VAR 1990-01144i 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 December 22, 1989 Mr. Forrest Haag Landmark Land Company Design and Planning P. 0. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: TEMPORARY EXEMPTION FOR PGA WEST RESORT CLUBHOUSE AND PGA BOULEVARD LIGHTING PLANS. Dear Mr. Haag: This is to inform you that the Planing and Development Department has reviewed your request for a variance from Chapter 9.210 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, relative to outdoor lighting requirements as they apply to the above subject. At a meeting with Landmark Land Company on December 7, 1989, your office was instructed to submit a letter requesting a temporary exemption. On December 14, 1989, this office received a request' for a variance from the Ordinance. Based upon the discussions at the meeting and the intent of Landmark Land Company with regard to the subject plans, the Planning and Development Department has approved a temporary exemption from the requirements of this Ordinance. This temporary exemption is granted to allow time to prepare your request for a variance to the Ordinance•, for consideration by the Planning Commission. and City Council and will therefore expire once a final decision has been rendered by the City Council. It was agreed at the December 7th meeting that Landmark Land Company could install the nonconforming lighting, for purposes of operating the golf clubhouse while the variance is being considered. -Please be aware that •this exemption is temporary; if the variance request is denied, then the installed lighting will have to be removed or modified to conformance with the Ordinance. In order to process the variance, we will need submittal of the following: 1. A completed variance application, with $1,225.00 filing fee, mailing labels as required, etc. BJ/LTRWN.044 - 1 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 S�f 2. Tensets of plans folded to 8-1/2" X 11" format as previously submitted. The plans shall include: a: ,The golf clubhouse lighting plan (Sheet GAL -El); b. The PGA West Boulevard temporary:' Landscape. Plan, with details for all'proposed'lighting; c. All lighting details' for (Sheet. GAL-E1; specifically, EG-3, EG-4, and EGF, to include information on wattage, shielding, lamp type, and purpose of illumination; i.e., walkway, landscaping,,' building,etc. 3. If the variance is requested for the parking area, then the same information, and plans are required as listed in Item %2 for that area.'as well. As' previously stated, this temporary exemption .will' expire upon a final decision being rendered -by the City Council, The •above requested information needs to be submitted as soon as possible in order to begin processing your variance request. ,•. Should you have any. questions or need clarification on the . above,_ please contact the undersigned.. Very truly yours, -JERRY HERMAN • PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR WalIace'H. Nesbit Associate Planner WHN;bja cc: Tom Hartung, Building Official BJ/LTRWN.044 2 December 14, 1989 Mr. Jerry Herman Principal Planner City of La Quinta P.O. BOX 1504 -78-105 Gayle"Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Jerry, RECEIVED` OEC 14 CITY OF LA QJiNTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Please accept this letter as verification of Landmark's request for a variance in Ordinance # 9.210 (Dark Sky Ordinance), in reference to plot plan approval # 89.409 (PGA West Resort Golf Clubhouse), dated July 6, 1989. You will find enclosed the material requested to supplement this application. It is our intention to illustrate the validity of the approved landscape plan and lighting concept as a continuance of the lighting theme initiated originally in the PGA West Specific Plan, as implemented in 1984. Sincerely, i orre.it . l::a.z j Vice President Design & Planning FH/DJG/drm Forrest Haag Vice President Design & Planning . LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF•CALIFORNIA, INC., Land Planning, Engineering, Design & Construction 78-150 Calle Tampico, P.O..Box 1000, La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 564-4500 FAX (619) 564-8052 A classic new look in landscape lighting, GM-4000 uplights offer superior application ver- satility in a technologically advanced design. High performance optics and a complete choice of Tight sources — mercury vapor: metal halide, high pressure sodium and incandescent/ quartz — provide the flexibility to tailor illumina- tion to a wide range of landscape and commer- cial lighting applications. Grade -mounted to accent without interrupting landscape design, GM-4000 uplights feature a distinctive textured dark bronze top plate and contemporary square Tens. The new fiberglass -reinforced polyester composite housing offers exceptional strength. impact resistance and durability; its light weight allows easy installation. With heavy-duty constric- tion, full gasketing and tamper -resistant fasteners, GM-4000 uplights provide long time service and low maintenance in all types of in -ground applica- tions and high pedestrian traffic areas. SPECIFICATIONS o HOUSING Single -piece, compression -molded. fiberglass - reinforced polyester composite housing with inte- gral Tamp, ballast and junction box compartments with an epoxy anti -siphon barrier. High strength, impact resistant composite housing is impervious to rust, corrosion, moisture, oils. gasoline, and de- tergents. Two 3/° N.P.T. conduit entrances are provided in the bottom of the junction box. Finish: Dark bronze. o TOP PLATE Textured dark bronze compression -molded, fiberglass -reinforced polyester composite lens frame and ballast/junction box cover. o LENS AND GASKETING Square lens is'/e" thick, clear, high -impact tem- pered glass. Lens is crowned and mounted flush with Tens retainer to resist debris accumulation. Single piece molded silicone Tens gasket pro- vides a positive watertight seal. The ballast/ junction box cover is gasketed with a flat EPDM gasket. o FASTENERS All exposed fasteners are tamper -resistant, stain- less steel. o WIRING Fixture is pre -wired with high temperature 200°C wire. o LAMPS too '175...ff Imperial Bronzelite oo w MH. GM4000-C Series 50to175WATT HID 100 to 500 WATT INCANDESCENT/QUARTZ 120/240 WATT LOW VOLTAGE INCANDESCENT GRADE -MOUNTED UPUGHTS r -., 4 .; sa . ' • -*-.-t;*-111%!... ;•t:44',"•:•• • • . .... ''•••••:•x;•:,y4;* - idist-T it; , . . • • .• • . • .. : ...-‘9W-30‘44W00144-14N'elthei* . '. - s \ `d, . ''-,-. •••Ok's - *7 . ,' : .. lousing -die-cast aluminum construction .4.bronze thermoset powder coat finish; BM4 Socket-4 KV rated porcelain medium with non-ferrus fasteneriiiith loOkable,.1.VeZ:has a black, bronze or gray thermoset - base; Y120 double spay terminal. ntemai swivel which is fully adjustable,_ With :.',.'Powder coat finish. ':,-4117,i, s. , - . T , . ,.. - Wiring- Incandescent fixtures are pre- 3errated vibration -proof locking WO. 46774.,„. 04-4kLens-4030 has tempered glass lens with wired with high temperature #18 wire. Low Finish -Y20 & Y120 have a bronze or black graduated screen.yzpm4 havetempered ' voltage fixtures are pre -wired a 3 ft pigtail Ilermoset. powder coat finish;4030has a ••5:.clear glass lens. .j::'7.-C...,... f...,..:t.:4.:::...-.i,•;,..4:...7.-, .. . s.. and a quick connector for easy hook-up to — , ....!,' ...i.......-...• • . .1,,,,%,w,.; • kNt . . . . . ,...4t3'••,4‘,.% — tc......:1 ....-.:.:, -• • ::•.• _:.- • e suPP e• iy "Av.t • .•. **Vertical fc Calculations Based Upon 6' Setback With 45° Tilt Photometry andSpacing Chart& ei-k 4AL- tOp k\-4.te,c) 6Thratooteck) LAt-le - Mkt cc = loo (4, mti.Flefzivoc--C 4/ ftiE Vatt60.4 Ft•grja-E.- WI - Product Dimensions: Ordering Chart BMI ..., le .... • . t • ''. 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Y14/20A•175 .fig Mat Sphere black glees' ;11Mr1101P ii0 . -Va4•474 it- 175MV t.-•.:;-..-*c'J• R-40 - Of.,..,.. Y8•20H:70 74NViiilialfitii;C_SOIViii;"fi-jelfitiiliWiliiii;NIMMiiii2AVit441:yktmmv '....:0'..!. !,70 Hal Double End rei..! YS•20A•70. ,:siVi,•ziineciliihaitrIMO'braikfle,rillasi '7.00/10a4;120......4et4,i4k,r.Y175MV ..;:••71' i' ,.*: ••••• 70 Hal Double End .••i-''Y...,-... HFS-4050 '4,01-NSqualefolOiROlwonie'177-45,14.2.t.'*!‘wass -1,*;eAkiti 120 11,14*Wsr'•f•gr• 50HPS .7' -- ' • E-17 - *:,- t'.. HFS-4070 7r-•:1:-t:Sqiia63 ..."0i764"brenze • -1:1*ktr.1-1,;*glass ViiPkWt '120 :41414y4.-4...70HPS ..,,,'.'. c.i.',„: E-17 - •!:::"":* MFB•4150 .',..*".1...'1-tr Square *'..111-',.rti•i.' bronze -;4.1;.!,;'•°.k.t.'Ilass .• te..tf!t.t:`,44.:3'i 120 4:7...f.fi'!'•150HPS .."7 '''',. • E/B17 - ;, • ..t HFM-4100 - •'<*i::!'‘1-..':: Square 4JIWA.brOnie • *:.k. glass Ti.:..:4M-;‘":-. 120 i'!••:a:4; - •••-: 100MV -_: • - • • • . . B-17 - 7,', • BM1 HS-50 i•-•‘::: Small Bullet 1m0hze - r-:.-4...glass • _i*fliii.„.120 - 4's1-' 50MV - •,•,•••'-'-•••• ER20 short i.; • • BM1HL-50 4-.-%• . Small Bullet '441,:babiertze '.:::.:7•,;:-:,%';.;''::giass ••ii.F•4D.:t4t..120 7s): 7.-- ,..-.....,.,- !-:. 50MV .• - tR20 long '1.i.-7'.• BM1AS-50 ..?.i•t-',°• Small Bullet ,.sva.ix9-biack 'ti...t.t.t....7*.'. :glass • • ..to-71**#„ Oi::i20 ••-!!..‘4•Ii-%,..1-- ..: 50MV • ... • .- • • ER20 . short 7 :.:•,. BM1AL-50 -A;7;'' • Small Bullet. 4k.*tAr black .:+.''- glass '•-•41'1Vit 120 ;-'4•114•••4- ••••'••• • SOMV , -.. ER20 long ....-.....- BPA11S-50 .:: ,±1;;;.. Small BUllet"'&04Mtirai ''•'''4)4';',.--' glass ' 1,-.06•Vsitfi4.4. 120' --"t'le;fieP. .:-:•.*•*•-• SOMV. ' • • •• • • ER20 short '_:........:' BM114.50 t'..it.t2..Small Bullet Ilitf-t!!'`10Eiy . 1.1.1Y:iglass A.!rt!it.)-§t i•e120' --X4V,V••••,•• 50MV • ' ••_. ' .. ER20 long • ':-*BM4HS-175 •****7;.f. Large Bullet bronze '-:_.....-;1;;!7( "'•!`r.glass ''-'-'14.'‘...-<71.` .120' •,.; /-•-•,' • , "175MV R-40 short • BM4HL-175 Large Bullet :•:-.*:11k-** bronze - - '-1,-. 'glass - '•',.'- -4: '.' 120 1. ',.-..- • . 175MV R-40 long BM4AS-175 Large Bullet - ' " black - * -- glass . ° .. • : 120 175MV • RECENED pH 1 4 i989 ITV OF LA QUINTA 'NNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. BIA4 BM4AL-175 Large Bullet black glass R-40 short BM4IS-175 Large Bullet gray glass 120 175MV 120 175MV R-40 long R-40 short PRINTER CONTROL co LIMIT OF WORK PHASE TWO [ 1Z..) LIMIT OF WORK RECEIVED CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 4 Po N. LIGHTING LEGEND SYMBOL FIXTURE TYPE DESCRIPTION NOTE <II EG-1 EXTERIOR RECESSED WELL LIGHT SEE DETAIL #1 0 EG-2 EXTERIOR FLOODLIGHT STEM MOUNTED ON JUNCTION BOX SEE DETAIL #4 0 EG-3 EXTERIOR COMPACT FLUORESCENT FLOODLIGHT STEM MOUNTED ON JUNCTION BOX SEE DETAIL it2 0 EG-4 EXTERIOR COMPACT FLUORESCENT FLOODLIGHT STEM MOUNTED ON JUNCTION BOX SEE DETAIL #4 <" .GF 11-• i--! t"9-.L-- L-Iyi-f-i- s kl, 4.02 girarvwsei PHASE TWO PHASE ONE EXISTING LIGHTING IN PORTE CCCHE RE. GOLF CLUBHOUSE ILLUMINATE GOLF COURSE (TYPICAL). LOCATIONS OF FUTURE FLOODLIGHTS RECOMMENDED ON ROOF TO ADJUSTABLE ACCENT LIGHTS IN SOFFIT (TYPICA,LA TO BE COORDINATED BY ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. • EXISTING GOLF COURSE • • Ii LIGHTING FIXTURES PART ONE - GENERAL EGF 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK A. Contractor to provide and install lightling fixtures, lamps, and ballasts as shown on plans and as specified. B. Contractor shall be responsible for hard -wring of lighting fixtures and controls back to electrimIlarels. Electrical contractor to coordinate circuiting and wiring/4 —A C. All equipment to be Installed accordimg to all local and national building, electrical, and life safety codes where applicable. PART TWO- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Lighting fixtures shall have all parts amd fittings necessary for proper installation. All fixtures shall Ne equipped with the lamps as specified in the attached fixture schedule. All fixtures shall be the standard product of the manufacturer, unless otherwise Indicated. All electrical equipment shall bear the appropriate W. label for the position and location of utsage. B. Ali fixtures of one type shall be of one manufacturer and of Identical finish and appearance. C. Fixtures supplied shall be in accortamce with the attached fixture schedule. D. Contractor to verify available power. E. Contractor / Electr1=1 EnIneer to determine conduit and wire FUTURE PARKING \ ::::". az EXISTING GOLF COURSE PART THREE - INSTALLATION 3.01 EXECUTION A. Final location of all ground mounted light fixtures to be site verified by both the landscape architect and the lighting designer. B. Ali recessed and surface mounted adjustable light fixtures to be aimed by the contractor, under the direction of the lighting - C. All exposed conduit and electrical Junction boxes shall be (UL) approved for exterior use. AN visble hardware shall be painted flat biack unless noted otherwise. D. Contractor to verify any arid all exterior use landscape grade .• flxtures, Installation methods, and hardware with the appropriate field Inspector and manufacturer prior to ordering the equpment.. E. Contractor to provide fiexbie MOunting hardware to ensure that the height of all ground mounted fixtures can be raised to the height of the surrounding vegetation. F. Upon the request of the owner, architect, lighting designer, or local code official, contractor to sup* additional glare shields, and or, tamp guards on final walk-through. PART FOUR- CONTROLS& 4.01 NOTES A. Use adjustable photocell to tum lights on, and time clock to tuM lights off. 190 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 • PGA WEST LANDMARK La Quirta Golf L A NTRTC O. I NC. Sheet Tite: GRENALD ASSOCIATES, LTD.. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 10-18-89 FIXTURES DELETED UPON REQUEST OF OWNER. PROVIDE CIRCUITS FOR FUTURE ELECTRICAL EXPANSION. BASED UPON 10-31 MARK-UP SET. • Drawn By: Date: DEC 1.4 1989 Job NO.: 316/07.100-30