2018 11 13 PCPLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 1 NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018 AT 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Proctor, Quill, Wright and Chairperson McCune. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Planning Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The Planning Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS – None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 23, 2018 BUSINESS SESSION – None STUDY SESSION – None PUBLIC HEARINGS Declarations regarding Public Contacts. Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City’s web page: www.laquintaca.gov PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 2 NOVEMBER 13, 2018 1. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003, SIGN PROGRAM 2018-0001, MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2018-0008, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0004 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2018-0003 SUBMITTED BY SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC. PROPOSING A 18,695 SQUARE-FOOT ART MUSEUM. PROJECT: CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART. CEQA: EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW UNDER CEQA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 (CLASS 32) IN THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT CAN BE CHARACTERIZED AS IN-FILL DEVELOPMENT. LOCATION: 47705 CALEO BAY. [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-014] 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0004 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0004 AMENDMENT 1) SUBMITTED BY HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. PROPOSING OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SALES AT AN EXISTING HOME DEPOT. CEQA: THE DESIGN AN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 OF THE CALFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT CAN BE CHARACTERIZED AS AN EXISTING FACILITY. LOCATION: 79900 HIGHWAY. [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-015] REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - None COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS STAFF ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on November 27, 2018, commencing at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Wanda Wise-Latta, Commission Secretary, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78-630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on November 9, 2018. DATED: November 8, 2018 WANDA WISE-LATTA, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the Planning Division of the Design and Development Department at 777-7118, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 3 NOVEMBER 13, 2018 If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the Planning Division of the Design and Development Department at 777- 7118. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Assistant for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Design and Development Department’s counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 OCTOBER 23, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2018 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson McCune. PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Proctor, Quill, Wright and Chairperson McCune. ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Acting Assistant City Attorney Travis Van Ligten, Design and Development Director Danny Castro, City Engineer Bryan McKinney, Senior Planner Cheri L. Flores, Commission Secretary Wanda Wise- Latta and Administrative Assistant Mirta Lerma PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Bettencourt to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended with the following amendment to the Planning Commission Minutes of September 25, 2018: • Page 3, Condition of Approval No. 1 to the Motion: “and provide architectural enhancements on their northern and western elevation facing the Citrus.” AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Proctor, Quill, Wright and Chairperson McCune. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 OCTOBER 23, 2018 PUBLIC HEARINGS DECLARATIONS REGARDING PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACTS None to report. 1. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0008 SUBMITTED BY T.D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT PROPOSING TO AMEND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2003- 787 TO ALLOW A 45% INCREASE IN SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE PROPOSED RESIDENCE ON LOT 191. CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2003-048, WHICH WAS PREPARED FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2003-093, ZONE CHANGE 2003-116, SPECIFIC PLAN 2003-067 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2003-787, AND CERTIFIED ON DECEMBER 16, 2003. LOCATION: 59895 SEVILLE. [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-012] Senior Planner Cheri L. Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Planning Commission asked staff if any homeowner comments had been received and responded none were received; asked staff how many public hearing notices had been mailed and responded that notices were mailed to those within 500 feet of the project. Staff explained that the item was before the Commission for consideration because the increase in square footage was over the allowable 10% under a modification by the applicant and requires consideration by the original approving body as a site development permit amendment. Several Commissioners recommended that staff look into different avenues to simplify this process in the future. Chairperson McCune declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:10 p.m. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Nolan Sparks, T.D. Desert Development, La Quinta – stated he was available to answer questions. Chairperson McCune declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 6:11 p.m. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Quill to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2018-012 recommending City Council approval of Site Development Permit 2018-0008 subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval and find the project consistent with Environmental Assessment 2003-483. AYES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Procter, Quill, Wright and Chairperson McCune. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 OCTOBER 23, 2018 2. SPECIFIC PLAN 2018-0001, AMENDMENT 3 TO JEFFERSON SQUARE SPECIFIC PLAN, SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0001 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2018-0001 SUBMITTED BY CCD HOTEL AND RESORTS LLC PROPOSING A THREE-STORY HOTEL WITH UP TO A 160-ROOM HOTEL AND FOOD MARKET WITH OR WITHOUT RETAIL SHOPS. PROJECT: JEFFERSON SQUARE HOTEL. CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS PREPARED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2018-0001 FOR THIS PROJECT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND HAS DETERMINED THAT ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED PROJECT COULD HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT, THERE WILL NOT BE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT BECAUSE MITIGATION MEASURES HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED INTO THE PROJECT [RESOLUTION NO. 2018-013] Senior Planner Cheri Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Planning Commission questioned staff about the project’s infringement upon views; commented about whether there is government regulation of private property to protect public or private views; noted that the revised plan eliminated one row of parking spaces directly north of the homes to the south of the project; asked about the height of project; and asked Acting Assistant City Attorney Van Lighten to provide enlightenment to the Commission regarding the right to a view. Chairperson McCune declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:34 p.m. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Marc Yeber, El Segundo, CA - introduced himself and stated he represented the applicant. Mr. Yeber presented additional information regarding the project including changes made; explained how they addressed some of the concerns raised at the September 25, 2018 Planning Commission meeting; and stated he was available to answer questions. Mr. Yeber clarified for a Commissioner that the row of parking spaces that were eliminated immediately north of the homes in Monticello and south of the hotel will be replaced by additional landscaping. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Paul Mercer, CEO of CCD Hotel and Resorts LLC – introduced himself and confirmed for the Commissioners that all facilities would be open to hotel guests and the public. Commission discussion continued regarding the new entry feature and tower height; food and beverage service; special event space; the proposed hotel as a destination; hotel occupancy rates and market research related occupancy rates; hotel operator; and if there was an alternative plan to food court concept. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Jeff Stahl, La Quinta – spoke in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project due to incompatibility in a residential neighborhood and park; PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 OCTOBER 23, 2018 loss of scenic views from park; nuisance noise from hotel and proposed wedding party deck; unstudied traffic flow issues; parking capacity issues; project size too large for property; and aggressive development plan. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Brian Potter, La Quinta – spoke in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project due to proximity to homes and park; and loss of scenic views. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Tim Kemp, La Quinta – spoke in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project due to proximity of hotel to homes and park; and noise. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Greg Cairns, La Quinta – spoke in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project due to proximity to homes, traffic, parking concerns, and proximity to schools. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Matt Garchensky, La Quinta – spoke in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project due to proximity of project to homes, lighting concerns, traffic, and noise. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Jim Cullinan, La Quinta – spoke in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project due to architecture, height, proximity to homes, noise, loss of views, incompatibility with residential neighborhood and project size. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Holly Sterling, La Quinta – spoke in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project due to proximity to homes and park; and noise. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Diana Gardner, La Quinta – spoke in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project due to proximity to homes, inappropriate location for the project. The following people submitted Public Speaker Forms opposed to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project but did not wish to speak: • Cary and Terry Lee, La Quinta, CA • Cynthia Bailey, La Quinta, CA • Julie Cullinan, La Quinta, CA • Chris Bailey, La Quinta, CA • Marian Stahl, La Quinta, CA Chairperson McCune declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:11 p.m. Chairperson McCune thanked the residents and applicant for attending the meeting. Commission discussion followed in support of and in opposition to the Jefferson Square Hotel commercial project. Senior Planner Flores advised the Commission that there was a correction to the resolution identified for the Commission as No. 4 and the title should read as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 5 OCTOBER 23, 2018 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE JEFFERSON SQUARE HOTEL AND MARKET LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND FRED WARING DRIVE CASE NUMBER: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2018-0001 Senior Planner Flores advised the Commission that there was a correction to the resolution identified for the Commission as No. 6 as to the room count and should read as follows: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 23rd day of October, 2018, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by CCD Hotel and Resorts, LLC for approval of a 141-room, three-story, 86,833 square-foot hotel and 20,172 square-foot food and beverage market, generally located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive, more particularly described as: APN 604-521-010, 604-521-012, 604-521- 013 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wright to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2018-013 recommending to the City Council denial of Specific Plan Amendment 2018-0001 and Site Development Permit 2018-0012 for Jefferson Square Hotel and Market located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive and with the revisions by staff with reference to the 141-room hotel. Commission discussed the motion regarding CEQA findings for denial of the project. Nicole Sauviat Criste with Terra Nova Planning and Research clarified that if the Planning Commission took no action on the CEQA document, the document would move on to the City Council for consideration as they are the decision-making body. AYES: Proctor, Quill, Wright and Chairperson McCune. NOES: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, and Currie. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. BUSINESS SESSSION - None STUDY SESSION - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS – None COMMISSIONERS’ ITEMS At the request of Commissioner Caldwell, Design and Development Director Castro provided an update regarding Morrow Ranch. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 6 OCTOBER 23, 2018 Commissioner Proctor requested staff to provide an update regarding SilverRock. STAFF ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Bettencourt to adjourn this meeting at 7:42 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, WANDA WISE-LATTA, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 2018 CASE NO.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 SIGN PROGRAM 2018-0001 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0004 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2018-0008 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC. PROPERTY OWNER: TITLE ART CENTER REQUEST: APPROVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003, SIGN PROGRAM 2018-0001, MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2018-0008, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0004 FOR A 18,695 SQUARE FOOT ART MUSEUM AND FIND THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CEQA: THE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 (CLASS 32) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT THE PROJECT CAN BE CHARACTERIZED AS IN-FILL DEVELOPMENT. LOCATION: 47705 CALEO BAY APN 643-200-032 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a resolution approving Site Development Permit (SDP) 2018-0003, Sign Program (SAPR) 2018-0001, Minor Adjustment (MA) 2018-0008, and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2018-0004, and find the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The proposed project includes a new 18,695 square foot (sf) art museum (museum), containing artist work studio and display works of art (Attachment 1). PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 • The applicant proposes a SAPR to allow for additional sign locations and area and a MA to allow for additional floor area. BACKGROUND The subject site parcel configuration was created in 1989 with Tract Map 24230. The project site consists of approximately 1.12 acres of vacant, unimproved land located in between Washington Street and Caleo Bay Drive, north of Avenue 48 and directly west of the existing Lake La Quinta residential development. PROPOSAL & ANALYSIS The applicant requests approval for new 18,695 sf museum. SDP approval is requested for landscaping and architectural design of the museum (Attachment 2). The museum is two stories, with the second floor used solely for art storage. Site Design The building will consist of galleries, a studio, offices, reception area, storage areas, break room, and outdoor areas with covered patios. The building design reflects modern design with architectural breaks and varying roof lines on all frontages and a simple color design incorporating grey, white, and tan colors. The maximum height of the building is 22 feet and incorporates a flat roof design. The building meets setback and height standards of the underlying zone, Community Commercial (CC). The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) for the zone is 30%, which for this site is 14,636 sf. The applicant has provided a shared parking plan for the project, which allows an additional five (5) percent FAR, per Section 9.150.060 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. The applicant has also applied for a Minor Adjustment (MA), which would allow an additional ten (10) percent of FAR. The additional FAR allowances give the site a maximum floor area of 16,831 sf. The applicant is proposing a floor area of 16,694, meeting the FAR requirements. The building requires 42 parking spaces and the proposal includes 38 parking spaces on site, with an additional four (4) parking spaces accessible through a shared parking agreement between the project owner and the Caleo Bay Alzheimer’s Special Care Facility directly to the south of the site. The Special Care Facility has a surplus of 38 parking spaces, allowing them to share four (4) parking spaces with the museum through the agreement. There will be 26 parking spaces covered with a solar carport (Attachment 2, Page A3.4). Access to the site will come from Caleo Bay Drive. Landscaping and Lighting New landscaping is proposed all throughout the perimeter of the site, the parking lot, and entrance to the museum (Attachment 3). The assorted species of plants and trees, including date and fan palms, assorted agave plants, and century plants, add character to the proposed development, are consistent with desert landscaping palettes in the City, and provide sufficient screening and accents around the vehicular circulation areas. Project lighting will include parking lot lighting with downlights, bollards lighting pedestrian walkways, and monument lighting for the signs around the building (Attachment 2, Sheet LDE-1.PD). Conditional Use Permit CUP approval is required for use of this commercial site per the conditions of approval for Tract Map 24230. The proposed used is permitted in the underlying CC zone. The museum will be named the “California Desert Museum of Art” and will focus on exhibiting a collection of American Impressionist paintings, antiques, sculptures and artifacts, and other personal paintings of the project owner, Christian Title. The 1,750 sf studio will provide space for seniors and those who wish to paint. The museum plans to incorporate programming for children, seniors, the neighboring Caleo Bay Alzheimer’s Center, and other organizations. Sign Program A SAPR is proposed to allow the building to have more visibility and allow for additional temporary banners to advertise programming (Attachment 4). The SAPR proposes three (3) building mounted signs totaling 121 sf, three (3) temporary event vinyl banners totaling 341 sf, and two (2) monument signs totaling 78 sf. The total proposed sign area is 540 sf. AGENCY & PUBLIC REVIEW: Public Agency Review This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies. All written comments from other public agencies have been received and are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended conditions of approval. Public Notice This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on November 2, 2018 and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. No comments have been received as of this date. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project can be characterized as in-fill development. Prepared by: Carlos Flores, Associate Planer Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Project Information Sheet 2. Site Development Permit Plan Set 3. Landscape Construction Plans 4. California Desert Museum of Art & Christian Title Art Center Sign Program PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, SIGN PROGRAM, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND MINOR ADJUSTMENT FOR A NEW 18,695 SQUARE FOOT ART MUSEUM AND FIND THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBERS: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003, SIGN PROGRAM, 2018-0001, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0004, MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2018-0008, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, LLC WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 13th day of November, 2018, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, to consider a request by South West Concepts for approval of a site development permit, sign program, conditional use permit, and minor adjustment to allow for a new art museum generally located at 47705 Caleo Bay Drive, more particularly described as: APN: 643-200-032 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on November 2, 2018 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, Site Development Permit 2018-0003 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.010 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify approval of said Site Development Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City’s General Plan Planning Commission Resolution 2018- Site Development Permit 2018-0003, Sign Program 2018-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2018-0004, Minor Adjustment 2018-0008 California Desert Museum of Art Adopted: November 13, 2018 Page 2 of 7 policies relating to General Commercial encourage a full range of commercial uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. The proposed project is consistent with Goal ED-1 as it will contribute to a balanced and varied economic base and provide a broad range of goods and services to its residents and region. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City’s Zoning Code and the purpose and intent of the Community Commercial District. 3. Compliance with CEQA The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the project can be characterized as in-fill development. 4. Architectural Design The architecture and layout of the project is compatible with, and not detrimental to, the existing surrounding commercial land uses, and is consistent with the development standards in the Municipal Code. 5. Site Design The site design of the project is compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. 6. Landscape Design The proposed project is consistent with the landscaping standards and plant palette and implements the standards for landscaping and aesthetics established in the General Plan and Zoning Code. Landscape improvements are designed and sized to provide visual appeal. The permanent overall site landscaping utilizes various tree and shrub species to enhance the building architecture. Sign Program 2018-0001 Planning Commission Resolution 2018- Site Development Permit 2018-0003, Sign Program 2018-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2018-0004, Minor Adjustment 2018-0008 California Desert Museum of Art Adopted: November 13, 2018 Page 3 of 7 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Chapter 9.160.090 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify approval of said Sign Program: 7. Consistency with General Plan The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City’s General Plan policies relating to General Commercial encourage a full range of commercial uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. The proposed project is consistent with Goal ED-1 as it will contribute to a balanced and varied economic base and provide a broad range of goods and services to its residents and region. 8. Consistency with Zoning Code Sign programs are authorized by the Zoning Code and the proposed sign program is consistent with the purpose and intent of Chapter 9.160.090. The sign program amendment is in harmony with and visually related to: a. All signs within the planned sign program, via the incorporation of several common design elements such as materials, letter style, colors, illumination, sign type or sign shape. b. The buildings they identify. The signs utilize materials, colors, and design motif that are included in the building being identified. c. Surrounding development. Implementation of the planned sign program will not adversely affect surrounding land uses or obscure adjacent conforming signs. The sign program amendment allows for a cohesive set of signs that allows for increased visibility along Washington Street and Caleo Bay without adversely impacting surrounding development. 9. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) in that the project can be characterized as in-fill development. Planning Commission Resolution 2018- Site Development Permit 2018-0003, Sign Program 2018-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2018-0004, Minor Adjustment 2018-0008 California Desert Museum of Art Adopted: November 13, 2018 Page 4 of 7 10. Surrounding Uses As conditioned, approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. Conditional Use Permit 2018-0004 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 11. Consistency with General Plan The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City’s General Plan policies relating to General Commercial encourage a full range of commercial uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. The proposed project is consistent with Goal ED-1 as it will contribute to a balanced and varied economic base and provide a broad range of goods and services to its residents and region. 12. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City’s Zoning Code and the purpose and intent of the Community Commercial District. 13. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the project can be characterized as in-fill development. 14. Surrounding Uses As conditioned, approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare Planning Commission Resolution 2018- Site Development Permit 2018-0003, Sign Program 2018-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2018-0004, Minor Adjustment 2018-0008 California Desert Museum of Art Adopted: November 13, 2018 Page 5 of 7 or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. Minor Adjustment 2018-0008 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify approval of said Minor Adjustment: 15. Consistency with General Plan The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City’s General Plan policies relating to General Commercial encourage a full range of commercial uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. The proposed project is consistent with Goal ED-1 as it will contribute to a balanced and varied economic base and provide a broad range of goods and services to its residents and region. 16. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City’s Zoning Code and the purpose and intent of the Community Commercial District. 17. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the project can be characterized as in-fill development. 18. Surrounding Uses As conditioned, approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Planning Commission Resolution 2018- Site Development Permit 2018-0003, Sign Program 2018-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2018-0004, Minor Adjustment 2018-0008 California Desert Museum of Art Adopted: November 13, 2018 Page 6 of 7 SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve of Site Development Permit 2018- 0003, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SECTION 4. That it does hereby approve of Sign Program 2018-0001, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SECTION 5. That it does hereby approve of Conditional Use Permit 2018- 0004, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SECTION 6. That it does hereby approve of Minor Adjustment 2018-0008, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this the 13th day of November, 2018, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Planning Commission Resolution 2018- Site Development Permit 2018-0003, Sign Program 2018-0001, Conditional Use Permit 2018-0004, Minor Adjustment 2018-0008 California Desert Museum of Art Adopted: November 13, 2018 Page 7 of 7 _________________________________ KEVIN MCCUNE, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: _______________________________________________ DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0004 CAIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 1 of 1 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), including LQMC Chapter 9.210.020. 3. Any expansion of this use or substantial modifications shall require an amendment of this conditional use permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director in accordance with LQMC 9.200.090, and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 4. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to review and monitor the operation of this facility and modify conditions of approval regarding hours of operation, occupancy, and other operational conditions. 5. Finalized shared parking agreement between California Desert Museum of Art and Caleo Bay Alzheimer’s Special Care Facility shall remain in effect as long as this Conditional Use Permit is in effect. Any expansion, increase of intensity, or substantial modifications of this use shall require review of parking agreement by the Design and Development Director to determine if modification of agreement is required. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SIGN PROGRAM AMENDMENT 2018-0001 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART SIGN PROGRAM ADOPTED: Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 1 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (“City”), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Sign Program Amendment. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Any changes to the sign program, including sign size, sign placement and/or sign design, will require a sign program amendment application to be filed with the Design and Development Department. 3. The applicant shall receive sign permit approval from the Planning and Building divisions prior to installation of any sign(s). 4. This permit grants approval of installation of temporary banners that will rotate based on programming, per the specifications shown in the program. The Design and Development Department reserves the right to request modifications of these banners, including change of time periods, materials, and display. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 1 of 13 Page 1 of 13 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (“City”), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Site Development Permit 2018-0003 shall comply with all applicable conditions and/or mitigation measures for the following related approvals: Environmental Assessment 2018-0003 Conditional Use Permit 2018-0004 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design and Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. 3. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Development Division (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) Exemption Form – Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Planning Division • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency (SunLine) • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley (SCAQMD) The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When these requirements include PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 2 of 13 Page 2 of 13 approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 4. Coverage under the State of California Construction General Permit must be obtained by the applicant; who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Water Quality Control Board’s (“RWQCB”) acknowledgment of the applicant’s Notice of Intent (“NOI”) and Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number to the City prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 5. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City’s NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. R7- 2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board’s Order No. 2012- 0006-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan (“SWPPP”) to the State Water Resources Control Board. The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. C. The applicant’s SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non-Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. D. All erosion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 3 of 13 Page 3 of 13 be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. E. The SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City Council. F. The provision for the funding and perpetual maintenance and operation of all post-construction BMPs as required. 6. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney’s fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant’s fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer’s failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 8. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Said conferred rights shall also include grant of access easement to the City of La Quinta for the purpose of graffiti removal by City staff or assigned agent in perpetuity and agreement to the method to remove graffiti and to paint over to best match existing. The applicant shall establish the aforementioned requirements in the CC&R’s for the development or other agreements as approved by the City Engineer. 9. Pursuant to the aforementioned condition, conferred rights shall include property rights necessary for construction and proper functioning of the proposed development not limited to access rights over proposed and/or PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 4 of 13 Page 4 of 13 existing parking lot that access public streets and open space/drainage facilities. 10. Direct vehicular access to Washington Street and Caleo Bay Drive is restricted, except for those access points identified on the Site Development Permit, or as otherwise conditioned in these conditions of approval. 11. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments will occur. 12. The applicant shall cause no easement to be granted, or recorded, over any portion of the subject property unless such easement is approved by the City Engineer. PARKING LOTS and ACCESS POINTS 13. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in particular the following: A. The parking stall and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking space design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans to evaluate ADA accessibility issues. D. Accessibility routes to public streets and adjacent development shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan. E. Parking space lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 18 feet in length with a 2-foot overhang for all parking spaces or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible parking space is required per 6 accessible parking spaces. F. Drive aisles between parking spaces shall be a minimum of 26 feet with access drive aisles to Public Streets a minimum of 28 feet as shown on the Preliminary Precise Grading Plan or as approved by the City Engineer. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, ADA accessibility route to public streets and other PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 5 of 13 Page 5 of 13 features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths and other improvements as may be determined by the City Engineer. 14. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site-specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Parking Lot & Aisles (Low Traffic) 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. Parking Lot & Aisles (High Traffic) 4.5” a.c./5.5” c.a.b. Loading Areas 6” P.C.C./4” c.a.b. or the approved equivalents of alternate materials. 15. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 16. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs and sidewalks. 17. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by engineers registered in California. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as “engineer,” “surveyor,” and “architect,” refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 18. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 6 of 13 Page 6 of 13 19. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Design and Development Department. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. PM10 Plan 1” = 40’ Horizontal B. Erosion Control Plan 1” = 40’ Horizontal C. Final WQMP (Plan submitted in Report Form) D. On-Site Precise Grading Plan 1” = 20’ Horizontal NOTE: A through D to be submitted concurrently. (Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable) Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. “On-Site Precise Grading” plan is required to be submitted for approval by the Building Official, Design and Development Director, and the City Engineer. “On-Site Precise Grading” plans shall normally include all on-site surface improvements including but not necessarily limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot improvements and accessibility requirements. All On-Site Signing & Striping Plans shall show, at a minimum; Stop Signs, Limit Lines and Legends, No Parking Signs, Raised Pavement Markers (including Blue RPMs at fire hydrants) and Street Name Signs per Public Works Standard Plans and/or as approved by the City Engineer. 20. The City maintains standard plans, detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the Public Works Development “Plans, Notes and Design Guidance” section of the City website (www.laquintaca.gov). Please navigate to the Design and Development Department home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink. 21. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of all approved improvement plans PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 7 of 13 Page 7 of 13 on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. 22. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as-built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the EOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. GRADING 23. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 24. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 25. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical (“soils”) report prepared by an engineer registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control), and D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls). E. A WQMP prepared by an appropriate professional registered in the State of California. F. A grading bond in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the grading bond requirements. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 8 of 13 Page 8 of 13 All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the Plan as required by the City Engineer. 26. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 27. Grading within the perimeter setback and parkway areas shall have undulating terrain and shall conform with the requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.240(F) except as otherwise modified by this condition. The maximum slope shall not exceed 3:1 anywhere in the landscape setback area, except for the backslope (i.e. the slope at the back of the landscape lot) which shall not exceed 2:1 if fully planted with ground cover. The maximum slope in the first six (6) feet adjacent to the curb shall not exceed 4:1 when the nearest edge of sidewalk is within six feet (6’) of the curb, otherwise the maximum slope within the right of way shall not exceed 3:1. All unpaved parkway areas adjacent to the curb shall be depressed one and one-half inches (1.5") in the first eighteen inches (18") behind the curb. 28. Building pad elevations on the grading plan submitted for City Engineer’s approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the Site Development Permit preliminary plan, unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval, or as approved by the City Engineer. 29. Building pad elevations of perimeter lots shall not differ by more that one foot higher from the building pads in adjacent developments. 30. Prior to any site grading or regrading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus half of a foot (0.5’) from the elevations shown on the approved Site Development Permit, the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Engineer for a substantial conformance review. 31. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building lot, the applicant PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 9 of 13 Page 9 of 13 shall provide a lot pad certification stamped and signed by a qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. Each pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved grading plan, the actual pad elevation and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pad soil. DRAINAGE 32. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage reports for the California Desert Museum of Art (SDP2018-0003), or as approved by the City Engineer. Nuisance water shall be retained onsite and disposed of via an underground percolation improvement approved by the City Engineer. 33. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.120 (Drainage), Retention Basin Design Criteria, Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 – Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. More specifically, stormwater falling on site during the 100 year storm shall be retained within the development, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The design storm shall be either the 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour or 24 hour event producing the greatest total run off. 34. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 – Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. 35. In design of retention facilities, the maximum percolation rate shall be two inches per hour. The percolation rate will be considered to be zero unless the applicant provides site specific data indicating otherwise and as approved by the City Engineer. 36. The project shall be designed to accommodate purging and blowoff water (through underground piping and/or retention facilities) from any on-site or adjacent well sites granted or dedicated to the local water utility authority as a requirement for development of this property. 37. No fence or wall shall be constructed around any retention basin unless PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 10 of 13 Page 10 of 13 approved by the Planning Director and the City Engineer. 38. For on-site above ground common retention basins, retention depth shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 – Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems. Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shall be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin. 39. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). 40. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries and levels in any area outside the development. 41. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to flow out of the development through a designated overflow and into the historic drainage relief route. 42. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 43. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post construction runoff per the City’s NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. A. For post-construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopments Projects, the applicant shall implement requirements of the NPDES permit for the design, construction and perpetual operation and maintenance of BMPs per the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. B. The applicant shall implement the WQMP Design Standards per (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 utilizing BMPs approved by the City Engineer. A project specific WQMP shall be PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 11 of 13 Page 11 of 13 provided which incorporates Site Design and Treatment BMPs utilizing first flush infiltration as a preferred method of NPDES Permit Compliance for Whitewater River receiving water, as applicable. C. The developer shall execute and record a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post-construction stormwater BMPs. UTILITIES 44. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 45. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above-ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 46. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. CONSTRUCTION 47. The City will conduct final inspections of habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly- maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 48. The applicant shall comply with LQMC Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans). 49. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 50. All new and modified landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 12 of 13 Page 12 of 13 irrigation improvements in compliance with the City’s Water Efficient Landscape regulations contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 51. Lighting plans shall be submitted with the final landscaping plans for a recommendation to the Design and Development Director for his approval. Exterior lighting shall be consistent with LQMC Section 9.100.150 (Outdoor Lighting). All freestanding lighting shall not exceed 18 feet in height, and shall be fitted with a visor if deemed necessary by staff to minimize trespass of light off the property. The illuminated carports shall be included in the photometric study as part of the final lighting plan submittal. 52. All water features shall be designed to minimize “splash”, and use high efficiency pumps and lighting to the satisfaction of the Design and Development Director. They shall be included in the landscape plan water efficiency calculations per Municipal Code Chapter 8.13. 53. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be completely screened from view. Utility transformers or other ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be fully screened with a screening wall or landscaping and painted to match the adjacent buildings. 54. The applicant shall submit the final landscape plans for review, processing and approval to the Design and Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process. Design and Development Director approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Design and Development Director determines extenuating circumstances exist which justifies an alternative processing schedule. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Design and Development Director and/or City Engineer. 55. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the AASHTO “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th Edition” or latest, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of-way. 56. The final design of the perimeter landscaping, particularly the perimeter wall, shall be included with the Final Landscape Plan submittal. PUBLIC SERVICES PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART ADOPTED: Page 13 of 13 Page 13 of 13 57. The applicant shall provide public transit improvements if required by SunLine Transit Agency and approved by the City Engineer. MAINTENANCE 58. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). 59. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of all private on-site improvements, perimeter landscaping up to the curb, access drives, sidewalks, and stormwater BMPs. FEES AND DEPOSITS 60. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 61. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). Project Information CASE NUMBERS: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2018-0003 SIGN PROGRAM 2018-0001 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2018-0004 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2018-0008 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2018-0003 APPLICANT: SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, LLC PROPERTY OWNER: TITLE ART CENTER REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, SIGN PROGRAM, MINOR ADJUSTMENT, AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 18,695 SQUARE FOOT ART MUSEUM AND FIND THE PROJECT ECEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT LOCATION: 47705 CALEO BAY GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) EXISTING COMMERCIAL SOUTH: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) EXISTING COMMERCIAL EAST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL) EXISTING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WEST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL)/ WASHINGTON STREET VACANT LAND ATTACHMENT 1 SHEET INDEXCOVER SHEETCSITE PHOTOSA1.0A1.2CCOVER SHEETConstruction:A-3, E, B & S1Occupancy:SprinkleredType V-B,78-115 Calle Estado, Suite 105Designer: Stephen NietoSouth West Concepts, Inc.(760) 564-4707La Quinta, CA 92253Architecture :CONSULTANTSPROJECT DESCRIPTIONVICINITY MAPCODE ANALYSISLEGAL DESCRIPTIONNCivil Engineer:Palm Desert, CA 92211Contact: Chris Hermann, ASLAHermann Design GroupLandscape Architect: 77899 Wolf Road, Suite 102 (760) 777-9131Christian Title760-777-6576Project Owner :77570 Springfield Lane, Ste.CContact: Essi ShahandehEssi Engineering(760) 772-8400Palm Desert, CA 92211yan140bal@gmail.comsteve@swconcepts.comchris@hdg-inc.comessi.shahandeh@eeicompany.comLand Use Proposed: Art Museum & Art StudioLand Use Existing: Vacant Dirt LotZoning: Community Commercial (CC)A1.1Architect: Jerry H. DohnCalifornia License C-21996ASSESSOR'S PARCEL#643-200-032The proposed facility will function as amuseum of art and will contain a non live inartist work studio. The museum will house anddisplay approximately 300-400 unique worksof art, the facility will contain large displaywalls for viewing art, an art studio for childrenand seniors, various art related events, andcommunity gatherings.PROJECT DATALAND AREA TABULATIONS:CONDITIONED AREA - 16,694 S.F.COVERED PATIO - 2,001 S.F.TOTAL UNDER ROOF - 18,695 S.F.TOTAL LOT AREA - 1.12 ACRES ( 48,787 S.F.)LOT COVERAGE - 18,695/ 48,787 = 38%FAR - 16,694 / 48,787 (SITE AREA) = 0.34ALLOWABLE AREA CALCULATIONSRECORD BOOK / PAGE : PM 182 / 63SUBDIVISION NAME: PM 27892LOT / PARCEL - 378-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 105La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comCalifornia Desert Museumof Art - Christian Title ArtCenter47-705 Caleo Bay,La Quinta, CA 92253APN: 643-200-032Date / DescriptionNumberDrawn By:Project Manager:Approved By:Date: 10/18/2018ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTStephen N.LITS IA2CENFOETAR.8O-FI-A2LR19NTCH No. C-21996ESNEJRRCEDYCHIA.RHODTNESITE PLANEXTERIOR RENDERINGSCONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN COVERG1GRADING & PAVING PLANG2A2.0SITE ELEVATIONS A2.1SITE ELEVATIONSA3.0BUILDING ELEVATIONSA3.1BUILDING AND SIGN ELEVATIONSA3.2ROOF PLANA3.3A4.0FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLANIndio, CA 92201Contact: Pete ContoisCLI - Commercial Lighting IndustriesLighting Photometrics: 81161 Indio Blvd (760) 343-2704PContois@commercial-lighting.netCARPORT ELEVATIONSA3.4SUB TOTAL -40 SPACES REQUIRED*PROVIDE 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE AND 1 ACCESSIBLEVAN PARKING SPACEART STUDIO 2 SPACES PER CLASSROOM 1 CLASSROOM 2 SPACES REQUIREDART GALLERY 1 SPACES PER 300 SF 9,820 / 300 33 SPACES REQUIREDOFFICES 1 SPACES PER 300 SF 864 / 300 3 SPACES REQUIREDSTORAGE 1 SPACES PER 2000 3,715/2000 SF 2 SPACES REQUIREDTOTAL -42 SPACES REQUIREDPARKING REQUIREMENTSOCCUPANCY LOAD CALCULATIONS-----$77$&+0(17 $6,7(3+272*5$3+678-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 105La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comCalifornia Desert Museumof Art - Christian Title ArtCenter47-705 Caleo Bay,La Quinta, CA 92253APN: 643-200-032Date / DescriptionNumberDrawn By:Project Manager:Approved By:Date: 08/20/2018ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTStephen N./,76 ,$&(1)2(7$52),$/517&+1R&(61(-55&('<&+,$5+2'71(6,7(6,7($(5,$/1761257+9,(:6287+9,(:($679,(::(679,(: A1.2EXTERIORRENDERINGS78-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 105La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comCalifornia Desert Museumof Art - Christian Title ArtCenter47-705 Caleo Bay,La Quinta, CA 92253APN: 643-200-032Date / DescriptionNumberDrawn By:Project Manager:Approved By:Date: 08/20/2018ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTStephen N.LITS IA2CENFOETAR.8O-FI-A2LR19NTCH No. C-21996ESNEJRRCEDYCHIA.RHODTNE WASHINGTON STREET LOOKING EASTCALEO BAY ENTRY LOOKING WEST A2.01ST FLOOR PLANFIRST FLOOR PLANSCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"78-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 105La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comCalifornia Desert Museumof Art - Christian Title ArtCenter47-705 Caleo Bay,La Quinta, CA 92253APN: 643-200-032Date / DescriptionNumberDrawn By:Project Manager:Approved By:Date: 10/18/2018ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTStephen N.LITS IA2CENFOETAR.8O-FI-A2LR19NTCH No. C-21996ESNEJRRCEDYCHIA.RHODTNE A2.12ND FLOOR PLAN2ND FLOOR PLANSCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"78-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 105La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comCalifornia Desert Museumof Art - Christian Title ArtCenter47-705 Caleo Bay,La Quinta, CA 92253APN: 643-200-032Date / DescriptionNumberDrawn By:Project Manager:Approved By:Date: 10/18/2018ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTStephen N.LITS IA2CENFOETAR.8O-FI-A2LR19NTCH No. C-21996ESNEJRRCEDYCHIA.RHODTNE A4.0ROOF PLANROOF PLANSCALE: 316 " = 1'-0"78-115 Calle Estado, Ste. 105La Quinta, CA 92253P: (760) 564-4707F: (760) 564-4955www.swconcepts.comCalifornia Desert Museumof Art - Christian Title ArtCenter47-705 Caleo Bay,La Quinta, CA 92253APN: 643-200-032Date / DescriptionNumberDrawn By:Project Manager:Approved By:Date: 08/20/2018ARCHITECTURE PLANNING DEVELOPMENTStephen N.LITS IA2CENFOETAR.8O-FI-A2LR19NTCH No. C-21996ESNEJRRCEDYCHIA.RHODTNE NOPARKINGDROP-OFFDROP-OFF2.2 2.12.1 2.1 1.82.1 2.2 2.4 2.22.4 2.2 2.0 1.32.4 2.3 2.3 2.32.3 2.2 1.9 1.24.5 3.5 2.5 2.3 2.32.2 2.1 1.6 0.93.6 4.6 2.6 2.2 2.01.7 1.51.6 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.4 1.9 1.81.5 4.5 2.7 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 1.9 0.4 0.8 0.54.2 4.0 2.6 2.4 2.52.3 2.4 0.2 0.9 0.52.5 2.3 2.5 2.42.4 2.3 1.8 1.0 0.52.2 2.2 2.4 2.42.3 2.1 1.8 1.0 0.52.2 2.22.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.3 1.91.7 1.7 1.51.3 0.9 0.619.5 18.4 16.9 17.6 18.617.8 21.0 21.0 20.3 16.821.6 23.3 22.8 22.4 21.323.0 24.1 23.5 23.1 22.719.3 23.5 23.6 22.7 18.723.0 24.2 23.5 23.2 22.721.8 23.4 22.8 22.5 21.418.0 21.3 21.0 20.5 17.420.1 19.0 17.2 18.0 19.60.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.10.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.20.7 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.4 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.4 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.6 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.3 0.7 0.44.0 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.2 1.9 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.4 1.0 2.53.8 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.6 2.41.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.6 2.33.3 0.9 0.3 0.3 1.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 1.21.8 0.5 0.4 0.5 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.7 1.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.4 1.8 1.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.8 1.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.91.1 1.10.9 0.6 0.40.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.20.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.10.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.10.3 0.1 0.10.2 0.1 0.00.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.02.9 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.00.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.04.911.410.47.815.18.3 14.5 9.7 14.8 8.6 10.910.1 9.811.79.8 8.8 6.4 5.60.9 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.3 1.3 0.8 0.9 1.4 1.0 0.8 1.2 1.3 0.71.0 2.8 2.8 1.4 1.8 3.8 3.9 2.0 1.6 3.4 3.9 3.5 3.21.5 1.73.2 2.4 1.4 2.3 3.2 2.7 1.4 1.9 3.3 2.1 1.4 2.5 2.9 1.20.6 1.2 1.3 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.21.8 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.4 1.8 2.0 0.8 0.9 1.4 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.8 2.2 2.31.6 1.2 1.2 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.1 1.8 2.0 2.22.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.3 1.0 1.3 1.9 2.3 2.32.2 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.4 2.0 2.10.8 1.4 1.2 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.0 0.9 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.01.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.5 1.6 1.9 3.7 2.41.4 3.2 2.4 1.4 2.4 3.3 1.8 1.6 3.1 2.7 1.4 2.0 3.4 2.0 1.4 2.7 3.01.5 1.73.2 2.10.6 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.84.9 4.8 5.6 0.8 5.8 4.6 0.8 6.9 3.9 1.0 7.9 3.2 1.4 8.8 3.2 24.2 8.0 0.5 2.315.71.3 1.6 16.0 1.8 0.5 6.1 4.5 8.6 15.0 15.6 11.2 5.0 4.1 8.615.115.6 11.2 4.3 1.8 3.8 13.415.115.6 13.9 6.9 3.9 6.3 13.115.513.9 6.7 2.7 2.2 6.4 13.715.10.3 1.30.9 1.62.6 2.72.0 2.20.4 0.6 0.811.57.26.1 3.82.2 0.7 0.24.0 0.5 0.23.9 0.4 0.21.6 0.3 0.20.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.21.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.30.2 0.7 0.8 1.6 4.41.4 3.82.2 1.4 3.23.5 1.8 2.6 3.13.9 2.0 1.3 1.2 2.44.1 2.2 1.3 0.9 1.02.3 1.4 1.2 2.32.6 1.4 2.5 3.51.2 1.6 2.7 4.72.2 1.41.1 2.8 2.02.0 8.7 8.211.5 5.2 5.9 6.8 8.9 3.8 0.44.1 0.4 0.43.6 0.4 0.53.2 0.4 0.70.3 0.3 0.60.9 0.2 0.2 0.10.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3Calculation SummaryLabelCalcTypeUnitsAvgMaxMinAvg/MinMax/MinCentral IslandIlluminanceFc2. Island_Pedestrian EntryIlluminanceFc2. PatioIlluminanceFc20.9824. aisleIlluminanceFc0.676.40.16.7064.00Landscape_NorthIlluminanceFc0.250.40.0N.A.N.A.Landscape_SouthIlluminanceFc0.302.90.0N.A.N.A.Main EntryIlluminanceFc9.9215. LotIlluminanceFc1.673.90.62.786.50Pedestrian Gate_NorthIlluminanceFc5.7124.20.511.4248.40Pedestrian Gate_SouthIlluminanceFc7.1915.60.323.9752.00SidewalkIlluminanceFc2.1211.70.121.20117.00Checked ByJob No.Sheet No.ScaleDrawn ByTitleDateCommercial Lighting Industries81161 Indio Boulevard, Indio, CA 92201No. IssueALL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OFCOMMERCIAL LIGHTING IND. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS.ALL MEASUREMENTS MUST BE CHECKED ON SITE BYTHE CONTRACTORS AND ANY DISCREPANCIES BROUGHTTO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGNER OR ARCHITECT.DateTel: 800-755-0155 | Fax: 760-262-3940California DesertMuseum of Art47-705 Caleo BayLa Quinta, CA 92253 Fixture TypeReference ImageDescriptionDimming InterfaceProduct Registration IDLamps, CCT, Lumen, Optics, CRIInput VoltageFixture WattageMounting, Finishes, Remarks & Other NotesA4" Square downlight1%, ELVCLI-CDMALEDM, 1100Lm, 3000K, Medium 30* Optic, 84CRI120/VAC 15.24" Downlight, recessed on soffit. Finish to be platinum with Micro Prism lens. Wet location listed.B42" BollardNone requiredCLI-CDMBLEDM, 717Lm, 3000K, Symmetric Optics, 80CRIUNV/VAC 164"Dia x 42"H Bollard, flush mounted at drop off lane and center island. Finish to be dark platinum. IP66 rated.C5.5" Square downlightNone requiredCLI-CDMCLEDM, 660Lm, 3000K, 90CRI120/VAC 105.5" x .69"H Square downlight, surfaced mount at cover parking area. Finish to be nickel with opal lens and polycarbonate trim. Wet locations listed.D6" Square cylinderELVCLI-CDMDLEDM, 1300Lm, 3000K, Medium 38* Optic, 83CRI120/VAC 136" x 11"H Square cylinder, building mounted at 8'0" AFG with 3" arm extension. Finish to be platinum silver with Micro Prism lens. Suitable for wet locations.FWall grazerNone requiredCLI-CDMFLEDM, 2880Lm, 3000K, Elliptical Beam Optic, 80CRI120/VAC 26.449.02"L x 3.94"W x 3.11"H Linear wallgrazer, recessed mount at art walls. Adjustable optic with transparent glass lensL8' Linear fixture1%, E0-10vCLI-CDMLLEDM, 4000Lm, 3000K, 80CRIUNV/VAC 4496"L x 4"W x 3.5"H Linear downlight, recessed mount at patio soffit. Finish to be aluminum paint with satin lens, trimless. Wet location listedLV2Step lightNone requiredCLI-CDMLV2 LEDM, 3000K 120/VAC 43"L x 4"H Step light, recessed mount on buliding at pedestrian gate. Finish to be platinum silver with satin acrylic lens. Wet location listedP1Post topNone requiredCLI-CDMP1LEDM, 2917Lm, 3000K, Type Distribution V, 70CRIUNV/VAC 3020"Dia x 24"H Post top, mounted to a 15' streight round pole. Finish to be platinum silver with diffuse lens.TRemoved on 08/13/18EARemoved on 08/13/18EBRemoved on 08/13/18EC96" Monument lightNone requiredCLI-CDMECLEDM, 5440Lm, 3000K, Narrow Flood120/VAC 64Mounted whitin planter using ground spike. Finish to be weathered Iron. Provided with High impact clear acrylic lens.EDMonument LED strip lightNone requiredCLI-CDMEDLEDM, 140Lm/Ft, 3.8W/Ft, 3000K, 90CRI120/VAC 3.8Mounted whitin cove on monument. Provided with 3Ft power feed and remote driver.EE48" Art wall linear fixtureNone requiredCLI-CDMEELEDM, 2720Lm, 3000K, Narrow Flood 120/VAC 32Building mounted on top of Art with 16" stem extension. Finish to be weathered Iron. Provided with High impact clear acrylic lens.EFTriangle wedge wallpackStandard, 0-10vCLI-CDMEFLEDM, 2500Lm, 3000K, Type Distribution I, Downlight only, 80CRIUNV/VAC 2617.8"L x 15.8"H x 5.3"W. Wallpack, buiding mounted at 8'AFF. Finish to be Light gray. IP66 ratedCNTRL Luminaire Schedule (Issue: August 22th, 2018)Contact Pete Contois with Commercial Lighting Industries, 800-755-0155 x189, PContois@Commercial-Lighting.net for pricingEXTERIOR FIXTURE TYPESProject No. 80710California Desert Museum of Art - La Quinta, CA SUBSTITUTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED AND VALUE ENGINEERING WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED WITHOUT EXPRESSED WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE ARCHITECT OR OWNER. NO EXCEPTIONS.Controls Package - TBD COVERSHEETL-1FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD.SITE66,1*,1((5,1*  )$;FLYLODQGVWUXFWXUDOHQJLQHHULQJSODQQLQJVXUYH\LQJ  2)),&(3$/0'(6(57&$635,1*),(/'/$1(68,7(&$77$&+0(17 NOPARKINGIRRIGATIONPLANL-2FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD. IRRIGATIONDETAILSL-3FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD. IRRIGATIONDETAILSL-4FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD. NOPARKINGNOPARKING∅LIGHTINGPLANL-5FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD. NOPARKING••••••PLANTINGPLANL-6FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD. xxxxxPLANTINGDETAILSL-7FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD. IRRIGATIONSPECIFICATIONSL-8FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD. L-9FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD.IRRIGATIONSPECIFICATIONS PLANTINGSPECIFICATIONSL-10FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD. L-11FAX (760) 777-9132PH. (760) 777-9131PALM DESERT, CASUITE 102HERMANNLIC# 275492211EXP. 04/30/20DESIGNGROUP77-899 WOLF RD.PLANTINGSPECIFICATIONS CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART &CHRISTIAN TITLE ART CENTERSIGN PROGRAMAPN: 643-200-032SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 CALLE ESTADO, STE 105LA QUITA, CA 92253WWW.SWCONCEPTS.COM6/25/2018NSITE$77$&+0(17 SHEET2California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253CALIFORNIA DESERT MUSEUM OF ART & CHRISTIAN TITLE ART CENTER THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL FUNCTION AS A MUSEUM OF ART AND WILL CONTAIN A NON LIVE IN ARTIST WORK STUDIO. THE MUSEUM WILL HOUSE AND DISPLAY APPROXIMATELY 300-400 UNIQUE WORKS OF ART, THE FACILITY WILL CONTAIN LARGE DISPLAY WALLS FOR VIEWING ART, AN ART STUDIO FOR CHILDREN AND SENIORS, VARIOUS ART RELATED EVENTS, AND COMMUNITY GATHERINGS..ZONING - COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC)APN - 643-200-032LOT AREA - 1.13 ACRES (49,494 SF)BUILDING AREA - 18,456 SFPROGRAM - ART GALLERY, ARTIST WORK STUDIO , RECEPTION / ENTRY FOYER, CURATOR OFFICES, ART STORAGE, COVERED PATIO Above: “Beach Picnic” Oil on Linen. Christian TitleLeft: “St. Patrick’s” Oil on LinenChristian Title SHEET3California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253.City of La Quinta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alifornia Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253123$5.,1*SIGN A1SIGN A2 SIGN G1 SIGN B SIGN E SIGN C SIGN D SIGN F SIGN G2 0 5 25 50FTNSITE PLANSITE PLAN SHEET5California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253WEST ELEVATION NTSA1 & A2 - SIGN DETAILSECTION AA SIGN A1 & A2SIGN A1Building Mounted ID - 61 S.F.SIGN A2 Temporary Building Mounted Vinyl Banners - 161 S.F. AA SHEET6California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253WEST ELEVATION NTSA1 & A2 - ILLUMINATED SIGN DETAILSIGN A1 & A2SIGN A1Building Mounted ID - 61 S.F.SIGN A2 Temporary Building Mounted Vinyl Banners - 161 S.F. 8” TALL FABRICATED ALUMINUM LET-TERS. UP LIT WITH WHITE LED STRIP.(2) ACCENT WALL WASH WHITE LED LIGHTS MOUNTED IN LANDSCAPE.AA SHEET7California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253EAST ENTRY ELEVATION NTSSIGN B - FRONT ELEVATIONSECTION BB-SIGN B NTSSIGN BSIGN BBuilding Mounted - 24 S.F. BB SHEET8California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253SIGN CEAST ENTRY ELEVATION NTSSIGN C - FRONT ELEVATIONSIGN CMONUMENT SIGN - 36 S.F. CCCCSIGN C - ILLUMINATED FRONT ELEVATIONSECTION CC SHEET9California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253SIGN CEAST ENTRY ELEVATION NTSSIGN C - REAR ELEVATIONSIGN CMONUMENT SIGN - 36 S.F. SIGN C - LEFT ELEVATIONSIGN C - RIGHT ELEVATION SHEET10California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253SIGN D & FEAST ENTRY ELEVATION NTSSIGN DSPECIAL EVENTVINYL BANNER - 80 S.F. SIGN FSPECIAL EVENT PROJECTEDGRAPHICS - 77 S.F. SIGN F -SPECIAL EVENT PROJECTED GRAPHICSIGN D -SPECIAL EVENT VINYL BANNER SHEET11California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253SIGN ESIGN ESPECIAL EVENTVINYL BANNER - 100 S.F. SIGN E -SPECIAL EVENT VINYL BANNER SHEET12California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253SIGN G1SIGN G1 ILLUMINATED SIGN G1 - FRONT & AREA ELEVATIONSIGN G1 - SITE PLAN SIGN G1 ILLUMINATEDSIGN G1 - SIDE ELEVATIONSIGN G1FREE STANDING MONUMENTEACH SIDE:MONUMENT AREA: 54 S.F.LETTER AREA: 15 S.F. SHEET13California Desert Museum of Art + Christian Title Art Center 47647 Washington Street, La Quinta, CASOUTH WEST CONCEPTS, INC78115 Calle Estado, Suite 105La Quinta, CA 92253SIGN G2SIGN G2 - REARSIGN G2 ILLUMINATED - REARSIGN G2 - FRONTSIGN G2 - FRONTSIGN G2 - SIDESIGN G2 - SITE PLAN SIGN EFREE STANDING MONUMENTMONUMENT AREA: 24 S.F.LETTER AREA: 6.6 S.F. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 2018 CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0004 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0004, AMENDMENT 1) APPLICANT: HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. PROPERTY OWNER: HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FOR OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SALES AT AN EXISTING HOME DEPOT, AND FIND THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT CAN BE CHARACTERIZED AS AN EXISTING FACILITY. LOCATION: 79900 HIGHWAY 111 RECOMMENDED ACTION Deem the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act and adopt a resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit Amendment (Amendment) for Home Depot outdoor displays and sales. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The applicant proposes Amendment approval for changes to the approved outdoor display and sales for Home Depot, located within the Jefferson Plaza (Attachment 1). • The proposed use is consistent with the City of La Quinta Municipal Code (Code) and Jefferson Plaza Specific Plan. PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 BACKGROUND The Home Depot is currently located and operating within the Jefferson Plaza commercial retail center (Attachment 2). As part of their business and sales model, merchandise and home storage options have continuously been displayed in areas along the store frontage. Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 2016-0004 on February 28, 2017, allowing outdoor sales and display at Home Depot. The approval allowed for 5,192 square feet (sf) of outdoor sales and display including display of promoted items, storage of bagged goods, staging areas for garden sales merchandise, and display of five (5) storage sheds. PROPOSAL & ANALYSIS Home Depot USA, Inc. has submitted an application for an Amendment for modification and additions to their outdoor display and sales areas, subject to a proposed site plan (Attachment 3). The display areas are located in designated areas along the store frontage on the south, west, and north elevations of the building and will not obstruct ADA-accessible paths. A total of 12,842 sf of outdoor sales and display are proposed: Display Name Location Square Footage Product Examples Garden Material Staging West elevation 2,902 sf Soil, bark, mulch, pavers Outdoor sales & display South elevation 2,249 sf Grills, tiles, rebar Garden sales South elevation 2,266 sf Plant sales, soils, sod Shed display Southeast corner 1,368 sf 5-6 sheds Bagged goods Southwest elevation 270 sf Concrete, sand, gravel Holding & Staging North elevation 3,780 sf Building materials, bagged sand The proposal includes moving the display of five (5) storage sheds where five existing parking stalls are located on the southeast corner of the site, in order to accommodate a newly proposed garden material staging area and to increase visibility for storage shed sales. The proposal will create a total need of 287 parking spaces for Home Depot based on requirements of the Code. The total parking spaces approved for the entire Jefferson Plaza shopping center is 1,146, which includes 625 spaces within the Home Depot site. Seasonal sales events will be regulated by the Code and evaluated on a case-by-case basis by Staff. Staff concludes that the proposed outdoor display and sales area is acceptable and will have minimal impacts upon other existing surrounding uses. As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the Outdoor Storage and Display Code requirements as follows: • Display area (12,842 sf) does not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area (129,802 sf) of the retail commercial building. • Complies with fire, health, building, and safety codes • Permitted display locations include designated portions of sidewalk, patios, and similar areas within proximity to the storefront. • Display and storage areas do not obstruct building entrance or exit or obstruct access to any parking space or drive aisle. AGENCY & PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review: This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies on December 12, 2017. No comments were received. Public Notice: This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on November 2, 2018 and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date, no comments have been received. Any written comments received will be handed out at the Planning Commission hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the Conditional Use Permit can be characterized as an existing facility as it consists of the operation and minor alteration of an existing private facility involving negligible expansion of use. Prepared by: Carlos Flores, Associate Planner Approved by: Cheri Flores, Senior Planner Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Vicinity Map 3. Site Plan PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FOR OUTDOOR DISPLAYS AND SALES AT AN EXISTING HOME DEPOT, AND FIND THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0004 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0004 AMENDMENT 1) APPLICANT: HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 13th day of November, 2018, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, to consider a request by Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. for approval of outdoor display and sales, generally located at 79900 Highway 111, more particularly described as: APN: 600-010-017 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on November 2, 2018 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify approval of said Specific Plan Amendment: 1. Consistency with General Plan The land use is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City’s General Plan policies relating to General Commercial encourage a full range of commercial retail uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. Planning Commission Resolution 2018- Conditional Use Permit 2017-0004 (CUP 2016-0004, Amendment 1) Home Depot Outdoor Display and Sales Adopted: November 13, 2018 Page 2 of 3 2. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed use, as conditioned, is consistent with provisions of the zoning code. The additional outdoor display and sales areas outside of an existing commercial retail building will have minimal impacts on the surrounding land uses and will conform to the development standards applicable to the use. 3. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA in that the proposed project can be characterized as an existing facility. 4. Surrounding Uses As conditioned, approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. The proposed use is contained within an existing commercial retail area, is in conformance with all current fire, health, and building codes, and conditions of approval have been incorporated to mitigate potential code compliance conflicts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the Planning Commission to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2017-0004, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this the 13th day of November, 2018, by the following vote: Planning Commission Resolution 2018- Conditional Use Permit 2017-0004 (CUP 2016-0004, Amendment 1) Home Depot Outdoor Display and Sales Adopted: November 13, 2018 Page 3 of 3 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ___________________________ KEVIN MCCUNE, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: _______________________________ DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0004 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0004, AMENDMENT 1) HOME DEPOT OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SALES ADOPTED: NOVEMBER 13, 2018 Page 1 of 3 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), including LQMC Chapter 9.210.020. 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval from Conditional Use Permit 2016-0004. 4. Any expansion of this use or substantial modifications to the approved floor plan shall require an amendment of this conditional use permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director in accordance with LQMC 9.200.090, and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary permits and/or clearances from the following agencies: • Fire Marshal • Building Division • Sheriff’s Department The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above-listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvement plans for City approval. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0004 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0004, AMENDMENT 1) HOME DEPOT OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SALES ADOPTED: NOVEMBER 13, 2018 Page 2 of 3 6. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” latest edition, in the placement of all merchandise covered under this permit. 7. No hazardous materials shall be stored and/or used outside of the building, which exceeds quantities listed in 2010 CBC. No class I, II or IIIA of combustible/flammable liquid shall be used in any amount. 8. No fire-lanes, fire hydrants or any other Fire Department appliances/equipment shall be blocked or obstructed. 9. Marked emergency fire apparatus access lanes and entrance curbs shall be designed to adequately allow access of emergency fire vehicles. 10. Exits including exterior exit doors at the level of exit discharge shall be kept clear of all displayed merchandise. 11. All items and materials to be displayed outdoors shall be in conformance with current fire, health, building and safety codes. 12. No item shall be displayed in a manner that causes a safety hazard or public nuisance. 13. Fire department access roads are to be kept clear as noted on the plan. 14. Fixtures and tables used to display merchandise shall be maintained in good repair. 15. Signs, flags, banners, placards, balloons, streamers, spot lighting, amplified music, or similar features shall be prohibited unless otherwise permitted and approved through a separate sign or temporary use permit. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2018- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0004 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0004, AMENDMENT 1) HOME DEPOT OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SALES ADOPTED: NOVEMBER 13, 2018 Page 3 of 3 16. Outdoor display and sales areas shall be kept clean and maintained on a continual basis. 17. As depicted in the site plan, the boundary for the outdoor merchandise storage and display area shall be demarcated with a permanent painted stripe. Violation of any condition of approval or Municipal Code requirement (i.e. merchandise located outside of the display and sales areas, ADA-accessible path is impeded, etc.) could result in suspension of use and/or permit revocation per LQMC Sections 9.200.130 and 9.210.020 (J). Line specifications (width, color, etc.) shall be reviewed and approved by the Design and Development Director prior to merchandise being located within the display area. Line specifications shall be submitted to the Design and Development Director within 60 days of this approval. 18. As depicted in the site plan, areas along the site shall be restriped for parking stalls and demarcation of parking or loading access. Line specifications shall be reviewed and approved through a striping and signing plan, to be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Design and Development department. 19. Compliance with this Conditional Use Permit, including moving all outdoor display and sales merchandise within the parameters as displayed by the site plan and completing all striping, shall be completed within 90 days of this approval (February 11, 2019). Failure to do so could result in suspension of use and/or permit revocation per LQMC Sections 9.200.130 and 9.210.020(J). Applicant shall schedule inspections for City staff, including the Fire department, Planning Division, and Code Compliance Division, to confirm compliance with this permit. Project Information CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-0004 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0004, AMENDEMNT 1) APPLICANT: HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. PROPERTY OWNER: HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FOR OUTDOOR DISPLAYS AND SALES AT AN EXISTING HOME DEPOT, AND FIND THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT LOCATION: 79900 HIGHWAY 111 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL SPECIFIC PLAN: JEFFERSON PLAZA SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: FLOOPLAIN (FP) WHITEWATER CHANNEL SOUTH: CITY OF INDIO EXISTING GAS STATION EAST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL) EXISTING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WEST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (CR) EXISTING COMMERCIAL CENTER ATTACHMENT 1 JEFFERSON STSH-111 ± Vicinity Map Site ATTACHMENT 2 HOME DEPOT STORE #6630 79900 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA DRAWING INDEX PROJECT INFORMATION INDEX SHEET PROJECT LOCATION 79900 HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA ZONING APN 600-010-017 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN EXISTING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION:C-R -- REGIONAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: EXISTING SPECIFIC PLAN TITLE AND LAND USE DESIGNATION:SP 96-027 JEFFERSON PLAZA EXISTING LAND USE AND PROPOSED GENERAL LAND USE: COMMERCIAL I-1 SP-1 SP-2 SITE VICINITY MAPCONTACTS SITE PLAN PROJECT DATA TOTAL NET SITE AREA:“$& “6) THE HOME DEPOT BUILDING: 105,700 SF GARDEN CENTER:24,102 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA :129,802 SF BUILDING SITE COVERAGE:“ “6)$& OUTDOOR SALES SHED DISPLAY 1,368 SF GARDEN MATERIAL STAGING 2,909 SF GARDEN SALES 2,266 SF STOREFRONT DISPLAY/SALES 2,249 SF HOLDING & STAGING HOLDING & STAGING 3,780 SF BAGGED GOODS 270 SF 30 Executive Park, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 t: 949 296 0450 f: 949 296 0479 SCALE: NTS ENLARGED PLAN ARCHITECT GREENBERGFARROW 30 EXECUTIVE PARK, SUITE 100 IRVINE, CA 92614 t: 949.296.0450 f: 949.296.0437 APPLICANT GREENBERGFARROW 30 EXECUTIVE PARK, SUITE 100 IRVINE, CA 92614 t: 949.296.0450 f: 949.296.0437 PROPERTY OWNER HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. 3800 WEST CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE, CA 92868 PARKING SUMMARY PARKING RATIO:THE HOME DEPOT @ 1 SP / 500 SF GARDEN CENTER @ 1 SP / 1000 SF 24 SPACES OUTDOOR SALES & DISPLAY @ 1 SP /1000 SF 3 SPACES GARDEN SALES @ 1 SP/1000 SF 3 SPACES EMPLOYEES @ 1 SP / 2 EMPLOYEES 38 SPACES SHED DISPLAY @ 1 SP / 1000 SF 2 SPACES HOLDING & STAGING @ 1 SP/1000 SF 4 SPACES STORAGE OF BAGGED GOODS @ 1 SP/1000 SF 1 SPACES PARKING SPACES REQUIRED:287 SPACES PARKING SPACES PROVIDED:625 SPACES HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE SPACES REQUIRED:13 SPACES HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE SPACES PROVIDED:16 SPACES EXISTING BUILDING CODE OCCUPANCY: M (RETAIL SALES OF HARDWARE AND GARDEN PRODUCTS) TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-B HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. 3800 WEST CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE, CA 92868 I-1 INDEX SHEETTHE HOME DEPOT 10.16.2018 79900 HIGHWAY 111 20130206.0 LA QUINTA, CA 212 SPACES C-R -- REGIONAL COMMERCIAL DRAWING ISSUE / REVISION RECORD DATE NARRATIVE INITIALS 03/22/13 SITE PLAN EXHIBIT II 08/06/13 SITE PLAN EXHIBIT CD 11/08/16 PREP CUP KQ 12/29/16 UPDATE CUP KQ 01/10/17 UPDATE CUP KQ 03/28/17 UPDATE CUP CD 10/04/17 UPDATE CUP CD 01/15/18 UPDATE CUP MM 05/08/18 UPDATE CUP MM 07/30/18 UPDATE CUP MM 08/30/18 UPDATE CUP MM 10/02/18 UPDATE CUP MM 10/16/18 UPDATE CUP MM ATTACHMENT 3 LEGEND TOTAL PARKING SPACES IN PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CUP (11/08/2016): 651 SPACES TOTAL PARKING SPACES IN CURRENT AMENDMENT:625 SPACES TOTAL PARKING SPACES REMOVED:26 SPACES 30 Executive Park, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 t: 949 296 0450 f: 949 296 0479 HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. 3800 WEST CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE, CA 92868 SP-1 SITE PLANTHE HOME DEPOT 10.16.2018 79900 HIGHWAY 111 20130206.0 LA QUINTA, CA SCALE: 1"=40'-0" MATERIALS PER SPECIFIC AREA 189'150'130'418'5.0' min.5.0' min.19.0'19.0' 28.0'30.0'49.8'17.3'32.4'4.3'51.9'63.3'41.2'12.7'30.0'26.0'30.0'26.4' 26.0'26.0'38.0'26.0'7.8'10.0'9.0'92.0'22.0'119.2'4.0'3.0'3.0'82.0' SIDE Y A R D8.3'*$5'(16$/(6“6) ,1&5($6('%<“6) STORAGE OF BAGGED GOODS “6) 5('8&(' %<“6) OUTDOOR SALES & DISPLAY “6) ,1&5($6('%<“6) CART STORAGE 6+('',63/$<“6) ,1&5($6('%<“6) 4" WIDE WHITE STRIPING TO DEFINE OUTDOOR SALES & DISPLAY, TYP. RE-INSTALL YELLOW STRIPING FOR CLEAR CUSTOMER ACCESS 4" WIDE WHITE STRIPING, TYP. 4" WIDE WHITE STRIPING, TYP. PROPOSED RED STRIPING FOR "KEEP CLEAR-NO LOADING" AREA PAINT-STRIPED AREAS OF EXIT DISCHARGE TO REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED, TYP. PROPOSED RED STRIPING FOR "KEEP CLEAR-NO LOADING" AREA PROPOSED RED STRIPING FOR "KEEP CLEAR-NO LOADING" AREA PAINT-STRIPED AREAS OF EXIT DISCHARGE TO REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED, TYP. 6.0' EX. YELLOW STRIPED LOADING AREA AND SIGNAGE FROM THE FRONT OF THE GARDEN CENTER TO THE LUMBER DOOR/VESTIBULE TO BE REMOVED 8 PARKING SPACES REMOVED IN THIS AMENDMENT FOR SHED DISPLAY SIDEWALK SALES & DISPLAY - ENLARGED PLAN LEGEND LIGHT POST CURB/EDGE OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT BUILDING PROPERTY LINE "NO CUSTOMER PARKING" SIGN ADA PATH OF TRAVEL GARDEN MATERIAL STAGING SHED DISPLAY OUTDOOR SALES & DISPLAY STORAGE OF BAGGED GOODS GARDEN SALES TRUNCATED DOMES PROPOSED RED STRIPING AREA FOR "KEEP CLEAR - NO LOADING" 30 Executive Park, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 t: 949 296 0450 f: 949 296 0479 HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC. 3800 WEST CHAPMAN AVENUE ORANGE, CA 92868 SCALE: 1"=20'-0" SP-2 ENLARGED PLANTHE HOME DEPOT 10.16.2018 79900 HIGHWAY 111 20130206.0 LA QUINTA, CA