1ST SUBMITTAL - ANDALUSIA SPECIFIC PLANSPECIFIC PLAN 03-067 AMENDMENT V OF ANDALUSIA AT CORAL MOUNTAIN PREPARED BY: MSA CONSULTING, INC. IN THE CITY OF: LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA THE WAVE AT CORAL MOUNTAIN OCTOBER 2019 Specific Plan 03-067 ii Amendment V Project Technical Team MERIWETHER COMPANIES 2440 Junction Place, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 CITY OF LA QUINTA DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Ca 92253 ARCHITECT CCY Architects 228 Midland Avenue Basalt, Colorado 81621 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Vita Planning and Landscape Architecture 181 Third Street, Suite 100 San Rafael, Ca 94901 CIVIL ENGINEERING & ENTITLEMENTS MSA Consulting, Inc. 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, Ca 92007 Specific Plan 03-067 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN 03-067 ....................................................................................... I Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ iii 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 PURPOSE AND INTENT ................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 PROJECT SETTING .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 PROJECT HISTORY .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 ENABLING LEGISLATION ................................................................................................................ 8 1.6 CEQA COMPLIANCE ......................................................................................................................... 9 2 PLANS, PROGRAMS, AND GUIDELINES ................................................. 10 2.1 THE LAND USE CONCEPT ............................................................................................................. 10 2.1.1 Planning Area Breakdown .................................................................................................................................. 12 2.2 LAND USE ....................................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.1 Land Use/General Plan Context ......................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.2 Existing General Plan / Land Use ....................................................................................................................... 15 2.2.3 Proposed General Plan/Land Use ...................................................................................................................... 16 2.3 ZONING .......................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.1 Existing Zoning .................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.3.2 Proposed Zoning ................................................................................................................................................. 18 2.4 THE LAND USE MASTER PLAN ...................................................................................................... 19 Andalusia East Planning Areas .......................................................................................................... 21 2.4.1 Andalusia East Land Use by Planning Area ....................................................................................................... 21 Andalusia west planning areas .......................................................................................................... 34 2.4.2 Andalusia West Land Use by Planning Area ...................................................................................................... 34 2.4.3 Andalusia Land Use Summary – Andalusia East and West ............................................................................. 42 2.5 CIRCULATION PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 44 2.5.1 Offsite Improvements ......................................................................................................................................... 53 2.5.2 Onsite Improvements ......................................................................................................................................... 53 2.6 MASTER PLAN SUPPORTING ELEMENTS .................................................................................... 55 2.6.1 Open Space and Recreation ............................................................................................................................... 55 2.6.2 Infrastructure and Utilities Plan ......................................................................................................................... 55 2.6.3 Water and Sewer Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 56 2.6.4 Electricity .............................................................................................................................................................. 57 2.6.5 Natural Gas ........................................................................................................................................................... 57 Specific Plan 03-067 iv 2.6.6 Telephone ............................................................................................................................................................ 57 2.6.7 Refuse Collection ................................................................................................................................................. 57 2.6.8 School Service ...................................................................................................................................................... 57 2.6.9 Law Enforcement ................................................................................................................................................. 57 2.6.10 Fire Protection ................................................................................................................................................... 58 2.6.11 Library Facilities· ............................................................................................................................................... 58 2.7 GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES & STANDARDS .......................................................................... 59 2.7(A)Community Theme – Andalusia East ...................................................................................... 59 2.7.1 Andalusia East Community Image ..................................................................................................................... 61 2.7.3 Andalusia East Golf and Country Club Facilities .............................................................................................. 63 2.7.4 Andalusia East Residential Site Planning Guidelines ...................................................................................... 71 A. Residential Architectural Design Criteria ............................................................................................................... 72 B. Residential Site Planning Criteria ........................................................................................................................... 76 2.7(B) Community Theme – Andalusia West .................................................................................... 78 2.7.5 Andalusia West Community Image .................................................................................................................... 79 2.7.6 Andalusia West Club Facilities ............................................................................................................................ 82 2.7.7 Wave Club Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................... 83 Andalusia West Residential Site Planning Guidelines .............................................................................................. 89 2.7.8 Andalusia West Residential Architectural Design Guidelines ......................................................................... 90 2.7.9 Andalusia West Landscape Guidelines .............................................................................................................. 95 2.8 Grading Design Standards and Guidelines ................................................................................. 96 2.9 PLANT MATERIAL PALETTE .......................................................................................................... 97 3 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ................................... 100 3.1 SPECIFIC PLAN OVERLAY DISTRICTS ......................................................................................... 100 ANDALUSIA EAST .............................................................................................................................. 102 3.1.1 Planning Area I – Andalusia East ...................................................................................................................... 102 3.1.2 Planning Area II – Andalusia East ..................................................................................................................... 105 3.1.3 Planning Area III – Andalusia East .................................................................................................................... 108 3.1.4 Planning Area IV – Andalusia East .................................................................................................................... 111 3.1.5 Planning Area V – Andalusia East ..................................................................................................................... 114 3.1.6 Planning Area VI – Andalusia East .................................................................................................................... 118 ANDALUSIA WEST ............................................................................................................................. 121 3.1.7 Planning Area VII – Andalusia West .................................................................................................................. 121 3.1.8 Planning Area VIII – Andalusia West ................................................................................................................. 123 3.1.9 PLANNING AREA IX – Andalusia West ............................................................................................................... 126 3.1.10 PLANNING AREA X – Andalusia West .............................................................................................................. 131 3.2 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS ................................................................................................... 133 3.2.1 Specific Plan Amendment Procedures ............................................................................................................ 133 3.3 DENSITY TRANSFER PROVISIONS .............................................................................................. 135 Specific Plan 03-067 v 4 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY .............................................................. 136 ANDALUSIA EAST CONSISTENCY WITH 1992 GENERAL PLAN ....................................................... 136 4.1 LAND USE ELEMENT ................................................................................................................... 136 4.2 CIRCULATION ELEMENT ............................................................................................................ 137 4.3 OPEN SPACE ELEMENT ............................................................................................................... 139 4.4 PARK AND RECREATION ELEMENT ............................................................................................ 140 4.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ELEMENT .......................................................................... 140 4.6 INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT .............................................................. 141 4.7 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ELEMENT ..................................................................................... 141 4.8 AIR QUALITY ELEMENT ............................................................................................................... 142 ANDALUSIA WEST CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN 2035 ...................................................... 144 4.9 LAND USE ELEMENT ................................................................................................................... 144 4.10 CIRCULATION ELEMENT .......................................................................................................... 145 4.11 LIVABLE COMMUNITY ELEMENT .............................................................................................. 145 4.12 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT .................................................................................... 145 4.13 PARKS, RECREATION AND TRAILS ELEMENT .......................................................................... 146 4.14 HOUSING ELEMENT .................................................................................................................. 146 4.15 AIR QUALITY ELEMENT ............................................................................................................. 147 4.16 ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES ELEMENT ...................................................................... 147 4.17 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ELEMENT ....................................................................................... 147 4.18 CULTURAL RESOURCES ELEMENT .......................................................................................... 147 4.19 WATER RESOURCES ELEMENT ................................................................................................ 148 4.20 OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT ........................................................................ 148 4.21 NOISE ELEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 148 4.22 SOILS AND GEOLOGY ELEMENT ............................................................................................... 149 4.23 FLOODING AND HYDROLOGY ELEMENT .................................................................................. 149 4.24 Hazardous Materials Element.................................................................................................. 149 4.25 EMERGENCY SERVICES ELEMENT ............................................................................................ 149 4.25 WATER, SEWER & OTHER UTILITIES ELEMENT ....................................................................... 149 4.26 PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT ................................................................................................... 150 Specific Plan 03-067 1 1 Introduction 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Specific Plan 03-067 (“Specific Plan” or “SP”) is organized as follows: Section 1: Introduction. This Section provides an overview of the document, project setting and history, existing approvals, legislative authority for the specific plan process , and the method of compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Section 2: Plans, Programs, and Guidelines. This Section provides the organizational framework of the Land Use Plan and related plan exhibits. This Section establishes the land use policy for the Specific Plan area and provides the design guidelines which set design and development criteria and direction for individual projects within the Specific Plan boundary. Section 3: Zoning and Development Regulations. This Section establishes the zoning and development regulations applicable to land within the Specific Plan boundary. Development Regulations are presented for each Planning Area . Section 4: General Plan Consistency. This Section evaluates the consistency of the Specific Plan with the City of La Quinta General Plan using the key land use issues statement of each element of the City of La Quinta General Plan as the basis . Specific Plan 03-067 2 1.2 PURPOSE AND INTENT The Specific Plan presented herein is a comprehensive planning and development document intended to guide development of lands within the Specific Plan are a boundary. This document establishes development plans, guidelines, and regulations for the project plan area and specifies development criteria for various use permit entitlements scheduled to be developed within the plan area. This document is intended to ensure a high quality of development consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the City of La Quinta General Plan and the goals of the developers of the property. The goals include: • Implementation of a plan which recognizes and, wherever po ssible, protects the environmental characteristics of the property; • Creation of a community with a balance of appropriate land uses and a range of housing types; • Development of complementary recreational and commercial facilities which will serve a range of housing types; • Development of a community which provides a safe, secure and ecologically sound living environment This Specific Plan guides the standard of development and is structured to provide a degree of flexibility to address market-driven demand changes. The original specific plan for this project was adopted in 1988 by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Since the project’s annexation into the City of La Quinta, there have been multiple amendments and entitlement activities associated with the property. This Amendment (Amendment V) of the Coral Mountain Specific Plan is primarily intended to incorporate the development of a boutique resort and master planned community, a.k.a. “The Wave at Coral Mountian,” within the portion of the Specific plan area west of Madison Street. Development regulations, guidelines, and standards for the portion of the SP east of Madison Street will remain unchanged. In addition, this Specific Plan has been amended to define two distinct sub-communities within the SP boundary (“Andalusia East” and “Andalusia West”), with corresponding "site driven" development regulations, planning areas, and design criteria . Specific Plan 03-067 3 1.3 PROJECT SETTING The Specific Plan area is located approximately 130 miles from the City of Los Angeles and the Pacific coast, approximately 250 miles from the City of Las Vegas, and approximately 250 miles from the Phoenix/ Scottsdale metropolitan region. As shown on Exhibit 1, the SP is situated in the easterly portion of the Coache lla Valley within the corporate limits of the City of La Quinta, Riverside County. The project is accessible from Interstate 10 by way of Monroe Street with immediate access to Avenue 58 to the North , as shown in Exhibit 2. EXHIBIT 1 Consisting of approximately 930 acres, the amended Specific Plan area is generally defined by Avenue 58 along the Northerly boundary, Monroe Street to the East, Avenue 60 to the South, and to the West, vacant land and portions of the flood control dike. In its existing setting, the project property is partially developed east of M adison with Andalusia Country Club. The Specific Plan Area west of Madison Street is currently undeveloped. Surrounding land uses are listed in Table 1 and shown in Exhibit 3. Specific Plan 03-067 4 TABLE 1 Jurisdiction General Plan Zoning Existing Use North La Quinta LDR/OS-R/MC RL/GC/MC Single Family Residences, golf course, major community facility South La Quinta LDR/MHDR/OS- R/OS-N RL / OS / GC / RMH Avenue 60, Single Family Residences, golf course East La Quinta GC/LDR/MHDR RL/RM/CN Agricultural uses, undeveloped land West La Quinta OS-N OS Natural Open Space General Plan Designations: LDR – Low Density Res. / OS-R - Open Space - Recreation/ OS-N – Open Space – Natural / GC- General Commercial / MHDR – Medium/ High Density Residential / MC – Major Community Facilities Zoning Designations: RL – Low Density Residential / RMH – Medium High Density Residential / GC – Golf Course / CN – Commercial Neighborhood / MC – Major Community Facilities EXHIBIT 2 Specific Plan 03-067 5 EXHIBIT 3 Specific Plan 03-067 6 1.4 PROJECT HISTORY The original specific plan for this project was approved under Riverside County jurisdiction by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors in 1988. Since then the property has been annexed into the City of La Quinta and has gone through various entitlement activities and specific plan amendments, summarized as follows: TABLE 2 Specific Plan Name Year Approved Summary Rancho La Quinta Specific Plan 218 (County of Riverside) 1988 Original Specific Plan approved by Riverside County Board of Supervisors; included a maximum development of 4,262 dwelling units and 35 acres of commercial uses. Coral Mountain Specific Plan 218, Amendment I (County of Riverside) 2000 Reduced development intensity by 762 dwelling units and 25.8 acres of commercial uses to up to 3,500 dwelling units and 9.2 acres of commercial uses. Coral Mountain Specific Plan, Amendment II (City of La Quinta) 2003 Changed name from “Rancho La Quinta” to “Coral Mountain” Specific Plan; split specific plan into two specific plans (Exhibit 4), Trilogy and Andalusia; Specific Plan 03-067 supersedes Coral Mountain Specific Plan 218 for Andalusia area. Amendment III of Coral Mountain Specific Plan 2013 Relocated golf clubhouse and provided higher density around golf course. Amendment IV of Andalusia at Coral Mountain 2017 Revised development standards in Planning Area II around the golf clubhouse to allow for 80 attached/detached residential villas of up to 2 stories on 16 acres. Amendment V of Andalusia at Coral Mountain 2019 Revised to refine uses and development standards for SP area west of Madison Street (aka “Andalusia West”). The amendment will allow for up to a 150- room resort hotel, 104 resort residential units, 496 single family detached homes, short-term rentals, wave pool amenity, golf, and various resort-related amenities. Specific Plan 03-067 7 The development plan for the Specific Plan area includes: • The development of a 20-hole championship golf course and club amenities (Andalusia East); • The development of up to 1,400 residential units (Andalusia East – 650 units, Andalusia West – 750 units); • The development of supporting infrastructure to assure adequate facilities and services (Andalusia West and Andalusia East); • The development of up to a 150-room resort hotel with supporting resort amenities and 55,000 sf of retail, 5,000 sf of neighborhood commercial, and related infrastructure improvements (Andalusia West); • The development of a recreational surf wave amenity, golf and golf practice facilities, and variety of neighborhood / resort commercial uses (Andalusia West); • The development of a variety of residential product types including estate lots, attached and detached single family units, and resort residential - both short- term / long-term rentals and owner occupancy (Andalusia West). EXHIBIT 4 Specific Plan 03-067 8 1.5 ENABLING LEGISLATION • The authority to prepare, adopt. and implement the Coral Mountain Specific Plan is granted to the City of La Quinta by the California Government Code (Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 8, Sections 65450 through 65457 ). • As with General Plans, the Planning Commission must hold a public hearing before it can recommend to the City Council the adoption of a Specific Plan or an amendment thereto. The City Council of La Quinta may adopt a Specific Plan and/or an amendment to the Specific Plan by either ordinance or resolution. • This Specific Plan is a regulatory document that, once adopted, will serve as the General Plan, the Zoning Ordinance, and Development Code (Specific Plan) for the amended plan area. As such, the adopted plan, once incorporated by reference, makes consistent the La Quinta General Plan. Upon completion of the Specific Plan amendment and adoption process, future development must be consistent with the Specific Plan and amendments thereto. Specific Plan 03-067 9 1.6 CEQA COMPLIANCE The following statements address the City of La Quinta's responsibility to address CEQA compliance in the preparation of a Negative Declaration of environmental impact (NEG - DEC). a) The lead agency or responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred. b) An addendum to an adopted Negative Declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necess ary. c) An addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the final EIR or adopted Negative Declaration. d) The decision-making body shall consider the addendum with the final EIR or adopted negative declaration prior to making a decision on the project. e) A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to Section 15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agency's findings on the project or elsewhere in the record. The explanati on must be supported by substantial evidence. Specific Plan 03-067 10 2 Plans, Programs, and Guidelines 2.1 THE LAND USE CON CEPT Residential Uses The project consists of two distinct communities, “Andalusia West” and “Andalusia East”, located west and east of Madison Street respectively. Andalusia East is currently under development and is envisioned as a private country club featuring a 20-hole championship golf course, low density residential uses, and associated resort amenities and infrastructure. The second community, Andalusia West (a.k.a. “The Wave at Coral Mountain”), is envisioned as a boutique resort and planned residential neighborhoods. This community will feature a robust variety of residential product types and amenities, including an artificial wave basin as the focal point of the community. Product types may include single-family detached/attached units and fractional interest ownership. Residential development is anticipated to occur over approximately 50% of the total acreage 'within the Specific Plan area with the balance of the property in open space, wave basin, golf course, and other recreation-based land uses. Commercial Uses Commercial development is proposed to be located on approximately 14 acres of land located on the Southwest & Southeast corner of Madison Street and Avenue 58. Commercial development will consist of a mixture of commercial retail and resort -related commercial development. It is anticipated that the commercial retail development will include both neighbor hood commercial and visitor serving commercial uses. Parks/ Open Space/ Recreation The primary recreational component of Andalusia East is on a 20-hole championship golf course designed by Rees Jones. In addition to its function as a recreational component, the golf course will also provide a visual amenity within the Andalusia East area with a significant number of residential units having frontage on and/or views of the golf course. The conceptual layout for the golf course is shown on the Master Plan graphic. Individual developments within the Specific Plan area may have additional recreational amenities including tennis and swimming facilities. The primary recreational component of Andalusia West will include an artificial surf wave basin that will serve as the focal point of the Andalusia West community . “The Wave” or “Wave” surf basin will feature state of the art proprietary technology designed to faithfully re-create ocean waves for recreational use by resort residents and guests as well as providing a venue for competitive and professional surfing events. In addition, Andalusia West will also provide a variety of associated recreational amenities, including golf and Specific Plan 03-067 11 golf practice facilities, that will complement the proposed resort and planned residential neighborhoods. Circulation The circulation plan for this Specific Plan is intended to utilize existing local arterial roadways to provide the access to the Specific Plan area. These roadways include Avenue 60, Avenue 58, Monroe Street and Madison Street. The internal circulation system will consist of a series of roads providing access to the individual residential and recreational components within the Specific Plan area. Additional information is provided in Section 2.5 (Circulation Plan) of this SP. Resort Hotel Andalusia West will feature a full-service resort hotel (up to 150 keys). The hotel is envisioned as a boutique resort with a mix of traditional hotel rooms, suites, and c asitas. Resort Club and Amenities Andalusia West will offer a variety of community and active lifestyle amenities such as golf and golf practice facilities, hiking, biking, spa and dining, golf training facilities, bicycle pump-track, and a swimming pool area. In addition, spa and dining facilities may be provided within the resort. Wave Amenity The primary recreational component of Andalusia West will include “The Wave”, an artificial wave basin that will serve as the focal point of the community. The Wave will feature state of the art proprietary technology designed to faithfully recreate ocean waves for recreational purposes. Specific Plan 03-067 12 2.1.1 Planning Area Breakdown This SP breaks the plan area into two distinct sub communities (Andalusia East and Andalusia West), with corresponding "site driven" development regulations , planning areas, and design criteria. These Planning Areas are depicted in Exhibit 5 shown below. Planning Areas within the Specific Plan Community ANDALUSIA EAST Planning Area I is characterized by the club facilities, supporting parking and circulation elements, and associated open space area. Planning Area II is defined by villa residential dwelling units of one and two stories with associated pools and open space areas. Planning Area III is defined by various residential dwelling product types of one and two stories with associated pools, spas and open space areas. Planning Area IV is defined by the golf and open space maintenance facilities. Planning Area V is defined by the neighborhood commercial site and its supporting parking and circulation elements. Planning Area VI addresses golf course areas and the primary stormwater management and retention zone of the plan area. ANDALUSIA WEST Planning Area VII consists of neighborhood commercial uses and their supporting parking and circulation elements. Planning Area VI II is defined by various residential dwelling product types of one and two stories with associated amenities and open space areas (including golf and golf practice facilities). Planning Area IX will allow for the construction of a resort consisting of a boutique hotel, resort residential neighborhoods, retail, garden, golf, golf practice facilities, associated club and resort amenities, and back of house infrastructure . An artificial wave generating basin, to be used for professional competitions and recreational purposes (for residents and guests), will serve as the focal point of Planning Area IX and the boutique hotel. Planning Area X is defined by a variety of open space, recreational (including golf and golf practice facilities), and back of house uses that provide amenities for the communities of Andalusia West. Specific Plan 03-067 13 EXHIBIT 5 Specific Plan 03-067 14 2.2 LAND USE 2.2.1 Land Use/General Plan Context The Specific Plan implements the City of La Quinta General Plan by bringing together detailed policies and regulations into a focused development plan for the Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan is a regulatory document which, when adopted by the City Council of La Quinta, governs all facets of project development including the distribution of land uses, location and sizing of supporting infrastructure, as well as development standards and regulations for uses within the plan area. The location and alignment of the land uses and zones depicted herein are diagrammatic. The precise layout within subsequent site development permit applications for individual projects will determine the actual alignment and adjacency of each land use category. A Change of Zone and General Plan Land Use Map Amendment application will be processed concurrently with this Specific Plan to bring the SP into conformity with the City’s General Plan and Zoning Map. This Specific Plan is prepared as a link between the La Quinta General Plan and subsequent development proposals for individual planning areas within the Specific Plan. The Land Use Element of the La Quinta General Plan identifies and establishes the City's policy relative to the planned future pattern, intensity, density and relationships of land uses in the City as well as in the Specific Plan area addressed herein. The purpose of the Land Use Element within the City's General Plan is to establish official City and plan area policy which: • Identifies the general types, locations and distribution of land uses desired in La Quinta at buildout; • Identifies standards for land uses rela tive to population and building density/intensity and the character and compatibility of land uses; • Identifies desired courses of action/ strategies which provide the means to implement the community's land use policies while implementing the Specific Plan. The Specific Plan establishes consistency with, and implements the City's General Plan by: • Specifying the land uses in the plan area; • Delineating standards for land use compatibility with the City's policies; • Providing the framework for development in an orderly manner; • Making consistent the General Plan Land Use and Zoning Category for the property and the City's General Plan. Specific Plan 03-067 15 2.2.2 Existing General Plan / Land Use Exhibit 6, Existing General Plan Land Use, depicts the existing General Plan Land use categories for the Specific Plan area as follows: • Low Density Residential • Open Space – Recreation • General Commercial EXHIBIT 6 Specific Plan 03-067 16 2.2.3 Proposed General Plan/Land Use Exhibit 7, Proposed General Plan Land Use, depicts the proposed General Plan Land use categories for the Specific Plan area as follows: • Low Density Residential (LDR) • Open Space – Recreation (OS-R) • General Commercial (GC) • Tourist Commercial (TC) EXHIBIT 7 Specific Plan 03-067 17 2.3 ZONING 2.3.1 Existing Zoning Exhibit 8, Existing Zoning, depicts the existing zoning categories for the Specific Plan area as follows: • Low Density Residential (RL) • Neighborhood Commercial (CN) • Golf Course (GC) EXHIBIT 8 Specific Plan 03-067 18 2.3.2 Proposed Zoning Exhibit 9, Proposed Zoning, depicts the proposed zoning categories for the Specific Plan area as follows: • Low Density Residential (RL) • Neighborhood Commercial (CN) • Golf Course (GC) • Tourist Commercial (CT) • Parks and Recreation (PR) EXHIBIT 9 Specific Plan 03-067 19 2.4 THE LAND USE MAS TER PLAN The Land Use Master Plan reflects the development goal of providing a variety of residential units in a secluded setting of a championship golf course and other private and semi-private recreational amenities. The Land Use Master Plan graphically delineates the proposed uses located within each planning area of the overall amended Specific Plan. The Master Plan includes complementary architecture in all product types and common area buildings and club facilities as well as a hierarchy of landscape setbacks, pedestrian areas, and connecting circulation systems for pedestrians, bicycles and carts. Development regulations for each planning area are presented in Section 3 - Zoning and Development Regulations. The Master Plan proposes 1,400 units distributed within a gross area of approximately 929 acres. These buildings are arranged in configurations which may include detached units, townhome styled units and/or stacked flats of two, four, and six units each. Additionally, a 1 4-acre neighborhood commercial area is being planned adjacent to the intersection of Madison Street and Avenue 58. The balance of the property is planned to be golf and open space use for the benefit of residents and their guests. The project may be constructed in phases subject to the orderly extension of roads and public utilities and subject to the conditions of approval established on future tentative maps. ANDALUSIA EAST Planning Area I is characterized by the club facilities, supporting parking circulation elements, and associated open space area. This facility includes resident and guest serving recreation facilities and supporting uses for all residents and guests. Planning Area II is defined by villa residential dwelling units of one and two stories with associated pools and open space area. These units are envisioned as attached and detached townhome "Casitas". Planning Area III is defined by various residential dwelling product types of one and two stories with associated pools and spas and associated ope n space areas. These units are envisioned as attached and detached single family units. Planning Area IV is defined by the golf and open space maintenance facilities. Planning Area V is defined by the Neighborhood Commercial site and its supporting parking and circulation elements. This site is envisioned to be developed as a pedestrian - scale neighborhood serving a commercial area. Planning Area VI is defined by a 20-hole golf course area and associated open space, also serving as the primary stormwater management and retention zone of the plan area. Specific Plan 03-067 20 ANDALUSIA WEST Planning Area VII consists of neighborhood commercial uses and their supporting parking and circulation elements. Planning Area VIII is defined by various residential dwelling product types of one and two stories with associated amenities and open space areas. Planning Area IX will allow for the construction of a boutique hotel , resort residential neighborhoods, retail, associated club and resort amenities, golf and golf practice facilities, parking, and back of house infrastructure. An artificial wave generating basin, to be used for professional competitions and recreational purposes (for residents and guests), will serve as the focal point of Planning Area IX and Andalusia West. Planning Area X will allow for a variety of open space, recreational (including golf and golf practice facilities), and back of house uses that are compatible with the communities of Andalusia West. Specific Plan 03-067 21 ANDALUSIA EAST PLANNING AREAS 2.4.1 Andalusia East Land Use by Planning Area A detailed discussion of the proposed land use for the Specific Plan and the resulting change in development intensity is presented for each of the six planning zones. The Existing Land Use Table illustrates a tabulation of existing land use, existing zoning, acreage and densities within each planning area. A range of land use categories are provided within the boundary of the Specific Pla n. These include land use for the golf and open space within the plan, various residential uses, a limited neighborhood serving commercial use and supporting ancillary facilities for proposed land uses. The plan area is broken into six distinct planning ar eas. Development and zoning criteria responding to the environment within each planning area is presented for each use area. Exhibit 10 below delineates the limits of each Planning Area and their relationship to Specific Plan boundary. EXHIBIT 10 Specific Plan 03-067 22 Planning Area I – Andalusia East Golf and Tennis Clubhouse Land Use Planning Area I is the intended site for the Specific Plan Club facilities and is located in the central portion of the easterly half of the master plan area. Primary access to the Club facilities is provided from the main project entry point from Madison Street through a secure entry gate. Planning area I is approximately 10 acres and is delineated herein. Pedestrian and cart access throughout the plan is provided on surface streets an d other open space paths to facilitate alternative modes of transportation to and from residential areas and other local offsite areas such as the Commercial element of the plan at the intersection of Madison and Avenue 58. Club Facilities will include golf and tennis locker rooms, meeting rooms, indoor and outdoor, restaurants, lounge areas, kitchen and food preparation and support facilities, as well as five to ten tennis courts, swimming pool, sauna, and spa amenities. Specific Plan 03-067 23 PLANNING AREA I – Andalusia East TABLE 3 Planning Area I – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Club Amenities General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Open Space - Recreation GC 10 VACANT Subtotals 10 Planning Area I – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description – Club Amenities General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Open Space - Recreation GC 10 N/A Subtotals 10 Specific Plan 03-067 24 Planning Area II – Andalusia East Residential Land Use Planning Area II is adjacent to the club facilities site with internal access to residential facilities from the club access road. Residential uses configured as attached and detached single, duplex, triplex and fourplex units are planned for the land area within Planning Area II. Unit count and distribution is described in the accompanying tables and graphics. Within Planning Area II there are 71 units---proposed on 16 acres of generally flat terrain. This mix of residential buildings and ancillary recreation amenities results in a net density of five dwelling units per acre. Specific Plan 03-067 25 PLANNING AREA II – Andalusia East TABLE 4 Planning Area II – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Vacant Flat Terrain General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Open Space - Recreation GC 16 VACANT Subtotals 16 Planning Area II – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description - Residential Use General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units FAR Open Space – Recreation GC 16 80 Subtotals 16 80 Specific Plan 03-067 26 Planning Area III – Andalusia East Residential Land Use Land use in Planning Area III is distributed generally within the entire project site with internal access to residential units provided from a main project loop road. Both attached and detached single family units ar e planned for the land area within Planning Area I II. Unit count and distribution is described in accompanying tables and graphics. Specific Plan 03-067 27 PLANNING AREA III – Andalusia East TABLE 5 Planning Area III – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Vacant Flat Terrain General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Low Density Residential RL 218 459 Subtotals 218 459 Planning Area III – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description - Residential Use General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units FAR Low Density Residential RL 218 650 Subtotals 218 650 Specific Plan 03-067 28 Planning Area IV – Andalusia East Golf and Open Space Maintenance Facilities Land use in Planning Area IV is located on 3 acres adjacent to the intersection of Madison Street and Avenue 60 on the northeast corner of the intersection. Access to the site is provided from Avenue 60 as well as from the internal plan. A Site Development Permit shall be applied for prior to development of the Golf Maintenance Facility. Specific Plan 03-067 29 PLANNING AREA IV – Andalusia East TABLE 6 Planning Area IV – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Golf Maintenance Facilities General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Low Density Residential RL 3 VACANT Subtotals 3 Planning Area IV – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description – Golf Maintenance Facilities General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units FAR Low Density Residential RL 3 VACANT Subtotals 3 Specific Plan 03-067 30 Planning Area V – Andalusia East Neighborhood Commercial Land Use Planning Area V is located at the intersection of Madison Street and Avenue 58 and is planned to be accessed from either arterial roadway adjacent to the two sites. Pedestrian and cart access from the internal area is also planned to facilitate alternative modes of transportation to and from the two sites. Planning Area V has a total of 5 acres of Neighborhood Commercial development with access from either side of Madison street or the south side of A venue 58. Acreage of the two adjacent commercial lots are not required to be precisely equal in square footage. Planning Area V encompasses 5 acres and is described in accompanying tables and graphics. Specific Plan 03-067 31 PLANNING AREA V – Andalusia East TABLE 7 Planning Area V – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Vacant Flat Terrain General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density General Commercial CN 5 VACANT Subtotals 5 Planning Area V – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description – Neighborhood Serving Commercial General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units FAR General Commercial CN 5 0 Subtotals 5 0 Specific Plan 03-067 32 Planning Area VI – Andalusia East Residential (Supporting) Land Use - Golf Course/ Open Space Planning Area VI is distributed generally throughout the Andalusia East Plan Area and represents the majority of the Plan acreage. A 20-hole championship golf course will occupy approximately 280 acres. In addition to its function as a recreational facility, the golf course component will also provide a significant visual amenity within the Specific Plan area with the vast majority of residential units having frontage on and/or views of the golf courses. The conceptual layout for the gol f courses is shown on the Master Plan Exhibit. Distribution of this land use is described in accompanying tables and graphics. An Employee parking lot is sited in the northeast corner of the project adjacent to Avenue 58 allowing employee access to the s ite via internal circulation paths. Specific Plan 03-067 33 PLANNING AREA VI – Andalusia East TABLE 8 Planning Area VI – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Golf Course General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Open Space - Recreation GC 281 VACANT Subtotals 281 Planning Area VI – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description – Golf Course General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units FAR Open Space - Recreation GC 281 0 Subtotals 281 0 Specific Plan 03-067 34 ANDALUSIA WEST PLANN ING AREAS 2.4.2 Andalusia West Land Use by Planning Area PLANNING AREA VII – Andalusia West General Commercial Land Use Planning Area VII (PA-VII) is intended to allow for the construction of neighborhood commercial buildings with affiliated circulation and infrastructur e improvements. PA-VII is located at the southwest intersection of Ave 58 and Madison Street. This Planning Area consists of appr oximately 9 acres of undeveloped land and will allow for approximately 5,000 sf of neighborhood commercial building space. Specific Plan 03-067 35 PLANNING AREA VII – Andalusia West TABLE 9 Planning Area VII – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Vacant Flat Terrain General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density General Commercial CN 9 VACANT Subtotals 9 Planning Area VII – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description – Neighborhood Commercial General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density General Commercial CN 9 VACANT Subtotals 9 Specific Plan 03-067 36 PLANNING AREA VIII – Andalusia West Low Density Residential Land Use Planning Area VIII (PA-VIII) is intended to allow for the construction of low density, single family residential neighborhoods with associated amenities (including golf and golf practice facilities), circulation, and infrastructure improvements. Located west of Madison Street, PA-VIII consists of approximately 220 acres of undeveloped land and will allow for the construction of up to 496 single family detached dwellings. Specific Plan 03-067 37 PLANNING AREA VIII – Andalusia West TABLE 10 Planning Area VI – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Golf Course General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Low Density Residentia/ Open Space - Recreation RL/GC 220 VACANT Subtotals 220 Planning Area VIII – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description – Residential Uses General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Low Density Residential RL 220 VACANT Subtotals 220 Specific Plan 03-067 38 PLANNING AREA IX – Andalusia West Tourist Commercial Planning Area IX (PA-IX) is intended to allow for the construction of resort residential and tourist commercial uses, including a boutique hotel (up to 150 keys), 104 attached resort residential units, 55,000 sf of retail, a community garden, restaurants, golf and golf practice facilities, “The Wave” surf basin, and other resort supporting ancillary uses and amenities. PA-IX consists of approximately 102 acres and is located entirely west of Madison street and is centrally located within Andalusia West. Specific Plan 03-067 39 Planning Area IX – Andalusia West TABLE 11 Planning Area IX – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Vacant Flat Terrain General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Low Density Residential / Open Space - Recreation RL / GC 102 VACANT Subtotals 102 Planning Area IX – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description – Tourist Commercial Uses General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Tourist Commercial CT 102 VACANT Subtotals 102 Specific Plan 03-067 40 PLANNING AREA X – Andalusia West Open Space Recreation Land Use Planning Area X (PA-X) is intended to allow for active recreational and ancillary uses compatible with the resort uses of the master planned community, including golf and golf practice facilities. Allowable uses land uses include tennis courts, hiking trails, gardens, and supporting ancillary functions to those uses. In addition, PA-IX will also allow for the hosting of special events by the resort and back of house facilities. PA-IX consists of approximately 54 acres and is located entirely west of Madison street. Specific Plan 03-067 41 Planning Area X – Andalusia West TABLE 12 Planning Area X – Existing Land Use Existing Land Use Description – Vacant Flat Terrain General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Low Density Residential / Open Space Recreation RL / GC 54 VACANT Subtotals 54 Planning Area X – Proposed Land Use Proposed Land Use Description – Open Space Recreation General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units Density Open Space - Recreation PR 54 VACANT Subtotals 54 Specific Plan 03-067 42 2.4.3 Andalusia Land Use Summary – Andalusia East and West Existing Land Use General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units FAR LDR RL 497 1400 2.8 DU/AC GC CN 10 G GC 427 Totals 934 1400 2.8 DU/AC TABLE 13 (A) Specific Plan 03-067 43 TABLE 13 (B) Proposed Land Use General Plan/Land Use Zone Acres Units LDR RL 455 1146 2.5 DU/AC CT CT 102 254 G GC 309 GC CN 14 OS-R PR 54 Totals 934 1400 Specific Plan 03-067 44 2.5 CIRCULATION PLAN The proposed circulation system for the Specific Plan addresses the requirements of the City of La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element by providing a hierarchy of vehicular traffic ways with pedestrian paths within the plan area. The C irculation Plan for the Specific Plan utilizes existing circulation element roadways adjacent to and internal to the project area (Madison Street) to provide primary access to the Specific Plan area. These roadways include Avenue 60, Avenue 58, Avenue 62, Monroe Street and Madison Street. The internal circulation system of the amended plan for Coral Mountain will consist of a series of loop roads providing access to the individual residential and recreational components within the Specific Plan area. Cul -de-sac neighborhood streets/drives will utilize the internal loop spines in assuring a "private neighborhood feel". It is anticipated that the internal loop collector system will consist of private streets. The proposed circulation plan for the Specific Plan is illustrated below and will consist of improvement of roadways surrounding the Specific Plan area, including 58th Street to the north, 60th Street to the south and Monroe to the east. The Specific Plan area is bisected by Madison Street, which, pursuant to the standards set forth in Specific Plan 218 approved in Riverside County, has been improved as a 110' right of way. Similarly, 60th Street has been constructed as a street, including full median construction, as a 100' ri ght of way. Except for the tie-in to Madison Street, it is anticipated that both Monroe Street and 58th Street will be constructed in accordance with the City of La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element Standards in conjunction with the development of an internal loop road system to serve development within the project. The proposed Circulation Plan s for Andalusia East and Andalusia West illustrated below and will consist of improvement of the roadways surrounding the Specific Plan area to General Plan Circulation Element Standards an d development of an internal loop road system to serve development within the project. Individual cluster access drives are proposed with generous setbacks from the arrival boulevard and interior loop road to provide safe ingress and egress from individua l residences. Within the Specific Plan area, the circulation system has been designed to accomplish the following: • Provide for internal private roadways that respond to the proposed development corridors while providing a safe route for project ingress and egress; • Provide for a private street with access to Madison Street, and to facilitate the internal network of planned private roadways to adequately serve residential areas and other amenities. Specific Plan 03-067 45 ANDALUSIA EAST CIRCULATION PLAN AND STREET SECTIONS EXHIBIT 11 Specific Plan 03-067 46 EXHIBIT 12 Specific Plan 03-067 47 ANDALUSIA WEST CIRCULATION PLAN AND STREET SECTIONS EXHIBIT 13 Specific Plan 03-067 48 EXHIBIT 14 Specific Plan 03-067 49 Specific Plan 03-067 50 Specific Plan 03-067 51 Specific Plan 03-067 52 Specific Plan 03-067 53 2.5.1 Offsite Improvements • The offsite public streets surrounding the project are currently developed in accordance with La Quinta City Engineering and Public Works Department standards and will be constructed incrementally in accordance with the applicable General Plan designations. City-wide mass transit systems and stops are accessible along perimeter public thorough fares. Perimeter landscape improvements shall be implemented along the project frontage. • The offsite trails system is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan multipurpose and Bridal Trails plan to allow safe access to the trail head and staging area currently operational at the westerly terminus of Avenue 58 at Lake Cahuilla. 2.5.2 Onsite Improvements The following mitigation measures are recommended to reduce potential circulation impacts associated with the proposed project and shall be implemented in a phased manner in conjunction with adjacent planning area(s) requiring roadway improvements. Bus stops will be provid ed on Avenue 58 in the vicinity of the project service entry and along Avenue 60 in the vicinity of the Maintenance Building employee entry. • All internal divided roads will have a minimum pavement width of 10 feet (divided roads) per lane to accommodate minimum design criteria for fire equipment access. All other roads shall have a minimum pavement of 28 feet (internal streets and drives). • Each subdivision shall comply with the on -site and off-site street improvement recommendations and mitigation measures as required by the City Engineer. • All sections shall be approved by the City of La Quinta. • All access points shall conform to appropriate street classification per City standards for access spacing. • Commercial uses shall be per the General Plan. Neighborhood commercial uses must be located along secondary or greater highways, or near intersections with secondary highways. • The offsite trails system is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan multipurpose and Bridal Trails plan to allow safe acces s to the trail head and staging area currently operational at the westerly terminus of Avenue 58 at Lake Cahuilla. • Any landscaping within public road rights -of-way will require approval by the Community Development Department and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district or similar mechanism as approved by the City. Specific Plan 03-067 54 • No textured pavement accents will be allowed within City rights-of-way. Image Corridor Standards for the Specific Plan Area Development adjacent to the City of La Quinta General Planned Image Corridors located on Monroe Street, Avenue 60, Madison Street, and Avenue 58 shall be restricted to a height limitation of 22' from pad grade within a setback distance of 150' from the right -of-way. Rear and side yard setbacks for lots adjacent to the Image Corridors shall be expanded to a minimum of 25' per La Quinta Municipal Zoning Code Section 9.50.020. Specific Plan 03-067 55 2.6 MASTER PLAN SUPPORTING ELEMENTS Open Space, Recreation, and Infrastructure Plans and Concepts Within the Specific Plan 03-067, the Open Space, Recreation and Infrastructure Plan identifies and establishes the plan policy relative to the management of open space and recreation amenities within the plan area boundary as well as delineates infrastru cture supporting the plan area. The purpose of this plan is to establish development policies and a philosophy which identifies resources and facility sites in the plan area, which shall be managed to prevent waste, destruction, or abuse of natural or manm ade amenities or resources. PROJECT SETTING The 934-acre project area is within the City of La Quinta, a 51 square mile municipality located in the southwestern portion of the Coachella Valley. The City, which was incorporated in 1982, is bounded on the we st by the City of Indian Wells, on the east by the City of Indio and Riverside County, on the north by Riverside County, and Federal and County lands to the south. The second amendment to the Specific Plan project site is generally defined by Avenue 58 along the Northerly boundary, Monroe Street to the East, Avenue 60 to the South, and to the West vacant Iand and portions of the flood control dike. 2.6.1 Open Space and Recreation The Specific Plan utilizes open space and recreation as a fundamental concept for the development. Extensive recreational amenities have been incorporated into the design of the project to serve future residents. The primary recreational component of the development will be a 20-hole championship golf courses for Andalusia East and a wave- generating basin for Andalusia West. Individual developments within the Specific Plan area may have additional recreational amenities including tennis and swimming facilities to augment the recreation base of the community. The conceptual layout for the golf courses and private club facilities are illustrated on the master plan graphic. 2.6.2 Infrastructure and Utilities Plan The infrastructure system planned to serve the Specific Plan project described below will be designed to provide a coordinated system of infrastructure and public services to adequately serve the plan area at full buildout. Standards for infrastructure and public services relative to land use intensity envisioned for the plan area will be served by the following utilities: • Sewer: Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Water: Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Electricity: Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Specific Plan 03-067 56 • Gas: Sothern California Gas Company 2.6.3 Water and Sewer Plan The intent of the Specific Plan is to utilize existing water and sewer facilities where possible, and to provide additional or upgraded facilities as necessary. Water and sewer service for the Specific Plan area is provided by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). The CVWD provides domestic wate r from wells. Agricultural water used for irrigation is a surface water source. An underground irrigation distribution system providing water to the valley, traverses the western portion of the Specific Plan property from the northwest to the southwest. The Specific Plan will conform to the requirements of the CVWD's current and future programs and requirements pertaining to water management and conservation. Sewer Service The Specific Plan area would be served by a series of standard sewer lines and latera ls linking to existing 18" force mains located in Avenue 60 and Madison Street Pumping facilities would be located as necessary within the Specific Plan area to transport sewage to the existing trunk lines. The CVWD has indicated its ability to provide sew er service to the Specific Plan area. Domestic Water Service Domestic water would be distributed to individual residential units by standard water lines to be located within road rights -of-way. New water lines would need to be installed in conjunction with road improvements to serve the proposed Specific Plan development. The developer will be required to construct domestic water lines, transmission mains and reservoir sites to accommodate the water demands for this project. CVWD will require a well site for each 70 acres of developed land. The location of such well sites will be subject to CVWD approval. Irrigation Water The sources for irrigation water for the golf courses and other landscape features within the Specific Plan area will be provided by recla imed or canal water. These waters will be stored in lakes and ponds located throughout the golf courses. The exis ting underground irrigation distribution system traversing the Specific Plan area is not anticipated to be disturbed in conjunction with Specif ic Plan implementation. The golf courses have been routed over this irrigation line to ensure that no residential units would be constructed on top of the underground line. Grading of the golf course will be coordinated with CVWD in relation to the alignment of the existing or relocated lines. CVWD reserves the right to review and approve any activity occurring within any existing irrigation right -of-way within the Specific Plan area. Specific Plan 03-067 57 2.6.4 Electricity All overhead public utility transmission lines for cab le television, electricity and telephone are routed or currently scheduled for installation in the vicinity of the perimeter of the Specific Plan site. The developer will be required by IID to install to District standards. All permanent power and telecomm unications distribution lines internal to the project, will be required to install those facilities underground per the District guidelines where possible. 2.6.5 Natural Gas All natural gas transmission facilities are routed or c urrently scheduled for installation in the vicinity of the perimeter of the Specific Plan site. The developer will be required by Southern California Gas Company (the Gas Company) to install to the Gas Company standards. All permanent distribution lines internal to the project will be installed per the District guidelines. 2.6.6 Telephone Land-based telephone services are provided by General Telephone Company in the project area and will extend lines to the site as needed. Local cellular service is provided for that area. 2.6.7 Refuse Collection Refuse collection within the City limits is provided by an entity franchised by the City of La Quinta and occurs in accordance with a schedule established by the franchisee and the City. It is envisioned that unit areas of the plan will be ser ved by extension of the contract refuse collection services currently in place with the City. Prior to regularly scheduled pickup and removal, refuse will be contained in a maintained surface bin environment to ensure recycling of waste materials as appropriate and required. 2.6.8 School Service School service in the vicinity of the Specific Plan area is provided by the Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD). It is not anticipated that significant numbers of students will be generated by the Speci fic Plan due to the anticipated family characteristics of potential purchasers of residential units. The applicant will contribute school fees in accordance with the requirements of the CVUSD. 2.6.9 Law Enforcement In general, police protection for the Spe cific Plan area will be provided by the County of Riverside Sheriff’s Department Police protection provided by the Sheriff’s Department will be augmented by security facilities to be incorporated into the Specific Plan. In general, it is anticipated that the entire Specific Plan area will be a gate -guarded community with its own private security force. Primary and secondary entrances to these residential development areas will be protected by either a guard -gated entry or by card-gated entry. The presence of such security will reduce the dependence of the development on Specific Plan 03-067 58 complete protection by the Riverside County Sheriff ’s Department and other City of La Quinta security personnel. In addition, it is anticipated that many of th e residences within the Specific Plan area will have their own individual private security systems. This pattern has been typical of other similar developments by the developer. 2.6.10 Fire Protection Fire protection within the specific plan area will be provided by the Riverside County Fire Department. In conjunction with their PGA West development , the developer constructed a new fire station on the PGA West property at Madison. Street and Avenue 54 (the "PGA Station"). It is anticipated that fire protection service to the specific plan area will be provided from the PGA Station. Of the 987-acre plan area, 542 acres was originally entitled for 2,198 developable units. Since originally approved, development of both the PGA West development and the Coral Mountain specific plan areas have experienced a significant reduction in overall project densities. As a result, the PGA Station should be more than sufficient to service the requirements of this plan area. 2.6.11 Library Facilities· The City is served by a public library which is administered by the Riverside County Library System located within 6 miles of the project boundary. ' Specific Plan 03-067 59 2.7 GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES & STANDARDS This section provides design guidelines and standards that apply to the Coral Mountain Specific Plan area. The general guidelines presented herein are an extension of the approved Coral Mountain Specific Plan Amendment I Design Guidelines and in many cases paraphrase the prior approval document where applicable. Many of the guidelines and standards, thoug h applicable throughout the project, only apply in certain situations or in conjunction with certain uses and/or building types. Those guidelines that have no specific call -out or geographic reference point can be assumed to apply uniformly throughout the project site. It should be noted that these design guidelines and standards do not replace or reduce applicable subdivision requirements of the City of La Quinta and/or as mo dified by the adopted Coral Mountain Specific Plan Amendment I. The following major topic areas are incorporated in this section for each: The Overall Community Themes, Commercial and Ancillary Buildings and Sites, Club Facilities, Residential Buildings, and Grading Guidelines and Standards. Separate design guidelines and standards are provided for Andalusia East and Andalusia West to achieve each community’s development concept. 2.7(A)COMMUNITY THEME – ANDALUSIA EAST The Specific Plan will rely on the Rancho La Quinta project as a baseline for architectural and landscape architectural standards. These design guidelines will assist the developer of the Specific Plan project to execute a built environment that incorporates the following main concepts: • Develop a community that is visually attractive and captures the essence of the surroundings. • Incorporate a variety of open space and recreational uses (active and passive). • Design a planned community that complements existing development in the surrounding area and is compatible with the surrounding environment. • Establish densities that are consistent with development patterns of surrounding areas. • Recognize the unique nature of Coral Mountain as a community within a community that meets the living and recreational needs of future residents of the City of La Quinta. • Develop high quality golf courses to create a strong community identity and long-term value. The design guidelines contained in this subsection are intended to establish a consistent design approach among site planning, engineering, architecture, and landscape Specific Plan 03-067 60 architectural components while allowing flexibility in design over the build -out of the community. The design guidelines for Specific Plan are intended to: • Assist in implementing the design intent of the Specific Plan by establishing project design compatibility among different residential densities and land uses; • Provide a consistent approach to site planning and the design of buildings, streets, signage, walls and fences, lighting, landscaping, and other design elements that will endure for the life of the commu nity. The guidelines provided herein suggest themes compatible with Spanish Colonial “character" but are not intended to limit expressions of varying architectural styles. The design guidelines presented herein establish the framework to achieve harmony a nd compatibility between residential neighborhoods while still providing flexibility that allows for a variety of architectural expression and interpretation. Examples of the design theme are illustrated throughout this document . These examples are meant t o convey general design concepts and are not intended to limit the range of expression among individual builders and their professional design teams. The guidelines are provided for the benefit of merchant builders, their planners/ designers, and City of La Quinta staff and decision-making bodies in the review of future Specific Plan site development proposals. As such, the design guidelines identify elements for all residential and other land use proposals within the Specific Plan area. These guidelines may be incorporated into subsequent site development permits, conditional Specific Plan 03-067 61 use permits, and subdivision maps submitted to the City for approval unless it is demonstrated that certain guidelines are not applicable, appropriate, or feasible under site-specific circumstances. A range of muted color tones shall be used throughout the development within Specific Plan 03-067. 2.7.1 Andalusia East Community Image Materials in Commercial Architecture Roof materials shall include clay barrel tile, flat concrete tile, and concrete shakes. The color of roofs shall provide a range of deep earth tones. The color of roof materials shall be varied to reflect the existing surrounding architectural theme. All roofing material shall be fire retardant. • The predominant exterior building material shall be smooth finish stucco in keeping with the Specific Plan architectural vernacular. • Wood, tile and wrought iron shall be appropriately incorporated as accent materials and be consistent with the architectural style. Specific Plan 03-067 62 Commercial Area Site Planning Appropriate site planning guidelines as discussed below shall be used to ensure functional and aesthetic development within Specific Plan 03 -067's Neighborhood Commercial center. The guidelines are intended to be flexible and not all guidelines are applicable in all situations. Reasonable application of guidelines in order to achieve a high -quality consistency in design theme within the adjacent architectural context will be necessary. • Site planning parameters shall conform to the criteria set forth. • Flexibility in interpretation is to be implemented in site design to achieve individual expression. Building Massing and Scale in Commercial Architecture The character of the commercial development areas shall reflect a neighborhood scale so that building massing does not overwhelm t he street scene. The site shall be, wherever possible, low- rise in nature to create a pleasant pedestrian scale environment. • Building wall planes, particularly on the front elevation, shall be offset to create interest along the street, to provide a desir able pedestrian scale, and avoid visual monotony. • Single-story plate lines are encouraged on the front elevation. Second -story wall planes shall be offset to effectively break up the building mass and reduce the perceived building scale as viewed from the street. Specific Plan 03-067 63 • Single-story plate lines with second-story wall setbacks are encouraged on side and rear elevations. • Side elevations shall provide the same level of articulation and detail as the front elevations. • Articulated roofscapes shall be created through the use of a variety of roof forms. • Repetitious gable ends along front and rear elevations shall be minimized. 2.7.3 Andalusia East Golf and Country Club Facilities A Clubhouse complex at the center of the Specific Plan master plan will function as the social center and focal point of the community. This complex is comprised of: • A clubhouse providing dining, lounge and social activity facilities club, and sport facility pro shops, locker rooms, lounges and golf cart storage for its championship golf course s and supporting circulation facilities for operations of those facilities. • Circulation facilities for golf and clubhouse operations • A Swim and Tennis Club featuring a pro shop, locker rooms and a restaurant/lounge area is envisioned for Specific Plan 03 -067. The Swim and Tennis Club is sited within a garden setting overlooking the courts, pools, and spas. • A Spa of approximately 6,000 SF containing several treatment rooms, a steam room, a salon, and retail is envisioned for Specific Plan 03 -067. Specific Plan 03-067 64 Club Facility Site Planning Guidelines The site design and planning of the Specific Plan club facility areas such as the Golf and Tennis Club will incorporate elements that respond to the desert climate in the same manner as the residential components of the plan. Elements include generous patios, spacious courtyards, arcades, plazas, and paseos. Other planning guidelines for commercial, golf and country club facilities are listed below. • Main buildings shall be, wherever possible, sited in landmark locations and be easily accessible and convenient. • Service areas shall be, wherever possible, sited in low -visibility areas and effectively screened by utilizing building elements and/or landscaping. • Pedestrian access routes between adjacent uses shall be, wherever possible, incorporated into the site design. • Pedestrian spaces shall be, wherever possible, provided by creating plazas, courtyards, and promenades that link use areas. • Parking shall be, wherever possible, oriented to permit pedestrian flow to cl ub facilities. Specific Plan 03-067 65 • Pedestrian courts are encouraged, especially to accent open area access points or primary vehicular entries and drop-offs. • The use of landscape areas and green space to separate customer traffic from commercial and service traffic is encouraged. • Shared use of service areas, parking, access, etc., shall be integrated into the design wherever possible. • Roof equipment shall be architecturally screened where feasible. • Pedestrian access to adjacent uses shall be provided where feasible. • Club Facility Design Criteria Wall Planes, Windows, and Doors • The use of wood frame windows scaled to the interior space is encouraged Frames shall be, wherever possible, painted or appropriately colored to match the club facility. • The use of wood trim is encouraged on all elevations visible from private or quasi-public spaces. Trim shall be compatible with the building’s architecture and color. • The style of windows shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building. The use of many different window styles and/or shapes on one building plan shall be avoided. The size and proportion of panes shall be in scale to the overall wall plan. Specific Plan 03-067 66 • Accent windows that have a different or articulated shape or utilize multi -panes shall be used to create interest on building elevations as long as they are consistent with the style of the building. Entries • The club entry shall be a focal point of the building’s front elevation through the appropriate use of massing, building offsets, varied roof elements, columns, porticos, recesses or projections, accent windows, or other architectural features. Porches, Balconies, and Railings • Porches shall be incorporated to the greatest extent possible. • Porches and balconies function as an extension of interior spaces to p rovide visual interest, shadow, texture and shade. • Second story balconies are encouraged to provide visual interest. • Porches and balconies shall be designed as an integral component of the building's architecture and style, and shall not appear as a poorly conceived add-on element. • The design of porch and balcony railings shall complement the building's architecture and style. Specific Plan 03-067 67 Columns • Columns used as a structural or aesthetic design element shall convey a solid and durable image and shall be consistent with the architectural style of the club facility building. • Columns may be used as free-standing form, or as supports for roofs and balconies. Chimneys • Chimneys, particularly chimney caps, shall be simple in design so as not to distract from the building. • The design of chimneys shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building. Exposed metal flues are not permitted. Exterior Stairs • Exterior stairways shall be simple bold elements which complement the architectural massing and form of the building. Archways • The use of archways shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building and designed as a complementary component of the building or adjacent courtyard. • When used, archways shall define or enframe space, such es entries, porticos, patios, courtyards, and parking elements. Specific Plan 03-067 68 Walls and Fences • Walls and fences which are visible from streets, open space, or other private or quasi-public areas, shall be compatible in material, color, and design with adjacent and/or existing architectural elements. Building Details • All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view by walls or fences that are compatible with the building architecture, or by adequately sized plant material. • All utility meters are to be integrate d into the architecture and screened from view. • The materials, colors, and forms of garage structures shall be consistent with the architectural style of the chili facility neighborhood in which they are located. • Building designs that incorporate trellises and other shade structures are encouraged. • Accessory structures shall be designed to be consistent with the architecture of the adjacent club facility buildings. Andalusia East Club Facility Site Planning Criteria Club facility areas are to maintain a ped estrian friendly environment through the use of appropriately proportioned architectural and landscape elements. Street furnishings that add to the festive and pedestrian atmosphere surrounding the club shall be encouraged. • Group functions and uses are encouraged at plaza spaces and recreation amenities to promote a lively pedestrian environment. • Arcades provide a pedestrian scale to buildings and pleasant shade cover, particularly when used on south and west facades. • Special areas such as paseos, plazas, and courtyards shall be created to further enhance the pedestrian environment. Specific Plan 03-067 69 • Lighting fixtures shall be small in scale and consistent with the character and use of exterior areas. • Appropriately spaced benches and seating areas are to be provided fo r pedestrian comfort. • Flags or banners shall be made of durable cloth material and flown from vertical free- standing poles or incorporated into the design of street lighting and building architecture through the use of cantilevered poles. Club Facility Parking Parking (on-street and off-street) shall be designed to minimize the visual impact of parking areas. • Off-street surface parking shall be screened from view through the use of plant material or low walls that are consistent with the architectural styl e. • Landscape treatments shall be used at surface parking areas to provide shade and minimize the visibility of parking areas. • Parking areas shall provide clearly defined pedestrian circulation. • Trash enclosures, loading docks, rubbish bins, transformers, s atellite antennas, processing equipment, and any other unsightly apparatuses must be screened from view through the use of landscape or architectural elements that are compatible with the building architecture in material, color and design. Club Facility Massing and Scale Offset wall planes shall be used as an integral part of the building design to provide visual articulation. • Building offsets shall be used to indicate building entries and pedestrian nodes. • Offset or angled building comers shall be used to provide subtle articulation. The Clubhouse building massing shall consist of a mix of building heights along with the use of focal vertical elements. • Projections, overhangs and recesses shall be used to provide shadow, articulation, and scale to building elevations. Specific Plan 03-067 70 • Stepping back of building elevations is encouraged to provide second story terraces and visual articulation . • The club facility areas shall create a distinctive roofscape theme by utilizing a variety of roof forms. • Building design shall incorporate elements that respond to the desert climate of La Quinta through the use of courtyards, paseos, arcades and extended roof overhangs. Materials and Colors at the Club Facility A range of muted color tones shall be used throughout the club facil ity areas at Specific Plan 03-067. Specific Plan 03-067 71 • The extensive use of bright vibrant colors is discouraged except on limited accent and/or focal elements. • The color of roofs should provide a range of tones compatible with regional Spanish traditions. All roofing material shall be fire retardant. 2.7.4 Andalusia East Residential Site Planning Guidelines The climate in La Quinta is characterized by sunny and hot weather in the summer and relatively mild winters that feature excellent air clarity. The design of residences shall incorporate elements which respond to these conditions, such as patios, courtyards, arcades, plazas, and passageways. In addition, extended roof overhangs shall be used to provide shade. Other residential site considerations include the following: • The placement of structures should consider prevalent environmental conditions including sun orientation, prevailing winds and desired views. • Orientation of residential development edges should maximize view potential and access to natural ope n areas and recreation areas. Open space "fingers" should extend into residential areas where possible. • Varying house configurations on corner lots is encouraged to promote variety in the street scene and preserve sightlines of drivers at intersections. • A combination of side entering and front -entering garages and varied driveway locations are encouraged to breakup repetitive curb cuts and yard patterns. • Cul-de-sacs are encouraged to improve neighborhood safety and character. • Guest parking shall be, wherever possible, located to provide easy access to units. • Four-way intersections within individual neighborhoods are discouraged. • Neighborhoods bordering open areas shall be, wherever possible, sited to maximize views of the Specific Plan course amenities, whi le discouraging through access. • Recreation areas/greenbelt features shall be, wherever possible, visible upon entry to neighborhoods to enhance neighborhood value. Specific Plan 03-067 72 • Individual multi-family buildings shall be, wherever possible, separated sufficiently to provide a green space image and accommodate walks and other circulation elements. A. Residential Architectural Design Criteria Wall Planes, Windows, and Doors • The use of desert heat withstanding windows is encouraged. If aluminum or vinyl frame windows are used, the frames must be painted or appropriately colored to complement the building and/or trim material. • The use of multipane windows is encouraged for front elevations which are visible from other private or quasi-public spaces. Trim may be painted to complement the building architecture and color. • The style of windows shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building. The use of many different styles of windows on one building plane shall be avoided. The size and proportion of panes shall correspond to the overall proportioning of the elevation. Specific Plan 03-067 73 • Accent windows that have a different or articulated shape or utilize multi-panes shall be used as an accent element to create interest on building elevations. Windows are to be consistent with the regional Spanish style. Entries • The entry of residential dwelling units shall be articulated as a focal point of the building's front elevation through the appropriate use of roof elements, columns, porticos, recesses or projections, windows or other architectural features. • Sufficient stacking distances at project entries shall be, wherever possible, provided. Porches, Balconies, and Railings • Front porches shall be designed, where feasible, as an integral part of buildings to provide visual interest, as well as to promote social interaction among community residents by providing outdoor living spaces oriented to the front of the dwelling unit. • Incorporate porches and balconies to function as extensions of interior spaces, to provide shaded outdoor living spaces. Columns • Columns used as a structural or aesthetic design element shall convey a solid and durable image and shall be consistent with the architectural style of the building. • Columns may be used as a free-standing form, or as support for roofs and balconies. Specific Plan 03-067 74 Chimneys • Chimneys, particularly chimney caps, shall be simple in design, so as not to distract from the building. • The design of chimneys shall be compatible with the architectural style of the buil ding. Exposed metal flues are not permitted. Garage Doors • Garage doors shall be compatible with the architectural style of the residence and incorporate design details that minimize the impact of large flat surfaces towards the street. • It is encouraged that two single doors shall be utilized for some two -car garages, while three-car garages may incorporate a double door with a single door or three single doors. • Where three-car garages are proposed, at least one garage entrance shall be offset or detached from the remaining two entrances. Exterior Stairs • Exterior stairways shall be simple bold elements which complement the architectural massing and form of the resid ence. Archways • The use of archways must be compatible with the architectural s tyle of the building and shall be designed as a complimentary part of the building or adjacent courtyard. • When used, archways shall define outdoor spaces, such as entries, porticos, patios, and courtyards. Walls and Fences Specific Plan 03-067 75 • Walls and fences which are visible from streets, open space, or other private or quasi-public areas, shall be compatible in material, color, and design with adjacent architectural elements. Building Details • All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view by walls or fences compatible with the building architecture, or by plant material adequate in size to provide proper screening. • The materials, colors, and forms of carport structures shall be consistent with the architectural style of the neighborhoods in which they are located. • Accessory structures shall be consistent with the architectural style of the adjacent buildings. • All flashing, sheet metal, and vents shall be, wherever possible, painted or screened from view in a manner which is compatible with the building architecture. Common Space Elements • All residential areas shall have fully enclosed trash enclosures, which are compatible in material, color and design with the building architecture. Specific Plan 03-067 76 • Support facilities such as recreation buildings, permanent leasing offices, mail stations, etc., shall be designed in the same architectural style, and to the same level of detail and articulation, as the main buildings they support. B. Residential Site Planning Criteria Single-Family Detached The following concept shall be incorporated into the design of single-family detached neighborhoods: • The street layout within residential neighborhoods shall provide view corridors to the pedestrian pathways, open space, and landscape elements, thereby unifying pedestrian circulation and site landmarks, where feas ible. • The use of parkways or greenbelt gardens connecting the residential courts is encouraged in the design of neighborhood streetscapes. • Residential dwelling units shall be sited to maximize view opportunities of the mountains in the La Quinta region where feasible. • Where two-story units are located adjacent to one another, the side second story of at least one unit shall be stepped back, where feasible, to create a single-story plate line along the common side yard. • The location of dwelling units may include a random mix of front entry and side entry garages, along with a motor court concept, where feasible, to provide variety to the street scene. Single-Family Attached The general site planning concepts established for the single -family detached neighborhoods also apply to the single-family attached neighborhoods. In addition, the following concept shall be incorporated into the design of single -family attached neighborhoods: • Neighborhood entry roadways shall focus on an amenity or a community open space feature or landmark, where feasible. Specific Plan 03-067 77 • The street layout within residential neighborhoods shall provide view corridors to the open space and other special community features and landmarks, where feasible. In addition, the view corridors should also provide physical access to these community features, where feasible. • The design of streets shall be pedestrian oriented. The use of parkways is encouraged in the design of neighborhood streetscapes, where feasible. Specific Plan 03-067 78 2.7(B) COMMUNITY THEME – ANDALUSIA WEST The Specific Plan will emphasize the creation of low -density, walkable neighborhoods that emphasize the resort and the Wave as the central amenity within the community. These guidelines will assist the developer of the Specific Plan project to execute a built environment that incorporates the following main concepts: • Develop a resort that centralizes the recreational amenities, retail shops and dining venues. • Establish low-density neighborhoods that are linked through open space “walk streets” that connect neighborhoods throughout the Community to the resort. • Establish a density hierarchy that situates the highest density development within the resort and gradually reduces density as you move away from the resort into the surrounding residential neighborhoods. • Develop buildings which are responsive to their desert environment and utilize passive heating / cooling techniques through proper site planning and design. • Incorporate a variety of open space and recreational uses (active and passive). • Design a planned community that complements existing development in the surrounding area and is compatible with the surrounding environment. • Develop a high-quality wave basin (The Wave) that provides unique recreational opportunities for future residents of the community and creates a landmark facility that will enhance the City’s reputation as the “Gem of the Desert”. • Develop a community that is visually attractive and captures the essence of the Coral Mountain landscape. Specific Plan 03-067 79 2.7.5 Andalusia West Community Image Materials in Commercial Architecture Roof materials for Andalusia West shall be selected for high-performance characteristics intended to reduce heat gain includi ng metal roofing products in a variety of profiles like corrugated or standing seam as well as a variety of membrane roofs like TPO or PVC. The colors of the roof materials shall provide a range of lighter tones to reduce heat gain such as white, sand, an d gray. All roofing shall be fire retardant. Roof mounted photo -voltaic solar panels and roof mounted evaporative cooling mechanical equipment with proper screening will be used throughout the West Tract. • In order to visually support the resort concept, there will not be a predominant exterior building material for the West Tract. An eclectic variety of high - performance materials ranging from cast or rammed earth to board -formed concrete and Portland cement stucco or weathered wood will be used. Varied building materials create eclectic look • Wood, tile, concrete block, and oxidized steel shall be appropriately incorporated as accent materials and be consistent with the architectural style of the resort. Pedestrian-level roof detail Specific Plan 03-067 80 Commercial Area Site Planning Appropriate site planning guidelines as discussed below shall be used to ensure functional and aesthetic development within the resort. The guidelines are intended to be flexible and not all guidelines are applicable in all si tuations. Reasonable application of guidelines in order to achieve a high-quality consistency in design theme within the adjacent architectural context will be necessary. • Commercial development will focus on establishing neighborhood scale retail buildings and a walkable, pedestrian friendly environment. • Establish a “Main Street” feel with an emphasis toward on -street parking. • Encouraging boutique retailers which complement the quality of the resort community. • Maintain flexibility to encourage crea tive and innovative retail concepts. Resort club overlooks the Wave amenity Building Massing and Scale in Commercial Architecture The character of the commercial development area shall be reflective of a resort with the primary focus being the Wave. The majority of the commercial buildings will be one -story with small footprints and pedestrian level interest or details. The two -story lodge shall be the dominant building mass and neighborhood landmark. • Avoiding visual monotony, buildings with small footpr ints create a porous or open edge condition to the Wave and allow pedestrians to wander casually between structures. • Porches, trellises, and brise -solei break up the building mass at the pedestrian level while providing shelter or relief from the intense d esert sun as viewed from the street. • Porches, trellis, and brise-solei provide visual setbacks for the two -story lodge on front, side, and rear elevations. Specific Plan 03-067 81 Shaded outdoor spaces • Side elevations provide an appropriate level of articulation for secondary facades from the neighborhood perspective and pedestrian experience. • A variety of roof forms from flat to ramped and gabled, create visual interest reinforcing the eclectic nature of the resort. • Repetition and variation are common themes in design and will be evaluated for visual interest with the roof scape throughout the resort. Club Facility Site Planning The resort has been planned to function as the social center of the Community and contains a variety of amenities including: The Wave, retail shops, boutique hotel and dining venues. The resort has been designed to minimize the use of cars and encourage walking by linking the neighborhoods through “Walk Streets”, creating a pedestrian friendly environment. The following principles shall be used in the design and development of the resort: • “Walk Streets” will terminate on The Wave providing a visual connection from the neighborhoods to the resort. • Streets will maintain a narrow road profile with on -street parking to help slow traffic and encourage walking or electric cart circulation. • Club amenities will be spread throughout the resort to create multiple group function areas and a lively pedestrian environment. • Shade and pedestrian comfort will be provided through the use of arcades, shade devices, landscaping and proper solar orientation when siting buildings. • Special areas such as paseos, plazas, and courtyards shall be created to further enhance the pedestrian environment. Specific Plan 03-067 82 2.7.6 Andalusia West Club Facilities A commercial complex at the center of Andalusia West will function as the social center and focal point of the community. The rest of the complex is comprised of: • The “Board Room” is where surfers check-in, gear-up, change, meet their instructors, and prepare to get in the water, including a space to explore and identify the best boards for their surf style and skill. Check -in facilities also support a retail surf shop which is open to the public. Board room located on boardwalk Iconic architectural forms • The “Shaping Studio” is where surfboards are custom made by instructors (like artists in residence) offering hands-on educational seminars, DIY production, and live demonstrations. • The “High-Performance Center” is a facility for experienced surfers with programming to reach the next-level through multi-day in-water coaching sessions, equipment testing, advanced video analysis; and, dry -land strength, endurance, mobility, and sport specific training. • A “Fitness Center” of approximately 4,000 sf contains yoga, cardio, and spin studios. Locker Room facilities are shared with the Board Room. Specific Plan 03-067 83 • A “Spa” of approximately 3,000 sf contains several treatment rooms, pre/post treatment lounge, and small retail area overlooking an internal courtyard. Locker Room facilities are shared with the Board Room. • The “Wave Club” features changing rooms, board storage, family pool, and a casual dining / lounge area. These facilities are located on the periphery of the resort fronting the west end bay on the Wave. • The “Long House” provides a hospitality component to the resort. Amenities include a restaurant and bar, meeting space, swimming pool, and lodging. Lodging unit options range from Wave front hotel rooms to detached casitas. Indoor-outdoor living spaces 2.7.7 Wave Club Design Criteria Wall Planes, Windows, and Doors • Large expanses of high-performance aluminum, wood, wood-clad, or steel windows and operable door systems scaled to the interior space a s well as adjacent covered exterior space are encouraged to support a seamless indoor - outdoor experience. Frames shall be painted or appropriately colored to complement the club facility. High-performance window and door systems promote indoor -outdoor living Specific Plan 03-067 84 • Rather than trimming, windows shall be set into walls to reveal the depth of the wall assembly. When expressed as a wall of glass, window or door systems shall be detailed to highlight the structural elements. • The style of windows shall be compatible with the architectural style of the building. The eclectic use of different window styles or shapes on one building plane may be considered appropriate provided the resulting composition is complementary to the resort. • Clerestory windows encouraging a natural stack effect for ventilation and visually allowing the roof to float above the wall plane shall be used as long as they are consistent with the building design. Entries • Entry into individual club facilities shall be signified by massing, wall offsets, roof elements, columns, porches, recesses or projections, accent windows or other architectural features. Emphasis on building entries Porches, Loggias, Balconies, and Railings • Porches and loggias shall be incorporated into building design to the greatest extent possible with a focus on ground level detail and sun control. • Porches, loggias, and balconies facilitate seamless indoor -outdoor experiences and provide visual interest, shadow, texture, and shade. • Second story balconies and covered outdoor rooms shall be designed as an integral component of the building’s architectu re and may be expressed as recessed or additive. • Steel, cable, glass, wood, parapet, or perforated metals may be used for railings. Specific Plan 03-067 85 Resort club terrace offers views of the Wave Columns • Columns shall be used as structural elements consistent with the arc hitectural expression of an individual building. • Columns may be used as supports for porches, loggias, balconies, and roofs and expressed in structural steel, wood timbers, or as a simple mass. Simple columns delineate outdoor spaces Chimneys • Chimneys are often important design elements and signature features on buildings. Chimney caps shall be simple in design and provide visual screening for vent or flue terminuses. • The design of chimneys shall be compatible with the building’s architecture. Exposed metal flues with an applied decorative metal shroud are permitted. Specific Plan 03-067 86 Exterior Stairs Connected upper and lower outdoor spaces • Exterior stairways shall be simple structural expressions which complement the architectural massing and form of the building. Gateways • The use of gateways shall be compatible with the building’s architecture. • When used, gateways shall define thresholds into exterior spaces at entries, porches, patios, and courtyards. Architecturally-integrated gateways Specific Plan 03-067 87 Walls and Fences • When visible from streets, open space, other quasi -public or private spaces, site walls and fences shall be compatible with adjacent and / or existing architectural elements. Integrated pony walls extend architecture Building Details • All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view by walls, fences, or landscaping. • All utility meters are to be integrated into the architecture and screened from view. • The materials, colors, and forms of garage struc tures shall be consistent with the architectural style of the neighborhood in which they are located. • Building designs that incorporate trellises and other shade structures are encouraged. • Accessory structures shall be complementary to the architecture of adjacent buildings. Club Facility Parking Parking (on-street and off-street) shall be designed to minimize the visual impact of parking areas. • Off-street surface parking shall be screened from view through the use of plant material or low walls that are consistent with the architectural style. • Landscape treatments shall be used at surface parking areas to provide shade and minimize the visibility of parking areas. Specific Plan 03-067 88 • Parking areas shall provide clearly defined pedestrian circulation. • In addition to vehicular parking spaces, there will be golf cart and bicycle parking areas located adjacent to Walk Streets to encourage the use of alternate transportation within the resort. • Trash enclosures, loading docks, rubbish bins, transformers, satellite antennas, processing equipment, and any other unsightly apparatuses must be screened from view through the use of landscape or architectural elements that are compatible with the building architecture in material, color and design. Wave Club Massing and Scale Buildings with small footprints shall be used as an integral part of the site planning design to provide open view corridors to the Wave in a casual campus setting. • Building faces shall be offset from each other to highlight the spaces in between and clarify pedestrian nodes. • Offset building corners provide subtle articulation. The Wave Club massing strategy shall consist of an eclectic mix of one - and two-story building heights and roof forms. • Architectural projections, overhangs, and recesses shall be used to provide shadow, articulation, and scale to building elevations. Variety of roof and building forms • Roof decks and terraces are encouraged to provide visual interest as well as activity above the street level. This may be accomplished with step-backs in the second level massing. • A eclectic mix of roof forms from flat, parapet, ramped, shed, and gable create visual interest to the roofscape in the resort. • High-performance buildings shall incorporate time -tested vernacular solutions, passive solar organization, and active technologies to respond to the desert climate of the Coachella Valley. Materials and Colors at the Wave Club Facilities Specific Plan 03-067 89 Architecture shall defer to the desert landscape with natural textures, tones, and materials native to the Coachella Valley. • Bright vibrant colors, echoing native desert wildflowers and artistic interpretations of the desert landscape, are encouraged as building accents or focal points within the resort. • Roof colors ranging from gray, beige, white, sand, tau pe, and natural metals provide a range of color options compatible with the desert landscape. All roofing materials shall be fire retardant. Andalusia West Residential Site Planning Guidelines Planning for the residential areas within the Specific Plan ce nters on the resort as the activity hub for the community with open space and walking trail connections providing easy access to this central core. Density has been placed within a 1200’ walking radius of the resort to concentrate density within the walka ble core. Residents are encouraged to walk or use alternate forms of transportation to access the resort to help promote a pedestrian friendly community and reduce traffic. The climate in La Quinta is characterized by sunny and hot weather in the summer a nd relatively mild winters that feature excellent air clarity. The design of residences shall incorporate elements that respond to these conditions, such as patios, courtyards, arcades, plazas and Walk Streets which encourage residents to take advantage o f outdoor living. Other residential site planning considerations include the following: • The placement of structures should consider prevalent environmental conditions including sun orientation, prevailing winds and desired views. • Orientation of residentia l development edges should maximize view potential and access to natural open areas and recreation areas. Open space "fingers" should extend into residential areas where possible. • Varying house configurations on corner lots are encouraged to promote varie ty in the street scene and preserve sightlines of drivers at intersections. Specific Plan 03-067 90 • A combination of side entering and front -entering garages and varied driveway locations are encouraged to breakup repetitive curb cuts and yard patterns. • Guest parking shall be, wherever feasible, located to provide easy access to units. • Neighborhoods bordering open areas shall be, wherever feasible, are sited to maximize views of the Specific Plan amenities, while discouraging through access. • Recreation areas/greenbelt features sha ll be, wherever feasible, visible upon entry to neighborhoods to enhance neighborhood value. • Individual multi-family buildings shall be, wherever feasible, separated sufficiently to provide a green space image and accommodate walks and other circulation elements. Casual, relaxed Main Street vibe 2.7.8 Andalusia West Residential Architectural Design Guidelines Wall Planes, Windows, and Doors • To withstand the desert heat, high-performance residential windows with responsive passive solar shading strategies are encouraged. Window colors shall complement the building. Specific Plan 03-067 91 Clerestory windows for cross-ventilation • Large panes or walls of operable glass allow spaces to flow seamlessly indoor - outdoor and can be anticipated for widespread use on residenti al. Window and door details that reveal the depth of the wall assembly are preferred over applied trim. If used, trim will complement the building. • The style of windows shall be compatible with the architectural style of the residence. The eclectic use of different window styles or shapes on one building plane may be considered appropriate provided the resulting composition remains coherent. • Clerestory windows encouraging a natural stack effect for ventilation and visually allowing the roof to float abov e the wall plane shall be used as long as they are consistent with the style of the residence. Entries • The entry of a residence shall be an important design consideration for the West Tract. Often with two entries, walk-street (primary / pedestrian) and alley (secondary / vehicular), entries shall be signified by porches, trellises, columns, recesses, projections, sidelights, or other architectural features including vibrant color. Entries orientated to Walk Streets Specific Plan 03-067 92 • Residential unit entries shall be scaled appropriately and understated . Grand, two-story, entry gestures are discouraged. Porches, Loggias, Balconies, and Railings • Front porches are required for all residences to encourage neighborly interaction along the Walk Streets and sig nify entry to the unit. • Porches and loggias shall be incorporated into residential design to the greatest extent possible with a focus on pedestrian level detail and sun control. • Porches, loggias, and balconies facilitate seamless indoor -outdoor experiences and provide visual interest, shadow, texture, and shade. Front porches relate residences to Walk Street • Second story balconies shall be designed as an integral component of the residence and may be expressed as recessed or additive. • Steel, cable, glass, wood, parapet, or perforated metals may be used for railings. Columns • Columns shall be used as structural elements consistent with the architectural expression of an individual residence. • Columns may be used as supports for porches, loggias, balconie s, and roofs and expressed in structural steel, wood timbers, or as a simple mass. Chimneys • Chimneys are often important design elements and signature features on residences. Chimney caps shall be simple in design and provide visual screening for vent or flue terminuses. Specific Plan 03-067 93 • The design of chimneys shall be compatible with residential architecture. Exposed metal flues with an applied decorative metal shroud are permitted. Garage Doors • Garage doors shall be compatible with the architectural style of the resi dence and incorporate design details like porches, trellises, or deep recesses that minimize the impact of large flat surfaces that front the street. • It is encouraged that two single doors (or a single door designed to look like two doors) be utilized for two-car garages while three-car garages may incorporate a double door and single door or three single doors. • Where three car garages are proposed, at least one garage entrance shall be offset or detached from the remaining two entrances. Exterior Stairs • Exterior Stairs shall be simple elements which complement the massing and form of the residence. Exterior stairs leading to roof terrace Archways The use of archways must be compatible with the architectural style of the building and shall be designed as a complimentary part of the building or adjacent courtyard. Walls and Fences When walls and fences are visible from the street, open space, or other private / quasi - public areas, shall be compatible in material, color, and design of adjacent ar chitectural features. Building Details • Exterior residential mechanical equipment shall be screened from view by walls, fences, or landscaping. • Guest houses, casitas, detached garages, carports and gear / storage sheds will be integrated into the design of individual residences and neighborhoods. Specific Plan 03-067 94 • Raised planters for floral, vegetable, or herb gardens shall complement materials used in the residence. • Flashing and sheet-metal shall be prefinished. • Vents, roof appurtenances, gutters, and downspouts shall be i ntegrated into the residential design or screened from view. Common Space Elements • Trash enclosures will be compatible with and integrated into the neighborhood. • Resident serving accessory buildings or structures for sports / recreation, storage, administration, mail / delivery, shall be compatible with the neighborhood. Pedestrian Walk Streets lead to the Wave Specific Plan 03-067 95 2.7.9 Andalusia West Landscape Guidelines The following graphic provides thematic guidance for key common landscape areas within the project and is shown for illustrative purposes only. Generally, the conceptual landscape plan will incorporate landscape elements that establish a “sense of place” and create visual unity and co mpatibility throughout the project. Key landscape elements would include entryways, streetscapes, and common areas. Section 2.10 PLANT MATERIAL PALETTE, provides a list of compatible trees, shrubs, and groundcovers to be incorporated as part of the concept ual landscape design. Final landscape design will be subject to implementing tentative tract maps or site development permit review. • Entry ways are intended to create a “sense of place” within Andalusia West . • Landscape treatment along spine road is designed to establish physical and visual connectivity between uses and the communities of Andalusia West. • Common area landscaping is encouraged to complement the resort nature of Andalusia West, creating a unique sense of place and connectivity withi n the community. Specific Plan 03-067 96 2.8 GRADING DESIGN STAND ARDS AND GUIDELINES The following Guidelines are provided to give general direction to grading design to the entire specific plan area, both Andalusia East and West . The primary focus of these Guidelines is to minimize the visual impact of grading by shaping the landform to reflect a more natural topography. The existing relatively flat character of the Specific Plan site will require a carefully throughout grading design to significantly alter the natural landfor m to create drama and visual excitement. These Guidelines are intended to outline approaches to landform alterations which accomplish this drama and yet sensitively blend graded areas with the adjacent topographic conditions. Since the majority of Coral Mountain property is generally without significant contour or grade, it is anticipated that landform alteration associated with the development will be substantial in order to achieve the development goal of the creation of unique and dramatic landform within the golf course, residential, and open space area of the plan. Grading Concepts and Standards Landform alteration proposed as a part of construction within the project site boundary is subject to review and approval by the developer as part of th e plan review procedures. Such review shall include, but not be limited to, the following criteria: • Manufactured slopes should be varied in cross -section and along the slope length that utilize varied gradients. • Manufactured landforms at development edges shall be recontoured to a transition to their existing grade. • The toe and crest of any manufactured slope in excess of ten feet (10') in height shall be rounded with vertical curves to create natural, non -abrupt grade changes. • All graded slopes shall be re vegetated and irrigated in accordance with the landscape architectural and resource management standards outlined in these Guidelines, and as approved by the developer. • Where residential access across drainage courses occurs it shall be accomplished by a bridge or aesthetically enhanced culvert. Where these improvements occur, natural materials may be used for slope bank protection. • Berms, channels, swales, etc., shall be graded in such a way as to be an integral part of the graded and/or paved surface, and shall be designed with smooth vertical transitions between changes in slope. • Grading and Drainage Plans must be prepared under the direction of a licensed Civil Engineer. Specific Plan 03-067 97 2.9 PLANT MATERIAL PALETTE The theme of the landscape architecture at the Specific Plan project is to create a lush desert character of visual variety and textural interest while complying with water conserving techniques based on plant selection and technical irrigation system design. Consistent with this goal, use of drought t olerant plant material is a primary consideration in the development of the plant palette to further aid in the conservation of water while promoting this lush desert theme in the prevailing landscape image. To provide guidance to the builders and designer s of future projects within the Specific Plan 03- 067 project, the plant material palette suggested gives guidance to builders and developers within the project. Species in addition to those listed are to be considered in order to provide diversity; however, the plant material in the list provided are relatively successful in the unique soil and climactic conditions of project site. PLANT PALETTE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Trees Acacia salicina Acacia saligna Acacia smalli Acacia stenophylla Brachychiton populneus Cercidium floridum Cercidium hybrid Cercidium praecox Chamerops humilis Chilopsis linearis Citrus Species Cupressus sempervirens Fraxinus Uhdei 'Majestic Beauty' Geijera parviflora Lagerstroemia indica Lysiloma microphylla var. thomberri Olea europaea Olneya Tesota Parkinsonia aculeata Phoenix dactylifera Pinus eldarica Pinus halepensis Prosopis chilensis Rhus lancea Schinus terebinthifolius Thevetia peruviana Ulmus parvifolia Washingtonia filifera Washingtonia robusta Weeping Wattle Blue Leaf Wattle Desert Sweet Acacia Shoestring Acacia Bottle Tree Blue Palo Verde Desert Museum Sonoran Palo Verde Med. Fan Palm Desert Willow Citrus Italian Cypress Evergreen Ash Australian Willow Crape Myrtle Feather Bush Olive Desert Ironwood Mexican Palo Verde Date Palm Afghan Pine Aleppo Pine Chilean Mesquite African Sumac Brazilian Pepper Tree Yellow Oleander Elm California Fan Palm Mexican Fan Palm Specific Plan 03-067 98 SHRUBS Acacia farnesiana Bucida buceris Prosopis species Caesalpinia pulcherrima Carissa grandiflora Cassia nemophilla Dietes vegeta Dodonaea viscosa Hemerocallis hybrid Heteromeles arbutifolia Hibiscus species Justicia califomica Leucophyllum Species Myrtus communis 'Compacta' Nandina domestica Photinia fraseri Phormium tenax Pittosporum tobira Prunus caroliniana Rhaphiolepis indica Rosmarinus officinalis Ruellia brittonia 'Katie' Ruellia californica Sophora secundiflora Tecoma stans 'Angustata' Tecomaria capensis Xlyosma congestum Sweet Acacia Black Olive Mesquite Red Bird of Paradise Natal Plum Desert Cassia Fortnight Lily Green Hopseed Bush Daylily Toyon Hibiscus Chuparosa Texas Ranger Compact Myrtle Heavenly Bamboo Photinia New Zealand Flax 'Wheeler's Dwarf' Carolina Laurel Cherry India Hawthorn Rosemary Compact Ruellia Ruellia Texas Mountain Laurel Yellow Bells Cape Honeysuckle N.C.N. GROUND- COVER Acacia redolens Baccharis x Bougainvillea Dalea greggii Lantana camara Lantana montevidensis Myoporum parvifolium Oenothera berlandieri Primrose Pyracantha fortuneana Rosmarinus officinalis Turf Verbena species Desert Carpet 'Centennial' various Trailing Indigo Bush 'New Gold' Purple Trailing Lantana Prostrate Myoporum Mexican Evening Firethorn 'Prostratus' Verbena VINES Antigonon leptopus Bougainvillea species Clytostoma callistegioides Ficus pumila Macfadyena unguis-cati – “Cat's Claw” Rosa banksiae - Lady Bank's Rose Coral Vine 'Barbara Karst' Violet Trumpet Vine Creeping Fig Specific Plan 03-067 99 ACCENTS Annual Color Agave deserti Agave desmettiana Aloe barbadensis Dasylirion wheeleri Hesperaloe parviflora Muhlenbergia emersylleyi 'Regal Mist' Muhlenbergia rigens Nolina microcarpa Phormium tenax Desert Agave Agave Aloe Vera Desert Spoon Red Yucca Bull Grass Deer Grass Bear Grass New Zealand Flax Specific Plan 03-067 100 3 Zoning and Development Regulations 3.1 SPECIFIC PLAN OVERLAY DISTRICTS Purpose To provide flexible regulations via the specific plan process which allows the use of creative land planning and design techniques to create master -planned developments incorporating coordinated building design, integrated greenbelts, private recreation facilities, emphasizing a separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and an overall increase in recreational amenity. The regulations presented herein are pursuant to Artic le 8B Authority and Scope of Specific Plans of the State Planning and Zoning Law of the Government Code, Section 65000 et seq and are in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and amend Chapter 9 of the City of La Quinta Zoning Cod e (9.60.290). The specific plan overlay district allows variations in tourist commercial land uses as provided by Section 9.40.030 (per General Plan Policy 2 -1.1.9). Specific plan densities, development standards and other features will be made consistent with the General Plan by adoption of this Specific Plan. Permitted Uses The Specific Plan delineates the permitted uses within the plan area boundaries defined within Planning Area I through Planning Area X. Uses are tailored to individual site locations within the Specific Plan boundary, the existing street systems, topography, and other characteristics. Zoning Designation The Specific Plan 03-067 specifies overlay zoning adopted in conjunction with approval of the Specific Plan document. Upon approval, th e Specific Plan becomes an integral part of the zoning for the property within the plan boundary and, for the plan area, becomes the Official Zoning for the City of La Quinta. Property zoning shall consist of the base district symbol followed by the specific plan symbol in parentheses; for example, Low Density Residential - LDR would be noted as LDR(RSP). Specific Plan 03-067 101 Zoning and Development Regulation and Standards by Planning Area Development Regulations and Standards are presented for Planning Area s I through Planning Area X as delineated in the Planning Area Exhibit and are presented as follows: ANDALUSIA EAST ANDALUSIA WEST Planning Area I - VI Planning Area VII - X Specific Plan 03-067 102 ANDALUSIA EAST 3.1.1 Planning Area I – Andalusia East GOLF COURSE-GC - (RSP) Description of Uses in Planning Area I The following section establishes the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as GC within Planning Area I as depicted on the Land Use Plan. Golf Supporting Use and Facilities address all land within Planning Area I. Within the overall plan boundary, Planning Area I proposed 11 acres development uses and standards for the Specific Plan Golf and Recreation Club, resident and guest serv ing recreation amenities and supporting uses. A Golf Course Residential Specific Plan GC-(RSP) overlay for this project area is proposed to address land use within Planning Area I with development regulation and criteria presented herein. Planning Area I of the Specific Plan establishes standards for the location and development of recreation amenities consistent with the resort -oriented nature of the project and projected trends in golf supporting facilities to serve the 20-hole course of Specific Plan 03-067. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized resident and guest serving uses oriented to Golf and Tennis Club, resident and guest serving recreation center and supporting uses, located in areas designated within Planning Area I in the Specific Plan. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated GC on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as GC-(RSP) includes all currently existing allowable uses delineated in the Golf Course district delin eated in the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified within this Specific Plan. Temporary & Interim Uses. Temporary or recurring outdoor event staging facilities and related uses serving the use and on -site construction and site guard offices including relocatable buildings. Temporary golf house, sales and marketing buildings and offices are allowed. Accessory Uses. Resort recreation and stage areas, and maintenance facilities and sites. Signs, fences and walls, subject to the design criteria set forth in this Specific Plan document. Satellite dish and other antennas, subject to this Specific Plan. Other Allowable Uses. Water wells and pumping stations, water tanks and reservoirs, public flood control facilities and devices as necessary to facilitate the CVWD or developer in water management and conservation. Allowable Site Coverage. As specified herein. Specific Plan 03-067 103 Development Standards. The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as GC - (RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan. Standards are established for all buildings, structures and uses within Planning Area I. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Front Yard Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Garage/Carport Setback Min. Total Side Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Allowable Wall Height Max. Parking Required 35 ft.*t 2 8 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft.** 5 ft. 10 ft.*** 1 space/250 sf**** t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. * Not including chimney projections, bell towers, spires, etc. **AC Units. trellis elements. pools, and spas are allowed to encroach into side and rear setback areas. *** 2' of the 10' ht. may be retaining with 8' freestanding. **** The area (sf) of the cart garage will not be included in the parking requirement calculation. The following uses are permitted in Planning Area I. 1. Recreation Uses Outdoor lawn and recreation uses Golf and Tennis clubs or complexes. Health and fitness clubs & Spas. Golf course & turf/landscape areas. Live entertainment as an accessory use to a "one -time" event. 2. Semi-Public Uses Museum uses. Parks, play fields, botanical garden uses, and passive and active open space area. Bicycle, cart, and pedestrian trails and storage facilities. Swimming pools and spas. 3. Lodging Uses Not allowed 4. Accessory Uses Private parking lots, carports and open-air parking stalls as an accessory use to Residential or Open Space uses. Signs in accordance with this Specific Plan. Antennas and satellite dishes in accordance with this Specific Plan. Specific Plan 03-067 104 5. Temporary & Interim Uses ** Interim event parking lots for events anticipated to extend over three or more days of use. Temporary outdoor event staging facilities. **Temporary outdoor event staging facilities anticipated to extend over three or more days of use. **Construction and site guard offices in relocatable buildings. * A single asterisk indicat es an allowable use requiring approval of a Conditional Use Permit from the La Quinta Planning Commission. ** A double asterisk indicates an allowable use on a temporary basis requiring approval from the La Quinta Design and Development Director. OPEN SPAC E LAND USE Open Space land in Planning Area I is defined by the areas adjacent to the recreation club amenities. Criteria related to development of the open space surrounding recreation club facilities is presented and allowable in all areas of Planning Area identified. The following development standards apply to the construction of club/recreation facility buildings for supporting structures within the golf course zone on property designated as GC - (RSP) on the Land Use Plan. ANCILLARY BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Structure Setback Min. Building to Building Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks to adjacent lot Max. Allowable Screen Wall Height 28 ft.*t 1 2 ft. 2 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. * Not including flagpoles, chimney projections, bell towers, spires, or building projections that are nonessential to the functional space of the commercial building (i.e. bell towers, etc.). Specific Plan 03-067 105 3.1.2 Planning Area II – Andalusia East Low Density Residential - LDR - (RSP) Description of Uses in Planning Area II· Planning Area II encompasses development uses and standards for the Specific Plan Villas and Casitas as well as ancillary supporting recreational uses and areas. This Planning Area is located centrally within the eastern half of the project site and encompassed 20 acres of land. Planning Area II of the Land Use Plan proposed, within its boundaries, one underlying zone, Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP). A Residential Specific Plan (RSP) overlay for Planning Area II is proposed to address residential supporting uses land use within Planning Area II with development regulation and criteria presented herein. The development criteria for open space, passive, and active recreation areas and other uses is also delineated for Planning Area II herein. RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN (RSP) USES AND STANDARDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Low Density Residential Specific Plan LDR - (RSP) on the Land Use Plan, within Planning Area II. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized residential uses oriented to Golf club and resort lifestyle activity, located in areas designated within Planning Ar ea II in the Specific Plan. Representative land uses include Residential ownership, short term and long-term rentals, and leasing uses as well as supporting open space and recreational use. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated LDR - (RSP) on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as LDR - (RSP) includes all currently existing residential serv-ing uses and allowable uses delineated in the Low-Density Residential district description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein. Temporary & Interim Uses. Temporary or recurring outdoor event staging facilities and related uses serving the Residential use and on -site construction and site guard offices including relocatable b uildings. Temporary sales and marketing buildings and offices may be allowed. Accessory Uses. Recreation and staging areas for recreation events, maintenance facilities and sites. Signs, fences and walls, subject to the design criteria set forth in this Sp ecific Plan document. Satellite dish and other antennas, subject to this Specific Plan. Specific Plan 03-067 106 Other Allowable Uses. Water wells and pumping stations, water tanks and reservoirs, public flood control facilities and devices as necessary to facilitate the CVWD or developer in water management and conservation. Development Standards. The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan. Standards are established for Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP) buildings, structures and uses within Planning Area IL Residential Detached and Attached Development Standards These standards apply to all land within Planning Area II as described within the text and graphics of this Specific Plan. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. Max. No. of Stories Min. Livable Floor Area Per Unit Min. Front Yard Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Garage/Carport Setback Min. Total Side Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Allowable Wall Height Max. Parking Required 28 ft.*t 2 1500 sq.ft 8 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft.** 5 ft. 10 ft.*** 1 space/250 sf**** t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. * Not including chimney projections, bell towers, spires, etc. **AC Units. trellis elements. pools, and spas are allowed to encroach into side and rear setback areas. *** 2' of the 8' ht. may be retaining with 6' freestanding. The following uses are permitted in Planning Area II. 1. Recreation Uses Outdoor lawn and recreation uses Pool/spa and water recreation uses Live entertainment as an accessory use to a "one -time" event. 2. Semi-Public Uses Parks, play fields, botanical garden uses, and passive and active open space area. Bicycle, cart, and pedestrian trails and storage facilities. Swimming pools and spas. 3. Lodging Uses Specific Plan 03-067 107 Residential use as delineated within this 3.1.2 herein. 4. Accessory Uses Private parking lots, carports and open-air parking stalls as an accessory use to Residential or Open Space uses. Signs in accordance with this Specific Plan. Antennas and satellite dishes in accordance with this Specific Plan. 5. Temporary & Interim Uses Sales offices, construction and site guard offices in relocatable or modular buildings.** Interim event parking Jots for events anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** Temporary outdoor event staging facilities. Temporary outdoor event staging facilities anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** * A single asterisk indicates an allowable use requiring approval of a Conditional Use Permit from the La Quinta Planning Commission. ** A double asterisk indicates an allowable use on a temporary basis requiring approval from the La Quinta Design and Development Director. OPEN SPACE LAND USE Open Space land in Planning Area II is defined by the areas adjacent to the residential units. Amenity and supporting facilities are located on adjacent fingers of greenbelt within the development plan and may be pools, fountains, spas, etc. Development criteria is defined herein. The following development standards apply to the construction of buildings for supporting residential unit and recreational features (such as satellite pool buildings) on property designated as Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP)on the Land Use Plan. ANCILLARY BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Structure Setback Min. Building to Building Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks to adjacent lot Max. Allowable Screen Wall Height 28 ft.*t 1 2 ft. 2 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. * Not including flagpoles, chimney projections, bell towers, spires, or building projections that are nonessential to the functional space of the commercial building (i.e. bell towers, etc.). Specific Plan 03-067 108 3.1.3 Planning Area III – Andalusia East RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN LDR-(RSP) USES AND STANDARDS Description of Uses in Planning area III Within the overall plan boundary, Planning Area III encompasses development uses and standards for the Coral Mountain proposed residential grounds as well as ancillary supporting recreational uses and areas. This Planning Area is located throughout the project site and encompasses 218 acres. Planning Area III of the Land Use Plan proposed, within its boundaries, one underlying zone, Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP). A Residential Specific Plan LDR -(RSP) overlay for Planning Area Ill is proposed to address residential supporting uses land use within Planning Area III with development regula tion and criteria presented herein. The development criteria for open space, passive, and active recreation areas and other uses is delineated for Planning Area III herein. RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN (RSP) USES AND STANDARDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Low Density Residential Specific Plan LDR - (RSP) on the Land Use Plan, within Planning Area III. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized residential uses oriented to golf club and resort lifestyle activity, located in areas designated within Planning Area III in the Specific Plan. Representative land uses include residential ownership, short term and long-term rentals, and leasing uses as well as supporting open space and recreational use. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated LDR - (RSP) on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as LDR - (RSP) includes all currently existing residential serving uses and a llowable uses delineated in the Low Density Residential district description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein. Sales and marketing buildings and offices are allowed. Temporary & Interim Uses. Temporary or recurring outdoor event staging facilities and related uses serving the residential use and on -site construction and site guard offices including relocatable buildings. Accessory Uses. Recreation and staging areas for recreation events, maintenance facilities and sites. Signs, fenc es and walls, subject to the design criteria set forth in this Specific Plan document. Satellite dish and other antennas, subject to this Specific Plan. Specific Plan 03-067 109 Other Allowable Uses. Water wells and pumping stations, water tanks and reservoirs, public flood contro l facilities and devices as necessary to facilitate the CVWD or developer in water management and conservation. Development Standards. The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan. Standards are established for Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP) buildings, structures and uses within Planning Area III. Residential Detached and Attached Development Standards These standards apply to all land within Planning Area I II as described within the text and graphics of this Specific Plan. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Livable Floor Area Per Unit Min. Front Yard Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Garage/Carport Setback Min. Total Side Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Allowable Wall Height Max. Parking Required 28 ft.*t 2 1500 sq.ft 10 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft.** 5 ft. 8 ft.*** Per Current Code t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. * Not including chimney projections, bell towers, spires, etc. **AC Units. trellis elements. pools, and spas are allowed to encroach into side and rear setback areas. *** 2' of the 8' ht. may be retaining with 6' freestanding. The following uses are permitted in Planning Area I II. 1. Recreation Uses Outdoor lawn and recreation uses Pool/spa and water recreation uses Live entertainment as an accessory use to a "one-time" event. 2. Semi-Public Uses Parks, play fields, botanical garden uses, and passive and active open space area. Bicycle, cart, and pedestrian trails and storage facilities. Swimming pools and spas. 3. Lodging Uses Residential use as delineated within t his 3.1.3 herein. Specific Plan 03-067 110 4. Accessory Uses Private parking lots, carports and open-air parking stalls as an accessory use to Residential uses. Signs in accordance with this Specific Plan. Antennas and satellite dishes in accordance with this Specific Plan. 5. Temporary & Interim Uses Sales offices, construction and site guard offices in relocatable or modular buildings.** Interim event parking Jots for events anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** Temporary outdoor event staging facilities. Temporary outdoor event staging facilities anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** * A single asterisk indicates an allowable use requiring approval of a Conditional Use Permit from the La Quinta Planning Commission. ** A double asterisk indicates an allowable use on a temporary basis requiring approval from the La Quinta Design and Development Director. OPEN SPACE LAND USE Open Space land in Planning Area III is defined by the areas adjacent to the residential units. Amenity and supporting facilities are located on adjacent fingers of greenbelt within the development plan and may be pools, fountains, spas, etc. Development criteria is defined herein. The following development standards apply to the construction of buildings for supporting residential unit and recreational features (such as satellite pool buildings) on property designated as Low Density Residential LDR - (RSP)on the Land Use Plan. ANCILLARY BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Structure Setback Min. Building to Building Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks to adjacent lot Max. Allowable Screen Wall Height 28 ft.*t 1 2 ft. 2 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. * Not including flagpoles, chimney projections, bell towers, spires, or building projections that are nonessential to the functional space of the commercial building (i.e. bell towers, etc.). Specific Plan 03-067 111 3.1.4 Planning Area IV – Andalusia East GOLF COURSE GC-(RSP) USES AND STANDARDS Description of Uses in Planning Area IV Within the overall plan boundary, Planning Area IV encompasses development uses and standards for the Specific Plan proposed Golf Course maintenance facility as well as ancillary supporting golf uses. This 3-acre Planning Area is located at the intersection of Madison Street and Avenue 60 on the southern boundary of the project site. Planning Area IV of the Land Use Plan presently has, within its boundaries, one underlying zone, GC-(RSP). A Specific Plan (RSP) overlay for Planning Area IV is proposed to address golf course supporting uses land use within Planning Area IV with development regulation and crit eria presented herein. The development criteria for other uses is delineated for Planning Area IV herein. RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN (RSP) USES AND STANDARDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Golf Course Specific Plan GC- (RSP) on the Land Use Plan, within Planning Area IV. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized maintenance uses oriented to golf course maintenance activity, located in areas designated within Planning Area IV in the Specific Plan. Representative land uses include golf and open space maintenance building use and supporting ancillary functions to that use. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated GC - (RSP) on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as GC-(RSP) includes all currently existing maintenance building serving uses and allowable uses delineated in the Golf Course district description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein. Temporary & Interim Uses. Temporary or recurring outdoor event staging facilities and related uses serving the maintenance use, and on-site construction and site guard offices, and relocatable buildings. Accessory Uses. Fuel and supply storage incidental to the operations of the maintenance facilities and sites. Signs, fences and walls, subject to the design criteria set forth in this Specific Plan document as required by law. Satellite dish and other antennas, subject to this Spe cific Plan. Other Allowable Uses. Water wells and pumping stations, water tanks and reservoirs, public flood control facilities and devices as necessary to facilitate the CVWD or developer in water management and conservation. Specific Plan 03-067 112 Development Standards The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as Golf Course GC - (RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan. Standards are establi shed for Golf Course GC - (RSP) buildings, structures and uses within Planning Area IV. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Front Yard Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Garage/Carport Setback Min. Total Side Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Allowable Wall Height Max. Parking Required 28 ft.*t 1 8 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft.** 5 ft. 8 ft.*** Per Current Code t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. * Not including chimney projections, bell towers, spires, etc. **AC Units. trellis elements. pools, and spas are allowed to encroach into side and rear setback areas. *** 2' of the 8' ht. may be retaining with 6' freestanding. The following uses are permitted in Planning Area I V. Recreation Uses Outdoor lawn and recreation uses Semi-Public Uses Maintenance building uses, and passive and active open space area. Swimming pools and spas. Special Uses Fuel storage, fertilizer storage, and use incidental to maintenance building functions. Accessory Uses Private parking lots, carports and open-air parking stalls as an accessory use to Residential uses. Signs in accordance with this Specific Plan. Antennas and satellite dishes in accordance with this Specific Plan. Temporary & Interim Uses Site guard offices in relocatable or modular buildin gs.** Interim event parking lots for events anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** Temporary outdoor event staging facilities. Specific Plan 03-067 113 Temporary outdoor event staging facilities anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** * A single asterisk indicates an allowable use requiring approval of a Conditional Use Permit from the La Quinta Planning Commission. ** A double asterisk indicates an allowable use on a temporary basis requiring approval from the La Quinta Design and Development Director. Specific Plan 03-067 114 3.1.5 Planning Area V – Andalusia East NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL NC-(RSP) USES AND STANDARDS Description of Uses in Planning Area V Within the overall plan boundary, Planning Area V encompasses development uses and standards for the Specific Plan Neighborhood Commercial center as well as ancillary supporting uses. This Planning Area is located at the southeast intersection of Madison Street and Avenue 58. Planning Area V of the Land Use Plan proposed, within its boundaries, one underlying zone, Neighborhood Commercial NC-(RSP) on 5 acres of land. Permitted uses in the NC Zoning District will combine essential day -to-day neighborhood goods and services, tourism and visitor-based retail restaurant and limited entertainment opportunities and facilities necessary for the operational demands of such uses. The following uses are permitted in Planning Area V with review of development proposals generally conforming to this Specific Plan and may require submittal of a Site Development Permit, Temporary Use Permit, or other long or short term approval package at the discretion of the Community Development Department. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL NC - (RSP) USES AND STANDARDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Neighborhood Commercial NC-(RSP) on the Land Use Plan, within Planning Area V. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized neighborhood serving commercial and retail uses oriented to Golf club and resort lifestyle activity, located in areas designated within Planning Area V in the Specific Plan. Re presentative land use includes neighborhood serving commercial and retail use and supporting ancillary functions to those uses. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated Neighborhood Commercial NC-(RSP) on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as Neighborhood Commercial NC-(RSP) includes all currently existing maintenance building serving uses and allowable uses delineated in the Golf Course district description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein. Temporary & Interim Uses. Temporary or recurring outdoor event staging facilities and related uses serving the Commercial use, on -site construction and site guard offices and relocatable buildings. Temporary sales and marketing buildings and offices are allowed. Specific Plan 03-067 115 Accessory Uses. Signs, fences and walls, subject to the design criteria set forth in this Specific Plan document as required by law. Satellite dish and other antennas, subject to this Specific Plan. Other Allowable Uses. Water wells and pumping stations, water tank s and reservoirs, public flood control facilities and devices as necessary to facilitate the CVWD or developer in water management and conservation. Development Standards. The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as Golf Course Neighborhood Commercial NC - (RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan. Standards are established for Neighborhood Commercial NC - (RSP) buildings, structures and uses within Planning Area V. Neighborhood Commercial and Development Standards These standards apply to all land within Planning Area V as described within the text and graphics of this Specific Plan. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Structure Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Front Setback Min. Rear Setback Min. Parking Max. Lot Coverage (FAR) Min. Building Setback to Avenue 58 Min. Building Setback to Madison Street Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Wall Height 35 ft.* 2 10 ft. 10 ft. 1/250 ft GLA. .25. 25 ft.* 25 ft. 5/10 ft. 10 ft. *Architectural and roof projections not providing habitable or otherwise unusable space, such as chimneys, spires, finials, and similar features shall be permitted to extend up to ten feet above the maximum structure height. The following uses are permitted in Planning Area V. 1. Retail Uses. Retail merchandise sales of limited goods (goods that can be carried out by the customer), such as antiques, appliances, bicycles, wholesale and/or retail foods, newspaper and magazines, tobacco products, kitchen and bath shops, video and audio equipment, clothing, pets and pet supplies, office equipment and supplies, party and/or cos tume rentals, sporting goods, home furnishings, hardware and home improvement items, and other related items. Specific Plan 03-067 116 2. Public Uses. Restaurants and prepared food service facilities including restaurants, delicatessen, tea, coffee and ice cream shops, pizzerias, and similar uses. Prepared food sold specifically for on -site consumption, with indoor/outdoor seating. Such uses include fine dining and other low to medium turnover restaurant ; cocktail lounges, dinner clubs, sports bar/lounge, bar/grill, night clubs and similar uses, with alcohol sales for on- site consumption only, along with live, recorded or other entertainment in or outdoors such as music and/or dancing, karaoke, arcade games, pool, billiard or shuffleboard tables, etc. 3. Special Uses. Professional service offices providing limited sales, such as medical, dental, veterinary clinic, dietician, optician, catering, attorney, real estate, banking, mortgage broker, social and community service offices, property management, financial services, beautician, barber, reproduction service, tailor, cleaners and laundry, postal services, shoe, watch , jewelry and bicycle repair, and similar uses. Offices with larger scale service aspects, such as limousine and auto rental. Indoor or outdoor professiona l art studios, displays and/or galleries, for all artistic endeavors and production, to include dance, painting, sculpting, ceramics, jewelry, glass blowing, photography, handmade furniture, stone cutting, and similar activities. There may be sales, presen tations and displays or demonstrations to the public. 4. Accessory Uses Private parking lots, carports and open-air parking stalls as an accessory use to commercial building uses. Signs in accordance with this Specific Plan. Antennas and satellite dishes in a ccordance with this Specific Plan. 5. Temporary & Interim Uses Site guard offices in relocatable or modular buildings.** Interim event parking lots for events anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** Temporary outdoor event staging facilities. Temporary outdoor event staging facilities anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** 6. Other Allowable Uses. Public indoor assembly/entertainment facilities, such as auditoriums, theaters, dinner theaters, conference center, gymnasium facilities, concert halls and related use. Indoor facilities for education, training, self-help and improvement, hobbies, or vocational purpose, both public and private. These may be located in any facilities Indoor/outdoor cultural, historic and similar d isplays and galleries for all types of artifacts and/or artistic media, such as museums, auction houses and consignment room. Such uses may include sale of display art pieces . Specific Plan 03-067 117 * A single asterisk indicates an allowable use requiring approval of a Conditional Use Permit from the La Quinta Planning Commission. ** A double asterisk indicates an allowable use on a temporary basis requiring approval from the La Quinta Design and Development Director. The permitted uses in Planning Area V do not preclude other si milar uses which are compatible with the specifically identified uses and otherwise meet the criteria for this Specific Plan and the currently approved Neighborhood Commercial District within the La Quinta Zoning ordinance. Any determination on a proposed use whether listed or unlisted herein may be either internally reviewed by the Community Development Director or Planning Manager or referred to the Planning Commission as a non -hearing item if the Community Development Director or Planning Manage r determines on a case-by-case basis that the public interest would be better served by such referral. Specific Plan 03-067 118 3.1.6 Planning Area VI – Andalusia East GOLF COURSE-GC - (RSP) – USES AND STANDARDS Description of Uses in Planning Area VI Within the overall plan boundary, Planning Area VI encompasses 281 acres of development for the Specific Plan proposed Golf Course as well as ancillary supporting uses. This Planning Area is located throughout the site. Planning Area VI of the Land Use Plan presently addresses 281 acres within its boundaries, one underlying zone, GC - (RSP). A Specific Plan (RSP) overlay for Planning Area VI is proposed to address golf course supporting uses land use within Planning Area VI with development regulation and criteria presented herein. The development criteria for other use is delineated for Planning Area VI herein. RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN (RSP) USES AND STANDARDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Golf Course Sp ecific Plan GC- (RSP) on the Land Use Plan, within Planning Area VI. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized golf and open space uses oriented to Golf club and resort recreation lifestyle and activity, lo cated in areas designated within Planning Area VI in the Specific Plan. Representative land uses include golf and open space use and supporting recreation functions to that use. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated GC - (RSP) on the Land Use Plan and/or Proposed Zoning exhibits as GC - (RSP) includes all currently existing golf serving uses and allowable uses delineated in the Golf Course district description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein. Sales and marketing buildings and offices are allowed. Temporary & Interim Uses. Temporary or recurring outdoor event staging facilities and related uses serving the golf course use and on-site construction and site guard offices including relocatable buildings. Accessory Uses. Limited food and beverage sales throughout the golf course area and accessory facilities (such as comfort stations and vending booths) to that use. Other Allowable Uses. Water wells and pumping stations, water tanks and reservoirs, public flood control facilities and devices as necessary to facilitate the CVWD or developer in water management and conservation. Development Standards. The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated on the Land Use Plan and/or Specific Plan 03-067 119 Proposed Zoning exhibits as Golf Course GC - (RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan. Standards are established for Golf Course LDR - (RSP) buildings, structures and uses within Planning Area VI. Golf Course Building Standards These standards apply to all land within Planning Area VI as described within the text and graphics of this Specific Plan. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Front Yard Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Garage/Carport Setback Min. Total Side Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Allowable Wall Height Max. Parking Required 28 ft.*t 2 8 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft.** 5 ft. 8 ft.*** Per Current Ordinance t Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. * Not including chimney projections, bell towers, spires, etc. **AC Units. trellis elements. pools, and spas are allowed to encroach into side and rear setback areas. *** 2' of the 10' ht. may be retaining with 8' freestanding. The following uses are permitted in Planning Area VI. 1. Recreation Uses Golf course use Pool/spa and water recreation uses 2. Semi-Public Uses Maintenance building uses and passive and active open space areas Parking facilities for employees of the development 3. Special Uses Fuel storage, fertilizer storage, and uses incidental to golf course operations 4. Temporary & Interim Uses Site guard offices in relocatable or modular buildings** Temporary outdoor event staging facilities related to golf operations Temporary outdoor event staging facilities anticipated to extend over three or more days of use.** * A single asterisk indicates an allowable use requiring approval of a Conditional Use Permit from the La Quinta Planning Commission. ** A double asterisk indicates an allowable use on a temporary basis requiring approval from the La Quinta Design and Development Director. Specific Plan 03-067 120 OPEN SPACE LAND USE Open Space land in Planning Area VI is defined by the areas adjacent to the Golf Course Supporting facilities are located on adjacent fingers of greenbelt within the development plan. The following development standards apply to the construc tion of buildings for supporting golf and residential features (such as restroom buildings) on property designated as Golf Course GC- (RSP) on the Land Use Plan. ANCILLARY BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Building Height Max. Max. No. of Stories Min. Setback from: Street or Parking Stall Curb Pedestrian Circulation Walks Structure Setback Min. Building to Building Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks to adjacent lot Max. Allowable Screen Wall Height 14 ft.* 1 2 ft. 2 ft. 0 ft. 5 ft. 0 ft. 8 ft. * Not including flagpoles, chimney projections, bell towers, spires, or building projections that are nonessential to the functional space of the commercial building (i.e. bell towers, etc.) which may extend an additional 10’ in height. Specific Plan 03-067 121 ANDALUSIA WEST 3.1.7 Planning Area VII – Andalusia West PLANNING AREA VII – NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL NC-(RSP) USES AND STANDARDS Description of Uses in Planning Area VII Planning Area VII (PA-VII) is intended to allow for the construction of neighborhood commercial buildings with affiliated circulation and infrastructure improvemen ts. PA-VII is located at the southwest intersection of Ave 58 and Madison Street. This Planning Area consists of approximately 9 acres of undeveloped land and will allow for approximately 5,000 sf of neighborhood commercial building space . Permitted uses in the Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District will combine essential day-to-day neighborhood goods and services, tourism and visitor -based retail restaurant and limited entertainment opportunities and facilities necessary for the operational demands of such uses. The following uses are permitted in PA-VII with review of the development proposals generally conforming to this Specific Plan and may require the submittal of a Site Development Permit, Temporary Use Permit, or other long- or short- term approval package at the discretion of the Community Development Department. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL NC-(RSP) USES AND STANDARDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Neighborhood Commercial NC-(RSP) on the Lands Use Plan, within PA-VII. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized neighborhood serving commercial and retail uses oriented to resort lifestyle activity, located in areas designated withi n PA-VII in the Specific Plan. Representative land use includes neighborhood serving commercial and retail use and supporting ancillary functions to those uses. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses in PA-VII includes all allowable uses in Planning Area V (PA-V) of this Specific Plan; including all retail, temporary, interim, accessory, public, special, and other allowable uses listed in PA-V. Permitted uses in PA -VII includes all allowable uses delineated in the Neighborhood Commercial District of the La Quinta Z oning ordinance and as specified herein. The permitted uses in Planning Area VII do not preclude other similar uses which are compatible with the specifically identified uses and otherwise meet the criteria for this Specific Plan and the currently approved Neighborhood Commercial District within the La Quinta Zoning ordinance. Any determination on a proposed use whether listed or unlisted herein may be either internally reviewed by the Community Development Director or Planning Manager or referred to the Pl anning Commission as a non-hearing item if the Community Development Director or Planning Specific Plan 03-067 122 Manager determines on a case-by-case basis that the public interest would be better served by such referral. Development Standards. These standards apply to all land within PA-VII as described within the text and graphics of this Specific Plan . BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Max. Structure Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Front Setback Min. Rear Setback Min. Parking Max. Lot Coverage (FAR) Min. Building Setback to Avenue 58 Min. Building Setback to Madison Street Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Wall Height 35 ft1 2 10 ft. 10 ft. 1/250 ft GLA. 25 % 25 ft. 25 ft. 5/10 ft. 10 ft. 1. Architectural and roof projections not providing habitable or otherwise unusable space, such as chimneys, spires, finials, and similar features shall be permitted to extend up to ten feet above the maximum structure height. ITEM Quantity Specific Plan 03-067 123 3.1.8 Planning Area VIII – Andalusia West PLANNING AREA VIII - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LDR -(RSP) USES AND STANDARDS Description of Uses in Planning Area VIII Planning Area VIII (PA-VIII) is intended to allow for the construction of low density, single family residential neighborhoods with affiliated amenities, circulation, and infrastructure improvements. PA-VIII is located west of Madison Ave and consists of approximately 220 acres of undeveloped land and will allow for the construction of up to 496 single family attached and detached dwellings. PA-VIII of the Land Use Plan proposed and already approved, within its boundaries, one underlying zone, Low Density Residential LDR -(RSP). A Residential Specific Plan LDR -(RSP) overlay for PA-VIII is proposed to address residential supporting uses land use within PA-VIII with development regulation criteria presented herein. The development criteria for open space, passive, and active recreation areas and other uses delineated for PA-VIII herein. RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN (RSP) USES AND STANDA RDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Low Density Residential Specific Plan LDR -(RSP) on the Land Use Plan, within PA-VIII. A. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized residential uses oriented to the Resort, other amenities and resort lifestyle activity, located in areas designated within PA -VIII in the Specific Plan. Representative land use will in clude residential ownership, short -term and long- term rentals, fractional interest, and leasing uses as well as supporting open space, golf, and recreational uses. B. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated LDR-(RSP) on the Land Use Plan and/or Zoning Exhibits as LDR -(RSP) includes all currently existing residential serving uses and allowable uses defined in the Low Density Residential district description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein . Sales and marketing buildings and offices are allowed. Specifically, permitted uses in PA-VIII includes all allowable uses in Planning Area III (PA-III) of this Specific Plan; including all recreation, semi-public, special, accessory, temporary, interim, and other allowable uses. Specific Plan 03-067 124 PERMITTED USES1,2,3,4 Single Family Residences (attached, detached) Detached or attached accessory dwelling unit (i.e. Guest House, Casita) - 1 per residence Detached Garages Golf course and golf practice facilities. P P P P Notes: 1. Permitted uses in PA-VIII includes all allowable uses in Planning Area III (PA-III) of this Specific Plan; including all recreation, semi-public, special, accessory, temporary, interim, and other allowable uses. 2. Permitted uses in PA-VIII includes all allowable uses delineated in the Low Density Residential District description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein. 3. The permitted uses in Planning Area VIII do not preclude other similar uses which are compatible with the specifically identified uses and otherwise meet the criteria for this Specific Plan and the currently approved Low Density Residential District within the La Quinta Zoning ordinance. 4. Any determination on a proposed use whether listed or unlisted herein may be either internally reviewed by the Design and Development Director or Planning Manager or referred to the Planning Commission as a non-hearing item if the Design and Development Director or Planning Manager determines on a case-by-case basis that the public interest would be better served by such referral. C. Development Standards. These standards apply to all land within PA -VIII as described within the text and graphics of this Specific Plan. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Max. Structure Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Livable Floor Area Per Unit Min. Front Setback (From Street or Parking Stall Curb) Min. Front Setback (From Pedestrian Circulation Walks) Garage/Carport Setback Min. Total Side Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks Max. Allowable Wall Height Max. Parking Required 28 ft1,2 2 1500 sf 10 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft.3 5 ft. 8 ft.4 Per Current Code Notes 1. Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. 2. Not including chimney projections, bell towers, spires, etc. 3. AC Units, trellis elements, pools, and spas are allowed to encroach into side and rear setback areas. 0 foot setback allowed for zero lot line product. 4. 2' of the 8' ht. may be retaining with 6' freestanding. ITEM QUANTITY Specific Plan 03-067 125 OPEN SPACE LAND USE Open Space land in Planning Area VIII is defined by the areas adjacent to residential units. Development criteria is defined herein. The following development standards apply to the construction of buildings for supporting residential unit and recreational features (such as satellite pool buildings) on property designated as Low Density Residential LDR -(RSP) on the Land Use Plan. PA-VIII ANCILLARY BUILDING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Max. Structure Height Max. No. of Stories Min. Front Setback (From Street or Parking Stall Curb) Min. Front Setback (From Pedestrian Circulation Walks) Min. Building to Building Setback Min. Total Side Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks to A djacent Lot Max. Allowable Screen Wall Height 28 ft1,2 1 2 ft. 2 ft 5 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. 1. Height is limited to 22' for a setback of 150' from R.O.W. on Madison & Avenue 58. 2. Not including chimney projections, bell towers, spires, etc. 3. Specific Plan 03-067 126 3.1.9 PLANNING AREA IX – Andalusia West PLANNING AREA IX- TOURIST COMMERCIAL TC -(RSP) USES AND STANDARDS Description Planning Area IX (PA-IX) is intended to allow for the construction of resort residential and tourist commercial uses, including up to a 150 -key resort hotel, 104 attached resort residential units, 55,00 sf of retial, a community farm, restaurants, golf, and other resort supporting ancillary uses and amenities. The Wave, an artificial wave generating basin to be used for professional competitions and recreational purposes (for members and guests), will serve as the focal point of Planning Area IX. PA-IX consists of approximately 103 acres and is located entirely west of Madison street and is centrally located within Andalusia West. The development standards and permitted uses for PA -IX are as follows and delineated below: TOURIST COMMERCIAL TC -(RSP) USES AND STANDARDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Tourist Commercial -(RSP) on the Lands Use Plan, within PA-IX. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized Tourist Commercial uses oriented to resort lifestyle activity, located in areas designated within PA -IX in the Specific Plan. Representative land use includes a resort hotel, the “Wave,” clubhouse and resort amenities, and supporting ancillary functions to those uses. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated Neighborhood Commercial includes all uses compatible with the specifically identified uses and otherwise meet the criteria for this Specific Plan and the currently approved Tourist Commercial District within the City of La Quinta Zoning District. Specifically, permitted uses for PA-VII includes all allowable uses which are permitted for Planning Area V (PA -V) in this Specific Plan. Specific Plan 03-067 127 Hotel Timeshare/Fractional Ownership Units/ Short Term Rentals Private clubhouse Resort residential Spa services Restaurants Retail Recreational uses, golf course, golf practice facilities, and open space Commercial amusement and indoor/outdoor recreation Administrative and back of house facilities Parking Accessory structures, including entry features Temporary and special events / events open to the public P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1. Permitted uses in PA-IX includes all allowable uses delineated in the Tourist Commercial District description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein. 2. The permitted uses in Planning Area IX do not preclude other similar uses which are compatible with the specifically identified uses and otherwise meet the criteria for this Specific Plan and the currently approved Tourist Commercial District within the La Quinta Zoning ordinance. 3. Any determination on a proposed use whether listed or unlisted herein may be either internally reviewed by the Design and Development Director or Planning Manager or referred to the Planning Commission as a non-hearing item if the Design and Development Director or Planning Manager determines on a case-by-case basis that the public interest would be better served by such referral. TOURIST COMMERCIAL PERMITTED USES PERMITTED USES123 Specific Plan 03-067 128 THE WAVE PERMITTED USES Wave generation basin, system, and related operational equipment Observation tower Access bridge Storage tank for equalizing water surface Operation buildings and space for recreation, competition, and commercial activities (lockers, storage, kitchens, gathering spaces, etc.) Bleachers, decking, docks, shade structures, etc. Stage area for special events / competitions Walkway / pier structures Directional lighting, lighting for special events Parking Accessory structures, including entry features Back of house and maintenance facilities Temporary and special events / events open to the public P P P P P P P P P P P A. Development Standards. The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated the Land Use Plan and/or Zoning exhibits as Tourist Commercial TC-(RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan . PERMITTED USES NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Min. Lot Size Max. Structure Height 1,3 Max. No. of Stories Minimum setback from low-density residential district (PA-VIII)2 Minimum setback from interior property lines within nonresidential districts. Min. Parking Required n/a 40 ft 3 From Perimeter 40 ft Landscape Setback 20 ft 0 ft. Per Current Code Notes: 1. All minimum perimeter setbacks shall be increased one foot for every foot in height that building is above thirty-five feet. Mixed use projects are exempt from this requirement. 2. Landscape setback shall consist of landscaped area within the building setback. Number given is minimum landscaped setback from the street right-of-way. The remaining building setback may contain parking, driveways and similar facilities. In a ddition to above landscape setbacks, interior landscaping shall be required as a percentage of the net project area as follows: parking areas: minimum five percent; nonparking areas: minimum five percent (also see Section 9.100.050). 3. Not including basements. Also, notwithstanding above table, the maximum structure height equals twenty-two feet for all buildings within one hundred fifty feet of any general plan image corridor and major or primary arterials. Specific Plan 03-067 129 RESORT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Min. lot frontage Max. building height1 Max. number of stories3 Min. livable reserved floor area excluding garage Min. Front Setback (From Street or Parking Stall Curb) Min. Front Setback (From Pedestrian Circulation Walks) Garage/Carport Setback Minimum building to building setback (Without partial attachment). Minimum building to building setback (With partial attachment). Min. Rear Yard Setback Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks2 Max. Allowable Wall Height Min. Parking Required 30 ft 30 ft 3 1500 sq. ft. 5 ft 5 ft. 5ft. 6 ft. 4 ft. 5 ft 3 ft. 8 ft 1/2 space per bedroom Note: Partial attachment of two buildings is made when an enclosed area having a typical interior function such as a hot water heater closet, furnace closet, or other essential use, is attached to two otherwise separate buildings. Construction standards and fire ratings shall meet U.B.C. requirements. 0-foot setbacks allowed for Resort Residential uses fronting the Wave Basin. 1. Chimneys, roof vents, appropriately screened mechanical equipment, finials, spires, and similar architectural features not containing usable space are permitted to extend up to three feet ab ove the maximum structure height. 2. Residential units supporting mechanical equipment shall be allowed within side yard setback area with a minimum three-foot clearance to the side property. 3. Outdoor Roof Decks and Terraces above 2nd floor living spaces, effectively a 3rd floor, are allowed provided all elements (railings, parapets, furniture, temporary shading devices including umbrellas, stairs, and/or access lifts) remain within the 28’ height limit. Specific Plan 03-067 130 RESORT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THE WAVE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Min. Lot Size Max. Structure Height Max. No. of Stories Minimum setback from interior property lines n/a 45 ft 3 0 ft. Specific Plan 03-067 131 3.1.10 PLANNING AREA X – Andalusia West OPEN SPACE RECREATION – PR – (RSP) Description Planning Area X (PA-X) is intended to allow for open space, active-recreational (including golf and golf practice facilities) and ancillary uses compatible with the resort. In addition, PA-IX will also allow for the hosting of special events by the resort and back of house facilities. PA-IX consists of approximately 54 acres and is located entirely west of Madison street. The development standards and permitted uses for PA -IX are as follows and delineated below: A. Purpose and Intent. To provide for the development and regulation of a range of specialized open space and recreational uses oriented to resort lifestyle activity, located in areas designated within PA-X in the Specific Plan. Representative land use include tennis courts, hiking trails, gardens, swimming pools, temporary events, and supporting ancillary functions to those uses. B. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for land designated Open Space Recreational includes all uses compatible with the specifically identified uses and otherwise meet the criteria for this Specific Plan and the currently approved Parks and Recreation District within the City of La Quinta Zoning District. Bicycle and hiking trails Tennis courts, swimming pools, and similar uses. Botanical Gardens Ancillary administrative and back of house facilities Parking for special events Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use Special events / events open to the public – including pop-up villages. Directional lighting, lighting for special events Golf and golf practice facilities P P P P P P P P P Notes: 1. Permitted uses in PA-X includes all allowable uses delineated in the Parks and Recreation District description of the La Quinta Zoning ordinance and as specified herein. 2. The permitted uses in Planning Area X do not preclude other similar uses which are compatible with the specifically identified uses and otherwise meet the criteria for this Specific Plan and the currently approved Parks and Recreation District within the La Quinta Zoning ordinance. 3. Any determination on a proposed use whether listed or unlisted herein may be either internally reviewed by the Design and Development Director or Planning Manager or referred to the Planning Commission as a non-hearing item if the Design and Development Director or Planning Manager determines on a case-by-case basis that the public interest would be better served by such referral. PERMITTED USES1,2,3 Specific Plan 03-067 132 C. Development Standards. The following development standards apply to property proposed for development designated the Land Use Plan and/or Zoning exhibits as Parks and Recreation PR-(RSP) and as described within the text of this Specific Plan. OPEN SPACE RECREATION DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Min. building site Min. lot frontage Maximum structure height (ft.) Maximum lot coverage Maximum number of stories Minimum setbacks Minimum setback from interior property lines within the same project n/a n/a 28 n/a 2 n/a 0 ITEM QUANTITY Specific Plan 03-067 133 3.2 SPECIFIC PLAN AM ENDMENTS Minor modifications to the approved Specific Plan are allowed at the discretion of the Community Development Director or Designee. Future modifications to the Specific Plan must be consistent with the purpose and intent of the current approved Coral Mountain Specific Plan Amendment. 3.2.1 Specific Plan Amendment Procedures Minor modifications to the approved Specific Plan are allowed at the discretion of the Design and Development Director or designee. Changes That Do Not Require A Specific Plan Amendment As development within the Specific Plan progresses, it may be demonstrated that certain detail changes are appropriate in refinement of the Specific Plan; therefore it is intended that the Specific Plan document provide flexibility with respect to the interpretation of the details of project development as well as those items discussed in general terms in the Specific Plan. If and when it is determined that changes or adjustments are necessary or appropriate, these changes or adjustments shall be made as an administrative procedure approved by the Design and Development Director or designee. After such administrative change has been approved, it shall be attached to the Specific Plan as an addendum and may be further changed and amended from time to time as necessary. Any such administrative changes do not require a Specific Plan amendment process. The following changes to the Specific Plan may be made without amending the Specific Plan 03-067: • The transfer of dwelling units from one planning area to another within a single planning area while maintaining the maximum overall Specific Plan dwelling unit number of units. • The addition of new information to the Specific Plan maps or text th at do not change the effect of any regulation. The new information may include more detailed, site-specific information. If this information demonstrates that Planning Area boundaries are inaccurately designated, based upon the goals of the Specific Plan, said boundaries may be adjusted to reflect a more accurate depiction of on-site conditions, without requiring a Specific Plan Amendment. Adjustments to the golf corridors may be made resulting in a corresponding change to the adjacent development parcel wi thout the requirement of a specific plan amendment. • Changes to the community infrastructure such as drainage systems, roads, water and sewer systems, etc., which do not have the effect of increasing or decreasing capacity in the project area beyond the spe cified density range nor increase the backbone infrastructure construction or maintenance costs. Specific Plan 03-067 134 Changes That Require A Specific Plan Amendment. If it has been determined that the proposed change is not in conformance with the intent of the current Specific Plan approval, the Specific Plan may be amended in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 9.240 of the Ci ty of La Quinta Zoning Code. Specific Plan 03-067 135 3.3 DENSITY TRANSFER P ROVISIONS The transfer of residential density from one Residential Planning Area to another Residential Planning Area within the Specific Plan boundary is permitted based upon the provisions herein. Revisions to the Planning Area Statistical Summaries made in accordance with these provisions do not require an amendment to the Specific Plan. Transfers of density may be approved to add or reduce the number of units within a given Residential Planning Area up to but not exceeding 25% of the Target Units for each Planning Area. Residential density may be transferred from any Residential Pla nning Area allowing residential development to any other Residential Planning Area allowing residential development regardless of Planning Area location or intensity residential land use category. Within the Planning Area receiving the transferred density, the permitted density need not be evenly distributed to all sub- divisions which comprise the "receiving" Planning Area. Application for Density Transfer shall be made in writing to the Design and Development Director or designee and shall include the fol lowing: • Location of properties to be involved in the transfer including the Planning Area or other lot or district designations. • The number of units to be transferred from one planned are to another. • A calculation of acreage for each affected Planning Area showing the current number of allowable units, the proposed number of allowable units for the effected Planning Areas, and, if the transfer is approved, the increase and decrease (expressed as a percentage of the previous approval unit count). The Design and Development Director or designee shall approve the Density Transfer if the following conditions are met: • The overall goals of the Specific Plan as amended are maintained. • The full range of housing stock remains available. • Community facilities such as s chools and parks can accommodate the additional units in the affected area. • Infrastructure facilities such as roads, sewer, and water can accommodate the additional units in the affected area. • Proposed densities are compatible with existing City of La Quin ta General Plan Land Use designations. Specific Plan 03-067 136 4 General Plan Consistency California Government Code (Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 8, Section 65450 - 65457) permits the adoption and administration of specific plans as an implementation tool for elements contained in the local general plan. Specific plans must demonstrate consistency in regulations, guidelines and programs with the goals and policies set forth in the general plan. Amendments I-IV of the Specific Plan analyzed the Plan’s consistenc y with the General Plan as approved in 1992 ; this analysis remains in the document and is renamed “Andalusia East Consistency with the 1992 General Plan”. Amendment V, which divides the Specific Plan area into “Andalusia East” and “Andalusia West”, adds a consistency analysis between the newer La Quinta General Plan 2035 and the Andalusia West sub-community. Sub-Community General Plan Consistency Andalusia East 1992 General Plan Andalusia West General Plan 2035 ANDALUSIA EAST CONSISTENCY WITH 1992 GENERAL PLAN The City of La Quinta General Plan, as approved in 1992, contains the following elements: Land Use, Circulation, Open Space, Parks and Recreation, Environmental Conservation, Infrastructure and Public Services, Environmental Hazards, Air Quali ty and Housing. Each element of the 1992 General Plan contains a summary of key issues which direct and guide that element's goals and policies. The summary of key issues is used in the Specific Plan 03-067 as the basis for evaluating the Specific Plan's Andalusia East community’s consistency with the City's General Plan. Applicable key issues are stated below followed by a statement of how the project: Specific Plan as amended conforms thereto. 4.1 LAND USE ELEMENT • Maintaining the City's low-density residential character with a balance of supporting commercial and community facilities. o The Land Use Plan of Specific Plan 03-067 designates the majority of the site as Low Density Residential as well as Open Space and Golf use. Supporting commercial Specific Plan in areas adjacent to existing supporting infrastructure. • The City enjoys a reputation as a desirable locale. The City's unique and attractive character stems from a combination of its environmental settin g near the mountains, the "La Quinta" image. o The Developer of the Specific Plan 03 -067 Master Plan enjoys a foundation of hosting nationally recognized golf events capitalizing on, and reinforcing, the Specific Plan 03-067 137 City’s unique setting for championship golf recreation and the notoriety that comes with premier sporting event broadcast worldwide. • As the Commercial development continues in the City, potential incompatibilities between land uses will need to be addressed. Visual, audible and odoriferous impacts will have t o be addressed through design, buffering, screening and other mitigation techniques. o Specific Plan 03-067 designates the majority of the site as Low Density Residential and championship golf amenities. Supporting and adjacent development is planned in a variety of heights and elevations in order to minimize the visual impact while providing greenbelt screens to negative off- property influences such as traffic noise and related impacts. • The trend of walled residential subdivisions has res ulted in many types of perimeter wall treatments in the City. The design of these walls and other elements of the streetscape should be coordinated to create more of a continuous appearance throughout the entire community. o The perimeter wall treatment suggested for Specific Plan 03-067 establishes a consistent theme via continuous plantings and wall treatments a s envisioned by the City in this statement. • Maintain the City's low density residential character with a balance of supporting commercial and community facilities. o The Land Use Plan of the Specific Plan 03-067 Specific Plan designates the majority of the site as Low Density Residential. Residential serving commercial development is planned within the Neighborhood Commercial land use of the Specific Plan. • Development should not be allowed on hillsides nor alluvial fan areas to protect the scenic resources of the City. o The project boundary of Specific Plan 03-067 is outside of the pristine hillsides and alluvial fan area mid therefore generates no impact to these valuable resources. 4.2 CIRCULATION ELEMENT • Roadway classifications and design standards should be based on current estimates of build-out reflecting approved development projects. o Development standards of perimeter roadways are established in the General Plan Circulation Element. Existing and proposed roadway improvements in and around the project boundary are based on current estimates of build -out and consistent with the goals and policies established in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Specific Plan 03-067 138 • Alternative circulation system improvements need to be developed to relieve traffic congestion along Washington Street. o Specific Plan 03-067 abuts Madison and Jefferson Streets and takes primary and secondary access from these roadways. Impacts to Washington Street are minimal due to the distance from the project site. • Traffic impacts resulting from development should be identified through a mandatory traffic impact analysis process. o Development projects at Specific Plan 03-067 are subject to this requirement established in the Development Review Process delineated in this Specific Plan document as amended. • Pedestrian and bicycle networks should be developed which link activity centers in order to facilitate recreational walking and biking and to establish non-automotive transportation as a viable alternative to driving. o Internal golf cart, bicycle, and pedestrian access is incorporated in the Circulation Plan for Specific Plan 03-067 and is accommodated on the existing and planned roadway system. • The circulation system should be designed and maintained to encourage walking, bicycling and transit utilization as alternatives to automobile travel. Improvements to existing transit service should be considered, including provision of additional transit stops on major roadways and covered bus shelters at all existing and future stops. o The development along the perimeter of Specific Plan 03-067 designates locations for transit stops and shelters. The internal circulation system promotes the use of golf carts, pedestrian paths and shuttles as a means of minimizing vehicular traffic. Specific Plan 03-067 139 4.3 OPEN SPACE ELEMENT • Development on "dune" areas should be enhanced to accentuate the scenic, topographical and cultural resources of the City. o Although no areas of typical dune landform exist within the amended Specific Plan boundary, the landscape concept designates the dune portions of Specific Plan 03-067 as a valuable resource to be integrated into the overall master plan of development in either landform mass and topography or in plant material theme. The Championship Golf Courses planned for construction will utilize varied and significant topography in an environmentally responsible manner to create dramatic scenic resources. • Open space should be defined to include h illside areas, alluvial fans, water courses, golf courses, and natural park areas. Natural, improved and unimproved types of open space should be included within the definition. o Lakes and dramatic earthscaping are the predominant landscape theme throughout Specific Plan 03-067 landscape architecture as planned and will be integrated into the overall master plan grading concept. • As a link to the City's cultural past, elements of existing citrus orchards, date palm groves and farming areas should be preserved . o Specific Plan 03-067 will utilize the success of the Rancho La Quinta landscape concept which established Citrus "Groves" as a primary imaging theme in landscape architecture. Similarly, Date Palms will be used as the primary vertical statement at the entry points to the project as well as within the boulevard landscape theme. • Permitted land uses and standards for development in open space and watercourse areas should be identified. o Development standards for Specific Plan 03-067 are delineated in Section 3, Zoning and Development Regulations, within this document for development in open space and water course areas. Specific Plan 03-067 140 4.4 PARK AND RECREATION ELEMENT • Park and recreation uses should be located in proximity to residential uses to facilitate pedestrian access and should include the provision of appropriate facilities. o The master plan for development within Specific Plan 03-067 has, as a primary focus, recreation amenities for golf, tennis, and passive walking within the project site. • An integrated bicycle network and well-functioning pedestrian path system should be provided. o Bike paths are a passive use of the private roadway system within Specific Plan 03-067 with connections to the existing established network of bike paths on adjacent circulation links. • Sewage effluent should be utilized for large turf (i.e., golf course, active recreation) areas and drought tolerant plant species should be used to reduce the impact on the potable water supply of the City. o When economically feasible, recycled water sources are envisioned as a source of irrigation water for the recreation elements of the plan area. Drought resistant plant material is a staple of the palette within the plan area. 4.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSER VATION ELEMENT • Scenic corridors, vistas and view sheds of the Santa Rosa and Coral Reef Mountains, as well as views toward the San Gorgonio Pass, should be preserved and enhanced. • Utility resources should be conserved utilizing a variety of feasible strategies. o Recycled wastewater will be utilized at Specific Plan 03-067 to supplement irrigation demands once economically available to minimize water consumption. • The City should be protected from the adverse impacts of storm water runoff, including property damage as well as water qual ity. o The golf courses are designed with basins within the corridors to provide storm water retention during flooding. • Permitted land uses and standards for development in open space and watercourse areas should be identified. o Golf course use features the integration of watershed zones with open space and are designed within the corridors to provide storm water retention during flooding. Specific Plan 03-067 141 • The quality and quantity of groundwater should be protected and maintained. Water conservation efforts should be maintained, expanded and implemented. o Lakes within the golf course boundary provide for storage of run-off for use in irrigation. 4.6 INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT • Utility resources should be conserved utilizing a variety of feasible stra tegies. o All structures are built to City Zoning and Development Code and the uniform building code standards, which implement a strategy of conservation of energy and resources. • Adequate levels of law enforcement, fire protection, health care services and facilities should be provided in reasonable proximity to City residents. o The Specific Plan 03-067 project contributes to infrastructure fees to mitigate any perceived impact and provides additional security personnel thereby reducing the required manpower from the City's law enforcement services. • The recycling, reduction and reuse of waste generated in the City should be supported by the City. o All structures are built to City Zoning and Development Code and the un iform building code standards which implement a strategy of conservation of energy and resources. • Frequent collection of solid waste and adequate disposal should be provided to keep the City clean and disease-free. o The Specific Plan 03-067 project contributes to infrastructure fees to mitigate any perceived impact. 4.7 ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ELEMENT • The standards for development should be carefully regulated to minimize structural damage and loss of life (from earthquakes), even though the City is located in a low intensity ground- shaking zone. o All structures are built to City Zoning and Development Code and the uniform building code standards which implement a strategy of conservation of energy and resources. • The development of areas located within I00-year floodplain boundaries and not protected by existing storm water facilities should be addressed. Specific Plan 03-067 142 o All structures are built to City Zoning and Development Code and the un iform building code standards which implement a strategy of conservation of energy and resources. • Subsidence hazards for the eastern portion of the City due to its location within a region characterized by potential soil liquefaction during severe ground shaking should be reduced if possible. o All structures are built to City Zoning and Development Code and the uniform building code standards which implement a strategy of conservation of energy and resources. • Noise mitigation should be considered with all development near arterial streets. o Setbacks from adjacent arterials are required by City development regulation. o A noise study has been prepared for development adjacent to arterials and other development as required by the City of La Quinta Community Development Department. • The factors that contribute to the increased risk of fire hazard should be reduced to protect La Quinta citizens and structures from fire damage. o All structures are built to City Zoning and Development Code and the uniform building code standards which implement a strategy of conservation of energy and resources. 4.8 AIR QUALITY ELEMENT • The stationary and mobile source of air quality impacts associated with new development should be addressed. o An analysis of the Air Quality has been prepared in conjunction with the previous Specific Plan amendment #I. All perceived impacts associated with this project proposal will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. o The Applicant shall utilize blow sand and dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Particular care shall be exercised during periods of extreme wind activity. o An analysis of the Air Quality has been prepared in conjunction with the previous Specific Plan Amendment I. All perceived impacts associated with this project proposal will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. o At the time of submittal of tentative tract maps or plans for any zoning approval the Applicant shall demonstrate that adequate provision has been made for non-automotive means of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing dependence on private automobiles. This may include golf Specific Plan 03-067 143 cart path systems, bicycle and pedestrian systems, and other similar systems consistent with the specific plan o Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providing for bus stops as required by the Community Development Director and consistent with the requirements of local transit districts and the specific plan. o The Applicant shall encourage and support the use of Sunline van/bus service and Dial-A-Ride between the project site, local airports (e.g., Palm Springs, Thermal) and other regional land uses. Specific Plan 03-067 144 ANDALUSIA WEST CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN 2035 The City of La Quinta General Plan 2035 contains the following elements: Land Use, Circulation, Livable Community, Economic Development, Parks, Recreation and Trail s; Housing; Air Quality; Energy and Mineral Resources; Biological Resources; Cultural Resources; Water Resources; Open Space and Conservation; Noise; Soils and Geology; Flooding and Hydrology; and Hazardous Materials. Each element of the General Plan 2035 contains a summary of goals which reflect the City’s values, aims, and aspirations. They also address the physical development of the City , the protection of people and property from man-made hazards, and the preservation of the City’s assets. Each element’s relevant goals are used in the Specific Plan as the basis for evaluating the Specific Plan's Andalusia West community’s consistency with the City's General Plan 2035. Applicable goals are stated below followed by a statement of how the Specific Plan as amended conforms thereto. 4.9 LAND USE ELEMENT • Land use compatibility throughout the City . o The site components (neighborhood commercial, low density residential, resort residential, resort hotel, resort amenities, wave basin, and recreational open space amenities) are compatible with surrounding residential and neighborhood commercial uses, surrounding streets, and natural barriers. • High quality design that comple ments and enhances the City. o The Specific Plan includes detailed design guidelines in Section 2.7 to guide high-quality development throughout the Specific Plan area. The high-quality design, amenities, and mix of land uses on the site work to offset any variation from the zoning ordinance in this Specific Plan. • A broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the City. o Andalusia West proposes high-quality, non-golf housing access to resort and recreational amenities not offered elsewhere in the area, thus enhancing housing choice for potential buyers. o The Specific Plan land use plans provides for a broad range of housing types in Planning Areas VIII and IX, designed to promote a broad range of housing options on the site. Planning Area VIII, designated as Low Density Residential in the land use plan, anticipates detached residential dwelling units with densities ranging from 0.8-2.8 dwelling units per acre. The land use plan for Planning Area IX anticipates attached residential dwelling units with densities ranging from 2.5-2.8 dwelling units per acre. • A balanced and varied economic base which provides a broad range of goods and services to the City’s residents and the region. Specific Plan 03-067 145 o The Specific Plan land use plan includes both neighborhood commercial and tourist commercial land uses which will generate revenue and create employment opportunities. The proposed project would increase services associated with tourism and neighborhood commercial uses. 4.10 CIRCULATION ELEMENT • A transportation and circulation network that efficiently, safely and economically moves people, vehicles, and goods using facilities that meet the current demands and projected needs of the City. o The project proposes a private circulation system to provide safe and efficient passage for pedestrians and motorists throughout the site. • A circulation system that promotes and enhances transit, alternative vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian networks. o The project proposes a private circulation system with low-speed, low-volume internal streets that will safely accommodate both vehicles and pedestrians. 4.11 LIVABLE COMMUNITY ELEMENT • A community that provides the best possible quality of life for all its residents. o The Specific Plan includes elements to address the goal of the Livable Community Element, which generally is intended to assist the City in developing a more united community through resource conservation, built environment enhancement, promotion of alternative forms of transportation, and improvement of community health. The Specific Plan is consistent with this goal by pro moting a high-quality mix of uses that will greatly enhance the built environment, will promote walkability in the resort center of the project, and will provide ample opportunities for active recreation. 4.12 ECONOMIC DEVELO PMENT ELEMENT • A balanced and varied economic base which provides fiscal stability to the City, and a broad range of goods and services to its residents and the region. o The project promotes a balanced and varied economic base for the City by introducing a resort with up to 150 hotel keys, a water-based active recreation amenity, and resort residences that will boost tourism and promote fiscal stability. Additionally, the residential use will incrementally increase demand for commercial goods and services in the region, thus enhancing the economy. • The continued growth of the tourism and resort industries in the City. o Andalusia West promotes the continued growth of the tourism and resort industries in La Quinta by providing a resort featuring a hotel with up to 150 keys, a water-based active recreation amenity, and supporting uses to enhance the resort experience. Specific Plan 03-067 146 4.13 PARKS, RECREATION AND TRAILS ELEMENT • A comprehensive system of parks, and recreation facilities and services that meet the active and passive needs of all residents and visitors. o The Project designates up to 54 acres for recreational open space uses, which includes a water-based active recreational amenity that will provide recreational opportunities currently not available in the City. 4.14 HOUSING ELEMENT • Provide housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City’s existing and projected population. o The Andalusia West Sub-community anticipates the development of up to 696 attached and detached dwelling units with densities ranging from 0.8-2.8 dwelling units per acre, thus contributing to and diversifying the City’s market rate housing stock. • Assist in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and moderate income households. o This site is not identified as a vacant or underutilized property on Exhibit II -14 of the General Plan. Rather, the site will be developed into high -end single- family attached and detached residential dwelling units in keeping with the character of surrounding developments. Due to the project location, this goal is not applicable to the project. • Create a regulatory system that does not unduly constrain the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing affordable to all La Quinta residents. o The project does not establish a regulatory program that would constrain affordable housing. Therefore, this goal is not applicable to this project. • Conserve and improve the quality of existing La Quinta neighborhoods and individual properties. o The project will complement the surrounding residential communities. Development of the property into a boutique hotel, neighborhood commercial, recreational open space, and residential uses will add value and amenities to neighboring communities and the City. • Provide equal housing opportunities for all persons. o The project does not establish housing policy for the City but does contribute to this goal by providing quality housing for a segment of the population. Specific Plan 03-067 147 • Provide a regulatory framework that facilitates and encourages energy and water conservation through sustainable site planning, project design, and green technologies and building materials. o The project promotes water conservation through the use of drought tolerant plant materials and water efficient irrigation techniques. The project will comply with all City and water district regulations and building codes for water conservation, energy efficiency, and building standards. The project will also comply with all applicable green building requirements. 4.15 AIR QUALITY ELEMENT • A reduction in all air emissions generated within the City. o An analysis of the Air Quality impacts of the project has been prepared in conjunction with Amendment V of the Specific Plan. All perceived impacts associated with this project proposal will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. o The Applicant shall utilize blow sand and dust control measures in accordance with the Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Particular care shall be exercised during periods of extreme wind activity. 4.16 ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES ELEMENT • The sustainable use and management of energy and mineral resources. o The project will comply with all applicable green building requirements, including the installation of private rooftop solar systems on residences. • The conservation and thoughtful management of local mineral deposits to assure the long-term viability of limited resources. o The project is not located in an area with significant mineral deposits and does not include any mining activities. Therefore, because of its location, the goal is not applicable to the project. 4.17 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ELEMENT • The protection and preservation of native and environmentally significant biological resources and their habitats. o An analysis of the biological impacts of the project has b een prepared in conjunction with Amendment V of the Specific Plan. All perceived impacts associated with this project proposal will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. 4.18 CULTURAL RESOURCES ELEMENT Specific Plan 03-067 148 • The protection of significant archaeological, his toric and paleontological resources which occur in the City. o An analysis of the Cultural Resource impacts of the project has been prepared in conjunction with Amendment V of the Specific Plan. All perceived impacts associated with this project proposal will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. 4.19 WATER RESOURCES ELEMENT • The efficient use and conservation of the City’s water resources. o The project promotes water conservation through the use of drought tolerant plant materials and water efficient irrigation techniques. The project will comply with all City and Coachella Valley Water District regulations and building codes for water conservation. 4.20 OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT • Preservation, conservation and management of the City’s open space lands and scenic resources for enhanced recreational, environmental and economic purposes. o The project includes significant open space amenities. It includes a water- based recreational amenity for use by community residents and guests. In addition, it designates approximately 54 acres as open space. The project incorporates connections to the public sidewalk and public trail system for convenient walking, jogging, and biking activities. • Good stewardship of natural open space and preservation of open space areas. o The property contains no geologic hazard zones or significant biological resources, suitable for preservation as active or passive op en space. However, the development does incorporate a significant open space amenity through the development of the water-based recreational amenity. • Preservation of scenic resources as vital contributions to the City’s economic health and overall quality of life. o The project is not located in an area designated as open space nor is it elevated or visually prominent. The project does not propose excess ively high residential, commercial, or mixed-use structures out of character with the surrounding community that would excessively block mountain views. 4.21 NOISE ELEMENT • A healthful noise environment which complements the City’s residential and resort character. Specific Plan 03-067 149 o The project establishes residential, resort residential, and neighborhood commercial uses with compatible noise levels in an existing residential area. These uses maintain and enhance the City’s residential and resort character and will be subject to the City’s noise ordinance. Noise levels on 58th Avenue and Madison Street are not excessive and the project is buffered by a 10 -foot high perimeter wall. The project with comply with any noise mitigations identified during the project CEQA review. 4.22 SOILS AND GEOLOGY ELEMENT • Protection of the residents’ health and safety, and of their property, from geologic and seismic hazards o The project is not subject to any on-site geologic or seismic hazards. Therefore, construction of new uses does not threaten the health and safety of project residents or guests. 4.23 FLOODING AND HYDROLOGY ELEMENT • Protection of residents from the potential impacts of hazardous and toxic materials. o The project is not located in a floodplain. The project design will comply with all mandatory drainage and stormwater management regulations. 4.24 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ELEMENT • Protection of residents from the potential impacts of hazardous and toxic materials. O The project is not expected to generate any hazardous waste beyond those commonly found with residential, resort residential, and neighborhood commercial uses. The routine transport, use or disposal of hazardous or toxic materials is not anticipated. Hazardous waste will be disposed of properly through the City and County’s Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP). 4.25 EMERGENCY SERVICES ELEMENT • An effective and comprehensive response to all emergency service needs. o The project design provides adequate access and circulation for emergency service vehicles. The development is in close proximity to urban fire and police services. Additionally, the design will comply with all City design standards and building codes and will undergo standard review by the Police and Fire Departments during entitlement approvals. 4.25 WATER, SEWER & OTHER UTILITIES ELEMENT Specific Plan 03-067 150 • Domestic water facilities and services which adequately serve the existing and long-term needs of the City. o Each project component, including each residential lot, will be provided with domestic water service from CVWD’s public water system. The domestic and irrigation water systems will be built to City and CVWD standards. • Sanitary sewer facilities and services which adequately serve the existing and long-term needs of the City. o Each project component, including each residential lot, will be provided with sanitary sewer service from CVWD’s public wastewater collection and treatment system. The sanitary sewer system will be built to City and CVWD standards. 4.26 PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT • Public facilities and services that are available, adequate and convenient to all City residents. o The proposed project has access to a full range of public services, including public schools through the Coachella Valley Unified School District, a public library and senior center at the La Quinta Civic Center, as well as police, fire, paramedic, and waste disposal services.