FY 2018-19 Art in Public Places (APP) Annual ReportCity of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: December 17, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ANNUAL REPORT RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Fiscal Year 2018/19 Art in Public Places Annual Report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Per the Municipal Code, the City must expend or commit fees from the Art in Public Places (APP) program within two years of receipt and monies collected must be accounted for in a separate fund. •An annual review of administrative expenses is required. There were no administrative expenses for 2018/19. •Attachment 1 presents the required analysis; the City has complied with the time limit for expenditure of fees and there are no findings to report. FISCAL IMPACT – None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City’s APP fund is governed by the Municipal Code. Annually, the City must demonstrate that it has complied with the following: •A determination whether or not the fees have been committed for use within two years of collection. Fees may be used for: The cost of public art and its installation; The cost to purchase or lease art sites; Waterworks, landscaping, lighting and other objects, which are an integral part of the artwork; Frames, mats, pedestals and other objects necessary for the proper presentation and installation of the artwork; Walls, pools, landscaping or other architectural or landscape architectural elements necessary for the proper aesthetic and structural placement of the artwork; Maintaining and repairing artwork; Administrative expenses to otherwise implement the APP program; Endowments; and Art replacement. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 15 159 •Review administrative expenses to ensure they were reasonably assessed to implement this program and that they do not exceed five percent of the total funds in the account on July 1 of any year or $25,000 in any fiscal year. If fees collected are not committed for the aforementioned uses, they are returned to the contributor. Staff analyzed APP fund revenues and expenditures, and no reimbursements are due to contributors. There were no administrative costs. During 2018/19, APP funds were used to purchase art pieces, paint art wall murals, install, maintain, or preserve art pieces, and inventory artwork as detailed in Attachment 1. All capital projects were reported in the prior fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES As this report is a requirement of the Municipal Code, staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Karla Romero, Finance Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachment: 1. Art in Public Places FY 2018/19 Annual Financial Report 160 City of La Quinta ATTACHMENT 1 Art in Public Places (Fund 270) FY 2018/19 Beginning Ending Account Description Fund Balance at 7/1/2018 FY 18/19 Fund Balance at 6/30/2019 Revenues & Other Sources: Developer fees 103,172 Interest income 16,561 Reimbursements - Total Sources 119,733$ Expenditures & Other Uses Art Purchases 69,590 Maintenance of Public Art 22,922 Project Administration - Transfers Out for Construction Art Project - Total Uses 92,512 Total Available 509,027$ 27,221$ 536,248$ Two Year Test Using First In First Out Method Summary of Funds Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Collected Expenditures Committed Unspent June 30, 2015 682,810 115,356 110,432 253,768 433,966 June 30, 2016 682,810 47,187 163,012 529,000 37,985 June 30, 2017 566,985 47,660 64,312 522,000 28,333 June 30, 2018 550,334 43,391 84,699 522,000 (12,974) June 30, 2019 509,026 119,733 92,512 760,000 (223,753) Total Revenue For Last Five Years 373,327$ 514,967$ Result : Two Year Spent or Committed Test Met. Future commitments for unspent funds are detailed below. Art in Public Places Expenses and Future Commitments Capital Projects and Expenses FY 18/19 Committed % Complete* % funded with fee Sculpture Restorations and Maintenance 16,468 - 100%100% Acknowledgement Plaques and Signs 4,519 - 100%100% Veterans Monument Upgrades/Expansion 2,675 - 100%100% Art Inventory, Maintenance & Preservation (LeBasse)12,400 - 100%100% Thetford & Shavin Art Enterprise LLC - MakerSpace Art Mural 3,750 - 100%100% Thetford & Shavin Art Enterprise LLC - La Quinta Night 2,500 - 100%100% Gard, Michael - Grace & Milo, Wire Cooper Scultures (2) 6,700 - 100%100% Lisa Kristine Fine Art - The Guardian, Framed Photo 5,000 - 100%100% DKLA Design - True Blue, Welded & Forged Steel 12,500 - 100%100% DKLA Design - Colibri, Welded & Forged Steel 6,500 - 100%100% John Cuevas - Volta, Library Art Mural, N. Wall on Calle Tampico 5,000 - 100%100% John Cuevas - Hydra, Frontier Wall Art Mural, City Lot 5,000 - 100%100%Chistopher Sanchez - Chromaplex, Library Art Murals and Makerspace Outdoor Patio Walls 6,500 - 100%100% Structural Drawings, La Fonda Art Installations (2)3,000 - 100%100% 111205 Dune Palms Bridge Improvements -200,000 11%1% 151603 La Quinta Village Complete Streets -95,000 22%1% 201608 SilverRock Event Space -300,000 14%5% 201709 Jefferson/Avenue 53 Roundabout -5,000 6%0.24% FY 2019/20 Budget for Art Purchases and Maintenance -160,000 2%100% Total 92,512 760,000 * Percentage completed as of December 1, 2019. The Art in Public Places fund is used to account for fees paid in lieu of acquisition, installation, replacement, maintenance and repair of approved art works at approved sites. The fees are refundable if not expended or committed within two years. 161 162