RFP - DIF Study Update (Addendum) Addendum No. 1 Page 1 DATE: October 9, 2018 TO: All Prospective DIF Study Update RFP Consultants RE: DIF Study Update RFP ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 The shall be considered as incorporated into the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above referenced services. Portions of RFP not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force. The following are the City’s responses to the questions received: 1) Would the City prefer to see a proposal for a New DIF for future Drainage Improvements included as a separate schedule and cost line item as part of the submittal? DIF for future Drainage Improvements should be included as an “Optional” line item in the scope, schedule and fee. 2) Does the City want the consultant to include at least 1 outreach meeting to stakeholders (local Chamber, BIA, etc.) as part of a DIF update? Would the City like to see these meeting(s) added as a separate line item? Yes, meeting time/coordination will be required for the DVBA and BIA, and any stakeholders the consultant deems necessary to complete their work. 3) Is the City open to or would consider the Consultant evaluating or proposing other or potential new fees as part of this DIF update? Yes, they should be included as an optional task item. 4) Please verify that one (1) original and three (3) copies of the technical proposal and 2 copies of the Cost Proposal shall be delivered. Yes, the RFP requires 4 copies of the Work Proposal and 2 copies of the Cost Proposal. 5) Are wet signatures required on any given copies (indicating that 1 copy of each proposal will be “original”) or do inserted electronic signatures suffice? No, wet signatures are not required. 6) Does the city require any electronic copies to be submitted with the proposals? Addendum No. 1 Page 2 Yes, please provide an electronic PDF of the proposal on a USB flash drive. 7) PDF page 5 of the RFP states that “resumes and brochures may be added to the proposal, provided they are located in an appendix at the back of the proposal.” On PDF page 7, the Statement of Qualifications Section specifies that “individual resumes for prime and sub-consultants” be included. Do the resumes need to appear in an Appendix or in the Statement of Qualifications? Does the twenty (20) page limit for the proposal include any or all of the following: cover letter, resumes, Non-Collusion Affidavit Form, insurance acknowledgement, Project Schedule, and/or cost proposal? The following do not count toward the 20-page count: • Cover letter • Non-Collusion Affidavit Form • Insurance acknowledgement • Cost proposal Personnel Resume’s “specific to this project” should be included in the Statement of Qualifications and will count toward the 20-page count. “Expanded” resumes can be included as an appendix if desired and will not count toward the page count. However, consultants are encouraged to limit their proposal package to work specific and relevant to this project. The Cost Proposal is a separate document submittal. All other documents will count towards the 20-page count, including the Project Schedule. 8) Can the contractor include an Agreement for Contract Services Terms and Conditions Markup/comments with the proposal in an appendix? Will this count towards the page count? Yes, the consultant may include a marked-up agreement in the appendix which will not count toward the page count. However, the Consultant is required to list any concerns with noted requirements in a clearly labeled subsection within its proposal that will count toward the page limitation. 9) What is the city’s anticipated budget for this study? The City will consider the fees based upon the consultants scope of work provided. 10) Does the city envision the need for transportation modeler on the team in order to update the transportation improvements fee? Addendum No. 1 Page 3 No. The updated Transportation Deficiency Report will be provided to the Consultant. 11) Does the city envision the need for a civil engineer on the team to analyze drainage issues and needs? No. 12) Has the city identified what facilities will be included in the potential drainage improvement fee? If so, what are those facilities, and have they been costed out? No. 13) The RFP states that “At a minimum, the Consultant will be required to prepare for and attend two (2) City Council meetings, one (1) Financial Advisory Committee meeting, and one (1) Project Development Team meeting for each month the work is ongoing.” Can you please clarify if this means attendance at four (4) meetings per month through the project duration? Total Formal Meetings: 1 City Council Study Session Meeting 1 City Council Meeting 1 Financial Advisory Committee Meeting 1 Project Development Team meeting per month until finished. (e.g. if finished in 6 months, then 6 PDT meetings) However, the consultant will be expected to meet informally with necessary City staff leads. The City may allow the consultant to use its teleconference technology for some of the Project Development Team Meetings, depending on the topics to be discussed. 14) Would a simple Gantt chart be acceptable for this project? Yes, a simple Gant Chart schedule is acceptable. 15) Regarding the Insurance and Acknowledgement requirement of “signed acknowledgement(s) from each insurance carrier.” Is this accurate; would a copy of a recent insurance certificate suffice? The consultant must acknowledge that it can meet the insurance requirements identified within the City’s contract services agreement for