PP 1980-5175F t f(111 I!�INE . • �i April. 17, 1980 PP 1980-5175 BE: 7256 DO R I V E R S 1 D t C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G D E P A R T M E N T t' t- ANN ING COMMISSION IlvlftM KA I CE NS I t IN, Chairmen, Huha..0 n "f " LI "it 1 I Il..P -1 DAVID W. IER 81,51f, C,,hm... it n� L tit I ItnuU„L, RUSSELL E CAMPBELL, BI, Om 1 H UI MARION V ASHLEY Pi,,,., 1'. °, 1 F111 IA NL MI Ili - AJ.P. - PLANNING UIRECI OR 4u8U LEMON S HE I. V1h FLOCH, HIVEHSIOE, CAL IF OHNIA 94501 Indio Administrative Center Applicant William Doyle 46 -209 Oasis Street, Room 304 71 -867 N. Elanora Lane Indio, CA 92201 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (714) 342 -8277 RE: L8.30 (C -P -S) Plot Plan No. 5175 Legal Description: Lots 18 & 19 Desert Club Tract 414, La Quinta A Portion of N2, NW4, SW4, Sec. 6, T6S, R7E Dear Mr. Doyle, AfN: 769- 262- 006,007 this Inter is to report approval of vour application for cons tw ow Gtory office buildin _ iu The C -Y -S Zone in the La O�inta Di strict of Riverside County. !hi's apl,roVal . is sublc,'L Lo Ll.- lot lowing rOudi Lions: I. Th, dovelopmcul of the IlrrmiscS shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file wiLh _18.30 C -P Plot Plan N g,-d lid Tlkh applicant /developer shall comply with the cunditions contained in Lhe Riverside County Road Department ICILCr dal-rd _February :L9 (a copy of which is attached). - 1. A minimum of 8 _ parking spaces shall he provided in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordin.,n :v Nn. 08. The parking area shall be surfaced with 2'_" asphaltic coucrrLe paving and appropriaLcly lined and striped. prior. Lo issua of a huildlug permiL or the use contemplated, the applicant shall submit Leu copies of a parking landscape plan to the Planning Department for approval. Said plan shall delineate 5 iL. perimeter landscaped area and automatic sprinkler sysLem. Said landscape plan shall also indicate the genus, species and SIZU of all plant material. The landscaped area shall be continuously maintained in a viable condition. Said plautlugs shall he installed prior to final inspection or occupancy of the pLOperty by Lhe use permitted. Page I