County Ord 650 Permit System for Discharing or Depositing Sewage (Ord 369 Repealed)ORDINANCE NO. 650.5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 650 REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE ORDINANCE 725 The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State of California, Ordains that Ordinance 650 (Chapter 8.124 of the Riverside County Code) is amended in its entirety to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 650 REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (Incorporating Riverside County Ordinance No. 725) SECTION 1. PROHIBITIONS. A) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or deposit or cause or permit to be discharged or deposited any sewage, sewage effluent or non -hazardous waste whether treated or untreated in or upon any unincorporated territory of the County of Riverside, including any deposit or discharge of sewage into streams or bodies of water above or below the ground. When sewage, other than the discharge from an approved sewage treatment plant, is overflowing or being discharged upon the surface of any premises, the Director may order the owner of the premises or occupants thereof who contribute to such overflow or discharge to abate the same forthwith. B) It shall be unlawful for any person to install or alter plumbing facilities or drainage systems for the discharge or deposit of any sewage, sewage effluent, or non- hazardous waste from any dwelling, house or building or appurtenance thereof in or upon unincorporated territory of the County of Riverside, or into streams or bodies of water above or below the surface where the same is, or may be carried through, or upon, unincorporated territory of said County, without first securing, in the manner hereinafter provided, an approval and permit from the Department. C) It shall be unlawful for any person to install any structure or paving in the areas identified for OWTS tank access or the primary and expansion dispersal area. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. A) "Alternative System" or "Alternative OWTS" shall mean any OWTS that does not meet the criteria of a conventional OWTS, but is allowed under conditions specified by the Department. B) "Approval" shall mean the written approval by the Director or his designated representative of a plan to install, construct, reconstruct, convert or alter any OWTS which discharges or disposes of sewage, sewage effluent, or non -hazardous waste. C) "Construction Permit" shall mean a permit issued by the Department authorizing the permittee to install, construct, reconstruct, convert or alter any OWTS. D) "Conventional Septic System" shall mean an OWTS consisting of a septic tank and Department approved subsurface gravity dispersal system. E) "Critical Area" shall mean those areas determined by the Director to be difficult for installation of an OWTS due to, but not limited to one or more of the following: lot size, seasonal groundwater, slope, or poor soil conditions. 650.5 — Page 1 F) "Department" shall mean the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health. G) "Department's Manual" shall mean the technical document identifying the requirements and procedures for the OWTS evaluation and design as developed and provided by the Department. H) "Director" shall mean the Director of the Department of Environmental Health or his or her designated representative. 1) "Dispersal System" shall mean the trench, seepage pit, mound, drip irrigation or evapotranspiration and absorption system for final wastewater treatment and subsurface discharge. J) "Failure" shall mean a condition of an OWTS that threatens public health or water quality by creating a potential for direct or indirect contact between sewage and the public. Examples of failure include: 1. Sewage leaking to ground surface or groundwater; 2. Sewage backing up into a structure caused by slow OWTS soil absorption of septic tank effluent; 3. Inadequately treated sewage causing pollution of groundwater or surface water; 4. Noncompliance with standards stipulated in the permit issued for the OWTS based upon the protection of human health, water quality and the environment. K) "Holding Tank" shall mean a sewage facility, of a temporary nature, that has no means of discharge and requires periodic maintenance and shall have a renewable operating permit issued by the Department. L) "Major Repair" shall mean OWTS improvements or corrective work where such improvements involve the replacement, enlargement, or modification of a septic tank, treatment unit, or dispersal system (excluding non -perforated distribution pipes), regardless of whether or not a failure condition exists. Such repairs shall require a construction permit from the Department . M) "Onsite Wastewater Treatment System(s)" (OWTS) shall mean any individual or community onsite wastewater treatment, pretreatment and dispersal system including, but not limited to, a conventional or alternative OWTS having a subsurface discharge. N) "Permit" shall mean either a construction permit or operating permit as defined within this section. O) "Person" shall mean any person, firm, partnership, corporation, association, club or organization. P) "Qualified Service Provider" is a State Licensed Contractor with knowledge and competency in OWTS design, construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring through experience and/or education. Effective January 1, 2007, and thereafter a qualified service provider must meet certification requirements as established by the Director. Q) "Operating permit" shall mean an annual permit issued by the Department authorizing the permittee to operate an OWTS. R) "Soil" is the naturally occurring body of porous mineral and organic materials on the land surface, and is composed of unconsolidated materials above bedrock. Soil is composed of sand -sized, silt -sized, and clay -sized particles mixed with varying amounts of larger fragments and organic material. The various combinations of particles differentiate specific soil textures identified 650.5 — Page 2 in the USDA Soil Classification Chart. For the purposes of this Ordinance, soil shall contain earthen material having more than 50 % of its volume composed of particles smaller than 0.08 inches (2 mm) in size. S) "Sewage" or Sewage Effluent" shall mean waste as defined in Section 5410(a), California Health and Safety Code. T) "Sewage Facilities" shall mean OWTS, sanitary sewer connections, holding tanks, alternative systems or other methods of disposing of sewage as approved by the Director. U) "System Certification" is an expression of professional opinion that the OWTS, or its components, meet industry standards that are the subject of the certification but do not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either express or implied. System Certifications shall be performed by a Qualified Service Provider using forms and procedures established or approved by the Director. V) "Weathered Bedrock" is rock that has been exposed to the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface and changed in color, texture, composition, firmness, and/or form as a result of the exposure with little or no transport of loosened or altered material. For purposes of this Ordinance, weathered bedrock is not soil. SECTION 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AN APPROVAL AND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT. A) No person shall erect, construct, rebuild, convert or alter any plumbing system designed for the discharge or disposal of sewage or sewage effluent unless he has first obtained a written approval for such purpose from the Director. In designated areas of Riverside County, this approval shall also constitute a construction permit,. B) If it is impracticable to connect a plumbing fixture affecting the sanitary drainage system with a street sewer, the sewage effluent must be disposed according to the minimum standards of the most recent edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code and the sewage disposal requirements in the Department's Manual , as such requirements may be amended from time to time. Setback requirements between subsurface sewage disposal components (including septic tanks, distribution and leaching systems) and any water well shall be as specified in Section 15 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 682 Regulating the Construction, Reconstruction, Abandonment and Destruction of Wells. 1) The type of sewage facilities installed shall be determined on the basis of location, soil porosity, site slope and ground water level, and shall be designed to receive all sanitary sewage from the property. No surface drainage shall be permitted to enter any part of the OWTS. The OWTS, except as otherwise provided, shall consist of a septic tank with effluent discharging by gravity flow into a Dispersal System. Under special circumstances (when conventional parameters cannot be met) other disposal methods may be utilized with approval of the Director. 2) OWTS sizing shall be based on the higher volume estimation as determined by either the number of bedrooms or plumbing fixture unit counts. 3) The location and installation of the sewage facilities and each part thereof shall be such that, with reasonable maintenance, the OWTS will function in a sanitary manner and will not result in contamination, pollution or creation of 650.5 — Page 3 a nuisance or endanger the safety of any domestic water supply or public health. 4) New OWTS or OWTS subject to major repair shall be designed to prevent solids in excess of one-eighth (1/8) inch in diameter from passing to the dispersal system while under two feet of hydrostatic head. Septic tanks that use National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)/ American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard 46 certified septic tank filter at the final point of effluent discharge from the OWTS and prior to the dispersal system shall be deemed to meet this requirement. 5) Septic tanks shall have at least 2 access openings using risers that allow access to the tank interior meeting the following requirements: a. Each compartment shall have an access opening b. Access openings shall be at least 20 inches in diameter c. Access openings shall be secured (locked or equivalent) to prevent unauthorized access, and d. Access openings shall have watertight risers and shall be set at or near finished grade. 6) Dispersal systems shall be sited in soils that are suitable for new and repaired OWTS operation. Where soils consist of greater than 10% rock fragments (cobbles, stones and gravel), the dispersal system area shall be increased in proportion to the percent of rock fragments to compensate for the lost treatment volume. 7) Conventional OWTS dispersal systems shall have at least five feet of continuous soil below the bottom of the dispersal system and above the seasonal high groundwater level and eight feet of soil to fractured/weathered bedrock at all times. 8) Approval of an OWTS shall require: detailed plan review, pre -site, and construction inspections.. C) OWTS Installation 1) The installation shall be performed by a Qualified Service Provider in a manner that is consistent with the approved plan design. 2) In the event that conditions on site prevent the installation or function of the OWTS as designed, a revised design plan must be submitted to and approved by the Department prior to installation. D) Construction Inspection. All OWTS shall require a construction inspection and final approval by either the Department or the Department of Building and Safety prior to use. E) Any person desiring approval of an OWTS shall submit an application on a form to be provided by the Department. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee as required in Riverside County Ordinance No. 671 and as amended. The application shall contain the following information: 1) Name and address of applicant. 2) Location of the proposed installation or reconstruction. 3) A scaled, engineered contoured plot plan describing the proposed construction or alteration in sufficient detail to enable the Director to determine whether the proposed installation or alteration is in compliance with the provisions of Section 3 of this Ordinance. All drawings must be made on a scale not less than 1 "=20' 650.5 — Page 4 4) Other information as deemed necessary by the Director to adequately determine the suitability of a site for the utilization of an OWTS. This information may consist of, but is not limited to one or more of the following: a) A soils percolation report which adequately evaluates soil percolation requirements as prescribed in the Department's Manual. When a soils percolation test is to be performed the Department is to be notified so that Department staff can be made available to observe the testing. b) A groundwater and/or bedrock evaluation report. To effectively evaluate seasonal groundwater a minimum of 80% of the average annual rainfall shall have fallen based on record of rainfall accumulations from the nearest weather stations. To measure the groundwater level, a groundwater detection boring shall be installed and this detection boring shall be left in place for the Department to make determinations of the groundwater levels. The exact specifications for this detection boring shall be as prescribed in the Department's Manual. SECTION 4. HOLDING TANKS. A holding tank may be approved by the Director if approval to utilize an OWTS has been denied provided the sewering agency which serves the area agrees in writing to the installation of a holding tank and the following conditions are met: A) A holding tank may be approved for a period not to exceed two (2) years from the date of approval. A "will serve" letter from the sewering agency which serves the area shall be submitted which indicates the site can be provided sewer service within the two-year approval period. An extension of the two-year approval may be considered upon notification from the sewering agency. B) The sewering agency for the area takes responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the holding tank. C) No wholesale or retail food facilities shall be approved for connection to a holding tank. D) When a sewer line becomes available, abandonment of the holding tank in a proper manner and connection to the sanitary sewer will be required within a period not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days. E) A holding tank may be approved as a replacement system for an existing residence when an OWTS is not feasible if approved in writing by the Director F) No holding tank facility shall be placed in any portion of a public right-of-way without written approval from the responsible public agency. SECTION 5. OPERATING PERMITS. A) All new or repaired Alternative OWTS shall be subject to an annual operating permit. B) Any OWTS subject to this section must be inspected yearly and cleaned (pumped) at least once every 5 years, unless otherwise specified by manufacturer or Department, by a person holding a valid permit as authorized by Riverside County Ordinance No 712 as amended. C) Renewal of subsequent operating permits shall be completed by the property owner or agent on or before the expiration of the permit on forms provided by the Department and shall include: 1. Proof of appropriate on-going maintenance 2. Proof of septic tank pumping as per the above specified time frame. 650.5 — Page 5 3. Alternative OWTS with advanced treatment shall include evidence of a current maintenance agreement with the manufacturer or other qualified service provider and copies of that company's evaluation/inspections of the OWTS. Said agreement shall include evaluations by the service provider of a frequency no less than once every 3 months, with direct visual inspection at a frequency of no less than once every 6 months. 4. Proof of repairs or alterations to an OWTS must be submitted, when such repairs have been required by the Department. 5. Any and all OWTS reports required as part of the OWTS design approval. E) Within 60 days of a change of ownership, the new owner or owners must transfer the permit into his, her or their names, using forms provided by the Department. F) Every OWTS subject to this Section shall be subject to an annual inspection by the Department to assure it is operating in a satisfactory manner. SECTION 6. APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS FOR APPROVAL OR PERMIT. A) Initial Application Review 1) Applicants shall be notified of incomplete or inaccurate applications within ten (10) working days after the date of the filing of the application. The applicant may make the proper corrections and resubmit the corrected application. 2) Except as to incomplete or inaccurate applications as hereinabove provided, all applications shall be approved or denied, in whole or in part, within fifteen (15) working days after the date of filing. If an application is denied, in whole or in part, the applicant may amend the application and resubmit the amended application. B) Revocations of Approvals or Permits 1) An approval or permit may be revoked by the Director for failure of the applicant to provide proper, complete and accurate information regarding site conditions for a proposed OWTS. 2) An approval or permit previously granted may be rescinded if soil conditions change significantly prior to construction in a manner that would affect the proper operation of an OWTS. C) Hearing Before the Board of Supervisors. Any person whose application for an approval or permit has been denied, in whole or in part, or to whom a certificate of completion has been refused, or entire approval or permit has been revoked may, within thirty (30) days after such action has been taken, appeal to the Board of Supervisors for a hearing by filing with the Clerk of said Board, in writing, a Notice of Appeal from the action taken by the Director. The Clerk of the Board, immediately upon a receipt of a notice of appeal, shall set a date for a hearing thereon, such hearing to be not less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) working days from the filing of said notice. At the hearing, the Board of Supervisors shall receive all pertinent oral and documentary evidence hereon. Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the Board of Supervisors, within fifteen (15) working days, shall render its decision in reference to the subject matter of the appeal. The decision by the Board of Supervisors shall be final. SECTION 7. OWTS FAILURE. A) In the event an OWTS is determined to be in failure by the Director, an order shall be given to abate the failure. 650.5 — Page 6 B) The property owner, agent or occupant shall be given a notice and reasonable time to abate the stated failure. If the OWTS failure is contributing to an immediate hazard or contamination to a public access or body of water, immediate remedy shall be required. C) If a determination of an immediate hazard is made by the Director, which could potentially contaminate a body of water or public area, such as but not limited to sewage effluent flow onto a public roadway, culvert, drainage ditch, dry or active stream or river bed, the property owner, agent and/or occupant must take measures to abate the failure immediately. D) When reasonable effort to contact the owner, agent, or occupant is unsuccessful, or upon refusal to abate the OWTS failure, the Director may designate it an imminent hazard to health and safety and may abate the failure. Those remedies include, but are not limited to, the department contracting to pump a septic tank to eliminate discharge; shutting off water to eliminate sewage discharge; providing alternate means of waste disposal, such as portable toilets or other means deemed necessary to abate the nuisance. Further, the Department may recover the cost for abating the nuisance and its enforcement activities as provided for in Riverside County Ordinance No. 725. E) The property owner, agent, or occupant may be required to secure a System Certification by a Qualified Service Provider as part of the abatement process. F) Any and all component failures, deficiencies, or malfunctions identified by the System Certification shall be repaired. Any and all major repairs are subject to the approval process as described in Section 3. SECTION 8. FEES. A) The fees required to obtain an approval under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be as specified in Riverside County Ordinance No. 671, and shall be in such amounts as are based upon a cost -analysis determined by the Riverside County Auditor -Controller. Such fees may be waived in cases where corrective or replacement work is being undertaken to replace property damaged or destroyed in a disaster recognized in a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors. B) Combined Design Review and Construction Inspection Fees When construction inspections are required of the Department by virtue of this Ordinance or other Board action, the applicant shall pay a $600.00 deposit in lieu of any applicable individual fees for sewage plan review and site inspections as noted in Riverside County Ordinance No. 671. If the Department's cost of performing the reviews and inspections is less than the above deposit, the balance will be refunded to the applicant. If the Department's cost is greater than the above deposit, the applicant shall pay the difference to the County within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of an invoice thereof. This fee shall be included in and subject to future changes of Riverside County Ordinance No 671. C) Annual Operating Permit Fees Prior to the issuance or annual renewal of an operating permit, there shall be paid to the Director the fees indicated below. 1. Alternative OWTS or holding tank.................$150.00 2. Alternative OWTS with advanced treatment ........ $200.00 3. Transfer fee................................................$10.00 650.5 — Page 7 The application fee for the pre -installation review and approval of an alternative OWTS shall include the fees for the first year of the OWTS' annual permit. If the OWTS is not installed, this portion of the submittal fee shall be refunded to the applicant. These fees shall be included in and subject to future changes as per Riverside County Ordinance No 640. SECTION 9. ENFORCEMENT AND ADDITIONAL REMEDIES, PENALTIES, PROCEDURES. A) It shall be the duty of the Director or his agents to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. B) The additional remedies, penalties, and procedures for violations of this Ordinance and for recovery of costs related to enforcement provided for in Riverside County Ordinance No. 725 are incorporated into this section by reference. SECTION 10. VIOLATIONS. A) Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an infraction or misdemeanor as hereinafter specified. Such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance is committed, continued or permitted. Any person convicted of a violation of this ordinance shall be: (1) guilty of an infraction offense and punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a first violation; (2) guilty of an infraction offense and punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00) for a second violation on the same site. The third and any additional violations on the same site shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or six (6) months in jail, or both. B) Notwithstanding the above, a first offense may be charged and prosecuted as a misdemeanor. Payment of any penalty herein shall not relieve any person from the responsibility for correcting the violation. SECTION 11. PUBLIC NUISANCE DECLARATION. In addition, any violation of this Ordinance is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and may be abated by the Director or his duly authorized agent irrespective of any other remedy hereinabove provided. SECTION 12. SEVERABILITY. If any provision, clause, sentence, or paragraph of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person, establishment or circumstances shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or application of the provisions of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. SECTION 13. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date of adoption. Adopted: 650 Item 9.1 of 02/02/1988 (Eff: 04/03/1988) Amended: 650.1a Item 3.7 of 06/13/1989 (Eff: 07/13/1989) 650.1 Item 3.11 of 03/28/1989 (Eff: 04/27/1989) 650.2 Item 3.4 of 03/20/1990 (Eff: 04/19/1990) 650.3 Item 3.11 of 06/26/1990 (Eff: 07/26/1990) 650.5 — Page 8 650.4 Item 3.1 of 12/07/1993 (Eff: 12/07/1993) 650.5 Item 16.1 of 05/16/2006 (Eff: 06/15/2006) 650.5 — Page 9