2021 01 27 Council Special Mtg re: STVRsCITY COUNCIL 1 JANUARY 27, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL AND TO THE CITY CLERK: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the La Quinta City Council is hereby called to be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, beginning at 5:00 p.m. Pursuant to Executive Orders N- 25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, N-35-20, and N-60-20 executed by the Governor of California, and the directives under the “Regional Stay At Home Order” from the California Department of Public Health, in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the City Council, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this meeting by teleconference. Additionally, pursuant to the above-referenced executive orders, the public is not permitted to physically attend the meeting at City Hall to which this agenda applies, but any member of the public may listen or participate in the open session of this meeting as specified below. Members of the public wanting to listen to this special meeting may do so by tuning-in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live.   Members of the public wanting to address the City Council during the meeting, for public comment are requested to send an email notification to the La Quinta City Clerk’s Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, and specify the following information: 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written or Verbal Telephonic Comments The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or “Verbal Telephonic Comments.” CITY COUNCIL 2 JANUARY 27, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM The special meeting is called for the following purpose: STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Dated: January 25, 2021 /s/Linda Evans LINDA EVANS, Mayor Attest: MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the City Council special meeting of January 27, 2021 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51321 Avenida Bermudas and 78630 Highway 111 on January 25, 2021. MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 JANUARY 27, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL AGENDA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2021 AT 5:00 P.M. ****************************** SPECIAL NOTICE Teleconferencing and Telephonic Accessibility In Effect Pursuant to Executive Orders N-25-20, N-29-20, N-33-20, N-35-20, and N-60-20 executed by the Governor of California, and the directives under the “Regional Stay At Home Order” from the California Department of Public Health, in response to the state of emergency relating to novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.), members of the City Council, the City Manager, City Attorney, City Staff, and City Consultants may participate in this meeting by teleconference. Additionally, pursuant to the above-referenced executive orders, the public is not permitted to physically attend the meeting at City Hall to which this agenda applies, but any member of the public may listen or participate in the open session of this meeting as specified below. Members of the public wanting to listen to the open session of this special meeting may do so by tuning-in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. Members of the public wanting to address the City Council during the meeting, for public comment are requested to send an email notification to the La Quinta City Clerk’s Office at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, and specify the following information: 1) Full Name 4) Public Comment 2) City of Residence 5) Subject 3) Phone Number 6) Written or Verbal Telephonic Comments City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 JANUARY 27, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM The email “subject line” must clearly state “Written Comments” or “Verbal Telephonic Comments.” Verbal telephonic public comments – requests to speak must be emailed to the City Clerk no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the City Council and general public for the item(s) by contacting him/her via phone and queuing him/her to speak. Only one person at a time may speak by telephone and only after being recognized by the Mayor. Written public comments must be received by the City Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, and will be distributed to the City Council, made publicly available, incorporated into the agenda packet and public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Mayor, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the City Clerk’s Office can accommodate such request. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda by emailing written public comments or requests to provide verbal telephonic public comments as indicated above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). The City Council values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by Government Code § 54954.2(b). STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD-HOC COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS ADJOURNMENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 JANUARY 27, 2021 SPECIAL MEETING SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on February 2, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on January 25, 2021. DATED: January 25, 2021 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777- 7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. 4 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING: January 27, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM AD- HOC COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION Discuss Short-Term Vacation Rental Program Ad-Hoc Committee recommendations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Short-Term Vacation Rental (STVR) Program Ad-Hoc Committee’s (Committee) final recommendations were presented to Council on December 15, 2020. The recommendations were color-coded based on three (3) categories: 1.Blue – staff recommends implementing or implementation is underway, 2.Green – recommendation was incorporated into the December 15, 2020 La Quinta Municipal Code (Code) (Ordinance No. 486) update, and 3.Yellow – for further discussion and consideration. The recommendations color-coded in yellow, including an analysis of the staff or fiscal resources necessary for implementation are presented to Council for further discussion and consideration in this report. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The California Constitution grants broad “police power” to cities to make and enforce laws for the promotion and protection of health, safety, and general welfare related to legitimate governmental purposes, which includes the cities’ land use, zoning, and related licensing powers. (Ehrlich v. City of Culver City (1996) 12 Cal.4th 854, 882.) With respect to STVRs, they are governed like other matters subject to city ordinance under the exercise of the police power. The seminal California case on STVRs expressly upholds the ability of cities to adopt ordinances regulating – even banning – STVRs. (Ewing v. City of Carmel- by-the-Sea (1991) 234 Cal.App.3d 1579, 1592.) Referencing the evolution and elasticity of the police power, the Ewing case expressly decided a city ordinance banning STVRs is neither a “Taking” nor a violation of Due Process, Equal STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 5 Protection, Privacy, or other provisions in the U.S. Constitution. Under this authority, the City has regulated STVRs since 2012 with the adoption of Ordinance No. 501 and Chapter 3.25 of the Code. In November 2019, Council approved the formation of a Committee tasked to review the STVR Program, including current regulations, application and permit/licensing process, compliance and enforcement, outreach and marketing, and make advisory recommendations to Council; and on February 3, 2020, Council appointed 15 individuals to serve on the Committee for a period of one year. At the December 15, 2020 meeting, the Council received the final comprehensive recommendations from the Committee. The Committee’s recommendations were organized in a table format and color-coded based on three (3) categories: 1.Blue – items that staff has already implemented, recommends implementing, or implementation is underway, 2.Green – recommendation was incorporated into the December 15, 2020 Code update (Ordinance No. 586), and 3.Yellow – for further discussion and consideration (Attachment 1). The recommendations color-coded in yellow, including an analysis of the staff or fiscal resources necessary for implementation are presented to Council for further discussion and consideration in this report. 1.b Committee Recommendation: Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two additional full-time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need. Analysis: One additional full-time Code Compliance Officer has been added to assist enforcement efforts. An active pilot program has been underway to employ temporary security and code compliance contract services when and if needed, particularly during high season. Resource/Cost: Increasing field enforcement staffing by the addition of one full-time Code Compliance Officer would cost $100,000 annually. Implementation: An active pilot program has been underway employing temporary security and code compliance as needed, particularly during high season. 7.e Committee Recommendation: Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Analysis: Executive Order No. 9 is currently in effect and it prohibits sound amplification outside at any time, and limits noise (whether inside or outside) to the extent that it disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or imposes upon the privacy and rights of others nearby. Current Code prohibits 6 sound amplification between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., and the recommendation is to extend the “no sound amplification with one additional hour, from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. Resource/Cost: Nominal cost/resource impact. Implementation: Staff proposes to administer a noise monitoring devices pilot program (Program) to evaluate effectiveness in noise mitigation (see attached Noise Monitoring Device Pilot Program and Objectives), and recommends no additional noise restrictions be implemented until the effectiveness of this Program id evaluated. The Program will be for a 90-day period starting after the current state’s “Regional Stay At Home” order is lifted. Pursuant to the Code, staff has the authority to impose a mitigating condition requiring the installation of a noise monitoring device at STVR properties, to address noise impacts (Section 3.25.070.P). Pending results of the Program, additional noise mitigation measures may be implemented. 8.c Committee Recommendation: Limit overnight parking for STVR properties (see also below). (This is the way some HOA communities manage occupancy issues). Analysis: Overnight parking is already regulated via current Code overnight occupancy and on-site parking requirements. A permit or renewal shall not be issued unless it can be demonstrated that there exists adequate onsite parking by a ratio of 4:1 – for every four occupants, one onsite parking spot must be provided, and no more than 2 street parking spots can be counted towards the required parking. On-site parking shall be on an approved driveway, garage, and/or carport areas (Section 3.25.050.F). For example, a STVR that is permitted for 12 occupants requires 3 parking spots (divide the number of permitted occupants by 4 = number of parking spots required; any fraction thereof is rounded up). HOAs may impose more restrictive regulations. Resource/Cost: No resource/cost impact because overnight parking is already regulated in current Code. Implementation: The current Code requires that STVRs provide on-site parking spots, and that a maximum of 2 street parking spots can be counted towards the parking requirements. For new permits and renewals, staff will require submittal of a site plan that shows the existence of on-site parking spots to meet the Code requirement. If adequate onsite parking based on the number of occupants cannot be achieved, the STVR permit can be conditioned to reduce the number of bedrooms (the number of bedrooms is the indicator for the number of occupants allowed in a STVR). HOAs may impose more restrictive regulations. 9.a Committee Recommendation: Require the Owner/Contact person/Property Manager to obtain a list of vehicle license plate numbers for renters occupying the property. This list must be 7 available to the compliance officer upon demand. Failure to provide this list will result in a citation. Analysis: This information can be helpful to staff when necessary to investigate a violation regarding overoccupancy, to address street parking impacts, or other violations. Staff recommends that obtaining a list of vehicle license plate numbers not be required, but that Code Compliance reserve the option to ask that a list be provided if needed for enforcement investigation. Resource/Cost: No resource/cost impact to staff because this requirement would be imposed on the Owner/Property Manager, and to be made available to the compliance officer upon demand. Implementation: Staff can implement this at any time or if needed to investigate a code violation. Staff recommends that obtaining vehicle license plate numbers not be required but that Code Compliance reserve the option to obtain a list when requested. 9.b Committee Recommendation: Limit the number of vehicles that may be parked on the street to a maximum of three (3) vehicles during times the STVR property is rented. Analysis: This recommendation is problematic because current Code allows a greater number of daytime occupants. For example, a four-bedroom STVR allows up to 16 occupants during daytime hours 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Limiting the number of vehicles parked on the street to a maximum of three vehicles is unreasonable, especially if the renters have guests visiting during the daytime hours. The City does not currently impose restrictions on public street parking. HOAs may impose more restrictive regulations. This recommendation could be clarified to limit parking on the street during overnight hours (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). Resource/Cost: Limiting the number of vehicles on the street tied to an STVR would require a tracking system such as obtaining a list of all vehicles (license plate numbers) and/or require that renters place a permit decal (rear view mirror hanger) or dashboard placard to identify each vehicle associated with an STVR. Oversight of this requirement would require the Owner or Property Manager to obtain information from the renter and would require staff time to gather this information and to track this activity. In addition, extra field work for code compliance officers is required if needed to verify compliance with the street parking limit. Implementation: The Code already establishes that adequate onsite parking be provided for the occupants of the STVR based on a parking ratio requirement, which helps to minimize impacts on street parking. The City does not currently impose restrictions on public street parking. HOAs may impose more restrictive regulations. 8 11.a Committee Recommendation: Reduce the current 3-srikes rule to a 2-strikes rule for noise and personal conduct violations. Analysis: Executive Order No. 9 currently in effect imposes a 2-strikes rule, resulting in a minimum 30-day suspension of the STVR permit. Staff recommends that the 2-strikes rule be maintained for a period of time, and that Code Compliance maintain the discretion to determine if a minor violation should count as a strike, in an effort to educate hosts. The minor violation would be recorded on their permit but not counted towards a strike. However, if these same violations persist, then they could be counted towards a strike. The Code Compliance Officer would have the discretion on when the violation should count based on this analysis. Resource/Cost: Nominal resource/cost impact. Implementation: The 2-strikes rule is currently in effect under Executive Order No. 9, until lifted. If the current Code 3-strikes rule is to be reduced to a 2-strikes rule as part of the permanent Ordinance, then a Code update would be required. 18. Committee Recommendation: STVR permits shall be separated into two (2) types of permit categories: Homeshares and STVR Properties: Homeshare Permit: Rentals where the property owner hosts visitors in the owner’s home, while the owner lives on-site and is in the home throughout the visitor’s stay. STVR Permit: Owner is not living on-site and in the home throughout the visitor’s stay. Analysis: Staff is in support with the addition of a Homeshare Permit type as defined above. Here are some other permit category types for consideration: 1)Homeshare Permit: owner’s primary residence; owner is in the home throughout the visitor’s stay; no minimum night stay and no limit to number of days rental per year. 2)Primary Residence Permit LR (Limited Rental): owner’s primary residence; limited rental of 90 or 120 days per year; minimum two-night stay; owner is not required to be present during visitor’s stay. 3)STVR Permit (LR): rentals limited to no more than 90 or 120 days per year; minimum two-night stay; owner isnot required to be present during the visitor’s stay. 4)STVR Permit: No limit to number of days rental per year; no minimum night stay; owner is not required to be present during the visitor’s stay; can allow this permit type for the Tourist Commercial zone only. 9 Some considerations for limiting the number of days rental: Currently, a STVR property can be rented 365 days of the year. Imposing a 90-days per year limit allows rental for 1/4 of the year. Imposing a 120-days per year limit allows rental for 1/3 of the year. With a cap to the number of days for rental in a year, the frequency of rentals would be reduced, which also reduces the density/overconcentration of the STVR activity in a neighborhood. Limited rental of 90 days or 120 days per year would allow rental to be concentrated during the seasonal demand, or rental can be spread throughout the year. With 52 weekends in a year, 120 days rental per year would allow rental every weekend of the year if each rental was for 2 nights. 90-days rental per year would not allow every weekend of rental. Resource/Cost: Each permit type will be assigned an adequate permit cost through a fee study. It will be necessary to track the number of days rental per year by enhancing our permit tracking and compliance monitoring services, which would be at a minimal cost impact. Implementation: Code update would be required to define different permit category types. Upon review of new permits or permit renewals, applicant determines which permit category applies to their STVR and the City (contract permit tracking service software) will track rental activity for compliance. 19. Committee Recommendation: Homeshare permit fees should be less than STVR permit fees. Analysis: A STVR fee study is currently underway to determine permit fees and associated cost recovery. Fees will be structured based on the permit type, for example Homeshare permit fees will likely be less than STVR permit fees. Resource/Cost: Fee study would include all approved types of permit categories and associated cost recovery. Implementation: Council to adopt revised STVR permits fee schedule based on approved permit categories. 20. Committee Recommendation: STVR Permit requires a two-night minimum stay. Analysis: Staff is in support of a two-night minimum stay. The intent of this Committee recommendation was that a minimum two-night stay are typically renters who come to enjoy the home, rest and relax, and visit the La Quinta area, versus the one-night stay which could lend itself to the weekend vacation party house. The Committee also discussed requiring a three-night minimum stay, but agreed to a two-night minimum stay. Some Committee members argued that a two-night minimum would not allow the business traveler needing 10 a stay of just one night. The two-night minimum stay would not be required for Homeshare permits or the STVR Permits in the TC zone as discussed above. 2020 Stats on STVR Rental Nights 3% of rentals were one-night stays. 27% of rentals were two-night stays. 24% of rentals were three-night stays. 18% of rentals were four-night stays. 10% of rentals were five-night stays. 5% of rentals were six-night stays. 5% of rentals were seven-night stays. 8% of rentals were stays more than one week. Nearly 70% of rentals were stays between two to four nights. Resource/Cost: Contract permit tracking software to monitor rental stays for compliance with two-night minimum stay. Implementation: Code update required to establish two-night minimum stay. 23. Committee Recommendation: All costs associated with administering the STVR program should be fully covered by the permit/licensing fees. Analysis: A STVR fee study underway and will incorporate any changes resulting from this study of the Program. Fee study will factor in staff’s administration of the program, permit processing, compliance monitoring, code compliance, and contract vendor costs. It is a policy decision of the Council on assigning fees commensurate with full cost recovery. 11 Resource/Cost: Fee study will factor in staff’s administration of the program, permit processing, compliance monitoring, code compliance, and contract vendor costs. Implementation: Council to adopt revised fee schedule. It is a policy decision of the Council on assigning fees commensurate with full cost recovery. 28. Committee Recommendation: To revise the daytime and overnight occupancies of STVRs. Current Ordinance Number of Bedrooms Total Overnight Occupants Total Daytime Occupants (Including Number of Overnight Occupants) 0 – Studio 2 2 - 8 1 2 - 4 2 – 8 2 4 – 6 4 – 8 3 6 – 8 6 – 12 4 8 – 10 8 – 16 5 10 – 12 10 – 18 6 12 – 14 12 – 20 7 14 14 – 20 8 16 16 – 22 9 18 18 – 24 Committee Recommendation Number of Bedrooms Total Overnight Occupants* Total Daytime Occupants (Including Number of Overnight Occupants) ** Studio 3 (1 must be child under 12) 6 1 4 (2 must be children under 12) 6 2 4 8 3 6 10 4 8 12 5 10 14 6 12 16 7 14 18 8 or more 16 18 * Overnight (10:01 p.m. – 6:59 a.m.) ** Daytime (7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.) Note: Occupancy levels exceeding these numbers shall require a Special Events Permit. Analysis: The range in numbers in the current Ordinance for daytime and overnight occupancies allow for flexibility, without changing the Code. Alternate Consideration – Special Permit for STVRs with five (5) or more bedrooms: To address the impacts of large numbers of people in an STVR that have the potential to disturb the peace and quiet of a neighborhood, an alternate 12 consideration is to require a special permit for STVRs with five (5) bedrooms or more. With STVRs of five bedrooms or more, the occupancy allowances range from 10-24 daytime occupants and 10-18 overnight occupants, which has been the problematic party houses causing disruption in the neighborhood. Current active STVR properties with five (5) or more bedrooms: Of the 1,356 STVR properties, 69 have 5 or more bedrooms, which represents 5% of STVR properties. 250 complaints received and 18 citations issued in 2020 for STVRs with five bedrooms or more; 109 complaints received and 13 citation issued in 2019 for STVRs with 5 bedrooms or more. A special STVR permit for properties with five (5) or more bedrooms would be subject to special standards in order to mitigate potential negative impacts of noise, parking, privacy, and overcrowding/disruptive parties. Standards can include: Evaluation of adequate on-site parking spaces No impact to street parking availability in the neighborhood Physical distance of STVR (i.e., outdoor gathering areas) from adjacent properties Require installation of noise monitoring devices Require inspection of the property to verify number of bedrooms and to evaluate all factors above. A permit can be denied if any one or more of the above criteria are not met. Current permitted STVRs of 5 bedrooms or more will be required to undergo the special permit review process upon their renewals – no grandfathering of existing STVRs with 5 bedrooms or more. The permit fee for STVRs with 5 bedrooms or more will be assessed as part of the fee study, to cover the cost of permit application review, inspection, and compliance. Resource/Cost: Administration of this special permit review will require more staff time to evaluate permit application based on special standards and to conduct field inspections. A special permit that must meet certain standards will be discretionary and must meet certain findings for approval. A review authority and appeals process would need to be structured. Special permit fee would be included in the fee study. Implementation: Staff does not recommend revising the daytime and overnight occupancies of STVRs. To address the impacts of large numbers of people in an STVR that have the potential to disturb the peace and quiet of a neighborhood, an alternate consideration is to require a special permit for STVRs with five (5) bedrooms or more. This change will require a Code update and adoption of revised fee schedule to add a fee for a special permit. 29-32. Committee Recommendation: Property Density/Overconcentration: 13 1.STVR Permits (properties where the Owner is not living on-site and in the home throughout the visitor’s stay; owners are not resident on the property and may be managed by absentee property owners or property management firms): a.For single family residences, one STVR property per 300 feet radius of a previously permitted property. b.For condominium complexes consisting of four or more units, two STVR properties per 300 feet radius. 2.Homeshare Permits (rentals where the property owner hosts visitors in the owner’s home, while the Owner lives on-site and in the home throughout the visitor’s stay), density limitations do not apply. 3.Tourist Commercial Zones should be exempt from density limitations. 4.Implementation of density limitations: a.Approve pending and new applications that comply with the density requirement above b.Properties that have their permits suspended shall be required to reapply for a permit and be subjected to the density recommendations Phasing in density limits to existing STVR’s that do not comply with the density requirement with renewals effective in 2022. Analysis: The current Code states that the city may limit the number of STVR in a given geographic area based on a high concentration of STVR, and the review procedure and criteria shall be developed and adopted by resolution of the City Council (Sections 3.25.060.D and H). Staff has been working with Deckard Technologies to create an updated map of STVR properties throughout La Quinta. The maps will illustrate the density of STVRs within geographic areas, zones, and HOA communities. The maps and data analytics will be presented at the meeting. Staff does not recommend implementation of the density/overconcentration standards recommended by the Committee based on the following points: Radius distance standard will be difficult to implement, requires precise technical measurements and mapping drawn to scale for each STVR application; Most Owners/Property Managers do not have the tools to create the radius distance maps and will require them to hire a computer draftsperson or design professional, adding costs and time to the permit process; If the radius distance mapping is to be done by staff for each application, the City would need assistance using mapping program software; Would prohibit current STVR from obtaining permit renewals and new STVR permits would not qualify; Establishing review criteria and a permit review and appeals process (public hearings) goes against permit streamlining efforts the City staff has been implementing over the past several years and continues to do; 14 Process and administration would be cost and time intensive for both staff and applicants. Other density/overconcentration standards to consider: Limit percentage of STVRs by geographic area: by neighborhood or defined area, or by zone (i.e., percentage limit of STVR within any defined geographic area, such as the Cove, etc.). HOAs may impose more restrictive density standards or can impose their own density standards (could be less restrictive in HOA). Capping total number of STVRs in City (exclude Tourist Commercial zones and HOA communities). Limit number of days to rent; reduces the frequency of rentals Limit the number of STVR permits that a property owner can have, Limit the number of STVR permits by outside investor, or owner that resides outside of La Quinta or outside of the Coachella Valley or Riverside County can have (can be specific to residential neighborhoods – not limit HOA, not limit TC zones), Tourist Commercial zones should be exempt from any density standards. Different permit types, i.e., Homeshare, Primary Residence and Limited Rental, can help reduce the density and frequency of rental activity in a neighborhood. Implement stronger enforcement regulations recently adopted and evaluate program Another consideration is to not impose a density standard at this time, and allow the new enforcement and compliance measures, recent Code updates, and other performance standards be put into practice. The recent implementation of stronger enforcement regulations, such as increased fines, penalty of operating without a STVR permit (no permit can be granted to that owner), and penalty for advertising without a permit will help to minimize density/overconcentration of STVRs. Density standards may be considered at a later time (within six months or a year), after the STVR program establishes a track record and the program can then be further evaluated. Resource/Cost: Process and administration of recommended density standards would be cost and time intensive for both staff and applicants. Implementation: Staff does not recommend implementation of the density/overconcentration standards. A resolution will need to be adopted by Council and the Code may need to be updated. 37. Committee Recommendation: Welcome Guest Video Creation of a video to be posted on the City website and YouTube with a link that can be easily shared by Hosts to their guests as part of their pre-arrival on-boarding process. Content of a short, approximately 3-4-minute video would serve to welcome guests to La Quinta while notifying them that we are 15 a “Neighbors First Community” and outlining expectations about noise, parking, trash, and occupancy. The video could also be shared via social media channels as part of a greater STVR marketing strategy. As time is of the essence, a simple but professional card deck style recording with interspersed stock video and professional voice-over could be created cost-effectively for immediate roll- out with a longer range goal of replacing it with an improved video with high quality production once a larger budget is established. A QR code to view the video could be included in the Good Guest brochure Analysis: This effort would help with promoting education and outreach to STVR hosts, renters, and the La Quinta community about the STVR program. Work with Marketing to hire video production. Resource/Cost: Costs for video production approximately $15,000 - $20,000 (includes compulsory “workshop” video for new permit holders and for permit holders that are renewing their permits. Implementation: Work with Marketing for production of Welcome Guest Video and Compulsory Workshop for New Permittees and Violators/Suspended Permit holders. Prepared by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Approved by: Jon McMillen, City Manager Attachments: 1. Committee Recommendations (color-coded) 2. Noise Monitoring Device Pilot Program and Objectives 16 STVR Ad Hoc Committee Enforcement Recommendations DECEMBER 15, 2020 blue – staff has already implemented, recommends implementing, or implementation is underway; green – recommendation has been incorporated in the recent Code update; yellow – for further discussion and consideration; white – staff does not recommend. 2020 ATTACHMENT 117 ENFORCEMENT Part 1 - Issues before an enforcement event – Communicating with the City / Verifying a complaint Issue 2: STVR Homeowner not registering with the City 2 Committee Recommendation2.a Require that a City of La Quinta STVR permit number be included in all property advertisements on all platforms (VRBO, print, web, etc.). 2.b Publicize the registration requirements regularly on the web site and through social media outlets. 2.c Where possible, partner with HOA communities and Management Companies to exchange information on STVR rental activities. 2.d Include mail inserts to all residents in any surface mailings sent out to residents. 2.e Assess significant monetary penalties for non-compliance. These penalties must be paid before an STVR license can be obtained. 1Committee Recommendation1.a Staff the hotline with live, (local, trained) personnel who are familiar with La Quinta geography and empowered and equipped to initiate complaint resolution immediately. 1.b Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two additional full time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need. 1.c Hotline and enforcement staff should be dynamically managed: more staff when the hotline is heavily used (evenings and weekends) and less staffing at times when complaints tend to be low (weekday mornings and afternoons). 1.d Require a code inspection on a property prior to granting an STVR license. This inspection should be for the purposes of verifying accuracy with respect to the application, particularly in the areas of occupancy limits (number of bedrooms) and living arrangements (room conversions, etc.). 18 ENFORCEMENT Issue 3: STVR Owner not aware of the rules 3Recommendation3.a Applicants, any individuals listed as contacts for the property, and any designated Management Company representatives who directly manage a property must attend a compulsory workshop prior to the issuance of permits. Applicants must sign a document asserting they have attended the workshop, understand the rules and agree to be bound by them. 3.b STVR Owners, any individuals listed as contacts for the property, and any designated Management Company representatives who are directly responsible for managing a property that has been assessed a violation must retake the compulsory workshop at their own expense before a license for that property can be renewed. 3.c This training workshop should also be open to the public so that interested parties (neighbors, potential new STVR licensees) can familiarize themselves with the requirements and responsibilities of STVR ownership. 3.d False advertising (i.e. number of bedrooms, sleeping capacity, occupancy limits) will result in a citation, and count as a strike against the property. Issue 4: Renters not aware of the rules 4Recommendation4.a The City require the property owner/manager assert that a renter has been provided with all current City ordinances governing expected behavior in advance of allowing that renter to occupy the property. 4.b A condensed copy of the relevant ordinance(s) must be permanently fixed to a prominent location inside the property. This document will be generated by the City and outline the relevant rules in plain language. (duplicate of 4.a) 4.c Update and strengthen the “Good Neighbor” brochure to include specific language relating to noise and personal behavior requirements. Require a copy be included as part of every rental agreement. 4.d Changes to City ordinances, including adoption of temporary orders must be posted in a prominent location inside the property within 48 hours of adoption, and before the property can be rented again. (duplicate of 4.a) 19 ENFORCEMENT Issue 5: Neighbors not aware of the rules 5Recommendation5.a ALL neighbors adjacent to (on all sides) and across the street from an STVR property be notified by the city and supplied with the samedocuments the Owner is required to furnish to the renter. (This could be a requirement placed on the STVR owner if the City feels it is appropriate – as long as the neighbor gets the information). These documents must include: A copy of the City STVR Ordinance A copy of the “Good Neighbor” brochure Contact information for complaints to the City. Contact information for the Property owner and the Property Manager if applicable. A link to the City STVR website where interim rule changes are posted. 5.b These documents should be refreshed annually as part of the license renewal process.5.c A document should be provided to the neighbor explaining the meaning of any technical terms. Where possible real-life examples shouldbe used to illustrate the terms used. This document should be provided to renters as well. 20 ENFORCEMENT The Enforcement Event Issue 6: No contact with Owner/Representative 6Recommendation6.a Implement an escalation process whereby if the first call to the designated contact goes unanswered within a 30-minute window, a call is made to RSO and a mandatory citation is issued. 6.b As described above, increase the number of trained and dedicated enforcement personnel to levels that can actively address the situation with or without the homeowner / property manager. Issue 7: Noise/Behavior/Party Events 7Recommendations7.a A document should be prepared and provided to all parties clarifying definitively the meaning of any technical measurements and howthese measurements should be interpreted. (See also above). 7.b Enforcement personnel should be provided with and trained to use relevant noise level meters and other tools that enhance objective measurement of noise. They should also be trained to explain the results of these measurements to neighbors and renters in the event of a complaint. 7.c Where possible, real-life examples should be used to illustrate the terms used. This document should be provided to renters as well. 7.d The City should implement tutorial workshops that clarify what the noise and behavior rules are. These workshops should be open to all community members and conducted on a regular basis (perhaps once every calendar quarter). 7.e Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8 a.m. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. 21 Issue 8: Occupancy Limit Violations 8Recommendations8.a Empower and require enforcement personnel to ask and verify (subject to legal applicability) the number of occupants at time of a complaint. 8.b Notify the STVR owner or property manager immediately if a citation will be issued. This will enable recovery of any fines from the occupants before security deposits are refunded, etc. 8.c Limit overnight parking for STVR properties (see also below). (This is the way some HOA communities manage occupancy issues) ENFORCEMENT Issue 9: Parking 9 Recommendations9.a Require the Owner/Contact person/Property Manager obtain a list of vehicle license plate numbers for renters occupying the property. This list must be available to the compliance officer upon demand. Failure to provide this list will result in a citation. 9.b Limit the number of vehicles that may be parked on the street to a maximum of three vehicles during times the property is rented. Issue 10: Trash 10Recommendations10.a Current regulations are adequate for dealing with this issue, however during the process of getting a license, the STVR applicant should be specifically made aware of the current trash collection policy, including the availability of larger capacity bins and concierge collection services, as well as the fines associated with non-compliance. 10.b The STVR owner must inform the renter in writing of the property specific trash policy as part of the rental agreement.22 ENFORCEMENT Part 3 - After the Enforcement Event Issue 11: Repeat offenders/3 strikes 11 Recommendations11.a Reduce the current 3-strike rule to a 2-strike rule for noise and personal conduct violations. 11.b In the event an STVR permit is suspended for any cause, the City shall notify the Owner, and any contact person or PropertyManagement firm associated with the property. In addition, a notification of suspension shall be sent to all neighbors adjacent to (on all sides) and across the street from of the suspended property. 11.c Staff the hotline with a live, (local) person who is familiar with La Quinta geography and empowered and equipped to initiate complaintresolution immediately. (See previously). 11.d Increase field enforcement staffing by at least two full time STVR trained officers available for immediate dispatch during times of need.(See previously). 23 STVR Ad Hoc Committee Violations Recommendations DECEMBER 15, 2020 blue – staff has already implemented, recommends implementing, or implementation is underway; green – recommendation has been incorporated in the recent Code update; yellow – for further discussion and consideration; white – staff does not recommend. 2020 24 VIOLATIONS Part II - Recommendations on Violations Issue: Communicating with the City / Verifying a complaint Committee Recommendation Code Update 12 General STVR Violations (Noise/ Parking) a.First Violation: $1,000b.Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit fora period of not less than 30 days and not more than 1 yearGeneral STVR Violations (Occupancy/Noise/Parking). a. First violation: $1,000;b. Second violation: $2,000;c.Third violation: $3,00013 Operating a STVR without a valid short-term vacation rental permit a.First Violation: $4,000 + Suspension on applying for a STVRpermit for a period of not less than 30 days (with everyadditional day being an offense)b.Second Violation: $6,000 + Suspension on applying for aSTVR permit for a period of not less than 1 year (with everyadditional day being an offense)Operating a STVR Without a Valid Short-Term Vacation Rental Permit. a.First violation: $3,000;b.Second or more violations: $5,000;In addition to the fine set forth above, the first violation of operating a STVR without a valid short-term vacation rental permit shall be cause for an owner (or person and/or entity that owns or controls a business or organization or other entity of any kind, such as a limited liability company, which is the owner a property) to be prohibited for all time from being eligible to be issued a short-term vacation rental permit and/or business license for use of a property as a short-term vacation rental unit. 25 Committee Recommendation Code Update 14 Failure to respond within the defined timeframe in person or by phone – a.First Violation: $2,000b.Second Violation: $2,000 + Suspension of STVR permit for aperiod of not less than 30 daysFailure to respond within the defined timeframe in person or by phone – a.First violation: $1,000;b.Second violation: $2,000;c.Third violation: $3,000.15 Exceeding Occupancy Limits without a permit – a.First Violation: $2,500b.Second Violation: $5,000 + Suspension of STVR permit fora period of not less than 30 days Exceeding Occupancy Limits without a permit - a. First violation: $1,000;b. Second violation: $2,000;c. Third violation: $3,000 16 The City will notify all adjacent properties as indicated in the illustration below in the event an STVR permit is revoked for any reason or any length of time. 17 Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8 a.m. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. 26 STVR Ad Hoc Committee Permitting Recommendations DECEMBER 15, 2020 blue – staff has already implemented, recommends implementing, or implementation is underway; green – recommendation has been incorporated in the recent Code update; yellow – for further discussion and consideration; white – staff does not recommend. 2020 27 PERMITTING Recommendations 18 Short Term Rental permits shall be separated into two types of permit categories: Homeshares and STVR Properties: Homeshare Permit: Rentals where the property owner hosts visitors in the owner’s home, while the owner lives on-site and is in thehome throughout the visitor’s stay. STVR Permit: Owner is not living on-site and in the home throughout the visitor’s stay.19 Homeshare permit fees should be less than STVR permit fees. 20 STVR Property Permits requires a two-night minimum stay. 21 Neighbor Notification of a new permit or permit renewal: a.Permittee shall notify (at their expense) adjacent property owners of their receiving a permit to operate. For the purposes ofnotification, the term “adjacent property” will include all properties surrounding the licensed property as shown in Figure 1 of Permitting Subcommittee Recommendations document. b.If the subject property is in a HOA community, the Permittee shall also notify (at their expense) the Homeowner Association.c.The Permittee shall provide complete documentation regarding rules and regulations pertaining to the rental to the adjacentproperties described in (a) and (b) above. This shall include complete copies of any City recommended documents, contactinformation for the owner and any designated representative(s), as well as contact details for the City complaint hotline.d.The permittee shall provide to the City proof of service and HOA notification (if applicable) to adjacent property owners asdescribed above, in the form of registered mail receipts or an affidavit certifying service.Figure 1. Adjacent properties requiring notification of a permit being granted: 28 22 Property Inspection: Virtual inspection: The City shall prepare, and supply to the applicant, a list of requirements that are necessary for propertyevaluation. The applicant shall provide photographic and any other supporting evidence that these requirements have been met. Physical Inspection: The licensee shall make the property available for a physical inspection upon notification from the City. Cityinspection shall be at the sole discretion of the City and any fees will be paid for by the applicant homeowner 23 All costs associated with administering the program should be fully covered by the permit/licensing fees. 24 Permits shall not be transferable. 25 The City shall prepare an integrated, comprehensive relational database of permittees and applicants. This data framework shall allow for on demand statistical analysis of all aspects of the STVR program, including but not limited to: contact information for the owner and designated emergency contact or property management firm, types of permit, density in relation of adjacent properties, history with details on complaints and/or citations, and any other fields necessary for the effective enforcement and reporting on the STVR program. 26 The address of properties having suspended permits shall be published on the City STVR website, together with the duration of the suspension. 27 In the event a property owner is cited for operating without a permit, a period of not less than 6 months shall pass before the owner can apply for a permit. In the event a property owner is cited a second time for operating without a permit, that owner shall not be eligible for a permit at all. 29 STVR Ad Hoc Committee Occupancy and Property Density Recommendations DECEMBER 15, 2020 blue – staff has already implemented, recommends implementing, or implementation is underway; green – recommendation has been incorporated in the recent Code update; yellow – for further discussion and consideration; white – staff does not recommend. 2020 30 OCCUPANCY DENSITY Recommendations 28 Current Ordinance – limits the number of occupants that are permitted to occupy rental property. Number of Bedrooms Total Overnight Occupants* Total Daytime Occupants (Including Number of Overnight Occupants)** 0 – Studio 2 2 - 8 1 2 - 4 2 – 8 2 4 – 6 4 – 8 3 6 – 8 6 – 12 4 8 – 10 8 – 16 5 10 – 12 10 – 18 6 12 – 14 12 – 20 7 14 14 – 20 8 16 16 – 22 9 18 18 – 24 Recommendation Number of Bedrooms Total Overnight Occupants* Total Daytime Occupants (Including Number of Overnight Occupants)** Studio 3 (1 must be child under 12) 6 1 4 (2 must be children under 12) 6 2 4 8 3 6 10 4 8 12 5 10 14 6 12 16 7 14 18 8 or more 16 18 *Overnight (10:01 p.m. – 6:59 a.m.)** Daytime (7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.) Note: Occupancy levels exceeding these numbers shall require a Special Events Permit. 31 PROPERTY DENSITY Recommendations 29 STVR Permits (properties where the Owner is not living on-site and in the home throughout the visitor’s stay; owners are not resident on the property and may be managed by absentee property owners or property management firms): e.For single family residences, one STVR property per 300 feet radius of a previously permitted property (See Figure 1, attached).f.For condominium complexes consisting of four or more units, two STVR properties per 300 feet radius (see Figure 2, attached).30 Homeshare Permits (rentals where the property owner hosts visitors in the owner’s home, while the Owner lives on-site and in the home throughout the visitor’s stay), density limitations do not apply. 31 Tourist Commercial Zones should be exempt from density limitations. 32 Implementation of density limitations: a.Approve pending and new applications that comply with the density requirement aboveb.Properties that have their permits suspended shall be required to reapply for a permit and be subjected to the densityrecommendationsc.Phasing in density limits to existing STVR’s that do not comply with the density requirement with renewals effective in 202232 Figure 1. Illustrative example of La Quinta Cove with proposed 300 foot density recommendation. 33 Figure 2. Illustrative example of condominium complex (PGA West) with proposed limit of two STVR properties within 300 foot radius. 34 Figure 3. Example of 300 foot radius in the Cove limiting density/concentration of STVR. Five (5) STVRs would be allowed, out of 144 properties within given area. This amounts to 3% STVR properties within the given area. 35 Figure 4. Example of 300 foot radius in North La Quinta limiting density/concentration of STVR. Eight (8) STVRs would be allowed, out of 165 properties within given area. This amounts to 4% STVR properties within the given area. 36 STVR Ad Hoc Committee Top 5 Marketing Priorities DECEMBER 15, 2020 blue – staff has already implemented, recommends implementing, or implementation is underway; green – recommendation has been incorporated in the recent Code update; yellow – for further discussion and consideration; white – staff does not recommend. 2020 37 MARKETING Priorities/Recommendations33 Host Checklist: This checklist would be pushed to Hosts via the MuniRevs email list and possibly also posted in MuniRevs as a task to be completed and tracked. The priority would be distribution to owners and managers of known problem properties. The goal of the checklist is to educate Hosts on best practices they should implement immediately to ensure guests are informed and neighbors' interests are being considered. Checklist items include items required by city code, but also recommendations for specific items that engage a responsible Host to manage expectations before problems arrive. 34 Good Neighbor/Good Guest Brochure: The Good Neighbor Brochure has been updated by the City marketing staff and the sub-committee has offered suggestions to make it even more useful for Hosts. One suggestion is to rename it the Good Guest brochure, making it a one-sided sheet for easy posting and durability in a vacation rental. The Sub-Committee has suggested a second, Neighbor specific brochure be considered to educate neighbors about when and how to open complaints, for example "Call about This, Not That". The Neighbor specific brochure would be distributed to all homes in the vicinity of a vacation rental as part of the neighbor notification requirement recommended by the Permitting sub-committee. 35 Host Training & Best Practices: The sub-committee has outlined a draft guest on-boarding process for the purpose of creating a Host Training Certification with live workshops and/or video training and a Host testing platform. The goal of the training is to improve hosting capabilities and guest management for reduced complaints and compliance thus less violations. This tactic supports recommendations from the Permitting sub-committee that Hosts complete training for permit renewal. 36 Violation Notice/Supplement: Guests are often uninformed by Hosts and/or lacking intel about the noise orders and expectations when renting a vacation rental. The sub-committee discussed the possibility of creating a Violation Brochure/Letter issued to Guests when Code Enforcement or the Sheriff visits the home in response to a complaint. Currently, Citations are issued to Owners and not Guests. The intent of this strongly worded 1 page document would be to inform the Guest that a citation with fines may have been issued for which they may be financially responsible as well and that any additional complaints may result in their immediate evacuation from the property and the Host's license being suspended. 37 Welcome Guest Video: Creation of a video to be posted on the City website and YouTube with a link that can be easily shared by Hosts to their guests as part of their pre-arrival on-boarding process. Content of a short, approximately 3-4-minute video would serve to welcome guests to La Quinta while notifying them that we are a “Neighbors First Community” and outlining expectations about noise, parking, trash, and occupancy. The video could also be shared via social media channels as part of a greater STVR marketing strategy. As time is of the essence, a simple but professional card deck style recording with interspersed stock video and professional voice-over could be created cost-effectively for immediate roll-out with a longer range goal of replacing it with an improved video with high quality production once a larger budget is established. A QR code to view the video could be included in the Good Guest brochure. 38 Noise Monitoring Device Pilot Program COMMUNITY RESOURCES ATTACHMENT 2 39 Program Overview NOISE MONITORING DEVICESLQ PURPOSE To confirm whether noise monitoring devices are effective in noise mitigation. WHO'S INVITED TO THE PROGRAM? Everyone is eligible to apply. City will create an interest list and review applicants. CITY WILL CATEGORIZE PROPERTIES BY THE FOLLOWING: Size of property PGA West Cove N. of HWY 111 Homes with Pools Houses with several neighbors STVR managed by property management company Does landlord live on site? Does landlord live far from STVR?40 Program Overview NOISE MONITORING DEVICESLQ PROGRAM RULES Participant must agree to install device for period of time Provide City with information fromthe device Participant keeps device at the end of the Pilot Landlord must use device correctly and honestly Participants will not get cited unless egregious incident occurs NUMBER OF DEVICES TO BE INSTALLED 1 room monitor device 1 noise aware device Total of 2 devices and both devices installed in same household DEVICE PLACEMENT Near a swimming pool Near sliding door (indoor or outdoor) Near back patio door Back patio Living room 41 QUESTIONS STAFF HOPES TO ANSWER How early does system detect issue? How long does it take for the landlord to respond? Which device captures noise fastest? How does each device measure noise in real time? Does it make a difference? Can it resolve issue before neighbor calls hotline? Does it keep an issue from escalating? If device(s) are effective, will problem properties be mandated to use? Program Overview NOISE MONITORING DEVICESLQ 42 Program Overview NOISE MONITORING DEVICESLQ TIMELINE Secure agreement with noise monitoring device companies in January and take to Council early June. SCHEDULE - INITIATES WHEN GOV STAY AT HOME ORDERS END. STEPS LISTED CHRONOLOGICALLY: Meet with Noise Aware Meet with Room Monitor Secure an Agreement Select Properties Initiate Pilot Program 1st Team Check-In Pilot Program Month 2 2nd Team Check-In Pilot Program Month 3 3rd and Final Team Check-in Data Assessment Pilot Program Debrief Debrief with Noise ware and Room Monitor Staff report Present at Council 43 POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 27, 2021 1/27/2021 1 City Council Special Meeting January 27, 2021 Pledge of Allegiance 1 2 1/27/2021 2 City Council Special Meeting January 27, 2021 S1 – Discuss STVR Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations Overview •Background o General Legal Framework o Analytics and Maps •Comparison of Regulations •STVR Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations o Density (Occupancy/Overconcentration) o Permits o Code Enforcement o Noise o Parking 3 4 1/27/2021 3 Background •November 2019 ‐Council approved the formation  of  a STVR Ad Hoc Committee  •February 2020 ‐Council appointed 15 individuals to  serve on the Committee •December 2020 ‐Council received the final  Committee recommendations. General Legal Framework •Cities have constitutional authority to make and enforce laws  for  the health, safety, and general welfare. •This “police power” includes a cities’ ability to enact  municipal codes and procedures relating to land use, zoning,  and licensing of activities. •Seminal California case confirmed that cities have broad  authority to regulate STVRs. 5 6 1/27/2021 4 # of  Units # of   Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of   Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  City  wide 25,665 1,366* 359 5.3% 6.7% * This reflects the number of permitted STVRs as of December 30, 2020.  This  number may increase or decrease from month to month due to: 1) expired  permits, 2) pending renewals, 3) those who decide not to renew their permit,  and 4)  new permits issued within specific areas that are exempt from the  moratorium.   # of  Units # of   Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of   Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  All  areas*   excluding TC zones, VC zone 9,769 939 205 9.6% 11.7% *All areas that allow STVR 7 8 1/27/2021 5 # of  Units # of   Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of   Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  All  areas*  excluding  TC zones,  VC zone, HOAs 5,401 399 93 7.3% 9.1% *All areas that allow STVR La Quinta Zoning Map Tourist  Commercial zones •Center Pointe •Rancho La Quinta •Legacy Villas •La Quinta Resort •SilverRock •Signature at PGA West •S/W corner 62nd and Madison •N/W corner 64th and Madison Village Commercial zone •Embassy Suites (Casitas Las  Rosas) 9 10 1/27/2021 6 There are 48 HOA communities. 6 HOA communities allow STVRs: •Legacy Villas •Monticello •Los Estados @Santa Rosa Cove •Santa Rosa Cove •PGA West •Puerto Azul 42 HOA communities prohibit STVRs.   STVRs are permitted in all residential  zones with a City issued permit, with the  exception of HOA communities that  prohibit STVRs.   North La Quinta Permitted STVR # of  Units # of  Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of   Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  North La  Quinta  (north of  Hwy 111) 2,578 148 53 5.7% 7.7% 11 12 1/27/2021 7 North La Quinta Permitted and Unpermitted  STVR # of  Units # of  Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of   Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  North  LQ  (north  of Hwy  111) 2,578 148 53 5.7% 7.7% The Cove Permitted STVR # of  Units # of   Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of   Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  The  Cove 4,994 296 65 5.9% 7.2% 13 14 1/27/2021 8 The Cove Permitted and Unpermitted STVR # of  Units # of  Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of  Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  The  Cove 4,994 296 65 5.9% 7.2% PGA West Permitted STVR # of  Units # of   Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of  Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  PGA  West 3,332 454 86 13.6% 16.2% 15 16 1/27/2021 9 PGA West Permitted and Unpermitted STVR # of  Units # of   Permitted  STVR # of  Unpermitted  STVR % of  Permitted  STVR  % of Total  STVR  (Permitted  and  Unpermitted)  PGA  West 3,332 454 86 13.6% 16.2% Comparison of Regulations Regulation Ad Hoc Committee  Recommendation N4N Recommendation Palm Springs La Quinta ‐Code update or for  Consideration  Density/ Overconcentration  (Measured  Standard) 300’ radius distance for single  family residence; 2 STVR  within 300’ radius for condo  complex.   Agrees with Ad Hoc  Committee  recommendation for 300’  radius distance;  None, 1 STVR per owner None; other considerations to minimize  density and frequency or rentals  provided in staff report:   limit  percentage by zone or area, limit  number of days/yr, limit number of  STVR per owner, different permit types. Permit Types Two types of permits: 1)  Homeshare 2) STVR Permit Three types of permits:  1) Homeshare 2) STVR Commercial (TC  Zone)  3) 3) STVR – Residential Three types of permits: 1)Homeshare 2) Vacation Rental  3) Estate Home Addendum  Application (5‐6 bedrooms) Different permit types for  consideration: 1) Homeshare, 2)  Primary Residence Permit Limited, 3)  STVR Permit Limited, 4) STVR Permit No  Limit (TC zones) 5) Special Permit for 5  bedrooms or more Limited rental times Minimum 2 nights stay; Does not apply to Homeshare or STVR located in TC zones Minimum 3 nights stay;  phasing in longer min.  nightly stay to min 10  nights 18 months after new  ordinance adopted;  consider min 28 days 36  months after new  ordinance adopted.    No min. night stay; Limited rental 32  times/calendar year + 4 rentals  times allowed July/Aug/Sept.   Prorated rental times for first  year.    Consideration:  limited rental 90 or 120  days/year 5 bedroom or more None.  None Requires Estate Home  Application Addendum (5‐6  bedrooms); 7 or more  bedrooms not allowed. Consideration:  Special Permit for STVR  with 5 bedrooms or more 17 18 1/27/2021 10 Comparison of Regulations Regulation Ad Hoc Committee  Recommendation N4N Recommendation Palm Springs La Quinta ‐Code update or for  Consideration  Density/ Overconcentration   (Measured Standard) 300’ radius distance for  single family residence;  2 STVR within 300’  radius for condo  complex.   Agrees with Ad Hoc  Committee  recommendation for  300’ radius distance;  None, 1 STVR per owner None; other considerations to  minimize density and  frequency or rentals provided  in staff report:   limit  percentage by zone or area,  limit number of days/yr, limit  number of STVR per owner,  different permit types. Permit Types Two types of permits:  1) Homeshare, 2) STVR  Permit Three types of  permits: 1)  Homeshare 2) STVR  Commercial (TC  Zone) 3) STVR ‐ Residential Three types of permits: 1)Homeshare, 2)  Vacation Rental 3)  Estate Home Application  (5‐6 bedrooms) Different permit types for  consideration: 1) Homeshare,  2) Primary Residence Permit  Limited, 3) STVR Permit  Limited, 4) STVR Permit No  Limit (TC zones) 5) Special  Permit for 5 bedrooms or more Limited rental times Minimum 2 nights stay; Does not apply to  Homeshare or STVR  located in TC zones Minimum 3 nights  stay; phasing in  longer min. nightly  stay to min 10 nights  18 months after new  ordinance adopted;  consider min 28 days  36 months after new  ordinance adopted.    No min. night stay; Limited rental 32  times/calendar year + 4  rentals times allowed  July/Aug/Sept.  Prorated  rental times for first  year.    Consideration:  limited rental  90 or 120 days/year 5 bedroom or more None.  None Requires Estate Home  Application Addendum  (5‐6 bedrooms); 7 or  more bedrooms not  allowed. Consideration:  Special Permit  for STVR with 5 bedrooms or  more Standard Ad Hoc Committee  Recommendation N4N Recommendation Palm Springs La Quinta –Code Update or for  Consideration Limit on Number of STVR  permits by Owner  No recommendation. None. One STVR per Owner No limit. Cap number of STVR permits None. Cap the maximum number  of STVR permits for  Homeshares, TC (to be set  by Council); STVRs in  residential zones not to  exceed 3% of homes in  zone (freeze issuance of  new permits until 3% is  achieved).  None None  Local contact person available Local contact person  available at property within  30 minutes None Local contact person available  at property within 30 minutes Code updated:  Local contact person to  be available at property within 30  minutes 3 Strikes Rule 2 strikes None 3 strikes:  City Manager has  discretion to suspend permit  forever.  Third strike can be  appealed and if appeal is in  favor, strike is pardoned.   Exec Order 9: 2 strikes, min 30 day  suspension Current Code: 3 strikes, immediate  suspension and can request appeal  hearing. Operating without permit  ineligible for permit forever.  Amplified noise Quiet hours shall be between  the hours of 10 p.m. and 8  a.m. No amplified noise from  8pm to 8am. None. No outside amplified music  allowed while being rented.  Indoor amplified music shall  not be heard at the property  line.  Exec Order 9 –no outside sound  amplification at any time.   Current Ordinance:   no noise  amplification from 10pm‐7am. 90 day Noise monitoring pilot program  to be implemented   Ad Hoc Committee recommendations: •Blue–items that staff has already implemented,  recommends implementing, or implementation is  underway, •Green – recommendations were incorporated into  recent Code update. •Yellow –for further discussion and consideration.  19 20 1/27/2021 11 Five Main Categories: •DENSITY (OCCUPANCY/OVERCONCENTRATION) •PERMITS •CODE ENFORCEMENT •NOISE •PARKING 20) STVR Permit requires a two‐night  minimum stay. 2020 Stats on STVR Rental Nights   •3% of rentals were one‐night stays.   •27% of rentals were two‐night stays. •24% of rentals were three‐night stays. •18% of rentals were four‐night stays.  •10% of rentals were five‐night stays.   •5% of rentals were six‐night stays. •5% of rentals were seven‐night stays.   •8% of rentals were stays more than one week.    •Nearly 70% of rentals were stays between two  to four nights. •Not apply to Homeshare permits or to Tourist   Commercial zones. 2‐nights 3‐nights4‐nights DENSITY (OCCUPANCY/OVERCONCENTRATION) 21 22 1/27/2021 12 DENSITY (OCCUPANCY/OVERCONCENTRATION) 28) To  revise the daytime and overnight occupancies of STVRs. DENSITY (OCCUPANCY/OVERCONCENTRATION) 29‐32) Property Density/Overconcentration: •STVR Permits: o Single family residences ‐one STVR property per 300 feet radius of a  previously permitted property. o Condominium complexes consisting of four or more units ‐two STVR  properties per 300 feet radius. o Homeshare Permits ‐density limitations do not apply. o Tourist  Commercial Zones should be exempt from density limitations. •Implementation of density limitations: o Approve pending and new applications that comply with the density  requirement above. o Suspended permits shall be required to reapply for a permit and be subjected  to the density recommendations. o Phasing in density limits to existing STVR’s that do not comply with the density  requirement with renewals effective in 2022. 23 24 1/27/2021 13 Radius Distance Maps 300‐foot radius distance The Cove 25 26 1/27/2021 14 DENSITY (OCCUPANCY/OVERCONCENTRATION) 300‐foot Radius Distance Standard: •Difficult to implement, precise technical measurements; •Most Owners/Property Managers do not have the tools;  •Mapping program software;  •Prohibits current STVR from obtaining permit renewals and new STVR  permits would not qualify; •Goes against permit streamlining efforts; •Process and administration cost/time intensive. DENSITY (OCCUPANCY/OVERCONCENTRATION) Other density/overconcentration standards to consider: •Limit percentage of STVRs by geographic area.    •Cap number of STVRs (exclude TC zones and HOA communities). •Limit number of days to rent •Limit number of STVR permits per Owner •Limit number of STVR permits by outside investor, or owner that resides  outside of La Quinta •TC  zones exempt from density standards. •Different permit types, i.e., Homeshare, Primary Residence and Limited  Rental, can help reduce density and frequency of rental activity. 27 28 1/27/2021 15 DENSITY (OCCUPANCY/OVERCONCENTRATION) Implement stronger enforcement regulations recently adopted and evaluate  program •Allow the new enforcement and compliance measures, recent Code  updates, and other performance standards be put into practice. •Density standards may be considered at a later time (within six months or  a year) •Evaluate after the STVR program establishes a track record. PERMITS 18)  STVR permits shall be separated into two types of permit  categories: Homeshares and STVR Properties: 1. Homeshare Permit:  Rentals where the property owner hosts  visitors in the owner’s home, while the owner lives on‐site  and is in the home throughout the visitor’s stay. 2. STVR Permit:  Owner is not living on‐site and in the home  throughout the visitor’s stay.  29 30 1/27/2021 16 PERMITS Other permit category types for  consideration: •Homeshare Permit:  owner’s primary residence; owner is in the home  throughout the visitor’s stay; no minimum night stay and no limit to  number of days rental per year.   •Primary Residence Permit  LR (Limited Rental):  owner’s primary residence;  limited rental of 90 or 120 days per year; minimum two‐night stay; owner  is not required to be present during visitor’s stay.    •STVR Permit  (LR):  rentals limited to no more than 90 or 120 days per year;  minimum two‐night stay; owner is not required to be present during the  visitor’s stay. •STVR Permit:   No limit to number of days rental per year; no minimum  night stay; owner is not required to be present during the visitor’s stay;  can allow this permit type for  the Tourist  Commercial zone only.  PERMITS Consideration – Special Permit for STVRs with 5 or more bedrooms.   •Impact of large numbers of people in an STVR that have the potential to  disturb peace and quiet of a neighborhood.  •5% of STVR properties  Special Permit subject to mitigation standards:   •Physical distance of STVR (i.e., outdoor gathering areas) from neighbors •Adequate on‐site parking spaces •Impact on street parking  •Require installation of noise monitoring devices •Require inspection of the property ‐verify number of bedrooms and to  evaluate all factors above. •Permit can be denied if any one or more of the above criteria are not met.    31 32 1/27/2021 17 PERMITS 19) Homeshare permit fees should be less than STVR permit  fees. •Fee study underway to include all approved types of permit  categories.   •Council to adopt revised STVR permits fee schedule.    PERMITS 23)  All costs associated with administering the STVR program  should be fully covered by the permit/licensing fees. •Fee study underway and will incorporate changes.  •Fee study will factor: –Staff’s administration of the program –Permit processing –Compliance monitoring –Code compliance –Contract vendor costs.    33 34 1/27/2021 18 PERMITS 37) Welcome  Guest Video •Creation of a video to be posted on the City website and YouTube.  •Short video would serve to welcome guests to La Quinta while notifying  them that we are a “Neighbors First Community” and outlining  expectations about noise, parking, trash, and occupancy. •Video shared via social media channels as part of a greater STVR  marketing strategy. •A QR code to view the video included in the Good Guest brochure. •Work  with Marketing to create video assets on training and education Code Compliance Update Municipal Code Updates •New hosting platform requirements •New application requirements •Increased fines for violations •Permanent consequences for STVR operators Pilot Programs •Noise Pilot Program  •Security Company 35 36 1/27/2021 19 NOISE 7.e)Quiet hours shall be between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8  a.m. No amplified noise shall be permitted between the hours of  8 p.m. to 8 a.m. •Executive Order #9 •Administer Noise Monitoring Devices Pilot Program PARKING 8.c) Limit overnight parking for  STVR properties. (This is the way  some HOA communities manage occupancy issues). •Overnight parking regulated per current Code •For  new permits and renewals, staff to require submittal of a  site plan to demonstrate adequate on‐site parking. 37 38 1/27/2021 20 PARKING 9.a)Require the Owner/Contact person/Property Manager to  obtain a list of vehicle license plate numbers for  renters  occupying the property. This list must be available to the  compliance officer upon demand. Failure to provide this list will  result in a citation. •Can be helpful to Code Compliance; not to require but  provided upon request if needed for enforcement  investigation. PARKING 9.b)  Limit the number of vehicles that may be parked on the  street to a maximum of three (3) vehicles during times the STVR  property is rented. •Code establishes on‐site parking requirements •City does not currently impose restrictions on public street  parking 39 40 1/27/2021 21 CODE ENFORCEMENT 11.a)  Reduce the current 3‐strikes rule to a 2‐strikes rule for  noise and personal conduct violations. •Executive Order #9:  two‐strikes rule; min. 30‐day suspension •Code update needed if two‐strikes rule is to be adopted   41 42 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 27, 2021 1 From:Irene's Yahoo Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 6:35 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  January 26,  2021  Irene Alejo        I lived in my great house in La Quinta,  for 5 years, while I rented out my guest rooms through  Airbnb , I never had any problems with my guests. They were all respectful of my house and the neighborhood.  2 1/2 years ago I moved into a smaller house on Warner trail and started renting out my Cortez house full time on  Airbnb.  It’s working out great, I have not yet had any complaints from neighbors....  on my Airbnb website I prohibit parties and I communicate with my guests on a personal basis and I visit sometimes.  I try to form a personal relationship without being a nuisance to my guests.  But this seems to work, and I hope that The City of La Quinta can continue to allow STVR.  Thank you for listening  Sincerely,  Irene Alejo    ઒ઓઔકખગઘ  Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT IRENE ALEJO - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS -----Original Message----- From: Michelle Aleman Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 11:30 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Special session for STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** I’m a current Airbnb host, but since the pandemic we’ve only rented our home a few weeks, because we needed to have a home to stay at home. We have several rentals in our immediate neighborhood , our issue is the owners of these homes are using them as investments, and therefore are not living in them - I feel the need for more code inspectors in order to catch the violations that continue to happen. 1. Short rental stays from out of state 2. Not complying with rental to essentially needed workers 3. Cars parked in street I live in the Cove of La Quinta Sincerely Lisa Michelle Aleman Sent from my IPhone CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MICHELLE ALEMAN - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS BUT WITH MORE RESTRICTIONS From: Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 8:38 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hello, As a La Quinta resident, I support limited vacation rentals in La Quinta. It is an important source of revenue for some residents. However, I support cracking down on "party houses" which ruin the quality of life for their neighbors. Thank you, Lee Anderson La Quinta, CA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LEE ANDERSON- IN SUPPORT OF STVRS WHILE CRACKING DOWN ON PARTY HOUSES From: To:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN COMMENTS Date:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 2:50:35 PM Attachments:Attention City of La Quinta 1-26-2021.pdf EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. To whom it may concern, Please see attached public comments for the City Council meeting 1-27-2021. Please keep my information confidential. Please advise when recieved. Thank you! CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ANONYMOUS RESIDENT - IN FAVOR OF STVRS & WITH RECOMMENDATIONS Attention City of La Quinta, I am a current landowner in the La Quinta Cove area. Since I have turned our family home into an STVR, I have put over $200,000 into the local economy through remodeling, city taxes and maintenance. In addition to producing income to residents, local business and city coffers since 2017, I have added value to the local area through curb appeal. My home has been painted and the landscape presentation is newly fantastic. I have cut down several old, large trees that blocked both my view and neighbor’s views of the mountains. I have planted over 50 new trees, plants and hedges that are meticulously maintained. Last year I completely remodeled the house next door (including a new roof) and sold it, which greatly increased the curb appeal of a major part of our local street. This alone put around $150,000 into the local economy through tradesmen, local business and realtor commissions. In short, as a responsible STVR-owner since 2017, I have personally added both measurable and visible value to both the local neighborhood and the City of La Quinta. I ask the City to review my requests with honor and dignity, while encouraging City officials to seek positive impact through minimal regulation changes. I also ask that any suggested changes that would create inequities between landowners, as well as between long-term renters/owners and STVR owners, be dismissed. In closing, I also ask that the City showcases responsibility for STVRs to enjoy their freedom, without publishing their exact locations in maps to the public. Please do NOT use my name here, as I do not want to be a target. I believe through reading the “NextDoor” application, many residents in my area “live” to end STVRs, regardless of their impact on these said persons. This is a major issue, especially now that a few angry residents have created “NextDoor Groups” against STVRs. These echo-chambers are promoting STVR hatred, while encourage others to spread disinformation and “target” houses for complaints, all in their coordinated efforts to attack local STVRs. This is sad but true and as such, I ask whole-heartedly to conclude that anonymity be respected. Here are my recommendations, thank you! #1. b Committee Recommendation: Field Staffing 1.$100,000 salary? A current city parks worker who speaks both English and Spanish could be trained and promoted to do this for $50k salary with ease. #7. e Committee Recommendation: Sound Amplification 1.This is very unfair that you cannot play a small radio outside by the pool. It is not a good idea to give different rights to those on vacation versus those who are residents. Residents can be as bad or worse than short-term renters. 2.How may one judge whether noise is “disturbing the peace,” isn’t this subjective? Children and adults alike should be able to play in the pool and enjoy the use of their property without rules that are different than city rules. 3.The city makes a lot of income from festival rentals. These people are here for three days to have FUN. Residents understand this and owners should remind them QUIET HOURS after 10pm. If guests are ticketed during these times, they may NOT want to return. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ANONYMOUS RESIDENT - IN FAVOR OF STVRS & WITH RECOMMENDATIONS 4.I suggest that the same rules apply for STVRs and all other homes regarding noise. It is not fair to compromise “any single persons” quality of life, regardless of how long you are living in a home. #18. Committee Recommendation: STVR permits/imposing limits to STVR nights per year 1.This is unfair to the property owner. So long as they are in good standing and paying fees for a FULL-YEAR permit, this should be a non-starter. #20. Committee Recommendation: STVR Permit requires a two-night minimum stay. 1.I disagree, it should a three-night minimum stay. Business travelers can use hotels if they need 2-night stays. 2.Home-share could do two-night minimum. To rent an entire house for two days, it is not a “family” event, couples could utilize hotels. 3.Three-nights minimum reduces turnover slightly, however occupants would be more likely to keep good care of the home. 4.Our STVR minimums are generally five nights, however for festivals we do three nights. We have never had an issue or complaint. 5.This simple requirement is EASY to regulate and may show a LARGE reduction in complaints, making further restrictions and regulation unnecessary. #28. Committee Recommendation: To revise the daytime and overnight occupancies of STVRs. 1.This is unfair, as two couples with three children total could not rent a 3-bedroom home. We used to visit my father in PGA West for the holidays and have a bigger family. Usually someone would be on the couch. Why would you force families to pay the higher rates for more bedrooms, when they are not needed? #29-32. Committee Recommendation: Property Density/Overconcentration: Regarding density, I would suggest that this is unfair to current and future property owners. 1.Houses within the STVR-disqualification range (distance to current STVR) to be worth “less” however those that are not to be worth more. This is unfair to current and future landowners, as future landowners would be bidding higher to compete with investors that are locked-in on the limited number of qualified STVR properties. 2.Landowners within the STVR-disqualification range could TARGET STVRs in their range, so that they could be qualified in the future. 3.Unfair to cut current STVR owners who happen to be “nearby” other STVRs. 4.Challenging for real estate brokers to understand which homes are qualified or not to operate an STVR. 5.Limiting the number in a GENERAL AREA, such as LA QUINTA COVE, MAX STVR PERMITS = (insert number) would be easy to understand current and future landowners, as well as real estate brokers. #37. Committee Recommendation: Welcome Guest Video 1.The cost of $15,000 to $20,000 is high. Ask the local community college for help, there it could be FREE and good connections could be made for future, less-costly video work. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ANONYMOUS RESIDENT - IN FAVOR OF STVRS & WITH RECOMMENDATIONS 2.There is no incentive for guests to watch an “STVR video,” when was the last time you watch the flight attendants on a plane, when your actual life may depend on it. Leave it to the owner to establish rental rules. Thank you!! (anonymous landowner who LOVES LA QUINTA!!!) CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY ANONYMOUS RESIDENT - IN FAVOR OF STVRS & WITH RECOMMENDATIONS From: Edward Armendarez Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 9:21 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments for Special Meeting 1/27/21 EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Edward Armendarez, La Quinta Written Public Comments Re: Short Term Vacation Rentals for Special Meeting January 27, 2021. Dear Madam Mayor, City Council and City Manager, I was struck by something at the Community Workshop we just had It wasn’t long ago, at a previous Community Workshop, that Robert brought in a speaker to talk to us, but after we went around the room and everyone said they loved living here in La Quinta, he scrapped his presentation because he’d never witnessed a community say they “Loved” living some place so much What a difference short term rentals have made Who knew? In just a year, look where we are now Nothing has been as detrimental and divisive in our City’s history But all over the world a correction is taking place Neighbors and neighborhoods have been under appreciated They have been exploited and simultaneously are subsidizing the very thing destroying them with their tax dollars and degradation of their quality of life Short term rentals belong in our resort residential and commercial areas, which we can build more of We’ve heard from Council that you can do whatever you want with your private property Since when? You can’t park an RV in your driveway You can’t have your trash cans visible from the street How is it possible that you can operate a motel with a transient population in a residential zone that expressly prohibits them? Council voted to allow the operation of motels in our residential neighborhoods and Council can correct that with a simple majority vote Also at our Community Workshop, we talked about the “sacred values” that we have Afterwards I wondered why isn’t the peace and well being of residents a sacred value? Wouldn’t that be the MOST sacred value? In the shortest time we went from a community that loved living here to one where some of those very people might have already left La Quinta or are fighting to restore it to a time before motels and transients transformed the residential neighborhoods we once loved That community that LOVED living here was sacrificed for Transient Occupancy Tax The Gem of the desert isn’t just the natural beauty, it’s our community, our full time residents that never expected motels would replace their neighbors Thank you for all your good works, Edward Armendarez Sent from my iPad CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT EDWARD ARMENDAREZ - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From: Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 6:20 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:Jan 27th meeting for short term rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I won’t be able to make the Jan 27th meeting regarding the short‐term vacation rental program.   However, let me voice my opinion in an email.  We purchased our condo in PGA West knowing that we could rent this as a short term rental. We  would not have purchased it had we not had this opportunity.  We live our winters here at PGA West and thus we have not yet become a short term rental with  our condo HOWEVER, we plan on becoming a short term rental in the future.  Our condo in PGA West is directly next door to a short term rental.  We have lived here for 2 winters now and have never had a problem with the renters that have  rented next to us (and it is rented just about every weekend!).  I feel that if you take away our short term rental opportunities in PGA West, our home values will  go down.   For the record, please note, we would like for everything to stay the same way it currently is with  PGA West residents being able to continue to rent as short term renters.  Sincerely,  DeBora and Charles Bernick      PS. Even if you grandfathered in those that are short term rentals, if you take away our rental  ability, our homes will not be as sellable.   CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS DEBORA & CHARLES BERNICK - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comment 1/27/2021 City Council Special Meeting Date:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 12:51:07 PM EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Lawrence Best La Quinta Resident Public Comment Staff Analysis AD Hoc Committee Report Written Comment Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council-- Please consider the following comments re Staff's analysis of the Ad Hoc Committee's report: OCCUPANCY LIMITS Staff's recommendation that the current occupancy limits be maintained is out of character for the surrounding homes. There is no need for the range of limits--the upper number becomes the limit. The limits proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee more likely reflect the common occupancy of the homes of the neighboring full time residents. 300 FOOT DISTANCE BETWEEN STVRS This limit will not be difficult to apply. Staff was readily able to supply the Ad Hoc Committee with possible scenarios. The standard is also used in the current ordinance regulating Bed and Breakfasts. The standard is easy to visualize-- a football field in any direction. Any costs for staff and software could come out of the income the STVR program generates. The distance standard is the best way to prevent a cluster of STVRs appearing on any specific street. An alternative would be to set a percentage limit not to exceed 10% on any street. Any inequities in implementation could be addressed by grandfathering in the renewal of any existing permits/licenses. The standard should only apply to applications not yet approved. The quality of the City's neighborhoods should not be sacrificed for the expediency of issuing new permits. PARKING LIMITS The parking limits proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee seek to again maintain the character of the neighborhood. It is rare that a full time resident of a four bedroom house will have sixteen people and the accompanying cars in the house on any given day. Staff's claim that the City does not regulate residents' parking sets up a false equivalence. These are not CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LAWRENCE BEST - COMMENTS RE: STAFF'S ANALYSIS OF THE AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S REPORT residences, but are businesses the City is allowing to operate in a residential neighborhood. Thank you. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LAWRENCE BEST - COMMENTS RE: STAFF'S ANALYSIS OF THE AD-HOC COMMITTEE'S REPORT 1 From:Elena Bonilla Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 8:52 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:written comment - Elena Bonilla Attachments:City of La Quinta revised .pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Sent from my iPhone  Date: January 26, 2021 at 8:49:58 PM PST  To: Elena Bonilla   Cc: Kevin Braga , adam santiago   Subject: written comment ‐ La Quinta  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ELENA BONILLA - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS January 27, 2021 Subject: WRITTEN COMMENT Elena Bonilla La Quinta -Highland Palms Hello Madam Mayor & Council, Today you will make decisions on STVR and I wanted to express my support for keeping STVR open in the city La Quinta and start issuing citations to the guests and not the owners. First and foremost I am a responsible owner and respectful of my neighbors and my community. When I travel I have stayed at STVR and loved the local experience. I was able to travel and enjoy my travels like a local. I fell in love with the concept of staying in a locals home and wanted to open up my home and provide the local experience to guests. La Quinta is a gem with beautiful hiking trails and I want to continue to open up my home for guests to enjoy this beautiful city. I hear members of the community opposing STVR because neighborhoods are for neighbors. It's a new time and a new way to use your home and I as a STVR owner should have the same right as a person who chooses to live in their home. I choose to open up my home to host people wanting to come and enjoy my city. STVR generates income for the city 12 million dollars from the transient occupancy tax and that helps build our city stronger and more desirable. Lastly, As a responsible owner I send city ordinances as house rules to my guests at the time of booking & prior to arrival. In spite of that when guests break the rules they should be held accountable and pay the fine. Palm Springs has been doing it successfully and so can La Quinta. Please consider. Thank you, Elena CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ELENA BONILLA - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:T Brar Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:47 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  With regards to STR in La Quinta, understandably there are considerations to be made for all factors that are impacted  by the use of residential homes for this purpose.  The negatives of quality of life/living for neighbors is understandable and important to consider to maintain strong  communities without impacting the lives of our residents in La Quinta in a negative way.  However, like many changes  we do with zoning, development, commercial land use, etc, there are impacts on our residents. STR’s can and do have  negative consequences. These negative impacts on quality of life of residents is an issue often of poorly managed STR  leading to understandable complaints. The enforcement of these “bad actors” with strict response and regulation is the  key to maintain compliance with rules and regulations like we do with business and multi‐residential properties.  Deterrence is an effective means if there are fair and enforceable rules that all owners understand they must abide by.  Without fear of enforcement, we lead to the complaints and poor oversight by owners.  The benefits of STRs in the current economic situation our region and country are going through is important to  consider. The loss of jobs and small businesses has been only increasing with no clear end in sight. Any source of  revenue for the city is not something to discount. STR’s also provide significant economic support to our region by  allowing tourism and the money it brings to the city in times when we are having more losses of revenue and growth.  People coming for a change of pace to the desert is not new. They bring spending dollars for our local business that are  hurting. They support homeowners who depend on the STR revenue for their livelihood. They provide money to STR  owners to update and renovate their homes leading to greater jobs in all home building and maintenance pertaining to  home ownership for our area. They raise our home values that all residents benefit from. This leads to greater tax  revenue for our schools, government, and policing. This revenue supports jobs and allows people to avoid further debt,  foreclosure and loss of income.  Ignoring the financial benefits that are not only available but much needed in our current times is dangerous. We should  focus on the underlying reasons for the affects in quality of life for our residents, address these with proper regulation  and enforcement and build a happy medium of growth, prosperity and livelihood for both the neighborhoods and the  city. If we do this and focus on our economy the affects will allow us to maintain the high quality of life we have  including our great parks, streets, infrastructure and communities.  A vocal minority should not dictate or drive policy, on both sides of the argument. Finding a compromise is the way to  maintain the benefits for all sides while allowing our city to be enjoyed by others resulting in further growth, prosperity  and diversity for years to come.  Tony Brar    La Quinta  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT TONY BRAR - IN SUPPPORT OF STVRS From: Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 10:13 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Cc: 'Judy Hintergardt' Subject: Written Comments EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear City Council, My name is Marty Briesach, my wife Judy and I live in La Quinta full-time at (PGA West). Not only do we enjoy la Quinta, our friends and family that visit do as well. We know the rules, we don’t break the rules because we like our neighbors and they obey the rules as well. We believe STVR can be managed properly and that rules must be followed and “owners” must be held accountable for their guests behavior. We use Airbnb to rent our place here, we review history and references on every person and family that wants to stay here. My wife sends a message with the rules from the city of La Quinta as well as specific rules here in PGA West. Before we accept any reservation the renter must acknowledge they have read the rules and will abide by them, or they will lose their deposit (which is $3000). Throwing a blanket ruling like 28 day minimum stay is like closing our state to control COVID. It will hurt more than it helps, and a better approach is to have a “three-strikes and you’re out rule.” We believe most offenders are renting from rental companies and real estate agent sponsored companies where there has been no accountability. Licenses should be revoked on a scaled level; first offense = warning, second offense = 90 day suspension, and the third offense = one year suspension and a need to reapply after with notification and approval from neighbors. Thank you for your time. M&J Martin J. Briesach | Founder & Portfolio Manager | La Quinta, CA 92253 Mobile: | Disclaimer: This message is confidential and sent by NICH Capital Partners, LLC, solely for use by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. This should not be deemed as an offer or solicitation, to buy or sell any product. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARTY BRIESACH - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From: Marty Butler <butlermarty0@gmail.com>  Date: January 20, 2021 at 5:57:44 PM PST  To: Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Fwd: letter  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Teresa,   I understand that there will be a special meeting of the Council regarding Short Term Vacation  Rentals on January 27, 2021.  I would like to submit this letter to the Council on my behalf.  Thank you  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARY BUTLER - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUAR 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARY BUTLER - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW STVR PERMITS From: Tiffany Laine Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 12:00 PM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Comment for SVR meeting EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Name: Tiffany Calhoun, resident La Quinta Cove/Short term business license holder Comment: I am open to helping make short term rentals easy for guests and residents of the La Quinta Cove. Also, I am open to helping make literature and tips on improving guest’s stay and helping be a good neighbor to those around us. I just wanted to make a comment about keeping the short term rental occupancy open. I am open to considering new regulations in the future, but with the situation that has hit for our businesses in the cove, the ability to be able to catch up with bills, payments and unexpected expenses would be very beneficial. I am for opening up our rentals to visitors, and those who are essential workers. We need to open up the cove, at least for a 30 day trial and then reconvene. Thank you, Tiffany Get Outlook for iOS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT TIFFANY CALHOUN - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:schavez1981 Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:03 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comment - Special Meeting STVRS  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   1) Full Name - Shannon Chavez 2) City of Residence - West Covina CA 3) Phone Number - 4) Public Comment - Written Comment 5) Subject - STVRs 6) Written or Verbal Telephonic Comments - Written Comment Good afternoon madam Mayor, Councilmembers and staff. As an STVR owner I am writing in to express my appreciation for the efforts you have all put forward thus far to make the STVR program in La Quinta what it is today which is a fair and reasonable program. I do think there is some room for improvement and some of the recommendations in the report will likely help enhance the program and attempt to bridge the gap between STVR owners and those that oppose STVR's. I am hopeful that as the city continues to evolve and gain popularity the STVR program will also as I feel it is vital to the overall success of the city. With that said I also feel that some of the recommendations would be very detrimental to the STVR program and the city as a whole, most notably density. The City of La Quinta has always been a tourist destination, it is part of the city's identity and one that should be embraced. Limiting the amount of visitors we welcome would force them into other cities in CV or outside the valley which is not good for anyone. Applying caps on potential growth would hurt local businesses, homeowners, housing prices all in a time of economic uncertainty when many homeowners and businesses are failing and my fear is that the worst is yet to come. Rather than take that approach, please consider the changes that have already been implemented and those being discussed for further evaluation to determine if those changes will have a true impact before applying radical measures that would have a far reaching negative impact for years to come. Position the city for success, not failure. Embrace the history of La Quinta and realize that our wonderful city is in a prime position to be an even more significant tourist destination as there is a huge desire for local travel and also due to neighboring cities that have done away with their STVR programs. La Quinta is a vibrant city, one that welcomes visitors from all walks of life and we should share the Gem of the Desert, it's natural beauty, activities and community and not restrict it from others and alienate those that have decided to make significant investments into this community. Please continue to strive for a well balanced and reasonable STVR program, one that sets the bar for all STVR programs in the Coachella Valley for many years to come. Thank you for your time. Shannon Chavez CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT SHANNON CHAVEZ - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & COMMENTS RELATED TO THE AD-HOC STVR COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATIONS From: To:City Clerk Mail Subject:written comment on STVR rules and proposals Date:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 5:29:16 PM EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. My name is Chuck Colby and I own a home at in LA Quinta. I'm writing today to voice my opinion on current discussions as they relate to STVR's and the City. Thank you for taking time to review my thoughts and bring my comments into the record for consideration. We are in unprecedented times that threaten the complexion of what La Quinta will look like in the future. I don't think that anyone can predict with any degree of certainty what the future holds for all of us. What we do know is that despite our efforts in medical science, Covid 19 and its variants are likely here to stay. The vaccines only provide at most 6-8 months of immunity at best and are in short supply. Worse yet, even people who are vaccinated can transmit the virus. The prognosis isn't great. At best we have a long term battle on our hands for sure. This topic is relevant as it relates to STVRS in La Quinta in the following ways. We know the following: 1) STVR's bring economic benefit to both the city and the small businesses, especially restaurants, golf courses, entertainment venues and retail. 2) we also know that as a direct result of the Covid pandemic, all of these businesses are now in jeopardy of ceasing to exist altogether. 3) The pandemic has brought unprecedented tension and stress into all of our lives. Coupled with uncertainty and fraught with peril especially for the "typical demographic" most susceptible to Covid complications to wit in my personal situation I fall in that category sadly. As does a lot of our community at large. The pandemic has caused as a byproduct no one could have anticipated the influx of STVR travellers even in the summer with 120 degree heat. Needless to say the behavior of these groups creates a challenge otherwise why would be here? But what is the answer? I for one think the City did a good thing by taking a time out from STVRs for now. What is best prior to making any rash decisions would be to better understand what the future looks like for sure. Is this period an anomaly or is this the new normal? I don't think any of us can say with exact specificity. What we do know is that with the increase in STVRs coupled by increasing community tensions, this isn't a great combination CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CHUCK COLBY- IN SUPPORT OF STVRS by any means. I urge the City to consider not implementing new rules or restrictions during this time and continue its diligence into the issues until we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. With the increase in STVR traffic we need to step up inforcement of rules violations and have more active and proactive measures to better improve compliance with the rules and as well fine those who are blatantly not in compliance. To rush to judgement in this time would be potentially catastrophic to an already fragile economic ecosystem that was recovering but not thriving even pre pandemic. We need to keep whatever semblance of our community intact during these times or face losing it all together. To be clear, I intend on retiring in La Quinta and i do use my home as a part time vacation rental now. I have had 0 complaints so far (knock wood) in almost 2 years. But I acknowledge the horror stories of others that is simply put not tenable in the least under any view. How we solve this i don't know, but by impacting STVR's in such a manner that it would dramatically impact our community isn't the answer for sure. Simply put we have a 'perfect storm' of people living in La Quinta with anxiety over the pandemic juxtaposed to others who are stressed and just wanting to escape their own personal quarantine in their homes. If STVR's were curtailed, I would be forced to sell my home and then have to change my retirement plans. as would many others similarly situated to me. In my community alone there are an estimated 500 licensed STVR homes out of 3000. If STVR's were curtailed to any significant degree the economic impact would be such that most all of these owners, including myself, would be forced to sell our homes and the property values would plummet surely. As would defaults on mortgages as well as other issues. I urge the City to beef up its enforcement staff, make better efforts to cite and enforce current guidelines but NOT impact STVRs negatively.. thanks for taking time to listen to my comments Chuck Colby La Quinta 92253 -- Chuck Colby Sent from my gmail account. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CHUCK COLBY- IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: EDWARD CUNNINGTON Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:53 AM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov> Subject: STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Council Members, We hope you will consider the residents, who are inundated with loud music and late parties into the wee hours of the morning. These are guests who have no consideration for their neighbors, because they will be leaving within a few days. This occurs because the absentee owners are only interested in their investment, not in the health and well-being of the neighborhood. We are asking you to approve the Ad Hoc Committee recommendations, which will provide the positive environment we expected when we purchased our home. Thank you for your consideration, Karayn and Ed Cunnington , La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KARAYN & ED CUNNINGTON - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & APPROVE AD-HOC COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From:Cindy Currie Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 6:48 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:Short term vacation rentals  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the current STVR policy and the inability to enforce the rental  rules.  Additionally, I am aware of people that have purchased homes during this time when no licences are being issued,  and are renting their homes.  I also see STVR homes in disrepair as the owners are not here.  The lack of rule  enforcement in all of these areas has resulted in an environment that is not workable for a full time resident and a city  that wants to foster communities.       I am a full time La Quinta resident and am in favor of extending the minimum stay for a rental.  The renters that visit for  the weekend are not golfers.  They are here to party.  I have heard the noise, seen the trash, avoided the numerous cars  parked on all ready crowded streets, almost ran over skateboarders going down the middle of the street, and helped  them push a golf cart that they didn't know they had to charge,  I could continue giving examples but I am sure you have  heard them all.    Please consider the N4N recommendations.  The STVR environment cannot go unchecked as it harms our communities  as well as valid businesses, such as hotels, that accomodate weekend vacationers.    Thank you,  Cindy Currie  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CINDY CURRIE - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:Marcia Cutchin Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 12:26 PM To:Monika Radeva; City Clerk Mail Subject:Re: Written comments Jan. 27 Special Council Meeting Attachments:Ltr2CityCouncil1_21x.docx  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    Dear Monika, Please include my attached letter in the written public comments of tonights special council meeting. 1) Full Name Marcia Cutchin 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number - ??? 2) City of Residence - La Quinta 5) Subject - STVRs 3) Phone Number 6)Written Comments Thank you,  Marcia L Cutchin CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARCIA CUTCHIN - IN OPPOSITION OF NEW LICENSES FOR UNHOSTED STVRS Dear Mayor, Council Members and City Manager,  “As local legislators, councilmembers are responsible for and responsive to the citizens who elected them.” National League of Cities We have too many short‐term vacation rental businesses in our R‐1 zone communities.  The operation of  these businesses is disturbing the residents of this city.      What is even more disturbing is this council’s disregard of the welfare, safety, security and interests of the  residents of the city of La Quinta.    I cannot comprehend the motivation behind your reluctance to limit full business enterprises in R‐1 zone  communities.      When the residents of this town tell you the STVRs are bothering us, it is alarming that you position yourselves  to disqualify our objections as frivolous or few.    It is seriously disturbing that you would consider supporting anything that is clearly costly and no benefit to  this city or its citizens.    It is equally disturbing that you dismissed the application of dozens of residents holding voter registration  cards in this city for a position on a committee to advise the council ‐ and instead handed those positions to  people who live in Upland and Newport Beach and whose only relationship with this city is to use this city’s  resources and community for their own profit.       When we say, “We have enough.  We don’t want more.”  Why would you hesitate?   The argument that you believe people should be able to do what they want to with their property not only has  no merit.  It is not true.  You have demonstrated by your actions that you believe people should be able to do  with their property whatever special privileges you have bestowed upon them.  R‐1 zones in cities all over this nation have the same home occupation permit regulations.  You, as a council,  granted “special” inconsistent and unnatural rights to operate businesses in residential zones in this city TO  PEOPLE THAT DON’T LIVE HERE, and you continue to do so in disregard of the residents.  This “right” to  operate a business in a residential neighborhood was never the right of a property owner in an R‐1 zone, until  you made it so.  Council violated individual property rights when it breached zoning regulations.  Zoning laws PROTECTED  INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND EXPRESSLY DENIED THE OPERATION OF BUSINESSES IN R‐1 ZONES.    Council has been presented an overwhelming plethora of substantiated evidence that the saturation of STVRs  in R‐1 communities have a negative impact on the residents in those communities.    Yet, you are debating supporting legislation that negatively impacts the residents and communities over which  you preside.  This begs the question, why?  What is your motivation and why has it not been declared?    Once beautiful cities all over the planet have been raped clean of residents, lost to the takeover of STVR  investors.  That is where we are headed.  I am embarrassed to think I used to look down on Cathedral City.  They will be in the ranks with Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert and Indian Wells. La Quinta will be the transient  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARCIA CUTCHIN - IN OPPOSITION OF NEW LICENSES FOR UNHOSTED STVRS tourist trashed city.  Councilmembers will no longer need to state, “We are not Cathedral City” as selling out  our communities to STVR investors has made that fact glaringly apparent.    Council is aware a moratorium would NOT take away jobs.  The only pressure you are receiving to lift that  moratorium is from people who want to either increase the number of unmanned businesses in our  residential communities or people who want to increase their chances of selling real estate faster – no matter  the cost to the residents of the community.  We don’t need more unmanned businesses in R‐1 zones, and we  don’t need to pump and dump La Quinta residential real estate.    Why would you support that?  Clearly there is something going on here that we are not aware of. Residents  want to know what influences have caused you to disregard your responsibility to the residents of this city.       PLEASE STOP THE GROWTH OF ABSENT OWNER ‐ DEDICATED SHORT‐TERM VACATION RENTAL BUSINESSES  IN LA QUINTA R‐1 COMMUNITIES.  STVRs are   1)ruining our neighborhoods 2)destroying the residents’ rights to a peaceful, safe residential community 3)in violation of R‐1 zoning ordinances 4)costing us sales tax revenue that a resident would provide 5)removing scare housing inventory 6)falsely inflating housing costs 7)blowing up our code enforcement costs 8)using city employees as free labor 9)using residents as free watch dogs 10)causing the city to have to chase TOT that arrives without incident from hotels 11)pitting competition against our hotels 12)driving out neighbors and replacing them with scores of unvetted transients 13)pitting neighbors against neighbors…the greatest injury PLEASE STOP ISSUING NEW LICENSENSES FOR UNHOSTED STVRs in R‐1 COMMUNITIES  We want to be proud of our city.  We want to be proud of our council.  We want to support our council.  We  do not want to lecture our council.  We do not want to be divided.    It is your choice. Either you are responsible for ‐ and responsive to ‐ your citizens or you cast your votes  against them.     CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARCIA CUTCHIN - IN OPPOSITION OF NEW LICENSES FOR UNHOSTED STVRS From:Marcia Cutchin To:Laurie McGinley Cc:City Clerk Mail Subject:Re: WRITTEN Comments – Jan. 27, 2021 Special Council Meeting Date:Wednesday, January 27, 2021 10:08:55 AM Attachments:STVR INFORMATION.docx EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Laurie, Please include the attached document with sources links to inform policy makers of the issues with STVRs in the written public comments of tonights special council meeting. 1) Full Name Marcia Cutchin 4) Public Comment or Agenda Item Number - ??? 2) City of Residence - La Quinta 5) Subject - STVRs 3) Phone Number - 6) Written Comments Thank you, Marcia L Cutchin “SHARE CATHEDRAL CITY” FOUNDERS LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO – FPPC FILING SHOWS 150K SPENT TO FORCE STVRS ON CAT CITY RESIDENTS IN 2020. Share CC - click here Spent - $150,468.27 as of 12/31/2020 Spent - $ 36,068.57 additional in 2021 AIRBNB SHORT-TERM RENTALS EXACERBATE THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING CRISIS: https://harvardlpr.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/02/10.1 10 Lee.pdf THE COSTS OF AIRBNB EXPANSION ARE LIKELY AS LARGE, IF NOT LARGER, THAN THE BENEFITS: https://www.epi.org/publication/the-economic-costs-and-benefits-of-airbnb-no-reason-for-local-policymakers-to-let-airbnb- bypass-tax-or-regulatory-obligations/ WASHINGTON POST: KEEP HOUSING FOR RESIDENTS: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/after-lockdown- new-thoughts-on-affordable-housing/2020/10/07/bb85dcba-085a-11eb-8719- 0df159d14794 story.html?fbclid=IwAR3KUetW2VCKaIlm6ZngxRDjNolex-EidYFpIpyn1RHqU6z8vNmh3IkwKwY THE IMPACT OF AIRBNBS ON OUR CITIES https://labgov.city/theurbanmedialab/the-impact-of-airbnb-on-our-cities- gentrification-and-disneyfication-2- 0/?fbclid=IwAR335MQpVNdiIDuENYL0yS8mZ42gIIa5UDYOWBF iKfzvlmWlexGiMAGkjg VACATION RENTAL ISSUE ALL ABOUT QUALITY OF LIFE https://ukenreport.com/vacation-rentals-issue-all-about- quality-of-life/?fbclid=IwAR04YPMLh15vl8n5Mo5eKbLTnth-UAeVd24g7W0m76VqQsMQUf36g UwqUc SHORT-TERM RENTALS ARE REMOVING HOUSING STOCK FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKET AND DRIVING UP RENTS. https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2020/10/24/want-affordable-housing-allow-arizona-regulate- airbnb-type-rentals/3720462001/ WHERE HAVE ALL THE LOCALS GONE? https://www.sfgate.com/renotahoe/article/bay-area-transients-bring-housing-crisis-tahoe- 15640932.php?utm campaign=CMS%20Sharing%20Tools%20(Premium)&utm source=UTMSOURCE&utm medium=U TMMEDIUM&fbclid=IwAR04YPMLh15vl8n5Mo5eKbLTnth-UAeVd24g7W0m76VqQsMQUf36g UwqUc# = DEBATE OVER HOW SHORT-TERM RENTALS SHOULD BE REGULATED CONTINUES TO BE CONTENTIOUS. https://www.danapointtimes.com/rate-stay-city-leaders-grapple-balance-residents-needs-regulation-short-term- rentals/?fbclid=IwAR1Clv4hqYm-m8Est4pIcnUiLAeFoaFfrakAJyAh3DVnVL 7aBLCUCM2ruY INSIDE AIRBNB’S ‘GUERRILLA WAR’ AGAINST LOCAL GOVERNMENTS https://www.wired.com/story/inside-airbnbs-guerrilla-war-against-local-governments/ COUNCIL MEMBER RITA LAMB EXPLAINS HER VOTE TO PHASE-OUT SHORT TERM VACATION RENTALS IN CATHEDRAL CITY RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS. "MY HOME IS MY HAVEN." THE ENTIRE CITY COUNCIL AGREED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-SM-pT0NVU WEST SIDE WOMAN KILLED IN SHOOTING AT MERION VILLAGE AIRBNB PARTY – Jan 21, 2021 https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/crime/2021/01/11/west-side-woman-killed-shooting- airbnb/6620094002/?fbclid=IwAR2BOW3pdy1777TjV1AbV34iKS4ZOsC4oZp 7tNHa2IwfSps8HqWmfCu0eg RANCHO MIRAGE TO BAN STRS IN NON-GATED RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS BY END OF YEAR https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/local/rancho-mirage/2020/10/15/rancho-mirage-ban-strs-non-gated-residential- neighborhoods/3675023001/?fbclid=IwAR0ESbFB2sOTDYxou71hYAQ2MGku8g ehMAFhLnXDegWNSRB36mQE5jE6A Q PALM DESERT EXTENDS MORATORIUM ON NEW SHORT-TERM RENTAL PERMITS IN AREA NOT INCLUDED UNDER BAN https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/local/palm-desert/2020/10/16/palm-desert-extends-moratorium-new-short-term- rental-permits/3682063001/?fbclid=IwAR3KUetW2VCKaIlm6ZngxRDjNolex-EidYFpIpyn1RHqU6z8vNmh3IkwKwY MURRIETTA VOTES TO LIMIT SHORT TERM RENTALS https://www.pe.com/2020/10/12/murrieta-votes-to-limit-short-term- rentals/?fbclid=IwAR0PLdRiW3VjjKD8qUhv5ltEZlOhVlkr6GS5eZTXuZJh0ex-8N4O2GdQFdQ 10 CITIES WITH AIRBNB LEGAL ISSUES IN 2020 https://www.mashvisor.com/blog/cities-airbnb-legal-issues- 2020/?fbclid=IwAR3KUetW2VCKaIlm6ZngxRDjNolex-EidYFpIpyn1RHqU6z8vNmh3IkwKwY MORROW BAY MOVES FORWARD WITH NEW VACATION RENTAL LAW https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/article246268965.html?fbclid=IwAR3P3VighL1GUAWrDiGgbJ- JmfVag7jkOIQ2C0xxk0FrklgajHnHUAex0ng THE LONG-TERM EFFECT OF SHORT TERM RENTALS: https://www.snowboarder.com/transworld-snowboarding- archive/snowboarding-features/long-term-effects-short-term-rentals-examination-mountain-town-housing- crisis/?fbclid=IwAR2Bs2crxjDeIwF7vR-rChM9PTB0WsE-Uz QXSLnjSYsaB 9p2YUZsl89aI GENTRIFICATION AND DISNEYFICATION OF OUR CITIES: https://labgov.city/theurbanmedialab/the-impact-of-airbnb- on-our-cities-gentrification-and-disneyfication-2- 0/?fbclid=IwAR335MQpVNdiIDuENYL0yS8mZ42gIIa5UDYOWBF iKfzvlmWlexGiMAGkjg COASTAL COMMISSION OK’s LAGUNA BEACH BAN ON STVRs https://www.lagunabeachindy.com/coastal- commission-oks-laguna-beach-ban-on-new-short-term-rentals-in-residential- zones/?fbclid=IwAR3XNYCCWAxgjLGkNY4cpKRthseqcQc4LPw3SnbtUxsRBTBdUTnYz1zxEe4 SPRINGVILLE ADOPTS SHORT TERM RENTAL ORDINANCE REQUIRING OWNER OCCUPANCY https://www.heraldextra.com/news/local/south/springville/springville-adopts-short-term-rental-ordinance-requiring-owner- occupancy/article adef8178-f4f1-5142-ac6a-7cb8eb3e33b4.html HUNTINGTON BEACH FAVORS ON SIGHT OWNERS FOR STVRs https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily- pilot/news/story/2020-09-22/huntington-beach-city-council-favors-on-site-owners-for-short-term- housing?fbclid=IwAR3xh GfHhA-fNQ4Posptbl-tdgCG16uxUWkif4Om8oCbX7KE92h5HJXkPg SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS SATURATING NEIGHBORHOODS - CITY TO VOTE ON PAUSING ON NEW PERMITS https://www.nevadacurrent.com/2020/08/24/short-term-vacation-rentals-saturating-henderson-neighborhoods/ NEW STVR PROPOSAL CAPS VOLUME, LIMITS PERMITS AND ENFORCES ‘GOOD NEIGHBOR' POLICY https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/new-stvr-proposal-caps-volume-limits-permits-and-enforces-good-neighbor- policy/2357880/ AIRBNB SUSPENDS 30 HOUSES FROM OPERATING IN PALM SPRINGS, CITING COMPLAINTS OR VIOLATIONS https://www.desertsun.com/story/money/business/tourism/2020/12/22/airbnb-suspends-30-houses-operating- palm-springs/4012633001/?fbclid=IwAR0d7XAPRVf4mCPu4EKJP-hCzAz9iS6BCMZvabbDhCzIa1R7rwXgsn7DOP4 ONLINE RENTAL PLATFORMS ATTEMPT TO DEFEAT EU’S AFFORDABLE HOUSING MEASURES: https://corporateeurope.org/en/power-lobbies/2018/05/unfairbnb AIRBNB CEO “BRIAN CHESKY LARGELY ADMITTED…THE CRITICISM LEVELLED AT THE COMPANY FOR DEPLETING HOUSING SUPPLY, DRIVING UP RENTS AND ENCOURAGING OVER-TOURISM HAS BEEN VALID.” https://www.mpamag.com/news/airbnb-ceo-says-company-has-lost-its-way--will-changes-be-coming-to-the-platform- 233168.aspx?fbclid=IwAR2By2r9Y4n12wfml9hF4SJTeF7xTT2ouGvRmespoLCpa4uD2MxKbVgZYoU STVRS DON’T CONSTITUTE USE AS FAMILIES DO. Court case defines families http://www.pacourts.us/assets/opinions/Supreme/out/majority%20opinion%20%20reversedreinstated%20%20103 96969056644552.pdf NEW REGULATIONS SLASHING SAN DIEGO SHORT-TERM RENTALS BY 50 PERCENT ENDORSED BY PLANNING COMMISSION https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/story/2020-12-03/new-regulations-slashing-san-diego-short- term-rentals-by-50-percent-endorsed-by-planning-commission GRANICUS – the company that PROVIDES LA QUINTA CITY’S MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - OWNS HOST COMPLIANCE – A SHORT TERM RENTAL COMPLIANCE COMPANY. The negative impact of STVRs on communities has become so ubiquitous a subject that it is featured on GRANICUS’S OWN WEBSITE: https://granicus.com/blog/are-short-term-vacation-rentals-contributing-to-the-housing-crisis/ Excerpt: In a recent paper published by RESEARCHERS AT THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, UCLA AND USC “THE EFFECT OF AIRBNB IS SMALLER IN ZIP CODES WITH A LARGER SHARE OF OWNER- OCCUPIERS…absentee landlords taking their homes away from the long-term rental market and listing them on Airbnb.”…the actual 800% increase in short-term rental listing since 2011, WOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A 33.6% RENT INCREASE OVER THAT SAME TIME PERIOD! Kevin Meredith – La Quinta Code Compliance Supervisor explains the extensive use of taxpayer funded code enforcement crew and processes for STVR problems. “Thank you for the opportunity to give a brief overview of our code compliance enforcement process uh related to short term vacation rentals um code has received approximately 1432 short term vacation rental complaints year to date. As you know, a complaint does not necessarily mean a violation of the rules occurred or were confirmed but this is representative of a La Quinta resident having a concern with a short term vacation rental. Receiving a complaint sets off a process to investigate every one. This includes trying to speak to the reporting party, the local contact or property owner, a security company, the police, checking prior complaints, checking from permit status, checking TOT status, following up with the hot line, checking that the correct numbers were called in a timely manner, checking the advertisement, educating all involved, issuing a notice, issuing a citation, issuing a suspension, writing a report, documenting all of the evidence, follow up with questions from all involved after action or no further action is taken. Not all of the many citations and or suspensions results in an appeal request that leads to preparing for a hearing by putting together the entire case and providing to the appellant and city staff and or third party processing center. Code has a very good success rate at these hearings due to the detailed efforts of our code officers”. https://www.epi.org/publication/the-economic-costs-and-benefits-of-airbnb-no-reason-for-local-policymakers-to-let-airbnb- bypass-tax-or-regulatory-obligations/ -----Original Message----- From: Lynne Daniels <lynne@dupontestateresort.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 12:02 PM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Our Names are Lynne & Rob Daniels with the DuPont Estate, (310.720.8222) We have been renting out out our ; DuPont Estate for over 10 years allowing groups to enjoy our property as much as we do. We are thrilled these out of towners are able to enjoy what our Desert Gem has to offer; shopping, sightseeing, restaurants, golf and other activities, major eclectic international events and our lovely weather. Creating business for our community has been quite humbling. Being partners with the city has been a good experience for us. We screen and get each and every group to include a very strict contract and large security deposits. This has enticed a more qualified audience for us. We care about the city, the neighbors and of course...our home. Unfortunately , there is going to be some rotten apples (renters) and neighbors who will complain just to cause havoc. We have been fortunate over the years to have had minimal issues and we believe this is because as owners, we continue to stay in close contact with our renters to ensure the rules are being followed. We are happy to help other STVR owners. Thank you to the council and to the committees for your passion on this topic. Stay safe and be well. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LYNNE & ROB DANIELS - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From: Jill Ditter <jill@jillditter.com>  Date: January 24, 2021 at 12:17:51 PM PST  To: Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: URGENT STVR ISSUE for Feb 27th Meeting  ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement  and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Good Afternoon Ms. Thompson,  I have attached a letter regarding serious issues related to a STVR on Camino Lavanda.  I am aware that  you have a special meeting on the 27th of January and wish to submit this letter in advance to the  leaders that will attend.  Thank you,  Jill L. Ditter, CFP®  JD Wealth Management, LLC  Located at the Milestone Executive Suites  72960 Fred Waring Drive Suite 1  Palm Desert, Ca. 92260  Office 760‐773‐1000  Cell 760‐408‐2916  jill@jillditter.com<mailto:jill@jillditter.com>  Investment advice and financial planning offered through Gallacher Capital Management, LLC, a  registered investment advisor and separate entity from JD Wealth Management, LLC. JD Wealth  Management, LLC and Gallacher Capital Management, LLC do not provide legal or tax advice. For all  such matters contact your legal or tax consultant.  The information contained in this email message is being transmitted to and is intended for the use of only the individual(s) to whom it is addressed. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby advised that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately delete. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JILL DITTER - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JILL DITTER - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JILL DITTER - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS From: melissa ehren Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 6:50 AM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov> Subject: STRs EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. I am a full time resident of La Quinta and I would like to add my frustration, anger and dismay at the whole STR situation going on in our beautiful city. I live two doors down from a STR, EVERY WEEKEND there is a new set of cars (at least 3 to 6), a new set of strangers, and a new set of problems. If it isn't the noise or the cars being parked in the street, it's the lack of respect for the neighborhood and neighbors that bothers me the most (garbage, using the golf course as a backyard extension). We have no idea who these people are and normally the owners don't either...would the owners really have let their renters change the oil of their car in their driveway?) This actually happened one weekend this fall. Please consider a plan to get rid of STRs over a period of time like other neighboring cities are doing. Let's keep La Quinta the city we know it once was...and still can be. Put La Quinta residents FIRST! Thank you, Melissa Ehren CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MELISSA EHREN - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:laquinta@enotify.visioninternet.com on behalf of City of La Quinta, CA <laquinta@enotify.visioninternet.com> Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 8:20 PM To:Monika Radeva Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Message submitted from the <La Quinta, CA> website.  Site Visitor Name: Dianne franco  Site Visitor Email:    I have written before regarding this issues.   I would like to request once again that the council regard the quality of life for the residents and voters of our  community and that the moratorium not be lifted until our right party have been respectfully listened to.   CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DIANNE FRANCO - REQUESTING TO KEEP MORATORIUM 1 From:MARK FUTALAN Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 9:58 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments 1/27 meeting ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Hello,  My wife and I own 2 properties in La Quinta that we rent as STR’s. Though we are not full time residents, we consider La  Quinta our 2nd home. We truly enjoy being part of the city and we respect our community of neighbors. We follow all  the rules and guidelines set forth by the city and we are always conscious of our neighbors. We don’t take anything for  granted and we appreciate the opportunity to be able to rent our homes as STR’s. Our hope is that we can all find  common ground and work together to have common sense regulations that are for the betterment of our entire  community. These have been trying times for all of us. We’ve followed many of the meetings and social media posts  recently and it’s disheartening to see so much divisiveness and anger amongst everyone involved. If we listen to each  other and put ourselves in each others shoes, we can figure this out.  Thank you for your time.  Respectfully,  Mark & Desiree Futalan    Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS MARK & DESIREE FUTALAN - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: Shiv Gettu Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 2:43 PM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. 1) Full Name - Shiv Gettu 2) City of Residence - La Quinta 3) Phone Number- Hi there, My name is Shiv and I am a resident of La Quinta. I believe that there is a happy medium between short term rental ordinances and city compliance. I propose the following to ensure compliance with the city rules: 1) Require all new and existing short term rental properties to have a noise monitoring device so that property managers or owners are notified as soon as the noise level reaches above a certain threshold. This does not monitor conversation but enables the property managers to act fast when there is an issue. 2)Allow for up to three violations before completely banning a property or resending a permit. Taking this approach will allow the city to collect a lot of tax revenue from the occupancy taxes and will also prevent large scale negative impacts of noise violations. If we incorporate as part of the permitting process the requirement to have a noise monitoring device, 90% of the reported incidents will be mitigated as owners as owners and property managers will understand if there is too much noise on their property. I would love to share my thoughts in today's meeting. Thanks! -- Best, Shiv Gettu Mobile: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT GETTU, SHIV - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STVRS FOR A HAPPY MEDIUM 1 From:Greg Goldfinch Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 8:39 AM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:N4N ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  I support the information and position of N4N.  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT GREG GOLDFINCH - IN SUPPORT OF N4N OPPOSING STVRS From: Arlene Gotshalk Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 9:28 AM To: Lori Lorett <llorett@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Request to Speak and attached written public comments "The Courts Agree" EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Good morning Lori, I hope you are the correct person to whom I should send my request. I request to speak at today's City Council Community Workshop. I have attached my letter to be included in written comments. I will be presenting some Case Law. Would it be possible for the Council Members to have a copy of my letter which highlights some of these cases? It is attached below in pdf format. Thank you. Arlene Arlene Gotshalk CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ARLENE GOTSHALK - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS La Quinta, CA SUBJECT: THE COURTS AGREE - Case Law reinforces the legality of and support for the prohibition of STVRs in residential zones Madam Mayor and Council Members, Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. I am a full-time resident of the Cove neighborhood. I want to thank you for the opportunity to attend this workshop and to talk with you. And thank you for continuing the moratorium on issuing STVR permits as we work together to find acceptable mitigations to the exploding #s of STVRs in LQ. Our residential neighborhoods are being negatively impacted by investors renting housing for short term commercial use. STVRs: ·Diminish the quality of life, safety, and well-being of the community ·Remove much needed long term housing for the local workforce Based on successful solutions of other cities, I would like to propose the following vision to solve the STVR Issues. ·Prohibit existing STVRs in residential zones. ·These STVRs will be phased out during a transition period sunsetting on a date determined by City Council to allow time make changes to the nonconforming commercial use. ·STVRs continue to be allowed in home shares where the owner is on-site during the rental period and in HOAs/CC&Rs which allow them. ·Continue STVRs in commercial zones and encourage future development . There is a long history of case law that supports the legality of city ordinances that have removed commercial businesses, STVRS, from residential districts. Highlights of a few foundational Case Laws and some more current cases are listed below: Government regulation limiting the uses of private property does not deprive the property owners of economically reasonable use or value of their property The Wallace case is important because it is based on a U. S. Supreme Court case, Penn Central Transportation Co. v New York City 438 US 104 (1978), where the Court found that the plaintiff failed to provide financial evidence that the government regulation limiting the uses of private property to such a degree that the regulation effectively deprives the property owners of economically reasonable use or value of their property. The plaintiff failed to prove his “premises was not capable of producing a reasonable return on his investment or that it was not adaptable to other suitable private use.” At best, the plaintiff established a “mere diminution” in property value, which is not sufficient to establish a regulatory taking. The Court observed that the plaintiff was not precluded from selling the property at a profit, or from renting it on a long-term basis. Finally, the Court noted that, even if the plaintiff successfully established a regulatory taking, the proper relief for his claim would have been a hearing on just compensation, not invalidation of the law. STVRs began to draw negative public attention… Enhance and maintain the residential character of the R-1 District by limiting transient commercial use of residential CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ARLENE GOTSHALK - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS property for remuneration STVR Owners’ due process rights are not denied. In the seminal case Ewing v. City of Carmel by the Sea , 234 Cal. App. 3d 1579 6 th Dist. 1991, cited in most STVR opinions as well as in many preambles to municipal STVR ordinances, a STVR owner sued the city over its ordinance prohibiting STVRs. The California Sixth District Court of Appeal first held that the owner’s due process rights were not violated, stating: “We have already determined that the ordinance is rationally related to the stated goal. Carmel wishes to enhance and maintain the residential character of the R-1 District. Limiting transient commercial use of residential property for remuneration in the R-1 District addresses that goal. “ [Emphasis added] In upholding the lower court’s decision upholding the city’s ordinance, the Court in Ewing stated the following: “It stands to reason that the ‘residential character’ of a neighborhood is threatened when a significant number of homes…are occupied not by permanent residents but by a stream of tenants staying a weekend, a week, even 29 days. Whether or not transient rentals have the other ‘unmitigatable, adverse impacts’ cited by the Council, such rentals undoubtedly affect the essential character of a neighborhood and the stability of a community. [Emphasis added] Short-term tenants have little interest in public agencies or in the welfare of the citizenry. They do not participate in local government, coach little league, or join the hospital guild. They do not lead a Scout troop, volunteer at the library, or keep an eye on an elderly neighbor. Literally, they are here today and gone tomorrow—without engaging in the sort of activities that weld and strengthen a community. ” ≈ Building on Ewing v Carmel by the Sea Municipalities’ authority to regulate STVRs is within their zoning power . It is settled law in California that zoning regulations that restrict or prohibit short term rentals in residential areas are within the lawful scope of a city’s zoning power where the restrictions are found to be substantially related to land use impacts in the area. ( Ewing v. City of Carmel by the Sea , 234 Cal. App. 3d 1579 6 th Dist. 1991; Rathkops’s The Law of Zoning and Planning Sec. 81:11 4 th Ed 2011.) (The leading zoning and land use treatise that provides detailed coverage of zoning and planning with case law, including constitutional and statutory limitations on government zoning and planning powers,) Municipal zoning ordinance did not take property without just compensation. Other uses of the property may not be as profitable as STVRs, but they are economically viable uses Ordinances restricting STVRs do not amount to an unconstitutional “taking”. In a case in Oregon in which a municipal ordinance prohibited short term rentals, the court decided that the ordinance did not deny the owners economically viable use of their properties: “We next consider whether Ordinance 92-1, by prohibiting transient occupancy, denies property owners economically viable use of their properties. We conclude it does not. On its face, Ordinance 92-1 permits rentals of dwellings for periods of 14 days or more. The ordinance also permits the owners themselves to reside in the dwellings.Although those uses may not be as profitable as are shorter-term rentals of the properties they are economically viable uses.” ( Cope v. City of Cannon Beach 855 P.2d. 1083 (Or. 1993), 1086-87.) Homeaway.com, Inc. v. City of Santa Monica 918 F.3d 676 (9th Cir. 2019) – Upheld Santa Monica’s ordinance restricting STVRs to home sharing. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the City of Santa Monica’s home sharing ordinance. A federal appeals court on Thursday unanimously upheld a Santa Monica ordinance banning most short-term vacation rentals. The three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit of Appeals rejected a potential class-action lawsuit against the city, which passed the law in 2015 on the grounds that visitors who rent through Airbnb Inc. or other companies “sometimes disrupt the quietude and residential character of the neighborhoods.” The ordinance prohibits vacation rentals of 30 days or fewer, except when a primary resident remains in the home. The Court agreed with the district court that the City’s ordinance is a lawful housing and rental regulation with the “central and significant goal” of preserving the City’s “housing stock and preserving CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ARLENE GOTSHALK - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the judgement (5/18/2020) Dismissed and called a fishing expedition to extract concessions from the City 2 Pacific Grove Lawsuits – brought against Pacific Grove over a voter passed Measure phasing out STVRs in certain areas outside the Coastal zone using a lottery system but still allowing home sharing. ·The first case ( STRONGpg v. City of Pacific Grove ) was dismissed, and it was described as a fishing expedition to extract concessions from the City such as grandfathering in existing STVRs. ·The second case ( Hobbs v. City of Pacific Grove ) was funded by the Goldwater Institute and Airbnb. The trial date was set for 12/16/2019, but was dismissed by the plaintiffs themselves, who then filed an appeal, but the appeal is pending because plaintiffs failed to pay the filing fee. And again in 2020, banning STVRs in residential zones does not violate owners’ right if there is a planned transition for phasing out the nonconforming use on the property South Lake Tahoe Property Owners Group v. South Lake Tahoe (El Dorado County, SC-20180243, Law and Motion Calendar Dept. 9, decided 6/12/2020, pg 88), involved a challenge to the enactment of a citizen’s initiative Measure T to eliminate STVRs in residential zones by the city by majority vote of the electorate at the 11/6/2018 election. Several features of Measure T are similar to what residents are suggesting as a solution to the exploding # of STVR La Quinta. The court ruled in favor of the city in substantial part and found that Measure T did not violate the rights of current STVR owners. In its decision, the court said: “Use of a reasonable amortization scheme [time for the transition to take place] provides an equitable means of reconciliation of the conflicting interests in satisfaction of due process requirements.” Consistently, case after case, the courts have continued to support a thoughtful phasing out of commercial STVRs in residential districts. I hope that you see the value in phasing out commercial businesses to protect local residents and our neighborhoods and to safeguard our housing supply for local workers. Thank you, Arlene Gotshalk -- _________________________________________________________ "For there is always light / If only we’re brave enough to see it / If only we’re brave enough to be it." Amanda Gorman Arlene Gotshalk CareGiving Toolkit PO Box 643, La Quinta, CA 92247 www.caregivingtoolkit.com CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ARLENE GOTSHALK - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From: Dean Graves    Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 8:52 AM  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika  Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: STVR proliferation in La Quinta   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    My name is Dean Graves and my wife and I have owned a home in La Quinta for nearly eight years, the last four as full  time residents.  We own a home in one of the many gated communities in La Quinta.  We bought our home in PGA West  for its prestigious golf courses, its active community and its safe, quiet neighborhoods occupied by like‐minded  people.  We would always mark our calendars for the three weeks of Coachella and Stagecoach as these used to be the  only times when our neighborhoods would experience party crazy out of towners.  You knew the homes that were  rented during Coachella and Stagecoach as the driveways and street were filled with cars and trucks.  Music blaring off  the patio, as multiple 20‐40 year olds screamed as we attempted to play golf. Of course their partying many times spilled  out onto the golf course itself both day and night. There was always a sigh of relief when these concerts were over.     Fast forward over the last 3‐5 years and it seems as if Coachella is a weekly event. With the proliferation of STVRs, our  neighborhoods constantly deal with the cars and trucks, loud music and indifference to the fact it is intended to be a  safe, relatively quiet gated community.  This has even been more true over the past year with the pandemic as people  flock to the desert for weekend "staycations".  With the explosion of virus infection, I cringe at our lack of protection  from out of town visitors in our neighborhood. It should be no surprise that several of our gate security staff at PGA  West have become infected.  It is not residents that are interfacing with them as we all have car transponders.  It is the  out of town visitors.   City after city in the Valley have reached the point of anger and exhaustion from the explosion of STVRs and eliminated  them from their communities.  La Quinta as one, if not the only city still welcoming STVRs, has become ground zero.  I  can tell you that if it is not checked in a meaningful way soon, La Quinta will see people like us leaving for surrounding  cities that have made a stand on this issue.  If La Quinta loses its core of full time and seasonal homeowners, it will have  a material, negative effect on many golf courses and the vitality of these golf communities.  It is not STVR owners that  join and support these golf communities, it is its full time and seasonal owners. Ask the STVR proponents if they have a  renter living right beside their principal residence.  Better yet, ask them if their principal residence is in La Quinta.   We urge you to take a community‐based approach to this very troubling issue.  Respectfully,  Dean and Cathy Graves  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DEAN GRAVES - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:Kylie Grenier Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 7:56 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:STVR policy for La Quinta Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed Dear Mayor Evans, City Council Members, City Manager and City Clerk:   I'm writing today in support of the recommendations made in the Neighbors for Neighborhoods VISION  Recommendations, and hope that you will give them serious consideration as you deliberate STVR policy.  I met many of you in 2018‐19 when I was the Volunteer Coordinator for the City of La Quinta Community Emergency  Response Team, so you may remember my early commitment to the community of La Quinta. My husband and I bought  our full time residence condo at PGA West in October 2017, and my husband opened a home inspection small business  in 2018 while I work remotely for a technology company. Our condo is one of 4 units in the building. Two of the units are  second homes that are rented by conscientious owners for 14+ days. To date, we've had no problems with the renters in  our building, we've met nice people from Canada and the Midwest, and we consider ourselves lucky that the owners  primarily rent to friends and family or screen their renters carefully.  We've had to call the STVR hotline twice since we've lived here. Once for short term renters 1 building over who were  over the occupancy limit, had a golf car parked on the patio and left a mountain of garbage that the crows deposited all  over the street. The second incident was when two young men appeared to have vandalized our community pool by  pulling the tiles off the wall and smashing them all over the street. We and another set of neighbors saw the young men  going back and forth to the pool just a few hours before the vandalism was discovered. The neighbors also saw them  looking into the windows of other condos. We don't know for sure if it was the two guys, but it was late summer and the  only folks around were full time senior citizens who typically don't vandalize the pools that we all use and support. The  guys were in the short term rental a few doors away. When we knocked on the door of the unit to ask them about the  pool damage, they refused to answer and left the unit within a few hours.  After the pool was vandalized, my husband and I started visiting Pools 15 & 16 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday just to  say hello to the unsupervised STVR people who fill the pools all day long on weekends. We think of ourselves as  Campground Hosts, we let renters know that they have a level of accountability for their behavior and that they need to  pick up after themselves because this is a neighborhood not La Quinta Resort with housekeeping staff. For the most  part, people are nice and we noticed that there were fewer Solo cups floating in the pools after our visits. These visits  take time and effort and we're not afraid that people will be abusive or will hurt us. But, we are the younger exception  on our street. Our 80+ years young neighbors are intimidated when the renters descend and think that we're crazy to  engage them.  Given the experiences that we've had with STVR properties in PGA West, I support the N4N recommendations. I think  that their approach was sound and thoughtful and consistent with growing a thriving community in La Quinta.  Thanks for your time.  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KYLIE GRENIER - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS AND IN SUPPORT OF NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORHOODS LA QUINTA VISION RECOMMENDATIONS Kylie  Kylie ‐‐   Kylie M. Grenier    Donate to your local foodbank! FIND in Indio CA  1 From:Allen Hagerman Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 9:13 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:STVRs ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Hi  My wife and I are Canadian snow birds who own a residence in PGA west specifically .  We love La Quinta and the desert during our winters and hope to coming for several more years and perhaps decades  We come for the peace and quiet and to enjoy our time in the desert with our neighbors, friends and family. We eat out,  play golf, cycle, watch our friends play polo as well as hike in the desert. We buy cars, bikes and all supplies locally.  We  invite our family and friends from Canada down to enjoy all that La Quinta has to offer.  I do not believe that STVR’s are appropriate. I have no problem renting and rented places in La Quinta before we bought.  But we rented for 30 days plus. Not all short term rentals are bad but enough of them are to have affected the character  of the community for the worse.  In your deliberations at your special meeting please strongly consider limiting rentals to a month or at least 2 weeks.  Thanks  Allen Hagerman  PS if you would like to speak with me my phone is   Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ALLEN HAGERMAN - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING MIN. 2-WEEKS STAY From: Denise Hefti Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 11:51 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Short term rental EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hello City Clerk, My name is Denise Hefti, I own a house in La Quinta Cove since 2018 I’ve been renting it through Airbnb and VRVO without any complains from neighbors. I’m a 5 star “Super Host” since I started renting. In my listing on Airbnb it’s very clear that no parties are allow and no out door music can be played. I’ve been sending my city taxes monthly and I’ve been very happy with the results. This past November I didn’t receive a renewal form and contacted the city and was told that they weren’t giving any new permits, but mine was a renewal, I depend on the income of renting my house. I was told I could only rent it monthly because I had failed to renew it promptly, so I had to cancel the short term guests I had for December and beginning of January. Luckily I have it rented for one month now, but I’m very concern about the rest of the year. I completely understand that we’re living special times with COVID-19 and the concern of the neighbors of having different people moving in and out every 3 days - but I believe 8 or 10 days minimum would be more reasonable. Particularly in the summer when most tourist don’t come for the entire month. I appreciate anything that can be done to help the people like myself that depend on the STVR rentals. Thank you very much! Denise Lèbre Hefti mobile . Laguna Beach, CA 92651 denise@dlproductions.net http://www.deniselebre.com CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DENISE HEFTI- IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Jeff Heitner Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 6:07 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:STVR's in LaQuinta  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Dear Mayor, City Council Members, City Manager and City Clerk,  In light of the upcoming special meeting regarding STVR's, I felt it would be helpful for you to hear from a full time  resident of LaQuinta. I have been a full time resident for 5 plus years. The first 4 years were without issue. In the last  year and a half, two of the homes immediately to my north and the home immediately to my south have been sold. The  previous owners were part time residents. Now the homes to my north are absentee owners who are STVR owners and  the home to my south recently sold and the new owner owns several other rental properties in the area and is currently  changing the dining room of the home to a fourth bedroom; the intent is likely to convert the home to a STVR. Over the  past 9 months I have experienced an increase in excessive noise with late night partying, the residential street flooded  with parked cars and multiple times where trash was left in the rented properties spilling into my property as well. To  say the least, our neighborhood has changed and not for the better.. My observation over the past year is that when the  homes have been rented for a couple weeks or more, the renters are there to enjoy the weather, scenery and attributes  of our city. When the homes are rented for  less time than that, the renters are partiers with a "who gives a damn  attitude",  disturbing the peace and destroying the sense of community within the neighborhood. I wholeheartedly  suggest you consider limiting both the number of STVR's permitted in our city and require the rental length of time to  exceed more than one week. I have already lost at least four couples in our immediate neighborhood to commercialized  rental owners. This contributes nothing and detracts everything from "the Gem of the Desert".  Thank you for listening!         Sincerely   Jeff Heitner    LaQuinta, CA  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JEFF HEITNER - LIMIT NUMBER OF STVRS & IMPOSE MIN. 1-WEEK STAY From: Angie Howard Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 1:52 PM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Chris Subject: A Note about Short Term Rental Restrictions EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. From: Angie Howard & Chris Stover Permit No. 066675 When we decided to purchase a vacation home we specifically chose La Quinta , not only for its beauty, but for its open minded short term vacation rental policy. It allowed 365 days a year to be rented unlike some other desert cities that are restrictive, like Palm Springs. We have been operating an Airbnb now since 2019 and have had zero complaints the entire time. We are all for regulations, noise restrictions, parking limits, number of guests allowed and all those things, but we feel that we shouldn't have to take a 66% pay cut and only be allowed to rent our home for 1/3 of the year. We would even advocate that for short term rental homeowners there be a special Extended Home Sharing Permit that would allow for 365 days but you would have to qualify to apply for. This would entail having a track record of no complaints, notification to neighbors that an extended short term rental unit exists, as well as, proof that there has been a history of hosting for 60 days (for example). They did this exact thing recently in Los Angeles and the permit fee was $850. This way if homeowners wish to go beyond the 120 days they are not penalized. Thank you for your consideration! Angie & Chris CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANGIE HOWARD - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From: Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 5:56 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:STVR in Fairways HOA at PGA West.  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   We are residents of PGA and have lived here for over 20 years. We are OPPOSED to changing the current CC and R's regarding the length of time for rentals in PGA.... We have NEVER had any issues with rented properties...We have the following comments.. . 1. The security of our home and homes at PGA are a primary responsibility...BUT...there seems to be a question as to whose responsibility security at PGA is. ??.That should be clearly defined...and those agencies "charged" with the responsibility". Is it the La Quinta Police...the Masters Board of PGA...or the HOAs association? If the HOA has the responsibility and not doing the job, that company needs to be removed and another company selected. 2. Having a 30 day rental, or a 1 day rental, does not improve the security . During our initial ownership, we leased for days or months, and did not find any difference in the type of person that leased for short term or long term. 3. We live six months of the year, in New Jersey, in a vacation beach community where houses are rented for days, weeks or months or seasonal rentals..The home prices range from $350,000 to $10,000,000. There is a small police force that handles all the loud noise, or traffic accidents or any other disturbances..We are NOT have an HOA...and people enjoy the beach, the family gatherings with few issues..Why is PGA any different then our East Coast beach community, called Stone Harbor in New Jersey? Children play and yell, parties are held all summer, folks walk from the bars at 2am.and the police force keeps our community safe !! 5. We have talked to several neighbors who have never been bothered by rentals...BUT...would like to have their community with 28 days or longer rentals..They say, that they bought here for a quiet life as most were retiring..There is NO WORDING on a contract, that guarantees PGA is a quiet and a planned retirement community..BUT we all SIGNED a contract that gave everyone the opportunity to lease their homes as they chose.. 6. During the pandemic, EVERYONE has lived under a STAY AT HOME California Law. The temperatures were about 120 this summer, with little to no relief.This alone has caused such stress to everyone...Our neighbors are fighting each other..and the climate of PGA residents has definitely changed. As we see it, the only way CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS PAUL & CAROL JELUS - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 2 to resolve this issue, is to determine who provides the security of PGA and have them enforce the laws that protect our properties and control the ABNORMAL noise. We hope that you will consider our comments and vote against the proposal that limits the amount of time rentals can be leased.. Thank you.., Paul and Carol Jelus... CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS PAUL & CAROL JELUS - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Jeffrey Kaiser Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 5:02 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:Written Comment for 1/27/2021 LQ City Council Meeting - Short Term Rentals at PGA WEST Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   All:  My wife and I bought our home at  within PGA WEST 13 years ago. We have really enjoyed  our time here and continue to do so.  However, it has become increasingly difficult over the last couple years to enjoy our time here as the house next  door to us has been constantly rented out. Even the lease signage out front says that this house is a “super host“,  which to my understanding means they have packed every room possible with beds to maximize the number of  people who can stay there.  It's almost amazing how inconsiderate these renters can be regarding loud noises. You would think they believe the  hedges that customarily border each back yard are soundproof. This is the topic of the year at PGA WEST this  Season, and the problem just gets worse each year.  Earlier this Season, on a Saturday night, I called the La Quinta STR hotline about 10:30 to complain about really  loud noises emanating from this STR house next‐door at 81‐285 Legends Way. Loud music, adults shouting, kids  screaming in the pool, etc. Our backyards are adjacent. The LQ hotline guy who I talked to said he had one other  noise problem to check out in LQ, but he would come over and see if he could document the issue that we were  experiencing. Unfortunately, I never heard back from the gentleman. I wish giving some feedback to the  "complaining resident" is something that would happen going forward. It would really be helpful to know if  anything actually happens to these complaints when they are made.  The short term rental issue has escalated over the last couple of years. I know the owner of these homes, the  businesses if you will, that are set up to run these STR's will say that they are helping to maintain a higher price  level for homes at PGA West as they are constantly buying up these houses as they come up for sale. But as a  person who is enjoying their experience at PGA West, you’re not worried about the value of your home. You’re  only worried about its value on the day you buy it and the day you sell it. What you really want to do is enjoy your  home and your living experience while you own it..!! That seems to be a consideration that these STR people are  missing.   It has really made it more difficult for residents to enjoy themselves here. As past President of the Board of  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JEFFREY KAISER & JOANNA AMBROSIO 2 Directors at PGA WEST, I can also tell you that these businesses buying out these houses is not good for the overall  golf community either. It takes away houses that a PGA WEST golf member might choose to live in as they want to  retire and join PGA WEST. Simply put, we need available houses for new members to buy.  The only people who are coming out well in this whole issue are the owners of the short term rentals. I know  there’s some effort within PGA West to limit new homes purchased by these investors from being able to lease for  less than 28 days. I hope that passes within PGA West. That would be a start. However, we still need more control  over the houses that have already been purchased and are currently short term rentals. We should have a very  tight leash on these STR owners or these houses will never be as compliant as they claim they are. Hopefully, you’ll  have some ideas to put some restrictions on these existing short term rentals, and get us back to a sense of peace  and quiet enjoyment.    I’d really like to go back to just enjoying my experience here at PGA WEST on a day‐to‐day basis rather than have to  look up the LQ STR hotline number on a Saturday night.      Thank you very much. Please feel free to contact me if you wish any additional information.    Jeffrey Kaiser and Joanna Ambrosio    PGA WEST    CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS JEFFREY KAISER & JOANNA AMBROSIO but don't punish and dictate with operators can and can't do inside their own homes. Thank you- CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ANTHONY KHAN - IN FAVOR OF STVRS & CAPPING THE NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED 1 From:Linda Kraemer Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 6:57 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:Special meeting on STVR’s- Written Public Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  The proliferation of short term rentals in my community has become a problem.  Dogs running off leash, strangers walking by and peering into my windows, drunks at our pools and on our golf courses,  and kids skateboarding on our golf course greens are a few of the issues I’ve recently  encountered.  I saw three drunk men go up into the mountains behind the Nicklaus Private course this summer to chase down  Bighorns.  Investors are being enticed to purchase homes in our community because PGA West is one of the few gated  communities that still permits short term renters.  I wholeheartedly agree with the N4N initiative.  The City of LQ should limit the number of short term rental business licenses available.  Mayor Evans, I do not blame my neighbors who sell to investors and leave our community.  The blame falls on our elected officials who prioritize outside real estate investors over the safety and well‐being of their  constituents.  Please allow us to enjoy our beautiful neighborhoods in peace.  Thank You,  Linda Kraemer          Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LINDA KRAEMER - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS From:Jim Lambert To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comment for meeting 1-27-21 Date:Wednesday, January 27, 2021 8:17:37 AM EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. James Lambert La Quinta Public comment Ad hoc recommendations Written comments I have been trying to digest the city’s Master Plan 2035, which is how the cityintends to direct the future of La Quinta. And the plan for up to 2021. And theZoning plan for the City. Nowhere in these documents could I find reference toallowing Short Term Rentals in low density zoned areas of the community. There isno reference to allowable concentrations of rentals in residentially zoned areas. Actually, the zoning plan is designed to separate businesses from residential, that iswhy there are commercially zoned areas. The only reference I could find allowinghome businesses in residential zones states specifically: 1. The establishment andconduct of a home occupation shall be an incidental and accessory use and shallnot change the principal character or use of the dwelling involved. Secondly, onlyresidents of the dwelling unit may be engaged in the home occupation. The La Quinta land use element document states “encourage the preservation ofneighborhood character and ensure a consistent and compatible land use pattern”. Also” A community that provides the best quality of life for all it’s residents”. I have some comments on the ad hoc committee’s recommendations which wereyellow lined for further discussion: 1.b Increase field enforcement staffing There has not been noticeable success as far as enforcement in a timely manner thus far with the added personel. 9.a Require a list of vehicle license plate numbers The La Quinta municipal code regulations for hotels, motels, rooming houses andlodging houses requires a register be kept containing the names and addresses ofall adult guests, verified by government provided I.D,s. Since these properties alsoare short term transient places of lodging, STVRs should also comply with theregister requirement. For section 18, the suggestion for 4 types of permits with number of stays indicatedis one way of cutting the existing oversaturation in certain areas as long as newpermits are not allowed, only transitions into the new categories. 20. two-night minimum stay In our experience, 2, 3, 4 night stays are just a longer party than 1 night stays, with CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & AD-HOC RECOMMENDATIONS more daytime drunkenness and bad behavior, longer stays are more in keepingwith a vacation as in short term VACATION rental 23. All costs should be fully covered by the permit/licensing fees. This would first require a genuine accounting of the costs to the city to administerthe STVR program. Something we have been asking for months. 28. To revise the daytime and overnight occupancies of STVRs. In addition to revising the numbers of guests allowed per bedroom, there should beverification that the properties are being rented according to the legal number ofbedrooms specified in the tax records of the County. An example within PGA Westlists 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, sleeps 14. In the County assessors records thatproperty is listed as 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. In your discussion and subsequent voting on the issue of STVRs, it would seem thatanyone on council who is involved in the business of real estate would be ethicallybound to recuse themselves from the discussion and voting. Please do not turn La Quinta into more of an unsupervised transient occupancyshort stay hotel zone instead of the great community it was. Do not issue more permits into an already oversaturated community. Theseproposed new regulations have not been tested on the existing base of STVRs, andthe existing permit holders have not demonstrated an ability to comply with theexisting rules. Thank you, Jim & Barbara Lambert CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM LAMBERT - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & AD-HOC RECOMMENDATIONS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KIM LARSON - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & EXTEND THE MORATORIUM 1 From:John Logan Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 5:18 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:STVR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Come on folks......lets not go down the “cat city” road.....kind of like a “no brainer”.  John logan    La quinta, 92253  Sent from the JR LOGAN iPad  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOHN LOGAN - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: <> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 4:35 PM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; jmcmillan@laquintaca.gov <jmcmillan@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Short Term Rentals in La Quinta EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Russ long Jr. I reside at in La Quinta. When I purchased my home in 2001, I can honestly say that I would never have bought a single family home in La Quinta had I known that I would have a hotel next door each weekend. The quality of the neighborhood and our reality is a nightmare. The home next door has now been sold 3 times in the past 4 years and IS MARKETED as a “turn key rental property that is rented each weekend” . This is not an exaggeration and can be verified on the listing’s site. This is just one of many in my neighborhood. Over the past few years, our crime has risen and my home has been broken into. I have had items stolen from my garage while just leaving it open to unload groceries only to get caught up and leave it open for 10 extra minutes. I hate feeling like a prisoner in my own home. My wife and I have now considered selling our home for the past two years as things only continue to get worse. The downward spiral in the quality of life is endless. Those who rent for the weekends come here for one reason and one reason only; a spring break atmosphere. Would you want that next door? Would you like to have to call security because you cannot hear the TV in your own home because the music is so loud next door? Or would you like to call security when they get home after partying and start a new party after midnight? I know the city has a hotline and we are in a gate guarded community and can call and complain. That shouldn’t be the point. People renting for a month at a time are not the same as those renting for the weekend. I understand that there are many who have purchased these properties as rental investments. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT RUSS LONG - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS With the high demand for properties in la Quinta, I would love to see these short-term rentals phased out. I fully endorse the N4N recommendations from their recent survey and I am glad they took the initiative to raise this issue again. I would love to see the city council respond to the needs of the true residences of our beautiful La Quinta and understand that this is not an isolated issue as the investors and real estate folks would like us to believe. We have zones for hotels already and that is where people should vacation; not in our residential zones. Thank you for reading and listening. I appreciate the situation the city finds itself in and hope you will find a way to change our laws to only allow for rentals of greater than 30 days. If so, we can return to the days of peace, quiet and safety in this city we fell in love with. Sincerely, Russ Long Jr. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT RUSS LONG - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:Carol MALDONADO Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 7:11 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Fwd: Written Comments: STVR’s  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   January 26,2021  Sent from my iPad  Begin forwarded message:  From: Carol Maldonado   Subject: Fwd: Written Comments:  STVR’s  Sent from my iPhone  Subject: Written Comments:  STVR’s  Counsel Members of LaQuinta,   I have been an STVR Airbnb host since it’s inception here in the City of La Quinta!  I do not own a rental,   I rent out rooms in MY house where I reside.  I provide this service during the music festivities of Coachella and stagecoach, and  sometimes tennis and golf and an occasional wedding!  I have hosted the most wonderful people over the years, I have never had a problem  with any of them. They have all been respectful and courteous and because of them I  have been an ongoing Superhost on Airbnb in this city that I ᤻᤹᤺ love for many years!  It would be a shame for STVR’s to be discontinued because of the fault of a few multiple  home rental owners that do not abide by the laws!  Airbnb has also provided me with extra income, and as Senior citizens this income has  been very helpful to my husband and I and it allows us to afford to live here in this  beautiful Gem of the Desert City.  Please be considerate of those of us that abide by the rules!  Thank you,  Carol and Joe Maldonado     Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT CAROL MADONADO - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: Jason McDade Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 10:34 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Jason McDade La Quinta When I decided to purchase a vacation home I specifically chose La Quinta , not only for its beauty, but for its open minded short term vacation rental policy. It allowed 365 days a year to be rented unlike some other desert cities that are restrictive like Palm Springs. I have been operating an airbnb now since early 2019 and have had zero complaints the entire time. I am all for regulations , noise restrictions , parking limits , number of guests allowed and all those things, but I feel that I shouldn't have to take a 66% paycut and only be allowed to rent my house for 1/3 of the year. I would even advocate that for short term rental homeowners there be a special Extended Home Sharing Permit that would allow for 365 days but you would have to qualify to apply for. This would entail having a track record of no complaints , notification of neighbors that an extended homesharing unit exists as well as proof that there has been a history of hosting for like 60 days. They did this exact thing recently in Los Angeles and the permit fee was 850$. This way if home owners wish to go beyond the 120 days they are not penalized. thanks for your consideration Jason McDade CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JASON MCDADE - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: Elaina McGrath Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:29 AM To: Vacation LQ <vacationlq@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Permit for Stvr EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hello, My name is Elaina McGrath. I currently own a home in the cove in La Quinta. I am trying to legally and responsibly submit an application for stvr as our home in La Quinta is meant for our part time residence and allowing short term rentals means we can afford both our primary residence and our home in La Quinta. Due to restrictions with Covid, I am responsible for staying home with my daughter while my husband works as a front line medical professional. We have every intention of respecting city guidelines and with the stay at home order being lifted it feels only fair that we should be allowed to operate legally within the city. If there is not currently an active board of members who actually own short term properties in La Quinta, I’d like to propose that one be formed so that we may have a strong and active presence in the decisions being made based around our businesses. Short term rentals are not unmonitored. We work quite hard to make sure that our properties are rented by vetted, responsible guests who respect our neighbors and the city. Short term rentals also give Californians an opportunity to safely seek a retreat from their current day to day lives with Covid present. We work hard to make sure that our houses are sanitized between guests and provide endless guidelines for our guests to stay safe. I feel it is not fair for the city to refuse these permits when we are following every restriction. It should be a decision made by fellow respectful short term owners as we very much would like the opportunity to allow people to come to your city to help it flourish and prosper during such trying times. I hope you can consider my request as we are a hard working family that only seek to improve our lives. Thank you Elaina CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ELAINA MCGRATH- IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: Sean McGrath Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 9:44 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear La Quinta Council members: I have been waiting patiently for a short term rental permit since September 2020. I live part time in Seattle and La Quinta due to my variable work schedule (I am a front line medical worker). My family would like an official decision regarding the future of short term rentals. We unfortunately may have to sacrifice our La Quinta home due to financial reasons. My wife and I are both active members in the La Quinta community and I have contributed my services to many vaccine clinics in Riverside county. We have our favorite La Quinta coffeespots, restaurants, and trails. Our idea was to rent out our home partially when I am stationed in Seattle, to help supplement our mortgage(much higher prices in Washington), whereas my wife is out of work due to COVID-19. A STR license would help us out tremendously. I feel that the city council has had ample time to review public comments and from STR hosts to make an educated plan going forward. I urge you to recall the moratorium and set proper guidelines forth, allowing access to new permits. Best Regards, Sean McGrath La Quinta, CA mobile: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT SEAN MCGRATH - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS & RECALL THE MORATORIUM From: Barb Montavon Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 9:31 PM To: Kevin Meredith <Kmeredith@laquintaca.gov>; Gerald Duchene <gduchene@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Jeff Hillebrand Subject: LARGEST Private Golf ESTATE: 2 Casitas + Games + Fire-Pits + Billiards - La Quinta EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Please see below another home in LQ with illegal ads. At this nightly rate, they can afford a steep fine and a suspension. Please shut these houses down. Do you understand the homeowner frustration level when we aren’t even looking for problem properties and we see so many illegal ads that no one is doing anything about? Please pass this on to City Council so they know this is not being enforced https://www.vrbo.com/1578530?adultsCount=1&noDates=true&unitId=2139767 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT BARB MONTAVON - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & ILLEGAL ADS 1/27/2021 LARGEST Private Golf ESTATE: 2 Casitas + Games + Fire-Pits + Billiards - La Quinta https://www.vrbo.com/1578530?adultsCount=1&noDates=true&unitId=2139767 3/15 Min Stay: 2–5 nights Instant Confirmation Hot Tub Pool Air Conditioning No Smoking 6Bd/7Ba GOLF Estate -Brand NEW! Enormous OPEN spaces, Sprawling Yards Bedrooms Bedrooms: 6 Sleeps: 16 Yoga Sanctuary Casita king King bed, swing chair, fridge, micro, coffee, opens to pool Bunkbed Beats twin/ single · bunk bed (2) BRAND NEW 6Bd/7Ba+3 Large Outdoor Yards! 1-Pool/Spa/Fire-Pit/Bar 2-Dining/BBQ/Outdoor Lounging/Grand Fire- pit @ Golf Course 3-FUN-ZONE Yard: Bocce/Putting/Ping- View more 1/27/2021 LARGEST Private Golf ESTATE: 2 Casitas + Games + Fire-Pits + Billiards - La Quinta https://www.vrbo.com/1578530?adultsCount=1&noDates=true&unitId=2139767 4/15 2 sets of EX LONG bunkbeds, (4 XL Twins) + 1 XL trundle Southwestern Style Casita king · sleep sofa /futon King bed, Queen Sofabed, fridge, micro, coffee Supremely Elegant Master king · sleep sofa /futon Master suite, Sofa opens to Queen bed, desk, fireplace Double Desert Dream queen (2) 2 Queen beds, built in desk Golfer's Paradise king · sleep sofa /futon King Bed, + Sofa opens to Queen bed All Bedrooms have their own private bathrooms, "en suite," and a well organized closet. A 55' or larger Smart wall mounted TV, and USB outlets at the nightstands. All mattresses are very luxury 12" memory foam, dressed in soft bright white linens, a light knit blanket and a lightweight comforter with crisp white duvet. 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Television Satellite/C able DVD Player Books Foosball Game Room Games Games for Kids Ping Pong Table Pool Table Video Library Video Games Lawn/Gar den 1/27/2021 LARGEST Private Golf ESTATE: 2 Casitas + Games + Fire-Pits + Billiards - La Quinta https://www.vrbo.com/1578530?adultsCount=1&noDates=true&unitId=2139767 8/15 Suitability Pool / Spa Policies Cancellation Policy 100% refund if you cancel at least 60 days before check-in. No refund if you cancel less than 60 days before check-in. Learn more about our cancellation policies. (https://help.vrbo.com/articles/What- is-the-cancellation- policy) If you have upcom trips, you can man or cancel your bo in your traveler account. View upcoming t (/traveler/th/book 100% refund No refund Beach Towels Porch/Ver anda Deck/Pati o Outdoor Furniture Golf Fire pit Long- term Renters Welcome Outdoor Pool Private Pool Spa Whirlpool 1/27/2021 LARGEST Private Golf ESTATE: 2 Casitas + Games + Fire-Pits + Billiards - La Quinta https://www.vrbo.com/1578530?adultsCount=1&noDates=true&unitId=2139767 9/15 Damage and Incidentals You will be responsible for any damage to the rental property caused by you or your party during your stay. House Rules Check in after: 3:00 PM Check out before: 11:00 AM View more Cleaning practices •Children allowed MUST be supervised at POOL, FIRE-PITS, FUN ZONE! •No pets •No events ONLY if PRE- APPROVED with reservation. •No smoking Strict NO SMOKING! Indoors. Violation: $1000 FINE •Max guests: 16 (sleeps up to 16 adults) Must account for all guests. •Minimum age of primary renter: 25 •Minimum 1-day vacancy between guest stays •High-touch surfaces cleaned with disinfectant (like countertops, light switches, handles, and faucets) •Property has guest safety measures 60 days before check-in Check in 1/27/2021 LARGEST Private Golf ESTATE: 2 Casitas + Games + Fire-Pits + Billiards - La Quinta https://www.vrbo.com/1578530?adultsCount=1&noDates=true&unitId=2139767 10/15 Map •All towels and bedding washed in hot water that’s at least 60ºC/140ºF •Cleaned with disinfectant •Check in and check out with no person- to-person contact •Follows industry health association: Reopening vacation rentals guide (DTV & DFV - Germany) 1/27/2021 LARGEST Private Golf ESTATE: 2 Casitas + Games + Fire-Pits + Billiards - La Quinta https://www.vrbo.com/1578530?adultsCount=1&noDates=true&unitId=2139767 11/15 La Quinta, California, United States of America Detailed location provided after booking Hosted by Bonnie Member Since 2011 What's nearby 1. Empire Polo Club 2.3 mi 2. Coachella Music Festival 2.3 mi 3. Indian Wells Tennis Gard…6.5 mi 4. PGA West Golf Course 1.2 mi 5. Fantasy Springs Casino 6 mi 6. 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Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear City Council members: We are snowbirds in a gated golf course community in La Quinta. We bought our home in 2012 and were shocked at what occurred during festival weekends - an influx of people who had no intention of living in a way that “gated” “private golf course” implies. This is no longer a festival weekend occurrence - we are overrun with renters who have no interest in supporting our community or even abiding by our community standards. They come for a few nights, trash the patios, trespass on private property and wreak havoc on our quiet lifestyle, all in complete defiance of the safer-at-home orders we were supposed to be under for most of the past year. We are expected to police this behavior by calling our HOA or some Code Enforcement number but that results in a poor outcome for all: we have to pay for more security to respond to the offenses, the homeowners are forced to become watchdogs, and the renters enjoy their stay less when they get hounded by their neighbors. This is all because vacationers are staying in neighborhoods instead of the hotels and resorts La Quinta offers, and this is costing everyone. We are not people who will come to a council meeting and speak, but we now understand that the STVR owners are so vocal that our silence makes it appear we are not affected. False! We will offer an idea along with this complaint: Limiting rental contracts to one contract per 30 days (not the same as a 30 day minimum contract) protects everyone’s rights: Resident owners would have a maximum of 12 different “occupants” next door per year. Could result in longer term rentals and a higher likelihood that those renters chose that location to contribute to the lifestyle that location is centered around i.e. in town LQ to walk to and patronize shops and restaurants; in golf communities to pay green fees and support "after golf” amenities like restaurants and bars etc. Renters may still rent for a shorter period than 30 days - they may come for a weekend CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JONI NAGEL - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & SUGGESTIONS - but then if it’s just to party, the residents next door have a few weeks of peace before it happens again because that property is not rentable again until the end of the 30 days Owners of rental properties are in FULL CONTROL of whether they want to accept a rental for a few days or choose to sign someone for the full 30 day term. They may say they were told something else when they bought investment properties, but there is no guarantee of unrestricted rentals in the future just because some restrictions weren’t in place when they bought. Life changes…and the idea that everyone gets their situation “grandfathered” however they understood it would be is outrageous! If that were true, our understanding and expectation of having owner occupants as neighbors (since that’s how it was when we bought) would be grandfathered. This would have prevented an investor from ever buying the property…investors can’t have it both ways. Limiting new rental permits, putting in place the above proposal, and then enforcing the policies 100% is the only way to have peace between us. It’s fair, it’s doable and it may restore some quality of life for many of us who are ready to leave the Gem of the Desert if the city doesn’t address this effectively. Thank you for listening. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JONI NAGEL - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & SUGGESTIONS (- ( ( \ ( ,- \ ( (_ ( ,. ( �- \ ( ,-',, ( ( \ I This is what's wrong with mini motels in residential zones I Printed with permission from a letter to City Council, October 17th 2020 I wanted to reach out to you about my day today. I live beside a short-term rental in the Highlands Community in north La Quinta. Let me back-up a bit. I work full time as an Emergency Room Registered Nurse. I am also in school full time in a Nurse Practitioner program. This requires me to not only go to school full time with classes, but also clinical practice hours at 20 hours a week at a family practice office. In general - I am working/schooling the equivalent of 2.5 full time jobs. Time management, and sleep need to be my top priorities to make this work. It is now 4 am, and I have not slept tonight. Last night !Friday night) I got 2 hours of sleep. I have slept 2 hours in the last 2 days. I have an exam for school in approximately 5 hours. This is the part that really upsets me. I am studying so hard, for something so important to me. And now I am going into an exam with no sleep, because of strangers partying all weekend next door. How is this okay? Normally by this time I would have gotten into my car and rented a hotel room, but I am so tired, I cannot even find the energy to do this. However, I am also paying tuition out of my pocket for a private school education -spending $200 on a hotel because I live next door to a STR isn't something I can even afford right now. Nor is it right. I am really tired of being expected by the City of La Quinta to accommodate visitors staying in the STR beside me. I live here. This is my home. Why am I continually inconvenienced, to the point of it affecting my personal and professional life, by a for-profit home next to me? Yesterday I spent the day studying , preparing for a mid-term exam. But it wasn't a great day of studying because I had music on in my own home to drown out the gathering at the house next door to me -partying that began at 11am and continued until lam. I spent 14 hours listening to a party. At 10:30pm, I had had enough - I called the hotline. They assured me someone would be out within 45 minutes. At midnight I called back, as the gathering continued. The action of having to get up, look for a number, be put on hold for 5 minutes, then talk to someone -makes one more alert. This is why I normally do not call the hotline, because I know that action -will further potentiate alertness. And then to top it off, I had to call twice. I should not have bothered calling -but my lack of action would mean there is no problem. Yet again - I am having to make accommodations for this STR. There is absolutely no benefit for me in having this revolving party house next door, yet I am the one having to be flexible , make accommodations. Meanwhile, the owners of this STR are at home in Orange County, likely sleeping. If I was working in the ER today - I would have had to call off sick. It would have been too dangerous for me to care for patients. Moreover, it would have been money out of my pocket as I lose a shift to accommodate this STR. Instead, I am going to write a very stressful exam that is a reflection of my ability to work as a family practice provider -my future -and if you have ever tried to do anything on little sleep - I suspect my results will not be what I expect for myself. On an average day, front line workers need adequate sleep. We are in the middle of a pandemic, work is really hard right now, and we need as much sleep as we can get to serve our community. If I had known I would be living next door to a hotel, I would never have purchased my home. None of this is right. g I CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM NEIGHBORHOODS ARE FOR NEIGHBORS - IN OPPOSITION OF NEW STVRS 1 To:Monika Radeva; Laurie McGinley Subject:RE: STVR 1/27 Neighbors for Neighborhoods Vision for La Quinta From: don shoffstall    Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 7:49 AM  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>  Cc: Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena  <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen  <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Fw: Neighbors for Neighborhoods Vision for La Quinta   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    Mayor Evans; Neighbors for Neighborhoods submitted a report titled Vision for La Quinta for the City Council and your consideration. Monika Redeva emailed me that the report would be read into the January 27th special City Council meeting minutes. Therefore, I will register to speak briefly on the report's survey, recommendations and residents ’comments. The survey met the American Association of Public Opinion Research credibility criteria and 632 La Quinta residents from 21 different communities voluntarily participated in taking the survey. The Vision for La Quinta offers a balanced solution which benefits residents, STVR investors and the city (page 3). The Vision supports tourism and outlines an approach which will allow tourism to continue to grow in the appropriately zoned areas. Seventy percent of the households in La Quinta are families, which is the largest percentage in the valley. To stop the conversion of residential homes to “nightly” STVR rentals no new permits should be approved in residential zones. The Vision recommends a 3% cap on extended stay STVRs in residential zones. This will help correct the STVR density problem identified by the ad hoc committee and contribute to rebuilding the depleted La Quinta housing inventory. The survey shows that 86% of STVR neighbors have experienced problems. The root cause of the problem is “nightly” rentals. Courts, cities, HOAs, the ad hoc committee and even owners recognize requiring a minimum rental period will reduce the impact of STVRs on resident’s quality of life. The survey showed greater than 75% support a minimum stay greater than 7 nights in residential zones with 35% wanting a rental period greater than 31 nights. The Vision recommends a time phased increase in the minimum required rental stay from 3-nights to 28-nights over 36 months. The survey also shows residents experiencing STVR problems that cannot be addressed by more rules or code enforcement; e.g.; loss of sleep, being disrespectful, trespassing, feeling unsafe and loss of neighbors. Each of these problems affect a person’s quality of life and should be addressed during your deliberations on the STVR program. Because the Vision for La Quinta was being written against a January 5th deadline data collection and analysis addressing La Quinta housing was not completed in time for submission. The data collection has since been completed and is currently being analyzed. The plan is to submit an addendum to the Vision report during the first week of February that will include two additional Fact sections (page 36) which will present and analyze CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORHOODS - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 2 the housing data. 1.        Fact - La Quinta has largest percentage of family households in the valley 2.        Fact - Real impacts STVRs have on the city of La Quinta Thank you and the City Council for extending the moratorium, hopefully this will allow the time to thoroughly consider La Quinta's future and the affect STVRs will have on it. Don Shoffstall 1 On Jan 4, 2021, at 7:29 AM, don shoffstall  wrote:   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution  when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Neighbors for Neighborhoods, a concerned citizens group, has prepared a report with recommendations we wish to submit to the City Council to consider during their deliberations on the future of the STVR program. This report has facts and data not part of the ad hoc committee report and a survey soliciting the opinion of STVR neighbors. 632 residents from 21 communities voluntarily responded to the online survey. Despite the holidays and COVID lock down the report should be ready for delivery Tuesday. Where and how should the report be delivered? Current plan is for six copies, will you need more? Respectfully, Neighbors for Neighborhoods, Don Shoffstall 760 771 1797 From:David Park To:City Clerk Mail Subject:ATTN: Monika Redeva - Written Comments Date:Thursday, January 28, 2021 2:43:24 PM EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Ms. Radeva, It appears that my e-mail did not make it into the STR package from yesterday's City Council meeting. Would you please make sure that it does. Very Much Appreciated, David Alan Park Former La Quinta IAB Member ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: David Park To: kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 01:32:23 PM PST Subject: Written comments Dear City Council, As a concerned citizen who has served on the Investment Advisory Board for nine years and the Ad Hoc for the economic vitality of the city I can honestly say without reservation that STR's bring very little to our city financially and from my prospective as a victim of its abuses nothing to the quality of life that brought me here some 17 years ago and keeps me here to this day. When the Ad Hoc committee reviewed all of the possibilities to increase the city's income back in 2015-2016 certainly turning our wonderful residential areas into business zones never crossed our minds. Instead when we examined all of the possibilities to keep our "Gem of the Desert" a "Gem" and we finally recommended the unpopular but necessary tax to the city council. It is inconceivable as I sit here today to think we would ever had recommend STR's as an income stream! As STR people send out glossy mailers trying to convince me that they are my neighbors I can honestly state that it is my real neighbors who are fighting to preserve the lifestyle that has been built over decades from disappearing.. Most of the people I know have invested millions to live in an environment that is free from CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DAVID PARK - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS people careening down the streets in golf carts with a drink in their hands. I am tired of politely trying to get these weekenders to stop gouging up the golf course at dusk when play is done for the day, or asking them to please turn down the sound, or please park in the driveway's first as per our CC&R's and yes even park on my front lawn only to be told to "go *@^* yourself", or worse, to be physically threatened while my so-called neighbor is somewhere else not having to deal with this lack of quality of life we came here for. There is much more but I believe you understand. Therefore I respectfully request that the Council do the right thing and return our neighborhoods to their former glory so to speak. You have made hard choices before and I know you can once again - make these "mini- hoteliers" move their businesses elsewhere and make it unprofitable for them to operate in our "Gem of the Desert". Respectfully Submitted, David Alan Park La Quinta CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DAVID PARK - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS From:don shoffstall To:Nichole Romane Cc:Monika Radeva; Laurie McGinley; Jon McMillen Subject:Re: STVR 1/27: Question concerning registering to speak Date:Thursday, January 28, 2021 7:42:57 AM Attachments:Special Mtg Comments_1_27.docx image002.png ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Nichole for the record attached is a copy of my verbal remarks made at last nights city council meeting. Thank you for all your help navigating me through the process. Don CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DON SHOFFSTALL - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & SURVEY INFO FROM NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORHOODS Neighbors for Neighborhoods submitted a report entitled Vision for La Quinta for the Mayor’s and City Council’s consideration. I would like to speak briefly on the report's survey, recommendations and selected residents ’comments. The Vision for La Quinta offers a balanced solution which benefits residents, STVR investors and the city (page 3). The Vision supports tourism and outlines an approach which will allow tourism to continue to grow in the appropriately zoned areas. The survey met the American Association of Public Opinion Research credibility criteria and 632 La Quinta residents from 21 different communities voluntarily participated in taking the survey and provided 945 comments. Seventy percent of the households in La Quinta are families, which is the largest percentage in the valley. To stop the conversion of residential homes to “nightly” STVR rentals no new permits should be approved in residential zones. The Vision recommends a 3% cap on extended stay STVRs in residential zones. This will help correct the STVR density problem identified by the ad hoc committee and contribute to rebuilding the depleted La Quinta housing inventory. Permitting “nightly” STVRs has converted residential neighborhoods into commercial business zones. Residential zoning must be restored and enforced. •(Survey #79) There are many people here who do not have the ability to relocate. They must stay and suffer the consequences of illegal motels running commercial enterprises in residential areas. The survey shows that 86% of STVR neighbors have experienced problems. The root cause of the problem is “nightly” rentals. Courts, cities, HOAs, the ad hoc committee and even owners recognize requiring a minimum rental period will reduce the impact of STVRs on resident ’s quality of life. •(Survey #40) I have owned a rental property in La Quinta for 3 years. The long-term people were never a problem. The Short-Term people are not in a Hotel so that they can get drunk, mis-behave. They add little to the local economy, they are living out of their coolers in the backyard until they pass out. The survey showed greater than 75% support a minimum stay greater than 7 nights in residential zones with 35% wanting a rental period greater than 31 nights. The Vision recommends a time phased increase in the minimum required rental stay from 3-nights to 28-nights over 36 months. •(Survey #130) Rentals of less than 2 weeks seem to attract party people who have little respect for neighbors in terms of noise and conduct. The survey also shows residents experiencing STVR problems that cannot be addressed by more rules or code enforcement; e.g.; loss of sleep, being disrespectful, trespassing, feeling unsafe and loss of neighbors. Each of these problems affect a person’s quality of life and should be addressed during your deliberations on the STVR program. •(Survey #423) Short term renters are inconsiderate and, in some cases, belligerent if you say anything. Why should we have to "police" short term renters? They take their anger out on us for reporting them. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DON SHOFFSTALL - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & SURVEY INFO FROM NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORHOODS In closing, •(Survey #122) I am one of many that are waiting to see what the city does with STVR as to continuing residing in LQ or moving elsewhere. I hope the city does what is best for all residents not just STVR investors. Neighbors for Neighborhoods would like to thank the Mayor and City Council, for extending the moratorium, hopefully this will allow the time to thoroughly and thoughtfully consider La Quinta's future and the impact STVRs will have on it. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DON SHOFFSTALL - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & SURVEY INFO FROM NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORHOODS -----Original Message----- From: Matthew Nelson Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 7:44 AM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov> Subject: STVR's ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Council members, I live at PGA West. I have 5 stvr's within 100 yards of my condominium. Something needs to be done about commercial business's being operated in residential area's. I fully support N4N's recommendations to solve the problems that a proliferation of stvr's has caused. Matthew Nelson La Quinta, Ca CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT NELSON, MATTHEW - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS From: Steven Niederhauser Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 9:54 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments for City of La Quinta Special Meeting 01/27/21 EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Name: Steven Niederhauser Residence: San Diego Phone: Public comment in Support of Short Term Vacation Rentals The City of La Quinta has imposed enough recent controls and regulations on STVRs that they need to give time for the processes to be demonstrated and evaluated before enacting even further restrictions. Operators like ourselves at Haustay and others who comply with all of the regulations and take an active role in ensuring their guests comply as well do not have a negative impact on neighbors or the City in general. The opposite is true and the immense positive economic impact from well run STVRs shouldn't be ignored because of a small percentage of bad operators. The current regulations will quickly force bad operators to come to compliance or remove them completely from the ecosystem given the strict fines and permit suspensions. The City's focus needs to be on consistent application of their laws and expedient processing of violations. Best regards, Steven Niederhauser | Co-Founder www.haustay.com CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT STEVEN NIEDERHAUSER - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments Date:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 5:45:17 PM Importance:High EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Jennifer Porter La Quinta Cove Public comment In support of STVR with increased enforcement. Grandfather all existing STVRs. To the La Quinta Madam Mayor, City Council, and other City officials present: You don’t need to be a full time resident to have pride of ownership and respect for your neighbors and community. I own a second home (since June 2019) that I share as a vacation rental to help with the cost while my family and I can enjoy the property often throughout the year. I know my neighbors well and have provided my contact info. In addition, one of my neighbors and her entire family have taken me under their wing and have become my boots on the ground-cleaning, yard maintenance, and dealing with guest issues which there have been none. I was just there for 2 weeks in December and shopped at our local stores, ordered from our local restaurants like Enzo’s and Stuft pizza, tennis lessons/clinics at the La Quinta resort, rock supplies from Southwest Boulder, and I kept my local handyman busy with never ending projects. It will be much of the same when I am back in March. I am part of this community! I love La Quinta, the Cove, Old town La Quinta and feel very fortunate that I discovered the area. With the exception of not having kids at the local schools…I feel like I contribute to our community just as much if not more than a full time resident. With decorating an entire home from local stores, all new landscaping, constant home/yard improvement when I’m there or not there, a confessed restaurant connoisseur….I assure you that I am re-investing in this community. I also direct my guest to support my favorite local businesses in my absence vs. a vacant second home. STVR’s are a welcome friend to many of our businesses-restaurants, boutiques/shops, thrift stores, tennis/golf facilities, grocery stores, bike rentals….etc. I DON’T fit the “greedy investor”, “don’t care about neighbors or the community”, “just trying to make money” narrative that the anti-STVR describe and I represent a good portion of the STVR community. While you consider making changes to the program…I hope that you will grandfather all existing STVRs to remain operational now and into the future. I understand putting a CAP in place as many cities strive to keep homes available for LTR and for first time home buyers, but I hope you will honor those who have already made the choice to purchase in the area and not create a hardship for many of us like myself. The 2 main problems that need to be addressed are violations (trash and noise) and density control. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JENNIFER PORTER - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS The first continues to get better with the new restrictions and fines. The party houses will be weeded out as the city continues with increased enforcement. Problem solved. Also, I believe all STVRs should be required to enroll in walk up garbage service-trash problem solved. The density issue is going to take more thoughtful consideration and the city will have to determine the mix that it wants to see in the community. But please don’t phase out STVR and please don’t entertain the 300 ft radius. Grandfather responsible existing STVRs in the program and implement density decisions going forward but not to impact current STVR owners. I have been a vacation home renter my whole life…way before the Airbnb craze. For work travel I prefer hotels but for longer leisure travel I have always preferred the vacation home alternative. The current Covid climate has made stand alone vacation homes preferred by many and I believe that trend will continue for a long while. This is a great alternative for visitors to the Coachella Valley/La Quinta. Most of my visitors who visit my 3br/2ba home are families (4 people or less) and couples who come for a relaxing get away and enjoy all that the area offers. My goal is to have responsible, quiet, respectable guest for the sake of the neighborhood and community…and for the sake of my cherished second home. Please keep the STVR alternative alive for our visitors and home owners who are responsible and invested in our beautiful city. Sincerely, Jennifer Porter LQ Cove Prideful Property Owner CONFIDENTIAL NOTICE: If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are not authorized to intercept, read, print, retain, copy, forward, or disseminate this communication. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, attorney/client privileged, attorney work product, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately either by phone or by return e-mail, and destroy all copies of this message, electronic, paper, or otherwise. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JENNIFER PORTER - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: nick potenza Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 6:08 AM To: Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov> Cc Subject: STVR's in Rancho Ocotillo EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. To the Mayor, Council members, and City Manager, I am writing this letter to voice my concerns regarding STVRs in my neighborhood. I have personally experienced noise, trash, excessive street parking and open hostility from people vacationing in STVRs here in Rancho Ocotillo. I have called the hotline several times to report issues and have never seen any action coming from any authority. I am particularly upset with the number of people that have been here during the stay at home lockdown. There has been a constant parade of people through one house in particular with stays of two or three days. I can't imagine that all the hotel rooms in the city are full and that these people have no other options. I have lived here for twenty five years. We moved into this neighborhood to have a safe place to raise a family. It developed into a community of friends and neighbors who knew each other, whose children could play together, who would help and watch out for each other. We became friends and family. This is what a neighborhood should be. This is why we have lived here for so long. My fear is this will end with an influx of STVRs. I see first hand the problems associated with them and the city's inability, or lack of desire, to deal with and control these problems. This is not what this neighborhood has been for the past twenty five years and for the city to allow it to change like this is wrong. My neighborhood is not a business to be developed. It is not a hotel to be kept filled. It is a place for families to find a home, to grow and prosper in peace and safety. Like mine did. Please keep it that way. Nick Potenza CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT NICK POTENZA - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS From:Paul Quill To:Laurie McGinley Cc:City Clerk Mail Subject:RE: RECEIVED: Quill, Paul (STVR) written Comments – Jan. 27, 2021 Council Special Meeting Date:Wednesday, January 27, 2021 4 02:49 PM Attachments:image001.png STVR comments to City Council 1-27-2021.pdf EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Please see attached letter that I will read into the record this evening when you call me. Please distribute, Thanks. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT PAUL QUILL - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:Diane Reed Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 6:11 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Dear City Clerk,  I would like to comment on short term rentals.  Diane Reed    La Quinta 9225;    Although my own rentals are generally long‐term, I did research the law on the right to rent one’s home. The law favors  owners being able to rent their homes because owners have a right to earn income from their property. The right to  derive income from one’s own residence is inherent in home ownership and some times the only way owners can  financially survive or keep their home.  If residents object to such things as noise or traffic, then rules should be made to curb those things that would interfere  with quiet enjoyment of property.  There should be no restriction on being able to rent one’s own home as a short ‐term rental.  Thank you,  Diane Reed  Diane Reed  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DIANE REED - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: Bob Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 4:59 PM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov> Subject: STVR's at PGA West ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** I support limiting STVR’s. I believe limiting STVR’s will help balance quality of life in La Quinta… and minimizing future costs necessary to enforce. If you allow STVR’s to continue to grow uncontrolled… the City will receive growing calls from homeowners with the associated most typical problems – noise, parking. I pay what I see as high property taxes. For those taxes I would hope to have quiet community lifestyle. If that degrades as STVR’s grow… my family & I will find another community / City to reside. I know numerous other e PGA West home owners who feel exactly the same way. Movement out of PGA West by us will not help your City grow. Sincerely, Bob Rolston CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT BOB ROLSTON - LIMITING OF STVRS 1 From:adam santiago Sent:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 9:08 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comment Adam Santiago Attachments:cidCEFCB306-5F47-4143-ABDE-4E9566EB96E2.pdf  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ADAM SANTIAGO - COMMENTS RE: AD-HOC STVR RECOMMENDATIONS January 27, 2021 Subject: WRITTEN COMMENT Adam Santiago La Quinta-Highland Palms Hi Madam Mayor & Council, There are two recommendations I would like to make to city council. 1.Issue fines to guests not to owners. P​alm Springs has been very good about implementing this with STVR owners. It has been successful. 2.Placing a 300 radius is unreasonable and unfair to existing STVR owners. Thank you, Adam CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT ADAM SANTIAGO - COMMENTS RE: AD-HOC STVR RECOMMENDATIONS 1 From: Joe Savageau   Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 3:42 PM  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika  Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Short term rental   ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  Ate are a problem that needs attention  Joe Savageau  Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOE SAVAGEAU - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:     Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:03 AM  To: Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov>  Cc:   Subject: STVR   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    I reside at . We have short term rentals on the block, and they are a detriment to the neighborhood. The house at 44085 is consistently having new people moving in every week.. They stay four or five days and leave and the next crew moves in. We the residents are fed up with the parties, parking in front of other houses and the hiding of cars in the garage so people will not recognize how many cars and people are there . We also are very concerned about Human Trafficking. After all this has turned into a party house, and with the loud noise and drinking drugs are sure to follow. The owner of the house has consistently lied about how many people are moving in and how long they stay. He says thirty days, but in reality it is the collection of people coming every week that he counts as thirty days occupants. We have complained, but the council has deemed that the taxes collected are more important than than the residents of the neighborhood. I am wondering if you have forgotten who you represent. We elected you to represent us the residents not the short term in and out people. We expect the cooperation of the council in regards to this problem. We will consistently call the police to report these violations. One other thing, we have disabled residents with bad backs, knee replacements, etc. Why is it the short term renters have A ONE service, with the trash trucks stopping and the driver getting out and going into the back yards and wheeling out the trash and then putting away the barrels. Why the first class service? How much more does this put in the bank for you so that it can be said look how well we are doing. You have the new Residence Inn for bed tax. PLEASE HALT THE SHORT TERM RENTALS and gice the neighborhood back to the residents. Neale H Siegel. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUAR 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT NEALE SIEGEL - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS From:Mike Smith To:City Clerk Mail Cc:Linda Evans Subject:Vacay Stay vacation rentals Date:Wednesday, January 27, 2021 3:58:00 PM ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hello, my name is Mike Smith owner of "VacayStay vacation rentals". We represent over 50 properties in and around the Laquinta area for short term rentals with 14 employees and 7 VacayStay vehicles. At VacayStay we are keenly aware and respectful of the delicate balance between short term renters and permanent residents and our company practices reflect that. Lately there have been more complaints than ever from full time residents when vacationers show up next door and make noise disrupting the residents right to peace & quiet in their home. The fact that these vacationers are spending money in our town is great but it's not enough. If renters and residents are going to co-exist, there HAVE TO be tough rules with STIFF penalties for those that violate them and or revocation of short term rental permits. Two things that the city council should consider are: required "Noise Aware" systems at each property so the vacation rental company is made aware of the disturbance and can call the guest to quiet things down BEFORE the neighbor even has time to complain. The other is a requirement that any short term vacation renter must use a local company like VacayStay to represent/manage their home so the response is quick as opposed to someone living in another state trying to manage it themselves. I'd like to comment on one proposal by the city that mentioned maintaining a certain distance between properties that want to rent out their homes. The practice would surely invite legal battles as to who can and can't rent but also in our experience, a home with renters next door typically gets FAR LESS complaints than a rental home with permanent residents on each side. In our opinion, if this "distance rules" were adopted it would be disastrous and counter productive. In sum, I'd like the city council to take the above comments into consideration as they are well thought out and come from our years experience servicing guests and helping out of state homeowners with their properties. Sincerely, CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MIKE SMITH - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: Susie G. Smith <Susie.Smith@fmb.com> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 3:20 PM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Yes! Please allow Short Term Vacation Rentals ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hello: We are residences on the stadium club and we do rent out our condo. I personally do not understand what the issue is. We have a property management company out there that takes care of this for us. We do not self-manage so if there are issues they are handled quickly. If you decide to take away STVR from PGA West it will lower the value of everyone’s home. Do the people who want to ban this understand the consequences? Where will everyone stay during Coachella, Stagecoach and the tennis tournaments? How about the Bob Hope tournament that we just had? People stay there only a week at a time. Charlie Hoffman a famous golfer was staying near us. I think it says a lot that he stayed on the course. How about summer? The place is already a ghost town during those summer months. The hotels out there are not always a good option and not sure there is enough rooms for everyone? I think an owner should be able to make decisions concerning their own property and not be governed by their neighbors. Maybe they should move out of La Quinta if it doesn’t suit them. Why should other property owners be punished? We bought there with the expectation of renting our place out. We were sold on it. We could have bought elsewhere, but were convinced that La Quinta was the place to be. We are struggling even keeping our place as COVID has affected all of us. Please don’t make it worse. Susie Smith Susie G. Smith First Vice President Facilities Director CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT SUSIE SMITH - IN FAVOR OF STVRS Farmers & Merchants Bank Tel. (562) 485-3505 | Mobile (562) 607-5369 susie.smith@fmb.com | www.fmb.com The information in this email (and any attachments) is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, use or disseminate the information. Although this email (and any attachment) is believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Farmers & Merchants Bank of Long Beach for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. Nocontracts may be concluded on behalf of the sender by means of electronic communications unless expressly stated to the contrary. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT SUSIE SMITH - IN FAVOR OF STVRS From:Jeff Smith To:Teresa Thompson; City Clerk Mail Subject:Please forward to city council - La Quinta Short Term Vacation Rentals Date:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 1:49:42 PM EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. To: La Quinta City Council La Quinta residents are understandably alarmed by the short-term rental invasion. Why? Because we believe in community. A strong community is comprised of full- time residents who volunteer their time, talent, and expertise to help make the community a better place. Residents are the heart and soul of the community. They volunteer to coach soccer and baseball teams. They join the PTA. They serve on boards of the Historical Society, the Friends of the Library, the Boys and Girls Club. They organize clean-up events to keep our city beautiful. They are neighbors helping neighbors every day. Short-term renters do not coach soccer. They do not join the PTA. They come here to play at the expense of the residents. We residents are losing neighbors every time a STVR is licensed by the city. As a result, the very fabric of our community is fraying. The City Council has allowed this to happen and only they can vote to make our community whole again. Val and Jeff Smith CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VAL & JEFF SMITH - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:Paul Speidel Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 8:39 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:STR regulations ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when  opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. **  We have lived at PGA West for the past 21 years. Our home is across the street from a STR and have never had any  issues with this arrangement. More stringent regulations is surely not the answer, especially not the way that the PGA  West association wants to amend the CCRs.  We have never rented our home, even though we split our time between the beach and the desert. We never intend to  rent as STR owners but we oppose more restrictions.  There are also several economic considerations to evaluate.  (1). Some owners will need to have supplemental income from STRs to afford to have a second home or invest for a  retirement home.  (2). From the city’s point of view, which is more economical, having 30 or 40% of single family homes vacant for much of  the year OR having some of them rented bring in fresh money into the valley.  This STR revenue is the life blood of the CV tourist industry, please don’t regulate it out of business.  I think better training of Owners on what pitfalls are involved in poor renters selection and includes how to screen the  short term renters.  Thanks for reading this message.  Paul Speidel  PGAWest resident  Sent from my iPhone  CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT PAUL SPEIDEL - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: David Stearns Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 11:24 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments Re Short Term Rentals EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. I am David Stearns, a full-time resident and homeowner at in La Quinta. Telephone . I wish to make written public comment on the subject of short-term rentals in La Quinta. Written Public Comments: My wife and started loving La Quinta when we first visited friends here in 2004, and continuing through having owned three different residences here since 2008. Recently we have had the misfortune of seeing many friends and good neighbors move away due to "quality of life" issues. That trend has been exacerbated by the sharp increase in short term rentals and the attendant problems thereof. Here is one example of the problems we have seen: Last fall the tenants at the rental next door (57191 Medinah). threw a big, noisy party. Lots of cars parked on street. We were awakened by amplified music, accompanied by a show of flashing multi-colored lights. Sleep was impossible, so we called security. They had to stay on scene for 45 minutes to get things quieted down. We have seen (and heard of) too many similar behaviors. We strongly support the actions like those recommended by the organization "Neighbors for Neighborhoods." David Stearns La Quinta, CA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DAVID STEARNS - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS TO: Public Comments for Special Meeting of City Council 1/27/2021 FROM: Dick Storbo, La Quinta, RE: Banning STVRs from La ential Neighborhoods STVR Problems: For years, the debate over vacation rentals has pitted the rights of property owners to rent their homes against the residents who have seen their neighborhoods disrupted by tourists, leading to complaints about noise, trash, and parking problems. Property rights are not absolute—owners cannot do anything they want with their property. That’s why there are zoning laws, health and safety codes, and nuisance regulations. Every right also comes with responsibilities. Several other cities in the Coachella Valley have concluded that enforcement of STVR regulations are costly and ineffective, and that banning STVRs in residential neighborhoods is in the best interests of their citizens. Consequently, investors have set their sites on La Quinta, which will increase our STVR problems. Has the City conducted a cost/benefit analysis for STVRs? While STVRs generate revenue through TOT taxes and permit fees, STVRs also cost the City money for administration and enforcement? There are also less tangible costs of STVRs, such as the loss of a sense of community. Do La Quinta businesses actually benefit from STVRs? Surely full-time residents add more to the La Quinta economy than short-term renters could ever do. Online STVR platforms create financial incentives for owners to convert their properties to STVRs, and local real estate agents promote sales of properties to STVR investors, decreasing the supply and driving up prices of mid-priced homes. To diversify our economy, La Quinta should encourage tech telecommuters from Los Angeles and San Francisco to relocate here, but we will need houses available for new full-time residents. We support tourism in La Quinta—just not in our residential neighborhoods. There is no need to rush your decision. Listen to La Quinta residents—your constituents—and take the time to get this right. Recommended Solutions: Prohibit new STVR permits in Single Family Residential Zones, except for home shares. Require 28 consecutive day minimum rental period in Single Family Residential Zones, except for home shares. Expand Transient Tourism Zones for new STVR development. Steer STVRs into these zones and away from our precious neighborhoods. Implement a 2-year phase-out of existing STVRs in Single Family Residential Zones, with the following guidelines: •Prohibit the renewal of STVR permits in Single Family Residential Zone neighborhoods •Minimum stay of 4 nights •No STVRs within 300’ radius of each other to counter local density issues (see attached map) •Increase permit fees to cover direct costs of administration and enforcement •Make information about STVRs public, including: •Up-to-date maps of all active STVRs in La Quinta •Data about STVRs (type—home share, etc.; number of days rented per year, etc.) •Number of complaints reported at each address and enforcement actions taken
 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DICK & JANIS STORBO - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS The red “X” marks our house; the green “X” marks the house of our friends . STVR density in our area is absolutely unacceptable. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DICK & JANIS STORBO - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 2 As other cities in the valley have imposed bans or adopted tighter restrictions on STVRs, their problems are being pushed toward La Quinta as more investors buy more properties in La Quinta for their unsupervised mini-motels in our beloved neighborhoods. This onslaught will forever change the character of the city we love—and we don’t want that to happen. The City of La Quinta has apparently decided that STVRs contribute to City revenues. But do they really? In other valley cities, Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue generated by STVRs has been eaten up by administration, education, and enforcement costs. STVRs are not the revenue generators they were once thought to be. Several valley cities have decided that banning STVRs altogether is the most cost-effective solution. It is not fair that residents who live near STVRs are forced to police these properties—counting occupants and visitors, documenting parking, trash, and noise problems—and report problems to the City. Some STVR owners have encouraged neighbors to call the owner to report problems—so the City will not be made aware of them. Some residents are reluctant to report problems at all for fear of retaliation from renters or STVR owners. When residents do report problems to the City, the response is often so slow that by the time a code enforcement officer finally arrives, the problem is gone. Residents are being asked to sacrifice our neighborhoods for the benefit and profits of STVRs. The City and the residents are subsidizing these mini- motel businesses with nothing to show for it. What do we want from the City of La Quinta? We want the City to extend the moratorium on new STVR permits until you can create truly meaningful reforms for WHERE, HOW, and even IF short-term vacation rentals should exist in La Quinta. We want the City to provide transparency in their deliberations. Give the public requested data about STVRs, including 1) Type (home share, whole house, HOA); 2) location/address of all STVRs on a map of La Quinta; 3) number of complaints reported at each location; and 4) enforcement actions taken at those locations. We want the City to acknowledge the costs as well as the benefits of STVRs in La Quinta. Knock off the bias toward business interests. Stop deluding yourselves by thinking you can “solve” STVR impacts by adopting token regulatory changes. La Quinta is not different from any other city that has struggled with STVRs. We want the City to acknowledge that property rights are not absolute—that’s why we have zoning laws, health and safety codes, and nuisance regulations. Every right comes with responsibilities. At the very least, we want notification by the City to neighbors before any STVR permit is issued, so that those neighbors can provide input about the potential impacts to the neighborhood. STVRs are unsupervised mini-motel businesses, and they should be severely restricted or banned from areas zoned for residential housing. The City of La Quinta has been all too happy to approve STVRs with no process to allow for neighborhood input. With the possible exception of home shares, short-term vacation rentals should be located only in areas properly zoned for such commercial enterprises—not in our precious residential neighborhoods. We hope you will address our concerns, because we will be watching what you do. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT DICK & JANIS STORBO - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS 1 From:george struthers Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 5:50 PM To:Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Monika Radeva; Jon McMillen Subject:STVR  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Greetings; My wife and I own a home in PGA West. We are from the state of Washington and live here in the winter months full time. This is our third season in the desert and we love it. I call it Disneyland for golfers! We recently moved within PGA West to a different neighborhood. Our first home had a short term rental next to it. This is one of the major reasons we moved within the complex. Our new location is much quieter without the STVR right next door. We came here to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet and have found our little oasis in the desert! As you go forward, I ask you to restrict any new rental permits to 28 minimum stays. This will ensure we will NOT get anymore "weekend warriors" in our neighborhoods. There are plenty of short term rentals on the market to fill that need. Possibly La Quinta needs more short term rentals that are concentrated to a particular area? More luxury Motels? If there is a need, let's not continue to put these in residential neighborhoods. Sincerely; George & Monica Struthers CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS MONICA & GEORGE STRUTHERS - LIMIT RENTALS TO MIN. 28-DAYS STAY -----Original Message----- From: <> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 9:48 AM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Short-term rentals are good for La Quinta ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Officials, I am writing to you as a La Quinta homeowner who occasionally rents my home on a short- term basis to vacationers. In a time when so many of our small businesses are suffering, I am shocked and saddened by the attempts of a few curmudgeonly residents to drive away vacationers from the city. I know that short-term renters are a huge part of the local economy, spending not only at PGA West but also in Old Town and at the businesses along Highway 111. Why would we want to kill off tourism to the city? Because perhaps once or twice a few cranky residents were annoyed by a party in their neighborhood? That is completely irrational. Full-time residents throw parties too and and can be annoying neighbors as well. I'm unconvinced that there's a genuine problem here. Most of my renters are families with children, older retirees and well- mannered people who just want to play golf and have a nice vacation. Why punish >99% of renters and owners (AND local businesses who serve tourists) because of a few bad-apple renters and a few curmudgeonly neighbors who want to dictate who comes to La Quinta and how their neighbors are able to use their properties? Because I employ a property manager, I don't know a great deal about every single person who has rented my place over the past year, but I know a bit about a few. One of my renters last fall was a disabled veteran of the Afghanistan War who was profiled in a national golf magazine. After suffering massive injuries in the war, he persevered through a long recovery and took up golf at a military golf course and was eventually hired as an assistant pro at a course in the San Diego area. He came to PGA West last fall and rented my home for a few days of golf and recreation. I feel honored to have had him as a guest. Do we want to be the sort of town that tells people like that veteran that he's not welcome? Michael Sweeney Homeowner, PGA West CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MICHAEL SWEENEY - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 1 From:Marie Thompson Sent:Monday, January 25, 2021 11:51 AM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written comment, special meeting stvr Oppose new STVR Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    Dear City Manager, mayor, city council,   After reading through the Adhoc committee recommendations and what the city is considering to implement, we are  very disappointed.   From the beginning you asked the Adhoc committee to find a way to make STVR work, not even asking them if or where  they should be allowed. That tells us you never really intended to really try to work with your city residents in regards to  controlling placement of STVRs.  We do not see where you are even willing to implement any density limits in our residential neighborhoods, particularly  the high density Cove.   Please remove STVR from our Neighborhoods and if you need them, put them into areas that are made for them. Return  our Neighborhoods and valuable real estate to resident home owners (not investors) and long term renters.   Please listen to your city residents not just investors.  Thank you for your consideration .  Craig and Marie Thompson   Cove residents for 8 years    CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT MARIE THOMPSON - STVR DENSITY From: To:Steve Sanchez; Jon McMillen Cc:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN COMMENTS RE: 1/27/21 STVR MTG Date:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 3:18:27 PM EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. (Note: A prior email was sent and the addresses for Mr. Sanchez and Mr. McMillen were incorrect; email directed to mrfadeva@laquintaca.gov generated an out-of-office auto response) REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON NEW LICENSING Mayor Evan, City Council, City Manager and City Clerk, Prior to moving here, we had vacationed in the Palm Springs area for 20 years and dreamed of moving here one day. It was 18 years ago we made that dream a reality and bought our home up in the Cove. At 50+ years old, we left long established very successful jobs and moved from San Francisco where we were priced out of home ownership. We started over in new jobs and have enjoyed a happy and comfortable life here. We did this on our own, when the time was right. Hearing STVR owners say “We want to retire here in [blank] years so we’re buying a home here now and using it as an STVR until we retire,” or “If I didn’t own STVRs here I couldn’t afford to live here”…well, how is it that what they personally want is now affecting my life? We didn’t buy an STVR to make our dream happen. It was our responsibility and our neighbors didn’t have to suffer collateral damage to make our dream come true. Admittedly naive, we’ve never been involved in city politics and, probably like many people, just wanted to live peacefully with the assumption that’s how our City would basically function. But assuming the City wouldn’t do things you couldn’t imagine them doing is no longer a plausible way to live. Because not only are they doing just that, they’ve pushed forward with reckless abandon. We didn’t by a home in a business area, but it sure feels like we’re living in one now. We live in a corner house, two of which corners are now STVRs. The other corner house is owned by LA residents who DON’T rent it out. And there is an STVR next to our only neighbor that they’ve had numerous issues with, including property damage. All of a sudden we are surrounded. I used to know my neighbors. My senior father lived with us for 7 years and one of my neighbors helped me tremendously when we would go out of town. And when they were struggling financially, we helped them too. Another neighbor would feed our cat when we’d be gone. We often shared baked goods, occasional dinners, etc., with neighbors. It’s what happens when you get to know your neighbors. But you know what? I haven’t shared a darn thing with the people that constantly pop CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS LAURA & JON VANO - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM OF NEW STVR PERMITS in and out of the STVRs we’re surrounded by. They are not my neighbors, not my friends…just strangers that have zero interest in us. Please don’t underestimate the value of neighbors/neighborhoods! We need them now more than ever. The artificially inflated property values are nothing more than a reaction to a situation. The Cove is beautiful! And when the STVR situation exploded like wildfire, everyone wanted to get in on the “get rich quick scheme” and started buying all the affordable housing in our beautiful Gem of the Desert. And inventory got low, and prices shot up. If we were planning on moving and could swing the timing right, these over-inflated property values might be of interest to us, but we’re not! We already experienced the over-inflated home scenario in 2008/09. When things tanked then, many lost houses. The STVR situation is very contentious and tanking as well. Look at almost every city not just around us, but across the world; they are putting a halt to the madness. There is absolutely no good reason La Quinta should be looking at STVRs any differently than the rest of the Coachella Valley cities. STVRs are not for La Quinta’s neighborhoods either. I’d also like to point out that we have a daughter who lives here with her family and rents. She and her husband work their butts off, more jobs than they should, but it’s what you have to do these days to survive. After many years in a house, a year ago the owners moved back and they had to move. It was scary to say the least…not only were there hardly any houses available, but I was shocked at how expensive it is today to rent a house in the Cove. And while they did finally find a house, there is an STVR right nextdoor. Most concerning to me are my two grandkids, 10 and 14, who are home alone with no knowledge of what’s nextdoor…very unsettling and a potentially dangerous situation. This is just another result of the over-inflated housing values with the over saturation of STVRs. People need affordable housing! You say the people who own STVRs have upgraded them and helped to clean up the Cove. The Cove has always been an eclectic community with many different people from various walks of life and homes to match and that’s part of the charm. La Quinta is not Indian Wells or Rancho Mirage. Many, like us, may have been slow to realize the seriousness of the situation, but we now understand and the support is growing. In fact, you have actually promoted even more “community” spirit by pushing your Vacation Destination vision. This was your vision and pretty much only backed by owners of STVRs. It may have appeared there was no resistance because most people do not fully understand the impact on the community. But your vision was definitely not backed overwhelmingly by community residents. Was there ever a plan? Why does it seem the City simply decided to hand out unlimited permits to anyone who had money to invest and could buy an STVR? Was there any thought to density, location, or anything? Personally, I’m not even looking for a happy medium because you made it so bad that we want them phased out from our neighborhoods completely. We’re done! We want our neighborhoods back! And please, without the threat of public service cutbacks, etc. Before the CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS LAURA & JON VANO - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM OF NEW STVR PERMITS craziness happened, I don't think our public services were all that bad. There are appropriate places for STVRs, but our neighborhoods are not the place. The City can continue to make money from tourism, such as hotels, STVRs in appropriately zoned areas, dining, outdoor activities, etc., but not from STVRs in our neighborhoods. It’s time to do what the residents deserve and give us back our neighborhoods. As our Mayor and City Council paid for by our taxes, don’t you have a legal and moral responsibility to consider the residents of the City of La Quinta? And one other question…if members of the City Council own STVRs (do they?), is that a conflict of interest? Just curious... Laura and Jon (Tommy) Vano La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENTS LAURA & JON VANO - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM OF NEW STVR PERMITS 1 From:  <>   Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 7:28 AM  To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick  <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika  Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>  Subject: Renting your home   EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.    My husband and I rented a home for three months on Inverness, the third year we decided to buy, and found a lovely home on Cherry Hills. During this ten year period we have never had an issue with anyone renting a home. I think folks who might need the rental income should be able to do as they like with their own property. If their is an issue with the renter, it should be dealt with through the association. Joy Venosa, , CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 - STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JOY VENOSA - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS From: Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 12:30 PM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: VERBAL TELEPHONIC COMMENTS EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. 1. Barbara Vince 2. La Quinta 3. 4. Public Comment 5. STVRs 6. Verbal Telephone comments - PLEASE CALL ME! Dear Mayor and City Council, I am an 80-something-year-old woman who lives at the end of a cul-de-sac on the Horseshoe Road in La Quinta. I have lived here for over 45 years. I love my city and my home. This street was always a very quiet street ---- until the STVR started coming. This little street used to be so quiet and no traffic until the STVRs came into the house two doors down and across the fairway on Fiesta. Now I have a new house that was just purchased next door to the the o her STVR - hey are waiting to get a new permit. I live here knowing that all of the traffic coming around my cul-de-sac for the STVR. I've been so happy he last few weeks because our street and neighborhood had been back to its peaceful neighborhood, with no one coming down the street to check in or check out the houses with the STVR. PLEASE VOTE TO PERMANENTLY BAN STVRs in our non-HOA neighborhood and phase out the current permits. Listen to our voices, please. Barbara Vince CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT BARBARA VINCE - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM OF NEW STVR PERMITS From:Vicki Vince To:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN COMMENT FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Date:Wednesday, January 27, 2021 12:18:01 PM Attachments:STVR.docx EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. 1) VICKI OLSEN 2) LA QUINTA 3) 4) Public Comment 5) STVRs \ 6) Written Comments CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VICKI VINCE- IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM OF NEW STVR PERMITS January 27, 2021 Madam Mayor Linda Evans, City Council Members, and Staff 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mayor Evans, City Council Members Fitzpatrick, Pena, Radi, and Sanchez, Please make La Quinta classy again! Thank you for extending the moratorium on STVR permits/licenses until April 6, 2021. I write to implore Mayor Evans and the City Council Members to make the ban on new permits permanent and phase out the current permits in residentially zoned areas that do not have an HOA to monitor the STVRs. You are the voice of the residents of La Quinta – please, speak for us. The majority of the full-time residents DO NOT WANT STVRs in our neighborhoods. PUT IT TO A VOTE on a ballot. Please, fix this nonsense. Year-round it is the locals who support our economy. During our COVID pandemic it has been the locals who have done their best to sustain our local businesses, and it is the full-time local residents who will continue to do so – NOT THE STVR owners! Matter of fact, most of the STVR owners do not even live in the Coachella Valley, they just use our city as a moneymaker for themselves, at the inconvenience of many full-time residents. Please consider putting your local full-time residents FIRST – our voice has been heard time and time again…we are against short-term rentals in our neighborhoods. Since the first granting of STVR licenses in our city, the majority voice has said, “please stop,” yet the City of La Quinta has continued to grant new permits (with exception during the recent moratorium). There are so many problems associated with STVRs. News agencies, social media, and other avenues have brought negative attention and focus to the City of La Quinta because of the MANY problems associated with the STVRs. Some homeowners have sold their homes and move elsewhere in the desert or even out of the area because their right to privacy and quiet enjoyment of their home has been invaded by STVRs. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VICKI VINCE- IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM OF NEW STVR PERMITS Most STVR renters come to party, they come to have a good time, they come in groups. Generally, the STVR renters are not just a couple on a quiet, romantic getaway or a nice quite family vacation. The renters are groups of people, multiple families in one home, a group of men/women on a golf/drinking trip, or 15-30 gals having a bachelorette party. In our neighborhood we have had corporate vendors who rent the STVR home for both weekends of Coachella and/or StageCoach so they can invite their guests/clients and party all night and weekend. I personally have had renters come over and pick lemons from the tree in my yard, let their dogs run without a leash and poop on my yard. They absolutely do not care. I am all for a good party, but not every single night of every week and not in my quiet zone, my home, where I want to relax and not worry about strangers roaming around on my street, making excessive noise, using the golf course unauthorized at all hours of the day or night to “hit some balls.” These people are not just here two or three months out of the year – they are here year-round. The renters/visitors do not care if they make noise or irritate the neighbors, because literally, what do they have to lose? They will be gone in a few days and probably never see us again. THEY DON’T CARE, the owners of the STVRs do not care. It is all about money. The STVR owners do not have to live next to it, the owners do not have to dread coming home after work to someone blocking their driveway or possible piles of trash bags on the side of the street. The owners do not have to lay awake at night and listen to the noise and chaos. The owners of the rentals do not have to wonder if they are going to have to sell their home to escape the nightmare that continues to escalate by allowing more and more of these STVRs. I read a news article with quote from the Mayor, Ms. Evans, responding to the complaints of neighbors saying our neighborhood used to be family oriented, we were all friends, our kids grew up together, etc. The Mayor’s response was something like, “Well, you should complain to the neighbors that sold out to the STVR, don’t complain to us.” I understand the Mayor’s sentiment in that statement, but life happens, people get old, people die, their homes go up for sale for various reasons, so it is not that easy. But we must be able to come up with some solution to resolve this ever-growing issue that is creating such anger and frustration for so many of our city’s awesome full-time residents and homeowners. People do not buy homes to live next to a Motel 6 or fraternity row. And we, the residents, should not be forced to move and/or sell because our quality of life and peace has been hampered by STVRs being allowed in our neighborhood. The neighborhood in which I reside does not have an HOA and has seemingly been “targeted” by investors as an easy area to purchase and obtain STVR permits. Even while on COVID lockdown, and the city implementing a moratorium on new permits, just this month an CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VICKI VINCE- IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM OF NEW STVR PERMITS investor (two couples) purchased a home on my street as a STVR and they are awaiting their permit. I pray to God and beg of the City to NOT issue them a permit – or any permits in non- HOA communities. We live on a cul-de-sac and already have one STVR on our street. As of now I believe there are 8-10 STVRs in a one-square mile between Fiesta and Westward Ho. And with a $200 license fee almost anyone can afford the permit. Why is La Quinta charging the least amount for a STVR permit while other surrounding cities are charging upwards of $2,000? This is ludicrous! PLEASE listen to your citizens and stop the insanity of the STVRs in our city. I know I speak for many when I say, “WE WANT OUR CITY BACK,” let us get moving towards making it a sparkly gem again and not a ghetto town of rentals. Thank you so much for allowing my voice to be heard. Vicki Olsen Resident of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VICKI VINCE- IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS & REQUESTING A PERMANENT MORATORIUM OF NEW STVR PERMITS From:Olivier Chaine To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Written Comments - VRON-LQ Date:Wednesday, January 27, 2021 11:42:11 AM Attachments:VRON La Quinta - Letter to Council - Jan 2021-2.pdf ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** From: VRON-LQ Board & Members Residence: La Quinta Subject: STVR Special Meeting 1/27/2021 Phone: 310.980.4096 -- -- Olivier Chaine | olivier@chaine.net | http://www.chaine.net | +1.310.980.4096 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VRON-LQ (OLIVIER CHAINE) - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS January 27th, 2021 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council, Over the past several months, the council has been wrestling with the guidelines and regulations in order to keep short term vacation rentals a balanced and positive part of our community. We appreciate the effort from the working group and all of the council. Our organization, Vacation Rental Owners and Neighbors of La Quinta (VRON-LQ) represents a large number of rental owners, property managers and other neighbors that would like to see balanced and effective regulations to ensure the best possible outcome for the whole community. While many in the community are vocal in council meetings about specific complaints that are top of mind, our group’s charter includes working constructively with city council and all of the community members on practical and effective ways to improve the program. Here is a list of recommendations that we would like to propose to council on both the active committee notes and additional items that should be considered. We look forward to working closely with you going forward. 1.Fines for Guests [new recommendation] In studying the impact of visitors lodging in short term rentals across the Coachella Valley, it is clear that the unilateral penalties against stvr owners, without holding guests accountable, creates skews incentives for neighbors Following the successful model in Palm Springs, we recommend studying the transition to a model where citations for violations of noise, overcrowding or parking (collectively “nuisance violations”)​ ​be issued to the current guests creating the violation. It creates a direct impact, embarrassment for the renter, and immediately stops the nuisance in all cases. Under this model, owners can still be liable for the “strikes” against their property. They are not relieved of their responsibilities to screen, monitor and enforce the rules as quality hosts. In addition, they are given support and weight of the city’s government to ensure guest compliance. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VRON-LQ (OLIVIER CHAINE) - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS This successfully aligns the interests of the city, the owners and the neighbors., and will lead to significantly lower nuisance violations. It also leads to better collaboration between neighbors and owners, and reduces the incentive to call in false reports. Guests will see that the city’s stance as being ​for​ peaceful neighborhoods, against​ unruly guests, ​and​ ​not​ simply opposed to all visitors. Example: last year, an owner had a family group that came to La Quinta for 10 days, and stayed in a short term rental. They had a birthday party one evening, for the grandmother, and were playing music around 8pm. When the neighbors called code compliance, the guests said that they didn’t care about the citation, because it was against the owner, not them. They continued their festivities, and they were right, because the owner paid the fine, and was not able to collect the fines from the guest. 2.Increase enforcement staffing by 2 additional full-time STVR trained officers [1.b] VRON-LQ agrees with this recommendation, budget permitting In addition, we believe that ensuring the existing process for complaint calls and owner/responsible party notification is always followed, is important to reducing the load on code compliance officers. The automated phone call for owners to address problems directly with guests quickly (<30 min), addressing the cause of the problem, and the possibility of removing non-compliant guests from the property. 3.Quiet Hours [7.e] VRON-LQ agrees with this recommendation We believe that noise limits and quiet hours should be ​applicable to all homes across the city, whether they be permanent residents, long term renters, or short term guests. This will also reduce the complexity of enforcement. We also strongly believe that quiet hours should be defined by ​decibel level readings​, to ensure neighborhood tranquility and allow for consistent enforcement. We also fully support the noise monitoring pilot program, and have been operating a similar program with a subset of our membership, which allows for faster and proactive responses by owners, automated messaging to guests, and record-keeping of noise levels. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VRON-LQ (OLIVIER CHAINE) - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 4.Limit Overnight Parking for STVR Properties [8.c] VRON-LQ agrees with this recommendation For simplicity, Palm Springs Code provides for one car per bedroom, which allows for guests to use available off-street parking on the property (garage and driveway space) and a maximum of 2 cars parked on the street per recommendations under 9.b. 5.Vehicle License Plate Numbers for Renters [9.a] VRON-LQ disagrees with this recommendation. is unclear the problem that is trying to be solved or the practicality of enforcement What is the real problem that is being addressed by this? Is it a question of number of cars in the driveway? On the street? Simple regulations already cover the question of occupancy and street / other parking. Will we collect the license plates of all residents to exclude them? Why is more red tape needed? Additionally, how is this practical from an enforcement perspective? -If there are 4 cars allowed for a specific rental unit, which are rental cars from guests who flew in that afternoon, how would we expect people (the renters or the owners) to know, collect and maintain the list of license plates in real time? -If there is food deliver, private chefs, massages providers or other local businesses that are parked at the property, would that be illegal? -If code compliance requests the lists from the owner, as proposed, how long does the owner have to respond, and would it actually help in enforcement? There are obvious risks to violations of privacy and the practicality of enforcement, and for those reasons VRON-LQ opposes this recommendation as written. If additional enforcement is needed, VRON-LQ supports hangtags or dashboard permit model. It is vastly simpler to administer, to enforce and to ensure compliance by providing each rental owner with 2/3 street parking permits, over collecting license plates or other less practical methods. 6.Limit Street Parking [9.b] VRON-LQ agrees with this recommendation CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VRON-LQ (OLIVIER CHAINE) - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 7.Reduce 3-strikes to 2 strikes for noise and personal conduct violations [11.a] VRON-LQ opposes this recommendation We strongly support the 3-strikes model, under which the city and our rental community can “weed out the bad apples”. They hurt our entire community. With that said, we also want to ensure that the homeowner must be contacted within 30 minutes of a citation being issued, so they can actively participate in solving the problems with the guests, whether its parking, noise, or other nuisance. An owner cannot evict problem guests if they are not notified of the citation, leading to more frustrated neighbors, multiple citations (and strikes) in one night, and less peaceful communities. As proposed, the current recommendations allow for a wide range of “Code Compliance discretion” as to which violations are considered “strikes”, or lack of notification and therefore allows unfair targeting of specific rental owners as has been evidenced over the last several months. For these reasons, VRON-LQ opposes the reduction of strikes. 8.Homeshare and STVR Permits [18] VRON-LQ agrees with this recommendation 9.Homeshare Permits should be less than STVR permit fees [19] VRON-LQ agrees with this recommendation VRON-LQ does encourage Homesharing as a means to invite additional wonderful guests to our city, while doing all of the enforcement, compliance, etc. We recommend that the city consider allowing Homesharing without a permit or waiving all permit fees. 10.Require two-night Minimum Stay [20] VRON-LQ position: ​It is unclear the problem that is trying to be solved or the practicality of enforcement -Per committee’s analysis, only 3% of 2020 Rental nights were one-night stays. -There is no data correlating one-night rentals and higher nuisance rates or citations -Additional costs and software for tracking each individual rental stay will be expensive and difficult to enforce CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VRON-LQ (OLIVIER CHAINE) - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS 11.Cover STVR administration costs with Permit/Licensing Fees [23] VRON-LQ agrees with this recommendation 12.Revise Daytime and Overnight Occupancy [28] VRON-LQ does not agree with both of these recommendations (revised occupancy and special 5 bedroom permit), and we do not understand what problem this solves that is not already covered. There are existing regulations, and proposed recommendations that address the actual issues pertaining to nuisances and neighborhood quality. Enforcement of noise ordinances and decibel levels, street and onsite parking, and overall occupancy limits do adequately cover the concerns of the community. Based on the data provided, 13 and 18 citations were issued for 69 STVR properties in 2019 and 2020 respectively. With counting multiple citations, less than 20% of all 5+ bedroom homes received any citations such as to be considered a nuisance property. 13.Property Density / Overconcentration [29-32] VRON-LQ agrees with staff in strongly opposing Radius density limitations. Studying other cities that have tried to implement such measures shows that radius based density regulations creates many problems: -Creates unfair monopolies for existing permit holders or those “lucky” enough to receive a permit -Creates extreme incentives for neighbors to file frequent and/or false complaints to have a existing permit suspended, such that they could then get a permit for themselves -Arbitrarily decreases the property values, possibly by over $100,000, for all owners within the radius who do not have a permit, making it more difficult to sell their house, even in hardship cases. -Creates a lottery system for issuing new permits… when a property is available in a certain radius, are new permits issued based on a first come first serve? Is there a waiting list? Is it a lottery? -The 300ft radius makes no sense without taking into consideration lot sizes. Enriches large property owners, whose lots are bigger and therefore can have a higher percentage density relative to those in smaller areas with smaller homes on smaller lots, often those who need the income the most. Under this model, density can range from 1 in 18 homes in rich areas, to 1 in 40 homes in less affluent areas. Discriminatory on demographics of populations with less means, and those who could most need the opportunity to be an stvr. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VRON-LQ (OLIVIER CHAINE) - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS -Who would be grandfathered into the permits in such a way as to do it fairly? -Would HOAs fall under the same restrictions, and what about those who encourage STVRs vs those who do not allow them? -There are other approaches, including permit limits per city, per zone, or per neighborhood, and such that have been implemented in other cities. Further study should be undertaken before such a change with far-ranging impact. Only 5% of all homes in La Quinta currently have permits, according to the staff analysis. There are also a large number of vacant second homes, which sit as targets for crime, burglary, or worse. These do not help affordable housing either. There are a large number of proposals to reduce the impact on the community of unruly guests. ​The density recommendations as proposed, are not a solution to this problem. 14.Welcome Guest Video [37] VRON-LQ strongly agrees and supports this recommendation 15.Updated Good Neighbor Brochure [new recommendation] VRON-LQ asks that the city update the brochure frequently to reflect the current guidelines and regulations in force at all times. During the pandemic, under the emergency executive orders, the responsibilities of guests changed, especially with regards to outside amplified sound. This created significant confusion, and often frustration and lack of compliance with the guests that arrived, were handed the good guest brochure, and told that the rules were different. The effort of updating the brochure would be minimal relative to the positive impact. In closing, we appreciate the thoughtfulness with which the City Council, Mayor, City Attorney’s office, and all of the supporting teams have put into building a balanced and successful program for the City of La Quinta. We look forward to further collaboration, and openly extend an offer for direct discussions as and when useful. Appreciatively, VRON-LQ Board & Members info@vronlq.org www.vronlq.org CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT VRON-LQ (OLIVIER CHAINE) - IN SUPPORT OF STVRS -----Original Message----- From: Linda Williams Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 10:55 AM To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Written Comments ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Linda Williams La Quinta Public Comment Short Term Vacation Rentals Written Comments Mayor Evans and La Quinta City Council Members, Tourism is a major industry in the Coachella Valley however La Quinta is not just a tourist destination. •Seventy percent of the population is made up of families, the highest number of any city in the valley. On the other hand twenty-five to thirty percent of the houses on some streets in La Quinta are short term vacation rentals. This density has created an imbalance in the community resulting in a loss of housing for long term residents. •Real estate investments especially those made by out of area investors have historically been about short term financial gains not the long term investments made by residents that make our city so desirable. •Please consider phasing out these businesses in R-1 zones and restoring the integrity of our neighborhoods. There is plenty of housing for visitors in hotels, in home sharing and in communities that allow them. Building more housing in transient tourist zones should also be considered to meet those needs. I respectfully ask that you issue no new permits until this program has been thoroughly studied and the interests of the residents taken into account. Thank you, Linda Williams CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT LINDA WILLIAMS - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS From: Rich Wilson Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 4:55 PM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov> Subject: STVR's EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Good afternoon. I just wanted to let you know that we are in full support of limiting short term vacation rentals in our city. We live in PGA West and I can’t tell you how many times we have had to call security and/or police to get vacationers to either lower the music or stop their parties. The people that own the STVR’s have created this problem by operating commercial businesses in residential neighborhoods. If they had taken responsibility for the renters, that would be one thing. The fact is that once the property is rented, the owners wash their hands of the situation. I would like the STVR’s to stop immediately but I realize that that’s unfair. A phased in approach over a 3 year period seems fair to all. We moved here to retire and live in peace and quiet. STVR’s have to stop. Thank you for your time! Rich Wilson La Quinta, CA 92253 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT RICH WILSON - LIMITING OF STVRS From: To:City Clerk Mail Subject:WRITTEN COMMENTS FOR JANUARY 17 STUDY SESSION Date:Tuesday, January 26, 2021 11:04:22 AM Attachments:CouncilLetterJanuary25.doc EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Attached are my written comments for the council members. THANKS! Sent from Mail for Windows 10 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KAY WOLFF - IN OPPOSITION OF NON-HOSTED STVRS & REQUESTING AN EXTENSION ON THE MORATORIUM Honorable Mayor and Council Members: Here I am again. I’ve spoken and written to you lots of times on the issue of Vacation Rentals that are proliferating across the City, and in my case, the Cove. And I’m a sking once again that you extend the moratorium on non-hosted rentals, so that you have the opportunity to create a plan that will preserve what most residents came here for: a safe, serene small town atmosphere with big advantage of living close to nature. To me, the most salient points are: •La Quinta has always welcomed snow birds. They are like neighbors: they socialize with us, they volunteer, they shop and they generally return again and again. These are long-term renters, and they are an important component of our population. And often buy property and retire here. We love our snowbirds. They buy into our vision, and love LQ for its small town funky-ness. •Transient tourists do not invest in our City. They do not pay taxes, buy cars, make major purchases or vote. They could care less about wha t makes our city great. •Property owners cannot do anything they want with their homes. It’s the law. The only extra privileges they have are those you council members vote to give them. •Zoning exists so that prospective buyers in any area know what to expect in the future. Business want other businesses nearby to create a critical mass. Residents want the same consistency. Neighbors only. Not tourists. •STVRs investors have often put money into their businesses. When phased out, Palm Desert has a procedure to compensate investors who may have lost money as their permits expire. In an application to the City, each can document the money they have made in the business, and how much was invested. The City has a compensation plan to mitigate losses. How has that worked for PD? •As La Quinta puts new staffing and procedures in place, time is needed to assess what is working and what is not. Density issues are complicated, but fundamental and crucial to every peaceful neighborhood. In summary, for the sake of your residents, please take the time necessary to make a plan that is based on both experience and data-driven projections. Extend the moratorium, stop any new permits on non-hosted rentals, and let’s get a grasp on the problems already created by these mini-hotels in our midst. Kay Wolff January 25, 2021 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT KAY WOLFF - IN OPPOSITION OF NON-HOSTED STVRS & REQUESTING AN EXTENSION ON THE MORATORIUM From: JIM YUKICH Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 3:27 PM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick <kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>; Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov> Subject: La Quinta STVR issue ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** We have lived full-time in PGA west for 2 1/2 years and hope to continue to stay here. We completely support the efforts made by the Neighbors for Neighborhoods of LQ group and feel it is imperative the city makes changes to rules regarding stvrs in residential neighborhoods. We would prefer NO rentals under 6 months, but would tolerate 30 day minimums. We have seen and experienced the problems they cause, but have never expressed our opinion until now. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Jim and Janet Yukich La Quinta Sent from my iPad CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - JANUARY 27, 2021 – STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 RELATED TO STVRS WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT JIM & JANET YUKICH - IN OPPOSITION OF STVRS