31143311'3 TIE DUNES BUSINESS PARK PARCEL MAP 31143 HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS REPORT FOR ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS PREPARED BY: THE KEITH COMPANIES i PREPARED FOR: THE DUNES BUSINESS PARK, LLC 3550 WEST 6TH STREET, SUITE 400 LOS ANGELES, CA 90020 June 27, 2005 THE DUNES BUSINESS PARK PARCEL MAP 31143 HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS REPORT FOR ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS PREPARED BY: THE KEITH COMPANIES Numc PALM DESERT DIVISION 73 -733 FRED WARING DRIVE, SUITE 100 PALM DESERT, CA Prepared Under the Supervision of: Brooks D. Franklin R.C.E. 61887 Expiration Date: Sept 30, 2005 o QRpF ESS /p� Z No. 61887 m m Exp. 9/30/05 J� CIVIL �Q qTF OF CA_\F��� THE DUNES BUSINESS PARIS . PARCEL MAP 31143 HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS REPORT FOR ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS: I PURPOSE AND SCOPE DESIGN CRITERIA II SUMMARY OF CALCULATIONS III RETENTION BASIN CALCULATIONS SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH - 100 YEAR IV RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS -100 YEAR V RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS -10 YEAR VI CATCH BASIN DESIGN VII STORM DRAIN PIPE DESIGN VIII APPENDIX "A" - RCFCD REFERENCE MATERIAL IX APPENDIX "B" HYDROLOGY MAP 1 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ' The purpose of this report is to provide a hydrology and hydraulic analysis for the proposed Dunes Business Park located in' the City of La Quinta, California. The site is located on the west side of the existing 99 Cent Store and Jack In The Box on the north side of Highway This report summarizes the hydrology and hydraulics calculations for the site. The proposed storm drain system consists of four lines (Lines "A ", `B ", "C", and "D ") that convey the on- site flows into the existing C.V.W.D. Whitewater Channel. The proposed temporary retention basin was sized for the 100 -year storm and will handle runoff from the three rough graded pads on the south side of the site. In the event of an emergency, water will be conveyed to the southwest, in keeping with the original drainage ' patterns. Per City of La Quinta requirements, sizing of the storm drain system and catch basins were ' based on the 100 -year storm event. I'. 1 n n u This report includes: 1) the determination of on -site drainage areas as identified on the hydrology map for the proj ect; 2) determination of peak flow rates using the Rational Method (Riverside County) software by C1vilCADD /CivilDesign; 3) determination of storm drain pipe sizes utilizing `StormCAD' hydraulic software; and 4) the determination of flood volumes for the retention basins utilizing Riverside County Flood Control District (RCFCD) Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (Short-cut Method) for the 100 year storm event. DESIGN CRITERIA The following Riverside County Flood Control District (RCFCD) parameters were used in the preparation of the analyses: • Antecedant Moisture Condition —100 year 3 0 2 year — 1 hour Precipitation 0.5" Plate D -4.3 • 100 year — 1 hour Precipitation 1.6" Plate D -4.4 • Slope of Intensity Duration Curve 0.58 Plate D -4.6 • 2 year — 3 hour Precipitation 0.7" Plate E -5.1 0 100 year — 3 hour Precipitation 2.2" Plate E -5.2 0 2 year — 6 hour Precipitation 0.8" Plate E -5.3 • '100 year — 6 hour Precipitation 2.75" Plate E -5.4 0 2 year — 24 hour Precipitation 1.1" Plate E -5.4 0 100 year — 24 hour Precipitation 4.5" Plate E -5.6 • Runoff Coefficient 0.90 Plate D -5.6 0 Hydrologic Soil Type "A" SUMMARY, OF CALCULATIONS SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY: TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT STORM - EFFECTIVE FLOOD REQUIRED PEAK DURATION RAIN VOLUME STORAGE FLOW 55.89 24 3,341 55.91 RATE hour (in) cuff ) (acft) (cult (acft) (cfs 3 0.49 3,673 0.08 3,642 0.08 2.53 6 0.44 3,266 — 0.07 3,239 0.07 1.94 24 0.45 3,369 1 0.08 3,341 0.08 0.13 RETENTION BASIN SIZING:. The proposed retention basin is designed to retain the volume generated by the I00 -year storm event. ON -SITE VOLUME REQUIRED vs VOLUME PROVIDED TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN - 100 YEAR STORM EVENT DURATION (hour) VOLUME REQUIRED c VOLUME PROVIDED c MAXIMUM WSEL ft 3 3,642 6,671 55.96 6 3,239 55.89 24 3,341 55.91 fl DRAINAGE INLETS I d I 1 it A summary is provided below for each inlet. INLET BASIN All proposed inlets are in sag condition. Curb inlet catch basins (City of La Quinta Std. 300) TYPE and grated inlets were used. The modified curb inlet/drywell consists of the standard curb 1 inlet catch basin placed over a 48" precast perforated concrete ring drywell. The capacities of CURB INLET CATCH BASIN the City of La Quinta standard curb inlet catch basins were analyzed using the weir equation 2 as per the City of La Quinta storm drain requirements. The capacity is 10.1 cfs when W=4'; ' therefore all catch basins, should adequately handle flows from the 100 -year storm event. The grated inlets were sized using nomographs from the U.S. Department of Transportation. I d I 1 it A summary is provided below for each inlet. INLET BASIN INLET DISCHARGE Q1oo (cfs TYPE SIZE 1 2.93 CURB INLET CATCH BASIN W =4' 2 3.00 CURB INLET CATCH BASIN W =4' 3 2.09 MODIFIED CURB 1NLET/DRYWELL W =4' 4 9.44 GRATED INLET 48 "x60" 5 8.12 GRATED INLET 48 "x48" 6 11.11 GRATED INLET 60 "x60" 7 3.94 CURB INLET CATCH BASIN W=4' RETENTION BASIN CALCULATIONS TEMPORARY RETENTI ®N BASIN s A B C D 1 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH ! a 2 DATA INPUT SHEET - -� -- � - -- - - - -- _i - - - -- ---- - - -_ -- 3 -- - -- - - -- — - -- 4 WORKSHEET PREPARED BY: _ JLStp -- 5 6 PROJECT NAME —_ The;Dunes Business FarkRou °h'Graded�(?arcels`13 7 TKC JOB # 9 CONCENTRATION POINT DESIGNATION TEMPORARYf2E :TENTIQ,N�BASIN`s,,R�`�;� 10 AREA DESIGNATION — QIVrSITETS; - 11 - -- - I 12 TRIBUTARY AREAS — ACRES I - 13 —t; 14 COMMERCIAL - - 15 PAVING /HARDSCAPE 16 SF - 1 ACRE -- - - - - -- ;:- �;11,sSil�v "`,..,\.yy 17 SF - 112 ACRE 18 SF - 1/4 ACREn}s� °_;,•,j 19 MF - CONDOMINIUMS 20 MF - APARTMENTS 21 MOBILE HOME PARK 22 LANDSCAPING 23 RETENTION BASIN 24 GOLF COURSE INS 25 MOUNTAINOUS - 26 LOW LOSS RATE (PERCENT)- 27 - 28 LENGTH OF WATERCOURSE (L) r.4�';r , .•.,.1,73'. ''�?a,;;,;,�;:�t���,�t;,,r�•= 4x: , � - -- 29 _ LENGTH TO POINT OPPOSITE CENTROID (Lca)s`'�F1 ='£15 - 30 31 ELEVATION OF HEADWATER 32 ELEVATION'OF CONCENTRATION POINT °r2'z7 >:3 =56 53: j 34 AVERAGE MANN INGS 'N' VALUE'µs<<s;QQ2 35 36 STORM FREQUENCY (YEAR) ' " ; 00' - 37 38 POINT RAIN 1- 39 3 -HOUR 40 6 -HOUR -- - -e': M <RD' = °'`+:25 ", — 41 24 -HOUR 42 43 BASIN CHARACTERISTICS: i ELEVATION a AREA 44u�y"3�. ��a . 5����,. a�n �� r 45;4 >�� 46 -. -- -- - - - - -- - - -- -- 47 -- 49 a 07 — 50 PERCOLATION RATE (in /hr) - -- -- - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - 52 : ,,_..;,z{ ,•.N t�\.` „^ ,A }�ti3O -- - - - - -- - 54 -- - -- - - - -- - -- DRYWELL DATA NUMBER USED PERCOLATION RATE cfs - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- 55 56 1i t t I - L i! RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD PROJECT: BASIC DATA CALCULATION FORM TKC JOB # SHORTCUT METHOD BY The Dunes Business Park- Rough Graded Parcels 1 -3 3054.03' JLS DATE 6/23/2005 DURATION PHYSICAL DATA 6 -HOUR 24 -HOUR EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) (11 CONCENTRATION POINT 0.44 0.45 TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN 3,673 0.08 121 AREA DESIGNATION 3,369 0.08 REQUIRED STORAGE (cu -ft) (acre -ft) 3,642 0.08 ON -SITE 3,341 0.08 [31 AREA - ACRES 2.53. 1.94 0.13 2.063 55.961 4 L -FEET 55.91 173 5 L -MILES 0.033 6 La -FEET 87.00 La -MILES 0.016 (81 ELEVATION OF HEADWATER 57.5 191 ELEVATION OF CONCENTRATION POINT 56.53 10 H -FEET 0.97 11 S- FEET /MILE 29.6 [121 SAO .5 5.44 13 L'LCA/SA0.5 0.000 [141 AVERAGE MANNINGS'N' 0.02 [151 LAG TIME -HOURS 0.01 [161 LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.9 [171100% OF LAG- MINUTES 0.9 [181200% OF LAG- MINUTES 1.7 1191 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 100 % -200% OF LAG 5 [24] TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE (cfs) 0.00 RAINFALL DATA [1] SOURCE [2] FREQUENCY -YEARS 100 [3] DURATION: 3 -HOURS 6 -HOURS 24 -HOURS F[5) T ES -5.2 AREA [6] [7] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES [81 POINT RAIN INCHES Plate E -5.4 [91 AREA [101 [11) AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES [121 POINT RAIN INCHES Plate E -5.6 [131 AREA [14) [15] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES 2.00 2.063 1.00 2.00 2.50 2.063 1.00 2.50 4.50 2.063 1.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUM [5] 2.0625 SUM [7] [16] AREA ADJ FACTOR [17]'ADJ AVG POINT RAIN 2,00 SUM [9] 1 2.06 SUM [11] 2.50 SUM [13] 1 2.06 SUM [15] 4.50 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.00 2.50 4.50 STORM EVENT SUMMARY DURATION 3 -HOUR 6 -HOUR 24 -HOUR EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 0.49 0.44 0.45 FLOOD VOLUME (cu -ft) (acre -ft) 3,673 0.08 3,266 0.07 3,369 0.08 REQUIRED STORAGE (cu -ft) (acre -ft) 3,642 0.08 3,239 0.07 3,341 0.08 PEAK FLOW (cfs) 2.53. 1.94 0.13 MAXIMUM WSEL (ft) 55.961 55.89 55.91 Plate E -2.1 Page 2 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD PROJECT The Dunes Business Park- Rough Graded Parcels 1 -3 CONCENTRATION POINT: TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN BY JLS DATE 6/23/2005 AVERAGE ADJUSTED LOSS RATE SOIL GROUP Plate C -1 LAND USE RI NUMBER Plate E -6.1 PERVIOUS AREA INFILTRATION RATE (in /hr) Plate E -6.2 DECIMAL PERCENT OF AREA IMPERVIOUS Plate E -6.3 ADJUSTED INFILTRATION RATE (in /hr) AREA AVERAGE ADJUSTED INFILTRATION RATE (in /hr) A COMMERCIAL 32 0.74 90% 0.14 0.00 0.000 0.0000 A PAVING /HARDSCAPE 32 0.74 100% 0.07 0.00 0.000 0.0000 A SF - 1 ACRE 32 0.74 20% 0.61 0.00 0.000 0.0000 -A SF - 1/2 ACRE 32 0.74 40% 0.47 0.00 0.000 0.0000 A SF - 1/4 ACRE 32 0.74 50% 0.41 0.00 0.000 0.0000 A MF - CONDOMINIUMS 32 0.74 65% 0.31 0.00 0.000 0.0000 A MF - APARTMENTS 32 0.74 80% 0.21 0.00 0.000 0.0000 A MOBILE HOME PARKS 32 0.74 75% 0.24 0.00 0.000 0.0000 A LANDSCAPING 32 0.74 0% 0.74 2.06 1.000 0.7400 A RETENTION BASINS 32 0.74 0% 0.74 0.00 0.000 0.0000 A GOLF COURSE 32 0.74 0% 0.74 0.00 0.000 0.0000 D MOUNTAINOUS 93 0.95 90% 0.18 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.000 0.0000 SUM 2.0625 SUM 0.7400 VARIABLE LOSS RATE CURVE 24 -HOUR STORM ONLY) Fm= 0.37 C= 0.00685 Ft= C(24- (T /60)) ^1.55 = 0.00685 1 (24- (T /60)) ^1.55 + 0.37 in /hr LOW LOSS RATE (80 -90 PERCENT) = 90% Where: T =Time in minutes. To get an average value for each unit time period, Use T =1/2 the unit time for the first time period, T =1 112 unit time for the second period, etc. Plate E -2.1 Page 3 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 3 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: The Dunes Business Park - Rough Graded Parcels 1 -3 CONCENTRATION POINT: TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN BY: JLS DATE 6/23/2005 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES 2.06 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 5 LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.87 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG 576.6 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.00 CONSTANT LOSS RATE -in /hr 0.74 LOW LOSS RATE - PERCENT 90% TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE (cfs) 0.00 cfs Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in/hr Max Low Effective Rain in /hr Flood Hydrograph Flow cfs Required Storage cf 1 5 0.08 1.3 0.312 0.74 0.28 0.03 0.06 19.31 2 10 0.17 1.3 0.312 0.74 0.28 0.03 0.06 19.31 3 15 0.25 1.1 0.264 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.05 16.34 4 20 0.33 1.5 0.360 0.74 0.32 0.04 0.07 22.28 5 25 0.42 1.5 0.360 0.74 0.32 0.04 0.07 22.28 6 30 0.50 1.8 0.432 0.74 0.39 0.04 0.09 26.73 7 35 0.58 1.5 0.360 0.74 0.32 0.04 0.07 22.28 8 40 0.67 1.8 0.432 0.74 0.39 0.04 0.09 26.73 9 45 0.75 1.8 0.432 0.74 0.39 0.04 0.09 26.73 10 50 0.83 1.5 0.360 0.74 0.32 0.04 0.07 22.28 11 55 0.92 1.6 1 0.384 0.74 0.35 0.04 0.08 23.76 12 60 1:00 1.8 0.432 0.74 0.39 0.04 0.09 26.73 13 65 1.08 2.2 0.528 0.74 0.48 0.05 0.11 32.67 14 70 1.17 2.2 0.528 0.74 0.48 0.05 0.11 32.67 15 75 1.25 2.2 0.528 0.74 0.48 0.05 0.11 32.67 16 80 1.33 2.0 0.480 0.74 0.43 0.05 0.10 29.70 17 85 1.42 2.6 0.624 1 0.74 0.56 0.06 0.13 38.61 18 90 1.50 2.7 0.648 0.74 0.58 0.06 0.13 40.10 19 95 1.58 2.4 0.576 0.74 0.52 0.06 0.12 35.64 20 100 1.67 2.7 0.648 0.74 0.58 0.06 0.13 40.10 21 105 1.75 3.3 0.792 0.74 0.71 0.05 0.11 32.18 22 110 1.83 3.1 0.744 0.74 0.67 0.00 0.01 2.48 23 115 1.92 2.9 0.696 0.74 0.63 0.07 0.14 43.07 24 120 2.00 3.0 0.720 0.74 0.65 0.07 0.15 44.55 25 125 2.08 3.1 0.744. 0.74 0.67 0.00 0.01 2.48 26 130 2.17 4.2 1.008 ' 0.74 0.91 0.27 0.55 165.83 27 135 2.25 5.0 1.200 0.74 1.08 0.46 0.95 284.63 28 140 2.33 3.5 0.840 0.74 0.76 0.10 0.21 61.88 29 145 2.42 6.8 1.632 0.74 1.47 0.89 1.84 551.93 30 150 2.50 7.3 1.752 0.74 1.58 1.01 2.09 626.18 31 155 2.58 8.2 1.968 0.74 1.77 1.23 2.53 759.83 32 160 2.67 5.9 1.416 0.74 1.27 0.68 1.39 418.28 33 165 2.75 2.0 0.480 0.74 0.43 0.05 0.10 29.70 34 170 2.83 1.8 0.432 0.74 0.39 0.04 0.09 26.73 35 175 2.92 1.8 0.432 0.74 0.39 0.04 0.09 26.73 36 180 3.00 0.6 0.144 0.74 0.13 0.01 0.03 1 8.91 EFFECTIVE RAIN & FLOOD VOLUMES SUMMARY EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 0.49 FLOOD VOLUME (acft) 0.08 FLOOD VOLUME (cult) 3672.58 REQUIRED STORAGE (acft) 0.08 REQUIRED STORAGE (cuft) 3642.21 PEAK FLOW RATE (cfs) 2.53 Plate E -2.2 Page 4 of 14 u t J d 1 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT, HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 6 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: The Dunes Business Park - Rough Graded Parc CONCENTRATION POINT: TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN BY: JLS DATE: 6/23/2005 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES 2.06 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 5 LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.87 UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG 576.6 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.50 CONSTANT LOSS RATE -in /hr 0.740 LOW LOSS RATE - PERCENT 90% TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE (cfs) 0.00 cfs Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in /hr Max Low Effective Rain in /hr Flood Hydrograph Flow cfs Required Storage cf 1 5 0.08 0.5 0.150 0.74 0.14 0.02 0.03 9.28 2 10 0.17 0.6 0.180 0.74 0.16 0.02 0.04 11.14 3 15 0.25 0.6 0.180 0.74 0.16 0.02 0.04 11.14 4 20 0.33 0.6 0.180 0.74 0.16 0.02 0.04 11.14 5 25 0.42 0.6 0.180 0.74 0.16 0.02 0.04 11.14 6 30 0.50 0.7 0.210 034 0.19 0.02 0.04 12.99 7 35 0.58 0.7 0.210 0.74 0.19 0.02 0.04 12.99 8 40 0.67 0.7 0.210 0.74 0.19 0.02 0.04 12.99 9 45 0.75 0.7 0.210 0.74 0.19 0.02 0.04 12.99 10 50 0.83 0.7 0.210 0.74 0.19 0.02 0.04 12.99 11 55 0.92 0.7 0.210 0.74 0.19 0.02 0.04 12.99 12 60 1.00 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 13 65 1.08 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 14 70 1.17 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 15 75 1.25 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 16 80 1.33 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 17 85 1.42 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 18 90 1.50 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 19 95 1.58 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 20 100 1.67 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 21 105 1.75 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 22 110 1.83 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 23 115 1.92 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 24 120 2.00 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 25 125 2.08 0.8 0.240 0.74 0.22 0.02 0.05 14.85 26 130 2.17 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 27 135 2.25 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 28 140 2.33 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 29 145 2.42 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 30 150 2.50 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 31 155 2.58 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 32 160 2.67 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 33 165 2.75 1.0 0.300 0.74 0.27 0.03 0.06 18.56 34 170 2.83 1.0 0.300 0.74 0.27 0.03 0.06 18.56 35 175 2.92 1.0 0,300 0.74 0.27 0.03 0.06 18.56 36 180 3.00 1.0 0,300 0.74 0.27 0.03 0.06 18.56 37 185 3.08 1.0 0,300 0.74 0.27 0.03 0.06 18.56 38 190 3.17 1.1 0,330 0.74 0.30 0.03 0.07 20.42 39 195 3.25 1.1 0.330 0.74 0.30 0.03 0.07 20.42 40 200 3.33 1.1 0.330 0.74 0.30 0.03 0.07 20.42 41 205 3.42 1.2 0.360 0.74 0.32 0.04 0.07 22.28 42 210 3.50 1.3 0.390 0.74 0.35 0.04 0.08 24.13 43 215 3.58 1.4 0.420 0.74 0.38 0.04 0.09 25.99 44 220 3.67 1.4 0.420 0.74 0.38 0.04 0.09 25.99 45 225 3.75 1.5 0.450 0.74 0.41 0.05 0.09 27.84 46 230 3.83 1.5 0.450 0.74 0.41 0.05 0.09 27.84 47 235 3.92 1.6 0.480 0.74 0.43 0.05 0.10 29.70 48 240 4.00 1.6 0.480 0.74 0.43 0.05 0.10 29.70 49 245 4.08 1.7 0.510 0.74 0.46 0.05 0.11 31.56 50 250 4.17 1.8 0.540 0.74 0.49 0.05 0.11 33.41 51 255 4.25 1.9 0.570 0.74 0.51 0.06 0.12 35.27 52 260 4.33 2.0 0.600 0.74 0.54 0.06 0.12 37.13 53 265 4.42 2.1 0.630 0.74 0.57 0.06 0.13 38.98 54 270 4.50 2.1 0.630 0.74 0.57 0.06 0.13 38.98 55 275 4.58 2.2 0.660 0.74 0.59 0.07 0.14 40.84 56 280 4.67 2.3 0.690 0.74 1 0.62 0.07 0.14 42.69 Plate E -2.2 Page 5 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 6 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: CONCENTRATION POINT: BY: JLS The Dunes Business Park - Rough Graded Pan TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN DATE: 6/23/2005 FLOOD VOLUME (acft) 0.07 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM REQUIRED STORAGE (acft) 0.07 REQUIRED STORAGE (cult) DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES UNIT TIME - MINUTES LAG TIME - MINUTES UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES CONSTANT LOSS RATE -in /hr LOW LOSS RATE - PERCENT 2.06 5 0.87 576.6 2.50 0.740 90% TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE (cfs) 0.00 cfs Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattem Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in /hr Max Low Effective Rain in /hr Flood Hydrograph Flow cis Required Storage cf 57 285 4.75 2.4 0.720 0.74 0.65 0.07 0.15 44.55 58 290 4.83 2.4 1 0.720 0.74 0.65 0.07 0.15 44.55 59 295 4.92 2.5 0.750 0.74 0.68 0.01 0.02 6.19 60 300 5.00 2.6 0.780 0.74 0.70 0.04 0.08 24.75 61 305 5.08 3.1 0.930 0.74 0.84 0.19 0.39 117.56 62 310 5.17 3.6 1.080 0.74 0.97 0.34 0.70 210.38 63 315 5.25 3.9 1.170 0.74 1.05 0.43 0.89 266.06 64 320 5.33 4.2 1.260 0.74 1.13 0.52 1.07 321.75 65 325 5.42 4.7 1.410 0.74 1.27 0.67 1.38 414.56 66 330 5.50 5.6 1.680 0.74 1.51 0.94 1.94 581.63 67 335 5.58 1.9 0.570 0.74 0.51 0.06 0.12 35.27 68 340 5.67 0.9 0.270 0.74 0.24 0.03 0.06 16.71 69 345 5.75 0.6 0.180 0.74 0.16 0.02 0.04 11.14 70 350 5.83 0.5 0.150 0.74 0.14 0.02 0.03 9.28 71 355 5.92 0.3 0.090 0.74 0.08 0.01 0.02 5.57 72 360 6.00 0.2 0.060 1 0.74 0.05 0.01 0.01 3.71 EFFECTIVE RAIN & FLOOD VOLUMES SUMMARY EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 0.44 FLOOD VOLUME (acft) 0.07 FLOOD VOLUME (cult) 3265.54 REQUIRED STORAGE (acft) 0.07 REQUIRED STORAGE (cult) 3238.54 PEAK FLOW RATE (cfs) 1.94 Plate E -2.2 Page 6 of 14 t t r t 1 r RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM EVENT ' PROJECT: The Dunes Business Park - Rough Graded Parc CONCENTRATION POINT: TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN BY: JLS DATE: 6123/2005 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES 2.063 . UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15 LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.87 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG 1729.8 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 4.50 CONSTANT LOSS RATE -in /hr n/a VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG) in/hr 0.7400 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (for var. loss) - in /hr 0.370 LOW LOSS RATE - DECIMAL 0.90 C 0.00685 PERCOLATION RATE cfs 0.00 Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in /hr Max Low Effective Rain in /hr Flood Hydrograph Flow cfs Required Storage cf 1 15 0.25 0.2 0.036 1.307 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 2 30 0.50 0.3 0.054 1.292 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 3 45 0.75 0.3 0.054 1.277 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 4 60 1.00 0.4 0.072 1 1.262 0.065 0.007 0.01 13.37 5 75 1.25 0.3 0.054 1.247 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 6 90 1.50 0.3 0.054 1.232 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 7 105 1.75 0.3 0.054 1.217 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 8 120 2.00 0.4 0.072 1.202 0.065 0.007 0.01 13.37 9 135 2.25 0.4 0.072 1.188 0.065 0.007 0.01 13.37 10 150 2.50 0.4 0.072 1.174 0.065 0.007 0.01 1 13.37 11 165 2.75 0.5 0.090 1.159 0.081 0.009 0.02 16.71 12 180 3.00 0.5 0.090 1.145 0.081 0.009 0.02 16.71 13 195 3.25 0.5 0.090 1.131 0.081 0.009 0.02 16.71 14 210 3.50 0.5 0.090 1.117 0.081 0.009 0.02 16.71 15 225 3.75 0.5 0.090 1.103 0.081 0.009 0.02 16.71 16 240 4.00 0.6 0.108 1.089 0.097 0.011 0.02 20.05 17 255 4.25 0.6 0.108 1.075 0.097 0.011 1 0.02 20.05 18 270 4.50 0.7 0.126 1.061 0.113 0.013 0.03 23.39 19 285 4.75 0.7 0.126 1.048 0.113 0.013 0.03 23.39 20 300 5.00 0.8 0.144 1.034 0.130 0.014 0.03 26.73 21 315 5.25 0.6 0.106 1.021 0.097 0.011 0.02 20.05 22 330 5.50 0.7 0.126 1.007 0.113 0.013 0.03 23.39 23 345 5.75 0.8 0.144 0.994 0.130 0.014 0.03 26.73 24 360 6.00 0.8 0.144 0.981 0.130 0.014 0.03 26.73 25 375 6.25 0.9 0.162 0.968 0.146 0.016 0.03 30.07 26 390 6.50 0.9 0.162 0.955 1 0.146 0.016 0.03 30.07 27 405 6.75 1.0 1 0.180 0.942 0.162 0.018 0.04 33.41 28 420 7.00 1.0 0.180 0.930 0.162 0.018 0.04 33.41 29 435 7.25 1.0 0.180 0.917 0.162 0.018 0.04 33.41 30 450 7.50 1.1 0.198 0.905 0.178 0.020 0.04 36.75 31 465 7.75 1.2 0.216 0.892 0.194 0.022 0.04 40.10 32 480 8.00 1.3 0.234 0.880 0.211 0.023 0.05 43.44 33 495 8.25 1.5 0.270 1 0.868 0.243 0.027 0.06 50.12 34 510 8.50 1.5 0.270 0.856 0.243 0.027 0.06 50.12 35 525 8.75 1 1.6 0.288 0.844 0.259 0.029 0.06 53.46 36 1 540 9.00 1.7 0.306 0.832 0.275 0.031 0.06 56.80 37 555 9.25 1.9 0.342 0.820 0.308 0.034 0.07 63.48 38 570 9.50 2.0 0.360 0.808 0.324 0.036 0.07 66.83 39 585 9.75 2.1 0.378 0.797 0.340 0.038 0.08 70.17 40 600 10.00 2.2 0.396 0.785 0.356 0.040 0.08 73.51 41 615 10.25 0.270 0.774 0.243 0.027 0.06 50.12 42 630 10.50 1.1.5 5 0.270 0.763 0.243 0.027 0.06 50.12 43 645 10.75 2.0 0.360 0.752 0.324 0.036 0.07 66.83 44 660 11.00 2.0 0.360 0.741 0.324 0.036 0.07 66.83 45 675 11.25 1.9 0.342 0.730 0.308 0.034 0.07 63.48 46 690 11.50 1.9 0.342 0.719 0.308 0.034 0.07 63.48 47 705 11.75 1.7 0.306 0.708 0.275 0.031 0.06 56.80 48 720 12.00 1.8 0.324 0.698 0.292 0.032 1 0.07 60.14 49 735 12.25 2.5 OA50 0.687 0.405 0.045 0.09 83.53 50 750 12.50 2.6 OA68 0.677 0.421 0.047 0.10 86.87 51 765 12.75 2.8 0.504 0.667 0.454 0.050 0.10 93.56 52 780 13.00 2.9 0.522 0.657 0.470 0.052 0.11 96.90 53 795 13.25 3.4 0.612 0.647 0.551 0.061 0.13 113.60 54 810 13.50 3.4 0.612 0.637 0.551 0.061 0.13 113.60 55 825 13.75 2.3 OA14 0.627 0.373 0.041 0.09 76.85 56 840 14.00 2.3 OA14 0.618 0.373 0.041 0.09 76.85 57 855 14.25 2.7 OA86 0.608 0.437 0.049 0.10 90.21 58 870 14.50 0.468 0.599 0.421 0.047 0.10 86.87 59 885 14.75 OA68 0.590 0.421 0.047 0.10 86.87 60 900 15.00 OA50 0.581 0.405 0.045 0.09 83.53 61 915 15.25 M2.3 0.432 0.572 0.389 0.043 0.09 80.19 62 930 15.50 0.414 0.563 0.373 0.041 0.09 76.85 63 945 15.75 0.342 0.555 0.308 0.034 0.07 63.48 64 960 16.00 0.342 0.546 0.308 0.034 0.07 63.48 65 975 16.25 0.072 0.538 0.065 j 0.007 1 0.01 13.37 els 1 -3 Plate E -2.2 Page 7 of 14 RCFCD SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM EVENT PROJECT: The Dunes Business Park - Rough Graded Parc CONCENTRATION POINT: TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN BY: JLS DATE: 6/23/2005 EFFECTIVE RAIN CALCULATION FORM DRAINAGE AREA -ACRES 2.063 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15 LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.87 1 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG 1729.8 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 4.50 CONSTANT LOSS RATE -in/hr n/a VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG) in/hr 0.7400 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (for var. loss) - in/hr 0.370 LOW LOSS RATE - DECIMAL 0.90 C 0.00685 PERCOLATION RATE cfs 0.00 Unit Time Period Time Minutes Hours Pattern Percent Plate E -5.9 Storm Rain in /hr Loss Rate in/hr Max Low Effective Rain in/hr Flood Hydrograph Flow cfs Required Storage cf 66 990 16.50 0.4 0.072 0.530 0.065 0.007 0.01 13.37 67 1005 16.75 0.3 0.054 0.522 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 68 1020 17.00 0.3 0.054 0.514 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 69 1 1035 17.25 0.5 0.090 0.506 0.081 0.009 0.02 16.71 70 1050 17.50 0.5 0.090 0.498 0.081 0.009 0.02 16.71 71 1065 17.75 0.5 0.090 0.491 0.081 0.009 0.02 16.71 72 1080 18.00 0.4 0.072 0.484 0.065 0.007 0.01 13.37 73 1095 18.25 0.4 0.072 0.477 1 0.065 0:007 0.01 13.37 74 1110 18.50 0.4 0.072 0.470 1 0.065 0.007 0.01 13.37 75 1125 18.75 0.3 0.054 0.463 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 76 1140 19.00 01 0.036 0.456 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 77 1155 19.25 0.3 0.054 0.450 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 78 1170 19.50 0.4 0.072 0.444 0.065 0.007 0.01 13.37 79 1185 19.75 0.3 0.054 0.438 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 80 1200 20.00 0.2 0.036 0.432 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 81 1215 20.25 0.3 0.054 0.426 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 82 1230 20.50 0.3 0.054 0.420 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 83 1245 20.75 0.3 0.054 0.415 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 84 1260 21.00 0.2 0:036 0.410 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 85 1275 21.25 0.3 0.054 0.405 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 86 1290 21.50 0.2 0.036 0.401 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 87 1305 21.75 0.3 1 0.054 0.396 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 88 1320 22.00 0.2 0.036 0.392 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 89 1335 22.25 0.3 0.054 1 0.388 0.049 0.005 0.01 10.02 90 1350 22.50 0.2 0.036 0.385 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 91 1365 22.75 0.2 0.036 0.381 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 92 1380 23.00 0.2 0.036 0.378 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 93 1395 23.25 0.2 0 -036 0.376 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 94 1410 23.50 0.2 OA36 0.373 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 95 1425 23.75 0.2 0.036 0.371 0.032 0.004 0.01 6.68 96 1440 24.00 0.2 1 0.036 0.370 1 0.032 1 0.004 0.01 6.68 EFFECTIVE RAIN & FLOOD VOLUMES SUMMARY EFFECTIVE RAIN (in) 0.45 FLOOD VOLUME (ac(t) 0.08 FLOOD VOLUME (cult) 3369.11 REQUIRED STORAGE (acft) 0.08 REQUIRED STORAGE (cult) 3341.25 PEAK FLOW cfs r 0.13 els 1 -3 Plate E -2.2 Page 8 of 14 PROJECT: The Dunes Business Park - Rough Graded Parcels 1 -3 TKC JOB # 3054.03 TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN BASIN CHARACTERISTICS CONTOUR DEPTH INCR TOTAL (ft) (ft) AREA INCR TOTAL (sf) (sf) VOLUME INCR TOTAL (cuft) (cuft) (acre -ft) 54 0 0. 0 0 0 0.00 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55 1 .1 0 0 0 ... 0 0.00 55.5 0.5 1.5 4190 4190 1048 1048 0.02 56.5 1 1 2.5 2868 70581 5624 1 6671 1 0.15 PERCOLATION CALCULATIONS PERCOLATION RATE 0 in /hr 0.00 cfs MAXWELL IV DRYWELLS NUMBER USED 0 RATE /DRYWELL 0 cfs TOTAL DISSIPATED 0 cfs TOTAL PERCOLATION RATE 0.00 cfs Basin Characteristics Page 9 of 14 TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN TKC JOB # 3054.03 100 YEAR - 3 HOUR STORM EVENT I 7 U TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs VOLUME IN cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult PERC OUT cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult BASIN DEPTH ft BALANCE IN BASIN cult acre -ft 1 5 0.06 19 19 0 19 55.01 19 0.00 2 10 0.06 19 39 0 39 55.02 39 0.00 3 15 0.05 16 55 0 55 55.03 55 0.00 4 20 0.07 22 77 0 77 55.04 77 0.00 5 25 0.07 22 99 0 99 55.05 99 0.00 6 30 0.09 27 126 0 126 55.06 126 0.00 7 35 0.07 22 149 0 149 55.07 149 0.00 8 40 0.09 27 175 01 175 55.08 175 0.00 9 45 0.09 27 202 01 202 55.10 202 0.00 10 50 0.07 22 224 01 224 55.11 224 0.01 11 55 0.08 24 248 01 248 55.12 248 0.01 12 60 0.09 27 275 0 275 55.13 275 0.01 13 65 0.11 33 307 0 307 55.15 307 0.01 14 70 0.11 33 340 0 340 55.16 340 0.01 15 75 0.11 33 373 0 373 55.18 373 0.01 16 80 0.10 30 402 0 402 55.19 402 0.01 17 85 0.13 39 441 0 441 55.21 441 0.01 18 90 0.1340 481 0 481 55.23 481 0.01 19 95 0.12 36 517 0 517 55.25 517 0.01 20 100 0.13 40 557 0 557 55.27 557 0.01 21 105 0.11 32 589 0 589 55.28 589 0.01 22 110 0.01 2 592 0 592 55.28 592 0.01 23 115 0.14 43 635 0 635 55.30 635 0.01 24 120 0.15 45 679 0 679 55.32 679 0.02 25 125 0.01 2 682 0 682 55.33 682 0.02 26 130 0.55 166 847 0 847 55.40 847 0.02 27 135 0.95 285 1,132 0 1,132 55.52 1,132 0.03 28 140 0.21 62 1,194 0 1,194 55.53 1,194 0.03 29 145 1.84 552 1,746 0 1,746 55.62 1,746 0.04 30 150 2.09 626 2,372 0 2,372 55.74 2,372 0.05 31 155 2.53 760 3,132 0 3,132 55.87 3,132 0.07 32 160 1.39 418 3,550 0 3,550 55.94 3,550 0.08 33 '165 0.10 30 3,580 0 3,580 55.95 3,580 0.08 34 170 0.09 27 3,607 0 3,607 55.96 3,607 0.08 35 175 0.09 27 3,633 0 3,633 55.96 3,633 0.08 36 180 0.03 9 3,642 0 3,642 55.96 3,642 0.08 Basin Depth Analysis Page 10 of 14 e 1 TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN TKC JOB # 3054.03 100 YEAR - 6 HOUR STORM EVENT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs VOLUME IN cult TOTAL-IN BASIN cult PERC OUT cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult BASIN DEPTH ft BALANCE IN BASIN cult acre -ft 1 5 0.03 9 9 0 9 55.00 9 0.00 2 10 0.04 11 20 0 20 55.01 20 0.00 3 15 0.04 11 32 0 32 55.02 32 0.00 4 20 0.04 11 43 0 43 55.02 43 0.00 5 25 0.04 11 54 0 54 55.03 54 0.00 6 30 0.04 13 67 0 67 55.03 67 0.00 7 35 0.04 13 80 0 80 55.04 80 0.00 8 40 0.04 13 93 0 93 55.04 93 0.00 9 45 0.04 13 106 0 106 55.05 106 0.00 10 50 .0.04 13 119 0 119 55.06 119 0.00 11 55 0.04 13 132 0 132 55.06 132 0.00 12 60 0.05 15 147 0 147 55.07 147 0.00 13 65 0.05 15 161 0 161 55.08 161 0.00 14 70 0.05 15 176 0 176 55.08 176 0.00 15 75 0.05 15 191 0 191 55.09 191 0.00 16 80 0.05 15 206 0 206 55.10 206 0.00 17 85 0.05 15 221 0 221 55.11 221 0.01 18 90 0.05 15 236 01 236 55.11 236 0.01 19 95 0.05 15 251 01 251 55.12 251 0.01 20 100 0.05 15 265 01 265 55.13 265 0.01 21 105 0.05 15 280 01 280 55.13 280 0.01 22 110 0.05 15 295 0 295 55.14 295 0.01 23 115 0.05 15 310 0 310 55.15 310 0.01 24 120 0.06 17 327 0 327 55.16 327 0.01 25 125 0.05 15 342 0 342 55.16 342 0.01 26 130 0.06 17 358 0 358 55.17 358 0.01 27 135 0.06 17 375 0 375 55.18 375 0.01 28 140 0.06 17 392 0 392 55.19 392 0.01 29 145 0.06 17 408 0 408 55.19 408 0.01 30 150 0.06 17 425 0 425 55.20 425 0.01 31 155 0.06 17 442 0 442 55.21 442 0.01 32 160 0.06 17 458 0 458 55.22 458 0.01 33 165 0.06 19 477 0 477 55.23 477 0.01 34 170 0.06 19 496 0 496 55.24 496 0.01 35 175 0.06 19 514 0 514 55.25 514 0.01 36 180 0.06 19 533 0 533 55.25 533 0.01 37 185 0.06 19 551 01 551 55.26 551 0.01 38 190 0.07 20 572 0 572 55.27 572 0.01 39 195 0.07 20 592 0 592 55.28 592 0.01 40 200 0.07 20 613 0 613 55.29 613 0.01 41 205 0.07 22 635 0 635 55.30 635 0.01 42 210 0.08 24 659 0 659 55.31 659 0.02 43 215 0.09 26 685 0 685 55.33 685 0.02 44 220 0.09 26 711 0 711 55.34 711 0.02 45 225 0.09 28 739 0 739 55.35 739 0.02 46 230 0.09 28 767 0 767 55.37 767 0.02 47 235 0.10 30 796 0 796 55.38 796 0.02 48 240 0.10 30 826 0 826 55.39 826 0.02 49 245 0.11 32 858 01 858 55.41 858 0.02 50 250 0.11 33 891 0 891 55.43 891 0.02 51 255 0.12 35 926 0 926 55.44 926 0.02 52 260 0.12 37 963 0 963 55.46 963 0.02 53 265 0.13 39 1,002 0 1,002 55.48 11002 0.02 54 270 0.13 39 1,041 0 1,041 55.50 1,041 0.02 55 275 0.14 41 1,082 01 1,082 1 55.51 1 1,082 1 0.02 Basin Depth Analysis Page 11 of 14 1 TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN TKC JOB # 3054.03 100 YEAR - 6 HOUR STORM FVFNT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs VOLUME IN cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult PERC OUT cult TOTAL IN BASIN cuff BASIN DEPTH, ft BALANCE IN BASIN. cult acre -ft 56 280 0.14 43 1,125 0 1,125 55.51 1,125 0.03 57 285 0.15 45 1,169 0 1,169 55.52 1,169 0.03 58 290 0.15 45 1,214 0 1,214 55.53 1,214 0.03 59 295 0.02 6 1,220 0 1,220 55.53 1,220 0.03 60 300 0.08 25 1,245 0 1,245 55.54 1,245 0.03 61 305 0.39 118 1,362 0 1,362 55.56 1,362 0.03 62 -310 0.70 210 1,573 0 1,573 55.59 1,573 0.04 63 315 0.89 266 1,839 0 1,839 55.64 1,839 0.04 64 320 1.07 322 2,161 01 2,161 55.70 2,161 0.05 65 325 1.38 415 2,575 0 2,575 55.77 2,575 0.06 66 330 1.94 582 3,157 0 3,157 55.88 3,157 0.07 67 335 0.12 35 3,192 0 3,192 55.88 3,192 0.07 68 340 0.06 17 3,209 0 3,209 55.88 3,209 0.07 69 345 0.04 11 3,220 0 3,220 55.89 3,220 0.07 70 350 0.03 9 3,229 01 3,229 55.89 3,229 0.07 71 355 0.02 6 3,235 01 3,235 55.89 3,235 0.07 72 360 0.01 4 3,239 01 3,239 55.89 3,239 0.07 Basin Depth Analysis Page 12 of 14 'II I L� 1 Ll TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN TKC JOB # 3054.03 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM EVENT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs VOLUME IN cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult PERC OUT cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult BASIN DEPTH ft BALANCE IN BASIN cult acre -ft 1 15 0.01 7 7 0 7 55.00 7 0.00 2 30 0.01 10 17 0 17 55.01 17 0.00 3 45 0.01 10 27 0 27 55.01 27 0.00 4 60 0.01 13 40 0 40 55.02 40 0.00 5 75 0.01 10 50 0 50 55.02 50 0.00 6 90 0.01 10 60 0 60 55.03 60 0.00 7 105 0.01 10 70 0 70 55.03 70 0.00 8 120 0.01 13 84 0 84 55.04 84 0.00 9 135 0.01 13 97 0 97 55.05 97 0.00 10 150 0.01 13 110 0 110 55.05 110 0.00 11 165 0.02 17 127 0 127 55.06 127 0.00 12 180 0.02 17 144 0 144 55.07 144 0.00 13 195 0.02 17 160 0 160 55.08 160 0.00 14 210 0.02 17 177 0 177 55.08 177 0.00 15 225 0.02 17 194 0 194 55.09 194 0.00 16 240 0.02 20 214 0 214 55.10 214 0.00 17 255 0.02 20 234 0 234 55.11 234 0.01 18 270 0.03 23 257 0 257 55.12 257 0.01 19 285 0.03 23 281 0 281 55.13 281 0.01 20 300 0.03 27 307 0 307 55.15 307 0.01 21 315 0.02 20 327 0 327 55.16 327 0.01 22 330 0.03 23 351 0 351 55.17 351 0.01 23 345 0.03 27 378 0 378 55.18 378 0.01 24 360 0.03 27 404 0 404 55.19 404 0.01 25 375 0.03 30 434 0 434 55.21 434 0.01 26 390 0.031 30 464 0 464 55.22 464 0.01 27 405 0.04 33 498 0 498 55.24 498 0.01 28 420 0.04 33 531 0 531 55.25 531 0.01 29 435 0.04 33 565 0 565 55.27 565 0.01 30 450 0.04 37 601 0 601 55.29 601 0.01 31 465 0.04 40 642 0 642 55.31 642 0.01 32 480 0.05 43 685 0 685 55.33 685 0.02 33 495 0.06 50 735 0 735 55.35 735 0.02 34 510 0.06 50 785 0 785 55.37 785 0.02 35 525 0.06 53 839 0 839 55.40 839 0.02 36 540 0.06 57 895 0 895 55.43 895 0.02 37 555 0.07 63 959 0 959 55.46 959 0.02 38 570 0.07 67 1,026 0 1,026 55.49 1,026 0.02 39 585 0.08 70 1,096 0 1,096 55.51 1,096 0.03 40 600 0.08 74 1,169 0 1,169 55.52 1,169 0.03 41 615 0.06 50 1,220 0 1,220 55.53 1,220 0.03 42 630 0.06 50 1,270 0 1,270 55.54 1,270 0.03 43 645 0.07 67 1,337 0 11337 .55.55 1,337 0.03 44 660 0.07 67 1,403 0 1,403 55.56 1,403 0.03 45 675 0.07 63 1,467 0 1,467 55.57 1,467 0.03 46 690 0.07 63 1,530 0 1,530 55.59 1,530 0.04 47 705 0.06 57 1,587 0 1,587 55.60 1,587 0.04 48 720 0.07 60 1,647 0 1,647 55.61 1,647 0.04 49 735 0.09 84 1,731 0 11731 55.62 1,731 0.04 50 750 0.10 87 1,818 0 1,818 55.64 1,818 0.04 51 765 0.10 94 1,911 0 1,911 55.65 1,911 0.04 52 780 0.11 97 2,008 0 2,008 55.67 2,008 0.05 53 795 0.13 114 2,122 0 2,122 55.69 2,122 0.05 54 810 0.13 114 2,235 0 2,235 55.71 2,235 0.05 55 825 0.09 77 2,312 01 2,312 55.72 2,312 0.05 56 840 0.09 77 2,389 0 2,389 55.74 2,389 0.05 57 855 0.10 90 2,479 0 2,479 55.75 2,479 0.06 58 870 0.10 87 2,566 0 2,566 55.77 2,566 0.06 Basin Depth Analysis Page 13 of 14 TEMPORARY RETENTION BASIN TKC JOB # 3054.03 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM EVENT TIME UNIT (min) PERIOD FLOW IN cfs VOLUME IN cult 42,817 PERC OUT cult TOTAL IN BASIN cult BASIN DEPTH ft BALANCE IN BASIN cult acre -ft 59 885 0.10 87 0 2,653 55.79 2,653 0.06 60 900 0.09 84 0 2,736 55.80 2,736 0.06 61 915 0.09 80 0 2,817 55.81 2,817 0.06 62 930 0.09 77 2,894 0 2,894 55.83 2,894 0.07 63 945 0.07 63 2,957 0 2,957 55.84 2,957 0.07 64 960 0.07 63 3,020 0 3,020 55.85 3,020 0.07 65 975 0.01 13 3,034 0 3,034 55.85 3,034 0.07 66 990 0.01 13 3,047 0 3,047 55.86 3,047 0.07 67 1005 0.01 10 3,057 0 3,057 55.86 3,057 0.07 68 1020 0.01 10 3,067 0 3,067 55.86 3,067 0.07 69 1035 0.02 17 3,084 0 3,084 55.86 3,084 0.07 70 1050 0.02 17 3,101 0 3,101 55.87 3,101 0.07 71 1065 0.02 17 3,117 0 3,117 55.87 3,117 0.07 72 1080 0.01 13 3,131 0 3,131 55.87 3,131 0.07 73 1095 0.01 13 3,144 0 3,144 55.87 3,144 0.07 74 1110 0.01 13 3,157 0 3,157 55.88 3,157 0.07 75 1125 0.01 10 3,168 0 3,168 55.88 3,168 0.07 76 1140 0.01 7 3,174 0 3,174 55.88 3,174 0.07 77 1155 0.01 10 3,184 0 3,184 55.88 3,184 0.07 78 1170 0.01 13 3,198 0 3,198 55.88 3,198 0.07 79 1185 0.01 10 3,208 0 3,208 55.88 3,208 0.07 80 1200 0.01 7 3,214 0 3,214 55.89 3,214 0.07 81 1215 0.01 10 3,224 0 3,224 55.89 3,224 0.07 82 1230 0.01 10 3,234 0 3,234 55.89 3,234 0.07 83 1245 0.01 10 3,244 0 3,244 55.89 3,244 0.07 84 1260 0.01 7 3,251 0 3,251 55.89 3,251 0.07 85 1275 0.01 10 3,261 0 3,261 55.89 3,261 0.07 86 1290 0.01 7 3,268 0 3,268 55.89 3,268 0.08 87 1305 0.01 10 3,278 0 3,278 55.90 3,278 0.08 88 1320 0.01 7 3,284 0 3,284 55.90 3,284 0.08 89 1335 0.01 10 3,294 0 3,294 55.90 3,294 0.08 90 1350 0.01 7 3,301 0 3,301 55.90 3,301 0.08 91 1365 0.01 7 3,308 0 3,308 55.90 3,308 0.08 92 1380 0.01 7 3,315 0 3,315 55.90 3,315 0.08 93 1395 0.01 7 3,321 0 3,321 55.90 3,321 0.08 94 1410 0.01 7 3,328 0 3,328 55.91 3,328 0.08 95 1425 0.01 7 3,335 0 3,335 55.91 3,335 0.08 96 1440 0.01 7 3,341 0 3,341 55.91 3,341 0.08 Basin Depth Analysis Page 14 of 14 RATIONAL. METHOD CALCULATIONS 100 YEAR Lam' 17 1 11 Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 101.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance= 385.720(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 57.160(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.340(Ft.) Slope = 0.00607 s(percent)= 0.61 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.017 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.803(ln/Hr) fora .100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.882 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 3.942(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.931(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Page] A -� DUNEPALMS-100.out ' Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c) 1989 - 2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study . Date: 12/20/04 File:DUNEPALMS.0ut i* - - -- -----------------------------------------------=----------------- * * * * * * ** Hydrology Study Control Information * * * * * * * * ** English (in -]b) Units used in input data file -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Keith Companies, Inc. - S/N 704 Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 1978 hydrology manual ' Storm event (year) = 100.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 t Standard intensity- duration curves data (Plate D -4.1) For the [ Palm Springs ] area used. 10 year storm 10 minute intensity= 2.830(In/Hr) 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.000(In/Hr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity= 4.520(In/Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity= 1.600(In/Hr) ' Storm event year= 100.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 1.600(In/Hr) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800 Lam' 17 1 11 Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 101.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance= 385.720(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 57.160(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.340(Ft.) Slope = 0.00607 s(percent)= 0.61 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.017 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.803(ln/Hr) fora .100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.882 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 3.942(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.931(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Page] A -� DUNEPALMS- 100.out Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/station 102.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation = 53.980(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 50.850(Ft.) Pipe length = 626.18(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 3.942(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 3.942(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 10.76(ln.) Flow top width inside pipe= 13.51(In.) CriticaCDepth = 9.64(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.19(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 2.49 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 11.51 min. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 102.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 102.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance= 218.190(Ft.) ' Top.(of initial area) elevation = 59.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 553WFt.) Difference in elevation = 4.200(Ft.) Slope= 0.01925 s(percent)= 1.92 TC= k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)1 ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.699 min.` Rainfall intensity = 6.268(In /Hr) fora 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type ' Page 2 Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area= 0.931(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.942(CFS) Time of concentration= 11.51 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.169(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity ' No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 3.942 11.51 4.169 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration -Qp = 3.942 + sum of Qp = 3.942 Total of I streams to confluence: ' Flow rates before confluence point: 3.942 Area of streams. before confluence:, t o Results lts of f confluence: Total flow rate = 3.942(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.509 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 0.931(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 102.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance= 218.190(Ft.) ' Top.(of initial area) elevation = 59.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 553WFt.) Difference in elevation = 4.200(Ft.) Slope= 0.01925 s(percent)= 1.92 TC= k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)1 ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.699 min.` Rainfall intensity = 6.268(In /Hr) fora 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type ' Page 2 Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 102.000 ' * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS**** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.701(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.438(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.70 min. Rainfall intensity 6.268(In/Hr) ' Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) DUNEPALMS-100.out Runoff Coefficient = 0.885 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 ' Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 ' Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 9.438(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.701(Ac.) Pervious area fraction= 0.100 Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 102.000 ' * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS**** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.701(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.438(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.70 min. Rainfall intensity 6.268(In/Hr) ' Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 3.942 11.51 4.169 2 9.438 5.70 6.268 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration ' Qp = 9.438 + sum of Qa Th/Ta 3.942 * :0.495 = 1.952 ' Qp = 11.390 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 3.942 9.438 Area of streams before confluence: 0.931 1.701 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 11.390(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.699 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 2.632(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation— 50.850(Ft.) . Downstream point/station elevation= 50.210(Ft.) Pipe length = 128.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow= 11.390(CFS) ' Nearest computed pipe diameter = 21.00(ln.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 11.390(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 17.53(ln.) ' Flow top width inside pipe = 15.60(In.) Critical Depth = 15.09(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.31(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.40 min. ' Page 3 1 DUNEPALMS- 100.out Time of concentration (TC) = 6.10 min. ++++,T,�, ,TT Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 103.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS**** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area= 2.632(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 11.390(CFS) Time of concentration=, 6.10 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.025(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 11.390 6.10 .6.025 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 11.390 + sum of Qp = 11.390 Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.390 Area of streams before confluence: 2.632 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = l 1.390(CFS) Time of concentration =. 6.101 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 2.632(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 103.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance= 178.360(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 56.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation =. 3:300(Ft.) Slope= 0.01850 s(percent)= 1.85 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.299 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.538(In/Hr) fora 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient =0.886 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 5100. Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 8.124(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.403(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 j A-5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 11 i i i .. i ! i i i i i i i i i I i i ! i i i i i i i I Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 103.000 Page 4 DUNEPALMS- 100..out * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** . ' Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = l .403(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 8.124(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.30 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.538(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 11.390 6.10 6.025 2 8.124 5.30 .6.538 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 11.390 + sum of Qb Ia/Ib 8.124 * 0.922 = 7.487. Qp = 18.876 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.390 8.124 Area of streams before confluence: 2.632 1.403 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 18.876(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.101 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.035(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/station 104.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation= 50.210(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 49.200(Ft.) Pipe length = 202.02(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow= 18.876(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 18.876(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 19.34(ln.) Flow top width inside pipe= 24.35(In.) Critical Depth= 18.25(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.20(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.54 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.64 min. Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 104.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow .area = 4.035(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 18.876(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.64 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.734(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Page 5 k Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 104.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** DUNEPALMS- 100.out ' Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 18.876 6.64 5.734 Largest stream. flow has longer time of concentration ' -Qp = 18.876 + sum of Qp= 18.876 Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: ' 18.876 Area of streams before confluence: ' Results lts of of confluence: Total flow rate = 18.876(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.644 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.035(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 130.000 to Point/Station 104.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 214.770(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.300(Ft.) ' Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 55.570(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.730(Ft.) Slope .= 0.01737 s(percent)= 1.74 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 ' Initial area time of concentration = 5.780 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.216(In/Hr) fora 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.885 ' Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 11.108(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.019(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 k Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 104.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 ' Stream flow area = 2.019(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 11.108(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.78 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.216(In/Hr) ' Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 18.876 6.64 5.734 ' Page 6 k DUNEPALMS- 100.out 2 11.108 5.78. 6.216 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp =. 18.876 + sum of Qb Ia/lb 11.108* 0.922= 10.246 Qp = 29.123 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 18.876 11.108 Area of streams before confluence: 4.035 2.019 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 29.123(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.644 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.054(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation = 49.200(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 47.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 280.70(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes= I Required pipe flow _= 29.123(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 30.00(ln.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 29.123(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 24.75(ln.) Flow top width inside pipe= 22.80(In.) Critical Depth = 22.08(ln.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.73(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.70 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 7.34 min. Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** Page 7 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: I t Stream flow area = 6.054(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 29.123(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.34 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.412(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity ' No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) -1 29.123 7.34 5.412 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 29.123 + sum of Qp = 29.123 Total of 1 main streams to confluence: ' Flow rates before confluence point: 29.123 Area of streams before confluence: Page 7 1 I 6.054 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 29.123(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.340 min. Effective stream area after confluence = DUNEPALMS- 100.out 6.054(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 140.000 to Point/Station- 141.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial, area flow distance= 166.270(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation= 59.260(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 57.480(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 1.780(Ft.) Slope= 0.01071 s(percent)= 1.07 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) 1(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.748 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.236(In/Hr) fora 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.885 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 2.931(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.531(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Process Point/Station 141.000 to Point/Station . 142.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation = 52.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 50.110(Ft.) Pipe length 238.90(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 2.931(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 2.931(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 8.29(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 11.10(In.) Critical Depth = 8.80(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.0.7(Ft/s). Travel time through pipe = 0.79 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.53 min. Process from Point/Station . 142.000 to Point/Station 142.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.531(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.931(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.53 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.789(In/Hr) ' Page 8 1 Process from Point/Station 142.000 to Point/Station 142.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** DU.NEPALMS- 100.out Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CRS) (min) (In/Hr) ' 1 2.931 6.53 5.789 Largest stream-flow has longer time of concentration ' Qp = 2.931 + sum of Qp = 2.931 ' Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.931 Area of streams before confluence: 0.531 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 2.931(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.534 min. Effective stream-area after confluence = 0.531(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 150.000 to Point/Station 142.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** ' Initial area flow distance= 119.590(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation= 59.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 58.090(Ft.) ' Difference in elevation = 1.210(Ft.) Slope= 0.01012 s(percent)= 1.01 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.095 min. Rainfall intensity =— 6.688(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL; subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.886 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 2.998(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.506(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 1 Process from Point/Station 142.000 to Point/Station 142.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.506(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.998(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.10 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.688(ln/Hr) Summary of stream data:. ' Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) ' Page 9 1 II� F11 ` DUNEPALMS- 100.out ' 1 2.93 ] 6.53 5.789 2 2.998 5.10 6.688 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 2.998 + sum of 2.931 * 0.780 = 2.286 QP 5.284 ' Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.931 2.998 Area of streams before confluence: 0.531 0.506 ' Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.284(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.095 min. ' Effective stream area after confluence = 1.037(Ac.) ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -- Process from Point/Station 142.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation= 50.110(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 47.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 230.98(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 'No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 5.284(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow. = 5.284(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 1.31(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 13.91(In.) Critical.Depth= 11.18(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.87(Ft/s) ' Travel time through pipe = 0.66 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 5.75 min. J Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS " * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.037(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.284(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.75 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.234(ln/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 29.123 7.34 5.412 2 5.284 - 5.75 6.234 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 29.123 + sum of Qb Ia/lb 5.284 * 0.868 = 4.587 Qp= 33.710 Page 10 DUNEPALMS- 100.out L I I � I � I Process from Point/Station 160.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 129.890(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 56.930(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.370(Ft.) Slope= 0.01825 s(percent)= 1.82 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)} ^0.2 Warning: TC computed to be less than 5 min.; program is assuming the time of concentration is 5 minutes. Initial area time of concentration = 5.000 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.762(In/Hr) fora 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.886 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 2.085(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.348(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Process from Point/Station T 105.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 29.123 5.284 Area of streams before confluence: 6.054 1.037 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 33.710(CFS) ' Time of concentration = 7.340 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 7.091(Ac.) L I I � I � I Process from Point/Station 160.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 129.890(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 56.930(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.370(Ft.) Slope= 0.01825 s(percent)= 1.82 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)} ^0.2 Warning: TC computed to be less than 5 min.; program is assuming the time of concentration is 5 minutes. Initial area time of concentration = 5.000 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.762(In/Hr) fora 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.886 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 2.085(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.348(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Process from Point/Station T 105.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** A-3 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.348(Ac.) Runoff from .this stream= 2.085(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.00 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.762(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity ' No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 29.123 7.34 5.412 2 5.284 5.75 6.234 • 3 2.085 5.00 6.762 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Page 11 A-3 DUNEPALMS- 100.out Qp = 29.123 4- sum of Qb la/lb 5.284 * 0.868 = 4.587 Qb la/Tb 2.085 * 0:800 = 1.669 Qp = 35.379 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 29.123 5.284 2.085 Area of streams before confluence: 6.054 1.037 0.348 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 35.379(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.340 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 7.439(Ac.) Process from Point/station 105.000 to Point/station 106.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation = 47.800(Ft.) _ Downstream point/station elevation= 47.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 50.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow= 35.379(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 35.379(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 21.49(ln.) Flow top width inside pipe = 27.04(ln.) Critical Depth = 24.21.(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 9.40(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.09 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 7.43 min. Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/station 106.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 7.439(Ac.) Runoff-from this stream = 35.379(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.43 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.374(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 35.379 7.43 5.374 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 35.379 + sum of Qp = 35.379 Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 35.379 Page 12 DUNEPALMS- 100.out Area of streams before confluence: 7.439 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 35.379(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.428 min. Effective stream area after. confluence = 7.439(Ac.) End of computations, total study area = 7.44 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.100 Area averaged RI index number = 32.0 Page 13 RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS 10 YEAR u DUNEPALMS- l 0.out Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c) 1989 - 2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 12/21/04 File:DUNEPALMS.out * * * * * * * ** Hydrology Study Control Information * * * * * * * * ** English (in-lb) Units used in input data file The Keith Companies, Inc. - S/N 704 Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 1978 hydrology manual Storm event (year) = '10.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 Standard intensity- duration curves data (Plate D-4.1) For the [ Palm Springs) area used. 10 year storm 10 minute intensity= 2.830(InIHr) 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.000(IntHr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity = 4.520(In/Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.600(In/Hr) Storm event year = 10.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 1.000(In/Hr) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800 Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 101.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 385.720(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 57.160(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.340(Ft.) Slope = 0.00607 s(percent)= 0.61 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.017 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.002(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.874 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction= 0.100; Impervious fraction= 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 2.442(CFS) Total initial stream. area = 0.931(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Page 1 A -� 0 DUNEPALMS- 10.out Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point/Station 102.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) Upstream point/station elevation= 53.980(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 50.850(Ft.) Pipe length = 626.18(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = l Required pipe flow = 2.442(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 12.00(In.) Calculated individual,pipe flow = 2.442(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 9.52(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 9.72(In.) Critical Depth = 8.030n.) Pipe flow velocity = 3.65(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 2.86. min. Time of concentration (TC) = 11.87 min. Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 102.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.931(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.442(CFS) Time of concentration= 11.87 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.559(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity . No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 2.442 11.87 2.559 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 2.442 + sum of Qp = 2.442 'Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.442 Area of streams before confluence: 0.931 Results of confluence: Total flow rate =. 2.442(CFS) Time of concentration= 11.873n-ft- Effective stream area after confluence = 0.931(Ac.) ' Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 102.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance= 21 8.190(Ft.) ' Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 55.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.01925 s(percent) =. 1.92 ' TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.699 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.917(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm 'COMMERCIAL subarea type ' Page 2 DUNEPALMS- 16.out Runoff Coefficient= 0.878 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.0.00 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction= 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 5.854(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.701(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 102.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.701(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.854(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.70 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.917(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) " 1 2.442 11.87 2.559 2 5.854 5:70 3.917 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 5.854 + sum of . Qa Th/Ta 2:442 * 0.480 = 1.172 Qp = 7.026 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.442 5.854 Area of streams before confluence: 0.931 1.701 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 7.026(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.699 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 2.632(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation = 50.850(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation= 50.210(Ft.) Pipe length = 128.00(Ft.) • Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow= 7.026(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 18.00(ln.) Calculated individual pipe flow 7.026(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 13.95(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =. 15.04(In.) Critical Depth = 12.30(In.) Pipe flow_velocity = 4.78(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.45 min. Page 3 ' - DUNEPALMS- 10.out Time of concentration (TC) = 6:14. min. Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 103.000 CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 2.632(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 7.026(CFS) ' Time of concentration = 6.14 min. Rainfall intensity = 3'.750(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: ' Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) ' 1 7.026 6.14 3.750 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 7.026 + sum of ' Qp = 7.026 Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 7.026 Area of streams before confluence: 2.632 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 7.026(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.145 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 2.632(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 103.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance= 178.360(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation= 56.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation= • 3.300(Ft.) . Slope= 0.01850 s(percent)= 1.85 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.299 min. CA- SS ' Rainfall intensity = 4.086(In/Hr) fora 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient= 0.879 ' Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 _ ' RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction= 0.100; Impervious fraction= 0.900 'Initial subarea runoff= 5.040(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.403(Ac.) ' Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Process from Point /Station 103.000 to Point/Station 103.000 Page 4 DUNEPALMS- 10.out * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: Fin normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.403(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.040(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.30 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.086(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) . (In/Hr) 1 ' 7.026 6.14 3.750 2 5.040 5.30 4.086 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 7.026 + sum of Qb Ia/Ib 5.040 * 0.918 = 4.625 Qp= 1.1.651 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 7.026 5.040 Area of streams before confluence: 2.632 1.403 Results of confluence: Total flow rate= 11.651(CFS) Time.of concentration = 6.145 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.035(Ac.) Process from.Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation= 50.210(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 49.200(Ft.) Pipe length = 202.02(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 11.651(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 24.00(ln.) Calculated individual pipe flow = .11.651(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 15.20(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.13(ln.) Critical Depth = 14.72(ln.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.56(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.61 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.75 min. Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 104.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 4.035(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 11.651(CFS) Time of concentration = . 6.75 min. Rainfall intensity= 3.551(In/Hr) . Summary of stream data: . t Page 5 DUNEPALMS- l 0. out Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 11.651 6.75 3.551 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 11.651 + sum of Qp= ..11.651 Total of I streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.65i Area of streams before confluence: 4.035 Results of confluence:' Total flow rate=,. 11.651(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.751 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.035(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 130.000 to Point/Station 104.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 214.770(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59,300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 55.570(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.730(Ft.) Slope'- 0.01737 s(percent)= 1.74 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.780 min. • Rainfall intensity = 3.8.85(In/Hr) fora 10.0 year storm . — COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.878 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000. 'Decimal fraction,soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3). = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction= 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 6.890(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.019(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 104.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.019(Ac.) Runoff from this stream= ' 6.890(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.78 min. Rainfall intensity = 3-.885(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 11.651 6.75 3.551 Page'6 DUNEPALMS- 10.out 2 • 6.890 5.78 3.885 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 11.651'+ sum of Qb la/lb 6.890 * 0.914 = 6.296 Qp = 17.947 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.651 6.890 Area of streams before confluence: 4.035 2.019 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 17.947(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.751 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.054(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstreampoint/station elevation_= _49.200(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 47.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 280.70(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 17.947(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 17.947(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 18.61(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 24.99(In.) Critical Depth = 17.78(ln.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.14(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.76 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 7.51 min. Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: I Stream flow area = , 6.054(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 17.947(CFS) Time of concentration = ' 7.51 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.337(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: . Stream Flow rate TC _ Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/fir) 1 17.947 7.51 3.337 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 17.947 + sum of Qp = 17.947 Total of 1 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 17.947 Area of streams before confluence: Page 7 u n I 1 Process from Point/Station 141:000 to Point/station 142.000- * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size). * * ** Upstream point/station elevation = 52.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 50.110(Ft.) Pipe length = 238.90(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 1.B18(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 12.00(In.) .Calculated individual pipe flow = 1..818(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 6.07(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 12.00(In.) Critical Depth = 6.89(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.56(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.87 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.62 min. ,-T Process from Point/Station 142.000 to Point/Statioh 142.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.531(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 1.818(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.62 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.591(In/Hr) Page 8 DUNEPALMS-1 0.out 6.054 Results of confluence: Total flow rate= 17.947(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.513 min. ' Effective stream area after confluence = 6.M4(Ac.) ' Process from Point/Station 140.000 to Point/station 141.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 166.270(Ft.) ' Top (of initial area) elevation =' 59.260(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 57.480(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 1.780(Ft.) Slope= 0.01071 s(percent)= 1.07 ' TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration= 5.748 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.898(In/Hr) -fora 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.878 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 1.818(CFS) ' Total initial stream area = 0.531(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 u n I 1 Process from Point/Station 141:000 to Point/station 142.000- * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size). * * ** Upstream point/station elevation = 52.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 50.110(Ft.) Pipe length = 238.90(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 1.B18(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 12.00(In.) .Calculated individual pipe flow = 1..818(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 6.07(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 12.00(In.) Critical Depth = 6.89(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.56(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.87 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.62 min. ,-T Process from Point/Station 142.000 to Point/Statioh 142.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.531(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 1.818(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.62 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.591(In/Hr) Page 8 ' Process from Point/Station 1.42.000 to Point/Station 142.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** DUNEPALMS-10.out Summary of stream data: ' Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) ' 1 1.818 6.62 3.591 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp= 1.818 +sum of ' Qp = 1.818 Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 1.fst ' Area of streams before confluence: 0.531 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 1.818(CFS) ' Time of concentration = 6.621 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 0.531(Ac.). Process from Point/Station 150.000 to Point/Station 142.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance= 119.590(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59..300(Ft.). Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 58.090(Ft.) Difference in elevation = • 1.210(Ft.) Slope = 0.01012 s(percent)= . 1.01 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration= 5.095 nun. Rainfall intensity = 4.180(ln/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.880 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 1.860(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.506(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Ill Ill Process from Point/Station 1.42.000 to Point/Station 142.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal streain number 2 Stream flow area = 0.506(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 1.860(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.10 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.180(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) Page 9 Ill Ill DUNEPALMS- 10.out 1 1.818 •6:62 3.591 2 1.860 5.10 4.180 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 1.860 + sum of a T/ ' 1.818 * 0:7777 0 = 1.399 1 O Qp = 3.259 . Total of 2 streams to confluence: ' Flow rates before confluence point: 1.818 1.860 Area of streams before confluence: 0.531 0.506 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 3.259(CFS) Time of concentration = - 5.095 min. ' Effective stream area after confluence = 1.037(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 142.000 to Point/Station 105.000 ' * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation= 50.110(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 47.800(Ft.) ' Pipe length = 230.98(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 3.259(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = - 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 3.259(CFS) . ' Normal flow depth•in pipe = 9.02(In.) Flow top width- inside pipe= 10.37(In.) Critical Depth = 9.27(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.14(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.75 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 5.84 min. Process from Point/Station 1.05.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.037(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.259(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.84 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.860(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: ' Stream 'Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) ' 1 17.947. 7.51 3.337 2 3.259 5.84 3.860 ' Largest stream flow has. longer time of concentration Qp = 17.947 + sum of Qb Ia/Ib 3.259 * 0.864 = 2.817 ' Qp = 20.765 . Page 10 1 DUNEPALMS- 10.out Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: -17.947 3.259 Area of streams before confluence: 6.054 1.037 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 20.765(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.513 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 7.091(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 160.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * *"* Initial area flow distance = 129.890(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 56.930(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.370(Ft.) Slope= 0.01825 s(percent)= 1.82 TC = k(0.300) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)] ^0.2 Warning: TC computed to be less than 5 min.; program is assuming the minutes. time of concentration is 5 Initial area time of concentration = 5.000 min. Rainfall intensity= 4.226(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea.type Runoff Coefficient = 0.880 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =.0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 3) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff= 1.294(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.348(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 105.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.348(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 1.294(CFS) Time of concentration= 5.00 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.226(In1Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 17.947 7.51 3.337 2 3.259 5.84 3.860 3 . 1.294 5.00 4.226 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Page 11 DUNEPALMS- l0.out Qp = 17.947 + sum of . Qb Ia/Ib 3.259 * .0.864 = 2.817. Qb Ia/Ib 1.294 * 0.790 = 1.022 Qp= 21.786 Total of 3 mainstreams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 17.947 3.259 1.294 Area of streams before confluence: 6.054 1.037 0.348 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 21.786(CFS) Time of concentration =. 7.513 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 7.439(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 106.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) * * ** Upstream point/station elevation= 47.800(Ft.) . Downstream point/station elevation = 47.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 50.00(Ft.) Manning's N =0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 21.786(CFS) - Nearest computed pipe diameter = 24.00((n.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 21.786(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 18.91(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 19.62(In.) Critical Depth = 20.01 (In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.20(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.10 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 7.61 min. Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 106.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 7:439(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 21.786(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.61 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.311(In/Hr) .Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) WHY) 1 21.786 .7.61 3.311 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 21.786 + sum of Qp = 21.786 Total of 1 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 21.786 Page 12 DUNEPALMS- 10.out Area of streams before confluence: 7.439 Results of confluence: Total flow rate= 21.186(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.615 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 7.439(Ac.) End of computations, total study area = 7.44 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. ' Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.100 Area averaged RI index number = 32.0 ' Page 13 CATCH BASIN DESIGN DATE: 2/23/2005 JOB NO: 305401 PROJECT: THE PAVILION AT LA QUINTA BY: JLS ' RE :, ON -SITE CATCH BASIN CALCULATIONS , SIDE OPENING SUMP BASIN CALCULATIONS: PER CITY OF LA QUINTA STORM DRAIN REQUIREMENTS, SUMP CATCH BASINS SHALL BE SIZED USING THE WEIR EQUATION IF FLOW IS BELOW THE TOP OF CURB, AND THE ORIFICE EQUATION FOR DEPTHS ABOVE TOP OF CURB IF WE LIMIT THE PONDED DEPTH TO THE TOP OF CURB (T.C.), WE HAVE: ' Q = 3.33 *b *H"5 (WEIR EQUATION) where, b = WIDTH OF BASIN OPENING (ft) ' H = HEIGHT OF PONDED WATER ABOVE THE FLOWLINE (ft) FOR VARIOUS OPENING WIDTHS (b) AND H = 10" (0..83') ' Q = 3.33 *b *(0.83)15 ' b (ft). Q (cfs 4 10.1 8 20.1 Grated inlets were sized utilizing Chart 11 as per U:S. Department of Transportation Circular FHWA- TS- 84- 202.assuming a maximum ponding depth of 0.4 feet and 50' percent clogging of the grate. The following summarizes the capacities for various inlet sizes. SIZE TOTAL PERIMETER 50 % CLOGGED PERIMETER INLET CAPACITY (cfs) 12 "x12" 4 3 2.25 12 "x18" 5 4 3.00 18 "x18" 6 4.5 3.30 - 24 "x24" 8 6 4.50 36"•06" 12 9 7.00 48 "x48" 16 12 9.00 48 "x60" 18 13.5 11.00 . 60 "x60" 20 15 12.00 2 3 4 5 6 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 CPHART 1 1 o Gets olet capac y 'on Sump cooffi ons. 71' , TO 8 Q" 6 N 5 Reticuline 0.8 • Curved vane 0.35 30° tilt-bar 0.34 4 i � 2 I e— , 1 � 0.8 I 0.6 i 0.5 CURB 0'4 0.3 ' I 'b 02 D 2 3 4 5 6 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 CPHART 1 1 o Gets olet capac y 'on Sump cooffi ons. 71' GRATE OPENING RATIO • P- 1 -7/8 -4 O.B P-I =7/8 0.9 • P -I -I/8 0.6 Q" N Reticuline 0.8 • Curved vane 0.35 30° tilt-bar 0.34 V6 41) �O A. - Tested I , I CURB _ 'b D A= CLEAR OPENING AREA P = 2W + L (WITH CURB) -P = 2(W+ L) (WITHOUT CURB) 2 3 4 5 6 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 CPHART 1 1 o Gets olet capac y 'on Sump cooffi ons. 71' STORM DRAIN PIPE DESIGN Scenario: Base G tOe o -, i-1 GL loo Qtoo s 3.DO�5 ' 1 ca-1 L !-1 G L 160 ' 51.3 0 m LINE q,1 5g.oq _w LINE A J p as L, i n� A 41 d o= a.OQ 14 GL t o _ So.a3 • .�L. - S 6'.43 �. A -a A-1. o.slac a 0.53a o.35A m W s GQ 5 too sb L;v>n i 14GL,bo = 5at.aO FL = 56.0o f B -g -4 LINEIC•2 i L,NE C t - LINE C•t CB•BLI NE. B -3 IMH -1 MH- 1 / I i j ' FL. 55.5 i N i I w = i . i I i i \ i I MH -3 •' - LINE -D� . -___ 8 �- ' -.2 OLt CL'S 0,a3 aC- Title: DUNE PALMS BUSINESS PARK Project Engineer: TKC_Utah ' k: \305403 \engr \305403- strm.stm Thompson- Hysell Engineers StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003) 06/23/05 02:56:03 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 t Calculation Results Summary Scenario: Base >>>> Info: Subsurface Network Rooted by: 0-1 >>>> Info: Subsurface Analysis iterations: 1 >>>> Info: Convergence was achieved. CALCULATION SUMMARY FOR SURFACE NETWORKS Label Inlet Inlet Section Total Total Capture Gutter Gutter Grade Type Size Shape (ft) System I Intercepted Bypassed Efficiency Spread Depth --------- 0-1 - - - - -- 35.38 ----- - - - - -- 57.00 ----- - - - - -- 50.50 Flow (ft /s) Flow Flow ( %) (ft) (ft) 5.28 I 58.09 51.30 (cfs) MH -1 (ft) (cfs) (cfs) ---- - - - - -- 1 --- - 36 - - - -- inch - - - - --- CB -7 --------- Generic - - - - -- Inlet ------- --------- Generic - Default - - - -- 100% ------- - - - - -- 3.94 ---- - -- - -- 0.00 ------ - - - - -- 100.0 -- - - - - -- 0.00 --- - - - - -� 0.00 CB -6 Generic Inlet Generic Default 100% 10.24 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.00 CB -5 Generic Inlet Generic Default 100% 7.49 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.00 CB -4 Generic Inlet Generic Default 100% 7.45 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.00 CB -3 Generic Inlet Generic Default 100% 0.98 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.00 CB -2 Generic Inlet Generic Default 100% I 2.35 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.00 CB -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic Inlet Generic Default 100% 2.93 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.00 --- ; - - - -- CALCULATION SUMMARY FOR SUBSURFACE NETWORK WITH ROOT: 0-1 Label Number Section Section Length Total I Average I Hydraulic I Hydraulic Grade of Size Shape (ft) System I Velocity ( Grade I Grade (ft) Sections --------- 0-1 - - - - -- 35.38 ----- - - - - -- 57.00 ----- - - - - -- 50.50 Flow (ft /s) Upstream Downstream 50.93 50.55 CB -2 5.28 I 58.09 51.30 (cfs) MH -1 (ft) (ft) ---- - - - - -- LINE B -1 ---- - - - - -- 1 --- - 36 - - - -- inch ---- - - - - -- Circular -- - - - - -- 50.00 -- - - - - -- 35.38 ---- - - - - -- 17.37 ----- - - - - -- 50.55 ------- - - - - -� I 50.50 LINE A 1 18 inch Circular 233.56 5.28 7.20 51.18 50.93 LINE B -2 1 36 inch Circular 237.80 29.12 8.62 50.86 50.93 LINE A -1 1 18 inch Circular 249.99 2.93 6.06 53.15 51.30 LINE 13-3 1 36 inch Circular 35.62 29.12 8.77 51.16 51.24 LINE C -1 1 1 36 inch'I Circular 1 202.02 1 18.88 1 7.64 1 51.60 1 51.44 LINE C -2 l l 30 inch Circular 1 128.00 1 11.39 6.73 51.98 1 51.87 LINE D -1 l l 18 inch Circular 1 133.08 1 3.94 5.20 52.28 52.20 LINE D -2 l l 18 inch Circular 247.82 1 3.94 4.25 53.53 52.43-1 LINE D -3 ------ - - - --- �- --- - - -1 -� 18 ---------------------------------------------- inch Circular 140.76 I 3.94 4.28 ----------------------- 54.24 53.75 - - - - -- Label Total Ground Hydraulic Hydraulic System Elevation Grade Grade Flow (ft) Line In Line Out (cfs) (ft) (ft) --------- 0-1 - - - - -- 35.38 ----- - - - - -- 57.00 ----- - - - - -- 50.50 ------ - - - - -� 50.50 CB -3 35.38 56.93 50.93 50.55 CB -2 5.28 I 58.09 51.30 51.18 MH -1 29.12 I 56.88 51.24 50.86 CB -1 2.93 I 57.48 53.27 53.15 CB -6 29.12 I 55.57 51.44 51.16 CB -5 18.88 56.00 ( 51.87 51.60 CB -4 11.39 55.30 52.20 51.98 MH -2 3.94 57.45 52.43 52.28 MH -3 3.94 ( 57.70 53.75 53.53 CB -7 ----------------------- -3.94 57.13 ----- -- I 54.38 --- ------------ 54.24 -- - - - - --- Title: DUNE PALMS BUSINESS PARK Project Engineer: TKC_Utah k: \305403 \engr\305403- strm.stm Thompson - Hysell Engineers StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003] 06/23/05 03:00:52 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 2 Scenario: Base NODE REPORT -DUNES BUSINESS PARK. Node ' Additional Flow (cfs) Known Flow (cfs) Ground Elevation (ft) Rim Elevation (ft) Sump Elevation (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line In (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line Out (ft) CB -7 0.00 0.00 57.13 57.13 53.46 54.38 54.24 MH -3 57.70 57.70 52.75 53.75 53.53 MH -2 57.45 57.45 51.52 52.43 52.28 CB -6 0.00 0.00 55.57 55.57 49.20 51.44 51.16 CB -5 0.00 0.00 56.00 56.00 50.21 51.87 51.60 C13-4 0.00 0.00 55.30 55.30 50.85 52.20 51.98 MH -1 56.88 56.88 49.01 51.24 50.86 0-1 57.00 57.00 46.30 50.50 50.50 CB -3 0.00 0.00 56.93 56.93 47.80 50.93. 50.55 C13-2 0.00 0.00 58.09 58.09 50.11 51.30 51.18 CB -1 1 0.001 0.00 57:481 57.481 52.501 53.271 53.15 " 1 Title: DUNE PALMS BUSINESS PARK Project Engineer: TKC_Utah ' k: \305403 \engr\305403 - strm.stm Thompson- Hysell Engineers StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003) 06/23/05 03:00:15 PM ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Scenario: Base PIPE REPORT -DUNES BUSINESS PARK Pipe Dn. Node Up. • Node System Q (cfs) Cap (cfs) L (ft) Section Material_ Size Mannings n S (ft/ft) V avg (ft/s) Up. Invert (ft) Dn. Invert (ft) Up HGL (ft) Dn HGL (ft) LINE D -3 MH -3 CB -7 3.94 7.46 140.76 Concrete 18 inch 0.013 0.005044 4.28 53.46 52.75 54.24 53.75 LINE C -2 CB -5 C13-4 11.39 37.70 128.00 PVC 30 inch 0.010 0.005000 6.73 50.85 50.21 51.98 51.87 LINE C -1 CB -6 CB -5 18.88 61.31 202.02 PVC 36 inch 0.010 0.005000 7.64 50.21 49.20 51.60 51.44 LINE A -1 CB -2 CB -1 2.93 13.35 249.99 PVC 18 inch 0.010 0.009560 6.06 52.50 50.11 53.15 51.30 LINE A CB -3 CB -2 5.28 13.58 233.56 PVC 18 inch 0.010 0.009890 7.20 50.11 47.80 51.18 50.93 LINE B -1 0-1 C13-3 35.38 150.17 50.00 PVC 36 inch 0.010 0.030000 17.37 47.80 46.30 50.55 50.50 LINE B -2 CB -3 MH -1 29.12 61.85 237.80 PVC 36 inch 0.010 0.005088 8.62 49.01 47.80 50.86 50.93 LINE B -3 MH -1 CB -6 29.12 63.32 35.62 PVC 36 inch 0.010 0.005334 8.77 49.20 49.01 51.16 51.24 LINE D -1 CB -4 MH -2 3.94 9.69 133.08 PVC 18 inch 0.010 0.005035 5.20 51.52 60:85 52.28 52.20 LINE D -2 MH -2 MH -3 3.94 ` 7.40 247.82 Concrete 18 inch 0.0131 0.0049631 4.25 52.75 51.52 53.53 52.43 Title: DUNE PALMS BUSINESS PARK k: \305403 \engr \305403 - strm.stm 06/23/05 03:00:28 PM Project Engineer:'TKC_Utah Thompson- Hysell Engineers StormCAD v5.5 [5.5003) ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 I� 1 1 1 APPENDIX G6A" • RCFCD REFERENCE MATERIAL ----------- 10. 0 MYRA _DURATIDN LOMA FREQUENCY . -RAINFALL INTENSITY URR I E T_�Y ; I -ECUL I RANCHO CALIFORNIA DURATION FREQUENCY - INCHES PER HOUR. NORC 0 PALM'SPRING§ PERRIS VALLEY DURATION FREQUENCY DURATION FREQUENCY DURATION FREQUENCY MINUTES MINUTES MINUTES . MIN UTES MINUTES 10 too 10 too' 16 10 0 . 10. 100 10 100. YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 'YEAR YEAR YEAR 5 2.TT 4-16 5 4.23 6.76 5 2.64 •3.78 5 2.84 4.48 5 3.45 5.10 6 7 2.58 2.37 4.07 3.75- 6 T 3.12 2.61 4.61 4.24 6 7 2.53 2.34 3.79 3.51 6 7 3.80 3.48 6.08 5-56 6 Z.41 3.46 )> 8 2.21. 3.49 a 2.6T 3.94 8 2.19 3.29- a 3.22 5.15 7 a 2.24 2.09 .3.21 3.01 9 2.08 3.29 9 2.50 3.69 9 2.OT 3-10 9 3.01 4.81 9 1 1.98 2.84 10 1.96 3.10 10 2.36 3.48 .10 1.96 2.94 10 2.83 4.52 le 1.80 2.69 > 11 1.87 2.95 11 2:24 3*:30 11 1.87 2.80 11 2.67 4.28 11 1.79 2.57 12 1.78 2.82 12 2.13 3.15 .12 1.79 2.68 12 2.54 - *.07 12 1.72 2.46 13 I.T1 2.70 13 2.04 3.01 13 1.72 2.58 13 2-43 3.88 13 1.65 2.37 14 1.64 2.60 14 1.96 2.89 14 1.66 2-48 14 2.33 3.72 14 1.59 2.29 15 3.50 '2.50 15 1.89 2.79 15 1.60 2.40 15 2.23 3.58 15 1.54- 2.21 16 1.53 2.42. 16 1.82 2.69 16 1.55 2-32 16 2.15 3.44 16 1.49 2- 17 1.40 - 2-34 IT 1.16 2.60 17 1.50 2.25 17 .2.09 3.32 17 1 ., 45 2:,Oa is 1.64 .2.27 to I . TI 2.52 is 1.46 2.19 la 2.61 3.22 is 1.41 2.02 19 1.40 2.21 19 1.66 2.45 19 1.42 2-13 19 1-95 3.12 19 .1.3T 1.97 20 1.36 2.15 20 1.61 2.38 20 1.39 2.08 20 1.89 3.03 20 1 1.92. 22 1.29 2.04 22 1.53 2.26 22 1.32 1.98 22 1.T9 2.86 22 1.28 1.83 24 1.24 1.95 24 1.46 2.1.5 24 1.26 1.90 24 1.70 2-72 24 1.22 1.T5 26 .1_18 1.87 26 1-39 2.06 26'. 1.22 1.82 26 1.62 2.60 26 1.18 1.69 28 1 . 1 1.80 28 1.34 1.98 .28 1.17 1.76 28 1.56 2.49 28 1.13 1.63 30 1.1.0 1.T3 30 I.?q 1.90 30 1.13 I.TO 30 1.49- .2.39 0 1.10 '1 ST 32 1.06 1.67 32 1-24 1.84 32 1:10 1.64 32 1.44 2.30 32 1.06 1.52 34 1.03 1.62 .34 1.20 1.78 .34 1.06 1.59 34 1-39 2:'22 34 0 3 1: 1 48 36 1.00 1.5i 36 J. IT I.72 36 1.03 1.55 36 1.34 2.15 36 0 1.00 1.44. 38 :9T 1.53 30 1.13 1.67. 38 .1.01 1.51 38 1.30 2.09 38 .98 1.40 40 .94 1.49 40 1.62 40 ,98 1.47 40 .1.2T 2-02 40 .95 1.31 45 .89 1.40 45 1.03 1.52 45 .92- 1.39 45 1.18 1.69 45 -.90 1.20 so 84 1.32 so .97 1.44 so .88 1.31 so 1.11 1.178 So .85 1.22 55 .80 1:26 55 92 1.36 55 .84 1.25 55 1.05 1.68 55 .81 1.1T 60 1.20 60 :98 1.30 60 .80 1.20 60 1.00 1.60' 60 Te 1.12 .76 65 .73 1,.15 65 ..84 1.24 65 J1 1.15 65 .95 1.53 65 75 TO ..70 1.11 TO .81 1.19• TO 74 1.11 TO .91 1.46 TO .1.08. .12 1.04 75 .68 1.07 75 .78 1.15 75 T2 I.9T 75 -88 1.41 75 .70 1.-00 eO .65 1.03 so T5 1.11 so .69 1.04 .60 .85 1.35 60 .69 .97 BS .63 1.00 BS .73 1.07 85' .6T 1.01 as .82 1.31 85 .66 .94 SLOPE •530 SLOPE .550 SLOPE .590 SLOPE .580 SLOPE­ .490 10. W Z7 D I"tp- -g r, 7--? tz U". 2 — C s� V2 e Ile, It, ?5Ak IK r- 1"'ll If--- v _44 t "! ......... -K �7. X 42�1 rZ tM V 4�1 -.-U- $ k—A%'14r/ F. Le K*" . ,`•rl�• c . u Asu 4 E R v2p.,T kG a ! v -.7 99 "1 uf' v, 3 9.4 I i.,—. "N .7 ­65 5.7 U t f -7� R( ), vt -311 LA, S RV III" .'rt,.,(:;:: °T;P -` -:rl I', 3j Fjj x rt''-7 4 7- ND14 "7-77­7,77`�S -VI.— •z uo-7177 - —T --- --- 66 _PkV, w- 1, -k -41FIDREST .. I- -Z, L v n 'I'. \ 'ty 1 01 t. v I netm. t-% kk m. Qu is -s-.:,p 4jl— J. lot. gis ,a na4y I g ',OUT IaM 11C a (k.`�M` c ;M.N. I kc ards .4 j, RiVERM-9SIC0 RIVERSIDE- COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL A N D A W TER CONS -RVAT ON :STRICT S LO P OF "EN SIT Y DURATION IN N GURVE W Pt AT- D-4.6 L P. 7j 'I'. \ 'ty 1 01 t. v I netm. t-% kk m. Qu is -s-.:,p 4jl— J. lot. gis ,a na4y I g ',OUT IaM 11C a (k.`�M` c ;M.N. I kc ards .4 j, RiVERM-9SIC0 RIVERSIDE- COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL A N D A W TER CONS -RVAT ON :STRICT S LO P OF "EN SIT Y DURATION IN N GURVE W Pt AT- D-4.6 L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I 7 to br' R" 1. IT 11y'7 'A U,, L 77 U id ar U., K —Al Ji J\ d.: tials 60 A17� IN ID, c . . . . . . . . . . ���'C`.; r'`PrJisl71`4'�`f IG'fd� , 'NBER? ',,,Mt'V'i _-., ( L it INU ..OQ6 Slnl�lll V mpkti,tL U- BMW -, :Mj ti 7 .5 4'.k RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTFI, WATEP CONSERWTION DISTRIM 2-YEAR-i-HOUR OWU PRECEPT Trig PLATE D-lq - e L-A t t L�- 'T. -, PLATE IIE-5. @ Has- j, .;.v,.. , m ZLI o 4y ' Qjx eE a . ROOM kZQ N• Z "E- RM 0,00 NW '01. . Fit TZs d P0. Rf ......... I . . . . . . . . . . . Qf 2 I nerm., KI AARTI N —OESERVAT 7 :II 1 R5 \b0.HtlILV"t `INDIA too-, V.: L�2, V L Ng ........ ....... M il . I l mi '-.-RIVERSIDE COUNTY 'rvopb CONTROL J. h. 1MA3ER COMMA-, ION �7�R! T. T v. ' 7.. A TIAX PLATEE E-5.6 i • ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER I Recommended .Value Land Use '(1) Range- Percent For Average Conditiorzs- Percent(2 Natural or Agriculture 0 - 10 0 ' Single Family Residential: (3) 40,000-S. F. (1 Acre) Lots 10 - 25 20 20,000 S. F. ( Acre) Lots 30 - 45 40 7,200 - 10,000 S. F. Lots 45 ­55 50. Multiple Family .Residential: Condominiums 45 - 70 65 Apartments ' 65 - 90 80 Mobile Home Park 60 - 85 75 i Commercial, Downtown 80 -100 90 Business or- Industrial Notes: i j 1. Land use should be based on ultimate develo -mment of.the watershed. Long range master plans for the County. and incorporated cities I should be reviewed to insure reasonable land use assumptions. y 2. Recommended values are 'based on average conditions which may not apply to a particular study area. Tile percentage impervi.o.us may vary greatly even on comparable sized lots due to differences. in j dwelling size, improvements, etc.. Landscape practices should also jbe considered as it is common in some.'areas to use ornamental grav els underlain by 'impervious plastic materials in place :of :lawns and shrubs.. P_ field investigation of a study area should always be made, i and a review of aerial photos, Where available iaay assist ±n. estimat- ing the percentage of impervious cover in developed are -as i i 3„ For typical horse ranch subdivisions increase impervious area a per- cent over the values recommended in the table abode. r R.CFC HYDROLOGY h/lANUA . NPERVIOUS COVER FOR DEVELOPED AREAS PLATE D -5.6 APPENDIX "B" HYDROLOGY MAP II IN 41 14 j e ` - y #_ ...�._ -4 - • W -4— It 4 ... ........ J Fli 4. A_ NO) T11,11, :--PROP-. --GfJ] 0 f y OF, OF: 5Ez PW M+ .4 1 182 93 OPE �TEI CTION P ifV 5 A_ R 'ED TIM! �O `77' T eur- "wp W , V_�ti -4- + s �F_k U13 s . . . t 7 4 L­_ L OW44FI, U –E�T—A 4' &Mjt. LgLF �AA R j "Lis LEA M TANCIVIT 2 50,43' 3 NI040�W' 24.o�5 4 08.20YE 116.26' --- a 0--CW047 3{04,93' 4132' .66' 7 D--W50W 3093 473 _- 2261_ _ -8 9 R28,2n7f. 0 W$'&W 7- t_ D, TTF77§f 7T51T­ 0,45° 48.79' 0=0631'9 62. .23' 49.iV -i6 t QOf595F 34F2.5Y 30' 18 D-oslq,W µ 433315' 251,67, 125.02' 19 0.1065104 26.42, lWG4VW --- _17,43° �-tf �2fle 9 W 6,93 26.0 37,0T _T MUM' 124-32' W 7�. t_ _T P0FILE SCALL _ I L _ RRF: ic 1262+00 1261+00 '1260+00 1259+00 1258+00 1257+00 125 + 1255+00 1254+00 1253+00, tri RIAW N _IVA to NOTE: FOR EXIST, NORTH SIDE 11 CHANNEL LINUAG SEE C,V.W.D. DRAWING NO. 19513-- 262+W u I ------ 17,57-1 vo ��Jx , A L-556.95' C CACHELLA VkLLE Y WATER DISTRICT WHITEWATER STORM CHANNEL 6 UJ k1) 9) 6 + to 10 EASEMENT amom OF CUT-OFF I M�S PROF" A . IX04N OUTLET 41,14 INV� Wit 9 TOE OF SLOPE PROTECY0 -420.21— r- SE OUTLET DUN TOE TOP OF SLOPE PROTEGIJON 4.1 w-ofv al -.4 2. A I Gg. q VoRa WMP, PIP 55.81 8 Ulm C&q F, M EU kA OWN UNK i+ . Call: TOLL FREE oc 3 m "T k ­7 WISIRMI" UPI TXT10A .7 WE, Wvm- PWj Wa - -35 80 120 160 PROPOSED THICK P.C.C. SLOPE PROTECIION�� ppf)p1)qr11j) W)UP TIP, DOT GRAPHIC SCALE \ na C AREA DESIGNATION CDRAINAGE ACRES DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY - - - -- -- DIRECTION OF FLOW HP HIGH POINT 105.40 FS ELEVATION 0 NODE Q100 =2.2 CFS FLOW FOR 100 YEAR STORM TC =5.70 MIN TIME OF CONCENTRATION X39 NOME NUMBER L =.300' LENGTH OF FLOW PATH CFS CUBIC FEEL- PER SECON0 AT TOTAL_ TRIBUTARY ACREAGE AT NODE. AC ACRES