VAR 1258APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE : • .. Case No. / L 5.62— < As Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance Zone ORDINANCE NO. 348 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA'' TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION:, NAME OF APPLICANT PUNTA LA QUINTA A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant must indicate under what capacity he is filing by placing (x) in block provided. ( ) 1. The record owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow No. ( (X) 2 The purchaser'thereof under a contract in writing duly acknowledged by both the buyer and the seller. (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST BE ATTACHED.) 3. The lessee in possession of the property, with the written consent of the record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorized thereto in writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION A. Street address of property CnachPl1nrivP Situated on`the North side of said street between Adelito Drive and the cul de sac on Ely and Coachella Drive B. Legal description ofreal property located in the County of Riverside must be accurately described as per Riverside County records See attached (If more spaceis needed for above description, attach,,supplementary:-sheet.) . Date of acquisition of property February 1, 1973 • D. ''Outline deed restrictions pertinent to -this application. (Any permit granted pursuant to, this petition shall not affect deed restrictions of record.) E. Land use of property Presently vacant with approved Tentative Map for residential. III. APPLICANT'S. REQUEST • • A. Outline in space below in clear and concise wording what you are requesting • for the property in question.. Before this application is accepted, there must be attached a plot drawn to scale showing boundaries and dimensions of the property, width of boundary streets, all existing improvements on property, and plans and elevations of all proposed new improvements. Applicant must file with this application evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with 'the : actual; construction.work in accordance with said plans within six (6) months from date of filing this application. Y ' • - •ti -- It is requested that Units'Noso 1'and 2 be allowed to have a 10-foot ., set back in place of that shown on the approved Exhibit "A" of .the Conditional Use Permit 1596 E. ' ' FORM 133-3 B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions there are • applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, and • explain why these conditions do not apply generally to other property adjacent to your property and in the neighborhood. This' re • • it was changed to 2▪ 0 fePr. rhp g•-npprr _truer .} -Weat� g=nerally h's }4 s .'s' or • Pet back than requested here. C. State why the granting of:this Variance as requested is necessary to do substantial _ justice to the applicant and to avoid practical difficulty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistent with the general'purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. ,• By moving. Units 1 and 2 norhterly will block the.open area behind Unit I • and'reduce the effective open area of -the development. . rt D. State why the granting of this variance as requested will not result in material damage to other property in-theneighborhood, nor be detrimental to the public safety or welfare., The other devedioped property on Coachella Drive already. has less than the 10—foot set back requested. This is an. isolated case of an error in dimension and will have no effect -on the intent of the Conditional Use Permit. or on the neighborhood. _ NOTE: It is desirable, but•not.mandatory to hove the signature of owners of adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the establishment,of the use as applied for in this application. • • We,•.the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property' legally �. described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE,hereby•certify thatwe do not object to the granting of this application. . Signature Address • If Morespaceis'needed attach supplementary sheet. • OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) • COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) a i t r I ROBERT S. KIPPER , being duly, sworn depose and say that I am and agent - of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information submitted herewith are in all res ects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed .PHONE NO. 686-0844 - Subscribed and -sworn to before me this ` - 19th • '3426 Tenth Street;'!tiverside, CA 92501 (address) `• • day of- March '74 . . OFFICIAL SEAL CHt RLES C. rANUP NOTARYi' I PUBLIER 1DC -�RNIA t ' RIVER5I�E' C My Commission Expires Ju y 27, 1976 L uLuuis lui AUG 1 1974 1-3 it Win sitri e OWE! AUG 5 1974 RIVERSIDE COLA•4 r PUNNING COMMISSION DESERT OFFICE e0 1974 C U:2%8E O PLANNING ELAM F4 1a1. KA YaE /451-E IN, Cho/moos, I/4116idoiia Y S. CENIC ROS. Hamad LILLiutztil)G F, Csvossa P;irn Da -Earl 3. L.Di tLseE. $4 1.la:1nlG RIVERSIDE COUNTY . PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSION RUSSELL I. PA/alien-L. gOrteid MARYION V. ASHLEY. Parris HAZEL 1. EVENSEN, 'Nanning COnt iuidaa Adminisbative SliatItiry JAMES L. WHIFF — ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR 441:(1L11111ONSTRIZIET,1110014 101, RNVIER111az, CAL,IKOvaNIA tonal romaomorax ovia) tsY-alai Indira Mainiatlratfve Center 46-kO3 Oaaaala Street, Koom 304 Indio, California 92201 (714) 347-8511, Ztt® 278 Vise Holorable Biwoll of Supticrviis Court Iik ass RIWAriadftp California STrenamittlal of East Area P1 nning Council Caen °ova karat &Ara Plenn ing Council reapectfully reports APNOVAL of the 1 S 1- loeting itowa1: L. Vag CASE NO. 1258-11 hate La Q iinta Reduction of Setbacks Zama 8-1 Le Quints District Pour St!pervisorial District Property located north and east of the intern action of Coa chella>< Drive and Avila Drive in La Q1:int& Tke avoirnmentel Quality Section of the Planning Il epa tkmnt has that Variance Ci.elae No. 1258-E will not have a significant impact environment and a negative declevation class filed. No appeals on decision were received. determined on the the Pursuant to Ordinances No. 348 and S37, this matter was considered before the Fast Axes Planning Council,. Copies of the Council's minutes, including aae.laasraaries of testimony, findings, recommendations, and. conditions of approval are attached hereto. d@py Bent to desert office ORDERED FILED 8Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUL 2 3 1974 Boiard of Swerviaora East Artes Planning Council Caae July 1974' °o 4 'a +hoer action 1 vicic;:.T d by y &lard unless an ,,peal is filed by the applicant or time property ner within 3CD feet of the ezterior . boundariegi aif d given property tdth in Bawd days of the date this report Brat appears on your Board4s ac:nnda. or .the BoardU on its own motion9 fro the,.. plica-a:ion t a sferred to it for fUrther pro eedinge. tha forego i recoasiandation vies by action of the East Area Planning Council at ita rear meeting hold on June 27 g 1974. sapeotfu11y snheitted, ILTV*IDD COUNTrzcititwe azfaltant UNDvmj E l 6 e°Minutes �:ut;+. 9 1e D I 1 9 Staff port $ Age °y Reports* Environmental Assessment gativ a Declaration • : Riverafile Mfg Supervisor McCandloes County Health Dept. gyp . of IsId$ W Sef cty - Lend Use Div, Sept. of Firs Protection e• ter Quality Control Bd. 0' • County Road Department Coachella Valley County Water' Di triit • plimabx � (initials)try plluentb s Reprasentative July 5, 1974 fD:2t4&7nO i '\411nta La Quanta —4907 Birch Newport Beach, California Indio Administrative Center 46-209 Oasis Street, Room 304 Indio, California 92201 (714). 347-8511, Ext. 278 Re: Variance Case No. 1258-E Ontlenen: nclosed please find copy of our letter to the Board of Supervisors re- porting APPROVAL of your application for a variance,to allow the reduc- = ion of the front' setback in the La Quints District. - n appeal may be filed in writing to the Board of Supervisors within seven days of the date this report first appears on the Board of Super- visors! agenda. Attached, also, are extra sets of conditions pertinent to your variance. \ p.ease sign the agreeae3nt. as indicated. and return to' this office in \\ V uadruplicate. Li Yours very truly,, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT' Jemee L. White - Acting Planning. Director. Gerald W..Dupree Senior Planner GWD : nlw Encls. cc: Riverside Office J. I. Davidson & Associates Palo 2 of Schedule •A° reverse curvature; thence Southwesterly on a curvo concave to tho Northwest, havLn;; a radius of 500 Leer, through an angle oC 37° 32' 00" an arc length of 327.54 feet ,the initial radial line bears North 89° 03' 00" East); thence South 34 35' 00" West, 207.15 ices; thcncc Southerly on a curve c.mcave to the Lest, having; a radius of 300 feet through an angle of 670 3u' 50", an arc length of 354.03 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence Southeasterly on a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius •. of 300 feet, through an angle of 12° 32' 23", an arc length of 65.66 feet to a point oC compound curvature (the initial radial line bears North 58° 58' 10" Cast); thence Southerly on a curve concave to the Heat, having o radius of 150 feet through an angle of 46° 51' 07", un arc length of 122.66 ic•.t to a point of reverse curvature (the initial radiol line bears North 71° 30' 33"'Cast); thence Southerly un a curve concave to tho East, having a radius of 150 feet, tliroul;h an angle of 20° 30' 40", an arc length of 74.64 feat (the'initial radial line bears North 61° 38' 20" West); thence South 00° 09' 00" Last 1540feet to a point on the South line of said Section 31. which bears South 89 51' 00" Wcst 1130.55 feet from the Southeast corner • of the Wcst half of said Section 31. said point also being on the center lies of 50th Avenue conveyed to the County of Riverside. for public highway and public utility purposes, by need recorded in Look 1438 Page 28 of Official Records. The side lines of said casements terminate at the Northerly right of way lino of said 50th Avenue as it now extsts. 8CIIEDLIZ "A" PARCEL IL All that portion of Government Lot 1 in the Southwest quarter of Soetlop' l Township S South, Range 7 Last, San Bernardino Boo and Meridian. ncc0r400 to the official plat thereof. described as [ollowsl Commencing at the most Westerly corner of Lot 37 of Tract 3455 es shown by !Wp'r, an filo in gook 58, Page 31 of laps, Riverside' County Records; thence South 23° 10' 00" East, along; the Westerly line of Lots 37 and 38 of said Tract 3455, • 60 feet; thence South 66° 50! 00" West 180.77 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; thence South 13° 17' 00" West 45.70 feet; thence South 24° 39' 30" West 24,19 feet; the preceding 4 courses nro along the' Easterly and Southerly lines of that certain parcel of land designated as Parcel. 1 in Exhibit "A" to'the Trust Uced recorded August 26. 1970 as Instrument No.- • 83951; thence South 87° 42' 30" West 331.77 feet; thence Southwesterly on 4 curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 1030 feet through an angle of 03° 00' 30" an arc length of 54.08 feet; thenco North 89° 17' 00" Wost 100.92 feet to an angle point in said Southerly line of said parcel of land designated as said 1; thenced esigna[ d as1Parcele1; tlence64.67 [eet Southothe 89° 17'r00"rly Eastino of 76.81 :::1 LJ parcel of land desig feet; thence Northeasterly on a curve concave to the Northwest, having is radius of 970 feet, through an angle of 03° 00' 30", an arc length of 50.93•foet; thence North 15° 13' 00° East 236 feet; thence North 220 23' 00" East 208 feet; thence Barth 83° 51' 30" East 91.37 feet; thence South 15° 52' 00" East 207.85 feet; • thence South 130 02' 00" Cast 125.19 feet; the preceding 7 courses are along the Northerly line of said Parcel 1; thence South 01° 28' 20" Wept 66.01'feet -to the point of beginning. ' PARCEL 21 -An easement.40 feet vide for ingress, egress, roadway. sewer right of way, ston,i rainage, pipe line and public utility purposes, over a portion of Government Lots 1 and 2 in the Southwest quarter of Section 31, Township S South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Lase and Meridian, the center line being described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 9 as shown on liap of Tract 3976 on file in Book 64 Pages 83 and 84 of.laps, Riverside County Records;.thenco north•880 40' 00" East 107.85 feet;'thence North 85° 30' 00" East 229 feet;' thence South 07° 03' 23" Ea:C 208.12 feet; thence Easterly on a non -tangent curve concave to the South, having a radius of 370 feet, through an angle of 14" 49' 46" an arc length.of 95.7u feet to n point of reverse curvature (the initial radial line bears North 190 36' 10" West); thence Easterly on a curve concave to the North, having a radius of 330 feet through an angle of 120"'.• 43'.34", an arc length of 73.30 feet (the initial radial lino bears South 049 46' 24" Last); thence South 17° 30' 00" East 20 feet to the point of beginning of the center line to bo described; thence North 72° 30' 00" East los feet; thence Northeasterly on a curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 300 [.et, through.an angle of 24° 20' 06". an arc length of 127.42 feet to a point of'revcrse curvature; thence Northeasterly on a curve concave La the Seu heant having: a radius of 3UU feet, through an angle of • 42° 3:1' 06", an arc length of 222.60 leet ( the initial radial lino bears North 41° 50' 04" West); thence South 89° 17' 00" Emit, 204.67 feet; thence Easterly .un a curve CWK:Ive to the North, having a radius of 1000 feet, through on Fotglu of 03° 00' 30", an arc length of 52.51 feet; thence North 87° 42' 20" • 'East 81.17 feet; thence South 02° 17' 30" East 40 foot; thence SouLhwustorly ''' on -a curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 300 feet, through an angle of 34° 51' 48" an arc length of 182.54'feet to • point of reverse • curvature; thence Southwesterly on a curve concave to the Southeast. hewing .a radius of 600 feet, through an angle of 330 31' 18" an aro length of 331.0," • test (the initial rsdisl line bears North 57° 23' 42" Nest), to s Wait of Pogo 1 A• - • �� REGOROINS a ART$D MY Alb MIMEO IISCOMOsO W11L TO Molt Mr. Lawrence J. Sork ••••••• 2930 Westwood Boulevard cal: SL Las Angeles, California 90064 r NAIL Tu SYATINS lS w • Same as above CM • ^•" L J SPACE ABOVE THII LINE /OF )NECCDRO*II'e Uea Div ury transfer tax {.....L(.f.fr .imputed on full value of property conveyed, or Computed on full value teas lien. [ enrvmhr•nen remaining.thereon at time of sale. - Security Title S1.nature f derlusntUor urns deterelaiap ta. • AA S. unincorporated area City of Corporation Grant need THIS FORM PUNNISHEO ST a•CUa1TY TITLE INSURANC5 COMPANY j'OR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which i• hereby aclnowled ELKEE CORPORATION. a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Illinois . • hereby GHANT(S) to William Troutman & Jane G. Troutman. husband and wife as com- munity property, as to an undivided 1/3 interest it C. P. Colborntic-Allyn-Joy Colbprn. husband .a wife as community property., as to an undivided 1/3 interest 8. Lawrence J. Sork Lawry Louise Sork, husband k wife as community property, as to an undivided the following described real property in the • 1/3 interest, • county of Riverside , slue of Cnlilornis: • Arm Full Legal Description attached hereto and made a part hereof. designated as Exhibit trAll ___._..-.._. Dated January 15, 1973 STATE OF CALIFORNIA. I Ot•NTY OF *rereads IIn_Jsnusry..14. 1973 . helm. nor, the under. . tend. • Nowt, Pablo. a. .nd to, mod County end Stew. p„tewallt arl..r..l S.- Waiaold --- -•---• a..u.. le •.. le 6. the. Vice , 1•rnrd«I. .Jags McGlinehe.E. . . ... AawA w e« w b. Asa tt• . ar.MarI Pt lb..arner.eme That meowed ate ..thin I..lrar.nl: Immo to me I. I. lb. per.... oho mr. mere the ..IA.n Iwrmw.ni en 1.h.l1 nl tM .egr•at,n lb.r.•, w w.d. and ✓ 1m•hdeld to we the h ...I-ralwa sunned the nolo. retteeneel petwnn en LSO,•1... etl,rwlel.At M tie lewd .1 Mete,.. ' ISM •I •ItMM _ —. Gail 8. loses harm. appeal .r P,i.W l el Binary ELKEE CORPORATION, an.111inoiscoration By: t. Vise President e!t. Secretary ION NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP • OFFh1AL ifAL •-t'•ZL (-MI. S. JONES L`i hoTr 1I t.' LIC •cattreg_SA I.I.77 'I;: COUNty •_>' tile-T 1 tr. ,.•lam. tl.t l$ mote a...* as uWR NO ORML fall. tinl . • • i • Title Order No _►'..crow No.... _720841-1 L•t (G E 1 (Net. 567111 ph) MAIL TAN STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE III. _Statement as to Signitim'l Environmental Effect. If you have answered yes to one cr more of the questions in Section 11,. but believe the project will have no significant adverse environmental effect, indicate your reasons below: B.1.b.(1) Normal Permits. B.2.b.(2) Septic tanks will be used. _To the best of my knowledge the above information Date: TFB:pmp i.Q-4-73 D-73-52* true and complete.`. Signed J. F. Davidson Associates (Project Sponsor) l By ---- Title --'J-wr Title Project Coordinator -5- 'qqvr • 4' *; • • c. „Demand for Serv. 'fr0m Special.:Districts and/or ' • Municipalities c :ounty. ' • Yes. No. County Us0 (1) Will the project require the extension of , existing public utility lines? „,. (2) Will the project require public services, from an agency, district -or public utility which is currently operating at or near capacity? X X 3. Miscellaneous a. Will the project employ equipment which could interfere . with existing communication and/or defense systems? Y: b. Is the project located within the flight path or noise impact area of an airport? C. Potential Indirect Impact of Project. 1. Land Use • a. Is the proposed project expected to result in other changes in land use either on or off the project site? , b. Could the project serve to encourage development of - presently undeveloped areas, or increase in development intensity of already developed areas (examples include the introduction of new or expanded public utilities, new industry, pommercial facilities or recreation activities? c. Is the project adjacent to or within 500 feet of an existing public facility or site for same? d. Is the project inconsistent with any adopted general plan, specific plan, or present zoning? e. Does the project involve lands currently protected under the Williamson Act or an Open Space Easement? 2. Visual Impact ' • • • a. Is the site for the proposed project adjacent to a designated Scenic. Highway or within a Scenic Corridor? b. Will the project obstruct any scenic view from existing residential areas, public lands, or public roads? 3. Social/Cultural Impact a. Will the project require the relocation of housing or business' ) in order to clear the project site? , . b. Does the project site include or affect a known historical or archaeological site? -4 - Direct Impact ot Project • 1. Impact on Existing Ph' :al Surroundings. a. Pollution (Air, Water, Noise, Land) Yes County. Use (1) Will the project create dust, fumes, smoke, or odors? (2) Will the project involve the bilrniag'of any material, .including brush, trees, or construction materials? (3) Is the project expected to result in the generation of noise levels in excess of those currently existing in the area? (4) Will the project involve the application, use, or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, including pesticides, herbicides, other toxic substances or radioactive material? b. Applicable Pollution Controls and Standards (1) Will the project require a permit or other approval from any of the following agencies? State or Regional Water Resources Control Board County Health Officer Air Pollution Control District City or County Planning Commission U.S. Environmental Protection Agency County Airport Land Use Commission (2) Does the project require variance from established environmental standards (e.g., aitAuality,'noise, water quality)? 2. Impact on existing facilities and services a. Circulation. X X X (1) Is the project expected to cause noticeable increase in pedestrian traffic or a change in'pedestrian patterns? X (2) Will the project result in noticeable changes in vehicular traffic patterns or volumes (including bicycles)? • X (3) Will the project involve the use of off -the -road vehicles of any kind (such as trail bikes)? X b. Water Supply and Sewage Disposal. (1) Will the project entail the acquisition of water from wells or surface sources for commercial and/or non -domestic use? X (2) Will septic tanks be utilized for sewage disposal? -3- II. Assessment of Environmental Impact Please answer the following questions; by placing a check>.in the appropriate space: (The applicant should be able to explain or substantiate his response to every question.) A. Characteristics of the Natural Environment. Yes No. County Use . 1. Land (Topography, Soils, Geology) a. Does the project site involve a unique landform or biological area, such as beaches, sand dunes, marshes, etc.? X_- b. Will the project involve construction on slopes of 25% or greater? c.•"Is the project to be located in an area of soil' instability (subsidence, landslide, or severe erosion)? d. Is the project site located on, or adjacent to, a.known earthquake fault? 2. Water - a. Is the project located within a flood plain? b. Does the project involve a natural drainage channel or stream bed? 3. Flora and Fauna ' a. Are there any rare or endangered species of plant life in the project area?. b. Will.any.mature.trees be removed or relocated?' c. Is the project site adjacent to, or does it include, a habitat, flood source, water source, nesting place, or breeding place for a rare or endangered wildlife species? d. Could the project affect fish, wildlife, reptiles, or plant life? e. Is the project located inside or within 200 feet of a fish or wildlife refuge or reserve? 4. Potential Alteration to Natural Features a. Will the project result in the removal of natural resources for commercial purposes (including rock, sand, gravel, oil, trees, or minerals)? b. Will the project involve grading in excess of 300 cu. yds? X Staff Only File No. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING,DEPARTMENT TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR Variance /L 3-e Receipt No. Received By Type of Permit & No. LOCATION North and East of the intersection of. Coachella Drive and Avila .Drive ADDRESS in La Quinta.' APPLICANT Punta La Quinta 3907 Birch Newport Beach, CA 92660 • 546-4011 • (Please Print) NAME ADDRESS ZIP TELEPHONE NO. I. Background Information 1. Briefly describe the nature of the projector activity. Planned Residential Development. C.U.P. 1596E 2. General Location. North and East of the intersection of Coachell Drive, in La Quinta. 3. Legal description of project site. A portion of Government•Lot 1 of the Southwest Township 5 South, Range 7 East, S.B.B.&M. Describe the project area, including distinguishing natural and manmade characteristics Gently sloping land which drains from North to South. There are no distinguishing natural and/or man-made characteristics. 5. Is the project a phase or a portion of a larger project? If so, identify larger project. No. Drive and Avila one -quarter of Section 31, 6. Has an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Report previously been prepared that includes the project? If so give date submitted and title of project. No. • • 7. List every other public agency from whom a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use is necessary before completion of the project. No. -1- Punta La Quinta 3(.4)7 Birch, Newport Beach, CA 92660 to Variance to allow reduction of front setback North and East of :the intersection of Coachella Drive a>iid•Avila in La Quinta •'i I i' '. .'1 !. .. • 1. � .. . .:•}''.t..:. •.• • • 4, Pl.in La QuAnta. 11-1,1! 7,2(.14 ft La Quinta 0.).NfirgNS jUlla 27. 1974 1. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as showdon p/ot plan gicarked C:Olibit WI.", amended June 27, 1S74, an file with Variance Case No. 1258E in -the offof the Riverside CountyPlanning: Oepsos-6kment unless othei?wise amaladed by the following conditions. 2. This aplpover shell he used within Vi .Nreara after final Proceedings before, the BoaE'd af Supe.evisers Cithen4i)Le it shall become null' and -void and effe,i ofsubdivi4,.1u,n rizi?-and. construction of .the pvojet, AGREMA accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, 'to comply withall. of the conditions set forth and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a building permit or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed confirmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the • Planning Department. • Date Applicants Signature Date Owner°8 Signature PuntaLa Quints A Partnership By La Into Development F )Partnership AS General Partner By The 3Wtevant ;wpm* ini-, af-Partner BY (4 ,./f4-e/e- Warren O. Sturtevant President owner/Applicant Date --121 - 7 VW AU (230 - 354) Reduction of Setbacks Zone R-1 La Quints. District Fourth Superviaorial District (Hearing opened eat 3:10 P.M. and. cl oaed PRES NTATION : Mr. Dupree presented the 11 maps pertinent theeeto, surroundirg been notified according to the provielees of Ordir.arce No. 348e Mr. Dupree atated that a Conditional se Case had seen approved for this project by the Council at an earlier hear. ilg9 but when the cul-de-sac vas shown at the required 359, the aetoack on two ,nits was reduced to zero, Mr. Dupree stated that the ordinance requires a 10' setback: consequentl j 9 the staff as recommending denial. Property located north and eaat of the intarsecti,,n of Coachella Dri•',e and Avila Drive in La Quinta .at 3:20 P.M.,) sa b eat application togs 7xpp -with property owners naE-ir:g previously PROPONENT: Sob Kipper, J. F. Davidson & Associates, 3426 1Otn Street, Riverside, Calif. Mr. Upper stated that he thought there was a misunderstanding on this case. He stated that the revest for a variance was for Buildings 1 and 2 at the south end of the project on Ccac?ie1le Drive mere a draftamen made an error on the drawings and ahewed 20' setback where it should haee been lfa ` , He stated that the original map had been approved, showitg the 20' setback; they now would Lime an approval of this map, showing the eorreet 10' set- back. He added that they were not concerned aeout the zero setcacks on Buildings 8 and 9. 2. JUNE 27, 1974 Mar; Dupree stated that the Building Code spells out the setback -e4ulrements and the Planning Department cannot deviate from those reg4ire eltP. , Mr, Dupree advised that the possible so.lu? a:;r. might be to revise the plot plan, showing minimum setbawks at i 0" for el_ ! buildings and to, permit the apt l :icard to shift the buiIdi lgs as necessary to accommodate those setbacks, re .eing no further testimony, the chairman declared the public hearing closed at 3:20 PM MOTION: It was regularly roved by Councilman Lopez, seconded by Councilman Payne, and duly car^ied on a roll call vote aye a : Ccunc it eil Payne, Lopez, Branson, and Cohler; no: Chairman Olsen) t,at the East Area Planning Council recommend to the Board of Supervisors approval of Variance Case �)c 1258-E, with Exhibit "A" amended 6/27/14, subject to. eanditions as proh,nsed by the staff and with the following f in3 i^gs : I) mere are sr ecial c ircur- sta ces attached to the property wt:ich do not apply generally to ether properties in the area; 2) it is necessary to 'k substantial .;usticc and to avoid practical difficulty, unnecessary hardship, or results inconsistent with the general purposes of the crdrr,ance; 3) it will not result in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity, nor be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, with the Amended ExiAbit "A", c.ated June 27, 19/4; and 4) it would not have a significant negative effect en the environment. VARIANCE CASE NO, 12S8-E Punta La Quinta Reduction of Setbacks Zone R=lam (Single family dwellings, 1200 sq. bt, min. dwelling size) June 27„ 1974 La Quinta District EAST AREA PLANNING COINCIL CONDITIONS 1. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit "A", amended June 27, 1974, on file with Variance Case No, 1258-E in the office of the Riverside County Planning Department unless otherwise amended by the following conditions 20 This approval shall be used within 3k years after final proceedings before the Board of Supervisors, >trherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever; By "use' is meant recordation of subdivision map and construction of the project, AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a building permit or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed confirmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Department, Date Applicant's Signature • Date Owner's Signature GWD:CSB:mj 6/5/74 DICE OF PUBLIC REARING VARIANCE CASE NO,, 1258-E NOTICE IS 1EREBY GIVER that a public hearingwill be held before the River ide County East Area Planning Council on the application of Punta La Quints made pursuant to Ordinanne No® 3400 Riverside County Zoning Ordinance and Ordinance 537, County Planning Agency, f©r a permit to allow reduction of front setbads in Zone R-t (One family Dwellings) on property located North and Eat. of the intersection of Coachella Drive Avila Drive , in the La Qu£nta Area and more particularly described as follows: A portion of Govermitant Lot *1 of the Southwest quarter of Section 31, T. S►S , R. 7E, S. B, B. € . Said public hearing will be held on Thursdays June 13th, I974, et 9:10 A.M. in the Riverside County Office Building, 46-2O9 Oasis Streets Room 403, Indio, California,, at which time end place pertinent testimony y will be heard. RIVERSIDE COUNTY EAST AREA INNING COUNCIL 46-209 Oasts Street - Room 304 Indio, California 92201 . IL Livingstone - Planning Director By: miry F. Jessup - Secretary East Area Planning Council (714) 347-851I, Ext. 278 345-2521, Ext. 278 GWD:nlw:Nay 22, 1974 GWD:mj . PD-73-6D R ERSZDE COUNTY EAST AREA PLANNING COUNCIL 4E6-209 Oasis Street, Room 304 India, California TO: Land Use SUBJECT: VARIANCE CASE NO. 1258-E Punta La Quinta 3907 Birch Newport Beach, CA May 22, 1974 Reduction of Front Setbacks LaQuinta District Please review the attached as it pertains to your area of. expertise, :four comments end recommendations are requested prior to 31/�4 . COVENTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS: Date NO COMMENT _-2t►-�4 Signed (Return original to Planning Dept., 46-209 Oasis Street, Room 304, Indio, CA 92201 (714) 3 47-8511, Ext. 278 EA NO: 1079 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Responsible Agency RIVERSIDE COUNTY Department PLANNING Address City 4080 Lemon Street Project Sponsor Junta La Quinta 3907 Div* Nawport Desch, California 92660 Riverside • Zip 92501 • Project Title and Description .4. <. Variance 1250-11, reduction of front setback. Peri. 4 ;SO of ths imPWIteet1en'Of Coachella Drive and Mile Drive, Is Quints: It has*been determined that the above project will not have a significant effecton the environment for the following reasons: s, : . . • . •! . • Review of the proposed project has entailed assessment of potential impacts associated with (1) geological, hydrologic, and poil'factors, (2) ecological conditions, and (3) growth inducing aspects such as public facilities and premature development. - . Evaluation of the Initial Study (EA # 1079 ) has indicated that due to the ' scope and nature of the project, and the existing physical.conditions,, the activity will not have a significant impact 9n the physical, biological, or socio-economic environment'. . . " The initial study of the project was prepared by Riverside County Planning Department.. A copy of the study may be obtained 'from the Riverside County Planning Department,:•' Hall of Records, 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, California •••'• Date: April 8, 1974 VCC: Desert Offise TFB/pmp 2/21/74 PD 74-10* (Signature) • (Title) .Todd F. kegler Associate glasses ASSESSMENT EVALUATION REPORT EA NO. 1079 >RELATED FILE: Responsible Agency: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Department: PLANNING, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SECTION BY: rda r- molar Date: 8, 19 Project Sponsor: Punta La Quinta 3907 Birch pewport Beach, Califoania 92660 94 Project Title and Description: Variance 1256-E, reduction of front setback, North i Bait of the intersection of Coachella Drive and Avila Drive, La Quints The following is the evaluation of the Planning Department of the above project: 1. That the project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA because: Z 2.- That the provisions of CEQA have previously been complied with, with respect to the project, and there has been no substantial change in either the project as originally reviewed or the circumstances under which,the project is to be under- taken. A Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report was filed in connection with: 3. That a "lead agency" situation exists with respect to the project and additional time is needed to consult with the other agency or agencies involved in order to. complete the evaluation. Other agencies involved include: 4. That the project will not have a significant effect 0 a Negative Declaration has been filed. 5. That the project may have a significant effect on the environment and that an environmental impact report is required. 6. That the following additional information is needed from the project sponsor in order to complete the evaluation. (See attached:) CC: APP. EA CASE TFB/pep CC_ Desert Office 12-20-73 PD 73-71 e environment and that II Lr, i ._APR 12 .197-1 ..♦ZINC--.JIV- ...i •��'� i Y PLANNING COMMISSION • DESEiC( OFFICE. • 4.2, re. t',A; .. •.<;. • ; t 014 • • '" ' ;, • Water Quality Control Bd.. #7 VARIANCE CASE NO. 1250-E 5/22/74 Punta La Quinta Reduction of. Front Setbacks:. 3907 Birch Newport Beach CA La Quinta District • • :q r4t-v f,e w t n. to yt.ii.91. rf4 •11,± riac. Yr't:11-0,.,11/.0d lett S r;apy;:e ?id a s) is ri..! 'is. :Nue pr [or to 5/31/74 • • • We have no objection to issuance of a building permit for the above proposed project. Datt, (54-.• thrri 0 gisLa 1 to I) nt, . • EDEPik' MAY 3 1. 197-1 RIVERSIDE CUulsi Y PLANNING COMMlSSON. DESERT OFFICE ' MOE KAZEM • _LP Oa , , CA 9 :•:-!2t.it (7 1- ) 1. 2 7 i.t...••• • • : ' lay 22, 1974 GWD:2414D0 Punts La Qu tnta n 3907 Birch �J Newport Beach, California Gentlemen: Please find enclosed a copy of legal notification in connection with your application for a variance to permit a reduction of front.sethack in the La Quint. Ares. The information for posting the�$oti a of Hearingis enclosed. rift is suggested that you be present.or represented at this hearing.. Failure to do so nay be construed as a waiver of your r ghtto Teem Indio Administrative'Center 46-209 Oasis Street, Roc 30e.. Indio. California 92201 (714) 347-8S11. Lxt `t78 Re: Variance Case No. additional evidence. In the event you appoint masons to represent you at the hearing, a letter signedby you giving such authorisation exist be on f 1a with t! PlanningDepartment at the thew of the -hear Your very truly.. R1YBNB IDB COUNTY PL AIRtT'S DEPARTPENT James L. White - Acting Piano Director Gerald W. Dupree - hater elienni f GWD:nlw Boas. cc: Riverside Office . Cl)UNTY I VEI1 SII)E DEPARTMENT OF FIRE PROTECTION IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF FORESTRY J. ELMER CHAMBERS COUNTY FIRE WARDEN SERT AREA OFFICE - G. J. SCIHTLTEJANN 46-209 Oasis Street ' Room 303 Indib, Calif, 92201 Telephone (714) 347-1929 Riverside County Planning Commission Room 304 46 209 Oasis Street Indio, California 92201 Reference: Variance Case No. 1258E Conditional Use Case No. 1596-E. Gentlemen: We strongly recommend that no reduction in road. width .or cutde-sac radius be allowed from the conditions approved on Conditional Use permit No. 1596. Any further reduction could pose a serious problem; for large. fire apparatus.:" P.O. BOX 248 C STREET & SAN JACINTO AVE: PERRIS, CALIFORNIA 92370 TELEPHONE (714) 657-3183 May 25, 1974. GJS:jl J . ELMER CHAMBERS County Fire`Warden GEORGE ULTEJANN Fire Protection Planning and Engineering Officer F. �1 MAY 2 8 19 i ..1 p ANNIIJG COMM SSION DESERT OFFICE * ' •ttI Health Dept. VARIANCE CASE NO. 1258-E Punta :La Quinta. 3907 Birch Newportaah, CA c'&k.u7t;':;-s 5/22/7'i Reduction of Front Setbacks La Quinta District 1,T 1.111i.staii!,:i to your are 4 of. expe.rtiae, prior to • 5/31/74. • Yo The Department of Public Health of Riverside County has received Variance #1258-E to establish a Reduction of Front Setbacks in the La Quinta Dlstrict. The Department of Public Health has no objection to the approval of Variance #12.58-E.. LWR:vs cc: D. R. Boling Dist. San. Dzt;:eJ Signed yd W Cgt:'torn tl;ri--;411-.31 to N.annIng koom (.71 t:xt. -.FJRUE. MAY 4 19:4 RIVEKSIUt L.:July I Y PLANNING COMMISSION DESERT OFFICE • • • GW9:1!;j �.. i'�.da.,.,�..1`• L.1„5t..�lf` i.t\�tS .:e�.! iF�s1:�ISy �.,�, f.ti:':tw.nJ.r. :..b La Quinta Chamber of Commerce VARIANCE . CASE NO. 1258-E Punta La Quinta , 3907 Birch Newport Beach, CA Reduction of Front Setbacks, La Quinta District revs ir_•,, te ?afi i 13v".5. tg:ii..N u- :'i » a?: e:c£ Oi C',:(p}"'`a.stx.ce:. ff.nct r ;=i:5o?`.iG'tldatiositq are Il'°'La:*ated prior to S/31/74 C.01,21:::.;NTI.;cap t Z.+.-c:?.ttw4r:,P,TI NS: v DQ Lon Daze S1;.;ti d UAW MAY 241974 RIVERSIDE COU" i Y PLANNING COM%S ION DESERT O (ReAur n ! .A _ o .I P % :' i F.. >.' } C.' � : ±'. ?.• r' �: 1.:: 11 s a: .1 1., i v ? 2 [ i^.s,;y1,TIa 11.J .�•� �P..{7,' 0. �i , , .'I ,,». 1'I. :.Q:� }t °'sS , ,'3.i�' t..t� .1.1 f .i 'f '•A i 1 . 2'7., . '` a.i.,. i'Y'��'3..z.'t Road, Dept, VARIANCE CASE NO, 12 58 - E Punta La Quirita 3907 Birch Newport Beach, CA • 5/22/74 Reduction of Front Setbacks La Quinta District i'l+1':hwz r vi,}:t,,.t ottecbed 'us it 'liLtka nii to you'mP area of exo,rtiise, Your R,`zAis 'rit1i arbd 'r^eco mthdatizns are r qu ted prior to 5/31/74 Proposed Variance does.not adversely effect County road. DiAe May 22, 1974 igh'"i3 /� -ems ... _ • _- r RPB/ra y Robert P. Brock, Desert Office Engineer. l+.yM P�`i� rn of;'.4.0.T:.`I�+. to E .L�l: 0.1 (1� s j''Nac ?? - 0Y t.�f.'i': _i 3tA .'` .) .�a:�'usi� :}(i1J � d:,;?1i::., ...'•i 9220 T5S-R7E..,Sec. 31.' Washington Street, North of 50th Avenue. EJtEUV MAY 23 1974 RIVERSIDE (.0u1 ; . Y PLANNING COMMISSION DESERT OFFICE ..•ilk ' t'+.3 3�a....>n> _: �.f i ♦ f. . .,.. 1 y 4_.)_ 4 t 1 ..l i`OP _%.11 v. ti ,Yf .c S'f�s 1:41 ."'k - i• :1. �: :Ji�i .i t: '��• is f"` ! •i 7 C•• Land Use VARIANCE CASE NO. 1258-E Punta La Quinta 3907 Birch Newport Beach, CA. Reduction of Front. Setbacks LaQuinta District x'V le'..4,v the .y. .:.. :K.cd 6S iipertA11.18i''r YQUP f.i;s.! t'ii n=.i•.�STbC')1f ::'� ac r as 6i. .2' rec0..t.. 4.t'`.'d py tit' to 5/31/74 • S OR f(rJ ?./l tlf:A'}'.l!nONS NO COMMENT MAY 24194 kwric�iut �'�`' PLANNING COMMISSION DESER1 OFFICE Signe4 (Return original to P.lurning Dept., Oasis ail:!!et, Room 304, Indio, ..'ri 92s'.01 d;7.111i ;4,j .;5 I., L.xr.. J'i VARAAWE CAS-: NO. 1258-E VA51'- ARC PLA NNYUt COVOCIi:L.. PuatA La Qui:Ai:a ., CONOUIONS , itIlitac.;tin .1;f: . .. . -. . .. . . 11' Sir...gie t:iiigily 4.wil-il...pi.±:.., . . • .. . . . 120 ,.;it, f";;:, 1r4. .1...4:1..; ..L.,1.; Jun e 27..11.974 , .. LA Qainte Olotriet I. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked exhibit "A", amended June 27.'1974, on file. with: Variance Case We0 l2S8E in the office of the Riverside County Planning Deportment unless otherwise ,amrended by tho f011.owing conOttione. .2. Th4s approva•thall he twed within 344 years after final proceedings lwforci. the La r4 of:Super4ivqrs, ctherwb,4ed. stIk be.ailmg null and void and -of - -nu eff(71cr willate;oever, .141. ".tAa.Q.." is wiwit:k144.1.411c4olii. of suh44i44on 61.41.0.an4 eowl.truetton of the prcdeet. AGREEMENT I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval, to'comply with all of the conditions set forth, and understand that the Office of Building and Safety will not issue a building permit or allow occupancy on the use permitted until this signed confirmation, in quadruplicate, has been received by the Planning Department ." • Date Applicant's Signature • Date Owner's Signature Call:CS21,mij LAWRENCE J.•SORK, ACCOUNTANTS A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 2930 wESTwOOD BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90064 (2,3) 879-2131 November 15, 1973 Riverside County East Area Planning Council 46-209 Oasis Street, Room 304 Indio, . California 92201 Re: Conditional Use Case No. 1596-E Gentlemen: ONTARIO OFFICE R537 SOUTH EUCLID AYENNC ONTARIO. CALIFORNIA 91761 . (71.1) 984-7925 •.. NOV 1 G i i3 THE STURTEVANT CORP. You are hereby. notified that Bob Kipper, of J..F. Davidson Associates and Warren Sturtevant -are authorized by -the owners of La Quints Property to.::represent'us at the above ' hearing. LJS:em RECEIVEE.D TOM................ JOHN............. C.C.C........ ...... MAR 2 U 197.4 J.F.D............ . Boa ........ --.-- - J; F. DhVIDSCil •ASSOCIATES • ECHWE MAY2 9.197-! . RIVERSIDE (-•.Ju .4. Y • PLANNING COMMISSION... DESERT OFFICE i, fA PLANNING CWCWL.- The applicant e6:i't'':.: oy i:1s'i_E at.l!'1:'ea.''. to post- the enclosed �:���TIC L OF Pusuc' }WARM:no .�_ess tls io three (31 feet above -the :iyb si.lad in a conspicuous place .. the ppoperty line of the a):Covul''•i:y involved in the vase under consideration for. at leost ten (11I days vio:r.° to. the :sate of th=e h .'a i ing noted thereon. . Z`eO ure to post or removal off' this. Notice prior to-da to of iia- uri t : hi-1 1I constitute. a v io.► a : i n of the Riverside .de County Buaz d ' of Super- v .:,ut°''e Ordev of &pril 26, :6 96 S, ;he a p icant shall sign: tree AFFIDAVIT:OF' .. POSTING below ;and return sotze :i.:t the ::!uclosed envelope prior to the date of the public hearing. CASE i G VARIANCE # 12 58 - E' AFFI!)iWI`iE` OF POSTING Punta La Quinta of perjury state: oea Ufl rr penalty That on the 2-4 day of .. , i?1 7 .__ he securely wad conspicuously posted ate enclosed Notice a' which the .a•tt�ach d is a full, &me , and correct copy. 2 Executed at s:L (v G (City) v (State) this day of 19% . raj VARIAUCEM 12584 Page 1 of 1 Security Title Ins. Co. 430 Court Street, Pt. 492 Sam Derwerd to., CA Slkee Corporative 208 S. LaSalle. Room 1000 Chicago, Illinois 30604 13 lids I... Co. Blvd. City, CA 91402 John & Ib ry gleasen 733 ids Road W , Ill.93 Ernest-4 Beatrice Row 2004 Ben Pasqua'. Street CA 91107 • Jame& Josephine Allis Sp40�Cri i Vale le Sass Joss, CA 9S13$ David Wicolatdes Et Al 1009 California Drive Burliagrn., CA 94010 David & !Ivry Stretch 4919 Walnut Mill Lane Dallas, Texas 7sa29 Paul & Elisabeth Goetcbeu. 937 Lakeshore Road Grosse Pointe, Minh. 441236 Edward & Adrienne Doll W0 W. La Villa Marina Marian Del by. CA lQ211 Samuel & Lois Montgomery 1755 Helwood Drive Glendale. CA 91207 Msn y► Poetea 1413 W. Torrance Boulevard losraeos, CA SOS01 N & Mae Emotes. WashiagtOn St. Bev. Cvepaay 2420 Oaks Drive 49441 Cose ells Drive olo1 ark, CA 94023 La Wets, CA 92253 Jack & Barbara Eldrige 9600 Saseiao Drive Downey, CA 90240 Washiagton St. Dev. Company 49-$47 Coachella Drive La Quints, CA 92233 Washington St. D.v. Co p uay.. 49-S31 Coachella ©rive La Via, CA 92233 Washington St. Div. Compeer 494$0 Coachella Drive Le Quints, CA 94423 Washington St. Div. Company 49444 Coachella Drive Ls QMtote, CA 922U Washington St. Dee. Compeer 494311 Coechella Dotvl Li Quirts. CA 94253 .; Washington St. Div. Company 1194i0 Coachella Dr. 1.a Quints, CA 92233 Wm. Troutman & L. Sort Et Al 2930 Westwood Boulevard Loa ilea, CA 20024 : +i'.w. C.V•i i': L .''�.Ln,L�T§ I,r`g,'; ? T17q,,w 1, 2, A►•';S ; ";6 ':` .ra,.. liAEia d::, Lf. A K ll4.iCw•7wTZ AUDRESS _3902 Bireh . Newport Beach, CA 92660 • gt 4.4 � Pw= D!� C: :t' (. 1..s e",, t� i' t ;; � '. Lawrence J. Sork,•et.al. AT1141813 CrBlvd.,tr„ h.' .: 7. ._,. _. AFS;?.S. 3426 Tenth Street, Riverside, CA , 92501 • • J. F. Davidson & Assoc. • . ..t'isi;iQ�.ifii45•:•ii•k���.$iE'!1�:;'�+�14°%."it�9`•,.(q'at'.;a:i�`�;?"�$h'..':'.'<�'�,' 4 PCR C2 .E UM C !L•i" • SUPAEcT Variance - Reduction of Setbacks �g March 27. 1974 Ar F C.U.11596-E & E.A. 656 • p2cgrri,D By K. ;.Manning _4..4...� ...•....—..tir .,•-...,..1,..4444.401.4414. ....m:...a.4.4.._ ,_--. ....,.,,..,....• ; ., •.......,...—_...b......`.-........,-._...—.,..44.� EA a'isry°ii:ER1079 i •- , .3. Appel. F"e /1/4 Re t l -t_ Tact or P rce1, ;t p lication Cc :p1et< x. :Fling Fee Attached $160 + $15 6. of Pl.9a'! c Y.eched. •� _ x-,..,.... ....me...�.«. 7. Ms oa'a B k'No. b17-32 Tags' Bcri tf Sail Ctrsp1et . and Cbe ked 9. TiantaUve News:log Late ii.,:e.dU.ine Date Lt. Azzirja Case No. 'Var. 1258-E $ . 11.3czipt..for' ti • ck _...._.._,...�. .,... VELMA FMB3 • Coetr . 'F 6 2 1'.1' s' at' of �..oti lc el. O Base ;"L. /Pee - ys':,t ,. '?ton a* 7e•e a r:.1s, ri2f •„ ;:z.Og Lots 1: 4260 .i .!. — 00 S. .•• b r M AI ALL rM,ER / Assign p1 on a aad , (date and hour).:., lietlz aper p • PART, FE;CRL:`: i`:.r, ( o t) L� ....., , CIO W If{ tl w v ..y N. C. w.1, 160.00 • P .« n.w..r......xv..r+.�,�w..n......^sw.e•S +ve 0.44.0e44,,044,440.44040644.' +e. -..w l.u. •MI .en.s..• us ..w..o..... .•rt. . To lbe palls:nod not later th• an. .•..s..a..c.a..,..r..o+.w..arcwsrw.r.a...w:..ow....na.n.•tr...v., . !o:icc to applicant mailed w.rw..r< .* •••o 44414444.44.00 QzT Punta La Quinta ..w:.•v.. e..✓.., ,.....y ..aew a-: a..na..w+•x,rww.....WLa-...'.✓say.4w.«na.#..eM�aew.;w.iWie+...+..✓..w.U+arr..s.w•w.ifl..'many.rn,.wl.:..:w..n�wwu:.r..a.. .gym. 4......... ,.100..,.w........_..__. w.... • 171 notice called ..044.4....„..... ,...:.......mow...-a....•.me.y044. 4...r .....,.0.oa.......mn+4.41•4.. 0....ab.e..,.... e..w.......«.... ,..-.......... s.:.....} I...Attice posted on property by SENT TO: ttEX Ar . N.w,+w+.=.+.w..►.e....,....«w...-wa.,,wi... s041mn+400.404+44e:.e4444444.4 • a. i•c. Dept. Air Pc:t ,,Cont.Diet. Airport Dir.,. Cliew17.e.r of CcatterceLQ Plan.- Dir. of • t sert Office* (t r ii'1c ritiong 1 An DATE } ..+.e....... ...�w..�...er..nsw...m M.-..w..,.w.r..:-...arr+r w..........wa4.w.w...w..0•....w..•....✓...w,w........._ ..„r. x !and legal �9j =LaQuinta Golf Estates Community Asri., P.O. Box 596, LaQuinta, CA +. .1L4 9 _ _%9 � `Ra .a i e Dfffr�r Parke Dept. Eiv.Co Flood Cott. Health Dept. :.A. t.a 17d` Use. i �t, ..0.0 ...:..»..�. • ft0e6. Dept. PPrmits . Road DeDt. P3n4_aiag d talivsof Fomst;-fir Water . C ou •t• . ZLE : ik . Dept. of ItinIz `,k eptt-. T 4 Bu g, D6pt. • w.w.nna.. 40444. 04.00:44.40+401.40.•. w4.44.0.ye.. .:...w..✓..ao: .......•+wx..•. ..vww...rs.+44s..swwe1.4040404.404.w......u1410.4w ..aww.w .4•4400.....w.w:..y..a+arm........w.ww. ,w:...a+........+.....0........- .. 19; Entries glade i.'Counter Book ..... ........... Pale .........b..._.. by. • €le rex3 for Cent•Alsolt+n b East Area' Pionn1t' C4T•4'.Llcil. • Ge rai Plat A:ea Cove Communities 4th 5 :arvivo •ial. District cw ?1.LC iprpto ru/..— 0•14 (�ic,�l7l/ Gt/)' ,'7„ ir/ WC/ C El CM ) teem a1 pull ig natl. or1LDR, 3-5DU/A .Zonibe.Diot. {r- == 4 LaQuinta .anina R-1 R-1 (One family dwellings) Punta La uinta allow reduction of front setback • North and East of the intersectio n of.Coachella Drive and, Avilc Drive, in La Quinta La Quinta. A portion of Government Lot # 1 of the Southwest quarter of Section 31, T.SS, R-7E,..S:B.B,&1 Teo.( / 9 7 N .' • �. � y•bE D1NN:'BY__} M MI•µDATE •_$, . -ASSESS. BK. 6rt 13i14--.CK'D..BY GEN9PLAN...HWYS: P G.32 • • CASE 1� NO: „� ('`base -Orvieto.+. Srcai.) ' t; tl• �� C.U. •to49 •Av'v40.,5-cos 5 ' -• • • cjE'N'HOWER - Ott itS*4 it e \\\,\\\\`\. 4 TATE i/ 1://///2. t_ • VAR. tk119 APP'O. I -Coto JECT•:P P°E2- AVE . VE. Y 5'Q.T_H.. D R s , VAR. tt 1 O1(. •APP'O• 5-to r V4a- t Se, 8 3-4,1 mimes r eft Oft 531.111. - a Its, �►' �C.U• 55%-E , 2.77Ac.. 467' • we ••• • 1.1 re, Aro it IN Mir mei NO in 41 4# *4 •r •1 VAR 059-' 41 S�ca4. .r AVENUE • aPa LIU ,.1 ZEN PUNTA LA QUINTA USE: REDUCTION OF SET6ACKS 1r • • f X •a 0 00' 8001 APPLICANT LA-QuinTA 4TN - AREA • SUPER. DIST. RIVERSIDE • COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT THIS MAP IS FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY , • } s. EACH LOT, SNARES A ///O uN0/V/DED INTEREST /N THE 0MU0N AREAS. ASSESSOR'S MAP DK.646 PG.26 RIVERS/DE COUNTY, CALIF POR. SW//4 SEC3/, t5S. R.. 7E. . i ---- R'�zo.,o. _ =, COACNELL 7.r! 37.7.7.. DR. ,A/4Sµ2'30'E .. N T. R A. 020- 002 020- 03/ 020-06/ M.B. 82/3/-32 Tract No .. 5544 646-26 6/754 SEC:31' T.jS.,R. '7 E.'ASSESS. BK. 61/ :PO.3/. OWN. BY ;M M .DATE 4f3/74-.CK'D.BY—Xi, • GEN. PLAN HWYS:. • STATE I 3 JECT P OR P'ERty AVE . wV^,r. ;, . ,: 7 ,"-, o CASE.: NO 258E C.U. a 1049 Avv'o. S-(29 (Ju0-O,v+b1oN 45ici4) 5Q.TH. AVENUE.- 7 • VAR, 699, - 5- to (oe'.t-) • ^` i 4 PUNTA LA QUINTA USE: REDUCTION OF SETBACKS 0 400' RIVERSIDE 800 APPLICANT LA QUINTA 4TN • AREA SUPER. DIST. COUNTY , PLANNING -ii .r•. �c1 'anY..aEiIYP DEPARTMEN�:�.T` �.::,:a: i • • Jas i l Y • 4 cacti' M4' T4N VICINITY MAP ,/or rV SCAOL:e• RJwcio \. artoPoler care ! GU"725P --.. 0.55 TR4SN. • LAj4/iPENCE .7 s0RAI, e/ a/ P930 if/ESTTiGY'D Aszv.0: LOS 9 LE-S, . CA. 94'61- A✓i ESS+O,P''S Pflif 6L ,R 4/7-.320 -023 UTILITIES SEWER W4TER G.45 KECTR/C TELEPHONE': TELEV/J/GN ?'ONJN9 EX/STING two USA EX/5*'NO LA QU/NTA /YQTeR MOONY .VA177-1ERN C4L/PORN/4 G49 C 41P4NY /RR/Gd T/ON D/5TR/CT cm-/Yth341 TEE-, 4YE- C'O.- -----/N,D/J//OufZ. X1A/7..6TY>WA - 014/ELL/NG UN/Ts: /0 TOTAL AVA/BER OF LOTS: '? 9A' //YG S4�i CES : ZU UFF 5T.QEET /,S 0/Y-.57 PEST TOTAL AREA — STREETS, DR/vES / P9Rf(/NCa = NET AgEA 77Acs-- 0. 994c .t ' /.78Ac. + .NET AREA NET AREA — BUILD/449S = OPE.N AREA 78/4c 1 - 0. 77Ac.' _ / 0/Ac.'' OPEN AREA U/c'EN AREA =- NET AREA = OF OR.EN AREA 0/Ac. t - /. 78Ac•'- = O. 57'e OF O, N AREA 1 s e9°53 30W S c oil 3 a" e - 66 33' --� SCALE 1"°°50' 50 ,l 4. A V E S'0 755 )311, 3','+ 7G 5 tki k PRoPosto /8 UNITS FoR LA QU/N74 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES LA QU/NT4, CAL/FORM/A ELK LE CORPORA T/ON Df ✓ELOPER 0/a .Jo/ w Dawson 4100 .5C✓cri Lkc Or. J()/ N R , 07:5FORD C/V/L f NG/N ER I✓OTE'5 ; / . Th c m;r? i rmi t 7 d/s ; a n ee #6 u / a:•7a ..; wi // he /47 ', 2. 5iie /r?G/t.1 rr/ acce» roac//5 5.63 dcrer de d1 3. , 4r,,,in9 will �e prbt�/ fhe t�a-f/o ? Splice , fter un%f 4, 24 too' paved' in(yrior CYreG/s will he in a So loot ea5crrIcn4, Tom/ Ut7ifi -/a. „�` 20 fcof paved sired' will bC /n o' 4J Goof eazcn en4,