SAN PASQUAL NO CONSULT. LTR 2020-01-17&Al SAN PASQUAL BAND OF MISSION INDIANS SAN PASQUAL RESERVATION L7, 2020 GurnnaM� RE: general plan amendment 20019=0002 TIBAL COUNCIL Stephen W. Cope Dear Ms. Sauviat, Chairman Justin Quis Quis The San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians Tribal Historic Preservation Office has received your notification of the project referenced above. This letter constitutes our response on Vice Chairman behalf of David L. Toler, THPO Officer. Tilda A Green We have consulted our maps and determined that the project as described is not within Secretary -Treasurer the boundaries of the recognized San Pasqual Indian Reservation. The project is also beyond the boundaries of the territory that the tribe considers its Traditional Use Area David L. Toler (TUA). Therefore, we have no objection to the continuation of project activities as Councilman currently planned and we defer to the wishes of Tribes in closer proximity to the project Joe Chavez area. Councilman We appreciate involvement with your -initiative and look forward to working with you on future efforts. If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at 760-651-5142 or by a -mail at THPO@sanpasqualtribe.org Sincerely, Angelina Gutierrez Tribal Historic Preservation Office, Supervisor Monitor San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians P.O. Box 365 16400 KUMEYAAY WAY, VALLEY CENTER, CA 92082 PHONE 760-749-3200 • FAX 760-749-3876 • WWW.SANPASQUALBANDOFMISSIONINDIANS.ORG