2012 - 2017 ROV Polling Place & Training Site - ElectionsPOLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OF'F'ICE Fax # (951) 486-7320 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. I give my permission for the use of: Please initial the "Facility use Authorized" or "Facility use Not Authorized" box for each date listed below. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. La Quinta Civic Center 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253-2912 as a Polling place for the election(s) noted at right. Please check (x) one of the following options: ® Our facility will provide two 6'-8' table and 4 chairs. Facility Facility Election Date Election use use Authorized Not Authorized June 5, 2012 Primary Election November 6, 2012 General Election AW t Please Initial Above ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. ID# 1675 PCT# 44017 1 further authorize the a of the telephone at this location for official Election Day use only. Local or toll free calls only. The phone umb be used on Election y is: i '7G0 - 5 +ueQy S: s s tor. o turn r *Signature: 769- 777--74�3,;2 Contact Name (print) 1�462Yli OL Moll 7� no Title: e (-1y lUeX(< Alternate Contact Name (print) r-(! C', V�lAAAer- Phone M %Id o *Emergency contact.. RLk,Fl& (F� nr\ Phone #: 'IlO ' o?6'O -6 Z23 *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) After Business Hours Phone: '7a3 Fax #: %ZO 7%% %/ D 7 E-mail Address: Ctih �C�Pt' K( lQ -Ct� to hA . or G For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail WrIll •I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, and by signing this agreement voluntarily I am agreeing to abide by these terms. POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT TH-IE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE Fax # (951) 486-7320 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. I give my permission for the use of: Please initial the "Facility use Authorized" or "Facility use Not Authorized" box for each date listed below. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. La Quinta Senior Center 78450 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA 92253-2934 as a Palling place for the election(s) noted at right. Please check (x) one of the following options: four facility will provide-t+aIV-8' table and chairs. �r� Facility Facility Election Date Election use use Authorized Not Authorized June 5, 2012 Primary Election 4*pf No 6, 2012 General Election T Please Initial Above ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. ID# 1674 PCT# 44024 I further authorize the use of the telephone at this location for official Election Day use only. Local or toll free calls only. The phone numbe o be used �Electipn Day' : ZGD - 5G'�-OD�i� i-rt�n 'Signature: e7 Phone 12 �- 77Z- 0-V�? Contact Name (print), /14yr0y11 eA Y o'oI�6 ✓t0 Title: _ 6 V G�I� Alternate Contact Name (print) II(,,� 65jw /Y?AII &��Phone #: aEmergency contact: &6j `✓' Yil2a (- g lale-/G>Yl Phone #: 714 -4J-7& -I q 44 *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) After Business Hours Phone: qVq - $3 9 - ! ✓jq j< Fax #: 7/�� 4� 4 E-mail Address: G (�/dCirort it /Q - For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail Ua'� *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, and by signing this agreement voluntarily I am agreeing to abide by these terms. POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX OR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE Fax # (951) 486-7320 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. I give my permission for the use of: IlIU44J AW,,, J,qr 11 Uu v i., n✓i aQt.0 m JA ag,,,,Jq C�A ga'3*7 as a Polling place for the election(s) noted at right. Please check (x) one of the following options: 0 Our facility will provide two 6'-8' table and 4 chairs. ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. Please initial the "Facility use Authorized" or "Facility use Not Authorized" box for each date listed below. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. Facility Facility Election Date Election use use Authorized Not AutkWized June 5, 2012 Primary Election November 6, 2012 General Election t Please Initial Above, ID# PCT# I further authorize the use of the telephone at this location for official Election Day use only. Local or toll free calls only. The phone number to be used on Election Day is: e— I A AA , Rfc arts , 1r;RtM UIy MAr1AG6R Contact Name (print) Title: Chi j ( 7sv,'� Alternate Contact Name (print) I P--ii, /,p S Phone M 0)60 797- 9/70 *Emergency contact: PAW, rU S 0 hl Phone #: ? b® 2-50 (, 1 z 3 *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) After Business Hours Phone: ?GO 7 50 0 Z- 3 Fax #: %0 0777 7//S E-mail Address: Ate. L/ lba s C9 ri vib • al..d' For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail, *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, and by signing this agreement voluntarily I am agreeing to abide by these terms. Kari Verjil Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE To Whom it May Concern, Rebecca Spencer Assistant Registrar of Voters On behalf of the County of Riverside Registrar of Voters we would like to thank you for your interest to serve as a polling place in future elections. Please take a moment to check your schedule and let us know if your facility will be available for the election date listed on the enclosed 'Polling Place Availability Request Agreement'. Please note that once all consolidation parameters have been established, usually 3 months before an election, we will carefully review all facilities used in the previous elections. If your facility is selected to serve, a letter will. be mailed at least 29 days before the scheduled election confirming that your facility has been "SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE". If your facility was not selected but was used in the previous election, a letter will be mailed at least 15 days before the scheduled election confirming that your facility was "NOT SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE" and the reason for this determination. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for use of your facility as a polling place. If your facility is selected to serve as a Polling Place, voting equipment, tables and chairs, if requested, will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election. Our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date of delivery. Please identify a secure area for voting equipment storage. Equipment will be picked up within one week following the election. The Inspector (lead Pollworker) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility to set up the voting equipment (approximately % hour) the day before the election and to guarantee access to your facility from 6:00am to 9:30pm Election Day. If you do not receive a call from the Inspector (lead Pollworker) 3.4 days prior to Election Day, please call our office at (951)486.7341 or 1.877-663.9906 (toll free). We thank you for your timely assistance and ask that you mark the appropriate boxes on the following page indicating those dates your facility is available, respond to all questions, and sign and date the form. Please return the 'Polling Place Availability Request Agreement' form in the enclosed postage paid envelope or if you prefer you may fax the completed form to (951)486-7320 Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding use of your site as a Polling Place, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (951)486-7341 or 1-877-663-9906 (toll free). Again, we thank you for taking the time to provide us with this valuable planning information and for your generous service to the voters of Riverside County. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page via fax or mail IM-2012 WED 01:01 PM FAX NO, F. U1 I' ® ■ OF V Al�k VOTERS i FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DATE;: ApH14, 2012 . 1:44 PIVI Total pages: 3 (Including Cover Sheet) TO: Susan Maysel FAX NO: 760-777-7107', j FROM: Martin R. Hubler Thank you for your continued support of the election process in Riverside County. Wr, appreciate your cffarts in making your facilities available for the Primary Election June 5, 20,12 f fern are tl-re adreernents we received for City Hall and the Senior Center. It looks as though V4onica signed off br.rt did not file a copy. 1 really enjoyed, our chat today and I'm pulling for you to become the City Clerk. Any other questions concerning the election process, please call. ''1• lylartinR� Hubler ii F{nckions Cc>ordinatorAssistant.. i' Fax 951-486-7320 2'7zi C,alLway Drive m Riverside, California 9250-1 6 (951) 486-7390 e FAX (951) 486-7272 r 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Dear Whom it May Concern, (951) 496-7341 FAn(9486-7320 tXtfvoeo.ne January 18, 2011 On behalf of the County of Riverside Registrar of Voters we would like to thank you for the use of your facility as a polling place in past elections. To prepare for upcoming elections, we are again inquiring about the availability of your facility. Please take a moment to check your schedule and let us know if your facility will be available for each of the election dates listed on the enclosed "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement'. Please note that once all consolidation parameters have been established, usually 3 months before an election, we will carefully review all facilities used in the previous elections. If your facility is selected to serve, a letter will be mailed at least 29 days before the scheduled election confirming that your facility has been "SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE". If your facility was not selected but was used in the previous election, a letter will be mailed at least 15 days before the scheduled election confirming that your facility was "NOT SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE" and the reason for this determination. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for use of your facility as a polling place. If your facility is used as a Polling Place, voting equipment, tables and chairs, if requested, will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election. Our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date of delivery. Please identify a secure area for voting equipment storage. Equipment will be picked up within one week following the election. The Inspector (lead Poliworker) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility to set up the voting equipment (approximately t/s hour) the day before the election and to guarantee access to your facility from 6:00am to 9:00pm Election Day. If you do not receive a call from the Inspector (lead Pollworker) 3-4 days prior to Election Day, please call our office. We thank you for your timely assistance and ask that you mark the appropriate boxes on the following page indicating those dates your facility is available, respond to all questions, and sign and date the form. Please return the "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement' in the enclosed postage paid envelope or if you prefer you may fax the completed form to (951)486-7320. It is important that we receive this information as soon as possible so that we may prepare for the upcoming elections. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding use of your site as a Polling Place, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (951)486-7341 or 1-877-663-9906 (toll free). Again, we thank you for taking the time to provide us with this valuable planning information and for your generous service to the voters of Riverside County. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page via fax or mail POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPITLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN - THIS • R MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE Fax # (951) 486-7320 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. I give my permission for the use of: �A JA UI(JA CA 1 D)-%3 as a Polling place for the election(s) noted at right. Please initial the "Facility use Authorized" or "Facility use Not Authorized" box for each date listed below. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. Facility Facility Election Date Election use use Not Authorized Authorized June 7, 2011 Primary Election November 8, 2011 General Election Please check one of the following options: Pcwrj E f Please Initial Above Our facility will provide two 6'-8' table and 4 chairs. IVI Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. [ I I further authorize the use of the telephone at this location for official Election Day use only. Local or toll free calls only. The phone number to be used on Election Day is: ID# PCT# 'Signature: Contact Name (print) Alternate Contact Name (print) Title: "Emergency contact: rnone it "This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) After Business Hours Phone: E-mail Address: For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail ❑ *1 HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, and by signing this agreement voluntarily I not agreeing to abide by these terms. POLLING PLACE AVA1LA131L11Y KEVUEJ1 AUKKKivllt lV 1 • • !�Ism• Fax # (951) 486-7320 envelope -provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. I give my permission for the use of: La Quinta Civic Center Calle Tampico & Washington 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 as a Polling place for the election(s) noted at right. Please check one of the following options: Our facility will provide two 64 table and 4 chairs.[ ] Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility.[ ] Mail: Use the self addressed stamped Please initial the "Facility use Authorized" or "Facility use Not Authorized" box for each date listed below. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. Facility Facility Election Date Election use use Not Authorized Authorized April 13; 2010 (Does not Include all of 37th District Special Primary Election r/ Riverside Coun June 8, 2010 Primary Election k/ November 2, 2010 I General Election ✓ Please Initial Above f I further authorize the use of the telephone at this location for official Election Day use only. Local, or toll free calls only. The phone num�eyt"o be used - - ID# 1675 7G4-7T� 7oD,1 CT# 0044017 Contact Name (print) in:�, a� Lt�SC—�.¢1 Title: giau �' " Alternate Contact Name (print) Phone #:71,d -7 2 2 -70 36 *Emergency contact: A�i,/ / f�!! 597f Phone #: aW —LSD —%7a.3 'This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) After Business Hours Phone: 74�0 - A570 (e 7-3 Fax #: E-mail Address: For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail ❑ "1 HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, and by signing this agreement voluntarily I am agreeing to abide by these terms. POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY KEQUES I AUKLEtviEiv li COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX OIL MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE Fax # (951) 486-7320 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. I give my permission for the use of: La Quinta Senior Center Avenida La Fonda & Washington 78450 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA 92253.2934 as a Polling place for the election(s) noted at right. Please check one of the following options: Our facility will provide two 6'-8' table and 4 chairs. [vT Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. [ ] Please initial the "Facility use Authorized" or "Facility use Not Authorized" box for each date listed below. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. Facility Facility Election Date Election use use Not Authorized Authorized April 13, 2010 3r District Special (Does not include all of Primary Election Riverside County) June 8, 2010 Primary Election November 2, 2010 General Election f Please Initial Above f I further authorize the use of the telephone at this location for official Election Day use only. Local, or toll free calls only. The phone nu o be used on lection y is �� —.rG 4 —DO g76 ID# 1674 PCT# 0044024 *Signature �/ / // �,�^/W' Phone 7G0- %7T 7Dd, Contact Name (print) ��0r 52_ 7a 4�a f rD/�Title: o 2r2n gog:T Alternate Contact Name (print) / / -- "0 Phone #: '7G0— �z5 _ D�}�S 7_ *Emergency contact: �1Ch5nnu_I'f Phone #: 7G0 — S7R — /9�fy 'This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) After Business Hours Phone: 760 -57e - /4413� Fax #: Email Address: For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail ❑ •1 HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, and by signing this agreement voluntarily I am agreeing to abide by these terms. Karl Verjil Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR 9F VOTERS — COUNTY�IVERSIDE Rebecca Spencer Assistant Registrar of Voters SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE La Quinta Senior Center September 20, 2012 La Quinta Avenida r Fonda SAMPLE BALLOT La Quinta, CA 92253-2934 INFORMATION Voting Precinct: 0046016 PPID#: 1674 Dear Susan Maysels, This is to confirm that your facility, identified above, has been selected as a Polling Place for the Consolidated Presidential General Election, to be conducted on November 6, 2012. By agreeing to let us use your facility as a Polling Place you ascribe to the Oath of Allegiance on the back of this form. Please take a moment to confirm that we have the correct address for this facility. The address as it appears above will be published in the Sample Ballot mailed to all Polling Place voters and made available to voters over the phone and on our website. Please advise us immediately of any inaccuracies. Attached you will find a copy of the "Hold Harmless Agreement", please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Donna Perez at DonPerez@co.riverside.ca.us' If you requested a "Certificate of Insurance" the County's Risk Management department will forward a copy to you prior to Election Day for your records. Within approximately 7 days prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered to your location (upon request, a table and chairs can be delivered). For security purposes, the electronic voting unit should be stored in a secure area out of plain view prior to and after Election Day and not accessible to the public. The Inspector (lead Poliworker) assigned to your facility will be contacting you to coordinate Election Eve (November 5, 2012) set up. Please arrange for the facility to be open on Election Day from 6:15 a.m. until completion of Election Board duties, approximately 1.5 hours after close of polls at 8:00 P.M. If the Inspector does not contact you, or if you have any questions, please call the Elections Officers and Polls Division of the Registrar of Voters at (951)486-7341 or (877)-663-9906 (toll free). In the meantime, thank you for providing a Polling Place for your friends and community. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters PS — Please forward a copy of this to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. NOTE: If anyone requests access to the voting equipment prior to Election Eve or after Election Day, ask for their credentials and contact the Registrar of Voters office at (877)-663-9906 (toll free) to get approval prior to permitting access to the equipment. Susan Maysels La Quinta Senior Center P O Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Kari Verjil Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Rebecca Spencer Assistant Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS ID# 1674 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Sponsoring Agent County of Riverside La Quinta Senior Center Registrar of Voters 78450 Avenida Le Fonda 2724 Gateway Dr La Quinta, CA 92253-2934 Riverside; CA 92507 This agreement applies to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the La Quinta Senior Center for the use of all designated facilities for the November 6, 2012 Consolidated Presidential General Election. The County of Riverside shall indemnify and hold harmless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted, upon any act or omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, for damage of any kind or nature, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from its use of the premises, and the County shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, its officers, agents and employees in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. The Authority for the Registrar of Voters to execute this use permit is contained in Resolution No. 86-183 heretofore approved by the County's Board of Suu rvisors o y 6, 1986. Dated: nk J. Spevacek, City Manager ity of La Quinta, California Title: *Agency Representative COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Dated: September 20, 2012 By: ART 71NOCO Chief Deputy Registrar - Operations *Please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)4W7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Donna Perez at DonPerez@co.riverside.ca.us prior to Election Day. Karf Verjil Registrar of Voters Jk �7t-P 4-Ig-LL REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Rebecca spencer Assistant Registrar of Voters SELECTED. TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE La Quinta Senior Center September 12, 2012SAMPLE BALLOT 76450 Avenida La Fonda INFORMATION Voting Precinct 0046019 La Quinta, CA 92253-2934 PPID#: 16'14 Dear Susan Maysels, This is to confirm that your facility, identified above, has been selected as a Polling Place for the Consolidated Presidential General Election, to be conducted on November 6, 2012. By agreeing to let us use your facility as a Polling Place you ascribe to the Oath of Allegiance on the back of this form. Please take a moment to confirm that we have the correct address for this facility. The address as it appears above will be published in the Sample Ballot mailed to all Polling Place voters and made available to voters over the phone and on our website. Please advise us immedlately of any inaccuracies. Attached you will find a copy of the "Hold Harmless Agreement", please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mall, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Donna Perez at DonPerez@co.riverside.ca.us. If you requested a "Certificate of Insurance" the County's Risk Management department will forward a copy to you prior to Election Day for your records. Within approximately 7 days prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered to your location (upon request, a table and chairs can be delivered). For security purposes, the electronic voting unit should be stored In a secure area out of plain New prior to and after Election Day and not accessible. to the public. The Inspector (lead Poilworker) assigned to your facility will be contacting you to coordinate Election Eve (November 5, 2012) set up. Please arrange for the facility to be open on Election Day from 6:15 a.m. until completion of Election Board duties, approximately 1.5 hours after close of polls at 6:00 p.m. If the Inspector does not contact you, or if you have any questions, please call the Elections Officers and Polls Division of the Registrar of Voters at (951)486-7341 or (877)-663-9906 (toll free). In the meantime, thank you for providing a Polling Place for your friends and community. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters PS —Please forward a copy of this to the contact. person responsible for coordinating Election Eve andior . Election Day facility use. NOTE: ff anyone requests access to the voting equipment prior to Election Eve or after Election Day; ask for their credentials and contact the Registrar of Voters office at (877}863.9906 (toll free) to get approval prior to permitting access to the equipment. Susan Maysels La Quinta Senior Center P O Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Kad Vet it Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Rebecca Spencer Assistant Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS ID# 1674 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Sponsoring Agent County of Riverside La Quints Senior Center Registrar of Voters 78450 Avenida La Fonda 2724 Gateway Dr La Quints, CA 92253-2934 Riverside, CA 92507 This agreement applies to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the La Quints Senior Center for. the use of all designated facilities for the November 6, 2012 Consolidated Presidential General Election. The County of Riverside shall indemnify and hold harmless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted, upon any act or omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, for damage of any kind or nature, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from its use of the premises, and the County shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, its officers, agents and employees in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. The Authority for the Registrar of Voters to execute this use permit is contained in Resolution No. 86-183 heretofore approved by the County's Board of Sup rvisors - 6, 1986. Dated: y: Dated: September 12, 2012 Title: ; Frank .1.. Spevacek, City Manager City of t-a ,Quinja- California COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: ART TINOCO Chief Deputy Registrar - Operations *Please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Donna Perez at DonPerez@co.riverside.ca.us prior to Election Day. Karl Verfil Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Rebecca Spencer Assistant Registrar of Voters SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE La Quinta Senior Center September 12, 2012 78450 Avenida La Fonda SAMPLE BALLOT La Quinta, CA 92253-2934 INFORMATION Voting Precinct: 0046026 PPID#: 1674 Dear Susan Maysels, This is to confirm that your facility, identified above, has been selected as a Polling Place for the Consolidated Presidential General Election, to be conducted on November 6, 2012. By agreeing to let us use your facility as a Polling Place you ascribe to the Oath of Allegiance on the back of this form. Please take a moment to confirm that we have the correct address for this facility. The address as it appears above will be published in the Sample Ballot mailed to all Polling Place voters and made available to voters over the phone and on our website. Please advise us immediately of any inaccuracies. Attached you will find a copy of the "Hold Harmless Agreement", please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Donna Perez at DonPerez@co.riverside.ca.us. if you requested a "Certificate of Insurance" the County's Risk Management department will forward a copy to you prior to Election Day for your records. Within approximately 7 days prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered to your location (upon request, a table and chairs can be delivered). For security purposes, the electronic voting unit should be stored in a secure area out of plain view prior to and after Election Day and not accessible to the public. The Inspector (lead Pollworker) assigned to your facility will be contacting you to coordinate Election Eve (November 5, 2012) set up. Please arrange for the facility to be open on Election. Day from 6:15 a.m. until completion of Election Board duties, approximately 1.5 hours after close of polls at 8:00 P.M. If the Inspector does not contact you, or if you have any questions, please call the Elections Officers and Polls Division of the Registrar of Voters at (951)486-7341 or (877)-663-9906 (toll free). In the meantime, thank you for providing a Polling Place for your friends and community. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters PS — Please forward a copy of this to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. NOTE: If anyone requests access to the voting equipment prior to Election Eve or after Election Day, ask for their credentials and contact the Registrar of Voters office at (877)-663-9906 (toll free) to get approval prior to permitting access to the equipment. 11 Susan Maysels La Quinta Senior Center P O Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Kari VerJil Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Rebecca Spencer Assistant Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS ID# 1674 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT SDonsorino Aaent County of Riverside La Quinta Senior Center Registrar of Voters 78450 Avenida La Fonda 2724 Gateway Dr La Quinta, CA 92253-2934 Riverside, CA 92507 This agreement applies to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the La Quinta Senior Center for the use of all designated facilities for the November 6, 2012 Consolidated Presidential General Election. The County of Riverside shall indemnify and hold harmless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted, upon any act or omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, for damage of any kind or nature, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from its use of the premises, and the County shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, its officers, agents and employees in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. The Authority for the Registrar of Voters to execute this use permit is contained in Resolution No. 86-183 heretofore approved by the County's Board of Supejvisors on May,801986. Fr k J. Spevacek, City Manager Title: _ ity of La Quinta, California COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Dated: September 12, 2012 By: ART TINOCO Chief Deputy Registrar - Operations *Please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Donna Perez at DonPerez@co.riverside.ca.us prior to Election Day. 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 *=�4 0 (* (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 TTY (951) 697-8966 www.voteinfo.net ro I REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE VOTE -BY -MAIL SITE AGREEMENT March 10, 2014 City of La Quinta Verify address is correct. The 78-495 Calle Tampico address will be published on the La Quinta, CA 92253 Registrar of Voters Website. Dear Ms. Maysels, Thank you for your past participation as a Vote -by -Mail ballot drop off location. This agreement serves as confirmation for use of La Quinta City Hall for the June 3, 2014 Consolidated Primary Election. We would like to deliver the ballot box the week of April 28, 2014. The ballot box is approximately 2' x 3' and must be maintained behind a counter in a secure area. Registrar of Voters staff will retrieve ballots weekly. We will remove the ballot box from your facility on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 between the hours of 8am and 5pm. As in previous elections, we will require a staff member from your facility to verify that the person dropping off the ballot is the person whose name appears on the ballot or is an "Authorized Return Agent" for the voter. Upon delivery of the ballot box, a Registrar of Voters staff member will provide additional training on this procedure. We greatly appreciate your support and for making democracy convenient and for your consideration of partnership for the upcoming election. I have read and understand all the terms of this agreement. By signing this agreement, I am agreeing to abide by these terms. Signature: Saw", Date: 3•,(q-4Phone#:%0-77i-710,3 Facility Representati Signature Name Pj9E-rn Date: S4V►+4- Phone#: $A - Alternate contact name (print) Please sign above and return no later than Friday, March 21, 2014 by fax to (951) 486-7320 or scan and email to Acanada@co.riverside.ca.us. 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507-0918 • (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 • TTY (951) 697-8966 www.voteinfo.net Susan Maysels From: Canada, Annette <ACANADA@coxiverside.ca.us> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 7:53 AM To: Susan Maysels Subject: RE: June 3, 2014 Vote By Mail drop off site request Thank you. From: Susan Maysels[ma ilto:Smaysels(@la-quinta.org] Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 7:46 AM To: Canada, Annette Subject: RE: June 3, 2014 Vote By Mail drop off site request Annette, The signed doc is attached. S➢ S4I n. ',Va xpefs, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 760.777.7123 smaysels(@Ia-guinta.org From: Canada, Annette [mailto:ACANADACd)co riverside.ca us] Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:37 PM To: Susan Maysels Subject: June 3, 2014 Vote By Mail drop off site request Good afternoon, In past elections, Riverside County voters enjoyed the convenience of dropping off their Vote -by -Mail ballot early at city halls in Riverside County. With a Consolidated Primary Election coming up on June 3, 2014, the Registrar of Voters office is again seeking to partner with you to provide a Vote -by -Mail drop off location. We have greatly appreciated your partnership over the last several elections, and we hope you will agree to assist us this year. I will continue to be the Vote -by -Mail program coordinator and will contact you soon to discuss more details. You may also refer to the attached Vote -By -Mail Site Agreement which provides additional program information. Please review the attached agreement and sign. Return the signed agreement by fax to (951)486-7320 or scan and email to Acanada cDco.riverside.ca.us by Friday, March 21, 2014. Regards, Annette Canada Elections Coordinator's Assistant Riverside County Registrar of Voters Email: Acanada(d)co.riverside.ca.us Office#: (951)486-7331 Fax#: (951)486-7320 - - RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS Note: If your facility is SELECTED -to serve as a Polling Place, the Inspector (lead Pollworker) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility the day before the election for setup (about '/ hour) and to guarantee access to the facility from 6:00am to 9;30pm on Election Day. If you do not receive a call from the Inspector 3-4 days prior to .Election Day, have questions or concerns, call our office at (951)486-7341 or 1(877)663-9906 (toll free). Fax # (951) 486-7320 Mail: Use the self.addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number I give my permission for the use of: LA Qu I WrA cITY 0Au, Room Authorized: StUA S Polling Place location forth lection(s) noted at right. Please check (X) the appropriate boxes that aP 0 Our facility will provide W6'-8' table and 4 chairs ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility 51 Facility use "Free" ❑ Request $25.00 Stipend (Must provide W-9 enclosed) Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not ' received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. ELECTION DATE ELECTION FACILTY FACILITY USE USE NOT AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED Consolidated JUNE 3, 2014 Primary Election Consolidated NOVEMBER 4, 2014 General Election 3o -b 1,0 fir,-,,. ID# PCT# Contact Name (print) SULSA0 MA,Y51E , 5 Title: C l TV C,t r,P_ . Alternate Contact Name (print) PA N� 1 e'�a Phone m 71 0 '77 7 ?0do *Emergency contact: Phone *This is the person and phone number who the Registrar of Voters can call in an emergency (Election Day access, facility issues, etc.) Mailing Address '7 $ - -1 g 5 GA w f, "rAM P /6o tit / _rA CA 9� IS 3 After Business Hours Phone: J N-5 G � � a �q Fax #: 7 � o -7 7 7 - E=mail Address: S�MAVSe L5 � I A0Y16f TA, ate *1 HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature: Date: &6�9 %. Zol4 POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 TrY (951) 697-8966 www.voteinfo.net PCT# The County of Riverside Registrar of Voters thanks you for the use of your facility as a Polling Place in past elections. To prepare for the upcoming elections, we are again inquiring about the availability of you facility. We are requesting the use of your facility for the June 3, 2014 Consolidated Primary Election and November 4, 2014 Consolidated General Election. Please confirm that your facility is available, by answering all questions, signing and dating the attached "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement". Return the completed agreement in the enclosed postage paid envelope or by fax to (951)486-7320. Please note that pursuant to elections code, private and gated facilities must allow nonresident voters access to the facility on Election Day to cast their ballot. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as Polling Places. When a facility is SELECTED, 'a confirmation letter will be mailed 29 days before the scheduled election. When a facility is NOT SELECTED, a letter will be sent 15 days before the scheduled election providing the reason the facility was not selected. Please call us at (951)486-7341 or 1(877)663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Voting equipment and - tables and chairs (when requested) will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election to the SELECTED Polling Places. Our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Please identify a secure area for voting equipment storage. Our carrier will call to schedule pick up of the equipment within one week after the .election. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951)486-7341 or 1(877)663-9906(toll free). -� Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page by fax or mail POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX OR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE NO LATER THAN August 10, 2014 If you do not receive a call from the Inspector 3-4 days prior to Election Day, have questions or concerns, call our office at (951)486-7341 or 1(877)663-9906 (toll free). Fax # (951) 486-7320 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's number (760) 777-7091 Robert Ambriz. I give my permission for the use of: La Quinta Museum 77885 Avenida Montezuma La Quinta, CA 92253 Room Authorized: MUSEUM MEETING ROOM Polling Place location for the election(s) noted at right. Please check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: A3 Our facility will provide two 6'-8' table and 4 chairs ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility A3 Facility use "Free" ❑ Request $25.00 Stipend (Must provide W-9 enclosed) ❑ Can accommodate up to _? Precincts (Between 1-10) Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. F_ -- ELECTION DATE ELECTION FACILTY FACILITY USE USE NOT AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED Consolidated NOVEMBER 4, 2014 General Election Initial Above ID# PCT# Contact Name (print): Robert Ambriz Title: Community Services Supervisor Phone #: 760-777-7091 Alternate Contact Name (print): Steve Howlett, Facilities Manager Phone #: cell 760.250.2043, desk 760.777.7026 'This is the person and phone number who the Registrar of Voters can call in an emergency (Election Day access, facility issues, etc.) 'Emergency contact: Toma Stoianovici, Facilities Maintenance Phone #: cell 760.250.0092, desk 760.777.7082 Mailing Address: La Quinta City Hall, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 After Business Hours Phone: Steve Howlett 760-250.2043 Fax #: 760.777-1231 E-mail Address: RAmbriz(a.La-Quinta.org and SMaysels(Kii-Quinta.org '1 HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM A EEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS Signature: Date: ". �0 Zo/!t Susan Maysels, City Cleli City o La Quinta Q— Rebecca Spencer ' Registrar of Voters Sponsoring Agent City of La Quints 78495 Calls Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 J } 4Y9�tR4 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 466-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 TTY (951) 697-8966 www.voteinfo.net REGISTRAR OF VOTERS ID# 1675 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT County of Riverside Registrar of Voters 2724 Gateway Dr Riverside, CA 92507 This agreement applies to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the City of La Quints for the use of all designated facilities for the November 4, 2014 Consolidated General Election. The County of Riverside shall indemnify and hold hartnless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted, upon any actor omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, for damage of any kind or nature, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from its use of the premises, and the County shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, its officers, agents and employees in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. The Authority for the Registrar of Voters to execute this use permit is contained in Resolution No. 86-183 heretofore approved by the County's Board of Supervisors on May 6, 1986, Dated:qJ1s zp BY: T Title: CITY Ct l�,A 'Agency Rep esentative rm/4/025 Dated: September 15, 2014 By: ART TINOCO Chief Deputy Registrar of Voters 'Please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at Acanadafoico.riverside.ca.us prior to Election Day. _o Rebecca Spencer Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 • FAX (951) 486-7272 TTY (951) 697-8966 www.voteinfo.net SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE La Quints C' Hall September 15, 2014 SAMPLE BALLOT Calls Tampico & Washington INFORMATION Voting Precinct: 0046019 78495 Calls Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 PPID#: 1675 Dear Susan Maysels, This is to confirm that your facility, identified above, has been selected as a Polling Place for the Consolidated General Election, to be conducted on November. 4, 2014. By agreeing to let us use your facility as a Polling Place you ascribe to the Oath of Allegiance on the back of this form. Please take a moment to confirm that we have the correct address for this facility. The address as it appears above will be published in the Sample Ballot mailed to all Polling Place voters and made available to voters over the phone and on our website. Please advise us immediately of any Inaccuracies. Attached you will find a copy of the "Hold Harmless Agreement", please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at Rovweb((2)co.riverside -ca.us. If you requested a "Certificate of Insurance" the County's Risk Management department will forward a copy to you prior to Election Day for your records. Within approximately 7 days prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered to your location (upon request, a table and Chairs can be delivered). For security purposes, the electronic voting unit should be stored in a secure area out of plain view prior to and after Election Day and not accessible to the public. The Inspector (lead Pollworker) assigned to your facility will be contacting you to coordinate Election Eve (November 3, 2014) set up. Please arrange for the facility to be open on Election Day from 8:15 a.m. until completion of Election Board duties, approximately 1.5 hours after close of polls at 8:00 P.M. If the Inspector does not contact you, or if you have any questions, please call the Elections Officers and Polls Division of the Registrar of Voters at (951)486-7341 or (877)-663-9906 (toll free). In the meantime, thank you for providing a Polling Place for your friends and community. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters PS - Please forward a copy of this to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. NOTE: If anyone requests access to the voting equipment prior to Election Eve or after Election Day, ask for their credentials and contact the Registrar of Voters office at (877)-663-9906 (toll free) to get approval prior to permitting access to the equipment. Susan Maysels La Quints City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX OR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE Fax # (951)486-7320 i Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number (?Ld) I l % - 70 i 717a I give my permission for the use of: La Quinta Museum Susan Maysels 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Room Authorized: M r,6T I lJ& P, 06 As a Polling Place location for the election(s) noted at right. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for vour facility to serve as a Dolling solace. Facility Facility Election Date Election use use Not Authorized Authorized Consolidated June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election Please check () the appropriate boxes that apply: Our facility will provide two 6'-8' table and 4 chairs. ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. Facility use "Free" ❑ Request $25.00 Stipend (Must provide W-9 enclosed) ❑ Can accommodate up to Precincts (Between 1-10) Initial Above ID#: 5233 Contact Name (print) SUSSUSA tJ MAVSELSTitle: C ITY G1EA_k_ Phone#'74,a _ ? 7I- 71 z3 Alternate Contact Name (print) MoMI i A, AAb6VA Phone #: 7(i0 - 77 7 - 7o 3 5 *Emergency contact: R6 9 6R--r Apt 8; P.1 7, ; J R, Phone #: 7 0o - 7' 1- 78q 1 G S-re,16 *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) 7 k -2 50- >_aq-3 Mailing Address 7 2 - q q 5 CA LLF 'A � t0 LA, � t �% �,2_53 After Business Hours Phone: 945 Y &41. 900 Fax #: E-mail Address: . SMAV S E1,.S & P cd ui -r. 0 For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail U, Regular Mail ❑ *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature: Date: t44ie �?A P POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX OR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 8, 2016 Fax # (951)486-7320 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordi sting Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number rxa j - 2043 I give my permission for the use of: La Quinta City Hall Susan Maysels 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Room Authorized: �i k U'Y� As a Polling Place location for t election(s) noted at right. Please contact us within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for vour facilitv to serve as a polling place. Election Date June 7, 2016 Please check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: Our facility will provide two 6 4 table and 4 chairs. ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. A Facility use "Free" ❑ Request $25.00 Stipend (Must provide W-9 enclosed) ❑ Can accommodate up to Precincts (Between 1-10) Facility Facility Election use use Authorized Not Authorized Consolidated Presidential Primary Election Initial Above ID#: 1675 Contact Name (print) �UCSM1 1'1 Title: � Phone# Alternate Contact Name (print) Phone #: *Emergency contact: S� Pry e-- JCS Phone #: *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) Mailing Address After Business Hours Phone: A _� (DO) °,5`0 — �,0'1_b Fax #: E-mail Address: U� ( La -�IWWa . av-t U For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail 4 *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND A�1. THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature: Date: �� �� REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART T/NOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters La Quinta City Hall January 22, 2016 Susan Maysels ID # 1675 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 The County of Riverside Registrar of Voters thanks you for the use of your facility as a Polling Place in past elections. To prepare for the upcoming June 7, 2016 Consolidated Presidential Primary Election, we are again inquiring about the availability of your facility. Please confirm that your facility is available, by completing, signing, and dating the attached "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement" form. Return the completed agreement in the enclosed postage paid envelope or by fax to (951)486-7320. When completing the form please indicate the -specific room space that will be available for Election Day. It is very important that our office provides the correct location to our voters. Please note that pursuant to elections code, private and gated facilities must allow nonresident voters access to the facility on Election Day to cast their ballot. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as Polling Places. When a facility is SELECTED, a confirmation letter will be mailed 29 days before the scheduled election. When a facility is NOT SELECTED, a letter will be sent 15 days before the scheduled election providing the reason the facility was not selected. Please call us at (951)486-7341 or 1(877)663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Note: If your facility is SELECTED to serve as a Polling Place, the Inspector (lead Pollworker) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility the day before the election for setup (about Y2 hour) and to guarantee access to the facility from 6:00am to 9:30pm on Election Day. Voting equipment will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election to the SELECTED Polling Places. Tables and chairs can be delivered upon request. Our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Please identify a secure area for voting eggu pment story e. Our carrier will call to schedule pick up of the equipment within one week after the election. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951)486-7341 or (877)663-9906(toll free). Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page by fax or mail POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX OR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE Fax # (951)486-7320 NO LATER THAN AUGUST 2, 2016 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number (?60) 250 - I CI �3 'f give my permission for the use of: La Quinta City Hall Study Room 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Room Authorized: qk V4 � e��i �A�✓1 � ❑ Facility use not authorized for this Election Initial Here: As a Polling Place location for the: November 8, 2016 Consolidated Presidential General Election. 1~lease check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: U, Our facility will provide two 6'-8' tables and 4 chairs. Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. ID# 1675 ',Facility use "Free" PCT# 0046019 ❑ Request $25.00 Stipend (Must provide W-9 enclosed) ❑ Can accommodate up to Precincts (Between 1-10) Contact Name (print) 5 Title: �� MUOt- Phone#_ aa(9 1,n-), " \',5 Alternate Contact Name (print) Ao \MVA WO- Phone #: *Ernergency contact: S� W ey)" Phone #: *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) Mailing Address After Business Hours Phone: �0� �� " oLO��J Fax M E-mail Address: �,l1 \4C� k,L�V\40_1 M q 9.a53 For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail ❑ *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature: ADate:' Pleas contact us at (951) 486-7341 within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters Susan Maysels La Quinta City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RECEIVED JUL 01 2016 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters June 27, 2016 PCT# 0046019 The County of Riverside Registrar of Voters thanks you for the use of your facility as a Polling Place in past elections. To prepare for the upcoming November 8, 2016 Consolidated Presidential General Election, we are again inquiring about the availability of your facility. Please confirm that your facility is available by completing, signing, and dating the attached "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement" form. Return the completed agreement in the enclosed postage paid envelope or by fax to (951)486-7320. When completing the form please indicate the specific room space that will be available for Election Day. It is very important that our office provides the correct location to our voters. Please note that pursuant to elections code, private and gated facilities must allow nonresident voters access to the facility on Election Day to cast their ballot. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as Polling Places. When a facility is SELECTED, a confirmation letter will be mailed 29 days before the scheduled election. When a facility is NOT SELECTED, a letter will be sent 15 days before the scheduled election providing the reason the facility was not selected. Please call us at (951)486-7341 or (877)663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Note: If your facility is SELECTED to serve as a Polling Place, the Inspector (lead Pollworker) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility the day before the election for setup (about Y2 hour) and to guarantee access to the facility from 6:00am to 9:30pm on Election Day. Voting equipment will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election to the SELECTED Polling Places. Tables and chairs can be delivered upon request. Our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Plesse identify a secure area for voting sguigrnent storage. Our carrier will call to schedule pick up of the equipment within one week after the election. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951)486-7341 or (877)663-9906(toll free). Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page by fax or mail POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX OR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE Fax # (951)486-7320 NO LATER THAN AUGUST 2, 2016 Mail: Use the self addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number (%0)_= - 11 ! I give my permission for the use of: ❑ Facility use not authorized for this Election La Quinta Museum Meeting Room Initial Here: 77885 Avenida Montezuma LA Quinta, CA 92253 Room Authorized: As a Polling Place location for the: November 8, 2016 Consolidated Presidential General Election. Please check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: gOur facility will provide two 6-8' tables and 4 chairs. Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. ID# 5233 Z.Facility use "Free" PCT# 0046018 ❑ Request $25.00 Stipend (Must provide W-9 enclosed) ❑ Can accommodate up to I Precincts (Between 1-10) Contact Name (print)&ElSbQd, rt Title: L P (r fiS I rv+.Se?.Phone# L7O 99-r7183 Alternate Contact Name (print) ,'bo-y-cL _ Phone #: b6U) `7t1r) -r7 lx "�- too)g3q-11(C7 &C 1) *Emergency contact: 00_(d Phone #: -`7 L&3 '9bl .3P-q V t'" ,i6 *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of` Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) Mailing Address 99� +fV � t_ d AA... % After Business Hours Phone: (9Cq) &3&-9L1g9 Fax #: b(0(3� 6_� Y-Sbb E-mail Address: (t.0 o,_. cl, -ex A JJ !d For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail; Regular Mail ❑ *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGItLEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature... _ 1'� Date: 7 // 1?// (0 Please contact us at (951) 486-7341 within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS ID# 1675 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Sponsoring Agent County of Riverside La Quinta City Hall Registrar of Voters 78495 Calle Tampico 2724 Gateway Dr La Quinta, CA 92263 Riverside, CA 92507 This agreement applies to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the La Quinta City Hall for the use of all designated facilities for the November 8, 2016 Consolidated Presidential General Election. The County of Riverside shall indemnify and hold harmless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted, upon any act or omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, for damage of any kind or nature, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from its use of the premises, and the County shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, its officers, agents and employees in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. The Authority for the Registrar of Voters to execute this use permit is contained in Resolution No. 86-183 heretofore approved by the County's Board of Supervisors on May 6, 1986. Dated: i 1 )-oBy: Dated: September 24, 2016 Title: CO C ( ek-. — / ���Ci i fo�S OFF CIA, I - *Agency Representative COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By: CHRISTOPHER NEUBAUER Chief. Deputy Registrar of Voters *Please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at Acanada@co.riverside.ca.us prior to Election Day. REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TIN®CO Assistant Registrar of Voters SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE September 24, 2016 La Quinta City Hall SAMPLE BALLOT Study Session R®gym INFORMATION Voting Precinct: 0046019 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 PPID#: 1675 Dear Susan Maysels, This is to confirm that your facility, identified above, has been selected as a Polling Place for the Consolidated Presidential General Election, to be conducted on November 8, 2016. By agreeing to let us use, your facility as a Polling Place you ascribe to the Oath of Allegiance on the back of this form. Please take a moment to confirm that we have the correct address for this facility. The address as it appears above will be published in the Sample Ballot mailed to all Polling Place voters and made available to voters over the phone and on our website. Please advise us immediately of any inaccuracies. Attached you will find a copy of the "Hold Harmless Agreement", please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951)486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at Acanadaaco. riverside. ca. us. If you requested a "Certificate of Insurance" the County's Risk Management department will forward a copy to you prior to Election Day for your records. Within approximately 7 days prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered to your location (upon request, a table and chairs can be delivered). For security purposes, the electronic voting unit should e stored in a secure area out of plain view prior to and after Election Day and not accessible to the public. The Inspector (lead Pollworker) assigned to your facility will be contacting you to coordinate Election Eve (November 7, 2016) set up. Please arrange for the facility to be open on Election Day from 6:15 a.m. until completion of Election Board duties at approximately 10:00 p.m. If the Inspector does not contact you, or if you have any questions, please call the Elections Officers and Polls Division of the Registrar of Voters at (951)486-7341 or (877)663-9906 (toll free). In the meantime, thank you for providing a Polling Place for your friends and community. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters PS — Please forward a copy of this to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. NOTE:requests •' • equipment pprior o Election Eve or after Election D 1 ask for their credentials and contact the Registrar of Voters office at (877)663-9906 (toll free) to get approval prior to permitting access to the equipment. Susan Maysels La Quinta City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART T/NOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters July 31, 2017 PCT# The County of Riverside Registrar of Voters thanks you for the use of your facility as a Polling Place in past elections. To prepare for the upcoming November 7, 2017 Consolidated General Election, we are again inquiring about the availability of your facility. Please confirm that your facility is available by completing, signing, and dating the attached "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement" form. You may return the completed agreement by mail in the enclosed postage paid envelope, by fax to (951) 486-7320, or by email to cmmora@rivco.org. When completing the form please indicate the specific roo space that will be available for Election Day. It is very important that our office provides the correct location to our voters. Please note that pursuant to elections code, private and gated facilities must allow nonresident voters access to the facility on Election Day to cast their ballot. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as Polling Places. When a facility is SELECTED, a confirmation letter will be mailed 29 days before the scheduled election. When a facility is NOT SELECTED, a letter will be sent 15 days before the scheduled election providing the reason the facility was not selected. Please call us at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Note: If your facility is SELECTED to serve as a Polling Place, the Inspector (lead Pollworker) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility the day before the election for setup (about Y2 hour) and to guarantee access to the facility from 6:00am to 9:30pm on Election Day. Voting equipment will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election to the SELECTED Polling Places. Tables and chairs can be delivered upon request. The Office of the Registrar of Voters or our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Please identify a secure area fo voting equipment storage. Our office, or that of our carrier, will call to schedule pick up of the equipment within one week after the election. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906(toll free). Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page by fax, email, or mail POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS If you do not receive a call from the Inspector 3-4 days prior to Election Day, have questions or concerns, call our office at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number ( ) - 0 1 give my permission for the use of: La Quinta Museum 77885 Avenida Montezuma La Quinta, CA 92253 Room Authorized: Meeting Room ❑ Facility use not authorized for this Election Initial Here: As a Polling Place location for the: November 7, 2017 Consolidated General Election. Please check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: ❑ Our facility will provide two 6' - 8' table and 4 chairs. ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. ID# 5233 ❑ Facility use "Free" ❑ Request $25.00 Stipend (Must provide W-9 enclosed) PCT# ❑ Can accommodate up to Precincts (Between 1-10) Contact Name (print) Alternate Contact Name (print) *Emergency contact: Title: Phone#. one Phone *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) Mailing Address After Business Hours Phone: ��[�a1 - ObT Fax #: E-mail Address: v-41E V �` " • vl�A • O �-- *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature: Date: fli_ Please cants us at t . i) 486-7341 within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters July 31, 2017 PCT# The County of Riverside Registrar of Voters thanks you for the use of your facility as a Polling Place in past elections. To prepare for the upcoming November 7, 2017 Consolidated General Election, we are again inquiring about the availability of your facility. Please confirm that your facility is available by completing, signing, and dating the attached "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement" form. You may return the completed agreement by mail in the enclosed postage paid envelope, by fax to (951) 486-7320, or by email to cmmora@rivco.org. When completing the form please indicate the specific room space that will be available for Election Day. It is very important that our office provides the correct location to our voters. Please note that pursuant to elections code, private and gated facilities must allow nonresident voters access to the facility on Election Day to cast their ballot. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as Polling Places. When a facility is SELECTED, a confirmation letter will be mailed 29 days before the scheduled election. When a facility is NOT SELECTED, a letter will be sent 15 days before the scheduled election providing the reason the facility was not selected. Please call us at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Note: If your facility is SELECTED to serve as a Polling Place, the Inspector (lead Pollworker) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility the day before the election for setup (about'/2 hour) and to guarantee access to the facility from 6:00am to 9:30pm on Election Day. Voting equipment will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election to the SELECTED Polling Places. Tables and chairs can be delivered upon request. The Office of the Registrar of Voters or our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Please identify a secure area for voting equipment storage. Our office, or that of our carrier, will call to schedule pick up of the equipment within one week after the election. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906(toll free). Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page by fax, email, or mail POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS If you do not receive a call from the Inspector 3-4 days prior to Election Day, have questions or concerns, call our office at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number ( ) ' I give my permission for the use of: City of La Quinta Wellness Center 78450 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA 92253-2934 Room Authorized:_ Multi Purpose Room ❑ Facility use not authorized for this Election Initial Here: As a Polling Place location for the: November 7, 2017 Consolidated General Election. Please check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: ❑ Our facility will provide two 6' - 8' table and 4 chairs. ❑ Please deliver tables and chairs to this facility. ❑ Facility use "Free" ❑ Request $25.00 Stipend (Must provide W-9 enclosed) ❑ Can accommodate up to Precincts (Between 1-10) Contact Name (print) Title: Alternate Contact Name (print) Phone *Emergency contact: Phone# *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) Mailing Address �a S � After Business Hours Phone: `� ��� �S Fax #: E-mail Address: �AR-tsc' e V I a- 0A W "Vk 'Q ID# 1674 PCT# 3 *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS Signature: Date: A Please contact us at (�V) 486-7341 within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE VOTE -BY -MAIL SITE AGREEMENT August 30, 2017 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Maysels: ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters Verify this address is correct. It will be published on the Registrar of Voters' Website. Thank you for your past participation as a Vote -by -Mail ballot drop off location. This agreement serves as confirmation for use of La Quinta City Hall for the November 7, 2017 Consolidated General Election. We would like to deliver the ballot box the week of October 2, 2017. The ballot box is approximately 2' x 3' and must be maintained behind a counter in a secure area. Registrar of Voters staff will retrieve ballots weekly. We will remove the ballot box from your facility on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. As in previous elections, we will require a staff member from your facility verify that the person dropping off the ballot is the person whose name appears on the ballot or is an "Authorized Return Agent" for the voter. Upon delivery of the ballot box, a Registrar of Voters staff member will provide additional training on this procedure. We greatly appreciate your support and for making democracy convenient and for your consideration of partnership for the upcoming election. I have read and understand all the terms of this agreement. By signing this agreement, I am agreeing to abide by these terms. Digitally signed by Susan Maysels `S"V.a✓'V DN: cn=Susan May s .Ce, City of La Quinta, —ClemayselrKs -quint email=smaysels@la-quinta.org, -US Signature: Date: 2017,083015:50:53 -0700' Date: Phone#: Facility Representative Signature Name: Alternate contact name (print) Date: Phone#: Please sign above and return no later than Thursday, September 6, 2017 by fax to (951) 486-7320 or scan and email to Cneubauer@rivco.org 2724 Gateway Drive I Riverside, CA 92507-0918 (951) 486-7200 1 TTY (951) 697-8966 1 FAX (951) 486-7272 www.voteinfo.net REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE La Quinta City Hall SAMPLE BALLOT October 5, 2017 Study Session Room IN 78495 Calle Tampico I=ORMATION Voting Precinct: 0046013 La Quinta, CA 92253 PPID#: 1675 Dear Susan Maysels, This is to confirm that your facility, identified above, has been selected as a Polling Place for the Consolidated General Election, to be conducted on November 7, 2017. By agreeing to let us use your facility as a Polling Place you ascribe to the Oath of Allegiance on the back of this form. Please take a moment to confirm that we have the correct address for this facility. The address as it appears above will be published in the Sample Ballot mailed to all Polling Place voters and made available to voters over the phone and on our website. Please advise us immediately of any inaccuracies. Attached you will find a copy of the "Hold Harmless Agreement", please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951) 486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at Acanada(@_rivco.orq. If you requested a "Certificate of Insurance" the County's Risk Management department will forward a copy to you prior to Election Day for your records. Within approximately 7 days prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered to your location (upon request, a table and chairs can be delivered). For security purposes, the Accessible Voting Unit should be stored in a secure area out of plain view prior to and after Election Day and not accessible to the public. The Inspector (lead Pollworker) assigned to your facility will be contacting you to coordinate Election Eve (November 6, 2017) set up. Please arrange for the facility to be open on Election Day from 6:15 a.m. until completion of Election Board duties at approximately 10:00 p.m. If the Inspector does not contact you, or if you have any questions, please call the Elections Officers and Polls Division of the Registrar of Voters at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). In the meantime, thank you for providing a Polling Place for your friends and community. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters PS — Please forward a copy of this to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. ra OTE: If anyone requests access to the voting equipment prior to Election Eve or after Election Day, sk for their credentials and contact the Registrar of Voters office at (877) 663-9906 (toll free) to get pproval prior to permitting access to the equipment. Susan Maysels La Quinta City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS ID# 1675 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Sponsoring Agent County of Riverside La Quinta City Hall Registrar of Voters 78495 Calle Tampico 2724 Gateway Dr La Quinta, CA 92253 Riverside, CA 92507 This agreement applies to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the La Quinta City Hall for the use of all designated facilities for the November 7, 2017 Consolidated General Election. The County of Riverside shall indemnify and hold harmless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted, upon any act or omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, for damage of any kind or nature, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from its use of the premises, and the County shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, its officers, agents and employees in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. The Authority for the Registrar of Voters to execute this use permit is contained in Resolution No. 86-183 heretofore approved by the County's Board of Supervisors on May 6, 1986. Dated: By: S�40";,L, hilt Title: *A ncy Representative COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE el� /�/_ I � Dated: October 5, 2017 By. CHRISTOPHER NEUBAUER Chief Deputy Registrar of Voters *Please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951) 486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at Acanada(a)rivco.orm prior to Election Day. REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE La Quinta Museum October 5, 2017 Meeting Room SAMPLE BALLOT 77885 Avenida Montezuma INFORMATION Voting Precinct: 0046018 LA Quinta, CA 92253 PPID#: 5233 Dear Susan Maysels, Multiple Board Your facility will serve 2 boards. This is to confirm that your facility, identified above, has been selected as a Polling Place for the Consolidated General Election, to be conducted on November 7, 2017. By agreeing to let us use your facility as a Polling Place you ascribe to the Oath of Allegiance on the back of this form. Please take a moment to confirm that we have the correct address for this facility. The address as it appears above will be published in the Sample Ballot mailed to all Polling Place voters and made available to voters over the phone and on our website. Please advise us immediately of any inaccuracies. Attached you will find a copy of the "Hold Harmless Agreement", please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951) 486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at Acanada-@rivco.org. If you requested a "Certificate of Insurance" the County's Risk Management department will forward a copy to you prior to Election Day for your records. Within approximately 7 days prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered to your location (upon request, a table and chairs can be delivered). For security purposes, the Accessible Voting Unit should be stored in a secure area out of plain view prior to and after Election Day and not accessible to the public. The Inspector (lead Pollworker) assigned to your facility will be contacting you to coordinate Election Eve (November 6, 2017) set up. Please arrange for the facility to be open on Election Day from 6:15 a.m. until completion of Election Board duties at approximately 10:00 p.m. If the Inspector does not contact you, or if you have any questions, please call the Elections Officers and Polls Division of the Registrar of Voters at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). In the meantime, thank you for providing a Polling Place for your friends and community. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters PS — Please forward a copy of this to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. NOTE: If anyone requests access to the voting equipment prior to Election Eve or after Election Day, ask for their credentials and contact the Registrar of Voters office at (877) 663-9906 (toll free) to get approval prior to permitting access to the equipment. Susan Maysels La Quinta City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS ID# 5233 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Sponsorinn Agent County of Riverside La Quinta Museum Registrar of Voters 77885 Avenida Montezuma 2724 Gateway Dr LA Quinta, CA 92253 Riverside, CA 92507 This agreement applies to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the La Quinta City Hall for the use of all designated facilities for the November 7, 2017 Consolidated General Election. The County of Riverside shall indemnify and hold harmless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted, upon any act or omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, for damage of any kind or nature, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from its use of the premises, and the County shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, its officers, agents and employees in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. The Authority for the Registrar of Voters to execute this use permit is contained in Resolution No. 86-183 heretofore approved by the County's Board of Supervisors on May 6, 1986. Dated:10 l By Title: *Ag cy Representative COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE el��_ �97-� Dated: October 5, 2017 By: CHRISTOPHER NEUBAUER Chief Deputy Registrar of Voters *Please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951) 486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at AcanadaCadrivco.orq prior to Election Day. REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters SELECTED TO SERVE AS A POLLING PLACE La Quinta Museum SAMPLE BALLOT October 5, 2017 Meeting Room IN 77885 Avenida Montezuma FORMATION Voting Precinct: 0046026 LA Quinta, CA 92253 PPID#: 5233 Dear Susan Maysels, This is to confirm that your facility, identified above, has been selected as a Polling Place for the Consolidated General Election, to be conducted on November 7, 2017. By agreeing to let us use your facility as a Polling Place you ascribe to the Oath of Allegiance on the back of this form. Please take a moment to confirm that we have the correct address for this facility. The address as it appears above will be published in the Sample Ballot mailed to all Polling Place voters and made available to voters over the phone and on our website. Please advise us immediately of any inaccuracies. Attached you will find a copy of the "Hold Harmless Agreement", please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951) 486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at AcanadaO-rivco.orq. If you requested a "Certificate of Insurance" the County's Risk Management department will forward a copy to you prior to Election Day for your records. Within approximately 7 days prior to Election Day, voting equipment will be delivered to your location (upon request, a table and chairs can be delivered). For security purposes, the Accessible Voting Unit should be stored in a secure area out of plain view prior to and after Election Day and not accessible to the public. The Inspector (lead Pollworker) assigned to your facility will be contacting you to coordinate Election Eve (November 6, 2017) set up. Please arrange for the facility to be open on Election Day from 6:15 a.m. until completion of Election Board duties at approximately 10:00 p.m. If the Inspector does not contact you, or if you have any questions, please call the Elections Officers and Polls Division of the Registrar of Voters at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). In the meantime, thank you for providing a Polling Place for your friends and community. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters PS — Please forward a copy of this to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. NOTE: If anyone requests access to the voting equipment prior to Election Eve or after Election Day, ask for their credentials and contact the Registrar of Voters office at (877) 663-9906 (toll free) to get approval prior to permitting access to the equipment. Susan Maysels La Quinta City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS ID# 5233 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Sponsoring Agent County of Riverside La Quinta Museum Registrar of Voters 77885 Avenida Montezuma 2724 Gateway Dr LA Quinta, CA 92253 Riverside, CA 92507 This agreement applies to the Riverside County Registrar of Voters and the La Quinta City Hall for the use of all designated facilities for the November 7, 2017 Consolidated General Election. The County of Riverside shall indemnify and hold harmless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted, upon any act or omission of the County, its officers, agents and employees, for damage of any kind or nature, relating to or in any way connected with or arising from its use of the premises, and the County shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, its officers, agents and employees in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. The Authority for the Registrar of Voters to execute this use permit is contained in Resolution No. 86-183 heretofore approved by the County's Board of Supervisors on May 6, 1986. + Dated: Od 1 Z, ,?,611 By: Title: *Ad4ncy Representative COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Dated: October 5, 2017 By: CHRISTOPHER NEUBAUER Chief Deputy Registrar of Voters *Please complete and return a copy signed by an authorized agent via fax (951) 486-7320, regular mail, or scanned copy attached to an e-mail to Annette Canada at Acanada(&-rivco.orn prior to Election Day.