PP 1980-5890Plot Plan 5890 Applicant Heinz Steirman ft1V11, "1DI (mtIflIY ri 1 +r,1I, I�I I /�I 46 -707 U,i; i; '- t i I , t , I , ., im 9u4 Indio, lalltul III,] I0: Road Dep,o'Uuent lied Ith Department✓ Fire Depdrtment Callydns, District City of Udte January 6, 1980 SUBJECT: 18.30 ( -P -S, R -1 *_ ++ ) Plot P1,111 No. 5890(429) * 1200 sq. ft. Min. Dwelling site ++ 17 ft. max Bldg. Height. Your comments and recommendations are requested prior to January 20, 1980 so that they may be included as conditions in our• plot plan approval letter. Please note that the proposal is to Constru a post office on property located at between Avenida Navarro and A venida Bermud south of Avenida Mont ezuma in the La Quinta Area /District of Riverside County. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 773 -104 -003, 004, 015, 016 COMMENTS AND /OR RECOMMENDATIONS ` The Riverside County Department of Public health has reviewed the plot plan, submitted by the applicant, Heinz Steinmann, requesting approval to construct a U.S. Post Office Building on lots 3,4, 21, and 22 in Block 134 of Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quints. Unit No. 14, which is located between Avenida Navarro and Avenida Bermudas, south of Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta. Prior to obtaining building permits to construct, this Department will require the applicant to submit the following additional information: 1. Written statement that domestic water from an approved source will be furnished to the said project area. 2. Detailed soils feasibility test pertaining to domestic subsurface sewage disposal installation. Date January 12 1981 Signed (V (Return original to Planninq Department, 46 -209 ')asis Street, Room 304, Indio, CA 92201)