VAR 1991-019• ,619/773-2345 FAX: 619/568-4567 #!• 'HIGHWAY ONE -ELEVEN at WASHINGTON • P.O. BOX 461 • • , ;76-611,HWY.'111,-LAQUINTA, CA 92253 .441•1444.4 4. . • e. . ..,, i.....t.:.),..6.:-_--?!'drt. • • A,:-. 1r, . CITY OF LA QUINT. ' '". ..% cr-{10_,.Jr;...1V..‘••••§.6 4ING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT', -'• 2 -iqs qi, 78-105 CALLE ESTADO -. - • • QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CM(1°F..1A(1°10119:6, .4/ •,111 l'1: 1 4- 4'. ••LPYNING&D ' -Case No.: Date Received:' -7L. 3- eil COMMERCIAL . ,,t. _ ,FEE *•;;;;.. ISS. ..---,.- n ! ' PLAN APPLICATION ,gsk en:alF . -2 ;.. :as your in a timely manner, please • ;form. %The' informatiOn which is'required to ' ' • , Indsubmitted with the' application is' stated. ' tim. Failure to provide the required information ▪ " j ect ion of the- ap01 icat ion. • ILIP M. PEAD, PRESIDENT ACCOMPANIED BY A NON-REFUNDABLE. FILING FEE OF zi35?-`:•'• AND = COPIES OF:TME*COMPLETE.AND ACCURATE , PLOT PLAN, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS. • .4 - -. :. •„-# Name of • Applicant ' Simon Plaza"„ Inc. .. , •;- *-- rhone 6 1 9'-7 71-2 3 ,. ... Mailing Address P.O.Box 461, 78-611 Highway 111, La Quinta 92253'. .•-, - Street ' • City , ', Zip Code - Legal Owner .1., i - • 3S: Partnership & Pomona'First Federal ' " I 4 • 4' Address P'°-B",1461', 78-.611 Highway 111, La Quinta-, CA 92253 : ‘0, Propo sed Use' 4. Commercial '.• „ .4 • , . ,t • -1. The' net . and gross -square-footage for each proposed, use.. a:nd. building . The square footage allocated.- for sidewalks/walkways, _" parking, landscapinq, and buildingiadewa, walWays = 18,459 .sci.ft. PArlor:: & Drives = 41 146 sq ft Lan caping = 71 271 sq ft , • = 185.964 'sq.ft: Parking Garage = 198,192 sq ft. Location of Property-(Addressjekpown) • . • -4 , • 0 • •) 4. Asselior's Parcel Nutlber .7 .-Parcel. Map 18418 in Book 113, page 49„& 50 • a Parcels,2 3,4 5 7 . , • Legal Description of Property (give exact 'legal. description as recorded..: in the office of the. Counti4 Recorder) (maybeattached) - • ; • - , Signature of Applicant Signature of ,•4 • t • ' - • Date VI lif Date , • -7/ 0 • 1, H 1 T Y LTRGT.065/CS FILE COPY January.23, 1992 1982 - I992"Ten Carat Decade Mr. Philip Pead Simon Plaza, Inc. PO Box 461 78-611 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91-466 & VARIANCE 91-019 Dear Mr. Pead: The City Council reviewed your applications at their meeting of January 21, 1992. Your appeal request will be heard on March 3, 1992 at 7:00. p.m. at the City Council Chambers. Since your requestis an appeal of the Planning Commission Action of January 14, 1992, we will notice your case for a public hearing. as required by Chapter 9.182.080 of the Municipal Zoning Code. If you should choose to revise your Plot Plan Application so that your project meets the CPS, Zoning and General. Plan Standards(anda Variance is not required), we will need your material prior`to February 14, 1992, so that wecan present your new request to the Planning Commission on February 25,. 1992. Itis very important that we receive your plans"prior, to February 14, 1992, to assure that we have everything needed to complete the Staff Report for distribution February 21, 1992. If you have any questions Very truly yours,. JE' Y HE P ING DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR please contact the undersigned. reg Trousdell Associate Planner GT:ccs cc: Mr. John Sanborn; Sanborn & Webb, Inc. 3S Partnership; Pomona 1st Federal Mr. Merlin Barth; Arch t City. or La Quints Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619-346-0772 H E CITY 0 La 1982 - 1992 January 16, 1992 Mr. Philip Pead, President Simon Plaza, Inc. PO Box 461 78-611 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 4 inta Ten Carat Decade SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91-466 & VARIANCE 91-019 Dear Mr. Pead: FILE cde4 The Planning Commission denied your Variance application at their January 14, 1992 meeting, however, they did approve your Plot Plan request, with minor changes. The changes were: 1) that buildings on Washington Street should be one story, 2) the bus shelter on Washington Street should not be required, 3) the City should insure appropriate service delivery accesses are included, and 4) the trash receptacles are installed. We have received your appeal request and this information will be given to the City Council at their next meeting. The City Council will discuss your project on January 21, 1992. The meeting will begin at 3:00 p.m. and will be held in the City Council Chambers located at 78-105 Calle Estado in La Quinta. A copy of the report and agenda will be mailed to you by the City Clerk's office on Friday. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PL4NNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR C�J�` Greg Trousdell Associate Planner . GT:ccs Attachment cc: Mr. John Sanborn; Sanborn & Webb; Inc. 3S Partnership; Pomona 1st Federal Mr. Merlin Barth; Archdityeata Quinta Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design 8 Production: Mark Palmer Design. 619.346.0772 FILE COPY 78-106 -CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - .(619) 564,2246. FAX (619) 564-5617 December 17, 1991 Mr. Philip M.'Pead Simon Plaza, Inc. PO Box _4 61 La Quinta, CA 92253, SUBJECT: PLOT, PLAN "91-466.& VARIANCE 91-019 Dear Mr. Pead: As you' will recall, the Planning Commissions.discussed your project at.their meeting of December .10, 1991, however, they' continued your case in'order to allow your development, team time to evaluate the following issues prior to your January 14, 1992.meeting. ;They were: 1. Can the Applicant meet the one story height provision of the City's General. Plan on Washington Street? 2. Examine the front'yard setbacks on both primary street frontages and their relationship to the' project and to abutting .properties (e.g. approved projects, existing projects, etc.). F 3. Review the on -site parking needs of;- the project and determine if shared parking arrangements can be allowed. 4. ..'Is the off -site storm water plan, as,proposed by the developer, adequate? :- Is this project too.intense-for the site? 6. Are ,the aesthetics of the project adequate for this primary corner of the City? -7. Is the parking structure necessary and if so, can the project designer reevaluate its bulkiness and location on the property? Can the height of -the structure be reduced? 8. Can the architect examine further. ways to create "view corridors" through the ..project which enhance the character of the development? MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 . LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRGT.058/CS -1- ' If you have any design revisions for your project that you would like to make before your next meeting, please submit the material by January 6, • 1992.. We would appreciate 18 copies of your plan and the prints should be folded to 8 1/2 x 11-inches. The deadline is January 6th because this Department requires adequate time to finalize your revised Planning Commission Report. Failure to meet this deadline could delay the processing of your project for two weeks. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned: Very. truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING &,DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR rousdell Associate Planner GT:ccs cc: Mr. Merlin J. Barth; Architect Mr. John Sanborn; Sanborn & Webb LTRGT.058/CS. CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 December 12, 1991 Simon Plaza, Inc. c / o Mr . Philip Pead P. O. Box 461 78-611 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91-466 & VAR:IANCE=91 0 9 Dear Mr Pead On December 10, 1991, the Planning Commissioncontinued your project to their next meeting of January 14, 1991: Should you have any questions concerning this action, please contact this office. Very truly yours, JERRY MAN P7NNI & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR EG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT: bja cc: Mr. John Sanborn, Sanborn & Webb Mr. Merlin J. Barth, Architect LTRGT.025 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mr. Ronald L. Kiedrowski, City' Manager City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ron, November 29, 1991 . • 11 ‘;11 " . 'PEC) •••7 3 .199! Some time has transpired since our last meeting. Since then, I have had the opportunity to visit with the Mayor and • members of the City. Council and received some specific suggestions and recommendations relating to the Simon Plaza project. • Unfortunately, you have been busy and away from your office, so I have not had the opportunity to visit with you. I would like to schedule a luncheon with you, if possible, •to bring you into • full focus on what we are doing: We are seeking to work within a spirit of •cooperation between the City and the developer to develop a project which will be acceptable to all. You, and I are aware of some problems that need to be addressed, but, in the spirit of cooperation, I believe we can and will develop a magnificent project '.on this corner that the City can be proud of and yet remain viable for the developer. • I would appreciate your consideration of having lunch or setting aside a time I can visit with you on this matter. I would like to take this opportunity, Ron, to thank you for your cooperation and forthrightness in working with us on this project. I welcome any suggestions or comments you might have that will assist us in accomplishing our project. • Very truly yours, SIMON PLAZA, INC, •Fred J. Simon, -Sr. Chairman. FJS/ww CITY OF LA UiTA PLNG DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 461, 78-611 HWY. 111, LA ()UINTA, CA 92253 • PH.: 619/773-2345 • FAX 619/568-4567 November 29, 1991 Mr. Dale Bohnenberger, Councilman City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mr. Bohnenberger: I would like to take this opportunity to express to you the desire of the developer of the Simon Plaza project to work with the City in an atmosphere of congenitally and cooperation. We have recently spoken to some members of the City. Council and the Mayor about our project. In the spirit of cooperation, we have made significant adjustments in the building heights of the building attached to the parking structure on Washington Street and the office building on Simon Drive. We,feel these modifications are very attractive and are sure you will find them attractive as well. I am pleased to learn that you will visit with Mr. John Sanborn who is our Civil Engineer on the project and who has been closely associated with us for a number of years. I am confident that he will convey to you the time and effort which we have expended to work with the City Staff to develop 'a magnificent and truly attractive entrance to the City of La Quinta. 0ur project, we think, gives the City the opportunity for a win,win situation where we can dedicate the additional right-of-way required for the traffic lane and comply with the Washington Street Corridor Plan. I hope you will take the opportunity to view this project as we do --taking a very expensive and vital corner and developing it into a project we can all be proud of. In -order to accomplish this, and provide for traffic projections, we need a spirit of cooperation between the City and the developer. To this end, we extend our hand. Very truly yours, SIMOI PLAZA, INC. red J. Chairma FJS/ww Sr. rri • JAN O 1 1442_ P.O. BOX 461, 78-611 HWY. 111, LA OUINTA, CA 92253 • PH.: 619/773-2345 • FAX: 619/568-4567 FILE COPY 78-105 • CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 • •• FAX (619) 564-5617 November i5, 1991 Mr. Philip Pead, President Simon Plaza, Inc. PO Box 461 ' 78-611 Highway 111: La Quinta,, CA 92253 • SUBJECT:• PLOT PLAN 91-466 & VARIANCE 91019.. • Dear.. Mr. Pead: The City Council will discuss your project on November 19, 1991. The meeting will begin at 3:'00 p.m. and the meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers located'at 78-105 Calle Estado in La Quinta. A copy.of the ,study session report and agenda are attached. • If you`have'any.questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, ''• JERRY H PLANNI /& DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Greg Trousdell • - Associate Planner GT:ccs Attachment cc:. Mr` . •'John Sanborn; "Sanborn & Web,. Inc . 3S•Partnership; Pomona 1st Federal ' Mr. Merlin Barth; Architect•' • MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRGT.046/CS - 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 f OF THE October 8, 1991 FAX (619) 564-5617 Mr. Philip M. Pead, President . Simon. Plaza, Inc: P. O. Box 461 78-611 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PLOT PLAN 91-466 AND VARIANCE"91=017 Dear Mr. Pead: This letter is to notify you that we will be unable to place your development case(s) on the Planning Commission meeting of October 22nd, since we have not received your proposed traffic study and hydrology study which meet the needs of our Engineering Department. If the reports were received today, there would not be sufficient time for City Staff to review both documents and generate recommendations to the Planning Commission. In addition, Caltrans would not have sufficient time to review your traffic study. The District 11 staff in San Diego has requested that we allow them adequate time to review and/or comment on your traffic study prior to action by our Commission. Therefore, it is necessary that we notifying you that your cases will be continued to November 26th. This date, however, is subject to receiving comments from Caltrans independent of our Staff review. It might be beneficial to have your traffic consultant, met with, or call Mr. Bill Dillon, Chief System Planning Branch of Caltrans as soon 'as possible. His phone number is 619-688-6968. Please keep Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner appraised of your progress. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ER li1Y HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR JH :.bja cc: Steve Speer, Assistant City Engineer Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner. LTRGT.001 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 D July 22, 1986- IPONTIAC 1 C TRUCKS Mr.. John J. .Pena Mayor CITY OF LA QUINTA Post Office'Box 1504 'La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear John: I would like to:acknowledge your correspondence of July 18, 1986,. in reference to the road design of Highway 111/ Washington Street Intersection. We are in the process of the final negotiations of selling the property to a developer and it would certainly be beneficial to get some commercial property established on -that corner as soon as. possible. I am sure that with the interest you have expressed in your letter, once we have a Developer's Plan suitable for submission, we can move ahead for final consideration. I will continue in my efforts and hope we can get develop- ment started with the City's assistance. Sincerely, SIMON MOTORS, INC. red J.'Simon President FJS`:mec cc: City Council Ron Kiedrowski;,.City Manager Larry Stevens, Community Development Director Robert Weddle, City Engineer John Sanborn, Sanborn/Webb Paul Selzer, Best, Best & Krieger Bob Nichols, Pomona First Federal. "The Home of Personal Service" P. O. Box 1461, 78-611 Highway 111, La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 346-2345 } 4ai d t tad 78.105 CALLE ESTADO • LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253.• (619) 564.2246 July 18, 1986 Fred J. Simon, President Simon Motors, Inc. P. 0. Box 1461. La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Fred: } Pursuant to your request, the Community Development Department has • reviewed both of your proposed revisions to the road design at the Highway 111/Washington Street intersection. The City appreciates your efforts in preparing —alternative designs for the area which take into consideration both your concerns about additional right-of-way and community concerns relating to, traffic safety. With regards to the designs proposed by Sanborn/Webb, they represent 'acceptable design possibilities for the Washington' Street corridor near the Highway 111 intersection. Each generally provides for adequate capacity and uses accepted traffic design standards. Each would also be considered as consistent with the adopted Washington Street 'Specific Plan. You should be aware that it was not the purpose of the Washington Street Specific Plan to select a precise road design and no such design has been determined at this time: .The Specific Plan was intended to provide general design.and right=of-way criteria for the corridor and any number of design alternatives, including those prepared by Sanborn/Webb, will be considered in the upcoming phases of plan implementation. While it is premature •to select a particular design at this time, please•be assured that it is certainly the City's intent to minimize potential,right-of-way acquisition to give due consideration to existing improvements, to carefully evaluate impacts on affected property owners and to minimize road improvement costs in the ultimate improvement of this important road corridor. The City•is currently preparing a precise alignment study and a financing feasibility study and; following that, experts to prepare improvement -plans in its efforts to improve the Washington Street corridor to at least a four -lane condition as soon as possible. In the event that your desire to secure approvals for and develop , the Washington Street frontage parcels would occur prior to the completion of these studies, the City will attempt to resolve the • MAILING ADDRFSS . an onv •r... Fred. Simon, President Simon Motors, Inc. July 18, 1986 Page 2. precise design issues as part of any development application that would be submittedfor the affected. parcels. It is expected that the general comments on the Sanborn/Webb revisions would provide adequate guidance to prepare,site development designs suitable for submittal. In preparing those -plans, you should feel free to work with Larry Stevens, Community Development Director, and Bob Weddle, City Engineer, inorder to.minimize the impact of changes that typically occur through the development review process. It is hoped that this response givesyou adequate assurance that we can work in concert in resolving mutual concerns along this very important corridor. I believe that we can achieve our common goals best by continuing to work together. Your interest in resolving any. differences and continuing to progress towards mutually acceptable solutions is appreciated. Sincerely, ohn J . Pena. Mayor JJP:LLS:dmv CC: City Council Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager Larry Stevens, Community Development Director Robert Weddle, City Engineer John Sanborn, Sanborn/Webb Paul Selzer Bob Nichols 107 Pomona First Federal Savings and Loan.Association since 1892 July.3; 1986 Mr. -John Pena, Mayor CITY OF LA QUINTA Post Office Box 1504 La,Quinta, Calif. 92253 Re: Widening 'of Washington Avenue Dear Mayor Pena: Pomona First Federal has received copy of the plans submitted on -behalf of Simon Motors, Inc. in regard to the proposed Washington. Avenue widening. Although this would still have a detrimental affect on our property, it is much more Acceptable than the previous action taken'by the City. It appears, that the Groves traffic study, includ- ing projections for traffic tht.ough-:the year 2035,-is,more realistic than other reportsreceived.by the City. The Plan submitted by Mr.;Simons substantially re-. duces the cost to the city and permits property usage which would result in additional taxes for the city. . It also renders our property as being immediately usable rather.than unuseable as will result under your present plan and would result in a lower acquisition costs.. Our Board.of Directors has not had a meeting to discuss the amended plan submitted by Mr. Simon, but.I feel confident that it will meet with much more approval by the Board than the. present plan. Thanking you in advance for consideration of the pro- posed plan by the La Quinta City Council, I remain WGB,JR:ps Very trulyyours, 4- WILLIAM G. BERGMAN, JR. Vice Chairman of the Boa�d of. Directors of Pomona Firs Federal Savings and' Loan• Association r� 10( Administrative Offices: 350 South Garay Avenue • P.O. Bex 1520 • Pcnona. Cai.toma 91769 • 1714) 623.2323 • 1213) 625.7666 • (8t8) 964.7800 • (711) 972.0521 adte CIE June 26, 4986 Mr. John Pena, Mayor CITY OF LA QUINTA Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA. 92253 Dear John: 0 PONTIAC GMC TRUCKS Enclosed is a work -up that Mr. John Sanborn has completed' after visiting with Judith Cox and Larry Allen of the City Council, and Larry•Stevens of your -Planning Department. The plan submitted to you on June 13, 1986,�revised the original plan developed by B.S.I. and your Planning Department, which severely cut the property on the corner of Washington and Highway 111. After submitting our revision and attending the projected traffic study by the Groves, Mr. Sanborn and Mr. Selzer visited with the three individuals mentioned above, and from their discussions, Mr. Sanborn made_severai' additional revisions which show adaquet lanes to accept the traffic patterns as outlined in_his correspondence dated June 24, 1986, a copy of which is attached along with revision. number 2 by the property owners. I think this plan makes alot of sense because the median' islands are sufficiently wide at six feet, and would seperate the traffic patterns adaquetly. The end results:are that less property is needed to accomodate the traffic patterns than on our first revision and therefore less cost to the City would` be necessary in acquiring this land. Even with this. revision, Pomona 1st Federal would. lose 4050 square feet and 3S,loses 6400 square feet, in comparison to the original plan submitted and approved by the City.Council which would be well over an acre or.close to 50,000 square feet. I hope you will all take this into consideration and allow us to discuss this matter with you if there are any additional questions. Sincerely, SIMON MOTORS, INC.- "The,. Home of Personal Service" CC • Nichols P. O. Box 1461, 78-611 Highway 111, .La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 3,Selz�-Vn er Jhd Fred J. Simon President vl� June 13, 1986 Mr. John Pena, Mayor CI.TY OF LA QUINTA Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA.. 92253 Dear Sir: 11 PONTIAC This letter"is to. confirm our telephoneconversation of June 12, 1986, relative to the changes adopted on the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street, that have taken such a large protion of ., the land from the East side of the corner, that itrenders the parcels owned by Pomona 1st Federal, unbuildable. It also severely disects the parcel owned by 3S on the corner of Simon Drive and' Washington Street, which again would make it questionable as to whether or not -'it would be useable as a commercial site. I have submitted a revised plan to you that has been worked up by Sanborn Webb, Inc., which we think works. It also limits the loss of property to the two owners and would reduce substantially, the cost of`acquiring the parcels,. by the City of La Quinta, in order to do the plan that was originally adopted. We have included a study done by the Groves that was submitted to the City and was accepted by you as a traffic study for Washington Street. It varies .quite drastically from the one B. S.I. is now submitting for the Washington Street corridor. The" groves projection, projects considerably less traffic than the B. S. I., and we, for' the sake of common sense, can not see 'Washington Street carrying more:traffic than Highway 111 in future years, and that in essence, is what their :study and your planner have done with the configurations on the. current plan. Our recommendations have many advantageous po"ints that should be taken into consideration. GNIC TRUCKS' 1) Adequately covers the traffic project for Washington Street. 2) Allows for stacking on the corner. 3) Eliminates severe loss of property by owners of corner._ 4). Reduces, cost to City tremendously, 5) Logically allows solutions to problem, so we can proceed With developing"the corner immediately: 6) With the�corner,developed, we can begin to bring revenue into the City, rather than taking revenue out of the City's coffers. 7) Continues to solve the problem for the people at "Point Happy". "The Hone of Personal Service" P. O. Box t461, 78-611 Highway 11 I. La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 346-2345 110 Mr. John Pena June 13, 1986 Page 2 All in all, this alternative plan resolves the problem at "Point Happy". It resolves the problem of traffic stacking.. It resolves the problem logically. for all.conce.rned and limits the need for acquiring entirely the two parcels affected. I hope you can personally participate and `I am asking Mr. Bob Nichols of .Pomona 1st Federal, Paul Selzer and John Sanborn of 3S,;'to personally participate with your Planning Department an'd'your City Council to correct this problem as quickly as possible so that we may proceed to develope the•land and bring • revenue into the_City!1 Sincerely, SIMON MOTORS FJS:mer. cc: Bob Nichols Paul Selzer John Sanborn Larry Stevens 111 LAY. orrlccs or 1J'111LI. , r, ••l Al t 1 .• • .r. • ( ( !l.: i . •!: •: \ C. f. :.1 C• 1 • i• s. t r.. C:_ • • C t•►•.rot r.•r^v Crl.C\:.0 L! . J •.. C . �• I „r.•l :J,. ,•J ;..!•.'L • .!illy J ! ' 4 , ,• t t C • '� i.. (..►,':i.,r. J:•C•. L•. CLA:..0 1:G:°• A. 6a.: •1 ft! _•i'•�I. CC.L r. G:.l.11U •1 A;:ri1 25, 19C6 Council.. Ct y of La Quinta La �Q;:inta , CA 92253 BEST, r3EST Gl I<RIEGER COO C/•,•T TAI1OV11Z•M4CL.LU1.1 WAY P. C. CC.X 27:0 C'/•.1? 'GR1t::7•S.CALJuOrit11A 927 4 TCLEP1'0:.C',(7l.); 2:5.77G4 rIVCP!l:,C P C .•C. n,VCrtS•CC.!allrC•: •. • (7 4, CC.ra: : r c '. .. C:.. .r., -- . r. c . ✓ . t '. C..:CI.0 ( •. t'' .. i1 ., ••.:.•1:1D I• -. ..♦:•. Deer ::ayo : and lief::bers of• the Council: This office represents the 3S Company and Simon Family Partr::Yb t•:}-:, are the owners o" Parcels 2,. 3, 4, 5, and 7 and Parcel 18415 respectively, and this letter is written in connection tc.tr: your proposed.Washington Street Corridor Amendment to the General Plc._:. We have been informed thr`: both the City Council and the Plat:r.:n' Co::•sion have held•Publi_ }'earings in conncct_on t•:ith the Pla:l i,.a.'.. :iC .t rnd that t1.',2 City Cou::Cil has adopted that to C..s.11,7s.ral Flan. Unfortunately', neither the 3S Company r:: the•:-:- on Family P::': i:nc. ship received notice of any Public 1'.e:.7i T•C:..::. to s y, 1::•: C.i.e:it:. cbj'oC:: vc-hc:'cntly to the proposr-1 li.-:itcc to the folic::-= �. r• • �•i..,of h1;(? 1•: _. , . t: We were. � �:L:h pro -per la�..ce the :: the F1 l•a7.i'.c C=is si C:h ne _ or i is;h:-o_ :'. v oT lr,•Fi[i ion .Ct c_ 1: (:'i... . h::S nc 1'•;:cn d.:.h':1s..2:a _CC:: '::C , '!':c 1 :ren of the proposal f.''11s entirely u; on th owners e:., t of l•:p.sh1ngton Stre.ct while the benefit ;.:211 s solel.v to the owners of property .:est of. l•:a:;1, _•-.;;ton Stzect; and, �I. T1-C r�tC t\\.LC5 in t study .are • rh si?tfc th in c':fens to purchse pr(?\-i.: ;.. . ' • • 11 g City Counci]. /ip:il. 25, 1986 l'agc Two S. The exi!:tence of ..the Cenerr1 Plan /A.:::end7ent so si.fn;.fi.cintly clouds the ti ' lc to the properties o-..ned by my c1ie�.ts as to rake it unmarketable. In view of the foregoing w 2 +wouid respectfully request that -the City reopen the Hez.rings,on this natter after properly. giving notice to each owner entitled thereto in order that wc r.May. have ample opportunity to. present evidence and alternatives to those plans reco:,--ended by' the Planning Co=issi.on and. •apparently adopted by the City Council'in its Specific Plau Nu`.;ber 86-007. While we wish to cooperate with the City in its -endeavors to improve:the area,` 'I am sure you "will understand ow: concern when we fo-.".nd out after the. fact. that after having already dedicated 36 feet along Washington Street, five feet .along Highay 111 and installing cur.bs,gutters, sidewalks and traffic signals all at significant expense .all within the last :"d:ree years, the City he•:i wishes to,tear out all of that work and render'valueless at least two of the parcels Parcel Map Number 16418 all without notice. to us. In view of the drastic economic effects this is having on our clients at thepresent time, we would respectfully request: an early response to this letter." Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter. Yours very truly, BEST, BEST & KRIEGER h..u7. T. elf PiS t s cc: John S r born Fred Sin bcc: Gilbert Smith, Pomona First Federal 11: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL FILE COPY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta,City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING"'on March 3, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: • PLOT PLAN 91-466 VARIANCE 91-019 APPLICANT: SIMON PLAZA, INC. LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111 REQUEST: A REQUEST BY THE APPLICANT TO APPEAL THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION OF JANUARY 14, 1992, CONCERNING THEIR REVIEW OF A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL COMPLEX WHICH WILL INCLUDE THE DEVELOPMENT OF MULTIPLE •STORY BUILDINGS (+134,000 SQUARE FEET) & A THREE STORY PARKING STRUCTURE (PLUS ONE SUB -GRADE LEVEL) PARKING STRUCTURE ON _+5.5 ACRES ZONED SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL. A VARIANCE HAS BEEN REQUESTED TO VARY THE SIDEYARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF THE 'LA QUINTA ZONING ORDINANCE. LEGAL: APN: 617-020-020 THRU 025 NORTH HALF OF SECTION 30, T5S R7E The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has previously completed Environmental Assessment 91-211 on the project. Based upon this assessment, the proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been. prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the above cited case at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Plot Plan at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Plot Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written` correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Plot Plan file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON FEBRUARY 8, 1992 CITY OF LA QIVTA��E PY PLANNING COMMISSIC° NOTICE OF PUBLIC. NEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on February 25, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: PLOT PLAN 91-466 (REVISION) SIMON PLAZA, INC. SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111. TO MODIFY A PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED PLOT PLAN APPLICATION FOR A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL COMPLEX WHICH WILL INCLUDE THE DEVELOPMENT .OF MULTIPLE STORY BUILDINGS (+134,000 SQUARE FEET) AND A•FOUR STORY PARKING STRUCTURE ON +5.5 ACRES ZONED SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL. LEGAL: APN: 617-020-020 THRU 025 - NORTH HALF OF SECTION 30, T5S R7E The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has previously completed Environmental Assessment 91-211 on the project. Based upon this assessment, the proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the above cited case at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Plot Plan at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Plot Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Plot Plan file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. V1 1 T yr LH VIUI(V 1 A PLANNING OOISSIONFILECOPy NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on'October 22, 1991, at 7:00 p.m. ,in the La Quinta,City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: PLOT PLAN 91-466 VARIANCE 91-019 SIMON PLAZA, INC. SOUTHEAST CORNER OF.WASHINGTON ,STREET AND HIGHWAY 111 TO 'DEVELOP A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL COMPLEX WHICH WILL INCLUDE THE DEVELOPMENT OF MULTIPLE STORY BUILDINGS (+165,000 SQUARE FEET) AND A FOUR STORY PARKING STRUCTURE (PLUS ONE SUB -GRADE LEVEL) PARKING STRUCTURE ON +5.5 ACRES ZONED SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL. A VARIANCE HAS BEEN REQUESTED TO' VARY THE SIDEYARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF CPS ZONE DISTRICT. LEGAL: APN: 617-020-020 THRU 025 NORTH HALF OF, SECTION 30, T5S R7E The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has previously completed Environmental Assessment 91-211 on the project. Based upon this assessment, the proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the above cited case at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Plot Plan at the time of.the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Plot Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written -correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Plot Plan file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON OCTOBER 1, 1991 rc •