32879 (4)... ........ a_ uun�iii�i HYDROLOGY REPORT For Property Located In a portion of Section 15, US., RM, SBM La Quinta, California Griffin Ranch Tract Map No. 32879 June 20, 2005 Prepared for: � P E ESI0Hq� Trans West Housing 47120 Dune Palms Road, Suite C N0. 4388 La Quinta, CA 92253 -2051 ,. �,. 0 slglF � 1 CA F���\P JN 1721 MSA CONSULTING, INC. MAumm, SMITH & ASSOQAM INC. PLAMMo ■ CMM BNGRam m ■ LAM SusvEywo 34200 BOB HOPS DRIVE ■ RANCHO MMAGE ■ CA 92270 TwmKoNB (760) 320 -98U ■ Fax (760) 323 -7893 PLANNING o CIVIL ENGINEERING o LAND February 25, 2009 09 Paul D Goble, Senior Engineer Public Works / Development Service CITY OF LA QUINTA 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Re: Tract 32879 Griffin Ranch Hydrology Report Dated June, 2005 Dear Paul: Originally, Lot 40 was designed such that the driveway /front of the house would be on Alysheba Drive. The approved Hydrology Report followed this design and showed the storm runoff flowing to Alysheba Drive. Part of the flows along the east side of Alysheba Drive would be . picked -up in the flow -by catch basin along the south side of Lot 40. The-remainder of the flow would travel east along Mery Griffin Way and enter the storm drain system at the catch basin east of Seattle Slew Way. During precise grading, Lot 40 was flipped by the developer for marketing reasons so that the driveway /front of the house would be on Seattle Slew Way. Five inlets in front of the house will pick -up the runoff from the rear and front of the house and convey the water to a bubbler located at the middle of the northwest curb return at Mery Griffin Way and Seattle Slew Way. The water will continue along Mery Griffin Way east until it is picked -up in the catch basin east of Seattle Slew Way, as it was intended in the approved hydrology report. The 1' deep swale along the west side of Seattle Slew Way was stopped at the southern property line of Lot 6, and a 24 "x36" drop inlet was added along with a 24" pipe to take the water into the existing storm drain system in Seattle Slew Way. The remainder of the runoff from Lot 40 and the runoff from the west side of Seattle Slew Way will collect in a graded swale along Lot 40 and enter the storm drain system at the existing 24 "x36" grated inlet north of the BCR at'the NEC of Lot 40. The existing grated inlet will be adjusted to grade. This system will replicate the hydrology as shown in the approved Hydrology Report Very truly yours, Julian A. DeLaTorre, P.E. #43880 34200 BOB HOPE DRIVE O RANCHO MIRAGE O CALIFORNIA G 92270 760- 320 -9811 a 760- 323 -7893 FAX 0 www.MSACONSULTINGINC.COM Project Description • Griffin Ranch (Tract 32879) is located south of Avenue 54 and east of Madison Street in the city of La Quinta, California, and consists of approximately 193 acres providing 303 single - family residential lots (see Vicinity Map). Existing Conditions Flood Rate Map: The project area is covered by FIRM Panel Number 060245 2300 B, revised March 22, 1983, .which shows that the project area lies within Zone C, indicating the area is subject to minimal flooding '(see attached FEMA map). Off -Site: The crowns and side swales of the existing Avenue 54 and Madison Street channel off -site storm runoff away from entering the project site. This off - site runoff originates further west and north on these streets and continues flowing eastward and southward beyond the project site. On -Site: The site is relatively flat and slopes gradually toward the southeast with storm runoff generally characterized as sheet flow. The existing soil falls into two hydrologic soil groups, as defined in the 1978 Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (RCFC &WCD) Hydrology Manual, referencing Soil Conservation Service designations. The majority of the site is categorized as Group B, with a portion of the northwest corner of the site designated as Group A (see Hydrology Map). • Flood Control Requirements The drainage of this project site falls under the jurisdiction of the City of La Quinta. The project design shall provide for the capture and storage of all storm runoff generated on -site or passing through the site in a 100 -year storm, as well as that generated in the adjacent street frontages of Avenue 54 and Madison Street. Runoff from a 10 -year storm shall not overtop curbs and 100 -year runoff shall be confined within the right -of -way and /or public utility and drainage easements Proposed Hydrology and Flood Control Improvements On -site storm runoff will be conveyed in the streets and captured by catch basins to be carried via underground storm drains to retention basins, as shown on the attached Hydrology Maps. The size and configuration of the basins will be sufficient to store the entirety of the 100 -year storm runoff volume, with percolation conservatively disregarded. Similarly, catch basins in Avenue 54 and Madison Street will intercept the storm runoff generated in the adjacent street frontages for conveyance via swales and storm drain pipes to the retention basins. Run -Off Analysis Peak runoff flows for 10 -year and 100 -year one -hour storms were determined using a Rational Method computer program based on the 1978 RCFC &WCD • Hydrology Manual. The Synthetic Unit Hydrograph, Shortcut Method, was used to determine the runoff volumes created from the proposed improvements in a • 100 -year storm event. The 3 -hour, 6 -hour and 24 -hour storms were analyzed, with the 24 -hour storm producing the maximum runoff. The data used in the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph calculations are as follows: Soil Group: A & B, AMC -II Runoff Index Number: Soil Group A: 32 (Urban cover — Residential) Soil Group B: 56 (Urban cover — Residential) Infiltration Rate (FP): Soil Group A: 0.74 in /hr Soil Group B: 0.51 in /hr • Impervious Area (A;): Single - Family Residential: 40,000 square foot lots: 20% 20,000 square foot lots: 40% 10,000 square foot lots: 50% Retention Basin /Park/Golf Areas: 10% Offsite Street Areas: 60% Clubhouse Area (based on conceptual plans): 50% Constant Loss Rate (F): Soil Group A: SFR -40k: 0.74[1 - 0.9(20 %)] = 0.61 in /hr SFR -20k: 0.74[1 - 0.9(40 %)] = 0.47 in /hr SFR -10k: 0.74[1 - 0.9(50°/x)] = 0.41 in /hr Offsite Street: 0.74[1 - 0.9(60 %)] = 0.34 in /hr Soil Group B: SFR -40k: 0.51[1-0.9(20%)] = 0.42 in /hr SFR -20k: 0.51[1-0.9(40%)] = 0.33 in /hr SFR -10k: 0.51[1 - 0.9(50 %)] = 0.28 in /hr Ret/Park/Golf:-0.51[1- 0.9(10 0/0)] = 0.46 in /hr Offsite Street: 0.51[1 - 0.9(60 %)] = 0.23 in /hr Clubhouse: 0.51[1-0.9(50%)] = 0.28 in /hr Low Loss Rate: Single - Family Residential: 40,000 square foot lots: 85% 20,000 square foot lots: 85% 10,000 square foot lots: 85% Retention /Park/Golf Areas: 90% Offsite Street Areas: 42% Clubhouse Area: 85% Storm Frequency: 100 -Year Total Adjusted Rainfall: 24 -Hour: 6.0 inches 6 -Hour: 3.0 inches 3 -Hour: 2.5 inches Results and Conclusions • The Synthetic Unit Hydrograph analysis yielded the following values of effective rain for the project site: 24 -Hour 6 -Hour 3 -Hour Soil Group A: SFR -40k: 0.900" 0.853" 0.979" SFR -20k: 1.153" 1.050" 1.194" SFR -10k: 1.364" 1.163" 1.314" Offsite Street: 3.480" 1.898" 1.701" Soil Group B: SFR -40k: 1.316" 1.143" 1.289" SFR -20k: 1.834" 1.336" 1.514" SFR -10k: 2.225" 1.481" 1.660" Ret/Park/Golf: 0.980" 1.003" 1.186" Offsite Street: 3.612" 2.041" 1.859" Clubhouse: 2.225' 1.481" 1.660" The resulting storm runoff volumes for the project are as follows: 24 -hr 6 -hr 3 -hr Area Volume Volume Volume (ac) (ac -ft) (ac -ft) (ac -ft) Tributary Area 1: Soil Group A: SFR -40k: 1.700 0.13 0.12 0.14 SFR -20k: 9.202 0.88 0.81 0.92 SFR -10k: 10.425 1.18 1.01 1.14 Offsite Street: 3.207 0.93 0.51 0.45 • Soil Group B: SFR -40k: 10.761 1.18 1.02 1.16 SFR -20k: 38.860 5.94 4.33 4.90 SFR -10k: 0.999 0.19 0.12 0.14 Ret/Park: 5.358 0.44 0.45 0.53 Offsite Street: 5.668 1.71 0.96 0.88 Clubhouse: 6.496 1.20 0.80 0.90 Total Runoff: 13.78 10.13 11.16 Tributary Area 2: Soil Group B: SFR -40k: 12.735 1.40 1.21 1.37 SFR -20k: 53.426 8.17 5.95 6.74 SFR -10k: 32.471 6.02 4.01 4.49 Ret/Park/Golf: 5.741 0.47 0.48 0.57 Offsite Street: 2.460 0.74 0.42 0.38 Total Runoff: 16.80 12.07 13.55 The 24 -hour storm generates the greatest volume of storm runoff and thus is used as the design storm for the project. The Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Hydrology Map illustrates the storm runoff volume of the tributary areas and the storage capacities of the proposed retention basins. As the map indicates, the capacities of the retention basins are sufficient to store the entirety of the 100 -year storm volumes of their respective tributary areas. It is therefore concluded that the proposed development of the Griffin Ranch • development, Tentative Tract 32879, meets by the City La the hydrologic requirements set forth of Quinta. • L� RETENTION BASIN VOLUME CALCULATIONS BASIN 1 RETENTION BASIN VOLUME CALCULATIONS BASIN 2B ELEVATION AREA (SF) AREA (AC) DEPTH VOLUME CUM. VOL. ELEVATION AREA (SF) AREA (AC) (FT) (AC -FT) (AC -FT) 479.0 150,499.49 3.455 0.5 0.13 0.00 478.0 140,371.82. 3.222 1.0 3.34 3.34 477.0 130,047.87 2.985 1.0 3.10. 6.44 476.0 119,983.51 2.754. 1.0 2.87 9.31 475.0 108,744.33 2.496 1.0 2;63 11.94 474.1 97,461.90 2.237, 0.9 2.13 14.07. BASIN 2A DEPTH VOLUME CUM. VOL. ELEVATION AREA (SF) AREA (AC) (FT) (AC -FT) (AC FT) • 464.5 158,682.54 3.643 0.5 1.80 0.00 464.0 154,564.35 3.548 1.80 463.0 146,382.83 1360 1.0 3.45 5.25 462.0 138,272.33 3.174 1.0 3.27 8.52 461.0 130,233.66 2.990 1.0 3.08 11.60 460.0 122,268.20 2.807 1.0 2.90 14.50 459.5 118,312.83 2.716 0.5 1.38 15.88 BASIN 2B ELEVATION AREA (SF) AREA (AC) DEPTH (FT) VOLUME (AC -FT) CUM. VOL. (AC FT) 464.5 12,053.13 0.277 0.00 464.0 11,343.33 0.260 0.5 0.13 0.13 463.0 9,984.89 0.228 1.0 0.24 0.37 462.0 8,707.97 0.200 1.0 0.1 0.58 " 461.0 7,514.96 0.173 1.0 0.19 0.77 460.0 6,414.17 0.147 1.0 0.16 0.93 459.9 6,309.16 0.145 0.1 0.01 0.94 • L' n LJ STREET FLOW DEPTH CALCULATIONS STREET FLOW DEPTHS FOR 100 -YEAR STORM • MAXIMUM STREET FLOW NODE S (FT /FT) STREET Q,00 (CFS) STREET SECTION TYPE DEPTH (FT) DEPTH D,00 (FT) 101 0.0116 19.280 = 179.01 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.42 102 0.0050 36.308 = 513.47 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.58 111 0.0050 3.322 = 46.98 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.29 121 0.0050 4395 = 62.15 S' 54TH AVENUE 0.74 0.41 122 0.0050 7.307 = 103.34 S' 54TH AVENUE 0.74 0.47 131 0.0052 5.614 = 77.85 S' PRIVATE OWSITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.58 132 0.0052 3.510 = 48.67 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.46 133(W) 0.0065 9.650 = 119.69 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 ._0.71 133(E) 0.0086 9.380 = 101.15 S", PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.66 135 0.0052 4.934 = 68.42 S' • PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.55 137 0.0052 4.322 = 59.94 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.51 141 0.0053 6.444 = 88.52 S "' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.34 142 0.0064 39.215 = 490.19 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.57 143 0.0085 51.211 = 555.46 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.60 151 0.0050 10.081 = 142.57 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.40 152 0.0050 27.568 = 389.87 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.53 161 0.0050 6.198 = 87.65 S' MADISON STREET 0.74 0.45 162 0.0050 11.884 = 168.07S MADISON STREET 0.74 0.56 ". 163 0.0050 5.293 = 74.85 Sy' MADISON STREET 0.74 0.43 164 0.0125 1.116 = 9.98 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.23 171 0.0050 5.440 = 76.93 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.33 • 181 0.0058 21.279 = 279.41 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.48 191 0.0100 10.184 = 101.84 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.36 201(N) 0.0056 4.017 = 53.68 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.49 201(S) 0.0056 0.523 = 6.99 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.17 203(N) 0.0052 4.273 = 59.26 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.51 203(S) 0.0052 16.912 = 234.53 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.97 211 0.0077 14.059 = 160.22 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.41 212 0.0077 42.958 = 489.55 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.47 213 0.0063 47.149 = 594.02 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.61 221 0.0146 12.456 = 103.09 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.36 231 0.0070 11.119 = 132.90 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.39 232 0.0051 33.201 = 464.91 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.56 233 0.0050 46.409 = 656.32 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.63 241 0.0050 2.920 = 41.30 S' 54TH AVENUE 0.74 0.36 242 0.0050 7.900 = 111.72 S' 54TH AVENUE 0.74 251 0.0051 20.460 = 286.50 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.48 252 0.0051 35.329 = 494.70 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.58 253 0.0051 47.614 = 666.73 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.64 261 0.0050 11.494 = 162.55 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.41 271 0.0053 12.268 = 168.51 S"' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.42 NOTES Node numbers and Q,00 values reference the Rational Method Analysis and Rational Method Hydrology Map. Slope values are taken from rough grading plans and /or street improvement plans. Flow depths are derived from the Street Flow Capacity Charts. Node 212 is physically limited in depth to the crown of the street, or 0.47 ft. STREET FLOW DEPTHS FOR 10 -YEAR STORM MAXIMUM STREET FLOW NODE S (FT /FT) STREET Quo (CFS) STREET SECTION TYPE DEPTH (FT) DEPTH Duo (FT) 101 0.0116 3.712 = 34.47 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.27 102 0.0050 14.540 = 205.63 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.44 111 0.0050 1.901 = 26.88 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.25 121 0.0050 2.658 = 37.59 Sy' 54TH AVENUE 0.74 0.35 122 0.0050 4.395 = 62.15 S' 54TH AVENUE 0.74 0.41 131 0.0052 3.055 = 42.37 S "' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.43 132 0.0052 2.074 = 28.76 S"' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.36 133(W) 0.0065 5.123 = 63.54 S "' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00. 0.53 133(E) 0.0086 5.088 = 54.87 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.49 135 0.0052 2.643 = 36.65 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.40 137 0.0052 2.402 = 33.31 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.38 141 0.0053 3.642 = 50.03 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.29 142 0.0064 21.463 = 268.29 S"" PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.48 143 0.0085 27.875 = 302.35 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.49 151 0.0050 5.671 = 80.20 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.33 152 0.0050 15.466 = 218.72 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.45 161 0.0050 3.748 = 53.00 S' MADISON STREET 0.74 0.39 162 0.0050 7.146 = 101.06 S' MADISON STREET 0.74 0.47 163 0.0050 3.211 = 45.41 Sy' MADISON STREET 0.74 0.37 164 0.0125 0.678 = 6.06 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.21 171 0.0050 3.112 = 44.01 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.28 • 181 0.0058 12.099 = 158.87 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.41 191 0.0100 5.817 = 58.17 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.31 201(N) 0.0056 2.205 = 29.47 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.36 201(S) 0.0056 0.317 = 4.24 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.13 203(N) 0.0052 2.279 = 31.60 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.37 203(S) 0.0052 9.020 = 125.08 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROAD 1.00 0.73 211 0.0077 8.016 = 91.35 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.35 212 0.0077 24.290 = 276.81 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.47 213 0.0063 23.983 = 302.16 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.49 221 0.0146 7.132 = 59.02 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.31 231 0.0070 6.432 = 76.88 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.33 232 0.0051 18.783 = 263.01 Sy' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.47 233 0.0050 23.497 = 332.30 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.50 241 0.0050 1.773 = 25.07 S' 54TH AVENUE 0.74 0.32 242 0.0050 4.685 = 66.26 S' 54TH AVENUE 0.74 0.42 251 0.0051 11.650 = 163.13 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.41 252 0.0051 19.906 = 278.74 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.48 253 0.0051 22.745 = 318.49 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.50 261 0.0050 6.667 = 94.29 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.35 271 0.0053 7.123 = 97.84 S' PRIVATE ON -SITE ROAD 0.70 0.35 NOTES Node numbers and Q100 values reference the Rational Method Analysis and Rational Method Hydrology Map. Slope values are taken from rough grading plans and /or street improvement plans. Flow depths are derived from the Street Flow Capacity Charts. Node 212 is physically limited in depth to the crown of the street, or 0.47 ft. i r%l n_v DEPTH (FT) A (SF) P (FT) Q (CFS) HALF STREET FULL STREET 0.70 9.6F 30.58 439.29 Sy, 878.59 S% 0.69 9.30 30.08 -42-1-.2-6--g- 842.51 0.68 9.00 29.58 -40-3-34--S-9--- 806.67 S% 0.67 8.71 29.08.1 386.27 772.55 0.66 8.42 28.58 1 369.32 738.65 0.65 8.14 28.08 1 353.21 706.43 0.64 7.86 27.58 1 337.21 674.42 S 0.63 7.59 27.08 1 32-2-.03-9- 644.06 S 0.62 7.32 26.58 1 306.96 Sh 613.91 S 0.61 7.06 26.08 1 292.68 585.37 0.60 6.80 25.58 1 278.51 V 557.02 SA 0.59 6.55 25.08 1 265.12 Sh 530.24 0.58 6.30 24.58 1 251.83 Sh 503.66 0.57 6.06 24.08 1 239.30 478.60 0.56 5.82 23.58 1 226.87 453.73 0.55 5.59 23.08 1 215.17 S 430.35 0.54 5.36 22.58 1 203.57 407.15 0.53 5.14 22.08 1 192.69 S 385.39 0.52 4.92 21.58 1 181.90 S 363.80 0.51 4.71 21.08 1 171.81 S 343.62 0.50 4.50 20.58 1 161.80 S 323.60 0.49 4.30 20.54 1 150.19 S% 300.38 SA 0.48 4.09 20.49 1 13 8-. -39-S-9 276.78 0.47 3.89 20.45 1 12-7--.4-6--ST- 254.92 0.46 3.69 19.91 1 118.83 S 237.66 0.45 1 3.49 19.37 1 110.29 S 220.59 0.44 3.30 18.83 1 102.38 S 204.76 0.43 3.12 18.29 1 95.07 SF___ 190.14 S 0.42 2.94 17.75 87.84 175.69 S 0.41 2.76 17.21 1 80.71 S 161.42 S 0.40 2.59 16.66 74.18 148.37 S 0.39 2.43 16.12 67AR 136.37 S 0.38 2.27 15.58 6124.53 S 0.37 2.12 15.04 5113.77 S 0.36 1.97 14.50 5103.15 S DEPTH (FT) A (SF) P (FT) Q (CFS) HALF STREET FULL STREET 0.35 1.83 13.96 46.78 Su 93.57 S% 0.34 1.70 13.42 42.48 84.96 0.33 1.57 12.87 38.26 76.51 Sm 0.32 1.44 12.33 34.08 68.17 0.31 1.32 11.79 30.38 60.75 0.30 1.20 11.25 26.74 53.48 0.29 1.10 10.71 23.90 sh 47.80 0.28 0.99 10.17 20.75 41.51 0.27 0.89 9.63 18.02 S 36.05 0.26 0.80 9.09 15.68 S 31.36 Sh 0.25 0.71 8.54 13.40 S 26.80 0.24 0.63 8.00 11.47 S 22.93 0723 0.55 7.46 9.58 Sh 19.16 S 0.22 0.48 6.92 8.03 SA 16.06 S 0.21 0.42 6.38 6.78 Sh 13.57 S 0.20 0.35 5.84 5.31 S 10.62 S 0.19 0.30 5.30 4.38 8.76 0.18 0.25 4.75 3.48 SK 6.96 S 0.17 0.21 4.21 2.82 5.64 Sm 0.16 0.17 3.67 2.17 V 4.34 0.15 0.13 3.13 1.54 S 3.09 0.14 0.10 2.59 1.13 SW 2.26 0.13 0.08 2.05 0.91 1.82 S 0.12 0.06 1.51 0.69 1.38 S 0.11 0.05 0.97 0.69 S 1.37 S 0.10 0.04 0.88 0.50 1.01 S 0.09 0.03 0.79 0.34 SK 0.67 0.08 0.03 0.70 0.36 S 0.73 Sm 0.07 0.02 0.61 0.20 S 0.41 0.06 0.02 0.53 0.22 0.45 0.05 0.01 0.44 0.08 0.16 0.04 1 0.01 0.35 0.09 S6 0.19 sm 0.03 1 0.001111 0.00 S 0.00 0.02 f 0.00 1 0.18 0.00 S6 0.00 0.01 0.00 1 0.09 0.00 S 0.00 VALUES FOR Q CALCULATED FROM MANNING'S EQUATION: Q = 1.486 A (A /P)% S% WHERE Q = RATE OF FLOW IN STREET (CFS) n = ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT = 0.015 A = CROSS- SECTIONAL AREA OF FLOW (SF) P = WETTED PERIMETER OF FLOW (FT) S = LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF STREET (FT /FT) STREET FLOW CAPACITY CHART PRIVATE ON -SITE ROADS DEPTH (FT) 12' P (FT) Q (CFS) HALF STREET FULL STREET 0.44 2.70 34' 80.15 S� 160.30 S� 0.43 2.55 15.95 74.41 Sh 148.83 S� 0.42 w 15.44 68.26 Sh 136.52 S' 0.41 2.24 14.93 62.66 S� 125.31 S' 0.40 2.10 14.42 57.59 S' 115.17 S� U 1.96 13.91 52.58 Sh 105.16 S% 0.38 1.83 13.40 48.08 Sh 96.16 S% 0.37 1.70 12.89 43.64 SK 87.27--S9-- 0.36 1.58 12.38 39.68 S' 79.35 S' 0.35 1.46 11.87 35.77 SK 71.54 S' •� 1.34 11.36 m 63.86 S� 0.33 1.24 10.85 28.93 Sh 57.86 S� 0.32 1.13 10.34 Zm 51.18 S� 0.31 1.03 ry 22.68 S� 45.36 S� 0.30 0.94 9.32 20.18 S� 40.35 Sh 0.29 0.85 Q 17.71 S� 35.43 Sh 0.28 0.77 8.30 15.63 S� 31.26 S' 0.27 0.69 7.79 13.58 S� 27.17 S' 0.26 0.62 7.28 11.89 Sh 23.78 S� U 0.55 6.76 10.23 S% 20.46 S� 0.24 0.49 6.25 8.89 Sh 17.78 S� m U 0.43 5.74 7.57 Sy, 15.14 Sh 0.22 0.38 5.23 6.55 S� 13.11 S� 0.21 0.33 4.72 5.55 S� 11.10 S� ---------------------- - - - -5--D=0.74 -- 0.28 4.21 21---------------------- 9.11 Sh 0.19 0.25 3.70 4.11 S� 8.22 S� 0.18 0.21 3.19 3.39 S� 6.78 S� 0.17 0.19 2.68 2% 6.45 S� 0.16 0.16 2.17 0.5' CURB 0.15 0.14 2.04 2.32 Sh 0.16' 2' GUTTER DEPTH A P Q (CFS) (FT) (Sr) (FT) HALF STREET FULL STREET 0.74 11.23 43.53 450.85 S% 901.71 S% 0.73 10.80 42.53 429.05 SK 858.09 S% 0.72 10.39 41.53 408.68 Sh 817.35 S% 0.71 9.98 40.53 388.41 SK 776.83 S% 0.70 9.59 39.53 369.55 S% 739.10 S% 0.69 9.20 38.53 350.79 S 701.57 S% 0.68 8.82 37.53 332.75 S� 665.51 S' 0.67 8.46 36.53 316.07 S% 632.13 Sh 0.66 8.10 35.53 299.46 Si 598.92 S% 0.65 7.75 34.53 283.55 S6 567.10 SA 0.64 7.42 33.53 268.93 S% 537.87 Sh 0.63 7.09 32.53 254.38 S% 508.76 Sh 0.62 6.78 31.53 241.08 S% 482.16 S% 0.61 6.47 30.53 227.83 S% 455.67 S% 0.60 6.17 29.53 215.23 S% 430.45 Sh 0.59 5.89 28.53 203.82 S% 407.64 Sh 0.58 5.61 27.53 192.45 S% 384.91 SA 0.57 5.34 26.53 181.69 S� 363.39 S' 0.56 5.09 25.53 172.09 S 344.18 Sh 0.55 4.84 24.53 162.51 Sh 325.01 S% 0.54 4.61 23.53 154.06 Sh 308.11 54 0.53 4.38 22.53 145.62 S% 291.23 54 0.52 4.16 21.53 137.74 S% 275.48 S% 0.51 3.96 20.53 130.97 S% 261.93 S% 0.50 3.76 19.53 124.20 S% 248.39 S� 0.49 3.57 19.01 115.98 56 231.96 S% 0.48 3.39 18.50 108.35 S% 216.69 Sh 0.47 3.21 17.99 100.79 S% 201.58 Sh 0.46 3.04 17.48 93.83 S% 187.67 Sh 0.45 2.87 16.97 86.95 SA 173.90 S% VALUES FOR Q CALCULATED FROM MANNING'S EQUATION: Q = 1 -4,86 A (A /P)36 S% WHERE Q = RATE OF FLOW IN STREET (CFS) n = ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT = 0.015 A = CROSS- SECTIONAL AREA OF FLOW (SF) P = WETTED PERIMETER OF FLOW (FT) S = LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF STREET (FT /FT) STREET FLOW CAPACITY CHART MADISON STREET DEPTH (FT) A (SF) P (FT) Q (CFS) HALF STREET FULL STREET 0.44 2.70 16.46 80.15 S� 160.30 S� 0.43 2.55 15.95 74.41 Sh 148.83 S� 0.42 2.39 15.44 68.26 Sh 136.52 S' 0.41 2.24 14.93 62.66 S� 125.31 S' 0.40 2.10 14.42 57.59 S' 115.17 S� 0.39 1.96 13.91 52.58 Sh 105.16 S% 0.38 1.83 13.40 48.08 Sh 96.16 S% 0.37 1.70 12.89 43.64 SK 87.27--S9-- 0.36 1.58 12.38 39.68 S' 79.35 S' 0.35 1.46 11.87 35.77 SK 71.54 S' 0.34 1.34 11.36 31.93 Sh 63.86 S� 0.33 1.24 10.85 28.93 Sh 57.86 S� 0.32 1.13 10.34 25.59 S 51.18 S� 0.31 1.03 9.83 22.68 S� 45.36 S� 0.30 0.94 9.32 20.18 S� 40.35 Sh 0.29 0.85 8.81 17.71 S� 35.43 Sh 0.28 0.77 8.30 15.63 S� 31.26 S' 0.27 0.69 7.79 13.58 S� 27.17 S' 0.26 0.62 7.28 11.89 Sh 23.78 S� 0.25 0.55 6.76 10.23 S% 20.46 S� 0.24 0.49 6.25 8.89 Sh 17.78 S� 0.23 0.43 5.74 7.57 Sy, 15.14 Sh 0.22 0.38 5.23 6.55 S� 13.11 S� 0.21 0.33 4.72 5.55 S� 11.10 S� 0.20 0.28 4.21 4.55 S� 9.11 Sh 0.19 0.25 3.70 4.11 S� 8.22 S� 0.18 0.21 3.19 3.39 S� 6.78 S� 0.17 0.19 2.68 3.22 S� 6.45 S� 0.16 0.16 2.17 2.79 S� 5.57 S� 0.15 0.14 2.04 2.32 Sh DEPTH (FT) A (SF) P (FT) Q (CFS) HALF STREET FULL STREET 0.44 2.70 16.46 80.15 S� 160.30 S� 0.43 2.55 15.95 74.41 Sh 148.83 S� 0.42 2.39 15.44 68.26 Sh 136.52 S' 0.41 2.24 14.93 62.66 S� 125.31 S' 0.40 2.10 14.42 57.59 S' 115.17 S� 0.39 1.96 13.91 52.58 Sh 105.16 S% 0.38 1.83 13.40 48.08 Sh 96.16 S% 0.37 1.70 12.89 43.64 SK 87.27--S9-- 0.36 1.58 12.38 39.68 S' 79.35 S' 0.35 1.46 11.87 35.77 SK 71.54 S' 0.34 1.34 11.36 31.93 Sh 63.86 S� 0.33 1.24 10.85 28.93 Sh 57.86 S� 0.32 1.13 10.34 25.59 S 51.18 S� 0.31 1.03 9.83 22.68 S� 45.36 S� 0.30 0.94 9.32 20.18 S� 40.35 Sh 0.29 0.85 8.81 17.71 S� 35.43 Sh 0.28 0.77 8.30 15.63 S� 31.26 S' 0.27 0.69 7.79 13.58 S� 27.17 S' 0.26 0.62 7.28 11.89 Sh 23.78 S� 0.25 0.55 6.76 10.23 S% 20.46 S� 0.24 0.49 6.25 8.89 Sh 17.78 S� 0.23 0.43 5.74 7.57 Sy, 15.14 Sh 0.22 0.38 5.23 6.55 S� 13.11 S� 0.21 0.33 4.72 5.55 S� 11.10 S� 0.20 0.28 4.21 4.55 S� 9.11 Sh 0.19 0.25 3.70 4.11 S� 8.22 S� 0.18 0.21 3.19 3.39 S� 6.78 S� 0.17 0.19 2.68 3.22 S� 6.45 S� 0.16 0.16 2.17 2.79 S� 5.57 S� 0.15 0.14 2.04 2.32 Sh 4.65 S' 12' w U L m U 0.5' CURB 0.16' 2' GUTTER DEPTH (FT) A (SF) P (FT) Q (CFS) HALF STREET FULL STREET 0.74 11.23 43.53 450.85 Sh 901.71 Sh 0.73 10.80 42.53 429.05 Sh 858.09 Sh 0.72 10.39 41.53 408.68 SK 817.35 Sh 0.71 9.98 40.53 1 388.41 Sh 776.83 Sh 0.70 9.59 39.53 1 369.55 S% 739.10 S' 0.69 9.20 38.53 1 350.79-S-7 701.57 Sh 0.68 8.82 37.53 1 332.75 Sh 665.51 S' 0.67 8.46 36.53 1 316.07 Sh 632.13 Sh 0.66 8.10 35.53 1 299.46 Sh 598.92 S' 0.65 7.75 34.53 1 283_._55__S'9__ 567.10 S' 0.64 7.42 33.53 268.93 Vi 537.87 S' 0.63 7.09 32.53 254.38 Sh 508.76 Sh 0.62 6.78 31.53 241.08 SK 482.16 Sh 0.61 6.47 30.53 227.83 S 455.67 Sh 0.60 6.17 29.53 215.23 Sh 430.45 Sh 0.59 5.89 28.53 1 203.82 Sh 407.64 Sh 0.58 5.61 27.53 1 192.45 Sh 384.91 Sh 0.57 5.34 26.53 1 181.69 Sh 363.39 Sh 0.56 5.09 25.53 1 172.09 Sh 344.18 Sh 0.55 4.84 24.53 1 162.51 Sh 325.01 Sh 0.54 4.61 23.53 1 154.06 Sh 308.11 Sh 0.53 4.38 22.53 1 145.62 Sh 291.23 Sh 0.52 4.16 21.53 1 137.74 Sh 275.48 Sh 0.51 3.96 20.53 1 130.97 Sh 261.93 Sh 0.50 3.76 19.53 1 124.20 S% 248.39 Sh 0.49 3.57 19.01 1 115.98 Sh 231.96 Sh 0.48 3.39 18.50 108.35 Sh 216.69 Sh 0.47 3.21 17.99 100.79 Sh 201.58 Sh 0.46 3.04 17.48 93.83 Sh 187.67 Sh 0.45 2.87 16.97 86.95 Sh 173.90 Sh 36' Z m Q m W U DEPTH (FT) A (SF) P (FT) Q (CFS) HALF STREET FULL STREET 0.44 2.70 16.46 80.15 Sh 160.30 Sh 0.43 2.55 15.95 74.41 SA 148.83 S 0.42 2.39 15.44 68.26 Sh 136.52 S 0.41 1 2.24 14.93 62.66 Sh 125.31 Sh 0.40 2.10 14.42 57.59 Sh 115.17 S' 0.39 1.96 13.91 52.58 Sh 105.16 Sh 0.38 1.83 13.40 48.08 S' 96.16 S' 0.37 1.70 12.89 43.64 Sh 87.27 Sh 0.36 1.58 12.38 1 39.68 Sh 79.35 Sh 0.35 1.46 11.87 1 35.77 Sh 71.54 Sh 0.34 1.34 11.36 31.93 Sh 63.86 Sh 0.33 1.24 10.85 28.93 Sh 57.86 Sh 0.32 1.13 10.34 1 25.59 Sh 51.18 S' 0.31 1.03 9.83 1 22.68 Sh 45.36 S' 0.30 0.94 9.32 20.18 Sh 40.35 S' 0.29 0.85 8.81 17.71 Sh 35.43 Sh 0.28 0.77 8.30 15.63 Sh 31.26 Sh 0.27 0.69 7.79 13.58 Sh 27.17 S' 0.26 0.62 7.28 11.89 Sh 23.78 Sh 0.25 0.55 6.76 10.23 Sh 20.46 Sh 0.24 0.49 6.25 1 8.89 Sh 17.78 5 0.23 0.43 5.74 1 7.57 Sh 15.14 Sh 0.22 0.38 5.23 6.55 S' 13.11 S' 0.21 0.33 4.72 5.55 Sh 11.10 Sh 0.20 0.28 4.21 4.55 Sh 9.11 Sh 0.19 0.25 3.70 4.11 Sh 8.22 Sh 0.18 0.21 3.19 3.39 Sh 6.78 Sh 0.17 0.19 2.68 3.22 Sh 6.45 Sh 0.16 1 0.16 2.17 2.79 Sh 5.57 Sh 0.15 1 0.14 2.04 2.32 Sh 4.65 Sh VALUES FOR Q CALCULATED FROM MANNING'S EQUATION: Q = 1.486 A (A /P)% S%i WHERE Q = RATE OF FLOW IN STREET (CFS) n = ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT = 0.015 A = CROSS- SECTIONAL AREA OF FLOW (SF) P = WETTED PERIMETER OF FLOW (FT) S = LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF STREET (FT /FT) STREET FLOW CAPACITY CHART 54TH AVENUE I* 10' P.U.E. R W 14.5' D =1.00' \ %K * 4'--1 2' [-- 4' - 2% DEPTH (FT) A (SF) P (FT) Q (CFS) (HALF STREET) 1.00 6.00 10.25 249.56 S% 0.95 5.51 9.83 222.65 SA 0.90 5.04 9.42 197.44 S36 0.85 4.59 9.01 174.03 S% 0.80 4.16 8.60 152.37 Sli 0.75 3.75 8.18 132.52 S% 0.70 3.36 7.77 114.21 S% 0.65 2.99 7.36 97.49 S% 0.60 2.64 6.95 82.31 SA 0.55 2.31 6.54 68.61 S'/2 0.50 2.00 6.12 56.40 S% 0.45 1.71 5.71 45.50 SY2 0.40 1.44 5.30 35.91 S% 0.35 1.19 4.89 27.57 Syl 0.30 0.96 4.47 20.46 S% 0.25 0.75 4.06 14.46 SA 0.20 0.56 3.65 9.54 S% 0.15 0.39 3.24 5.65 S'h 0.10 0.24 2.82 2.76 S% 0.05 0.11 1 2.41 0.84 S16 VALUES FOR Q CALCULATED FROM MANNING'S EQUATION: Q = 1 -4,86 A (A /P)A S!� WHERE Q = RATE OF FLOW IN STREET (CFS) n = ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT = 0.025 A = CROSS- SECTIONAL AREA OF FLOW (SF) P = WETTED PERIMETER OF FLOW (FT) S = LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF STREET (FT /FT) STREET FLOW CAPACITY CHART PRIVATE ON -SITE RURAL ROADS • 0 CATCH BASIN CAPACITY CALCULATIONS • • CATCH BASIN SUMMARY CATCH BASIN NO. INLET CONDITION DRAINAGE NODE STREET FLOW (CFS) INLET CAPACITY (CFS) REMAINING FLOW (CFS) NODE RECEIVING REMAINING FLOW Q100 Q10 Qloo Quo Qioo Quo 1 FLOW -BY 163 5.293 3.211 5.330 4.254 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 2 FLOW -BY 162 11.884 I 7.146 12.228 ( 9.402 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 3 FLOW -BY 164 1.116 0.678 7.734 6.320 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 4 SUMP 152 27.568 15.466 14.556 11.895 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- 5 SUMP 14.556 1 11.895 6 FLOW -BY 143 51.211 27.875 17.318 12.781 16.575 2.313 102 7 FLOW -BY 17.318 12.781 8 GRATE 133(W) 9.650 5.123 11.549 11.549 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 9 GRATE 133(E) 9.380 5.088 11.549 11.549 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 10 SUMP 102 36.308 14.540 21.782 17.800 - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- SUMP 21.782 17.800 12 GRATE 132 3.510 2.074 7.699 7.699 - - - -- I - - - -- _____ 13 GRATE 131 5.614 3.055 7.699 7.699 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 14 FLOW -BY 122 7.307 4.395 7.777 6.337 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 15 GRATE 201(N) 4.017 2.205 7.699 7.699 - - - -- - - - -- ----- GRATE 201(S) 0.523 0.317 7.699 7.699 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 17 GRATE 203(N) 4.273 2.279 7.699 7.699 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 18 GRATE . 203(S) 16.912 9.020 17.323 17.323 - - - -- I - - - -- _____ 19 SUMP 212 42.958 24.290 6.090 6.090 36.868 18.200 213 20 SUMP 213 47.149 23.983 16.927 13.833 - - - -- - - - -- ----- 21 SUMP 16.927 13.833 22 SUMP 16.927 13.833 23 SUMP 271 12.268 7.123 7.734 6320 . _____ _____ _____ 24 SUMP 7.734 6.320 25 SUMP 261 11.494 6.667 . 7734 6.320 _____ _____ _____ 26 SUMP 7.734 6.320 27 SUMP 253 47.614 22.745 24.258 19.824 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 28 SUMP 24.258 19.824 29 SUMP 24.258 19.824 30 FLOW -BY 252 35.3291 19.906 15.5251 4.996 253 31 FLOW -BY 9.902 7.455 32 SUMP 233 46.409 1 23.497 24.258 19.824 _ ____ _____ _____ 33 SUMP 24.258 19.824 34 FLOW -BY 232 ` 33.201 1 18.783 6.397 I 4.919 20.4071 8.945 233 35 FLOW -BY 6.397 I 4.919 36 FLOW -BY 242 7.900 4.685 8.027 6.570 - - - -- I - - - -- _____ 37 SUMP 171 5.440 I 3.112 734 7.. 6320 _____ _____ 38 SUMP 7.7 4 6.320 39 SUMP 181 21.279 12.099 7.734 6.320 - - - -- ----- ----- 40 SUMP 7.734 6.320 41 SUMP i 7.734 6.320 42 SUMP 191 10.184 5.817 1 12.229 9.994 - - - -- - - - -- _____ 0 Catch Basin Capacity Calculations The following catch basin capacity equations used for curb - opening catch basins is taken from the attached Design Charts LL -13 and LL -15 for catch basins on grade and in sump conditions, respectively, published by the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works: LL -13: Q = 2.92 Wo.a5D1.5 where: Q = maximum storm flow in one inlet (cfs) W = length of curb opening (ft) D = depth of flow above normal gutter grade, taken from attached street flow depth tabes (ft) LL -15: Q = 3.0 AWo.13D0.6 = 3.0(0.67W) WO.13D0.6 = 2.OW1.13D0.6 where: Q = maximum storm flow in one inlet (cfs) A = area of curb opening (W x 0.67) (ft) W = length of curb opening (ft) D = maximum depth of flow above normal gutter grade, assumed to be at top of curb for 10 -year storm and top of right -of -way or public utility easement for 100 -year storm (see attached Street Flow Capacity Charts) (ft) The following equation used for grate inlet catch basins is taken from the Federal • Highway Administration's Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 (HEC 12): Q = (cA 2gd� where: Q = maximum storm flow in one inlet (cfs) c = orifice coefficient = 0.6 (square edges) A = open area of grate (ft2) Assuming 80% open area of grates: For 24"x24" grate, A = 2' x 2' x 80% = 3.2 ft2 For 24"x36" grate, A = 2' x 3' x 80% = 4.8 ft2 For 36"x36" grate, A = 3' x 3' x 80% = 7.2 ft2 g = gravitational constant = 32.16 ft/sec2 d = maximum depth of water over grate = 1 ft (see attached Street Flow Capacity Chart for Private On -Site Rural Roads) f = clogging factor = 0.50 Node 102 — SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D06 with W = 10 ft: D,O M,x = 0.50 ft: Q=2.0(1 0)1.13(o .50)0.6 = 17.800 cfs D100 MAX = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(1 0)1-13(o .70)0.6 = 21.782 cfs Node 122 — FLOW -BY From Chart LL -13, Q = 2.92 WO.115 D1.5 with W = 12 ft: D10 = 0.41 ft: Q = 2.92(12)0.85(o .41 )1.5 = 6.337 cfs D100 = 0.47 ft: Q = 2.92(12)0.85(0.47)1.5 = 7.777 cfs Node 131 - GRATE From HEC -12, Q = (cA 2gd ) , using 24 "x24" grate: Q = (cA 2gd) = 0.6(3.2) 2(32.16)(1.00)X0.50) =7.699 cfs Node 132 - GRATE From HEC -12, Q = (cA 2gd�, using 24 "x24" grate: Q = (cA 2gd) = 0.6(3.2) 2(32.16)(1.00)X0.50) =7.699 cfs Node 133(W) - GRATE From HEC -12, Q = (cA 2gd) , using 24 "x36" grate: Q = (cA 2gd�F = 0.6(4.8) 2(32.16)(1.00)X0.50) = 11.549 cfs Node 133(E) - GRATE From HEC -12, Q = (cA 2gd) , using 24 "x36" grate: Q = (CA 2gd�f = 0.6(4.8) 2(32.16)(1.00)X0.50) = 11.549 cfs Node 143 - FLOW -BY From Chart LL -13, Q = 2.92 W0.85 D1.5 with W = 20 ft: D10 = 0.49 ft: Q = 2.92(20)0.85(0.49)1.5 = 12.781 cfs D100 = 0.60 ft: Q = 2.92(20)0-115(o .60)1 .5 = 17.318 cfs Node 152 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1-13 D0.6 with W = 7 ft: D10 M,x = 0.50 ft: Q=2.0(7)' 13(0.50)0.6 = 11.895 cfs D100 Max = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(7)' .13(o .70)0.6 = 14.556 cfs Node. 162 - FLOW -BY From Chart LL -13, Q = 2.92 Wo.85 D1.5 with W = 15 ft: D10 = 0.47 ft: Q = 2.92(15)0.85(0.47)1.5 = 9.402 cfs D1oo = 0.56 ft: Q = 2.92(15)0.85(0.56)1.5 = 12.228 cfs Node 163 - FLOW -BY From Chart LL -13, Q = 2.92 W085 D1.5 with W = 9 ft: D10 = 0.37 ft: Q = 2.92(9)0.85(0.37)15 = 4.254 cfs D100 = 0.43 ft: Q = 2.92(9)0."5(0.43)'.5 = 5.330 cfs Node 164 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D0.6 with W = 4 ft: D10 M,x = 0.50 ft: Q=2.0(4)1 .13(o .50)0.6 = 6.320 cfs Dloo Max = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(4)1 .13(o .70)0.6 = 7.734 cfs Node 171 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D0.6 with W = 4 ft: DioMax = 0.50 ft: Q=2.0(4)1 .13(o .50)0.6 = 6.320 cfs Dloo Max = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(4)1 .13(o .70)0.6 = 7.734 cfs • Node 181 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D0-6 with W = 4 ft: D10 mAX = 0.50 ft: Q=2.0(4)1 .13(0 .50)0-6 = 6.320 cfs D100 Max = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(4)' .13(o .70)0-6 = 7.734 cfs Node 191 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1-13 D0.6 with W = 6 ft: D10 Max = 0.50 ft: Q = 2.0(6)l .13(0 .50)0.6 = 9.994 cfs D100 Max = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(6)1 .13(0 .70)0-6 = 12.229 cfs Node 201(N) - GRATE From HEC -12, Q = (cA 2gd ) , using 24 "x24" grate: Q = (cA 2gd) = 0.6(3.2) 2(32.16)(1.00)X0.50) =7.699 cfs Node 201(S) - GRATE From HEC -12, Q = (cA 2gd) , using 24 "x24" grate: Q = (cA 2gd) = 0.6(3.2) 2(32.16)(1.00)X0.50) =7.699 cfs Node 203(N) - GRATE From HEC -12, Q = (cA 2gd) , using 24 "x24" grate: Q = (cA 2gd) = 0.6(3.2) 2(32.16)(1.00)X0.50) =7.699 cfs Node 203(S) - GRATE From HEC -12, Q = (cA 2gd) , using 36 "x36" grate: Q = (cA 2gd) = 0.6(7.2) 2(32.16)(1.00)X0.50) = 17.323 cfs Node 212 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D0.6 with W = 4 ft: D10 Max = 0.47 ft: Q = 2.0(4)113(0.47)0 6 = 6.090 cfs Dim Max = 0.47 ft: Q = 2.0(4)1 .13(0 .47)0.6 = 6.090 cfs Node 213 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D0.6 with W = 8 ft: Dio Max = 0.50 ft: Q=2.0(8)1 -13(0 .50)0-6 = 13.833 cfs D100 Max = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(8)1 -13(0 .70)0 6 = 16.927 cfs Node 232 - FLOW -BY From Chart LL -13, Q = 2.92 W0-85 D' 5 with W = 7 ft: Dt0 = 0.47 ft: Q = 2.92(7)0.85(0.47)15 = 4.919 cfs D100 = 0.56 ft: Q = 2.92(7)0.85(0.56)15 = 6.397 cfs Node 233 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D06 with W = 11 ft: D10Max = 0.50 ft: Q=2.0(1 1)1.13(o .50)0.6 = 19.824 cfs Dim Max = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(1 1)1.13(o .70 )0 6 = 24.258 cfs • Node 242 - FLOW -BY From Chart LL -13, Q = 2.92 W0-85 D1-5 with W = 12 ft: D10 = 0.42 ft: Q = 2.92(12)0.85(0.42)15 = 6.570 cfs D100 = 0.48 ft: Q = 2.92(12)0.85(0.48)1.5 = 8.027 cfs Node 252 - FLOW -BY From Chart LL -13, Q = 2.92 W0.85 D1.5 with W = 11 ft: D10 = 0.48 ft: Q = 2.92(l 1)0.115(o .48)1 .5 = 7.455 cfs D100 = 0.58 ft: Q = 2.92(l 1)0.85(o .58)' -5 = 9.902 cfs Node 253 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 Do .6 with W = 11 ft: D10 mAx = 0.50 ft: Q = 2.0(1 1)1.13(o .50)0.6 = 19.824 cfs D100 mAx = 0.70 ft: Q = 2.0(1 1)1.13(o .70)0-6 = 24.258 cfs Node 261 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D0-6 with W = 4 ft: D10 mAx = 0.50 ft:, Q = 2.0(4)' .13(0 .50)0-6 = 6.320 cfs D100 MAX = 0.70 ft: Q=2.0(4)1 .13(0 .70)0.6 = 7.734 cfs Node 271 - SUMP From Chart LL -15, Q = 2.0 W1.13 D0-6 with W = 4 ft: D10 MAX = 0.50 ft: Q=2.0(4)1 .13(0 .50)0.6 = 6.320 cfs D1ooMAx = 0.70 ft: Q=2.0(4)1 .13(0 .70)0.6 = 7.734 cfs �J 0 U • n U SAND FILTER CALCULATIONS • SAND FILTER CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE NO. OF NO. OF SAND FILTERS LEACH LINE LENGTH LEACH LINE LENGTH AREA HOMES (40 HOMES PER SAND FILTER) (3.8 LF PER HOME) PER SAND FILTER 1 A 82 3 312 104 1B 34 1 130 130 • 1C 2 1 8 8 2A 52 2 198 99 2B 64 2 244 122 2C. 63 2 240 f 120, 2D 7 1 27 27 2E 11 .1 42 42 TOTALS 315 13 1201 • r1 LJ 0 0 SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH SHORTCUT METHOD CALCULATIONS 4 ,4 R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" Project 1721 Res. Areas - 40k sf Lots - Soil Group A SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain By JAD Date Calculation Form Checked Date Sheet 1 of 1 [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 ] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 71 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR (11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.610 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [41 ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [101 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS)-IN/HR 0.000 (141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH (15) UNIT TIME PERIOD M HR [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4.18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[1011201 100[5] [221 LOSS RATE IN/HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.610 0.061 0.011 0.011 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.610 0.066 0.012 0.012 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.610 0.092 0.016 0.016 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.610 0.107 0.019 0.019 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.610 0.143 0.025 0.025 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.610 0.148 0.026 0.026 7.000 3.800 0.228 0.610 0.194 0.034 0.034 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.610 0.235 0.041 0.042 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.610 0.321 0.057 0.057 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.610 0.418 0.074 0.074 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.610 0.357 0.063 0.064 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.610 0.372 0.066 0.066 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.610 0.551 0.097 0.098 14.000 11.400 0.684 0.610 0.581 0.103 0.103 15.000 10.400 0.624 0.610 0.530 0.094 0.094 16.000 8.500 0.510 0.610 0.434 0.077 0.077 17.000 1.400 0.084 0.610 0.071 0.013 0.013 18.000 1.900 0.114 0.610 0.097 0.017 0.017 19.000 1.300 0.078 0.610 0.066 0.012 0.012 20.000 1.200 0.072 0.610 0.061 0.011 0.011 21.000 1.100 0.066 0.610 0.056 0.010 0.010 22.000 1.000 0.060 0.610 0.051 0.009 0.009 23.000 0.900 0.054 0.610 0.046 0.008 0.008 24.000 0.800 0.048 0.610 0.041 0.007 0.007 TOTALS 100.0001 0.900 0.907 0EFFECTIVE RAIN = 0.900 INCHES 1� 1� R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 20k sf Lots - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [51 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 [71 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[61) 0.000 [91 STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.470 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 It 2] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS }IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT • 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M HR [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]`[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [171m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN ]41' 18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 1f 01[201 100[51 [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [211 -[221 [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.470 0.061 0.011 0.011 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.470 0.066 0.012 0.012 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.470 0.092 0.016 0.016 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.470 0.107 0.019 0.019 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.470 0.143 0.025 0.025 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.470 0.148 0.026 0.026 7.000 3.800 0.228 0.470 0.194 0.034 0.034 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.470 0.235 0.041 0.042 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.470 0.321 0.057 0.057 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.470 0.418 0.074 0.074 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.470 0.357 0.063 0.064 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.470 0.372 0.066 0.066 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.470 0.551 0.178 0.179 14.000 11.400 0.684 0.470 0.581 0.214 0.216 15.000 10.400 0.624 0.470 0.5301 0.154 0.155 16.000 8.500 0.510 0.470 0.434 0.077 0.077 17.000 1.400 0.084 0.470 0.071 0.013 0.013 18.000 1.900 0.114 0.470 0.097 0.017 0.017 19.000 1.300 0.078 0.470 0.066 0.012 0.012 20.000 1.200 0.072 0.470 0.061 0.011 0.011 21.000 1.100 0.066 0.470 0.056 0.010 0.010 22.000 1.000 0.060 0.470 0.0511 0.009 0.009 23.000 0.900 0.054 0.470 0.0461 0.008 0.008 24.000 0.800 0.048 0.470 0.0411 0.007 0.007 TOTALS 100.000 1.1531 1.162 OEFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.153 INCHES l� R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 10k sf Lots - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 [71 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.410 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [41 ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [61 LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M HR [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17)m- [17]m -1 [171 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[101[201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23) EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24) FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.410 0.061 0.011 0.011 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.410 0.066 0.012 0.012 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.410 0.092 0.016 0.016 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.410 0.107 0.019 0.019 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.410 0.143 0.025 0.025 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.410 0.148 0.026 0.026 7.000 3.800 0.228 0.410 0.194 0.034 0.034 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.410 0.2351 0.041 0.042 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.410 0.321 0.057 0.057 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.410 0.418 0.082 0.083 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.410 0.357 0.063 0.064 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.410 0.372 0.066 0.066 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.410 0.551 0.238 0.240 14.000 11.400 0.684 0.410 0.581 0.274 0.276 15.000 10.400 0.624 0.410 0.5301 0.214 0.216 16.000 8.500 0.510 0.410 0.434 0.100 0.101 17.000 1.400 0.084 0.410 0.071 0.013 0.013 18.000 1.900 0.114 0.410 0.097 0.017 0.017 19.000 1.300 0.078 0.410 0.066 0.012 0.012 20.000 1.200 0.072 0.410 0.061 0.011 0.011 21.000 1.100 0.066 0.410 0.056 0.010 0.010 22.000 1.000 0.060 0.4101 0.051 0.009 0.009 23.000 0.900 0.054 0.410 0.046 0.008 0.008 24.000 0.800 0.048 0.410 0.041 0.007 0.007 TOTALS 100.0001 1.364 1.376 •EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.364 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Offsite Street Areas - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3) DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.340 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS }IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 42.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH (15) UNIT TIME PERIOD m HR [16) TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]•[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[1011`201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.340 0.0301 0.042 0.042 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.340 0.0331 0.045 0.046 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.340 0.0451 0.063 0.063 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.340 0.0531 0.073 0.074 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.340 0.0711 0.097 0.098 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.340 0.0731 0.101 0.102 7.000 3.800 0.228 0.340 0.0961 0.132 0.133 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.340 0.1161 0.160 0.161 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.340 0.1591 0.219 0.221 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.340 0.2071 0.285 0.288 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.340 0.1761 0.244 0.246 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.340 0.1841 0.254 0.256 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.340 0.2721 0.376 0.379 14.000 11.400 0.684 0.340 0.2871 0.397 0.400 15.000 16.000 17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 21.000 22.000 23.000 24.000 10.400 8.500 1.400 1.900 1.300 1.200 1.100 1.000 0.900 0.800 0.624 0.510 0.084 0.114 0.078 0.072 0.066 0.060 0.054 0.048 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.2621 0.2141 0.0351 0.0481 0.0331 0.0301 0.0281 0.0251 0.0231 0.020 0.362 0.296 0.049 0.066 0.045 0.042 0.038 0.035 0.031 0.028 0.365 0.298 0.049 0.067 0.046 0.042 0.039 0.035 0.032 0.028 TOTALS 100,0001 3.480 3.509 OFFECTIVE RAIN = 3.480 INCHES 4 r, L R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 40k sf Lots - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CCNCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [111 VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 t 31 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.420 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6) LAG TIME- MINUTES 0.000 [81 S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15] UNIT TIME PERIOD rr, HR [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [t7] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN [41.1181 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN/HR 6010 20 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.420 0.061 0.011 0.011 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.420 0.066 0.012 0.012 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.420 0.092 0.016 0.016 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.420 0.107 0.019 0.019 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.420 0.143 0.0251 0.025 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.420 0.148 0.026 0.026 7.000 3.800 1 0.228 0.420 0.194 0.034 0.034 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.420 0.235 0.041 0.042 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.420 0.321 0.057 0.057 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.420 0.418 0.074 0.074 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.420 0.357 0.063 0.064 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.420 0.372 0.066 0.066 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.420 0.5511 0.228 0.230 14.000 11.400 0.684 0.420 0.581 0.264 0.266 15.000 10.400 0.624 0.420 0.530 0.204 0.206 16.000 8.500 0.510 0.420 0.434 0.090 0.091 17.000 1.400 0.084 0.420 0.071 0.013 0.013 18.000 1.900 0.114 0.420 0.097 0.017 0.017 19.000 1.300 0.078 0.420 0.066 0.012 0.012 20.000 1.200 0.072 0.420 0.061 0.011 0.011 21.000 1.100 0.066 0.420 0.0561 0.010 0.010 22.000 1.000 0.060 0.420 0.051 0.009 0.009 23.000 0.900 0.054 0.420 0.046 0.008 0.008 24.000 0.800 0.048 0.420 0.041 0.007 0.007 TOTALS 100.0001 1.3161 1.327 OFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.316 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 20k sf Lots - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [51 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[51/[6)) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.330 [2) AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 (8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10) TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m HR [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] 1171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [171 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4.18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[101[201 100[5] [221 LOSS RATE IN /HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [211 -[221 [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.330 0.061 0.011 0.011 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.330 0.066 0.012 0.012 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.330 0.092 0.016 0.016 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.330 0.107 0.019 0.019 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.330 0.143 0.025 0.025 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.330 0.148 0.026 0.026 7.000 3.800 0.228 0.330 0.194 0.034 0.034 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.330 0.2351 0.041 0.042 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.330 0.3211 0.057 0.057 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.330 0.4181 0.162 0.163 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.330 0.3571 0.090 0.091 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.330 0.3721 0.108 0.109 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.330 0.5511 0.318 0.321 14.000 11.400 0.684 0.330 0.5811 0.354 0.357 15.000 1 10.400 0.624 0.330 0.5301 0.294 0.296 16.000 1 8.500 0.510 0.330 0.4341 0.180 0.181 17.000 1 1.400 0.084 0.330 0.0711 0.013 0.013 18.000 1 1.900 0.114 0.330 0.0971 0.017 0.017 19.000 1.300 0.078 0.330 0.0661 0.012 0.012 20.000 1.200 0.072 0.330 0.0611 0.011 0.011 21.000 1.100 0.066 0.330 0.0561 0.010 0.010 22.000 1.000 0.060 0.330 0.0511 0.009 0.009 23.000 0.900 0.054 0.330 0.046 0.008 0.008 24.000 0.800 0.048 0.330 0.041 0.007 0.007 TOTALS 100.000 1.834 1.849 WEIFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.834 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 10k sf Lots - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [11 CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[51/[6]) 0.000 [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 f131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.280 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6) LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8) S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS }IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH 1151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M HR (16) TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[151 [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16) DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [171m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4.18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21] STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[101[201 100151 [22) LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [211 -[221 [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.280 0.061 0.011 0.011 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.280 0.066 0.012 0.012 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.280 0.092 0.016 0.016 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.280 0.107 0.019 0.019 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.280 0.1431 0.025 0.025 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.280 0.148 0.026 0.026 7.000 3.800 0.228 0.280 0.194 0.034 0.034 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.280 0.235 0.041 0.042 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.280 0.321 0.098 0.099 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.280 0.418 0.212 0.214 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.280 0.357 0.140 0.141 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.280 0.372 0.158 0.159 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.280 0.5511 0.368 0.371 14.000 1 11.400 0.684 0.280 0.5811 0.404 0.407 15.000 10.400 0.624 0.280 0.5301 0.344 0.347 16.000 8.500 0.510 0.280 0.4341 0.230 0.232 17.000 1.400 0.084 0.280 0.0711 0.013 0.013 18.000 1.900 0.114 0.280 0.0971 0.017 0.017 19.000 1.300 0.078 0.280 0.0661 0.012 0.012 20.000 1 1.200 0.072 0.280 0.061 0.011 0.011 21.000 1.100 0.066 0.280 0.056 0.010 0.010 22.000 1.000 0.060 0.280 0.051 0.009 0.009 23.000 0.900 0.054 0.280 0.046 0.008 0.008 24.000 0.800 0.048 0.280 0.041 0.007 0.007 TOTALS I 100.0001 2.2251 2.243 WIFFECTIVE RAIN = 2.225 INCHES 4 r R C F C& W C D "SHORTCUT METHOD" Project 1721 Retention /Park/Golf Areas -Soil Group B Sheet 1 of 1 HYDROLOGY SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. MANUAL Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain By JAD Date Calculation Form Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) - 0.000 [5] UNIT TIME- MINUTES 60.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [91 STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [10) TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.460 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 90.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD [15] [16] [17] [16] [171 [20] [21] [22] [23] HYDROGRAPH [24] UNIT TIME CUMULATIVE DISTRIB UNIT PATTERN STORM LOSS EFFECTIVE FLOW TIME PERCENT AVERAGE GRAPH HYDROGRAPH PERCENT RAIN RATE RAIN CFS PERIOD OF LAG PERCENT OF PERCENT CFS - HRS /IN (PL E -5.9) IN /HR IN /HR IN /HR M [71'[15] ULTIMATE [17]m- [17]m -1 [41.1181 60 10 20 [21]-[22] DISCHARGE 100.000 100[5] HR (S- GRAPH) MAX LOW 1.000 2.000 1.200 0.072 0.460 0.0651 0.007 0.007 3.000 1.300 0.078 0.460 0.070 0.008 0.008 4.000 1.800 0.108 0.460 0.097 0.011 0.011 5.000 2.100 0.126 0.460 0.113 0.013 0.013 6.000 2.800 0.168 0.460 0.151 0.017 0.017 7.000 2.900 0.174 0.460 0.157 0.017 0.018 8.000 3.800 0.228 0.460 0.205 0.023 0.023 9.000 4.600 0.276 0.460 0.248 0.028 0.028 10.000 6.300 0.378 0.460 0.340 0.038 0.038 11.000 8.200 0.492 0.460 0.443 0.049 0.050 12.000 7.000 0.420 0.460 0.378 0.042 0.042 13.000 7.300 0.438 0.460 0.394 0.044 0.044 14.000 10.800 0.648 0.460 0.583 0.188 0.190 15.000 11.400 0.684 0.460 0.616 0.224 0.226 16.000 10.400 0.624 0.460 0.562 0.164 0.165 17.000 8.500 0.510 0.460 0.459 0.051 0.051 18.000 1.400 0.084 0.460 0.076 0.008 0.008 19.000 1.900 0.114 0.460 0.103 0.011 0.011 20.000 1.300 0.078 0.460 0.070 0.008 0.008 21.000 1.200 0.072 0.460 0.065 0.007 0.007 22.000 1.100 0.066 0.460 0.059 0.007 0.007 23.000 1.000 0.060 0.460 0.054 0.006 0.006 24.000 0.900 0.054 0.460 0.049 0.005 0.005 0.800 0.048 0.460 0.0431 0.005 0.005 TOTALS 100.0001 0.9801 0.989 OFFECTIVE RAIN = 0.980 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Offsite Street Areas - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [51 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.230 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS )4N /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 42.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m HR [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 1`411181 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21] STORM RAIN IN /HR 6010 20 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [211-[221 [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.230 0.030 0.042 0.042 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.230 0.033 0.045 0.046 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.230 0.045 0.063 0.063 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.230 0.053 0.073 0.074 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.230 0.071 0.097 0.098 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.230 0.073 0.101 0.102 7.000 3.800 0.228 0.230 0.096 0.132 0.133 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.230 0.116 0.160 0.161 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.230 0.159 0.219 0.221 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.230 0.207 0.285 0.288 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.230 0.176 0.244 0.246 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.230 0.184 0.254 0.256 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.230 0.272 0.418 0.421 14.000 11.400 0.684 0.230 0.287 0.454 0.458 15.000 10.400 0.624 0.230 0.262 0.394 0.397 16.000 8.500 0.510 0.230 0.214 0.296 0.298 17.000 1.400 0.084 0.230 0.035 0.049 0.049 18.000 1.900 0.114 0.230 0.048 0.066 0.067 19.000 1.300 0.078 0.230 0.033 0.045 0.046 20.000 1.200 0.0721 0.230 0.030 0.042 0.042 21.000 1.100 0.066 0.23.0 0.0281 0.038 0.039 22.000 1.000 0.060 0.230 0.0251 0.035 0.035 23.000 0.900 0.054 0.230 0.023 0.031 0.032 24.000 0.800 0.048 0.230 0.020 0.028 0.028 J3642 TOTALS 1 100.000 3.612 SIEFFECTIVE RAIN = 3.612 INCHES r R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Clubhouse Area - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 24 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1) CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [31 DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 60.000 (7) UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[51/[6]) 0.000 (91 STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 24 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 t 31 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.280 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [41 ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[31) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 It 0] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 6.000 [121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 1`141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15] UNIT TIME PERIOD M HR [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[15] 1171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4.18 100.000 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 601[ 01[201 100[5] [221 LOSS RATE IN /HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.200 0.072 0.280 0.061 0.011 0.011 2.000 1.300 0.078 0.280 0.066 0.012 0.012 3.000 1.800 0.108 0.280 0.092 0.016 0.016 4.000 2.100 0.126 0.280 0.107 0.019 0.019 5.000 2.800 0.168 0.280 0.143 0.025 0.025 6.000 2.900 0.174 0.280 0.148 0.026 0.026 7.000 3.800 0.228 0.280 0.194 0.034 0.034 8.000 4.600 0.276 0.280 0.235 0.041 0.042 9.000 6.300 0.378 0.280 0.321 0.098 0.099 10.000 8.200 0.492 0.280 0.418 0.212 0.214 11.000 7.000 0.420 0.280 0.357 0.140 0.141 12.000 7.300 0.438 0.280 0.372 0.158 0.159 13.000 10.800 0.648 0.280 0.551 0.368 0.371 14.000 11.400 0.684 0.280 0.581 0.404 0.407 15.000 10.400 0.624 0.280 0.530 0.344 0.347 16.000 8.500 0.510 0.280 0.434 0.230 0.232 17.000 1.400 0.084 0.280 0.071 0.013 0.013 18.000 1.900 0.114 0.280 0.097 0.017 0.017 9.000 1.300 0.078 0.280 0.066 0.012 0.012 20.000 1.200 0.072 0.280 0.061 0.011 0.011 21.000 1.100 0.066 0.280 0.056 0.010 0.010 22.000 r 1.000 0.060 0.280 0.051 0.009 0.009 23.000 0.900 0.054 0.280 0.046 0.008 0.008 24.000 0.800 0.048 0.280 0.041 0.007 0.007 TOTALS 1 100,0001 2.225 2.243 OEFFECTIVE RAIN = 2.225 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 40k sf Lots - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date (11 CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 year 6 hour [11) VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.610 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 (6) LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 (141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDRO [15] UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[101[201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR 1231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] )RAPH FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.610 0.173 0.0311 0.031 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.610 0.194 0.034 0.034 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.610 0.214 0.038 0.038 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.610 0.224 0.040 0.040 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.610 0.245 0.043 0.044 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.610 0.245 0.043 0.044 7.000 2.4001 0.288 0.610 0.245 0.043 0.044 8.000 2.500 0.300 0.610 0.255 0.0451 0.045 9.000 2.600 0.312 0.610 0.265 0.047 0.047 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.610 0.275 0.049 0.049 11.000 2.800 0.336 0.610 0.286 0.050 0.051 12.000 3.000 0.360 0.610 0.306 0.054 0.054 13.000 3.200 0.384 0.610 0.326 0.058 0.058 14.000 3.600 0.432 0.610 0.367 0.065 0.065 15.000 4.300 0.516 0.610 0.4391 0.077 0.078 16.000 4.700 0.564 0.610 0.4791 0.085 0.085 17.000 5.400 0.648 0.610 0.5511 0.097 0.098 18.000 6.200 0.744 0.610 0.632 0.134 0.135 19.000 6.900 0.828 0.610 0.704 0.218 0.220 20.000 7.500 0.900 0.610 0.765 0.290 0.292 21.000 1 10.600 1.272 0.610 1.081 0.662 0.668 22.000 1 14.500 1.740 0.610 1.479 1.130 1.139 23.000 3.400 0.408 0.610 0.347 0.061 0.062 24.000 1.000 0.120 0.610 0.102 0.018 0.018 TOTALS 100.000 3.41!L 3.440 *EFFECTIVE RAIN = 0.853 INCHES 4 4 R C F C & W C D "SHORTCUT METHOD" Project 1721 Res. Areas - 20k sf Lots - Soil Group A Sheet 1 of 1 HYDROLOGY SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. By JAD Date MANUAL Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Checked Date (1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [2] AREA DESIGNATION (3) DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 (5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 (8] S -CURVE 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 year 6 hour [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.470 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15] UNIT TIME PERIOD [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21] STORM RAIN IN /HR [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [24] FLOW CFS m [7]'[15] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE [17]m- [17]m -1 4' 18 100.000 60 1f 01[201 100[5] [21]_[22] (S- GRAPH) MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.470 0.173 0.0311 0.031 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000 17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 21.000 22.000 23.000 24.000 1.900 2.100 2.200 2.400 2.400 2.400 2.500 2.600 2.700 2.800 3.000 3.200 3,6001 4.300 4.700 5.400 6.200 6.900 7.500 10.600 14.500 3.400 1.000 0.228 0.252 0.264 0.288 0.288 1 0.288 0.300 0.312 0.324 0.336 0.360 0.384 0.432 0.516 0.564 0.648 0.744 0.828 0.900 1.272 1.740 0.408 0.120 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.194 0.214 0.224 0.245 0.245 0.2451 0.2551 0.265 0.275 0.286 0.306 0.326 0.367 0.439 0.479 0.551 0.632 0.704 0.765 1.081 1.479 0.347 0.102 0.034 0.038 0.040 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.045 0.047 0.049 0.050 0.054 0.058 0.065 0.077 0.094 0.178 0.274 0.358 0.430 0.802 1.270 0.061 0.018 0.034 0.038 0.040 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.045 0.047 0.049 0.051 0.054 0.058 0.065 0.078 0.095 0.179 0.276 0.361 0.434 0.809 1.281 0.062 0.018 TOTALS 100.000 4.202 ��]J.237 OFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.050 INCHES f R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 10k sf Lots - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [51 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 year 6 hour [111 VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.410 [21 AREA DESIGNATION [41 ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDRO [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[151 [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [171m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN [4' 18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21] STORM RAIN IN/HR 60 1f 01[201 100[5] [22) LOSS RATE IN /HR 1231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] ]RAPH FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.410 0.173 0.031 0.031 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.410 0.194 0.034 0.034 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.410 0.214 0.038 0.038 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.410 0.224 0.040 0.040 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.410 0.2451 0.043 0.044 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.410 0.2451 0.043 0.044 7.000 2.400 0.288 0.410 0.245 0.043 0.044 8.000 2.500 0.300 0.410 0.255 0.045 0.045 9.000 2.600 0.312 0.410 0.265 0.047 0.047 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.410 0.275 0.049 0.049 11.000 2.800 0.336 0.410 0.286 0.050 0.051 12.000 3.000 0.360 0.410 0.306 0.054 0.054 13.000 3.200 0.384 0.410 0.3261 0.058 0.058 14.000 3.600 0.432 0.410 0.3671 0.065 0.065 15.000 4.300 0.516 0.410 0.4391 0.106 0.107 16.000 4.700 0.564 0.410 0.4791 0.154 0.155 17.000 5.400 0.648 0.410 0.5511 0.238 0.240 18.000 6.200 0.744 0.410 0.632 0.334 0.337 19.000 6.900 0.828 0.410 0.704 0.418 0.421 20.000 7.500 0.900 0.410 0.765 0.490 0.494 21.000 10.600 1.272 0.410 1.081 0.862 0.869 22.000 14.500 1.740 0.410 1.479 1.330 1.341 23.000 3.400 0.408 0.410 0.347 0.061 0.062 24.000 1.000 0.120 0.410 0.102 0.018 0.018 TOTALS 100.0001 4.650 4.689 •EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.163 INCHES 17- R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Offsite Street Areas - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [51 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 year 6 hour [11) VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.340 [21 AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [81 S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 42.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[151 1171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [171 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[1011201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[221 [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.340 0.086 0.118 0.119 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.340 0.096 0.132 0.133 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.340 0.106 0.146 0.147 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.340 0.111 0.153 0.154 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.340 0.121 0.167 0.168 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.340 0.121 0.167 0.168 7.000 2.4001 0.288 0.340 0.121 0.167 0.168 8.000 2.500 0.300 0.340 0.126 0.174 0.175 9.000 2.600 0.312 0.340 0.131 0.181 0.182 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.340 0.136 0.188 0.189 11.000 2.800 0.336 0.340 0.141 0.195 0.197 12.000 3.000 0.360 0.340 0.151 0.209 0.211 13.000 3.200 0.384 0.340 0.161 0.223 0.225 14.000 3.600 0.432 0.340 0.181 0.251 0.253 15.000 4.300 0.516 0.340 0.217 0.299 0.302 16.000 4.700 0.564 0.340 0.237 0.327 0.330 17.000 5.400 0.648 0.340 0.272 0.376 0.379 18.000 6.200 0.744 0.340 0.312 0.432 0.435 19.000 6.900 0.828 0.340 0.3481 0.488 0.492 20.000 7.5001 0.900 0.340 0.378 0.560 0.565 21.000 10.600 1.272 0.340 0.534 0.932 0.940 22.000 14.500 1.740 0.340 0.731 1.400 1.412 23.000 3.400 0.408 0.340 0.171 0.237 0.239 24.000 1.000 0.120 0.340 0.050 0.070 0.070 1 TOTALS 100.000 7.5911 7.654 OEFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.898 INCHES L� R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 40k sf Lots - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 year 6 hour [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.420 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60001[201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.420 0.173 0.031 0.031 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.420 0.194 0.034 0.034 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.420 0.214 0.038 0.038 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.420 0.224 0.040 0.040 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.420 0.2451 0.043 0.044 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.420 0.2451 0.043 0.044 7.000 2.4001 0.288 0.420 0.2451 0.043 0.044 8.000 2.500 0.300 0.420 0.2551 0.045 0.045 9.000 2.600 0.312 0.420 0.2651 0.047 0.047 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.420 0.2751 0.049 0.049 11.000 2.800 0.336 0.420 0.2861 0.050 0.051 12.000 3.000 0.360 0.420 0.3061 0.054 0.054 13.000 3.200 0.384 0.420 0.3261 0.058 0.058 14.000 3.600 0.432 0.420 0.3671 0.065 0.065 15.000 4.300 0.516 0.420 0.4391 0.096 0.097 16.000 4.700 0.564 0.420 0.4791 0.144 0.145 17.000 5.400 0.648 0.420 0.5511 0.228 0.230 18.000 6.200 0.744 0.420 0.6321 0.324 0.327 19.000 6.900 0.828 0.420 0.704 0.408 0.411 20.000 7.500 0.900 0.420 0.765 0.480 0.484 21.000 10.600 1.272 0.420 1.081 0.852 0.859 22.000 14.500 1.740 0.420 1.479 1.320 1.331 23.000 3.400 0.408 0.420 0.347 0.061 0.062 24.000 1.000 0.120 0.420 0.102 0.018 0.018 TOTALS 1 100.000 4.5701 4.608 *EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.143 INCHES r� R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 20k sf Lots - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [ [1) DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 51 UNIT TIME-MINUTES 15.000 1 1 [ [1) CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [7J UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 year 6 hour 111 VARIABLE LOSS- RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 13 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.330 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[31) 0.000 161 LAG TIME-MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 It 0] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN/HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [t6] TIME PERCENT OF LAG 171'[151 [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [171m -1 [17) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN [4' 18 100.000 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) (21) STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 1f 01[201 100[5] [221 LOSS RATE IN/HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.330 0.173 0.031 0.031 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.330 0.194 0.034 0.034 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.330 0.214 0.038 0.038 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.330 0.224 0.040 0.040 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.330 0.2451 0.043 0.044 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.330 0.2451 0.043 0.044 7.000 2.400 0.288 0.330 0.2451 0.043 0.044 8.000 2.500 0.300 0.330 0.2551 0.045 0.045 9.000 2.600 0.312 0.330 0.2651 0.047 0.047 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.330 0.2751 0.049 0.049 11.000 2.800 0.336 0330 0.2861 0.050 0.051 12.000 3.000 0.360 0.330 0.3061 0.054 0.054 13.000 3.200 0.384 0.330 0.3261 0.058 0.058 14.000 3.600 0.432 0.330 0.367 0.102 0.103 15.000 4.300 0.516 0.330 0.439 0.186 0.188 16.000 4.700 0.564 0.330 0.479 0.234 0.236 17.000 5.400 0.648 0.330 0.551 0.318 0.321 18.000 6.200 0.744 0.330 0.632 0.414 0.417 19.000 6.900 0.828 0.330 0.704 0.498 0.502 20.000 7.500 0.900 0.330 0.765 0.570 0.575 21.000 10.600 1.272 0.330 1.081 0.942 0.950 22.000 14.500 1.740 0.330 1.479 1.410 1.422 23.000 3.400 0.408 0.330 0.347 0.078 0.079 24.000 1.000 0.120 0.330 0.102 0.018 0.018 TOTALS 100.0001 5.3441 5.389 OEFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.336 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" Project 1721 Res. Areas - 10k sf Lots - Soil Group B SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain By JAD Date Calculation Form Checked Date Sheet 1 of 1 'Mj[" MW [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 DRAINAGE AREA -SO ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [7) UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 year 6 hour [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 1`131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.280 [2] AREA DESIGNATION (4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [101 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH (15] UNIT TIME PERIOD m [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG (7]'[15) (17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17)m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4.18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) (21) STORM RAIN IN /HR 60(101[201 100(5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22) R FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.280 0.173 0.031 0.031 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.280 0.194 0.034 0.034 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.280 0.214 0.038 0.038 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.280 0.224 0.040 0.040 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.280 0.2451 0.043 0.044 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.280 0.2451 0.043 0.044 7.000 2.400 0.288 0.280 0.245 0.043 0.044 8.000 2.500 0.300 0.280 0.255 0.045 0.045 9.000 2.600 0.312 0.280 0.265 0.047 0.047 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.280 0.275 0.049 0.049 11.000 2.800 0.336 0.280 0.286 0.056 0.056 12.000 3.000 0.360 0.280 0.306 0.080 0.081 13.000 3.200 0.384 0.280 0.326 0.104 0.105 14.000 3.600 0.432 0.280 0.367 0.152 0.153 15.000 4.300 0.516 0.280 0.439 0.236 0.238 16.000 4.700 0.564 0.280 0.479 0.284 0.286 17.000 5.400 0.648 0.280 0.551 0.368 0.371 18.000 6.200 0.744 0.280 0.632 0.464 0.468 19.000 6.900 0.828 0.280 0.704 0.548 0.553 20.000 7.500 0.900 0.280 0.765 0.620 0.625 21.000 10.600 1.272 0.280 1.081 0.992 1.000 22.000 14.500 1.740 0.280 1.479 1.460 1.472 23.000 3.400 0.408 0.280 0.347 0.128 0.129 24.000 1.000 0.120 0.280 0.102 0.018 0.018 TOTALS 100.000 5.922 5.972 *EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.481 INCHES 4 R C F C& W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Retention /Park/Golf Areas -Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 (9) STORM FREQUENCY $ DURATION 100 year 6 hour [111 VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.460 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 90.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15) UNIT TIME PERIOD m [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m-[17]m-1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 1`41'f181 100.000 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN IN /HR 601101[201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21]-[22] [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.460 0.184 0.020 0.021 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.460 0.205 0.023 0.023 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.460 0.227 0.025 0.025 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.460 0.238 0.026 0.027 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.460 0.2591 0.029 0.029 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.460 0.2591 0.029 0.029 7.000 8.000 9.000 2.400 2.500 2.600 1 0.288 0.300 0.312 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.2591 0.2701 0.2811 0.029 0.030 0.031 0.029 0.030 0.031 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.460 0.2921 0.032 0.033 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000 17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 21.000 22.000 23.000 24.000 2.800 3.000 3.200 3.600 4.300 4.700 5.400 6.200 6.900 7.500 10.600 14.500 3.400 1.000 0.336 0.360 0.384 0.432 0.516 0.564 0.648 0.744 0.828 0.900 1.272 1.740 0.408 0.120 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.3021 0.324 0.346 0.389 0.464 0.508 0.583 0.670 0.745 0.810 1.145 1.566 0.367 0.1081 0.034 0.036 0.038 0.043 0.056 0.104 0.188 0.284 0.368 0.440 0.812 1.280 0.041 0.012 0.034 0.036 0.039 0.044 0.056 0.105 0.190 0.286 0.371 0.444 0.819 1.291 0.041 0.012 TOTALS I 100.000 4.0111 4.044 OFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.003 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Offsite Street Areas - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 51 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 year 6 hour [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 1`131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.230 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[31) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 42.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[151 [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [171 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21) STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 1f 011201 100[5] [221 LOSS RATE IN /HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.230 0.086 0.118 0.119 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.230 0.096 0.132 0.133 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.230 0.106 0.146 0.147 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.230 0.111 0.153 0.154 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.230 0.121 0.167 0.168 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.230 0.121 0.167 0.168 7.000 2.400 0.288 0.230 0.121 0.167 0.168 8.000 2.500 0.300 0.230 0.126 0.174 0.175 9.000 2.600 0.312 0.230 0.131 0.181 0.182 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.230 0.136 0.188 0.189 11.000 2.800 0.336 0.230 0.141 0.195 0.197 12.000 3.000 0.360 0.230 0.151 0.209 0.211 13.000 3.200 0.384 0.230 0.161 0.223 0.225 14.000 3.600 0.432 0.230 0.181 0.251 0.253 15.000 4.300 0.516 0.230 0.217 0.299 0.302 16.000 4.700 0.564 0.230 0.237 0.334 0.337 17.000 5.400 0.648 0.230 0.272 0.418 0.421 18.000 6.200 0.744 0.230 0.312 0.514 0.518 19.000 6.900 0.828 0.230 0.348 0.598 0.603 20.000 7.500 0.900 0.230 0.378 0.670 0.676 21.000 10.600 1.272 0.230 0.534 1.042 1.051 22.000 14.500 1.740 0.230 0.731 1.510 1.523 23.000 3.400 0.408 0.230 0.171 0.237 0.239 24.000 1.000 0.120 0.230 0.050 0.070 0.070 TOTALS 100.0001 8.162 8.230 OEFFECTIVE RAIN = 2.041 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Clubhouse Area - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 6 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 15.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY 8 DURATION 100 year 6 hour [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG )-INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.280 [21 AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 3.000 [121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 1`141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [t71 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN/HR 60[1011201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 1.700 0.204 0.280 0.173 0.031 0.031 2.000 1.900 0.228 0.280 0.194 0.034 0.034 3.000 2.100 0.252 0.280 0.214 0.038 0.038 4.000 2.200 0.264 0.280 0.224 0.040 0.040 5.000 2.400 0.288 0.280 0.2451 0.043 0.044 6.000 2.400 0.288 0.280 0.245 0.043 0.044 7.000 2.400 0.288 0.280 0.245 0.043 0.044 8.000 2.500 0.300 0.280 0.255 0.045 0.045 9.000 2.600 0.312 0.280 0.265 0.047 0.047 10.000 2.700 0.324 0.280 0.275 0.049 0.049 11.000 2.800 0.336 0.280 0.286 0.056 0.056 12.000 3.000 0.360 0.280 0.306 0.080 0.081 13.000 3.200 0.384 0.280 0.326 0.104 0.105 14.000 3.600 0.432 0.280 0.367 0.152 0.153 15.000 4.300 0.516 0.280 0.439 0.236 0.238 16.000 4.700 0.564 0.280 0.479 0.284 0.286 17.000 5.400 0.648 0.280 0.551 0.368 0.371 18.000 6.200 0.744 0.280 0.632 0.464 0.468 19.000 6.900 0.828 0.280 0.704 0.548 0.553 20.000 7.500 0.900 0.280 0.765 0.620 0.625 21.000 10.600 1.272 0.280 1.081 0.992 1.000 22.000 14.500 1.740 0.280 1.479 1.460 1.472 23.000 3.400 0.408 0.280 0.347 0.128 0.129 24.000 1.000 0.120 0.280 0.102 0.018 0.018 TOTALS 100,0001 5.922 5.9]2 •EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.481 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 40k sf Lots - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG }INCHES /HOUR 0.000 1131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.610 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS }IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[15] [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN [4111181 100.000 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 10 20 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.610 0.332 0.059 0.059 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.610 0.332 0.059 0.059 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.610 0.421 0.074 0.075 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.610 0.421 0.074 0.075 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.610 0.421 0.074 0.075 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.610 0.4341 0.077 0.077 7.000 4.400 0.660 0.610 0.561 0.0991 0.100 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.610 0.536 0.095 0.095 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.610 0.676 0.185 0.187 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.610 0.650 0.155 0.156 11.000 6.400 0.960 0.610 0.816 0.350 0.353 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.610 0.752 0.275 0.277 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.610 0.931 0.485 0.489 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.610 1.0841 0.665 0.671 15.000 1 14.100 2.115 0.610 1.798 1.505 1.518 16.000 14.100 2.115 0.610 1.798 1.505 1.518 17.000 3.800 0.570 0.610 0.485 0.086 0.086 18.000 2.400 0.360 0.610 0.306 0.054 0.054 TOTALS 100.0001 1 5.874 5.923 46FECTIVE RAIN = 0.979 INCHES 4 R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 20k sf Lots - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3) DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 (7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR (11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 13 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.470 (2] AREA DESIGNATION (4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 (8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS }IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21] STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[101[201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23[ EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [211 -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000 17.000 18.000 2.600 2.600 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.400 4.4001 4.200 5.300 5.100 6.400 5.900 7.300 8.500 14.100 14.100 3.800 2.400 0.390 0.390 0.495 0.495 0.495 0.510 0.660 0.630 0.795 0.765 0.960 0.885 1.095 1.275 2.115 2.115 0.570 0.360 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.332 0.332 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.434 0.561 0.536 0.676 0.650 0.816 0.752 0.931 1.0841 1.798 1.798 0.485 0.306 0.059 0.059 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.077 0.1901 0.160 0.325 0.295 0.490 0.415 0.625 0.805 1.645 1.645 0.100 0.054 0.059 0.059 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.077 0.192 0.161 0.328 0.297 0.494 0.418 0.630 0.812 1.659 1.659 0.101 0.054 TOTALS 100.0001 7.1651 7.225 OFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.194 INCHES 4 R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 10k sf Lots - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [31 DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.410 [2] AREA DESIGNATION (4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15] UNIT TIME PERIOD m [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 1411181 100.000 (20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN/HR 60[101[201 100[5] [221 LOSS RATE IN /HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.410 0.332 0.059 0.059 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.410 0.332 0.059 0.059 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.410 0.421 0.085 0.086 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.410 0.421 0.085 0.086 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.410 0.421 0.085 0.086 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.410 0.4341 0.100 0.101 7.000 4.400 0.660 0.410 0.561 0.250 0.252 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.410 0.536 0.220 0.222 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.410 0.676 0.385 0.388 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.410 0.650 0.355 0.358 11.000 6.400 0.960 0.410 0.816 0.550 0.555 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.410 0.752 0.475 0.479 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.410 0.931 0.685 0.691 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.410 1.084 0.865 0.872 15.000 14.100 2.115 0.410 1.798 1.705 1.719 16.000 14.100 2.115 0.410 1.798 1.705 1.719 17.000 3.800 0.570 0.410 0.485 0.160 0.161 18.000 2.400 0.360 0.410 0.306 0.054 0.054 TOTALS 100.000 7.881 7.947 OEFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.314 INCHES 4 R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1706 Offsite Street Areas - Soil Group A Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1) CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 71 UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG )-INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.340 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[31) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 42.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[151 [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [171m -1 (17) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) (21) STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 1f 01[201 100[5] [221 LOSS RATE IN /HR [231 EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [211 -[22] [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.340 0.164 0.226 0.228 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.340 0.164 0.226 0.228 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.340 0.208 0.287 0.289 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.340 0.208 0.287 0.289 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.340 0.2081 0.287 0.289 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.340 0.2141 0.296 0.298 7.000 4.4001 0.660 0.340 0.277 0.383 0.386 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.340 0.265 0.365 0.368 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.340 0.334 0.461 0.465 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.340 0.321 0.444 0.447 11.000 6.400 0.960 0.340 0.403 0.620 0.625 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.340 0.372 0.545 0.550 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.340 0.4601 0.755 0.761 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.340 0.536 0.935 0.943 15.000 14.100 2.115 0.340 0.888 1.775 1.790 16.000 14.100 2.115 0.340 0.888 1.775 1.790 17.000 3.800 0.570 0.340 0.239 0.331 0.333 18.000 2.400 0.360 0.340 0.151 0.209 0.211 TOTALS 100.0001 1 10.2071 10.292 WIFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.701 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective- Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 40k sf Lots - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [11 CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [31 DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6)) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.420 [2] AREA DESIGNATION (4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 It 2] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16) TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[15] [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN [411181 100.000 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) 121] STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 1r 0I[20t 100[5) [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.420 0.332 0.059 0.059 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.420 0.332 0.059 0.059 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.420 0.421 0.075 0.076 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.420 0.421 0.075 0.076 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.420 0.421 0.075 0.076 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.420 0.434 0.090 0.091 7.000 4.400 0.660 0.420 0.561 0.240 0.242 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.420 0.536 0.210 0.212 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.420 0.676 0.375 0.378 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.420 0.650 0.345 0.348 11.000 6.400 0.960 0.420 0.816 0.540 0.544 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.420 0.752 0.465 0.469 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.420 0.9311 0.675 0.681 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.420 1.084 0.855 0.862 15.000 14.100 2.115 0.420 1.798 1.695 1.709 16.000 14.100 2.115 0.420 1.798 1.695 1.709 17.000 3.800 0.570 0.420 0.485 0.150 0.151 18.000 2.400 0.360 0.420 0.306 0.054 0.054 TOTALS 1 100.0001 7.7311 7.795 *EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.289 INCHES r1 R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD _ Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 20k sf Lots - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1) CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3) DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5) UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5)/[6]) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR [11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.330 (2) AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [12) MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS)-IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [15) UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7)'[15] [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN R11181 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 1� 011201 100[5) [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.330 0.332 0.060 0.060 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.330 0.332 0.060 0.060 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.330 0.421 0.165 0.166 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.330 0.421 0.165 0.166 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.330 0.421 0.165 0.166 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.330 0.434 0.180 0.181 7.000 4.400 0.660 0.330 0.561 0.330 0.333 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.330 0.536 0.300 0.302 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.330 0.676 0.465 0.469 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.330 0.650 0.435 0.439 11.000 6.400 0.960 0.330 0.816 0.630 0.635 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.330 0.752 0.555 0.560 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.330 0.931 0.765 0.771 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.330 1.084 0.945 0.953 15.000 1 14.100 2.115 0.330 1.798 1.785 1.800 16.000 1 14.100 2.115 0.330 1.798 1.785 1.800 17.000 1 3.800 0.570 0.330 0.485 0.240 0.242 18.000 1 2.400 0.360 0.330 0.3061 0.054 0.054 TOTALS 100.000 9.084 9.160 OFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.514 INCHES ILA R C F C & W C D "SHORTCUT METHOD" HYDROLOGY SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD MANUAL Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Res. Areas - 10k sf Lots - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [3] DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]1[61) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR [111 VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.280 [21 AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[151 [171 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17] UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN [411181 100.000 [201 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 10 20 100[5] [221 LOSS RATE IN /HR [23) EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.280 0.332 0.110 0.111 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.280 0.332 0.110 0.111 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.280 0.421 0.215 0.217 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.280 0.421 0.215 0.217 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.280 0.421 0.215 0.217 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.280 0.434 0.230 0.232 7.000 4.4001 0.660 0.280 0.561 0.3801 0.383 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.280 0.536 0.350 0.353 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.280 0.676 0.515 0.519 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.280 0.650 0.485 0.489 11.000 6.400 0.960 0.280 0.816 0.680 0.686 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.280 0.752 0.605 0.610 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.280 0.931 0.815 0.822 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.280 1.084 0.995 1.003 15.000 14.100 2.115 0.280 1.798 1.835 1.850 16.000 14.100 2.115 0.280 1.798 1.835 1.850 17.000 3.800 0.570 0.280 0.485 0.290 0.292 18.000 2.400 0.360 0.280 0.306 0.080 0.081 TOTALS 100.0001 9.960 10.043 *EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.660 INCHES 4 R C F C& W C D HYDROLOGY _ MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD _ Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Retention/Park/Golf Areas-Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD - Date Checked Date [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [31 DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 51 UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 [7] UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[51/[61) 0.000 [9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR [111 VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 1131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.460 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [61 LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [81 S -CURVE 0.000 [101 TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [12] MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS)-IN/HR 0.000 r141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 90.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [7]'[151 [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17]m -1 [17) UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN [411181 100.000 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21] STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[101[201 100[51 [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [211 -[221 [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.460 0.351 0.039 0.039 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.460 0.351 0.039 0.039 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.460 0.446 0.050 0.050 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.460 0.446 0.050 0.050 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.460 0.4461 0.050 0.050 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.460 0.459 0.051 0.051 7.000 4.400 0.660 0.460 0.594 0.200 0.202 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.460 0.567 0.170 0.171 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.460 0.716 0.335 0.338 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.460 0.689 0.305 0.308 11.000 6.400 0.960 0.460 0.864 0.500 0.504 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.460 0.797 0.425 0.429 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.460 0.9861 0.635 0.640 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.460 1.148 0.815 0.822 15.000 1 14.100 2.115 0.460 1.904 1.655 1.669 16.000 14.100 2.115 0.460 1.904 1.655 1.669 17.000 3.800 0.570 0.460 0.513 .0.110 0.111 18.000 2.400 0.360 0.460 0.324 0.036 0.036 TOTALS 100.000 7.119 7.176 *EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.186 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1706 Offsite Street Areas - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date IM [1] CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [31 DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 5J UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 [7) UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 (9] STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR (11] VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 [131 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.230 (2) AREA DESIGNATION [4) ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [61 LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS)-IN /HR 0.000 [141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 42.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD M [16] TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[151 [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [161 DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [17Jm -1 [171 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4.18 100.000 [20) PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [211 STORM RAIN IN /HR 6010 20 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [21] -[221 [241 FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.230 0.164 0.226 0.228 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.230 0.164 0.226 0.228 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.230 0.208 0.287 0.289 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.230 0.208 0.287 0.289 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.230 0.2081 0.287 0.289 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.230 0.214 0.296 0.298 7.000 4.400 0.660 0.230 0.277 0.430 0.434 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.230 0.265 0.400 0.403 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.230 0.334 0.565 0.570 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.230 0.321 0.535 0.539 11.000 6.400 0.960 0230 0.403 0.730 0.736 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.230 0.372 0.655 0.660 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.230 0.460 0.865 0.872 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.230 0.536 1.045 1.054 15.000 14.100 2.115 0.230 0.888 1.885 1.901 16.000 14.100 2.115 0.230 0.888 1.885 1.901 17.000 3.800 0.570 0.230 0.239 0.340 0.343 18.000 2.400 0.360 0.2301 0.151 0.209 0.211 TOTALS 100.0001 11.1531 11.246 •EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.859 INCHES R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL "SHORTCUT METHOD" SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain Calculation Form Project 1721 Clubhouse Area - Soil Group B Net rain 100 yr. 3 hr. Sheet 1 of 1 By JAD Date Checked Date [1) CONCENTRATION POINT 0.000 [31 DRAINAGE AREA -SQ ACRES 1.000 [5] UNIT TIME - MINUTES 10.000 [7) UNIT TIME - PERCENT OF LAG (100'[5]/[6]) 0.000 [9) STORM FREQUENCY & DURATION 100 YEAR- 3 HOUR [111 VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR 0.000 t 31 CONSTANT LOSS RATE- INCHES /HOUR 0.280 [2] AREA DESIGNATION [4] ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (645'[3]) 0.000 [6] LAG TIME - MINUTES 0.000 [8] S -CURVE 0.000 [10] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN- INCHES 2.500 [121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR 0.000 1`1141 LOW LOSS RATE- PERCENT 85.000 UNIT HYDROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN FLOOD HYDROGRAPH [151 UNIT TIME PERIOD m [161 TIME PERCENT OF LAG [71'[15] [17] CUMULATIVE AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE DISCHARGE (S- GRAPH) [16] DISTRIB GRAPH PERCENT [17]m- [171m -1 [171 UNIT HYDROGRAPH CFS - HRS /IN 4' 18 100.000 [20] PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9) [21] STORM RAIN IN /HR 60 1f 01f201 100[5] [22] LOSS RATE IN /HR [23] EFFECTIVE RAIN IN /HR [211 -[22] [24] FLOW CFS MAX LOW 1.000 2.600 0.390 0.280 0.332 0.110 0.111 2.000 2.600 0.390 0.280 0.332 0.110 0.111 3.000 3.300 0.495 0.280 0.421 0.215 0.217 4.000 3.300 0.495 0.280 0.421 0.215 0.217 5.000 3.300 0.495 0.280 0.421 0.215 0.217 6.000 3.400 0.510 0.280 0.4341 0.230 0.232 7.000 4.400 0.660 0.280 0.561 0.380 0.383 8.000 4.200 0.630 0.280 0.536 0.350 0.353 9.000 5.300 0.795 0.280 0.676 0.515 0.519 10.000 5.100 0.765 0.280 0.650 0.485 0.489 11.000 6.400 0.960 0.280 0.816 0.680 0.686 12.000 5.900 0.885 0.280 0.752 0.605 0.610 13.000 7.300 1.095 0.2801 0.931 0.815 0.822 14.000 8.500 1.275 0.280 1.084 0.995 1.003 15.000 14.100 2.115 0.280 1.798 1.835 1.850 16.000 14.100 2.115 0.280 1.798 1.835 1.850 17.000 3.800 0.570 0.280 0.485 0.290 0.292 18.000 2.400 0.360 0.280 0.306 0.080 0.081 TOTALS 100.0001 9.9601 1 0.043 *EFFECTIVE RAIN = 1.660 INCHES • RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS 100 -YEAR • Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c) 1989 - 2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/02/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1721 GRIFFIN RANCH TRACT NO. 32879 100 -YEAR STORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information * * * * * * * * ** English (in -lb) Units used in input data file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mainiero, Smith & Associates, Palm Springs, CA - SIN 931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 1978 hydrology manual Storm event (year) = 100.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 2 Standard intensity- duration curves data (Plate D -4.1) For the [ Cathedral City ) area used. 10 year storm 10 minute intensity = 2.770(In /Hr) 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 0.980(In /Hr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity = 4.520(In /Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) Storm event year = 100.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800 DRAINAGE AREA 1A +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 120.000 to Point /Station 121.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 817.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 492.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 491.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 0.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00098 s(percent)= 0.10 TC = k(0.300) *[(length'3) /(elevation change)]'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 17.532 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.266(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.867 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.611 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.389 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 41.34 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 4.395(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.552(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 121.000 to Point /Station 122.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** iop or street segment elevation = 491.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 490.200(Ft.) Length of street segment = 521.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 36.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 17.000(Ft Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.875(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.520(Ft.), Average velocity = Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 20.189(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.45(Ft /s) Travel time = 5.98 min. TC = 23.51 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.875 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction Rainfall intensity = 2.755(In /Hr) for a 100.0 Subarea runoff = 2.913(CFS) for . 1.208(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.307(CFS) Total area = Street flow at end of street = 7.307(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 7.307(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.553(Ft.), Average velocity = 1 Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 21.832(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. 6.105(CFS) 453(Ft /s) 1.00(Ft.) = 0.900 year storm 2.760(Ac.) ,475(Ft /s) 2.64(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 122.000 to Point /Station 131.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 485.900(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 480.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 491.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 7.307(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 7.307(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 10.71(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.67(In.) Critical Depth = 12.56(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.67(Ft /s) • Travel time through pipe = 1.23 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 24.74 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 122.000 to Point /Station 131.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 2.760(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 7.307(CFS) Time of concentration = 24.74 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.675(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 130.000 to Point /Station 131.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 639.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 490.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 485.100(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 5.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.00845 s(percent)= 0.85 TC = k(0.480) *[(length�3) /(elevation change))'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 16.522 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.380(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.699 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.231 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.769 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 50.46 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Initial subarea runoff = 5.614(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.376(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 130.000 to Point /Station 131.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** -i-ne toiiowing data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.376(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.614(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.52 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.380(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 7.307 24.74 2.675 2 5.614 16.52 3.380 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration 4p = 7.307 + sum of 4b I 0.79 5.614 * 0.791 = 4.442 4p = 11.750 • Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 7.307 5.614 Area of streams before confluence: 2.760 2.376 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 11.750(CFS) Time of concentration = 24.737 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 5.136(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 131.000 to Point /Station 132.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 480.500(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 476.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 815.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 11.750(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 11.750(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 15.38(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.03(In.) Critical Depth = 14.76(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.52(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 2.46 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 27.20 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 132.000 to Point /Station 132.000 * * ** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.874 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Time of concentration = 27.20 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.532(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 3.510(CFS) for 1.587(Ac.) Total runoff = 15.260(CFS) Total area = 6.723(Ac.) <<< NOTE: 100% of subarea flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 132.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 476.500(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 467.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 251.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 15.260(CFS) Given pipe size = 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 15.260(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 8.89(In.). Flow top width inside pipe = 27.40(In.) Critical Depth = 15.82(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 12.54(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.33 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 27.53 min. 0 Process from Point /Station 132.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.723(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 15.260(CFS) Time of concentration = 27.53 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.514(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 134.000 to Point /Station 135.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 135.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** 'rop oL street segment elevation = 482.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 480.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 638.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 12.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.500(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 14. Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.250 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 0.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 4.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 12.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0250 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0250 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 1.287(Ft.), Average velocity = 2 Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.150(Ft.) 500 (Ft 7.536(CFS) 273(Ft /s) Initial area flow distance = 740.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 488.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 482.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.00824 s(percent)= 0.82 TC = k(0.480) *[(length'3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 17.608 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.258(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.663 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.438 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.562 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 45.49 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Initial subarea runoff = 4.934(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.284(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 135.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** 'rop oL street segment elevation = 482.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 480.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 638.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 12.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.500(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 14. Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.250 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 0.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 4.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 12.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0250 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0250 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 1.287(Ft.), Average velocity = 2 Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.150(Ft.) 500 (Ft 7.536(CFS) 273(Ft /s) Flow velocity = 2.27(Ft /s) Travel time = 4.68 min. TC = 22.29 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.689 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.122 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.878 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 53.07 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Rainfall intensity = 2.842(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 4.716(CFS) for 2.409(Ac.) - Total runoff = 9.650(CFS) Total area = 4.693(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 9.650(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.650(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.408(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.435(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 5.631(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 135.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 4.693(AC.) Runoff from this stream = 9.650(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.842(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 136.000 to Point /Station 137.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 514.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 488.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 481.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.01187 s(percent)= 1.19 TC = k(0.480) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.150 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.698(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.741 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Initial subarea runoff = 4.322(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.577(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 .7 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 137.000 to Point /Station 133.000 0 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 481.900(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 480.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 646.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 12.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.500(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 14.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.250 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 0.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 4.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 12.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0250 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0250 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 7.436(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.319(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.138(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.274(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.14(Ft /s) Travel time = 5.04 min. TC = 19.19 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.718 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Rainfall intensity = 3.100(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 5.058(CFS) for 2.272(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.380(CFS) Total area = 3.849(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 9.380(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.380(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.434(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.280(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 5.736(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 137.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** Tne following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 3.849(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.380(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.19 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.100(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 15.260 27.53 2.514 2 9.650 22.29 2.842 3 9.380 19.19 3.100 Largest stream flow has longer time of Qp = 15.260 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 9.650 * 0.885 = 8.537 Qb Ia /Ib 9.380 * 0.811 = 7.607 Qp = 31.404 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 15.260 9.650 9.380 Area of streams before confluence: 6.723 4.693 3.849 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 31.404(CFS) Time of concentration = 27.530 min. Effective stream area after confluence concentration 15.265(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 133.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 467.000(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 466.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 206.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 31.404(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 31.404(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 16.90(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 53.98(In.) Critical Depth = 18.66(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.93(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.50 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 28.03 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 134.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** Tne following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 15.265(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 31.404(CFS) Time of concentration = 28.03 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.488(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 140.000 to Point /Station 141.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 559.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 494.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 490.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.00644 s(percent)= 0.64 TC = k(0.390) *[(length'3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.435 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.811(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.710 • Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.981 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.019 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 32.46 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Initial subarea runoff = 6.444(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.380(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 141.000 to Point /Station 142.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 490.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 485.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 756.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 14.756(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.421(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.401(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Flow velocity = 2.40(Ft /s) Travel time = 5.25 min. TC = 18.68 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.665 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.853 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.147 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 35.53 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 3.148(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 12.859(CFS) for 6.140(Ac.) Total runoff = 19.303(CFS) Total area = 8.520(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 19.303(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.651(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.459(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.565(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 19.203(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 142.000 to Point /Station 142.000 * * ** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.700 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.895 • Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.105 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 34.52 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Time of concentration = 18.68 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.148(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 19.912(CFS) for 9.043(Ac.) Total runoff = 39.215(CFS) Total area = 17.563(AC.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 142.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 485.800(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 481.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 713.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 45.884(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.610(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.234(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. / Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 5.52(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 20.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.23(Ft /s) Travel time = 3.67 min. TC = 22.36 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.708 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.417 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.583 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 45.99 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 2.837(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 11.996(CFS) for 5.974(Ac.) Total runoff = 51.211(CFS) Total area = 23.537(AC.) Street flow at end of street = 51.211(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 25.606(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.634(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.320(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 6.70(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 17.318 cfs intercepted per catch basin (34.636 cfs total). >>> <<< 16.575 cfs flows by to low point at Node 102. >>> Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT * * ** Rainfall intensity = 2.836(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.754 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 User specified values are as follows: TC = 22.36 min. Rain intensity = 2.84(In /Hr) Total area = 23.54(Ac.) Total runoff = 34.64(CFS) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 23.537(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 34.636(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.36 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.836(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 31.404 28.03 2.488 2 34.636 22.36 2.836 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 34.636 + sum of Qa Tb /Ta 31.404 * 0.798 = 25.055 Qp = 59.691 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 31.404 34.636 Area of streams before confluence: 15.265 23.537 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 59.691(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.360 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 38.802(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 466.000(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 336.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 59.691(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 59.691(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 23.81(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 58.71(In.) Critical Depth = 26.06(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.23(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.68 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 23.04 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 38.802(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 59.691(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.04 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.787(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 150.000 to Point /Station 151.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 881.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 491.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 484.500(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 7.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.00795 s(percent)= 0.79 TC = k(0.420) *[(length^3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 16.642 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.366(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.739 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.327 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.673 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 48.15 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 10.081(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.055(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 151.000 to Point /Station 152.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** ' Top of street segment elevation = 484.500(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 482.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 357.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 19.264(CFS) • Depth of flow = 0.476(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.343(Ft/s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 20.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.34(Ft /s) Travel time = 2.54 min. TC = 19.18 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.764 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 3.100(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 17.487(CFS) for 7.387(Ac.) Total runoff = 27.568(CFS) Total area = 11.442(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 27.568(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 13.784(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.532(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.622(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 1.62(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 152.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 478.300(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 247.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 27.568(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) NOTE: Normal flow is pressure flow in user selected pipe size. The approximate hydraulic grade line above the pipe invert is 8.776(Ft.) at the headworks or inlet of the pipe(s) Pipe friction loss = 17.007(Ft.) Minor friction loss = 5.669(Ft.) K- factor = 1.50 Pipe flow velocity = 15.60(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.26 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 152.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 11.442(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 27.568(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.45 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.076(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 160.000 to Point /Station 161.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 1000.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 492.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 489.100(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.00290 s(percent)= 0.29 TC = k (0.300) *[(length"3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 15.298 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.535(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.860 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 6.198(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.039(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 161.000 to Point /Station 162.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 489.100(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 487.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 951.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(ln.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 34.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.875(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 9.938(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.600(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.601(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 4.98(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 24.171(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.60(Ft /s) Travel time = 9.90 min. TC = 25.20 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.873 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.083 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.917 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 • RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 54.01 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 2.646(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm • Subarea runoff = 5.686(CFS) for 2.461(Ac.) Total runoff = 11.884(CFS) Total area = 4.500(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 11.884(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.884(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.632(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.650(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 6.60(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 25.787(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 161.000 to Point /Station 162.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 4.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 11.884(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.20 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.646(In /Hr) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 162.000 to Point /Station 163.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 714.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 487.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 485.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.100(Ft.) • Slope = 0.00294 s(percent)= 0.29 TC = k(0.300) *[(length°3) /(elevation change)) "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.332 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.828(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.881 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 5.293(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.570(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 163.000 to Point /Station 162.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 481.200(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 477.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 675.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 5.293(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 5.293(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 10.71(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.67(In.) Critical Depth = 10.65(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.83(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 2.33 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 15.66 min. Process from Point /Station 163.000 to Point /Station 162.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.570(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.293(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.66 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.487(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 11.884 25.20 2.646 2 5.293 15.66 3.487 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 11.884 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 5.293 * 0.759 = 4.017. Qp = 15.901 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.884 5.293 Area of streams before confluence: 4.500 1.570 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 15.901(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.197 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.070(Ac.) Process from Point /Station 162.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 477.300(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 475.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 365.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 15.901(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 15.901(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 20.39(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.16(In.) Critical Depth = 17.25(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.59(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.09 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 26.29 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 162.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 6.070(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 15.901(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.582(In /Hr) • Process from Point /Station 165.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 208.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 488.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 485.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.300(Ft.) Slope = 0.01587 s(percent)= 1.59 TC = k(0.300) *[(length°3) /(elevation change))"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 1 5.811 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.197(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.887 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 1.116(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.203(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 165.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.203(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 1.116(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.81 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.197(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 15.901 26.29 2.582 2 1.116 5.81 6.197 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 15.901 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 1.116 * 0.417 = 0.465 Qp = 16.366 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 15.901 1.116 Area of streams before confluence: 6.070 0.203 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 16.366(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.286 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.273(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 164.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** 40 Upstream point /station elevation = 475.600(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 275.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 16.366(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 16.366(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 9.93(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.64(In.) Critical Depth = 17.49(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 13.33(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.34 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 26.63 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ Process from Point /Station 164.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 6.273(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 16.366(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.63 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.563(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 59.691 23.04 2.787 2 27.568 19.45 3.076 3 16.366 26.63 2.563 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 59.691 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 27.568 * 0.906 = 24.985 Qa Tb /Ta 16.366 * 0.865 = 14.160 Qp = 98.836 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 59.691 27.568 16.366 Area of streams before confluence: 38.802 11.442 6.273 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 98.836(CFS) <<< conveyed by pipe to Ret. Basin 1 >>> Time of concentration = 23.041 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 56.517(Ac.) End of computations, total study area 80.05 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.547 Area averaged RI index number = 48.6 r� J �J DRAINAGE AREA 1B +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 100.000 to Point /Station 101.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 543.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 486.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 481.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00884 s(percent)= 0.88 TC = k(0.300) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.589 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.635(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.883 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 4.573(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.117(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 100.000 to Point /Station 101.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 1.117(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.573(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.59 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.635(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 <<< NOTE: 16.575 cfs enters from flow -by of catch basins at Node 143. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 101.000 * * ** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT * * ** Rainfall intensity = 2.741(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.751 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 User specified values are as follows: TC = 23.72 min. Rain intensity = 2.74(In /Hr) Total area = 0.00(Ac.) Total runoff = 16.57(CFS) • • • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 101.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.000(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 16.575(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.72 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.741(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 4.573 9.59 4.635 2 16.575 23.72 2.741 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 16.575 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 4.573 * 0.591 = 2.705 Qp = 19.280 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.573 16.575 Area of streams before confluence: 1.117 0.000 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 19.280(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.720 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 1.117(Ac. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 481.900(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 479.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 451.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 26.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 6.000(Ft Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.513(Ft.), Average velocity = 2 Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 21.945(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.77(Ft /s) Travel time = 2.71 min. TC = 26.43 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.874 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 27.142(CFS) 772(Ft /s) 0.67(Ft.) Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 2.574(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 2.049(CFS) for 0.911(Ac.) Total runoff = 21.329(CFS) Total area = 2.028(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 21.329(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 10.664(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.472(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.649(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 19.876(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 2.028(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 21.329(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.43 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.574(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 110.000 to Point /Station 111.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 515.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 485.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 482.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.00621 s(percent)= 0.62 TC = k(0.420) *[(length^3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.103 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.706(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.781 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 3.322(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.148(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 111.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 482.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 479.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 633.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 111.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 7.367(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 18.092(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.09 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.109(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 21.329 26.43 2.574 2 18.092 19.09 3.109 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 21.329 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 18.092 * 0.828 = 14.979 Qp = 36.308 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 21.329 18.092 Area of streams before confluence: 2.028 7.367 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 36.308(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.431 min. - Effective stream area after confluence 9.395(Ac.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins. >>> Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 12.321(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.411(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.116(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 16.841(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.12(Ft /s) Travel time = 4.99 min. TC = 19.09 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.764 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 3.109(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 14.769(CFS) for 6.219(Ac.) Total runoff = 18.092(CFS) Total area = 7.367(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 18.092(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.046(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.465(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.327(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 19.528(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 111.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 7.367(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 18.092(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.09 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.109(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 21.329 26.43 2.574 2 18.092 19.09 3.109 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 21.329 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 18.092 * 0.828 = 14.979 Qp = 36.308 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 21.329 18.092 Area of streams before confluence: 2.028 7.367 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 36.308(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.431 min. - Effective stream area after confluence 9.395(Ac.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 102.000 to Point /Station 192.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 471.500(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 469.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 339.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 36.308(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 36.308(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 18.05(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 55.03(In.) Critical Depth = 20.11(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.30(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.77 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 27.21 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 102.000 to Point /Station 192.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 9.395(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 36.308(CFS) Time of concentration = 27.21 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.531(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 Process from Point /Station 190.000 to Point /Station 191.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 625.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 485.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 481.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.00672 s(percent)= 0.67 TC = k(0.420) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 15.001 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.575(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.778 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 10.184(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.663(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 191.000 to Point /Station 192.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** • Upstream point /station elevation = 477.800(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 469.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 301.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 10.184(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 10.184(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 10.00(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.89(In.) Critical Depth = 14.75(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10.11(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.50 mina Time of concentration (TC) = 15.50 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 191.000 to Point /Station 192.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 3.663(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 10.184(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.50 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.508(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 36.308 27.21 2.531 2 10.184 15.50 3.508 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 36.308 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib • 10.184 * 0.722 = 7.348 Qp = 43.656 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 36.308 10.184 Area of streams before confluence: 9.395 3.663 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 43.656(CFS) Time of concentration = 27.205 min. Effective stream area after confluence. = 13.058(Ac. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 192.000 to Point /Station 181.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 469.800(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 467.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 514.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 43.656(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 43.656(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 20.03(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 56.59(In.) Critical Depth = 22.13(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.61(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.13 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 28.33 min. • Process from Point /Station 192.000 to Point /Station 181.000 w * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 13.058(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 43.656(CFS) Time of concentration = 28.33 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.472(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 180.000 to Point /Station 181.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 972.000(Ft.) . Top (of initial area) elevation = 486.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 480.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.00617 s(percent)= 0.62 TC = k(0.420) *[(length'3) /(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 18.206 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.195(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.767 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 21.279(CFS) Total initial stream area = 8.686(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 <<< NOTE: 100% of subarea flow intercepted by catch basins. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 180.000 to Point /Station 181.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 8.686(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 21.279(CFS) Time of concentration = 18.21 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.195(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 43.656 28.33 2.472 2 21.279 18.21 3.195 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 43.656 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 21.279 * 0.774 = 16.465 Qp = 60.121 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 43.656 21.279 • IA • Area of streams before confluence: 13.058 8.686 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 60.121(CFS) <<< conveyed by pipe to Ret. Basin 1 >>> Time of concentration = 28.332 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 21.744(Ac.) End of computations, total study area = 21.74 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.553 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 • t LJ DRAINAGE AREA 1C Process from Point /Station 170.000 to Point /Station 171.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 530.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 486.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 482.800(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.00660 s(percent)= 0.66 TC = k(0.420) *((length'3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.093 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.707(In /Hr) fora 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.781 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 5.440(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.879(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 End of computations, total study area = 1.88 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 1. >>> L� DRAINAGE AREA 2A +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 200.000 to Point /Station 201.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 882.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 481.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 475.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.300(Ft.) Slope = 0.00714 s(percent)= 0.71 TC = k(0.480) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)]'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 19.438 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.076(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.717 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Initial subarea runoff = 4.017(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.821(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 201.000 to Point /Station 201.000 * * ** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.877 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Time of concentration = 19.44 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.076(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff 0.523(CFS) for 0.194(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.541(CFS) Total area = 2.015(Ac.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 201.000 to Point /Station 202.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 471.900(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 467.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 341.00(Ft.) Manning.'s N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 4.541(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 4.541(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.51(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.75(In.) Critical Depth = 9.82(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.50(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.87 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.31 min. Process from Point /Station 202.000 to Point /Station 203.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 477.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 472.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 885.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 12.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.500(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 14.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.250 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 0.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 4.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 12.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0250 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0250 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 No street inlet installed at this point Pipe calculations for under street flow rate of 4.541(CFS) Using a pipe slope = 0.508 % Upstream point /station elevation = 477.000(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 472.700(Ft.) Pipe length = 885.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 4.541(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 4.541(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 10.11(In.) • Flow top width inside pipe = 17.86(In.) Critical Depth = 9.82(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.44(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 3.32 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 23.64 min. Maximum flow rate of street inlet(s) = 0.000(CFS) Maximum pipe flow capacity = 4.541(CFS) Remaining flow in street below inlet = 0.000(CFS) Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.701 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Rainfall intensity = 2.746(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 16.912(CFS) for 8.782(Ac.) Total runoff = 21.453(CFS) Total area = 10.797(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 16.912(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 16.912(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.621(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.217(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 6.485(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 203.000 to Point /Station 203.000 * * ** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** • SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.701 • Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Time of concentration = 23.64 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.746(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 4.273(CFS) for 2.219(Ac.) Total runoff = 25.726(CFS) Total area = 13.016(Ac.) <<< NOTE: 100% of subarea flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 203.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 461.800(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 455.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 445.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 25.726(CFS) Given pipe size = 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 25.726(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 15.55(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 29.98(In.) Critical Depth = 20.74(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10.01(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.74 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 24.38 min. Process from Point /Station 202.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 13.016(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 25.726(CFS) Time of concentration = 24.38 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.698(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 210.000 to Point /Station 211.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 846.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 480.200(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 473.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.00816 s(percent)= 0.82 TC = k(0.420) *[(length^3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 16.289 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.408(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.773 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 14.059(CFS) Total initial stream area = 5.336(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 211.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 473.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 467.600(Ft.) Length of street segment = 768.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 21.737(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.462(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.847(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 19.347(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.85(Ft /s) Travel time = 4.50 min. TC = 20.79 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.759 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 - RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 2.959(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 13.086(CFS) for 5.828(Ac.) Total runoff = 27.145(CFS) Total area = 11.164(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 27.145(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 13.573(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.492(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.070(Ft /s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 211.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 11.164(AC.) Runoff from this stream = 27.145(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.79 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.959(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 Process from Point /Station 220.000 to Point /Station 221.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 683.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 483.800(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 474.800(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 9.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.01318 s(percent)= 1.32 TC = k(0.420) *[(length^3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.585 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.787(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.783 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 12.456(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.201(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 221.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 474.800(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 467.600(Ft.) Length of street segment = 525.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz). = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 18.187(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.395(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.434(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 16.042(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.43(Ft /s) Travel time = 2.55 min. TC = 16.13 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.774 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 3.427(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 10.251(CFS) for 3.866(Ac.) Total runoff = 22.707(CFS) Total area = 8.067(Ac.) • Street flow at end of street = 22.707(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.353(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.424(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.627(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 17.481(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 221.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 212.000 to Point /Station 213.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 467.600(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 465.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 263.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) • Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 8.067(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 22.707(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.13 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.427(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 25.726 24.38 2.698 2 27.145 20.79 2.959 3 22.707 16.13 3.427 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 27.145 + sum of Qa Tb /Ta 25.726 * 0.853 = 21.936 Qb Ia /Ib 22.707 * 0.863 = 19.603 Qp = 68.684 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: • Flow rates before confluence point: 25.726 27.145 22.707 Area of streams before confluence: 13.016 11.164 8.067 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 68.684(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.785 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 32.247(Ac.) <<< NOTE: Total street flow at Node 212 is 42..958 cfs. >>> <<< 6.090 cfs intercepted by catch basin. >>> <<< 36.868 cfs overflows or flows by to low point at Node 213. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 212.000 to Point /Station 213.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 467.600(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 465.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 263.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) • Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 User - specified maximum inlet flow capacity of 6.090(CFS) Number of street inlets = 1 Pipe calculations for under street flow rate of 31.816(CFS) Using a pipe slope = 0.646 % Upstream point /station elevation = 467.600(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 465.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 263.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 31.816(CFS) Given pipe size = 36.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 31.816(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 19.97(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 35.78(In.) Critical Depth = 21.97(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.91(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.55 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 21.34 min. Maximum flow rate of street inlet(s) = 6.090(CFS) Maximum pipe flow capacity = 31.816(CFS) Remaining flow in street below inlet = 36.868(CFS) Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.781 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Rainfall intensity = 2.914(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 10.281(CFS) for 4.517(Ac.) Total runoff = 78.965(CFS) Total area = 36.764(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 47.149(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 23.574(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.603(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.416(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 5.14(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 36.76 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.655 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2A. >>> • Ll DRAINAGE AREA 2B +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 230.000 to Point /Station 231.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 874.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 480.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 474.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.00698 s(percent)= 0.70 TC = k(0.390) *[(1ength"3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 15.809 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.468(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY .(1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.796 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Initial subarea runoff = 11.119(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.030(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 231.000 to Point /Station 232.000 op* * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 474.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 469.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 817.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 24.346(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.501(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.649(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 0.03(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 20.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.65(Ft /s) Travel time = 5.14 min. TC = 20.95 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.782 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Rainfall intensity = 2.946(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 22.081(CFS) for 9.587(Ac.) Total runoff = 33.201(CFS) Total area = 13.617(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 33.201(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 16.600(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.558(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.845(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 2.92(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 6.397 cfs intercepted per catch basin (12.794 cfs total). >>> <<< 20.407 cfs flows by to low point at Node 233. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 231.000 to Point /Station 232.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 13.617(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 33.201(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.95 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.946(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 Process from Point /Station 240.000 to Point /Station 241.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 420.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 483.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 480.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00667 s(percent)= 0.67 TC = k(0.300) *[(length "3) /(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.155 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.761(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.884 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 2.920(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.694(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 241.000 to Point /Station 242.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 480.200(Ft.) • End of street segment elevation = 477.300(Ft.) Length of street segment = 933.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In . Width of half street (curb to crown) 36.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 17.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.875(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.595(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.491(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.817(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 18.747(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.82(Ft /s) Travel time = 8.56 min. TC = 17.71 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.878 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 3.247(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 4.980(CFS) for 1.747(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.900(CFS) Total area = 2.441(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 7.900(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 7.900(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.523(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.850(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 1.16(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.346(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 242.000 to Point /Station 232.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 472.900(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 975.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 7.900(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 7.900(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 12.52(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 16.57(In.) Critical Depth = 13.06(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.02(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 2.70 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.41 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 242.000 to Point /Station 232.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** • The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 • Stream flow area = 2.441(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 7.900(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.41 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.990(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 33.201 20.95 2.946 2 7.900 20.41 2.990 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 33.201 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 7.900 * 0.985 = 7.782 Qp = 40.983 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 33.201 7.900 Area of streams before confluence: 13.617 2.441 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 40.983(CPS) Time of concentration = 20.950 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 16.058(Ac. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ .Process from Point /Station 232.000 to Point /Station 233.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 469.700(Ft.) • End of street segment elevation = 466.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 630.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 User - specified maximum inlet flow capacity of 6.397(CFS) Number of street inlets = 2 Pipe calculations for under street flow rate of 20.694(CFS) Using a pipe slope = 0.540 % Upstream point /station elevation = 469.700(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 466.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 630.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 20.694(CFS) Given pipe size = 36.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 20.694(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 16.32(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 35.84(In.) Critical Depth = 17.52(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.64(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.58 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 22.53 min. Maximum flow rate of street inlet(s) = 12.794(CFS) Maximum pipe flow capacity = 20.694(CFS) A Remaining flow in street below inlet = 20.289(CFS) Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.778 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Rainfall intensity = 2.824(In /Hr).for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 26.120(CFS) for 11.886(Ac.) Total runoff = 67.103(CFS) Total area = 27.944(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 46.409(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 23.205(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.628(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.073(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 6.40(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 27.94 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.465 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2A. >>> is • 0 DRAINAGE AREA 2C +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 250.000 to Point /Station 251.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 873.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 478.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 472.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 5.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00664 s(percent)= 0.66 TC = k(0.420) *[(length"3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 17.186 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.304(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.770 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 20.460(CFS) Total initial stream area = 8.042(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 251.000 to Point /Station 252.000 • * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 472.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 469.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 575.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 28.867(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.536(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.710(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 1.78(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 20.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.71(Ft /s) Travel time = 3.54 min. TC = 20.72 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.759 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 • Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 2.964(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 14.869(CFS) for 6.609(Ac.) Total runoff = 35.329(CFS) Total area = 14.651(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 35.329(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 17.664(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.575(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.840(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 3.74(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 9.902 cfs intercepted per catch basin (19.804 cfs total). >>> <<< 15.525 cfs flows by to low point at Node 253. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 252.000 to Point /Station 253.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 469.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 465.900(Ft.) Length of street segment = 656.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street . Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 User - specified maximum inlet flow capacity of 9.902(CFS) Number of street inlets = 2 Pipe calculations for under street flow rate of 19.804(CFS) Using a pipe slope = 0.534 % Upstream point /station elevation = 469.400(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 465.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 656.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 19.804(CFS) Given pipe size = 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 19.804(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 17.81(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 29.47(In.) Critical Depth = 18.12(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.53(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.68 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 22.40 min. Maximum flow rate of street inlet(s) = 19.804(CFS) Maximum pipe flow capacity = 19.804(CFS) Remaining flow in street below inlet = 15.525(CFS) Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.754 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 • Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 • RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 2.833(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 32.089(CFS) for 15.015(Ac.) Total runoff = 67.418(CPS) Total area = 29.666(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 47.614(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 23.807(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.632(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.114(Ft /s) warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 6.58(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 29.67 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2A. >>> • • • DRAINAGE AREA 2D +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 260.000 to Point /Station 261.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 615.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 470.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 465.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.00732 s(percent)= 0.73 TC = k(0.390) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.607 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.783(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.802 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Initial subarea runoff = 11.494(.CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.786(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 End of computations, total study area = 3.79 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.500 • Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2B. >>> • 0 • • DRAINAGE AREA 2E +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 270.000 to Point /Station 271.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 532.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 469.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 465.600(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00714 s(percent)= 0.71 TC = k(0.390) *[(length^3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.902 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.902(In /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.805 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Initial subarea runoff = 12.268(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.907(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 End of computations, total study area = 3.91 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.500 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2A. >>> • RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS 10 -YEAR 40 • Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c) 1989 - 2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 04/21/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 1721 GRIFFIN RANCH TRACT NO. 32879 10 -YEAR STORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information * * * * * * * * ** English (in -lb) Units used in input data file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mainiero, Smith & Associates, Palm Springs, CA - SIN 931 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 1978 hydrology manual Storm event (year) = 10.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 2 Standard intensity- duration curves data (Plate D -4.1) For the [ Cathedral City ] area used. 10 year storm 10 minute intensity = 2.770(In /Hr) 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 0.980(In /Hr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity = 4.520(In /Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) Storm event year = 10.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 0.980(In /Hr) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800 DRAINAGE AREA 1A +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 120.000 to Point /Station 121.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 817.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 492.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 491.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 0.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00098 s(percent)= 0.10 TC = k(0.300) *[(length^3) /(elevation change)) "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 17.532 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.000(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.856 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.611 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.389 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 41.34 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 • Initial subarea runoff = 2.658(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.552(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Process from Point /Station 121.000 to Point /Station 122.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 491.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 490.200(Ft.) Length of street segment = 521.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 36.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 17.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.875(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 3.693(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.445(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.314(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 16.413(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.31(Ft /s) Travel time = 6.61 min. TC = 24.14 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.865 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 1.662(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 1.737(CFS) for 1.208(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.395(CFS) Total area = 2.760(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 4.395(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 4.395(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.468(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.371(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 17.576(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 122.000 to Point /Station 131.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 485.900(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 480.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 491.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 4.395(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 4.395(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.91(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.87(In.) Critical Depth = 9.65(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.88(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.39 min. • Time of concentration (TC) = 25.53 min. Process from Point /Station 122.000 to Point /Station 131.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 2.760(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.395(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.53 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.609(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 130.000 to Point /Station 131.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 639.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 490.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 485.100(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 5.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.00845 s(percent)= 0.85 TC = k(0.480) *[(length^3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 16.522 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.071(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.621 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.231 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.769 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 • Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for.soil(AMC 2) = 50.46 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Initial subarea runoff = 3.055(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.376(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 « < NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 130.000 to Point /Station 131.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.376(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.055(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.52 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.071(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 4.395 25.53 1.609 2 3.055 16.52 2.071 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 4.395 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 3.055 * 0.777 = 2.374 Qp = 6.769 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.395 3.055 Area of streams before confluence: 2.760 2.376 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 6.769(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.531 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 5.136(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 131.000 to Point /Station 132.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 480.500(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 476.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 815.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 6.769(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 6.769(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 10.96(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.91(In.) Critical Depth = 11.07(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.85(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 2.80 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 28.33 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 132.000 to Point /Station 132.000 * * ** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.863 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Time of concentration = 28.33 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.514(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff 2.074(CFS) for 1.587(Ac.) Total runoff = 8.844(CFS) Total area = 6.723(Ac.) <<< NOTE: 100% of subarea flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 132.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 476.500(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 467.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 251.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 8.844(CFS) Given pipe size = 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 8.844(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 6.74(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 25.05(In.) Critical Depth = 11.88(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10.71(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.39 min. • Time of concentration (TC) = 28.72 min Process from Point /Station 132.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number_: 1 Stream flow area = 6.723(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 8.844(CFS) Time of concentration = 28.72 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.502(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 134.000 to Point /Station 135.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 740.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 488.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 482.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.00824 s(percent)= 0.82 TC = k(0.480) *[(length^3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 17.608 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.995(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.580 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.438 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.562 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 10 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 45.49 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Initial subarea runoff = 2.643(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.284(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 135.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 482.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 480.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 638.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 12.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.500(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 14. Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.250 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 0.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 4:000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 12.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0250 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0250 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 1.029(Ft.), Average velocity = 1 Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 4.115(Ft.) 500 (Ft 4.036(CFS) 907(Ft /s) • Flow velocity = 1.91(Ft /s) Travel time = 5.58 min. TC = 23.18 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.605 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.122 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.878 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 53.07 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Rainfall intensity = 1.701(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 2.480(CFS) for 2.409(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.123(CFS) Total area = 4.693(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.123(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 5.123(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.121(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.040(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 4.482(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 135.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 4.693(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.123(CFS) • Time of concentration = 23.18 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.701(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 136.000 to Point /Station 137.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 514.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 488.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 481.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.01187 s(percent)= 1.19 TC = k(0.480) *[(length�3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.150 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.265(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.672 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Initial subarea runoff = 2.402(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.577(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 • Process from Point /Station 137.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 481.900(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 480.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 646.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 12.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.500(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 14.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.250 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 0.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 4.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 12.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0250 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0 -0250 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 4.132(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.067(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.813(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 4.269(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.81(Ft /s) Travel time = 5.94 min. TC = 20.09 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.640 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Rainfall intensity = 1.849(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 2.686(CFS) for 2.272(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.088(CFS) Total area = 3.849(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.088(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 5.088(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.150(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.923(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 4.601(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 137.000 to Point /Station 133.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 3.849(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.088(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.09 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.849(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 8.844 28.72 1.502 2 5.123 23.18 1.701 3. 5.088 20.09 1.849 • Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 8.844 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 5.123 * 0.883 = 4.524 Qb Ia /Ib 5.088 * 0.813 = 4.135 Qp = 17.503 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 8.844 5.123 5.088 Area of streams before confluence: 6.723 4.693 3.849 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 17.503(CFS) Time of concentration = 28.724 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 15.265(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 133.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 46,7.000(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 466.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 206.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 17.503(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 17.503(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 12.59(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 48.86(In.) Critical Depth = 13.83(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.85(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.59 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 29.31 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 134.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 15.265(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 17.503(CFS) Time of concentration = 29.31 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.485(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 140.000 to Point /Station 141.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 559.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 494.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 490.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.00644 s(percent)= 0.64 TC = k(0.390) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)) "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.435 min. • Rainfall intensity = 2.334(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.656 Decimal fraction soil group A =.0.981 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.019 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 32.46 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Initial subarea runoff = 3.642(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.380(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 141.000 to Point /Station 142.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 490.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 485.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 756.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 8.341(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.352(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.088(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 13.867(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.09(Ft /s) Travel time = 6.04 min. TC = 19.47 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.596 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.853 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.147 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 35.53 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 1.882(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 6.892(CFS) for 6.140(Ac.) Total runoff = 10.534(CFS) Total area = 8.520(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 10.534(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 5.267(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.378(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.210(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 15.193(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 142.000 to Point /Station 142.000 * * ** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.642 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.895 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.105 • Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 34.52 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Time of concentration = 19.47 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.882(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 10.929(CFS) for 9.043(Ac.) Total runoff = 21.463(CFS) Total area = 17.563(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 142.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 485.800(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 481.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 713.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 • Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 25.113(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.495(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.796(Ft/s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 20.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.80(Ft /s) Travel time = 4.25 min. TC = 23.72 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.639 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.417 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.583 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 45.99 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 1.679(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 6.412(CFS) for 5.974(Ac.) Total runoff = 27.875(CFS) Total area = 23.537(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 27.875(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 13.938(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.513(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.879(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 0.63(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 12.781 cfs intercepted per catch basin (25.562 cfs total). >>> <<< 2.313 cfs flows by to low point at Node 102. >>> • Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT * * ** Rainfall intensity = 1.679(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.693 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 User specified values are as follows: TC = 23.72 min. Rain intensity = 1.68(In /Hr) Total area = 23.54(Ac.) Total runoff = 25.56(CFS) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 143.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 466.000(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 336.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 39.726(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 39.726(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 19.17(In.) • Flow top width inside pipe = 55.96(In.) Critical Depth = 21.09(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.35(Ft /s) The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 23.537(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 25.562(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.72 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.679(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity • No. (CFS) (min) 1 17.503 29.31 1.485 (In /Hr) 2 25.562 23.72 1.679 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 25.562 + sum of Qa Tb /Ta 17.503 * 0.809 = 14.164 Qp = 39.726 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 17.503 25.562 Area of streams before confluence: 15.265 23.537 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 39.726(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.720 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 38.802(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 466.000(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 336.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 39.726(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 39.726(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 19.17(In.) • Flow top width inside pipe = 55.96(In.) Critical Depth = 21.09(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.35(Ft /s) • Travel time through pipe = 0.76 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 24.48 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 143.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 38.802(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 39.726(CFS) Time of concentration = 24.48 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.648(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 150.000 to Point /Station 151.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 881.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 491.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 484.500(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 7.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.00795 s(percent)= 0.79 TC = k(0.420) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 16.642 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.062(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.678 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.327 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.673 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 48.15 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 5.671(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.055(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 151.000 to Point /Station 152.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 484.500(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 482.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 357.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 • Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 10.837(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.397(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.029(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 16.112(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.03(Ft /s) Travel time = 2.93 min. TC = 19.57 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.707 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 1.877(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 9.794(CFS) for 7.387(Ac.) Total runoff = 15.466(CFS) Total area = 11.442(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 15.466(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 7.733(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.444(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.215(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 18.485(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 152.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 478.300(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.400(Ft.) • Pipe length = 247.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 15.466(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 15.466(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 10.27(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.82(In.) Critical Depth = 16.97(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 14.86(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.28 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 19.85 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 152.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 11.442(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 15.466(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.85 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.861(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 160.000 to Point /Station 161.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 1000.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 492.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 489.100(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.900(Ft.) • Slope = 0.00290 s(percent)= 0.29 TC = k(0.300) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 15.298 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.165(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.849 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 3.748(CF9) Total initial stream area = 2.039(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 161.000 to Point /Station 162.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 489.100(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 487.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 951.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 34.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) • Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2..000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.875(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.010(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.508(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.517(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 0.42(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 19.605(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.52(Ft /s) Travel time = 10.45 min. TC = 25.75 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.863 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.083 Decimal fraction soil. group B = 0.917 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 54.01 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 1.601(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 3.398(CFS) for 2.461(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.146(CFS) Total area = 4.500(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 7.146(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 7.146(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.541(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.534(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance.that curb overflow reaches into property = 2.03(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 21.219(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> 0 Process from Point /Station 161.000 to Point /Station 162.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 4.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 7.146(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.75 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.601(In /Hr) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 162.000 to Point /Station 163.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 714.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 487.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 485.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.00294 s(percent)= 0.29 TC = k(0.300) *((length "3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.332 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.345(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.872 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 3.211(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.570(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 163.000 to Point /Station 162.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 481.200(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 477.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 675.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 3.211(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 3.211(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.95(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.88(In.) Critical Depth = 8.19(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.27(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 2.63 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 15.96 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 163.000 to Point /Station 162.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.570(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.211(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.96 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 162.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 477.300(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 475.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 365.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 9.580(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) - Calculated individual pipe flow 9.580(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 13.69(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.76(In.) Critical Depth = 13.28(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.18(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.17 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 26.92 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 162.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 6.070(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.580(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.92 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.560(In /Hr) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 165.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 208.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 488.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 485.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.300(Ft.) Slope = 0.01587 s(percent)= 1.59 TC = k (0.300) *((length^3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.811 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.796(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Rainfall intensity = 2.112(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 7.146 25.75 1.601 2 3.211 15.96 2.112 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 7.146 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 3.211 * 0.758 = 2.434 Qp = 9.580 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 7.146 3.211 Area of streams before confluence: 4.500 1.570 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 9.580(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.747 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.070(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 162.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 477.300(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 475.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 365.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 9.580(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) - Calculated individual pipe flow 9.580(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 13.69(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.76(In.) Critical Depth = 13.28(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.18(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.17 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 26.92 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 162.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 6.070(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.580(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.92 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.560(In /Hr) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 165.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 208.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 488.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 485.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.300(Ft.) Slope = 0.01587 s(percent)= 1.59 TC = k (0.300) *((length^3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.811 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.796(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm • COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.881 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 0.678(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.203(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 165.000 to Point /Station 164.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++± + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 164.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 475.600(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 275.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 9.859(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 9.859(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.58(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 22.31(In.) Critical Depth = 13.48(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 11.60(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.40 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 27.32 min. • Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.203(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.678(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.81 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.796(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 9.580 26.92 1.560 2 0.678 5.81 3.796 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 9.580 + sum of Q I • 0 .678 0.41 0 * 0.411 = 0.279 Qp = 9.859 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 9.580 0.678 Area of streams before confluence: 6.070 0.203 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 9.859(CFS) Time of concentration = 26.922 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.273(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++± + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 164.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 475.600(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 275.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 9.859(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 9.859(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.58(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 22.31(In.) Critical Depth = 13.48(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 11.60(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.40 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 27.32 min. • 0 Process from Point /Station 164.000 to Point /Station 103.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** • The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 6.273(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.859(CFS) Time of concentration = 27.32 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.547(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 39.726 24.48 1.648 2 15.466 19.85 1.861 3 9.859 27.32 1.547 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 39.726 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 15.466 * 0.886 = 13.695 Qa Tb /Ta 9.859 * 0.896 = 8.835 Qp = 62.257 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 39.726 15.466 9.859 Area of streams before confluence: 38.802 11.442 6.273 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 62.257(CFS) <<< conveyed by pipe to Ret. Basin 1 >>> • Time of concentration = 24.482 min. - Effective stream area after confluence 56.517(Ac.) End of computations, total study area = 80.05 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.547 Area averaged RI index number = 48.6 • DRAINAGE AREA 1B +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 100.000 to Point /Station 101.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 543.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 486.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 481.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00884 s(percent)= 0.88 TC = k(0.300) *((length°3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.589 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.839(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.876 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff - 2.777(CFS) Total initial stream area 1.117(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 100.000 to Point /Station 101.000 • * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 1.117(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.777(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.59 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.839(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 <<< NOTE: 2.313 cfs enters from flow -by of catch basins at Node 143. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 101.000 * * ** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT * * ** Rainfall intensity = 1.679(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.693 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 User specified values are as follows: TC = 23.72 min. Rain intensity = 1.68(In /Hr) Total area = 0.00(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.31(CFS) • • / 11 u +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 101.0.00 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.000(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.313(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.72 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.679(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 2.777 9.59 2.839 2 2.313 23.72 1.679 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of Qp = 2.777 + sum of Qa Tb /Ta 2.313 * 0.404 = 0.935 Qp = 3.712 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.777 2.313 Area of streams before confluence: 1.117 0.000 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 3.712(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.589 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 1. concentration 117(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + + + + + + + + +++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 481.900(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 479.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 451.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 26.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 6. Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.304(Ft.), Average velocity = 1 Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 11.473(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.88(Ft /s) Travel time = 4.00 min. TC = 13.59 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.872 . Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 000(Ft.) 5.226(CFS) 878(Ft /s) Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 2.319(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 1.842(CFS) for 0.911(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.554(CFS) Total area = 2.028(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.554(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 2.777(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.310(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.906(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.757(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 2.028(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.554(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.59 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.319(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 110.000 to Point /Station 111.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 515.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 485.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 482.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.00621 s(percent)= 0.62 TC = k(0.420) *[(length'3) /(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.103 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.270(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.729 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 1.901(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.148(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 111.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 482.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 479.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 633.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 7.049(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.345(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.846(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 13.545(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.85(Ft /s) Travel time = 5.72 min. TC = 19.82 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.706 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 1.863(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 8.177(CFS) for 6.219(Ac.) Total runoff = 10.077(CFS) Total area = 7.367(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 10.077(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 5.039(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.386(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.014(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 15.578(Ft.) Process from Point /Station 111.000 to Point /Station 102.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 7.367(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 10.077(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.82 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.863(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 5.554 13.59 2.319 2 10.077 19.82 1.863 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 10.077 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 5.554 * 0.803 = 4.463 Qp = 14.540 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.554 10.077 Area of streams before confluence: 2.028 7.367 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 14.540(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.818 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 9.395(Ac.) • <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins. >>> 0 Process from Point /Station 102.000 to Point /Station 192.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** • Upstream point /station elevation = 471.500(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 469.800(Ft.) Pipe length 339.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 14.540(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 14.540(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 11.39(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 47.06(In.) Critical Depth = 12.56(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.60(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.01 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.83 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 102.000 to Point /Station 192.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 9.395(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 14.540(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.83 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.810(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 Process from Point /Station 190.000 to Point /Station 191.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 625.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 485.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 481.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.00672 s(percent)= 0.67 TC = k(0.420) *((length�3) /(elevation change)) "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 15.001 min. Rainfall-intensity = 2.190(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.725 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 5.817(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.663(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 191.000 to Point /Station 192.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 477.800(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 469.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 301.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 5.817(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 5.817(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.23(In..) Flow top width inside pipe = 17.65(In.) Critical Depth = 11.18(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.76(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.57 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 15.57 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 191.000 to Point /Station 192.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 3.663(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.817(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.57 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.143(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 14.540 20.83 1.810 2 5.817 15.57 2.143 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 14.540 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib • 5.817 * 0.845 = 4.915 Qp = 19.455 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 14.540 5.817 Area of streams before confluence: 9.395 3.663 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 19.455(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.827 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 13.058(Ac. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 192.000 to Point /Station 181.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 469.800(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 467.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 514.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 19.455(CFS) Given pipe size = 60.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 19.455(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 13.27(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 49.80(In.) Critical Depth = 14.58(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.04(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.42 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 22.25 min. .7 Process from Point /Station 192.000 to Point /Station 181.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 13.058(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 19.455(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.25 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.742(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 180.000 to Point /Station 181.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 972.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 486.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 480.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.00617 s(percent)= 0.62 TC = k(0.420) *[(length'3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 18.206 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.957(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.712 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 12.099(CFS) Total initial stream area = 8.686(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 <<< NOTE: 100% of subarea flow intercepted by catch basins. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 180.000 to Point /Station 181.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 8.686(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 12.099(CFS) Time of concentration = 18.21 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.957(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 19.455 22.25 1.742 2 12.099 18.21 1.957 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 19.455 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 12.099 * 0.890 = 10.772 Qp = 30.226 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: • Flow rates before confluence point: 19.455 12.099 • Area of streams before confluence: 13.058 8.686 Results of confluence: Total flow rate - 30.226(CFS) <<< conveyed by pipe to Ret. Basin 1 >>> Time of concentration = 22.246 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 21.744(Ac.) End of computations, total study area = 21.74 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.553 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 • • • DRAINAGE AREA 1C +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 170.000 to Point /Station 171.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 530.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 486.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 482.800(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.00660 s(percent)= 0.66 TC = k(0.420) *[(length'3) /(elevation change)]"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.093 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.271(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.730 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 3.112(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.879(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 End of computations, total study area = 1.88 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 1. >>> • • DRAINAGE AREA 2A +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 200.000 to Point /Station 201.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 882.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 481.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 475.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.300(Ft.) Slope = 0.00714 s(percent)= 0.71 TC = k(0.480) *[(length"3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 19.438 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.884(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.643 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Initial subarea runoff = 2.205(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.821(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ • Process from Point /Station 201.000 to Point /Station 201.000 * * ** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.868 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction.soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Time of concentration = 19.44 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.884(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.317(CFS) for 0.194(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.523(CFS) Total area = 2.015(Ac.) <<< NOTE: 100% of subarea flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 201.000 to Point /Station 202.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 471.900(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 467.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 341.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 2.523(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 2.523(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 5.49(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 16.57(In.) Critical Depth = 7.21(In.) • Pipe flow velocity = 5.52(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.03 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.47 min. 0 Process from Point /Station 202.000 to Point /Station 203.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 477.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 472.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 885.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 12.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 24.500(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 14.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.250 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz). = 0.020 Street flow is on (1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 0.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 4.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 12.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0250 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0250 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 No street inlet installed at this point Pipe calculations for under street flow rate of 2.523(CFS) Using a pipe slope = 0.508 % Upstream point /station elevation = 477.000(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 472.700(Ft.) Pipe length = 885.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 2.523(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 2.523(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.20(In.) • Flow top width inside pipe = 17.64(In.) Critical Depth = 7.21(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 3.82(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 3.86 mina Time of concentration (TC) = 24.33 min. Maximum flow rate of street inlet(sr) = 0.000(CFS) Maximum pipe flow capacity = 2.523(CFS) Remaining flow in street below inlet = 0.000(CFS) Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.621 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Rainfall intensity = 1.654(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 9.020(CFS) for 8.782(Ac.) Total runoff = 11.543(CFS) Total area = 10.797(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 9.020(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.020(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.291(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.704(Ft /s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 5.165(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 203.000 to Point /Station 203.000 * * ** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** • SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.621 • Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Time of concentration = 24.33 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.654(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 2.279(CFS) for 2.219(Ac.) Total runoff - 13.822(CFS) Total area = 13.016(Ac.) <<< NOTE: 100% of subarea flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 203.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 461.800(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 455.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 445.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 13.822(CFS) Given pipe size = 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 13.822(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 10.97(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 28.90(In.) Critical Depth = 15.02(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.50(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.87 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 25.20 min. Process from Point /Station 203.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** Tne following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 13.016(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 13.822(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.20 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.621(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 210.000 to Point /Station 211.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** initial area flow distance = 846.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 480.200(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 473.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.00816 s(percent)= 0.82 TC = k(0.420) *((length'3) /(elevation change)) "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 16.289 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.088(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.720 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 • Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 • Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 8.016(CFS) Total initial stream area = 5.336(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station ' 211.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 473.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 467.600(Ft.) Length of street segment = 768.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 12.393(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.386(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.479(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 15.572(Ft.) • Flow velocity = 2.48(Ft /s) Travel time = 5.16 min. TC = 21.45 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.700 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 1.780(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 7.259(CFS) for 5.828(Ac.) Total runoff = 15.274(CFS) Total area = 11.164(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 15.274(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 7.637(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.412(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.610(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 16.887(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 211.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 11.164(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 15.274(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.45 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.780(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 0 Process from Point /Station 220.000 to Point /Station 221.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 683.000(.Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 483.800(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 474.800(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 9.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.01318 s(percent)= 1.32 TC = k(0.420) *[(length "3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.585 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.319(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.732 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 7.132(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.201(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 221.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 474.800(Ft.) is End of street segment elevation = 467.600(Ft.) Length of street segment = 525.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz). = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 10.414(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.332(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.997(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.895(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.00(Ft /s) Travel time = 2.92 min. TC = 16.50 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.719 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 • Rainfall intensity = 2.072(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 5.756(CFS) for 3.866(Ac.) Total runoff = 12.888(CFS) Total area = 8.067(Ac.) • Street flow at end of street = 12.888(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 6.444(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.355(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.156(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.025(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 221.000 to Point /Station 212.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 212.000 to Point /Station 213.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 467.600(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 465.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 263.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 8.067(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 12.888(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.50 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.072(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 13.822 25.20 1.621 2 15.274 21.45 1.780 3 12.888 16.50 2.072 " Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 15.274 + sum of Qa Tb /Ta 13.822 * 0.851 = 11.767 Qb Ia /Ib 12.888 * 0.859 = 11.070 Qp = 38.112 Total of 3 main streams to confluence • Flow rates before confluence point: 13.822 15.274 12.888 Area of streams before confluence: 13.016 11.164 8.067 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 38.112(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.452 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 32.247(Ac.) <<< NOTE: Total street flow at Node 212 is 24.290 cfs. >>> <<< 6.090 cfs intercepted by catch basin. >>> <<< 18.200 cfs overflows or flows by to low point at Node 213. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 212.000 to Point /Station 213.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 467.600(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 465.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 263.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 • User - specified maximum inlet flow capacity of 6.090(CFS) Number of street inlets = 1 Pipe calculations for under street flow rate of 19.912(CFS) Using a pipe slope = 0.646 % Upstream point /station elevation = 467.600(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 465.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 263.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 19.912(CFS) Given pipe size = 36.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 19.912(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 15.19(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 35.56(In.) Critical Depth = 17.18(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.02(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.62 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 22.08 min. Maximum flow rate of street inlet(s) = 6.090(CFS) Maximum pipe flow capacity = 19.912(CFS) Remaining flow in street below inlet = 18.200(CFS) Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.731 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Rainfall intensity = 1.750(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 5.783(CFS) for 4.517(Ac.) • Total runoff = 43.894(CFS) Total area = 36.764(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 23.983(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.991(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.481(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.852(Ft/s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 36.76 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.655 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2A. >>> • • r� J DRAINAGE AREA 2B +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 230.000 to Point /Station 231.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 874.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 480.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 474.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.00698 s(percent)= 0.70 TC = k(0.390) *[(length^3) /(elevation change))°0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 15.809 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.124(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.751 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Initial subarea runoff = 6.432(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.030(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 231.000 to Point /Station 232.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 474.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 469.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 817.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown .= 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 14.083(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.424(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.247(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 17.489(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.25(Ft /s) Travel time = 6.06 min. TC = 21.87 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.732 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 • Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 • Rainfall intensity = 1.760(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 12.351(CFS) for 9.587(Ac.) Total runoff = 18.783(CFS) Total area = 13.617(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 18.783(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.391(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.465(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.413(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 19.539(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 4.919 cfs intercepted per catch basin (9.838 cfs total). >>> <<< 8.945 cfs flows by to low point at Node 233. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 231.000 to Point /Station 232.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 13.617(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 18.783(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.87 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.760(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 240.000 to Point /Station 241.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 420.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 483.000(Ft.) • Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 480.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00667 s(percent)= 0.67 TC = k(0.300) *[(length^3) /(elevation change))"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.155 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.916(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.876 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 1.773(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.694(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 241.000 to Point /Station 242.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 480.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 477.300(Ft.) Length of street segment = 933.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 36.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 17.000(Ft Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 • Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) • Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.875(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 4.005(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.424(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.609(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 15.406(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.61(Ft /s) Travel time = 9.67 min. TC = 18.82 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.868 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 1.920(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 2.912(CFS) for 1.747(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.685(CFS) Total area = 2.441(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 4.685(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 4.685(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.444(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.671(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 16.393(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basin. >>> Process from Point /Station 242.000 to Point /Station 232.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 472.900(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 464.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 975.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 4.685(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 4.685(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 8.92(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 18.00(In.) Critical Depth = 9.97(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.36(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 3.03 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 21.85 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 242.000 to Point /Station 232.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.441(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.685(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.85 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.761(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) . (In /Hr) 1 18.783 21.87 1.760 2 4.685 21.85 1.761 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 232.000 to Point /Station 233.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration • Qp = 18.783 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 4.685 * 1.000 = 4.683 Qp = 23.466 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 18.783 4.685 Area of streams before confluence: 13.617 2.441 • Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 23.466(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.868 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 16.058(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 232.000 to Point /Station 233.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 469.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 466.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 630.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) • Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 User - specified maximum inlet flow capacity of 4.919(CFS) Number of street inlets = 2 Pipe calculations for under street flow rate of 14.523(CFS) Using a pipe slope = 0.540 % Upstream point /station elevation = 469.700(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 466.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 630.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 14.523(CFS) Given pipe size = 36.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 14.523(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 13.43(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 34.82(In.) Critical Depth = 14.57(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.04(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.74 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 23.61 min. Maximum flow rate of street inlet(s) = 9.838(CFS) Maximum pipe flow capacity = 14.523(CFS) Remaining flow in street below inlet = 8.943(CFS) Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.727 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 • Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 • Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Rainfall intensity = 1.683(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 14.554(CFS) for 11.886(Ac.) Total runoff = 38.020(CFS) Total area = 27.944(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 23.497(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.749(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.496(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.610(Ft /s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 27.94 (AC.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.465 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basins. >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2A. >>> • • DRAINAGE AREA 2C 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 250.000 to Point /Station 251.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** • Initial area flow distance = 873.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 478.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 472.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 5.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00664 s(percent)= 0.66 TC = k(0.420) *[(length"3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 17.186'min. Rainfall intensity = 2.024(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.716 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Initial subarea runoff = 11.650(CFS) Total initial stream area = 8.042(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 251.000 to Point /Station 252.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 472.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 469.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 575.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 16.437(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.449(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.297(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 18.715(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.30(Ft /s) Travel time = 4.17 min. TC = 21.36 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.700 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 • Rainfall intensity = 1.784(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 8.256(CFS) for 6.609(Ac.) Total runoff = 19.906(CFS) Total area = 14.651(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 19.906(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.953(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.477(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.415(Ft /s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) <<< NOTE: 7.455 cfs intercepted per catch basin (14.910 cfs total). >>> <<< 4.996 cfs flows by to low point at Node 253. >>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 252.000 to Point /Station 253.000 * * ** STREET INLET + AREA + PIPE TRAVEL TIME * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 469.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 465.900(Ft.) Length of street segment = 656.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 9.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.375(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 • Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 User - specified maximum inlet flow capacity of 7.455(CFS) Number of street inlets = 2 Pipe calculations for under street flow rate of 14.910(CFS) Using a pipe slope = 0.534 % Upstream point /station elevation = 469.400(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 465.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 656.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 14.910(CFS) Given pipe size = 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 14.910(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 14.95(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 30.00(In.) Critical Depth = 15.63(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.10(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.79 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 23.15 min. Maximum flow rate of street inlet(s) = 14.910(CFS) Maximum pipe flow capacity = 14.910(CFS) Remaining flow in street below inlet = 4.996(CFS) Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.694 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 • Rainfall intensity = 1.703(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 17.749(CFS) for 15.015(Ac.) Total runoff = 37.655(CFS) Total area 29.666(Ac.) - Street flow at end of street = 22.745(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.373(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.490(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.590(Ft /s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 20.000(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 29.67 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of street flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2A. >>> • C7 • :7 DRAINAGE AREA 2D +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 260.000 to Point /Station 261.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 615.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 470.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 465.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.00732 s(percent)= 0.73 TC = k(0.390) *[(length°3) /(elevation change)]"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.607 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.317(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.760 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Initial subarea runoff = 6.667(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.786(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 End of computations, total study area = 3.79 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.500 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2B. >>> • DRAINAGE AREA 2E +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 270.000 to Point /Station 271.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 532.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 469.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 465.600(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.00714 s(percent)= 0.71 TC = k(0.390) *[(length'3) /(elevation change)]'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.902 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.390(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm SINGLE FAMILY (1/4 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.763 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.500; Impervious fraction = 0.500 Initial subarea runoff = 7.123(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.907(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 End of computations, total study area = 3.91 (AC.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.500 Area averaged RI index number = 56.0 <<< NOTE: 100% of flow intercepted by catch basins >>> <<< and conveyed by pipe to Retention Basin 2A. >>> • • VICINITY MAP • z z 0 N w V) AVENUE 51 z Lu • `` L \ J N f~n 0 N HIGHWAY 111 AVENUE 49 z 0 N w AVENUE 51 o rj W z� • `` \ J N .7 w 1,4V z 0 o m a L Li V) cj 0 f z O G AVENUE 48 AVENUE 50 AVENUE 52 AVENUE 53 AVENUE 54 cn L w H ao N AVE. 55 z oy • Y AIRPORT BLVD VICINITY MAP N.T.S. • FEMA MAP • • • j. j - NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM -- -- - - - -__- - -_ =ice— = -- j W; w - �7 M RIVERSIDE COUNTY, Ij ZONE C II I. • W Olj z,...; '. Z!! z (n Y PANEL 2300 OF 3600 OP (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) AVENUE 54 COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 060245 2300 B MAP REVISED: MARCH 22; 1983 Federal Emergency Management Agency ii Ij II (i SITE J n ►I ' II �L AVENUE 56 !) :j J i APPROXIMATE SCALE 2000 0 2000 FEET This is an official copy of a portion of the above referenced flood map. It was extracted using F -MIT On -Line. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the title dock. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at wvvw.msc.fema.gc ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. UKENCORPORATED AREA PANEL 2300 OF 3600 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 060245 2300 B MAP REVISED: MARCH 22; 1983 Federal Emergency Management Agency This is an official copy of a portion of the above referenced flood map. It was extracted using F -MIT On -Line. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the title dock. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at wvvw.msc.fema.gc • r1 LJ 0 SOIL SURVEY MAP SOIL SURVEY OF 0 Riverside County, California • Coachella .Valley Area United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with University of California Agricultural Experiment Station AVENUE.. �. q�ij►f�'8 g _ .iL.•_ri �c..++�rt }' lr� �� "` �:.::..., • �..,, � t ` r,f �;;, 7 h GbA I C t {r ! <e S•f�. MaB y• I # CP CD . t t. �' n, . i i . ;t `': FN ji bra •�,� l ,r �! F f� M66,. flr iii L �i r ,C I ..1,1 ' !x !.;�, (•fit _t r .�'�' Q T. 6 S '4 °'1 .e: III ii `il aB L� y/ 1 V -- •+fff�f Iu cT. ~• - - :dg -ice,• t _ . W ` ' 'r' -• gel.. AN bCA- u o • ^j' r ark! C a 7; t� y�' ti s+ i MaS I`11;` ^ A VENUE • TJ y;, r < '+ IFUZi -'R�.. .•1`1�' _ t'• .Io• 8ct1 IIa.Valle r e;A�'I Gb y n A ..4 e�: x''ri41 ; �S t r� •y J �! ' . 4• ,�rf3 ; 1' .s�•• = �� y. � ,, -. t- iq. Fv MaB 40 s[' f= _ � ,,.� � J,! t � �' l�..y �`^' .It �.ixr t4j% r •f'!ts.,,o- { M a I ui twl ii' �, t •1 - 4 0 t" 1 r i • (Kt , < �� GbA e • 1 �-�' I--tt ';..r,t '`� iF.. \'� e IP .,e`i. -- .4r. T a � t� 3., i{If ry GCA w. Tf VYIi •� 7 f I t� XY�F r i � J ' "•• y ar S �i'+'f „” } • "�� i � �} I r f: � 'yt �`� "::la.' I f ` l •�"1' �- 7,KYf'''J� ?t`�` ��' �.2 r�'`�_ �I {}2 .'`� .. �a �7' �I •d. y �t .. _ *��� li• : L'. .�� =Y: ,.,(n.�•�'Zs f,,,,•w'!l 7 +� ;I• ,_ f "711 I'ift 1 �'i a {- a •r .,.� iGbl4 t r. la. ' WWI., GCA ,.. C ENUE i'_ �, `tea r;P!.l� • p'o'i r" -'1 ^� "_�_`� 1 '�' }, • _ (GCA �� 1•{ LS•. ;L' -A Ma8 CPA' rl o \ ? t ?T r f rh •!� • ,� � s , h 4 .I y ' jl� ' � r- ,.F,,,. •�.: 1 UQ ',[ �• �r'., ,r., - -., - -'+±' �` r • •s. '� 4t 1i ! � i ' r Y ' � '` . a 1 ISA n ' i }, T� } a • , Mi. «t a iiyJf6,, 54000 (► J �y <.Ir""`1 I'* .i r,`� 'CM. FEE - ti .,..•rl}�Q� -. --�• GbA ' GeA GcA - -i Is C II { �� f {, a "f .• � � ` ! ;i• _ � � *r � p� � ,F Ij"��.. 3 �flf� II 1 � 1 t 't .} - .'• � \ r � ,4 . Swimmin .00 e 1 + , ; , r • � 15 _, , 1 1 ° . r GdA'r 1 n t� �F � -1 ` %,VR y ; f t } �I{( AV _ E •' _1.5_6_- x ,.2 - ..n.y H�� I 'tL'!E • t' - •� �! ,j",r�T�t�,,i� y - �.- !I Y ✓"�T jtP^ 'y+; -.` ,�° ' -': "'� -i _(ti.. Nq - r '7J`�•1 t �� '+'#.' yy .((f =f 'll • lt, n r`!• • 1 F` 1157 . fx . k 4T "•y, I�. ,� �!1 r ' � ( I ..-,� 'i } . X ^ :f r• ��i..{ , �. "'.y.i i `, Ill / . t •• � IYuY ! ''f 3 r t . j �- ' �. """'111 -{ GCA r:a, •ih GbA < "' !s''� _ •iT •Ir �`; L`• r f .. .1 .r. li .; GcA ., '; i ..23 GcA f �;. 24 3 ..Ir wl • 12j2 �.,: ,'. G.T ITT ■'7� t� - Y .. �14 GCA' It 1 It " _ 3 �! It GcA w > II r' e �'/ �. n f ' i.• 'ii,� '' k It AV UEL' RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 77 TABLE 12. Soil and water features �ence of an entry indicates the feature is not a concern. See text for descriptions of symbols and such terms as "rare," "brief," and "perched." The symbol < means less than; > means greater than] Hydro- Flooding High water table Bedrock Soil name and logic map symbol group Frequency Duration Months Depth Kind Months Depth Hardness Pe in Badland: BA. Borrow pits: B P. Bull Trail: BtE----------------- Cajon: eD----------------- Ca'on Variant: Cb D----------------- Carrizo: CcC----------------- Carsitas CdC, CdE, ChC, CkB. CfB ------------------ Carsitas Variant: C m B, C m E___________ Chuckawalla: COB, COD, C nC, C n E. PA, CP B, CsA ------ ----------------- Fluvaquents: Fe------------------- Fluvents: Fe------------------- Gil ma B, bA, b B, GeA. G A, , fA______ GraavP 1 pits and dumps: Imperial: IeA------------------ IfA ------------------ ImC 1: Imperial part _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gullied land part. Imperial: IoC 1: Imp.n I part _______ Gullied land part. Ind* Ip, s_ ". ---------------- Lithic Torripsamments: LR1: Lithic part. .TorripsammPnts Rock outcrop part. B A A A A A C B D A/D B- None - - - - -• -------- - - - - -- None------ -------- - - - - -- None------ -------- - - - - -- Rare------- ----- --- - - - - -- None------ -------- - - - - -- None ------ -------------- None ------ -------- - - - - -- None ------ ----- --- - -- - -- None-------------- - - - - -- None------ -------------- Frequent --- Verylong_ -___ Occasional—I Very brief _ _ _ _ Rare - - - - -__ -------------- None------ - ------- - - - - -- D None______ D None______ D None______ D None______ CPNone______ None______ I None______ ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- ------------ >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- ------------ >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- ------------ >6.0 -------- - - -- -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - -- - -- ------------ 2.0 -1.0 Apparent - - - -- Jan - Dec - - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- ------------ >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 6-20 Rippable. ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - - - ------------ 3.0 -5.0 Apparent - - --- Jan - Dec - - -- >60 -- ---------- Apr- Sep---- 0.5 -2.0 Apparent_____ Jan- pec_ -__ >60 __________ Jan - Dec - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- >60 ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- ------------ 3.0 -5.0 Apparent - -- -- Apr - Oct - - -- >60 - --- - - - - -- -------------- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------------------- - - - - -- 1.0 -3.0 -------------------- - - - - -- >6.0 1.5,5.0 >6.0 3.0 -5.0 >6.0 Apparent_____ -------- -- - - -- Apparent_____ - - --- - - - - - -- >60 Jan - Dec____ >60 ------ - - - - -- >60 Jan - Dec - - -_1 >80 - - - - - -- - -- - - -I - - - - -- - ---I > 80 I - - -__- -_ Apparent_____ Jan - Dec____ >60 - -- -- - -------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 1 -10 Hard 78 SOIL SURVEY TABLE 12. Soil and water features—Continued Soil name and map symbol Hydro - logic group Flooding High water table Bedrock Frequency Duration Months Depth Kind Months Depth Hardness Ft In aB MaD----------- J= None - - - -- -------- - - -- -- ------ - - - --- >6.0 -------------- Apparent ------ -- - - -- Jan- Dec- >60 - --- - - - --- ------- None-- - - -- 1.5 -5.0 ----- - -- >60 _ Niland- NaB----------- - - - - -- C None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 ----- - - - - -- ------------ >60 ---------- NbB----------------- C None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 1.5 -5.0 Apparent - - - -- Jan - Dec - - -- >60 - Omstott: Om D---------- - - - - -- C None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 4-20 Rippable. Or': Omstott part - - - - - -- C None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 4-20 Rippable. Rock outcrop part. Riverwash: RA. Rock outcrop: RO. RTI: Rock outcrop part. Lithic Torripsamments part. D None ------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------------- ------------ 1 -10 Hard. Rubble land: RU. �alton: Sa, Sb------- -- - - - - -- D None - -- - -- -------- -- - - -- ---- -- - -- - -- 2.0 -5.0 Apparent - - - -- Jan- Dec - - -- >60 -- -- - -- - -- Soboba: Sol), SpE------ - - - - -- A None - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - - - -- Torriorthents: TO 1: Torriorthents part. Rock outcrop part. Tu Pn��s: None pE, TrC, Ts B-- - - - -- A - - -- -- ---- ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------ - -- - -- >60 'This mapping unit is made up of two or more dominant kinds of soil. See mapping unit description for the composition and behavior of the whole mapping unit. parent; and the months of the year that the water table commonly is high. Only saturated zones above a depth of 5 or 6 feet are indicated. Information about the seasonal high water table helps • in assessing the need for specially designed foundations, the need for specific kinds, of drainage systems, and the need for footing drains to insure dry basements. Such information is also needed to decide whether or not construction of basements is feasible and to determine how septic tank absorption fields and other underground installations will function. Also, a seasonal high water table affects ease of excavation. Depth to bedrock is shown for all soils that are underlain by bedrock at a depth of 5 to 6 feet or less. ,For many soils, the limited depth to bedrock is a part of the definition of the soil series. The depths shown are based on measurements made in many soil borings and on other observations during the mapping of the soils. The kind of bedrock and its hardness as related to ease of excavation is also shown. Rippable bedrock can be excavated with a single -tooth ripping attach- ment on a 200 - horsepower tractor, but hard bedrock generally requires blasting. Formation, Morphology, and Classification of the Soils This section contains descriptions of the major fac- tors of soil formation as they occur in the Coachella Valley Area, a summary of significant morphological characteristics of the soils of the Area, an explanation of the current system of classifying soils by categories broader than the series, and a table showing the clas- 0 0 RCFC &WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL REFERENCE PLATES PLATE t -D•b Ra _'= 14E ,`,8 .- I R5E RGE ft7-f �1 R8E / 'C ��', 1 Q 18A .,.]a J ! ,(.'C ld('., • I - -, :J I?f ,e4' ,_ ... � I �' /ITl1 V��ICy I r IT 'L - i` Pry _ •�'_ _,_ _ _ - _ - -•.. I! *•� �y� w- weaeT ��:(i/, - �\ -� JS `y �., � j1 � � � ;rrc.° V°Il.r � ..T�y I ' tb�lt..•' ; l ,cp € to NAT {;O fV:A 0 N )J M( N'j �. , - _i ( j .-. to I • c£, T. _•P� iry�,y. a tol .. �J,}, ' eV`O• ,i-, ° e� . . , - - _ _' �t wtiyar[sf , I F 1 _ ��✓ ✓i \ / L C1; `•) iC'J Sr lll,tr♦F O _ —1 - `t• T. _SAN EHNARDINO f. y °, ! �F.. 165, '1. IV I: H•.�Illl Cn'. u.Q. h ` r ' 4.] • lb* , �'.1_ ,ti�'1 n ::�, ^;- •L7,�,. S`pr l?.'. {55 : � I j'` ::\ .N.. -,r/' .�!,5'' '�.�:'`7.' . `5� ;o ' - ►i0R0�1"(iQLTi _ 1j• �S }�1(N, '1 �' � ;r 'J •''� ? ,' / '�• � r !~ ,��p,� ', }� 0 E4 .� ,;` "` O �`.. -.� ., y I .l' �:__a �'. - �' _ •�.- " -� ,a I Y, `;i' a i- - .-•- -� ' Al AkA f0 0 ✓. . tii:a., �' - 1`�'e a, iLy Ed , r'�t z j` e..F <t" ^ ' ..... ier.grc ;w.r.IN 1 2S, Jf S re rx' t•P'bERAIAR sUNf4fh5 ''" f., ! tih '� `ter ,f •t , 4" N' �"(�.y vr. _;- rf D ��' \. ��Yi �''4' ` .�, ... .D:mn Fat SP n `t'c. •.�,. - . 'Y ., ' __..� ' .`.•. t p —y_I. .i« �:'1 '.(._. 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'2 Y1 ��' _ `cti <�%, ��".G �_ C, A' P:VEP INF, CJ, - J (� RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL a ;•,,;. �,� � ` "' s,, - i• ^, r - .. -,;Jt � r �. s ' { WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 100 —YEAR 6— HOUR FAEPwnh ,a•it 'ArQR .� ?� i' I _�'rf .i�,`I �,, 7I �< s•__1� PRECIPITATION .:: , �L.._ - �)�i.;, �.1 ICLF !1_ANG Nlt {II�iJA)'; .(r l �, t ' �`'r.4;'r ✓•.:/ .r, .� J � _ �f :, t �•^ v. t ,:GUAF.Sr J .:. ,, 'r _-J, f 1 ,ti .� ��,i._�' - -e .1K ! ' ! nr' ._�•_., .---}- r U° E'. '•r ,.. r :ten. - tJ 1 . °:,�,..� \,• _ - r 0 ri(� a!� 5 e; • ».., N° v 'lLs 5 S «C,uNfAn+ t, 4 i "$", _ l r'.� .rJ} -, ay�{yp �{�i.p. Jar y c.,ac..° �. •R.2E • � - � , ^. . �..i ��r�.i . .. k',, ri'�Xj��;-- ,:'.5:�;' lS :. ` r'1,: I `. _ z ... 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RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL 4.1 7 'rt AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT r :.• 4 IOC -YEAR 3 -HOUR ' 'AL,QMAi • ',H,• :..JATQJ! 2 �., • -w ` / 1 _. / I'/ - ' ` +`I �! r -'mac .? . % rL �\ -. s.� ) 1 _ 1<r M_'- PRECIPITATION �• f/ -,•< r EJE.I�tnD N)tiiA NA - f �y 1 '�r`v.:� V, ;�' .Y'r. --i• -' _...__:`�_- .�.V,aY}� � n'".'i; . r .�, -.. -:• �� 1 f7 . -�'.� /� \,; '� - •O /� -c w_ ,� , ,, r ( d -! ,f.,,,l :cr " (< a o-.wr, ■. ' /!! . . aeaa. rro � I ... � _'r+i ! �` ' .[\• _�'+ /F ^ :l �'IaJi S a.EWltpr� f �'� ,''''1 , `.,',''R �rE- - . r.. t,_ :'`R.3,E , h'' ° _."f• ' °:1liL. ~c,' Sri, • -\ __ a • C • INSTRUCTIONS FOR SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS A. Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Development 1. On a USGS topographic quandrangle sheet or other map of suit- able scale, outline the .proposed drainage system and outline the area or subareas tributary to it. 2. From the map of the drainage system, determine the following basin physical factors and enter them on Sheet 1 of Plate E -2.1. A = Drainage area - square miles L = Length of longest watercourse - miles Lca = Length along the longest watercourse, measured upstream to a point opposite the centroid of the area - miles - H = Difference in elevation between the concentration point wand the most remote point'of the basin -feet S = Overall slope of longest watercourse between headwaters and concentration point - feet per mile (S = H /L) 3. Determine lag time using Plate E -3 or the following expression (See Sheet 1 of Plate E -2.1): Lag (hours): = 24n [L�_Lca](.38) S32 where: n = The visually estimated mean of the n (Mannings formula) values of all collection streams and channels within the watershed. 4. Select a unit time period. To adequately define the unit hydro - graph the unit time period should be about 25- percent of lag time, and never more than 40- percent of lag time. For ease of calculation, the unit time should match the times for which pre- cipitation patterns are available (Plate E -5.9). Also see Sheet 1 of Plate E -2.1. 5. Utilizing the S- graph applicable to the drainage basin (Plates E -4.1 through E -4.4), determine the average percentage of the ultimate discharge for each unit period. In reading-the percentage of discharge from the S- graph, the average ordinate over the time RCFC Ik WCD rJYDRDi DGY JMANUAL -. - - . • /. . -. • 4. For 3 and 6 -hour duration storms assume the weighted average loss rate is a constant defining the maximum loss rate for each unit time period. For 24 -hour storms use the variable loss rate function below to compute the maximum loss rate for each unit time period: 1.55 FT (inches /hour) = C (24- .(T /60)) + Fm where: C = (F - Fm) /54 F = Adjusted loss rate - inches/hour (as previously defined) T = Time from beginning of storm - minutes Fm = Minimum value on loss rate curve - inches/hour (typically 50 to 75- percent of F) The time "T" used should be from the start of the storm to the middle of each unit time period, i.e., for a unit time of 30- minutes the maximum loss rate would be computed for T--15 -min- utes for period one, T=45- minutes for period two, etc. Enter the maximum loss rates (constant or variable) on Column 22 of Plate E -2.2. 5. Compute the low loss rate .for •each unit time period where the maximum loss rate exceeds the rainfall rate for that .period. The low loss rate should normally be 80 to 90- percent times the rainfall rate.. See Column 22 of Plate E -2.2. 6. Compute the effective rainfall rate for each unit time period by subtracting the loss rate from the rainfall rate. See Column 23 of Plate E -2.2. Be sure to use the low loss rate where the maximum less rate exceeds unit period intensity. 7. Compute the flood hydrograph using one of the following two methods. Do not use the simplified method until the long form method is thoroughly understood: (a) Long form method (use Plate E -2.3): (1) Multiply the effective rainfall rate for the first unit time period times each synthetic unit hydrograph value to determine the flood hydrograph which would result from that rainfall increment. (2) Repeat the above process for each suceeding effective rainfall value, advancing the resultant flood hydrographs one unit time period for each cycle. RCFC Ik WC® J"JYDROL OGY J\/JANUAL .-- - .. A - . • • • EXAMPLE OF SIMPLIFIED METHOD OF FLOOD HYDROGRAPH COMPUTATION 9 Flood 7 Hydrograph 9 7 �2� �2 4] 7 7 Effective Flow 17 Rain cfs 14 In /Hr 17 �2.1] — [2 2] Separate Sheet 21 Plate E -2.2 24 26 .13 10 31 .21 54 38 .23 145 45 .22 254 50 .35 343 64 .40 430 Unit Graph Values 85 .48 545 Listed in Reverse 109 .53 680 The position of the unit Order 158 .77 827 graph values on the sep- 257 1.17 1037 arate sheet in this exam - 479 1.06 1344 ple gives the value of 515 .17 1615 1188 cfs in column [24] 288 1579 . To get all of the values 78 1188 for the flood hydrograph 758 the separate sheet must 513 moved from the top to the 382 bottom of column �23] . 300 Start with 78 adjacent 241 to .13 and finish with 9 202 adjacent to .17. The 172 flood hydrograph ordin- 145 ate for any position of 124 the separate sheet is 107 the sum of the products 94 of all adjacent unit 80 graph and effective rain 67 values. The computed 58 flow value is entered 48 opposite the bottom unit 36 graph value (78 in this 32 case) for any position 30 of the separate sheet. 27 20 11 2 R C F C IS W C p SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROLOGY JNAANUAL HYDROGRAPH METHOD INSTRUCTIONS • INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHORT CUT SYNTHETIC HYDROGRAPH HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 1. Determine drainage area and lag time. Use Steps A-1-through A -3 on Plate E -1.1. 2. Determine that the area is suitable for development of a Short Cut hydrograph, i.e., the area is no more than 100 to 200 -acres in size, and lag time is less than 7 to 8- minutes. 3. Select a suitable unit time equal to from 100 to 200 - percent of lag. Normally, 5 to 10- minutes for 3 and 6 -hour storms, and 15- minutes for 24 -hour storms will be adequate. 4. Compute effective rainfall rates using steps B -1 through B -6 on Plate E -1.1. 5. Compute flood hydrograph ordinates for each unit time period by multiplying the effective rainfall rate_ (inches per hour) times the drainage area in acres. The resultant values are discharge in cfs. 6. The three hour storm peak discharge should normally compare well with rational peaks. If adjustments are necessary, use a shorter unit time period to raise the peak, and a longer unit time period to lower them. RAFC Ck WC® r�YDROL OGY JMANUAL PI ATF F_1 7 r �J • R C F C & W C D HYDROLOGY MANUAL M SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Basic Data Calculation Form Project Sheet By Date - Checked Dote PHYSICAL DATA C11 CONCENTRATION POINT 123 AREA DESIGNATION [33 AREA -SO INCHES 143 AREA ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 153 AREA -SQ MILES ([33*C43) 163 L- INCHES [73 L.ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 183 L -MILES (C6 ]► C7 3 ) 193 LCA- INCHES 1103 LCA -MILES (C71*[93) [11] ELEVATION OF HEADWATER 1123 ELEVATION OF CONCENTRATION POINT 1133 H -FEET ( 1113 -1123) 1143 S -FEET /MILE ([133/[83) 115] S9s.5 1161 L*LCA /S**.5 1 [81*1101/1153) 1173 AVERAGE MANNINGS 'N' 1183 LAG TIME -HOURS (24*1173*116]oo.38) (PLATE E -3) 1191 LAG TIME - MINUTES (60*C183) 1203 25% OF LAG - MINUTES (.25*1193) 1213 407 OF LAG MINUTES (.4001193) 1223 UNIT TIME- MINUTES (25 -40% OF LAG) RAINFALL DATA 113 SOURCE 123 FREQUENCY —YEARS 131 DURATION: 3 —HOURS 6 —HOURS 24 —HOURS 143 POINT RAIN INCHES 151 AREA. SO IN 161 153 17] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES [83 POINT' RAIN. INCHES 191 AREA SO IN 1103 193 3T 111] AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES 1123 POINT RAIN INCHES 1133 AREA SO IN 1143 113] V:133 1153 AVERAGE POINT RAIN INCHES FC5 ]- R7 ]- 1193- 11113- E1131- 11151- 1163 AREAL ADJ FACTOR (SEE PLATE E -5.8) 11173 ADJ AVG POINT RAIN IC163. 173,ETC) • �7_ RC F C "8t W C D SYNTHETIC HYDROLOGY MANUAL I UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD P►o)ect Unit Hydrograph and Effective Rain By Calculation Form Checked Sheet v pole Dote CI] CONCENTRATION POINT [2] AREA DESIGNATION C31 DRAINAGE AREA -SO MILES 141 ULTIMATE DISCHARGE - CFS - HRS /IN (6459[311 CS] UNIT TIME - MINUTES [6] LAG TIME- MINUTES C73-UNIT TIME- PERCENT OF LAG (I00&C53/1631 C8] S -CURVE C93 STORM FREQUENCY C DURATION YEAR- HOUR CIO] TOTAL ADJUSTED STORM RAIN - INCHES 013 VARIABLE LOSS RATE (AVG)- INCHES /HOUR E121 MINIMUM LOSS RATE (FOR VAR. LOSS) -IN /HR C133 CONSTANT LOSS RATE - INCHES /HOUR 1141 LOW LOSS RATE - PERCENT UNIT H`:DROGRAPH EFFECTIVE RAIN HYDROGRAPH LOOD MUNIT C163 TIME PERCENT OF LAG 173*[15] [IT] CUMULATIVE DIS AVERAGE PERCENT OF ULTIMATE 071mC17]wj DISCHARGE (S -GRAPH ) C181 TRIB GRAPH PERCENT C47*C183 1193 NIT YDROGRAPH FS- HRS /IN 100 1203 PATTERN PERCENT (PL E -5.9 1213 STORM RAIN IN /HR 60[103120 1223 LOSS EFFECTIVE RATE PAIN IN /HR IN 1233 /HR C21 ] -E223 1243 FLOW CFS 100 L5 3 MAX LOW IJLAI t t-e-.c • • HYDROLOGY MAPS U C 0) C 7 N 0 U aCie tie CLQ CL 0 0 rl 10 N T C) O O "d S S U Z ry Q N n Q U Q N n Q U Q