2018 07 17 CC MinutesCITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Pena, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Acting City Clerk Radeva stated that City Attorney Ihrke will make a verbal announcement before Consent Calendar Item Nos. 9 through 12 are voted upon pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(c)(3). City Attorney Ihrke requested that Consent Calendar Item Nos. 9 through 12 be pulled for a separate vote. • Mayor Evans said the motion for Consent Calendar Item No. 5 will be amended to state Human Resources Manager instead of Community Resources Manager. • Mayor Evans said an announcement will be added as Item No. 5 under the Announcements, Presentations, and Written Communications section of the Agenda to introduce new City Staff. Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT: SILVERROCK RESORT (APNs 770-200-026; 776- 150-021; 776-150-023; 770-060-056; 770-060-057; 770-060- 058; 770-060-059; 770-060-061; 770-060-062; 777-490-004; 777-490-006; 777-490-007; 777-490-012 AND 777-490-014 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 CITY NEGOTIATOR: CHRIS ESCOBEDO, ACTING CITY MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: ROBERT S. GREEN, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3: 32 P. M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4: 00 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported that Council recessed the Closed Session and will reconvene again after the Open Session portion of the meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Sanchez led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Ms. Alena Callimanis, La Quinta - expressed concerns about the lack of street improvements along Madison Street and Avenue 60 and presented a PowerPoint presentation depicting bicyclists riding west on the eastbound side of Avenue 60 due to safety concerns; and submitted for the record a Trilogy Resident Petition signed by 360 residents requesting that the City take immediate action to resolve the safety, health, and aesthetic concerns associated with the lack of roadway and landscaping improvements along Madison Street and Avenue 60 across from the Trilogy residential development. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Mr. Dale Tyerman, La Quinta - expressed his sincere gratitude to Staff and Council for their active engagement, time, and efforts in trying to identify resolutions for the lack of roadway and landscaping improvements along Madison Street and Avenue 60, and assist the Trilogy residents in addressing this matter. Mr. Tyerman said he submitted a letter to Council, dated July 13, 2018, which was made available to the public and is on file in the Clerk's Office, outlining apparent areas of non-performance by the developer of the Andalusia residential development on this matter. He asked that the City address this as expeditiously as possible; to research any available opportunity to correct the situation; and noted the uniqueness of CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 this matter in that that the conditions of approval (COA) for the Andalusia development did not impose a specific timeline or bond requirements. City Attorney Irhke said the City's legal counsel has been in communications with Staff and is reviewing Andalusia's COAs to identify possible resolutions; and that it is not uncommon for COAs not to include a timeline for the improvements as the COAs run with the land. Mayor Evans noted that bond requirements are imposed on permitted road improvements; since no improvements were made in that area no bond demand could be imposed without executing an improvement agreement. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. DESERT HEALTHCARE DISTRICT TO PRESENT CHECK FOR MATCHING FUNDS TO COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (CVAG) FOR PATH OF LIFE MINISTRIES HOMELESS PROGRAM City of Palm Desert Mayor Sabby Jonathan commended Council for their active leadership, engagement, and efforts in alleviating the homelessness crisis in the Coachella Valley, and gave a brief overview of the recent expansion and success of the joint Coachella Valley efforts against homelessness through CVAG's Path of Life Ministries Homeless Program. Desert Healthcare District Interim Chief Executive Officer Chris Christensen explained that the Desert Healthcare District and Foundation set up a collective fund for the support of a west -valley homelessness prevention initiative; and presented the City with a matching -funds check in the amount of $103,000 for the City's continued support and acknowledgement of the homelessness crisis in the valley. Mayor Evans noted that the City of La Quinta supports homeless prevention efforts regionally in the Coachella Valley and continues to work with the homeless shelters of the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission and Martha's Village and Kitchen in the east valley as well. PRESENTATION ITEM NOS. 2 AND 3 BELOW WERE TAKEN OUT OF ORDER 3. CORAL MOUNTAIN APARTMENTS HOMELESS PREVENTION TRAIL PROGRAM — FAMILY RELOCATION SUCCESS STORY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 Management Specialist Ferreira said the La Quinta Housing Authority joint efforts with Martha's Village and Kitchen and Coral Mountain Apartments in a trial homeless prevention program. Ms. Ferreira introduced Martha's Village and Kitchen Executive Vice President Stephanie Minor who presented Helen's success story, a single mother of two, who after completing the program was successfully relocated to Coral Mountain Apartments with her children; and read a "thank you" message authored by President and CEO Linda Barrack. Council commended the staff of Coral Mountain Apartments, Martha's Village and Kitchen, and Path of Life Ministries for their continued efforts in homeless prevention and for providing programs, support, and housing opportunities. 2. PROCLAMATION HONORING HOMEWOOD SUITES FOR ITS ASSISTANCE AND HOSPITALITY IN THE RELOCATION OF THE WASHINGTON STREET APARTMENTS' (WSA) RESIDENTS Homewood Suites General Manager Brad Poncher introduced Director of Sales Jill Schvaneveldt and Sales Coordinator Karen Ceniceros who were instrumental in providing assistance to the WSA residents temporarily relocated to Homewood Suites. Mayor Evans explained the WSA renovation and expansion efforts and commended City Economist McMillen for his efforts and commitment to this project. Mayor Evans and Council presented Mr. Poncher, Ms. Schvaneveldt, and Ms. Ceniceros with a proclamation in appreciation of Homewood Suites assistance and efforts in the relocation of the WSA residents. 4. LEADERSHIP INVESTMENT AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING (LINKS) — CITY OF LA QUINTA ACADEMY RECOGNITION Mayor Evans explained the City's LINKS program, and jointly with Council presented to the following eight City employees with certificate of completion in the program: Employee Name • Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant • Carley Escarrega, Management Assistant • Christina Gamez, Administrative Assistant • Armando Magallon, Permit Technician • Alex Rodriguez, Parks Maintenance Worker Department Finance Department Design & Development Department Community Resources Department Design & Development Department Facilities Department CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 • Jaime Torres, Management Assistant Community Resources Department • Jose Villalta, Traffic Signal Technician Design & Development Department • Wanda Wise-Lata, Executive Assistant Design & Development Department Participants thanked the City for this educational and development opportunity and shared their experiences and take -sways from the program. 5. added by Mayor Evans >>> INTRODUCTION OF NEW CITY STAFF La Quinta Library Manager Sue Doran gave a brief overview of the Creation Station - La Quinta's Makerspace project inception and introduced Makerspace Supervisor Michel McNeilly. Ms. McNeilly gave a brief presentation of her experience; introduced Makerspace Technicians Ronni Cox and Josh Bethel; and said the soft opening of Creation Station - La Quinta's Makerspace is scheduled for Monday, July 30, 2018, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. La Quinta Library Manager Sue Doran introduced La Quinta Museum Manager Sharla Fox who gave a brief presentation of her experience, and spoke of the current and upcoming exhibits at the museum. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES DATED JULY 3, 2018 2. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 572 ON SECOND READING AMENDING CHAPTER 3.25 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS 3. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 573 ON SECOND READING TO CHANGE THE ZONING MAP FOR ZONE CHANGE 2017-0001 FROM REGIONAL COMMERCIAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ON A PORTION OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 600-340-049, 600-340-050, 600-340-051, AND 600-340-052; PROJECT: CENTRE AT LA QUINTA; LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AUTO CENTER DRIVE AND LA QUINTA DRIVE 4. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 574 ON SECOND READING AMENDING SECTION 9.50.090 OF TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 5. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE COMMUNITY RESOURCES MANAGER AND HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYERS LABOR RELATIONS ASSOCIATION TRAINING CONFERENCE IN MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 4-7, 2018 6. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, PLANNING MANAGER, AND SENIOR AND ASSOCIATE PLANNERS TO ATTEND AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION CALIFORNIA CHAPTER'S ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 7-10, 2018 7. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTER DATED JUNE 29, 2018 S. REVIEW AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORTS DATED APRIL 30, 2018 9. pulled for a separate vote by Mayor Evans >>> ADOPT RESOLUTION TO REAFFIRM THE APPROVAL OF THE 2018/19 SALARY STRUCTURE IN THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION AT THE JUNE 19, 2018 MEETING; AND TO APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING INCREASING THE HEALTH BENEFIT CAP TO $1,709 PER MONTH PER EMPLOYEE, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2019 [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-0391 10. pulled for a separate vote by Mayor Evans > > > APPROVE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND DELPHIN CASTRO TO SERVE AS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 11. pulled for a separate vote by Mayor Evans >>> ADOPT RESOLUTION TO RECLASSIFY TWO POSITIONS [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-040] 12. pulled for a separate vote by Mayor Evans >>> ADOPT RESOLUTION TO REAFFIRM THE 2018/19 SALARY STRUCTURE APPROVED AT THE JUNE 19, 2018, MEETING FOR MANAGEMENT, CONTRACT MANAGEMENT, AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES; AND TO APPROVE BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR THESE EMPLOYEES INCREASING THE HEALTH BENEFIT CAP TO $1,709 PER MONTH PER EMPLOYEE, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2019 [RESOLUTION NO. 2018- 041] CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 13. APPROVE MARKETING AGREEMENT WITH UTILITY SERVICE PARTNERS INC. FOR THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES SERVICE LINE WARRANTY PROGRAM CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NOS. 1 - 8 AND 13: MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Pena/Radi to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 - 8 and 13 as amended for Consent Calendar Item No. 5 to authorize overnight travel for the Human Resources Manager instead of the Community Resources Manager; and with Item Nos. 2, 3, and 4 adopting Ordinance No. 572 relating to short-term Vacation Rentals, Ordinance No. 573 relating to zone map change, and Ordinance No. 574 relating to single-family residential architectural guidelines, respectively. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NOS. 9 - 12: Verbal announcement by City Attorney Ihrke: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(c)(3), this announcement is to verbally report a summary of a recommendation for a final action on the salaries, salary schedules, and compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits to the City's executive employees, as defined by Government Code Section 3511.1(d). In summary, the recommendations of Consent Calendar Item Nos. 9 - 12 are to reaffirm the approval of the 2018/19 Salary Structure citywide based on the "2018 Market Study" and to approve citywide health benefit cap of $1,709 per month per employee, effective January 1, 2019. Final action is now before the Council because Cal-Pers announced its rates after the City's budget was approved and after the salary structures for both, the represented employee association members and non -represented management, contract, and confidential employees had been approved, where the salary structures were subject to a "re -opener" to adjust benefits based upon Cal-Pers rate announcements. Therefore, for the six management employees or "local agency executives," as defined, the salaries and benefits are as follows for the following positions: Position Proposed Salary City Manager $220,366 Community Resources Director $156,560 Design & Development Director $156,560 Facilities Director $156,560 Finance Director $151,167 City Clerk $128,058 These include a salary increase of $34,501 and health benefits of $41 per employee for 7 months, equaling $1,722, as indicated budgeted for fiscal year 2018/19. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 The City Manager position is approved for a maximum salary of $220,366, however, the current City Manager's salary is $213,015.36. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to approve: (1) Consent Calendar Item No. 9 adopting Resolution No. 2018-039: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, REAFFIRMING THE APPROVAL OF THE 2018/19 SALARY STRUCTURE INCLUDED IN THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION; AND APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING INCREASING THE HEALTH BENEFIT CAP TO $1,709 PER MONTH PER EMPLOYEE, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2019 (2) Consent Calendar Item No. 10 approving the Employment Agreement with Delphin Castro, in the amount of $156,560, to serve as Design and Development Director effective July 30, 2018; and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement. (3) Consent Calendar Item No. 11 adopting Resolution No. 2018-040: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN AND COMMUNITY RESOURCES COORDINATOR TO COMMUNITY RESOURCES SPECIALIST (4) Consent Calendar Item No. 12 adopting Resolution No. 2018-041: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, REAFFIRMING THE 2018/19 SALARY STRUCTURE APPROVED AT THE JUNE 191 2018, MEETING FOR NON - REPRESENTED MANAGEMENT, CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES; AND TO APPROVE BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR THESE EMPLOYEES INCREASING THE HEALTH BENEFIT CAP TO $1,709 PER MONTH PER EMPLOYEE, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2019 Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 BUSINESS SESSION 1. INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.60 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE, AND APPROVE THE CALIFORNIA FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION'S 2018 LOCAL AGENCY BIENNIAL NOTICE [ORDINANCE NO. 575] Acting City Clerk Radeva presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Michael Harrington, Rancho Mirage - said that Cities can adopt stricter disclosure requirements than what the Fair Political Practices Commission recommends; and encouraged Council to discuss this topic further. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to take up Ordinance No. 575 by title and number only and waive further reading. Motion passed unanimously. Acting City Clerk Radeva read the following title of Ordinance No. 575 into the record: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2.60 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CITY'S CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to introduce at first reading Ordinance No. 575 amending Chapter 2.60 of The La Quinta Municipal Code relating to the City's conflict of interest code as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to approve and accept the California Fair Political Practices Commission's 2018 Local Agency Biennial Notice as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. 2. APPROVE AMENDED TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX INCENTIVE PROGRAM Finance Director Campos and Account Technician Armendariz presented the staff report which is on file in the Clerk's Office. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 Council discussed the incentive funds are earmarked when the application is approved, but the funds are distributed to the group when it arrives in La Quinta for the event; opportunities to incentivize similar group events at the Chateau at Lake La Quinta, and Staff's ongoing efforts with the current manager to identify future opportunities; return on investment based on bringing additional business to the City; and the City's joint incentive with the hotel operators to bring groups to the community. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Pena to approve the amended Transient Occupancy Tax Incentive Program to allow hotel operators to apply for funding up to $50,000, and authorize the City Manager to approve it pursuant to the City's Purchasing Policy. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION - None PUBLIC HEARINGS - None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Acting City Manager Escobedo said the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) announced the beginning of the La Quinta Irrigation Distribution Improvement project consisting of the installation of 22,000 feet of irrigation pipeline along Avenue 52, Washington Street, Calle Tampico, Avenida La Fonda, and Avenue 50. Staff will work closely with CVWD to ensure the traffic impacts are properly advertised by the City. 2. CITY ATTORNEY - STATUS UPDATE - ELECTRICITY NET -ENERGY METERING AND LOCAL REGULATION FOR IRRIGATION DISTRICT PROVIDERS City Attorney Ihrke presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk's Office. City Attorney Ihrke said since the posting of the agenda packet for tonight's meeting, Imperial Irrigation District (IID) has filed a lawsuit against the Riverside County Board of Supervisors (RIVCO), and presented a synopsis of the allegations. General discussion followed regarding citizens' constitutional right to self -tax; IID's Petition for Writ of Mandate to "void ab initio" (from the beginning) the indemnification agreement with RIVCO; IID's argument that net -metering is a matter of statewide concern and cannot be occupied by a local ordinance; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 legislative requirements on net -metering and the types of programs that must be made available by the provider up until the 5% threshold is met; arguments raised by IID and RIVCO; whether Council should move forward and adopt an ordinance requiring IID to offer and implement a net -energy metering program for La Quinta's residents; current, IID's solar programs are not financially feasible for residents in the Coachella Valley. A two -page handout authored by Electric Ratepayers Alliance entitled "Answers to IID's Excuses Why They Can't Bring Back a Viable Solar Program" was distributed to Council at the meeting, which is on file in the Clerk's Office, and made available to the public. Council directed Staff to prepare an ordinance on electricity net -metering and an indemnification agreement for Council's consideration at the August 7, 2018, meeting. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dana Reed, City of Indian Wells Councilmember and legal counsel for Electric Ratepayers Alliance and Renova Energy - thanked Council for staying abreast of RIVCO's efforts on this matter; said this was a case of first impression and there were no guarantees which way the courts could interpret this; RIVCO was taking the lead on behalf of the industry and challenging IID's lack of cooperation 49 years -ago based on requests received from the Cities of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella; asked for the City's support in this effort; and said Renova Energy was fully prepared to indemnify the City for any legal costs incurred on this matter. Further discussion followed regarding options for Rutan and Tucker, LLP to have joint defense agreements with other law firms who are the lead on this matter, to ensure the City's interests are protected. 4-G. COMMUNITY RESOURCES PROJECT UPDATES - LUMBERYARD BUILDING AND CREATION STATION Council discussed the aggressive schedule identified in the staff report; noted the emphasis was on ensuring the space was properly designed to meet the needs of the museum long-term, in terms of providing adequate storage space for artifacts, offices, display areas, programs, and gift shop location, versus getting it accomplished expeditiously; possibly recruiting from outside of the region to ensure the City procures the right professionals for this project with the necessary experience and expertise to apply a holistic approach and enhance the entire museum campus while connecting the two properties. Council concurred with the proposed timeline as listed in the staff report between the months of July through September; and directed Staff to seek CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 Council direction when contracting with a consulting firm to complete building program options and design the connection with the existing museum. Acting City Manager Escobedo noted that the City's current Memorandum of Understanding with Riverside County, which contracts with Library Systems and Services, LLC to provide management services for the La Quinta Library and Museum, will be up for renewal in 2020 and identifying the City's needs going forward for operating the museum would be imperative in ensuring the agreement provides adequate services. Council said the casita should also be included in these improvement efforts. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Councilmember Radi reported on his and Mayor Pro Tern Fitzpatrick's attendance at the Patriotic Luncheon held at the La Quinta Wellness Center on July 5, 2018. Councilmember Radi reported on his site visit with Councilmember Sanchez at the Washington Street Apartments and said construction was advancing fast, and commended Coachella Valley Housing Coalition's staff for their expertise and for doing a great job in managing the project. Mayor Pro Tern Fitzpatrick said she also visited the Washington Street Apartments site and was impressed with how quickly construction was advancing and with the quality of housing the residents would receive. Councilmember Pena noted there was prior Council discussion regarding possible expansion of the Financial Advisory Commission membership from seven to nine. Council directed Staff to identify the process for the expansion and bring it back for consideration, with the expansion not taking effect until the beginning of 2019 calendar year, if approved. Mayor Evans said Staff was directed to provide a response to the La Quinta Arts Foundation regarding the 2020 La Quinta Arts Festival; Staff said the letter would be going out by the following week. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Councilmember Radi asked Councilmember Pena if he would attend the Sunline Transit Agency meeting scheduled for July 25, 2018; Councilmember Pena concurred. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 12 of 13 JULY 17, 2018 La Quinta's representative for 2018, Councilmember Fitzpatrick reported on her participation in the following organization's meeting: • COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY La Quinta's representative for 2018, Councilmember Radi reported on his participation in the following organization's meeting: • SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY Council commended the Riverside County Sheriff's Department Team for successful apprehension of suspects associated with a string of vehicle burglaries in La Quinta and other Coachella Valley cities. COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND RECONVENED THE CLOSED SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AT 6:14 P.M. MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 7: 43 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported no actions were taken in Closed Session that require reporting pursuant to Government Code section 54957.1 (Brown Act). ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to adjourn at 7:44 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, i MONIKA RADEVA, Acting City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 13 of 13 JULY 17, 2018