CC Resolution 2018-026 Indigent Policy for Candidates RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 026 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A POLICY ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR INDIGENT STATUS DETERMINATION AS IT PERTAINS TO CANDIDATES DURING GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS, PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA ELECTIONS CODE SECTION 13309 WHEREAS, this policy sets forth the procedures and criteria for the City Clerk/Elections Official to make a determination on the indigent status of a candidate in accordance with California Elections Code Section 13309; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of the State of California relating to General Law and Charter Cities and La Quinta Ordinance No. 327, there is called and ordered to be held in the City of La Quinta, California, a General Election on the first Tuesday, following the first Monday, in November on even number years; and WHEREAS, each candidate running for office may prepare a candidate’s statement listing his/her education and qualifications to be printed on the ballot; and WHEREAS, a requisite fee related to the printing of the candidate’s statement on the ballot, determined by the Riverside County Registrar of Voters (ROV), must be submitted to the City Clerk/Elections Official when nomination papers are filed; and WHEREAS, a candidate may allege to be indigent and unable to pay in advance the requisite fee for submitting a candidate statement; and WHEREAS, a candidate shall submit to the local agency an application requesting that a determination be made as to his/her indigent status, an affidavit of financial worth, and a release form authorizing the City to obtain his/her most recent federal income tax report. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That pursuant to California Elections Code Section 13309 (Alleges to be indigent; procedures) a candidate may allege that he/she is indigent and unable to pay in advance the requisite fee for submitting a candidate statement. Resolution No. 2018-026 Policy Determining Candidate’s Indigent Status Adopted: June 5, 2018 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 2. That if a candidate alleges to be indigent, he/she shall submit to the City: 1) Completed Application for Waiver of Candidate Statement Deposit “Exhibit A” 2) Completed Affidavit of Financial Worth “Exhibit B” 3) Completed IRS Authorization to Release most current federal income tax report (IRS Form 4506-T Request for Transcript of Tax Return) SECTION 3. That the Council appoints the City Clerk/Elections Official the authority to make the final determination, and the City Manager as the final appeal authority. SECTION 4. That the City Clerk/Elections Official will determine eligibility based on the guidelines established by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, State Income Limits for current year, Riverside County. Annual income that is at or below the level for an extremely low income household, adjusted for the size of the candidate’s household, will establish a presumption that the candidate is “indigent” for the purpose of deferring the requisite fee. This presumption, however, may be negated based on other information disclosed in the candidate’s Affidavit of Financial Worth or the candidate’s most current federal income tax report. SECTION 5. That the City Clerk/Elections Official shall make this determination as soon as possible and notify the candidate in writing. SECTION 6. That if the City Clerk/Elections Official determines the candidate to be indigent, the City shall mail the statement to be printed on the ballot. SECTION 7. That if the City Clerk/Elections Official determines the candidate not to be indigent, he/she shall, within three days of the notification, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays, withdraw the statement or pay the requisite fee. If the candidate fails to respond within the time prescribed, the City shall not be obligated to print and mail the statement. SECTION 8. That the candidate may appeal the City Clerk/Election Official’s determination to the City Manager. The request for appeal shall be submitted to the Elections Official in writing within three days of the notification. The City Manager shall make a determination and notify the candidate in writing as soon as possible. SECTION 9. That California Elections Code Section 13309 does not prohibit the local agency from billing the candidate his/her actual pro rata share of the cost after the election. SECTION 10. That if the City Clerk/Elections Official determines the candidate not to be indigent, the City shall provide the candidate with an option to enroll into a monthly 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7000 APPLICATION FOR WAIVER OF CANDIDATE STATEMENT DEPOSIT Pursuant to California Elections Code § 13309 I hereby request that my candidate statement be submitted for publication in the sample ballot/voter information pamphlet that is mailed to the registered voters in the City of La Quinta for the General Municipal Election to be held [enter date and year]. I hereby submit the following for the purpose of determining my eligibility for waiver of the $_____ candidate statement deposit: 1. A completed Application for Waiver of Candidate Statement Deposit form 2. A completed Affidavit of Financial Worth form 3. A completed IRS Authorization to Release most current year’s federal income tax return Determination of eligibility for the deposit waiver will be made by the City Clerk/Elections Official based on guidelines established by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, State Income Limits for the current year, Riverside County. Annual income that is at or below the level for an extremely low income household, adjusted for the size of the candidate’s household, will establish a presumption that the candidate is “indigent” for the purpose of deferring the candidate’s statement deposit in accordance with California Elections Code § 13309. This presumption, however, may be negated based on other information disclosed in the candidate’s affidavit or the candidate’s federal income tax return. I understand that if I am determined to be indigent, I may have my candidate statement printed without paying the deposit by the candidate filing deadline date. I further understand that, pursuant to California Elections Code § 13309, I am obligated to pay my pro rata cost of printing my statement, and hereby promise to pay my share by either: [$____ ] in monthly installment payments of $_____, with the first installment due when I file my nomination papers with the City Clerk/Elections Official. I promise to pay to the City of La Quinta, $____ on the 15th day of every month thereafter until the balance, based on the post-election reconciled amount of my share, is zero ($0). No interest will accrue and the balance may be paid off at any time. [$____ ] in full after the election, upon receipt of an invoice from the City of La Quinta. I understand that if it is determined that I am not indigent, I agree to either pay the full $_______ deposit within three (3) business days of notification or my candidate statement will not be printed. ______________________________ __________________________ Date:_________________________ Candidate’s Signature Print Name: _____________________________ ________________________ Date:_________________________ Received By Print Name: The financial information provided by candidates will remain confidential to the extent allowed by law. EXHIBIT A Resolution No. 2018-026 AFFIDAVIT OF FINANCIAL WORTH IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION TO FILE CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT OF ESTIMATED COST NOTICE TO CANDIDATE The Elections Official will review and make a final determination of your eligibility as an indigent as soon as possible after submittal of this form. If it is determined that you are not indigent, you will be notified of this finding. Within three days of notification, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays, you must either withdraw your statement or pay the requisite estimated cost. If you fail to respond within the time prescribed, your statement will not be printed and mailed. If it is determined that you are indigent the Elections Official shall print and mail the statement without requesting payment of the estimated cost. This, however, does not relieve you of your obligation to pay the candidate statement cost in the manner established by the Elections Official. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY I, state that I am unable to pay in advance the $ Amount is determined by ROV estimated cost required to file a Candidate Statement for the office of to be printed and distributed to the voters at the General Municipal Election, Nov. XX, 20XX election, in the City of La Quinta (INSERT NAME OF ELECTION) I further swear or affirm that the responses which I have made to the questions and instructions below relating to my ability to pay said cost are true. CANDIDATE INFORMATION NAME: HOME PHONE SOCIAL SECURITY # STREET ADDRESS WORK PHONE VETERANS ADMIN. # CITY STATE ZIP MESSAGE WELFARE # TOTAL DEPENDENTS: ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NEEDED OCCUPATION: NAME AGE EMPLOYER ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS NAME AGE CITY STATE ZIP ADDRESS LENGTH OF EMPLOYMENT (If under 10 years, attach additional employment history) NAME AGE MONTHLY GROSS INCOME: (Please attach copy of most recent pay stub) ADDRESS TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME OF DEPENDENTS (Excluding spouse): SPOUSAL INFORMATION NAME SOCIAL SECURITY # HOME PHONE STREET ADDRESS (If different) WORK PHONE MESSAGE CITY STATE ZIP MONTHLY GROSS INCOME: OCCUPATION: COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM EMPLOYER STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Resolution No. 2018-026, EXHIBIT B OTHER MONTHLY INCOME a. Unemployment & Disability $ g. Income Property $ b. Social Security $ h. Personal Loans $ c. Welfare, AFDC $ I. Employment Bonus $ d. Veteran’s Benefits $ J. Other (Specify) e. Spousal Support Payments $ f. Child Support Payments $ ** ** If you are receiving any child support from any other person, complete the following: NAME OF PERSON PAYING SUPPORT AMOUNT OF SUPPORT RECEIVED: INDICATE WHETHER SUCH SUPPORT IS RECEIVED: DIRECT THROUGH A PROBATION DEPARTMENT FROM A COURT MONTHLY EXPENSES a. Rent or House Payment (Circle One) $ g. Food $ b. Car Payments $ h. Utilities $ c. Medical & Dental Payments $ I. Clothing $ d. Loan Payments $ J. Transportation $ e. Support Payments $ K. Other expenses (Please Specify) $ f. Insurance $ INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS, OTHER THAN LISTED ABOVE NAME OF CREDITOR (Attach sheet for additional creditors.) MONTHLY PAYMENT BALANCED OWED a. $ $ b. $ $ c. $ $ ASSETS WHAT DO YOU OWN? (Attach additional sheet if necessary) VALUE a. Cash $ b. House Equity $ c. Cars, Other Vehicles & Boat Equity (List make, year & license number of each) $ d. Checking, Savings & Credit Union Accounts (Lists names of each) $ e. Other Real Estate Equity $ f. Income Tax Refunds Due $ g. Other Personal Property (jewelry, furniture, furs, stocks & bonds, etc.) $ h. Other assets (IRA’s stock/bonds, trust, etc.) $ TOTAL $ The information given is to assist the Elections Official or his/her designee in making determination of candidate indigent status, pursuant to Section 13309 of the Elections Code. I declare under penalty of perjury that this statement (including any accompanying schedules and statements) has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete. DATE: (SIGNATURE) REMARKS: