VAR 0697ASSR'S BK 25-P10-1 §-23-6-3 D r n' C.E.G LE — 12r4'Ir .._ I ; , �� f 1 Ii ' I 7 •••' • .•. •.f • ••. • •.• • . r : • •. • • 1144 • • / ! 2 LS =400 J - • • t-1' • ♦ OBREGON ••t • • •• 3c r-A ?/ 3_? 3.- i1 1 i i • • • • is, • • • • 555' I r Lf) _ 5 AVENUE 50 • :� • - •.• VA to 100 W} 0 cn W W 60' '4, O , Z 5AN 77 79 � ,i+ Q— j T 5 S. R. 7 E. 6 0' T. 6 S. R. 7 E. IL3.'J1� Cr MASTER PLAN OF HIGH INDICATES EISENHOWER 110'R/W & AVENUE 50, 1 !%IANCE CASE EL KE E CORP _ REDUCE_ LC' A D • N T , 5 ' C I-7f E COU • • N _ I 4.1 Z iL\ n) iN TIMOTEO 5T. • • •.. • • . •••••• : •• • • GOL _ r, I, tom• ' >� } _8ACKforCONDOMINIUM LA QUINTA (NON STATUTORY) LANN NG C.0MMISS I ON p t <' r • .••• / •. 5 S R T. 6 S. R. • • • .•• •• • • • •• • • • •• • • Case No. 6 ( \ >(_. 4. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE As Provided by Article XIX of Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 348 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA TO: THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: I. NAME OF APPLICANT glkQm _Corporation A. Only the following persons may file. Applicant must indicate under what capacity he is filing by placing (x) in block provided. 1. The record owner of the land. (If in escrow, give Escrow No. The purchaser thereof under a contract in writing duly acknow- ledged by both the buyer and the seller. (COPY OF CONTRACT MUST BE ATTACHED.) 3. The lessee in possession of the property, with the written con sent of the record owner. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) { ' The agent of any of the foregoing, duly authorised thereto in writing. (WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE ATTACHED.) 2. II. PROPERTY IN QUESTION A. Street address of property EisenhaWer Driv+a Situated on the Weat aide of said street between 3Ut 1 AVa. and Avenido Fernando B. Legal description of real property located in the County of Riverside must be accurately described as per Riverside County records. See attached sheet (If more space is needed for above description, please attach supple-. mentary sheet.) C. Date of acquisition of property. April 1958 D. Outline deed restrictions pertinent to this application. (Any permit granted pursuant to this petition shall not affect deed restrictions of record.) More E. Land use of property. III. APPLICANT'S REQUEST Agriculture A. Outline in space below in clear and concise wording what you are re- questing for the property in question. Before this application is ac- cepted, there must be attached a plot plan drawn to scale showing boundaries and dimensions of the property, width of boundary streets, all existing impro c nts on property, and plans and elevations of all proposed new improvements. Applicant must file with this application evidence of his ability and intention to proceed with the actual con- striction work in accordance with said plans within six (6) months m c� to of fili�g, thi a li ation. ariancc to al7owr a tan normal lot sise and sat backs . . . i 0 7. 11 . t f 1:.J.' recrauca orr VT. zz ag. -1- FORM 133-3 th pES'i' F E B 1 0 1965 " -) RIVERSIDE COUrv'l Y PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFIrsE B. State what exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions there are applicable to the property involved, or to the intended use of the property, and explain why these conditions do not apply general- ly to other property adjacent to your property and in the neighborhood. toc%t tOL - La Ouinta IL te1 Prs&,rti ms North a! WI property. C. State why the granting of this Variance as requested is necessary to do substantial justice to the applicant and to avoid practical diffi. culty, unnecessary hardship and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. devilo D. State why the granting of this variance as requested mill not result in material damage to other property in the neighborhood, nor be detri- mental to the public safety or welfare, 4. v tb th.61 am- r t ng vitas. NOTE: It is desirable but not mandatory to have the signature of owners of adjacent property certifying that they have no objection to the estab- lishment of the use as applied for in this application. We, the undersigned owners of property in the vicinity of the property legally described in this APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, hereby certify that we do not object to the granting of this application. Signature Address STATE OF CALIFORNIA CQUNTY OF RIVERSIDE OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT being duly sworn depose and say that property inv ve in this application and that the foregoing atures, statements and veers herein contained and the information submitted rewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of SY knowledge and. belief. PHONE NO. Subscribed and Sign sworn to before me this day of -Q C - 19 ‘r (Notary Public) Z Subscribed end sworn to before me Ibis /d day of CCIG_�L.ti�2.�Ca ¢ �C CHARLES C. CANU My Commission Expires July 27. 18b 19.E S otary PubItC -3- LJ MAY 1 2 1966 FflVERSIDE LULLLUILDNL7i DEPARTMENT May 9, 1966 Itlice. Corporation a/o J. P. Davidson P. O. Bar 493 iivoraide. California Subject: Variance Caen 9697 Side* Corporattoo Condaalmitiee with lot rode:sties requirements Zone 11-11000 Le Quanta District Dear Mr. Devtdsont On March 22, 1965, tits Rive raid, County Board of Su a cv _sors approved Variance Coss 697 for a coodosiazium with lot redue t: i.On roquirsa oes. is Zone N-x-lam, an property located near ehm southwest corner of Rios:shower Drive sod Avenida Fernando to the Ls Quiets District, sObjeet to certain conditions, Condition of Variance Case 0697 states: "This einwoval shall be wed wt theta 360 d$ye, of Ler final procatedttsgs before the Board of Supervisors, otherwise, it shell become null and void end of no *fleet whatsoever. Dy "ace" is snap recordation of a subdivision snap, or altistantial developnaut of the ;: rOlaat contemplated by this permit cited not merely the contthetiso of the four model structure"' ptrttt: sd above". IU coordinating this matter w.th the Riverside Planning Coouisaioa intonation wen received that Tract 3266 hos vat beets reaaedM, however, you hove until 1 ptrashsr 1966 to record the subdiristom map. $t a Variance Case .697 is believed um have topittred "larch 22, 1966, it will be necessary to file tor a mew variance me with ::he Riverside County Planning Commission if you desire t0 eon. tales this pt0 j(CC. Wry tray yours, qr. 11,1, ADKIWISTRATOR svp 11 Ybock, Land Itie Tcchn+.ciota CO: Planing Cariaaiou Solid De par tment - Lgse V1 iet Il elth Deportment Data Desert PianVg Off ice i Mood Departaeot and Lama Yee Office itte Honorable Board of Supervisors Court House Riversi,'., , California Gentlemen: RA:28720 Reel 96-Bide 1 - 702-738 March 16, 1965 SUBMCT: Vaariance _ No. 697. 81 CorporaltiOn Condominium with lot reduction requirements - Zone W-2-1000 %t Quints District Fourth Sunervisorial District The Planning Commission respect reports epproval of a vaauria nce to the Zoning ng Ordinance for Bikes Corporation, c o J. P. Davidson, P. 0. Box 493, Riverside, California for a condominium with lot reduction requireaents in Zone by-2-1000 (Controlled Development Areas with 1000 swere foot minimum duelling size) on property looatsd near the southwest cater of Easenhover Drives nand Avenida Fernando in the La quints District, subject to the attached conditions. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, • publlo hearing emus held on this matter before the Ong Commission on Mach 9, 1965. A suessery of testimony presented is attached. After run and complete consideration of all the facts and circumstances involved, the Commission determined *hardship under tbs provisions of Ordinance No. 3k8 had been established and further there is no provisions in said Ordinance to provide for condominium development. The above recommendation a me by unaun(aa uas action of the Commission at its rem sweating held on Tecsdsy, March 9, 1965. EGIE11 MAR 19 1965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE iht bworable Board o. toarvisors Varisitace Cate No. 69i ilirch 16y 1965 Pogo -2- No furthair aetioa is required by your Board uniaga au &weal 2 filed by tba aygloant or wag property osaaruithia 300 fait of the a=terior bound:ix-Lea of the vroparty tio thiiLeven days of the date this report first aware on your BozIrdiAGendol or tha Board on its own notion orders the eitplioation trausfarrad to It for further Ip000ediuga. k.r6104atttalyAltdhAittedl FAIWWW oUthka Lira COM Kaol tBsaf Agi.i.y Legal; Labels, Properby Owners List, kelps, &unary and Conditions Pala Desert Planning Mice] COS eiliperVid010 Cook Mae Cerporation Deparbeant af Milo Health Road Deparbesnt (2) P. Stout - Surveyor's Office Clerk of the Board rgy etiatioSig Director -1..1112 ‘11.41 40 IUMMINIID e nee i..i. ; tn. ,d. lot reduction 7tire ents ore: 2 .. . =< C (Cantrolled ed Development Are e w/ Sean ?.lie_il! l A:1u d'cde:Lang i7C ) 1, ui.nt.:;; ijieteicbt I :.: +.�:: .Y'v: ": ;'1. nil' rite at, Tile de yule gym% nt of the property shall conform substantially wai.th that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit 4A" on file with Va_'iar,ce Cease No. 69? in the office of the Riverside County Planning CoColialliSEd011., Unless otherwise amended by the, £'ol1oaing c:or_dIl,1ciroe. 2. Prior to the :I.oeu.aa?.ce of a buiidi.rr r permit, for any condominium structure a sub- .ri. foi 'u; ai _ d �c gc� e�,natt :.i rr .�.. tantially with said Exhibit o'Aor except n:a't- at` r,, i:caa. ;Lau,';; that Wiliam! perr+d.t€a for not more than 4 structures may be issued for models prior to even xecordation and only after a tentative subdivision map has been appreJeci by kh Planning Commission., 3. rrrlor: to the :i.seua ce of a building peimi _ For construction of any use contemplated' +r �I ii1:s 43rr.i 6717dI TEe'6Y 116huL at obtain permits and/or clearance from the following pubic agencies& Depa,atxnerit of Public Health Road Department Evidence of said permit or clearance from above agencies shall be presented to the Land Ut e Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the i esusance of a Wilding permit for the use contemplated herewith. Concstruction o! the development permitted hereby may be done progressively in stages provided adequate vehicular access, is provided for all dwelling units and further p ovided that such stage development conform substantially with the intent and purpoees of this approval for the provision of open areas, rem creational faaeilitiec, and off-street automobile parking. This project Shall be developed according to the following schedules ia'irst Units All of Tract No. 3286. Prior. to recordation of any final subdivision map, the applicant shall submit to -c e Corrurtie ion the following documents which shall demonstrate to the sa- U f o.c; ticLn of that Commission that the total project will be developed and main- t&r.rabd in accordance with the intent and purposes of this approval: (as) The document 1'o convey title. (b) The covenants and restrictions to be recorded. c) The management and maintenance agree: cent at the same tine that the subdivision owners of the units within the project. The epproved doeua+nent;s shall be recorded at the same time that the subdivision map i << recorded. 6. A :mani,gerrent company with the unqualified right to assess the owners Of the individual 3.duaJ units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established and c;oritaeouous y maintained. The rnanageeent company shall l have the right to lien M he units of €she; owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien JiiE.ii not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first deed of tenet; pro, iA€ {:'. ; ash deed of trust is made in good faith and for value. ohel..:i. "t provided a ratnfliun of 2-M1./2 parking spaces per unit. All cf pawking 3hal1 be located wLI. ru u 330 feet of e wh unit. Li„ ' bie ;;;pprevral snail be used within 360 data., alter final proceedings before the B;.t:v of ;a;<pe vtso 'ss} otherwise ism shall be.eoms null and. void of no effect what-, ! ',smelt Aft sheen: reoo ;'dation. of C, 7u Jdi'Gision map, or :substantial develop- ment is eject conii rp1ated ''riy this permit and not merely the construction oX .i':)„:!.; n M:lta_1.. [ t;:d'±:i(l:uX e:3 ir¢:X'mi +; *, ?.:l. ,::"rove 2 Desert Office NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE CASE NO. 697 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Riverside County Planning Commission on the application of Elkee Corporation made pur>;uant to Article XIX, Ordinance No. 348, Riverside County Zoning Ordinance for a variance to said Ordinance permitting the establishment of a condominium with reduction to lot requirements in Zone W-2-1000 (Controlled Development Area • 1000 Square Foot Minimum Dwelling Size) near the southwest corner of Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Fernando in the La Quinta District and more particularly described as follows: Portion of the southeast 1/4 of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 6 East Said public hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 1965, at 2:15 o'clock P.M., in the Board of Supervisors Room, Court House, Riverside, California at which time and place pertinent testimony will be heard. February 24, 1965 : n jp RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TYLER SUESS o PLANNING DIRECTOR BY: Hazel I. Evensen m Secretary EGEllilEij FEB 2 6 1965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE STANDARD CON.UOI,IN_rUM CONDITIONS Vari�a.a EASE NO. b97 1. The development of the property shall conform substantially with that as shows on plot plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with Variance Case No. 697 in the office of the Riverside County Planning Commission, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. Prior to the issuance of a buiidin, 'emit, for any condomium structure a sub- division shall be recorded conforming substantially with said Exhibit "A" except that building permits for not more than structures may beissued for models prior to such recordation and only after a tentative subdivision map has been approved by the Planning Commission. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building rmit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the following public agencies: ILAMEMElikaciaai Department of Public Health hoed Department i* ZUMIIMMILUPCCELWAMUXSUIIIII X11TYrL�6i76�iX763xX� Eviaence of said permit or clearance from above agencies shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 4. Construction of the development permitted hereby may be done progressively in stages provided adequate vehicular access is provided for all dwelling units and further provided that such stage development conform substantially with the intent and purposes of this approval for the provision of open areas, re- creational facilities, and off-street automobile parking. This project mall be developed according to the following schedule: First Unit: All of Tract #3286 �alescription of area to be da oped) (aescripti on orarea to be deve. oiled Tdoscription of area to be develops-n 5, +',.._Cis to recordation of any final subdivision rn-r,>S the applicant shall sub,:ait to the Cosjion the f' L...!.n'iiit? dolil?::: nto uh.ch :ihall del oiistrate to the sa- acti.i_oo of the Criiii:lirl . .'::? j.):C0<)i',i.%"C, will be developed and main"' tvii:ed in accordacc with Lh:: purpox3 of this approval Standard Condominium Condi.,,,,:s Page - 2 - (a) The document to convey title. (b) The covenants and restrictions to be recorded. (c) The management and maintenance a;reement to be entered into with the owners of the units within the project. The approved documents shall be recorded at the name time that the subdivision map is recorded. b. A management company with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be established and continuously maintained. The management company shall have the right to lien the units of the owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first deed of trust provided such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value. 7. Special Conditions: (a) There shall be provided a minimum of 2 marking spaeee per lot. 8. This approval shall be used within 360 days, after final proceedings before the Board of Supervisors, otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By "use" is meant recordation of a subdivision map, or substantial development of the project contemplated by this.permit and not merely the con- struction of the four model structures permitted above. .ttJS: j b :4VERS1LC 00UNTY KONING ;.4:TE HEARIUG t tthwtsid0 County Pluming CvmAllindon Pzort (a* ApplicAut A ddx ost; • Applicams fillod on • 0/9.4.4tiLAYIMPAk_isiu-kAi?&Pgx 1934.11.1uratcla.Sga14carnia---,.., P"):4341 .1121tiges..24.11.146...61NLAidiskikoka.:-Car-sualleatataatow.:condosLiSuai,..,--. FACINAL DATA • • 1 ,-..... 4,..... Noticet of this hearing maliod to those persons whose nzamq, iuld , ,' A&esues appeared on the latest available assessment roll of the County Aises.sor . Rropinty owners of record within a ,Aflafoat radius of the bind of tho pioperty under consideration. In additimoL. , oticts were mailed to other interested persons end organizations and te'et414 governuent agencies. Dascription of PLOT PLANs Indicates approximately eight (8) acres with 25'lots. Streets are shown with 241 of pavement,: STAPP REPORT Concerning location, access, terrain, land use, and other data affecting this cases ; 1 Property is located at the southwest corner of Avenida Fernando and Eisenhower Drive in La Quint*. It is zoned W.2. The La Quints Golf Course lies easterly; the La Quinta Hotel lies westerly; and the 144 Quints Country Club subdivision lige north easterly.' thk.ra•AAIV•I's .LOT' 113 LoT ,. 1 14- Lo r ''1 1'7' a ° ° {4' o'o 0 ' I * G O. — 0 5-"� v r v C a° iJ 0 6 •iuE Pli.:E EU PRE SUTTo,/ E1 KEN DE'RRY i.' 555' I or 49 EL.KEE GOR. p 10 SEC u (S, E t Y 7-17L E. �Q. `7' F2.S.. _ 50 C uJ 0 1 6 ?• • r Z Il. �^ u • / _ram �• l •:'. # P. c.o . rsc :'r' _-.. .. •, of .i_. r E;(1):EINL) FEB 19 1965 RIVERSIDE COI)NNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PALM DESERT OFFICE T 5 S. R. 7 E. 6 0' T. 6 S. R. 7 E . N • h MASTER PLAN OF -- .3H\,-V.,\: INDICATES EISENF-i0W FR fRiV 0' R/W & AVENUE 50, 10 ' LAND USE REPORT Land Use Ey: 1. Observation of proposed aite: 17 Case u. General appearance of site (10) L.'. 1 L., k /, b. Type of and condition of off-street parking, if any c. Condition of access road25 cs_ ..tyypAv d. Visibility t intersection of access road. with public road. Excellent Good Poor e. Type of fencing or shrubbery around proposed use f. Construction and type of buildings on the site g. Is use in operation 2. Street or highway improvements: a Curb and:otter b. Berm ite c. Type of pavin d. Condition of pav n e. Approximate width of pavin 3. General appearance of immediate neighborhood C W 11 "717 ./4) r /•-/ci 24- / a. Are there similar uses nearby #.A.,/;) 7et C/122c.7=" Z/A2 Joy CA i-77/11 /taz X b. Compatibility of proposed use with surrounding neighborhood /1AA2L.00 z—re:4 V (~14 .c eo A c-. • • ELKEE CORPORATION SUITE ,e25 ONE NORTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO 2, ILLINOIS TELEPHONIC ANOOVER 3-4040 February 5, 1965 Riverside County Planning Commission Riverside, California Gentlemen; We hereby authorize J. F. Davidson & Associates t. act as our agents in the application for variance, for the proposed Condominium units to be constructed 04 EisenhOWer Drive, La Quints, California. Yours very truly, CORPOR ION . A. Milam Vice President [,r\\\5 SUINCYOGS O LEDC:=3 CT®cJC`, 4-0 1C:=EX1 OVERLAND 6-0844 3426 TENTH STREET RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA J. F. DAVIDSON RES. OV 3-3399 111.100. January 21, 1965 ELKEE.CORPORATION (REVISED) P. 0, Box 493 JAMES F. DAVIDSON JR.'. RES. OV 6.6688 That portion of the Southeast one -quarter of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 6 East, S.B.B.&M.; described as follows:- Commencing at the intersecting center lines of Avenida Fernando and Eisenhower Drive (Avenida Serra) as shown by map of LA QUINTA GOLF ESTATES NO. 1, on file in Book 37 of Maps, at Pages 96 to 98 thereof, Records of Riverside County, California; Thence S.00°01'30"E.•, along the center line of said. Eisenhower • Drive (Avenida Serra), a distance of 152.00 feet; Thence N.89°52'30"W., a distance of 50.00 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel of land to be described; Thence continuing N.89°52'30"W., a distance of 555.00 feet; Thence S.00°01'30"E., along a line parallel with the center_ line of said Eisenhower Drive (Avenida Serra), a distance of 516.00 feet; Thence S.89°52'30"E., a distance of 555.00 feet; Thence N.00°01'30"W., along a line which is parallel with and 50.00 feet. Westerly, measured at right angles, from .the center line of Eisenhower Drive (Avenida Serra), a distance of 516.00 feet to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 6.57 acres, more or less. ui cc 0 8 IA Lfl 0 41) 10_.,1•2•0_io 111; • \_ Fo. 3/4' I.F! 8,. 52'200W. 858.00' ' • 420;51/ ACRES 5.89!' 52'30-E. Fo. CIF L.5.2544 , 4. %. AVENDA-- v.i 411* 50' be*W. '''v !!: • • 555.00' 6.89.5230-E. OF PAVIVJG TO HOTEL NOTE: Bearings ore loosed on the %_ of Eisenhower Drive (Avenida Serra) being 1-4. 00.01' Bo" vv. as shown n MB. 31, Pages Recorcieo Riverside Coun+y, Col i-Pornta. 0 Indicoi- es monumen4 found as ne'A-eci. • fo 05.09' • 50144 ST Fo. Sp' 0 Indicoies 3/4.I.P. se*, #ogged R.E. 8CO2, unlese, no+ed otherwise. 3426 TENTH ST RIVERS/DE, CAL. Wo" Z77 8 kn PLA r OF SURVEY OF A PORTION OF THE 5E. OF SECTION 36 , T. 5 5., R. GE, S. a B. 0 M. JANUARY 1965 5CALE 1=100' REVISED JAN. 21,1145 J. F. DAV/OSON ASSOC. FOR_ EL-KEE CORP. 0 0 0 0 (0 So' 1L2So' tu 21 82 Ga0‘.. 89' 1 g co'k PHONE OV. 6 — 0844 820/ F. B. 8203 FILE NO XY-43