MBA 2020-0002 to SDP 2004-807 & SDP 2005-831 Pieology Outdoor Patio (03.19.2020)March 19, 2020 Mr. Peter Pun c/o Pieology 79204 Highway 111, Suite 103 & 104 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2020-0002 PIEOLOGY PATIO Dear Mr. Pun: The Design and Development Department has reviewed your request to install an outdoor patio eating area to the east of the building for 79204 Highway 111, Suite 103 & 104, which would include: removal of two (2) parking stalls, a fence, lighting, and furniture. It has been determined that said plan modifications are minor, will not result in a significant change in the original project as approved by the decision making authority under Site Development Permit 2004-807 and 2005- 831 and complies with the spirit and intent of Specific Plan 2003-066. The proposal includes changes in building square footage not to exceed ten percent from the original approval that have been determined to not result in a significant architectural, aesthetic, or visual impact to the existing project and require additional parking. Even with the expansion in outdoor square footage and removal of two (2) parking stalls, the entire Pavilions shopping center goes from 855 stalls to 853 stalls, which is significantly more than the required amount of parking. Therefore, the modification is approved as shown on the attached exhibits, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1.The applicant shall conform to all other corresponding conditions of approval for Site Development Permit 2004-807 and 2005-831 and Specific Plan 2003- 066. 2.The patio area is approved per the attached exhibit on file. No additional building or patio area is approved as part of this MBA. 3.The applicant shall apply for and obtain a building permit for this work, and any other City of La Quinta permits as required. 4. String lighting over the patio is permitted, per the attached plans. Lighting shall meet the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.100.150 Outdoor lighting. Thank you for your attention to these items, and if you have any questions, please contact me directly at (760) 777-7069 and/or at cflores@laquintaca.gov . Sincerely, Carlos Flores Senior Planner PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# ____________________ EXHIBIT# ____________________ INITIAL cflores DATE 03/19/2020 9:29:07 AM MBA2020-0002 PATIO AREA ONLY PART OF APPROVAL