2006 EA 06-568 SRR CCRES 2006-082 Addendum MND CITY OF LA QUINTA MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM   PROJECT NAME:  The Ranch/SilverRock Resort    SCH No.: 1999081020                     APPROVAL DATE:  May 15th, 2002/July 18th, 2006   The Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) has been prepared in conformance with Section 21081.6 of the California Environmental Quality Act.  It is the intent of this program to (1) verify satisfaction of the required mitigation measures; (2) provide a methodology to document implementation of the required mitigation; (3) provide a record of the Monitoring Program; (4) identify monitoring responsibility; (5) establish administrative procedures for the clearance of mitigation measures; (6) establish the frequency and duration of monitoring; and (7) utilize existing review processes wherever feasible.  The following environmental mitigation measures were incorporated in to the approval for this project in order to mitigate potentially significant environmental impacts to a level of insignificance.  A completed and signed checklist for each mitigation measure indicates that this mitigation measure has been complied with and implemented, and fulfills the City of La Quinta’s monitoring requirements with respect to Assembly Bill 3180 (Public Resources Code Section 21081.6).  Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact  Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of  Compliance     Verification    Initial Date Remarks               Geology The soils at the site have the potential for hydroconsolidation with the addition of water  Prior to the design and construction of any structural improvements, a comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations shall be prepared that includes subsurface exploration and laboratory testing.  Recommendations for grading/earthwork, surface and subsurface drainage, foundations, pavement structural sections, and other pertinent geotechnical design considerations shall be formulated and implemented based on the findings of this evaluation. Receipt of site specific geotechnical/ engineering plans for the Project City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of any grading permits     The Project Site would be subject to ground shaking during a seismic event. All buildings planned as a result of the Proposed Project shall be constructed in conformance with the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of La Quinta. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of any building permits             Water The project would use potable water for dust suppression instead of reclaimed water During construction activities, water trucks are to acquire water from non‐potable water sources, such as reclaimed water and/or canal water. Field inspection City of La Quinta Ongoing during construction     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -2-  Cumulative use of potable water for irrigation would incrementally contribute to the demand on water supplies At such time that non‐potable water sources become available to the project site, the project shall connect to this resource and utilize the non‐potable water for irrigation purposes.  Review of landscape and project plans to identify the ability to connect to non‐potable water sources in the future City of La Quinta and Coachella Valley Water District Prior to the issuance of building permits.      Drought tolerant landscaping shall be utilized as a means of reducing water consumption.   Review of landscape and project plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permits     The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff A hydrology master plan shall be prepared for the Project Specific Plan.  Further, a hydrology study shall be prepared to support the hydrology master plan.  This study shall demonstrate that the project would construct storm drainage and hydrologic improvements, such as on‐site stormwater retention basins, that conform to the City‘s master hydrology and storm drain improvement program as well as implement regional and local requirements, policies and programs. Receipt of site hydrology master plan and study for the Project City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permits      Prior to the initiation of any construction activity on the project site, a Notice of Intent (NOI), Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and Monitoring Plan will be filed with the RWQCB under the general NPDES construction permit.  The SWPPP shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) in compliance with the NPDES program requirements. Provide NOI and verification that it was sent to RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board Prior to the issuance of any grading permits      Any existing groundwater wells located on the site that are no longer in use shall be abandoned in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations prior to the issuance of building permits. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of any grading permits     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -3-   Design of new roads, golf courses, man‐made ponds, common landscape areas, storm water basins, and other facilities shall incorporate proper engineering controls to channel storm and irrigation runoff into detention/retention facilities that are sized to accommodate design year storms and that incorporate filtration systems or other devices to reduce the potential for herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and other contaminants to percolate to groundwater or surface water runoff. Review of site, storm drainage and landscape plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permits     Water from golf course operation would contain pollutants that impact groundwater quality Prior to operation of the golf course, the golf course operator shall prepare a Golf Course Management Plan that includes an irrigation plan, water usage plan, and chemical management plan in order to reduce, to the extent feasible, golf course irrigation runoff and percolation into the groundwater basin.  Receipt of Golf Course Management Plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of operation permit             Air Quality Construction activity generates vehicular air quality pollutants Construction equipment shall be phased and operated in a manner to ensure the lowest construction‐related pollutant emission levels practical, and shall require the use of water trucks, temporary irrigation systems and other measures which will limit fugitive dust emissions during site disturbance and construction. Review of construction management plan City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit      The following measures shall be implemented to reduce construction related traffic congestion:  Configure construction parking to minimize traffic disturbance  Minimize obstruction of through‐traffic lanes  Provide flag person to ensure safety at construction sites, as necessary  Schedule operations affecting roadways for off‐peak traffic hours  Provide rideshare incentives to construction personnel Review of construction management plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -4-  Emissions of PM10 would exceed the thresholds of significance during construction A PM10 Management Plan for construction operations shall be submitted prior to the issuance of grading permits.  The plan shall include dust management controls such as:  Water site and equipment morning and evening  Spread soil binders on site, unpaved roads, and parking areas  Re‐establish ground cover on construction site through seeding and watering  Pave construction roads, where appropriate  Operate street‐sweepers on paved roads adjacent to site Review of dust control plan City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit      Air quality control measures identified in the Coachella Valley PM10 State Implementation Plan shall be implemented. Review of dust control plan City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit      To reduce VOC emissions associated with architectural coatings, water‐based or low‐VOC coatings shall be used and applied with spray equipment with high transfer efficiency and/or the need for paints and solvents should be reduced by using pre‐coated building materials or naturally colored building materials. Review of construction management plan City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of building permit     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -5-  Operation of the proposed project would result in increased air pollutant emissions.  Timeshare and golf facility construction shall utilize solar or low emission water heaters to reduce natural gas consumption and emissions.  Timeshare and golf facility construction shall utilize built‐in energy‐efficient appliances to reduce energy consumption and emissions.  Shade trees shall be provided in close proximity to Timeshare, hotel and golf facility structures to reduce building heating/cooling needs.  Timeshare and golf facility construction shall utilize energy‐efficient and automated controls for air conditioners to reduce energy consumption and emissions.  Timeshare and golf facility construction shall be constructed using special sunlight‐filtering window coatings or double‐paned windows to reduce thermal gain or loss.  Timeshare and golf facility construction shall utilize automatic lighting on/off controls and energy‐efficient lighting (including parking areas) to reduce electricity consumption and associated emissions.  Timeshare and golf facility construction shall use light‐colored roofing materials in residential construction as opposed to dark roofing materials. Review of construction and site plans City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of occupancy permit      Bus stops shall be positioned at locations on and adjacent to the site to be determined in coordination with the bus transit service provider that will serve the project area.  Bus stops should be generally located 1/4 mile walking distance from Timeshare units. Review of construction and site plans City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit      The golf course shall design on‐site circulation plans for clubhouse parking to reduce vehicle queuing.  Review of construction and site plans City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit              Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -6- Transportation and Circulation Increases in local roadway volumes would incrementally decrease intersection LOS A traffic signal shall be installed at the Project entrance and Avenue 52, the Project entrance and Jefferson Street and at the intersection of Avenue 54 and Jefferson Street when and if they are warranted.  The developer of the site shall be responsible for payment of a fair share of the cost of installing these signals.  Warrant study City of La Quinta Ongoing             Biological Resources During construction and landscaping activities, impacts to common wildlife would occur Efforts shall be made to ensure that all pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers used during the construction and operation of the Project Site will not be harmful to wildlife. Review of Construction and Landscaping plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permits     During construction and operation, there is a potential impact to Peninsular bighorn sheep and other wildlife A construction plan shall be prepared and demonstrate, to the extent practicable, construction activities that emit excessive noise will be avoided adjacent to the hillside.  In addition, during grading and construction activities any blasting or pile‐driving near the hillside will not occur during the period from Jan. 1 through June 30th. Review of Construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permits     Potential impact to Peninsular bighorn sheep from increased human presence on Project Site The landscape plan shall include only plants that are non‐toxic to wildlife.  All exotic plans such as tamarisk and fountain grass are prohibited.  Existing trees may remain.  Review of project landscape plan  City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of building permit     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -7-   A mountain toe‐of‐slope buffer/mitigation concept plan has been prepared to protect peninsular big horn sheep, and other wildlife, from entering the non‐mountainous portion of the site proposed for development.  This concept plan illustrates a continuos buffer to the toe‐of‐slope in areas where development could occur adjacent to the mountain edge.  The concept plan delineates the location, acreage and native plant species envisioned for the mitigation area.  This plan shall be incorporated into the project design and shall be subject to review by the City prior to the issuance of grading permits.  A copy of this mountain toe‐of‐slope buffer/mitigation concept plan is available for review at the City of La Quinta Community Development Department. Review of construction, landscape and site plan (Agency shall, to the extent practical, widen the narrowest points of the buffer areas to minimize the impacts on the hillside)  City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit      If Bighorn Sheep enter onto the Project Site, an 8‐foot fence (or the functional equivalent) between the development and the hillside shall be constructed.  The gaps should be 11 centimeters (4.3 inches) or less.  If determined necessary, the City shall construct temporary fencing while permanent fencing is constructed.  The fence shall not contain gaps in which Bighorn Sheep can be entangled.  If the Agency transfer or disposes of any of the property adjacent to the hillside, the Agency shall reserve an easement sufficient for the construction of fencing if needed in the future.  The Agency shall guarantee to pay the design and construction costs for the fencing, and that if the property is transferred, it shall require that the subsequent owner bond or posts sufficient security for the completion of the fence should it arise in the future. City of La Quinta Ongoing     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -8-   Dogs shall not be permitted to be loose within the project area, and shall be kept away from the hillside areas through appropriate signage and fencing, where applicable. Review of landscape and signage plan City of La Quinta Ongoing      Access into the hillside area from the site will be discouraged through the use of signs or barricades, if necessary, unless the access is provided as part of a trail system that is approved by the USFWS and CDFG. Review of site and signage plan City of La Quinta, CDFG, USFWS Prior to issuance of occupancy permit     There is a potential impact from nighttime light on wildlife The final design of the project shall insure that road and driveways are designed to minimize headlight shine from vehicles onto the hillside.  Review of site and construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit     There is a potential impact from glare and exterior lighting on wildlife In all areas adjacent to the hillsides, non‐glare glass shall be used in new construction.  Exterior building lights shall not shine on the hillside.  Exterior lighting shall be kept at the safest possible minimum intensity and aimed away from the hillside. Review of site and construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permit      All swimming pools located on the Project Site shall be fenced pursuant to City regulations. Review of construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit     Potential impact to mesquite hummock habitat Prior to any construction or site preparation activities that would impact the 3.4 acres of mesquite hummock, the agency or project developer shall enter into a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with CDFG and an appropriate non‐profit organization whose purpose is to acquire and manage land for the purpose of protecting special status plants and wildlife.  This MOU shall provide the organization chosen the financial resources necessary to purchase and manage 3.4 acres of mesquite hummock in the Willow Hole area or in another area where the habitat is contiguous and large preserves already protect much of this habitat type.  The exact location and cost shall be determined through consultation with CDFG and the selected organization.  Verification of receipt of financial security instrument and copy of the MOU City of La Quinta, CDFG Prior to the issuance of grading permit     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -9-  Potential impact to areas under the jurisdiction of the ACOE and the CDFG Prior to the commencement of on‐site grading, a 404 permit shall be obtained, if legally required, for alteration of areas under the ACOE jurisdiction.  In addition, if development activities are to take place within streambeds or drainages under the jurisdiction of the CDFG, a streambed alteration agreement shall first be obtained, if legally required.  Receipt of required permits City of La Quinta, CDFG, ACOE Prior to the issuance of grading permit             Hazards Exposure to asbestos is a significant impact Prior to the demolition or renovation of the on‐site single family residence, asbestos containing materials (ACM) shall be removed in accordance with current regulatory guidelines. Proof that a qualified demolition team has been retained City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of demolition permit             Noise Construction noise would impact local residents and sensitive receptors Between May 1 and September 30, all construction activities on the project site shall only occur between the hours of 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM Monday through Friday, and from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday, and shall be prohibited on Sundays and public holidays.  Between October 1 and April 30, all construction activity on the project site shall only occur between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:30 PM Monday through Friday, and from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday, and shall be prohibited on Sundays and public holidays.  All operational activities of the Project shall also be subject to the Noise Ordinance of the City as well.  Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit      All construction equipment operating in the planning area shall be fitted with well‐maintained functional mufflers to limit noise emissions.   Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit, ongoing throughout construction      To the greatest extent feasible, earth moving and hauling routes shall be located away from existing residences.  Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit      The design, selection and placement of the mechanical equipment for various buildings shall include consideration of the potential noise impact they may have on uses within the development site.  Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permit     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -10-   Silencers and/or barriers shall be provided where necessary at outdoor equipment, such as cooling towers, air cooled condensers and refrigeration compressors/condenser units, and at the air intake and discharge openings for building ventilation systems. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permit             Public Services The proposed project would incrementally increase demand for service on the Riverside County Fire Department The Riverside County Fire Department, in its review of new development proposals, shall evaluate project plans and the Department’s ability to provide proper fire protection.  This review shall include, but shall not be limited to, internal circulation, project directories, street names, and numbering systems.  New developments shall comply with all City and Fire Department standards.  Review of site and landscape plan Riverside County Fire Department and City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit     The proposed project would incrementally increase demand for service on the Riverside County Sheriff Department The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department shall review new development proposals in order to evaluate project plans and the Department’s ability to provide adequate police protection.  This review should include, but not be limited to internal circulation, project directories, street names, and numbering systems.  New developments shall comply with all established City and Sheriff standards. Review of site and landscape plan Riverside County Sheriff Department and City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit             Utilities and Service Systems The project would result in an incremental increase in electrical demand The most efficient furnaces, water heaters, pool heaters and other equipment that use natural gas shall be used in project construction.  The use of kitchen appliances that use natural gas and alternative, renewable energy sources, including solar and wind turbine technologies shall also be used to the greatest extent feasible. Review of construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permits      Title 24 of the California Administrative Code, which addresses energy conservation in all proposed uses shall be strictly enforced in project design and construction.  Review of construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permits     The use of septic systems in the City could result in potential impacts All planned uses shall be connected to the city‐wide sewer system. Review of construction plan Coachella Valley Water District Prior to issuance of grading permit     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -11-   Any existing or historic septic systems located on the site shall be abandoned in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations prior to the issuance of building permits. Review of construction plan Coachella Valley Water District and City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit     The incremental increase in solid waste generation could result in potential impacts A recycling program shall be developed for all proposed uses.  Recycling provisions for commercial and business establishments should include separate recycling bins.  Items to be recycled at commercial establishments may include white paper, computer legal paper, cardboard, glass and aluminum cans.   Receipt of recycling program City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of occupancy permit      Professional landscaping services from companies which compost green waste shall be utilized.  Verification that a qualified landscaping service has been retained City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of occupancy permit     The incremental demand from the project on utility systems could result in potential impacts The Projects fair share of public utilities, infrastructure and improvements required to properly service the proposed uses shall be determined through consultation with the City Department of Public Works and paid prior to the issuance of grading permits. Verification of receipt of financial security instrument. City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit             Aesthetics The project area is adjacent to a scenic area. Development would alter the aesthetic nature of the area Landscape designs and materials that complement the native desert environment shall be utilized in project design and construction.  Review of landscape and design plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit      Overhead utility lines shall be undergrounded to the greatest extent possible through the establishment of an undergrounding program and guidelines subject to the review of the City Engineer and Public Works Department.  Review of design and site plans City of La Quinta Public Works and City Engineer Prior to the issuance of grading permit      Signage shall be limited to the locations, sizes, and maintenance requirements necessary to provide functional identification.  Review of design plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit     Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Verification Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Initial Date Remarks -12-   Safe, convenient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, screened outdoor storage/loading and other unsightly areas, protected and enhanced outdoor seating areas, appropriate lighting levels, limited signage, and landscaping designs that preserve and enhance visual resources shall be included in the design of any commercial area on the Project Site.   Review of landscape and design plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permit      Development proposed along designated scenic highways, roadways and corridors shall be reviewed for compatibility with the natural and built environments to assure maximum viewshed protection and pedestrian and vehicular activity.  Review of landscape and design plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit      All grading and development proposed within scenic viewsheds, shall be regulated to minimize adverse impacts to these viewsheds.  All grading, development and landscaping plans shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the issuance of grading permits. Review of landscape and design plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit     The project would introduce new sources of light and glare that would alter the existing nighttime environment Outdoor lighting shall be limited to the minimum height, number of fixtures, and intensity needed to provide sufficient security and identification in each development, making every reasonable effort to protect the community’s night skies.   Review of design and site plans City of La Quinta, Riverside County Sheriff Department Prior to the issuance of building permit             Cultural Resources There is potential for discovery of unidentified subsurface cultural resources during future ground altering activities During any ground altering activities associated with project grading or construction, including demolition of existing modern structures and facilities, the project area shall be monitored by a qualified archaeological monitor.  The monitor shall have the authority to halt any activities impacting potentially significant cultural resources until the resources can be evaluated for significance and cleared or mitigated.  The monitoring program shall also include consultation with the local Native American representatives (e.g., Torres‐Martinez and/or Morongo Reservations). Verification that a  qualified historical consultant has been retained City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit                    EXHIBIT A CITY OF LA QUINTA MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: The Ranch SCH No.: 1999081020 APPROVAL DATE: May 15th, 2002 The Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) has been prepared in conformance with Section 21081.6 of the California Environmental Quality Act. It is the intent of this program to (1) verify satisfaction of the required mitigation measures; (2) provide a methodology to document implementation of the required mitigation; (3) provide a record of the Monitoring Program; (4) identify monitoring responsibility; (5) establish administrative procedures for the clearance of mitigation measures; (6) establish the frequency and duration of monitoring; and (7) utilize existing review processes wherever feasible. The following environmental mitigation measures were incorporated in to the approval for this project in order to mitigate potentially significant environmental impacts to a level of insignificance. A completed and signed checklist for each mitigation measure indicates that this mitigation measure has been complied with and implemented, and fulfills the City of La Quinta’s monitoring requirements with respect to Assembly Bill 3180 (Public Resources Code Section 21081.6). Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks Geology The soils at the site have the potential for hydroconsolidation with the addition of water Prior to the design and construction of any structural improvements, a comprehensive design level geotechnical evaluations shall be prepared that includes subsurface exploration and laboratory testing. Recommendations for grading/earthwork, surface and subsurface drainage, foundations, pavement structural sections, and other pertinent geotechnical design considerations shall be formulated and implemented based on the findings of this evaluation. Receipt of site specific geotechnical/engineering plans for the Project City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of any grading permits The Project Site would be subject to ground shaking during a seismic event. All buildings planned as a result of the Proposed Project shall be constructed in conformance with the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of La Quinta. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of any building permits Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -2- Water The project would use potable water for dust suppression instead of reclaimed water During construction activities, water trucks are to acquire water from non-potable water sources, such as reclaimed water and/or canal water. Field inspection City of La Quinta Ongoing during construction Cumulative use of potable water for irrigation would incrementally contribute to the demand on water supplies At such time that non-potable water sources become available to the project site, the project shall connect to this resource and utilize the non-potable water for irrigation purposes. Review of landscape and project plans to identify the ability to connect to non-potable water sources in the future City of La Quinta and Coachella Valley Water District Prior to the issuance of building permits. Drought tolerant landscaping shall be utilized as a means of reducing water consumption. Review of landscape and project plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permits The project will result in changes to absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff A hydrology master plan shall be prepared for the Project Specific Plan. Further, a hydrology study shall be prepared to support the hydrology master plan. This study shall demonstrate that the project would construct storm drainage and hydrologic improvements, such as on-site stormwater retention basins, that conform to the City‘s master hydrology and storm drain improvement program as well as implement regional and local requirements, policies and programs. Receipt of site hydrology master plan and study for the Project City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permits Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -3- Prior to the initiation of any construction activity on the project site, a Notice of Intent (NOI), Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and Monitoring Plan will be filed with the RWQCB under the general NPDES construction permit. The SWPPP shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) in compliance with the NPDES program requirements. Provide NOI and verification that it was sent to RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board Prior to the issuance of any grading permits Any existing groundwater wells located on the site that are no longer in use shall be abandoned in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations prior to the issuance of building permits. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of any grading permits Design of new roads, golf courses, man-made ponds, common landscape areas, storm water basins, and other facilities shall incorporate proper engineering controls to channel storm and irrigation runoff into detention/retention facilities that are sized to accommodate design year storms and that incorporate filtration systems or other devices to reduce the potential for herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and other contaminants to percolate to groundwater or surface water runoff. Review of site, storm drainage and landscape plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permits Water from golf course operation would contain pollutants that impact groundwater quality Prior to operation of the golf course, the golf course operator shall prepare a Golf Course Management Plan that includes an irrigation plan, water usage plan, and chemical management plan in order to reduce, to the extent feasible, golf course irrigation runoff and percolation into the groundwater basin. Receipt of Golf Course Management Plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of operation permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -4- Air Quality Construction activity generates vehicular air quality pollutants Construction equipment shall be phased and operated in a manner to ensure the lowest construction-related pollutant emission levels practical, and shall require the use of water trucks, temporary irrigation systems and other measures which will limit fugitive dust emissions during site disturbance and construction. Review of construction management plan City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit The following measures shall be implemented to reduce construction related traffic congestion:  Configure construction parking to minimize traffic disturbance  Minimize obstruction of through-traffic lanes  Provide flag person to ensure safety at construction sites, as necessary  Schedule operations affecting roadways for off-peak traffic hours  Provide rideshare incentives to construction personnel Review of construction management plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit Emissions of PM10 would exceed the thresholds of significance during construction A PM10 Management Plan for construction operations shall be submitted prior to the issuance of grading permits. The plan shall include dust management controls such as:  Water site and equipment morning and evening  Spread soil binders on site, unpaved roads, and parking areas  Re-establish ground cover on construction site through seeding and watering  Pave construction roads, where appropriate  Operate street-sweepers on paved roads adjacent to site Review of dust control plan City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit Air quality control measures identified in the Coachella Valley PM10 State Implementation Plan shall be implemented. Review of dust control plan City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -5- Operation of the proposed project would result in increased air pollutant emissions. Timeshare and golf facility construction shall utilize solar or low emission water heaters to reduce natural gas consumption and emissions. Timeshare and golf facility construction shall utilize built-in energy-efficient appliances to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Shade trees shall be provided in close proximity to Timeshare, hotel and golf facility structures to reduce building heating/cooling needs. Timeshare and golf facility construction shall utilize energy-efficient and automated controls for air conditioners to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Timeshare and golf facility construction shall be constructed using special sunlight-filtering window coatings or double-paned windows to reduce thermal gain or loss. Timeshare and golf facility construction shall utilize automatic lighting on/off controls and energy-efficient lighting (including parking areas) to reduce electricity consumption and associated emissions. Timeshare and golf facility construction shall use light-colored roofing materials in residential construction as opposed to dark roofing materials. Review of construction and site plans City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of occupancy permit Bus stops shall be positioned at locations on and adjacent to the site to be determined in coordination with the bus transit service provider that will serve the project area. Bus stops should be generally located 1/4 mile walking distance from Timeshare units. Review of construction and site plans City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -6- The golf course shall design on-site circulation plans for clubhouse parking to reduce vehicle queuing. Review of construction and site plans City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit Transportation and Circulation Increases in local roadway volumes would incrementally decrease intersection LOS A traffic signal shall be installed at the Project entrance and Avenue 52, the Project entrance and Jefferson Street and at the intersection of Avenue 54 and Jefferson Street when and if they are warranted. The developer of the site shall be responsible for payment of a fair share of the cost of installing these signals. Warrant study City of La Quinta Ongoing Biological Resources During construction and landscaping activities, impacts to common wildlife would occur Efforts shall be made to ensure that all pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers used during the construction and operation of the Project Site will not be harmful to wildlife. Review of Construction and Landscaping plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permits During construction and operation, there is a potential impact to Peninsular bighorn sheep and other wildlife A construction plan shall be prepared and demonstrate, to the extent practicable, construction activities that emit excessive noise will be avoided adjacent to the hillside. In addition, during grading and construction activities any blasting or pile-driving near the hillside will not occur during the period from Jan. 1 through June 30th. Review of Construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permits Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -7- Potential impact to Peninsular bighorn sheep from increased human presence on Project Site The landscape plan shall include only plants that are non-toxic to wildlife. All exotic plans such as tamarisk and fountain grass are prohibited. Existing trees may remain. Review of project landscape plan City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of building permit A mountain toe-of-slope buffer/mitigation concept plan has been prepared to protect peninsular big horn sheep, and other wildlife, from entering the non-mountainous portion of the site proposed for development. This concept plan illustrates a continuos buffer to the toe-of-slope in areas where development could occur adjacent to the mountain edge. The concept plan delineates the location, acreage and native plant species envisioned for the mitigation area. This plan shall be incorporated into the project design and shall be subject to review by the City prior to the issuance of grading permits. A copy of this mountain toe-of-slope buffer/mitigation concept plan is available for review at the City of La Quinta Community Development Department. Review of construction, landscape and site plan (Agency shall, to the extent practical, widen the narrowest points of the buffer areas to minimize the impacts on the hillside) City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -8- If Bighorn Sheep enter onto the Project Site, an 8-foot fence (or the functional equivalent) between the development and the hillside shall be constructed. The gaps should be 11 centimeters (4.3 inches) or less. If determined necessary, the City shall construct temporary fencing while permanent fencing is constructed. The fence shall not contain gaps in which Bighorn Sheep can be entangled. If the Agency transfer or disposes of any of the property adjacent to the hillside, the Agency shall reserve an easement sufficient for the construction of fencing if needed in the future. The Agency shall guarantee to pay the design and construction costs for the fencing, and that if the property is transferred, it shall require that the subsequent owner bond or posts sufficient security for the completion of the fence should it arise in the future. City of La Quinta Ongoing Dogs shall not be permitted to be loose within the project area, and shall be kept away from the hillside areas through appropriate signage and fencing, where applicable. Review of landscape and signage plan City of La Quinta Ongoing Access into the hillside area from the site will be discouraged through the use of signs or barricades, if necessary, unless the access is provided as part of a trail system that is approved by the USFWS and CDFG. Review of site and signage plan City of La Quinta, CDFG, USFWS Prior to issuance of occupancy permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -9- There is a potential impact from nighttime light on wildlife The final design of the project shall insure that road and driveways are designed to minimize headlight shine from vehicles onto the hillside. Review of site and construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit There is a potential impact from glare and exterior lighting on wildlife In all areas adjacent to the hillsides, non-glare glass shall be used in new construction. Exterior building lights shall not shine on the hillside. Exterior lighting shall be kept at the safest possible minimum intensity and aimed away from the hillside. Review of site and construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permit All swimming pools located on the Project Site shall be fenced pursuant to City regulations. Review of construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit Potential impact to mesquite hummock habitat Prior to any construction or site preparation activities that would impact the 3.4 acres of mesquite hummock, the agency or project developer shall enter into a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with CDFG and an appropriate non-profit organization whose purpose is to acquire and manage land for the purpose of protecting special status plants and wildlife. This MOU shall provide the organization chosen the financial resources necessary to purchase and manage 3.4 acres of mesquite hummock in the Willow Hole area or in another area where the habitat is contiguous and large preserves already protect much of this habitat type. The exact location and cost shall be determined through consultation with CDFG and the selected organization. Verification of receipt of financial security instrument and copy of the MOU City of La Quinta, CDFG Prior to the issuance of grading permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -10- Potential impact to areas under the jurisdiction of the ACOE and the CDFG Prior to the commencement of on-site grading, a 404 permit shall be obtained, if legally required, for alteration of areas under the ACOE jurisdiction. In addition, if development activities are to take place within streambeds or drainages under the jurisdiction of the CDFG, a streambed alteration agreement shall first be obtained, if legally required. Receipt of required permits City of La Quinta, CDFG, ACOE Prior to the issuance of grading permit Hazards Exposure to asbestos is a significant impact Prior to the demolition or renovation of the on-site single family residence, asbestos containing materials (ACM) shall be removed in accordance with current regulatory guidelines. Proof that a qualified demolition team has been retained City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of demolition permit Noise Construction noise would impact local residents and sensitive receptors Between May 1 and September 30, all construction activities on the project site shall only occur between the hours of 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM Monday through Friday, and from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday, and shall be prohibited on Sundays and public holidays. Between October 1 and April 30, all construction activity on the project site shall only occur between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:30 PM Monday through Friday, and from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday, and shall be prohibited on Sundays and public holidays. All operational activities of the Project shall also be subject to the Noise Ordinance of the City as well. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit All construction equipment operating in the planning area shall be fitted with well-maintained functional mufflers to limit noise emissions. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit, ongoing throughout construction Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -11- To the greatest extent feasible, earth moving and hauling routes shall be located away from existing residences. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit The design, selection and placement of the mechanical equipment for various buildings shall include consideration of the potential noise impact they may have on uses within the development site. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permit Silencers and/or barriers shall be provided where necessary at outdoor equipment, such as cooling towers, air cooled condensers and refrigeration compressors/condenser units, and at the air intake and discharge openings for building ventilation systems. Review of construction plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permit Public Services The proposed project would incrementally increase demand for service on the Riverside County Fire Department The Riverside County Fire Department, in its review of new development proposals, shall evaluate project plans and the Department’s ability to provide proper fire protection. This review shall include, but shall not be limited to, internal circulation, project directories, street names, and numbering systems. New developments shall comply with all City and Fire Department standards. Review of site and landscape plan Riverside County Fire Department and City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -12- The proposed project would incrementally increase demand for service on the Riverside County Sheriff Department The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department shall review new development proposals in order to evaluate project plans and the Department’s ability to provide adequate police protection. This review should include, but not be limited to internal circulation, project directories, street names, and numbering systems. New developments shall comply with all established City and Sheriff standards. Review of site and landscape plan Riverside County Sheriff Department and City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit Utilities and Service Systems The project would result in an incremental increase in electrical demand The most efficient furnaces, water heaters, pool heaters and other equipment that use natural gas shall be used in project construction. The use of kitchen appliances that use natural gas and alternative, renewable energy sources, including solar and wind turbine technologies shall also be used to the greatest extent feasible. Review of construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permits Title 24 of the California Administrative Code, which addresses energy conservation in all proposed uses shall be strictly enforced in project design and construction. Review of construction plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permits The use of septic systems in the City could result in potential impacts All planned uses shall be connected to the city-wide sewer system. Review of construction plan Coachella Valley Water District Prior to issuance of grading permit Any existing or historic septic systems located on the site shall be abandoned in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations prior to the issuance of building permits. Review of construction plan Coachella Valley Water District and City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -13- The incremental increase in solid waste generation could result in potential impacts A recycling program shall be developed for all proposed uses. Recycling provisions for commercial and business establishments should include separate recycling bins. Items to be recycled at commercial establishments may include white paper, computer legal paper, cardboard, glass and aluminum cans. Receipt of recycling program City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of occupancy permit Professional landscaping services from companies which compost green waste shall be utilized. Verification that a qualified landscaping service has been retained City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of occupancy permit The incremental demand from the project on utility systems could result in potential impacts The Projects fair share of public utilities, infrastructure and improvements required to properly service the proposed uses shall be determined through consultation with the City Department of Public Works and paid prior to the issuance of grading permits. Verification of receipt of financial security instrument. City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit Aesthetics The project area is adjacent to a scenic area. Development would alter the aesthetic nature of the area Landscape designs and materials that complement the native desert environment shall be utilized in project design and construction. Review of landscape and design plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit Overhead utility lines shall be undergrounded to the greatest extent possible through the establishment of an undergrounding program and guidelines subject to the review of the City Engineer and Public Works Department. Review of design and site plans City of La Quinta Public Works and City Engineer Prior to the issuance of grading permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -14- Signage shall be limited to the locations, sizes, and maintenance requirements necessary to provide functional identification. Review of design plan City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit Safe, convenient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, screened outdoor storage/loading and other unsightly areas, protected and enhanced outdoor seating areas, appropriate lighting levels, limited signage, and landscaping designs that preserve and enhance visual resources shall be included in the design of any commercial area on the Project Site. Review of landscape and design plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of building permit Development proposed along designated scenic highways, roadways and corridors shall be reviewed for compatibility with the natural and built environments to assure maximum viewshed protection and pedestrian and vehicular activity. Review of landscape and design plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit All grading and development proposed within scenic viewsheds, shall be regulated to minimize adverse impacts to these viewsheds. All grading, development and landscaping plans shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the issuance of grading permits.. Review of landscape and design plans City of La Quinta Prior to the issuance of grading permit The project would introduce new sources of light and glare that would alter the existing nighttime environment Outdoor lighting shall be limited to the minimum height, number of fixtures, and intensity needed to provide sufficient security and identification in each development, making every reasonable effort to protect the community’s night skies. Review of design and site plans City of La Quinta, Riverside County Sheriff Department Prior to the issuance of building permit Env. Issue Area Potential Env. Impact Mitigation Measure Method of Review Responsible Agency Monitoring Milestone Verification of Compliance Verification Initial Date Remarks -15- Cultural Resources There is potential for discovery of unidentified subsurface cultural resources during future ground altering activities During any ground altering activities associated with project grading or construction, including demolition of existing modern structures and facilities, the project area shall be monitored by a qualified archaeological monitor. The monitor shall have the authority to halt any activities impacting potentially significant cultural resources until the resources can be evaluated for significance and cleared or mitigated. The monitoring program shall also include consultation with the local Native American representatives (e.g., Torres-Martinez and/or Morongo Reservations). Verification that a qualified historical consultant has been retained City of La Quinta Prior to issuance of grading permit