35646(---111111 ill 11111 5-1 IE Ll GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED SADDLE CLUB FACILITY WEST SIDE OF MONROE STREET, SOUTH OF AVENUE 54 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA - Prepared By- Sladde.n Engineering 39 -725 Garand Lane; Suite G Palm Desert, California 92211 -(760) 772 -3893 F: Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523 -0952 Fax (714) 523 -1369 . 39 -725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772 -3893 Fax (760) 772 -3895 January 25, 2006 Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 Trans West Housing, Inc. 47 7120 Dune Palms Road, Suite C La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr. Jeff Nygren Project: Proposed Griffin Ranch Saddle Club West Side of Monroe Street, South of Avenue 54 La Quinta, California Subject: GeotechnicalInvestigation Presented herewith is the report of our Geotechnical Investigation conducted for the construction of the proposed equestrian facility to be located on the west side of Monroe Street just south of Avenue 54 in the City of La Quinta, California. The investigation was performed in order to provide recommendations for site preparation and to assist in foundation design for the proposed structures and the related site improvements. This report presents the results of our field investigation and laboratory testing along with conclusions and recommendations for foundation design and site preparation: This report completes our original scope of services as outlined within our proposal dated January 26, 2006. We appreciate the opportunity to provide service. to you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact the undersigned Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING Nicholas S. Devlin Project Engineer SER /nd Copies: 6/Trans West Housing, Inc. �o m No. C 45389 Z Exp. 9/30/06 `�J �•y� ci . Brett L. Anderson FOFCALtFC� Principal Engineer GEOTECHNICAL. INVESTIGATION PROPOSED GRIFFIN RANCH SADDLE CLUB WEST SIDE {FMONROU8STREET, SOUTH C]F AVENUE 54 LA QUI�CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA �' January 25, 2006 TABLE {FCONTENTS INTRODUCTION... ............................................................................... ................................................ 1 SCOPEOF WORK .................................................................................................................................. 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .----`—_----_---_--_-------------._--_—..l GEOLOGY AND SEISMICITY ............................................... ............................................................... 2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS -..._----'-----.--''--'---_---''--.'_'--3 ' -LIQuEF£C1lLDN............................ ....................................................................................................... 3 CONCLUSIONS AND ab[C]&88YbNLAll�)�/b_------------------_...-----A FoundationI]eobsn----------'''--............................................................................... 5- Settlements -------. ..................................... LateralDesign ...................................... ................................................................ ........................... 6 RetainingWalls .................................................................................................. ....... ...................... 6 ExpansiveSoil ............ .......................................................................................................................... 6 Concrete.--_.--------_----_-.--.--.` ....................................... 6� SolubleSulfates .................................................................................................................. ; .............. 6 TentativePavement Design ........................................................................................................... 6 7 GeneralSite Grading ...... .................................................................. ,................................................ 7 ___� . ..�—... .. —,—'--_-------.. 1. Site ........................................................ ... . . . . —' 7 2. uf and Foundation Areas ................................................................. 7 IPlacement b{ Compacted Pill .................................................................................................. 7 4. cf Slab and Pavement. Areas ........................................................................... 8 5. Testing. and Inspection —._----'---'—''--'''-.__.--''--'''.'—''. � 8 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................... 9 REFERENCES _'—''-----.—_—'_---'—'''''----.-----'—''----_.-----1O ' APPENDIX A- Site Plan and Boring Logs Field Exploration APPBNDIXB - -Laboratory Testing . Test Results APPENDIX C- 2001 California.Building Code with l997DBC Seismic Design Criteria FRISKSP Attenuation Plots APPENDIX D- Liquefaction Analyses LIQUtFYPRO Output Data January 25, 2006 -1- Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 INTRODUCTION This. report presents the results of our Geotechnical Investigation performed in order to provide recommendations for site preparation and to assist in the design and construction of the foundations for the various structures proposed for the Griffin Ranch Saddle Club equestrian facility. The project site is located on the west side of Monroe Street just south of Avenue 54 in the City of La Quinta, California. The preliminary plans indicate that the proposed project will include covered arenas, stalls, barns, and offices along with various associated site improvements. The associated site improvements are expected to include paved roadways and parking areas, concrete walkways and patios, underground utilities, and landscape areas. SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of our investigation was to determine certain engineering characteristics of the near surface soil on the site in order to develop recommendations for foundation design and site preparation. Our investigation included field exploration, laboratory testing, literature review, engineering analysis and the preparation of this report. Evaluation of hazardous materials or other environmental concerns was not within the scope of services provided. Our investigation was.-performed in accordance with contemporary geotechnical engineering principles and practice. We do not make other warranty, either express or implied. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located on the west side of Monroe, Street just south of Avenue 54 in the City of La Quinta, California. It is our understanding that the project will consist of an equestrian facility including covered arenas, stalls, barns, and offices along with various associated site improvements. It is our understanding that the proposed structures will be of relatively lightweight wood -frame and /or steel - frame construction and will be supported by conventional shallow spread footings and concrete slabs on grade. The associated improvements will include paved roadways and parking areas, concrete walkways and patios, landscape areas and various underground utilities. The majority of the subject site is presently occupied by a horse ranch containing corrals and fenced pastures. There is an existing ranch style home occupying the adjacent' property northeast of the site. The property is level throughout and is near the elevation of the adjacent properties and roadways. The ranch contains various outbuildings. Fenced pastures occupy most of the ranch. Monroe Street forms the eastern site boundary. A residential housing tract occupies the adjacent property south of the site. The Griffin Ranch residential development is under construction to the north and west of the site. Based upon our previous experience with lightweight structures, we expect that isolated column loads will be less than 30 kips and wall loading will be less than to 2.0 kips per linear foot. Grading is expected to include minor cuts and fills to match the nearby elevations and to construct slightly elevated building pads to accommodate site drainage. This does not include removal and recompaction of the bearing soil within the building areas. If the anticipated foundation loading or site grading varies substantially from that assumed the recommendations included in this report should be reevaluated. Sladden Engineering January 25, 2006 -2- Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 GEOLOGY AND SEISMICITY The project site is located .within the central Coachella Valley that is part of the broader Salton Trough geomorphic province. The Salton Trough is a northwest .trending depression that extends from the Gulf of California to the Banning Pass. Structurally the Salton Trough is dominated by several northwest trending faults, most notable of that is the San Andreas system. A relatively thick sequence of sedimentary rocks have been deposited in the Coachella Valley portion of .the Salton Trough from Miocene to present times. These sediments are predominately terrestrial in nature with some lacustrian and minor marine deposits. The mountains surrounding the Coachella Valley are composed primarily of Precambrian metamorphic and Mesozoic granitic rock. The Coachella Valley is situated in one of the more seismically active areas of California. The San Andreas Fault zone is considered capable of generating a maximum credible earthquake of magnitude 8.0 and because of its proximity to the project site it should be considered in design fault for the project. Based on our review of published and unpublished geotechnical maps and literature pertaining to site, the San Andreas (Southern) Fault (approximately 10.1 kilometers or 6.3 miles to the northeast of the site) would probably generate the most severe site ground motions with an anticipated maximum moment magnitude (MW) of 7.4..In addition to the San Andreas (Southern) Fault, the San Jacinto *(Anza) Fault presents. a ground rupture hazard and is located approximately 31.1. kilometers or 19.4 miles to the southwest of the site with an anticipated maximum moment magnitude (MW) of 7.2. A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) was performed to evaluate the likelihood of future earthquake ground motions at the site. The computer program FRISKSP Version 4 was used to perform the analysis (Blake, 2026). Based upon the results of subsurface characterization at the project site, the attenuation relationships by Abrahamson and Silva (1997), Sadigh, et al. (1997), Boore, et. al. (1997), and Campbell and Bozorgnia (1997) that is pertinent to shallow crustal earthquakes was used in the PSHA. We used magnitude weighting to derive the peak ground acceleration as recommended by Martin and Lew of SCEC (1999) and consistent with the recommendations by NCEER (Youd and Idriss, 1997) for liquefaction analysis. According to our PSHA, the site could be subjected to peak ground acceleration on the order of 0.578 for an earthquake having a 10 percent probability of exceeded in 50 years (475 7year return period). The site is not located in any Earthquake Fault zones.as designated by. the State but is mapped in the County's Liquefaction and Ground Shaking Hazard Zone V. Several significant seismic events have occurred within the Coachella Valley during the past 50 years. The events include.Desert Hot Springs - 1948 (6.5 Magnitude), Palm Springs - 1986 (5.9 Magnitude), Desert Hot Springs - 1992 (6.1 Magnitude), Landers -1992 (7.5 Magnitude) and Big Bear -1992 (6.6 Magnitude)., Sladden Engineering January 25, 2006 -3- Project No. 544 -4402 06- 01 -076. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The soil underlying the site consists primarily of fine- grained silty sand with scattered prominent sandy clay and sandy silt layers. As is typical for the area, the silty sand and sandy silt layers are inconsistently interbedded and. vary in thickness. Silty sand was the most prominent soil within our exploratory borings but several prominent sandy silt and clayey silt layers were also encountered. The silty sands encountered near the existing ground surface appeared somewhat loose but the deeper silty sand and sandy silt layers appeared relatively firm. Relatively undisturbed samples indicated dry density varying from 84 to 111 pcf. Sampler penetration resistance (as measured by field blowcounts) indicates that density generally increases with depth. The site soil was dry on the surface and moist below a depth of approximately 5 feet but some silty layers were typically wet. Laboratory testing indicated moisture content varying from 5 to 35 percent. Laboratory testing indicates that the surface soil within the upper 5. feet consist primarily of silty sands. Expansion testing indicates that the surface silty sands are generally non - expansive and are classified as ,'very low" expansion category soil in accordance with Table 18 -I -B of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Groundwater was encountered within our borings at a depth of approximately 45 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater should be considered in design and construction. L-IQUEFACTI.ON Liquefaction occurs with sudden loss of soil strength because of rapid increases in pore pressures within cohesionless soil as a result of repeated cyclic loading during seismic events. Several conditions must be present for liquefaction to occur including; the presence of relatively shallow groundwater, generally loose soil conditions, the susceptibility of soil to liquefaction based upon grain -size characteristics and the generation of significant and repeated seismically induced ground accelerations. Liquefaction affects primarily loose, uniform grained cohesionless sand with low relative densities. In the case -of this project site, several of the factors required for liquefaction to occur are present. As previously indicated, groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 45 feet below the existing .ground surface on the site. Several relatively uniform grained sand and silty sand layers were encountered within our borings. The site is located near several active fault systems. The potential consequence of liquefaction of the granular layers is ground surface settlement. Excess pore pressure generated by ground shaking and leading to liquefaction is associated with the tendency for loosely compacted, saturated soil to rearrange into a denser configuration during shaking. Dissipation of that excess pore pressure will produce volume decreases (termed consolidation or compaction) within the soil that may be manifested at the ground surface as settlement. Spatial variations' in material characteristics and thickness may cause such settlement to occur differentially. Differential ground settlement may also occur near sand boil manifestations, because of liquefied materials. being removed from the depths of liquefaction and brought to the ground surface. Sladden Engineering January 25, 2006 -4- Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 Because of the presence of historically higher groundwater, the potential liquefaction induced settlement affecting the site was further evaluated. The computer program LiquefyPro Version 4 was used for our liquefaction and settlement analysis. Several silty sand layers encountered near and below the present groundwater surface appear susceptible to liquefaction based upon grain -size characteristics. Liquefaction potential within these silty sand layers was evaluated. Our analyses suggest that the majority of the silty sand layers encountered within our borings are generally considered too dense to be susceptible to liquefaction, but isolated silty sand layers appear potentially liquefiable. In order to estimate the amount of post - earthquake settlement, methods proposed by Tokimatsu and Seed (1987), Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992) were used for the settlement calculations that are included in Appendix D of this report. Based on our analysis and considering the estimated historic groundwater levels, we estimate that the maximum total liquefaction - induced ground settlements, at the site would be just less than 2 inches during the postulated earthquake. Differential settlements resulting from liquefaction should be less than 1 inch. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon our field investigation and laboratory testing, it is our.opinion that the proposed golf course, clubhouse, and residential development is.feasible from a soil meclianic's standpoint provided that the recommendations included in this report are considered in building foundation design and site preparation. Because of the somewhat loose condition of the near surface soil, remedial grading is recommended for the building areas. We recommend that remedial grading within the proposed building areas include the overexcavation and recompaction of the primary foundation .bearing soil. Specific recommendations for site preparation are presented in. the Site Grading section of this report. Based upon the generally dense condition of silty sand layers, our analysis indicates that the potential for liquefaction impacting the site during a major seismic event on' the nearby Sari Andreas Fault system is minimal. The potential seismically induced settlements were estimated using methods presented by Tokimatsu and Seed and suggested within Special Publication 117. The seismic settlement estimates are presented on the liquefaction potential data sheets included within Appendix C. Our analyses indicate total liquefaction related settlements of less than 2 inches. The potential differential seismic settlements should be less than 1 inch: Based upon the nature of the proposed development, specific liquefaction related mitigation measures in addition to the recommended remedial grading do not appear warranted. The site is located in one of the more seismically active areas in California. Design professionals should be aware of the site setting and the potential for earthquake activity during the anticipated life of the structure should be acknowledged. The accelerations that may be experienced .on the site (as previously discussed) should be considered in design. The seismic provisions included in the Uniform Building Code for Seismic Zone 4 should be considered the minimum design criteria. Pertinent 1997 UBC Seismic Design Criteria is summarized in,Appendix C. Sladden Engineering January 25; 2006 -5- Project No. 5444402 06 -01 -076 Caving did occur within our borings and the potential for caving should be expected within deeper excavations. All excavations should be constructed in accordance with the normal CalOSHA excavation criteria. On the basis of our observations of the materials encountered, we anticipate that the near surface silty sands will be classified by CalOSHA as Type C. Soil conditions should be verified in the field by a "Competent person" employed by the Contractor. The near surface soil encountered during our investigation was found to be non - expansive. Laboratory testing indicated an Expansion Index of 0 for the surface silty sands that corresponds with the "very low" expansion category. in Accordance with UBC Table 18 -I -B. The following recommendations present more detailed design criteria which have been developed on the basis of our fie_ ld and laboratory investigation.. The recommendations are based upon non - expansive soil criteria: Foundation Design: The results of our investigation indicate that either conventional shallow continuous footings or isolated pad footings that are supported upon properly compacted soil, may be expected to provide adequate.support for the proposed structure foundations. Building pad grading should be performed as described in the Site Grading Section of this report to provide for uniform and firm bearing conditions for the structure foundations. Footings should extend at least 12 inches beneath lowest adjacent grade. Isolated square or rectangular footings should be at least two feet square and continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide. Continuous footings may be designed using an. allowable bearing value of 1500 pounds per square foot (psf) and isolated pad footings may be designed using an allowable bearing pressure of 1800 psf. Allowable increases of 250 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and 250 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth-may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 2500 psf. The allowable bearing pressures are applicable to dead and frequently applied live loads. The allowable bearing pressures may be increased by 1/3 to resist wind and seismic loading. Care should be taken to see that bearing or 'subgrade soil is not allowed to become saturated from the ponding of rainwater or irrigation. Drainage from the building area should be rapid arrd complete. The recommendations provided in the preceding paragraph are based on the assumption that all footings will be supported upon properly compacted engineered fill soil. All grading should be performed under the testing and inspection of .the Soil Engineer or his representative. Prior to the placement of concrete, we recommend that the footing excavations be inspected in order to verify that they extend into compacted soil and are free of loose and disturbed materials. Settlements: Settlements resulting from the anticipated foundation loads should be minimal provided that the recommendations included in this report are considered in foundation design and construction. The estimated ultimate settlements are calculated to be approximately one inch when using the recommended bearing values. As a practical matter, differential settlements between footings can be assumed as one -half of the total settlement. Sladden Engineering January 25, 2006 -6- Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 Lateral Design: Resistance to lateral loads can be provided by a combination of friction acting at the base of the slabs or foundations and passive earth pressure along the sides of the foundations. A coefficient of friction of 0.40 between soil and concrete may be used with consideration to dead load forces only. A passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth, may be used for the sides of footings that are poured against properly compacted native or approved non - expansive import soil. Passive earth pressure should be ignored within the upper 1 foot except where confined (such as beneath a floor slab). Retaining Walls: Retaining walls may be necessary to accomplish the proposed construction. Lateral pressures for. use in retaining wall design can be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pd for level free - draining native backfill conditions. For walls that are to be restrained at the top, the equivalent fluid weight should be increased to 55 pcf for level free - draining native backfill conditions. Backdrains should be provided for the full height of the walls. Expansive Soil: Because of the prominence of "very low" expansion category soil near the surface, the expansion potential of the foundation bearing soil should not be a controlling factor in . foundation or floor slab design. Expansion potential should be reevaluated subsequent to grading. Concrete Slabs -on- Grade: All surfaces to receive concrete slabs -on -grade should be underlain by a minimum compacted non - expansive fill thickness of 24 inches, placed as described in the Site Grading Section of this report. Where slab's are to receive moisture sensitive floor coverings or where.dampness of the floor slab is not desired, we recommend the use of an appropriate vapor barrier or an adequate capillary break. Vapor barriers should be protected by sand in order to reduce the possibility of puncture and to aid in obtaining uniform concrete curing. Reinforcement of slabs -on -grade in order to resist expansive soil pressures should not 'be necessary. However, reinforcement will have a beneficial effect in containing cracking because of concrete shrinkage. Temperature and shrinkage related cracking should be anticipated in all concrete slabs -on- grade. Slab reinforcement and the spacing of control joints should be. determined by the Structural Engineer.. Soluble Sulfates: The soluble sulfate. concentrations of the surface soil have not yet been determined but native soil in the area has been known to be potentially corrosive with respect to concrete. The use of Type V cement and specialized sulfate resistant concrete mix designs may be. necessary for concrete in contact with the native soil. Tentative Pavement Design: All paving should be underlain by a minimum compacted fill thickness of 12 inches (excluding aggregate. base). This may be performed as described in the Site Grading Section of this report. R -Value testing was not conducted during our investigation but based upon the sandy nature of the surface soil, an R -Value of approximately 50 appears appropriate for preliminary pavement design. The following preliminary onsite pavement section is based upon a design R -Value of 50. Sladden Engineering January 25, 2006 -7- Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 Onsite Pavement (Traffic Index = 5.0) Use 3.0 inches of asphalt on 4.5 inches of Class 2 base material Aggregate base should conform to the requirements for Class 2 Aggregate base in Section 26 of CalTrans Standard Specifications, January 1992. Asphaltic concrete should conform to Section 39 of the CalTrans Standard Specifications. The recommended sections should be provided with a uniformly compacted subgrade and precise control of thickness and elevations during placement. Pavement and slab designs are tentative and should be confirmed at the completion of site grading when the subgrade soil is in- place. This will include sampling and testing of the actual subgrade soil and an analysis based upon the specific traffic information Shrinkage.and Subsidence: Volumetric shrinkage,of the material that is excavated and replaced as controlled compacted fill should be anticipated. We estimate that this shrinkage could vary from 20 to 25 percent. Subsidence of the surfaces that are scarified and compacted should be between 1 and 3 tenths of a foot. This will vary depending upon the type of equipment used, the moisture content of the soil at the time of grading and the actual degree of compaction attained. These values for shrinkage and subsidence are exclusive of losses that will occur because of the stripping of the organic material from the site and the removal of unsuitable material. General Site Grading: All grading should be performed' in accordance with the grading ordinance of the City of La Quinta, California. The following recommendations have been developed on the basis of our field and laboratory testing and are intended to provide a uniform compacted mat of soil beneath the building slabs and foundations. 1. Site Clearing: Proper site clearing will be very important. Any existing vegetation, slabs, .foundations, abandoned underground, utilities or irrigation lines should be- removed from the proposed building areas and the resulting excavations should be properly backfilled: Soil that is. disturbed during site clearing should be removed and replaced as controlled compacted fill under the direction of the Soil Engineer. 2. Preparation of Building and Foundation Areas: In order to provide adequate and uniform bearing conditions, we recommend overexcavation throughout the proposed residential building areas. The building areas should be overexcavated to a depth of at least .3 feet below existing grade or 3 feet below the bottom of the footings, whichever is deeper.. The exposed soil should then be' scarified to a depth of 1 -foot, moisture conditioned and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. The excavated material may then be replaced as engineered fill material as recommended below. 3. Placement of Compacted Fill: Within the building pad areas, fill materials should be spread in thin lifts, and compacted at near optimum moisture content to a minimum 'of 90 percent relative compaction. Imported fill material shall have an Expansion Index not exceeding 20. Sladden Engineering January 25, 2006 -8- Project No. 544 -4402 06-01 -076 The contractor shall notify the Soil Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of importing soil in order to provide sufficient time for the evaluation of proposed import materials. The contractor shall be responsible for .delivering material to the site that complies with the project specifications. Approval by the Soil Engineer will be based upon material delivered to the site and not the preliminary evaluation of import sources. Our observations of the materials encountered during our investigation indicate that compaction within the native soil will be most readily obtained by means of heavy rubber tired equipment and /or sheepsfoot compactors. The moisture content of the near surface soils was somewhat inconsistent within our borings. In general, the sandy soils are dry and well below optimum moisture content but some of the deeper silt layers were wet. It is likely that wet siltkkky layers will be encountered during grading particularly in irrigated areas where deep cuts are planned. A uniform and near optimum moisture content should be maintained during fill placement and compaction. 4. Preparation of Slab and Paving Areas: All surfaces to receive asphalt concrete paving or exterior concrete slabs -on- grade, should be underlain by a minimum compacted fill thickness of 12 inches. This may be accomplished by a combination of overexcavation, scarification and recompaction of the surface; and replacement of the excavated material as controlled compacted fill. Compaction of the slab and pavement areas -should be to a .minimum of 90 percent relative corimpaction. 5. Testing and Inspection: During grading tests and observations should be performed by the Soil Engineer or his representative in order to verify that the grading is being performed in accordance with the project specifications. Field density testing shall be performed in accordance with applicable ASTM test standards. The minimum acceptable .degree of compaction shall be 90 percent of the maximum dry density as obtained by the ASTM D1557 -91 test method. Where testing indicates insufficient density, additional compactive effort shall be applied until retesting indicates "satisfactory compaction. Sladden Engineering January 25, 2006 -9- Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 GENERAL The findings and recommendations presented in this report are based upon an interpolation of the soil conditions between boring locations and extrapolation of these conditions throughout the proposed building area. Should conditions. encountered during grading appear different than those indicated in this report, this office should be notified. This report is considered to be applicable for use by Trans. West Housing, Inc. for the specific site and project described herein. The use of this report by other parties or for other projects is not authorized. The recommendations of this report are contingent upon monitoring of the grading operations by a representative of Sladden Engineering. All recommendations are considered to be tentative pending our review of the grading operations and. additional testing, if indicated. If others are employed to perform any soil testing, this office should be notified prior to such testing in order to coordinate any required site visits by our representative and to assure indemnification of Sladden Engineering.. We recommend that a pre -job conference be held on the site prior to the initiation' 6f site grading. The purpose of this meeting Will be to assure a complete understanding of the recommendations'presented in this report as they apply to the actual grading performed. Sladden Engineering January 25, 2006 -10- Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 REFERENCES ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, April 1074. Boore, Joyner and Fumal (1994) Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak. Accelerations from North American Earthquakes, V. S. Geological Survey, Open File Reports 94 -127 and 93 -509. Finn, W. E. Liam, (1996) Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential for Different Earthquake Magnitudes and Site Conditions, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research Committee. Joyner and Boore, (1988) -Measurements, Characterization and Prediction of Strong Ground Motion, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Special Publication No. 20. Lee & Albaisa (1974) "Earthquake Induced Settlements in Saturated Sands ". Seed and Idriss (1982) Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction. During Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph. Seed, Tokimatsu, Harder and Chung, (1985), Influence of SPT Procedures in Soil Liquefaction Resistance Evaluations, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 111, No. 12, December. Rogers,.Thomas H.; Geologic Map of California, Santa Ana Map Sheet. Riverside County, 1984, Seismic Safety Element of the Riverside County General Plan. Sladden Engineering APPENDIX A Site Plan Boring Logs NORTH Griffin Ranch - Saddle Club West -Side of Monroe Street and South of Avenue 54, Coachella Date: 1/24/2006 Boring No. 1 Job Number: 5444402 0 0 a 0 g .a A v� U �q Description. ° o Remarks 0 Native Soil IwGk�i� 4/6/8 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 93 12 42 - onplastidGrey in color 4lJ�Yw "i!fff ' s111!III'�I 415/7 Silty and: Fine Grained ty SM 97 19 48 on lastic/Brown in color P u!i. hrv'+f 4/5/6 Silty Clay CL 90 30 84 Low Plasticity/Brown in color 15 - 5/6/6 Sandy Silt ML 84 27 71 onplastic/Greyi §h Brown in color 4/5/5 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 14 29 onplasticJGreyish Brown a= I, EFY: !col iiµi, in color 6aFei - 4/719 Sand: Fine Grained SM 93 13 29 onplastic/Greyish Brown - in color - 2/2/3 Silty Clay CL 35 . 86 Low Plasticity/Brown in color 25. - 2/4/5 Silty Clay CL 91 34 84 Low Plasticity/Grey & Brown - in color - 6/7/5 Sand: Fine Grained and Sandy Silt Layers Interbedded S44 14 37 onplastic/Grey & Brown in color 30:` - 415110. Clay • CL 91 33 92 • edium Plasticity/Brown in - color 7/7/8 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 8 17 Grey in color 35 t ��i�liilr!j wliruvi Ir. h.l - f iiii,i'!.;i 4/16/21 Silty Sand: Fine Grained . SM 111 6 12 onplastic/Greyish Brown ;y;Tr m color 6/9/9 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 15 27 onplastic/Greyish Brown ilrlj: ' In color 40 12/21/30 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 107 7 12 Grey in color 6L�.N,!iiili! i�'At�l!:nilil "r 2/3/5 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 31 50 Note: The stratification lines represent theappro:iimate 45 'i;! GROUNDWATER @ 45 FEET boundaries between the soil types; the transition may be 2/2/2 Sandy Silt ML 91 31 69 gradual. - Total Depth = 50 Feet 50 13/18/21 Sand: Fine Grained SP 17 8 Groundwater encountered - Bedrock not encountered Griffin Ranch - Saddle Club West Side of 14onroe.-Street and South of Avenue 54, Coachella _ Date: 1/24/2006 Boring No. 2 Job Number: 5444402 W 0 0 0 N o � � A C40 U M Description ° Remarks 0 alive Soil - 5/719 Sandy Silt ML 92 12 60 onplastic/Greyish Brown ' in color 5 5/6/8 Sil ty Sand: Fine Grained SM 94 13 47 N.onplastidGr6yish Brown in color !!phi !7 iii; +iJ, lvp.!' y 2/3/6 Sand: Fine Grained and Silt Layers Interbedded SM 17 37 onplastic/Grey & Brown - IPj in. color 'liiiti;ry;;' 15 2/6/13 Sand: Fine Grained SP 97 5 11 Grey in color 20 K" 6/6/6 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 16 25 onplastic/Greyish Brown ' in color IM", 25 gpi,i,;jj;P� 2/3/12 Sand: Fine Grained and Silt Layers Interbedded SMI 108 • 11 '32 onplastic/Grey & Brown in color _ try:ryn:i.j. 11 ill 30 5/6/5 Clayey Silt ML 27 80 Low Plasticity/Grey & Brown ' - in color . - California Split -spoon Sample Total Depth = 30 Feet 35 ( Groundwater not encountered - Unrecovered Sample Bedrock not encountered - Penetration Test Sample Standard 40 - Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate _ boundaries between the soil types; the transition may be 45 gradual. 50 Griffin Ranch- Saddle Club West Side of Monroe Street and South of Avenue 54, Coachella . . Date: 1/24/2006 Boring No. 3 Job Number: 5444402 U e 0 ° a 3 4 a. A 0 U pq Desch tion r°� o Remarks 0 u ,; r Ir i Native Soil J71hll:. 3/717 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 98 8 26 on lactic /Gre ish Brown p Y in color 5 2/4/5 Silt ML 98 21 60 Low Plasticity/Brown in color 10 3/6/5 Clayey Silt _ CL 87 27 89 Low plasticity/Grey & Brown in color 15 6/8/12 Silty Sand: Fine Grained SM 109 5 ] 2 onplastic/Light Brown 5`Iv;yj In color 20 8/10/12 Sand: Fine Grained SP 100 3 8 Grey in color 25 30 California Split -spoon Sample Total Depth =•20 Feet - .1 Bedrock not encountered - _ Unrecovered Sample I Groundwater not encountered - Standard Penetration Test Sample 35 40 Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate - boundaries between the soil types; the transition may be _ gradual. 45 50 APPENDIX B Laboratory Testing Laboratory Test Results APPENDDC B LABORATORY TESTING Representative bulk and relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained in the field and returned to .our laboratory. for additional observations and testing. Laboratory testing was generally performed in two phases. The first phase consisted of testing in order to determine the compaction of the existing natural soil an d the general engineering classifications of the soil underlying the site. This testing was performed in order to estimate the engineering characteristics of the soil and to serve as a basis for selecting samples for the second phase of testing. The -second phase. consisted of soil mechanics testing. This testing including consolidation, shear strength and expansion testing was performed in order to provide a means of developing specific design recommendations based on the mechanical properties of the soil. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPACTION TESTING Unit Weight and Moisture Content Determinations: Each undisturbed sample. was weighed and measured in order to determine its unit weight. A small portion of each sample was then subjected to testing in order to determine its moisture content. This was used in order to determine the dry density of the soil in its natural condition. The results of this testing are shown on the Boring Log. Maximum Density- Optimum Moisture Determinations: Representative soil types were selected for maximum density determinations. This testing was performed in accordance with the ASTM Standard D1557 -91, Test Method A. The results of this test are presented graphically in this appendix. The maximum densities are compared to the field densities of the soil in order to determine the existing relative compaction to the soil. This is'shown on the Boring Log, and is useful in estimating the strength and 'compressibility of the soil. Classification Testing: Soil samples were selected for classification testing. This testing consists of mechanical grain size analyses and Atferberg Limits determinations. These provide information for developing classifications for the soil in accordance with the Unified Classification System. This classification system categorizes the soil into groups having similar engineering characteristics. The results of this test are very useful for detecting variations in the soil and in selecting samples for further testing. SOIL MECHANIC'S TESTING Direct Shear Testing: One bulk sample was selected for Direct Shear Testing. This testing measures the shear strength of the soil under various normal pressures and is used in developing parameters for foundation design and lateral design. Testing was performed using recompacted test specimens, which were saturated prior to testing. Testing was performed using a strain controlled test apparatus with normal pressures ranging from 800 to 2300 pounds per square foot. Expansion Testing: One bulk sample was selected for Expansion testing. Expansion testing was performed in accordance with the UBC Standard 18 -2. This testing consists of remolding 4 -inch diameter by 1 -inch thick test specimens to a moisture content and dry density corresponding to approximately 50 percent saturation. The samples are subjected to a surcharge of 144 pounds per square foot and allowed to reach equilibrium. At that point the specimens are inundated with distilled water. The linear expansion is .then measured until complete. Consolidation Testing: Four relatively undisturbed samples were selected for consolidation testing. For this testing one -inch thick test specimens are subjected to vertical loads varying from 575 psf to 11520 psf applied progressively. The consolidation at each load increment was recorded prior to placement of each subsequent load. The "specimens were saturated at the 575 psf or 720. psf load increment. Maximum Density /Optimum Moisture ASTM D698/D1557 Project Number: 544 -4402 February 1, 2006 Project Name:. Griffen Saddle ASTM D -1557 A Lab ID Number: Rammer Type: Machine Sample Location: Boring 1 @ 0 -5' Description: Silty Sand Maximum Density: 101 pef Optimum Moisture: 12.5% 13'. 130 125 120 w v a 715 L' .y d A 110 l.r A 105 100 95 904 0 Sieve Size %Retained 3/4" 3/8" #4 0.0 < ----- Zero Air Voids Lines, ������Otl�l•�1! = mil =MM= 5_ 10 is Moisture Content, % 20 25 u COD a o � 3 2( 10 0 10( February 1, 2006 u.U10 I Sieve Size, mm 0.001 Gradation ASTM C117 & C136 Project-Number: Project Name: 544 -4402 Griffen Saddle Sample ID: Bulk 1 @ 0 -5 Sieve Sieve Size, in _ Size,n Percent 25.4 Passing 3/4" 19.1 100.0 1/2" 12.7 100.0 3/8" 9.53 100.0 #4 4.75 100.0 #8 _100.0 #16 1.18 1.18 100.0 #30 0.60 99.0 #50 0.30 99.0 #100 0.15 97.0 #200 0.074 71.0 23.0 lnn COD a o � 3 2( 10 0 10( February 1, 2006 u.U10 I Sieve Size, mm 0.001 Gradation ASTM C117 & C136 Project Number: 544 -4402 February 1, 2006 Project Name: Griffen Saddle Sample ID: Boring 1 @ 2' Sieve S Sieve P Percent Size, in S Size, mm P Passing .111 2 25.4 1 100.0 3/4" 1 19.1 1 100.0 1/2" 1 12.7 1 100.0 3/8" 9 9.53 1 100.0 #4 4 4.75 1 100.0 #8 2 2.36 1 100.0 #16 1 1.18 1 100.0 #30 0 0.60 1 100.0 #50 , 0 0.30 9 97.0 #100 0 0.15 8 84.0 #200 0 0.074 4 42.0 HIM ■ ■■IIIIII■iIkEI1111I■■ IIIIII■■i 111111■ HIM ■ ■■IIIIII■■RVIIIIII■■■11111I■■M IIIIII■■■ HIM ■ ■■111111 ■ ■� \IIIIII■ ■■IIIIII ■ ■■ 111111■■■ IIIIII■ ■■111111■■ =IIIIIII■■■11111IOEM IIIIII■■■ IIIIII■■■ 11111I■■M111111■■i111 ■■M . , IIIIII ■■■IIIIII ■ ■■111111■■■0IIIII■ ■■111111 ■ ■� 111 111■■iIIIlII ■ ■■111111■■■11111I■ ■■IIIIII■■■ 11111I■■■IIIIII■■■11111I ■■■IIIIII■ ■■111111 ■■■ �- , , IIIIII■ ■■IIIIII■ ■■1111 ■ ■■II'�lII■ ■■111111 ■ ■i IIIIII ■i■ 111111■■ =11111I■ ■■IIIIII■ ■■ HIM IOEM IIIIII■ ■IIIIII■ ■■111111 ■■■IIIIII■ ■■IIIIII ■ ■■ 111111■i�II111I ■i■IIIIiI■ ■■IIIIII■ ■■111111 ■ice IIIIII■ ■■IIIIII■ ■■111111■ ■■111111■ ■■111111 ■■■ 111111■ II111I ■■■111111■ ■■111111■ ■■111111 ■ii 111111 ■■ IIIIIIii■IIIIII■■■IIIIIIi ■■111111 ■ ■■ IIIIII■ ■iI1111Ii ■■111111■ ■■111111■ ■■IIIIII ■ ■� fill off , IIIIII ■ ■■ IIIIII■ ■■IIIIII■ ■■IIIIII■ ■■111111 ■ ■■ Gradation ASTM C117 & C136 Project Number: 544 -4402 Project Name: Griffen Saddle Sample ID: Boring 1 @ 5' February 1, 2006 Sieve Sieve. Percent Size, in Size, mm Passing 1" 25.4 100.0 3/4" 19.1 100.0 1/211, 12.7 100.0 3/8" 9.53 100.0 #4 4.75 100.0 #8 2.36 100.0 #16 1.18 100.0. #30 0.60 100.0 #50 0.30 99.0 #100' 0.15 89.0 #200 0.074 48.0 IIIIIeur��1111eur�I1111e\ �u11111euuullllleuuu . , IIIIIeuuu11111euuuI1111euu �IIIIIeuuullllleuu® IIIIIeuuuI1111euuullllleuu Lii1111euiullllleuuu IIIIIeuuuI1111euuuI111 leuuu IIIIIeuuuI1111euuullll Mill uullllleuuu IIIIIeuuu11111e 11111euuullll INN uu IIIIIeuuu11111euuu11111euuu Hills uuullllINN uu . , IIIIIeuuu11111euuu11111euuu1ll111euuu11 Ilion uu IIIIIeuuuI1111euuullllleuuuli111 1euuuli Ilion uu . , IIIIIe uuuI1111euuullllleuuul1111euuullllleuuu IIIIIeuuu11111euu uuullllleuuu UNION NINE leuuu IIIIIeuuuI1111euuuI1111euuuI1111euu0111 euuu IIIIIeuuuI1111euuu11111eu uI1111eMEME Ilion lion HUES uullllleuuullIlion uu11111euuulll lion uu IIIIIeuuu11111euuuIl111euuuI1111euuullllleuuu IIIIIeuuu11111euuu1111aeuuul1111euuullllleuu® IIIIIeuuuI1111euuuI1III euu u11111euuulHill IIIIIeuuu11111euuuHill euuu11111 ONE uHill euuu 1uu.uuu 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 Sieve Size, mm Job Number: 544 -4402 Job Name:' Griffen Saddle Sample ID: Boring 1 @ 5' Soil Description: Silty Sand 1 0 -1 -2 -3 ao Ix -4 .5 d o,o -5' V -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 February 1, 2006 Initial Dry Density, pcf. 101.2 Initial Moisture, %: 19 Initial Void Ratio: 0.647 Specific Gravity: '2.67 % Change in Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram — 0 Before Saturation — A After Saturation —�— Rebound —E— Hydro Consolidation 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Normal Load (ksf) ('nncnl;Aatinn Sladden EngineerinL I /nn/M Job Number: 544 -4402 Job Name: Griffen Saddle Sample ID: Boring 1 @ 10' .Soil Description: Sandy Silt 1 0 -1 -2 -3 on a� k� -4 a au -5 U- 0 -6, -7 -8 -9. -10 One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 February 1, 2006 Initial Dry Density, pcf. 87.4 Initial Moisture, %: 30 Initial Void Ratio: 0.906 Specific Gravity: 2.67 % Change in Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram -�— Before Saturation —A After Saturation . -�- Rebound - E —Hydro Consolidation 0.1 1.0 10.0 Normal Load (ksf) 100.0 Sladden Engineering RPV;cm i,nnm ,). Job Number: . 5'44 -4402 Job Name: Griffen .Saddle Sample ID:. Boring 3 @ 5' Soil Description: Sandy Silt 1 -0 -1 -2 -3 ao x -4 -5 U ° -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 0.1 ('nnenliAatinn One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 February 1, 2006 Initial Dry Density, pcf ' 93.3 Initial Moisture, %: 21 Initial Void Ratio: 0.788 Specific Gravity: 2.67 % Change in Height vs Normal Presssure Diagram — 0 Before Saturation — A After Saturation — . Rebound —f— Hydro Consolidation 1.0 10.0 Normal Load (ksf) Sladden Enp-ineminQ i2 —i —i i innm? One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D533 -3 Job Number: 544 -4402 February 1, 2006 Job Name: Griffen Saddle Initial Dry Density, pcf: 85.5 Sample ID: Boring 3 @ 10' Initial Moisture, %: 27 Soil Description: Sandy Silt Initial Void Ratio: 0.949 Specific Gravity: 2.67 Hydrocollapse: 0.4% @ 0.575 ksf % Change in Height vs Normal Presssure. Diagram —0 Before Saturation After Saturation e Rebound -i— Hydro Consolidation 1 0 -1 -2 -3 ao x 4 c' =5 U -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 0.1 1.0- 10.0 Normal Load (ksf) ('nnenliriatinn Sladden BnLlneerinL - RPvicm 11nnln? Expansion Index ASTM D 4829/UBC 29 -2 Job Number: 544 -4402 Date: 2/1/2006 Job Name: Griffen Saddle Tech: Jake Lab ID: Sample ID: Bulk 1 @ 0 -5' Soil Description: Silty Sand Wt of Soil + Ring: 565.0 Weight of Ring: 179.0 Wt of Wet Soil: 386.0 Percent Moisture: 11% Wet Density, pcf :. 2/6/2006 117.0 Dry Denstiy, pcf: 0.500 105.4 0.509 " Saturation: T 49.6 Expansion Rack # Date /Time 2/6/2006 8:45 AM Initial Reading 0.500 Final Reading 0.509 " Expansion Index 9 . (Final - Initial) x 1000 EI. Sladden Engineering Revised 12/10/02 APPENDIX C 2001 California Building Code with 1997 UBC Seismic Design Criteria FRISKSP.Attenuation Plots January 25, 2006 -16- Project No. 544 -4402 06 -01 -076 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE SEISMIC DESIGN INFORMATION The California Code of Regulations, Title 24 (2001 California Building Code) and 1997 Uniform Building Code, Chapter 16 of this code; contain substantial revisions and additions to earthquake engineering design criteria. Concepts contained in the code that will be relevant to construction of the pr6posed'structures are summarized below. Ground shaking is expected to be the primary hazard most likely to affect the site, based upon Proximity to significant faults capable of generating large earthquakes. Major fault zones considered to be most likely to create strong ground shaking at the site are listed below'. Fault Zone Approximate. Distance From Site Fault Type (1997 UBC) San Andreas 10:1. km A San Jacinto 31.1 km A ` Based on our field observations and understanding of local 'geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to this site is So, generally described as stiff or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone 4. The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic. mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. Sladden Engineering Near- Source Near- Source Seismic Seismic Seismic Acceleration Velocity Coefficient Coefficient Source Factor, Na Factor, NY Ca . C,. San Andreas 1.0 1.2 0.44Na 0.64N� San Jacinto 1.0 1.0 0.44Na 0.64Nv Sladden Engineering 11 100C me -101t' 700 .i� 500 400 300 200 100 0 CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP Griffin Ranch - Saddle Club -100 -400 - 300 200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE SADIGH ET AL. (1997) DEEP SOIL 1 . 25 yrs 50 yrs 0 0 100 91 80 0 70 60 ° 50, L 40 c - m 30 a� a� x20 X- .w 10 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25. 1.50 Acceleration (q) RETURN. PERIOD vs. ACCELERATION SADIGH ET AL. (1997) DEEP SOIL 1 - 100000 L 10000 0 N 1000 L r .W r 100. 0.00 0.25 0:50 0:75 1.00 1.25 1.50 Acceleration (q) APPENDIX D Liquefaction Analyses LIQUEFYPRO Output Data Sladden Engineering 544 -4402 Plate A LIQUEFACTION, ANALYSIS Griffin Ranch Saddle .Club Hole No. =B -1 Water Depth. =30.ft Magnitude =7.4 Acceleration =0, 579 (h)0 Shear Stress Ratio Factor of Safety Settlement 0 2. 0 1 5 0 (in.) 10 10 20 3,0 40 fs=1 50 CRR — CSR Wet— Dry= Shaded Zone has Liquefaction Potential S. 1.90 in. 60 Z0 Sladden Engineering 544 -4402 Plate A S44-4462-1 d...AA.. AddpA d. Addddddppdpd}ddd AQ AdddQ4dddQddddQQdAddd3dddQ} i} Q} dt} i}} ddQd4tS;AA }dQt4dA }diA } }4QdddQAA LIQUEFACTION ANALYSIS CALCULATION SHEET copyright by.CivilTech software www.civiltech.com (425).453 -6488 Fax (425).453 -5848 ApdddQdpddppddpdAp.... pdp......dd...... *....... QQ -*dddddd. Qddddd dOddA l3QddddAQd....A}dd }AddiAd }ddd Licensed to , 2/13/2006 10:34 :36 Am Input File Name: H: \ndevlin \sladden \544- 4402 -1.liq Title: 'Griffin Ranch saddle Club Subtitle: 544 -4402 Input Data: - surface 'Elev.= Hole NO.-B-1 Depth of Hole =50.0 ft water Table during Earthquake= 30.0 ft water Table during In -Situ Testing= 45.0 ft Max. Acceleration =0.57 g Earthquake magnitude =7.4 I Earthquake magnitude =7.4' 2. settlement Analysis method: Tokimatsu / seed 3. Fines Correction for Liquefaction: 1driss /Seed (5PT only) 4. Fine Correction for settlement: During Liquefaction* 5. Settlement calculation in: All zones* 6. Hammer Energy Ratio, ce =1.25 7. Borehole Diameter, Cb =1.15 8. Sampelingg Method, Cs =1.2 fs =1, Plbt one .CSR (fs =1) 10. Use curve smoothing: Yes* a Recommended options In -situ Test Data: 93.0 Depth sPr .Gamma Fines ft 1.0 pcf % 0.0 0.0 93.0 42.0 2.5 9.3 93.0 42.0 5.0 8.0 97.0 48.0 10.0 7.3 90.0. NOLiq 15.0 8.0 84.0 71.0 17.5 10.0 84.0 29.0 20.0 10.7 93.0 29.0 22.5 5.0 93.0 NoLiq 25.0 6.0 91.0 NoLiq 27.5 12.0 91.0 37.0 30.0 10.0 91.0 NoLiq. 32:5 15.0 91.0 17.0 35.0 24.7 131.0 12.0 37.5 18.0 111.0 •27.0 40.0 34.0 107.0 12.0 42.5 8:0 107.0 50.0 45.0 2.7 ' 91.0 69.0 50.0 26.0 91.0 8.0 Output Results: Calculation segment, dz =0.050 ft user defined Print interval, dp=1.00 ft CSR Calculation: gg ' De c Depth pf a tsfma gamma' sigma' rd_ CSR fs CSRfs pcf is (user) w /fs 0.00 93.0 0.000 93.0 0.000 1.00 0.37 1.0 0.37 1.00 93:0 0:047 93.0 0.047 1.00 0.37 1:0 0.37 2.00 93.0 0.093 93.0 0.093 1.00 0.37 1.0 0.37 3.00 93.8 0:140 93.8 0.140 0.99 0.37 1.0 0.37 4.00 95:4 0.187 95.4 0.187 0.99 0.37 1.0 0.37 5.00 97.0 0.235 97.0 0.235 0.99 0.37 1.0 0.37 6.00 95.6 0.283 95.6 0.283 0.99 0.37 1.0 0.37 7.00 94.2 0.331 94.2 0.331 0.98 0.36 1.0 0.36 8.00 92.8 0.377 92.8 0.377 0.98 0.36' 1.0 0.36 9.00 91.4 0.423 91.4 0.423 0.98 0.36 1.0 0.36 10.00 90.0 0.469 90.0. 0.469 0.98 0.36 1.0 0.36 11.00 88.8 0.514 88.8 0:514 0.97 0.36 1.0 0.36 12.00 87.6 0.558 87.6 0.558 0.97 0.36 1.0 0.36 13.00 86.4 0.601 86.4 0.601 0.97 0.36 1.0 . 0.36 14.0.0 85.2 0.644 85.2 0.644 0.97 0.36 1.0 0.36 15.00 '84.0 0.686 84.0 0.686 0.97 0.36 1.0 0.36 16.00 84.0 0.528 84.0 0.728 0:96 0.36 1.0 0.36 17.00 84.0 0:770 84.0 0.770 0.96 6.36 1.0 0:36 18.00 85.8 0.813 85.8 0.813 0:96 0.35 1.0 0.35 19.00 89.4 0.856 89.4 0.856 0.96 0.35 1.0 0.35 20.00 93.0 . 0.902 93.0 0.902 0.95 0.35 1.0 0.35 21.00 93.0 0.948 93.0 0.948 0.95 0.35 1.0 0.35 22.00 93.0 0.995 93.0 0.995 0.95 0.35 1.0 0.35 23.00 92.6' 1.041. 92.6 1.041 0.95 0.35 1.0 0.35 24.00 91.8 1.087 91.8 1.087 0.94 0.35 1.0 0.35' 25.00 91.0 1.133 91.0 1.133 0.94 0.35 1.0 0.35 26.00 91.0 1.179 91.0 1.179 0.94 0.35 1.0 0.35 27.00 91.0 1.224 91.0 1.224 0.94 0.35 1.0 0.35 2$.00 91.0 1.270 91.0 1.270 0..93 0.35 1.0 0.35 29.00 91.0 . 1.315 91:0 1.315 0.93 0.35 1.0 0.35 30.00 91.0 1.361 91.0 1.361 0.93 0.34 1.0 0.34 31.00 91.0 1.406 28.6 1.377 0.92 0.35 1.0 0.35 32.00 91.0 1.452 28.6 1.391 .0.91 0.35 1.0 0.35 ' 33.00 95.0 1.498 32.6 1.406 0.91 0.36 1.0 0.36 34.00 103.0 1.547 40.6 1.424 0.90 0.36 1.0 0.36 35.00 . 111.0 1.600 48.6 1.446 0.89 0.36 1.0 0.36 36.00 111.0 1.656 48.6 1.470 0.88 0:37 1.0 0.37 37.00 111.0 1.711 48.6 1.495 0.87 0.37 1.0 0.37 38.00 110.2 1.767 47.8 1.519 0.86 0.37 1.0 0.37 39.00 108.6 1.822 46.2 1.542 0.86 0.37 1.0 0.37 .Page 1 544- 4402 -1 40.60 107.0 1.875 44.6 1.565 0.85 0.38 1.0 0.38 41.00 107.g 1.929 44.6 1.587 0:84 0.38 1.0 0.38 42,00 107.0 1.982 44.6 1.610 0.83 0.38 1.0 0.38 43.00 103.8 2.036 41.4 1.632 0.82 0.38 1.0 '0.38 44.00 97.4 2.086 35.0 1.651 0.82 0.38 1.0. 0.38 _ 45.00 91.0 2.133 28.6 1.667 0.81 0.38 1.0 0.38 46.00 91.0 2.179 28.6 1.681 0.80 0.38 1.0 0.38. 47.00 91.0 2.224 28.6 1.695 0.79 0.38 1.0 0.38 48.00 91.0 2.270 28.6 1.710 0.78 0.39 1.0 0.39 49.00 91.0 2.315 28.6 1.724 0.78 0.39 1.0 0.39 50.00 91.0 2.361 28.6 1.738 0:77 0.39 1.0 0:39 CSR is based on water table at 30.0 during earthquake CRR Calculation from 5PT or aPT data: Depth SPT Cebs Cr siggma' Cn (N1)60 Fines d(N1)60 (N1)60f CRR7.5 ft tsf % 0.00 0.00 1.73 0.75 0.000 1.70 0.00 42.00 5.00 5.00 0.07 1.00 3.73 1.73 '0.75 0.047 1.70 8.21 42.00 6.64 14.85 0.16 2.00 7.46 1.73 0.75 0.093 1.70 16.42 42.00 8.28 24.70 0.28 3:00 9.06 1.73 0.75 0.140 1.70 19.94 43.20 8.99 28.92 0.37 4.00 8.53 1.73 0.75 0.187 1.70 18.77 45.60 8:75 27.52 0.33 5.00 8.00 1.73 0.75 0.235 1.70 17.60 48.00 - 8.52 26.11 0.30 6.00 7.87 1.73 0.75 0.283 1.70 17.30 48.00 8.46 25.76 0.30 7.00 7,73 1.73 0.75 0.331 1.70 17.01 48.00 8.40 25.41 0.29 8.00 7.60 1.73 0.75 0:377 1.63 16.00 48.00 8.20 24.20 0.27 9.00 7.46 1.73 0.85 0.423 1.54 16.82 48.00 8.36 25.18 0.29 10.00 7.33 1.73 0.85 0.469 1.46. 15.70 N004 8.14 23.84 0.26 11.00 7.46 1.73 0.85 0.514 1.40 15.27 NoLiq 8.05 23.33 0.26 12.00 7.60 1.73 0.85 0.558 1.34 14.92 NoLiq 7..98 22.90 0.25 13.00 .7.73 1.73 0.85 0.601 1.29 14,62 NoLiq 7.92 22.55 0.25 . 14.00 7.87 1.73 0.85 0.644 1.25 14.37 NoLiq 7.87 .22.25 0.24 15.00 8.00 1.73 0.95. 0.686 1.21 15,82 71.00 8.16 23.99 0:27 16.00 8.80 1.73 0.95 0.728 1.17 16.90 54.20 8.38 .25.28 0.29 17.00 9.60 1.73 0.95 0.770 1.14 17.92 37.40 8.58 26.51 0.31 18.00 10.13 1.73 0.95 0.813 1.11 18.42 29.00 7.13 25.75 0.30 19.00 10.40 1.73 0.95 0.856 1.08 18.42 29.00 7.33 25.75 0130 20.00 10.67 1.73 0.95 0.902 1.05 18.41 29.00 7.33 25.74 0.30 21.00 8.40 1.73 0.95 0.948 1.03 14.14 29.00 6.70 20.84 0.23 22.00 6.13 1.73 0.95 0.995, .1.00 10.08 29.00 6.11 16.19 0.17 23.00 5.20 1.73 0.95 1.041 0.98 8.35 NoLiq 6:67 15.02 0:16 24.00 5.60 1.73 0.95 1.087 0.96 8.80 NoLiq 6.76 15.56 0.17 25.00 6.00 1.73 0.95 1.133 0.94 9.24 NoLiq 6.85 16.08 0.17 26.00 8.40 1.73 0.95 1.179 0.92 .12.68 NoLiq 7.54 20.21 0.22 27.00 10:80 1.73 0.95 1.224 0.90 16,00 NoLiq 8.20 24.19 0.27 28.00 11.60 1.73 1.00 1.270 0.89 17.76 37.00 8.55 26.31 0.31 29.00 10.80 1.73 1.00 1.315 0.87 16.25 37.00 8.25 24.49 0.27 30.00 10600 1.73 1.00 1.361 0.86 14.79 37:00 7.96 22.75 0.25 31.00 12.00 1.73 1 :00 1.406 0.84 17.46 NoLiq 8.49 25.95 0.30 32.00 •14'.00 1.73 1.00 1.452 0.83 20.04 NoLi4. 9.01 29.05 0.38 33.00 16.93 1.73 1.00 1.498 0.82 23.87 16.00 4.06 27.92 0.34 34.00 20.80 1.73' 1,00 1.547 0.80 28.85 14.00 3.43 32.28 2.00_ 35.00 24.67 1.73, 1.00 1.600 0.79 33.64 12.00 2.62 36.25 2.00 36.00. 22.00 1.73 1.00 1.656 0.78 29.49 18.00 5.19 34:69 2.00 37.00 19.33 1.73 1.00 1.711 0.76 25.49 24.00 6.92 32.42 2.00 38.00 21.20 1.73 1.00 1.767 0.75 27.51 24.00 7.14 34:65 2.00 39.00 27, 60 1.73 1.00 1.822 0.74 35.27 18.00 5.58 40.85 2.00 40.00 3'4,00 1.73 1.00 1.875 0.73 42.82 12,00 2.91 45.73 2.00 41.00 23.60 -1.73 1.00 1.929 0.72 29.32 27.19 8.36 37.68 2.00 42.00 13.20 1.73 1.00 1.982 0.71 16.18 42.39 8.24 24.41 0.27 43.00 6.93 1.73 1.00 2.036 0.70 8.38 53.80 6.68 15.06 0.16 44.00 4.80 1.73 1.00 2.086 0.69 5.74 61.40 6.15 11:88 0.13 45.00 2.67 1.73 1.00 2.133 0.68. 3.15 69.00 S.63 8.79 0.10 46.00 7.33. 1.73 1.00 2.149 0:68 8.63 56.81 6.73 15.36 0.17 47.00 12.00 1.73 1.00 2.163 0.68 14.07 44.61 7.81 21.89 0.24 48.00 16.67 1.73 1.00 2.178 0.68 19.48 32.41 8.25 27.73 0.34 49.00 21.33 1.73 1.00 2:192 0.68 24.85 20.21 5.66 30.51 2.00 50.00 26.00 1.73 1:00 2.206 0.67 •30.19 8.01• 0.68'. 30.87 2.00 CRR is based on water table at 45:0 during in -Situ Testing Factor of safety., Earthquake Magnitude= 7.4: Depth Si C? CRR7.5 •Ks-igma CRRV MSF CRRM CSRfS F.S. ft tsf tsf w /fs CRRm /CSRfs 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.00 0.07 1.03 0.07 0.37 5.00 1.00 0.03 0.16 1.00 0.16 1.03 0.17 0.' 37 5.00 2.00 0.06 0.28 1.00 0.28 1.03 0.29 0.37 5.00 3.00 0.09 0.37 - 1.00 0.37 1.03 0.38 0.37 5:00 4.00 0.12 0.33 1.00 0.33 1.03 0.34 0.37 5.00 5.00 0.15 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.03 0.31 0.37 5.00 6.00 0.18 0.30 1.00 030 1.03 0.31 0.37 5.00 7.00 0.21 0.29 1.00 0.29 1.03 0.30 0.36 5'.00 8.00 0.25 0.27 . 1.00 0.27 1.03 0:28 0.36 •'5.00 9.00 0.28 0.29 1.00 0.29 1.03 0.30 0.36 5.00 10.00 0.30 0.26 1.00 0.26 1.03 2.00 0.36 5.00 11.00 0.33 0.26 1.00 0.26 1.03 2.00 0.36 5.00 12.00 0.36 0.25 1.00 0.25 1.03 2.00 0.36 5.00 13.00 0.39 0.25 1.00 0.25 1.03 2.00 0.36. 5.00 14.00 0.42 0.24 1.00 0.24 1.03 2.00 0.36 5.00 15.00 0.45 0.27 1.00 0.27 1.03 0.28 0.36 5.00 16.00 0.47 0.29 1.00 0.29 1.03 0.30 0.36 5.00 17.00 0.50 0.31 1.00 0.31 1.03 0.32 0.36 5.00 18.00 0.53 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.03 0.31 0.35 5.00 19.00 0.56 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.03 0.31 0.35 5:00 . 20.00 0.59 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.03 0.31 0.35 5.00 21.00 0.62 0.23 1.00 0.23 1:03 0.23 0.35 5.00 22.00 0.65 0.17 1.00 0.17 1,03 0.18 0.35 5.00 23.00 0.68 0.16 1.00 0.16 1.03 2.00 •0.35 5.00 24.00 0.71 0.17 1.00 0.17 1.03 2.00 0.35 5.00_ 25.00. 0.74 0.17 1.00 0.17 1.03 2.00 0.35 5.00 26.00 0.77 0.22 1.00' 0.22 1.03 2.00 0.35 5.00 27.00 0.80' 0.27 1.00 0.27 1.03 2.00 0,35 5.00 28.00 0.83 0.31 1.00 0.31 1.03 0.32' 0.35 5:00 29.00 0.85 0.27 1.00 0.27 1.03 0.28 0.35 5.00 Page 2 544- 4402 -1 30.00 0.88 0.25 1.00 0.25 1.03 0.26 0.34 S.D0 31.00 0.91 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.03- 2.00 0.35 5.00 32.00 0.94 0.38 1.00 0.38 .1.03 2.00 0.35 5.00 33.00 0:97 0.34 1.00 0.34 1.03 0.35 0.36 0.99 ° 34.00 1.01 2.00 1.01 2.01 1.03 2.08 0.36 5.00 35.00 1.04 2.00 1:00 2.00 -1.03 2.07 0.36 5.00 36.00 1.08 2.00 0.99 1:99 1.03 2.06 0.37 5.00 37.00 1.11 2.00 0.99 1.98 1.03 2.05 0.37 5.00 38.00 1.15 2.00 0.98 1.97 1.03 2.03 0.37 5.00 39.00 1.18 2.00 0.98 1.96 1.03' 2.02 0.37 5.00 40.00 1.22 2.00 0.97 1.94 1.03 2.01 0.38 5.00 41.00 1.25 2.00 0.97 1.93 1.03 2.00 0.38 5.00 42.00 1.29 0.27 0.96 0.26 1:03 0.27 0.38 0.72 ° 43.00 1.32 0.16 0.96 .0.16 1.03 0.16 0.38 0.42 ° 44.00 1.36 0.13 0.95 0.12 1.03 0.13 0.38 0.33 ° 45.00 ' 1.39 0.10• 0.95 0.09 '1.03 0.09 0.38 0.25 " 46.00 1.40 0.17 0.95 0.16 1.03 0.16 0.38 0.42 " 47.00 1.41 0.24 0.95 0.23 1.03 0.23 0.38 0.61 ° 48.00 1.42 0.34 0.94 0.32 1.03 0.33 0.39 0.85 ° 49.00 1.42 2.00 - 0.94 1.89 1.03 1.95 0.39 5.00 50.00 1.43 2.00 0.94 1.88 1.03 1.95 0.39 5.00 ° F.S. <1: Liquefaction .Potential zone. (If above water table:-F.S. =5) (F.S. is limited to 5, CRR is limited to 2, CSR is limited to 2) CPT Convert to SPT for settlement Analysis: Fines correction for settlement Analysis: Depth Ic qC /N60 qcl (N1)60 Fines d(N1)60 (N1)60s ft tsf % 0.00 - - - 5.:00 42.0 0.00 5.00 1.00 - - - 14.85 42.0 0.00 14.85 2.00 - - 24.70 42:0 0.00 24.70 3:00 - - - 28.92 43.2 0.00 28.92 4.00' - - - 27.52 45.6 0.00 27.52 5.00 - - - 26.11 48.0 0.00 26.11 6.00 - - - 25.76 48.0. 0.00 25.76 7:00 - - - 25.41 48.0 0.00 25.41 8.00 - - - 24.20 48.0 0.00 24.20 9.00 - - - 25.18 48.0 0.00 25.18 10.00 - - - 23.84 NoLiq '0.00 23.84 11.00 - - - 23.33 NoLiq 0.00 23.33 12.00 - - - 22.90 NoLiq 0.00 22.90 13.00 - - - 22.55 NoLiq 0.00 22.55 14.00 - - - 22.25 NoLiq 0.00 22.25 15.00 - - - 23.99 71:0 0.00 23.99 16.00 - - - 25.28 54.2 0.00 25.28 17.00 - - - 26.51 37.4 0.00 26.51 18.00 - - - 25.75 29.0 0.00 25.75 19.00 - - - 25:75 29.0 0.00 25.75 20.00 - - - 25.74 29.0 0.00 25.74 21.00 - - - 20.84 29.0 0.00 20.84 22.00 - - - 16.19 29.0 0.00 16.19 23.00 - - - 15.02. NoLiq 0.00 15.02 24.00 - - - 15.56 NoLiq 0.00 15:56 25.00 - - - 16.08 NoLiq 0.00 16.08 26.00 - - - 20.21 NoLiq 0.00 20.21 27.00 - - - 24.19 NoLiq 0.00 -24.19 28.00 - - - 26.31 37.0 0.00 26.31 29.00 - - - 24.49 37.0 0.00 24.49 30.00 - - - 22.75 37.0 .0.00 22.75 31.00 - - - 25.95 NoLiq 0.00 25.95 32.00 - - -. 29.05 ' NoLiq 0.00 29.05 33.00 - - - 27.92 16.0 0.00 27.92 34.00 - - - 32.28 14.0 0.00 32.28 35.00 - - - 36.25 12.0 0.00 36.25 36.00 - - - 34.69 18.0 0.00 34.69 37.00 - - - 32.42 24.0 0.00 32.42 38.00 - - - 34.65 24.0 0.00 34.65 39.00 - - - 40.85 18.0 0.00 40.85 40.00 - - - 45.73 12.0 0.00 45.73 41.00 - - - 37.68 27.2 0.00 37.68 42.00 - - - 24.41 42.4 Q.00' 24.41' 43.00 - - - 15.06 53.8 0.00 15.06 44.00 - - 11.88 61.4 0.00 11.88 45.00 - - 8.79. '69.0 0.00 8.79 46.00 - - - 15.36 56.8 0.00 15.36 47.00 - - - 21.89 44.6 0.00 21.49 48.00 - - - 27.73 .32.4. 0.00 27.73 49.00 - - - 30.51 20.2 0.00 . 30.51 50.00 - - - 30.87 8.0 0.00 30.87 (Nl)60s has been fines corrected in liquefaction analysis, therefore d(N1)60 =0. Fines =NoLiq means the soils are not liquefiable. settlement of saturated sands: settlement Analysis Nethbd: Tokimatsu / seed Depth CSRfs F.S. Fines (N1)60s. Dr ec dsz dsp s ft w /fs % % % in. in. in. 49.95 0.39 5.00 8.6 30.83 91.97 0.243 1.5E -3 0.001 0:001 49.00 0.39 5.00• 20.2 30.51 91.23 0.338 2.0E -3 0.028 0.029 48.00 0.39 0.85 32.4 27.73 85.15 0.873 5.2E -3 0.074. 0.103 47.00 0.38 0.61 44.6 21.89 73:94 1.3.53 8.1E -3 0.136 0.240 46.00 0.38 0.42 56.8 15.36 61.97 1.877 1.1E -2 0.194 0.434 45.00 0.38 0.25 69.0 8.79 47.53 2.766 1.7E -2 0.274 0.708. 44.00 0.38 0.33 61.4 11.88 54.85 2.274 1.4E -2 0.299 1.007 43.00 0.38 0.42 53.8 15.06 61.40 1.903 1.1E -2 0.248' 1.254 42.00 0.38 0.72 42.4 24.41 78.60 1.173 7.0E -3 0.195 1.449 41.00 0.38 5.00 27.2 37.68 100.00 0.000 0.OEO 0.039 1.489 40.00 0.38 5.00 12.0 45.73 100.00 0.000 0.OEO 0.000 1.489 39.00 0.37 5.00 18.0, 40.85 100.00 0.000 0.OEO 0.000 1.489. 38.00 0.37 5.00 24.0 34.65 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 1.489 37.00 0.37 5.00 24.0 32.42 95.79 0.110 6.6E -4 0.012 1.501 Page 3 544- 4402 -1 36.00 0.37 5.00 18.0 34.69 100.00 '0.000 O.OEO 0.001 1.502 35.00 0.36 5.00 12.0 36.25 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 1.502 34.00 0.36 5.00 14.0 32.28 95.45 ' 0.000 0.OEO 0.000 1.502 33.06 0.36 0.99 16.0 27.92 85.55 0.686 4.1E -3' 0.036 1.538 32.00 0.35 5.00 NoLiq 29.05 87.96 0.369 0.OEO 0.049 1.587 31.00 0.35 5.00 NoLiq 25.95 81.55 1.016 O.OEO 0.000 1.587 30.05 0.34 5.00 NoLiq 22.,91 75.80 1.238 0.OEO 0.000 1.587 settlement of Saturated Sands =1.587 in. ' qcl and (N1)60 is after fines correction in liquefaction analysis dsz is per each segment, dz =0.05 ft dsp is per each print . interval, dp =1.00 ft S is cumulated settlement at this depth Settlement of Dry •Sands: Depth sigma' sigC' (N1)60s CSRfs Gmax g °Ge /Gm g_eff ec7.5 cec ec dsz dsp s ft tsf is w /fs tsf % % in. in. in. 30.00 1.36 0.88 • 22.75 0.34' 1190.4 3.9E -4 0.1081 0.0900 1.03 0.0930 1.12E- 3.0.001 0.001 29.00 1.32 0.85 24.49 0.35 1199.6 3.8E -4 0.0979 •0.0740 1.03 0.0764 9.17E -4 0.020 0.021 28.00 1.27 0.83 26.31 0.35 1207.0 3.6E -4 0.0890 0.0611 1.03 0.0631 7.57E -4 0.017 0.038 27.00 1.22 0.80 24.19 0.35 1152.6 3.7E -4 0.0917 0.0704 '1.03 0.0727 O.00EO 0:.007 0.045 26.00 1.18 0.77 20.21 0.35 1065.3 3.9E -4 0.1020 0.0991 1.03 0.1023 O.00EO 0.000 0.045 25.00 1.13 0.74 16.08 0.35 967.9 4.1E -4 0.3130 0.4090 1.03 0.4224 O.00EO 0.000 0.045' 24.00 1.09 0.71 15.56 0.35 937.8 4.1E -4 0.3018 0.4117 1.03 0.4252 O.00EO '0.000 0.045 23.00 1.04 0.68 15.02 0.35 907.0 _4.OE -4 0.2907 0.4150 1.03 0.4286 O.00EO 0.000 0.045. '22.00 0.99 0.65 16.19 0.35 908.9 3.8E -4 0.2333 0.3023 1.03 0.3122 3.75E -3 0.053 0.098 21.00 0.95 0.62 20.84 0.35 965.3 3.5E -4 0.1473 0.1375 '1.03 0.1420 1.70E -3 0. -050 0.148 20.00 0.90 0.59 25.74 0.35 1009.9 3.2E -4 0.1039 0.0735 1.03 0.0759 9.11E -4 0.025 0.172 19.00 0.86 0.56 25.75 0.35 984.2 3.1E -4 0.0958. 0.0677 1.03 0.0700. 8.40E -4 0.017 0.190 18.00 0:81 0.53 25.75 0.35 958.8 3.0E -4 0.0886 0.0626 1.03 0.0647 7.76E -4 0.016 0.206 17.00 0.77 0.50 26.51 0.36 942.6 2.9E -4 0.0796 0.0541 1.03 0.0558 6.70E -4 0.015 0.220 16.00 0.73 0.47 25.28 0.36 902.1 2.9E -4 0.0772 0.0560 1.03 0.0 .578 6.94E -4 0.014 .0.234 15.00 0.69 0:45 23.99 0.36 860.6 2.9E -4 0.0750 0.0582 1.03 0.0601 7.22E -4 0.014 0.248 14.00 0.64 0.42 22.25 0.36 813.0 2.8E -4 0.0740 0.0633 1.03 0.0655 O.00EO 0.000 0.248 13.00 0.60 0.39 22.55 0.36., 788.9 2.7E -4 0.0666 0.0561 1.03 0.0580 O.00EO MOO 0.248 12.00 0.56 0.36 22.90 0.36 763.8 2.6E -4 0.0597 0.0493 1.03 0.0509 O.00EO 0.000 0.248 11.00 0.51 0.33 23.33 0.36' 737.5 2.5E -4 0.0773 0.0623 1.03 0.0643 O.00EO '0.000 0.248 10.00 0.47 0.30 23.84 0.36 709.7 2.4E -4 0.0609 0.0477 1.03 0.0493 O.00EO .0.000 0.248 9.00 0.42 0.28 25.18 0.36 687.0 2.2E -4 0.0485 0.0354 1.03 0.0365 4.38E -4 ,0.010 0.258 8.00 0.38 0.25 24.20 0. 3j6 640.0 2.1E -4 0.0438 0.0336 1.09 0.0347 4.17E -4 0.008 0.266 7.00 0.33 0.21 25.41 0.36 608.8 2.0E -4 0.0392 0.0282 1.03 0.0291 3.49E 74 0.007 0.274 6.00 0.28 0.18 25.76 0.37 566.0 1.8E -4 0.0348 0.0246 1.03 0.0254 3.04E -4 0:007 0.280 5.00 0.23 0.15 26.11 0.37 517.9 1.7E -4 0.0304 0.0211 1.03 0.0218 2.61E -4 0.006 0.286 4.00 0.19 0.12 27.52 0.37 470.1 1.5E -4 0.0280 0.0181 1..03 0.0187 2t24E -4 0.005 0.291 3.00 0.14 0.09 28.92 0.37 413.1 1.2E -4 0.0230 0.0138 1.03 0.0143 1.71E '-4 0.004 0.295 2.00 0.09 0.06 24.70 0.37 319.9 1.1E -4 0.0222 0:0166 1.03 0.0171 2.06E -4 0.004 0.299 1.00 0.05 0:03 14.85 0.37 191.0 9.0E -5 0.0168 0.0244 1.03 0.0252 3.02E -4 0.005 0.304 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.37 1.9 1.9E -6 0.0010 0:0048 1.03 0.0049 5.89E 75 0.006 0.310 Settlement of Dry San ds= 0.310'in. dsz is. per each segment, dz =0.05 ft dsp is per each p n nt interval, dp =1.00 ft S is cumulated settlement at this depth Total settlement of saturated'and Dry Sands-1.897 in. Differential settlement -0.948 to 1.252 in. units Depth = ft, stress or Pressure - tsf (atm), unit weight = pcf, settlement in. SPT Field data from Standard Penetration Test (SPT) 8PT Field data from Becker Penetration Test OPT) ' yyC- Field data' from cone Penetration Test (CPT) fc Friction from CPT testing gamma Total unit weight of soil gamma' Effective unit weight of soil Fines Fines content [ %) DSO Mean grain size or Relative Density , sigma Total vertical stress [tsf] sigma' _Effective vertical stress [tsf] sigc; Effective confining pressure [tsf] rd stress reduction coefficient CSR cyclic stress ratio induced by earthquake fs user request factor of safety, apply'to CSR w /fs with user request factor -of safety inside Csgfs. CSR with user request factor of safety CRR7.5 cyclic resistance ratio (M -7.5) Ksigma overburden stress correction factor for CRR7.5 CRRV CRR after overburden. stress correction, CRRV- CRR7.5 r Ksigma MSF Magnitude scaling factor for CRR (M=7.5) CRRm After magnitude scaling correction. CRRm =CRRV ° MSF F.S. Factor of Safety against liquefaction F.S.=cRRm /CSRfs F.S" user inputed Factor of safety Cebs Energy Ratio, Borehole. Dia., and sample Method. corrections cr Rod Length Corrections ' cn overburden Pressure correction (N1)60 sPi after corrections, (N1)60 =SPT ° Cr ° Cn,•Q Cebs d(N1)60 Fines correction of SPT (N1)60f (N1)60 after fines corrections, (N1)60f= (N1)60 + d(N1)60 Cq 'overburden stress correction factor qcl CPT after overburden stress correction qcl Fines correction of CPT gclf CPT after Fines and overburden correction, gclf =qcl + dgcl gcln CPT after normalization in Robertson's method Kc Fine correction factor in Robertson's method gclf CPT after Fines correction' in Robertson's method is soil type index in Suzuki's and Robertson's methods (N1)60s (N1)60 after seattlemerit fines corrections ec volumetric strain for saturated sands dz calculation segment, dt =0.050 ft dsz settlement in each segment Az dp user defined print interdaj dsp settlement in each print interval, dp Gmax shear modulus at low strain g_eff gamma_eff, Effective shear strain Page 4 544- 4402 -1 g*Ge /Gm gamma_eff ° G_eff /G_max, Strain - modulus ratio eC7.5 volumetric strain for magnitude -7.5 ' cec Magnitude correction factor for any magnitude ec volumetrir strain for dry sands,•ec=Cec ° ec7.5 NoLiq No- Liquefy soils References: 1. NCEER workshop on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of soils. roud, T.L., and Idriss, I.M., eds., Technical. Report 14CEER 97 -0022. SP117. southern California Earthquake center. Recommended Procedures for Implementation•of DMG Special Publication 117, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction in California. University.of southern California. March 1999. 2. RECENT ADVANCES IN SOIL LIQUEFACTION ENGINEERING AND SEISMIC SITE RESPONSE EVALUATION, Paper No. SPL -2, PROCEEDINGS: Fourth International conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and soil Dynamics, San Diego, CA, March, 2001 Exterior Noise Analysis For TransWest Housing'- Saddle Club City of La Quinta, California Report #2006 -161 May 12, 2006 Prepared For: TransWest Housing 47 -120 Dune Palms Road Suite C La Quinta, CA 92253 3151 Airway Ave., Bldg. I -2 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Br,d� � Tel (714) 540 -3120 9 1 Fax (714) 540 -3303 V I ! pA'.A IIO N.A1 www.BridgeNet -Intl. com Exterior Noise Analysis For TransWest Housing — Saddle Club 1.0 Introduction Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing -The purpose of this report is to determine compliance of the Saddle Club project with the City of La Quinta exterior noise standard. The subject project is located east of Madison St. South of 54ffi Avenue, and west of Monroe St. in the City of La Quinta, California. Refer to Figure 1 for the location of the project site. The site plan of the project is presented in Figure 2. This project will generate noise out to the residential community. The scope of , this study includes the community noise of the Saddle Club ranch and the measures necessary to mitigate the exterior noise exposure levels to within the applicable noise standards. 2.0 Noise Criteria Community noise is generally not steady state and varies with time. Under conditions of non - steady -state noise, some type of statistical metric is necessary in order to quantify human response to noise. Several rating scales have been developed for the analysis of adverse effects of community noise on people. They are designed to account for the known effects of noise on people. Based on these effects, the observation has been made that the potential for a noise to impact people is dependent on the total acoustical energy content of the noise. A number of noise scales have been developed to account for this observation. 2.1 Noise Assessment Metrics The description, analysis and reporting of community noise levels around communities is made difficult by the complexity of human response to noise and the variety of noise metrics that have been developed for describing noise impacts. Each of these metrics attempts to quantify noise levels with respect to community response. Most of these metrics use the "A- weighted" noise level to quantify noise impacts on humans. "A- weighting" is a frequency correction that correlates the overall sound pressure levels with the frequency response of the human ear. Noise metrics can be divided into two categories: single event and cumulative. Single event metrics describe the noise levels from an individual event such as an aircraft flyover or perhaps a heavy equipment pass -by. Cumulative metrics average the total noise over a specific time period, which is typically from one to 24 -hours for community noise levels. For non steady state, transportation related noise sources, cumulative noise metrics are generally used. For steady- state, non - transportation related noise sources, noise ordinance levels involving the statistical distribution of measured noise levels is typically used. The energy average noise level and the statistical distribution of noise levels will be used for analysis of this project. sm i Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing ve Avenue 67 Mnd Ave CO IE ;� Project 55th Ave La OuInta- q i PgaVtiles! 3e Resort GC O`) •'Atr ott =Blvd �I � p ` _- part �i9d- .VieW Dr a fl Merion ° Hermitage— - ,w 58th Ave ���;_Ct�►4Ctaarl�r jl 7 by �I 3'ii4l `�il Figure 1 Location of the Project Site F Wash Rack/Grooming Station Hot Walker Rnundncn F -B---] Stalls Enclosed Arena L -J J 7.J Bddy 4 Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing T Arena I N Figure 2 Project Site Plan Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing 2.2 Cumulative Noise Metrics Several rating scales have been developed for measurement of community noise. These account for: (1) the parameters of noise that have been shown to contribute to the effects of noise on man, (2) the variety of noises found in the environment, (3) the variations in noise levels that occur as a person moves through the environment, and (4) the variations associated with the time of day. They are designed to account for the known health effects of noise on people described previously. Based on these effects, the observation has been made that the potential for a noise to impact people is dependent on the total acoustical energy content of the noise. A number of noise scales have been developed to account -for this observation. Two of the predominate noise scales are the Equivalent Noise Level (LEQ or Leq) and the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). These scales are described in the following paragraphs. LEQ is the sound level corresponding to a steady -state sound level containing the same total energy as a time - varying signal over a given sample period. Leq is the "energy" average noise level during the time period of the sample. Leq can be measured for any time period, but is typically measured for 15 minutes, I hour. or 24- hours. The noise ordinance for the City of La Quinta is established in terms of the Leq metric. CNEL is similar to LEQ but is for twenty-four hours, and applies a weighting factor, which places greater significance on noise events occurring during the evening and night hours (when sleep disturbance is a concern). CNEL is a 24- hour, time - weighted annual average noise level. Time - weighted refers to the fact that noise which occurs during certain sensitive time periods is penalized for occurring at these times. The evening time period is penalized by 5 dB (7 p.m. to 10 p. m) while nighttime period (10 p.m. to 7 a. m.) noises are penalized by 10 dB. Exhibit 1 gives a graphical representation of how the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) index is calculated from hourly Leqs, 5 dB and 10 dB weighting factors. 2.3 Statistical Noise Metrics L(N), or L %, is a statistical method of describing noise which accounts for the variance in noise levels throughout a given measurement period. L(N), where N equals a percentage, is a way of expressing the noise level exceeded for a percentage of time in a given measurement period. For example, since 15 minutes is 25% of 60 minutes, L(25) is the noise level that is exceeded for fifteen minutes of a sixty- minute measurement period. For example, most city, state and county noise ordinances use a daytime standard of 55 dBA for 30 minutes per hour, which is equivalent to an L(50) level of 55 dBA. In other words, the noise ordinance states that for a residential land use, a piece of equipment not located on the property will not be allowed to generate a noise level of 55 dBA for more than thirty minutes in any hour. As the noise level limit increases, the time the noise is allowed to occur within any hour is reduced. Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing Exhibit 1 Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) Additional short-term noise metrics include the maximum noise level and the minimum noise level. The Maximum Noise Level (Lmax) is the loudest noise level registered during a noise measurement. The Minimum Noise Level (Lmin) the quietest noise level registered during a noise measurement. The noise ordinance standards are summarized in Table 1. 3.0 The City of La Quinta Noise Ordinance Standards In the City of La Quinta Municipal Code (Section 9.60.230 Noise Control) lies the noise ordinance standard that applies to this mechanical equipment noise analysis. Noise Control. A. Purpose. The noise control standards for nonresidential land use districts set forth in this section are established to prevent excessive sound levels which are detrimental to the public health, welfare and safety or which are contrary to the public. interest. B. Noise Standards. Exterior noise standards are set forth below. Residential property, schools, hospitals, and churches are considered noise sensitive land uses, regardless of the land use district in which they are located. All other uses shall comply with the "other nonresidential" standard. All noise measurements shall be taken using standard noise measuring instruments. Measurements shall be taken within the receiving property at locations determined by director to be most appropriate to the individual situation. 6 Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing Exterior Noise Standards 70 dBA Receiving Land Use Noise Standard Time Period Noise sensitive 60 dB(A) 50 dB(A) 7:00 a.m. - -10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. - -7:00 a.m. C. Noise Limits. It is unlawf tl for any person at any location within the city to create any noise, or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise ' controlled by such person, when such noise causes the noise level, when measured on any adjacent property, to exceed: 1. The noise standard for a cumulative period of more than thirty minutes in any hour; 2. The noise standard plus five dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than fifteen minutes in any hour, 3. The noise standard plus ten dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; 4. The noise standard plus fifteen O(A) for a cumulative period of more than one minute in any hour; or 5. The noise standard plus twenty dB(A) for any period of time. 6. For purposes of this section, the term "cumulative period" means the number of minutes that a noise occurs within any hour; whether such minutes are consecutive or not. D. Ambient Noise Level. If the ambient or background noise level exceeds any of the preceding noise categories, no increase above such ambient noise level shall be permitted. Table 1 La Quinta Noise Ordinance - Residential Daytime Noise Level Nighttime Noise Level Maximum (7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.) (10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.) Duration L% 80 dBA 70 dBA NEVER - - 75 dBA 65 dBA 1 minute U.7 70 dBA 60 dBA 5 minutes L8.3 65 dBA 55 dBA 15 minutes L25 60 dBA 50 dBA 30 minutes L50 7 Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing 4.0 Noise Sources and Barriers Future activities at the project site will generate noise that could possibly impact the residential land uses adjacent to the project site. The greatest concern for noise will be at the southern portion of the project, which is adjacent to Mountain View Lane. The operation hours for Saddle Club Ranch will be between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. except during the summer hours when it will open earlier on order to take advantage of the cooler weather during the early hours. There will also be 24 -hour supervision on -site. These hours have been established to minimize the amount of dust and order to the adjacent residential land uses. The saddle club will generate noise from activities within the Barn, Covered Arena, Hot Walkers, Round pen, Turnout pastures, and wash racks /grooming stations, and from the mechanical equipment which will include the vacuum units, Koolfog pumps, the fly -spray pumps. Each noise source was taken from similar field test data to provide the worst -case noise level. 4.1 Noise from the Arena The Arena lies along the southern portion of the ranch. The covered arena will be built with 3/4" CDX plywood core with 26 -gauge zincalume sheet steel laminated to one side, and 26- gauge zincalume embossed steel to the other.side. The covered arena will be 24' -6" tall 150' x 250' with lights and a fan system. From the arena there will be two attached sets of stalls; one on the north side and one on the south side, each of which will have 17 stalls. Each individual stall will be 12 feet square which will be connected to a 12 foot square run. The walls located between the individual stalls and the breezeway will be 7.5 feet in height and solid construction. Above these walls will be grillwork including for air circulation. The front of the stalls will include a solid wall, 4.5 feet in height, upon which will be 4.5 feet of grill work for ventilation. Refer to Figure 3 for the location and heights of the wall barriers. The noise from each horse within the arena area is expected that the noise level generated will be about 56.9 dBA Leq at a distance of five (5) feet. 4.2 Noise from the Barn The barn lies along the northwest side. of the property, it will be built with 3/4" CDX plywood core with 26 gauge zincalume sheet steel laminated to one side, and 26 gauge zincalume embossed steel to the other side. The barn will be 204 long by 144 feet wide having 40 stalls (20 stalls on the north side and 20 stalls on the south side). Each individual stall will be 12 feet square which will be connected to a 12 foot square run. The walls located between the individual stalls and the breezeway will be 7.5 feet in height and solid construction. Above these walls will be grillwork including. for air circulation. The front of the stalls will include a solid wall, 4.5 feet in height upon which will be 4.5 feet of grill work for ventilation. Refer to Figure 3 location -and heights of the wall barriers. From each individual horse stall it is expected that the noise level generated will be about 55.9 dBA Leq at a distance of five (5) feet. Ext -,rior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing 7.5 ft solid wall barrier , o id wall barrier '` Figure 3 L�rid.q � A�! Proposed Perimeter Barriers and Heights N s w w s w s s 7.5 ft solid wall barrier , o id wall barrier '` Figure 3 L�rid.q � A�! Proposed Perimeter Barriers and Heights Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing 4.3 Noise from Hot Walker The Hot walker will lie on the northwestern part of the property. The Hot walker will be a 50' round 6- hourse paneled walkers with galvanized panel horse fence having vinyl exterior. The Hot walker will generate about 56.1 dBA Leq at a distance of thirty (30) feet. . 4.4 Noise from the Round pen The round -pen will be located on the west side of the barn. It will be fifty (50) feet in diameter and will have a slanted wall with 4' solid bottom and 4 -rail top -sand footing. Activities within the round pen are expected to be about 60.8 dBA Leq at a distance of thirty (30) feet. 4.5 Noise from the Turnout Pastures The turnout pastures will be located along the northeast part of the project site. There will be eight (8) grass turnout areas, each one will be 100 feet long by 130 feet wide and will be surrounded by a vinyl railed fence. Activities within each turnout pasture is expected to generate about 58.8 dBA Leq at a distance of fifty -four (54) feet 4.6 Noise from the Vacuum Unit The vacuum units will be placed in four different enclosed equipment rooms around the project site. Two of the vacuum units will be placed within tack rooms in the stalls; one north of the covered arena and the other south of the covered arena. The other two will be placed in separate enclosed equipment rooms within the bam. . From field test data of similar types of equipment, it is expected that the vacuum pump units will generate an unmitigated noise level of 86.3 dBA Leq at a distance of three (3) feet. Since the vacuum units will be located within enclosed rooms, so the noise level from these units is expected to. be sufficiently mitigated. Refer to Figure 4 for the location of the equipment rooms containing the vacuum pumps. 4.7 Noise from the Koolfog Spray pump The Koolfog Spray system will be used to cool down the barn and the enclosed arena. The Koolfog system is expected to include a total of ten (10) pumps located at three locations throughout the project site. Six of the pumps will be located within the enclosed arena where three (3) will be located in an enclosed equipment room in the north set of stalls, and three (3) will be located in an enclosed equipment room in the south set of stalls. The other four pumps will be placed inside the barn where there will be two equipment rooms each will have two pumps. According to discussions with the manufacturer of the Koolfog spray system, the pumps will generate a noise about 75 dBA Leq at a distance of three (3) feet. The location of the pumps is presented in Figure 4. It is expected that these units will be located within enclosed rooms, therefore the noise level from these units is expected to be sufficiently mitigated. 10 Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing CL O Koolfog Spray Pumps O Vacuum Pumps ® Fly -Spray Pumps Figure 4 Broefl�2�, Equipment Room Location wva nnnnr Exterior Noise Analysis TransWest Housing 4.8 Noise from the Fly spray pump The Fly spray pump will be located within separate enclosures both in the arena and the barn. There will be four pumps total, two of which will be located in the arena are and two will be in the bam area. Each pump of the Fly spray system is expected to generate approximately 75 dBA Leq at a distance of three (3) feet. Refer to Figure 4 for the location of the Fly spray pumps. It is expected that these pumps will be located within enclosed rooms, therefore the noise level from these units is expected to be sufficiently mitigated. 4.9 Noise from the Wash Racks /Grooming stations There. will be two wash rack/grooming stations which will be located by the southwest corner of the barn. Each wash rack/grooming station will have be 8' wide by 12' deep with a.10' wall dividers, the bottom four feet of which will be solid. Activities at the wash rack will generate a noise level of about 59.8 dBA Leq at a distance of five (5) feet. Activities at the grooming station we be about 61.7 dBA Leq at a distance of five (5) feet. All of the noise sources and the corresponding levels used to calculate the projected noise throughout the project site are listed in Table 2. These values were entered into a noise model which covers the entire project site in order to calculate the level all around the project. As a worst case assumption, it was expected that all of the activities listed above would be occurring at the same time. The results of the calculations are presented as lines, or contours, of equal loudness plotted over the entire project site, and these contours are presented in Figure 5. These contours take into account all of the sources and all of the noise barriers described above. S Table 2 Source Noise Levels Source Noise Level (Lech Reference Distance Source Height Hot Walker. 56.1 dBA 30 feet 3 feet Wash Racks 59.8 dBA 5. feet 5 feet Horse in Arena . 56.9 dBA 4 feet 7 feet Turn Outs 58.8 dBA 54 feet 5 feet Grooming Racks 61.7 dBA 6 feet 5 feet Round Pen 60.8 dBA 30 feet 5 feet Horse in stall 55.9 dBA 5 feet 5 feet Fly Spray pump 75.0 dBA 3 feet 3 feet Koolfog pump 75.0 dBA 3 feet 3' feet Vacuum (Unit) 86.3 dBA 3 feet 4 feet 12 Exterior poise Analysis Tran;West Housing 41 -- Figure 5 Brid Total Noise Contours (dBA Leq) 4.10 Total Noise Level The total noise exposure level will consist of the sum of the noise sources combined on an energy basis. Figure 5 shows the location of the 45, 50, 55, and 60 dBA Leq noise contours overlaid on the site plan. The worst case of noise exposure will exist at the southern portion of the project site and will be less than 50 dBA. Since the projected noise level from all of the activities at the Saddle Club are expected to be less than 50 dBA Leq, the nighttime noise ordinance level for residential land uses, exterior noise mitigation measures will not be required for the project.