. 20. The fact that said land lies within the Coachella Valley Soil Conservation District as evidenced by a Resolution and Order recorded December 13, 1956 in Book 2011, Page 519 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. 21. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of La Quinta Purpose: Public street and public utility Recorded: January 14, 1991, Instrument No. 200785, of Official Records ITEMS: (Continued)® ® Order No. 9792374 22. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The City of La Quinta, a General Law City duly created and existing under the laws of the State of California. Purpose: Public utilities Recorded: October 28, 1999, Instrument No. 1999.469981, of Official Records 23. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The City of La Quinta, a Charter City Purpose: Public utilities Recorded: February 8, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-046602, of Official Records 24. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California Purpose: Build and maintain an access road, and necessary devices and appurtenances Recorded: October 6, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-395093, of Official Records Affects: 25. Easementls) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California Purpose: Build and maintain an underground pipe line, and necessary devices and appurtenances Recorded: November 20, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-463623, of Official Records 26. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Water Service Agreement" dated May 16, 2001, executed by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California; and NRI-CCPI, a Delaware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298678, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 27. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" dated June 27, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; and NRI-LQLP Golf Properties, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298681, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 28. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: 10-foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets, as shown thereon. 29. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "We hereby retain Lettered Lots V for golf course and related purposes. Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 30. Easementlsl for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Construction, operation and maintenance of storm drain pipe lines and structures reserved thereon Affects: Lettered Lots V 31. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Inspection, repair, replacement, and removals of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress over and within same maintenance, operation and emergency vehicles Affects: Over all private streets shown on this map and an additional ten (10.00) feet in width on both sides of and adjacent to all private and/or public streets shown on the map 32. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "The subdivider reserves the right to create easements burdening the residential lots depicted on this map for the exclusive use of owners of the adjoining lots for purposes as the subdivider shall identify when transferring the easements". Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 33. Easement(s) for the purposes) shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by: NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Purpose: The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of owners of adjoining property for such purposes as Grantor shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded: October 5, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-486296, of Official Records ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 34. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by: NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Purpose: The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of owners of adjoining property for such purposes as Grantor shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded: October 12, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-498545, of Official Records 35. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Easement and Road Maintenance Agreement" dated December 19, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; and Country Club of the Desert Owners Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation recorded December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652760, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 36. The matters set forth in the document shown below which, among other things, contains or provides for: certain easements; liens and the subordination thereof; provisions relating to partition; restrictions on severability of component parts; and covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin). Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652762, of Official Records NOTE: Section 12956.1 of the Government Code provides the following: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive language pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12956.1 of the Government Code. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Collateral Assignment of Declarant's Rights" dated December 19, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and Bank Midwest, N.A. recorded December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652763, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652764, of Official Records Modifications) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: March 14, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-132329, of Official Records ITEMS: (Continued(® ® Order No. 9792374 37. The effect if a document entitled "Domestic Water and/or Sanitation System Installation Agreement", darted April 1, 2002 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCP I, LLC, recorded May 15, 2002 as Instrument/File No. 2002-255078 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 38. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Agreement" dated November 20, 2002, executed by and between NO La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and The Hideaway Owners Association, a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation recorded December 13, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-745941, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 39. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Domestic Water and Sanitation System Installation Agreement" dated June 20, 2003, executed by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and ND La Quinta Partners, LLC recorded July 21, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-543684, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 40. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $25,100,000.00 Dated: August 22, 2003 Trustor: NO La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Trustee: Fidelity National Title Company Beneficiary: American Bank of Montana, a Montana banking corporation Loan No.: None :shown Recorded: August 29, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-668355, of Official Records An instrument entitled "Colllateral, Assignment of Declarant's Rights" recorded August 29, 2003 as Instrument/File No. 2003-668356 of Official Records. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. 41. The effect of a Line Lot Adjustment No. 2003-404 as disclosed by Grant Deed recorded by Sedona Homes Inc. and recorded December 10, 2003 as Instrument No. 2003-966373 of Official Records. At the time of recordation, the grantor under said grant deed has no record title interest in said property nor have they since acquired any such interest. 42. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Ingress, egress of service and emergency vehicles as dedicated to the City of La Quinta Affects: Lots A, B and D 43. Recitals on the map of said Tract which state the following: Lots A, B and D are retained as private streets for the sole use of the lot owners within said Tract 32453. IX ITEMS: (Continued)® ® Order No. 9792374 44. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: 10 foot public utility purposes Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 45. Recitals on the map of said Tract which state the following: Lettered Lot J is retained for Golf Course and related purposes. 46. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Drainage and/or utility and access purposes for the private use of the lot owners within said tract. Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 47. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Domestic water and Sanitation purposes as dedicated to the Imperial Irrigation District Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT BOTH PARCELS: 48. No known matters otherwise appropriate to be shown have been deleted from this report, which is not a policy of title insurance, but a report to facilitate the issuance of a policy of title insurance. For the purpose of policy issuance, NO items may be eliminated on the basis of an indemnity agreement or other agreement satisfactory to the Company as insurer. END OF ITEMS Note 1. Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation deals with the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or subescrow capacity. The law requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity's escrow and/or subescrow account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may subject funds to a holding period which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all fundings should be done through wire transfer, certified check or checks drawn on California financial institutions. Note 2. The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shall said charge be less than the minimum amount required under Section 12404.1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled "no fee" pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. 11 ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 Note 3. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18662, effective January 1, 1994 and by amendment effective January 1, 2003, provides that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate may tie required to withhold 3 and 1/3% of the total sales price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained. 12 EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (10-17.92) WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT -FORM 1 COVERAGE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Ten fokwbp maths m sxpreseN dchdd from 11 own,. of dM poky .ea do Canaan, will rear pal mas or dame,., pm, artomsYY Was or .pens*. which aria by rsamn of: 1 (a) Any an, wmm QmMms of OoaMed rprtlalgn Wasol ding but Mat limited W better, and aonm, Yvq, oMbrano or nprow .1 rasbieam, Mu a,, pnlJbhinp w samon, W on tea aoouwray, use, an mrrsayromt of the W.; III seta cMracbr, dimensons or location at mr, Improwmsnt ow or Mrwa, our tea on seta area; lath . epankn M ownsrehy or. chains n do dimensions ...n. 01 MM Sea of any parcel of witch tea boM : 0, wo a aed: or (ion) environmental Protection, or tea elfeat of any warticn of MMus bows, adabfncw As powrnnftnbl npunetooft , . . a . . I to tea axMnt ball . otice al tea wfora.ment Meant w a income *is defect. in or wcunbnoe musk, tram a vobodan or shaped vacation affeclinp the had has ban wourded in the pubic rderds at Dab el Pokv. 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W vua asset, or, Was d Poky laxc.at to tea .all IMt thaw poky onus. due OrohiMy of 1M kn of dig Maud m mago over any aMulory, sin ter xen ow, M1bor or Mature, or to the extent mom as afforded Merin as b assnam.nb for street improvements under construction ofmopb[at Dob of Poky); d Or rceumng n bow or dam." w11kM1 ..W not Mvs been ausbirwd If IM muM : WaMom bad pee V.I. far the summit ad'... 4. Umnforambnoloy of Me sin of the mud mwtppa bec.u. of the Mabiky or fI of Jw inured at Dag of Poky, w the k "tY or faiva of any suMayunt owmr of Ne i obWrrwa, n compN wbb .pprc.blo damp buenees bows of seta slob in which seta and due.. 5. InvaW IW or uwnbrosabilty of tow Wn of area round monpp., w <it— drrwf, wfibh arem. out of tea tnrvac4on .vtlsrced by tea insured monyq end i MsM upon mm or any consumer own prompro n Or Muth n Who blow. 5, MY etotusry sin for usrvc.s. atMr w masMle for me .Lens of priority of any sbtubry Ions for s —. labor or melons purr IN Yen of tea Inured mwpagl arap bom.n anprowmrrt or work tested an she lord which A contracted for and memerce, sa oequartt an Data at Poky ad ar hoe fneoad an whola or at pan by processes of boa adsbidnlos sawed by dr. assumed mwpaw welch at Dab of Poky tea ihi and Me adv.osU at a abkpste, of adwncs. 7. MY asin, which .Mee pun Of due tranacrion courts, sets Mftnst of tea eaMe,se insure, by Ms pol'ky, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, ebb MaoNsoy, w inner owco l rights Mass. teat s Msd on: (I) the vatoAmnon crsnxp tea Mbrwt of tea amosd mwlwwe Mltp Gemd. be W Wsnt CO.,.. Mr bWwnt Molar; or (it) the subadkvtion of the Monet of do iuurd morpa4.s, as a nasull of w wpkseon of the do<trM of s4wabbo elabcdWtlon; Or (W) the tnm.OWM cnatinq 1M Mfrwl m tea Mnrd monpaTs bout, dwmd a anfannnl .-far axc.pt weanw wbn tlenual parufwWs M its. " feature: lane on too ncod do mtrtmarat of traorfor, or to) of such —.No. I. impart rg.. b . po r<Mwr for value w . ryfpermnt ar sins mdnor. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY 110-17.92) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Tim. kDowiry m... am exchateN ...heed from tea eeven,* of Me poky said tea Company of eat pav Was or do."., marts. .nerueY! f.o or ..pmsw wbob •Vism by noon of; t, iel Any 4w. ardlnarc. oriowrnm.nulrgWMnlmhdbp but motpmMd to buidaq aW.onirq laws. ardin.w....1 republic-) rwictin , rwuabor, , wahconal or reawdnp b line ft..A.,, ue, or oMcvm.M of Me lad: In the civi dimwom or baapm of any improvement now or Mraafbr .cold on the What; Iwo) a op ration n ownsnhip or a mean,* en tea dlmnlsou or of tea bM or any parcel of wM1ch tea sad as of wee a pan: or III) mWennunbl protwtron, er tea afbct of any vroMon of dire laws, AMmrco 01 p.—nom ell rwubotian, *o curt to 1M ..bonne tat a Mack. of the enforcement thered w a Iowa sea debt, sin or ooumbaov reeuw.p tram a volanon or aside, volaMn *ffsctry 1M sad M. bsan f.odd In tea pubk ..card. at D.n of Poky tell Any aowmmmbl pok* poor of exchfdd by Pilo aMw, oopt to tea extent teat a note of 1M Oxewcom IMfwt w a prom of a Mfsd, bon of *mumhraos reauhir, ben . Voartion or dad volaton .Macon, tea lad Ms been .awdad n do pubk ...We at Dab 0 Poky 2. Rights of amain dom... unless once d M* exercb'Mnof Ms Men rwOrdd M IM pulse .,do at Daft of Poky, but of exelWbp from covwps any bkkp wal has occurred poor to On of Poky which mum be bird'Ire, on IM .iphw of . purchases ter vama without khowlawk., 3. 0.Mts, harts, eoumbrsrmas, .sewn. cboans, w orMr m.tbn: ell anted, I.M., ,some or.pod to by sew ioue, clamant; Ibl net known tc she Company, rot rwwded at the pubic murex at Dab of Poky, but known W the 'ncuM <boemovi and neat diecbnd in wdtrq an tea Company by tea mead comment prior b the data she mouse allotment bsc<mm an imvd wear tea pefcy; In —a , n raw, mac or dome,. In the enured .boim.na to) wou dtkp craabtl .uMwu.M to war .1pelcy. a (a) faWry btlose or dame,. which waud Mat IV. been .utae ed a Me mound cbim.M had p.b voha ter tea wbb or ...1 MsuM by that poky. 4. Any claim, which pates out Of the V.twcton v.sOp an ant manowl del obb or interest weed by that poky, by nommn of tea operation of Warner bankruptcy, slob nsoMfey. or .imilar comport- rghb law, teat o base on: (t) the tmomencon en.tytp sew wbb O1 Mbrlot roue, by loss poky Map desmad • nomination a.., fraaduarn, Mmbr; w IEI the b hosection cr.dno fM lows ar nbrwt Maur" by de, poky Map dwmd • ItnfermMl baobol... apt w do psbnnMl Mr mount from tea failure: I.) 10 to* sward do Instrusi at transfer: or Ibl of such wordation to impen noon b s puchoaef tee value m a IW,mwAm or each ...door. The above ALTA palmy b1me, dated 10-17i0, mq M L.ued to second *nor SYM.d covnw. or Extndd Covap.. In ad wavn in the above Excltrxors from Gave,", tea Exceptione from Covwpe at . Standard Covbp* pdicy will am0 Includes tea blbwap o3sr.rel E.I patio: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE Tlmr pabay does —1 mute ap.mt me. or dame.. Is. new Comment, VIA rot Pay .lop, aaw.rnvi fees «expenses) Mown .M. by mason of: I . T... s an ....a... so an not aMwn.....am, Who by tea nomals of any bsinp authority .1 bows taws of aswssmama on reel proparry or by tea prosk words. Proaadiops by a plane parmy which may rwuh M Us. or .aewsmal Or otcw of each pro men irps, waMMh or hone shown by the ..cords of arch steamy or by tlu µuble samurai2. Any loos, rights,inbrwts or claims itch an of sawn by the pWl'c roods but whet mud be eac.mai d by an insy.akn of tea laM or whch on., be ssund by panoo n paswwmn tMnof. 3. Ease—., sins or mcumbr..... or catims that of, wish an on shown by sets pubk read.. 4. DiscrePaows, confbcts in balder, arcs. sMfb,s n one, .oroechments, of any mbar facts wM1ich rct sur my wood decbae, ant which an of shown by tea pubk words. 5, al Um.bnbd mnirp claims, (b) marmosets In exceptaM n Models or in Acts auMMM, Me annuaram postal (c) mach has clam. or no o water, wabor of on lea—M...crpW Year (.1. lb) or Icl an sawn b, fM publ'c .,ds. (Rev. 11117fO4) EXHIBIT A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (6-1-87) EXCLUSIONS In :rdditbn to theExc.pMrm inSahadub S, you en not Irewed .p.im env, P.,apkrneyi' tea, and experaee muck, from: 1 GovarrvnanYl poFa I --'ate me •xiuroa of vbhtbn of an, 6w or powrnmmt.pub Wn. Time mabdee bukde, as xamng o daenow and abo born and apubMa Omw,m,ng: bed w improvements on Na lard ate dWaim. • - anal p auction To, Z.'On n from rot apply a vcMioye or IN enforcamnt of pace an.. which cop m r in era public mcwde at palmy data. TN..xdusien dome not limit the aoang awna ascribed a lame 12 ate 13.1 Covered Title Risen. 2 iM r.ht to new the Word by Condemning i4 undeee; a Mdc. of wimmu iw the right ep,. in tM pubic reared on tM popsy Daa • me fakry hapaned prior to tM Poky Care and a billing on you A you bought tM lard whteut bwwbdp..11M nki p In nddi nor, to tM Exaltations, you na mot imwad eainat cis, wane, anomays' bat, and dre exp•aw v" her I Any raml interests, or coma of Pine. n Puateion of the lac not stewn by the pubic ramords. 2 Any uwmants Or Nne not sawn by fed pubic reams. This dome not limb the ken covnoe in lam 5 of Covered The Ift". 3. Tied Hake • that an Cnet•d, aMwad, or agreed a by you • that an brown to you, but not u us, on Na Palmy D.tP n6ss thsy appeared in an, pubic ords • that moult in No lo. tOyou • pat fir.t affect your dub afar IN, Poky 0.0 - dris door not kmn the labor an! meteal 6, was in ham 8 of Cowrsd Tale Rklta 4. Faiun a pay vales for your titls. 5. Lack of a right - to em lab cuuid. the .m aMOIMa1v d... road and! I.famd w'm loam 3 al 5cimdu6 A or m ..tr..%,., Or wanrwaYt now torch Your 6M The ..ebrbn 1. at car the .a.ta awnpe in Iam 5 of Cover•E Tab Risen. 3. AnY M1cts .Matted bed whim • marmot surv.Y would tliscbee .rd whch an rot atewn by file Public eortle. TM1 i h. Or crat Imo tM fame n.mwl cownpe a am wi Cewred Th pisb. 4. Any weer Mhb amdub a tainurWed bed . or dw,r Or r r. wMNred oaI nor not twn by 1M pubic ncortlr. CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Tlv. /-lowing ..... .n wain emlWM from IN cewnoe of time WkcY eNi me Company ml al pa, be. ar d...... cos...nomys boa or axaaes wbiah coca by roman of: 1 bl Any law, ordiurce Or povammnal rpubtbn (included d hire .1 Mankind to buibea anal comp awe, ord..--. Or I"uha.) mearmaN, r"uhlon , pnhbbry or slain, Ed 1M occuan:, u. enaymarn of the bed; (ill fed eMewtar. dlmaba u, balbn of eny mprovmem now or Mn.f ., mled On Ills and: (id .Op ration in owr¢nf, of. idamp. in tho dm•neione or aria of led ord a, .ray ....I Of which ore bed b or was a part; o, 1'n) ..iromwnal penman, Or one .fleet Of .ray violation of them law., ordnams or eownincnat Mubtimm, except a the extent fruit a name Of tire enfoaemrrt thereof or a atem of a def.eb ken or encumbrance mi near, ham a valuation or albped vbletbn a fora, tire kd tea been rworded an Na Wblb r•aN..1 Daa of Poky. (b) Any Wver.nental aka power not excluded! by (a) above, exapt to pro extent plat a atom of d , examine thereof or a norke of .dated, ken or encumbrance reedting from a vbbtein Or aa,omd vbbtcn iffwdrlp the lard Ma been recorded an dr, p.Wk .We at Den of Pal, 2. Rights of •miant dom.n Polo ate. of Ne aParMe therwf as been mmi in the pubk rooms .t Deft of Palmy, but not excl dkrp from covreal any ukkq which M. eecunM prior to Dea of Polley which would be bkdkp on 1M npha of . paclwer for value wNqul knowbda. 3. Cafwb, here, eaumbreaw, adorn. clan., or other... It) wM[Mr or mot seabed 61M Public —.We .1 Dare e1 Palmy, but...d, cuff•nd, •mumad of apmotl a by the aeaed cla'menb (b) at known a. Company, .1 moaned an the pWb amani a at Cape of P.W,, but known . the and clamant ate rot Jisdovd in writing to the Company by me ceupic alumina Prior u me as am imared Oleaam MCam an moved radar flit pokey; (a) ranting in no lass or amw• . One kcur•d thi m on; (d) eroding or matl rvMpwnt n 0.a OI Poky: or (t) resuhlrp m We or amN• adman would rot haw Man surnamed ed 4 the cauned Almnt had ail value for tre manual mow ,pe or for tire estate or morose enured by time Way. 4. Uark.... bboy Of Be kin of tha maned manages bw.w of the awbikty Or biure of fro Inw,ed .I Daft Of Policy, or true callboy or aiWn of any subsequent Owner of 1M Idebtednev, to comply with IN applicable dairy ina nee 4. of fed saes in whir the howl A onward. S. Invelbity or emnforwabery, of bit pan of the corned mortpaa, Or clean dra•of, whbM1 ,rba out of tM b me.mon in ilmand by area k¢ured martpep. and is Mend upon usury a any .oaraar credit proactmn or Uum m Mgxp law. G. Any Claim, wNch ,rb•s Nf Of the Oeaection wrong m 1M lau ed Ina Ntaa or ma e t IaVed by mis polka or 1M tnaacMn crab, 1M .arm t of the caned hM•r, by ..an Of fed am., of f•d•nl MMoum". eta anolvay w ei.., era i'ma rala hwa. SCHEDULE B, PART I EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE TEn poky do.. not ... ,,.lest lase or damages (ayd N. Company wil at aY ea,,, .ram en, bra or wpim eal wench .rev by ..an oh. PART I. T.... caaaessmnts wnc i are not down.. can, lien. by Ner award. of any ..I, tan am, .1 event pert o1 atattmams on real Property Or by the public raced,. Pmceader, by a public apaay whbh may malt In tea.. ar atswsmnts, or notices of such Proc,edirr s, wmethor or not sawn by 1M rword. of swh Marcy ar by tM pWlk .cobs. 2. Any fears, dphts, artemts o, Clim, whch are rot mown by IN, ,aka records but which could be ....roiad by an kwawbn of me lea or wham me, be ittw[M by gessoes in pwtaation ,Mreol. 3. Eee•mms, are or encumbrance., or cblmi dwacf, when .re not ttewn by des pubk ,wads. 4. Denc.aaha, confl'cts in bouM•ry lams, i lcroa n me, encroachments, or am after facts which omct..I., woWi dlebes, am! winch.. at drown by tte pubic r•ewda. 5. 1.) Unaten.d mina, claims; of ammamatcre, w azwptioa an Wam or n Aca ,uNmow, me norence thereof: I0 water rights, claim or then a waar, whetter or not one mature axcwted uwler (a), P), of (C) arc sawn by the public rworm. (Ray. 11117(04) EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) CLTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (10-22-031 ALTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (10-22-03) EXCLUSIONS In .do e. to dha E.... beer In Schaduk 5, You am rot meured •pent bss, toe%, ...,a fare, and ezp.mea do jung ham: I. 3 wrnmenGl poky power, ad the axkpirce or volaton of any now or government regulation. This �xlWea ordnarcea, laws am rpWte, hcmmip: Binding oniry UM us. i. UnrovemsnG on Und Lam eme nn enviroomen data n tprotectioneadto or ii Eidson dose net apply to Finite ire ar or Mr enkro.m.M of three maned H ngtca of IM vclation enfodrmpt ead hot ti the Pub. ing. de at lye Policy D.N. 2, Ee.Lion dead rot time thIa trump. deacnvy a Covered Rua 14. 15, I4 D w 24. . 2. The gies of Your axhting . Eii.agro of elw pert of them, G M caratrupad a paedem wen epplcab4 border, podia. TM1R iacMbn clop rot •poly to vblalcn of bwdmp codes if roVice of the vahrih append in tha Puby Rtoorda et rho Poky Data. 3. TM right we the lam by comemNng g, urged: e of axaroiskq ant right epPead n they Ptak Rtoorda It You Puliry bought or h. Knowing wing hammed Mforo the Poky Data .d is bndirq an you R You MupM Ow Ud without Klwwinp of 1M tramp. 4. Flow: I. that are crnM, allowed, or ayrad to by You, whether w not theyY appear in She Pubic Records: b. Set or. Known W You at the Pokey Doug, but nol for U., it.. real appear in the Pubic Record. at the Poky Do%; C. aMn ..mh in no go. to You: or dthat fired ace after the Poky Not - their does no[ Imo Shot cownga demented! in Covered Rea T. S.O. 22. 23. 24 or 25. 5. Femur to pay valor for Your Tithe. 6. lack of it right: a. he any Unit oer.W the ana epegifealhy MsttE W .ro rakmd a at pereomph 3 of Schange A: am b. in dmU, .Wye, or waterway. Cut town the Und. The Exclusion data rot finit the avenge, desarted m Covered Risk 11 Or 18. LIMITATIONS ON COVERED RISKS Your n.uaoc. for the khowiry C.wmW feet k limited on the Dwrcr. Cowreg. Surname. a. fellow.: • For Covered Rok 14, 15, 16 sal 18, Your Daduchdo Amount and Our Maximum Duo. Limed of Liability thaws In BcMdule A. Tim deduaibk empum a ad maximum door Wed shown on Schaduk A an a folam: Yew Deductible Amount Covered R6a 14; Iy00%o1 Patty Amount Or 1 2.500.011 IWhecW,.l i kid) Covered Risk 15: 1.00%of Poky Amount or 1 5.000,00 IWhcTeyem a iced) Covered Risk 16: 1.0096 Of Poky Amount or i 5.".OD IYy .W';l .a Ina) Covered Rid Ia: 1.0096Of Poky Amount i 2,5MOO lwhkTiae-r'.'laa Cur Maximum Door Limb of Lieblity 1 10.000.00 ! 25,0<0.00 i 25,000.00 i 5.000.00 ALTA EXPANDED COVERAGE RESIDENTIAL LOAN POLICY (10/13/01) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Tea bowing matted ere axpm[dy walmdd from the atwno of the Poky ant they Company we not Pa. bss or damage, coati, attorneys fees w rsgrmu which ant. by meson of: 1. (a) Any Ww, wdkeym are WwrmmnGl regulate. (including but not Ilmhad to Sorry more, aid,... w repwaion rathebng..golatiry. p.NbhWQ or ralaang he (0 dM aaapenoy, ate., he-i'llimed of dy Und: (I') the pMrMndi , mep. or boater of any improvements how or reafter .rcdd an the Lem: at a seperatlan In owreymhip or a change in the dim.made or imunt of the bun or any nice of which tic Und is or wag a pad: are (iv) onvounduental Precedent, or the effect of any vamban of tens rem, wd mass w governmental rpWatbv. except G the .spin[ that a roter of hey enforcement harmer or a rodcs of . Meet Ion or vnbe- meulVq Ire e.lWn r.leoeb d vmtion ofNCGtg the d MMn rw lad train in the Public Rnorm n D. a Poky. Time ....on it.. -1 out the eowde. plovbd GMa C... red Risks 12. 13. 14, ad 1E of In. pe.y (b) Any g ementonGl police power not excluded by (e) abaw, except W the extent that a mace of So ....o. dmml or .reed[. of . debtor. Nn w emtanbnm tau" from . mammon o .taped vamton affecting the Ud has bean ..corded m the Public Records at Days of Poky, This ...Iron it.. rol Imo the eom.np. provided Wa Covered Rake 12, 13, 14. mind 16 o1 live 'ec'. .. Manor of .mimnt domes wrote mtia of the examka thereof has been mwrded in the Punk Rtoerds et Dow of POlky, but notexckming from coverage any Gklng which Ms occurred prior G One of Poky with wouo be binding on the nigh. of . punluser for vaka Wnut Knowmdpe. 3. DeNoG, tram, encunbraces, dvme chime or orhar redid: lam created. suffered, ..erred or eared to by they Imumm Cb manC hi net Known W the Company, net recorded in d,. Pubic Rtoord at Date of Peary, but Known c the Imund CmimeM ad not disclosed in wring M We Company by W Imwd Clement prior G the data the Inured Chimant comma .n Inured under the poky: I.) r...hang In. au do..pe to the Imund Claim..: Idl .dechiN or clad mMpum W Defe of Poky Ilhis mraii data knit the cowrnoe provided undid Covered R.A. 8, 16. 181 191 20, 21, 22. 23, 24. 25 ad 261: or lei resulting N bss or damage which weed not have Men suerimd it this Insured Cement had paid velw for the ]-.red Moripp.. 4. UnanbmabiM of She Ikn of En Imund Me,... bets.. of th o nabikry or fader of the Inured in DeG of Policy. Or the robi ur or folum of any auMa.nl o.me of the iecebtNming, be comW1' did, opplandille din, be. lam of the atala in which She Um a seuerd. 5. Invalid" or lalanfor.eabpey, of do on of the Lured Mortgage, or cum Iherpf, which .... out of tha transaction evoemd be do ImGd Mortpapa am k Mad upon wary, nc.of its provided at Covered Rat 27. or any comGmr adit Protmatim or bud, at Wiling law. d. Real proper' treaa ear aeaessmenG of any gowrnmenGl ged,wey, when become a Ion on the Und awm.gatnt W Do% of Poky. The reclusion data rot any the ciu ap. provided .der Covered Rao 2, 8m) ad 26. T. Any clam of himis , wnforcnMkry or lack of priority of the tin of the Insurd Monope w G dvarc.. or mdiMalnns mad riot . betted Ms Krcwmd0. IMt the w.. eMwn n ScMdum A e no bmr dv ear r of the ..%% or inta sepet vered by I. poky. The eacludon ren bn t limt the cover.pe provided n Covered Rkk I. 6. Lack of priority of the ban of the Imwd Morg go at to each ad awry advance mod after Dow of Poky, ad all intoned .Mro.d dyrwn, over Wm, .ncumbnmaa ad othar me..Xaniry the arid, tM..a.m. of which .. Known re 1. Ina. aid: (.1 The area of ant dorm: or (b) The dun.. mditidion .mad G tln terms of the Imur.d Mwtppe an CMrya do ten of kxerd •harped, if did .tic of npiret k oracce to a newt of the modification tan it mud have ban before the modikatlon. Th..xclerion dos nol he. the covaagr P.vW.d b covered Rkk 8, 2. The f.iM. W the reeb.ndl air.,., Or any oterkn thereof to Mm. hewn arcbrr l Mbr, an or after Do. of Poky in .,do. who appbo be bmd'mp codes. The exclean how m apply a velatom of binding coda a notion, of the v.1i .port in 1M Pubic moorde .a D. of Poky. (Rev. 11117104) EXHIBIT "Alpc PARCEL 1 LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'49" WEST, 167.19 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76052'07" EAST, 45.62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "S29051'43"E, 143.54' ", THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1.073 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 2 LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'49" WEST, 167.19 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76152'07" EAST, 45.62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "S29051'43"E, 143.54' '; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B", ATTACHED HERETO .AND MADE A PART HEREOF. -1 THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT. DEAN J. BOULDIN, P.L.S. 7842 REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12/31/06 y\�pl LgNp SG BOU�Qi �Fc No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 S �Q T9TF OF CAL\F�� 8305_ DATE PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "B" �S-� ry �ti J0/ o\ \sJ,PG� ti (N 08.54 6" W 3 01" e R14850' L=12.34') 06igPRcG� .. �N R=31.00' L=48.18') ?Y 10, 2 LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED a o No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 A' T9lF OF CA��EOQ PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: DEAN J. BOULDIN, P.L.S. 7842 DATE EXP. 12-31-06 PARCEL 1 1.073 ACRES SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS L t5 SCALE: 1" = 60' 6�19 NEW LOT L � RANSFER PARCEL IV >i..__ 0.205 ACRES `N 76'52'07" E 45.62' T PARCEL 2 LEGEND — EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW LOT LINE (XXXX) INDICATES 2 TRACTNO.RECORD DATA E29894-2M.BM ENDMENT NO.359/68-82 0 INDICATES A 10' WIDE PUBLIC: UTILITY EASEMENT 1 PER AMENDMENT NO. 2 TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 359/68-82 QINDICATES A 12' WIDE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 2 PER AMENDMENT NO. 2 TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 359/68-82 0 INDICATES A SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT PER AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 327/56-88 11 E Parcel name: LOT 1 AMENDMENT #2 TR 29894-2 North: 8089.0270 Line Course: N 28-52-00 W North: 8218.6024 Curve Length: 48.18 Delta: 89-02-49 Chord: 43.47 Course In: N 83-58-28 W RP North: 8221.8565 End North: 8252.6268 Curve Length: 12.34 Delta: 48-45-01 Chord: 11.97 Course In: N 06-58-43 E RP North: 8267.0194 End North: 8258.8543 Line Course: N 34-16-16 W North: 8271.2996 Line Course: N 08-54-02 E North: 8292.5605 Curve Length: 110.54 Delta: 1-40-32 Chord: 110.53 Course In: N 37-53-08 W RP North: 11275.7021 End North: 8361.7046 Line Course: S 57-03-39 E North: 8295.8295 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8171.3477 Line Course: S 60-29-49 W North: 8089.0116 East : 11871.2889 Length: 147.96 East : 11799.8578 Radius: 31.00 Tangent: 30.49 Course: N 38-29-53 W Course Out: N 06-58-43 E East 11769.0290 East 11772.7955 Radius: 14.50 Tangent: 6.57 Course: N 58-38-47 W Course Out: S 55-43-44 W East 11774.5572 East 11762.5747 Length: 15.06 East 11754.0943 Length: 21.52 East 11757.4238 Radius: 3779.77 Tangent: 55.27 Course: N 51-16-36 E Course Out: S 39-33-40 E East : 9436.3191 East : 11843.6578 Length: 121.15 East : 11945.3328 Length: 143.54 East : 12016.8030 Length: 167.19 East : 11871.2927 Perimeter: 787.47 Area: 37,816 sq. ft. 0.868 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0159 Course: S 13-51-07 E Error North:-0.01542 East : 0.00380 Precision 1: 49,527.04 Parcel name: PARCEL 1 North: 8089.0270 Line Course: N 28-52-00 W North: 8218.6024 Curve Length: 48.18 Delta: 89-02-49 Chord: 43.47 Course In: N 83-58-28 W RP North: 8221.8565 End North: 8252.6268 East : 11871.2889 Length: 147.96 East : 11799.8578 Radius: 31.00 Tangent: 30.49 Course: N 38-29-53 W Course Out: N 06-58-43 E East 11769.0290 East 11772.7955 E V E C7F in VUO =OMIA"OEMFLOPMEN? DJNIA -.__. 5RTMENT ' L1 '..i Curve Length: 12.34 Delta: 48-45-01 Chord: 11.97 Course In: N 06-58-43 E RP North: 8267.0194 End North: 8258.8543 Line Course: N 34-16-16 W North: 8271.2996 Line Course: N 08-54-02 E North: 8292.5605 Curve Length: 110.54 Delta: 1-40-32 Chord: 110.53 Course In: N 37-53-08 W RP North: 11275.7021 End North: 8361.7046 Line Course: S 57-03-39 E North: 8295.8295 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8171.3477 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8126.3819 Line Course: S 39-52-23 W North: 8074.6163 Line Course: S 76-52-07 W North: 8064.2521 Line Course: N 73-30-31 W North: 8089.0170 Radius: 14.50 Tangent: 6.57 Course: N 58-38-47 W Course out: S 55-43-44 W East : 11774.5572 East : 11762.5747 Length: 15.06 East : 11754.0943 Length: 21.52 East : 11757.4238 Radius: 3779.77 Tangent: 55.27 Course: N 51-16-36 E Course Out: S 39-33-40 E East 9436.3191 East 11843.6578 Length: 121.15 East 11945.3328 Length: 143.54 East : 12016.8030 Length: 51.85 East : 12042.6198 Length: 67.45 East : 11999.3783 Length: 45.62 East : 11954.9512 Length: 87.24 East : 11871.3001 Perimeter: 872.45 Area: 46,761 sq. ft. 1,073 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0150 Course: S 48-15-06 E Error North:-0.01000 East : 0.01120 Precision 1: 58.163.33 Parcel name: TRANSFER PARCEL North: 8171.3610 Line Course: S 60-29-49 W North: 8089.0250 Line Course: S 73-30-31 E North: 8064.2601 Line Course: N 76-52-07 E North: 8074.6242 Line Course: N 39-52-23 E North: 8126.3899 Line Course: N 29-51-43 W North: 8171.3556 East : 12016.7956 Length: 167.19 East 11871.2852 Length: 87.24 East : 11954.9364 Length: 45.62 East 11999.3635 Length: 67.45 East : 12042.6049 Length: 51.85 East : 12016.7882 Perimeter: 419.35 Area: 8,944 sq. ft. 0.205 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0092 Course: S 53-45-12 W Error North:-0.00542 East :-0.00740 Precision 1: 45,581.52 Lill Brian Subject: PCN 05206 THE HIDEAWAY LLA 2005-437 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Status: Completed Percent Complete: 100% Date Completed: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 Total Work: 0 hours Actual Work: 0 hours Owner: Jesse Jimenez Requested By: Jesse Jimenez This Lot Line Adjustment had been reviewed by Brian found several errors. Sent back to Community Development unacceptable and to transmit to FOR for correction. 08/08/2005 RECEIVED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SENT TO BRIAN FOR HIS REVIEW (JGJ) 08/10/2005 Brian reviewed Legal Description, Plat and checked closure of the lot line adjustment and found them okay. 08/10/2005 Sent to Jesse approved for return to Community Development. Completed. 'r Jesse Jimenez Subject: PCN 05206 THE HIDEAWAY LLA 2005-437 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Status: Not Started Percent Complete: 0% Total Work: 0 hours Actual Work: 0 hours Owner: Jesse Jimenez 08/08/2005 RECEIVED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SENT TO BRIAN FOR HIS REVIEW (JGJ) TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: CITY MANAGER _PARKS DEPARTMENT _BUILDING & SAFETY _CODE ENFORCEMENT _FIRE MARSHAL -Bo aA nth PUBLIC WORKS D ARTMENT PLANNING MANAGER SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - STAN SAWA DATE: SUBJECT: PROJECT REVIEW - CC<E�,� t" CASE: LL, 200s -D4 3-7 PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY CONEOFNTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY tmns.ON HIDEAWAY TRANSMITTAL SHEET AUG - 5 n To: City of La Quinto/Public Works COICMIDOpF ihO�N`OiPq C.FFrom: Cynthia Zamorez N7 Date: August 5,2005 Subject: Temporary Clubhouse LLA No. 2005-437 (Re -Submittal) Via... FXJ Hand -Delivery F—] Inter -Office 0 Facsimile 0 Courier Federal Express Public Works: CD Per Your Request For Your Review/Comment(s) CD For Your Information O For Your Files For Your Approval CD Per Our Conversation CD Copied: CD See Note(s) Below CONFIDENTIAL O Please Respond 0 Please Handle: Enclosed Please Find Qty Name/Description of Enclosures: ,1 LLA 2005-437 Re- ubmittal (RCE Transmittal Detailing Package Items) 80955 Avenue 52 La Quinta, Califomia 92253 (760) 391-5072 Fax (760) 398-5788 0 LLA 0s-4-3-7 ®Consultants, Inc. One Jenner Street, Suite 200 Irvine, California 92618 949.453.0111 Fax: 949.453.0411 TO City of La Quinta DA JOB # 511.0001.09 78495 Calle TampicoATTENTION: La Quinta, CA 92253REGARDING: The Hideaway 760.777.7000 ® Overnight Golf House LLA 2nd submittal ❑ U.S. Mail ❑ Messenger ❑ Other Quantity # Pages Description 2 Signed Exhibit A, B, and Closure Calculations 1 Preliminary Title Report (for reference) 1 Supporting Tract Map for reference (for reference) 1 Original plan check comments ,l,,- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As Requested ® For review Notice of Confidentiality: The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination, or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and destroy the material. COPY TO: file SIGNED: LDrIj0kltns0V6 13 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY: TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894- 2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'51" WEST, 167.18 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76052'07" EAST, 45.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 143.54 FEET" THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1.073 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 2 LOT "J° OF TRACT NO. 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894- 2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'51" WEST, 167.18 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76152'07" EAST, 45.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 143.54 FEET"; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. 11 11 THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT. 9/05 DATE REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12/31/06 Z�L `AtV0 SG 3.8 pL No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 T9Te OF C SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS EXHIBIT "B" b4l �, �c \ �o . P p90 .aoV/1 (N 08'54'02" E 21.53') \ J 51 ,NL p. LAAO oZ c2 No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 T9lF OF CAL�FO� N 34'16'16" W 5.05') (A=48'45'01" \ R=14.50' L=12.34') PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: R=31.00' L=48.19') LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED DEAN J. BOULDI • P.L.S. 7842 DATE EXP. 12-31-06 E PARCEL 1 1.073 ACRES NEWl LOT �N6p TRANSFER PARCEL 0.205 ACRES SCALE: 1" = 60' P.O.B. N 76'52'07" E 45.63' PARCEL 2 LEGEND EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW LOT LINE (XXXX) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2 M.B. 327 / 56-88 QINDICATES A 10' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY 1 EASEMENT PER AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 0 INDICATES A SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT 2 PER AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 11 Parcel name: LOT 1 AMEND. TR 29894-2 North: 8089.0264 East : 11871.2860 Line Course: N 28-52-00 W Length: 147.97 North: 8218.6104 East : 11799.8501 Curve Length: 48.19 Radius: 31.00 Delta: 89-03-53 Tangent: 30.50 Chord: 43.48 Course: N 38-29-20 W Course In: N 83-57-24 W Course Out: N 06-58-43 E RP North: 8221.8741 East 11769.0224 End North: 8252.6445 East 11772.7889 Curve Length: 12.34 Radius: 14.50 Delta: 48-45-01 Tangent: 6.57 Chord: 11.97 Course: N 58-38-47 W Course In: N 06-58-43 E Course Out: S 55-43-44 W RP North: 8267.0371 East 11774.5506 End North: 8258.8720 East 11762.5681 Line Course: N 34-16-16 W Length: 15.05 North: 8271.3090 East 11754.0933 Line Course: N 08-54-02 E Length: 21.53 North: 8292.5798 East 11757.4244 Curve Length: 110.52 Radius: 3779.77 Delta: 1-40-31 Tangent: 55.26 Chord: 110.51 Course: N 51-16-36 E Course In: N 37-53-08 W Course Out: S 39-33-39 E RP North: 11275.7214 East 9436.3196 End North: 8361.7122 East 11843.6443 Line Course: S 57-03-39 E Length: 121.15 North: 8295.8371 East 11945.3192 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E Length: 143.54 North: 8171.3553 East 12016.7895 Line Course: S 60-29-51 W Length: 167.18 North: 8089.0256 East 11871.2870 Perimeter: 787.46 Area: 37,815 sq. ft. 0.868 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0012 Course: S 48-58-47 E Error North:-0.00082 East : 0.00094 Precision 1: 656,225.00 Parcel name: PARCEL 1 North: 8089.0264 Line Course: N 28-52-00 W North: 8218.6104 Curve Length: 48.19 Delta: 89-03-53 Chord: 43.48 Course In: N 83-57-24 W RP North: 8221.8741 End North: 8252.6445 East : 11871.2860 Length: 147.97 East : 11799.8501 Radius: 31.00 Tangent: 30.50 Course: N 38-29-20 W Course Out: N 06-58-43 E East : 11769.0224 East : 11772.7689 11 Curve Length: 12.34 Delta: 48-45-01 Chord: 11.97 Course In: N 06-58-43 E RP North: 8267.0371 End North: 8258.8720 Line Course: N 34-16-16 W North: 8271.3090 Line Course: N 08-54-02 E North: 8292.5798 Curve Length: 110.52 Delta: 1-40-31 Chord: 110.51 Course In: N 37-53-08 W RP North: 11275.7214 End North: 8361.7122 Line Course: S 57-03-39 E North: 8295.8371 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8171.3553 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8126.3895 Line Course: S 39-52-23 W North: 8074.6239 Line Course: S 76-52-07 W North: 8064.2575 Line Course: N 73-30-31 W North: 8089.0224 Radius: 14.50 Tangent: 6.57 Course: N 58-38-47 W Course Out: S 55-43-44 W East 11774.5506 East 11762.5681 Length: 15.05 East 11754.0933 Length: 21.53 East 11757.4244 Radius: 3779.77 Tangent: 55.26 Course: N 51-16-36 E Course Out: S 39-33-39 E East : 9436.3196 East : 11843.6443 Length: 121.15 East : 11945.3192 Length: 143.54 East : 12016.7895 Length: 51.85 East : 12042.6062 Length: 67.45 East : 11999.3648 Length: 45.63 East : 11954.9279 Length: 87.24 East : 11871.2767 Perimeter: 872.44 Area: 46,759 sq. ft. 1.073 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0101 Course: S 66-43-09 W Error North:-0.00400 East :-0.00930 Precision 1: 86.382.18 Parcel name: TRANSFER PARCEL North: 8171.3563 Line Course: S 60-29-51 W North: 8089.0266 Line Course: S 73-30-31 E North: 8064.2616 Line Course: N 76-52-07 E North: 8074.6281 Line Course: N 39-52-23 E North: 8126.3937 Line Course: N 29-51-43 W North: 8171.3595 East : 12016.7889 Length: 167.18 East 11871.2864 Length: 87.24 East 11954.9375 Length: 45.63 East 11999.3744 Length: 67.45 East 12042.6158 Length: 51.85 East : 12016.7991 Perimeter: 419.34 Area: 8,944 sq. ft. 0.205 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0107 Course: N 72-44-29 E Error North: 0.00318 East : 0.01024 Precision 1: 39,191.59 FAW- TRANSMITTAL 0 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: 760-777-7125 Fax : 760-777-1233 ........................................................ TO rdX119 F DATE: Kk AA- P50V)� FAX NO. SCI - S-7 FAX NO. (760) 777-1233 -1 b2225 Page 1 of S .•. o..•..•..•..•..•..•. o..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. .•..•..•..•..•. .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. .•..•..•. r. o..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. .•. ................................................... Comments: GI I rvs r:iJbl1 C I f 11 su If you did not receive all pages of this document, please call (760) 777- - 70(,4 MAILING ADDRESS: P O BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 eV P:\Fu. wpd Order No. 9792374 EXHIBIT "ONE" PARCEL A: �- LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 317, PAGE(S) WTHROUGH-BS, INCLUSIVE,OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL B: Z IETTERED LOT J OF TRACT MAP 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGE 1�30 INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. THIS REPORT IS PREPARATORY TO THE ISSUANCE OF A SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE AND IT IS INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE USE OF THOSE PARTIES DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE PREPARATION AND CHECKING OF SAID MAP, AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME. Assessor's Parcel No: 772-410-032-8, 772-430-022-1 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 M4,lrr�.. LOT 1 OF AMENDFb TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA,JCOUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK-a7, PAGES THROUGH §8, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY: TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894- 2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'51" WEST, 167.18 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76152'07" EAST, 45.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 143.54 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1.073 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 2 LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894- 2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'51" WEST, 167.18 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76152'07" EAST, 45.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 143.54 FEET"; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS EXHIBIT "B" , �2 J0/ ' �� ��P 1 b() �b�•�C (N 08'54'02" E 21.53') \ ' `•,: Ali s i 10 1 i LAND 3.8 No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 Q �TgTF OF CAL\EO��� s; ,. rye, ��o �- % 33g, \3.V, 6" W �9Q\ \ R=14.50' L=12.34') (A=89'03'53" R=31.00' L=48.19') PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: 6e�r ARCEL 1 1.073 ACRES d CC� SCALE: 1" = 60' NEW LOT LINE LOT LINE TO J TRANSFER ry�h BE REMOVED PARCEL e" IV733p3j. 0.205 ACRES " 87..24' W N 76'52'07" E r 45.63' PARCEL 2 lGI / 5 DEAN J. BOULDI , P.L.S. 7842 DATE EXP. 12- 31-06 LEGEND — EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW LOT LINE (XXXX) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894--2 M.B. 327 / 56-88 INDICATES A 10' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PER AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 INDICATES A SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT PER AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT. DEAN J. BOULDIN,` P.L.S. 7842 REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12/31/06 LA"0 s� c� P� 3.8 mac^ No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 s ��Q T9TF OF CAL\F�� �'-/9/ s DATE 07/22/2005 10:08 FAX 7607771233 LA QUINTA COMM. DEV. la001 *** TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 3332 DESTINATION TEL A 93985788 DESTINATION ID ST. TIME 07/22 10:06 TIME USE 01'56 PAGES SENT 5 RESULT OK FAX TRANSMITTAL City of La Quinta �= Community Development Department °MOP ° 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: 760-777-7125 Fax : 760-777-1233 A+.�•.�..� y6 �•e�•y'• •�.•�••�• •�• y y.�•%••�••;• •�..0-.dd .0-4.+•�ee�e �e C..�••�••�e4. •.9.4..�..'. eye 4. 4• �e •�•�e444,6e-0••14.Ae.�i•�e e0 TO: FROM: _ G►ndrn 7-�iw�oryi, KkA&L5Ok-, GLL Lb . FAXNO, FAX NO. �760) 777-1233 `2S _ Page 1 of 5 .�. y. •P.�. ............... e•�.00•�. •�• 0..4. .44e.44. •�.�i �• •�.%••�.•�. �i �• •i• �0i• •ie+ Comments: G—i � rv�; 07/22/2005 10:14 FAX 7807771233 LA QUINTA COMM. OEV. 2001 *** TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 3333 DESTINATION TEL # 93985788 DESTINATION ID ST. TIME 07/22 10:13 TIME USE 00'51 PAGES SENT 2 RESULT OK FAX TJUNSMITTAL J1450 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 4 O78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: 760-777-7125 Fax 760-777-1233 .�. � •�. •�. y'. •�•'�•.�•.�..� d�.�• •�••�• y..�.L�•.� .�. �..p•�O•;.y'.yb y'.y�i.�. � =.y.•6.;..;..;..�..�. •�.•�.•�.•�•OO�i•�• •�ti.'..r�..aOf.�r.�. TO: kAA 64 Al 1'SQv� Gl�ulQ FROM: 52L�,m S aj DATE: ✓2 �1 Je5 FAX NO. ' G1S— S—(qS FAX NO. (260) 777-1233 Page 1 of 2- 0 0.`�••� •�..�.•�. •�•.�•.�..��.�•.�.y. •�s yam. y. y.0-1404.1. 4..4.. 4.4.+•*e40.e . •�..�. •0.�..�. f, •�.. 4.440%4 Y'."•�.•�.�i. d�• �i•� FA Ce�& . F4 TRANSMITTAL City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: 760-777-7125 Fax : 760-777-1233 .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•.:•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. <•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. .................................................... TO: 6 "C rn Z Vv cia)"-ViA GLulo FROM: ZbtkM s r" ALI�. DATE: FAX NO. 3� 3 — S"71ZS FAX NO. (760) 777-1233 Page 1 of Z .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. o..•..•..•..•. o..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•. .•. o. .•..•..•..•..•. .•..................................................... If you did not receive all pages of this document, please call (760) 777- d MAILING ADDRESS: P O BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 P:\Fn. wpd 11 u TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO; CITY MANAGER _PARKS DEPARTMENT _BUILDING & SAFETY _CODE ENFORCEMENT _FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PLANNING MANAGER SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - STAN SAWA DATE: -7 - ( l - oc5 SUBJECT: CASE: PROJECT REVIEW 2o,.D 5 - 45-7 PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY a • oc�) �\ \ 1 En,y--- _�.. A 4- C s. �<^�,. " .�+/`t .v:�.-�'Via._LJ� 1"'.p-t cm9.00a 0 Ll PARCEL 1 EXHIBIT "A" LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'49" WEST, 167.19 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76°52'07" EAST, 45.62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "S29051'43"E, 143,54' ", THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1.073 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 2 LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 359, PAGES 68 THROUGH 82, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'49" WEST, 167.19 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76052'07" EAST, 45.62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "S29051'43"E, 143.54' "; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT. DEAN J. BOULDIN, P.L.S.'7842 REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12/31/06 �\C�� LA/y0 SG O Z a � No. 7842 '* Exp. 12/31/06 T9TF OF CAL\F�Q- 8/Z/s DATE PLAT TO ACCOMPANY SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "B" 26 'S \ \o10, GF. ti Kati \ °f (N 34'16'16" W 15.06') 3 5 (r-48'45'01" 55\15 �\ R=14.50' L=12.34') (A=89'02-49" "` „05j8pRGG� `N I R=31.00' 2el I L=48.18') RP 0 g9iRP 10, 00,`{,. 12' 2 0rn LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 't J 'NQ T9rF OF C'Ii PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: DEAN J. BOULDIN, P.L.S. 7842 DATE EXP. 12-31-06 , 03, 9. 0. �9O\ m PARCEL 1 1.073 ACRES 6� L9 NEW LOT L TRANSFER PARCEL N >33p,; 0.205 ACRES SCALE: 1" = 60' P.O. B. N 76'52'07" E 45.62' PARCEL 2 LEGEND — EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW LOT LINE (XXXX) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 M.B. 359/68-82 INDICATES A 10' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PER AMENDMENT NO. 2 TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 359/68-82 QINDICATES A 12' WIDE LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 2 PER AMENDMENT NO. 2 TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 359/68-82 0 3 INDICATES A SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT PER AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 M.B. 327/56-88 --------------- ------------- umi= - - - "OMA7Uh�l 7Y bEV��OpM£RT Parcel name: LOT 1 AMENDMENT #2 TR 29894-2 North: 8089.0270 Line Course: N 28-52-00 W North: 8218.6024 Curve Length: 48.18' Delta: 89-02'-49 Chord: 43.47 Course In: N 83-58-28 W RP North: 8221.8565 End North: 8252.6268 Curve Length: 12.34 Delta: 48-45-01 Chord: 11.97 Course In: N 06-58-43 E RP North: 8267.0194 End North: 8258.8543 Line Course: N 34-16-16 W North: 8271.2996 Line Course: N 08-54-02 E North: 8292.5605 Curve Length: 110.54 Delta: 1-40-32 Chord: 110.53 Course In: N 37-53-08 W RP North: 11275.7021 End North: 8361.7046 Line Course: S 57-03-39 E North: 8295.8295 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8171.3477 Line Course: S 60-29-49 W North: 8089.0116 East : 11871.2889 Length: 147.96 East : 11799.8578 Radius: 31.00 Tangent: 30.49 Course: N 38-29-53 W Course Out: N 06-58-43 E East : 11769.0290 East : 11772.7955 Radius: 14.50 Tangent: 6.57 Course: N 58-38-47 W Course Out: S 55-43-44 W East : 11774.5572 East : 11762.5747 Length: 15.06 East : 11754.0943 Length: 21.52 East : 11757.4238 Radius: 3779.77 Tangent: 55.27 Course: N 51-16-36 E Course Out: S 39-33-40 E East 9436.3191 East 11843.6578 Length: 121.15 East 11945.3328 Length: 143.54 East 12016.8030 Length: 167.19 East 11871.2927 Perimeter: 787.47 Area: 37,816 sq. ft. 0.868 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0159 Course: S 13-51-07 E Error North:-0.01542 East : 0.00380 Precision 1: 49,527.04 Parcel name: PARCEL 1 North: 8089.0270 Line Course: N 28-52-00 W North: 8218.,6024 Curve Length: 48.18 Delta: 89-02-49 Chord: 43.47 Course In: N 83-58-28 W RP North: 8221.8565 End North: 8252.6268 East : 11871.2889 Length: 147.96 East : 11799.8578 Radius: 31.00 Tangent: 30.49 Course: N 38-29-53 W Course Out: N 06-58-43 E East : 11769.0290 East : 11772.7955 Curve Length: 12.34 Delta: 48-45-01 Chord: 11.97 Course In: N 06�58-43 E RP North: 8267.0194 End North: 8258.8543 Line Course: N 34-16-16 W North: 8271.,2996 Line Course: N 08-54-02 E North: 8292.5605 Curve Length: 110.54 Delta: 1-40-32 Chord: 110.53 Course In: N 37-53-08 W RP North: 11275_7021 End North: 8361.7046 Line Course: S 57-013-39 E North: 8295.!8295 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8171.13477 Line Course: S 29-5i1-43 E North: 8126.'3819 Line Course: S 39-52-23 W North: 8074.,6163 Line Course: S 76-52-07 W North: 8064.2521 Line Course: N 73-30-31 W North: 8089.0170 Radius: 14.50 Tangent: 6.57 Course: N 58-38-47 W Course Out: S 55-43-44 W East 11774.5572 East 11762.5747 Length: 15.06 East 11754.0943 Length: 21.52 East 11757.4238 Radius: 3779.77 Tangent: 55.27 Course: N 51-16-36 E Course Out: S 39-33-40 E East 9436.3191 East 11843.6578 Length: 121.15 East 11945.3328 Length: 143.54 East : 12016.8030 Length: 51.85 East : 12042.6198 Length: 67.45 East : 11999.3783 Length: 45.62 East : 11954.9512 Length: 87.24 East : 11871.3001 Perimeter: 872.45 Area: 46,761 sq. ft. 1.073 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0150 Course: S 48-15-06 E Error North:-0.01000 East : 0.01120 Precision 1: 58,163..33 Parcel name: TRANSFER PARCEL North: 8171.3610 Line Course: S 60-29-49 W North: 8089.0250 Line Course: S 73-30-31 E North: 8064.2601 Line Course: N 76-52-07 E North: 8074.$242 Line Course: N 39-52-23 E North: 8126.3899 Line Course: N 29-51-43 W North: 8171.3556 East : 12016.7956 Length: 167.19 East 11871.2852 Length: 87.24 East 11954.9364 Length: 45.62 East 11999.3635 Length: 67.45 East : 12042.6049 Length: 51.85 East : 12016.7882 Perimeter: 419.35 Area: 8,944 sq. £t. 0.205 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0092 Course: S 53-45-12 W Error North:-0.00542 East :-0.00740 Precision 1: 45,581,52 Ll �V v O �Z IN)I— OOOOOO W N Cn W zu)u)cncnu)cnzzzcnzzzz W m V V W N N CT W W W Cn co N D W 0) (DCfl (O V (0 V 00 A U1 0) O W 00 �7 (n 00 00 00 00 O Cn 00 (O N V O CD (D 00 Z O O V CA CA 0)CY) 00 O V N V V V O) O O W IQ -- � 0) � (O (D CO A V :*I:*I*mmmm*m:*l mm** a m V V WNNCnW W wCn 00N W O CD CO CD V CD V (p A (n 0 O W O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD (n 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 O O O O O CD O O O O O O O O O 3 W U) (n Cn (A W Cn Cn A cn Cn Cn Cn c O N N— 0 0 — W W W A O W 00 w PO N cn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (D ID W N A A A A N O - V W W W O O co N 0) -Al W W 0o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q O O CD O CD O O O O O O O CDO y O O O O O O O O O O O O O O co A CA (n A N V v N V Cn V -� W O CD -� (n A A -� � V S N CA ? 00 Cn � V V (n O Cn Cn CD O O A N Cn Cn A Cn V V N CA O O CD O 0)O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 7 O �T M 00 /y� 00 /y� 00 M W M 00 M W co� co Mry� W coW co/y� W cocoM W 00 /y� W J 0 0 0 N W N N N N N N N N O 00 O V N V CO (A V CO V CP CA Cn N Cb O CD A A O Cn Cn N 00 V N Cb co O O N O W W bD -1 V (n N oo O O W CA O -� Cn 00 A N 0 0 0Cn (O Cn C71 O N CD V N CA -� V (0 A N CDCD A (D CA M N V CDO N CO 0) Cn 0) CA W A ONO) A w O CD 0) (n 00 (D (0 0 0 (0 00 A V V V V V V V 00 1 V Cn CO A — A A W Cn Cn CA V V O CO V O A (O N CA Cn W O V A N A N CO CD O W O W CA 00 W CA W A O Cn Cn V O 00 N Cn V" O W (P " N CO V Cn (D N Cn W O co co W N V (D W A A V m (D V m N W A 0o 00 O CO W V W Cn W (D v O V^ '� ZZZ(/)U) W m N CO W (D —J O V w O) O D X OD O Oo V 00 OO(O 0 A Z N W (D (D V *mmm* o_ (D N (D W (0 —J O -1 W O O (D O O O O O O O O CD O (A O O O O O 3 (Ji Cn N U1 N w O N (oCD 7 c 00000 �' ai O 010 O O (D .p WW N - W to O D CL 66666 O O O O CD0 y 001 0 0 (r 07 P.00 O) N O co OD U7 A Cn 0) N N � —� (D 0 00 0 0 7 O 0u co 1 co O O O OD O OD O V — N O -I A O A CO (O -I O O W U1 W OD O N N O O N W O) Ui CA a) (O OD p. N O O A CD O (D N N . . . N O CD YD+ (0 ,� (O U7 OD O O O) N (D A O O W O (D W N OD -1 (D EO O W (n O) U7 N U) O r r N O O U1 W V X I TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: CITY MANAGER _PARKS DEPARTMENT _BUILDING & SAFETY CODE ENFORCEMENT _FIRE MARSHAL \1 beiov,_ `i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PLANNING MANAGER SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - STAN SAWA DATE: -7 - ( 1 - oc5 .SUBJECT: PROJECT REVIEW CASE: PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY C MNILE.NTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY -gip -----COMMENTS tms.W4 a -c � z s TRANSMITTAL MEMO cFM OF „ a TO: CITY MANAGER QW& _PARKS DEPARTMENT _ BUILDING & SAFETY PLANNING MANAGER CODE ENFORCEMENT SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT _FIRE MARSHAL _ FROM: . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - STAN SAWA DATE: -7 - I l - 045 .SUBJECT: PROJECT REVIEW CASE: (a Lt mo_ ari i,_,�G%vv_,tA77 20(05- 457 PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON TTffi ATTACHED ITEM BY -�o lrn a /'l OS QT-w .e..o�'-^�- ,�r'�r3 V � tma.O06 04 r "`'° to WeUlOpminta""Revenue CodeCounient Department / f'y OFit� 78-495 Calle Tampico tJ La Quinta, California 92253 7125.-f AX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY A- ✓ Pt -tom Case No. Cya - F.t� 7 Date Recvd. b 1 iz, /os- Ne: A 2So a- A w0� Via. FEt Related Apps:_ Logged in by: '$v FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose of the review is to allow reconfiguration of two or more adjoining lots into sizes or shapes appropriate for desired uses and in compliance with Municipal Code requirements. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. 1 ee .o .•. .•. .. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. .•. • .•. APPLICANT Donald J. Kelleher (Print) MAILING ADDRESS 1543 Fifth Avenue Phone No.415-454-8861 CITY, STATE, ZIP San Rafael, CA 9 Fax No. *Owner "A" Name: Donald J. Kelleher Address: 1543 Fifth Avenue San Rafael CA 94901 Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) *Owner "B" Name: ND La Quinta Partners, LLC Address: 80-955 Avenue 52 La Quinta, CA 92253 (City) (State) *Owner "C" Name: Address: Phone: 760-391-5072 Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) *Attach sheet for additional owners Property B Property C: Assessor's Parcel Number: 7 7 2- 4 3 0- 0 2 2 -1 Street Address (if any): Assessor's Parcel Number: 772-410-03 -8 Street Address (if any): Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address (if any): DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: Expansion of Lot 1 into Lot "J" at the Hideaway A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 2/2000 cdi REASON FOR REQUEST: E ion of Lot 1 into Lot " - the Hideaway APPLICABILITY The following criteria must be met to approve a lot line adjustment: ❑ The adjustment shall not create a greater number of parcels than originally existed. ❑ The resulting parcels shall conform with City Zoning and Building Codes. ❑ The adjustment shall not cause existing uses or improvements of the property to be out of compliance with any provision of the City Codes. MINIMUM SUBMISSION REOUiRFMEhUq- ❑ Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. ❑ An acceptable legal descriptionof each existing parcel and a metes and bounds description of each new parcel proposed ❑ Closing calculationsfor each new parcel proposed. ❑ Original, unrecorded Grant Deeds for each new parcel with the following: ❑ State on the Grant Deed when all affected parcels are under one ownership. GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged Owner A hereby GRANTS to Owner A the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) See Exhibits A and B attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed implements the revised lot. configurations pursuant to Line Line Adjustment as approved by the City of La Quinta. All property subject to this lot line adjustment is owned by_ a single. entity, hence ownership conveyance is:a nonessential secondary function of this deed. The primary function of the deed is to provide constructive notice of the revised lot configurations pursuant to Government Code Section 66412 (d), and to perfect the intent of the Lot Line Adjustment _ _ as approved. ❑ State on Grant Deed when affected parcels are under multiple ownership:. GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Owner A' hereby GRANTS to Owner B the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California, described as (Property Description) that portion of land in Lot A which is overlaid by the reconfigured shape of Lot B pursuant to LLA approved by the City of La Quinta. The reconfigured lots are described in Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOTE: This grant deed perfects the intent of. Lot Line Adjustment = _ as approved by the City of La Quinta. A16:LLA 1-7/16/97 Appvd 2/2000 cdi Z0'd "Ri101 ® Or'VELOPMs"I 415 453 i043 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIMMATION, reoelpt of wbic6 Le Mraby sc) nowtedgad, Owner B %a"v gRAVM to ownerA . - ' the real tawPwtV N the My of La Quhrta eOUMV of Riverside State sf Callfomb, Oesdrbed as 0•40 Ipropatttr Description) that portion of land in Lai B whiph La overlaid by. ihe racorrfloured shops of Lot A pumlant to LLA _ approved by the City of Le QUinta. tw taeonfigurad Iota are deaerybed'in ExNblb A ind B atteehed hetrreo and made a part hereof. NOTE: This afanT deed perfecto tho intattt of Lot Life Adfsnmo tt y as approved by the City of Ld Quints. O Atgahed to fho Cewt Deada shall be Exbfbib A ovi•ll, ametas ad bounds legal dmaiption aftlte new pameb snd. a plat (S'b" x 111 of fhe new pveels, r%Vocdv 7y (asc advAed sample Fxlubita A add H), a if attncwm or ad=h gaovetdaob qW cm the attbcted paroet(s), pm vide seporaw plot pled showiup dhpsrsitmed :.. l000nan m raladoQas new p wpcny lions. . O Piling fee firL'osUncAdjastmouL WMing multiple applimdons, du most eqC BMve application vriLlhaehsrgad•DA1. fee, with remaining related agppricadaca d aoovn%d 506 each, if the anabet of lots adlvAcd exoesds two. dtim.a, pn%liri Mori® Depnmseot plan ebcck fee of $50.00 per lot (over two totes) stall be paid in sdd npn to Lot ueic. Adptaseeatfee. � Rl�ita/AY� S+� aa4v60e44a4r4•l•a64 444 4 6 44d•404a44444464aa ' SIGNAAM OF NAME OF APPT MGNATORR OF.FBOPERTY OWNER "A^ iP NOTSAMB AS APFLIGAN T NAME OF OWMR ' S143NA 7RL' OP PROKMTY OWNER IF NOT SAW AS A"l lcv- NAM60pOWtJM �en Gem nA 6-23-oS DATE SIGNATm OF PROPERTY OWNER TO IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE . NAM14 OF OWNER DATE (S'epmme u"aen awharTy by hwnv 10 =bY4 9p+p&Afiau may be Pre 94 / Aav edify Ant all h oramat oh cmrabrad to"gppliaadab, fncfrdarg all pimu mad acaterirda rsgvfnd by $ WpUffldoa tubmirsi0x rvsfaireraottt. 1s. to d o hot gfmy bwwlnde, bw and mined. FALSE OR MAM lNI0RMA27ONGIttPNDV 2WAPPZICATTONSBAGLJX OAtOXrAMFOR DP,NYfNGAPP1iCATlD1V grmtt tie City auomr q to girder on40 tha prop&& to cam&a efts in4wilane ivid m post negated pubNe noac.a. r AppvdWfMopon T80 15:02 •• ITIM NO 97401 ®00_',, �., n).Tsgcbctb1996 01 vt1060vL020 WOW B6:61 SOOd-Nnf-ZZ RECORDING REOUa 9, aw Tan ls re[... sus Tee Arean[ I�[ lsm nu usn aaR w eaur rr. N. r Saw A**. CAPE a., 'S AIL TN FIATEYENTS TO Maw r 1 e1r. ACMXa at, a a"" L J nrt[also + tum@, I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORS) DECLARES) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is Q computed on lull value of property conveyed, or p computed on full valueless value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area O city of AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(s) to the following described real property in the County of , State of California: STATE OF CALIFORNIA - SS COUNTYOF On this day of in the year before me. 0e undersigned, a Notary Public in And for said Slate, personally (7 personally known to M p proved Ip me en the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is Subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed It. 00 ®* - City of La Quinta F CF'y OF TIiS''O Project: Engineering Plan Check Application and Fee Lot Line Adjustment The Hideaway Date: 6/15/05 Development Identification Number: Tract 29894-2 / 32453 Map/Plans Submitted for Checking Surveyor's Checking Fee $50 x 2 CITY ACCOUNT INFORMATION 101-000-443-318 Lots $100 Fee APPLICANT INFORMATION PERSON WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLAN CHECK ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES. ENGINEERING FIRM/PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARING PLANS/MAPS: Lori Johnson Rich Clark NAME NA RCE Consultants, Inc. RCE Consultants, Inc. NAME OF MW NAMEOFF,W 1 Jenner St., Suite 200 1 Jenner St., Suite 200 ADDRESS ADDRESS Irvine, CA 92618 Irvine, CA 92618 CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE LP 949-453-1694 949-453-0411 949-453-0111 949-453-0411 TEI£PWFIE FAX TEI£PHONE FAX LJohnson@rceconsult.com Rclark@rceconsult.com EMAIL EMAIL CITY STAFF DATE 78-495 Calle Tampico - P.O. Box 1504 • La Quinta, CA 92253 • (760) 777-7075 - (Fax) 777-7155 ..�.......,.e nnrmumvaowncn'nMfSFORM.S\Ff109-B DOC x ::€€:€€;::::::::: 1 NaturalArQI€;�y*.AV i Existing L aped — to Retnas u'nth�no. / �Easernpnt Over n Area Z � ,Revised: February 24, 2005 Revised June 1 2004 LEGEND November 20, 2003 N Private Area Building Envelope ® SUNSET/n Private Area NInter Transition Area (\ n`�+nn ®— - - Property Line Natural Area Maximum Building Height: 24' Above Pad Elevation Lot Area: 44,461 SF± Association Easement 5u%x Building Envelope Area: 37,765 S.F.± 4�4 Private Area: 24,593 SF± Stake Location and Number 0 25' 50 The locations fthe Prnzte Area Povelope and other physical srmmures and height of the pad elevation depicted on this diagram are approximations. Purchasers are advised to verify the same and other site conditions prior to commencing construction by obtaining a surrey from a egi,,c,,d sm,eym, U elevations are from sea level mkich is elevation O'. Fidelity National Title Company 1300 Dove Street, Suite #310 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 622-5000 • FAX 1949) 477-6835 PRELIMINARY REPORT ORDER NO.: 9792374 TITLE OFFICER: John Glance/Martha Ramirez LOAN NO.: TO: Guida Surveying, Inc. 3 Jenner, Suite 180 Irvine, CA 92618 ATTN: Dean Bouldin YOUR REFERENCE.: LLA-Hideaway Golf House SHORT TERM RATE: PROPERTY ADDRESS: , La Quinta, California EFFECTIVE DATE: May 4, 2005, 07:30 A.M. The form of Policy or Policies of title insurance contemplated by this report is: Closing Report 1 . THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 2. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: DONALD J. KELLEHER, TRUSTEE OF THE KELLEHER FAMILY TRUST DATED JULY 14, 1990, AS TO PARCEL A. AND ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC. A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS TO PARCEL B. 3. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED CITY OF LA QUINTA, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF \ku 05/09/2005 f 00 ®® Order No. 9792374 EXHIBIT "ONE" PARCEL A: LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT N0. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 3-2Ri, PAGE(S) 56-THROUGH-88, INCLUSIVE,OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL B: IETTERED LOT J OF TRACT MAP 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGE 10 TO 1.8; INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. THIS REPORT IS PREPARATORY TO THE ISSUANCE OF A SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE AND IT IS INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE USE OF THOSE PARTIES DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE PREPARATION AND CHECKING OF SAID MAP, AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME. Assessor's Parcel No: 772-410-032-8, 772-430-022-1 00 ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 2. Property taxes, which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected with taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2005-2006. Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are PAID. For proration purposes the amounts are: APN: 772-410-032-8 Fiscal year 2004-2005 1st Installment: $20,395.44 PAID 2nd Installment: $20,395.44 PAID Exemption: $0.00 Land: $3,714,409.00 Improvements: $0.00 Personal Property: $0.00 Code Area: 020-160 Bill No.: 0562129 Affects: The herein described land and other land. Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are PAID. For proration purposes the amounts are: APN: Fiscal year 1st Installment: 2nd Installment: Exemption: Land: Improvements: Personal Property: Code Area: Bill No.: 772-430-022-1 2004-2005 $241.75 PAID $241.75 PAID $ 0.00 $40,786.00 $0.00 $0.00 020-160 0562150 4. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation code of the State of California. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT PARCEL A: The fact that said land ties within the Coachella Valley Soil Conservation District as evidenced by a Resolution and Order recorded December 13, 1956 in book 2011, page 519 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. ITEMS: (Continued) ® ® Order No. 9792374 7. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Right of way to maintain a power line Recorded: January 19, 1953, Book 1433, Page 54, of Official Records 8. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of La Quinta Purpose: Public Utilities Recorded: October 28, 1999, Instrument No. 1999-469981, of Official Records 9. The effect of a document entitled "Irrigation Water Service Agreement" dated May 16, 2001 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCPI, a Delaware limited liability company, recorded June 29, 2001 as Instrument/File no. 2001-298678 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars 10. The effect of a document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" dated June 27, 2001 by and between NRI-CCPI, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and NRI-LQLP Golf Properties, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, recorded JUne 29, 2001 as Instrument/File no. 2001-298681 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 11. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: City of La Quinta Purpose: 10 foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets, as shown thereon. 12. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Inspection, repair, replacement, and removal of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress over land and within same, maintenance operation and emergency vehicles. Affects: Over all private streets shown on this map and an additional ten (10) feet in width on both sides of and adjacent to all private and/or public streets shown on the map. 13. Recitals as shown on that certain maps, which, among other things states: "The subdivider reserves the right to create easements burdening the residential lots depicted on this map for the exclusion owners of the adjoining lots for such purposes as the subdivider' shall identify when transferring the easements". Reference is made to said map for full particulars. ITEMS: (Continued ® ® Order No. 9792374 14. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652762, of Official Records An amended and restated December 13, 2002 as instrument no. 2002-745938 of Official Records. NOTE: Section 12956.1 of the Government Code provides the following: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive language pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12956.1 of the Government Code. Said covenants, conditions and restrictions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. Said instrument also provides for the levy of assessments, the lien of which are stated to be subordinate to the lien of certain mortgages or deeds of trust made in good faith and for value. Modification(s) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: March 14, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-132329, of Official Records The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: August 19, 2004, Instrument No. 2004-0656071, of Official Records 15. The effect of a document entitled "Domestic Water and/or Sanitation Installation Agreement" dated April 1, 2002 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCP I, LLC, recorded May 15, 2002 as Instrument/File No. 2002-255078 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 16. The effect of a document entitled "Domestic Water and Sanitation System Installation Agreement", dated June 20, 2003 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NO La Quinta Partners, LLC, recorded July 21, 2003 as Instrument/File No. 2003-543684 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT PARCEL B: ITEMS: (Continued)) ® Order No. 9792374 17. Easement(s) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: The Public for use by Coachella Valley Water District, formerly Coachella Valley County Water District Purpose: Public roads and rights of way, private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe lines, ditches, and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigation and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. 18. Reservations contained in the Patent From: The United States of America Recorded: July 31, 1905, Book 3, Page 228, of Patents Which among other things recites as follows: A right of way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. Any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing or other purposes and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights as may be recognized and acknowledged by local customs, laws and decisions of courts. 19. Easementls) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The United States of America Purpose: A water pipeline Recorded: June 13, 1949, Book 1083, Page 550, of Official Records Portions of said easement have been abandoned by document recorded January 23, 2001, as Instrument No. 2001.029890 of Official Records. 20. The fact that said land lies within the Coachella Valley Soil Conservation District as evidenced by a Resolution and Order recorded December 13, 1956 in Book 2011, Page 519 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. 21. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of La Quinta Purpose: Public street and public utility Recorded: January 14, 1991, Instrument No. 200785, of Official Records MW ITEMS: IContinuedl® Order No. 9792374 22. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; 23 24. 25. Granted to: The City of La Quinta, a General Law City duly created and existing under the laws of the State of California. Purpose: Public utilities Recorded: October 28, 1999, Instrument No. 1999-469981, of Official Records Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The City of La Quinta, a Charter City Purpose: Public utilities Recorded: February 8, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-046602, of Official Records Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California Build and maintain an access road, and necessary devices and appurtenances October 6, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-395093, of Official Records Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California Purpose: Build and maintain an underground pipe line, and necessary devices and appurtenances Recorded: November 20, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-463623, of Official Records 26. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Water Service Agreement" dated May 16, 2001, executed by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State, of California; and NRI-CCPI, a Delaware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298678, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 27. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" dated June 27, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company,; and NRI-LQLP Golf Properties, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298681, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 0. ITEMS: (Continued ® ® Order No. 9792374 28. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: 10-foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets, as shown thereon. 29. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "We hereby retain Lettered Lots V for golf course and related purposes. Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 30. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Construction, operation and maintenance of storm drain pipe lines and structures reserved thereon Affects: Lettered Lots V 31. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Inspection, repair, replacement, and removals of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress over and within same maintenance, operation and emergency vehicles Affects: Over all private streets shown on this map and an additional ten It0.00) feet in width on both sides of and adjacent to all private and/or public streets shown on the map 32. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "The subdivider reserves the right to create easements burdening the residential lots depicted on this map for the exclusive use of owners of the adjoining lots for purposes as the subdivider shall identify when transferring the easements". Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 33. Easementls) forthe purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by: NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Purpose: The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of owners of adjoining property for such purposes as Grantor shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded: October 5, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-486296, of Official Records ITEMS: (Continued)® Order No. 9792374 34. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by: NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Purpose: The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of owners of adjoining property for such purposes as Grantor shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded: October 12, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-498545, of Official Records 35. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Easement and Road Maintenance Agreement" dated December 19, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP, LLC, a Delaware limited iliability company; and Country Club of the Desert Owners Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation recorded December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652760, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 36. The matters set forth in the document shown below which, among other things, contains or provides for: certain easements; liens and the subordination thereof; provisions relating to partition; restrictions on severability of component parts; and covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin). Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652762, of Official Records NOTE: Section 12956.1 of the Government Code provides the following: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive language pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12956.1 of the Government Code. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Collateral Assignment of Declarant's Rights" dated December 19, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and Bank Midwest, N.A. recorded December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652763, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652764, of Official Records Modifications) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: March 14, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-132329, of Official Records 0 ITEMS: (Continued® Order No. 9792374 37. The effect if a document entitled "Domestic Water and/or Sanitation System Installation Agreement", dated April 1, 2002 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCP I, LLC, recorded May 15, 2002 as Instrument/File No. 2002-255078 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 38. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Agreement" dated November 20, 2002, executed by and between ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and The Hideaway Owners Association, a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation recorded December 13, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-745941, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 39. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Domestic Water and Sanitation System Installation Agreement" dated June 20, 2003, executed by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and ND La Quinta Partners, LLC recorded July 21, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-543684, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 40. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $25,100,000.00 Dated: August 22, 2003 Trustor: ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Trustee: Fidelity National Title Company Beneficiary: American Bank of Montana, a Montana banking corporation Loan No.: None shown Recorded: August 29, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-668355, of Official Records An instrument entitled "Collateral, Assignment of Declarant's Rights" recorded August 29, 2003 as Instrument/File No. 2003-668356 of Official Records. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. 41. The effect of a Line Lot Adjustment No. 2003-404 as disclosed by Grant Deed recorded by Sedona Homes Inc. and recorded December 10, 2003 as Instrument No. 2003-966373 of Official Records. At the time of recordation, the grantor under said grant deed has no record title interest in said property nor have they since acquired any such interest. 42. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Ingress, egress of service and emergency vehicles as dedicated to the City of La Quinta Affects: Lots A, B and D 43. Recitals on the map of said Tract which state the following: Lots A, B and D are retained as private streets for the sole use of the lot owners within said Tract 32453. 10 ITEMS: (Continued) ® Order No. 9792374 44. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: 10 foot public utility purposes Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 45. Recitals on the map of said Tract which state the following: Lettered Lot J is retained for Golf Course and related purposes. 46. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Drainage and/or utility and access purposes for the private use of the lot owners within said tract. Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 47. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Domestic water and Sanitation purposes as dedicated to the Imperial Irrigation District Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT BOTH PARCELS: 48. No known matters otherwise appropriate to be shown have been deleted from this report, which is not a policy of title insurance, but a report to facilitate the issuance of a policy of title insurance. For the purpose of policy issuance, NO items may be eliminated on the basis of an indemnity agreement or other agreement satisfactory to the Company as insurer. END OF ITEMS Note 1. Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation deals with the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or subescrow capacity. The law requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity's escrow and/or subescrow account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may subject funds to a holding period which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all fundings should be done through wire transfer, certified cheek or checks drawn on California financial institutions. Note 2. The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shall said charge be less than the minimum amount required under Section 12404.1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled "no fee" pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. 11 Aft ITEMS: (Continued ® Order No. 9792374 Note 3. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18662, effective January 1, 1994 and by amendment effective January 1, 2003, provides that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate may be required to withhold 3 and 1/3% of the total sales price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained. 12 EXHIBIT A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (6.1-87) EXCLUSIONS de anon 1. the Ea..amre n Schedule S. you m nor mined ...im. fore, —ats, mormYi ran. and meaasuhiq tram: mm.m mtal poke Po, and the --balance or u-tak' at -by Y haor 0—i nemrpW nt 4on. Th. nclum . b.lda, and ..try ordrymn .nd.6. fond and rpadmon corrcamirp. 4M um improvm•nv on 1N brad • I.m on. anbal protection be e.clwan don 1 epply to yolniaru or the anfO...... of ands. m prom wNch .prier in the Wk ncorda " Poky tau. I. exdwwn don not and theton, .-ra a enciibed n form I I and 19 at I. -rod Titer R6ka. M point Co data M 6rol by caMamemp a. union: rotca of .nrcbinp the Nhd app.an'n — Nola —.He an thatPoky Dec. • tea. not, happ.md am, to the Pam, Data and a birdry on You d you Coal the lend wnlnw kmw1a4p. of the ukap hdtcn to the Ex fun... you m m1 and. ed roamer fare, Co.,, a...,.- fee,, and the ..p.mn min Inc.: Any rohts, inure.., or cbmr of penes in me' ...wee of the and not am.. by Ile public ncurdr. Any ..semen. or Imns not shown by the park records. Th'a does not wait ch. I'en c—de, an Ium of Cowned Too Ripka. p. This Rile: • that •n ....d, apamd, ar ,read to by You • that an known w you, ban not to re, on cha Poky D•sunw they appeared in the pub, -ma • that ral bi m fore to leer • One, font effect yew tit6 eft., the Pak, ode - 1L o dome not and Me 4bor and mevrial Ian cm,mm,. In for 5 of Cawred Tub Rska 4. F•iWn b pre v.hw for yaw than. 5. heck of . nobs.: • v nw hand oupne the nor epecifeAy ducrEed sad rebind to n Ina ] of SCNduM A a aa....bY6 .1........ that touch Yow hard Th. sluion Coo nor lime Na .cc... —valp. an hen 5 of ewerM Taw R44. ]. Any tee. abort the lend which a damn, ewv.V would damage ark wWh.1. rot crown by the pubk record, That des not her. ohe forced removal -wroa. an item 12 of Covsr•d Title Risks, 4. Any wen, roMa or chains or tow to war an de wka W hand. whaahar 61 .linen by the Palmy reearE•. CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE I balk—, m •eP.n.N ...Wem m Wild fnMe of Chad Palmy and the Copany wiu no, pit or d..... Co.., Camay, f"m or mai m.c ybid, .14. by reason of: .I Any law, -do.—. or pavernmenvl reprupion lir¢IWkp but ml limivd to bubnp and tone, haws. .rdaruanc, or I.pWrmmf ,•lncti,p, re"Upda . prohdr airy or Ulan, nil the-cupam, w Im Id eat of the fork: f•I IM.han..l, dim•nam. or weamn of any wpra mart prow or hereafter acted on the End; NO ...Pa..— an neap o [bo" an the di--.. o .1 the fond or rnv v . . I of wbch the hand 6 a. P nK or (HI • nvl Provedory or the .".a, of any sea of uw.. haw. omit. .11-1—mal na.awm,•...or ed pre m ther • m o1 an,.. mrhere.i w.—am am--. .1 eaten, pen.1—bmnc.edo., from vwbmt or.U." ...Noun .n ring the land his been recorded in the public record. at Din of Poky. n) Any povm—Cil aolr. own mn..'.ad by .) .beta., ........ the e.um the, . norm. of the -orca. porect or a made 01 a defect, fen oarc umnrae rnWmm aa Irea vufow tion alooed ..here ..- iro tine hand Ne been —red of nno publi —old. m Data el Palmy. : ghv of •mina domain mlen norm. of the •nfcca thereof had Man I ... road In the pubic ...... n One of Poky, but mUeOudIry from —crape any uCmp which has, --read anor b Veto of Poky ,Ueh would M time, an the rohda or a purehea.r for vale withi kmwwdgo. :.foam, ern, enumnarcn, advne.1 iml. Dr other mamrt: (a) whether Or nor reco food in to public record• .1 D. of Poky. but cm.v4, auX•nd. •uurM or •anted p by the loured cfimo d, Ibl nor noon to 1M Comp.ny, rot racord•d in do public r•coad al Dab of Palmy, but kown. W wad e6—rd and rot declare" w ware, io the Company by Pre aewed ofeimam armor by the data Ire imumil c6immr, bream. an inured under tna Polity; 1.) n•Wtr o n m ame or Cameo. to the all watered; ICI .mMry "crowd aApmd-na w pea of Poky; or I•) no urom n wade Or a.m.o. eynan would not hew ben aan.n•d C the :dead ream. bad pea vIw for M inured marop• ear for the estate or wort inwM by Ih6 palmy. 4. Vmnbroabily of the ken 0 the Inured mortppa beaus of the i ad iiry or faawe of do nou ed a1 Dr. of role, .1 the InbYiry or fal.. of any deubapwn, coin of she ltlebudren, re campty wtn M applicable dory buzooss W * of tlw mteb n wretch du find 6 Unocal 5. InveidM or unonfocosoad, of do Ion of the bnun l Marlppe. or clean Tmeol, wnch saw out of ins m eemn evk•rc•a by chic normal maro•a• ark U hre•d upon Usury or any .-mums Credit protection or much in leMap ham a. Any clean, which am" oN of no p4macacn vmtry n tln muted 1M uvv o, nurnt auurW by Mk palmy or the namactan q cmooathe normal, *1 ale unwhand"n e ed , by mosoof dep•retlon al federal bankruptcy, sac ol-ra, a, iorber wedtan' rah. Ewa. SCHEDULEB,PARTI EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE Policy Co" m1 U. ayi final asp on dammpe land the a.nl ell Chi my posh.. .,i nor or..P.n") attach .... by num. of: PART mere.. enrich are eel alwwn .a —ding None by the r-.Me of my u i.abomtstern y nut D. Ea -man. or .rcumbasder ma,, ctaimda a emcf, which an not shown bypublicm . pubrmcaa. m...... Orma.....mmd on porn property or by the pudic record, Pram"dupe by .pubic pamy 4. D'ocup.zwe, canilem in boundary lima, ancrup. n..a..nromden.n., Or an, otter fnv wbch ,hch may reel as su or assessments, or mticn of such procaedu,s, whether or mt sMwn by . con"t cure, wCM decide, .m which are not .hewn by the pubic —Me. he -.Me al much ad.-Y or by the tube, n..Me 5. I.1 Undaunted mninp Chem: Ibl nn"stion or nc•pnon in Catal or n Acb .0 horn" the rule facts, rights, In.nm or c.imt which are not down by tle public mends but which could be 'n.mrcm thereof: Of wNr Ill. Chime or law v ..am. wmnnr or not the m..a ...,W urn .chromd by an imp"Mn of the end Or wM1CM1 may be "..nod by rearm In .......an thereof. W. (b). or (Of an Mown by Ind pub, r• ,a.. EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (10-17.92) WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT -FORM 1 COVERAGE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ,allowing molten. .aw... N extuded t.— she 'my —a'. di Oak, .. ths Company will not or damage. drays' teas o ..pare. Wtich • . by reason of: m Any kw. ore Ma or gamrmanbly,iroadon rrrludng but rwtlinded to buiHNg and mmro lava, mina' or reguoMmsl ,adbbg, reguoda, morthda or reading m Id the -rop.xy, .., or mpymmt of may and: lei the aNncbq dimension w bcatbn of wy Improv.meM ww nor Mnalbr ..also on the bond; In) a eOperation in owmearshp or . Cre,ge in the derivations or m. of the, and w .11 amsl of which led and or or was . pant or II.) mvmmnmbl pmhohm. or de dew of ... .wagon of them. awe, ardimmec w. '—dru Mal rwummord. a s.." m tlr axbw .1. rand. of -to anforam.nt he or a mr. of . delam. Ion or --brandsnsuhig from. vloohan or apeg. cmtkn of am,iry the lard has prom ...road an doe public .coed at Dab of Pak,. nl Any gave .m.1 Oak. pow mt excluded by I.) above, ..cep, m the esnm that a m e of M e Oriental or a rock. of . dsfeot, Yn or amumbrem. nsWdro badb from . vn or Ialleged .cation afawip fib aM Ns prom recorded In the pWk records at Om of Poky, 1ighds of on ieM domain unkp mda. of led ..harm thereof he. been rocmaad m " pubs, -mord. .n Dan of Poky, but not excluding from covaraoe env taking which for occurred prbr to Dau of Poky vhkh would M binding on the rphb o1 a purcN.r for value without krowmdp.. mean, Ions, emumbum., truants claim., or other meXw: .1 .1—rd. suff-ard. musumed w aw.d b by may Insured mmanc of mt known to live Comp.,,, ml reconled n tN public -came n D. al Poky, but known to tN .red cement and not d—madi in reidrp m da Company ter The Inured mi rm, pray m the data inured cement b ame an unwed chow tone Poky; -1 nsobsg or no tea. or do.,. to tro maned clammm; I .achig or trained aub.euent to Do. of Pak, I...11 m me .mnl rut the Pak, imvin mo cnty of for Yn of the insured mortal. ova my .btubry Pen fw .rvk.e, labor o1 mmnal or to lw —mint mundeas a afforded harem boo m on.osm.nts ter regal improvements velar coMruc.n compland .10.1. at Policy,; an ,-I an be. or dame,. III would mt N. ban su moved N tha Mound common, had p.k v.lu for the iourtl mortgage. Y. thonrorcaebiry of 1M Nn of tM insured mortpago because at the inadYry, or hily. of tly moved of Dwe of Policy, or tM uuMYb an Irma of any subspunt away of tlw iNabbarncL b comply wkh appkc.bk done business km of the tab an vfikh M. kM is sitwbd. 5. Invalidity or verventommythost, of ,he Mn of tM insured OmniPage. or clam thareaf, wbech .rates out of the simulation ey'voamed by dw '.urea morg.,e and k boael may .eury ar any coaumw cfed6 probed.ary on vulh'In hands, for. e. Any nomury kn far summer, labor, or m.mk for bow claim of prbriry, of any natudom fan for movects, IsMr Or materials Over IN Inn of the inured mo ig.9a1 wail p ham an andayo rent or wwk related to IN amd when la contacted lay .dal mmm.med subtotal. b Do. OI Pak, am la no, bnemed'an wNa or an In by pm tans, of the Mebbaa...vsd Or she weed ..Me,. weed, at Dave of Policy iN nsuna h.advanced or . oblga.d as advances. ). Any mimeo which arwe, out of may amuseaen m e" they moten of tN morpadm unwed by this Polar. by I..... of the ap.ntkm of federal myrim".... inoheay. or smilar cndrori ryhb laws. that k rile an: IJ IN as-- don .... onsed tN id —on rf the iuum.d --Me.- being deem.. haetluknt conveVa. om fraudulent parr; or is tro ,ubcmim n of to .ann of dro .und molbaget as a resub of the automation of the docdbe of .aibbk .ubwa estim: o (ik) she t.mactian cr.wg new Interest of the insund mwgagers bass ahem. a firmamental bomber .wr cy. rN pmbrmnNl panel., .... from de fium: •, 1.1 to timhN -card fly sentiment of peat,; or III of such facoratlion to prim nodes to . pvnN.r for value w a Iud.mhM of lie traded, AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY (10-17-92) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE i dem-rg mutters an apn.N included from tN mveu,. of Ms Pak, .M the Company wi ml nor mm,g.. can.. —,. y fea pero which an,. by ...an of: -) Any law. amin.rnu b, oa.rrvnamel ra0imvodon dWbg but vol flailsed b banal., used:onno bons, .mime., or mpu amns) s. rm\ng, rogue", ordNbion, or.ladmore, m III the occupancy. nroyment Of ne aM; liil ttheychar. r, den or known of my mpn mt m or Nutter oared on for lord; Isi) ..amtkn in aMip or . charge an the dim of the bone o ny Parcel of what the bed k or wee a part: or IN) environmental Promotion, o•IM effect of any alsoom of tMa am, ordimmus or gov mml regulations, except M fie extent that a mime of enforcement thereof or a mtke of a defect, ban or hmumbbme resulting from violation or alleged �oadon affecting the am Ns bum re.rd. In de public records at Data of Poky. Io Any governments l Oak. pown, riot a.chudod by b) above, sxcpt to e e nand 11u mtke of they . tNrwf Or , home of a defect Ian .1 stinc.inflimm. e,ubse, Isom ..4dkn or allpaii cladon effacing ti. bN he. burn .load at 1. publics nootinds at Do. of Policy. npbn of eminent domain oNs mks of the .-ens. III has body recomoil in led pubic ..ores o.0 of Paley, ben m....ho r, from .—mg. young wheh has pacervert cum, b Den el Pak, vhbh vy be pending on M rights of s purcNep for n,w witlwvt kmwkdgs. ] let-.. lw, • vnbram., ad.ne ck'ms, or goer In...; ,I mood, sufend, proun ed a1 age. to by tN arumad mmml: lb) not known to she Compmy, not recorded in any pub., records at Dow of Picky, but known m IM mnured consent am not disclosed in writing r for Company by this around claimant Prior m me data the inured abeam "a,.. on ...red user Ihk ak,; la) asuf irep on . m. or damage to They insured aboman: Id) withrq or crossed subsoaumd to Dab cl Pa4ry, or 1.) ns Wbro In ten a ilamege reach waum rqt vivo peon subpar if IN inured camel had akl value Is' "ebb of inure. found by this poky. 0. Any m'Im, wine, am. out at Into 11---spot umaN n the paved One .deb or'money intwd by the poky. by —.an of the apefilarialn a1 fill bon , sub or nsolwmy, or armor im dN.' rights bourn, that sbased on: lil the formation w..ti g Me .wyt..1 inb.w ..ad by thin poky bang dammed a fraudulent conveyance or froudulri t tnmbr: or 011 the tamectan ab.mp the eetab w mbr.l kaur.d by dis poky Miry assumed . pbl.bntlal pambr except wrote his preferential homier rasWn from the failure: 1.1 to tmN roam the oebumenl of transfer; or Ibl of such ncoma.cn to .neon mote to a purcNnr for value w a i.dpmmdyt or eon cr.bw. The above ALTA poky form,, dark IO 17-91, m. le reused to afford immor Sundae Coverage or Exrended Cov.ago. In sakdean to tN.ov Exclusions from Coanq, the Exceptcm from Covo.o m a Standard Coverage .ky w91 ever include tro blows General Eaa.p.ro: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE I royal d.. mt .w. inai d, lees or dame,. bed de Company w111 al P., mete, w,am ve I.s or ..p.ma) wl.h bona by ... of: ,xac nor sasmmd wh'eh .n mt eMwn os exiting Mn by live .,ems of any uxnp summit, tMt 3. Estimates, sons or mcumbnm., or claims tlnmal. which am ma aMwn by the pubro .el proem or by the public notice. Proceedings by a publd agency O. Drcnpaaes. coniku in boundary was , shortage n ayes, .rcmademtMs, or my other facts which +ncn tmay mountan 4x.a or ouressmants. or md— of such pma.irpt, wlumw or my blown by . con.t sun.1 wtuM declare. and winch am at eMwn by may pubic reowda. ems Of —n idi a, tr by he public .cam.. 5. 1-1 uaaamrd mnirg claims: lb) ,. ..ptam In patinas or in Acr .utMrting day .my toed., ....r Mtntn or domino which .. rot eMwn by IM public scam. but which clued be nsuaa. domof: Icl wan, rich[, dam. or'a' to warn, wMdror gnat One m.N....wed uMa -cena.d by an Inammunn of aM ant or by making nauiry tl ponons In possession deaf. (.I, to) or ICI .r eMwn by ale public ..ems. EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) CLTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (6.2-98) ALTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE 110-17-98) EXCLUSIONS :Idnron to the Except— in Scmbwab B, You ere rot imumor apaiict loss, cosh, ettomeyi feet, and -parser nsoltirq from: nul police pownd er, athe eYlcbnce or vwWbon of any few or government reguatlon, The tchdas wdieryam, am and ngulatbru concembing: buadnp aonrg Lina "pee up.mpovemroon ha l.nd abmempronmnd div eons, apply to hon cMvn dote eppM I' vbNtrom or [1t enmrcameof these maM1err, H mtca of the violatbn mme epp.mt an 1M PW lc Raarda at im Pefcy Dec..b E.tm farm dote net xuit de cpverpe dor any o Covered , W la, 15, nut, id or 24. act, TM failure of lm, a ndryE—lustructural, i any pan of them, m M ponWCW in I ... wM app bons bmairq the bI.so Records a deco rot y CN tic vb4liarrs of EuiNlry podu B roue of Vb . option a tak. m Cue A by Pemrde n the Poky Deb. rM rgMm f. Ne"1bycht.;,pip h, the Public 11 theca of -ncsie the right a Poky in to Pd a Records o et she Pose, Dap: w theKnowing wing f " can before the PeYCY Date and s birdaq on You M You boupM the Land wbMtn Ktwwry of fM bkltq. A. Rkk.: that ...had, .lowed, or agreed W by You, whemn or not they Apparel an the Public Records: b. that ate Known to You at the Poky Date, burs roe W Us, rheas they appear in the Pubic Records n Ihe Policy Data; C. Last birth in ry gram m You: or it. that tint ..to ehs, the PpWY Date - Ms does .1 best she pov.r.w daacribed'n Covered talk 7. B.d, 22, 23, ]d or 25. S. Pashas m pay value mf Yew Talo. e.:ck of a r,h : to any hand outside the ant, a1cific.111 derp rE.d aM refereed M an p.ramaph 3 of Schedule A; atl b. m rbeab, . i o w —,mm * described much the C. Tnv FvcNnbn don rwt Ymh tle mnnp. in Cove. Rsk 11 or 18. ALTA EXPANDED COVERAGE RESIDENTIAL LOAN POLICY 110113101) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE following m ea expraly exclWo ed hem tcovers, of Mu Polly and Ihe ro Company win t ass or am,oa. coat. enmroys I... or a.,-- which adee by r..mn of: e) Any hew, Ord--. or povernmentl mfinadon Ilnchdirq gruel mt burned to sort, Nws, ordin.mmi, or r.pmu.-) renrchm, npul oW, proha itip in report, m hi the occupanc, u.. r .npymem of bi -AM; (Bli the chamctr, darmmbm or bca0on o1 any Improvement now or Mreaher eracescl on over And; (ill) a sepantbn n Ownership or a cMrpe an the di n-wom o areas of the Urd or any parcel of whch the lend rt of was a pan; or (rv) environmental probchon, or the He., of any vi 1.. of that. Iawi aMimmn or vanninersal ngubdor s, cep, m he exbm that a rodo. of Ee enforcement thereof Or .. of . call Ism w mbmrce resuhiry from a v*lawn or ahead vro ah,er of sctcq the LAnd M1as been reconfiscl an E a Pubic R..,d. at net. of Policy. IN, -.1-tort dce. t limb Ihe covenga povemd under v Coed Pass 12, 13. la, she 15 of Mi. Pdcy. w ro h) Any gov.mmentl police power hot excha sd by (a) above, except to the extent prat . rotca of the examas thereof or a rote of a defect Win or.ncumbum. msuhira, from a vWtgrn or .bpad vlotnon aftcNq the Lard he, been ncwded an iM Pub. S... p. at D.h of POW, Tllw .mlugn don rot Imh the covet" provided under Covered raw 12, 13, K a. 15 of ma pb1 y Right of suns em domain unless rotce of the exercise thereof has been reowdo, in the Publ'c Record. .1 Data of Policy. but no, ..ofurcum; from cov.np my lei in, which M. e.cumd phor to Data of Polk, whip would b. blinding on the Whb of . purchau, for value without K—.W,.. Mitt. Wm umdn aof—. claims other manta; nl cm.pW, suNaed. Assumed or nomad m by Be Insured Chimes of rot thrown to the Compm, not recorded inthe PWk Rscordsat Data of Poky. but Known W the mwad Cafm m a. no, d'ucbud an writing W the Company by the Insured Cairene prbr to Erer dam fire Ina—W Caimans bec.m. an InsvM until tea poky; cl ...long n ro At. A..., m Ihe ImwM Claimant of anachinp or mated sub.eguantto Date of Poky (11a paragraph does Imh the coverage provided unsn Covered RaM 8, 15, I B, IQ, 20. 21, 22. 22. 24, 25 AM 251; or el populwi, n ids. or d.m.l. which wmb mt Mrs been puu'ved p the maw. Cabrunt had p.id value for the Imvad Morlpapa. a. Unenbrcubllny of the lien of me arewed Menage bcaw of der nabil y or fin—.1 the IvvM at Date of Policy, or the anal of thi um of any nuhh"vem owner of " IrNebMne... to como, him .ppYcabM dory bui—as hm of the auh in which the lard 4 s hramd. 5, Inveli " o wenforc-bard .I the Wn of W Insured Monp.g., w.%im grimmer. wbkh.r4r au of the hauactbn evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and s basil upon usury.. apt as provMad an C.-red Rak 27. or ., coaum a credit protction pre turd in lending phis. 8. Real pneparry tea. or messm.n. of any g.varnmenul audrodey whch hacorre a As. on dam lard subsequent to Data of Poky. Th%-chwron doe not Nmh the coverage providad undo Coven.d Rpks 7. 81.) and 28. 7. Any calm of nvaMM. umntpnceebily w luck of p.rd,' of the Mn .1 ma Imputed Mong.g. am be .dv.-. or modifimlbn mad..fear me Imund has KnOvoil met end v... sheen an Schedule A a ro bryn fine owren of the nub or interest —vered by ,hs poky. Time, -clus. doo rot $.a she avebgs pmybed an Coveed R.I. 8. 8. lack of primly of the Wn of the Inspired Morigap. as to each.. every adrarh. made after Dau of Poky, and .11 nm.at charged flamer, over Wm, ..1pam ae a. other manus.Hackq the tit. Ere eashrce .1 witch an A—,— m 1M Insured in: I.) The tarn. of the edam...; 01 Ira) The 1.. modileetcn s male m Ere term. of Ee Imund Martpper wN[h chary.. t. rat. of inbred charged. H the rate of nbnat'a greater as a resuk of the mc,di catbn dbn'lt wound have been blob the modilca.m. Ths -cluion Eeec rot be. Ey covnag r pmvbM in Cov.rW Rsk I. g. The failure of tW tsYJental unuclum. or an, portion tNnof m have been corshuW bran, on or .her Data of Poky in corderce wfth appbaber building iced-. Ths opera ds eoPgoly violations of buildip codes if nods. of Eve voatvn .".am an M pubk R.coNs at Data of Poky. EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL1 LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA,' COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56'f-3 THROUGH 88, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY: 'T y TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894- 2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'51" WEST, 167.18 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76052'07" EAST, 45.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 143.54 FEET"; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1.073 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 2 LOT "J" OF TRACT NO. 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGES 10 THROUGH 18, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSFER PARCEL BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894- 2 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 60029'51" WEST, 167.18 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 73030'31" EAST, 87.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76152'07" EAST, 45.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39052'23" EAST, 67.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS "NORTH 2905143" WEST, 143.54 FEET'; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 29051'43" WEST, 51.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Ifi!I t THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S ACT. DEAN J. BOULDIN, ` P.L.S. 7842 REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12/31/06 �\�AL LANp SG No. 7842 'k Exp. 12/31/06 S ��Q T9TF OF CAL1F�� 10/9� � DATE SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS (N 08'54'02" E 21.53') \ EXHIBIT "B" iRR N 34'16'16" W 5.05') (A=48'45'01" R=14.50' L=12.34') (A=89'03'53" R=31.00' L=48.19') i LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED LANp'`�R., � 2 a No. 7842 * Exp. 12/31/06 s .Q T9le OF CAU�FO�� PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: DEAN J. BOULDI , P.L.S. 7842 DATE EXP. 12-31-06 PARCEL 1 1.073 ACRES SCALE: 1" = 60' P.O.B. 1` 6�ry9�` NEW LOT LINE `RANSFER ti'. PARCEL �`'6 "" 0.205 ACRES ? N 76'52'07" E 45.63' PARCEL 2 LEGEND — — EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED EXISTING LOT LINE TO REMAIN NEW LOT LINE (XXXX) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2 M.B. 327 / 56-88 INDICATES A 10' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY 0 EASEMENT PER AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 INDICATES A SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT 0 PER AMENDED TR. NO. 29894-2 E iE Parcel name: LOT 1 AMEND. TR 29894-2 North: 8089.0264 Line Course: N 28-52-00 W North: 8218.6104 Curve Length: 48.19 Delta: 89-03-53 Chord: 43.48 Course In: N 83-57-24 W RP North: 8221.8741 End North: 8252.6445 Curve Length: 12.34 Delta: 48-45-01 Chord: 11.97 Course In: N 06-58-43 E RP North: 8267.0371 End North: 8258.8720 Line Course: N 34-16-16 W North: 8271.3090 Line Course: N 08-54-02 E North: 8292.5798 Curve Length: 110.52 Delta: 1-40-31 Chord: 110.51 Course In: N 37-53-08 W RP North: 11275.7214 End North: 8361.7122 Line Course: S 57-03-39 E North: 8295.8371 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8171.3553 Line Course: S 60-29-51 W North: 8089.0256 East : 11871.2860 Length: 147.97 East : 11799.8501 Radius: 31.00 Tangent: 30.50 Course: N 38-29-20 W Course Out: N 06-58-43 E East 11769.0224 East 11772.7889 Radius: 14.50 Tangent: 6.57 Course: N 58-38-47 W Course Out: S 55-43-44 W East 11774.5506 East 11762.5681 Length: 15.05 East 11754.0933 Length: 21.53 East 11757.4244 Radius: 3.779.77 Tangent: 55.26 Course: N 51-16-36 E Course Out: S 39-33-39 E East : 9436.3196 East : 11843.6443 Length: 121.15 East : 11945.3192 Length: 143.54 East : 12016.7895 Length: 167.18 East : 11871.2870 Perimeter: 787.46 Area: 37,815 sq. ft. 0.868 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0012 Course: S 48-58-47 E Error North:-0.00082 East : 0.00094 Precision 1: 656,225.00 Parcel name: PARCEL 1 North: 8089.0264 Line Course: N 28-52-00 W North: 8218.6104 Curve Length: 48.19 Delta: 89-03-53 Chord: 43.48 Course In: N 83-57-24 W RP North: 8221.8741 End North: 8252.6445 East : 11871.2860 Length: 147.97 East : 11799.8501 Radius: 31.00 Tangent: 30.50 Course: N 38-29-20 W Course Out: N 06-58-43 E East 11769.0224 East 11772.7889 'I] Curve Length: 12.34 Delta: 48-45-01 Chord: 11.97 Course In: N 06-58-43 E RP North: 8267.0371 End North: 8258.8720 Line Course: N 34-16-16 W North: 8271.3090 Line Course: N 08-54-02 E North: 8292.5798 Curve Length: 110.52 Delta: 1-40-31 Chord: 110.51 Course In: N 37-53-08 W RP North: 11275.7214 End North: 8361.7122 Line Course: S 57-03-39 E North: 8295.8371 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8171.3553 Line Course: S 29-51-43 E North: 8126.3895 Line Course: S 39-52-23 W North: 8074.6239 Line Course: S 76-52-07 W North: 8064.2575 Line Course: N 73-30-31 W North: 8089.0224 Radius: 14.50 Tangent: 6.57 Course: N 58-38-47 W Course Out: S 55-43-44 W East 11774.5506 East 11762.5681 Length: 15.05 East 11754.0933 Length: 21.53 East 11757.4244 Radius: 3779.77 Tangent: 55.26 Course: N 51-16-36 E Course Out: S 39-33-39 E East 9436.3196 East 11843.6443 Length: 121.15 East 11945.3192 Length: 143.54 East 12016.7895 Length: 51.85 East 12042.6062 Length: 67.45 East 11999.3648 Length: 45.63 East 11954.9279 Length: 87.24 East 11871.2767 Perimeter: 872.44 Area: 46,759 sq. ft. 1.073 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0101 Course: S 66-43-09 W Error North:-0.00400 East :-0.00930 Precision 1: 86,382.18 Parcel name: TRANSFER PARCEL North: 8171.3563 Line Course: S 60-29-51 W North: 8089.0266 Line Course: S 73-30-31 E North: 8064.2616 Line Course: N 76-52-07 E North: 8074.6281 Line Course: N 39-52-23 E North: 8126.3937 Line Course: N 29-Sl-43 W North: 8171.3595 East : 12016.7889 Length: 167.18 East 11871.2864 Length: 87.24 East 11954.9375 Length: 45.63 East 11999.3744 Length: 67.45 East 12042.6158 Length: 51.85 East 12016.7991 Perimeter: 419.34 Area: 8,944 sq. ft. 0.205 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0107 Course: N 72-44-29 E Error North: 0.00318 East : 0.01024 Precision 1: 39,191.59 L� 'I TyNATIONALTITLE Co ? .1, Y WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Donald Kelleher, Trustee 1543 Fifth Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901 MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: SAME AS ABOVE DOC a 2003-0221736 03/22/2005 09:00R Fee:13.00 Page 1 of 3 Doe T Tax Paid Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. Ward✓(;r Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIlllIOIIIiIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIiI III IIII ©©e o o ■uE LSi M� 0 MEE�■i--- . W, sse MMMEMel DOCUMENT TRANSFER TAX $ 4, 400.00 13 XX Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR MTV Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at the time of sale. 77/€,0VA9r, kAif5o !jP/IN?Af Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax - Firm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Grantor"), hereby GRANT(S)to Donald J. Kelleher, Trustee of THE KELLEHER FAMILY TRUST Dated July 14, 1990 ("Grantee"), the real property located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: See Legal Description attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". SUBJECT TO all matters of record including, without limitation, the covenants and agreements described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Dated: March 20, 2005 ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Nationwide Realty Investors, Ltd. an Ohio limited liability company its managing tuber �=^ By. Joseph L. Arenson Authorized Representative Description: 1ti.verside,CA Document-Year.Doc1D 2005.221736 Page: 1 of 3 Order: 9792374 Comment: STATE OF California ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Riverside ) 0V On march 10, 2005 WA, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared Joseph L. Arenson , (whose identity(ies) was/were proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity, and that by his/her/their signature on the instrument the person(s), or the entity(ies) upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. L�crt ni p [SEAL] �3ignature ture CONNIE C NCETfO COMM. # 1417299 N014W PUBLIC-CPLiORW _ R NENSs t, FxPYes IDE COUPM My CoMft May 11, 2007 Description: Riverside, CA Document-Year.DoclD 2005.221736 Page: 2 of 3 Order: 9792374 Comment: Order No. 9900061 - A EXHIBIT "'A to Lot 1 of Amended Tract No. 29894-2, in the City of La Quinta, as shown by Map on file in Book 327, Page(s) 56 through 88, inclusive, of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California. Description: Ri.verside,CA Document-Year.Doc1D 2005.221736 Page: 3 of 3 Order: 9792374 Comment: i/ 'Z to HIDEAWAY LOT 'ev1 — F Lei I Existing s uc e and impx0 % — to remain --- - Existing Building Envelope — Private Area 1 Natural Axed :::::,:::::: ::: i Existing Lan ap — /5 to Remiri th an Irxigario Eas% t Over Enriif Area _; R-€hsed Febmary 24, 2005 Revised`: Junee 1 2004 LEGEND November 20, 2003 Site Private Area Building Envelope ®Private Area Transition Area REM— — — — Property Line Natural Area Maximum Building Height: 24' Above Pad Elevation Association Easement Lot Area: 44,461 SF± Building Envelope Area: 37,765 S.F.± -i 44 Stake Location and Number Private Area: 24,593 SF± YY The locations of [he Privam Area Envelope and etherphyslcal structures and height of the pod elevation depicted on this diagram are approuma6onc. Purchasers are advised to verify the same and other site conditions prior to commencing construction by obtainmga surney from a registered surveyor. All elevations are from sea level which is elevation 0'. 7Q n 1 N SUNSET 5�mmd- 0 25' 50 Fidelity National Title Company 1300 Dove Street, Suite #310 • Newport Beach, CA 9 60 1949) 622-5000 • FAX (949) 477-6635 PRELIMINARY REPORT TITLE OFFICER: John Glance/Martha Ramirez ORDER NO.: 9792374 TO: Guide Surveying, Inc. LOAN NO.: 3 Jenner, Suite 180 Irvine, CA 92618 ATTN: Dean Bouldin YOUR REFERENCE.: LLA-Hideaway Golf House SHORT TERM RATE: PROPERTY ADDRESS: , La Quinta, California EFFECTIVE DATE: May 4, 2005, 07:30 A.M. The form of Policy or Policies of title insurance contemplated by this report is: Closing Report 1 . THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 2. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: DONALD J. KELLEHER, TRUSTEE OF THE KELLEHER FAMILY TRUST DATED JULY 14, 1990, AS TO PARCEL A, AND NO LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS TO PARCEL B. 3. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED CITY OF LA QUINTA, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF \ku 05/09/2005 1 E- Order No. 9792374 EXHIBIT "ONE" PARCEL A: LOT 1 OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327, PAGE(S) 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE,OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL B: IETTERED LOT J OF TRACT MAP 32453, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN BOOK 372, PAGE 10 TO 18, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. THIS REPORT IS PREPARATORY TO THE ISSUANCE OF A SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE AND IT IS INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE USE OF THOSE PARTIES DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE PREPARATION AND CHECKING OF SAID MAP, AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME. Assessor's Parcel No: 772-410-032-8, 772-430-022-1 C ITEMS: (Continued) L- Order No. 9792374 AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 2. 91 4. 5. A Property taxes, which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected with taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2005-2006. Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are PAID. For proration purposes the amounts are: APN: 772-410-032-8 Fiscal year 2004-2005 1st Installment: $20,395.44 PAID 2nd Installment: $20,395.44 PAID Exemption: $0.00 Land: $3,714,409.00 Improvements: $0.00 Personal Property: $0.00 Code Area: 020-160 Bill No.: 0562129 Affects: The herein described land and other land. Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are PAID. For proration purposes the amounts are: APN: Fiscal year 1st Installment: 2nd Installment: Exemption: Land: Improvements: Personal Property Code Area: Bill No.: 772-430-022-1 2004-2005 $241.75 PAID $241.75 PAID $ 0.00 $40,786.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 020-160 0562150 The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (Commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation code of the State of California. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT PARCEL A: The fact that said land ties within the Coachella Valley Soil Conservation District as evidenced by a Resolution and Order recordedDecember 13, 1956 in book 2011, page 519 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. ITEMS: (Continued) ® ® Order No. 9792374 7. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Right of way to maintain a power line Recorded: January 19, 1953, Book 1433, Page 54, of Official Records Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of La Quints Purpose: Public Utilities Recorded: October 28, 1999, Records Instrument No. 1999-469981, of Official 9. The effect of a document entitled "Irrigation Water Service Agreement" dated May 16, 2001 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCPI, a Delaware limited liability company, recorded June 29, 2001 as Instrument/File no. 2001-298678 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 10. The effect of a document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" dated June 27, 2001 by and between NRI-CCPI, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and NRI-LQLP Golf Properties, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, recorded JUne 29, 2001 as Instrument/File no. 2001-298681 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 11. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: City of La Quinta Purpose: 10 foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets, as shown thereon. 12. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Inspection, repair, replacement, and removal of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress over land and within same, maintenance operation and emergency vehicles. Affects: Over all private streets shown on this map and an additional ten (10) feet in width on both sides of and adjacent to all private and/or public streets shown on the map. 13. Recitals as shown on that certain maps, which, among other things states: "The subdivider reserves the right to create easements burdening the residential lots depicted on this map for the exclusion owners of the adjoining lots for such purposes as the subdivider shall identify when transferring the easements". Reference is made to said map for full particulars. ITEMS: (Continued) ® 0 Order No. 9792374 14. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652762, of Official Records An amended and restated December 13, 2002 as instrument no. 2002-745938 of Official Records. NOTE: Section 12956.1 of the Government Code provides the following: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive language pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12956.1 of the Government Code. Said covenants, conditions and restrictions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. Said instrument also provides for the levy of assessments, the lien of which are stated to be subordinate to the lien of certain mortgages or deeds of trust made in good faith and for value. Modification(s) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: March 14, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-132329, of Official Records The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: August 19, 2004, instrument No. 2004-0656071, of Official Records 15. The effect of a document entitled "Domestic Water and/or Sanitation Installation Agreement" dated April 1, 2002 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCP I, LLC, recorded May 15, 2002 as Instrument/File No. 2002-255078 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 16. The effect of a document entitled "Domestic Water and Sanitation System Installation Agreement", dated June 20, 2003 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, recorded July 21, 2003 as Instrument/File No. 2003-543684 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT PARCEL B: E ['I ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 17. Easementls► for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: The Public for use by Coachella Valley Water District, formerly Coachella Valley County Water District Purpose: Public roads and rights of way, private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe lines, ditches, and conduits on, over, under or across the herein described property, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigation and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. 18. Reservations contained in the Patent From: The United States of America Recorded: July 31, 1905, Book 3, Page 228, of Patents Which among other things recites as follows: A right of way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. Any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing or other purposes and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights as may be recognized and acknowledged by local customs, laws and decisions of courts. 19. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The United States of America Purpose: A water pipeline Recorded: June 13, 1949, Book 1083, Page 550, of Official Records Portions of said easement have been abandoned by document recorded January 23, 2001, as Instrument No. 2001-029890 of Official Records. 20. The fact that said land lies within the Coachella Valley Soil Conservation District as evidenced by a Resolution and Order recorded December 13, 1956 in Book 2011, Page 519 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. 21. Easement(s) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of La Quinta Purpose: Public street and public utility Recorded: January 14, 1991, Instrument No. 200785, of Official Records ,l. L7f'I ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 22. Easement(s) for the purpose(sl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The City of La Quinta, a General Law City duly created and existing under the laws of the State of California. Purpose: Public utilities Recorded: October 28, 1999, Instrument No. 1999-469981, of Official Records 23. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: The City of La Quinta, a Charter City Purpose: Public utilities Recorded: February 8, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-046602, of Official Records 24. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California Purpose: Build and maintain an access road, and necessary devices and appurtenances Recorded: October 6, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-395093, of Official Records Affects: 25. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California Purpose: Build and maintain an underground pipe line, and necessary devices and appurtenances Recorded: November 20, 2000, Instrument No. 2000-463623, of Official Records 26. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Water Service Agreement" dated May 16, 2001, executed by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California; and NRI-CCPI, a Delaware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298678, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 27. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" dated June 27, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP 1, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; and NRI-LQLP Golf Properties, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company recorded June 29, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-298681, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 0 �11 ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 28. Easement(s) for the purposesls) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: 10-foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets, as shown thereon. 29. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "We hereby retain Lettered Lots V for golf course and related purposes. Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 30. Easementls) for the purposesls) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Construction, operation and maintenance of storm drain pipe lines and structures reserved thereon Affects: Lettered Lots V 31. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document; In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Inspection, repair, replacement, and removals of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances with the right of ingress and egress over and within same maintenance, operation and emergency vehicles Affects: Over all private streets shown on this map and an additional ten (10.00) feet in width on both sides of and adjacent to all private and/or public streets shown on the map 32. Recitals as shown on that certain map, which, among other things states: "The subdivider reserves the right to create easements burdening the residential lots depicted on this map for the exclusive use of owners of the adjoining lots for purposes as the subdivider shall identify when transferring the easements". Reference is made to said map for full particulars. 33. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by: NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Purpose: The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of owners of adjoining property for such purposes as Grantor shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded: October 5, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-486296, of Official Records 0 ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 34. Easement(s) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as reserved in a document; Reserved by: NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Purpose: The right of Grantor to create easements burdening the property for the exclusive use of owners of adjoining property for such purposes as Grantor shall identify when transferring such easements Recorded: October 12, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-498545, of Official Records 35. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Easement and Road Maintenance Agreement" dated December 19, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; and Country Club of the Desert Owners Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation recorded December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652760, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 36. The matters set forth in the document shown below which, among other things, contains or provides for: certain easements; liens and the subordination thereof; provisions relating to partition; restrictions on severability of component parts; and covenants, conditions and restrictions Ideleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin). Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652762, of Official Records NOTE: Section 12956.1 of the Government Code provides the following: If this document contains any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex familial status, marital status, disability, national origin, or ancestry, that restriction violates state and federal housing laws and is void. Any person holding an interest in this property may request that the county recorder remove the restrictive language pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12956.1 of the Government Code. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Collateral Assignment of Declarant's Rights" dated December 19, 2001, executed by and between NRI-CCP I, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and Bank Midwest, N.A. recorded December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652763, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. The provisions of said covenants, conditions and restrictions were extended to include the herein described land by an instrument Recorded: December 31, 2001, Instrument No. 2001-652764, of Official Records Modification(s) of said covenants, conditions and restrictions Recorded: March 14, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-132329, of Official Records I ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 37. The effect if a document entitled "Domestic Water and/or Sanitation System Installation Agreement", dated April 1, 2002 by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and NRI-CCP 1, LLC, recorded May 15, 2002 as Instrument/File No. 2002-255078 of Official Records, Riverside County, California. Reference being made to the record for full and further particulars. 38. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Irrigation Agreement" dated November 20, 2002, executed by and between ND La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and The Hideaway Owners Association, a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation recorded December 13, 2002, Instrument No. 2002-745941, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 39. Matters contained in that certain document entitled "Domestic Water and Sanitation System Installation Agreement" dated June 20, 2003, executed by and between Coachella Valley Water District, a public agency of the State of California and ND La Quinta Partners, LLC recorded July 21, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-543684, of Official Records. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 40. A dead of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: $25,100,000.00 Dated: August 22, 2003 Trustor: NO La Quinta Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Trustee: Fidelity National Title Company Beneficiary: American Bank of Montana, a Montana banking corporation Loan No.: None shown Recorded: August 29, 2003, Instrument No. 2003-668355, of Official Records An instrument entitled "Collateral, Assignment of Declarant's Rights" recorded August 29, 2003 as Instrument/File No. 2003-668356 of Official Records. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. 41. The effect of a Line Lot Adjustment No. 2003-404 as disclosed by Grant Deed recorded by Sedona Homes Inc. and recorded December 10, 2003 as Instrument No. 2003-966373 of Official Records. At the time of recordation, the grantor under said grant deed has no record title interest in said property nor have they since acquired any such interest. 42. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Ingress, egress of service and emergency vehicles as dedicated to the City of La Quinta Affects: Lots A, B and D 43. Recitals on the map of said Tract which state the following: Lots A, B and D are retained as private streets for the sole use of the lot owners within said Tract 32453. 10 �i. ll, ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 44. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: 10 foot public utility purposes Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 45. Recitals on the map of said Tract which state the following: Lettered Lot J is retained for Golf Course and related purposes. 46. Easement(s) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Drainage and/or utility and access purposes for the private use of the lot owners within said tract. Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 47. Easementls) for the purposes(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract. Purpose: Domestic water and Sanitation purposes as dedicated to the Imperial Irrigation District Affects: As shown on the map of Tract 32453 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AFFECT BOTH PARCELS: 48. No known matters otherwise appropriate to be shown have been deleted from this report, which is not a policy of title insurance, but a report to facilitate the issuance of a policy of title insurance. For the purpose of policy issuance, NO items may be eliminated on the basis of an indemnity agreement or other agreement satisfactory to the Company as insurer. END OF ITEMS Note 1. Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation deals with the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or subescrow capacity. The law requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity's escrow and/or subescrow account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may subject funds to a holding period which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all fundings should be done through wire transfer, certified check or checks drawn on California financial institutions. Note 2. The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shall said charge be less than the minimum amount required under Section 12404.1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled "no fee" pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. 11 0 ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 9792374 Note 3. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18662, effective January 1, 1994 and by amendment effective January 1, 2003, provides that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate may be required to withhold 3 and 1/3% of the total sales price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained. 12 0 EXHIBIT A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (6-1-87) EXCLUSIONS ld.m u for E.a bacry, in S.Ndma S. You an nor ansurad .01n1 cas, corms, rtmayY bases. errs u." from: is merWl oko Dover, aM tlo existence or vblation of any law or goOtmment regaaNn. TM ,Wa balding am among oMwnowi am as. laws am npJetkre concerNr,: and u improwemanm on IN and • lard division :mOrmyromWI WOtction M1is «cbebn doe not striv to voinions Or the enlmmade oament of members which stirrer In bar .k. records al Poky data his arewbn does not knit Ifni zo e , sowrps deeerdmd in hems 12 and 13 of Covered Ti0. Rake. N Ind w it. IN and by ewdemrwrp A anki e Mko Of affecting 1N rlphI epgae In 1N public records on der No • t . ti lry Mppered par to tN Poky Deb end a lam iq on You 4 You bought IN land without kmwardq of IN train, ilddion to 1N EschakioN, You an not latad agwt ber, torts, amrmyn• fees, and tN exmme. or, from: '.ny nine. 'i.nsts, or clam. of parts. in pas«scion of me sad not shown by the Dabl'c noorG. >ny statements or tans not shove by IN pubic records. The does not Imit rN ten towage b learn of Covered TiN Risk.. 3. Tim Perot: • mat an cnabd voyoul. Or a0ned to by you • draft an known of you, but not to as, on N Poky Dom�ursas stay appxrad In IN pubic ..Me • "I r«W In no bus m you • lads bat I Vov dtM rani IN Poky Dr. hob it. rot sins( IN Wool aM nomi M. stOork. in am 5 of Co.. True Rske 4. Failure to «y vaM for Your IisW. 5. lack of a ryht: to an, NM ... IN ens ep«if ciar, da«r4ad and nM1rtM b an N. 3.1 SaMduW A n IV«n, eMVL of waceri most (Ouch Your bad Ths exclusion door cot limit dbt .au. cowrag. If Item 5 of Cowrsd Tifs fiti 3. Any act about tho land which. nomeact runty would dacha aM wM1kh an rot Blown by IN punk ,conk. Tea dues not anit IN broad ramoyei cover., n ism 12 of Covered Tess focus. 4. AN water ni or claims or IN of water In or under do and, wNdmr or fast sown by tN pubic mci CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY - 1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE 1 folkwinp m.tbn .n npr«dy efolWM from Me wvws0. of " policy aM IN Company will cot ow or I.m.... twits. anormyi No or exgnu wYkh an. by ..on sh 1 at Any row. Ordinance of gwrnermal regulation(noluIM but not f ded to buildup and zoNq awe. .rdwnore, or reb ulaticm) fatricainp, Mulating, p oladc" or nafin, lit AN oatabtncV. use mirwoont of tla and; I IN cNncm, d.ions or beacon of any ar,rovunnt now, or ansXer ,ecen an IN and; (ni) a segr.don at ownership or a climates in fine demean Or far of IN and of my force' of which 1N aM a or ra pa b or (iv) . nel proecnon, or fN effect of any .wlatc of drum awe, existences ormmmaa governmental rogrtbaaa a, except dor ant our a noof nfi—min, w t Narf .1 noe of a defect,mm x Ion or lencubran .ford from. vital or shored .cosign .1 retir, . and N. ben r«ardrd In IN public ..We .t Dae of Poky. nil Any soywmontal mks power for excIWM by al above, exapt a Ifni «am tat a notice of IN . M.r f o notice of a d.NL Ian w unbn« nce ruhir, m p froa violicam or a4sd ialnon .ffrs ecle, ON aM . Irwin record« In nor Pak r«ord..t Does .1 Policy. +,mo .I .mom do.n tree nomm of Vas « . drerecf Nt b« .reed in dr. public meca.ds n Deft of Poky. first not mckdim, from a«nw.ny, akin, which as occurred prof m Data of Poky ,reach would N bider,, an IN ril of . inverses, for vakrs wMan knowledgs, ilects, aa, recumbrnrcu, advfn. cams, or war mama: 1.) waIfrar or rot necoMad n me public .eMe .t Det. of Poky. but mi suffered, easurad or a0.d to by IN insured cement; lb) net known as do Comgm, not mounted an IN public racarde .t Date of Poky, but frown a IN annual eaimant aM not disdosad in Arad, to do Company by tor issurH eament prior to tN do* IN :woad ours nl bream. an ne.d fader, the poky; kl I..uhlmr,, an no bus. err damags to IN'muned sa mom; MI amahng or c.ad subsequent of Debt of Poky: or 1.1 moult, an Ire Or d..q which woad net Nw man suai ed d do wand cakrr.m Nd pad wlw for. imxund mongq or for IN wield or imenet wowed by 1N u.bi 4. Umnforaabiaty Of IN Mn of IN assured morns, became of do wbiiry or failure of tad insured at Der. of Porky. Or tN wtrAty or eiun of....W.. mat.who, of IN webadn«e. be comply wan du applicable sonar busin«y m.— of ..an n ankh IN WM as ahmred. S. Invasiday Or nonfwoabemy Of dot an of IN wand monitors, of claim eabbh . of IN Ire —don .vnerdr. woartg rced by ad moage aM a Need co rd Odrerk w lson w or any .— .r madet Promotion or trWr In Miry or. 5. Any claim, each arks our of IN tra.Cu.n vamp in to rmurad may asea Or moment insured by tlra paltry Or do mr—tkn or.." IN nbtnst cl to wufd I.rider. by ,aeon of IN eNr..n of federal bnkrup., sand w.lv.noy or s'nlln eMeorsm i awa. SCHEDULE B, PART EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE r Poky does not wore against au or damage IaM m. ComPany will not aw coat, almmey; a« or .epneasl which arms by .rn of: PART axe. or rnm as whern an not shown ymtmg lea by N Nema.coamu fecoe el any buss iumon, Nut 3. Easements, farm or encumbrances, or claims drel, which are t frown by do mark .d os. ,« tax we ofaaumna on fat property or by IN pubic ..Ms. Proc«cl by. m.bk agar, 4. (Nor,mincess. an0ca In Nudary lie shorts,. In scMmme, w am odor free Omch h.h ma nsuh in ea.nq In noncom of rush proceedings, water or not show. by coal inewsY would dscb«, aM wM1kM1 a rot sNwn by ON ruble nwMi no n wd. of cmM1 agency or by tire pubk necords. 5. 1.1 UnWnnW rostra, dam ; (I . —be« o .as. ex pans Or an Aca .udwMi, IN my acts, right, incr ase or cbims which an not sawn by to pubic records but which could IN Issuance [mold (cl wRw ni came or ON m wror, whorl or not IN memo ac«N under :mama read by an inspection of to end Or which may N asserted by mmom in mosaarbn krfmf. 1.), Ibl. of 1.1 .n down by IN pubes records. 0 0 EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (10-17-92) WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT -FORM 1 COVERAGE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE l.lbwiro metal are fxpres.ly.xchded from ON coverage of the palmy and fad Company vnll not or damage, moterw. w , alwrnYa' Me or fel.kch are. fry Was., ef: -) Any law, aromatic. .1 govemm.nal regulation In esem, from rat I'lmMd a boards, and pone, ben, rdinnws, or fguWM ) ree4oMg, raulsero, PmMhnp of ralatiro to lit IN mooper,cy, w.. or mpyment of Ne lard: (id) IN cMmftr, dmommm or Woolen of any imynwment Wee or NWIN, •cad on ma land: Wd s saoaeun in ownership par. eNroe in ON dbn.lai,nusiooof IN and or niv panel of so tlfws end is or was a paR or III environmental Protection, or ON effect of any -mla4on of g s lewd, am.Msc or gpwrlM.Mal W,udN ym, except a Me extent Not a Wake of mlortemmtt —t on Wo of ad.Ml, ban or mr-mbno. remNhp Mm. me,cn am akaed -blecn -Motel 1N law Ns awn laoordod OF IN pop,'...Me at Dsb of Park, if Any O.wrnmeevl pole. owfr rat onad dad by 1.) .bow, ..eept to 1M1is ... rut a -am. of tlw - t --i or f mtiw of is Mac', ban a, mrscurnamos. nouldrl ham of violation or .N N, �wbem des "to and We been recorded . tad pubs, r.cwda at W%of Poky. 1i,Mr of emiwrt d—vn Was- mac- of ON...... proposal he. been r.cordM for ON puck —.do n D-W of Poky, but. mmiodi g Irom cowr-pe any omit, voo Me occasional prior'a Dens of Poky ,.h woulr M b." on as nphn of a pwcNwr ter value winwut knwadp-. :once. Inds, mournkwcfs, No... ebime, or me, metal: .1....M, .."mad, assumed or grad to by IN Inured domanC nl not known k tom Company, not rwerdsd In IN pook records at Data of Palmy, bee known a tom wed claimant and not disclosed n eerie, to ft Company by aid inwad clamant prior to tla daft t an inured cW.... becalm inured Wer he poky; �:) reaubi, No o M. or Mm.g. to she Moved c4lmam: rl atbcha, or creeled vopseewnt 4 Daft of policy Waft, b ON, exam tot the poky no the odty of ON ban of 1M mswW ofteri any salWory ban fee amoiwe, eNn or ma Wml or le exam intone s eHoNW h.nin me b ounsm.nv ter street in maymor na order eoMruclbn cemoeM at Oab of Pw obcyl: .J I ... hiro In bye ar damage wharh would of lvw been swleirad d Of mooted clammt bad paid valve for ON wmtl Grim' pia. <. UeeMeneeba n' of the kn of IN .m mortgage tram, .ue el IN wbi ay or floor. of this inaurad .1 De4 of Poky, or r4 i4Mhy w tenon of any a Wepuenl oferar of tad ed.bWr . to comply with applicable doe, bwbau laws of the $40 In which W land a waWatid. S. Im.kib or ueenfomabie4 of ON fen of aid wined mcrtgsP, or claim tlanof, whsh rives oom of IN an reaction .videmed by pa'mawed mortpepe fee a baud upon user, or any coraumw wedh pnleCNn of tnM In WM,M law. I Any manrbry ban ter otviw4 labor or m.W W for IN claim of pmmM of an, saaaaory ban ter sofbas, labor w materee oforthe Not of and i1wM motpago) mars boom sn mprowmwt or work slated to ft land which No tontracM for and F....fd subspunt ft Dab .1 Poky ere a rot fruneW on wade or in part by proceed. of ON M.bbdn.e ecund by sin in.ved nompps, wlvch ft De4 of Paley 1M inured We .dvomrd or is ofrk.vd to advance. ]. Any claim. who .rep out of ON rnn.akn creelrl fad me. ON roo oftee nu d by 1h4 Palmy. by reason of tad op.ntion of Morel Mrm"mr, ,eve inoeency, For sera J.r crMin4rgh4 fors, tot No bead an: IiI IN n.ruw:Wn creetirq IN ml.nst of f invad marlev.. Nine deemed • ft"nl conveyance or h.uduenf aanM: or III) IN su GMIr Y of IN mbrfsl of IN inured morpep.e as a fault of ON eppkatin of ON doclria of pulubla eubordN.n: or (id) f t.nacon cradno tad interest of Nan wurM monpapee bee, deemed a p.%.nNl tranfer .... my wv. hOft pnMpom4r entiel sound From om Ind failure: let to am.I, record to ..In of eonftr: or (b) of such recordation n impart nodee, a a pure "r M vane or. ludgament or pen modern, AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY I10-17.92) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE iclawi,l me-f ere expr.uly ...Nod from IN covanpe of IN; Poky and IN Company wee sat Ira or d...... cate....fnY! Was ar esp.nu w ach ens by .... not: +) Any low, advances wpovernnaMal npuetnn [roc Ns, bee not kneed to butllrl and xoNl Mwi. .,dwrcae, w rpwnmer) resbcerq, npulaal, oohbono or slating la to ON occupeno, we, or nlovmwd of to and: 1.) IN cMracar, dm—n or capon of any rnpm mom Way, w NreaMr nerd on tom low: lea a W;WWWn in over pora eNr,o in to dlmemmm or was of sin and or ray sal of whWM1 ON low 'a OF ra port: or lie) mvka my M l proibpar ftn, aeffect of any aeNfom n of th. la, ordearcas orgovernmentalMs, to m, • cept b th Way, tft, a MI of enforcement drone or a olae of a drM1n, ban or fnoumbboft resuhb, from a FWlaoon or allpad aeron aff radro NO law Ns been recorded In IN pops, records at D.b of Poky. rd Any ,cvfrrwenhl poke povwr act.xclwed by la) -bow, except to Ind extent 1Mt a notice of IN ,am" dear.af of a oke of a defect, loan or encumbrance madam, Mm a variation or akged oa., mcar, IN aft We been foordad in IN public Wm.M..1 De. of Pals, lands of sm'man, it... uNae notk. of IN...... tar.of he. Nan..M W in dfe pops, records Deb of P.O. , but not acMdb, from cowrpe any poke, wh.h NO occvrrd par to Dab of Poky vh.h would be fried, on tts rphv of . purcMew for oflw withand WaxNdpe. l Was., pars, onmaintrearrafte, aewns .aim, .r ofNr nampo el mead, a.".FM. uvuFred or greed or by tad Bowed cW..nC Ohl rat mown No tom Common, rot Icorded in and pubs, Nomme, .t Dab al Policy, but kneel to tad inafred claimam and rat disclosed on wro , to IN Ccmpam by to rafted claimant pail to the data 1M inured claimant became an nevvil under NO poky: IC) raultng in o tea or d... ge a tad raured cbmwt Id) of W taro el onsM subs.gwna b Dfte of Poky. or l.) rcultiro 'm We. w it. ". wNch womb of Mw been swbimd if tla mound clainam rand Paid VaM bl 1M act. ar nWm imuM by ON, pays,. d. Any co m, yel oh arsss out o1 IN o bnfaNn vewro in ON rawed the aftne or nWM inured by the policy, by oason of tom operation of fndml baNfupay, rob raolosso or similar cMmm' nahb lam, Not s based on: Iil Ind MnacNn emobN the smile or direst inured by they poky Net dnfmrd ON frawulem nveyaices or frsurful.nt tmm%r: or DO ft o.rs. I.n aresb, IN sub w nbrwt xNWNd by an. policy Nir, Memed ON P.Wwdal tfnbr except wlare IN preferan al tvnfar rouse from NO hgure: lal k dmeM naard tad Norman, a tremor: or (b) of much neardeton W imam ohf b of Parcae— for vane w a xaftraent or ban amamr. TM akw ALTA polo, forms. MM 10 1 J-92, may be esoed a aMM modem SuwaN Cawnpe or Expanded C.v.rpe. In add@arn n IN aNw ExdfaWn tom Cownos, IN Exapeon tram Coverage in a Sbwad Coverage palmy we sea inoMd. IN kkw.g Genral Exeepaopa: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE r ookY Mans not raft. aonmI be. or Mmaw law IN Company, oral — poly a-.'. momev.' fees ar vpwaul Norman area by ..n of: mesa which fro ot.Nwn as moilla, ban by IN retards of any comeuN s, .'riry Off 3. Eawmenaban naim , or any—maes, or .s Israel. whWre mown by anot mby the puck We. sxe' ......1 enessm.na on red propeM or by tom pubs, -.Ms. Procud'uhp. by . pubs, .qoy 4. Den cpwcein a, contacts oundar, hime , aNNpe uMmx, cao facts I, amerfactswheh .MM1 may ramuh Or taxes or auurments, or olaee of wch prx db,s, wMMw or or rkwn by .I survey would dacW-, raw vetch .n of mown by the puck noorM. fo records of such Faso or by IN, pubs, records. 5. la Unp.ftnM m.ry elame On NamaWo or exnpfin In patents or an Acts a mono¢ r, flop .m ft... rghts, lama or If.. mN,h Ff. of are— by IN labial'. records brut whopM1 mold N onsairm. Nweof: Ic) water no efomm of NM fo wmr, ymmho or meet IN mmtbn ue.aed uwe aeMimd by an Inspoo of Me Not or by m." P,., of person In pessusan 1Mrcf. Is). (b) el lc) me mown by fN puck rewMm. Q a EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) CLTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (6.2.98) ALTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE 110.17-98) EXCLUSIONS Irwin to the Ex-ii in Scbed. It. You era rot sawed gems[ loss, cob, a.—,. Mc end sxpalwr nsuhiw from: inmenormaul polo. wws" .M the aichow. or violators of any low .r eowmment rpd.kn. Thio ncldon ordeairces, babas and regulations commemi buildup anrp Lind war ImprOvenente on land Lend divissn my'snantll protectionEzc4s orydw w1 awar to ywas n ter the .nforc.mmt of this. m.M. K robe of the vbladea nfwcemwt again in"bePublic Rwords at the Polity Den, Ezcluson Thai Mat Ina the cowrkso MaribM N Covered Oak 14, 15, 16, 17 or 24. TM folum .f Your abdn6 stngNra, o any pan .1 them, To M—woucnd in ..aferos with applicable b.W,- co codas. This Exch.bn dare rot apply toyiolfwas of building da a d wcs of a s .baton ewers. n try F.". flewN. .1Ihe Pik, Data. 'MarqM to take the Land by wndemnir, a unwa: Maaw of earcisar, the MM appesn in the Public Records at tle Poky Dab; or the uses, Mpwwd ref r. the Policy Dab and . wndar, on You 6 You bwpM The Land wahew Krowar, of an bklrp. 4. Risks: I. Chet are created, abwd, or.grestl to by You, wMdw or not they appar on the Public Risotto: b. lMt or. KMawn to You .1 the Pettey Date, but rot be U., enw o they owner in lhs Public Reeads .1 the Policy Don; I. that mauh in robes to You: or d. 1Mt tint wow aftw the Paky Dote - Th11s does not lima the wyerew dacnbd in Covrd flak 1, 8A, 22, 23, 24 or 25. S. Failure w Any man for Yow Taw. S. I-ak of. an,: to any 4nd .wbee the .nn spec'If Ihe do.wibd and refornd to so parapnpa 3 of Schedule A; and b. In .....1hi .1 waarwq. riot touch the land. Th. Exducbn dws not Ina "wwnP dicamnd in CovaM F.k 11 or 18. ALTA EXPANDED COVERAGE RESIDENTIAL LOAN POLICY 110113/011 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE fohowa,p m.Mrs are apreaw exddd from Thai coverew of this polcy and the Comwny wig not Ion or tomap.. Cana..MrnYs tee w tip om s which am by reason a1: al Any Raw, oN'merc. or gowrmwn.1 npWoon IiwlWkp but Rat I'armad to zon" Of—, ofd'naroa, or rpuwlom narrat'llr,, rogols6w, prolkbilhp e1 Whitby b III the occupancy. w.. or .npyasnt of the land; (el the .boons, denrdens or lowbon of sty Improwmenb Raw or heraiter erected an The Lend: (,.I . awratbn n ...,.her or • dairy. In the ten-- or of the Mral or sty PneN of Ranch an land b • pan: or 1.) Mhoscarmatel wwrof n, orthe effect of any violation of lines. aim, oNinroa or goverwwnbl nguladons, xespt b the extent that a Mass. of the .worcemant thereof w . wale of . tawd, lion of ancurnbriance, reauhirr, pain . ululation or.begd yicWbn eifawng th. hand was ben nwrtlad at this Pubic Rwwd. at Dab of Policy. Thus achcon does nos emit the sanna0e maykwd wrier Cavrod R'as 12, 13, Id, and 16 of tld. pricy. b) Any g.ou.snbl police power hot ... hand by 1.) aW., ..cart to the extant Mn . Mats. of the sx.rc.s dairwl or . roaw of . d.fwR kn of wricuablunces muftis, from . viowton of nlptl vwwtarn affactirp the Lend Me been nconea in the Public Notice of D.b of Poky, This is dwiw does rof boa the wool" provldd uMe, Covered Ricks 12, 13, 14..nd 16 of this policy. Right of *mutant domain unbaaa rotsn of the woman thereof has been nwrdd on the Public Record. .I Dow of Porky, but net exchdinp from cowreguny o iMa witch has occurred pror w Date of Pricy -arbor would be biMirp on the span of a nomination for yabe without Krwwwdge. IMfsn. wen, ercurranwea, .dv.n. cWms or aha, marten: nl cnewd, nM.r.d. nsomed ar agree] to by In Inured Cwimem; of rot Known to an, Comwny, not nwrwal of the Pubk Rowida at Data of Poky, low Known b the Inud Cwmant end Rat d'absd an aim ang in this Company by the Insund Cl.mem nor to an dale the Invd Clo m a towns an Instead u dor hew wlicy; [I mount, On ro tea damage to the Inured Cwlmarm d atechhng IT cranial subewwnt to Dew of Poky (this paragraph does heart Me coverage provde l Radar Ceversd Rake 8, 16, 18. 12. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25 she 26); or a) wubp an loss or damage wlech would Rat Mw been camped A the Incurred Cla nnont had pate v.les for the Insured Mertppa. a. VMnforombility of the Inn of an Inured Mom bw.wa of the entirety or faiba of Thai Inwad at Dab of Poky, or the kaiDikb or failure of any aubacusm ownr of Thai indabtdwn, fa soapy wish nationals doer, bwin w aim of Thai .lob on which the land a waited. S. hnwltiny or uainfor—wiMy of an ken of Thai hnewnd Monnow, or cost therwf, wash awls out of the Mreactian ovoancd by the Insured Mortpew and n Msel upon usury, except as proyldd in CowM Risk 27, or any wnswnar credit wotwbon or truth in wrdnp Raw. 0. Real propeM teas or aaessmora of any govemmmbl authority which become a Inn on the Lard ..wl—. to Dow of Policy. The .."on was not has Nn covaepn wovNsd uMa Covered RSM )..bl and 25. 7. Any chain of bwsidib, unsnforreabow or back of priority of The hen of the Inwd Morlww .e To .durance or medibahans and. afar the Insurd No Krowocip that fine yesta sMwn in Schedule A is no bags the owner of iM estate or interest covered by thus pobry. This excitation tlwn rot Ina the ce sign, provided n Commit Risk 8. 8. lock of pronty of the Ina of the Inured Montage, at OR each and every advance made after Deb of P.I.Y. and .II interest eMrye l dbooki k over kn, snunbwnss and other m.tbre aIfectur, the Its, the ..ears. of whuh an Krown N the ..VIM at: le) The tea. of the adv..: or I) The Raw . modifnabn it Made to di arms of the Inured Menwo. scratch cMrps the rate of interest casaba. R the raw of Incorrect a greatr in a rsull of the modwalson than A would have ban ban the mode s can. The seclusion des rot tact the ccwraw smyt d in toured Rwk 8. g. The forme of 0ai radmmal angers, or any portion dainef to Ms been wravuctd hefwe, w or .Iter Dob of Poky in —Mo. with holwhas bwWbr, walk. Th. ...e ton der. roa .pply Is vcwtbn of burldirr, soda it noon of Thai v muton .paten n She Pubk Records .t Dow of Poky. u ,1iY,°iATIONAL TITLE COMPE;1?® WIIEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Donald Kelleher, Trustee 1543 Fifth, Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901 MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: SAME AS ABOVE HOC a ZOOM—OZZ2730 03/22/2005 08:00A Fee:13.00 Page 1 of 3 Dec T Tax Paid Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk 6 Recorder 11111111111111III111111111111IllllICI{III1111111111111 DOCUMENT TRANSFER TAX S 4, 400.00 XX Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances MTV remaining at the time of sale. 77A-A%/LL9Yd/k4t-20 r iONllif Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax — Firm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Grantor"), hereby GRANT(S)to Donald J. Kelleher, Trustee of THE KELLEHER FAMILY TRUST Dated July 14, 1990 ("Grantee"), the real property located in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: See Legal Description attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". SUBJECT TO all matters of record including, without limitation, the covenants and agreements described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Dated: March 20, 2005 ND LA QUINTA PARTNERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Nationwide Realty Investors, Ltd. an Ohio limited liability company its managing tuber By, Joseph L. Arenson Authorized Representative Description: Ri.verslde,CA Document-Year.Doc= 2005.221736 Page: 1 of 3 Order; 9792374 Comment: STATE OF California ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Riverside ) Ds..' On March 10, 2005 , R", before me, the undersig ned, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared Joseph L. Arenson (whose identity(ies) was/were proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity, and that by his/her/their signature on the instrument the person(s), or the entity(ies) upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. -�/') �---_-SL2�4ac, '' [SEAL] -Signature CONNIE C NCETfO COMM. #1417229 NOTARY "UC - CAUFORNTA RM MIDE COUNTY NN Canmkslon F.�pYm Moy i i, 2007 Description: Riverside, CA Document -Year. DOCID 2005.221736 Page: 2 of 3 Order: 9792374 Comment: 2 EXHIBIT "A r' Order No. 9900061 - A Lot 1 of Amended Tract No. 29894-2, in the City of La Ouinta, as shown by Map on file in Book 327, Page(s) 56 through 88, inclusive, of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California. 2 Description: Riverside,CA Document-Year.DoclD 2005.221736 Page: 3 of 3 Order: 979237E Comment: IA111�be� ��' b� t�`�� S ORa Jill 9e¢¢ galli§ Ito ALLOI IQQl�pSl ¢¢�@pp¢gG �¢ 2p� Y1� p�661a� � b$ m0 ddd fffb 9 i CA)_ ¥' B %€ a MIN g4 IN "n 60 Ud e 611 Him all sd 6 Q LL F J y Yp¢pg€ ~ y Yfigg9 ill $e a OU Vl e36eSJ� UpUp FFFB FFF FFF Rg 11SS��SS i3 p x lit �49��p ¢�6��e�� 1 ��Og�p9��Qpp� gRb $ @ Y�d nx 5 e nE�9Si a p6IV b� �9i[ `�€ �fig' a@pQe�Qe �}¢� Ma�� Y6S Yse€ Y�SY� Ye �'(d Y¢S�e¢gY€ Y�eaf�€eP e�e€ 4 Y 1�R -------- - - - - - � _.__ § -- � � \ � L: ' « :fff yOnt=ed � � sf . «a �u ■<:� � � v 2 m �aZyy O R J FFii O " a 60 �— ga Q 5 # o N 9 'ON 1331E 3M a. a • _ U \ ny "Si•' Jo� x ,fish\\i Pal$:. . �I � 5q (] 'ICD �{ •b, W •ml e � Lai eR'zs<, � .ae Dent �.ao: x^mli __ (133 o 4i 3 A I N 0 8I1 1 0A v M Fe- Yr3 p� H `sa\ F • F,, I rIlFr%a"Irk r -r,- rr S3tl B 656 B 'ON 133iS MS r lo'i Q • 2 V1 t 4 U • E K • V v �, n �� mro� ``�•� 1 9 �y� e .mnB xes.w.rox � sl �nOwo Ol0> °'onl.. �� ns cow.: BSl a r-�rF 6q 791�NA� r. rrF/,.�F Fri i Y M b 3 01 H 9 'ON A3EI9 339 Fr•rr / rGF 'Fr.' 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