VAR 1991-018CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Case No. CI I-01 Date Received / 12 7 /4' APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Applicant: L, c7U/NTA C/)RcST/An� F�/iAaJ St)1 P Address: LA_ 922.53 Phone No. _`6S/ 911f5• (City))�iu�iurA C1�.. (State) (Zip) 1550 0o Property Owner: LA mb /NTA G/4 R 65 T1 MJ F�11 ow5J)1 P L A QLJ/M-rA c,4. q2 2 53 Phone No. S6 4 91 q/ (City) (State) (Zip) Description of•Request: " TD CONSTRUCT A C/,1u2C1-I 77-/AT 1S 22 . fC-ET ./jt,//. .?, (SFcoNh RFmuE5� To P PcAlem/579'J 7 lD/ Or A- M.4SoNRY /4)AII DA/ 27,1E SIDE S/OE ,f 7'NE P,Eo PP Z-rs , Purpose of Request: ,4 14 04)1T of 212' (1' iN51D6 1S NECK E $SARY 7 Pe(VVA/1 A- CIA P4)B1'. F& LJ1JL I4JVD7i PPoU/DE A Gild 2Gtl .¢i» - T1iEeE , 144 �e CCi L114A 15 NEE7FZ 7* CAR AclJ of Z'//ls T'Y3LiiLtJ/N6• ��90 74�� Project Location: 50- goo C.44.LE aLo. )fl Assessor's Parcel No. Existing Land Use: NU RG i1 Existing Zoning Related Cases: Legal Description of Property: (May be attached) LoT t, uNi74S Or /DES6.4T c:b46. TRACT• z' 1500 k --i — �f}66 0,41 — o[hc OF leEo2C36eJR1V6c2Stb6 COUNTY Justification: State the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances including shape, size, location and surroundings that apply to this property that do not apply to other property owners in the same zone. i005iGSA0i1f0TAL9127 9 50.00 14 State why the ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. State why the granting of this variance does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations xipon other prpperties in the vicinity or zone in which such property is situated. e% �, 77J - 5cout_Dus►D1l16 116 16 g Dok)or) s 1-LA 11 E 77,21 El 4141 �6 57,61.c_TI oft/ . ! T la AS /m PoSE 2 )A/ AN Ol n C c.0K ,. / Do /Vol f 14.,,E 7"A47 ANY DF T44- PoPttar A-we/Ls JAI iTh S /-A2GA 14AV23E6x/ 9Z 3-/1tL1 b 15E ,DEN7 i5 VA /4,uGE. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Signature of Applicant PbG1C d(44R-1 Date Q - •) -7 9/ Signature of Property Owner(s) c Qir`,zi ,�?��,1�► /Date g- 7 -?/ (Written authority may be attached) /.// W Date IMPORTANT: Any false or misleading information shall be grounds for denying this permit or variance. NstvorrAL MEMO CITY OF LA QUINTA - - RAINING DEPARTMENT 7-)C CITY ENGINEER 0 : CITY MANAGEWA 1,“ FaIREttiARSHPt- >.irec.4.Ori- -sAL . 11711.7.7:76,-.77. CCKLNITY SAFETY -a( -Prn C4pcd- P( tka 8 1991' BUILDING DIVISION -- Ass c). c-ictIct X kV'ERSDECNTV Frorn. : PANNING ' DEvELopmENT FIRE DEF-V,FITMENT • • Subject : PRO.ECT REVEW NEMO P&E Case : .c? fis L. p c a/c:x.6 e_ Pt ( ) PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY s COMMENTS : OCT. 0 9. 199i NO COIN/Ho FNIT FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST To : TRANSMITTAL MEMO CITY ENGINEER FIRE MARSHAL COMI I TY SAFETY CITY MANAGER PI- redo - BUILDING DIVISION X ASsoc k•c pc_ From : PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Subject PROJECT REVIEW Case \ln - I c tr c (p . v . r oc) e/ (e__ P+===t 1 a;" ) PLEASE REVIEW AND.PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY ck" s COMMENTS : I,o 5r Varvw ei9. . To : TRANSMITTAL MEMO CITY ENGINEER FIRE MARSHAL --CCF? J ITY SAFETY BUILDING DIVISION Date< . o CITY MAJ4IAGER • - Pt_ >i re oe- - { • X Ass o c.iQ#c_ PL_ From :, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Subject : ' PROJECT REVEW Case C P . v. P 9 -Oc:D c( . Ft==tlo ) PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY s 0. • COMMENTS : iUo CO /w LLLJ OCT 081991? CITY OF LA QUINTA • .PLANNING DEPARTMENT YI#. OC 0 Vf10 c� crry / . . . MMWN ry. AO NrA • TRANSMITTAL- MEMO From : Subject PROJECT REVEW Case : c_e_ . I date : 10 CITY ENGINEER` CITY MAiJAGER FIRE MARSHAL . ., . Pt, B reco COf+uJ 1 TY SAFETY - -Prt` n U BU I LDI NG DIVISION t�Ss o-irx#c- P(� PLANvmG & DEVELOPMENT nt-o` ccJ. (s P • v. p .9 (-vo8 Vco,.G1 e_o,us;k) PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU..: MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY c s COMMENTS 0) SAJ GVC9a. CAA mN'c- V Sly Ate--- SI ti 1,4- ht. 4 (-) 0%r)t•\ -Le d2 cl-sts-Lti d C. cJ a less c c..jC . �� l li'ru, To : TRANSMITTAL MEMO CITY ENGINEER FIRE MARSHAL COMMUNITY SAFETY BUILDING DIVISION CITY MANAGER Pl- Di ►cclo- c4pL x soda Pc_ From : PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 'Subject : PROJECT REVEVV Case : . cTI n s e x 1 c s/C cce Pt1c 1 PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY s COMMENTS Description of -Request for Variance Walls Our present parking lot paving goes to the property line as was allowed at the time it was installed. If we are required to put in a wall we would have to go to great expense by removing the paving in order to install an adequate footing. Even if this were feasible, it would infringe on our present parking area which is barely adequate. We ask that you keep in mind that we complied with the regulations at the time the paving was installed and the use of this area will not change from it's original purpose. We feel that it would be terribly unfair in addition to an unbearable burden to tear out paving. A wall at a later date would satisfy the intent of the new code. since the adjacent property is presently a vacant lot. t\.ic:2 to : Pa. ! R-eca LD1A0k. b e D rL - T cx. Lou& cAnen, � Side Description of request for Variance Building Height We plan to use scissor trusses in order to achieve a reasonable ceiling height for a church. A seventeen foot building height would not permit us to do this. However if- the Commission feels that 23' would be too high, we ask that they consider something in the 19' to 21' range. A study performed with the architect indicates that the increase in building height would not have an adverse effect onthe adjacent property owners. The granting of the, height variance would add architecturally to the building resulting in a greater contribution aesthetically to the community. s - 2 30rL-e_ t--kr)SC . 17 46 • is CITY or " QUINTA PLANNING & DEVL__MENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Applicant: LA OUINTA CNRISnA,I F&-elatvsl•l/P Address: kik pue,vTA CA. 9Zz 5-3 Phone No. (CCaty • (State) (Zip) Property. Owner: LA mu / M r A. C)4 2 Ls -ri and rd / owsl)I P ' L A Qu/u-rA CA. 92-2.53 Phone No. (City) (State) (Zip) . Description of Request: 1. %O CONSTRUCT RE6 7' ,y/i64. (SECOND RF DuEST) lC)AI OF .4 MASoNRV 77/E P.eo PEkrs). 1437 Case No. q I-o/ 8 Date Received g177'�/ 1ss0' oo r S441 9/ss .SG4 9l95 A CerjuRLNI 72/AT 15 22 7b PoSTPW' 71l E l0.✓57,Yvrr- Sint SIDE 19F T'f/- Purpose of Request: A />1E1EI,17- OF 22' (S' /NSILLd 15 /AEcCE $SAR..Y 7A f2i f v6ALI A ClAU52Ko P4oB1 FceD144 AA/D776 PPfi/LSE A JJ4l1Z41-1 Az,,- - r7,L ;L 1l14 4I411Ee CEt l-LNA LS 4/EED6D To P,PE56zVe 774 CXARac-rire. of 7j/IS TYPE BLJiLt/N4. . Project Location: 50- goo CALLS p,9LOmR Assessor's Parcel No.74 90 74149/ • Existing Land Use: C flu KC. 1 Existing ,Zoning Related Cases: ' Legal Description of Property: (Nay be attached) Lor (o uaJT/1-5" of DESECT '12A Lr SOOfL 11 — Th 66 (,/,/02. OFFICE of REcoeepEeLRiv6ieslbE Ca4NfY Justification: State the exceptional or extraordinary circumstances including shape, size, location and surroundings that apply to this property that:do not apply to other property owners in the same zone. ' • 10° SA°i1TOTAL9127 9 0.00 State why the ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity•and under identical zoning classification. State Why the granting of thie'variance does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations y�in other,pr�pppertiee in the vicinity or zone in which such property is,situated. fii),/F do L Tff- 5ux_KouND,r16 /1EI EiN»cikobs f)AR6s7ec,r-1oA/. iT LrA'S /mPosEo /N AN 01n CG¢IZ, / Do 4'e7r F?1Eiw- ?VAT ANY or 741 - PeoPPfi7,01..,„#,5. Tans A1ZE./4 14A1/6 1366A/ DR S//oulb 136 .DEN'C 76//5 j/ARIA,JGE. * * * * *' * * * * * * * * ** * * 8 * /• �• * * * * • * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * • Signature of Applicant `f /Gt.' d •& .0../ Date Cl - q11 Signature of Property. Owner(s) c is -,v %.�/y. ��a4,L ate l.: 2. 7 -`I • (Written authority may be attached) i4 Date 9- •)-7 -�i/ IMPORTANT: Any false or misleading information shall be grounds for denying this permit or variance. CITY OF LA QUINTA PwLANNING COMMISSION FILE COpy NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on October 22, 1991, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: PUBLIC USE PERMIT 91-008 & VARIANCE 91-018 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH LOCATION: 53-800 CALLE PALOMA; LOTS 65 & , 66, DESERT CLUB TRACT UNIT #15 REQUEST: APPROVAL OF AN EXPANSION TO AN EXISTING CHURCH PLUS ASSOCIATED PARKING AREA ON A 1.4 ACRE SITE. A NEW 3,553 SQUARE FOOT CHURCH BUILDING IS PROPOSED. THE VARIANCE IS TO ALLOW: 1) INCREASED BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT TO 22 FEET (ZONING REGULATION IS 17 FEET); AND 2) TO POSTPONE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 6 FOOT HIGH MASONRY WALL ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE PROJECT (PARKING REGULATIONS REQUIRE A 6 FOOT WALL AROUND THE SITE) The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment on the above project. Based upon this assessment, the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta, Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Public Use Permit & Variance. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department, at or prior to the Public Hearing. The project file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE OCTOBER 2, 1991