78645 Carnes CircleBatch 5679223 Confirmation RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA City Clerk's Department AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attn: City Clerks Dept. 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Page 1 of 2 DOC # 2019-0540764 12/30/2019 02:13 PM Fees: $0.00 Page 1 of 3 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Peter Aldana Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder "This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording" Receipted by: MARY #420 (space for recorder's use) Exemption from Recording Fee Requested - Pursuant to Government Code § 6103 and 127383 NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING OR PROPERTY 78645 CARNES CIR LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Title of Document THIS AREA FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION Exempt ovemment Cade &ections fi 103 and 27383 https://gs.secure-recording.com/Batch/Confinnation/5679223 12/30/2019 Batch 5679223 Confirmation RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA City Clerk's Department AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attn: City Clerks Dept. 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Page 2 of 2 DOC #2019-0540764 Page 2 of 3 (spaca roc recorders use) Exemption from Recording Fea Requested - Pursuant to Oovemment Coda 16103 and § 273a3 NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY Notice is hereby given to all persons, pursuant to the provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code, as adopted by Title 11 of the La Quinta Municipal Code that the property described below has been inspected and found to be substandard as defined in Chapter 11.72 of the above code and the owner of record has been or will be notified. Violations consist of the following: 3.25.070 (G) LQMC - SHORT-TERM RENTAL NON -RESPONSE 3.25.070 (E) LQMC SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL AUDIBLE SOUND CBC 105.1- PERMITS REQUIRED 9.50.030 LQMC - SETBACK STANDARDS 9.60.050 (D) LQMC - STORAGE/ACCESSORY BUILDING 9.60.045 (B) LQMC - BBQIFIREPLACE&STRUCTURES This document will be expunged only when the City Building Official finds that the public nuisance has been abated and either that such abatement has been accomplished at no cost to the City or that any such costs have been repaid to the City or that such costs have been placed upon the tax rolls as a special assessment pursuant to the Government Code. Detailed information regarding this Declaration, Code Violations, or any costs or fees that must be paid the City, may be obtained by contacting the Building & Safety Department, Code Compliance Division. LEGAL DASCRIPTfON Owners of QUOC LAP NGUYEN Record: Area: 020-035 Sltus: 78645 CARNES CIR APN: 604-223-026 DESCRIPTION: the real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: Lot 69, of Tract 23268 in the city of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 213 Pages 67 t clusive of Maps in the office of the County Recorded or said County. BY: Date: December 30, 2019 Kevin Meredith, Animal Control/Code Compliance Supervisor https://gs.secure-recording.com/Batch/Confirmation/5679223 12/30/2019 Doc 1 zis-05+ r P"6 :3 Qrr 3 ?M45 C'ARNEMd lh LA A,.CA M" 4 t PeL]C Drdllxs 41TIxr ►icueptlxVl� I li6.CC141ntlID ti m]1�[+ aU}l7ka IdaSfilY Q r[Id+tldt0l'00 of dltidoerrrttn['m W4kll rWl'PmirI[dlt Il fQ d, mid w* dst vuWL1AMi, a—ra---y. er val Wiy qt thzic dnolrmoA ft"oe'c' }lb(ilM krof Ea qukis CarLty a!]lhmdde On Deomribm 3DG :014, berbre ma, Momh Mdvrs, NOary F*lic gcmallly VpClktrd >K�w n M6ZFW tf� rrLa pro%ed as ren m :jr bait ofutk4, w mdeme, tc 6D the parml vchm Mrs It fr*pxrbed lu willyn Wd its in1mClra jbd ftkhCrAe&j W 0 be ffim hJoe diA. kd rstf iw it 146YUhcdwd "pLdry, hod that by bg r{jtifTW+Km lie 6xtnmaro ale pemeri e mr-wj urn ia.`uxof wain- ft P=Wft azrgLt, t%UU*d de )2W a ML f Om* Oa* PEN.A.1:TY T,jFT'.ERNJAY mderlhe brie d'smallde•a[Gl11It¢>Ba the do "Pii Turzgfaph ij ftw nrnJ:rrrsi: WfTTfESSAd'bs!111durrs ialsW Sl Fulltre: H r . E3 maiwA muEy+S b°n+3' p�1C - Cel ItoreBe k Airuwde G61ft a Carnillk� N 2l6eQ�p Y Casa. �gn Act ?2, p02p