33588 (3)iu�uuie 03 1E I ... ... .. ... .�35�� • S H YDROL O MHWMM UL I CS REPOR T For Property Located In A Portion of Section 29, T5S., RM, SBM La Quinta, California Deleting Offsite Storm Drain for � CVHC Dune Palms Neighborhood Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 33588 0 Revised June 15, 2007 Prepared for: Coachella Valley Housing Coalition 45 -701 Monroe Street, Suite G Indio, CA 92201 JN: 1786 TING, INC. MAwmo, Smrm & ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANKNO . Cnm. ENGDOM ra: ■ Lwrm SURVE G 34200 BOB HOPE DAm ■ RANwo MrnnoB ■ CA 92270 Tummom (760) 320 -9811 ■ FAx (760) 323 -7893 Paul Goble Subject: Special Plan Check, CVHC, Ave 48 and Dune Palms Offsite Storm Drain Handling Start Date: Thursday, May 17, 2007 Due Date: Thursday, May 17, 2007 Status: . Waiting on someone else Percent Complete:. 0% Total Work: 0 hours Actual Work: 0 hours Owner: Paul Goble Requested By: Tony Colarossi 5/17/07 - Tony started a plan review and got the following: Some of the Stroms Q10's were found to be on the high side (according to MSA), so the city will accept Q10's on the high side. Tony called Julian at about 11:15 but he was at a meeting. Call was just to confirm height of storm flows on Ave 48 downstream portion. 1. Hydraulic Report, proposed Hydro Map, on Ave 48 downstream portion it was found that Q10 results show that T allowable is 17ft which corresponds to a flow rate of 13.9 cfs. The actual flow is found to be 32 cfs which will cover the bike lane and both vehicular lanes on the westbound traffic side of Ave 48. Note this is a severe case of hydroplanning because the flow is headed in the opposite direction as the vehicles. This is not acceptable by the city standards of Q10 requirements. 2. Hydraulic Report, proposed hydro map, show the curb size along Ave 48 for channel calculations along the R/W. Curb height of 6" was found in hydro. 3. Hydraulic. Report, proposed hydro map, more inforamation for the driveway located between node 82 and 83 is required. Note Q.10 is 32 here, the water height is > .59ft and jumps the 6" curb. Protection of this driveway is required. Also the longitudanal slope of Ave 48 is critical here. FOR uses 1.1 % and hydro calc shows 1.9% (clarify). 4. Hydraulic Report, ponding > 3ft requires special design for emergency vehicles to navigate the R/W. Since the channel during Q100 will be un- navigable, a turn from Ave 48 to Dune Palms should be acheivable. 5. On the hydraulic map for proposed, please provide the assumed C values according to the Rational Method. Note, grades on this would be nice too. 6. Hydraulic Report, proposed hydro map, storm flows crossing the intersection of Ave 48 and Dune Palms from Dune Palms storm flows are not acceptable and should be caught prior to entering this intersection. Please provide the sub Q10 coming from Ave 48 and Dune Palms, please don't combine. 5/17/07 - Tony finished and gave to Paul. 6/20/07 - Tony started a plan review and got the following: 1. Sump area map, this map and further city estimates of 100 year storm by the Riverside County Hydro Manauls Synthetic and 10year Rational methods indicates the following: a. Ponding area on the northeast corner is insignificant at 1.8 cfs (city calc) because 95% of the length has an elevation drop of only 0.1 ft and ponding areas 2 and 3 show that they are also insignificant and can hold the 10 year design storm without any discharge into the street. b. Ponding Area 1 handles the 100 year 3hr storm for the first 2 acres therefore it should not be included in the rational determination for existing condition. c. As shown on the sump map (L = 547 and A = 5.3, redlines), the city Q10 determined for the existing condition at the R/W is more like 6.2 cfs like that found in the FOR calc between nodes 80 and 30. d. Sump map, the FOR calculated 100 year runoffs but the discussion revolves around 10 year storm. 2. Existing hydro map; the southwest area shows a large sump area with depth of about 1 f storage that will handle the 10 year storm. 3. Based on the existing conditions of the project, the total 10 year runoff is probably 6.2 + 1.8 = 8.0 cfs. This value is very concervative because of the following: a. Based on the large C values required by the Riverside County Hydro Manual. C values are probably 0.3 or less. b. Depressions within the 2 drainage areas have not been taken into account. Depressions would increase Tc to above 1 hour (Area 1 downstream). 4. Proposed hydrology map, for the first run (Nodes 50 to 51), the city obtains a 25% increase in Q10 than that determined by the EOR. FOR needs to explain why Tc is higher than that found on Plate D -3 and why a C value less than 0.89 is being used. The impervious area is being requested. 6/21/07 - Tony finished and gave to Paul 6/29 /2007. - Paul reviewed and discussed with Tony, Ed & Tim. City delta Q10 is significantly increased above MSA projection. Q10 transversing intersection was not addressed. in analysis. Redlines of hydrology to Tim for meeting with CVHC today. Proposal to delete storm drain was rejected in City/CVHC meeting 6/29/2007. ® Iv- PLANNING ■ CIVIL ENGINEERING ■ LAND'SURVEYING etter of Transmittal Date: June 15, 2007 Via: Hand Deliver Job #: 1786 To: Tim Jonasson Director of Public Works /City Engineer CITY OF LA QUINTA Engineering 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 -1504 From: Vickie Long Re: No Offsite Storm Drain Hydrology Report Project: Parcel 4, Parcel Map No.33588 — CVHC Dune Palms Neighborhood CC: Maryann Ybarra, Brian Peulicke, Maria Song, Ed Wimmer w/o enclosures ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ® As Requested ❑ Other QTY. ITEM 2 ea. Hydrology /Hydraulics for Deleting Offsite Storm Drain for CVHC Dune Palms Neighborhood (8.5 x 11 black binders) • Comments: Tim — Per Paul Goble's email dated 6/1/07, and our response dated 6/8/07 (copy attached), we are providing a revised Hydrology Report for your review. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance. Thank you. Kind regards, 34200 BOB HOPE DRIVE ■ RANCHO MIRAGE ■ CALIFORNIA ■ 92270 760 - 320 -9811 ■ 760 - 323 -7893 FAX ■ www.MSACONSULTINGINC.COM ti De La Torre, Julian Page 1 of 2 From: De LaTorre, Julian Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 5:38 PM To: 'Paul Goble' Cc: Konno, Edna; Reed, Rodney; 'mybarra @cvhc.org'; Brian Peulicke; Baiza, Joe; Murphy, Cherie; Long, Vickie Subject: RE: 1786 CVHC Dunes Palms - Hydrology Assumptions - Proposed Storm Drain Deletion Attachments: 1721 Seg2 PG 05.pdf Paul, We have reviewed your comments and revised our hydrology report in the following areas: 1. We have revised the flow routes similar to you comments below. There are three routes indicated. 2. We did not revise the runoff coefficient for the reasons stated in my previous email below. 3. We have revised the lengths of travel according to each sub -area. 4. We evaluated the large sump areas in the north, southeast and southwest (as shown on the attached Existing Hydrology Map). All sump areas are exceeded in volume in the 100 -year storm except Ponding Area 3. If these ponding areas are not permanent, erosion is inevitable when they overflow thus eliminating the potential for storage. I've sat on the other side of the fence with this issue on recent projects. I wanted to give you a heads -up on where we are before we call on Monday. Julian A. De La Torre Senior Project Manager MSA Consulting Inc. From: De LaTorre, Julian Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 10:27 AM To: 'Paul Goble' Cc: Konno, Edna; Reed, Rodney Subject: RE: 1786 CVHC Dunes Palms - Hydrology Assumptions - Proposed Storm Drain Deletion Paul, A few comments re: your email below: 1. I don't see issues with revising lengths of travel to represent the terrain. 2. We would not typically change the on -site runoff coefficient to "more accurately" model site conditions. Trying to be "more accurate" with the Rational Method is problematic for both existing and proposed conditions. 3. 4. We typically would not take local sump areas into account because the sump areas may not be permanent; erosion from a future storm could eliminate the sump benefits. We'll review the on -site sump areas. In our phone discussion, I didn't have the benefit of the Turner Cost Estimate for Offsite Storm Drain. We can discuss costs, but those costs should be as indicated in Turner's estimate. We are working on the Hydrology Report, which we expect to provide to you in a timely manner. Julian A. De La Torre Senior Project Manager MSA Consulting Inc. From: Paul Goble [mailto:Pgoble @la- quinta.org] 6/15/2007 Page 2 of 2 Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 4:49 PM To: De LaTorre, Julian Subject: 1786 CVHC Dunes Palms - Hydrology Assumptions - Proposed Storm Drain Deletion Julian, As a follow -up to our discussion on 5/30/2007, City Staff proposes new assumptions for the rational analysis on the predevelopment condition for the subject project "No Offsite Storm Drain Scenario" - Run Date 5/11/2007 - File 1786EX10.out as updated on May 15, 2007. The assumptions of the May 15, 2007 report may not fully represent the site conditions. 1. Modify the flow routing between Station 50 and Station 30. The City suggests three new routes to address the onsite topography variations. One route would proceed to the south from Station 50 to the elevation 56.5 as shown on the "Existing Hydrology Map" for Parcel 4 adjacent to the sub area callout A =1.1. The second route would proceed south then turn east to elevation 56.0 adjacent to Station 20. A third route would flow along the western property boundary. The flow route elevation drop should be reduced from 19 ft to approximately 7 ft. The primary flow route should not include the large dropoff at the project perimeter slopes in the primary route simulation. These routes and elevations would more accurately reflect predevelopment conditions. As an example of the change, the times of concentration for the new routes are estimated to increase from 18 minutes to no less than 29 -32 minutes with possible additional delays from on -site storage. As a result, the time of concentration shift would significantly increase the difference in differential flow rate between pre - development and post - development conditions. 2. Modify the on -site predevelopment runoff coefficient from 0.714 to 0.500 for the proposed routes. The proposed runoff coefficient of 0.500 would, in City Staff opinion, generate a more accurate model of the site conditions. 3. Modify the flow route distance to more accurately model time of concentration per the flow routing request for item 1 above. The modeled distance in the 5/11/2007 run indicates 1000 ft for the initial area flow distance, but hydrology map scales from Sta 50 to Sta 30 to be at least 1300 ft of flow distance. 4. Consider additional pre - development routing to model the true topography of the site, wherein at least 2 depressions would further delay time of concentration on route 1 (route to the south which discharges on Avenue 48) and 5 depressions would delay the time of concentration on route 2 (route to the east which discharges on Dune Palms) as referenced on item 1 above. A large sump area may hold all of the water generated from route 1 and route 3 with no discharge to Avenue 48. Please review these assumption changes. We then request a phone discussion or meeting to achieve a consensus on the key assumptions utilized to determine the primary off -site storm drain design for the project. We also request review of the on- site /off- site storm drain installation costs. The CVHC meeting of 5/29/2007 was reported to discuss a off -site storm drain budget of $750,000. Our phone discussion on 5/30/2007 indicated an off -site storm drain budget of $500,000 with a possible on -site storm drain budget of $250,000. Finally, please recheck flow summations for the May 15, 2007 Hydrology report per our 5/30/2007 discussion wherein a minor error on the post development flow summation was found. Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter. Paul Goble, PE Public Works Senior Engineer City of La Quinta (760) 777 -7087 pgoble @la - quinta.org 6/15/2007 TC' LIMITATIONS:. L 100 1• .Maximum length =1000' Tc 1000 90 2. Maximum area = 10 Acre 5 900 80 a 800 70 > H sv �a� o P ,,.• S 6 60 y„ g o b 4 o 3 u� Cates- a 700 L 200 4• 7 N E '� m 600 E a ° 50 c '� w %_ ° 0 60 50 8 a --' °. m E v c .0 40 30 '' v 0 0 2 m 20 9 0 m 3b,-' o ' °, 10 0 3 . m `- . K II W. 400 �L fl ) w U e eloped Good Cover 0 m 2 12 - m v` 350 25 Undeveloped „ `.. 0 � ieo `o ' . it ver .. .6 14 y- c 00. E 20 Undevel d\ 0 :3 Z 15 0 _ . Poor Co 0 .2 16 c ,-250 12 18 16 Single Family (1/4 Acre) 50 17 18 14 Commerci � 20 Q J 200 �: 13 o m w r e ° KEY ° 150 E 9 L- H- Tc -K--TC o i= 8 30 EXAMPLE: E 7 (1) L =550',,H =5.0, K =Single Family(1 /4 Ac.) 35 i=. Development., Tc =12.6 min. 100 6 (2) L =550', H =SAd, K = Commercial .40 Development ; Tc = 9.7 min. . 5 4 Reference: Bibliography item No. 35. R F'C (o �; O TIME - OF� CONCENTRATION HYDROLOGY MANUAL.... FOR: INITIAL SUBAREA - -- -__ -, --- U -3 PLATE" L 1000 Tc' LIMITATIONS: 100 Maximum. length =1000 90 �,r. `�0 2, ximum area = 10 Acres Tc 5 900 80 �X H ., 800 70 c s�-1 U Epp 6 700 60 Y. 0 = 6�y �0 3o°OO . u c 200 7 E 50 CL Poor CV-J1 N E 100 E 600 a o. o .. c 50 8 o 0 > E c v 30 500 •� o c m 20 J� <- g � .- 35 0 10 ,E w a 6 UL 400 30 ° U e eloped — Good Cover m c 350 owl 25 Undeveloped' c .0 U w d 1 _ • c Fair Cover 14 00, E c 20 Undevelo 0 .3 'L 15 m _ S 19 Poo vet c .2 16 C c 250 - ; �- 18 v Single Family ; 17 J ... 6 (1/4 Acre) 0 18 - 1 Commerci m t9. 0, '= 14 20 �- J 200 �. 13 c c 2 w Q .� 25 150 0 KEY m E 9 L- H- Tc -K -Tc_ o i= 8 30 EXAMPLE: E 7 0) L =550', .H =5.0, K = Single Family(1 /4 Ac.) ~ Development , Tc =12.6 min. 35 100 6 (2) L =550', H =5.0", K = Commercial . Development , Tc = 9.7 min. . 40 P �- 4 RCFC �CD HYDROLOGY MANUAL,`*' Reference: Bibliography item No. 35. TIME OF CONCENTRATION FOR: INITIAL SUBAREA - -- PLATE`- D -3 RCFC Syn Unt Shortcut Method.XLS fl Riverside County Hydrology Manual Calculation of SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD 1 1 Lag (hr) _ 0.2 SHORTCUT METHOD Less than 100 -200 acres & La Time < 7 -8 min ) Data Input (boxed is calced) Concentration Point NA Soil Group (Sheet 11/ pp 78) B Area Designation NA Precipitation Rate (PI E5.1 -5.6) 2.7 Area (acres) 2 0.00 sgmi Area Precip Corr (E5.8 ( %)) 1 100.00 L (miles) 1 0.75 Total Adjusted Storm = 2.70 Lca (miles) 0.375 Runoff Index PI E -6.1 75 Elev @ Headwater 5 JAMC Condition (I, II, or III (Sheet E -8)) 2 Elev @ Concentration Point 0 Infiltr Rate for Pery Areas (PI E -6.2) Fp 0.31 H =j 5 Devel Area Cover (PI 6.3) 1 0% S (ft/mile) =; 6.7 Const Loss Rate, F (3 -6 hr storm) 1 0.31 n (Ave Mann, Plate E.3) 0.015 ✓ Fm, Min Low Loss 50 -75% of F1 0.15 Lag (min) I 1 9 Low Loss Rate Percent 3 & 6hr : 1 0.90 Storm Frequency (10, 25, 100) 0.05899284 Results La Quinta Zone (1 to 6) 4 Cubic Ft Duration 3, 6, 24 3 0.3 1 Ac-re---,Kt Unit Time Pattern Storm Loss Rates I Effective Flood Period Percent Rain Max . Used Rate Rain Hydrograph Volume Sum Vol Basin Infil (min) %) (in /hr) (Whr) (cfs) cult) (cult) cult 5 1.3 0.42 0.31 0.31 0.12 0.0 0 0 10 1.3 0.42 0.31 0.31 0.12 0.2 70 70 15 1.1 0.36 0.31 0.31 0.05 0.1 31 101 20 1.5 0.49 0.31 0.31 0.18 0.4 109 209 25 1.5 0.49 0.31 0.31 0.18 0.4 109 318 30 1.8 0.58 0.31 0.31 0.28 0.6 167 485 35 1.5 0.49 0.31 0.31 0.18 0.4 109 593 40 1.8 0.58 0.31 0.31 0.28 0.6 167 760 45 1.8 0.58 0.31 0.31 0.28 0.6 167 927 50 1.5 0.49 0.31 0.31 0.18 0.4 109 1036 55 1.6 0.52 0.31 0.31 0.21 0.4 128 1164 60 1.8 0.58 0.31 0.31 0.28 0.6 167 1331 65 2.2 0.71 0.31 0.31 0.41 0.8 245 1575 70 2.2 0.71 0.31 0.31 0.41 0.8 245 1820 75 2.2 0.71 0.31 0.31 0.41 0.8 245 2065 80 2.0 0.65 0.31 0.31 0.34 0.7 206 2271 85 2.6 0.84 0.31 0.31 0.54 1.1 322 2593 90 2.7 0.87 0.31 0.31 0.57 1.1 342 2935 95 2.4 0.78 0.31 0.31 0.47 0.9 284 3218 100 2.7 0.87 0.31 0.31 0.57 1.1 342 3560 105 3.3 1.07 0.31 0.31 0.76 1.5 459 4019 110 3.1 1.00 0.31 0.31 0.70 1.4 420 4438 115 2.9 0.94 0.31 0.31 0.63 1.3 381 4819 120 3.0 0.97 0.31 0.31 0.67 1.3 400 5219 125 3.1 1.00 0.31 0.31 0.70 1.4 420 5639 130 4.2 1.36 0.31 0.31 1.06 2.1 633 6273 135 5.0 1.62 0.31 0.31 1.32 2.6 789 7062 .140 3.5 1.13 0.31 0.31 0.83 1.7 497 7559 145 6.8 2.20 0.31 0.31 1.90 3.8 1139 8698 150 7.3 2.37 0.31 0.31 2.06 4.1 1236 9934 155 8.2 2.66 0.31 0.31 2.35 4.7 1411 11345 160 5.9 1.91. 0.31 0.31 1.61 3.2 964 12309 165 2.0 0.65 0.31 0.31 0.34 0.7 206 12515 170 1.8 0.58 0.31 0.31 0.28 0.6 167 12682 175 1.8 0.58 0.31 0.31 0.28 1 0.6 167 12849 180 0.6 0.19 0.31 0.17 0.02 11 0.0 1 0 12849 0 0.0 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 111 0.0 1 0 12849 Page 1 Jesse Jimenez Subject: Due Date: Status: Percent Complete: Total Work: Actual Work: Owner: Requested By: PCN 07029 COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALLITION PARCEL 33588 STORM DRAIN ( OFFSITE) n Wednesday, March 28, 2007. /I Waiting on someone else 0% 0 hours 0 hours Tony Colarossi Paul Goble 02/15/2007 RECEIVED PLAN CHECK ITEM FROM MSA SENT TO PAUL FOR HIS REVIEW (JGJ) 02/16/2007 - Paul reviewed and approved forward to Willdan for plan check. Plans to Jesse for forward. 02/21/2007 SENT TO WILLDAN FOR PLAN CHECK SERVICES SENT VIA CAL OVERNIGHT (JGJ) 03 /21 /2007RECEIVED PLAN CHECK ITEM SENT TO TONY FOR HIS REVIEW (JGJ) 3/26/07 - Tony started 1 st round plan review and got the following: Several Wildan comments were found. Please address all Willdan comments. 1. Hydro Report, pp 3, city does not obtain the same values as shown on this sheet; recalc the following: a. Eo - this value is determined upstream from the catch basins. b. FHWA program and excel program obtain an Eo value of 0.46 as compared to FOR value of 0.88 c. Sw should not exceed 10.33°/x. Traffic engineer requests 7% maximum. OFFSITE STORM DRAIN PLANS 2. All plan sheets, provide proper city engineer expiration date. 3. Sheet 1, provide information on how nuisance flows are handled prior to entering the storm channel. Provide CVWD BMP control for channel discharge. New permit is expanding treatment requirements per CVWD. 4. Sheet 1, provide street cross section to validate that Q10 spread max is met and Q100 within R/W is met. 5. Sheet 3, provide SD Easement where applicable. Submit final map to show drainage easement allowed if not required. 6. Sheet 2,.erosion control sought. Provide channel slopes, rip -rap, etc as required. 7. Sheet 1, CVWD jurisdiction within the channel - clarify approval method. 8. Sheet 4 and all others, provide the non La Quinta standards for construction item 8 and 11, for city review. 3/27/07 - Tony finished and gave to Paul 3/28/2007 - Paul reviewed and annotated 1st round redlines with miscellaneous comments and clarification requests. FOR to return redlines to Willdan for 2nd round check following full correction. Redlines to Jesse /Ed for return to EOR. 03/29/2007 GIVEN TO MSA COURIER WITH OUT FAXED NOTICE (JGJ) 06/15/2007 RECEIVED PLAN CHECK ITEM FROM MSA SENT TO TONY FOR HIS REVIEW (JGJ) 9 HYDROLOGY /HYDRAULICS REPORT For Property Located In A Portion of Section 29, TSS., RM, SBM La Quinta, California Deleting Offsite Storm Drain ' for � CVHC Dune Palms Neighborhood � Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 33588 Revised June 15, 2007 Prepared for: Coachella Valley Housing Coali* ion 45 -701 Monroe Street, Suite G f�E Indio, CA 92201 I �� N0. 43880 JN: 1786 { Igoe- 6-301 °7 * OF CAUVW' sr C/V1L �P ONSULTING, INC. MAnmmo, SmrrH & ASSOCIAm im- Pmrmm ■ Crim Fwawamm ■ I.nrm Soavaywo 34200 Bos Hors DRm ■ Rnucso MsAos ■ CA 92270 'I ummoris (760) 320 -9811 ■ FAx (760) 323 -7893 • Introduction: We present this report as our proposal to delete the requirement of the offsite storm drain for the CVHC Dune Palms Neighborhood project. We present two scenarios in support of our proposal. 1. The Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) of the La Quinta Evacuation Channel in the 100 -year storm is at elevation 48.0 (see City Bulletin #06 -16). This water surface represents ponding water from the Evacuation Channel to the intersection of Dune Palms Road and Avenue 48. 2. As requested by the City in our May 4, 2007 meeting, we have provided the depth of flow in Avenue 48 in the 10 -year storm, existing and proposed conditions. CVWD has not provided HGL information for the Evacuation Channel in the 10 -year storm; therefore the analysis assumes the HGL does not encroach into the street at the channel. Method: Rational Method Calculations have been provided to evaluate the 10- year peak flows (existing and proposed) in Avenue 48, just east of Dune Palms Road. In addition, depths of flow calculations using Manning's Equation have been provided (see Rational Method Calculations and Depth of Flow Calculations). 10 -year peak flows (23.5 and 32.6 cfs respectively) are used to determine street flow depth for this report. The existing terrain of the project was evaluated to determine if sump areas would pond and restrict runoff from exiting the site. Of three significant sump • areas, it was determined one area provided sufficient storage in the 100 -year storm. The remaining areas are subject to overflow and erosion, and are included in the rational method calculations (see Sump Area Map). Conclusion: 100 -Year Storm: In the 100 -year storm, the HGL of the La Quinta Evacuation Channel is at elevation 48.0. This HGL represents flooding in Avenue 48 with water ponding to approximately 50 -feet west of Dune Palms Road, and approximately 100 -feet north along Dune Palms Road. With water ponding at the above - mention intersection, an offsite storm drain to the La Quinta Evacuation Channel has little benefit. p ca �o 10 -Year Storm (Existing and Pro ed): The 10 -year peak flows for existing and proposed conditions are 2 . and 32.6 cfs respectively. The depth of flow on Avenue 48 increases from 0.61 -feet to 0.67 -feet (3/4 inch), and the spread across the street increases from 24.5 -feet to 27.5 -feet in the proposed condition. In both scenarios the flow encroaches into both lanes of traffic (see Street Cross Section of Avenue 48). • • U Rational Method Calculations 10 -Year Storm, Existing Conditions • Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c) 1989 - 2005 Version 7.1 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 06/11/07 File:1786EX10.out ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1786 10 YEAR STORM EXISTING CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information * * * * * * * * ** English (in -lb) Units used in input data file Program License Serial Number 6041 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside county Flood Control & Water Conservation District 1978 hydrology manual Storm event (year) = 10.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 2 Standard intensity - duration curves data (Plate D -4.1) For the [ Cathedral City ) area used. • 10 year storm 10 minute intensity = 2.770(In /Hr) 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 0.980(In /Hr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity = 4.520(In /Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) Storm event year = 10.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 0.980(In /Hr) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 10.000 to Point /Station 20.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 583.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 56.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 53.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.000(Ft.) Slope - 0.00515 s(percent)= 0.51 TC = k(0.300) *[(length"3) /(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.993 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.623(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.874 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 • Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 • RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 2.981(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 20.000 to Point /Station 20.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 1.300(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.981(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.99 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.623(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 90.000 to Point /Station 20. 00 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 522.000(Ft.)/ Top (of initial area) elevation = 63.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevv - 58.000(Ft.) v 1 v .\ S Difference in elevation = C - 5.33000 (Ft — �, J Sj`' O Slope = 0.01015 s (percent; _ 1.02 TC k(0.530) * ^0.2 Ji = [ (length°3) / (elevation change) ] • Initial area time of concentration = 16.219 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.093(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Q�p UNDEVELOPED (poor cover) subarea Runoff Coefficient = 0.763 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 78.00 Pervious area fraction = 1.000; Impervious fraction = 0.000 Initial subarea runoff = 2.874(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ Process from Point /Station 20.000 to Point /Station 20.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.800(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.874(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.22 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.093(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) • • 1 2.981 10.99 2.623 2 2.874 16.22 2.093 Largest stream flow has longer or shorter time of concentration Qp = 2.981 + sum of Qa Tb /Ta 2.874 * 0.678 = 1.948 QP = 4.929 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.981 2.874 Area of streams before confluence: 1.300 1.800 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 4.929(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.993 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 3.100(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 20.000 to Point /Station 30.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 53.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 50.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 207.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) • Width of half street (curb to crown) = 33.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 15.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 30.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.920(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 5.302(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.308(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.629(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 9.425(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.63(Ft /s) Travel time = 1.31 min. TC = 12.30 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.873 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 2.456(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.858(CFS) for 0.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.787(CFS) Total area = 3.500(Ac. • Street flow at end of street = 5.787(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 2.893(CFS) • Depth of flow = 0.316(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.682(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.792(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 30.000 to Point /Station 30.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 3.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.787(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.30 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.456(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + ++++ + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 70.000 to Point /Station 80.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 472.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 65.000(Ft.)/ Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 63.000(Ft.)/ Difference in elevation = 2.000(Ft.)- Slope = 0.00424 s(percent)= 0.42 TC = k(0.530) *[(length ^3) /(e1evation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 18.554 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.936(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm UNDEVELOPED (poor cov subarea • Runoff Coefficient = 0.748 Decimal fraction soi oup A = 0.070 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.930 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 77.23 Pervious area fraction = 1.000; Impervious frac ion = 0.000 Initial subarea runoff = 4.634(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ++ + + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +ia Process from Point /Station 80.000 to Point /Station * * ** NATURAL CHANNEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of natural channel elevation = 63.000(Ft.) End of natural channel elevation = 56.000(Ft.) Length of natural channel = 499.000(Ft.) Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = + + + + + + + + + + ++ 30.000 8.182 (CF Natural valley channel type used L.A. County flood control district formula for channel velocity: Velocity(ft /s) _ (7 + 8(q(English Units)".352)(slope "0.5) Velocity using mean channel flow = 2.81(Ft /s) Correction to map slope used on extremely drops and waterfalls (Plate D -6.2) Normal channel slope = 0.0140 rugged channels with \ , _� • Corrected /adjusted channel slope = 0.0140 Travel time = 2.95 min. TC = 21.51 min. • 1 Zv Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.600 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 73.60 Pervious area fraction = 1.000; Impervious fraction = 0.000 Rainfall intensity = 1.777(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 6.174(CFS) for 4.900(Ac.) Total runoff = 10.808(CFS) Total area = 8.100(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 30.000 to Point /Station 30.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 8.100(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 10.808(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.51 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.777(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity • No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 0 ti) 5.787 12.30 2.456 10.808 21.51 1.777 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 10.808 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 5.787 * 0.723 = 4.185 Qp = 14.993 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.787 10.808 Area of streams before confluence: 3.500 8.100 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 14.993(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.509 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 11.600(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 30.000 to Point /Station 40.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 50.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 42.700(Ft.) • Length of street segment = 385.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In Width of half street (curb to crown) = 47.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 22.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.920(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 15.704(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.401(Ft.), Average velocity 3.759(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14.032(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.76(Ft /s) Travel time = 1.71 min. TC = 23.22 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.846 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.890 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.110 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 34.64 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 1.700(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 1.582(CFS) for 1.100(Ac.) • Total runoff = 16.576(CFS) Total area = 12.700(Ac. Street flow at end of street = 16.576(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 8.288(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.407(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.808(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.340(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 40.000 to Point /Station 40.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 12.700(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 16.576(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.22 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.700(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 70.000 to Point /Station 60.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** - Initial area flow distance = 1057.000(Ft.) O Top (of initial area) elevation = 65.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elev 52.600(Ft.) ►/� r Difference in elevation = 12.400(Ft.) 1 Slope = 0.01173 s(percent)= .17 ooe TC = k (0.530) * [ (length'3) / (elevation change)) "0.2 • Initial area time of concentration = 20.895 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.807(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm 1o.l5L • UNDEVELOPED (poor cover) subarea Runoff Coefficient = 0.703 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.500 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.500 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 72.50 Pervious area fraction = 1.000; Impervious Initial subarea runoff = 4.447(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.500(Ac Pervious area fraction = 1.000 fraction = 0.000 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 60.000 to Point /Station 60.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 3.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.447(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.89 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.807(In /Hr) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 50.000 to Point /Station 60.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 334.000(Ft.) • Top (of initial area) elevation = 53.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 52.600(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 0.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.00269 s(percent)= 0.27 TC = k(0.300) *[(length^3) /(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.012 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.769(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.875 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 1.454(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 60.000 to Point /Station 60.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.600(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 1.454(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.01 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.769(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: • Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity • No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 4.447 20.89 1.807 2 1.454 10.01 2.769 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 4.447 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 1.454 * 0.653 = 0.949 Qp = 5.396 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.447 1.454 Area of streams before confluence: 3.500 0.600 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.396(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.895 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.100(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 60.000 to Point /Station 40.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 52.600(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 42.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 709.000(Ft.) • Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 30.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 15.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.920(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.047(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.389(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.143(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 13.431(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.14(Ft /s) Travel time = 3.76 min. TC = 24.65 min. Adding area flow to street SINGLE FAMILY (1/2 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.583 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.820 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.180 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 36.32 Pervious area fraction = 0.600; Impervious fraction = 0.400 Rainfall intensity = 1.642(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 1.244(CFS) for 1.300(Ac.) • Total runoff = 6.640(CFS) Total area = 5.400(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 6.640(CFS) • Half street flow at end of street = 6.640(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.399(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.214(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 13.948(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 40.000 to Point /Station 40.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 5.400(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 6.640(CFS) Time of concentration = 24.65 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.642(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 16.576 23.22 2 6.640 24.65 Largest stream flow has longer or Qp = 16.576 + sum of Qa Tb /Ta 6.640 * 0.942 = Qp = 22.828 Rainfall Intensity (In /Hr) 1.700 1.642 shorter time of concentration 6.252 • Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 16.576 6.640 Area of streams before confluence: 12.700 5.400 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 22.828(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.216 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 18.100(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 40.000 to Point /Station 90.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 42.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 38.700(F.t.) Length of street segment = 226.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 29.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 15.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.920(In.) • Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 • • • Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 23.118(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.564(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.489(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 3.20(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 22.198(Ft.) Flow velocity = 4.49(Ft /s) Travel time = 0.84 min. TC = 24.05 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.843 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 1.665(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.646(CFS) for 0.460(Ac.) Total runoff = 23.474(CFS) Total area = 18.560(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 23.474(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 23.474(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.567(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.498(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 3.33(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 22.333(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 18.56 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.785 Area averaged RI index number = 66.3 • • Rational Method Calculations 10 -Year Storm, Proposed Conditions • Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c) 1989 - 2005 Version 7.1 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 06/07/07 File:178610nooffsite.out ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1786 10 year storm (no offsite storm drain) "Proposed Conditions" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information * * * * * * * * ** English (in -lb) Units used in input data file Program License Serial Number 6041 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 1978 hydrology manual Storm event (year) = 10.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 2 • Standard intensity- duration curves data (Plate D -4.1) For the [ Cathedral City ) area used. 10 year storm 10 minute intensity = 2.770(In /Hr) 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 0.980(In /Hr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity = 4.520(In /Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) Storm event year = 10.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 0.980(In /Hr) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 10.000 to Point /Station 11.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 671.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 62.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 54.100(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 7.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.01177 s(percent)= 1.18 TC = k(0.370) *[(length ^3) /(elevation change)) ^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.154 min. • Rainfall intensity = 2.474(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm CONDOMINIUM subarea type • Runoff Coefficient = 0.806 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.350; Impervious fraction = 0.650 Initial subarea runoff = 2.713(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.360(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 11.000 to Point /Station 12.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 49.100(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 46.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 36.20(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 2.713(CFS) Given pipe size = 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 2.713(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 3.74(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 14.60(In.) Critical Depth = 7.50(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10.21(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.06 min. • Time of concentration (TC) = 12.21 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 11.000 to Point /Station 12.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 1.360(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.713(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.21 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.467(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 100.000 to Point /Station 101.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 216.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 57.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 52.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation = . 4.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.01898 s(percent)= 1.90 TC = k(0.480) *[(length'3) /(elevation change))'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.107 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.925(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm • SINGLE FAMILY (1 Acre Lot) Runoff Coefficient = 0.710 • Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 No. Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 1 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 2 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 Largest RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 2.713 + Pervious area fraction = 0.800; Impervious fraction = 0.200 Qb Initial subarea runoff = 0.893(CFS) 0.893 * Total initial stream area = 0.430(Ac.) 3.477 Pervious area fraction = 0.800 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 12.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 46.500(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 46.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 32.80(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 0.893(CFS) Given pipe size = 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 0.893(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 5.67(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 11.98(In.) Critical Depth = 4.75(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 2.44(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.22 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 9.33 min. • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 101.000 to Point /Station 12.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.430(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.893(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.33 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.884(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 2.713 12.21 2.467 2 0.893 9.33 2.884 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 2.713 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 0.893 * 0.855 = 0.764 Qp = 3.477 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: • 2.713 Area of streams before ore confluence: • 1.360 0.430 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 3.477(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.213 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 1.790(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 12.000 to Point /Station 21.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 46.400(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 44.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 142.40(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 3.477(CFS) Given pipe size = 16.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 3.477(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.44(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 15.96(In.) Critical Depth = 8.85(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.46(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.43 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 12.65 min. • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 12.000 to Point /Station 21.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 1.790(AC.) Runoff from this stream = 3.477(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.65 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.418(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 20.000 to Point /Station 21.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 336.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 59.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 53.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.01935 s(percent)= 1.93 TC = k(0.370) *Hlength^3) /(elevation change)]"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.345 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.077(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm CONDOMINIUM subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.820 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 • Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 • Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.350; Impervious fraction = 0.650 Initial subarea runoff = 2.927(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.160(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 20.000 to Point /Station 21.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1 Runoff from this stream = Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: Main Stream is listed: .160 (Ac.) 2.927(CPS) 8.34 min. 3.077(In /Hr) Stream Flow rate TC No. (CPS) (min) 1 2 Largest • QP = QP = 3.477 12.65 2.927 8.34 stream flow has longer 3.477 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 2.927 * 0.786 = 5.777 Rainfall Intensity (In /Hr) 2.418 3.077 time of concentration 2.300 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 3.477 2.927 Area of streams before confluence: 1.790 1.160 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.777(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.647 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 2.950(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 21.000 to Point /Station 31.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 44.900(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 42.700(Ft.) Pipe length = 231.40(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 5.777(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 5.777(CFS) • Normal flow depth in pipe = 8.38(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 22.88(In.) • Critical Depth = 10.18(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 5.91(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.65 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 13.30 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 21.000 to Point /Station 31.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 2.950(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.777(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.30 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.348(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + ++ Process from Point /Station 30.000 to Point /Station 31.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 400.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 57.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 51.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.200(Ft.) • Slope = 0.01550 s(percent)= 1.55 TC = k(0.370) *Hlength"3) /(elevation change))"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.353 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.880(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm CONDOMINIUM subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.810 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.100 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.900 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 53.60 Pervious area fraction = 0.350; Impervious fraction = 0.650 Initial subarea runoff = 3.359(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.440(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 30.000 to Point /Station 31.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.440(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.359(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.35 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.880(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: • Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity • No. 1 2 Largest QP = (CFS) 5.777 3.359 stream fl, 5.777 + Qb (min) (In /Hr) 13.30 2.348 9.35 2.880 :)w has longer time of concentration sum of Ia /Ib 3.359 * 0.815 = 2.738 Qp = 8.515 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.777 3.359 Area of streams before confluence: 2.950 1.440 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 8.515(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.300 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.390(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 31.000 to Point /Station 41.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** • Upstream point /station elevation = 42.700(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 39.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 285.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 8.515(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 8.515(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 9.71(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.56(In.) Critical Depth = 12.47(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.14(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.67 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 13.97 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 31.000 to Point /Station 41.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 4.390(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 8.515(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.97 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.283(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 50.000 to Point /Station 51.000 • * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 691.000(Ft.) A Top (of initial area) elevation = 61.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 57.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.000(Ft.) C °r Slope = 0.00579 s(percent)= 0.58 �G TC = k(0.370) *[(length"3) /(elevation change)] "0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.173 min.- 1_ Rainfall intensity = 2.263(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm CONDOMINIUM subarea e Runoff Coefficient - 0.792 Decimal fraction s it p A = �0.130 Decimal fraction soil group B = Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 W�1 f e, Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 J RI index for soil (AMC 2 ) = 52.88 /7 �� d'' `~901 0 Pervious area fraction = 0.350; Impervious fraction = 0.650 � Initial subarea runoff = 4.729(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.640(Ac.) �I r Pervious area fraction = 0.350 �Q +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 51.000 to Point /Station 52.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** • Top of street segment elevation = 57.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 51.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 484.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 26.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 13.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.010 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.010 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.010 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.875(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 8.191(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.375(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.733(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 23.920(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.73(Ft /s) Travel time = 2.95 min. TC = 17.13 min. Adding area flow to street CONDOMINIUM subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.739 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.720 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.280 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 • Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 38.72 • Pervious area fraction = 0.350; Impervious fraction = 0.650 Rainfall intensity = 2.028(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 6.837(CFS) for 4.560(Ac.) Total runoff = 11.566(CFS) Total area = 7.200(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 11.566(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.566(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.408(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.034(Ft /s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 26.000(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 52.000 to Point /Station 61.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 44.400(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 43.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 36.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 11.566(CFS) Given pipe size = 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 11.566(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 9.12(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 23.30(In.) Critical Depth = 14.64(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10.56(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.06 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 17.18 min. • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 52.000 to Point /Station 61.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 7.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 11.566(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.18 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.024(In /Hr) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 70.000 to Point /Station 60.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 103.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 52.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 46.500(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 5.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.05728 s(percent)= 5.73 TC = k(0.370) *[(length'3) /(elevation change)]"0.2 Warning: TC computed to be less than 5 min.; program is assuming the time of concentration is 5 minutes. Initial area time of concentration = 5.000 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.141(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm CONDOMINIUM subarea type • Runoff Coefficient = 0.772 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 • • Decimal fraction soil group B = Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D = RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 32. Pervious area fraction = 0.350; Initial subarea runoff = 0. Total initial stream area = Pervious area fraction = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 00 Impervious fraction = 0.650 192(CFS) 0.060(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 60.000 to Point /Station 61.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 44.030(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 43.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 128.60(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 0.192(CFS) Given pipe size = 8.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 0.192(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 2.59(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 7.49(In.) Critical Depth = 2.41(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 1.96(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 1.09 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.09 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 60.000 to Point /Station 61.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS * * ** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.060(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.192(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.09 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.693(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CPS) (min) (In /Hr) 1 11.566 2 0.192 Largest stream fl, Qp = 11.566 + Qb 0.192 Qp = 11.671 17.18 6.09 Dw has longer sum of Ia /Ib 0.548 = 2.024 3.693 time of concentration 0.105 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.566 0.192 Area of streams before confluence: • 0.060 of c Results of confluence: • Total flow rate = 11.671(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.182 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 7.260(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 61.000 to Point /Station 41.000 * * ** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) * * ** Upstream point /station elevation = 43.400(Ft.) Downstream point /station elevation = 39.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 230.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 11.671(CFS) Given pipe size = 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 11.671(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 9.40(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 27.83(In.) Critical Depth = 13.75(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.87(Ft /s) Travel time through pipe = 0.43 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 17.61 min. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 61.000 to Point /Station 41.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** • The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 7.260(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 11.671(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.61 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.995(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 40.000 to Point /Station 41.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 282.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 53.600(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 51.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.00780 s(percent)= 0.78 TC = k(0.370) *[(length"3) /(elevation change))"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.330 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.884(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm CONDOMINIUM subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.761 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.800 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.200 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 36.80 • Pervious area fraction = 0.350; Impervious fraction = 0.650 Initial subarea runoff = 2.962(CFS) • Total initial stream area = 1.350(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 40.000 to Point /Station 41.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 1.350(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.962(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.33 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.884(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 80.000 to Point /Station 81.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 1000.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 56.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 47.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 8.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.00860 s(percent)= 0.86 TC = k(0.300) *H length"3) /(elevation change)]"0.2 • Initial area time of concentration = 12.309 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.456(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.873 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 5.854(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.730(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 80.000 to Point /Station 81.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 4 Stream flow area = 2.730(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.854(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.31 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.456(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity • No. (CFS) (min) (In /Hr) • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 81.000 to Point /Station 82.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** 1 8.515 13.97 2.283 2 11.671 17.61 1.995 3 2.962 9.33 2.884 4 5.854 12.31 2.456 Largest stream flow has longer time of concentration Qp = 11.671 + sum of Depth of flow = 0.491(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.761(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Qb Ia /Ib Flow velocity = 3.76(Ft /s) Travel time = 1.44 min. TC = 19.06 min. 8.515 * 0.874 = 7.443 COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.846 Qb Ia /Ib 2.962 * 0.692 = 2.049 Qb Ia /Ib 5.854 * 0.812 = 4.755 Qp = 25.918 Total of 4 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 8.515 11.671 2.962 5.854 Area of streams before confluence: 4.390 7.260 1.350 2.730 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 25.918(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.614 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 15.730(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 81.000 to Point /Station 82.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 47.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 43.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 326.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 43.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.920(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 26.741(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.491(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.761(Ft /s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 18.535(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.76(Ft /s) Travel time = 1.44 min. TC = 19.06 min. Adding area flow to street • COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.846 • Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 1.906(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 1.613(CFS) for 1.000(Ac.) Total runoff = 27.530(CFS) Total area = 16.730(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 27.530(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 13.765(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.495(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.788(Ft /s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 18.747(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 81.000 to Point /Station 82.000 * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 16.730(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 27.530(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.06 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.906(In /Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 90.000 to Point /Station 82.000 * * ** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 913.550(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 52.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 46.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.00668 s(percent)= 0.67 TC = k(0.300) *[(length^3) /(elevation change))"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.488 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.435(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.863 Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.500 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.500 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 44.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 5.465(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 90.000 to Point /Station 82.000 • * * ** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS * * ** • The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.600(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.465(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.49 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.435(In /Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 27.530 19.06 2 5.465 12.49 Largest stream flow has longer Qp = 27.530 + sum of Qb Ia /Ib 5.465 * 0.783 = Qp = 31.807 Rainfall Intensity (In /Hr) 1.906 2.435 time of concentration 4.277 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 27.530 5.465 Area of streams before confluence: 16.730 2.600 • Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 31.807(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.059 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 19.330(Ac.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Process from Point /Station 82.000 to Point /Station 83.000 * * ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * ** Top of street segment elevation = 43.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 38.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 226.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 29.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.920(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 32.202(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.616(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.866(Ft/s) • Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 5.82(Ft.) • Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 24.819(Ft.) Flow velocity = 4.87(Ft /s) Travel time = 0.77 min. TC = 19.83 min. Adding area flow to street COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.846 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; Impervious fraction = 0.900 Rainfall intensity = 1.862(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.756(CFS) for 0.480(Ac.) Total runoff = 32.563(CFS) Total area = 19.810(Ac Street flow at end of street = 32.563(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 32.563(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.618(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.875(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 5.92(Ft. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 24.919(Ft.) End of computations, total study area = 19.81 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.274 • Area averaged RI index number = 46.7 • • • Depth of Flow Calculations • PARKWAY WIDTH (F7) 10.5 Avenue 48 Street Capacity Y CURB FACE WIDTH (FT) 0 at 290 feet East of Dune Palm Road GUTTER WIDTH (FT) 2 PAVEMENT WIDTH 1 (FT) 29.5 PAVEMENT WIDTH 2 (FT) 0 CURB HEIGHT (IN) 6 DEPTH FROM FL TO EP (FT) 0.16 STREET CROSS SLOPE 1 ( %) 2 STREET CROSS SLOPE 2 ( %) 0 PARKWAY CROSS SLOPE ( %) 2 RAISED MEDIAN? (Y OR N) y MEDIAN CURB HEIGHT (IN) 6 MANNING'S n 0.015 LONG. S (OPT.) 0.011 AREA PERIMETER Q(HALF) Q(FULL) SPREAD (FROM CURB FACE) DEPTH TOTAL TOTAL CFS (S) CFS CFS (S) CFS TOTAL 0.71 9.93 40.51 385.30S 40.41 770.60S 80.82 29.50 0.70 9.53 39.51 365.83S 38.37 731.66S 76.74 29.00 0.69 9.15 38.51 347.73S 36.47 695.46S 72.94 28.50 0.68 8.77 37.51 329.73S 34.58 659.46S 69.16 28.00 0.67 8.41 36.51 313.07S 32.84 626.14S 65.68 27.50 0.66 8.05 35.51 296.50S 31.10 593.00 S 62.20 27.00 0.65 7.71 34.51 281.23S 29.50 562.46S 59.00 26.50 0.64 7.37 33.51 266.03S 27.90 532.06S 55.80 26.00 0.63 7.05 32.51 252.10S 26.44 504.20S 52.88 25.50 0.62 6.73 31.51 238.22S 24.99 476.44S 49.98 25.00 0.61 6.43 30.51 225.59S 23.66 451.18S 47.32 24.50 0.60 6.13 29.51 213.00 S 22.34 426.00 S 44.68 24.00 0.59 5.85 28.51 201.61S 21.15 403.22S 42.30 23.50 0.58 5.57 27.51 190.27S 19.96 380.54S 39.92 23.00 0.57 5.31 26.51 180.09S 18.89 360.18S 37.78 22.50 • 0.56 5.05 25.51 169.93S 17.82 339.86S 35.64 22.00 0.55 4.81 24.51 160.92S 16.88 321.84S 33.76 21.50 0.54 4.57 23.51 151.92S 15.93 303.84S 31.86 21.00 0.53 4.34 22.51 143.49S 15.05 286.98S 30.10 20.50 0.52 4.13 21.51 136.17S 14.28 272.34S 28.56 20.00 0.51 3.92 20.51 128.85S 13.51 257.70S 27.02 19.50 0.50 3.73 19.51 122.63S 12.86 245.26S 25.72 19.00 0.49 3.54 19.00 114.40S 12.00 228.80S 24.00 18.50 0.48 3.36 18.49 106.79S 11.20 213.58S 22.40 18.00 0.47 3.18 17.98 99.26S 10.41 198.52S 20.82 17.50 0.46 3.01 17.47 92.33S 9.68 184.66S 19.36 17.00 0.45 2.84 16.96 85.48S 8.96 170.96S 17.92 16.50 0.44 2.68 16.45 79.20S 8.31 158.40S 16.62 16.00 0.43 2.52 15.94 72.99S 7.66 145.98S 15.32 15.50 0.42 2.37 15.43 67.34S 7.06 134.68S 14.12 15.00 0.41 2.22 14.92 61,75S 6.48 123.50S 12.96 14.50 0.40 2.08 14.41 56.70S 5.95 113.40S 11.90 14.00 0.39 1.94 13.90 51.71S 5.42 103.42S 10.84 13.50 0.38 1.81 13.39 47.23S 4.95 94.46S 9.90 13.00 0.37 1.68 12.88 42.81S 4.49 85.62S 8.98 12.50 0.36 1.56 12.37 38.86S 4.08 77.72S 8.16 12.00 0.35 1.44 11.86 34.98S 3.67 69.96S 7.34 11.50 0.34 1.33 11.35 31.55S 3.31 63.10S 6.62 11.00 0.33 1.22 10.84 28.17S 2.95 56.34S 5.90 10.50 0.32 1.12 10.33 25.23S 2.65 50.46S 5.30 10.00 0.31 1.02 9.82 22.33S 2.34 44.66S 4.68 9.50 0.30 0.93 9.31 19.84S 2.08 39.68S 4.16 9.00 0.29 0.84 8.80 17.38S 1.82 34.76S 3.64 8.50 0.28 0.76 8.29 15.31S 1.61 30.62S 3.22 8.00 0.27 0.68 7.78 13.27S 1.39 26.54S 2.78 7.50 0.26 0.61 7.27 11.58S 1.21 23.16S 2.42 7.00 0.25 0.54 6.76 9.92S 1.04 19.64S 2.08 6.50 0.24 0.48 6.25 8.59S 0.90 17.18S 1.80 6.00 • 0.23 0.22 0.42 0.37 5.74 5.23 7.28S 6.27S 0.76 0.66 14.56S 12.54S 1.52 1.32 5.50 5.00 • 0.21 0.32 4.72 5.27S 0.55 10.54S 1.10 4.50 0.20 0.28 4.21 4.55S 0.48 9.10S 0.96 4.00 0.19 0.24 3.70 3.84S 0.40 7.68S 0.80 3.50 0.18 0.21 3.19 3.39S 0.36 6.78S 0.72 3.00 0.17 0.18 2.68 2,95S 0.31 5.90S 0.62 2.50 0.16 0.16 2.17 2.79S 0.29 5.58S 0.58 2.00 0.15 0.14 2.03 2.33S 0.24 4.66S 0.48 1.87 0.14 0.12 1.90 1.89S 0.20 3.78S 0.40 1.75 0.13 0.11 1.76 1.72S 0.18 3.44S 0.36 1.62 0.12 0.09 1.62 1.30S 0.14 2.60S 0.28 1.50 0.11 0.08 1.49 1.13S 0.12 2.26S 0.24 1.37 0.10 0.06 1.35 0.75S 0.08 1.50S 0.16 1.25 0.09 0.05 1.22 0.59S 0.06 1.18S 0.12 1.12 0.08 0.04 1.08 0.44 S 0.05 0.88S 0.10 1.00 0.07 0.03 0.95 0.30S 0.03 0.60S 0.06 0.87 0.06 0.02 0.81 0.17S 0.02 0.34S 0.04 0.75 0.05 0.02 0.68 OASIS 0.02 0.38S 0.04 0.62 0.04 0.01 0.54 0.07S 0.01 0.14S 0.02 0.50 0.03 0.01 0.41 0.08S 0.01 0.16S 0.02 0.37 0.02 0.00 0.27 0.00 S 0.00 0.00 S 0.00 0.25 0.01 0.00 0.14 0.00 S 0.00 0.00 S 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV /01 #DIV /01 #DIV/0! 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D i o oasr 0.61 -- o 2% tr) o v bal to C; Qlo PROaosEO= 32.6 CFS Qlo Emsr = 23.5 CFS --j 2' GUTTER DEPRESSION STREET CROSS- SECTION OF AVENUE 48 ® 290 FEET EAST OF DUNE PALM ROAD HORZ 1"=10' VERT 1 "= 1' • • City of La Quinta Bulletin #16 -16 4. • a� s OF 4 0 wit P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247 -1504 PUBLIC WORKS /ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 78 -495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777 -7075 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777 -7155 ENGINEERING BULLETIN #06 -16'7 TO: All Interested Parties FROM: 6knothy R. Jonasson, Public Works Director /Cit y Engineer EFFECTIVE DATE: December 19, 2006 SUBJECT: Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems - -- , This bulletin establishes storm drain study specifications. All hydrology and preliminary hydraulic reports for the City of La Quinta should follow these criteria. Hydrology studies for the City of La Quinta shall be performed for projects when required by the conditions of approval or as requested by the City Engineer. Reference material used for city plan checking purposes is as follows: 1. Plan Check Checklist Storm drain plan checks are guided by the documents found in the following hyperlink: htto: / /www la- auinta am /publicworks /tractl /z onlinelibrary/plgncheck checklist%20NEW.htm 2. Archive Plans Example City plans can be found at the following hyperlink: hnp://www.la-guinte.orniplanchocklm—search.as A useful method of quickly searching archive plans is to load the plan type and current year (e.g. 2006) and then search the archive by clicking the GO button. Hydrology Report Guidelines (General) All hydrology reports shall follow the general guidelines set forth by Riverside County Flood Control (RCFC) and Water Conservation District's Hydrology Manual. III • 4. Hydraulic Report Guidelines (General) Hydraulic reports shall follow the guidelines set forth by either Riverside County Flood Control Hydrology Manual or Federal Highway Administrations FHWA HEC - 22 "Urban Drainage Design Manual," The developer engineer's hydraulic report is required with the storm drain submittal but can be submitted earlier with the rough grading submittal. Street plans must have an accompanying hydraulic report. The hydraulics for the project will be reviewed and approved only with the street plans. STORMCAD or equivalent commercially available hydraulic programs are acceptable for hydraulic calculations. Hydraulic program data and resultant calculations must relate to Riverside County Flood Control Hydrology Manual design guidance. Use of Rational Method (Catch Basin Sizing) and Synthetic Unit * Hydrograph (Retention Sizing) For Catch Basin Sizing Only: • Rational Method may be used for projects with less than 10 acres for catch basin sizing only. The Rational Method may be utilized to determine flow rates generated from each drainage area, to model street flow capacities and to size catch basins. The Rational Method obtains flow rates (cfs). • For Retention Sizing Only: • Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Analysis (Shortcut Method) should be used for projects less than 100 acres and the lag time is less than 7 minutes (see RCFC Hydro Manual page E -1.2). This method results in both flow rates (cfs) and volumes (cu ft). For smaller projects, either the Rational Method or the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Analysis (Shortcut Method) may be used for the hydrology report for the project. The Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Analysis (Shortcut Method) is required for the hydrology reports for projects less than 100 acres. As stated in the RCFC & WCD handbook (Plate E -1.2, item 6) "The three hour storm peaks should normally compare well with rational peaks ". • Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Analysis should be used with large sites where individual water shed areas may exceed 100+ acres. This method results in both flow rates (cfs) and volumes (cu ft). 5. Inlets The City prefers use of curb opening inlets in most cases. Flow by conditions for side curb inlets should attempt to achieve 85% capture efficiency. Inlets (curb opening (sag or flowby), grates (sag or flowby), combination (sweeper), and • median drop, channels, piping, or hydraulic conduits not found in the Riverside County Flood Control Manual shall be designed according to the Federal Highway Administrations FHWA HEC -22 "Urban Drainage Design Manual ". Use of other jurisdictional catch basin sizing charts is not allowable. Catch basin sizing charts can have varied conditional assumptions as compared to HEC -22 analysis. • 6. Retention Basin Design Preliminary basin design shall follow these guidelines. The City of La Quinta Engineering Bulletin 97 -03 has been superseded by this City of La Quinta Engineering Bulletin 06 -14. Design criteria include: • Retention basins shall be sized to contain the design storm and all criteria listed in this Engineering Bulletin 06 -14. For design purposes, the design storm shall be the 100 -year storm event that produces the most runoff reaching the retention basin. Runoff /retention calculations shall be prepared utilizing Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Hydrology Manual guidance to calculate the required retention capacity for each of the following storm events: 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour and 24 hour storms. • The maximum allowable water depth of a retention basin when the design storm is contained is five (5) feet. Retention basins deeper than 6 -feet are not allowed, unless the depth of the basin was clearlv specified on a document that was presented to the Planning Commission and /or City Council during the public hearing when the project received its entitlement. • Retention basins deeper than 6 feet are not permitted in un -gated • communities. Further more, retention basins deeper than 6 feet shall have eight (8) feet wide level terraced benches around the entire perimeter of the basin located at water surface contours where the water is 5, 10 and 15 feet deep, as applicable. In no event shall the maximum water depth exceed nineteen (19) feet deep in any location when the 100 -year storm is contained. Retention basins deeper than 6 feet shall also have a five (5) feet wide level terraced bench located one (1) foot above the 100 -year water surface level around the entire perimeter of the basin. The retention basin should be capable of percolating the entire 100 -year storm retention capacity in less than 72 hours. • One (1) foot of freeboard shall be provided when the 100 year storm is contained. The one -foot freeboard requirement is a minimum value. Freeboard is defined as the elevation differential between the 100 -year water surface elevation and the nearest street flowline elevation. • The maximum allowable side slope is 3:1. • A maintenance access ramp with a maximum 15% slope shall be provided from the nearest street to the retention basin bottom. Signage indicating not a pedestrian ramp is required. The ramp shall be located at the nearest • street to the retention basin bottom. The ramp width shall be a minimum of 15 feet. • A nuisance water dissipater shall be installed in the bottom of each retention basin, pursuant to site specific geotechnical engineering recommendations. • The nuisance water shall be piped directly to the nuisance water dissipater from the storm drain inlet in the street. • The retention basin shall be landscaped and properly irrigated. • Publicly maintained retention basins shall not be fenced or walled. • All areas of publicly maintained retention basins shall be visible from the adjacent street. • The percolation rate in a retention basin shall be considered zero unless a site specific percolation test is performed and test results are approved by the City. The maximum allowable percolation rate is two (2) inches per hour. • An emergency overflow route shall be provided for storm volumes greater than the design storm. Overflow to a City arterial street is the preferred routing except in circumstances where significant grade differentials occur away from the City street network. 7. Retention Basin Nuisance Water Handling • Drywells for nuisance water dissipation are utilized in most retention basins conditional on the site having an acceptably deep water table. Drywells for retention basins must penetrate a minimum of 10 ft into suitable permeable strata and must utilize the Maxwell Plus design or equal. The final depth of the drywell must be above the top of the water table. Shallow drywells for small nuisance water volumes may utilize the Maxwell IV design or equal. A geotechnical opinion stating the allowable and specific casing design of the drywell should be provided to the City for approval. The use of drywells and sand filters shall be determined by the infiltration testing (see below). Field experience has shown that areas of homogenous sand deposits are typically found in north La Quinta. Generally, sand filters can only be used in areas of homogenous sand deposits, which are typically found in north La Quinta. Conversely, field experience has shown that historical lake bed areas or equal lithologies are found in south La Quinta (south of Hwy 1 1 1). These historical lake bed areas would most typically obtain low infiltration rate results. Additionally, shallow silt lenses may be found throughout the City of La Quinta. Silt lenses or lake bed areas generally preclude natural percolation as well as the use of sand filters. Sand filters are, in general, being phased out of La Quinta nuisance water handling systems. If utilized, sand filter designs shall follow the City of La Quinta Standard 370. Well site blow off retention must be handled within a separate • nuisance water retention system. • Well site retention shall be capable of handling a minimum of 10,000 gallons per day. . CVWD may allow for installation of a nuisance well site blow off • retention basin within the well site perimeter if sufficient area and land dedication is available. All nuisance water shall be retained on site. • The filtering system shall be able to contain surges of up to 3 gph /1,000 sq ft and infiltrate 5 gpd / 1,000 sq ft. The square footage is based on landscape area. • Drywell infiltration rate testing shall be based on the report entitled Riverside County Department of Health - Waste Disposal for Homes, Commercial, and Industry ". This report identifies the drywell test method which can be used in any location. Drywells may not be installed beyond a depth that intersects a water table. The final depth of the drywell must be above the top of the water table. • Sand filter infiltration rate testing should use field double ring infiltrometer ASTM D3385 -88 (sand lithology) or ASTM D5093 -90 (clay lithology). Please see the published report and procedure for each ASTM method. City acceptance of this testing will be based on boring logs showing homogenous coarse sand or gravel deposits with a continuous depth of 10ft or more below the bottom of retention basin. If test shows acceptable percolation, but the borings show non coarse deposits (silts or clay), then drywell use is recommended. • 8. Retention Basin Percolation for Retention Basin Sizing • Percolation testing for retention basin sizing calculations should use field borings and test with a double ring infiltrometer ASTM D3385 -88 (sand lithology) or ASTM D5093 -90 (clay lithology) method or U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Method for Unsaturated Soils above Groundwater for verification of percolation. • In cases where double ring infiltrometer testing creates excessive excavation or safety issues, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Method for Unsaturated Soils above Groundwater should be utilized. • The ASTM D3385 -88 (sand lithology) or ASTM D5093 -90 (clay lithology) methods, properly conducted, are preferred over the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Method for Unsaturated Soils above Groundwater testing method. • The top elevation of the ASTM boring test area should represent the estimated retention basin bottom. The ASTM D5093 -90 test requires a pre- soak condition for infiltration testing. The ASTM double ring infiltrometer • test should terminate approximately 1 foot below the estimated basin bottom. The infiltration test boring utilized for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Method should terminate approximately 3 feet below the estimated basin bottom with a 3 feet of water head test performed to simulate percolation. • Percolation test results are subject to City Engineer approval. The total retention basin percolation rate is based on a combination of City data review of the following: ■ Percolation of 2 inch per hour may be assumed if ASTM D3385- 88 (sand lithology) or ASTM D5093 -90 (clay lithology) test results confirm GREATER THAN 2" per hour percolation and confirm no clay or silt layer to a depth of 15 ft below the bottom of the retention basin. ■ If less than 2" per hour percolation is obtained by the ASTM methods OR U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Method for Unsaturated Soils above Groundwater, then the finest soil type found to a depth of 15 ft (continuous sampling) below the bottom of retention basin will govern the assumed percolation as follows: 1. Clay /Clayey Soil = 0 in /hr 2. Silt Soil = 0 in /hr 3. Coarser Soil than Silt = a demonstrated weighted average percolation based on multiple borings and ASTM D3385 -88 and ASTM D5093 -90 tests • Landscape cover type at the retention basin according to the RCFC Hydrology Manual and Soil Conservation Maps may also further limit percolation. 9. Retaining Walls within Retention Basins Retaining walls are discouraged for use in retention basins. If specified, walls should consist of reinforced concrete or equal as approved by the City Engineer to specifically prevent undermining of the retaining wall footing during and after (quick drawdown) large storm events. Use of walls as a top ring of the retention basin is prohibited. Retaining walls will require approval from both the Public Works Department Director /City Engineer and Community Development Department Director. 10. Retention Basin Width Retention basins shall have a minimum width of 20 feet as measured from the lowest elevation contour. Previously, retention basin widths were governed by City guidance for aspect ratios for basins depths greater than 6 feet. 11. Overflow Routes • Retention basins should be designed to overflow to City arterial streets or the adjacent local street as applicable. Historical flow route should be followed and not changed on a regional perspective but re- grading and import to achieve an immediate route to the adjacent street should be considered for projects which • concentrate flows to adjacent open land or off -site developments. Overflow routes shall be designed using an open channel flow (surface flow). Closed conduit emergency overflow must be approved by the City Engineer. 12. Rainfall Intensity • Rainfall intensity for hydrological report preparation is regionally zoned within the City pursuant to available NOAA data. A regional rainfall intensity map of the City should be referenced to confirm rainfall amount assumptions provided in the following table. *The design storm for the City is 100 -year storm (worst case of 24 hour, 6 hour, 3 hour or 1 hour duration). The 500 -year storm is only used to review for problematic secondary overflows which do not drain to a public arterial street, creating a trapped water condition. 13. Hydrograph Loss Rates According to the Riverside County Flood Control Hydrology Manual, the loss rates generally range from 0.10 to 0.40 in /hr with most falling between 0.20 and 0.25 in /hr. Three and six hour duration storms may use a constant loss rate; however, the 24 hour duration storm shall obtain a variable loss rate using the equation found on page E -9 of the manual, which is F, = C(D -T) °''55 + Fm. Variable loss rates are not required for the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Analysis (Shortcut Method). Additionally, developed condition low loss rate calculations on 24 hour duration storms have been modified pursuant to recent Riverside County Flood Control guidance. 14. Project Entrance and Emergency Route High Water Maximum Height During any storm event, a minimum 10 foot wide paved surface at the entrance to • the site or localized sump area which would block emergency vehicular travel shall never exceed a storm water depth of 1.0 feet at any time. During the major storm event, the proposed drainage will not block or unreasonably increase or concentrate within the meaning of California Drainage Law, drainage runoff from or to any of the adjoining properties. 100 yr storm (inches) Zones 1 hr 3hr 6hr 24hr Zone 1 - Southwest mountains 2.50 3.40 4.00 6.00 Zone 2 - Southwest mountains 2.30 3.00 3.70 5.00 Zone 3 - West mountains and areas south of Hwy 111 and west of Washington 2.20 2.80 3.40 4.50 Zone 4 - West of Jefferson and areas east of Washington including the Cove 2.10 2.70 3.20 4.25 Zone 5 - East of Jefferson and west of a staggered line trending south west of Calhoun Street and Avenue 50 2.00 2.60 3.10 4.00 Zone 6 - West of a staggered line trending south west of Calhoun Street and Avenue 50 1.90 1-2.50 3.00 3.75 13. Hydrograph Loss Rates According to the Riverside County Flood Control Hydrology Manual, the loss rates generally range from 0.10 to 0.40 in /hr with most falling between 0.20 and 0.25 in /hr. Three and six hour duration storms may use a constant loss rate; however, the 24 hour duration storm shall obtain a variable loss rate using the equation found on page E -9 of the manual, which is F, = C(D -T) °''55 + Fm. Variable loss rates are not required for the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Analysis (Shortcut Method). Additionally, developed condition low loss rate calculations on 24 hour duration storms have been modified pursuant to recent Riverside County Flood Control guidance. 14. Project Entrance and Emergency Route High Water Maximum Height During any storm event, a minimum 10 foot wide paved surface at the entrance to • the site or localized sump area which would block emergency vehicular travel shall never exceed a storm water depth of 1.0 feet at any time. During the major storm event, the proposed drainage will not block or unreasonably increase or concentrate within the meaning of California Drainage Law, drainage runoff from or to any of the adjoining properties. • 15. 10 Year Storm and Public Streets - Cat ch Basin Spacing For a design frequency storm of 10 years, the design maximum allowable arterial spreads will equal 1 lane (10 - 12 feet) + bike lane (if present 4 - 8 feet). The loss of only 1 lane of use is desired for 10 year storms. Catch basin spacing generally is required between 1200 - 2000 feet on City arterial roadways. The engineer may provide calculations showing that the spacing may increase. The engineer must also demonstrate that the flow in the street will not topple over curbs or R/W during changes in direction of the open channel conduit (typically the street). Inlets will be required at locations on arterial streets prior to the flow crossing at intersections and major driveways or entrances. Typically (verify with the Conditions of Approval), inlets must be located to intercept at least 85% of the total project projected storm flow. This also includes tributary areas found in the public right of way. 16. 100 N' ear Storm and Public Streets For a design frequency storm of 100 years, the design maximum allowable spreads are to the respective City right of way. 17. Repoill Outline - The following shall be found within all hydrology reports: • • Signed and stamped by a California Registered Civil Engineer • Table of Contents • VicinV y Map with Site Location • Project description with historical flow pattern exceeding a site circumference of 1 mile, unless limited by clearly defined watershed bounc'aries • Analysis method used (Rational or Synthetic Unit Hydrograph) • Hydrology map showing all sub areas with coefficients. • Rational Method showing tabling in a node -by -node sequence per Riverside County Flood Control Manual or equal. • Soils reap used to determine soil losses. • Catch Basin Sizing • Retention Basin requirements with percolation as determined by field testing and City policies. Please also provide retention basin volumetric calculations • assuming zero percolation for sensitivity analysis. • Volui re calculations w /Cross Sections of the Retention Basin. • 18. Retention Basin Freeboard Requirements A minimum of 1 foot of freeboard between the retention basin major storm elevation (HGL,,,,) ) and the flow line of the nearest street (typically the inlet) is required. The 1 foot minimum freeboard specification may be modified to a reduced free=board height which achieves 25% of the 100 year storm capacity in large area, shallow retention basin configurations. Historical City maximum freeboard specifications are now eliminated. 19. Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) Starting Points Projects within the City of La Quinta that are required to contain their 100 year storm flows shall show two (2) separate HGLs for maximum flow rate (HGL,o) and maximum vt)lume (HGL100). The first HGL (HGL,o) will reflect the values from the 10 year frequency design storm. Values of Q,o and V,o will be determined from the Rational Method. Conduit sizing shall be based on non pressure type flow (HGL shall not be located above the crown of a pipe). The second HGL (HGL,00) will reflect values based on the maximum 100 year frequency design storm. The HGL,00 shall show that the maximum 100 year storm • can be retained within the project and the use of the project's infrastructure shall be maintained. 20. 10 Year Frequency Design Storm HGL Calculation This HGL shall start at or above an elevation in the downstream retention basin that is equal to the % depth of the retention elevation caused by the 100 year frequency design storm event. The piping system shall be designed based on open channel flow as opposed to pressure flow. This HGL should indicate the hydraulic conditions at the maximum storm water flow rate. Requirements: • Pressure pipe flow not allowed • Identify this HGL as the HGL,o on the hydraulic calculations and storm drain plan profile • Velocity not less than 2.5 fps v • Pipe sized based on Rational Method • Head losses shall be based on HEC 22 Ch 7. • HGL freeboards: 6" or greater below CB flow line • 21. 100 Year Frequency Design Storm HGL Calculation This HGL shall start at a location at the top of the retention basin water level caused by the 100 year design storm determined using the Synthetic Unit • Hydrograph. This HGL should indicate the hydraulic conditions at the maximum storm water volume with a full basin or channel. Requirements: • Velocity (no requirement) • Identify this HGL as the HGL,00 on the hydraulic calculations and storm drain plan profile • Pressure pipe flow allowed. • Pipe size based on Rational Method. • No part of the emergency route shall obtain a water depth greater than 1.5 feet. • HGL Freeboards and Elevations • Difference in elevation between CB flow line and HGL in retention basin shall be between 0 and 12 inches. • 1 ft min from top of manhole cover • Not to exceed 7ft above the top of pipe • HGL must be located 1 ft below the adjacent Pad Elevation • 22. Whitewater Channel HGL Assuming major storm coincidental occurrences are taken into consideration already (see page 7 -8 of HEC -22 Storm Drains), the projects HGL100 shall be located 2 feet below Whitewater Channel's estimated HGL500 (this is also equal to 1 foot below the existing Whitewater Concrete Channel Lining). Time of concentration for channel discharge will assume a full channel. Flap gate installation may be applicable based on project elevations. 23. La .Quints Evacuation-ChanneI HGL- Thee Evacuation Channel obtairis- an_HGL;oo; inrith an.., approximate - elevation. of 48.0: pursuant_- to__ info rmation _- pr_ovided -by CVWD - -to the Additional elevation information for the Evacuation Channel is currently under review at CVWD. The elevation is based on NGVD 1929. Elevations showing on the plan should be based on the same. Flap gate installation may be applicable based on project elevations. 24. Retention Basin Landscape Requirements Retention basins shall be landscaped and properly irrigated. The retention basin landscape plans must be approved by the City Engineer /Public Works Director. The • retention basin must be capable of draining the 100 year storm within 72 hours. Project incapable of draining the 100 year storm within 72 hours will be reviewed by the City for enhancement options to promote drainage conveyance. In basins with depths exceeding 8ft, trees shall be planted in the 8 -foot wide terraces. The • number of trees shall be calculated by multiplying the basin lot boundary length by the number of 8 -foot wide terraces in the basin and then dividing by 100. 25. Typical Storm Drain Pipe Gradients & Velocity Primary street storm drains, designers should assume minimum grade = 0.3% based on minimum flow velocity of 2.5 ft /sec. For local area drains, 4 " -6" pipe minimum grade = 1 %, larger pipe diameters = 0.5% should be assumed. 2.6. Typical Street Flows Street flows shall meet the design requirements of FHWA HEC -22. When gutters obtain small slopes, or where sediment may accumulate, or when parking is allowed on the side of the street, the designer should increase the n value by 0.02. 27. Storm Drain Easement Width Requirements The City of. La Quinta requirements for minimum widths (generally 20 feet, excepting deep drainage systems) of storm drain easements is found in easement requirement charts from the Riverside County Transportation Department. Ten (10) foot easements using Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) in side yards may be used at the discretion of the City Engineer. • 28. Surface Usage within the Retention Basin The developer may use the retention basin surface for recreational activities (tennis, volley ball, park, etc) or other permitted usages approved by the Community Development Director provided the retention basin's intended engineering use is met and that typical ADA improvements are provided. All improvements found within the retention basin shall be removed if they inhibit the maintenance or function of the retention basin. • • • • Sump Area Map ��M.A .. E i ..; h , �.'� �..� � !� a� # t r � W7NE-�AL►a8'A�7C6 � `+- _,�` '.. - -_ .! ifC7i. •ri i IIL i i� -Dun A � 1: � O;� ■ � R f gggg�� 0'r- >1 ). zo f. No ;k; fi f t 3 VI t' z5z m > ! ! I ma 1 ! ► ! o t i R : \ACAD \1786 \Hydrology \1786 eak epst hydro map with sump areas JAD REVISED.dwg, 6/15/20071:54:10 PM, jde to torre, MSA Consulting, I r I I F-I I F--T---1 r-- — I I i I 11 L .: �� �J__L_L_J L_1 --J L_.1..._ L_1_J_� I� `I ! '!7 a L /.. t LAr 1= E °m � L F F ¢ E ' O o R ��M.A .. E i ..; h , �.'� �..� � !� a� # t r � W7NE-�AL►a8'A�7C6 � `+- _,�` '.. - -_ .! ifC7i. •ri i IIL i i� -Dun A � 1: � O;� ■ � R f gggg�� 0'r- >1 ). zo f. No ;k; fi f t 3 VI t' z5z m > ! ! I ma 1 ! ► ! o t i R : \ACAD \1786 \Hydrology \1786 eak epst hydro map with sump areas JAD REVISED.dwg, 6/15/20071:54:10 PM, jde to torre, MSA Consulting, HH .. �- r� D Z 0 W W J z O m z m Z U W m z 0 Zp 0 O R m m o W OZjCj L i i i i i i i I a „r�rll I N 0 0 T O N T w IO J Q U cp R J f if's J� 019 �tl � O } - o r V O C-4 I°° N za I a �l 0 W OZjCj L z�a. 0 0 0 c� Z LLI ` J p� j5 moz N M V W u): z�0 O �Z lot Z �0 o�� ID �. zo- �Em 'ydsy v �'A ,�, J z /( p Up V J r � C� U 0 11 J I J 4 Sul 6u4jnsuoZ) VSW 'auo1 of 9PI'Wd ££:6£: i LOOZ /91/9 '6MP'a3SIA3N GVr soajo dwns 441m dpw aptly 4slxa �oa 99L l \A6olapAH \99L I \(IVDV \ :a `X �\ U 4 M 1 ! QO co Z CO o I a =(t �L z a W +4. + ! 2 O U. LU 1 ` Z a.. CO ma. IL 6 01 Lf I a ZZ, _ _ __ I r gdsb� ., n � K�. co � "�' S y S �.. t 1 �� �..� .r t..,,1 i-•-„ � r r r r i r r r }j r r e ,,, r r rr t, r k 9 J� j - d . - - -- i ' r I ''" _. 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T A I L \� 0 r � 1:4 � O cs 9 0 o►-o ■ IN �o O� O tz W � OHO � N W N O 1 ` 1 1 , , , 1 X �j l 1 z° y ;v v L ^z 1 1,% 1 ia I I li Q 17i— 1, • — �'� _I C • V • 0 \\� I L------------------------------------------------------ - - - --- o \�-- - -- - - - -- 0 80 - - - -- - - - -- ------------------ '---- '•-- -' - - -- •4"�--� —' �! 1 1 1 1 1 —/ I/ I I_ - - - - -I / /' f f f I— i1.t.��/ 1 1 77f 1 1 1/ I I I I T —ii I I CT I I I I T 'T To I I 1 1 F"� ........... . F�F' I I I �I 1 111 I� I !:1 0 1 19 goo — ® . 101011 o ... D 0 yaw 0i 0I o' Z°i> z = o •` I u N I W j W _. m I N .a ♦ m 0° OD I I p 1 I I I I I i i 1 I ia I I li Q 17i— 1, • — �'� _I C • V • 0 \\� I L------------------------------------------------------ - - - --- o \�-- - -- - - - -- 0 80 - - - -- - - - -- ------------------ '---- '•-- -' - - -- •4"�--� —' �! 1 1 1 1 1 —/ I/ I I_ - - - - -I / /' f f f I— i1.t.��/ 1 1 77f 1 1 1/ I I I I T —ii I I CT I I I I T 'T To I I 1 1 F"� ........... . F�F' I I I �I 1 111 I� I !:1 0 1 19 goo — ® . 101011 o ... 8 co A. f II (P32 d P26 D 0 yaw 0i 0I o' Z°i> z = m •` z r u O 00 Z C rural � m N .a ♦ I I I i I OD I I p 1 I I I I I i i 1 I I A A �P o ";° •P W OD. I tr II;-Po i %f a� 8 co A. f II (P32 d P26 0 yaw 0i 0I o' Z°i> z = •` z r u O 00 Z v 0 n n i I 00 w -p ` - -- �� C ' I F- 0 C1 m - i I I + (P3) (P4) > r P1 (P5) - - ° S rn°= It 4t- Co > - I \ - - 0 r� , I I % -f 000 > - -I I 0 -1 g \_ IF o o - cn ou _ I cI � -- A N -14 -1r i� o _ - _ -_ - -- - -- - - -- O \ i D m i /W O, z m R/W — R/W - 11 — ---------------------- ---------------- r W I A z N —` -_ °D C� 00G)— Z i C C '''O N z m �\� OD O i m N _ ' �h -v O ° ,L7 , t i 1 E ! i i I I ! E O i ► I I ' v R: \ACAD \1786 \Hydro1ogy \1786 eak hydro map.dwg, 7/17/2007 4:08:05 PM, ekonno, MSA Consulting, Inc. e ♦� goo , , , jF A .I .$ •..o ® ®® ®� .. . OD 0 0 0 ` � I o ♦` J 10 D iU CA Un Z W O 1 bill - A,� _ •► III � .� .� � � / — \ \ , • � - ' I ; 0 Sri 00 � •, rural � n n i I 00 w -p ` - -- �� C ' I F- 0 C1 m - i I I + (P3) (P4) > r P1 (P5) - - ° S rn°= It 4t- Co > - I \ - - 0 r� , I I % -f 000 > - -I I 0 -1 g \_ IF o o - cn ou _ I cI � -- A N -14 -1r i� o _ - _ -_ - -- - -- - - -- O \ i D m i /W O, z m R/W — R/W - 11 — ---------------------- ---------------- r W I A z N —` -_ °D C� 00G)— Z i C C '''O N z m �\� OD O i m N _ ' �h -v O ° ,L7 , t i 1 E ! i i I I ! E O i ► I I ' v R: \ACAD \1786 \Hydro1ogy \1786 eak hydro map.dwg, 7/17/2007 4:08:05 PM, ekonno, MSA Consulting, Inc. e ♦� goo , , , jF A .I .$ •..o ® ®® ®� .. . OD 0 0 0 ` � I o ♦` J 10 D iU CA Un Z W O 1 bill - A,� _ •► III � .� .� � � / — \ \ , • � - ' I ; / 0 j 1-P �C E- i i r r i r Q v m m r- 0 0 m v m I $ iv I ° I o I D m O . 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I � � � z U) v I r m m z v User Name: mpompa Date: 07 -17 -07 Project: 1786 OFFSITE STORM DRAIN Time: 14:47:50 Network: 01 - STORM DRAIN critical run Page: 1 _ ____ • ___ __________ ____ Storm Sewers Summary Report Pipe Name Total = - Flow ____ Pipe Dim _ HGL Down HGL Up Invert Down Invert Up Downstream Junct cfs in ft ft ft ft Pipe 1 23.50 24.00 35.5813 36.3213 34.2200 34.9600 Outfall Pipe 1 -A 23.50 24.00 36.6812 39.3070* 34.9600 35.7600 CONC COLLAR 1 Pipe 2 23.50 24.00 39.3570* 42.3216* 35.8100 36.5900 MH1 1 Pipe 3 47.00 36.00 42.3616* 42.4337* 36.6400 36.7800 MH1 2 Pipe 4 41.10 36.00 42.6037* 42.7676* 36.7800 37.1800 WYE 1 Pipe 4 -A 34.50 36.00 43.0276* 43.3983* 37.2200 38.5500 MH2 3 Pipe 5 34.50 36.00 43.3983* 43.4601* 38.5500 38.9000 CONC COLLAR 1 Pipe 6 34.50 36.00 43.6401* 43.7119* 38.9400 39.1600 MH2 4 Pipe 7 29.40 36.00 43.8019* 43.8327* 39.1600 39.3000 WYE 2 Pipe 8 15.00 24.00 44.0327* 45.0050* 40.3000 42.3400 MH3 5 Pipe 9 15.00 24.00 45.1250* 45.1592* 42.3400 42.4100 BEND 1 Pipe 10 13.80 24.00 45.2492* 45.3861* 42.4100 42.7500 WYE 3 Pipe 11 9.40 24.00 45.4561* 45.4845* 42.7500 42.9000 WYE 4 Pipe 12 9.40 24.00 45.4945* 45.7525 42.9300 44.4800 MH1 6 Pipe 13 9.40 24.00 45.8025 49.0758 44.4800 47.9800 BEND 2 Pipe 14 4.90 18.00 49.3314 49.4805 48.4800 48.5700 CB1 4 Pipe 15 4.90 18.00 49.6005 50.0762 48.5700 49.2100 BEND 3 Pipe 16 1.60 18.00 50.0762 50.0736 49.2100 49.2900 WYE 5 Pipe 17 1.60 18.00 50.0836 50.0786 49.2900 49.3400 BEND 4 Pipe 18 8.40 18.00 42.6037* 44.7226 37.6000 43.3600 WYE 1 Pipe 19 6.60 24.00 43.0276* 43.0400* 38.7200 39.5000 MH2 3 Pipe 20 20.30 30.00 44.0327* 44.5433* 39.8000 41.9000 MH3 5 Pipe 21 20.00 24.00 44.7433* 48.4664 42.4000 46.8600 MH3 7 Pipe 22 20.00 24.00 48.6864 49.3976* 46.8600 46.9500 BEND 5 Pipe 23 1.60 12.00 45.2492* 45.3160* 42.4100 42.7400 WYE 3 Pipe 24 1.60 12.00 45.3360* 45.3800* 42.7400 42.9600 BEND 6 Pipe 25 1.60 12.00 45.4000* 45.5848* 42.9600 43.8800 BEND 7 Pipe 26 3.50 18.00 50.0762 50.1662 49.2100 49.3700 WYE 5 Pipe 27 0.50 12.00 44.7433* 44.7463* 43.4000 43.4900 MH3 7 Pipe 28 0.50 12.00 44.7463* 44.7525* 43.4900 43.6500 BEND 8 Pipe 29 0.50 12.00 44.7525* 44.7562* 43.6500 43.7400 BEND 9 Pipe 30 0.50 12.00 44.7562* 44.7597 43.7400 43.8700 BEND 10 Pipe 31 0.50 12.00 44.7597 44.7613 43.8700 43.9900 BEND 11 Pipe 32 0.50 12.00 44.7613 44.7580 43.9900 44.0300 BEND 12 Pipe 33 0.50 12.00 44.7732 44.8053 44.4800 44.5000 CB1 9 • 75 User Name: mpompa Date: 07 -17 -07 Project: 1786 OFFSITE STORM DRAIN Time: 14:48:06 Network: 01 - Page: 1 Storm Sewers Detail Report ' _- PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 1 - - - - RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe - Pipe 1 Downstream Pipe = Outfall Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 44.5895 ft Plan Length = 44.5834 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" - 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 29.13 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 34.2200 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 34.9600 ft Invert Slope = 1.66$ Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 1.66% Rim Elevation Downstream = 34.2200 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 41.2700 ft Natural Ground Slope = 15.81% Crown Elevation Downstream = 36.2200 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 36.9600 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 23.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration Total Intensity = 6.09 min = 9.79 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs `- Total Flow = 23.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 29.13 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 35.5813 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 36.3213 ft HGL Slope = 1.66 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 37.2368 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 37.9768 ft EGL Slope = 1.66 % Critical Depth = 20.6544 in Depth Downstream = 16.3359 in Depth Upstream = 16.3359 in Velocity Downstream = 10.32 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 10.32 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 0.00 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 10.32 ft /s Area Downstream = 2.28 ft^2 Area Upstream = 2.28 ft^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.360 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = Outfall Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression Gutter Width = 0.0000 in = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet - 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs 76 Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in • Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • % Grate Efficiency = • g Slot Efficiency = + g Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 1 -A - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 1 -A Downstream Pipe = Pipe 1 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 236.5086 ft Plan Length = 239.2573 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 13.15 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 34.9600 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 35.7600 ft Invert Slope = 0.341W Invert Slope (Plan Length) - 0.33* Rim Elevation Downstream = 41.2700 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 40.2500 ft Natural Ground Slope = -0.43% Crown Elevation Downstream = 36.9600 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 37.7600 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time Inlet Intensity = 0.00 min = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 23.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 5.58 min Total Intensity = 10.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 23.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 13.15 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd -- -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 36.6812 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 39.3070 ft HGL Slope = 1.11 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 37.7193 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 40.1770 ft EGL Slope = 1.04 $ Critical Depth = 20.6544 in Depth Downstream = 20.6544 in Depth Upstream = 24.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 8.17 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 7.48 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream - 7.48 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 7.48 ft /s Area Downstream = 2.88 ft'2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ft°2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.050 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet - CONC COLLAR 1 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in 77 Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = • % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs • Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = : % Grate Efficiency = t Slot Efficiency = Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 2 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 2 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 1 -A Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 274.6055 ft Plan Length = 279.8739 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's °n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 12.05 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 35.8100 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 36.5900 ft Invert Slope = 0.28% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.28% Rim Elevation Downstream = 40.2500 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 44.6700 ft Natural Ground Slope Crown Elevation Downstream = 1.61% = 37.8100 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 38.5900 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 23.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 4.96 min Total Intensity = 10.26 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 23.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 12.05 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - -- -HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 39.3570 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 42.3216 ft HGL Slope = 1.08 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 40.2270 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 43.1916 ft EGL Slope = 1.08 % Critical Depth = 20.6544 in Depth Downstream = 24.0000 in Depth Upstream = 24.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 7.48 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 7.48 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 7.48 ft /s uniform Velocity Upstream = 7.48 ft /s Area Downstream ='3.14 ft "2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ft^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.040 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH1 1 Inlet Description = <None> 78 Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope - 0.00 ft /ft . Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression Gutter Width = 0.0000 in = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = * g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = + g Grate Efficiency = + 9, Slot Efficiency = r $ Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 3 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 3 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 2 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 14.5124 ft Plan Length = 16.5472 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 36.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 65.48 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 36.6400 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 36.7800 ft �. Invert Slope = 0.96% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.85$ Rim Elevation Downstream = 44.6700 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 44.8580 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.30% Crown Elevation Downstream = 39.6400 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 39.7800 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 47.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient - 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 4.92 min Total Intensity = 10.28 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 47.00 cfs Uniform Capacity = 65.48 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 42.3616 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 42.4337 ft HGL Slope = 0.50 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 43.0490 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 43.1211 ft EGL Slope = 0.50 W Critical Depth = 26.8020 in r Depth Downstream = 36.0000 in Depth Upstream = 36.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 6.65 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 6.65 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 10.08 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 10.08 ft /s Area Downstream = 7.07 ft "2 79 Area Upstream = 7.07 ft ^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.170 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH1 2 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = O.OD00 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • % Grate Efficiency = . % Slot Efficiency = • % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 4 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 4 Downstream Pipe Pipe Material = Pipe 3 = RCP Pipe Length = 43.1477 ft �= Plan Length = 45.1458 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 36.00 in Pipe Manning's w- = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 64.19 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 36.7800 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 37.1800 ft Invert Slope = 0.93% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.89% Rim Elevation Downstream = 44.8580 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 45.4679 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.41% Crown Elevation Downstream = 39.7800 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 40.1800 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 41.10 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 4.79 min Total Intensity = 10.34 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 41.10 cfs Uniform Capacity = 64.19 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream - 42.6037 ft •' HGL Elevation Upstream - 42.7676 ft HGL Slope = 0.38 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 43.1293 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 43.2932 ft EGL Slope = 0.38 % Critical Depth = 25.0596 in 80 81 Depth Downstream = 36.0000 in Depth Upstream = 36.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 5.81 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 5.81 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 9.64 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 9.64 ft /s Area Downstream = 7.07 ft^2 Area Upstream = 7.07 ft"2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.260 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = WYE 1 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = . % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet - 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • g Grate Efficiency = . g Slot Efficiency = . g Total Efficiency = 0.00 $ PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 4 -A - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 4 -A Downstream Pipe = Pipe 4 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 138.5330 ft Plan Length = 140.5600 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 36.00 in Pipe Manning,s 'In" - 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 65.32 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 37.2200 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 38.5500 ft Invert Slope = 0.96% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.95% Rim Elevation Downstream = 45.4679 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 48.6300 ft Natural Ground Slope = 2.28% Crown Elevation Downstream = 40.2200 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 41.5500 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 34.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 4.31 min Total Intensity = 10.55 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 34.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 65.32 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION - - -- 81 HGL Elevation Downstream - 43.0276 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 43.3983 ft HGL Slope = 0,27 1 EGL Elevation Downstream = 43.3979 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 43.7687 ft EGL Slope = 0,27 % Critical Depth Depth Downstream = 22.9032 in = 36.0000 in Depth Upstream = 36.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 4.88 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.88 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 9.37 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 9.37 ft /s Area Downstream = 7.07 ft"2 Area Upstream = 7.07 ft ^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH2 3 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = * % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • g Grate Efficiency = • t Slot Efficiency = . g Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 5 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 5 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 4 -A Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 23.1127 ft Plan Length = 25.1100 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 36.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 82.04 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 38.5500 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 38.9000 ft Invert Slope = 1.51% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 1.39-t Rim Elevation Downstream = 48.6300 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 50.4511 ft Natural Ground Slope = 7,88% Crown Elevation Downstream = 41.5500 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 41.9000 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min �. Inlet Intensity Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 in /hr = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 34.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 4.22 min Total Intensity = 10.59 in /hr 82 Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 34.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 82.04 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs • Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 43.3983 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 43.4601 ft HGL Slope = 0.27 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 43.7687 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 43.8305 ft EGL Slope = 0.27 8 Critical Depth = 22.9032 in Depth Downstream = 36.0000 in Depth Upstream = 36.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 4.88 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.88 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 11.11 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 11.11 ft /s Area Downstream = 7.07 ft'2 Area Upstream = 7.07 ft "2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.180 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = CONC COLLAR 1 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = • 8 Flow from Catchment 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = Grate Efficiency = w 8 Slot Efficiency = f Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 6 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 6 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 5 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 26.8075 ft Plan Length = 28.8869 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 36.00 in Pipe Manning's °n° = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 60.40 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 38.9400 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 39.1600 ft Invert Slope = 0.828 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.768 Rim Elevation Downstream = 50.4511 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 51.9928 ft Natural Ground Slope = 5.758 Crown Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation Upstream = 41.9400 ft = 42.1600 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr 83 Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 34.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 4.12 min Total Intensity Total Rational Flow = 10.64 in /hr - 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 34.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 60.40 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd -- --HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 43.6401 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 43.7119 ft HGL Slope = 0.27 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.0105 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.0822 ft EGL Slope = 0.27 % Critical Depth = 22.9032 in Depth Downstream = 36.0000 in Depth Upstream = 36.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 4.88 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.88 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 8.83 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 8.83 ft /s Area Downstream = 7.07 ft ^2 Area Upstream = 7.07 ft"2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.090 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH2 4 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type - Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft �-` Gutter Local Depression Gutter Width = 0.0000 in = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = • 8 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Plow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • $ Grate Efficiency = • g Slot Efficiency = i 8 Total Efficiency = 0.00 8 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 7 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period - 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 7 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 6 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 15.8612 ft Plan Length = 18.9856 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 36.00 in Pipe Manning's °n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 62.64 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 39.1600 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 39.3000 ft Invert Slope = 0.888 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.748 Rim Elevation Downstream = 51.9928 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 51.6850 ft Natural Ground Slope = -1.948 Crown Elevation Downstream = 42.1600 ft 84 Crown Elevation Upstream = 42.3000 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 in /hr = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 29.40 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 4.05 min Total Intensity = 10.68 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 29.40 cfs Uniform Capacity = 62.64 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 43.8019 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 43.8327 ft HGL Slope = 0.19 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.0708 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.1017 ft EGL Slope = 0.19 % Critical Depth = 21.0744 in Depth Downstream = 36.0000 in Depth Upstream = 36.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 4.16 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.16 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 8.72 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 8.72 ft /s Area Downstream = 7.07 ft"2 Area Upstream - 7.07 ft ^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.200 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = WYE 2 Inlet Description Inlet Type Computation Case = <None> = Undefined = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross - Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = * g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * g Slot Efficiency = * Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 8 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period - 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 8 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 7 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 221.0512 ft Plan Length = 223.3331 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's 'In" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 21.72 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 40.3000 ft 85 Invert Elevation Upstream = 42.3400 ft Invert Slope = 0.928 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.918 Rim Elevation Downstream = 51.6850 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 52.1562 ft Natural Ground Slope = 0.218 Crown Elevation Downstream = 42.3000 ft Crown Elevation Upstream - 44.3400 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 15.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 2.03 min Total Intensity = 11.75 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 15.00 cfs Uniform Capacity = 21.72 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - --- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.0327 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 45.0050 ft HGL Slope = 0.44 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.3871 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 45.3594 ft EGL Slope = 0.44 8 Critical Depth = 16.7544 in Depth Downstream = 24.0000 in Depth Upstream = 24.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 4.77 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.77 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 8.09 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 7.46 ft /s Area Downstream Area Upstream = 3.14 ft "2 = 3.14 ft^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.120 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH3 5 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + 8 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • 8 Grate Efficiency = + 8 Slot Efficiency = • 8 Total Efficiency = 0.00 8 PIPE DESCRIPTION: pipe 9 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 9 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 8 Pipe Material = HOPE 86 Pipe Length = 7.7708 ft Plan Length = 7.7705 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 • Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 21.46 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 42.3400 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 42.4100 ft Invert Slope = 0.90% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.90% Rim Elevation Downstream = 52.1562 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 52.0193 ft Natural Ground Slope = -1.768 Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.3400 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.4100 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 15.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 2.00 min Total Intensity = 11.77 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 15.00 cfs Uniform Capacity = 21.46 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 45.1250 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 45.1592 ft HGL Slope = 0.44 k EGL Elevation Downstream = 45.4794 ft EGL Elevation Upstream - 45.5136 ft EGL Slope = 0.44 % Critical Depth Depth Downstream = 16.7544 in = 24.0000 in Depth Upstream = 24.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 4.77 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.77 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 7.39 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 7.39 ft /s Area Downstream - 3.14 ft°2 Area Upstream - 3.14 ft ^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.090 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 1 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = • % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow - 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity Curb Efficiency = 0.00 ft /s = + g Grate Efficiency = + g Slot Efficiency = + g Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 10 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - 87 Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 10 • Downstream Pipe = Pipe 9 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 36.7735 ft Plan Length = 36.7720 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning,s "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 21.74 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 42.4100 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 42.7500 ft Invert Slope = 0.92% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.92W Rim Elevation Downstream = 52.0193 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 51.8051 ft Natural Ground Slope = -0.58* Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.4100 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.7500 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 13.80 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 1.86 min Total Intensity = 11.85 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 13.80 cfs Uniform Capacity = 21.74 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd • - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 45.2492 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 45.3861 ft �- HGL Slope = 0.37 W EGL Elevation Downstream = 45.5492 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 45.6861 ft EGL Slope = 0.37 Critical Depth = 16.0560 in Depth Downstream = 24.0000 in Depth Upstream = 24.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 4.39 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.39 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 7.33 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream a 7.33 ft /s Area Downstream - 3.14 ft^2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ft^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.070 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet - WYE 3 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = • % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs r._ Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs •4 Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s 88 f • Curb Efficiency = s Grate Efficiency = t g Slot Efficiency = • g Total Efficiency = 0.00 t PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 11 = 0.00 in /hr - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 cfs Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - = 0.00 ac Current Pipe = Pipe 11 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 10 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 16.4799 ft Plan Length = 18.4792 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning,s "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 21.57 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 42.7500 ft invert Elevation Upstream = 42.9000 ft Invert Slope = 0.91$ Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.81% Rim Elevation Downstream = 51.8051 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 51.9869 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.10% Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.7500 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.9000 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 9.40 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 1.76 min Total Intensity = 11.92 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 9.40 cfs Uniform Capacity = 21.57 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd -- -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream 45.4561 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 45.4845 ft HGL Slope = 0.17 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 45.5953 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 45.6237 ft EGL Slope = 0.17 % Critical Depth = 13.1496 in Depth Downstream = 24.0000 in Depth Upstream = 24.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 2.99 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 2.99 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 6.63 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 6.63 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ft"2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ft "2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.010 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = WYE 4 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case - Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency' _ . g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs 89 Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency w g Grate Efficiency = + g Slot Efficiency = + g Total Efficiency = 0.00 4 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 12 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 12 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 11 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 170.0486 ft Plan Length = 172.5164 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning -s "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 21.59 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 42.9300 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 44.4800 ft Invert Slope = 0.914 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.904 Rim Elevation Downstream = 51.9869 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 53.1567 ft Natural Ground Slope = 0.694 Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.9300 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 46.4800 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 in /hr = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 9.40 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.99 min Total Intensity = 12.41 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 9.40 cfs Uniform Capacity = 21.59 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 45.4945 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 45.7525 ft HGL Slope = 0.15 4 EGL Elevation Downstream = 45.6337 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 46.0613 ft EGL Slope = 0.25 4 Critical Depth = 13.1496 in Depth Downstream = 24.0000 in Depth Upstream = 15.2695 in Velocity Downstream = 2.99 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.46 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 6.64 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 6.64 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ft ^2 Area Upstream = 2.11 ft "2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.050 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH1 6 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag • Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft 90 Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = r Grate Efficiency = + Slot Efficiency = • g Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 13 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 13 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 12 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 40.5817 ft Plan Length = 41.9305 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's 1 -n° = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 66.41 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 44.4800 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 47.9800 ft Invert Slope = 8.668 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 8.35$ Rim Elevation Downstream = 53.1567 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 53.5675 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.01% Crown Elevation Downstream Crown Elevation Upstream = 46.4800 ft - 49.9800 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 9.40 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.84 min Total Intensity = 12.51 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 9.40 cfs Uniform Capacity = 66.41 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 45.8025 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 49.0758 ft HGL Slope = 8.10 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 46.0852 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 49.5182 ft EGL Slope = 8.49 8 Critical Depth = 13.1496 in Depth Downstream = 15.8695 in Depth Upstream = 13.1496 in Velocity Downstream = 4.26 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 5.33 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 14.96 ft /s Uniform velocity Upstream = 14.96 ft /s Area Downstream = 2.20 ft "2 Area Upstream = 1.76 ft "2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.256 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 2 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined 91 Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression ° = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding width = 0.0000 ft intercept Efficiency = + $ Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • 9, Grate Efficiency = • Slot Efficiency = + Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 14 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial --- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 14 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 13 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe.Length = 18.3843 Plan Length = 19.8847 Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n -' = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 7.35 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 48.4800 Invert Elevation Upstream = 48.5700 Invert Slope = 0.49k Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.45% Rim Elevation Downstream = 53.5675 Rim Elevation Upstream = 53.5163 Natural Ground Slope = -0.288 Crown Elevation Downstream = 49.9800 Crown Elevation Upstream = 50.0700 - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 4.90 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.77 min Total intensity = 12.56 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 4.90 cfs Uniform Capacity = 7.35 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 49.3314 HGL Elevation Upstream = 49.4805 HGL Slope = 0.81 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 49.6797 EGL Elevation Upstream = 49.7768 EGL Slope - 0.53 3 Critical Depth = 10.2168 in Depth Downstream Depth Upstream = 10.2168 in = 10.9255 in • Velocity Downstream = 4.73 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.37 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 4.45 ft /s Uniform velocity Upstream = 4.45 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.04 ft "2 Area Upstream = 1.12 ft''2 92 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss - 0.120 - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = CBI 4 Or Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 Ponding Width = 0.0000 Intercept Efficiency = + % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 Total Spread = 0.0000 Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = f % Grate Efficiency = + Slot Efficiency = • % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 15 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 15 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 14 Pipe Material = HDpE Pipe Length = 127.5681 ft Plan Length = 127.5665 ft �`- Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 7.44 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 48.5700 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 49.2100 ft Invert Slope = 0.50% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.50% Rim Elevation Downstream = 53.5163 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 54.1365 ft Natural Ground Slope = 0.49% Crown Elevation Downstream = 50.0700 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 50.7100 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 4.90 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow - 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.26 min Total Intensity = 12.92 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 4.90 cfs Uniform Capacity = 7.44 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - �, HGL Elevation Downstream = 49.6005 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 50.0762 ft HGL Slope = 0.37 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 49.8233 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 50.4102 ft EGL Slope = 0.46 % Critical Depth = 10.2168 in Depth Downstream = 12.3655 in 93 Depth Upstream = 10.3949 in Velocity Downstream = 3.79 ft /s Velocity Upstream - 4.63 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 4.50 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 4.50 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.29 ft^2 Area Upstream Ki (JLC) = 1.06 ft'2 = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 3 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope - 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = *!j Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * $ Grate Efficiency = * g Slot Efficiency = * Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 16 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - �` Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 16 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 15 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 16.2248 ft Plan Length = 16.2246 ft Pipe Type - Circular Pipe Dimensions - 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 7.37 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 49.2100 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 49.2900 ft Invert Slope = 0.498 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.49% Rim Elevation Downstream = 54.1365 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 54.3835 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.528 Crown Elevation Downstream = 50.7100 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 50.7900 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 1.60 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.09 min Total Intensity = 13.05 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 1.60 cfs • Uniform Capacity = 7.37 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 50.0762 ft 94 HGL Elevation Upstream = 50.0736 ft HGL Slope = -0.02 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 50.1118 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 50.1193 ft EGL Slope = 0.05 % Critical Depth = 5.7024 in // Depth Downstream = 10.3949 in Depth Upstream = 9.4036 in Velocity Downstream = 1.51 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 1.71 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 4.12 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 3.33 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.06 ft"2 Area Upstream = 0.93 ft"2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.010 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = WYE 5 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • Grate Efficiency = s Slot Efficiency = . g Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 17 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 17 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 16 Pipe Material = HDpE Pipe Length = 9.2501 ft Plan Length = 10.0000 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning,s nn^ = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 7.72 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 49.2900 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 49.3400 ft Invert Slope = 0.541 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.504 Rim Elevation Downstream = 54.3835 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 54.3074 ft Natural Ground Slope = -0.82* Crown Elevation Downstream = 50.7900 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 50.8400 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 1.60 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.00 min Total Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs 95 Total Flow = 1.60 cfs Uniform Capacity = 7.72 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd ---- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - / HGL Elevation Downstream = 50.0836 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 50.0786 ft HGL Slope = -0.05 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 50.1278 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 50.1317 ft EGL Slope = 0.04 % Critical Depth = 5.7024 in Depth Downstream = 9.5236 in Depth Upstream - 8.8638 in Velocity Downstream = 1.69 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 1.85 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 3.45 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.95 ft^2 Area Upstream = 0.87 ft-2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 4 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = * ?, Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow - 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow - 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs �-- Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * Grate Efficiency = * g Slot Efficiency = * g Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 18 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 18 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 3 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 110.6800 ft Plan Length = 119.5300 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's ''n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 23.95 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 37.6000 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 43.3600 ft Invert Slope = 5.21% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 4,82W Rim Elevation Downstream = 44.8580 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 48.8527 ft Natural Ground Slope = 3.61% Crown Elevation Downstream = 39.1000 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.8600 ft - - - -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Plow = 0.00 cfs 96 Inlet Input Flow = 8.40 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.00 min • Total Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 8.40 cfs Uniform Capacity = 23.95 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 42.6037 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7226 ft HGL Slope = 1.92 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 42.9550 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 45.2676 ft EGL Slope = 2.09 % Critical Depth = 13.4730 in Depth Downstream = 18.0000 in Depth Upstream = 13.4730 in Velocity Downstream - 4.75 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 5.92 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 18.28 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.77 ft^2 Area Upstream = 1.42 ft"2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.440 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = WYE 1 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in _ Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfe Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = r 6 Grate Efficiency = • g Slot Efficiency = g Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 19 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 19 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 4 Pipe Material = RCP Pipe Length = 7.2867 ft Plan Length = 10.9500 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning,s 'n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 73.98 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 38.7200 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 39.5000 ft Invert Slope = 10.77% • Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 7.12g Rim Elevation Downstream = 45.4679 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 45.9625 ft Natural Ground Slope = 6.79% Crown Elevation Downstream = 40.7200 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 41.5000 ft 97 - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 6.60 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.00 min Total Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 6.60 cfs Uniform Capacity = 73.98 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfa Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - -- -HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 43.0276 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 43.0400 ft HGL Slope = 0.17 $ EGL Elevation Downstream = 43.0962 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 43.1086 ft EGL Slope = 0.17 % Critical Depth = 10.9272 in Depth Downstream = 24.0000 in Depth Upstream = 24.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 2.10 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 2.10 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 22.54 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ft ^2 Area Upstream = 3.14 ft "2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.090 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH2 3 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfa Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • 4; Grate Efficiency = ♦ $ Slot Efficiency = * g Total Efficiency = 0.00 W PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 20 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 20 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 7 Pipe Material = HDpE Pipe Length = 208.4060 ft Plan Length = 212.8200 ft • Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 30.00 in Pipe Manning,s In- = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert Slope = 41.16 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 39.8000 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 41.9000 ft 98 Invert Slope = 1.01% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.99t Rim Elevation Downstream = 51.6850 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 52.0228 ft Natural Ground Slope = 0.16W Crown Elevation Downstream = 42.3000 ft e Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.4000 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time - 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 20.30 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 3.19 min Total Intensity = 11.11 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 20.30 cfs Uniform Capacity = 41.16 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.0327 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.5433 ft HGL Slope = 0.25 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.2986 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.8092 ft EGL Slope = 0.25 % Critical Depth = 18.3630 in Depth Downstream = 30.0000 in Depth Upstream = 30.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 4.14 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.14 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 8.36 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 8.36 ft /s Area Downstream = 4.91 ft^2 Area Upstream Kj (JLC) = 4.91 ft ^2 = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.200 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH3 5 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross - Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = • % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = . g Grate Efficiency = x % Slot Efficiency = + % Total Efficiency = 0.00 is PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 21 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 21 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 20 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 18.8828 ft 99 Plan Length = 20.3600 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning's °n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 109.90 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 42.4000 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 46.8600 ft Invert Slope = 24.31% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 21.91W Rim Elevation Downstream = 52.0228 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 51.9212 ft Natural Ground Slope = -0.54% Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.4000 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 48.8600 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 20.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.07 min Total Intensity = 13.07 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 20.00 cfs Uniform Capacity = 109.90 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7433 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 48.4664 ft HGL Slope = 20.29 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 45.3734 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 49.3166 ft EGL Slope = 21.49 8 Critical Depth = 19.2768 in Depth Downstream Depth Upstream = 24.0000 in = 19.2768 in Velocity Downstream = 6.37 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 7.40 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 26.60 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 26.60 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.14 ft "2 Area Upstream = 2.70 ft'2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.220 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH3 7 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = . % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = . % Grate Efficiency = + % • Slot Efficiency = * g Total Efficiency = 0.00 8 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 22 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year 100 Rainfall File = Tutorial --- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 22 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 21 Pipe Material = HDPE / Pipe Length = 18.1102 ft l Plan Length = 27.6100 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 24.00 in Pipe Manning,s "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 15.94 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 46.8600 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 46.9500 ft Invert Slope = 0.50W Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.33$ Rim Elevation Downstream = 51.9212 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 51.9992 ft Natural Ground Slope = 0.43% Crown Elevation Downstream = 48.8600 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 48.9500 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 20.00 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.00 min Total Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 20.00 cfs Uniform Capacity = 15.94 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - �_ HGL Elevation Downstream = 48.6864 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 49.3976 ft HGL Slope = 3.93 is EGL Elevation Downstream - 49.3733 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 50.0568 ft EGL Slope = 3.77 % 'Critical Depth = 19.2768 in Depth Downstream = 21.9168 in Depth Upstream = 22.6480 in Velocity Downstream = 6.65 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 6.51 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 6.37 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 3.01 ft^2 Area Upstream = 3.07 ft"2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.850 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 5 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = . g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs t: Pavement Flow Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs • Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • % 101 Grate Efficiency = • 8 Slot Efficiency = . 8 Total Efficiency = 0.00 8 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 23 - - - - RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 23 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 9 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 33.0960 ft Plan Length = 33.0943 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at invert slope = 3.56 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 42.4100 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 42.7400 ft Invert Slope = 1.008 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 1.00% Rim Elevation Downstream = 52.0193 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 51.9482 ft Natural Ground Slope = -0.218 Crown Elevation Downstream = 43.4100 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 43.7400 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 1.60 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.93 min Total Intensity = 12.45 in /hr OF Total Rational Flow Total Flow = 0.00 cfs = 1.60 cfs Uniform Capacity = 3.56 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 45.2492 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 45.3160 ft HGL Slope = 0.20 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 45.3137 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 45.3805 ft EGL Slope = 0.20 8 Critical Depth = 6.4452 in Depth Downstream = 12.0000 in Depth Upstream = 12.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 2.04 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 2.04 ft /s. Uniform Velocity Downstream = 7.55 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 4.41 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ft "2 Area Upstream = 0.79 ft'2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.020 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = WYE 3 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = : 8 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs 102 Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * Grate Efficiency = * g Slot Efficiency = * 8 Total Efficiency = 0.00 8 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 24 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 24 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 23 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 21.8141 ft Plan Length = 21.8130 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n„ = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 3.58 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 42.7400 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 42.9600 ft Invert Slope = 1.018 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 1.018 Rim Elevation Downstream = 51.9482 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 52.4740 ft Natural Ground Slope = 2.418 Crown Elevation Downstream = 43.7400 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 43.9600 ft --- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow Inlet Input Flow = 0.00 cfs = 1.60 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs �- Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.75 min Total Intensity = 12.57 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 1.60 cfs Uniform Capacity = 3.58 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 45.3360 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 45.3800 ft HGL Slope = 0.20 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 45.4005 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 45.4445 ft EGL Slope = 0.20 8 Critical Depth = 6.4452 in Depth Downstream = 12.0000 in Depth Upstream = 12.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 2.04 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 2.04 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 4.43 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 4.43 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ft ^2 Area Upstream = 0.79 ft"2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.020 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 6 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined r • Computation Case Longitudinal Slope Mannings n -value = Sag = 0.00 ft /ft = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = '0.0000 ft 103 Intercept Efficiency = + % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 £t Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft/8 Curb Efficiency = * g Grate Efficiency = x g Slot Efficiency = • % Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 25 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial --- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 25 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 24 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 91.5206 ft Plan Length = 92.0159 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning,s 1-n^ = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 3.57 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 42.9600 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 43.8800 ft Invert Slope = 1.01W Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 1.00% Rim Elevation Downstream = 52.4740 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 54.1365 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.82% Crown Elevation Downstream = 43.9600 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.8800 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 1.60 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.00 min Total Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 1.60 cfs Uniform Capacity = 3.57 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 45.4000 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 45.5848 ft HGL Slope = 0.20 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 45.4645 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 45.6493 ft EGL Slope = 0.20 % Critical Depth = 6.4452 in Depth Downstream = 12.0000 in Depth Upstream = 12.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 2.04 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 2.04 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 4.42 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ft"2 Area Upstream = 0.79 ft ^2 Kj (JLC) = NA t Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 7 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag 104 Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = * g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = * % Grate Efficiency = * % Slot Efficiency = * g Total Efficiency = 0.00 % PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 26 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 26 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 15 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 32.6904 ft Plan Length = 38.6900 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 18.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 7.35 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 49.2100 ft Invert Elevation Upstream Invert Slope = 49.3700 ft = 0.49% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.41% -- Rim Elevation Downstream = 54.1365 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 54.5576 ft Natural Ground Slope = 1.29% Crown Elevation Downstream = 50.7100 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 50.8700 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Plow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 3.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.00 min Total Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 3.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 7.35 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 50.0762 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 50.1662 ft HGL Slope = 0.28 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 50.2466 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 50.4153 ft EGL Slope = 0.52 4 Critical Depth = 8.5662 in Depth Downstream = 10.3949 in Depth Upstream Velocity Downstream = 8.9260 in = 3.31 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 4.00 ft /s Uniform velocity Downstream = 4.11 ft /s Uniform velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 1.06 ft^2 Area Upstream = 0.87 ft^2 Kj (JLC) = NA 105 Calculated Junction Loss = 0.210 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = WYE 5 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag f Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft/8 Curb Efficiency = • % Grate Efficiency = • % Slot Efficiency = a % Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 27 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 27 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 20 Pipe Material = HDpE Pipe Length Plan Length = 15.1379 ft = 16.9000 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning,s 'In" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 2.75 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 43.4000 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 43.4900 ft Invert Slope = 0.59% Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.53$ Rim Elevation Downstream = 52.0228 ft Rim Elevation Upstream - 52.3395 ft Natural Ground Slope = 2.09% Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.4000 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.4900 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient - 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 2.75 min Total Intensity = 11.34 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 2.75 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7433 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7463 ft HGL Slope = 0.02 $ • EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7496 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7526 ft EGL Slope = 0.02 % Critical Depth = 3.5184 in Depth Downstream - 12.0000 in Depth Upstream = 12.0000 in 106 Velocity Downstream = 0.64 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 0.64 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 6.37 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 2.66 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ft ^2 Area Upstream = 0.79 ft ^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft --- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = MH3 7 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case - Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + g. Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = Grate Efficiency = + $ Slot Efficiency = t g Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 28 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 28 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 27 Pipe Material = HDpE Pipe Length = 31.5689 ft Plan Length = 31.5685 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning,s "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 2.54 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 43.4900 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 43.6500 ft Invert Slope = 0.51% Invert Slope (Plan Length) - 0.51% Rim Elevation Downstream = 52.3395 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 52.3278 ft Natural Ground Slope = -0.04W Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.4900 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.6500 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 1.92 min Total Intensity = 11.82 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 2.54 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7463 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7525 ft 107 HGL Slope = 0.02 8 EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7526 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7588 ft EGL Slope = 0.02 $ • Critical Depth = 3.5184 in Depth Downstream = 12.0000 in Depth Upstream = 12.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 0.64 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 0.64 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 2.51 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 2.51 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ft"2 Area Upstream = 0.79 ft "2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 8 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = * !k Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = t Grate Efficiency = . ~ i Slot Efficiency = III Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 29 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 29 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 28 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 18.6440 ft Plan Length = 18.6437 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's 'In" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 2.47 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 43.6500 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 43.7400 ft Invert Slope = 0.48t Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.488 Rim Elevation Downstream = 52.3278 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 50.9200 ft Natural Ground Slope = -7.558 Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.6500 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.7400 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.50 cfs r Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 1.43 min Total Intensity = 12.12 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.50 cfs 108 Uniform Capacity = 2.47 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - --- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7525 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7562 ft HGL Slope = 0.02 3 EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7588 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7625 ft EGL Slope = 0.02 3 Critical Depth = 3.5184 in Depth Downstream = 12.0000 in Depth Upstream = 12.0000 in Velocity Downstream = 0.64 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 0.64 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 2.47 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 2.47 ft /s Area Downstream - 0.79 ft^2 Area Upstream = 0.79 ft ^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 9 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n- value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross - Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = • 3 Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = R 3 , Grate Efficiency = . 3 Slot Efficiency = . $ Total Efficiency = 0.00 3 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 30 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 30 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 29 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 25.2574 ft Plan Length = 25.2571 ft Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 2.55 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 43.7400 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 43.8700 ft Invert Slope ' = 0.51& Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.513 Rim Elevation Downstream = 50.9200 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 49.2178 ft Natural Ground Slope = -6.743 Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.7400 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.8700 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 Runoff Coefficient ac = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.50 cfs 109 110 Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.79 min Total Intensity = 12.55 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow Uniform Capacity = 0.50 cfs = 2.55 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7562 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7597 ft HGL Slope = 0.01 1 EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7625 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7668 ft EGL Slope = 0.02 8 Critical Depth = 3.5184 in Depth Downstream = 12.0000 in Depth Upstream = 10.6760 in Velocity Downstream = 0.64 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 0.68 ft /s• Uniform Velocity Downstream = 2.53 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 2.53 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.79 ft"2 Area Upstream = 0.74 ft"2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 10 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = + % Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow - 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = + g Grate Efficiency, = + g Slot Efficiency = x g Total Efficiency = 0.00 8 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 31 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 31 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 30 Pipe Material = HDpE Pipe Length = 25.2574 ft Plan Length = 25.2571 ft Pipe Type - Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 2.45 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 43.8700 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 43.9900 ft Invert Slope Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.48% = 0.486 • Rim Elevation Downstream = 49.2178 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 47.5157 ft Natural Ground Slope = -6.74% Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.8700 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 44.9900 ft 110 - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity - 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.21 min Total Intensity = 12.96 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 2.45 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream - 44.7597 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7613 ft HGL Slope = 0.01 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7668 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7705 ft EGL Slope = 0.01 % Critical Depth = 3.5184 in Depth Downstream = 10.6760 in Depth Upstream = 9.2559 in Velocity Downstream = 0.68 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 0.77 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 2.45 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 2.45 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.74 ft ^2 Area Upstream = 0.65 ft ^2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.000 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 11 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case - Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 �- Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = * B Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • g Grate Efficiency = + %. Slot Efficiency = w % Total Efficiency = 0.00 PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 32 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 32 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 31 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 7.7501 ft Plan Length Pipe Type = 8.5000 ft = Circular • Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 2.56 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 43.9900 ft Invert Elevation Upstream = 44.0300 ft Invert Slope = 0.52* 111 Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.47% Rim Elevation Downstream = 47.5157 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 46.8424 ft Natural Ground Slope = -8.69% Crown Elevation Downstream = 44.9900 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 45.0300 ft ( - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - O� Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.03 min Total Intensity = 13.10 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 2.56 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7613 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7580 ft HGL Slope = -0.04 W EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7705 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.7684 ft EGL Slope = -0.03 8 Critical Depth = 3.5184 in Depth Downstream = 9.2559 in Depth Upstream = 8.7365 in Velocity Downstream = 0.77 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 0.82 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 2.53 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 2.53 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.65 ft "2 Area Upstream = 0.61 ft ^2 _ Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.015 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = BEND 12 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter Width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = . g Flow from Catchment = 0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs - Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = + % Grate Efficiency = + % Slot Efficiency = * % Total Efficiency = 0.00 t PIPE DESCRIPTION: Pipe 33 - - -- RAINFALL INFORMATION--- - Return Period = 100 Year Rainfall File = Tutorial • - -- -PIPE INFORMATION--- - Current Pipe = Pipe 33 Downstream Pipe = Pipe 32 Pipe Material = HDPE Pipe Length = 3.7500 ft Plan Length = 4.7500 ft 112 113 Pipe Type = Circular Pipe Dimensions = 12.00 in Pipe Manning's "n" = 0.013 Pipe Capacity at Invert Slope = 2.60 cfs Invert Elevation Downstream = 44.4800 ft • Invert Elevation Upstream = 44.5000 ft Invert Slope = 0.53$ Invert Slope (Plan Length) = 0.42% Rim Elevation Downstream = 46.8424 ft Rim Elevation Upstream = 46.5278 ft Natural Ground Slope = -8.39% Crown Elevation Downstream = 45.4800 ft Crown Elevation Upstream = 45.5000 ft - -- -FLOW INFORMATION--- - Catchment Area = 0.00 ac Runoff Coefficient = 0.000 Inlet Time = 0.00 min Inlet Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Inlet Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Inlet Input Flow = 0.50 cfs Inlet Hydrograph Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Area = 0.00 ac Weighted Coefficient = 0.000 Total Time of Concentration = 0.00 min Total Intensity = 0.00 in /hr Total Rational Flow = 0.00 cfs Total Flow = 0.50 cfs Uniform Capacity = 2.60 cfs Skipped flow = 0.00 cfs Infiltration = 0.00 gpd - - -- HYDRAULIC INFORMATION--- - HGL Elevation Downstream = 44.7732 ft HGL Elevation Upstream = 44.8053 ft HGL Slope = 0.85 % EGL Elevation Downstream = 44.8787 ft EGL Elevation Upstream = 44.9021 ft EGL Slope = 0.62 % Critical Depth = 3.5184 in Depth Downstream = 3.5184 in Depth Upstream = 3.6281 in �R Velocity Downstream = 2.60 ft /s Velocity Upstream = 2.50 ft /s Uniform Velocity Downstream = 2.56 ft /s Uniform Velocity Upstream = 0.00 ft /s Area Downstream = 0.19 ft^2 Area Upstream = 0.20 ft"2 Kj (JLC) = NA Calculated Junction Loss = 0.030 ft - -- -INLET INFORMATION--- - Downstream Inlet = CBI 9 Inlet Description = <None> Inlet Type = Undefined Computation Case = Sag Longitudinal Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Mannings n -value = 0.000 Pavement Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /fit Gutter Cross -Slope = 0.00 ft /ft Gutter Local Depression = 0.0000 in Gutter width = 0.0000 ft Ponding Width = 0.0000 ft Intercept Efficiency = e % Flow from Catchment =.0.00 cfs Carryover from previous inlet = 0.00 cfs Total Flow to Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Flow Intercepted by Current Inlet = 0.00 cfs Bypassed Flow = 0.00 cfs Pavement Flow = 0.00 cfs Gutter Flow = 0.00 cfs Depth at Curb = 0.0000 in Depth at Pavement /Gutter Joint = 0.0000 in Pavement Spread = 0.0000 ft Total Spread = 0.0000 ft Gutter Velocity = 0.00 ft /s Curb Efficiency = • % Grate Efficiency = . % Slot Efficiency = • % • Total Efficiency = 0.00 113 • • CJ FEMA MAP 114 • ZOI E X CA • • ^-1 Tay.Fr I -� �, �a� •` APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET r: ;.5, .. ,,•�:,'1, :�[��£ •air: "J.�rSi.. ' 000 t o t000 "' t' r ".tt# {' ®N �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM rTj­ktr57 � {� s FIRM FL000 INSURANCE RATE MAP if �9r y'- z`5��;�;.:' ., �, n(�� •> �+ Sl. �jl.+, 4ftv,�`y\tE;+.�rP.i'� "P`.��:_�` :ry•' I' ' Yn•+, 1, J.. `ti�fn t:•?<JySy { " "e•F':;�,- =� :tin' ::_:'i.I,:'ii:i >i CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALEFORNIA J. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PANEL50F10 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) PANEL LOCATION -COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 060109 0005 6 �I MAP REVISED: AUGUST 19, 1991 La Quinta Evacuation Channel-- `uJ�llUl Federal Emergency Management.Agency IN This is an official copy of a portion of the aboee referenced flood map. It was extracted using F-MIT On -Line. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www.msc.fema.gm • is HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP MAP 116 42'30" I aS aS CO MaD UNW MaB MaS 32 ' 117 42'30" • RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 77 10, • TABLE 12.—Soil and water features [Absence of an entry indicates the feature is not a concern. See text for descriptions of symbols and such terms as "rare" "brief," and "perched." The symbol < means less than; > means greater than]. Soil name and map symbol Hydri o- l ogc group Flooding High water table Bedrock Frequency Duration Months Depth Kind Months Depth Hardness BsAlpwd: Ft in BA. Borrow pits.- B P. Bull Trail: BtE----------------- B None - -- -- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 ---------- Cta% A ----------------- None - - - - -- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 .......... C&j'Pn Variant: CbD----------------- A None -- ---- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 ---------- Carrizo: CCC----------------- A Rare - - - - --• -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 ---------- Carsitas: CdC, Cd E, C hC, C k B. A None - -- - -- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 CfB ------------------ A None - - - - -- -------------- ------------ 2.0-4.0 Apparent----- Jan-Dec____ >60 ---------- ---------- Carsitas Variant: C m B, C m E----- - - - - -- C None - - - - -- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ 6-20 Rippable. Chuckawalla: Co B, Co D, C nC, Cn E. B None- - - --- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 .......... 7 1 ASMIW41ft: ILCPA gPB, CsA ------ (D None- --- -- ---- ---- - - - - -- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 ---------- ---------------- None - - -- -- -------------- ------------ 3.0-5. 0 Apparent ----- Jan - Dec- - -- >60 ---------- Fluvaquents: Fa-------- ----- -- - --- D. Frequent--- Very long - - --- Apr-Sep- --- 0.5-2.0 Apparent-- --- Jan-)Dec---- >60 ---------- Fluvents: Fe__________ ___ ______ A/D Occasional_ Very brief____ Jan-Dec__ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 ---------- 'Xilman: GaB I GbA,GbB,GeA. B Rare- - - - - -- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 GcA, GdA, GfA ------ B None---- -- -------------- ------------ 3.0-5.0 Apparent___ -- Apr-Oct-_ >60 ---------- ---------- 3 3ravPel pits and dumps: G . .1n,penal; "D IeA------------------ None - - - - -- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 --- I fA ------------------ D None - - - - -- -------------- ------------ 1.0-3.0 Apparent--_ Jan - Dec ---- >60 - - - - - -- ---------- IMCI: Im enal part ------- Gu ied land D None -- -- -- -------------- ------------ >6.0 -------------- ------------ >60 ---------- part. ' perial: r.c 1: Im eri I part_______ GZ,ed'land D None____ __ -------------- ------------- 1.5-5.0 Apparent__ Jan-Dec-_ >60 ---------- part. ndio: IP, Is---------- -- - - -- B None -- - - -- -------------- --------- --- >6.0 -------------- >60 Ir, It- ---- ---- -- - - - -- B. None- -- --- -------------- ----------- 3.0-5.0 Apparent - - - -- ------------ Jan - Dec - - -- >60 ---------- ---------- ,ithic Torripsamments: L R 1;.. Lithic Torripsammentspaid D None -- - - -- -------------------------- >6.0 -------------- ------------ 1-10 Hard. Rock outcrop part. 118 U • • 78 SOIL SURVEY TABLE 12. Soil and water features— Continued Soil name and map symbol Hydro- logic group Flooding High water table Bedrock Frequency Duration Months Depth Kind Months Depth Hardness FO In Myoma• MaB Mal) - -- - - - - A None--- - -- ------ -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- >6.0 ----------------J---------- >� MCB--- ----- -- --- None- - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 1.5 -5.0 Apparent ----- Jan-Dec- - -- >60 - - - ---- - - - - -- Niland: NaB--- ---- ---- - - -- -. N C C None ------ None -------- - - - - -- ------------ >6.0 ---- ---- -- - - -- -- ---- - -- - -- >60 ---- - - - --- ----------------- - - - - -- -------- --- --- ------ -- - - -- 1.5 -5.0 Apparent ----- Jan-Dec -- -- >60 _ Omstott: Oml) - --------- - - - - -- C None - - - - -- -- - --- - -- ----- - -- --- - - - - -- >6.0 -- ----- -- ----------- --- - -- 4-20 Rippable. O rl: Omstott part- - - - --. Rock outcrop part. C None -- - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - -- - -- >6.0 -------- - - - - -- ------------ --- - - - - -- 4-20 Rippable. Riverwash: RA. Rock outcrop: RO. RTs: Rock outcrop part. Lithic Torripsammentspart. D, None______ ___ ______ ___ __ _ >6.0 -------------- ------------ 1 -10 Hard. Rubble land: RU. Salton: Sa, Sb- ----- --- -- - - -- D None - - - --- --- -- --- -- - - -- --- -- - - - - --- 2.0 -5.0 Apparent----- Jan- Dec - - -- >60 -- Soboba: SoD, SpE----- - - - - --- A None-- - - -- --- -- --- -- - - -- - ----- - - - - -- >6.0 - ------- - --- -- - --- -- - - - --- >60 -- ---- - --- Torriorthents: TO 1: Torriorthents part. Rock outcrop part. Tujunga: p , TrC, Ts B- - - -- -- A None - - -- -- -------- - -- - -- ----- - - - -- -- >6.0 ---- -- -- - - - --- ------ - - - - -- >60 ---- - - -- -- • This mapping unit is made up of two or more dominant kinds of soil. See mapping unit description for the composition and behavior of the whole mapping unit. parent; and the months of the year that the water table commonly is high. Only saturated zones above a depth of 5 or 6 feet are indicated. Information about the seasonal high water table helps in assessing the need for specially designed foundations, the need for specific kinds of drainage systems, and the need for footing drains to insure dry basements. Such information is also needed to decide whether or not construction of basements is feasible and to determine how septic tank absorption fields and other underground installations will function. Also, a seasonal high water table affects ease of excavation. Depth to bedrock is shown for all soils that are underlain by bedrock at a depth of 5 to 6 feet or less. For many soils, the limited depth to bedrock is a part of the definition of the soil series. The depths shown are based on measurements made in many soil borings RRI and on other observations during the mapping of the soils. The kind of bedrock and its hardness as related to ease of excavation is also shown. Rippable bedrock can be excavated with a single -tooth ripping attach- ment on a 200 - horsepower tractor, but hard bedrock generally requires blasting. Formation, Morphology, and Classification of the Soils This section contains descriptions of the major fac- tors of soil formation as they occur in the Coachella Valley Area, a summary of significant morphological characteristics of the soils of the Area, an'explanation of the current system of classifying soils by categories broader than the series, and a table showing the clas- ,y+Sr ��1 s J 0 F A �'•�.� r jrf --�, ,� ''.s ,�• .�''; �+ ' >"� r +• � y� s;'S 1 _Y',r i�uig3. �` �'� �''? } t_� .�� - �,')'> �. 'x_3'0 r [, 1 �•� F:�i b `4..�. ,r l i. t�l yX k fp- J�b' -, � > ^..*� � : 'C �'i' },� ^1 •tikf� 1 � �. y � Ala }r• � .�j� -".�; ' ~ ll >�� M - r y Y } c• • • 0 HYDROLOGY MAP 121 Q 1 I i 0 0 1 3: 1 56 FL .0 801 00 I I ( I d ------------- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 04 0 1= _ 0 DEVELOPED AREA _,j 0 01 �, _ � � , I1 =- ----------- 57.0100 T� FS F' 10 � IFS EsMT - - - - - ESMT - - - - - ESMT - - - - - ESMT - - - / ( ? I ! _ 1.4 Z S -7 5 -ESMT II = i / / - \� �� -- L-216 A -0.43 z M 46.5 INV 52.9 FL I i R Q100 1.6 01 0' 80, 120' 160' ► 0.9 8 S. D. I i SCALE 1 " =40' 33 LF CB# 2 L L-691 \54.1 FL 1 INV 0, A-2.64 _NZ Q Q L- 71 lo-17 160 ) ' ___ _ Cn A- .36 % of LEGEND D. F DRAINAGE DIRECTION \_ / I o- ( I ? I _ TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY 6.4 TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE SUB-AREA BOUNDARY A INV 18" S.D. FL HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP BOUNDARY I I j I \\ / LO 42 L LO J, L-1 0 Cn Qloo=5.8 Pi P(HGL AT IPE No. 10 PER STORM DRAIN ANALYSIS A- 7 48.0) (Pi) PIPE No. 10 PER STORM DRAIN ANALYSIS (HGL AT CRITICAL DEPTH) ���\ 59.5 9 FS 2 ESMT -7- ESMT 1 6, �FSMT 0 1 Esur m L-336 V) A-1.16 no I z i _ - __-_ i " "' % / Cl) Smi - E r CB#4 53.0 FL Of 91 44.9 1 f)lnn= Q -ESMT ESMT =-2-.-- 9--ESMT -E \ / \/ I I ONI El L! ----- 1 24" S.D. - ---- 231 LF Ln Qloo=:9.7 Qlo=5.8 Li -0- m UL_ V) 0 Ld '.0 7 CBt3 FL 5 m 247,1 N 1 3 11 1 100=5.7 Q. .4 \ I `i vtJ ESMT (I L FLO �. i I ' ESMT A-1.44 W SMT - @-557. ESMT ESMT D 51 01 00t T Q100=8.0 0 - - - ESMT- - __Plo=4.7 ESMT - ES T I I Ln V) V) 0 I I I K Ld V) I I \ 1 ? i = 1-0 C Values by Riverside County Impery Area = 2.1 G) Pery Area 0.5 1 Ai (imperv) 0.807692308 ESMT :P, - 0 'V) L-484 \/ I I i 0, Ap (pervious) = 0.192307692 V) A-4.56 FP (PI E 6.2) 0.2 ( o LL1 I (in/hr) 0.253968254 4- Fraction Only C Value 1 0.15 0.87 1 / / ? I W \ 1 A 1.1 0.16 0.87 U 1.2 0.16 0.87 m 1.3 0.16 0.87 W V) 1.4 0.16 0.88 k 1.5 0.17 0.88 cn 1.6 0.17 0.88 Uj 1.7 0.17 0.88 1.8 0.17 0.88 1 , , I /_._ _ -_.._ w 1 1.9 0.17 0.88 1. 47.4 FL 2.0 0.17 0.88 Qio=25.9i 2.1 0.17 0.88 /; \ I 1 2.2 0.17 0.88 2.3 0.18 0.88 2.4 0.18 0.89 1K 2.5 0.18 0.89 2.6 0.18 0.18, 0.89 0.89 2.9 0.18 0.89 1, 3.0 0.18 0.89 ES jL ES T 3.1 0.18 0.89 3.2 0.18 0.89 M ES T /I �/ - - - - s I MT - C 51.4 FL 44.4 1 NV Qlo=3.0 Q100 20-n 52 S3- (1 FL Q10 .6 � � I w I 4: EMT E ESM - - - ESMT - - - - - ESMT - - ESMT F - - - _ESMT 543.6.@ U) Uj S 40 _T, FS + 3 _'3aff FL �/w R/W- R/W R" I- - - - -- --- - - - - - - 0 tl Cl El --------------- ----- --------------------- z ---------- ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ 43.0 F L - - - - - - -- -- -----------------------------------___________ --- -- -- 52.1 00 N 90 1 1 - -------------- -------------- - - ---------- - ------------------ - - - - ------------ - - -- - --- --L- -9-123 - - ----- - ------------------ - ---- - - - -------------- - ---- - - ------ - - ------ - -------------- - ------ - - --------------- - ----- - ------ - ------------ - - ----- - -------- - --- - ------- - - ------- ---- - - - -- --- ------ R/W Q AAI R/W o 233' WEST FLOW CONTINUES L -226 ­ OF THIS POINT A-2.60 TO THE LA QUINTA A-0.48 EVACUATION CHANNEL AVENUE 48 jr 11P r ­�r _7 MSA CONSULTING, INC. CITY OF LA QUINTA 0 MAIMERO, SmiTH& ASSOCIATES, INC. CVHC DUNE PALMS NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ■ CrviLENGmEPjNo m LAND SuRvEym Parcel 4 of PM 33588 34200 BOB HOPE DRIVE ■ RANCHO MmAGE • CA 92270 TELEPHONE (760) 320-9811 ■ FAx (760) 323-7893 PROPOSED HYDROLOGY MAP Stantec Consulting Inc. 73733 Fred Waring Drive Suite 100 Palm Desert CA 92260 -2590 Tel: (760) 346 -9844 Fax: (760) 346 -9368 stagy tec.com swiftC March 19, 2007 File: 2015038216 City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 Attention: Ed Wimmer Reference: Parcel 1, Centre at La Quinta (PM 33588) Dear: Ed 't'l_i� C 1D rAr RECEIVED MAR 2 6 2007 PL BBC WORKS. The onsite drainage for Parcel 1, Centre at La Quinta (Parcel Map 33588) was originally planned to be retained in the pond constructed as part of the original hydrology report and drainage plans prepared by Nasland for Sam's Club (Parcel Map 30420) in their report dated December, 2005. Aerial topographic mapping of the area, including the retention pond, indicates that the retention requirements (per the Nasland report) are provided in the retention pond located west of Wal -Mart. This pond was expanded (deepened) from the original retention pond to provide the added volume. A subsequent addendum (addendum #2) to the Nasland hydrology report dated July 28, 2006 provided for underground retention within the Sam's Club site for the runoff from Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road, including the Parcel 1, Parcel Map 33588 site. The onsite and offsite retention for Parcel 1, Centre at La Quinta (Parcel Map 33588) has been provided as stated above. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING INC. I Dale C. Ross 0:\ 40382 \4038216 \docs \letters \07 -03 -19 drainage letter to ed wimmer.doc Stantec March 19, 2007 Ed Wimmer Page 2 of 2 Reference: Parcel. 1, Centre at La Quinta (PM 33588) Sr. Project Manager Tel: 760 - 346 -9844 Fax: 760 - 346 -9368 dale.ross @stantec.com c. Paul Goble, City of La Quinta Chris Clarke, Stamko 0:\ 40382 \4038216 \docs \letters \07 -03 -19 drainage letter to ed wimmer.doc THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA PM 33588 - PARCEL 1 HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS REPORT FOR ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS PALM DESERT DIVISION 73 -733 FRED WARING DRIVE, SUITE 100 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 Prepared Under the Supervision of: eROFESS/� 0 . �� F� . a d w No. 61887 Z Brooks D. Franklin Exp. 9/30/07 R.C.E. 61887 Expiration Date: Sep 30, 2007 �TgTF cl CAOE o���P THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA PM 33588 - PARCEL 1 HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS REPORT FOR ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS: I PURPOSE AND SCOPE DESIGN CRITERIA II SUMMARY OF CALCULATIONS III RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS -100 YEAR IV RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS -10 YEAR V CATCH BASIN DESIGN VI STORM DRAIN PIPE DESIGN VII APPENDIX "A" - RCFCD REFERENCE MATERIAL VII APPENDIX `B" HYDROLOGY MAP PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this report is to provide a hydrology and hydraulic analysis for the proposed Centre at La Quinta Parcel Map 33588 - Parcel 1 located in the City of La Quinta, California. The site is located at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road. This report summarizes the hydrology and hydraulics calculations for the site. The proposed storm drain system consists of one line (Line "A ") that conveys the on -site flows into an existing storm drain line at the southwest corner of the site. The existing storm drain line ultimately discharges into an existing retention basin, which was sized to accommodate the flows from Parcel Map 33588 -Parcel 1. Seethe Hydrology Study for La Quinta Sam's Club Parcel Map 30420, prepared by Nasland Engineering, dated December 2005, and installed per Addendum # 2, dated July 28, 2006, for information about the existing storm drain line and retention basin. Per City of La Quinta requirements, sizing of the storm drain system and catch basins were based on the 100 -year storm event. This report includes: 1) the determination of on -site drainage areas as identified on the: hydrologymap for the project; 2) determination ofpeak flow rates using the Rational Method (Riverside County) software by CivilCADD /CivilDesign; and 3) determination of storm drain pipe sizes utilizing `StormCAD' hydraulic software. DESIGN - CRITERIA The following Riverside County Flood Control District (RCFCD) parameters were used in the preparation of the analyses: • Antecedant Moisture Condition— 100 year 3 • 2 year — 1 hour Precipitation 0.5" Plate D -4.3 • 100 year — 1 hour Precipitation . 1.6" Plate D -4.4 • Slope of Intensity Duration Curve 0.58 Plate D -4.6 • 2 year — 3 hour Precipitation 0.7" Plate E -5.1 • 100 year — 3 hour Precipitation 2.2" Plate E -5.2 • 2 year — 6 hour Precipitation 0.8" Plate E -5.3 • 100 year — 6 hour Precipitation 2.75" Plate E -5.4 • 2 year — 24 hour Precipitation 1.1" Plate E -5.5 •. 100 year — 24 hour Precipitation 4.5" Plate E -5.6 • Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Plate D -5.6 • Hydrologic Soil Type "A' SUMMARY OF CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE INLETS All proposed inlets are curb inlet catch basins (City of La Quinta Std. 300) in sag condition. The capacities of the City of La Quinta standard curb inlet catch basins were analyzed using the weir equation as per the City of La Quinta storm drain requirements. The capacity is 12.6 cfs when W =5'; therefore all catch basins should adequately handle flows from the 100 -year storm event. A summary is provided below for each inlet. INLET INLET TYPE SIZE MIN. BASIN DISCHARGE REQUIRED goo cfs OPENING 1 8.71 CURB INLET CATCH BASIN W =5' W =3.46' RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS 100 YEAR J f i ++++++++1 NI++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++++++ + + +++ ++++++++++ ++++ ++ CENTERPARCELI- 100.0Ut Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program i CIVILCADO /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c) 1989 - 2001 Version 6.4 1 1111 . Rational Hydrology study Date: 02/27/07 File:CENTERPARCELI.out ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hydrology Study Control information °tr'rt °' "eao English (in -lb) Units used in input data file ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Keith Companies, Inc. - S/N 704 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District i 1978 hydrology manual storm event (year) = 100.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 ' standard intensity- duration curves data (Plate D -4.1) ' For the [ Palm Springs ] area used. 10 year storm 10 minute intensity = 2.830(In /Hr) I` 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.000(in /Hr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity = 4.520(In /Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.600(in /Hr) Storm event year = 100.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800• 1� The following figures may Page 1 I �� ++++++++1 NI++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++++++ + + +++ ++++++++++ ++++ ++ Process from Point /Station 100.000 to Point /Station 101.000 °R °" INITIAL AREA EVALUATION ^AO^ initial area flow distance = 388.970(Ft.) 1 1111 Top (of initial area) elevation = 65.840(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 63.220(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.620(Ft.) ' slope = 0.00674 s(percent)= 0.67 TC = k(0.300) "[(lengthA3) /(elevation change)]A0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.860 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.852(in /Hr) for a 100.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.882 ' Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 I` Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil ggroup D = 0.000 index for 3) 52.00 RI soil(AMC = Pervious area fraction = 0.100; impervious fraction = 0.900 Initial subarea runoff = 8.707(CFS) Total initial stream area =. 2.035(AC.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 End of computations, total study area = 2.04 (AC.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(AP) = 0.100 Area averaged RI index number = 32.0 Page 1 I �� RATIONAL METHOD CALCULATIONS 10 YEAR CENTERPARCELI- 10.out Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c) 1989 - 2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 02/27/07 File:CENTERPARCELl.out ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * * " **** Hydrology Study Control Information English (in -lb) units used in input data file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Keith Companies, Inc. - S/N 704 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational Method Hydrology Program based on Riverside County Flood Control & water Conservation District 1978 hydrology manual Storm event (year) = 10.00 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 Standard intensity- duration curves data (Plate o -4.1) For the [ Palm springs ] area used. 10 year storm 10 minute intensity = 2.830(In /Hr) 10 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.000(In /Hr) 100 year storm 10 minute intensity = 4.520(In /Hr) 100 year storm 60 minute intensity = 1.600(In /Hr) Storm event year = 10.0 Calculated rainfall intensity data: 1 hour intensity = 1.000(in /Hr) Slope of intensity duration curve = 0.5800 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +++ + ++++++ +.+++++ +++ + + ++++++ ++ Process from Point /Station 100.000 to Point /Station 101.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * * ** Initial area flow distance = 388.970(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 65.840(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 63.220(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.620(Ft.) Slope = 0.00674 s(percent)= - 0.67 TC = k(0.300) *[(lengthA3) /(elevation change)]AO.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.860 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.033(In /Hr) for a 10.0 year storm COMMERCIAL subarea type Runoff Coefficient = 0.874 Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group 8 = .0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 RI index for soil(AMC g) = 52.00 Pervious area fraction = 0.100; impervious fraction = 0.900 initial subarea runoff = 5.394(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.035(AC.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 End of computations, total study.area = 2.04 (AC.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Area averaged pervious area fraction(AP) = .0.100 Area averaged RI index number = 32.0 Page 1 CATCH BASIN DESIGN '1 � I DATE: 2/27/2007 PROJECT: CENTRE AT LA QUINTA PARCEL 1 RE: ON -SITE CATCH BASIN CALCULATIONS SIDE OPENING SUMP BASIN CALCULATIONS: JOB NO: CENTRE BY: JLS PER CITY OF LA QUINTA STORM DRAIN REQUIREMENTS, SUMP CATCH BASINS SHALL BE SIZED USING THE WEIR EQUATION IF FLOW IS BELOW THE TOP OF CURB, AND THE ORIFICE EQUATION FOR DEPTHS ABOVE TOP OF CURB IF WE LIMIT THE PONDED DEPTH TO THE TOP OF CURB (T.C:), WE HAVE: Q = 3.3Wb'H "' (WEIR EQUATION) where, b = WIDTH OF BASIN OPENING (ft) H = HEIGHT OF PONDED WATER ABOVE THE FLOW LINE (ft) FOR VARIOUS OPENING WIDTHS (b) AND H = 10" (0.83') Q = 3.33'b'(0.83)1" b ft Q Cfs 3.46 8.7 5.00 12.6 /I STORM DRAIN PIPE DESIGN w z J Scenario: Base EX SD TEE i #1 CB -1 Title: CENTRE AT LA QUINTA PARCEL 1 h toe - WOK. I k: \.:. \centre parcel 1- 18inch lines 01- 02- 07.stm StormCAD v5.6 [] 02/27/07 04:46:5ntley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 1 1 Calculation Results Summary Scenario: Base >>>> Info: Subsurface Network Rooted by: EX SD TEE >>>> Info: Subsurface Analysis iterations: 1 >>>> Info: Convergence was achieved. CALCULATION SUMMARY FOR SURFACE NETWORKS Label Inlet Inlet Total Total Capture Gutter Gu Average 1,Hydraulic Type Hydraulic Intercepted Bypassed Efficiency Spread De Shape (ft) System Flow Flow ( %) (ft) l -- - - - - -- I 9.82 Sections ----- 60.41 (cfs) (cfs) - - -- -------- -------- - - - - -- CB-1 --------- - - - - -- Generic Inlet ---------------- - - - - -- Generic Default 1000 ------- - - - - -- 0.00 - --- - - - - -- 0.00 --- --- - - 100.0 0.00 MH # 2 Generic Inlet Generic Default 100% 0.00 0.00 100.0 0.00 EX INLET # 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generic Inlet Generic Default 100% 0.00 0.00 100.0 ------------------ 0.00 - - - - -- CALCULATION SUMMARY-FOR SUBSURFACE NETWORK WITH ROOT: EX SD TEE Label Label Number Section Section Length Total Average 1,Hydraulic Grade Hydraulic Flow of Size Shape (ft) System Velocity Grade Grade -------- - - - - -- EX SD TEE -- - - - - -- I 9.82 Sections ----- 60.41 60.41 EX INLET # 7 Flow (ft /s) Upstream Downstream MH # 3 8.71' 64.12 60.78 60.65 MH # 2 (cfs) 65.80 (ft) (ft) MH # 1 ---- - - - - -- LINE A -1 ---- - - - - -- 1 --- - - - - -- 24 inch ---- - - - --- Circular -- - - - - -- 21.68 -- - - - - -- 9.82 ---- - - - - -- 5.53 --- -- - - - - -- 60.41 ------- - - - - -� 60.41 LINE A -2 1 24 inch Circular 21.33 8.71 5.10 I 60.65 60.64 LINE A -3 l l 24 inch Circular 187.67 8.71 5.25 60.99 60.78 LINE A -4 1 18 inch Circular 195.42 8.71 4.93 62.00 61.20 I LINE A -5 -------- -- - --- -- --- 1 -� -18 inch ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Circular 25.32 8.71 4.93 62.29 62.19 Label Total Ground Hydraulic Hydraulic System Elevation Grade Grade Flow (ft) Line In Line Out (cfs) (ft) - - - - -- (ft) ------ - - - - -� -------- - - - - -- EX SD TEE -- - - - - -- I 9.82 ----- - - - --- I 65.25 ----- 60.41 60.41 EX INLET # 7 9.82 63.70 60.64 60.41 MH # 3 8.71' 64.12 60.78 60.65 MH # 2 8.71 65.80 61.20 60.99 MH # 1 8.71 63.93 62.19 62.00 CB -1 --------------------------------- 8.71 63.22 ---------------------- I 62.48 62.29 - - - - -- Completed: 02/27/2007 04:33:20 PM Title: CENTRE AT LA CIUINTA PARCEL 1 k: \...\centre parcel 1- 18inch lines 01 -02- 07.stm StormCAD v5.6 [] 02/27/07 04:33:31WMntley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Scenario: Base NODE REPORT - CENTRE AT LA QUINTA Node Additional Known Ground Rim Sump Hydraulic Hydraulic Flow Flow Elevation Elevation Elevation Grade Grade (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft). (ft) Line In Line Out (ft) (ft) CB -1 0.00 8.71 63.22 63.22 60.62 62.48 62.29 EX INLET # 7 1.11 0.00 63.70 63.70 59.29 60.64 60.41 EX SD TEE 65.25 65.25 59.22 60.41 60.41 MH # 1 63.93 63.93 60.54 62.19 62.00 MH # 2 0.00 0.00 65.80 65.80 59.94 61.20 60.99 MH # 3 64.121 64.12 1 59.36 1 60.78 60.65 i Title: CENTRE AT LA QUINTA PARCEL 1 k:\... \centre parcel 1- 18inch lines 01- 02- 07.stm StormCAD v5.6 [] I02/27/07 04:34:1-)9f1$kntley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1 -203- 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 Scenario: Base PIPE REPORT - CENTRE AT LA QUINTA Pipe On. Up. System Cap L Section Size Mannings S V avg Up. On. Up On Node Node Q (cfs) (ft) Material n (ft/ft) (ft/s) Invert Invert HGL HGL (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) LINE A -1 EX SD TEE EX INLET # 7 9.82 16.71 21.68 PVC 24 inch 0.010 .0.003229 5.53 59.29 59.22 60.41 60.41 LINE A -2 EX INLET # 7 MH # 3 8.71 15.60 21.33 PVC 24 inch 0.010 0.002813 5.10 59.36 59.30 60.65 60.64 LINE A -3 MH # 3 MH # 2 8.71 16.21 187.67 PVC 24 inch 0.010 0.003037 5.25 59.94 59.37 60.99 60.78 LINE A-4 MH # 2 MH # 1 8.71 7.50 195.42 PVC 18 inch 0.010 0.003019 4.93 60.54 59.95 62.00 61.20 LINE A -5 jMH#1 I CB -1 8.711 7.181 25.321 PVC 118 inch 0.0101 0.0027651 4.931 60.621 60.551 62.291 62.19 Title: CENTRE AT LA QUINTA PARCEL 1 k: \... \centre parcel 1- 18inch lines 01- 02- 07.stm StormCAD v5.6 ( 02/27/07 04:34:30 PM © Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1- 203 - 755 -1666 Page 1 of 1 1 APPENDIX "A" RCFCD REFERENCE MATERIAL �1 �i 1. r m 0 3 0 a k 3,5 3 U) W2.5 U Z Z = 2 H CL w .o .J Q 1.5 z_ Q 1 . .5 3.5 3 2.5 A 01 I j0 2 5 10 25 50 100 RETURN PERIOD IN YEARS NOTE: I. For intermediate return periods plot 2 -year and 100 -year one hour values from maps,then connect points and read value for desired return period. For example given 2-year one hour= .50 and 100- year one hour= 1.60",25 -year one hour =1.18" Reterence :NOAH Atlas 2, Volume 31 - California, 1973. RAINFALL DEPTH VERSUS R C FC � WC D RETURN PERIOD FOR r�YDROLOGY ]MANUAL PARTIAL DURATION SERIES PLATE 0-4.5 I� � I _J �i iI ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER Recommended Value Land Use (1) Range- Percent For Average Conditions- Percent(2 Natural or Agriculture 0 - 10 0 Single Family Residential: (3) 40,000 S. F. (1 Acre) Lots 10 - 25 20 20,000 S. F. (1i Acre) Lots 30 - 45 40 7,200 - 10,000 S. F. Lots 45 - 55 50 Multiple Family Residential: Condominiums 45 - 70 65 Apartments 65 "- 90 '80 Mobile Home Park 6,0! - .,85;: 75 Commercial, Downtown 80 ' -100 90 Business or Industrial Notes: 1. Land use should'be based on ultimate'development•of the watershed. Long range master plans for the County and incorporated cities should be reviewed to insure reasonable land use assumptions. 2. Recommended values are based on average conditions which may not apply to a particular study area. The percentage impervious may vary greatly even on comparable sized lots due to differences in dwelling size, improvements, etc. Landscape practices should also be considered as it is common in some areas to use ornamental grav- els underlain by impervious plastic materials in place of lawns and shrubs. A field investigation of a study area should always be made, and a review of aerial photos, where available may assist in estimat- ing the percentage of impervious cover in developed areas. 3. For typical horse ranch subdivisions increase impervious area 5 per- cent over the values recommended in the table above. RCFC 1& WCD rJYDROLOGY 1\/JANUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER FOR DEVELOPED AREAS PLATE E-6.3 LIMITATIONS: TC' L v 100 1000 m 90 900 a N 80 800 4000 0 70 700 350 60 o `c Q 600 Ea 50 0 20 > d 19 LIMITATIONS: 500. I. Maximum length =1000 v 2. Maximum area = 10 Acres m 35 ar w a N _ 4000 0 30 m 350 25 o c Q g E 300 300 - !z 20 > 200 19 '0 250 I S 17 100 .- CD v 0 0 15 L 0 14 d 200 13 J c 12 20 9 II Al w 0 10 150 9 & 3 E' U- i= 8 7 Undeveloped :Good- Cover 0 s 12 100 5 LIMITATIONS: I. Maximum length =1000 TC 2. Maximum area = 10 Acres 5 a o H 6 �+ Y U 0 400 Q Co 300 - !z c > 200 7-- ry a� o E 100 .- CD o 0 0 50 8 0 E - N 30 n'> o' = 20 9 0 Al 10 E & 3 8 6 U- K Ai Undeveloped :Good- Cover 0 2 12 c N Undeveloped 0 E - o` Fair Cover .6 14 Undeveloped 0 c 15 } Poor Cover o 2 16 E Single Family 50 ! 17 E (1/4 Acre) 18 Commercial _ 0 is -� coi 20 � c O 25 c u KEY c L-H -Tc -K -Tc c 30 EXAMPLE: E (I) L =550', H =5.0, K= Single Family(1 /4 Ac.) 35 i= Development , Tc = 12.6 min. (2) L =550', H =5.0', K= Commercial 40 Development , Tc = 9.7 min. 1-4 RCFC 1B WCD HYIDR)LOGY J\/JANUAL Reference: Bibliography item No. 35. PLATE D -3 HYDROLOGY MAP LEGEND HGL,.= 62.48 (A _ - DRAINAGE AREA DESIGNATION 1.81 AC ACRES DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY 0) ---- ___ - - _ - `� _°` -- �_ ° 65.86 FS ELEVATION ® NODE Q 1o6-8.57 CFS FLOW FOR 100 YEAR STORM -- - — - - NODE NUMBER CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND I GRAPHIC SCALE S ,� =20' DUNE PALMS I !!M" 0 10 20 40 60 BASIS OF BEARINGS: PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: CITY OF LA OUINTA IT THE LAW! o CALL AT LEAST TWO SHEET NO. ! THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE DIAL BEFORE WORKING DAYS PRIOR fESS CENTERLINE OF ADAMS STREET AS SHOWN ON TRACT YOU DIG! TO EXCAVATING E: BROOKS D. FRANKLIN DATE �, ,�S 0. F� F 24230, MB 214/69-82 BEING: N 00.20'08" w �// cP HYDROLOGY MAP DEVELOPED CONDITION 1 lull ) OF 1 � 1- 800 - 227 -2600 R.C.E. N0. C61887, EXP. 9 30 07 � m <2 z ��_ III w No. 61887 rn r BENCHMARK. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT �" PARCEL MAP No. 33588 PARCEL 1 BENCHMARK P.D. 3 -1 -E BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION OF SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA Exp. 9/30 /07 FILE: PARCEL 1 FOUND 1" I.P. WITH COUNTY TAG 1963 IN HANDWELL CIVI 73 -733 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 100, Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 346 -9844 LOCATED IN THE NE. 1 4 OF SEC 29 T5S R7E SBB &M INTERSECTION OF MILES AVE. & ADAMS STREET BEFORE EXCAVATING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE '9TF FpE� DRAWING N0: ry LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BY CONTACTING N0. DATE INIT. REVISIONS APPV'D DATE OF CALF FOR: CE1�1 1 IlE AT L!1 QUTA HY35588 -01 ELEVATION: 92.06 ! UTILITY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT 1 -800- 227 -2600 DRAWN BY: ECC CHECKED BY: DF DATED: JULY 2006 L tI � IY i I C J J Q Hydrology Study. for La Quinta Sam's Club Parcel Map 30420 La zQuinta, CA Prepared For Wal -Mart Stores Inc. 2001 S.E. 10th Street Bentonville, AR 72716-0550 Prepared By Nasland Engineering 4740 Ruffner Street San Diego, CA 92111 858- 292 -7770 December 2005 PURPOSE AND SCOPE: The purpose. of this report is to provide a hydrology and hydraulic analysis for the proposed 18.66 -acre mixed regional commercial center (La Quinta Sam's Club) located in the City of La Quinta, between La Quinta Drive and Dune Palms Road, off of Highway 111. The report incorporates the existing Hydrology & Hydraulic Report by The Keith Companies for "The Centre at La Quinta ", dated December 12, 2002. This report summaries the hydrology and hydraulic calculations for the site. The proposed storm drain system consists of on -site flow and off -site flow. On -site flow incompaces 15.66 acres of the 18.66 acre site which are conveyed into an existing retention basin located on the southwest corner of La Quinta Drive and Auto Centre Way South. Off -site flow encompaces 3.00 acres of the 18.66 acre site and is .conveyed via a proposed storm drain line in Dune Palms Road to a proposed underground Precast Concrete Modular Storm Water Detention facility which will be located south of the Proposed Sam's Club building. . For on -site flows the existing retention basin located on the southwest corner of La Quinta Drive and Auto Centre Way South. The basin was sized to handle the 100 -year storm event for the existing commercial development known as "The Centre at La Quinta ". The . retention basin currently receives stormwater from 5.36 acres of the proposed 18.66 acre Sam's Club site via" two area drains and two curb inlets. The retention basin will be increased by 1.77 acre -feet to 11.75 acre -feet in order to handle the increase in flow generated by the additional 10.30 acres which include parts of the proposed Sam's Club, Gas Station and additional commercial parcel. In keeping with the original drainage patterns, water which tops the existing spillway will continue to be conveyed southward toward APN 649 -030 -069. Due to the increase in flows generated some of the existing storm drain pipes that convey stormwater to the existing retention basin will need to be resized to handle the additional flows from the proposed development. For off -site flows a retention basin is being proposed behind the Sam's Club building. 'The second basin will be an underground precast concrete modular storm water detention facility and has been sized to handle the 100 year flow from the 3.00 acres from Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road. The second basin is being utilized due to site constraints that prevent the flow of storm water to the existing basin. The underground retention basin will be sized to store 0.50 acre -feet of storm water. Per City of La Quinta requirements, sizing of the storm-drain system and catch basins were based on the 100 -year storm event and Retention Basins were designed assuming a percolation rate of zero. 1 Addendum #2 to Hydrology Study for La Quinta Sam's Club, Parcel Map 30420 La. Quinta, CA. Prepared For Wal -Mart Stores Inc. 2001 S.E. 0d' Street Bentonville; AR 72716 -0550. Prepared By Nasland Engineering 4740 Ruffner Street San Diego, CA 92111 858- 292 -7770 July. 28, 2006 FXFCUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed La Quinta. Sam's Club development contains 1&66 acres 'that is . split between 15.66 acres on -site which includes the Sam's Club Parcel, the Gas Parcel, Parcel 1 to be developed by Stamko and 3.00 acres of off -site. Both on -site and off -site flows retain the 100 year flow. The following-is a breakdown of each basin: On -site All 15.66 acres of on -site storm water is conveyed into the existing retention basin located in the south west comer. of La Quinta Drive and Auto Centre Way South. 5.36 .acres of the 15.66 acres have been previously accounted for by the Keith Companies Hydrology report. Therefore, 10.30 acres have been analyzed for the increase in flood volume to the existing retention basin. Area = .10.30 Acres . Governing Storm = 100 Year - 24 hour storm (4.5 in) Volume Required = 1.59 Acre -feet Volume Provided =1.77 Acre -feet Factor of. Safety = 1.11 Max. Water Surface Elevation = 58.92 Elevation at top of Basin ,= 61.00 Peak Flow = 136.66 cfs Off -site A113 acres of off -site storm water which includes the area from the property line to the crown of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road is conveyed into an underground retention basin located near the southern property line. Area ='3.00 Acres Governing Storm = 100 Year — 24 hour storm (4.5 in) Volume Required = 0.47 Acre -feet Volume Provided = 0.50 Acre -feet Factor.of Safety 1.06 Max. Water Surface Elevation = 48.77 Elevation at top of Basin = 49.00 Peak Flow = 13.59 cfs :i t•i r 1 M 1 RETENTION BASIN EXPANSION REVISION (MYLAR REVISION #1) ' The proposed La Quinta Sam's Club development includes regrading of the existing aboveground retention basin west of the Wal -Mart building to create additional volumetric capacity for storm runoff to be routed from the Sam's Club site (see- attached Exhibit A for tretention basin location). The design for this basin expansion was approved as part of the original onsite Grading Plans and Hydrology Study. This addendum addresses the proposed revision to the basin expansion as proposed in Mylar Revision #1 (Sheet 28 of 31 t. of the Onsite Grading Plans — Exhibit B of this Addendum). ' CALCULATIONS According to the calculations in the original Hydrology Study, the required capacity ' increase for the Sam's development runoff is 69;102 cubic feet (1.59 acre -ft). This value is still correct., as the runoff calculations have not changed. The existing basin is terraced into two 6 -foot deep slopes which ' creates a main. basin and a deeper siibbasin. The original '. design .proposed an expansion of the outer slope. of the main basin to the south and west. The revised design is,to expand the slope of the subbasin. to avoid taking up additional land ' area. Because both slopes are the same height (6'), the required area of expansion should remain the same. It is calculated as follows: ' Required Volume Increase = 69,102 cu. ft. (1.59.acre -ft) . Depth of slope = 6 ft. Required Area:of Expansion = 69,102 cu. ft. / 6 ft. 11,5lTsq. ft.. An expansion which provides the required .area would provide enough capacity to hold the 100 -year storm flow. As illustrated.on the attached Exhibit B, the proposed design creates .12,062 sq.ft. of additional storage area. The existing basin provides. approximately 434,728 cu. ft. (9.98 acre -ft) of storage. The approved hydrology report with the previously proposed expansion of the main basin. ' provides 511;830 cu. ft.. (11.75 acre -ft) of storage. (See approved Hydrology Study for La. Quinta Sam's Club, dated.December 2005) The reconfigured basin expansion provides a ' total storage ,volume of 525,855 cu. ft. (12.07 acre -ft). as shown in Table 1 below. Therefore, the revised basin expansion creates more than enough required capacity. -Table 1: Retention Basin Expansion Storage Table 1 . DEPTH ( ELEVATION CONTOUR AREA (SF) INCR. STORAGE (CF) TOTAL STORAGE (CF) TOTAL STORAGE (AC 0 47 11007.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 48 131.55.94 12082.00 12082.00 0.28 2 49 15266.31 14211.00 26293.00 0.60 3 50. 17560.08 16413.00 42706.00 0.98 4 51 20085.75 18823.00 61529.00 1.41 5 52 22842.84 21465.00 82994.00 6 53 25772.15 24308.00 107302.00 2.46 7 54 54208.99 39991.00 14729300 3.38 8 55 57121.55 55666.00 202959.00' 4.66 9 56 60036.35 58579.00 261538.00 6.00 10 57 63007.70 61522.00 .323060.00 7.42 11 58. 66035.59 64522.00. 387582.00 8.90 12 59 •69120.03 67578.00 455160.00 10.45 19 60 72273.51: ' 70697.00 525857.00 12.07 THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA PM 33588 - PARCEL 1 SDP NO. 2005-835 HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS REPORT FOR ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS PREPARED BY: Stantm PREPARED FOR: CHRIS CLARKE STAMKO DEVELOPMENT CO. 2205 Poinsettia Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 February 28, 2007 03/20%.2007 08:42 FAX 760,346 9368 TKC Palm Desert 0001 Stenft Consulting Inc. I 73733 Fred Wo" Drive Suite 100 Post -te Fax Note 7671 Date flu pages 101 Palm Dowel CA 92260-2590 From s S Tel: (760) 346 -9844 F" (760) 34&9388 CojDept. Co. S.C�TI Phone # Phone 11 Fax# 7 77-71 SS Fax 41 Stantec c� March 19, 2007 File: 2015038216 City of La Quinta - 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 Attention: Ed Wimmer Reference: Parcel 1, Centre at La Quinta (PM 33588) Dear: Ed The onsite drainage for Parcel 1, Centre at La Quinta (Parcel Map 33588) was originally ! planned to be retained in the pond constructed as part of the original hydrology report and ! drainage plans prepared by Nasland for Sam's Club (Parcel Map 30420) in their report dated December, 2005. Aerial topographic mapping of the area, including the retention pond, indicates i It that the. retention requirements (per the Nasland report) are provided in the retention pond located west of Wal -Mart. This pond was expanded (deepened) from the original retention pond to provide the added volume. V' I A subsequent addendum (addendum #2) to the Nasland. hydrology report dated July 28, 2006 provided for underground retention within the Sam's Club site for the runoff from Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road, including the Parcel 1, Parcel Map 33588 site^ The onsite and offsite retention for Parcel 1, Centre at La Quinta (Parcel Map 33588) has been provided as stated above. Please let me know if you.have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, j STANTEC. CONSULTING INC. AV Dale C. Ross i i r 0:1 40382 14038216 \docsUettets \07 -03 -19 drainage. letter toed wimmer.doc 03/20/2007 08:43 FAX 760 346 9368 tkC Palm Desert Safltec March 19, 2007 Ed Wimmer Page 2 of 2 Reference: Parcel 1. Centre at La Quinta (PM 33588) Sr. Project Manager Tel: 760 - 346 -9844 Fax: 760 - 346 -9368 da I e. ro ssCsta ntec.co m c. Paul Goble, City of La Quinta Chris Clarke, Stamko 0: \40382 \4038216 \does \letters \07 -03 -19 drainage letter to ed wimmer.doc 0 002 Stantec Consulting Inc. 73733 Fred Waring Drive Suite 100 Palm Desert CA 92260 -2590 Tel: (760) 346 -9844 Fax: (760) 346 -9368 stafftK com *= March 1, 2007 File: 2015038216 City of La Quinta. 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 Attention: Paul Goble Reference: Parcel 1- Centre at'La Quinta Dear Paul: Attached are the redlined comments and the revised plans for Parcel,1 — Centre at La Quinta (Precise Grading Plans). At your direction, the plans and redlines have been submitted directly to Noel Owsley (NRO Engineering) for plan check. As part of the redline /review process, you attached City Plan Check Comments (8 -1/2 x 11) dated February 23, 2007, which contained written comments. Listed below is our response to these comments. As the comments also pertain to plan corrections, the plans have been revised accordingly: 1. Hydrology Report a) Engineer (Doug Franklin) has signed the reports (2- copies); b) The SDP number has been added to the report cover; C) Sections of the original Sam's Club drainage report (prepared by Nasland Engineering dated December 2005) and Addendum #2 to said report (dated July 28, 2006) are included with the site Parcel 1 hydrology report (prepared by Stantec revised February 28, 2007). These sections indicate that Parcel 1 was included in the calculations for the site retention and the offsite flows from Highway 111 and Dune Palms were included in the underground storage for Sam's Club; d) The inlet is designed per City requirements with the 6" drop and 4" depression per your request, and the width of the inlet has been increased to 5 -feet; StanW March 1, 2007 Paul Goble Page 2 of 3 Reference: Parcel 1- Centre at La Quinta e) The input numbers have been re- checked per the Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program and found to be in conformance. with the program requirements. The time of concentration has also been re- checked (see hydrology map for path of travel) and found to be in conformance; f) The PM number has been corrected; g) Plate D.3 is a graphical representation of the Riverside County Rational Hydrology Program: The calculations for the time of concentration are as indicated in the report based on the path of travel shown on the hydrology map. As such, sheet D.3 is not included as a separate submittal. 2. Plan Comments 2) SDP number is provided on plans; 3) Mylars have been submitted for the PM -10 and SWPPP plans; 4) Sheet 2 — hazard domes have been added to the ramp near Dune Palms; 5) Sheet 2 — sign moved and grades indicated on ramp; 6) OK; 7) Landscape plans are per separate submittal; 8). 3- copies of plans are included with this submittal; 9) Q has been calculated (0.16 cfs for the 100 -year event) for the small portion of the entrance. This small amount of runoff will flow within the gutter section of Dune Palms; 10) During previous meetings and communication with Steve Speer, the major concern was the proximity of the right turn lane /decel lane to Highway 111 and the timing of the improvements. The final resolution of these meetings indicated that: 1) The Dune Palms /Highway 111 improvements would be designed and constructed by whomever goes first (Sam's Club or Parcel 1); 2) The Dune Palms right turn /decel lane will be located after (south of) the Parcel 1 access driveway. Since Sam's Club is preceding Parcel 1, the Dune Palms and Highway 111 street improvements have been prepared by Sam's Club's engineer and are not part of Stall tec .. l , March 1, 2007 Paul Goble Page 3 of 3 Reference: Parcel 1- Centre at La Quinta the Parcel 1 improvements. The Parcel 1' plans reflect the improvements proposed on Dune Palms per said plans. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these comments. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING INC. Dale C. Ross Sr. Project Manager Tel: 760 - 346 -9844 . Fax: 760 - 346 -9368 dale.ross@stantec.com c. Russ Beckner, Chris Clarke — Stamko Noel Owsley, NRO,Enginering I o:\ 40382 \4038216\docsUetters \07 -03 -0 response letter to aty comments.doc N r � a Addendum #2 to Hydrology Study for La Quinta Sam's Club . Parcel Map 30420 La. Quinta, CA Prepared For Wal -Mart Stores Inc. 2001 S.E. 1& Street . Bentonville; AR 72716 -0550. Prepared By Nasland Engineering 4740 Ruffner Street San Diego, CA 92111 858- 292 -7770 July. 28, 2006 t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed. La Quinta. Sam's Club development contains 18.66 acres that is . split between 15.66 acres on -site which includes the Sam's Club Parcel, the Gas Parcel, Parcel 1 to be developed by Stamko and 3.00 acres of off -site. Both on -site and off -site flows retain the 100 year flow. The following -is a breakdown of each basin: On -site All 15.66 acres of on -site storm water is conveyed into the existing retention basin .located in the south west corner. of La Quinta Drive and Auto Centre Way South. 5.36 acres of the 15.66 acres have been previously accounted for by the Keith Companies Hydrology report. Therefore, 10.30 acres have been analyzed for the increase in flood volume to the existing retention basin. Area = 10.30 Acres Governing Storm = 100 Year — 24 hour storm (4.5 in) Volume Required = 1.59 Acre -feet Volume Provided = 1.77 Acre -feet Factor of Safety = 1.11 Max. Water Surface Elevation = 58.92 Elevation at top of Basin =61.00 Peak Flow = 136.66 cfs . Off -site All 3 acres of off -site storm water which includes the area from the property line to the crown of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road is conveyed into an underground retention basin located near the southern property line. Area = 3.00 Acres Governing Storm = 100 Year — 24 hour storm (4.5 in) Volume Required = 0.47 Acre -feet Volume Provided = 0.50 Acre -feet Factor of Safety '= 1.06 Max. Water Surface Elevation = 48.77 Elevation at top of Basin = 49.00 Peak Flow = 13:59 cfs i r r a „r_ . n RETENTION BASIN EXPANSION REVISION (MYLAR REVISION #1) The proposed La Quinta Sam's Club development includes regrading ' of the existing aboveground retention basin west of the Wal -Mart building to create additional volumetric capacity for storm runoff to be. routed from the Sam's Club site (see attached Exhibit A for retention basin location). The design for this basin expansion was approved as part of the original onsite Grading Plans and Hydrology Study. This addendum addresses the proposed revision to. the basin expansion as proposed in Mylar Revision #1 (Sheet 28 of 31 of the Onsite Grading Plans — Exhibit B of this Addendum). CALCULATIONS According to the calculations in the original Hydrology Study, the required, capacity increase for the Sam's development runoff is 69,102 cubic feet (1.59 acre -ft). This value is still correct., as the runoff calculations have not changed. The existing basin is terraced into two 6 -foot deep slopes which creates a main. basin and a deeper subbasin..The original design .proposed an expansion of the outer slope. of the main basin to the south and west. The revised design is.to expand the slope.of the subbasin-to avoid taking up additional land area. Because both slopes are the same height (6'.), the required area of expansion should remain the same. It is calculated as follows: Required Volume Increase = 69,102 cu. ft. (1.59 .acre -ft) Depth of slope = 6 ft. Required Area bf Expansion = 69,102 cu. ft. / 6 ft. = 11,517 sq. ft. , An expansion which provides the required .area would provide enough capacity to hold the 100 -year storm flow. As illustrated.on the attached Exhibit B, :the proposed design creates .12,062 sq.ft. of additional storage area. The existing basin provides. approximately 434,728 cu. ft. (9.98 acre -ft) of storage. The approved hydrology report with the previously proposed expansion of the main basin. provides 511;830 cu. ft.. (11.75 acre -ft) of storage. (See approved Hydrology Study for La, Quinta Sam's Club, dated December 2005) The reconfigured basin expansion provides.a total storage volume of 525,855 cu. ft.. (12.07 acre -ft) as shown in Table 1 below. . Therefore, the revised basin expansion creates more than .enough.required capacity. i Table 1: Retention Basin Expansion Storage Table, I DEPTH ELEVATION CONTOUR AREA SF INCR. STORAGE CF TOTAL STORAGE CF TOTAL STORAGE AG 0 47 11007.57 0.00 0.00. 0.00 1 48 13155.94 12082.00 12082.00 0.28 2 49 15266.31 14211.00 26293.00 0.60 3 50, 17560.08 16413.00 42706.00 0.98 4 51 20085.75 18823.00 61529.00 1.41 5 52 22842.84 21465.00 82994.00 1.91 6 53 25772.15 24308.00 107302.00 2.46 7 54 54208.99 39991.00 14729100 3.38 8. 55 , 57121.55 55666.00 202959.00' 4.66 9 .56 60036.35 58579.00 261538.00 6.00 10 57 63007.70 61522.00 .323060.00 7.42 11 58. 66035.59 64522.00. 387582.00. 8.90 12 59 69120.03 67578.00 455160.00 10.45 13 60 72273.51: 70697.00 .5258.00 57 12.07 CITY PLAN CHECK COMMENT RESPONSES MYLAR REVISION #1: Sheet 28, Plancheck Set 05181, Onsite Grading Plans for La Quinta Sam's Club 07127/06- Redlines were addressed by Chris Williams ofNasland Engineering I. Typo fixed and contours on the east slope were made to match the existing grade. A. The original hydrology study by The Keith Companies does not include any land west of the basin as a contributing area. Runoff from that area. should not-'be accounted for because our proposed expansion does not alter the footprint of -the original basin, and thus does not change current drainage patterns in that area. Our hydrology calculations include the previously proposed expansion area to the south and west as a contributing area. Therefore, by eliminating the expansion . area to the south and west we are decreasing the actual contributing" area but including the theoretical runoff generated in this area in our hydrology calculations. The currently proposed basin expansion has adequate storage volume to handle this runoff even though it will not actually flow into the basin. 4. Parcel Map and APN numbers added as requested. . 5. A .volumetric table has been added to the Hydrology Report Addendum #2 for further clarification of incremental volume. We :are not responsible for the abandonrnent/relocation of the basin which could occur at a later date.. A new hydrology report will be necessary for -the design of the basin and abandonment, should it be completed by the site owner in the future. However, we cannot control the ultimate design or location of this basin. 6. Miscellaneous comments addressed per plan. (See redlined copy) { r � ,j _ �` _i . ,, , i