SP 2015-0001 Villas at Indian Springs1 The Villas at Indian Springs Specific Plan Prepared for the City of La Quinta, California April 2015 – REVISED AUGUST/DECEMBER 2015 ATTACHMENT 4 2 LIST OF CONSULTANTS Planner Global Development, Inc. 75161 Sago Ln Palm Desert, CA 92210 760-834-8278 Architect GLS Architecture Group, Inc. 74991 Joni Dr. #9 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-340-3528 Landscape Architect Lush & Efficient Landscape Design 52293 Avendia Madero La Quinta, CA 92253 760-835-6358 Civil Engineer Watson Engineering 50200 Monroe St. Indio, CA 92201 760-275-1553 Soil Engineer Sladden Engineering 45090 Golf Center Parkway, Suite F Indio, CA 92201 760-863-0713 3 City Officials Acknowledgement Community Development Director: Les Johnson Public Works Director: Tim Jonasson Principal Planner: Wally Nesbit Principal Engineers: Bryan McKinney Ed Wimmer 4 Table of Contents 1. Introduction & Background Page 5 2. Specific Plan Land Use Page 5 3. Siting Standards Page 6 4. Architectural Design Guidelines Page 6 5. Engineering & Improvements Page 7 6. Landscape Architectural Guidelines Page 8 7. Standards for the Conservation, Development, and Utilization of Natural Resources Page 8 8. Implementation Programs & Measures Page 9 9. Relationship to the General Plan Page 9 10. Specific Plan Consistency With General Plan Page 10 List of Illustrations  Global Development Specific Plan Delineation (Page 19)  Ownership Map (Page 20 & 21)  Conceptual Land Plan (Page 22)  Tentative Tract Map Exhibit (Page 23)  Architectural Plans (Pages 24-26)  Entry Landscape (Page 27)  Retention Landscape (Page 28)  Front Yard Landscape (Page 29) 5 1. Introduction & Background: The Specific Plan covers 3.22 net acres of land on the eastern edge of The City of La Quinta. The current General Plan for the area is: Medium/High Density Residential. The Specific Plan guidelines are intended for Medium Density Residential. Global Development, LLC. owns 2.34 acres and the City of La Quinta owns 0.88 acres, Global Development is in contract with the City of La Quinta to buy their land. The land the City of La Quinta owns included nine developed lots purchased using redevelopment funds in order to widen Jefferson Street; the homes on those lots were subsequently demolished and new right-of-way was established, with the remainder of the lots being retained by the City. The 2.34 acres Global Development owns was an old golf course fairway that was redesigned and left out of its original plan. 2. Specific Plan Land Use: Introduction. The 2035 La Quinta General Plan designates the site land use as Medium/High Density Residential. The site is currently zoned for Golf Course and Low Density Residential, and requires a zone change to be consistent with the City General Plan Land Use. As such, a zoning designation of Medium Density Residential has been proposed. The majority of the land in the Specific Plan is undeveloped requiring new infrastructure including street, drainage, utility systems, grading of the topography and other infrastructure. The land in the Specific Plan is located on the eastern edge of the City of La Quinta, with several utility districts governing various aspects of public utility infrastructure. a. Residential Density. The Specific Plan and associated tract map propose a 16- lot development on 3.22 acres, establishing a residentyial density of 4.97 units/acre. The project was revised from 15 lots in December 2015 based on an allowance from CVWD to discharge project drainage into the Whitewater Channel, which allowed adding 1 lot to replace the original retention basin. b. Conceptual Development Illustrations. The residential project area site, landscaping and unit plans are provided for reference in this document, as noted in the List of Illustrations on Page 4. These plans are generally intended to be representative of the project layout, density and design concept, but are not intended to establish specific detailed plans for construction. Detailed design components of the project will vary as the development process continues. 6 3. Siting Standards: a. Single Family Lot Standards. Each lot size varies due to irregularly shaped lots. The ninimum lot size shall be 6000 sq. ft. b. Single Family Siting Standards. The Standards listed below are minimum, except when they refer to a maximum allowed item. The architectural theme should be compatible and related to the Single Family Themes.  Maximum Height: 17 feet/One story  Front yard setback: 15 feet  Side yard setback: 5 feet  Rear yard setback: 10 feet  Architectural projection: 2 feet into front or rear setback  A/C setbacks: 3.5 feet from any property line 4. Architectural Design Guidelines: a. Roofing. All plans will have two elevations, an A elevation and a B elevation. All A elevations will have S concrete tile roofs; All B elevations will have flat concrete tile roofs. All roofing colors will be show on the color chart. b. Window Trim. All elevations will have window trim around the windows on front elevations. c. Rock Veneer. All A elevations will have rock veneer on front elevation. d. Painted Pop Outs. All B elevations will have paint areas on the front elevation. e. Wood Grain Metal Garage Doors. All plans will have wood grain metal doors. f. Courtyard. All plan 3’s will have courtyards. g. Drive Ways & Walkways. All driveway & walkways are to be gray concrete. h. Block Walls. All courtyard walls are to be plastered to match home, all other walls to be tan precision block. i. Wrought Iron Fencing. Wrought iron fencing to be used around retention area will be relocated from Jefferson side of project after removal for the new block wall. 7 5. Engineering & Improvements: Introduction. The majority of the area within the Specific Plan is undeveloped requiring new infrastructure including a private street, underground utility systems, grading of the topography and other infrastructure. The Specific Plan is located on the easterly edge of the City of La Quinta, with several utility districts governing various aspects of public utility infrastructure. The planned area is bounded by Jefferson St., Palm Circle Dr., Westward Isle Homes and the wash. The overall capacity and existing condition of this public infrastructure is adequate to serve the planned uses, however, some improvements and upgrading of existing utilities are necessary. This section establishes standards and policies for the design and installation of the new-engineered infrastructure for the complete build-out of the plan and establishes the proper framework necessary for future development. a. Street Design Standards. The residential street within the Specific Plan is designed to be private and maintained by its own Home Owners Association. This street will be designed in accordance with the street sections provided in the plan. Any deviations from these standards will require review and approval by the city of La Quinta. b. Topography & Grading. The area covered by the Specific Plan contains various topographic and drainage features that require specific guidelines in order to ensure conformance with local agency requirements as minimal impact to natural topography. The finished elevations within the plan range from approximately 60-64 feet above mean sea level.  Flood Elevation Requirements. Development within the Specific Plan is required to comply with the City of La Quinta flood elevation standards. The building pads of all occupied structures will be elevated to a minimum of 60 feet above mean sea level with the finished floor being a minimum of 6 inches above the building pad.  Grading & Drainage. The drainage systems within the plan area are similar to most new developments. Lots, streets, and landscaped areas will be graded to convey runoff to new inlets within the development, which will then transport the storm water through underground piping to the retention basin.  Storm Water Treatment. The development within the Specific Plan is required to prepare and summit project-specific Storm water Management Plans (SWMP) to determine and implement storm water runoff treatment measures to reduce potential impacts from sediment-laden runoff and other pollutants. 8 c. Infrastructure & Utilities. The Specific Plan requires new public and privately maintained utility infrastructure to serve the uses. The existing site is primarily undeveloped land; therefore, almost no existing infrastructure resides with in the development envelope.  Sanitary Sewer. Sanitary sewerage in the area is operated by CVWD. Conventional underground sewer system within the public street that will connect to the existing system within Jefferson St. The developer will leave a sewer stub out for future use of Westward Isle H.O.A.  Water Supply & Service. Water service for the new development is serviced by CVWD. The development has gone through a CVWD review and CVWD has concluded that there is adequate water supply.  Energy. So. Cal Gas & IID provides energy and natural gas service to the Specific Plan area. Existing natural gas and electric infrastructure exist within the surrounding public streets. 6. Landscape Architectural Guidelines: a. Introduction and Landscape Concept. The Landscape must respond to the significant site climate issues including extreme drought, high winds and hot desert climates. The majority of the plant material must be low water use, drought tolerant or native to the desert. We will not be installing any grass due to the issues the state of California is currently experiencing. Every home and the surrounding areas will consist of desert landscape. The irrigation system on site will be automatic, underground, and state of the art systems using the latest water conservation available. Drip irrigation will be used to minimize any drought concerning issues. 7. Standards for the Conservation, Development, and Utilization of Natural Resources: a. Existing Natural Resources. There are no Natural Resources on this land, originally there were homes on 1/3 of the land and then golf course on 2/3’s of the remaining land. All the land has been disturbed from its original state. b. Development. The development of this Specific Plan will be built by private funds and will not require any city financing. c. Conservation. Due to the issues the state of California is currently experiencing the irrigation system on site will be automatic, underground, and state of the art systems using the latest water conservation technologies available, The majority of the plant material must be low water use, drought 9 tolerant or native to the desert. Drip irrigation will be used to minimize any drought concerning issues. 8. Implementation Programs & Measures: a. Development Phasing. The development will have three phases, Phase 1 (all off sites & lots 12-15), Phase 2 (lots1-4) & Phase 3 (lots 5-11). b. Review and Approval Process. The Specific Plan, Zone Change, Tentative Map and Site Development Permit applications will be reviewed conjunctively, with Planning Commission review and a recommendation to the City Council for their decision. After approval, the Community Development Director will have the authority to approve any minor changes to the Specific Plan within the context and guidelines contained within this document and the City’s guiding General Plan policies. 9. Relationship to the General Plan: a. Land Use and Zoning Consistency. The General Plan land use designation of the property is Medium/High Density Residential, which allows single and multi-family residential up to a maximum density of 16 dwelling units per acre. The zoning designation of the property is Low Density Residential (RL) and Golf Course (GC). The proposed project is inconsistent with the current zoning for golf course use, as well as the proposed lot size and density. Based on initial review, it would appear the project is consistent with the medium Density (RM) zoning district, which allows a density range between 4 and 8 dwelling units per acre. This district would accommodate the proposed minimum lot size 6,000 square feet, at the proposed density of 4.97 units/acre. b. Development: House Plans: Plan 1- 1,815 sq. Plan 2- 1,930 sq. Plan 3-2,305 sq. 2 different Elevations each plan 10 Specific Plan Consistency With La Quinta General Plan Global Development would like to develop a well-planned and desirable neighborhood that meets the communities’ vision in the highest quality for which they are known. The following shows the relationship between our Specific Plan and project to the City of La Quinta’s General Plan. Goals, Policies, and Programs: Community Development Land Use Goal LU-1 Policy LU-1.1a We are consistent with all Land Maps and Zoning Maps, consistent with the Zoning Designation Consistency Matrix. Policy LU-1.2 All land use decisions are consistent with the applicable General Plan policies. We have hosted three meetings with the homeowners in the surrounding areas and the majority of them support and approve the project. Livable Communities Goal SC-1 Policy SC-1.2a Conservation of Natural Resources This project has implemented the conservation programs including CVWD Urban Management Plan, City of La Quinta’s Landscape Ordinance, Cal Green codes, and Federal Water Saving programs. Policy SC-1.3 Storm Water Runoff and Water Quality Protection We have submitted a storm water run off and water quality protection plan that covers all necessary requirements. Policy SC-1.4 Air Quality We have two certified officers within the company that have received Certificates of Completion for the Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control class supplied by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. They will be 11 monitoring the site at all times to make sure we are in complete compliance to their requirements. Lic. # CV1406-000763-836 Lic. # CV1406-000788-861  Policy SC-1.5a Energy Resource This project is in compliance with the California Efficiency Standards. (Title 24 in Building Codes)  Policy SC-1.5c Pedestrian Connections We are going to be providing a gate connecting the community to the new CV Link that will be developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail.  Policy SC-1.6b We are going to be providing a gate connecting the community to the new CV Link that will be developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail.  Policy SC-1.6c We are going to be providing a gate connecting the community to the new CV Link that will be developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail.  Policy SC-1.7a This land is part of a Redevelopment Project that the City did to widen Jefferson St. We believe and have been told that the residential development fits the zoning ordinance.  Policy SC-1.8b We are going to be providing a gate that will connect the community to the new CV Link being developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail. Economic Development Goal ED-1  Policy ED-1.1a This project maintains a balance of land use designations to address economic needs. It utilizes a vacant and underutilized area of land to increase the new home inventory that will address market needs. 12  Policy ED-1.3a This project is pedestrian-friendly. It will interconnect with the CV Link and is within walking distance of golf, restaurants, Home Depot, Costco, and many other retail stores.  Policy ED-1.6 This project will bring revenue to the City of La Quinta by the purchasing of said land from the city. We have established a comprehensive program to enforce all payments of taxes and dues. Parks, Recreation and Trails Goal PR-1  Policy PR-1.3 This project will bring revenue to the City of La Quinta by the purchasing of said land from the city. We have established a comprehensive program to enforce all payments of taxes and dues.  Policy PR-1.5a We are going to be providing a gate that will connect the community to the new CV Link being developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail.  Policy PR-1.5c We are going to be providing a gate connecting the community to the new CV Link that will be developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail.  Policy PR-1.8 We are going to be providing a gate that will connect the community to the new CV Link being developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail.  Policy PR-1.8a This project is within walking distance from Indian Springs Golf Course and many other fitness facilities such as gyms and wellness centers. Housing Goal H-1  Policy H-1.2a 13 This project will take underutilized, vacant land and increase the capacity for housing.  Policy H-1.2b This project consists of smaller lots that create potential for first-time homeowners, small families and seniors to purchase a home. The project is a small infill site that we are asking for flexible development standard allowances specific to small lots that are usually reserved for affordable projects. It will have smaller lots but still be considered single-family detached homes.  Policy H-1.4 This project will create new affordable homes in the city of La Quinta. Goal H-2  Policy H-2.1 This Project will increase the moderate housing choices in the city of La Quinta.  Policy H-2.3 Program H-2.3j Our company would like to look at this program with the city and see if it can help with the moderate-income households. Program H-6.5d To help with the Landscape Water Management Plan our company plans to use landscape that must respond to the significant site climate issues including extreme drought, high winds and hot desert climates. The majority of the plant material must be low water use, drought tolerant or native to the desert. We will not be installing any grass due to the issues the state of California is currently experiencing. Every home and the surrounding areas will consist of desert landscape. The irrigation system on site will be automatic, underground, and state of the art systems using the latest water conservation available. Drip irrigation will be used to minimize any drought concerning issues. Natural Resources Air Quality  Policy AQ-1.1 We have two certified officers here in the company that have received Certificates of Completion for the Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control class supplied by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. They will be 14 monitoring at all times to make sure we are in complete compliance to their requirements. Lic. # CV1406-000763-836 and Lic. # CV1406-000788-861  Policy AQ-1.1a Our project will be monitored, managed and all SCAQMD rules will be enforced.  Policy AQ-1.3 This project is pedestrian-friendly. It will interconnect with the CV Link and is within walking distance of golf, restaurants, Home Depot, Costco, and many other retail stores.  Policy AQ-1.3e We are going to be providing a gate connecting the community to the new CV Link that will be developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail.  Policy AQ-1.3g This development is within walking distance from public parks, schools, golf courses, and commercial businesses.  Policy AQ-1.5a Our project will be monitored, managed and all SCAQMD rules will be enforced.  Policy AQ-1.5b PM10 Plan was submitted to the city of La Quinta.  Policy AQ-1.6 PM10 Plan was submitted to the city of La Quinta. Energy and Mineral Resources Goal EM-1  Policy EM-1.1 This project consists of homes that have a Title 24 Report that mandates conservations of energy resources. Biological Resources Goal BIO-1  Policy BIO-1.1 15 This project will pay the MSHCP Local Development Mitigation fee when appropriate before building permits are paid.  Policy BIO-1.2a Program BIO-1.2a This program has had a qualified biologist on the property to do a biological resource survey. Cultural Resources Goal CUL-1  Policy CUL-1.1 This project has had a qualified archeologist on site to study and report any archaeological, historic, and paleontological resources found.  Policy CUL-1.4b A geotechnical analysis has been completed including soil borings. Water Resources Goal WR-1  Policy WR-1.1 Our projects landscape will respond to the significant site climate issues including extreme drought, high winds and hot desert climates. The majority of the plant material must be low water use, drought tolerant or native to the desert. We will not be installing any grass due to the issues the state of California is currently experiencing. Every home and the surrounding areas will consist of desert landscape. The irrigation system on site will be automatic, underground, and state of the art systems using the latest water conservation available. Drip irrigation will be used to minimize any drought concerning issues.  Policy WR-1.2 Our company will pay, when necessary, the appropriate recharge aquifer fee to CVWD.  Policy WR-1.4 Our project has a set Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for storm water pollution.  Policy WR-1.4c This project has an onsite retention basin to provide added recharge to the aquifer. 16 Open Space and Conservation Goals OS-1 Policy OS-1.2c We are going to be providing a gate that will connect the community to the new CV Link being developed in the near future so that our homeowners can access the trail. Environmental Hazards: Noise Goals N-1 Policy N-1.2 This project has submitted a noise study in conjunction with the first Planning Department Application. Policy N-1.5 This project has submitted a noise study in conjunction with the first Planning Department Application. Soils and Geology Goals GEO-1 Policy GEO-1.2 This project has submitted a Geotechnical Report. Flooding and Hydrology Goals FH-1 Policy FH-1.3a This project has an onsite Retention/Detention Basin that is capable of managing 100-year storm water flows. Hazardous Materials Goals HAZ-1 Policy HAZ-1.1 17 This project will have no hazardous materials onsite. Public Infrastructures and Services: Emergency Services Goals ES-1  Policy ES-1.1a This project will pay Development Impact Fees that will help develop future Fire Stations and facilities.  Policy ES-1.2 We will be submitting a Fire Sprinkler Plan to the Fire Department for this project. We will be submitting street plans to the Fire Department to assure that the projects access and design provides maximum fire and life safety.  Policy ES-1.6 This project will be routed to the Police Department to assure that the project access and design provide for defensible space and maximum crime prevention while maintaining City design standards and codes. Water, Sewer and other Utilities Goals UTL 1.1  Policy UTL 1.1 This project has submitted plans to CVWD for available water. The water is available in the street next to the project.  Policy UTL 1.1b The Landscape must respond to the significant site climate issues including extreme drought, high winds and hot desert climates. The majority of the plant material must be low water use, drought tolerant or native to the desert. We will not be installing any grass due to the issues the state of California is currently experiencing. Every home and the surrounding areas will consist of desert landscape. The irrigation system on site will be automatic, underground, and state of the art systems using the latest water conservation available. Drip irrigation will be used to minimize any drought concerning issues.  Policy UTL 1.1b 2 This project has coordinated a plan between the Fire Department and CVWD to ensure adequate water supplies for fire suppression. 18 Policy UTL 1.2b The Landscape must respond to the significant site climate issues including extreme drought, high winds and hot desert climates. The majority of the plant material must be low water use, drought tolerant or native to the desert. We will not be installing any grass due to the issues the state of California is currently experiencing. Every home and the surrounding areas will consist of desert landscape. The irrigation system on site will be automatic, underground, and state of the art systems using the latest water conservation available. Drip irrigation will be used to minimize any drought concerning issues. Policy UTL 2.1 This project is going to bring sewer to the site and connect to the sanitary sewer service. The sewer is across Jefferson St. and will be a great expense to get it to the project. Our project will allow the existing project without sewer to hook in at no cost to them. This should encourage the elimination of the pre existing projects septic system. Public Facilities Goals PF-1 Policy PF 1.3a This project will be paying all required Development Impact Fees. Policy PF 1.6b This project will be paying all required School Impact Fees. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29