CC Resolution 2019-020 Balanced Energy Solutions RESOLUTION NO. 2019 - 020 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING BALANCED ENERGY SOLUTIONS AND LOCAL CONTROL WHEREAS, California's energy policies are critical to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the impact of climate change on our citizens; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature and State agencies are increasingly proposing new legislation and regulations eliminating choice of energy by mandating technologies to power buildings and public and private fleets, including transit and long-haul trucking, as a strategy to achieve the state's climate goals; and WHEREAS, clean, affordable and reliable energy is crucial to the material health, safety and well-being of the City of La Quinta residents, particularly the most vulnerable, who live on fixed incomes, including the elderly and working families who are struggling financially; and WHEREAS, the need for clean, affordable and reliable energy to attract and retain local businesses, create jobs and spur economic development is vital to our city's success in a highly competitive and increasingly regional and global marketplace; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta, its residents and businesses value local control and the right to choose the policies and investments that most affordably and efficiently enable them to comply with State requirements; and WHEREAS, building and vehicle technology mandates eliminate local control and customer choice, suppress innovation, reduce reliability and unnecessarily increase costs for the City of La Quinta residents and businesses; and WHEREAS, the City understands that relying on a single energy delivery system unnecessarily increases vulnerabilities to natural and man- made disasters, and that a diversity of energy delivery systems and resources contribute to greater reliability and community resilience; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta understands the need to mitigate the impacts of climate change and is committed to doing its part to help the State achieve its climate goals but requires the flexibility to do so in a manner that best serves the needs of its residents and businesses.