2020 ROV Polling Place - May 12 Special State Senate Vacancy Run-Off ElectionREBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters IMPORTANT POLLIN( PLACE INFORMATION La Quinta City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253-2912 Greetings La Quinta City Hall: RECEIVED APR 17 2020 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT April 10, 2020 This letter is being sent as acknowledgement and appreciation for your willingness to offer your facility as a Polling Place for the May 12, 2020, Special Vacancy Mail Ballot Election. As a result of the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the resulting safeguards put into place by California's Governor as well as the Riverside County Director of Public Health, the method the Riverside County Registrar of Voters is using to administer the election will be an all mail ballot election. Therefore, the need for Polling Places will not be necessary. We would like to thank you for making your site available. Your assistance ensures the citizens in your area the opportunity to exercise their fundamental right to vote. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Election Officers and Polls Division at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free), or, you can email us directly at RovpoilsC@rivco.org. Sincerely, Election Officers & Polls Division Riverside County Registrar of Voters 2720 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507-0918 - (951) 486-7200 - FAX (951) 486-7320 • TTY (951) 697-8966 Mailing Address: 2724 Gateway Drive, Riverside, CA 92507-0918 www.voteinfo.net of �a`( j�.e * O* 1}* 4 v f� REBECCA SPENCER * ART TINOCO Registrar of Voters * q3 Assistant Registrar of Voters y. q 1�4 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE La Quinta City Hall Monika Radeva 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 December 2, 2019 PCT# 0046012 May 12, 2020 Special State Senate Vacancy Run -Off Election There is a possibility that a Special State Senate Vacancy Run -Off Election will be held on May 12, 2020. In order to prepare for this possibility, we are inquiring about the availability of your facility. Please confirm that your facility is available by completing, signing, and dating the attached "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement" form by December 20, 2019. You may return the completed agreement by mail in the enclosed postage paid envelope, by fax to (951) 486-7320, or by email to Rcvpollsrgrivco.org. When completing the form please indicate the specific room space that will be available for Election Day. It is very important that our office provides the correct location to our voters. Please note that pursuant to elections code, private and gated facilities must allow nonresident voters access to the facility on Election Day to cast their ballot. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as Polling Places. When a facility is SELECTED, a confirmation letter will be mailed 29 days before the scheduled election. When a facility is NOT SELECTED, a letter will be sent 15 days before the scheduled election providing the reason the facility was not selected. Please call us at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Note: If your facility is SELECTED to serve as a Polling Place, the Inspector (Lead Election Officer) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility the day before the election for setup (about'/ hour) and to guarantee access to the facility from 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Election Day. Voting equipment will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election to the SELECTED Polling Places. Tables and chairs can be delivered upon request. The Office of the Registrar of Voters or our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Please identify a secure area for voting equipment storage. Our office, or that of our carrier, will call to schedule pick up of the equipment within one week after the election. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page by fax, email or mail POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX, EMAIL, OR REGULAR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE BY: DECEMBER 20, 2019 Fax # (951) 486-7320 E-Mail: Rovpolls(@rivco.orc Mail: Use the self-addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve andlor Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number (7�0) S 3 6' - 149 Iling Place location for the: May 12, 2020 Special State Senate Vacancy Run -Off Election. I give my permission for the use of: La Quinta City Hall ❑ Facility use not authorized for this Election Study Session Room Initial Here: 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Please provide the name of the room or rooms you are authorizing use of: sk S�Qm 40" Pl ase check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: 63 Check here if you can provide two 6'- 8' tables and 6 chairs Check here if you require for the Registrar to deliver tables and chairs to your facility ID# 1675 Facility use "Free" PCT# 0046012 ❑ Request $25.00 Compensation (Must provide W-9 enclosed) ❑ Can accommodate up to Precincts (Between 1-10) Contact Name (print): N'VA � Title: N\ ^� UC. Phone #: `��P�l��� ' I ObS Alternate Contact Name (print): � `�""� �"`D�I.IR. Phone #: *Emergency contact: � QR- Phone #: ��(001 TIT " _W01 *This is the person and phone number L Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) Mailing Address: _�tt\0a5 �a 1 Duw _ GVAv\\ A s cA 'AI aS_'J After Business Hours Phone: (—A b)l t 35 Fax M E-mail Address: jCpV_CA (faU q,tiKXy�G.�'0� 01rQJ v For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mall Regular Mail *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL TU TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature: Date: 1; I Please contact us at (951) 486-7341 within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. POLLING PLACE AVAILABILITY REQUEST AGREEMENT COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM VIA FAX, EMAIL, OR REGULAR MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE BY: DECEMBER 20, 2019 Fax # (951) 486-7320 E-Mail: Rovpolls@rivco.orq Mail: Use the self-addressed stamped envelope provided. Please forward a copy of this contract to the contact person responsible for coordinating Election Eve and/or Election Day facility use. Provide the contact person's phone number (760) 90 � - 133J- Polling Place location for the: May 12, 2020 Special State Senate Vacancy Run -Off Election. I give my permission for the use of: - - — 113 Facility use not authorized for this Election La Quinta Museum Meeting Room Initial Here: 77885 Avenida Montezuma La Quinta, CA 92253 Please provide the name of the room or rooms you are authorizing use of: PI ase check (X) the appropriate boxes that apply: Check here if you can provide two 6'- 8' tables and 6 ch-airs Check here if you require for the Registrar to deliver tables and chairs to your facility ID# 5233 Facility use "Free" PCT# 0046026 ❑ Request $25.00 Compensation (Must provide W-9 enclosed) ❑ Can accommodate up to .. Precincts (Between 1-10) Contact Name (print): 1ti('C IW O'- _Title: LA thKtil. Phone #: 04 All ' _1� 3 5 Alternate Contact Name (print): t� �4h4VVI Phone #: *Emergency contact-1 o' x V 1 a Phone #: ktpo) *This is the person and phone number the Registrar of Voters will use in an emergency (Election Day access, etc.) Mailing Address: After Business Hours Phone: E-mail Address: WWA W 0, i" 1'G �MV)kU UA -p4V Fax #: For future requests how would you prefer to be contacted? Fax ❑ E-Mail ❑ Regular Mail ❑ *I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT VOLUNTARILY I AM AG LEING TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS. Signature: Date: Please contact us at (951) 486-7:341 within 15 days prior to the election if you have not received a letter informing you of a decision for your facility to serve as a polling place. REBECCA SPENCER Registrar of Voters 74' X,5 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters La Quinta Museum Luis Magallanez December 2, 2019 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 PCT# 0046018 May 12, 2020 Special State Senate Vacancy Run -Off Election There is a possibility that a Special State Senate Vacancy Run -Off Election will be held on May 12, 2020. In order to prepare for this possibility, we are inquiring about the availability of your facility. Please confirm that your facility is available by completing, signing, and dating the attached "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement" form by December 20, 2019. You may return the completed agreement by mail in the enclosed postage paid envelope, by fax to (951) 486-7320, or by email to RovpollsCa)rivco.org. When completing the form please indicate the specific rooms ace that will be available for Election Day. It is very important that our office provides the correct location to our voters. Please note that pursuant to elections code, private and gated facilities must allow nonresident voters access to the facility on Election Day to cast their ballot. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as Polling Places. When a facility is SELECTED, a confirmation letter will be mailed 29 days before the scheduled election. When a facility is NOT SELECTED, a letter will be sent 15 days before the scheduled election providing the reason the facility was not selected. Please call us at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Note: If your facility is SELECTED to serve as a Polling Place, the Inspector (Lead Election Officer) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility the day before the election for setup (about Y2 hour) and to guarantee access to the facility from 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Election Day. Voting equipment will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election to the SELECTED Polling Places. -'Tables and chairs can be delivered upon request: The Office of the Registrar of Voters or our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Please identify a secure area for voting equipment Please identify a secure area for voting equipment storage. Our office, or that of our carrier, will call to schedule pick up of the equipment within one week after the election. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page by fax, email or mail X,5 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ART TINOCO Assistant Registrar of Voters La Quinta Museum Luis Magallanez December 2, 2019 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 PCT# 0046018 May 12, 2020 Special State Senate Vacancy Run -Off Election There is a possibility that a Special State Senate Vacancy Run -Off Election will be held on May 12, 2020. In order to prepare for this possibility, we are inquiring about the availability of your facility. Please confirm that your facility is available by completing, signing, and dating the attached "Polling Place Availability Request Agreement" form by December 20, 2019. You may return the completed agreement by mail in the enclosed postage paid envelope, by fax to (951) 486-7320, or by email to RovpollsCa)rivco.org. When completing the form please indicate the specific rooms ace that will be available for Election Day. It is very important that our office provides the correct location to our voters. Please note that pursuant to elections code, private and gated facilities must allow nonresident voters access to the facility on Election Day to cast their ballot. We carefully review all facilities to determine which will be used as Polling Places. When a facility is SELECTED, a confirmation letter will be mailed 29 days before the scheduled election. When a facility is NOT SELECTED, a letter will be sent 15 days before the scheduled election providing the reason the facility was not selected. Please call us at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free) if you have not received a letter 15 days prior to the election. Note: If your facility is SELECTED to serve as a Polling Place, the Inspector (Lead Election Officer) for your site will contact you to make arrangements to access the facility the day before the election for setup (about Y2 hour) and to guarantee access to the facility from 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Election Day. Voting equipment will be delivered approximately 7 days prior to the election to the SELECTED Polling Places. -'Tables and chairs can be delivered upon request: The Office of the Registrar of Voters or our contracted carrier will call to schedule a time and date for delivery of equipment. Please identify a secure area for voting equipment Please identify a secure area for voting equipment storage. Our office, or that of our carrier, will call to schedule pick up of the equipment within one week after the election. Should you at any time have questions or concerns regarding the use of your site as a Polling Place, please contact our office at (951) 486-7341 or (877) 663-9906 (toll free). Sincerely, Election Officers and Polls Division County of Riverside Registrar of Voters Please complete, sign and return the agreement on the next page by fax, email or mail FACILITY SALES RECEIPT Receipt #142458 Payment Date:01/03/20 Household:13180 Senior Center Monika Radeva Hm Ph:(760)777-7125 78450 Avenida La Fonda CITY HALL La Quinta CA 92253 La Quinta CA 92253 Phone: (760)564-0096 www.laquintaca.gov Reservation Details: La Quinta Museum, Museum Meeting Room Reserv. Contact:Monika Radeva Phone Number:(760)777-7125 Reserv. Number:5195 Status:Firm Purpose:Registrar of Voters Elections Date(s) And Times New Fees Total Fees New Paid Total Paid Amount Due Tue 05/12/2020 6:00A to 10:00P 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Processed on 01/03/20 @ 1:23pm by LM Total New Fees 0.00 Total Due 0.00 Total Fees Paid 0.00 Total Paid 0.00 Household Balance Information Overall Household Credit Balance Available 0.00 Overall Household Balance Due 0.00 Page # 1 of 1